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of Printed Pages : 5 IMC0-003

Term-End Examination
December, 2017
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Explain the significance of research in various 20

functional areas of business.

2. (a) What are the sources of research

problems ? 10, 4, 6
(b) What are the points to be considered while
selecting a research problem ? Explain the
proceis of problem formulation.

3. (a) What are the various sources of secondary

data ? Discuss the precautions to be taken
while using secondary data. 10, 10
(b) Explain the various Scaling Techniques of
Attitude Measurement. Give examples.

4. Discuss the different stages in preparation of

research report. What are the characteristics of a
good report ? 10, 10

MCO-003 1 P.T.O.
5. (a) What do you mean by statistical fallacy ?
What dangers and fallacies are associated
with the use of statistics ? 10, 10
(b) Discuss the difficulties faced by a researcher
in business research.
6. The following data relate to the profit earned by
a company from 2008 to 2013 : 12, 4, 4
Year : 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
10 12 15 16 18 19
(Z in '000) :
(a) Find a straight line trend by the method of
least squares to the data and tabulate trend
values and comment.
(b) Estimate the profit for the year 2016.
(c) What is the monthly increase on the earning
of profit ?
7. (a) Examine the usefulness of index numbers
for analysing the data. Discuss various issues
that arise in the construction of an index
number. 10, 10
(b) In a sample of 800 parts manufactured by a
company, number of defective parts was
found to be 60. The company, however,
claims that only 7% of the product is
defective. Apply Z-test to verify whether the
manufacture's claim is tenable.
(a = 0.05; w : Z o 1.645 right-tailed test)
8. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(a) Primary data 5, 5, 5, 5
(b) Addition Rule for Mutually Exclusive Events
(c) Chi-Square test for goodness of fit
(d) Survey method of research
(e) Research design
(f) Rank order scale

MCO-003 2
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WIA.34.-003 : arlftuR feuzif Tat

ciq qui
37-1 74. 34-: 100
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*F: ' sort). apt

j 141. VFW ft§/7/ Tril# Siqq). 37.W TPT/V

3-17#1F * 4Zr:4 20
1. aicikiv4* fqfw
ceitisql '41-4R I

2. (a) 3tTT9 Tim:EFTA *Ita eft ?

(b) 1 31741F VgRzET 'WT titi-f VW! tzfri

. Ti eft ? 1:11:1FIT mt -epit -51F-OTT

10, 4, 6

(a) fgthzrW TP:fei few tm1cii Vf7R

'dm fgaTzt . Trgtef -3EATT -44 atn1 .114 ar-el
10, 10
17-4tiftzti w fa -497 F-A-R
(b) VIZO131 1-114 31j14TEF (scaling)

ARATETI c>tiliseir dqizoRlio

1-4f* 31-4T-gt34
4. 39-F ftcfrt a 10, 10
, ftdrt Failac4" 4Ert ?

MCO-003 3
s. (a) *NEM'4 VITTWT (fallacy) 3-7M1 4zEIT aTFRI
-era mu
tt ? vtfvEr*1 ztrzftrf 10, 10
1,17r-40. wit ? .0i--AR
Ai) •a-ml fafir

6. T11#' •R-W *Eft Ttl 2008 2013

12, 4, 4
31f TTil tfTE-4t-W :
Ag 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

'OM 12 15 16 18 19
(Z 000 .14) :

is -44 tred TirTaT 14 TITO

Trrpirlzm "Wri7R
vra W-AR, -ff2TT -54-1r7
TrqfqfWit W-A7

(b) "axi 2016 *W-T 39 14M 711571

(c) 711i0i 14 -grivw 114 qtrt t ?

fdeeTrif Tfft0 z-crOrdi

7. (a) ai m
- 7:fft4 19 .titiu -z-ew
10, 10
(b) "crW *qt. "gR1 fifgtff 800 t{:Til (parts)
9TO A' 6o -F-11-cLui-tri-R-TR tq91
ti-Tult i
w ra-rtfwz .Kg*7% -r-Ovet
Wr4R -4;Err
crPi t ?

(a = 0.05; w : Zo ?..- 1.645 right-tailed test)

MC0-003 4
8. gc-i t 611 an- TR TtrutTr duifiggifffti -R :
(a) 3rinfrrw ai41 5, 5, 5, 5

(b) aFP:r
LfRiAiRet) (events) "CfrMiff
1144 (Addition Rule)
(c) ?ERZ aTW‘ reN TRIkroT
(Chi-Square Test)
(d) aTTItIF 1:041ur fafiT
(e) 31itfl9
(f) 37TI7 aTTrcr

MCO-003 5

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