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Lesson Planning Form for IDIS 356-A: World Language Pedagogies

Teachers: Yvonne Boeskool and Eunsol Jo

Date: 26 October 2018 (Friday)
Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Adding Money

I. Objectives

What is the main focus of this lesson?

Adding money and changing cents into dollars

How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)

This lesson is made to get students practicing adding money as well as using the language that
we will build on in the next two lessons.

What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to
applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the
name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.

Language Objective:
[Sample Sentences/ Phrases Used]
a: How much money is this?
b: It is ___cents/ dollars.
(A gives the correct amount of money from the coins she has.)

Content Objective:
1. Students will be able to add cents and dollars (using the appropriate symbol) when given a set
of coins.
2. Students will be able to choose money that adds up to a given amount.
3. Students will be able to practice and discuss money at their own individual level of

II. Before you start

Formative Assessment: The review discussion and the individual

Assessment money centers will assess Content Objective 1-2. The money
(formative and summative) centers and the support center with Eunsol will assess the
Language Objective. The support center with Eunsol will also
assess Content Objective 3.
Summative Assessment: The Adding Money in Containers
worksheet will assess Content Objective 1-2. The support center
with Eunsol will also assess Content Objective 3.
- I Have... Who has...? Game (Yvonne) downloaded from
Materials-what materials Have-
(books, handouts, etc) do Who-Has-Game-549035
you need for this lesson - Magnetic money (Yvonne)
and do you have them? - Small whiteboards (students)
- 1 Everyday Mathematics Money Card Deck (Yvonne)
- 8 bowls/containers for money and label (Yvonne and
Mrs. Seiler)
- Fake Coins (Mrs. Seiler)
- Fake paper bills (Yvonne)
- Adding Money in Containers worksheet (PRINT 6 copies)
- Ways to Make... worksheet (PRINT 1 copy) (laminate??)
- Money Flash Cards (Yvonne)
- Money Dominoes (Yvonne)
- Signs for numbering centers (PRINT 1 copy)
- Money stamps and stamp pads (Yvonne)
- Mrs. Seiler’s worksheets for Eunsol’s center (Eunsol)

Do you need to set up your Students should have enough space to complete their worksheet
classroom in any special individually at their desks.
way for this lesson? If so, There should be four centers set up with the appropriate number
describe it. signs on the wall.

III. The Plan

The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe

teacher activities and student activities
Time Parts

Motivation [I Have... Who has...? Game] (Yvonne)

(Opening/ The student with that first card (start) reads both the “I have...” and “Who
Introductio has..?” parts out loud. Then, the next student that has the card that
n/ matches the "Who has..?" description that was read aloud will read their "I
Engagemen have..." and "Who has..?" parts. The game is played until all cards have
t) been read (finish).

Developme [Review] (Yvonne)

15 min. nt I may use student whiteboards for this activity.
centers What if I had three nickels and two pennies? (put the correct magnets up)
- Have students think silently, then ask for an answer. The answer
is 17 cents. Ask students how they might write that, and then
have a volunteer come up and write it on the board. - Repeat after
me: 17 cents.
- Continue this process for as many different combinations as
What if I had a half dollar, three quarters, and a nickel?
- Have students think silently, then ask for an answer. The answer
is $1.30. Ask students how they might write that, and then have a
volunteer come up and write it on the board. STRESS/EXPLAIN
- Repeat after me: 1 dollar and 30 cents. What if I had 1 five dollar
bill, 2 ones, and a quarter?
- Have students think silently, then ask for an answer. The answer
is $7.25. Ask students how they might write that, and then have a
volunteer come up and write it on the board.
- Repeat after me: 7 dollars and 25 cents.
[Money Centers] (Yvonne and Eunsol)
Explain that there are 4 centers that students will rotate through, in
partners. (See bottom of lesson for partner list.) Explain each center and
model where needed:
1. Adding Money in Containers (Yvonne supervise)
- Have various containers setting out and have the pair of
students count each container together.
- They should do as many as they can, but they do not
have to finish all of them. The containers get more
difficult as they go on for the purpose of differentiation.
- Have each student use the Adding Money in Containers
recording sheet to record their answers.
2. Money Flashcards
a. Have students quiz their partner using the flashcards. The
partner will do their work on their whiteboard.
b. They must state their answer in words. “That is _____
3. Money Dominoes
- Have students play with the money dominoes, matching
up the pictures to their worth.
4. Review Center (Eunsol lead)
Things to do for each group:
Group 1: Ma Pui, Nhu
- Complete Pizza Worksheet Task 3: Assess if they can
change cents into dollars.
- Ways to make: Have students choose which sheet they
will work on from the pile of “Ways to make...” sheets.
Students will work together to place the fake coins on the
paper in different arrangements that each add up to the
given amount. This activity is adapted from
Group 2: Dikcha (stamp), Oahn (refer)
- How much is ___? (quick refer)
- Page 2: Check and Stamp
- Is this a dollar or a cent?
- Complete Pizza Worksheet (Task 3)
Group 3: Lousemia, Ange, Shar(dollar to cent)
- Page 2: Teach
- Is this a dollar or a cent?
- Complete Pizza Worksheet (Task 3)
Group 4: Deepika, Joshuar
- How much is it? It’s ____ cents. (language)
- How many ____ do we need?
- Is this a dollar or a cent?
- Complete Pizza Worksheet


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