Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws (Old Course) : © The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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Paper 8 Indirect Tax Laws (Old Course)

1. M/s. Korelal Printon (P) Ltd., a registered person under GST in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, has been
engaged in the business of offset printing and has been providing services to various book publishers. A
publisher situated in the State of Himachal Pradesh, a registered person under GST sent content of the
books to be printed by M/s. Korelal Printon (P) Ltd., in PDF format. The publisher also sent paper worth Rs.
4.00 Lakh to the printer, free of cost for the purposes of printing its books on 10-Nov-2018. M/s. Korelal
Printon (P) Ltd., raised an invoice of Rs. 1.50 Lakh against printing of books and returned the printed books
through Challan to the publisher on 20-Feb-2019.
The Proper Officer, intercepted the vehicle and claimed that M/s. Korelal Printon (P) Ltd., should have sent
the invoice of Rs. 5.50 Lakh, i.e. including the value of free of cost paper supplied by the publisher.
You may suitably advice which one of the following is the correct option-
a) The value of supply of paper for job work is to be included in the invoice in terms of section 15 of the
b) The goods sent for job work, i.e. paper sent for printing is a composite supply
c) M/s. Korelal Printon (P) Ltd., has entered into an agreement of printing books. Therefore, he is liable
to pay tax on the gross value of Rs. 5.50 Lakh.
d) M/s. Korelal Printon (P) Ltd., has entered into an agreement of printing books. Therefore, he is liable
to pay tax on the net value of Rs. 1.50 Lakh.
2. Mr. Palliwal Desai, a registered practicing Chartered Accountant, located in Jaipur, in the State of Rajasthan,
is providing professional and consultancy services to its various clients from his proprietorship firm.
He has taken some professional consultancy services for his client from abroad from a UK CPA firm in which
his brother is a partner. He has not paid any consideration for the same.
Such services would have been taxable @ 18% (9% under CGST + 9% under SGST and 18% under IGST),
had they been received in India. Also, Mr. Palliwal Desai would have paid Rs. 4.00 Lakh, had his brother
would not have been a partner in the UK firm.
State the liability of Mr. Palliwal Desai, under CGST/ IGST Act, 2017, out of the following options-
a) Rs. 72,000/- as Integrated Tax
b) CGST Rs. 36,000/- & SGST Rs. 36,000/-, since POS is in India
c) Nil, since no foreign exchange was paid
d) Nil, since such services are exempt
3. In which of the following supplies of goods and services made exclusively to Government departments,
agencies etc. and persons notified under section 51 of the CGST Act, 2017, TDS is required to be
(i) Health Department executed a contract with a local supplier to supply “medical grade oxygen” of
Rs.2.6 lakh (including GST) and is making full payment.
(ii) Government school is making a payment of Rs.3.5 Lakh to a supplier for supply of cooked food as
mid-day meal under a scheme sponsored by Central/State Government
(iii) Municipal Corporation of Kolkata purchases a heavy generator from a supplier in Delhi. Now, it is
making payment of Rs.5 lakh and IGST @18% on Rs.5 lakh for such purchase.

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(iv) Finance Department is making a payment of Rs.3 lakh (including GST) to a supplier of ‘printing &
Assume all other conditions for deduction of TDS are fulfilled.
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) Only (i) and (ii)
(d) Only (iii) and (iv)
4. State whether following statements are true or false:
i. Any person aggrieved by any decision or order passed by an adjudicating authority under the Act,
may appeal to such Appellate Authority as may be prescribed within 3 months from the date on which
the said decision or order is communicated to him.
ii. No appeal shall be filed to Appellate Authority unless the appellant has paid sum equal to twenty five
percent of the remaining amount of tax in dispute arising from the said order, in relation to which
appeal is filed.
iii. Adjournment of appeal shall not be granted more than three times to a party during hearing of the
iv. The Appellate Authority shall have the power to refer back the case to adjudicating authority that
passed the said decision or order.
(a) True, True, True, False
(b) False, True, True, False
(c) True, False, True, False
(d) False, False, False, True
5. Which of the following is not considered as a supply under the CGST Act, 2017?
(a) Importation of architectural services for Rs.1,00,000/- for construction of residential property used for
personal purposes from unrelated person.
(b) Importation of architectural services free of cost for construction of office used for business purposes
from related person.
(c) Importation of architectural services free of cost for construction of office used for business purposes
from unrelated person.
(d) Both (a) and (c)
6. Which of the following is not a supply under the CGST Act, 2017?
a) Food supplied free of cost by Mr. A (Owner of a Restaurant) to his agent for further supply to
customer at Rs.500/.
b) Importation of accounting services free of cost from father residing in US.
c) A Rolex watch gifted to an employee for Rs. 50,000/.
d) A machinery given free of cost to an employee on which input tax credit was availed by the employer.
7. Mrs Reena is a consultant. She has provided the following details relating to services provided and
received by her:

