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UNIT 2 Test: Mis Amigos y Yo Version __________

Spanish I – Ms. Leach


Listen to a voicemail from a student looking for a match-up to the homecoming dance. 1. Write down the two
verbs in Spanish meaning the two things this person likes doing. 2. Write down the verb in Spanish of the
thing this person dislikes doing

1. Ms. Leach likes to A. Go shopping B. Dance C. Read D. None of

2. Ms. Leach likes to A. Study more B. Do homework more C. Neither D. Both
3. How does Ms. Leach feel about going to school:
A. Likes it a lot B. Likes it a little C. Does not like it D. Doesn’t like it at all
4. Which does Maria like more?
A. Using the computer B. Talking on the phone C. Shopping D. Studying
5. Which does Maria not like at all?
A. Using the computer B. Talking on the phone C. Shopping D. Studying

Objectives 2A1 (20 pts)

Match the following subject pronouns with their meaning in English:
1. Yo _________ a. You (formal)

2. Ella _________ b. We

3. Usted_________ c. You all

4. Nosotros_________ d. She

5. Ellos _________ e. You (informal)

6. Ustedes _________ f. He

7. Tú _________ g. I

8. É l _________ h. They (boys)

9. Ellas __________ i. They (girls)

10. Which subject pronoun do you use to talk about a group of boys and girls?
A. él B. ellas C. ellos D. ustedes

Objectives 2A2 (5 pts)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb “ser” from the choices to the rightto describe people’s
characteristics. One of the choices must be used twice.

1. Yo ____________ inteligente. A. es b. son c. soy d. eres

2. Él _____________ alto.

3. Ellos ____________ atrevidos.

4. Tú _______________ feo.

Choose the correct answer to the following questions:

5. ¿De dónde es Shakira?

A. Ella eres de Colombia B. Ella es de Colombia C. Él es de Colombia D. Ella es Colombia

6. ¿Cómo es Kobe?

A. Kobe estúpido B. Kobe eres estúpido C. Kobe es de estúpdo D. Kobe es estúpdio

8. ¿Cómo eres tú?

A. Yo soy inteligente B. Tú eres inteligente C. Yo es inteligente D. Yo eres inteligente

9. ¿Cómo son Beevis & Butthead?

A. Ellos somos estúpidos B. Ellos son estúpidos C. Ellos estúpidos D. Ustedes son estúpidos

10. ¿De dónde eres tú? ANSWER in a full sentence in Spanish on the answer sheet

Objective 2B1 (20 pts)

1. Me gusta pizza
a. You like pizza b. I like pizza c. Do you like pizza? d. He likes pizza

2. Te gusta pizza
a. I like pizza b. He likes pizza c. You like pizza d. She likes pizza

3. No me gusta ni sushi ni Coke

a.I don’t like sushi at all b. I don’t like sushi or Coke c. I like sushi more than Coke d. I don’t like Coke

4. I don’t like to study at all

a. No me gusta nada estudiar b. No me gusta no estudiar c. No me gusta ni estudiar d. No estudiar

5. Le gusta chocolate
a. I like chocolate a lot b. He/she like chocolate c. You like chocolate d. A little bit of chocolate

6. Which of the following is an infinitive verb?

a. Me gusta b. comer c. mucho d. le gusta

7. Which is the correct answer in Spanish to the question: ¿Te gusta sushi?
a.No gusta sushi b. No ni me gusta sushi c. No te gusta sushi d. No, no me gusta sushi

8. Which is the correct answer in Spanish to the question: ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
a.Sí me gusta hacer b. Te gusta hacer bailar c. Me gusta bailar d. No te gusta bailar

9. Which is the correct answer in Spanish to the question: ¿A Raven, le gusta cantar?
a.Sí Raven gusta cantar b. Sí, a Ravel le gusta cantar c. Sí gusta cantar d. Sí le cantar

10. Which is the correct answer in Spanish to the question: ¿Qué te gusta bailar?
a.Me gusta bailar b. Me gusta bailar Go-Go c. Sí me gusta bailar d. Sí te gusta bailar

11. ¿Te gusta chocolate? Answer in a COMPLETE sentence in Spanish (2 pts)

12. ¿Te gusta estudiar? Answer in a COMPLETE sentence in Spanish

13. ¿Qué te gusta más – Coke o Pepsi? Answer in a COMPLETE sentence in Spanish

14. ¿Qué te gusta hacer? Answer in a COMPLETE sentence in Spanish

15. ¿A Ms. Leach, quién le gusta más – Lebron o Kobe? Answer in a COMPLETE sentence in Spanish

