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Final Year Project's is One place for all Engineering Projects, Presentation, seminar,
summer training report and lot more.
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Asst.Personnel Officer


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Final Year Project's is One place for all Engineering Projects, Presentation, seminar,
summer training report and lot more.
NOTE:-This work is copyright to its Authors. This is only for Educational Purpose.
(Affiliated by uttrakhand technical University, Deharadun)


I would like to thank first of god to complete my project without any interventions.

Next to PARLE BISCUIT INDUSTRIES, RUDRAPUR for giving me this opportunity

to do my summer training project there. The employee and the staff had very supportive

and have helped me in every possible way to finish the project . I would like to special

thanks Mr.Saurabh Rathi who is asst. personnel officer in PARLE (RUDRAPUR) for

guiding me and spending time with me on this project. I thank them for sharing all kinds

of human resource information related to recruitment and selection with me and

providing me with support material from library. This project has helped me clearing

human resource fundamental and has taught me some very important concept about

recruitment and selection process in industries, which no book could have given me

Training at PARLE was very good, learning experience for my professional career and it

will always help me in the future.

I would also like to thank my parents, brothers, daughter, friends, and well

wisher who contributed and encourage me in development of this project. |
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Final Year Project's is One place for all Engineering Projects, Presentation, seminar,
summer training report and lot more.
NOTE:-This work is copyright to its Authors. This is only for Educational Purpose.
(Neeraj Kumar Singh)


With the help of this project I have come to know that mere knowledge is

not enough to understand the human behavior and the how the company recruit and

search talent to perform the job in their organization. The summer training project has

helped me to understand a few very important concepts that in today’s world are required

and make business do well.

Education imparts enlightenment but training polishes the personalities

of an individual. The Institute directed me to undertake summer training project in

PARLE, RUDRAPUR and prepare a report.

The whole project is divided in five segments:

o First segment consists of introduction, Objective of studies, Research

Methodology, scope of study.

o Second segment consists of industrial profile, Comapany profile.

o Third segment consists about recruitment and selection,

o Fourth segment consists about Data analysis and interpretation and finding. |
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summer training report and lot more.
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o Fifth segment consists of Recommendation and suggestion.


This project has been under taken in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

award of the degree of Master in Business Administration of Uttrakhand Technical

University Dehradun.

This project was executed during the second semester under the supervision of…

Further, I declare that this project is my original work and analysis and finding are for

academic purpose only. This project has not been Presented in my seminar or submitted

elsewhere for the award of any degree or diploma. |
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Final Year Project's is One place for all Engineering Projects, Presentation, seminar,
summer training report and lot more.
NOTE:-This work is copyright to its Authors. This is only for Educational Purpose.

PLACE: AIMCA (Haldwani) ( Neeraj Kumar Singh)



1. Introduction

2. Objective

3. Methodology

4. Limitation of study

5. Scope of study


1. Industrial Profile

2. company profile


1. Recruitment and Selection

2. Process of recruitment and selection |
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3. Factor affecting the process


1. Data analysis

2. SWOT Analysis


1. Suggestions and Recommendation

Bibliography |
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As we know that in today’s competitive world it’s very tough for every organization to

compete to others. In any organization human capital is most important factor to compete

to this situation. Human resource affects every part in an organization. So today every

org. very attention to search the talent pool for their org. Recruitment & selection is so an

important exercise to a personnel manager.Every year a number of companies becomes

bankrupt due to their poor performance. Presently number technique available to judge

the current position of the business. |
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Final Year Project's is One place for all Engineering Projects, Presentation, seminar,
summer training report and lot more.
NOTE:-This work is copyright to its Authors. This is only for Educational Purpose.
Summer training is an activity where the person is trained for a person is

trained for a present job. It improved the performance of a person towards the society and

also towards the Organization.

I have taken this project to enhance or to gain knowledge in the field of

human resource management in an organization. I had completed my training from



The project “Recruitment and Selection process in PARLE” to fulfill the following


 To understand about the recruitment &selection process of the company.

 To search the company performance and their talent pool

requisition |
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summer training report and lot more.
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 To indicate the true efficiency.

