Annexure 1 - Lower Subansiri Environmental Clearance, July 16, 2003

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Government of India
Ministry of Environment & Forests

Paryavaran Bhawan,
C.G.O. Complex, Lodi Road,
New Delhi-110003

Dated: 16.07.2003.


The Chief (Environment),

National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd.,
NHPC Office Complex,
FARIDABAD – 121003

Subject: Lower Subansiri Hydro Electric Project (2000 MW) in Districts

Lower Subansiri (Arunachal Pradesh) & Dhemaji Assam – Environmental
clearance reg.


This has reference to your letter No.NH/PD/Env83/864 dated 29.06.2001,

08.10.2001, 22.05.2002, 24.05.2002, 21.11.2002, 16.12.2002 & 31.12.2002, on the
above subject.

2 2 The above-referred proposal was considered by the Expert

Committee for River Valley & Hydroelectric projects at its meeting held on
28.08.2002 & 29.11.2002. The Lower Subansiri Hydroelectric project (2000 MW) on
the river Subansiri and is located in Lower Subansiri District, Arunachal Pradesh ,
Dhemaji District Assam. Total land requirement is 4111 ha. and out of this, 4039.9
ha. is forest land. Forest clearance has been issued on 10.06.2003. In all 325
persons will be partially affected due to this project. The capital cost of the project is
Rs. 7402.69 crores.
3. 3. The Environmental Management Plan submitted by NHPC has been
examined. The Ministry of Environment and Forests hereby accords environmental
clearance as per the provisions of Impact Assessment Notification, 1994, subject to
strict compliance of the terms and conditions as follows:

Part A: Specific Conditions

(i) (i) 36 families of the 2 villages of Gengi & Siberite, comprising 325
numbers will be partially affected. The affected families should be
rehabilitated as per R & R plan proposed in EMP report. A Monitoring
Committee shall be set up for monitoring implementation of R & R plan. The
committee should include a women representative from the project-affected

(ii) (ii) The catchment area identified for treatment of 1,663 ha. should be
treated in three years. Year wise break up of physical targets of CAT plan as
follows –
Year Afforerstation Pasture Check Dam Total
(ha) Development
1st Year 763 - 15 763
2nd 484 325 - 809
3rd Year - 91 - 91
Total 1247 416 15 1,663

(iii) (iii) The minimum flow of water should be 6 cusecs during the lean season
in the pools immediately downstream of the dam.

(iv) (iv) Baseline data of coliform count shall be collected and monitored
periodically as a part of the water quality analysis.

(v) (v) Identification of the orchids at species level shall be carried out before
the submergence of the area. Appropriate action shall be taken to ensure that
rare orchid flora along with host trees are not threatened.
(vi) (vi) A hatchery should be created in the vicinity of the proposed Subansiri
reservoir. The hatchery should have all the required aquaculture facilities for
development of artificial seed production of migratory fishes for stocking in the
reservoir and river stretch..

(vii) (vii) The local aquatic fauna of the river, particularly the fishes, snails,
prawns and crabs should be documented and identified scientifically. Possible
impact of reservoir creation on the availability or otherwise, of these aquatic
fauna should also be assessed to enable long term conservation of these
fauna, as well as ensure their availability to the local population.

(viii) (viii) A comprehensive one year study on bio diversity and habitat
conservation with reference to the submerged area should be undertaken.
Efforts should also be made to identify the migratory routes of wild life in the
vicinity. The project authority should submit the report within one year to this
Ministry for approval.

(ix) (ix) Efforts must be made to employ maximum number of local people in
not only unskilled category but also in semi skilled and skilled categories by
making provisions for imparting skills through training to selected locals.
Detailed plans regarding the above should be submitted within three months.

(x) (x) Once the construction of dam is completed the down stream water
flow will be reduced. Specifically from head race to tail race tunnel flow of the
river will slow down substantially, which may give rise to breeding of
mosquitoes. To check mosquito breeding in this portion a minimum rate of
flow of water at 60 cm/sec should be maintained. This part of the river should
be properly channelised so that no pools and poodles are allowed to be
formed. Specific measures to alleviate the problems of malaria / mosquito
breeding will have to be made a part of this project.

Part-B: General Conditions

(i) (i) Adequate free fuel arrangement should be made for the labour force
engaged in the construction work at project cost so that indiscriminate felling
of trees is prevented.
(ii) (ii) Fuel depot may be opened at the site to provide the fuel
(kerosene/wood/LPG). Medical facilities as well as recreational facilities
should also be provided to the labourers.

(iii) (iii) All the labourers to be engaged for construction works should be
thoroughly examined by health personnel and adequately treated before
issuing them work permit.

(iv) (iv) Restoration of construction area including dumping site of excavated

materials should be ensured by leveling, filling up of burrow pits, landscaping
etc. The area should be properly treated with suitable plantation.

(v) (v) Financial provision should be made in the total budget of the project
for implementation of the above suggested safeguard measures.

(vi) (vi) A Multidisciplinary committee should be constituted with

representatives from various disciplines of forestry, ecology, wildlife, soil
conservation, NGO etc. to oversee the effective implementation of the
suggested safeguard measures.

(vii) (vii) Six monthly monitoring reports should be submitted to the Ministry and
its Regional Office, Shillong for review.

4. Officials from Regional Office MOEF, Shillong who would be monitoring the
implementation of environmental safeguards should be given full cooperation,
facilities and documents / data by the project proponents during their

5. The responsibility of implementation of environmental safeguards rests fully

with the NHPC & Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
6. In case of change in the scope of the project, project would require a fresh

7. 7. The Ministry reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures

subsequently, if found necessary and to take action including revoking of the
clearance under the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, to
ensure effective implementation of the suggested safeguard measures in a
time- bound and satisfactory manner.

8. This clearance letter is valid for a period of five years from the date of issue of
this letter for commencement of construction work.

9. 9. A copy of the clearance letter will be marked to concerned Panchayat

/ local NGO, if any, from whom any suggestion/ representation has been
received while processing the proposal.

10 State Pollution Control Board / Committee should display a copy of the

clearance letter at the Regional Office, District Industries Center and
Collector’s office/ Tehsildar’s office for 30 days.

11. The project proponent should advertise at least in two local newspapers widely
circulated in the region around the project, one of which shall be in the
vernacular language of the locality concerned informing that the project has
been accorded environmental clearance and copies of clearance letters are
available with the State Pollution Control Board / Committee and may also be
seen at Website of the Ministry of Environment and Forests at http://

(S. Shiva

Director (IA)

Copy to:

1. 1. The Secretary, Ministry of Power, Shram Shakti, Bhawan, Rafi Marg,

New Delhi-110001.
2. 2. The Secretary, Power Development Department, Government of
Arunachal Pradesh / Assam.
3. 3. The Secretary, Department of Environment, Government of Arunachal
Pradesh / Assam.
4. 4. The Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, Shram Shakti Bhawan,
Rafi Marg, NewDelhi-110001.
5. 5. The Adviser (Power), Planning Commission, Yojna Bhawan, New
Delhi - 110001.
6. 6. The Chief Engineer, Project Appraisal Directorate, Central Electricity
Authority, Sewa
Bhawan, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066.
7. 7. The Regional Office, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Shillong.
8. 8. Member Secretary, Arunachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board,
Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.
9. 9. Member Secretary, Assam State Pollution Control Board, Guwahati,
10. 10. EI- Division, Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi-110003.
11. 11. Guard file.

( S. Shiva
Director (IA)

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