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Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics

Q.1) One cubic metre of alcohol of relative density 0.788 and bulk modulus 1.32 x 106 N/m2
is subjected to an increase of pressure of 45000 N/m2.Find the change in volume and value of
final density of fluid. [Ans.0.03409 m3, 815.8 kg/m3]

Q.2) Two capillary tubes of diameters 1.5 mm and 3 mm are dipped in an oil of surface tension
0.036 N/m and specific weight 9360 N/m3.Find the difference of oil levels in the two tubes.
Assume contact angle equal to 250. [Ans.4.7 mm]

Q.3)Ten liters of a liquid of specific gravity 1.3 is mixed with eight liters of a liquid of specific
gravity 0.8.If the bulk of liquid shrinks by one percent on mixing, calculate specific gravity,
the volume and weight of the mixture. [Ans. 1.089, 17.82 lit., 190.31N.]

Q.4) The velocity distribution of flow over a plate is parabolic of the form u=ay2+by+c with
vertex 30 cm from the plate, where the velocity is 180 cm/s. If the viscosity of the fluid is 0.9
Ns/m2 find the velocity gradients and shear stresses at distances of 0, 15 cm and 30 cm from
the plate. [Ans. 12 /s, 10.8 N/m2; 6 /s, 5.4 N/m2; 0 /s, 0/s.]

Q.5) Define the following terms,

a) Total pressure b) Centre of pressure c) Buoyancy

d) Center of buoyancy e) Metacenter f) Metacentric height




Fluid Kinematics

Q.1) The fluid flow field is given by

V=x2yi+y2zj-(2xyz+yz2) k prove that it is a case of possible steady incompressible fluid flow.

Calculate the velocity and acceleration at the point (2, 1, 3). [Ans. VR=21.58, ax=28, ay=-3,
az=123 units aR=126.18 units]

Q.2) For the following flows determine the components of rotation about the various axis.

i) u = xy3z, v= -y2z2, w= yz2 -(y3z2/2) ii) u=3xy, v=(3/2) x2 -(3/2)y2

Q.3) If  = 3xy find x and y components of velocity at (1, 3) and (3, 3) Determine the discharge
passing between stream lines passing through these points.

Q.4) Distinguish between uniform and non-uniform flow. Water flows through a pipe AB 1.2
m diameter at 3 m/s and then passes through a pipe BC 1.5 m diameter .At C the pipe branches.
Branch CD is 0.8 m in diameter and carries one third of flow in pipe AB.The flow velocity in
branch CE is 2.5 m/s.Find the volume flow rate in AB, the velocity in BC, the Velocity in CD
and diameter of CE.[Ans. Qab=3.39 m3/s, Vbc=1.92 m/s, Vcd=2.25 m/s, Dce=1.073 m.]

Q.5) The velocity components for a fluid flow are u = a+by-cz, v = d-bx-ez, w = f+cx-ey where
a, b, c, d, e and f are arbitrary constants.

i) Show that it is possible case of fluid flow.

ii) Is the fluid flow irrotational? If not find the vorticity and rotation.




Fluid Dynamics

Q.1) A pipe slopes downwards from 20 cm diameter at upstream section 1 (elevation 25 mt) to
30 cm diameter at downstream section 2 (elevation 20 mt.).A pressure gauge installed at section
1 reads 125 kPa.When the water flow rate is 0.25 m3/s.If the kinetic energy correction factors
for sections 1 and 2 are 1.1 and 1.3respectively, workout the reading of the pressure gauge at
section 2.The loss of head through the pipe may be assumed as 1.2(V1-V2)2/2g.Assume specific
weight of water as 10 kN/m2. [Ans. hL=1.2 m, P2=190.25kPa]

Q.2) A 450 reducing bend is connected in a pipeline the diameters at inlet and outlet of bend
being 60 cm and 30 cm respectively. Find the force exerted by water on the bend if the intensity
of pressure at inlet to bend is 8.829 N/cm2 and rate of flow of water is 600 lit.
/sec.[Ans.Fx=19911.4 N, Fy= -6322.2 N, FR=20890.9 N, θ=17.360]

Q.3) During the test run in a laboratory the water which has passed through 25 cm x10 cm
venturimeter flows over a right angled triangular notch whose discharge coefficient is 0.61
when a steady head of 18.5 cm is maintained over the notch, the difference of pressure head
between entrance and throat section of venturimeter is found to be 42.5 cm of water. Assuming
that measurements at the notch are correct determine the discharge coefficient for the
venturimeter. [Q=0.0212 m3/s Cd=0.92]

Q.4) water at the rate of 30 lit. /sec is flowing through 0.2 mt diameter pipe. A venturimeter of
throat diameter 0.1 mt. is fitted in the pipeline. A differential manometer in the pipeline has a
manometric liquid M and the manometer reading is 1.16 mt. What is the specific gravity of the
manometric liquid M? Assume Cd=0.96 and density of water 998 Kg/m3.[Ans.SM = 1.66]

Q.5) A large tank resting on the filled to a depth of 6 m. A sharp edged orifice of 10 mm
diameter is located 2.5 m above the floor level. For Cc = 0.6 Cv = 0.97. Determine the discharge
and the horizontal distance from the tank where the jet will strike the ground. Also determine
Cd. [Ans. Q = 3.85 x 10-4 m3/s, x=5.73 m, Cd=0.59]




