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A world where women and men have the same opportunities, the same respect, the responsibilities and the
same rights can be achieved. With our determination and everyone’s cooperation we can achieve that kind
of world. We humans still don’t have the same level of respect amongst each other especially the respect,
rights and responsibilities for women.

We can change this by empowering women and applying the ways of feminism. What is feminism?
Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal:
to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes.

Don’t you know that Queen Elizabeth I took over the throne herself without a man and reigned England for
44 year? This happened over a century ago. More than one hundred years ago. Before any wave of
feminism occur. Nowadays one of the most iconic figures of women empowerment is Malala Yousafzai is an
inspirational young woman known for her human rights advocacy especially in the education of women and
children in Northwest of Pakistan. She won awards such as the Noble Prize 2014 making her the youngest-
ever Noble laureate and United Nations messenger of peace, and was put into Times Magazine’s list of ‘25
Most Influential Teens of 2014.’

Thanks to these strong and brilliant women we are able to have opportunities such as striving on our own
and achieving our own dreams and to do anything that we can, could and commit to. As Malala said “We
were scared but our fear was not as strong as our courage.” With our courage and confidence we can start
being independent and to strive on our own and do our best in the thing we love and want to do.

We must remember and be grateful since our generation today is one of the most fortunate generations of
women with progressing waves of feminism and equality. Women back then weren’t able to vote and have
jobs or have the right to do anything they wanted to do. In some cases, countries especially those with
strong religious background and lack of progression do not allow women to drive, go outside the house, go
to school and some countries even considers women as properties to be owned by men. These absolutely
absurd boundaries caged women of their potential. But that is in the past! And now a bright future is ahead of

A question that is commonly asked by women is “Can we actually do this?” The simple answer is “We can!”
Now women now are able to do what men are able to do. Any and every women have the right and the
potential to do what we want and to be what we want to be. We can all start small by embracing feminism
and empowering ourselves. We need to have a clear image that any and every women, men and child have
the power to be confident and great. So now the question goes to you ladies as the people of this bright
future we want to achieve, “What will you do?”

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