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Action Research on Student and

Pupil Absenteeism in School
Causes, findings and recommendations on absenteeism among students

One of the most annoying, if unavoidable experiences of teachers like me is dealing with student
absenteeism. We prepare lesson plans with the objective that 100% of the class will learn from the day’s
classroom activities. And it is most satisfying when all students are present on that day and the days
thereafter to ensure maximum learning.

Sadly, it is very difficult to achieve a perfect attendance among my students.No matter how interesting
and well-prepared my lessons and teaching materials are, there are bound to be students who miss out
the day’s activities, willingly or unwillingly. This is particularly true to those of us teaching in the public
schools. We all know that almost half or maybe majority of our students come from poverty-stricken
families or from families whose meager income is just enough to put food on their tables.


Absenteeism among my students is one of the problems which I would like to minimize, if not eradicate
completely. That is why I conducted an action research to understand them better. I don’t want to rely
on the reasons or causes I read in magazines, books or the web. This would provide me with a more
accurate analysis of why some of my students are perennial absentees. This would help me formulate
plans, projects and programs to minimize their absences. I hope that it would also enlighten you , the
readers.Even if you may not be part of the school system, who knows, you might be of help in one way
or another to solve student absenteeism. Please read on…




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Causes of Absenteeism Among the Grade VI Students of Zapote Elementary School School Year 2010-


Student absenteeism is a perennial problem of all teachers. Every curriculum year, it is one of the
problems that they have to contend to. It is not only the teachers who are concerned with this problem
but the school administrators as well.

This action research examined the causes of absenteeism of the Grade VI students of Xxxxx Elementary
School for the school year 2010-2011. When they were in Grade V, they were the class which has the
most number of absentees everyday. This was gathered from the data contained in the daily attendance
record being passed around and kept by the teacher-leader’s office everyday and is regularly filled up by
the teachers in each grade level for the whole year. Now that they are in Grade VI, some of them are still
frequent absentees. It is for this reason that this research was undertaken. It has the end in view of
understanding and correcting such undesirable pupil behavior. Based on the findings,
methods/strategies were recommended to minimize, if not eradicate absenteeism or truancy.


Absenteeism, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary means chronic absence. In the context of the
school it is the habitual or intentional failure from going to school. It cannot be denied that every now
and then, students may miss some school activities and lessons. But it becomes a problem if the student
will be away from school for many days.

Going to school regularly is crucially important for a student’s education and social skills. Chronic
absentee students are placed at a disadvantage both socially and academically. They miss out on critical
stages of social interaction and development with their peers and at the same time impacts negatively
on their academic progress. This can result to low self-esteem, social isolation and dissatisfaction that
could well have precipitated non-attendance in the first place.

School absenteeism is an alarming problem for administrators, teachers, parents and the society in
general, as well as for the pupils in particular. Unaccepted absence has a negative effect on peer
relationship which could cause absence. According to Malcolm, Wilson, Davidson and Kirk (2003)
teachers identified effects of absenteeism on children as: academic under- achievement, difficulty in
making friends which could lead to boredom, loss of confidence. Also, prolonged absence can have
deleterious effects for the child in later life. Students who are absent from school are at the greatest risk
of dropping out of school early.
Absenteeism also affects the teacher’s ability present class work in a sequential and organized way. This
can have an effect on the progress of all the students attending the class.

The families of habitual absentees can also suffer. For a poverty-stricken family, it may mean a
continuation of the poverty and unemployment cycle that may run in the family. This also contributes to
family conflicts.

The society also suffers as the children of school age hang around in the streets. They can be found just
gallivanting around. Since they have nothing to do, they resort to petty crimes like stealing other
people’s belongings and properties. Others may resort to drug addiction and other behavior that is
detrimental to society. Thus, if the student keeps on being away from school for too long, he may grow
up to be a liability of his community and of his country as a whole.

It is the aim of every school to lessen, if not eradicate absenteeism among its students. One way of
addressing this problem is to identify the causes why students become truant from school. Once they
are singled out, understood and analyzed, specific actions and measures can be undertaken. This will
eventually redound to the better performance of the students, teachers and the school in general.

It is in this context that this action research was undertaken, that is, to identify the causes why the
Grade VI students in this school absent themselves from their classes.