 To understand the employees thinking towards the presrnt recruitment policies of

the company.


I did my summer training in PARLE, RUDRUPUR under Mr. Saurabh Rathi, Asst.

Personnel Officer. My period of study is 8 weeks i.e., from 20-06-08 to 20-08 08. Mr.

Saurabh Rathi sir provide my all the information related to my summer training project.

During my summer training, I learnt a lot of new thing about the company and its

recruitment and selection policies, induction program etc. |
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Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem and

consider the logic behind the method and tools used. Which we applied for research. This

project is based on direct interview and secondary data.

For the research I collected data from both primary and secondary data collection

method. For primary data collection I made a questioner and data collected from the

employees. For secondary data collection I took the help of Parle library and various

magazine and books. |
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summer training report and lot more.
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1-This project is based on the method of recruitment and selection policies and due

to constraint of time is not possible to work on all tools and techniques of recruitment


2- The data collection is also limited.

3- This project report is based on my own perception and finding so it cannot used

for generalizing purpose.

4-Data are extracted from various employees and secondary sources so any error in

the statement will subsequent effect the company R&S process. |
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1-It provides useful information for the research and also introduces the researcher to the

particle problem faced in a company.

2- This project work is very important to the management student to gain experience.

3- This project work also provides useful information about the company.

4- This project is based on human resource management, so its benefit for human

resource student. |
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Final Year Project's is One place for all Engineering Projects, Presentation, seminar,
summer training report and lot more.
NOTE:-This work is copyright to its Authors. This is only for Educational Purpose. |
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Final Year Project's is One place for all Engineering Projects, Presentation, seminar,
summer training report and lot more.
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India Biscuits Industry is the largest among all the food industries and has a turn over of

around Rs.3000 crores. India is known to be the second largest manufacturer of biscuits, |
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the first being USA. It is classified under two sectors: organized and unorganized. Bread

and biscuits are the major part of the bakery industry and covers around 80 percent of the

total bakery products in India. Biscuits stand at a higher value and production level than

bread. This belongs to the unorganized sector of the bakery Industry and covers over 70%

of the total production.

India Biscuits Industry came into limelight and started gaining a sound status in the

bakery industry in the later part of 20th century when the urbanized society called for

ready made food products at a tenable cost. Biscuits were assumed as sick-man's diet in

earlier days. Now, it has become one of the most loved fast food products for every age

group. Biscuits are easy to carry, tasty to eat, cholesterol free and reasonable at cost.

States that have the larger intake of biscuits are Maharashtra, West Bengal, Andhra

Pradesh, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh. Maharashtra and West Bengal, the most

industrially developed states, hold the maximum amount of consumption of biscuits.

Even, the rural sector consumes around 55 percent of the biscuits in the bakery products.

The total production of bakery products have risen from 5.19 lakh tones in 1975 to 18.95

lakh tones in 1990. Biscuits contributes to over 33 percent of the total production of

bakery and above 79 percent of the biscuits are manufactured by the small scale sector of

bakery industry comprising both factory and non-factory units.

The production capacity of wafer biscuits is 60 MT and the cost is Rs.56,78,400 with a

motive power of 25 K.W. Indian biscuit industry has occupied around 55-60 percent of |
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the entire bakery production. Few years back, large scale bakery manufacturers like

Cadbury nestle, and broke bond tried to trade in the biscuit industry but couldn't hit the

market because of the local companies that produced only biscuits.

The Federation of Biscuit Manufacturers of India (FBMI) has confirmed a bright future

of India Biscuits Industry. According to FBMI, a steady growth of 15 percent per annum

in the next 10 years will be achieved by the biscuit industry of India. Besides, the export

of biscuits will also surpass the target and hit the global market successfully. GROWTH

in the over 40-year-old Indian biscuit industry has remained slow. Back-of-the-envelope

calculations will show that per capita consumption is less than Rs 3 per month on biscuits

or less than Rs 15 per household per month. According to the Federation of Biscuit

Manufactures of India (FBMI), the biscuit industry in India in the organized sector

produces around 60% of the total production, the balance 40% is contributed by the

unorganized bakeries.

