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Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology


Internship Report on
“Credit risk management of southeast Bank Limited”
An empirical study of dakhin khan branch.

An Internship Report Presented to the Faculty of Management & General

Studies in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration.

Submitted To:
The Department of Business Administration

Supervised By:
Umma Salma
Assistant professor

Department of Business Administration

Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology

Submitted by:
Halima Akter Asa
Batch: 34th
Major in: Finance & Banking

Date of Submission:




Letter of Transmittal

26 april 2017
The Head of the Department
Department of Business Administration
Shanto-Marian University of Creative Technology

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Sir,
It is a great delight to submit the internship report on Credit risk management of southeast
bank Limited.That has been assigned as the topic for my BBA internship program.
I have tried to utilize my honest and sincere effort to make the report in a presentable form
and informative as possible. I would like to say that this report is prepared by me under the
supervision of my internship supervisors. I believe that by this internship program, my
confident level become high and my knowledge is also enriched.
I would like to convey my appreciation and thanks to you for giving me an opportunity to
prepare a complete report on Credit risk management of southeast bank Limited.I hope that
you would get pleasure from going through this report and find my best efforts. I am ready to
elucidate further, if need, any point mentioned in this report.

Sincerely yours,


Halima akter asa

Batch: 34th
Major in: Finance & Banking
Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology
Letter Of Approval

This is certify that Halima akter asa,bearing id number 131-401-055, Program BBA , Bachelor
of Business Administration, Shanto-Marian university of creative Technology has completed
his internship in southeast bank Bank Ltd. Under my supervision. He has always maintained
communication with me and has taken necessary advice. Under my guidance and
supervision, he has successfully prepared an internship report on Credit risk management
of southeast bank Limited.

With Best Regards

……………… …….

Umma Salma
Assistant professor
Department of Business Administration
Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology.
At first, I would like to express my gratefulness to the almighty Allah for being so kind to
allow me to work on this project successively.
I am md.srabon reza and would like to express my heartiest gratitude to those who helped me
all the way through to complete my internship report on “A study on Credit risk management
of southeast bank Limited, dakhin khan branch”.
At the very beginning, I want to thanks my academic supervisor Umma Salma assistant
professor , Dept. Of Business Administration, Faculty of Management & General Studies,
who encouraged me to make this report and also provide me all necessary helps and
guidance.He was very helpful and friendly person and been always there, wherever I needed

I would convey my special thanks to my parents whose inspirations have enabled me to

complete this report of this particular course.

I grateful to my job supervisor Mohammad Mahfuzur Rahaman Khan senior principal

officer and manager operation, dakhin khan Branch of southeast bank limited, under whose
supervision I have done my internship successful. He was very generous and friendly with
me. I am greatly thankful to him.I also apologize heartily for any omitted name whose
contribution was also complementary for any possible aspect. Lastly, I gravely thank the
Almighty. All of its credit risk exposuresshow that the management has been able to
reduce the credit risk. There are more Private Banks in Bangladesh and that is why
competition is very high, so it becomes a challenge for SEBL to retain its existing
customers. There is a fact that SEBL is always very consciousabout its consumer
banking and always tries to adapt to changes over time and wants to modernize its
products and services.
Executive Summery
It is very much important to concur the academic knowledge with the practical one. Keeping
this view in mind, Shanto-Marian University of Creative Technology, makes proper
arrangements of practical orientations (internship) each year for the students of Bachelor of
Business Administration. This is because the academic knowledge is not sufficient enough to
match with the real life situations. In southeast Bank Limited, I worked with the activities of
branch banking especially A Study on the credit risk management of southeast bank Limited,
dakhin khan Branch.
Private Commercial Banksplay a very significant role in the Development of Banking
Service Industry & Economy of a country. Now-a-days they are using different modern
technologies, which enhancing the ‘Managerial Skills & Activities’.This internship report has
been prepared on “A Study on the credit risk management of southeast Bank Limited” a
study on dakhin khan Branch of southeast Bank Limited. There are mainly three sections
such as General Banking division, Investment division and credit risk management. These
Divisions have small departments or units under them.
The objective of the study is to discuss the credit risk management of dakhin khan Branch of
southeast bank limited.

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