Objectives of the Study

This study aimed to determine the causes of absenteeism among the Grade VI pupils of Zapote
Elementary School. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the common causes why pupils are absent from their classes?
2. Which among these causes is the most prevalent?
a. Physical factors
a.1. House is far from the school.
a. 2. It is unsafe to go to school.
a. 3. Nobody accompanies me in going to school since it is far.
b. Health factors
b. 1. I have a toothache.
b. 2. My stomach hurts.
b. 3. I have a headache

b. 4. I’m down with fever/flu.

b. 5. I have other diseases like diarrhea, etc.
c. Personal Attitude
c. 1. I am not interested in my studies.
c. 2. I feel lazy.
c. 3. My friends influence me to be absent from my classes.
c. 4. I can’t concentrate in my studies.
c. 5. I didn't wake up early.
c. 6. I did not study/make my assignments the night before.
c. 7. I got fond of playing computer games.
d. Teacher-related reasons
d. 1. My teacher scolded me.
d. 2. I can’t understand my teacher’s lessons.
d. 3. I don’t like my teacher.
e. Classroom atmosphere
e. 1. Our classroom is hot and uncomfortable.
e. 2. It’s noisy inside our classroom.
e. 3. A classmate/classmates bully me.
4. I have no friends in our class.
f. Home-related factors
f. 1. My parents ask me to be absent from class.
f. 2. My parents quarreled.
f. 3. My parents don’t care about my studies.
f. 4. I do many household chores.

f. 5. I have no money to buy snacks in school.

f. 6. We have no food/I did not eat.
3. What strategies can be proposed to minimize, if not totally eradicate absenteeism
among thepupils?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study was limited to the causes of absenteeism among the Grade VI pupils of Zapote Elementary
School for school year 2010-2011. All of the sixty (60) Grade Vi pupils were made as respondents. They
were asked to accomplish a questionnaire for the purpose.


This study used the descriptive survey method. A questionnaire was used to determine the causes of
absenteeism among the students where they rated each situation/reason/cause presented.

All the data gathered from the respondents were organized, tallied, tabulated and presented in a series
of tables and graphs. Frequency counts, percentage weight values and weighted mean were used in the
analysis and interpretation of data.

The responses of the pupils were analyzed using a 5-point Likert Scale with the following equivalent:

1 -Never

2 -Rarely

3 -Sometimes

4 -Very Often

5 -Always
It is be to be noted that the questionnaire given to the students were given in their native dialect in
order for them to understand better what they were answering, thus, giving more chances of accurate

The rounding of figures was done to signify classification of responses. The measure of central tendency
specifically the mean was used to determine the average value of response or response average of the

Findings on the causes of student absenteeism

A. Physical Factors

Among the items cited, the distance of their house to the school and the danger posed by walking to the
school has the same response average or a mean of 1.04. It means that both are not reasons for them to
be absent from school.

B. Health

Fever/flu is the most common reason of students for being absent. It has the highest response average
of 2.4. It is followed by headache with an average response of 1.67. Other diseases like diarrhea come in
third with 1.61 average responses. The least common reason for them for being absent is stomachache
with 1.39 averages.

C. Personal Attitude

That the student doesn’t wake up early is the most common reason why he/she is absent. This account
for 1.91 mean. Another reason commonly cited is that they can’t concentrate on their studies and that
they were not able to study their lessons. This resulted from 1.45 and 1.37 mean respectively. Feeling
lazy and playing computer games also keep them away from school. The former has a response average
of 1.26 while the latter has 1.22.

D. Teacher-Related

When the students are scolded for their bad behavior by the teacher, this tends to make them be absent
from their classes. It has the highest average response of 1.38 while the reason that they can’t
understand their lessons follow close behind with 1.32 mean.

E. Classroom Atmosphere

The highest mean of 1.77 was accorded to noise inside the classroom which means that this is the
primary reason why they tend to be truant. Bullying by fellow student follows with 1.39 response

F. Home-Related
“My parents ask me to be absent from school” reason resulted to the highest mean of 1.52. Household
chores come second with a response average of 1.47. The other reasons ranged from 1.08 to 1.39
include having no money to spend for snacks and other small expenses in school, no breakfast/food, and
that their parents quarreled.

