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Medium voltage vacuum circuit-breakers

12 ... 24 kV - 630 ... 2500 A - 16 ... 31.5 kA







General 4

Interrupting principle 6

Versions available 6

Fields of application 6

Standards and approvals 6

Service safety 7

Accessories 8

Operating mechanism 8

Technical documentation 10

Quality Assurance System 10

Test laboratory 10

Environmental Management System 10


General In any case, on separation of the contacts a metal

The new VD4 are a synthesis of the renowned vapour arc is generated made up exclusively of
technology in designing and constructing vacuum melted and vaporised contact material.
interrupters embedded in resin poles, and of The metal vapour only remains supported by the
excellency in design, engineering and production external energy until the current is cancelled in the
of circuit-breakers. vicinity of natural zero. At that instant, the rapid
The VD4 medium voltage circuit-breakers use reduction in the load density carried and the rapid
vacuum interrupters embedded in resin poles. condensation of the metal vapour, leads to
Embedding the interrupter in resin makes the extremely rapid dielectric recovery.
circuit-breaker poles particularly sturdy and The vacuum interrupter therefore recovers the
protects the interrupter against shocks, insulating capacity and the capacity to withstand
accumulation of dust and humidity. the transient return voltage, definitively
The vacuum interrupter houses the contacts and extinguishing the arc.
makes up the interrupting chamber. Since high dielectric strength can be reached in
the vacuum, even with minimum distances,
Current interruption in vacuum interruption of the circuit is also guaranteed when
The vacuum circuit-breaker does not require an
interrupting and insulating medium.
In fact the interrupters,
does not contain
ionisable material.


separation of the contacts takes place a few These characteristics allow opening and closing
milliseconds before passage of the current operations independent of the operator.
through natural zero. The VD4 circuit-breaker operating mechanism is
The special contacts design and material as well is of simple conception and use and can be
as the limited duration and the low voltage of the customised with a wide range of accessories
arc guarantee minimum contact wear and long life. which are easy and rapid to install. This simplicity
Furthermore, the vacuum prevents their oxidation converts into greater reliability of the apparatus.
and contamination.
The structure
EL type operating mechanism The operating mechanism and the poles are fixed
The low speed of the contacts together with the to a metal frame which is also the support for the
reduced run and the low mass limit the energy fixed version of the circuit-breaker. The compact
required for the operation and therefore guarantee structure ensures sturdiness and mechanical
extremely limited wear of the system. The circuit- reliability.
breaker is therefore limited in maintenance. Apart from the isolating contacts and the cord with
The VD4 circuit-breakers use a mechanical plug for connection of the auxiliary circuits, the
operating mechanism, with stored energy and free withdrawable version is completed with the truck
release. for racking it into and out of the switchboard or
enclosure with the door closed.

Vacuum interruption technique

Vacuum interrupter embedded in resin pole
No contacts oxidation in vacuum
Vacuum interrupter embedded in the
resin poles
Interrupter protected against shocks, dust
and humidity 3
Operation under different climatic conditions 4
Limited switching energy
Stored energy operating mechanism with 5
anti-pumping device supplied as standard 6
Simple customisation with a complete 7
range of accessories
Fixed and withdrawable version 8

Compact dimensions
Sealed-for-life poles 10

Sturdiness and reliability

Limited maintenance
1 Upper terminal 7 Contact force
Circuit-breaker racking in and racking out 2 Vacuum interrupter springs
with door closed 3 Epoxy resin housing 8 Push-rod
4 Stem of moving 9 Pole fixing
Incorrect and hazardous operations are
contact 10 Connection
prevented thanks to special locks in the to operating
5 Lower terminal
operating mechanism and in the truck mechanism
6 Flexible connection
Excellent environmental compatibility


Interrupting principle of ABB interrupters

In a vacuum interrupter, separation of current-carrying contacts initiates the vacuum arc and
Vacuum interrupter
this is maintained until the next current zero and can be influenced by magnetic fields.

Vacuum arcs – diffuse or contracted

1 Following contact separation, single melting points form on the entire surface of the cathode, producing
2 metal vapours which support the arc. The diffuse vacuum arc is characterised by expansion over the
contact surface and by an even distribution of thermal stress on the contact surfaces.
3 At the rated current of the vacuum interrupter, the electric arc is always of the diffuse type. Contact
4 erosion is negligible, and the number of current interruptions very high.
As the interrupted current value increases (above the rated value), the electric arc tends
to be transformed from the diffuse into the contracted type, due to the Hall effect.
Starting at the anode, the arc contracts and as the current rises further it tends to become sharply
defined. Near the area involved there is an increase in temperature with consequent thermal stress on
7 the contact.
8 To prevent overheating and erosion of the contacts, the arc is kept rotating. With arc rotation it
becomes similar to a moving conductor which the current passes through.

10 The spiral geometry of ABB vacuum interrupter contacts

The special geometry of the spiral contacts generates a radial magnetic field in all areas of the arc
column, concentrated over the contact circumferences.
1 Stem/terminal
An electromagnetic force is self-generated and this acts tangentially, causing rapid arc rotation around
2 Twist protection
the contact axis.
3 Bellows
This means the arc is forced to rotate and to involve a wider surface than that of a fixed contracted
4 Interrupter lid
5 Shield
Apart from minimising thermal stress on the contacts, all this makes contact erosion negligible and,
6 Ceramic insulator
above all, allows the interruption process even with very high short-circuits.
7 Shield
ABB vacuum interrupters are zero-current interrupters and are free of any re-striking.
8 Contacts
Rapid reduction in the current charge and rapid condensation of the metal vapours simultaneously with
9 Terminal
the zero current, means maximum dielectric strength can be restored between the interrupter contacts
10 Interrupter lid
within microseconds.

Versions available Standards and approvals

The VD4 circuit-breakers are available in the fixed The VD4 circuit-breakers comply with the
and withdrawable version with front operating IEC 62271-100, CEI 17-1 file 1375 Standards and
mechanism. The withdrawable version is available with those of the major industrialised countries.
for UniGear ZS1 type switchboards and Unisafe The VD4 circuit-breakers have undergone the
switchboards. tests indicated below and guarantee the safety
and reliability of the apparatus in service in any
Fields of application installation.
The VD4 circuit-breakers are used in electrical • Type tests: heating, withstand insulation at
distribution for control and protection of cables, industrial frequency, withstand insulation at
overhead lines, transformer and distribution atmospheric impulse, short-time and peak
substations, motors, transformers, generators and withstand current, mechanical life, short-circuit
capacitor banks. current making and breaking capacity, and no-
load cable interruption.


Diffuse arc. Contraction Contraction over

over anode. anode and

Schematic diagram of the transition from a diffuse arc to a

contracted arc in a vacuum interrupter.

Development of current and voltage trends during a single phase Radial magnetic field contact arrange-
vacuum interruption process. ment with a rotating vacuum arc.

• Individual tests: insulation of the main circuits Key locks or padlock devices enable opening and
with voltage at industrial frequency, auxiliary closing operations and/or racking in and racking
circuit and operating mechanism insulation, out.
measurement of the main circuit resistance, The racking-out device with the door closed
mechanical and electrical operation. allows the circuit-breaker to be racked into or out
of the switchboard with the door closed only.
Service safety Anti-racking-in locks prevent circuit-breakers with
Thanks to the complete range of mechanical and different rated currents from being racked in, and
electrical locks (available on request), it is possi- the racking-in operation with the circuit-breaker
ble to construct safe distribution switchboards with closed.
the VD4 circuit-breakers.
The locking devices have been studied to prevent
incorrect operations and to inspect the installa-
tions guaranteeing maximum operator safety.


The VD4 circuit-breakers have a complete range
of accessories to satisfy all installation require-
The operating mechanism has a standardised
range of accessories and spare parts which are
easy to identify and order.
The accessories are installed conveniently from
the front of the circuit-breaker. Electrical connec-
tion is carried out with plug-socket connectors.
Use, maintenance and service of the apparatus
are simple and require limited use of resources.

