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Hay Infusion


 Produce microbes by making a hay infusion.

 Classify the different microorganisms found in the Hay Infusion.
 To


 Microscope
 Jar, such as a mayonnaise or jam jar
 Hay
 Pond or creek water
 Sugar
 Microscope slides and slip covers
 Pipette
 Antibacterial soap for cleanup


Preparation of the Hay Infusion culture medium

1. First make the hay infusion. Put the pond or creek water into a jar, such as a
mayonnaise or Jam jar, and add pieces of cut hay. Cover the jar loosely and
make small holes in the plastic cover of the jar and secure with rubber band.

Observing a variety of microorganisms

1. After about a week, the hay infusion population will peak. Using a pipette, get
small water samples from the top of the water, the bottom of the jar, and near the
floating debris in the middle. Using samples from all of these areas will give you
the best chance of getting different types of microbes for viewing.
2. Prepare fresh wet mounts of microorganisms. With a medicine dropper, obtain
some drops of slimly water from the surface, middle and bottom of the hay
infusion culture. Place the droplets on separate clean glass slides. Add some
cotton fibers on the drop of liquid (to slow down the movement of the
microorganisms), and add a cover slip.
2. Focus under LPO and look for moving microorganisms. Then, focus under HPO
and observe carefully. Record you observations.
3. Take pictures of each slide using the various powers of magnification.
4. Make a drawing of each kind of microorganism you see.

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