The response average or the mean was computed by multiplying the percentage of responses by the
equivalent value of each frequency and then adding them all.

e.g.(5 x 0%) + (4 x 3%) + (3 x 13%) + (2 x 7%) + (1 x 77%) = 1.42


Among all the causes presented, health is the primary reason why students are absent from their
classes. Flu/fever is the leading culprit in this category. Oral health, which according to the Department
of Education is the main reason why pupils are absent, is just third among the reasons cited in the said
category by the Grade VI students studying in Zapote Elementary School for the school year 2010-2011.

Classroom atmosphere, personal attitude, teacher factor and home-related reasons follow in that order.
The least reason they give is related to their physical environment.

Considering all the factors/categories cited, the top 10 reasons of student absenteeism are as follows:

1) Flu/fever

2) Can’t wake up early

3) Noise inside the classroom

4) Headache

5) Other diseases such as diarrhea

6) Parents asking them to be absent

7) Pre- occupation with household chores

8.3) Toothache

8.3) No money to buy snacks in school

8.3) Bullied by a classmate/classmates


The following are recommended to limit the students’ absenteeism and prevent their occurrences:

1.Educate the students on how to take care of their overall well-being. Emphasis should be given to oral
health and over-all body wellness. Teach them how to avoid communicable diseases as well. Give them
information on how to properly wash their hands which is the main source of germs and bacteria among

Let them develop proper eating habits. Since most of the children in the school come from poor families,
point out to them the cheap but healthy foods. Ask them to pass on this information to their parents.

2.Time and again, classroom atmosphere should be made conducive to learning. Noise-reduction among
students should be a priority as this really affects them. Older children like the Grade VI students tend to
have louder voices so it should be inculcated in them how to speak softly and without needing to shout.
The key here is discipline.The teacher must also see to it that the students are comfortable and have no
other concerns except the lesson at hand. There should be a lively interaction between the teacher and
the students but the teacher should see to it that it will be in modulated voices so as not to impair the
hearing of the students due to too much noise when doing classroom activities.

Include proper room ventilation and lighting so as not to distract pupils from their learning.

3.During parents conferences, inform the parents about the benefit of keeping their children in school at
all times when there are classes. Emphasize to them that if they keep on asking their children to be
absent, this will set a bad precedence to the child. If the parents themselves will be the one to keep
them away from school, they will think that household concerns are more important than their
education, thus the children will take for granted their coming to school regularly and suffer the
consequences of it.

4.Although it can’t be avoided that the teacher gets peeved with pupils’ bad behavior, he/she should
refrain from scolding the erring pupils. As much as possible, remind them of their wrong doing in a most
diplomatic manner. Self-control should be a virtue which the teacher should practice in the course of
her teaching everyday of the school week.

5.Give extra attention to those who are left behind in the lessons. Tap the bright pupils to teach their
slower classmates, for all we know, these slow pupils might learn/understand better if persons of their
same age are the ones explaining to them. In other words, cooperative learning should be practiced in
the teaching-learning process. Once a slow student fully understands the lesson, he/she can keep up
with his/her other classmates, thus self-confidence is gained. This way, they will be more motivated to
come to school regularly.

6.Imbibe in the mind of the children that their academic success is very much dependent on their
attitude towards school. Motivate them so they will be looking forward to attending their classes
regularly. For those who wake up late, encourage them to have an alarm clock. Do not scold the pupils
who come late. Give them a time-table to change their sleeping habit for the better. In line will this,
studying before retiring to bed instead of watching TV should be prioritized and instilled to the pupils.

Student absenteeism results to dropping out of school

I would like to caution all the parents out there. You may or may not know that your children are always
absent from school. One of the rules I implement in my class regarding student absenteeism is that the
parent or guardian should write an excuse letter to me explaining the reason for the child’s absence in
my class. Many of them comply. But there are times when a student asks other people to write an
excuse letter for them, conniving and pretending that they are the parents/guardians. When this
happens, I call on the parents and let them know about it. It is only then that they become aware of the
child’s absence from my class.And when they found out about it, some of them scold their child, my
pupil, in front of me. This kind of incidence gives me an insight into my student’s life in their homes.

But the most disturbing thing is that the habitually absent student eventually drops out of my class no
matter what the reason or reasons are. And the thing is, it also happens to all my co-teachers.As much
as possible, we do our best to prevent such incidence from occurring. But there are things that are
beyond our control and we can only do so much.We can only hope that these students come back the
next year, change their ways and realize that whatever hindrances in their studies they encounter, we,
their teachers, are behind them.