Operating mechanism
The operating mechanism is of the stored energy
type and has the anti-pumping device mounted as
standard and is fitted with suitable locks to prevent
incorrect operations.
Each operation sequence is only enabled if all the
conditions ensuring it being carried out correctly
are respected.
The accessories are the same for all the type
VD4s of circuit-breaker.
To facilitate assembly and replacement of acces-
sories, assembly seats with appropriated fixed
strikers are provided.

Highly reliable operating mechanisms thanks to featuring a low

number of components and manufactured using production systems
for large quantities
Extremely limited and simple maintenance
The accessories are common to the whole range and are identical for
either a.c. or d.c. applications
The electrical accessories can be easily and rapidly installed or
replaced thanks to the cabling already prepared with its own plug-
socket connectors
Mechanical anti-pumping device is supplied as standard
Built-in closing spring charging lever
Key lock with circuit-breaker open
Protective covering over the opening and closing pushbuttons to be
operated using a special tool
Padlock device on the switching pushbuttons


Circuit-breaker operating mechanism

A Open/closed auxiliary contacts
B Geared motor for closing spring charging
C Built-in closing spring charging lever
D Signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed
E Mechanical operation counter
F Plug-socket connectors of electrical accessories
G Signalling for closing springs charged/discharged
H Auxiliary releases
I Closing pushbutton
L Opening pushbutton
M Delivery terminal board of the auxiliary circuits


Technical documentation
To obtain in-depth knowledge of technical and application aspects of the
VD4 circuit-breakers please ask for the following publications:
– UniSafe switchboards code 649228
– UniGear ZS1 type switchboards code 649424
– REF 542plus unit code 649423
– PR512 protection unit code 649092

Quality Assurance System

Complies with the ISO 9001 Standards, certified
by an external independent organisation.

Test laboratory
Complies with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025
Standards, accredited by an external independ-
ent organisation.

Environmental Management
Complies with the ISO 14001 Stand-
ards, certified by an external inde-
pendent organisation.


General characteristics of fixed circuit-breakers 12

Types of fixed version circuit-breakers available 14

General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers

for UniGear type ZS1 switchgears 16

Types of withdrawable circuit-breakers available

for UniGear type ZS1 switchboards 18

General characteristics of withdrawable circuit-breakers

for UniSafe switchgears 20

Types of withdrawable circuit-breakers available

for UniSafe switchboards 22

Optional accessories 24


General characteristics
of fixed circuit-breakers
(12 - 17.5 - 24 kV)

Circuit-breaker VD4 12
Standards IEC 62271-100
CEI 17-1 (File 1375)
Rated voltage Ur [kV] 12
Rated insulation voltage Us [kV] 12
Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV] 28
Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV] 75
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50-60
Rated normal current (40 °C) (2) Ir [A] 630 630 1250 1250 1600 1600 2000 2000 2500
Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA] 16 16 16 16 – – – – –
(rated symmetrical short 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
circuit current) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5
Rated short-time Ik [kA] 16 16 16 16 – – – – –
withstand current (3 s) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5
Making capacity Ip [kA] 40 40 40 40 – – – – –
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Operation sequence [O-0,3s-CO-3min-CO]
Opening time [ms] ~ 45
Arcing time [ms] 10-15
Total breaking time [ms] 55-60
Closing time [ms] ~ 80
Maximum overall dimensions H [mm] 461 461 461 461 599 599 599 599 616
L [mm] 450 570 450 570 570 700 570 700 700
P [mm] 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424
Poles center lines L P I [mm] 150 210 150 210 210 275 210 275 275
Dimension standardized table TN7405 TN7406 TN7405 TN7406 TN7407 TN7408 TN7407 TN7408 TN7408
Operating temperature [°C] – 5 ... + 40
Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30
Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694, 61000-6-2


VD4 17 VD4 24

17.5 24
17.5 24
38 50
95 125
50-60 50-60
630 630 1250 1250 1600 1600 2000 2000 2500 630 630 1250 1250 1600 2000 2500
16 16 16 16 – – – – – 16 16 16 16 16 16 –
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 –
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 – – – – – – –
16 16 16 16 – – – – – 16 16 16 16 16 16 –
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 –
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 – – – – – – –
40 40 40 40 – – – – – 40 40 40 40 40 40 –
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 –
63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 – – – – – – –

~ 45 ~ 45
10-15 10-15
55-60 55-60
~ 80 ~ 80
461 461 461 461 599 599 599 599 616 631 631 631 631 642 642 661
450 570 450 570 570 700 570 700 700 570 700 570 700 700 700 700
424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424
150 210 150 210 210 275 210 275 275 210 275 210 275 275 275 275
TN7405 TN7406 TN7405 TN7406 TN7407 TN7408 TN7407 TN7408 TN7408 TN7409 TN7410 TN7409 TN7410 TN7411 TN7411 TN7411
– 5 ... + 40 – 5 ... + 40


Types of fixed version circuit-breakers available

Complete the circuit-breaker selected with the optional accessories indicated on the following pages.

VD4 fixed circuit-breaker without bottom and top terminals

Ur Isc Rated normal current (40°C) [A]
kV kA H = 461 H = 599 H = 616 H = 631 H = 642 H = 661 Circuit-breaker type
D = 424 D = 424 D = 424 D = 424 D = 424 D = 424
u/l = 205 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310
l/g = 217..5 l/g = 237.5 l/g = 237.5 l/g = 282.5 l/g = 282.5 l/g = 282.5
I = 150 I = 210 I = 210 I = 275 I = 275 I = 210 I = 275 I = 275 I = 275
L = 450 L = 570 L = 570 L = 700 L = 700 L = 570 L = 700 L = 700 L = 700
16 630 VD4 12.06.16 p150
20 630 VD4 12.06.20 p150
25 630 VD4 12.06.25 p150
31.5 630 VD4 12.06.32 p150
16 1250 VD4 12.12.16 p150
20 1250 VD4 12.12.20 p150
25 1250 VD4 12.12.25 p150
31.5 1250 VD4 12.12.32 p150
16 630 VD4 12.06.16 p210
20 630 VD4 12.06.20 p210
25 630 VD4 12.06.25 p210
31.5 630 VD4 12.06.32 p210
16 1250 VD4 12.12.16 p210
20 1250 VD4 12.12.20 p210
25 1250 VD4 12.12.25 p210
12 31.5 1250 VD4 12.12.32 p210
20 1600 VD4 12.16.20 p210
25 1600 VD4 12.16.25 p210
31.5 1600 VD4 12.16.32 p210
20 2000 VD4 12.20.20 p210
25 2000 VD4 12.20.25 p210
31.5 2000 VD4 12.20.32 p210
20 1600 VD4 12.16.20 p275
25 1600 VD4 12.16.25 p275
31.5 1600 VD4 12.16.32 p275
20 2000 VD4 12.20.20 p275
25 2000 VD4 12.20.25 p275
31.5 2000 VD4 12.20.32 p275
20 2500 VD4 12.25.20 p275
25 2500 VD4 12.25.25 p275
31.5 2500 VD4 12.25.32 p275
16 630 VD4 17.06.16 p150
20 630 VD4 17.06.20 p150
25 630 VD4 17.06.25 p150
31.5 630 VD4 17.06.32 p150
16 1250 VD4 17.12.16 p150
20 1250 VD4 17.12.20 p150
25 1250 VD4 17.12.25 p150
31.5 1250 VD4 17.12.32 p150
Notes 16 630 VD4 17.06.16 p210
20 630 VD4 17.06.20 p210
H = Circuit-breaker 25 630 VD4 17.06.25 p210
height. 31.5 630 VD4 17.06.32 p210
L = Circuit-breaker 16 1250 VD4 17.12.16 p210
20 1250 VD4 17.12.20 p210
width. 25 1250 VD4 17.12.25 p210
D = Circuit-breaker 17,5 31.5 1250 VD4 17.12.32 p210
depth. 20 1600 VD4 17.16.20 p210
25 1600 VD4 17.16.25 p210
u/l = Distance between 31.5 1600 VD4 17.16.32 p210
bottom and top 20 2000 VD4 17.20.20 p210
25 2000 VD4 17.20.25 p210
terminal. 31.5 2000 VD4 17.20.32 p210
l/g = Distance between 20 1600 VD4 17.16.20 p275
25 1600 VD4 17.16.25 p275
bottom terminal and 31.5 1600 VD4 17.16.32 p275
circuit-breaker 20 2000 VD4 17.20.20 p275
resting surface. 25 2000 VD4 17.20.25 p275
31.5 2000 VD4 17.20.32 p275
I = Horizontal centre 20 2500 VD4 17.25.20 p275
distance between 25 2500 VD4 17.25.25 p275
poles. 31.5 2500 VD4 17.25.32 p275


