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ESL / EFL RESOURCES Gone in 30 Seconds

Activity Type Introduction

Speaking activity, group This entertaining board game helps students to utilize their
work knowledge of the past simple to talk about a variety of everyday

Language Focus Procedure

Past simple affirmative
Explain that the students are going to play a board game where
and negative sentences,
they have to talk about various topics for 30 seconds using the
regular and irregular past
past simple tense.
simple verb forms
Divide the students into groups of three or four.
Give each group a copy of the game board, a dice and counters.
To talk about everyday
topics in the past simple Have one student keep the time in each group.
Students place their counters on the start square.

Preparation Students then take it in turns to roll the dice and move their
counter along the board.
Make one copy of the
game board for each When a student lands on a square, they have to talk about the
group of three or four. topic on the square in the past simple tense for 30 seconds without
Enlarge the game board stopping.
to A3 if possible. You
will also need to prepare If a student can’t think of anything to say, makes a grammar
some dice and counters. mistake, or stops talking before the 30 seconds are up, they must
go back to their previous square.

Level The first student to reach the finish wins the game.
Pre-intermediate As an alternative, you could have the students miss a turn instead
of going back to their previous square.

30 minutes © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


ESL / EFL RESOURCES Gone in 30 Seconds

the last time the last time
you woke you went to
you did last
up late a park

a town or
the last time the house
Move a restaurant city you the last time
you went you lived in
ahead 4 you went to lived in you went to
out with when you
spaces recently when you the cinema
your friends were a child
were a child

Go back what you did

2 spaces before class

a holiday
how you a frightening
what you did you didn't Oh no!
came to experience
class today
last night enjoy very Go back you had

what you the last time the last time

your last
did last you went to you went to
weekend a beach a zoo

the last time a place you

Go back Go back
you were visited last
3 spaces year
2 spaces

Oh no! what you

the last time the last time
Go back had for
you came you walked
to the home late very far
start yesterday

the last time the last time a person

you spent a Finish you cooked you met last
lot of money some food week

what you the last time

the last time
studied in you played
you felt very
the last a game or
English class sport

the first Move

a party you Miss a hobby you
time you ahead 2
didn't enjoy a turn used to have
went abroad spaces
Start © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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