The production by organized players is estimated to be 1561, 000 tones, for the year

2005, which means if we include the unorganized sector the total tonnage should be at

least 2,600,000. The industry consists of 3 large-scale manufacturers, around 50 medium

scale brands and 2500 small-scale units in the country. The unorganized sector is

estimated to have approximately 30,000 small & tiny bakeries across the country.

The major brands are - Britannia, Parle, ITC, Priyagold, Cremica, Dukes, Anmol, Priya, |
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etc besides various regional and state brands. Biscuit industry, which was reserved in the

small-scale industry sector, was unreserved in 1997-98, based on the recommendations of

the Abid Hussain Committee.

The annual production of biscuit in the organized sector continues to be predominantly in

the small and medium scale sector before and after de-reservation. Biscuit production

witnessed an annual growth of 10% to 12%, up to 1999-00.

According to the biscuit manufacturers federation, the annual growth of overall biscuit

industry showed a decline of 3.5% in 2000-01, mainly due to 100 percent hike in central

excise duty (from 8 % to 16%). Production in the year 2001-02 increased very marginally

by 2.75%, whereas in 2002-03 the growth was around


This is according to a study done by Market Search, a Mumbai-based market research

agency which has attempted to explain the dynamics of the Indian biscuit market.

Having just two national players, Parle and Britannia, the prices have remained almost

constant for the past few years in most categories and in some categories the prices have

actually decreased to 1997-98 levels. As per the study, the market is even now dominated

by basic biscuit categories such as Glucose and Marie which `aim to satisfy hunger' and

have little success in moving up the value chain. The bottom-line is that the biscuit |
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market seems reluctant to move up the value chain. Tracking the factors holding back the

growth of the biscuit industry in India, Market Search has arrived upon the following


Disguised monopoly

- Although at all levels there are just two major players, Parle and Britannia, a closer look

at the State-level markets show the presence of strong regional players such as

Bakeman's, Priya Gold, Shalimar, Windsor and Champion - brands present in almost all

markets. Thus for the two national players, each State market is similar to a perfectly

competitive market, each with its own dynamics.

The competitive scenario at the national level is more of a disguised duopoly than a real

one. This has held the prices in check for a long time.

Freebie-driven purchase behaviour

- A slew of successful gift offers/schemes from the biscuit marketers over the last two

years has led to a situation where the choice of brand is driven by the gift solely and not

by the brands. More and more marketing budgets are being spent on below-the-line

promotions and less on brand building.

According to the research, the delivery efficiency of schemes and gift offers in Indian

FMCG markets is just about 60 per cent, leaving the rest of the potential customers

disappointed with the brand. |
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Apart from the long-term damage to the brands, these gift-laden schemes have started

damaging the brand in the short term and even the indifference of their distribution

channels at times leads to pilferage of these gifts.

Superior packaging

- However, biscuits' packaging has undergone a swift transformation. From Britannia's

functional protective blister wraps, which prevent breakage, to Parle's stylish and enticing

BOPP offering, packaging has been completely transformed. Both the players are now

trying to differentiate their brands to reflect their superior quality through superior


This up gradation in packaging has been neutralised by multi-unit packing, thereby

effectively neutralizing the potential premium for superior packaging.


- The other trend in this industry is the competitive discounting of popular and premium

brands. This trend has not spared even the large brands, such as Parle G. Such

competitive discounting, even on low-value products such as Glucose biscuits, has led to

stagnation of top line and erosion of bottom-line.

The impact of this is being felt in the biscuit makers' inability to invest in brand building

activities and thus move the market away from the low-priced basic categories to the

middle and high-end `snacking' and `indulgence'-driven categories. |
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While the Indian market is moving towards superior products in all categories, biscuits

are the odd ones out, sticking to basic products in its own category. There is still scope to

finely segment the market through different value propositions in taste, need and image,

as per the latest report on the biscuit market dynamics prepared by Market Search.