VD4 fixed circuit-breaker without bottom and top terminals

Ur Isc Rated normal current (40°C) [A]
kV kA H = 461 H = 599 H = 616 H = 631 H = 642 H = 661 Circuit-breaker type
D = 424 D = 424 D = 424 D = 424 D = 424 D = 424
u/l = 205 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 Notes
l/g = 217.5 l/g = 237.5 l/g = 237.5 l/g = 282.5 l/g = 282.5 l/g = 282.5
H = Circuit-breaker
I = 150 I = 210 I = 210 I = 275 I = 275 I = 210 I = 275 I = 275 I = 275
L = 450 L = 570 L = 570 L = 700 L = 700 L = 570 L = 700 L = 700 L = 700 height.
16 630 VD4 24.06.16 p210 L = Circuit-breaker
20 630 VD4 24.06.20 p210 width.
25 630 VD4 24.06.25 p210
16 1250 VD4 24.12.16 p210 D = Circuit-breaker
20 1250 VD4 24.12.20 p210 depth.
25 1250 VD4 24.12.25 p210 u/l = Distance between
16 630 VD4 24.06.16 p275
20 630 VD4 24.06.20 p275 bottom and top
25 630 VD4 24.06.25 p275 terminal.
24 16 1250 VD4 24.12.16 p275
20 1250 VD4 24.12.20 p275 l/g = Distance between
25 1250 VD4 24.12.25 p275 bottom terminal and
16 1600 VD4 24.16.16 p275 circuit-breaker
20 1600 VD4 24.16.20 p275
25 1600 VD4 24.16.25 p27 resting surface.
16 2000 VD4 24.20.16 p275 I = Horizontal centre
20 2000 VD4 24.20.20 p275 distance between
25 2000 VD4 24.20.25 p275
25 2500 VD4 24.25.25 p275 poles.

– operation counter
– set of ten circuit-breaker open/
closed auxiliary contacts
– lever for manually charging the
closing springs
– auxiliary circuit support terminal

Fixed circuit-breaker standard fittings

The basic versions of the fixed circuit-breakers are
three-pole and fitted with:
– EL type manual operating mechanism
– mechanical signalling device for closing springs
– mechanical signalling device for circuit-breaker
– closing pushbutton
– opening pushbutton


General characteristics of withdrawable

circuit-breakers for UniGear type ZS1
switchgears (12 - 17.5 - 24 kV)

Circuit-breaker VD4/P 12
Standards IEC 62271-100
CEI 17-1 (File 1375)
Rated voltage Ur [kV] 12
Rated insulation voltage Us [kV] 12
Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV] 28
Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV] 75
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50-60
Rated normal current (40 °C) (1) Ir [A] 630 1250 1600 1600 2000 2000 2500
Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA] 16 16 – – – – –
(rated symmetrical short 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
circuit current) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5
Rated short-time Ik [kA] 16 16 – – – – –
withstand current (3 s) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5
Making capacity Ip [kA] 40 40 – – – – –
50 50 50 50 50 50 50
63 63 63 63 63 63 63
80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Operation sequence [O-0,3s-CO-3min-CO]
(1) Rated uninterrupted Opening time [ms] ~ 45
currents guaranteed
Arcing time [ms] 10-15
with withdrawable
Total breaking time [ms] 55-60
installed in UniGear Closing time [ms] ~ 80
Maximum overall dimensions I I H [mm] 632 632 690 690 690 690 690
type ZS1 switchgear
with 40°C air tempera- L [mm] 503 503 653 853 653 853 853
ture H P [mm] 664 664 642 642 642 642 642
(2) The 2300 A rated Poles center lines L P I [mm] 150 150 210 275 210 275 275
uninterrupted current Dimension standardized table TN7412 TN7412 TN7415 TN7416 TN7415 TN7416 TN7417
is guaranteed with Operating temperature [°C] – 5 ... + 40
natural ventilation. Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30
The 2500 A rated
uninterrupted current
Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694, 61000-6-2
is guaranteed with
forced ventilation. 61000-6-4


VD4/P 17 VD4/P 24

17.5 24
17.5 24
38 50
95 125
50-60 50-60
630 1250 1600 1600 2000 2000 2500 630 630 1250 1250 1600 2000 2500 (2)
16 16 – – – – – 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 – – – – – – –
16 16 – – – – – 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 – – – – – – –
40 40 – – – – – 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 – – – – – – –

~ 45 ~ 45
10-15 10-15
55-60 55-60
~ 80 ~ 80
632 632 690 690 690 690 690 794 794 794 794 838 838 838
503 503 653 853 653 853 853 653 853 653 853 853 853 853
664 664 642 642 642 642 642 802 802 802 802 790 790 790
150 150 210 275 210 275 275 210 275 210 275 275 275 275
TN7412 TN7412 TN7415 TN7416 TN7415 TN7416 TN7417 TN7413 TN7414 TN7413 TN7414 TN7418 TN7418 TN7418
– 5 ... + 40 – 5 ... + 40


Types of widrawable version circuit-breakers available for UniGear type ZS1 switchboards
Complete the circuit-breaker selected with the optional accessories indicated on the following pages.

VD4/P withdrawable circuit-breaker for UniGear type ZS1 switchboards

Ur Isc Rated normal current (40°C) [A] (*)
kV kA L = 650 L = 800 L = 1000 L = 1000 L = 800 L = 1000 L = 1000 Circuit-breaker type
I = 150 I = 210 I = 275 I = 275 I = 210 I = 275 I = 275
u/l = 205 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310
ø = 35 ø = 79 ø = 79 ø = 109 ø = 35 ø = 35 ø = 79
16 630 VD4/P 12.06.16 p150
20 630 VD4/P 12.06.20 p150
25 630 VD4/P 12.06.25 p150
31.5 630 VD4/P 12.06.32 p150
16 1000 VD4/P 12.12.16 p150
20 1000 VD4/P 12.12.20 p150
25 1000 VD4/P 12.12.25 p150
31.5 1000 VD4/P 12.12.32 p150
16 1250 VD4/P 12.12.16 p150
20 1250 VD4/P 12.12.20 p150
25 1250 VD4/P 12.12.25 p150
31.5 1250 VD4/P 12.12.32 p150
20 1600 VD4/P 12.16.20 p210
12 25 1600 VD4/P 12.16.25 p210
31.5 1600 VD4/P 12.16.32 p210
20 2000 VD4/P 12.20.20 p210
25 2000 VD4/P 12.20.25 p210
31.5 2000 VD4/P 12.20.32 p210
20 1600 VD4/P 12.16.20 p275
25 1600 VD4/P 12.16.25 p275
31.5 1600 VD4/P 12.16.32 p275
20 2000 VD4/P 12.20.20 p275
25 2000 VD4/P 12.20.25 p275
31.5 2000 VD4/P 12.20.32 p275
20 2500 VD4/P 12.25.20 p275
25 2500 VD4/P 12.25.25 p275
31.5 2500 VD4/P 12.25.32 p275
16 630 VD4/P 17.06.16 p150
20 630 VD4/P 17.06.20 p150
25 630 VD4/P 17.06.25 p150
31.5 630 VD4/P 17.06.32 p150
16 1000 VD4/P 17.12.16 p150
20 1000 VD4/P 17.12.20 p150
25 1000 VD4/P 17.12.25 p150
31.5 1000 VD4/P 17.12.32 p150
16 1250 VD4/P 17.12.16 p150
20 1250 VD4/P 17.12.20 p150
25 1250 VD4/P 17.12.25 p150
31.5 1250 VD4/P 17.12.32 p150
20 1600 VD4/P 17.16.20 p210
17.5 25 1600 VD4/P 17.16.25 p210
Notes 31.5 1600 VD4/P 17.16.32 p210
L= Width of the switch- 20 2000 VD4/P 17.20.20 p210
board. 25 2000 VD4/P 17.20.25 p210
31.5 2000 VD4/P 17.20.32 p210
I = Horizontal centre 20 1600 VD4/P 17.16.20 p275
distance between 25 1600 VD4/P 17.16.25 p275
poles. 31.5 1600 VD4/P 17.16.32 p275
u/l = Distance between 20 2000 VD4/P 17.20.20 p275
bottom and top 25 2000 VD4/P 17.20.25 p275
31.5 2000 VD4/P 17.20.32 p275
terminal. 20 2500 VD4/P 17.25.20 p275
Ø = Diameter of isolating 25 2500 VD4/P 17.25.25 p275
contact. 31.5 2500 VD4/P 17.25.32 p275