Frequency of Responses
Very Often
Always (5) Sometimes (3) Rarely (2) Never (1)
A. Physical Factor
1. Our house is far from
0 0 1 0 59
the school.
2. It is unsafe to go to
0 0 1 0 59
3. Nobody accompanies
me in going to school 0 0 0 0 60
since it is far.
B. Health
1. I have a toothache. 0 2 8 4 46
2. My stomach hurts. 0 0 10 4 46
3. I have a headache 0 1 14 9 36
4. I'm down with fever/flu. 0 5 22 25 8
5. I have other diseases
0 1 9 15 35
like diarrhea, etc.
C.Personal Attitude
1. I am not interested in
0 0 0 0 60
my studies.
2. I feel lazy. 0 0 5 6 49
3. My friends influence
me to be absent from my 0 0 2 1 57
4. I can't concentrate in
0 0 9 9 42
my studies.
5. I didn't wake up early. 0 5 16 8 31
6. I did not study/make
0 2 5 7 46
my assignments the
Very Often
Always (5) Sometimes (3) Rarely (2) Never (1)
night before.
7. I got fond of playing
0 1 5 0 54
computer games.
D. Teacher-Related
1. My teacher scolded
0 1 6 7 46
2. I can't understand my
0 0 7 5 48
teacher's lessons.
3. I don't like my teacher. 0 0 0 0 60
E. Classroom
1.Our classroom is hot
0 0 4 1 55
and uncomfortable.
2. It's noisy inside our
4 5 6 3 42
3. A
classmate/classmates 0 1 8 4 47
bully me.
4. I have no friends in
0 0 0 0 60
our class.
F. Home-Related
1. My parents ask me to
0 0 10 11 39
be absent from class.
2. My parents quarreled. 0 0 2 1 57
3. My parents don't care
0 0 1 1 58
about my studies.
4. I'm too pre-occupied
1 3 5 5 47
with household chores.
5. I have no money to
0 1 8 4 47
buy snacks in school.
6. We have no food/I did
0 0 7 4 59
not eat.
Interventions to Combat the Many Facets of
Jill Friedman Cole University of West Georgia
GSCA Journal 2011

Retrieved from


This paper operationalizes the definition of action research (AR) and the importance of conducting such
studies to improve the lives of students and professionals. This paper provides an overview of literature
regarding variables related to truancy and absenteeism. The paper discusses the importance of students
being present and engaged, negative implications associated with poor attendance and dropping out of
school, and reviews the effectiveness of Check & Connect and other multimodal approaches used to
increase attendance. Evidence presented in the paper supports the usefulness of having a check-in and
reward system for students with frequent absences reduces truancy. Lastly, the paper presents study
results and implications.


absenteeism, truancy and school counselors, school refusal interventions Mills (2011) defines action
research (AR) as a systematic inquiry conducted by the principal investigator (PI) to gather information
regarding their environment. AR is a great tool to examine programs already in place and evaluate new
approaches being implemented.

One goal of AR is to enhance the lives of students; however, it can also improve the lives of
professionals. The purpose of this action research is to give insight on ways to improve student
attendance. The need to keep students in school and off the streets is imperative. Studies have
suggested that individuals who drop out of school tend to have a higher rate of incarceration and other
difficulties financially (Baker, Sigmon, & Nugent, 2001; Dube & Orpinas, 2009; Lehr, Sinclair, &
Christenson, 2004); hence, finding ways to keep students in school is vitally important to students and
the community. After reviewing literature on absenteeism, the PI, who is also one of the school
counselors, decided to administer a dual method approach to combat the problem of absenteeism. The
Check and Connect model and incentives were two promising methods used in similar school settings to
decrease student absences. Elementary school is the time when students learn the core curriculum and
develop attitudes and habits regarding formal education. Therefore, attendance is vital. Making
students active members in the school community should help them learn and grow in all aspects of life.
The literature is replete with studies that point out students who are truant feel disengaged (Baker et
al., 2001; Chang &Romero, 2008). This AR created a safe and nurturing atmosphere conducive for
students who could benefit from extra support in making the transition to high school. The program
emphasized the importance of attendance, fostered a sense of belonging, and increased academic

