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The Sangha - The community of munks and nuns.

1. The Truth Of Suffering - According to Buddha, The Four Noble Truths The Three Jewels
humans are to blame because of desires and The Buddha - Studying and learning about his life.
The Dharma - Your duties.
2. The Origin Of Suffering - There are 3 roots to
suffering; Greed and Desire, Ignorance and Sickness
Delusion, and Hatred and Destructive Urges. The Four Sights
Death Aureoles - This is the circle of light that encircles the
3. The Stopping Of Suffering - Buddha believed that head of the Buddha. It means that the Buddha has
you would have to detach yourself from the Poverty developed amazing qualities of wisdom and
action that led you to the suffering. compassion.
Old Age
Image Of The Buddha Ushnisha - A skull protuberance that resembles a
4. The Path To The Stopping Of Suffering - This is
jewel or a flame. It symbolises the wisdom of the
where the Buddha came up with the set of
principles, called the Eightfold Path.
Rupa - This is a statue. Here the Buddha is seated
in meditation. He is very still and peaceful.
Right Effort - Working hard to understand truth and
say with what is right. Robe - It is a simple length of clothe wrapped
Buddhism around the body. The Buddha led a simple life and
Right Speech - Not lying, being rude or being had few possessions.
abusive and not gossiping or chattering.
Full Lotus Position - Legs are crossed with each
Right Understanding - Seeing things how they really 1. To abstain from harming living beings.
foot resting on the upper part of the opposite leg.
are, not how you think they are. The Five Precepts 2. To abstain from taking the not given. This gives great stability - the person cannot be
Right Thought - Kind thoughts, not cruel ones, pushed over and their whole body is well balanced.
giving things up and not being greedy. Eightfold Path 3. To abstain from sexual misconduct.
4. To abstain from false speech. Lotus Throne - The unstained beauty of the lotus
Right Action - Saving life, not destroying it, not flower symbolises the complete purity of the
stealing, being respectful in relationships. 5. To abstain from taking intoxicants that cloud the Buddha.
Right Livelihood - Earning a living without hurting Mudra - This is a hand position. There are different
others - people or animals. hand positions. Each comes from an event in the
Right Mindfulness - Being aware of actions, words life of the Buddha and symbolises a particular
and thoughts at all times. quality.
Right Contemplation - Learning to meditate without
losing concentration.

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