VD4/P withdrawable circuit-breaker for UniGear type ZS1 switchboards

Ur Isc Rated normal current (40°C) [A] (*)
kV kA L = 650 L = 800 L = 1000 L = 1000 L = 800 L = 1000 L = 1000 Circuit-breaker type
I = 150 I = 210 I = 275 I = 275 I = 210 I = 275 I = 275
u/l = 205 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310
ø = 35 ø = 79 ø = 79 ø = 109 ø = 35 ø = 35 ø = 79
16 630 VD4/P 24.06.16 p210
20 630 VD4/P 24.06.20 p210
25 630 VD4/P 24.06.25 p210
16 1000 VD4/P 24.12.16 p210
20 1000 VD4/P 24.12.20 p210
25 1000 VD4/P 24.12.25 p210
16 1250 VD4/P 24.12.16 p210
20 1250 VD4/P 24.12.20 p210 Notes
25 1250 VD4/P 24.12.25 p210
16 630 VD4/P 24.06.16 p275 L= Width of the switch-
20 630 VD4/P 24.06.20 p275 board.
25 630 VD4/P 24.06.25 p275 I = Horizontal centre
16 1000 VD4/P 24.12.16 p275 distance between
20 1000 VD4/P 24.12.20 p275 poles.
25 1000 VD4/P 24.12.25 p275
24 16 1250 VD4/P 24.12.16 p275 u/l = Distance between
20 1250 VD4/P 24.12.20 p275 bottom and top
25 1250 VD4/P 24.12.25 p275 terminal.
16 1600 VD4/P 24.16.16 p275 Ø = Diameter of isolating
20 1600 VD4/P 24.16.20 p275 contact.
25 1600 VD4/P 24.16.25 p275
16 2000 VD4/P 24.20.16 p275 (*) The 2300 A rated
20 2000 VD4/P 24.20.20 p275 uninterrupted current is
25 2000 VD4/P 24.20.25 p275 guaranteed with natural
16 2300 VD4/P 24.25.16 p275 ventilation.
20 2300 VD4/P 24.25.20 p275 The 2500 A rated
25 2300 VD4/P 24.25.25 p275
16 2500 VD4/P 24.25.16 p275 uninterrupted current is
20 2500 VD4/P 24.25.20 p275 guaranteed with forced
25 2500 VD4/P 24.25.25 p275 ventilation.

Standard fittings of withdrawable circuit-breakers

for UniGear type ZS1 switchboards
The basic versions of the withdrawable circuit-breakers are three-pole
and fitted with:
– EL type manual operating mechanism
– mechanical signalling device for closing springs charged/discharged
– mechanical signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed
– closing pushbutton
– opening pushbutton
– operation counter
– set of ten circuit-breaker open/closed auxiliary contacts
– lever for manually charging the closing springs
– isolating contacts
– cord with connector (plug only) for auxiliary circuits, with striker pin which
does not allow the plug to be inserted into the socket if the rated current of
the circuit-breaker is different from the rated current of the panel
– racking-in/out lever (the quantity must be defined according to the number
of pieces of apparatus ordered)
– locking electromagnet in the truck. This prevents the circuit-breaker being
racked into the panel with the auxiliary circuits disconnected (plug not
inserted in the socket)
– auxiliary circuit support terminal board.


General characteristics
of withdrawable circuit-breakers
for Unisafe switchgears (12 - 17.5 - 24 kV)

Circuit-breaker VD4/P 12
Standards IEC 62271-100
CEI 17-1 (File 1375)
Rated voltage Ur [kV] 12
Rated insulation voltage Us [kV] 12
Withstand voltage at 50 Hz Ud (1 min) [kV] 28
Impulse withstand voltage Up [kV] 75
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50-60
Rated normal current (40 °C) (1) Ir [A] 630 1250 630 1250 1600 2000 2500
Rated breaking capacity Isc [kA] 16 16 16 16 – – –
(rated symmetrical short 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
circuit current) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5
Rated short-time Ik [kA] 16 16 16 16 – – –
withstand current (3 s) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5
Making capacity Ip [kA] 40 40 40 40 – – –
50 50 50 50 50 50 50
63 63 63 63 63 63 63
80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Operation sequence [O-0,3s-CO-3min-CO]
Opening time [ms] ~ 45
Arcing time [ms] 10-15
Total breaking time [ms] 55-60
Closing time [ms] ~ 80
Maximum overall dimensions I I H [mm] 632 632 632 632 690 690 690
L [mm] 503 503 503 503 653 653 853
H P [mm] 664 664 664 664 642 642 642
(1) Rated uninterrupted
currents guaranteed Poles center lines L P I [mm] 150 150 210 210 210 210 275
with withdrawable Dimension standardized table TN7412 TN7412 (2) (2) TN7415 TN7415 TN7417
circuit-breaker Operating temperature [°C] – 5 ... + 40
installed in UniSafe Tropicalization IEC: 60068-2-30
switchboard with 40°C
air temperature
Electromagnetic compatibility IEC: 60694, 61000-6-2
(2) Please ask us for the
overall dimensions. 61000-6-4


VD4/P 17 VD4/P 24

17.5 24
17.5 24
38 50
95 125
50-60 50-60
630 1250 630 1250 1600 2000 2500 630 1250 1600 2000
16 16 16 16 – – – 16 16 16 16
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 – – – –
16 16 16 16 – – – 16 16 16 16
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 – – – –
40 40 40 40 – – – 40 40 40 40
50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 – – – –

~ 45 ~ 45
10-15 10-15
55-60 55-60
~ 80 ~ 80
632 632 632 632 690 690 690 794 794 853 853
503 503 503 503 653 653 853 653 653 853 853
664 664 664 664 642 642 642 802 802 790 790
150 150 210 210 210 210 275 210 210 275 275
TN7412 TN7412 (2) (2) TN7415 TN7415 TN7417 TN7413 TN7413 TN7418 TN7418
– 5 ... + 40 – 5 ... + 40


Types of widrawable version circuit-breakers available for UniSafe switchboards

Complete the circuit-breaker selected with the optional accessories indicated on the following pages.

