Nef Beg File Tests 02

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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

2 Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation,

and Practical English

1 Underline the correct word.

Example: It’s a small bag / bags.
1 They’re her book’s / books.
2 It’s John / John’s coat.
3 It’s an / a umbrella.
4 They’re Harry’s / Harrys pens.
5 They’re old / olds cars.
6 Tony is my father / father’s brother.
7 Where are my photoes / photos?
8 They’re expensive watch’s / watches.

2 Complete the sentences with my, your, his, her, its, our, or their.
Example: A What’s your name?
B My name? Oh, it’s Georgia.
1 I’m Fiona and ________ sister’s name is Claire.
2 We’re brothers. ________ names are Ben and Roger.
3 A What’s your brother’s name?
B My brother? ________ name is William.
4 They’re my children. ________ names are Josie and Holly.
5 Our hotel is fantastic. ________ name is The Ambassador.
6 He’s English but ________ wife is from Poland.
7 A What are ________ names?
B His name’s Dan and her name’s Mary.
Grammar total 15


3 Write the words.

Example: a mobile phone

1 a w________

2 g________

3 k________
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

2 Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation,

and Practical English

4 a c________

5 a b________

4 Look at the family tree and complete the description of Tom’s family with the
words in the box.

father mother son daughter brother

husband wife children sister

Frank = Mary

Simon Anna Tom

Example: Frank is Tom’s father.

1 Tom is Mary’s ________.
2 Frank is Mary’s ________.
3 Mary is Simon’s ________.
4 Anna is Frank’s ________.
5 Mary is Frank’s ________.
6 Simon, Anna, and Tom are Mary’s ________.
7 Anna is Simon’s ________.
8 Tom is Anna’s ________.

5 Complete the sentences with opposite adjectives.

Example: It isn’t big. It’s small.
1 It isn’t old. It’s ________.
2 She isn’t tall. She’s ________.
3 It isn’t expensive. It’s ________.
4 They aren’t black. They’re ________.
5 It isn’t fast. It’s ________.
6 It isn’t short. It’s ________.
7 They aren’t good. They’re ________.
Vocabulary total 20
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

2 Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation,

and Practical English

6 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: mother
1 daughter
2 husband
3 expensive
4 orange
5 children

7 Match the words with the same sound.

children keys father door laptops day

Example: bags keys

1 books ________
2 person ________
3 same ________
4 card ________
5 tall ________
Pronunciation total 10


8 Complete the dialogues with the phrases from the box.

I’m fine, thanks I’m thirty-two

It’s 795867 See you soon And you Sorry

Example: A How are you?

B I’m fine, thanks.
1 A Goodbye, Sue.
B Bye. ________.
2 A How old are you, Mark?
B ________.
3 A What’s your phone number?
B ________.
4 A How are you?
B OK, thanks. ________?
A Oh, I’m fine.
5 A My home number is 0207 98742.
B ________?
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

2 Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation,

and Practical English
A It’s 0207 98742.
Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and Practical English total 50
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

2 Reading and Writing


1 Read the text and match the names in the box to the descriptions.

My family
Hi! My name’s Ian Haig and I’m from Glasgow in Scotland. I’m not English – I’m
Scottish! I have a big family. My father’s name is Gordon and he’s 50. My mother is
45. Her name’s Anna and she’s very nice.

My mother’s Scottish but her mother and father are Italian. They’re from Milan. I
have three sisters. Their names are Rosie, Jenny, and Valeria. Valeria is an Italian
name. Rosie is 26. She’s tall and beautiful, and she’s married. Her husband’s name
is Tom and he’s very tall. Jenny and Valeria are 24, but Jenny is tall with short hair
and Valeria is short with long hair.

We have a big, new house and an old car. It’s slow and cheap, and very small! But
it’s OK! My mother and father are very short!

Me? Well, I’m 21, I’m not tall, and I’m slim with short hair. I have a girlfriend but I’m
not married. Her name is Lucy and she’s very beautiful. She’s tall with short, dark
hair. She’s English but she’s nice!