In 1929 a small company by the name of Parle products emerged in British

dominated India. The intent was to spread joy and cheer to children and adults alike,

all over the country with its sweets and candies. The company knew that it wouldn’t

be an easy task, but they decided to take the brave step. A small factory was set up

in the suburbs of Mumbai, to manufacture sweets and toffees. A decade later it was

upgraded to manufacture biscuits as well. Since then, the Parle name has grown in

all directions, won international fame and has been sweetening people's lives all over

India and abroad.

Apart from the factories in Mumbai and Bangalore Parle also has factories in

Bahadurgarh in Haryana and Neemrana in Rajasthan, which are the largest biscuit

and confectionery plants in the country. Additionally, Parle Products also has 7

manufacturing units and 51 manufacturing units on contract. Parle Products with its

wide platter of offering of biscuits and sweets like Parle-G, Krackjack, Monaco,

Melody, Mango bite and many others since 1929 is also actively engaged to change

& uplift the social face of India. As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility Policy |
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Parle is keenly involved in the overall development of younger generation with

focused endeavor to built New Face of India and spread happiness & joy all over.

Parle Centre of Excellence as an institution is dedicated to enrich the lives of people

through conducting various cultural programs across all region to facilitate the all

round development of the children. Every year, Parle organises Saraswati Vandana in

the state of West Bengal during the festival of Saraswati Puja, inviting schools from

all across the state to participate. The event is one of much fanfare and celebration,

keeping alive the culture and traditions of ages. Our involvement in cultural activities

has seen the inception of Golu Galata in Tamil Nadu, held during Navratri. Its gives a

platform to all the members of a household to showcase their creativity and being

judged by immanent personalities. Thousands of families participate and celebrate

the occasion on a grand scale.

These events give us a chance to interact with children on a one-to-one basis, and

promote our belief of fun and health for the whole family.

Parle –The world of Happiness.

Parle Products (Parle) is an Indian manufacturer of cookies and confectionery (including

toffees, candies, savories, and mints). The company has a 40% share of the Indian biscuit

and a 15% share of the confectionery market within the country.

The companies major biscuit brands include Parle-G, Monaco and Krackjack; with

principle confectionery brands comprised of Melody, Poppins, Mango bite and Kismi.

Parle’s production facilities include a flagship plant in Mumbai, producing biscuits and |
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confectionary; while another factory at Bahadurgarh, Haryana manufactures biscuits.

Apart from this, Parle has manufacturing facilities at Neemrana, Rajasthan and at

Bangalore, Karnataka. The factories at Bahadurgarh and Neemrana are amongst the

largest biscuit and confectionary manufacturing facilities in India. In addition, to

complement its wholly-owned facilities, the company has a further 14 manufacturing

units for biscuits; and five units for confectioneries operating under contract.

The companies distribution network is a major strength for Parle. Parle products are made

available to consumers, even in the most remote places and in the smallest of villages.

The company has around 1,500 wholesalers, serving in excess of 425,000 retail outlets.

In addition, Parle maintains a 200 strong dedicated field sales force to service wholesalers

and retailers. The company also has 31 depots and cost and freight (C&F) agents

supplying goods to the distribution network.

Parles marketing philosophy emphasizes catering to the masses. Consequently, most

Parle offerings are in the low and mid-range price segments. However, the company also

manufactures a variety of premium products for up-market, urban consumers.

Parles international operations consist of serving markets in the Middle East, Africa,

South America, Sri Lanka, Australia and North America. A concerted effort is made to

target Indian expatriate communities in these countries. To further enhance its

international reputation and open up new markets, the company is in the process of

obtaining an ISO certification. |
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Parle Products emerged in British dominated India. The intent was to spread joy and

cheer to children and adults alike, all over the country with its sweets and candies. Since

then, for almost 80 years, Parle Products has been India’s largest manufacturer of biscuits

and confectionery. Makers of the world’s largest selling biscuit, Parle-G, and a host of

other very popular brands, the Parle name symbolizes quality, nutrition and great taste.