VD4/P withdrawable circuit-breaker for UniSafe switchboards

Ur Isc Rated normal current (40°C) [A]
kV kA L = 600 L = 750 L = 750 L = 1000 L = 800 L = 1000 Circuit-breaker type
I = 150 I = 210 I = 210 I = 275 I = 210 I = 275
u/l = 205 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310
ø = 35 ø = 35 (1) ø = 79 ø = 109 ø = 35 ø = 79
16 630 VD4/P 12.06.16 p150
20 630 VD4/P 12.06.20 p150
25 630 VD4/P 12.06.25 p150
31.5 630 VD4/P 12.06.32 p150
16 1250 VD4/P 12.12.16 p150
20 1250 VD4/P 12.12.20 p150
25 1250 VD4/P 12.12.25 p150
31.5 1250 VD4/P 12.12.32 p150
16 630 VD4/P 12.06.16 p210
20 630 VD4/P 12.06.20 p210
25 630 VD4/P 12.06.25 p210
31.5 630 VD4/P 12.06.32 p210
12 16 1250 VD4/P 12.12.16 p210
20 1250 VD4/P 12.12.20 p210
25 1250 VD4/P 12.12.25 p210
31.5 1250 VD4/P 12.12.32 p210
20 1600 VD4/P 12.16.20 p210
25 1600 VD4/P 12.16.25 p210
31.5 1600 VD4/P 12.16.32 p210
20 2000 VD4/P 12.20.20 p210
25 2000 VD4/P 12.20.25 p210
31.5 2000 VD4/P 12.20.32 p210
20 2500 VD4/P 12.25.20 p275
25 2500 VD4/P 12.25.25 p275
31.5 2500 VD4/P 12.25.32 p275
16 630 VD4/P 17.06.16 p150
20 630 VD4/P 17.06.20 p150
25 630 VD4/P 17.06.25 p150
31.5 630 VD4/P 17.06.32 p150
16 1250 VD4/P 17.12.16 p150
20 1250 VD4/P 17.12.20 p150
25 1250 VD4/P 17.12.25 p150
31.5 1250 VD4/P 17.12.32 p150
Notes 16 630 VD4/P 17.06.16 p210
20 630 VD4/P 17.06.20 p210
L= Width of the switch- 25 630 VD4/P 17.06.25 p210
board. 31.5 630 VD4/P 17.06.32 p210
I = Horizontal centre 17.5 16 1250 VD4/P 17.12.16 p210
distance between 20 1250 VD4/P 17.12.20 p210
25 1250 VD4/P 17.12.25 p210
poles. 31.5 1250 VD4/P 17.12.32 p210
u/l = Distance between 20 1600 VD4/P 17.16.20 p210
bottom and top 25 1600 VD4/P 17.16.25 p210
terminal. 31.5 1600 VD4/P 17.16.32 p210
Ø = Diameter of isolating 20 2000 VD4/P 17.20.20 p210
25 2000 VD4/P 17.20.25 p210
contact. 31.5 2000 VD4/P 17.20.32 p210
(1) Please contact us 20 2500 VD4/P 17.25.20 p275
for availability of this 25 2500 VD4/P 17.25.25 p275
version. 31.5 2500 VD4/P 17.25.32 p275


VD4/P withdrawable circuit-breaker for UniSafe switchboards

Ur Isc Rated normal current (40°C) [A]
kV kA L = 600 L = 750 L = 750 L = 1000 L = 800 L = 1000 Circuit-breaker type
I = 150 I = 210 I = 210 I = 275 I = 210 I = 275 L= Width of the switch-
u/l = 205 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 u/l = 310 board.
ø = 35 ø = 35 (1) ø = 79 ø = 109 ø = 35 ø = 79 I = Horizontal centre
16 630 VD4/P 24.06.16 p210 distance between
20 630 VD4/P 24.06.20 p210 poles.
25 630 VD4/P 24.06.25 p210
16 1250 VD4/P 24.12.16 p210
u/l = Distance between
20 1250 VD4/P 24.12.20 p210 bottom and top
25 1250 VD4/P 24.12.25 p210 terminal.
16 1600 VD4/P 24.16.16 p275 Ø = Diameter of isolating
20 1600 VD4/P 24.16.20 p275 contact.
25 1600 VD4/P 24.16.25 p275
16 2000 VD4/P 24.20.16 p275
(1) Please contact us for
20 2000 VD4/P 24.20.20 p275 availability of this
25 2000 VD4/P 24.20.25 p275 version.

Standard fittings of withdrawable

circuit-breakers for UniSafe switchboards
The basic versions of the withdrawable circuit-
breakers are always three-pole and fitted with:
– EL type manual operating mechanism
– mechanical signalling device for closing
springs charged/discharged
– mechanical signalling device for circuit-breaker
– closing pushbutton
– opening pushbutton
– operation counter
– set of ten circuit-breaker open/closed auxiliary
– lever for manually charging the closing springs
– isolating contacts
– cord with connector (plug only) for auxiliary
circuits, with striker pin which does not allow the
plug to be inserted into the socket if the rated
current of the circuit-breaker is different from the
rated current of the panel
– racking-in/out lever (the quantity must be
defined according to the number of pieces of
apparatus ordered)
– locking electromagnet in the truck. This prevents
the circuit-breaker being racked into the panel
with the auxiliary circuits disconnected
(plug not inserted in the socket).


Optional accessories
The accessories identified with the same number are alternative to each other.

1 Shunt opening release (-M01)

This allows remote opening control of the apparatus.
The release can operate both in direct and alternating current.
This release is suitable for instantaneous service. In this case, the minimum
current impulse time must be 100 ms.

Un: 124 V–
Un: 130 - 48 - 60 - 110 - 120 - 120 - 127 - 220 - 240 - 250 - 380 - 400 - 440 V– / V ~
Un: 480 V ~
Operating limits: 70 … 110 % Un
Power on inrush (Ps): DC 200 W; AC = 200 VA
Inrush duration: approx. 100 ms
Maintenance power (Pc): DC = 5 W; AC = 5 VA
Opening time: max 60 ms
Insulation voltage: 2500 V 50 Hz (per 1 min)

2A Additional shunt opening release (-M02)

Like the shunt opening release described above, this allows remote opening
control of the apparatus and can be supplied by a circuit completely separate
from the -MO1 release.
It keeps all the electrical and operating characteristics of the shunt opening

2B Opening solenoid (-MO3) (1)

The opening solenoid is a special release with demagnetisation.
Please contact us for availability of this accessory.

3 Shunt closing release (-MC)

This allows remote closing control of the apparatus.
The release can operate both in direct and alternating current.
This release is suitable both for instantaneous and permanent service.
In the case of instantaneous service, the minimum current impulse time must
be 100 ms. The permanently supplied release carries out the electrical anti-
pumping function.
It keeps all the electrical and operating characteristics of the shunt opening
The opening solenoid is a special release with demagnetisation.
Please contact us for availability of this accessory.


4 Undervoltage release (-MU)

The undervoltage release opens the circuit-breaker when there is notable
lowering or lack of its power supply. It can be used for remote release (by
means of normally closed type push-buttons), lock on closing or to control the
voltage in the auxiliary circuits.
The circuit-breaker can only close with the release supplied (the closure lock
is made mechanically).

The release can operate both in direct and alternating current.

The undervoltage release is available in the following versions:
4A Undervoltage release with power supply branched on the supply side.
4B Undervoltage release with electronic time delay device (0.5 - 1 - 1.5 - 2 -
3 s) (power supply branched on the supply side). This device is set at 0.5
s (for adjustment, please see the Electric Circuit Diagram chapter).

Un: 24 V – 120-127 V ~
Un: 30 V ~ 220-240 V ~
Un: 48 V ~ 240-250 V ~
Un: 60 V ~ 380-400 V ~
Un: 110-120 V ~ 440-480 V ~
Operating limits:
– circuit-breaker opening: 35-70% Un
– circuit-breaker closing: 85-110% Un
Power on inrush (Ps): DC 200 W; AC = 200 VA
Inrush duration approx.100 ms
Maintenance power (Pc): DC = 5 W; AC = 5 VA
Opening time: 30 ms
Insulation voltage: 2500 V 50 Hz (per 1 min)

Electronic time delay device

The electronic time delay device must be mounted externally in relation to the
circuit-breaker. It allows release trip with established and adjustable times.
The use of the undervoltage release is recommended in order to prevent trips
when the power supply network of the release may be subject to cuts or
voltage drops of short duration.
If it is not supplied, circuit-breaker closing is disabled.
The time delay device must be combined with an undervoltage release with
the same voltage as the delay device.