Review of Literature

This literature review reports and assesses interventions that implemented to increase student
attendance and various reasons why students are not present and engaged. After reviewing the
literature concerning student absenteeism, it seemed essential to conduct an AR project to gain insight
and evaluate the current programs in place to combat the problem of student attendance. With
guidelines set forth by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation and the need to meet Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP), student attendance has become a main focus. Elementary school provides the
foundation for learning and is a time when students learn basic skills they will carry with them for the
rest of their lives. Therefore, early interventions with students who are at risk for dropping out of school
will have a positive impact on student attendance. Chang and Romero (2008) stated students who do
not obtain these basic social and academic skills by third grade require extra assistance and are in great
danger for eventually dropping out of school. Low graduation rates have plagued public schools since
their inception. Rush and Vitale (1994) reported that the first public high school opened in 1821, but
only two years after opening, 76 of the original 176 students had dropped out. Graduation rates
continued to increase and by the 1950‘s the graduation rate climbed 50%. By the 1960‘s, 70-75% of
students graduated from high school. The number of students dropping out of school in urban areas is
on the rise. Since the 1970‘s, 60% of students in urban centers fail to graduate. Absent students may
have difficulty meeting the graduation requirements. As educators strive to increase academics, the
more important attendance becomes. Cunningham (2010) notes that in today‘s classroom the shift is to
use hands-on activities and actively engage students; however, when students have poor attendance, it
can be detrimental to their education. With increased emphasis on higher order thinking and scaffold
learning, students‘ attendance and engagement becomes even more important. Every school day has
formal and informal learning opportunities that students cannot capture if they do not attend school.
Students who have difficulty engaging in the school environment may choose unproductive activities
that lead to delinquency and problems in later life (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
[OJJDP], 2001). Moreover, problems associated with truancy affect the individual and the community at
large (Baker et al., 2001; Dube & Orpinas, 2009; Lehr, Sinclair, & Christenson, 2004). Schools that do not
engage elementary students who struggle with consistent attendance, full participation in academic and
peer interactions, and low academic achievement set the stage for high school dropouts (Alexander,
Entwisle, & Kabbani, as cited in Spencer, 2009). Therefore, attendance is a critical issue and as a nation it
is imperative to improve attendance in our schools. How can educators and other stakeholders help
these at risk students?

Factors that Contribute to Absenteeism

There are many different reasons students do not make it to school each day. Most research emphasizes
four main circumstances for poor attendance. The main components are family factors, school factors,
economic influences, and student variables (Baker et al., 2001; Peek, 2009; Wall, 2003). Chang and
Romero (2008) add community related issues to this list. Family factors include lack of supervision, drug
and alcohol abuse, the lack of knowledge regarding the laws of attendance, and differing attitudes
toward education. Chang and Romero (2008) note that families may be unaware of the importance of
kindergarten, and many families struggle with basic necessities which hinder their ability to ensure their
children attend school on a consistent basis. Homelessness, turmoil in the home, neglect, and over-
protectiveness also play a role in students‘ absenteeism (Baker et al., 2001; Peek, 2009; Wall, 2003).
Chang & Romero (2008) reported that the absentee rate for kindergarten and first grade students was
about four times higher for those living in poverty; the researchers postulate that this result may stem
from lack of stable, affordable housing, parents working multiple jobs, transportation issues, and
inability to access medication or have limited health care. In addition to home factors, school factors can
also influence student absenteeism. These school factors consist of poor rapport between teachers,
students and their families. Climate issues including the size of the school, attitudes of the teachers,
administration, and other students play a major role in the high rate of truancy (Baker et al., 2001;
Chang & Romero, 2008; Lehr et al., 2004). Many schools have a difficult time reaching the various
learning styles of the students and meeting the diverse cultural backgrounds of the individuals (Baker et
al., 2001; Chang & Romero, 2008). Schools lack consistent attendance policies and meaningful
consequences; they fail to report the importance of attendance especially in the lower grades. Effective
communication is imperative to ensure students attend school on a regular basis especially with the
Latino population (Chang & Romero 2008). Having Spanishspeaking facilitators is a key component to
engage these families. Chang & Romero (2008) discuss poor placement and the lack of skills and
knowledge as a factor pertaining to attendance. Lack of familial economic stability influences school
attendance. For example, single parents working multiple jobs, lack of transportation, and inadequate
childcare can contribute to truancy and absenteeism (Baker et al., 2001). Further, some students lack
appropriate clothing to wear or their homes might not have alarm clocks (Baker et al., 2001; Chang &
Romero, 2008). Logsdon, Burrell, Monroe, & Boes (2004) noted that students living in poverty with
inadequate nutrition might have hindered concentration and cognitive development. Children who
transfer from school-to-school face many difficult challenges ranging from finding new friends to
following to different methods of teaching. Besides school and familial factors, student factors that
shape absenteeism can include drug and alcohol abuse, poor health, behavior problems, and the lack of
social skills. Students who are frequently truant often feel disengaged or incompetent when it comes to
skills and knowledge of the material (Baker et al., 2001; Chang & Romero, 2008). Community factors
incorporate the way different cultures view education and the resources and opportunities available in
the various communities. Children growing up in communities where violence is prevalent may have a
difficult time finding positive role models who view education as important and have a hard time
trusting others (Chang & Romero, 2008). Having effective programs for students at risk will improve
attendance and help them academically and socially.