With a 40% share of the total biscuit market and a 15% share of the total confectionary

market in India, Parle has grown to become a multi-million dollar company. While to

consumers it’s a beacon of faith and trust, competitors look upon Parle as an example of

marketing brilliance. Hygiene is the precursor to every process at Parle. Using the most

modern equipment, ensuring the same perfect quality across the nation and abroad; we

deliver the best product of long-lasting freshness. With products designed keeping both

health and taste in mind, Parle appeals to both health conscious mothers and fun loving

kids. The great tradition of taste and nutrition is consistent in every pack on the store

shelves, even today. The value-for-money positioning allows people from all classes and

age groups to enjoy Parle products to the fullest. Parle products have been shining with

the golds and silvers consistently at the Monde Selection ever since they were first

entered in 1971. Monde Selection is an international institute for assessing the quality of

foods and is currently the oldest and most representative organization in the field of

selecting quality foods worldwide. Parle has more than 50 manufacturing units and equal

number of distribution points spread all over India and abroad. |
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An in-depth understanding of the Indian consumer psyche has helped Parle evolve a

marketing philosophy that reflects the needs of the Indian masses. With products

designed keeping both health and taste in mind, Parle appeals to both health conscious

mothers and fun loving kids. The great tradition of taste and nutrition is consistent in

every pack on the store shelves, even today. The value-for-money positioning allows

people from all classes and age groups to enjoy Parle products to the fullest. |
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Parle G
The taste, energy and nourishment Parle-G offer, along its quality and value-for- money,

contributes to making its an unchanged success. Parle-G is the winner of 8 Gold and

Silver awards at the method selection

Share the company of great taste anytime, anywhere with Monaco. A light crispy biscuit
sprinkled with salt, Monaco adds a namkeen twist to life’s ordinary moments.

Orange: Tickle your senses with Parle Orange

Kream – The tangy orange cream between two
scrumptious biscuits makes for a real treat. |
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Here’s a choco biscuit that flirts with your taste buds. Seek out the chocolate chips that
aren't really hidden. And relish a delectable experience as they melt in your mouth. Also
know to work as an effective icebreaker it’s easy to see why it’s tasty itna, ki dil aaj

The ingredients that go into making this prized cookie

are a well-guarded secret. What is, is the effect it has on
those who eat it. A cookie with a reputation for
romance. Indulge in the sinful taste of Milano and
everything that follows it.

Digestive Marie will change your daily dipping

and sipping routine; making it more enjoyable and
much healthier.

With five times more fibre than the regular Marie,

you can actually see the differences in Digestive
Marie. With lower fat and calories than other
digestive biscuits, Digestive Marie helps you stay
Active-Lite all day.

Yahi Marie, Sahi Marie |
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Your favorite Marie biscuit, Parle Marie is now

even more exciting. It’s lighter. It’s crispier. And
it’s tastier. Making it even more appealing than

So the next time you’re hanging out with your

buddies, just tear open a pack of Parle Marie. And
immerse yourself in an engaging conversation and
an even more engaging taste.

From boy-next-door to Super Boy, no that’s not the

plot for the next Hollywood blockbuster it’s the
effect of Milk Shakti. The Shakti of milk fortified
with the goodness of honey, a zabardast combo that
even ace batsman Dhoni swears by. So get that cape
out and head straight to for a pack of Milk Shakti
toda |
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Mouth watering cookies that you’ll want to nibble as ‘sweet nothings’. Not to mention,
always have them within your reach. The delicious taste of butter, sugar and milk in an
all-you-can-have tasty offering

A crispy cracker that adds a namkeen zing to the
usual biscuit. Goes well with a cup of tea, an evening
snack or an occasional namkeen thought. Just bite in
and let the rich golden texture melt in your mouth.

Share the company of great taste anytime, anywhere

with Monaco. A light crispy biscuit sprinkled with
salt, Monaco adds a namkeen twist to life’s ordinary
moments. |
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HRM is seen by practitioners in the field as a more innovative view of workplace

management than the traditional approach. Its techniques force the managers of an

enterprise to express their goals withspecificity so that they can be understood and

undertaken by the workforce, and to provide the resources needed for them to

successfully accomplish their assignments. As such, HRM techniques, when properly

practiced, are expressive of the goals and operating practices of the enterprise overall.

HRM is also seen by many to have a key role in risk reduction within organisations The

Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key

among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent

contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best

employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and

ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations.

Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, |
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employee records and personnel policies. Usually small businesses (for-profit or

nonprofit) have to carry out these activities themselves because they can't yet afford part-

or full-time help. However, they should always ensure that employees have -- and are

aware of -- personnel policies which conform to current regulations. These policies are

often in the form of employee manuals, which all employees have.

Difference between HRM (a major management activity) and HRD (Human Resource

Development, a profession). HRD includes the broader range of activities to develop

personnel inside of organizations, including, eg, career development, training,

organization development, etc.

There is a long-standing argument about where HR-related functions should be organized

into large organizations, eg, "should HR be in the Organization Development department

or the other way around?"

The HRM function and HRD profession have undergone tremendous change over the

past 20-30 years. Many years ago, large organizations looked to the "Personnel

Department," mostly to manage the paperwork around hiring and paying people. More

recently, organizations consider the "HR Department" as playing a major role in staffing,

training and helping to manage people so that people and the organization are performing

at maximum capability in a highly fulfilling manner.

Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the

management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who

individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the |
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business. The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have

largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes

involved in managing people in organizations. Human Resource management is evolving

rapidly. Human resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice

that addresses the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a workforce. Features


Its features include:

Personnel administration

Personnel management

Manpower management

Industrial management

But these traditional expressions are becoming less common for the theoretical discipline.

Sometimes even industrial relation and employee relations are confusingly listed as

synonyms although these normally refer to the relationship between management and

workers and the behavior of workers in companies. |
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Synonyms such as personnel management are often used in a more restricted sense to

describe activities that are necessary in the recruiting of a workforce, providing its

members with payroll and benefits, and administrating their work-life needs, Torrington

and Hall define personnel management as

“a series of activities which: first enable working people and their employing

organisations to agree about the objectives and nature of their working relationship and,

secondly, ensures that the agreement is fulfilled"

".......those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all

levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed

towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage".

Academic theory

The goal of human resource management is to help an organization to meet strategic

goals by attracting, and maintaining employees and also to manage them effectively. The

key word here perhaps is "fit", i.e. a HRM approach seeks to ensure a fit between the

management of an organization's employees, and the overall strategic direction of the

company .

The basic premise of the academic theory of HRM is that humans are not machines,

therefore we need to have an interdisciplinary examination of people in the workplace.

Fields such as psychology,industrial engineering, industrial and organizational |
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psychology,industria lrelations,sociology,and critical

theoriespostmodersition,poststructuring, play a major role. Many colleges and

universities offer bachelor and master degrees in Human Resources Management.


One widely used scheme to describe the role of HRM, developed by Dave Ulrich, defines

4 fields for the HRM function

Strategic business partner

Change agent

Employee champion


However, many HR functions these days struggle to get beyond the roles of

administration and employee champion, and are seen rather as reactive than strategically

proactive partners for the top management. In addition, HR organizations also have the

difficulty in proving how their activities and processes add value to the company. Only in

the recent years HR scholars and HR professionals are focusing to develop models that

can measure if HR adds value.

Critical Academic Theory |
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Indeed Karen Legge in 'Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities' possess

the debate of whether HRM is a modernist project or a postmodern discourse). In many

ways, critically or not, many writers contend that HRM itself is an attempt to move away

from the modernist traditions of personnel (man as machine) towards a postmodernist

view of HRM (man as individuals). Critiques include the notion that because 'Human' is

the subject we should recognize that people are complex and that it is only through

various discourses that we understand the world. Man is not Machine, no matter what

attempts are made to change it Critical Theory also questions whether HRM is the pursuit

of "attitudinal shaping, particularly when considering empowerment, or perhaps more

precisely pseudo-empowerment - as the critical perspective notes. Many critics note the

move away from Man as Machine is often in many ways, more a Linguistic (discursive)

move away than a real attempt to recognise the Human in Human Resource Management.