Characteristics of the time-delay device

Un: 24-30-48-60-110-115-220-250 V
Adjustable opening time (release + time delay device): 0.5-1-1.5-2-3 s


5 Undervoltage release mechanical override

This is a mechanical device which allows the undervoltage release trip to be
temporarily excluded.
It is always fitted with electrical signalling. Please contact us for availability of
this accessory.

6 Contact for signalling undervoltage energised/de-energised

The undervoltage releases can be fitted with a contact (normally closed or
open as desired) for signalling whether the undervoltage release is ener-
gised or de-energised, and for remote signalling of the release state.
The contact provides the following indication:
– contact open: release energised
– contact closed: release de-energised.

7 Circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts

Electrical signalling of circuit-breaker open/closed can be provided with a set
of 15 auxiliary contacts as an alternative to the 10 provided as standard (*).

Un: 24 ... 220 V AC-DC
Rated current Ith2 = 10 A
Insulation voltage: 2500 V 50 Hz (per 1 min)
Electric resistance: 3 mOhm
Rated current and breaking capacity in category AC11 e DC11:
(*) With the group of 10
Un Cos f T In Icu
auxiliary contacts and
the maximum of the 220 V ~ 0.7 -- 2.5 A 25 A
requested applications, 24 V – -- 15 ms 10 A 12 A
available contacts will 60 V – -- 15 ms 6A 8A
be four opening
110 V – -- 15 ms 4A 5A
contacts, signalling
circuit-breaker open 220 V – -- 15 ms 1A 2A
and three closing
contacts, signalling
circuit-breaker closed.
With the group of 15 8 Transient contact
auxiliary contacts and
the maximum of the Transient contact (-BB4) with momentary closing during circuit-breaker
requested applications, opening.
available contacts will Please contact us for availability of this accessory.
be five opening
contacts, signalling
circuit-breaker open
and six closing
contacts, signalling
circuit-breaker closed.


9 Position contact
Position contact (-BT3) of the withdrawable circuit-breaker open during
isolating stroke (installed on the truck, only available for withdrawable/P
circuit-breaker, when the locking magnet is provided (-RL1) on the operating
mechanism and the transmitted contacts are not provided). It prevents remote
closing during traverse into the unit.

10 Transmitted contacts
Transmitted contacts of the withdrawable circuit-breaker (installed on the
truck, only available for withdrawable circuit-breaker).
These contacts are either in addition to or as an alternative to the position
contacts (for signalling circuit-breaker racked out) located in the unit.

11 Motor operator (-MS)

This carries out automatic charging of the circuit-breaker operating mecha-
nism closing springs. After circuit-breaker closing, the geared motor immedi-
ately recharges the closing springs.
In the case of a power cut or during maintenance work, the closing springs
can be charged manually in any case (by means of the special crank handle
incorporated in the operating mechanism).

Un: 24-30-48-60-100-130-220-250 V
Operating limits: 85 … 110 % Un
Power on inrush (Ps): DC 500 W; AC = 500 VA
Rated power (Pn): DC = 200 W; AC = 200 VA
Inrush duration: 0,2 s
Charging time: 4-5 s
Insulating voltage:: 2500 V 50 Hz (per 1 min)

12 Contact for signalling closing springs charged/discharged

Mounted as standard when the motor operator is provided. This consists of a
microswitch which allows remote signalling of the state of the circuit-breaker
operating mechanism springs.
The contact provides the following indication:
– contact open: signalling of springs discharged
– contact closed: signalling of springs charged.


Protections and locks

Various mechanical and electromechanical locking and protection devices are available.

13 Opening and closing pushbutton protection

The protection allows the opening and closing pushbuttons to be operated
using a special tool.

14 Opening and closing pushbutton padlocks

The device allows the opening and closing pushbuttons to be locked using a
maximum of three padlocks (not supplied): ø 4 mm.

15 Key lock in open position

The lock is activated by a special circular lock.
Different keys (for a single circuit-breaker) are available, or the same keys
(for several circuit-breakers).

16 Locking magnet on the operating mechanism (-RL1)

This only allows activation of the operating mechanism when the locking
magnet is energized.
Un: 24 - 30 - 48 - 60 - 100 - 125 - 220 - 250 V–
Un: 48 - 110 - 120 (127) - 230 (220/240) V~ 50 Hz
Un: 110 (127) - 230 (220/240) V~ 60 Hz
Operating limits: 85 … 110 % Un
Power on inrush (Ps): DC 250 W; AC = 250 VA
Continuous power (Pc): DC = 5 W; AC = 5 VA
Inrush duration: 150 ms

17 Locking magnet on truck (-RL2)

Compulsory accessory for the withdrawable versions for UniSafe and
UniGear ZS1 type switchboards, to prevent circuit-breaker racking into the
switchboard with the auxiliary circuit plug disconnected. The plug realises the
anti-racking in lock for different rated current (by means of special pins).
For the electrical characteristics, see the locking magnet on the operating
mechanism (accessory 16).

18 Interlock for fixed circuit-breaker

Device for fixed circuit-breakers which are converted into withdrawable ones
by the customer.
Please contact us for availability of this accessory.

19 Mechanical interlock
This device prevents the switchboard door being opened with the circuit-
breaker racked-in. Only provided for circuit-breakers used in UniSafe switch-
boards, fitted with special striker on the switchboard.
Please contact us for availability of this accessory.


Resistance to vibrations 30

Tropicalization 30

Altitude 30

Anti-pumping device 31

Environmental protection programme 31

PR512 protection device 31

Spare parts 32


Resistance to vibrations Example

VD4 circuit-breakers are unaffected by mechani- • Installation altitude 2000 m
cally generated vibrations. • Operation at the rated voltage of 12 kV
For the versions approved by the naval registers, • Withstand voltage at industrial frequency 28 kV
please contact us. rms
• Impulse withstand voltage 75 kVp
• Factor Ka obtained from graph = 1.13.
Considering the above parameters, the apparatus
VD4 circuit-breakers are manufactured in compli- will have to withstand the following values (under
ance with the strictest regulations for use in hot- test and at zero altitude, i.e. at sea level):
humid-saline climates.
– withstand voltage at industrial frequency equal
All the most important metal components are
treated against corrosive factors according to
UNI 3564-65 Standards environmental class C.
28 x 1.13 = 31.6 kVrms
Galvanisation is carried out in accordance with
UNI ISO 2081 Standards, classification code
– impulse withstand voltage equal to:
Fe/Zn 12, with a thickness of 12x10-6 m, protected
by a conversion layer mainly consisting of
75 x 1.13 = 84.7 kVp.
chromates in compliance with the UNI ISO 5420
From the above, it can be deduced that for instal-
These construction characteristics mean that the
lations at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level,
whole VD4 series of circuit-breakers and its ac-
with 12 kV service voltage, apparatus must be
cessories comply with climate graph 8 of the IEC
provided with 17.5 kV rated voltage, character-
60721-2-1 and IEC 60068-2-2 (Test B: Dry Heat /
ised by insulation levels at industrial frequency of
IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Bd: Damp Heat, cyclic)
38 kVrms with 95 kVp impulse withstand voltage.

The insulating property of air decreases as the
altitude increases, therefore this must always
be taken into account for external insulation of
the apparatus (the internal insulation of the inter-
rupters do not undergo any variations as it is
guaranteed by vacuum).
The phenomenon must always be taken into con- Ka = e m (H – 1000)/8150
(IEC 60071-2)
sideration during the design stage of the insulat-
ing components of apparatus to be installed over
1000 m above sea level In this case a correction
coefficient must be considered, which can be
taken from the graph to the side, built up on the
basis of the indications in the IEC 60694 Stand-
The following example is a clear interpretation of
the indications given above.

