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Chapter 7 Problems

1. The distribution of the speeds of vehicles traveling on International Drive follows a uniform distribution
between 30 and 45 miles per hour.

a. What is the mean speed on International Drive?

a  b 30  45
   37.5
2 2

b. What is the standard deviation of the speeds?

(b  a ) 2 ( 45  30) 2
    4.33
12 12

c. The speed limit on International Drive is 35 miles per hour. What is the likelihood of selecting a
car traveling on International Drive and finding it within the limits?

P ( x  35)  * (35  30)  .33
(45  30)

2. The mean life of certain type of refrigerator is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 7.2 years
and a standard deviation of 1.9 years.

a. What fraction of the refrigerators last more than 10 years?

10.0  7.2
z  1.47
P ( z  1.47)  .5000  .4292  .0708

b. What fraction of the refrigerators last between 6 and 10 years?

6 .0  7 .2
z  0.63
P (0.63  z  1.47)  .2357  .4292  .6649

c. What fraction of the refrigerators last more than 8 years but less than 10 years?

8.0  7.2
z  0.42
P (0.42  z  1.47)  .4292  .1628  .2664

d. Suppose the manufacturer wants to establish a warranty so that only about 15 percent of the
refrigerators will need to be repaired under the warranty. What is the cutoff point between those that
will receive repairs under the warranty and those that will not?

X  7 .2
 1.04 
1 .9
X  7.2  1.04(1.9)  5.224

3. Assume that 80 percent of the adult population in the United States has tasted either Coke or Pepsi. For a
sample of 250 adults,

a. How many would you expect to have tasted either Coke or Pepsi? What is the standard deviation?

  250(.80)  200
  250(.80)(.20)  6.3246

b. What is the likelihood that more than 210 have tasted either Coke or Pepsi?

210.5  200
P( z  1.66)  .5000  .4515  .0485

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