Attendance Intervention Programs

There is a need for intervention programs especially in the early grades when habits, values, and
attitudes are formed (Baker et al., 2001; Chang & Romero, 2008; Lehr et al., 2004; Rush & Vitale, 1994).
Research suggests several different strategies available to tackle the problem of student attendance
(Baker et al., 2001; Chang & Romero, 2008; Lehr et al., 2004; Logsdon et al., 2004; Sheldon, 2007). For
example, Lehr et al. (2004) reported that the Check and Connect model is a program originally designed
to increase graduation rates and assist middle school students with learning and emotional/behavioral
concerns by engaging students in school and learning. The goal of this approach is to increase student
attendance. Key features of the program include relationship building, routine monitoring of alterable
indicators, individualized and timely interventions, long-term commitment, motivation and continuity
regarding education, problem solving, and affiliation with school and learning (Lehr et al., 2004). This
intervention provides opportunities for students to check in with an adult mentor on a regular basis.
Students were able to discuss school work, personal problems, social skills and any other issues that may
arise (Lehr, et al., 2004). Martin, Tobin, & Sugai (2002) reported a 50% reduction in dropout rate using
this model. Lehr et al. (2004) conducted a study with several elementary schools in an urban area in the
midwestern United States. The mean age for the 147 participants was 8 years and 11 months. Absences
declined from 83% to 60% for those involved in the program for at least 2 years. About 48% of the
students remaining in elementary school were engaged and present. This model allows the students to
make those important connections in school and within the community. Creating student advisory
teams employs a similar strategy in which school staff assign to a mentor (Martin et al., 2002). This
method did not directly report effects on dropout rates but did indicate students were better equipped
to handle problems and take responsibility for school and personal accomplishments as well as maintain
positive adult relationships in the school setting. Incentives and rewards seem to be another effective
means of increasing attendance. Peek (2009) reported that “Perfect Pals Program”s was the most
effective means for modifying student attendance at her school. Perfect Pals was an incentive program
used for students who had perfect attendance and no tardies. These students earned lunch in the lobby,
small treats, and had their picture on a bulletin board. Fifty seven percent of the teachers strongly
agreed that the incentive program was effective for increasing student‘s desire to attend school
regularly and 36% agreed that the Perfect Pals was a good idea, while seven percent strongly disagreed
that the program was useful. Barber and Kagey (1977) conducted a school wide incentive program to
improve student attendance; they designed the program for students to reach goals that would entitle
them to all or part of a monthly party depending on their attendance. Each class had a sticker chart as
well that provided immediate feedback and kept a visible record for each student. This program
reported a four to six percent increase in student attendance. The literature suggests rewards and
incentives appear to be effective methods for improving attendance. Another successful intervention
creates partnerships between schools, families, social workers, outside organizations, the community
and sometimes law enforcement (Baker et al., 2001; Chang & Romero, 2008; Martin et al., 2002;
Sheldon, 2007; Walls, 2003). Baker et al.‘s (2001) evaluation of the multimodal approach showed a
dramatic decrease in the number of truancies between two school years, ranging from four percent to
64% depending on the size of the district. According to Sheldon (2007), a collaborative approach in Ohio
showed a significant increase in attendance as well. Chang & Romero (2008) reported Project GRAD a
community based approach in Atlanta, Georgia was a success by improving students‘ attendance for
those who were absent 15 or more days. Project GRAD offered guidance, counseling, outside resources
from the community, and family aid for those students or families experiencing difficulties. Truancy
dropped from 18% to nine percent for students involved in the program for two or more years. The
study encompassed 18 elementary schools, 6 middle schools and 3 high schools. The PI sought to
conduct an AR project on absenteeism to support the students in her school. The PI also wanted to
examine if students‘ attendance would improve if they felt engaged in the school community.


