Business Management IA Interview Questions

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Questions for BM IA (1st interview)

 What are currently the biggest difficulties or challenges your company is facing as
to grow further in size.

 What method/methods do you feel can be implemented to reduce these


 Who do you feel are the main competitors for easy source?

 What was your yearly turnover of the company in 2018?

 How many clients are you currently dealing with?

 How many Employees does company staff currently?

 Could you name some of your biggest clients and briefly describe your services
provided to them.

 As an outsourcing company do you face any HR issues, in staffing or managing


 What plans of growth does easy Source have in the upcoming years and how do
you plan to implement them.

 Do you provide any incentives to work for your employees or your clients as to
build working capital
 Which department would you say faces the greatest challenges?

 How would you describe your industry currently?

 Do you see opportunity for Vasr growth within your industry in lets say 10 years

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