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1. Supply of management consultancy services for Rs.500,000/- p.a.
2. Supply of accounting services for Rs.200,000/- p.a.
3. Renting of immovable property for residential purposes for Rs.10,000/- p.m.
4. Management consultancy services provided to a hospital for Rs.50,000/- one time
5. Services provided to a client outside India for Rs.50,000/- p.m.
6. Services received from a lawyer for Rs.100,000/-
Calculate her aggregate turnover for a year under GST.
a) Rs. 9,10,000
b) Rs.15,70,000
c) Rs. 14,70,000
d) Rs. 8,20,000
8. Which of the following is valid?
(i) Imposition of countervailing duty and anti-dumping duty on same article;
(ii) Countervailing duty has been imposed on an article for the reason that same is exempt from duty
borne by a like article when meant for consumption in country of origin;
(iii) Imposition of anti-dumping duty on articles imported from a member country of WTO on determination
that import of such article materially retards the establishment of any industry in India.
(a) All of above;
(b) (i) and (ii);
(c) (i) and (iii);
(d) Only (iii)
9. Social welfare surcharge is leviable on-
(i) Basic Customs Duty;
(ii) IGST;
(iii) Anti-Dumping Duty;
(iv) GST Compensation Cess
(a) Only (i)
(b) (i) + (ii) + (iii)
(c) (i) + (ii) + (iv)
(d) (i) + (iii)
10. Electric shaving machine is classifiable under following:
8510: Shavers and hair clippers with self-contained electric motors;
8509: Electro mechanical domestic appliances with self-contained electric motor
As per rules of classification, electric shaving machine should be classifiable under
(a) 8510

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(b) 8509
(c) More information is needed;
(d) Can be classified under both
11 Which of the following is correct?
(i) Cases which are specially designed or fitted to contain a specific article and given with the articles for
which they are intended shall follow the classification of items which are packed;
(ii) Packing materials whether capable of repetitive use or not, cleared along with goods, are classifiable
with goods.
(a) (i)
(b) (ii)
(c) Both
(d) None
12. The transaction value of imported goods is not accepted for valuation purposes when:
(i) The use of the imported goods by the buyer is subject to the restrictions imposed by the seller which
substantially affect the value of goods;
(ii) The buyer and seller are not related;
(iii) Price is not the sole consideration for sale.
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) Only (i)
(c) Only (iii)
(d) All of above
13. The relevant date for determining the rate of exchange in case of imported goods is:
(a) Date when the vessel arrives in India;
(b) Date of presentation of bill of entry
(c) Date of examination of goods by proper officer;
(d) Date of deposit of duty
14. Which of the following is/are not correct for ‘identical’ goods’ for valuation purposes under the Customs Act,
(i) Identical goods are same in all respects, including physical characteristics, quality and reputation as
the goods being valued except for minor differences in appearance that do not affect the value of
(ii) Identical goods can be produced in any country;
(iii) Identical goods are produced by same person who produced the goods being valued, or where no
such goods are available, goods produced by a different person.
(a) All of above;
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) Only (ii)

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(d) Only (iii)
15. Which of the following values is not includible in the transaction value of goods under rule 10(1) of the
Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Imported Goods) Rules, 2007
(a) Buying Commissions
(b) Royalties
(c) License fees
(d) Cost of packing

Answer Key

1 (d) 6 (c) 11 (a)

2 (a) 7 (c) 12 (a)

3 (d) 8 (d) 13 (b)

4 (c) 9 (a) 14 (c)

5 (c) 10 (a) 15 (a)

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