Graph for determining the Ka correction factor

according to the altitude
H = altitude in metres;
m = value referred to industrial frequency and the
atmospheric impulse withstand voltages and those
between phase and phase.


Anti-pumping device
The EL operating mechanism on HD4 circuit-
breakers (in all versions) is fitted with a mechani-
cal anti-pumping device which prevents re-closing
due to either electrical or mechanical commands.
Should both the closing command and any one of
the opening commands be active at the same
time, there would be a continuous succession of
opening and closing operations.
The anti-pumping device avoids this situation, en-
suring that each closing operation is only followed
by a single opening operation and that there is no
closing operation after this. To obtain a further
closing operation, the closing command must be
released and then relaunched.
Furthermore, the anti-pumping device only allows
circuit-breaker closure if the following conditions
are present at the same time:
– operating mechanism springs fully charged
– opening pushbutton and/or opening release
(-MO1/-MO2) not enabled
– circuit-breaker open.

Environmental protection programme PR512 protection device

VD4 circuit-breakers are manufactured in accord- The self-supplied PR512 is available for
ance with the ISO 14000 Standards (Guidelines protection of the installations.
for environmental management). depending on the version, the PR512 carries out
The production processes are carried out in com- the following functions:
pliance with the Standards for environmental pro- • 50-51-50N-51N protection
tection in terms of reduction in energy consump- • current measurement with display of the maxi-
tion as well as in raw materials and production of mum value between phases
waste materials. All this is thanks to the medium • dialogue.
voltage apparatus manufacturing facility environ- For further information
mental management system. about the PR512,
Assessment of the environmental impact of the please consult
life cycle of the product, obtained by minimising technical catalogue
energy consumption and overall raw materials of 649092.
the product, became a concrete matter during the
design stage by means of targeted selection of
the materials, processes and packing.
This is to allow maximum recycling at the end of
the useful life cycle of the apparatus.


Spare parts
Replacement can only be carried out by
trained personnel and/or in our workshops:
– opening springs
– closing springs
– complete pole
– operating mechanism box
– bushings, terminals and insulating protections.

Replacement which can be carried out by the

– isolating contacts
– geared motor limit switch contact.

For availability and ordering of spare parts,
please contact our Service, specifying the circuit-
breaker serial number.


Fixed circuit-breakers 34

Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear type ZS1

and UniSafe switchgears 38


Fixed circuit-breakers

VD4 450

248 45
TN 7405

A 2X M 10
M 12
Ur 12 kV
Ir 630 A

1250 A F 115


Isc 16 kA 22

20 kA


25 kA
31,5 kA


VD4 236 28
TN 7405 49 28 (*) (*)
345 44
25 400
Ur 17,5 kV 45 250 114 12
150 150 409
Ir 630 A 120 424
1250 A
Isc 16 kA
20 kA
25 kA
31,5 kA

(*) Interchangeability of fixing points with



previous series (345 x 400).

VD4 570 95
F 32 F 45
TN 7406 2XM 10
A M 12
Ur 12 kV
Ir 630 A

F 115

1250 A

Isc 16 kA


20 kA

25 kA

31,5 kA


296 28
VD4 49 28
520 (*) (*)
345 44
TN 7406 25
45 250 12
Ur 17,5 kV 210 210 409
Ir 630 A 160

1250 A
Isc 16 kA
20 kA
25 kA
31,5 kA

(*) Interchangeability of fixing points with

previous series (345 x 520).


570 95 VD4
308 20 20
2xM10 TN 7407
F 32
Ur 12 kV
Ir 1600 A

2000 A

20 20
Isc 20 kA

25 kA

31,5 kA





TN 7407

Ur 17,5 kV
296 28
345 (*) 44 (*) A Ir 1600 A
49 28
25 45 250 2000 A
210 210 409 12
160 Isc 20 kA
25 kA
31,5 kA

(*) Interchangeability of fixing points with



previous series (345 x 520).

95 1600-2000A VD4
373 20 20
2x M 10 TN 7408
4x M 12 Ur 12 kV
F 32 Ir 1600 A

2000 A

20 20

2500 A

Isc 20 kA


25 kA

31,5 kA


361 28 345 (*) 44 (*) VD4


250 114
49 28
A TN 7408
25 650
424 12
Ur 17,5 kV
95 Ir 1600 A
275 275
2500A 2000 A
2500 A
Isc 20 kA
25 kA

31,5 kA

(*) Interchangeability of fixing

points with previous series


(345 x 650).


Fixed circuit-breakers

TN 7409
Ur 24 kV
Ir 630 A
1250 A
Isc 16 kA
20 kA
25 kA

(*) (*)

(*) Interchangeability of fixing points with

previous series (345 x 520).

TN 7410
Ur 24 kV
Ir 630 A
1250 A
Isc 16 kA
20 kA
25 kA

(*) (*)

(*) Interchangeability of fixing points with

previous series (345 x 650).


95 1600-2000A VD4
TN 7411
2xM10 4xM12
Ur 24 kV
20 20
Ir 1600 A
2000 A

Isc 16 kA

20 20

20 kA

25 kA



361 28 345 (*) 44 (*) TN 7411

49 28 45 250 114 12
25 650
Ur 24 kV
424 Ir 2500 A
95 A Isc 25 kA
275 275

(*) Interchangeability of fixing



points with previous series

(345 x 650).


Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear type ZS1 and UniSafe switchgears

VD4/P 492
234 42.5
630A 129 1250A
TN 7412 49
36 28
28 62.5 15
Ur 12 kV

Ir 630 A

F 79

F 98
1250 A

Isc 16 kA


F 35

F 35

20 kA

25 kA

31,5 kA 71 38


VD4/P 503 14 25 320

TN 7412 531
501 383
Ur 17,5 kV 490 438 53
Ir 630 A 150 150
1250 A
Isc 16 kA
20 kA
25 kA

31,5 kA

VD4/P 44 230

TN 7415
Ur 12 kV
F 122

49 28
Ir 1600 A 36 28
2000 A

Isc 20 kA

F 79


25 kA
31,5 kA

71 38



TN 7415 25 320

653 14

Ur 17,5 kV 650
Ir 1600 A 640 383
2000 A 210 210 303
Isc 20 kA
25 kA
31,5 kA


144 230 62.5 VD4/P (1)

TN 7416
Ur 12 kV

F 122
49 28
36 28 Ir 1600 A
36 2000 A

Isc 20 kA


25 kA

F 79
31,5 kA

71 38

VD4/P (1)

TN 7416
853 14 25 320 Ur 17,5 kV

Ir 1600 A
383 2000 A
303 53
Isc 20 kA
275 275
25 kA
31,5 kA

(1) For UniGear type


ZS1 only.


144 230
TN 7417
Ur 17,5 kV
F 152

36 28
Ir 2500 A
36 Isc 20 kA

25 kA


31,5 kA
F 109

71 38



25 320
850 359.5
836 370
275 275 383
303 53


Withdrawable circuit-breakers for UniGear type ZS1 and UniSafe switchgears

VD4/P 636
44 232
630A 119 23 20 1250A

F 90.5
F 79
TN 7413

F 98
Ur 24 kV

F 79
Ir 630 A 49 28
1250 A 36 28

Isc 16 kA

F 35
F 35

20 kA
25 kA
56 31


71 38


653 13.5 25 320

650 370
636 383
303 53
210 210



VD4/P (1) 842

630A 119 23 1250A
144 232 20
TN 7414
F 79

Ur 24 kV

F 98

Ir 630 A
F 79

49 28
1250 A 36 28

Isc 16 kA
F 35
F 35


20 kA

25 kA

71 38


853 14 25 320

303 53

275 275



(1) For UniGear type


ZS1 only.