Critical Theory, in particular postmodernism (poststructualism), recognises that because

the subject is people in the workplace, the subject is a complex one, and therefore

simplistic notions of 'the best way' or a unitary perspectives on the subject are too

simplistic. It also considers the complex subject of power, power games, and office

politics. Power in the workplace is a vast and complex subject that cannot be easily

defined. This leaves many critics to suggest that Management 'Gurus', consultants, 'best

practice' and HR models are often overly simplistic, but in order to sell an idea, they are

simplified, and often lead Management as a whole to fall into the trap of oversimplifying

the relationship.

Business practice |
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Human resources management comprises several processes. Together they are supposed

to achieve the above mentioned goal. These processes can be performed in an HR

department, but some tasks can also be outsourced or performed by line-managers or

other departments.

Recruitment (sometimes separated into attraction and selection)

Induction AND Oriention

Skils management

Training and development

Workforce planning

Personnel administration

Compensation in wage or salary

Time management

Travel management (sometimes assigned to accounting rather than HRM)

Payroll (sometimes assigned to accounting rather than HRM)

Employ benefits administration

Personnel cost planning |
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Performance appraisal

Strategic Workforce Planning involves analyzing and forecasting the talent that

companies need to execute their business strategy, proactively rather than reactively, it is

a critical strategic activity, enabling the organization to identify, develop and sustain the

workforce skills it needs to successfully accomplish its strategic intent whilst balancing

career and lifestyle goals of its employees.

Strategic Workforce Planning is a relatively new management process that is being used

increasingly to help control labour costs, assess talent needs, make informed business

decisions, and assess talent market risks as part of overall enterprise risk management.

Strategic workforce planning is aimed at helping companies make sure they have the

right people in the right place at the right time and at the right price

Through Strategic Workforce Planning organizations gain insight into what people the

organization will need, and what people will be available to meet those needs. In creating

this understanding of the gaps between an organization’s demand and the available

workforce supply, organizations will be able to create and target programmes, approaches

and develop strategies to close the gaps |
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Workforce analytics approach:

The focus is to analyse current and historical employee data to identify key relationships

among variables and use this to provide insight into the workforce they need for the


Modeling approach:

This approach incorporates forecasting and scenario planning. Forecasting uses

quantitative data to create forecasts incorporating multiple what-if and modeling the

future. Scenario Planning being the more useful tool where there are uncertainties,

therefore incorporating quantitative and qualitative.

Segmentation approach:

Breaking the workforce into segments along the lines of their jobs and determining

relevance to strategic intent. Provides a technique for prioritizing.

Steps in Workforce Planning

Though there is no definitive ‘Start here’ activity for any of the approaches to Strategic

Workforce Planning, there are five fundamentals activities that most Workforce Plan

models have:

Environment Scan

Current Workforce Profile |
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Future Workforce View

Analysis and Targeted Future

Closing the gaps

Envoriment scanning

Environment Scanning is a form of business intelligence. In the context of Workforce

Planning it is used to identify the set of facts or circumstances that surround a workforce

situation or event.

Current Workforce Profile

Current State is a profile of the demand and supply factors both internally and externally

of the workforce the organization has ‘today’.

Future Workforce View

Future View is determining the organization’s needs considering the emerging trends and

issues identified during the Environment Scanning.

Future View is often where the different approaches identified above are applied:

Quantitative futuring: understanding the future you are currently tracking to by

forecasting; Qualitative futuring: scenario planning potential alternative futures in terms

of capabilities and demographics to deliver the business strategy. |
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Analysis and Targeted Future

Qualitative and quantitative futuring creates the content for an organizational unit to

analyse and identify critical elements. As the critical elements are identified the Targeted

Future begins to take form. The targeted future is the future that the organization is going

to target as being the best fit in terms of business strategy and is achievable given the

surrounding factors (internal/external, supply/demand).

Closing the Gaps

Closing the gaps is about the people management (human resources) programs and

practices that deliver the workforce needed for today and tomorrow. The process is about

determining appropriate actions to close the gaps and therefore deliver the targeted future.

There are 8 key areas that Closing the Gaps needs to focus on -

Resourcing, Learning and Development, Remuneration, Industrial Relations,

Recruitment, Retention, Knowledge Management, Job design.

Recruitment refers to the process of sourcing, screening, and selecting people for a job

or vacancy within an organization. Though individuals can undertake individual

components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations generally retain

profesional recruities.