Prior to collecting data, the PI wrote and distributed a research request to the Institutional Review
Board of a local university, local school administration, and county requesting approval. The program
design included a daily check-in system with a student advisory team (SAT) member; school counselors,
administration, and office staff comprised the SAT. The AR provided participants the opportunity to earn
rewards throughout the AR based on their attendance. The students used a punch card system for the
daily check-in with a member of the SAT, and were eligible for a reward if they were at school all week.
Once authorization was granted, the PI began looking at data for students who had more than seven
absences in the first semester.


This PI conducted the AR at a suburban elementary school in the metro Atlanta area, which is culturally
diverse. The school is a distinguished Title 1 school for 9 years in a row and has about 900 students. The
participants for this AR were students in kindergarten and second grade who had between seven to
fourteen absences in the first semester of the 2010-2011 school year. This PI collected attendance data
from the computer program used by the county school system. After reviewing the data, the PI spoke
with individual teachers to determine the benefits of the attendance intervention. Ten students
participated in the AR with five kindergarteners (two Latina females; one Caucasian female; one Latino
male; and one Caucasian male) and five second graders (one Latina female; one Caucasian female; one
African-American female; one Caucasian male; and one African-American male). The six-week program
began in early February and concluded in March. Interventions to Improve Student Attendance After
reviewing the attendance data, the PI chose ten participants who had numerous absences and sent a
letter and brochure home informing parents/guardians of this special program to track attendance
(Appendix A). At the onset of this AR, the kindergarten and second grade teachers were informed
regarding the purpose and goal of this program and asked to touch base with parents/ guardians if a
student was absent more than 2 days in a row. The participants met in the school‘s cafeteria for an
overview of the program where they learned about the daily check-in and rewards. The incentives
included pens, pencils, penguin puffers, sharpeners, and other items in a large treasure box. If students
missed 2 days or less over the duration of the program, they earned a pizza lunch with the PI/school
counselor. During the intervention, the PI collected data using the punch card system and monitored the
attendance program. Each participant received a card used to check-in with a member of the student
advisory team. The team consisted of two counselors, principal, two assistant principals, and the office
staff. The intervention sought to build positive relationships and increase attendance with these
students with numerous absences. Having such a program in place established a school culture of caring
and concern among students and parents.

Data Collection and Analysis

For this AR, the PI collected data using the computer attendance program used by the local county,
informal survey, field notes, and observations compiled by the PI. At the conclusion of the study, the PI
then compared the data from the first semester to the end of the program to examine the percentage of
change in individual student attendance and attendance change for the group. The PI also looked at the
informal survey given to the homeroom teachers that had students participating in the AR and the
members of the SAT. The PI looked for themes while taking field notes and informal observations. The PI
coded data using an identification system that captured no student names or information.

At the initial meeting, the participants and the PI discussed the importance of school and the students.
At the end of the program, the students still responded that the incentives were their favorite part.
Most of the students stated the incentives motivated them to come to school. Moreover, two students
told how their behavior also improved and expressed a new enjoyment for school. The students also
discussed how the check-in made them feel special and proud. At our final meeting, the students noted
they felt like the program had a positive effect on their academics; furthermore, most of the students
were able to state specific skills or subjects they improved in because they were present. Baseline data
indicated that group attendees had an average of 8.8 absences. However, after the six-week
intervention, the attendees had an average of 1.7 absences. Seventy percent of the students increased
attendance during the AR. Program data also indicate that the majority of teachers and SAT members
found the program extremely effective (60% of the teachers and the members of the SAT); 30% found
the program highly effective;― and 10% found the program effective.― Survey results indicated 80%
believed the incentives were extremely effective for increasing attendance, whereas 10% felt it was
moderately effective, and 10% gave no response. When asking the teachers and the SAT team if the
interventions increased academics, 60% responded with extremely effective, 10% felt it was highly
effective, and 30% said it was effective. Based on survey results, 70% of the teachers and SAT members
found the check-in cards beneficial,― while 10% found the cards effective. Ten percent found the cards
moderately effective,― and ten percent had no response (Appendix A). These findings support the PI‘s
hypotheses that check-ins and incentive programs would increase student attendance, foster students‘
feelings of belonging in the school community, and improve students‘ grades.