842 VD4/P
1600A - 2000A 23 2500A

144 232
TN 7418

F 132
Ur 24 kV
36 28
49 30
Ir 1600 A
2000 A

2500 A (2)
F 79


Isc 16 kA

20 kA

25 kA

71 38



853 14 25 320
850 383
836 303 53

275 275 (2) For UniGear type

ZS1 only.
Rated normal
current of 2300 A is

guaranteed with

natural ventilation.
Rated normal
current of 2500 A is

guaranteed with
forced ventilation.


Application diagrams 44

Represented operational state 46

Caption 46

Diagram figures description 47

Incompatibility 47

Notes 48

Graphical symbols for electrical diagrams 48


The following diagram
(No. 401806) shows
the circuits of the with-
drawable circuit-break-
ers up to 24 kV type
VD4/P, delivered to the
customer by means of
connector “-XB”.
For fixed circuit-break-
ers is available the
specific diagram No.

In any case, to take into

account the evolution
of the product, it is al-
ways useful to refer to
the circuit diagram pro-
vided with each circuit-
401806 - 11.10.02



Represented operational state -MS = Motor for the closing springs charging
The diagram indicates the following conditions: (see note C)
– circuit-breaker off and connected -BB1..2-3 = Circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts
– circuits de-energized -BS1..2 = Limit switches of the spring-charging
– closing springs discharged. motor
-BD = Position contact of the enclosure door
Caption -BB4 = Passing auxiliary make contact
closing momentarily when c.breaker
= Reference number of diagram figure opens.
* = See note indicated by the letter -BT1 = Contacts signalling circuit-breaker in
A1 = Accessories of circuit-breaker operat- the connected position (see note E)
ing mechanism -BT2 = Contacts signalling circuit-breaker in
A2 = Circuit-breaker accessories (external the removed position (see note E)
to the operating mechanism) -BT3 = Circuit-breaker position contact. It is
A4 = Accessories of switchboard (indicative open during the travel of the breaker.
devices and connections for control -SC = Pushbutton or contact for the circuit-
and signalling) breaker closing
-BM = Device SOR Test unit for the supervi- -SO = Pushbutton or contact for the circuit-
sion of shunt opening release and breaker opening
shunt closing release coil continuity
-XB = Connector for the circuit-breaker
(see note D)


-XB 2..9 = Connectors of accessories Fig. 7 = First shunt opening release circuit with
-XB1 = Switchboard terminal board (mounted possibility of permanent supervision of
externally to the circuit-breaker coil continuity (see note D).
breaker) Fig. 8 = Locking magnet. If de-energized it
-RL1 = Locking magnet. If de-energized it prevents the c. breaker racking-in and
prevents the circuit-breaker closing racking-out mechanically (itis possible to
mechanically ( it is possible to limit it limit its consumption by connecting in
consumption by connecting in series a series a delaying pushbutton enabling
delaying pushbutton enabling the the operation).
operation) Fig. 9 = Second shunt opening release circuit
-RL2 = Locking magnet. If de-energized it with possibility of permanent supervision
prevents the circuit-breaker racking-in of coil continuity (see note D).
and racking-out mechanically (it is Fig. 10 = Opening solenoid for microprocessor
possible to limit its consumption by based release external to the c. breaker.
connecting in series a delaying Fig. 24 = Contact signalling undervoltage
pushbutton enabling the operation) Fig. 25 release energized (see note B). It is
-MC = Shunt closing release (see note D) possible to have open or close contact.
-MO1 = First shunt opening release (see note Fig. 30 = Passing auxiliary make contact closing
D) momentarily when circuit-breaker
-MO2 = Second shunt opening release (see opens.
note D) Fig. 31 = Circuit-breaker available auxiliary
-MO3 = Opening solenoid for release external Fig. 32 contacts when are given the contact –
to the circuit-breaker BT1, -BT2.
-MU = Undervoltage release (see note B) Fig. 33 = Circuit-breaker available auxiliary
Fig. 34 contacts when are not given the contact
–BT1, -BT2.
Diagram figures decription Fig. 51 = Contacts signalling circuit-breaker in the
Fig. 1 = Spring charging-motor circuit with connected and isolated positions
contact signalling closing spring located on the circuit-breaker.
charged (see note C).
Fig. 2 = Shunt closing release (antipumping is
achieved m echanically).
The combinations of circuits given in the figures
Fig. 3 = Locking magnet. If de-energized it
below are not possible on the same c. breaker:
prevents the circuit-breaker closing
mechanically (this fig. must be given
3-4 31-32-33-34 33-34-51
when are request –BT1, -BT2). (it is
possible to limit its consumption by 24-25
connecting in series a delaying
pushbutton enabling the operation)
Fig. 4 = Locking magnet.If de-energized it
prevents the circuit-breaker closing
mechanically (this fig. must be given
when are not request –BT1, -BT2 and is
given –BT1 ). (It is possible to limit its
consumption by connecting in series a
delaying pushbutton enabling the
Fig. 5 = Instantaneous undervoltage release
(see note B)


Notes C) Check the power supply available on the

A) The circuit-breaker is delivered complete with auxiliary circuit to verify if it is adequate to start
the accessories listed in the ABB order several closing spring-charging motors
acknowledgement only. To draw up the order simultaneously. To prevent excessive con-
examine the apparatus catalogue. sumption the closing springs must be charged
manually before energizing the auxiliary
B) The undervoltage release is available in the circuit.
version suitable for circuit-breaker supply side
feeding or for feeding from an independent D) The circuit for the supervision of shunt opening
source. Circuit-breaker may be closed only if and closing release coil continuity shall be
the undervoltage release is energized (lock on used for this function only. Is possible to use
closing is achieved mechanically). In case of the SOR Test Unit device for to check the coil
the same voltage supply for closing and continuity.
undervoltage releases and if it is required the E) Contacts signalling circuit-breaker in the
circuit-breaker automatic closing when the connected and isolated positions (-BT1 and –
auxiliary voltage supply restores, it is neces- BT2) given in fig. 51 are located on the circuit-
sary to delay the energization of the closing breaker (moving part) and are available at
release by 50 ms after the undervoltage request.
release acceptance. This can be achieved F) Fig. 3 is given when are requested –BT1 and –
through a circuit external to the breaker BT2 , fig. 4 when aren’t requested –BT1 and –
including a permanent closing contact, contact BT2 (in this case –BT3 is obligatory) .
given in fig. 24 and a time-delaying relay. G) When fig.10 is requested contact –BB3 31-32
given in fig. 32-34 is not available. When fig. 30
is requested contact –BB3 53-54 given in fig.
32-34 is not available.

Graphical symbols for electrical diagrams (IEC 60617 Standards)

Thermal effect Mass, frame Capacitor (general Passing make contact

symbol) closing momentarily
during release

Electromagnetic Conductors in Motor (general Closing position

effect shielded cable (two M symbol)) contact (limit
conductors shown) switch)

Delay Connections of Rectifier with two Opening position

conductors half-waves (bridge) contact (limit

Pushbutton Terminal or clamp Make contact Power circuit-

control breaker with
automatic opening

Operated by key Socket and plug Break contact Control coil

(female and male) (general symbol)

Earth (general Resistor (general Change-over Lamp (general

symbol) symbol) break before symbol)
make contact

1VCP000001 – Rev. –, en – Technical catalogue – 2002.12 (VD4 - 31kA)
The data and illustrations are not binding. We reserve the right to make
changes in the course of technical development of the product.

ABB Trasmissione & Distribuzione S.p.A. ABB Calor Emag Mittelspannung GmbH
Unità Operativa Sace T.M.S. Oberhausener Strasse 33 Petzower Strasse 8
Via Friuli, 4 D-40472 Ratingen D-14542 Glindow
I-24044 Dalmine Phone: +49(0)2102/12-1230, Fax: +49(0)2102/12-1916
Tel: +39 035 395111 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +39 035 395874 Internet:
E-mail: [email protected]

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