Ian Anna Lucy Tom Valeria Jenny

Gordon Rosie

Example: He’s short, twenty-one, and Scottish. Ian

1 She’s tall, beautiful, and English. ________
2 She’s short and Scottish, but her mother’s Italian. ________
3 She’s tall, twenty-six, and married. ________
4 He’s short, Scottish, and fifty. ________
5 She isn’t tall and she isn’t married. ________
6 He’s tall and he’s married. ________
7 She’s twenty-four and tall. ________

2 Read the text again and complete the answers to the questions.
Example: A What is Ian’s surname?
B It’s Haig.
1 Where is Ian from?
He’s from ________.
2 What is Ian’s father’s name?
It’s ________.
3 How old is Ian’s mother?
She’s ________.
4 Where is Anna’s mother from?
She’s from ________.
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

2 Reading and Writing

5 What are Jenny’s sisters’ names?
Their names are ________.
6 What is Rosie’s husband’s name?
His name is ________.
7 Is their car fast and expensive?
No, it’s ________.
8 Where is Ian’s girlfriend from?
She’s from ________.
Reading total 15


1 Answer the questions about a man in your family.

What’s his name and where is he from?
How old is he and is he married?
Is he tall or short, good-looking or not good-looking?

My brother’s / father’s / husband’s / son’s name is…


2 Now answer the questions about a woman in your family.

What’s her name and where is she from?
How old is she and is she married?
Is she tall or short, beautiful or not beautiful?

My sister’s / mother’s / wife’s / daughter’s name is…

Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

2 Listening and Speaking


1 Listen to Lisa Smith talking to hotel reception about a bag. Tick ( ) the
objects that are in her bag.


a mobile phone

an ID card


a big dictionary

a small dictionary

Lisa Smith’s credit card

Peter Morgan’s credit card

2 Listen to five conversations and answer the questions. Tick ( ) A, B, or C.

1 Who is Adam?
A Anna’s boyfriend B Anna’s brother C Anna’s friend
2 Who are in Andy’s photo?
A His wife, son and daughter B His son and two daughters
C His wife and two sons
3 What’s true about Felicity’s mobile phone?
A It’s small and cheap B It’s new and expensive
C It’s very good but old
4 Who is Emma?
A Graeme’s friend B Sally’s sister C Sally’s boyfriend
5 How old is Mark?
A Twenty-six B Twenty-seven C Twenty-eight
Listening total 10


Student A

1 Ask your partner these questions.

1 What’s your address?
2 What’s your postcode?
3 What’s your home phone number?
4 What’s your mobile number?
5 What’s your email address?
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

2 Listening and Speaking

2 Now answer your partner’s questions.

3 Your partner has information about Sally’s family. Ask your partner questions
and complete the family tree with the names in the box.

Patrick Nicola Ben Tom Sarah

1 _____ 2 _____

3 _____ 4 _____ Sally = 5 _____

Who / Nicola? Who / Ben? Who / Sally / sister?

Who / Sally / father? Who / Patrick?

4 Read the information about Paul’s family and answer your partner’s

Jerry = Kate

James Anna Paul = Jenny

Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

Student B

1 Answer your partner’s questions about you.

2 Now ask your partner these questions.

1 What’s your address?
2 What’s your postcode?
3 What’s your home phone number?
4 What’s your mobile number?
5 What’s your email address?

3 Read the information about Sally’s family and answer your partner’s

Tom = Nicola

Sarah Ben Sally = Patrick

4 Your partner has information about Paul’s family. Ask your partner questions
and complete the family tree with the names in the box.
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

2 Listening and Speaking

Kate James Jerry Jenny Anna

1 _____ 2 _____

3 _____ 4 _____ Paul = 5 _____

Who / Jerry? Who / Anna? Who / Paul / brother? Who / Paul / mother?
Who / Jenny?
Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

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