Figure 1

Questions Extremely Highly Effective Moderately Not At All No Answer

Effective Effective E Effective Effective
1. Rate the
60% 30% 0% 10% 0% 0%
of the
2. Do you
think the
were 80% 0% 0% 10% 0% 10%
effective in
3. Do you
think the
60% 10% 20% 0% 0% 20%
4. Do you 70% 0% 10% 10% 0% 10%
think having
the check-in
card was

Figure 1 shows that respondents viewed both interventions as effective. Respondents indicated that the
check-in system helped create positive connections with other adults in the building; they also noted
that students seemed excited about having the cards signed by members of the SAT. Data also indicated
that teachers believed attending school allowed the students to complete work, tests, and obtain the
information given during class time. One teacher respondent noticed a decrease in student tardies as
well. One teacher felt the program would be most effective with students in second grade or higher.


The results of the interventions enhanced student attendance and demonstrated the effectiveness of a
reward system and student check-ins. Data demonstrated 70% of the students increased attendance
during the program. All participants stated they enjoyed the program and wanted the program to
continue. Most of the participants stated the incentives were the part of the AR they enjoyed most, but
they also enjoyed checking in with a member of the SAT. Most teachers reported finding the program
beneficial; however, two teachers maintained that attendance is parental responsibility and doubted
the effectiveness of the interventions. The survey findings indicated that 60% of the teachers and the
SAT members found this AR to be extremely effective for increasing attendance, and the majority (80%)
also found the incentives effective. Not only did the interventions improve attendance, but also 90% of
the teachers and SAT believed the interventions were effective for improving students‘ academics.
Program feedback indicated the usefulness of the program and expressed hope that the program would


Small sample size and the short duration of the AR limit findings. Also, the PI developed a survey that
had no reliability or validity data. Limited time on campus restricted opportunities for the PI to collect
field notes and student observations. Finally, when teachers failed to send checkin results to the SAT
members, the PI could not always follow-up with students because of other counseling responsibilities.

Future Recommendations
Future recommendations include making parents aware of the attendance policy from the beginning of
school and reiterate the importance of kindergarten and the early grades as they relate to academics
and basic skills. Actively involving parents in the AR would clarify other reasons for student absences not
considered by the PI‘s knowledge regarding absences and assist in future modifications for attendance
programs. Collaboration with other educators and student service professionals could be helpful when

devising a plan to use with students that are frequently truant. Another recommendation would include
adding tardies or creating an additional program concentrating on arriving at school on time.

Summary and Conclusion

The results of this study demonstrated that using a dual approach to increase student attendance was
effective in reducing the number of absences for the members of the group. The study found that using
incentives and a daily check-in system increased attendance, improved academics, and created a sense
of belonging. The students were motivated using this approach. The review of literature indicates there
are many facets of student absenteeism with many different strategies used to combat the problem.
The literature shows that factors contributing to truancy falls along a continuum of student, family,
economic, community, and school environment variables. Understanding the root problems and
creating effective programs in the early grades will help remedy the problem of truancy. Recognizing
patterns of early absenteeism will provide valuable information concerning challenges these students
face and allow the schools to take action. Early intervention with social, emotional, cognitive, and
familial issues will give these students a chance to have a successful career in school and keep them
from falling behind academically (Chang & Romero, 2008). Jacobson (2008) reported that children who
were frequently absent in kindergarten had the lowest scores in reading, math, and general knowledge
in first grade. Therefore, it is imperative to reach these at risk students early; using productive methods
to ensure students attend school on a regular basis is necessary for them to reach their full potential.

School Counseling Implications

Ample research indicated students who lacked consistent attendance demonstrated signs of anxiety,
depression and risky behaviors along with other problems later in life (Chou, Ho, Chen, & Chen; Dewey;
Hallfors, Cho, Brodish, Flewelling, & Khatapoush; Hallfors et al.; Kearney; Roebuck, French, & Dennis, as
cited in Dube and Orpinas, 2009). School counselors promote and help students improve academic
achievement and reach their full potential socially and emotionally. Evidence supports implementing
programs using incentives, Check and Connect, and multimodal approaches. This study found that
attendance interventions such as a check-in and reward system proved beneficial to participants.
Program participants and stakeholders found the program valuable and hoped the program would

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