Laminar Flow and Pipe Flow

Q.1) Two reservoirs are connected by three pipes laid in parallel their diameters are d, 2d, and
3d respectively and they are of the same length. Assuming coefficient of friction f to be same
for all pipes determine the discharge through the larger pipes when smallest pipe is discharging
one cubic meter per sec. [Ans. Q2=5.656 m3/s, Q3=15.588 m3/s]

Q.2) A pipe of varying section has areas 900 mm2, 2500 mm2 and 600 mm2 at points 1,2 and
3.The height of these points above the datum plane are 0.9 m, 0.6 m and 0.2 m respectively.
The pipe is connected at its upper end to a tank in which the free water surface is 2 m above
the datum plane. Ignoring losses find the discharge through the system, kinetic energy heads
and pressure heads at each of the above three points. Assume that the discharge at the outlet is
to be atmosphere. [Ans.3.57x10-3 m3/s,0.8 m,0.1036 m,1.8 m,0.3 m,1.296 m,0 m]

Q.3) A lubricating oil of viscosity 1 poise and specific gravity 0.9 is pumped through a 30 mm
diameter pipe. If the pressure drop per meter length of pipe is 20 kN/m2.Determine i)The mass
flow rate in kg/min ii) The shear stress at the pipe wall iii) The Reynolds number of flow
[Ans.214.65 kg/min.,150 N/m2,1518.7]

Q.4) In a pipe of diameter 350 mm and length 75 m water is flowing at a velocity of 2.8 m/s
find the head lost due to friction using i) Darcy’s formula ii) Chezy’s formula for which c=55
Take kinematic viscosity of water as 0.012 stokes the coefficient of friction is given by
f=0.0791/ (Re)1/4.[Ans. 0.9 m, 2.22 m]

Q.5) Determine the difference in elevations between the water surfaces in the two tanks which
are connected by a horizontal pipe of diameter 30 cm and length 400 m.The rate of flow of
water through the pipe 300 lit./sec consider all losses and assume the value of coefficient of
friction f=0.0008. [Ans. V = 4.24 m/s, H1-H2=40.53 m]



Boundary Layer Theory and Dimensional Analysis, Similitude
Q.1) Define Boundary layer thickness, Displacement thickness, Momentum thickness and
Energy thickness.

Q.2) The resisting force F of a supersonic plane during flight can be considered as dependent
upon the length of the air craft L, velocity V, air dynamic viscosity µ,air density ρ, and bulk
modulus of air K using dimensional analysis, show that F/(ρ L V2) =f [(µ/ρ V L),(K/ρ V2)].
Q.3) With help of sketches discuss the methods used for controlling the separation of boundary

Q.4) The velocity distribution in the boundary layer over a high spillway face was found to
have the following term

u/ v = (y/ɗ)0.22 prove that ɗ*/ɗ = 0.18, θ/ɗ = 0.125 and ɗ **/ɗ =0.217

Where, ɗ*=displacement thickness, θ=momentum thickness, ɗ **=energy thickness

Q.5) Define any four non dimensional numbers and explain their significance in the study of
fluid mechanics.




Forces on Immersed Bodies and Compressible Flow

Q.1) A 120 mm diameter pipe reduces to 60 mm diameter through a sudden contraction. When
it carries air at 250C under isothermal condition, the absolute pressure observed in the two pipes
just before and after the contraction are 480 kN/m2 and 384 kN/m2 respectively. Determine

i) Densities at two sections ii) Velocities at two sections and iii) Mass flow rate through the
pipe. Take R=287 J/kgK. [Ans. 5.61 kg/m3,4.488 kg/m3,39.87 m/s,199.35 m/s,2.53 kg/s]

Q.2) An areoplane flies at an altitude where the pressure and density of air are 40 kN/m 2(abs)
and 0.6 kg/m3.If the stagnation pressure measuring by pitot tube is 60kN/m2 (abs).Calculate
the speed of the aeroplane and stagnation temperature and density take R=287 J/kg k ,=1.4.

[Ans. 239.36 m/s, 260.82 K, 0.8 kg/m3]

Q.3) A sphere of 4 cm diameter made of aluminium of specific gravity 2.8 is attached to a

spring and suspended from the roof of a wind tunnel test section. If an air stream of 30 m/s
flows past the sphere, find the inclination of the string and tension in the string. Assume ρa=1.2
kg/m3, CD=0.5. [Ans. FD=0.339 N, θ=20.220, T=0.98 N]

Q.4) An aeroplane is flying at 1000 km/h through still air having a pressure of 78.5 kN/m2(abs)
and temperature -80 C. Calculate on the stagnation point on the nose of the plane,

i) Stagnation pressure ii) Stagnation temperature iii) Stagnation density Assume for air R = 287
J/kg k & =1.4 [Ans. 126.1 kN/m2, 303.4 K, 1.448 kg/m3]

Q.5) A mixer consists of two circular discs are spaced 1.2 m apart on the two ends of a
horizontal rod whose centre has a vertical shaft attached to it.The mixer is used to rotate in a
solution having a density ρ=930 kg/m3 and kinematic viscosity 0.8 stoke. Neglecting the
resistance of the rod and shaft find the power required by the shaft revolving at 50 r.p.m. Take
CD=1.15. [Ans. FD=59.63 N, T=71.56, P=374.7 watts]


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