Objectives 2B2: (10 pts)

Define the following words in Spanish using the words to the right

1. To practice sports: a. Leer

2. To drink: b. Estudiar

3. To read: c. Bailar

4. To go to school: d. Cantar

5. To dance: e. Practicar deportes

6. To sing: f. beber

7. To study _ g. Ir a la escuela

Define the following in English ON ANSWER SHEET:

8. dormir:

8. usar la computadora:

10. comer:

Objective 2C (5 pts)
Match the following adjectives with their meanings in Spanish:

1. Inteligente a. Neat

2. Alto b. Skinny

3. Bonito c. Shy

4. Feo d. Fat

5. Ordenado e. Intelligent

6. Gracioso f. Funny

7. Flaca g. Tall

8. Tímido h. Nice

9. Gordo i. Pretty

10. Simpático j. Ugly

Objective 2C2 (10 pts)

Fill in the following blanks with the correct adjective in Spanish to match the adjective in parenthesis. All the
adjectives are adjectives you identified in Objective 2C3 above:

1. É l es a. bajo b. baja c. bajos d. bajas

2. La chica es a. alto b. alta c. altos d. altas

3. Desiree es a. inteligenta b. inteligento c. inteligente d. inteligentes

4. Las chicas son a. bonito b. bonita c. bonitos d. bonitas

5. Ellos son a. atlético b. atléticas c. atléticos d. atlética

ADD the correct adjective ending ON THE ANSWER SHEET

6. El chico es gord____

7. Christina es simpatic____

8. Las chicas son gracios_______

TRANSLATE the adjective in parenthesis into Spanish to complete the sentence.

9. Ella es _______________________________________ (athletic)

10. Ellos son _____________________________________________ (intelligent)

Objective 2E: Diversity

On the answer sheet, answer the following questions IN ENGLISH : 1. What does “diverse” mean? 2. Are
Spanish-speaking countries diverse? 3. Describe what you learned from the powerpoint on diversity in class

Reading (20 points): Answer the questions about the paragraph below in English.

Akime: ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

Karisa: Me gusta escuchar música mucho. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

Akime: Me gusta ir a comprar. ¿Qué te gusta beber?

Karisa: Me gusta beber Coca-Cola mucho. Me gusta beber Sprite un poco.

Akime: ¡A mi también! ¿Te gusta comer pizza?

Karisa: No, no me gusta nada comer pizza.

Akime:¡ A mi tampoco!

1. Does Karisa like to listen to listen to music A. a little or B. a lot

2. What does Akime like to do? A. Go shopping B. Go to school C. Go to the movies

3. ¿ A Karisa qué le gusta beber más? A. Coke B. Pepsi C. Sprite

4. Does Akime like Coke and Sprite? A. Yes B. no C. Sprite, but not Coke

5. Does Karisa like to eat pizza? A. Yes B. No C. A little bit

6. Does Akime like to eat pizza? A. Yes B. Not at all C. A little bit

Reading: Read the following paragraph and answer the following questions in English:
A Ms. Leach le gusta jugar basketból, leer, y escuchar música. No le gusta bailar Go-Go ni hablar

por teléfono. Ms. Leach es super baja. Ella es un poco ordenada. Ella es muy antipática.

Cierto/Falso – Write “true(T)” or “false(F)” on your answer sheet based on what you read in the
paragraph above OR choose the correct multiple choice letter when applicable.

7. Ms. Leach doesn’t like to play sports – T or F?

8. Ms. Leach doesn’t like to dance or talk on the phone – T or F?

9. How organized is Ms. Leach? A. a little bit B. a lot C. not at all

10. According to the paragraph, Ms. Leach is mean – T or F?

Section 4: Writing. (15 pts) COMPLETELY IN SPANISH!!!

While you’re talking to your Spanish teacher, you realize she doesn’t know
the “real you”. Write a 30-word paragraph in full sentences IN SPANISH
describing: <INPUT TYPE=\ what type of person you are (using the adjectives we
learned in Spanish) <INPUT TYPE=\What type of person you are NOT <INPUT
TYPE=\ What you like to do <INPUT TYPE=\What you don’t like to do <INPUT
TYPE=\What you like to do A LOT or NOT AT ALL .

Example: I am athletic = 1 full sentence about the type of person you are
Example: I like to dance a lot = 1 full sentence about what you like to do

Extra Credit (2 pts):

Name one way in which Día de los Muertos is different from Halloween in English:


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