The recruitment industry has four main types of agencies. Their recruiters aim to channel

candidates into the hiring organisation’s application process. As a general rule, the

agencies are paid by the companies, not the candidates. The industries practice of |
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information asymmetry and recruiters' varying capabilities in assessing candidate quality

produces the negative economic impacts described by The Market for Lemons.


In gerenal purposes of recuritment is to provide a pool of potencially qualifide job

candidates. Specifically the purposes are to;

1. Determining the present and future recuritement of the organization in

conganction with its personel planning and job-analysis acativities.

2. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

3. Help increase the suscess rate of the selection process by reducing the number of

visibley under qualified or ovetqualified job application.

4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected ,will

have the organazation only after a short period of time.

5. Meet organazation’s legal and social obilagations regarding the composition of its



Extrrnal Forces Enternal Forces |
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 Supply and demand S Recruitment policy

 Unemployment rate HRP

 Labour market RECRUITMENT Size of the


 Political-social Cost

 Son of soil Growth and expan-

 Image soon


Also known as a employment agencies, recruitment agencies have historically had a

physical location. A candidate visits a local branch for a short interview and an

assessment before being taken onto the agency’s books. Recruitment Consultants then

endeavour to match their pool of candidates to their clients' open positions. Suitable

candidates are with potential employers.

Remuneration for the agency's services usually takes one of two forms:

A contingency fee paid by the company when a recommended candidate accepts a job

with the client company (typically 20%-30% of the candidate’s starting salary), which |
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usually has some form of guarantee, should the candidate fail to perform and is

terminated within a set period of time.

An advance payment that serves as a retainer, also paid by the company.

It may still be legal for an employment agency to charge the candidate instead of the

company, but in most places that practice is now illegal, due to past unfair and deceptive


Online recruitment websites

Such sites have two main features: job boards and a résumé/Curriculum Vitae (CV)

database. Job boards allow member companies to post job vacancies. Alternatively,

candidates can upload a résumé to be included in searches by member companies. Fees

are charged for job postings and access to search resumes.

In recent times the recruitment website has evolved to encompass end to end recruitment.

Websites capture candidate details and then pool then in client accessed candidate

management interfaces (also online). Key players in this sector provide e-recruitment

software and services to organisations of all sizes and within numerous industry sectors,

who want to e-enable entirely or partly their recruitment process in order to improve

business performance.

The online software provided by those who specialise in online recruitment helps

organisations attract, test, recruit, employ and retain quality staff with a minimal amount

of administration. |
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Online recruitment websites can be very helpful to find candidates that are very actively

looking for work and post their resumes online, but they will not attract the "passive"

candidates who might respond favorably to an opportunity that is presented to them

through other means. Also, some candidates who are actively looking to change jobs are

hesitant to put their resumes on the job boards, for fear that their current companies, co-

workers, customers or others might see their resumes.


Headhunters are third-party recruiters often retained when normal recruitment efforts

have failed.

Headhunters are generally more aggressive than in-house recruiters. They may use

advanced sales techniques, such as initially posing as clients to gather employee contacts,

as well as visiting candidate offices. They may also purchase expensive lists of names

and job titles, but more often will generate their own lists. They may prepare a candidate

for the interview, help negotiate the salary, and conduct closure to the search. They are

frequently members in good standing of industry trade groups and associations.

Headhunters will often attend trade shows and other meetings nationally or even

internationally that may be attended by potential candidates and hiring managers.

Headhunters are typically small operations that make high margins on candidate

placements (sometimes more than 30% of the candidate’s annual compensation). Due to

their higher costs, headhunters are usually employed to fill senior management and

executive level roles, or to find very specialized individuals. |
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While in-house recruiters tend to attract candidates for specifisc jobs, headhunters will

both attract candidates and actively seek them out as well. To do so, they may network,

cultivate relationships with various companies, maintain large databases, purchase

company directories or candidate lists, and cold call.

In-house recruitment

Larger employers tend to undertake their own in-house recruitment, using their Human

Resources department. In addition to coordinating with the agencies mentioned above, in-

house recruiters may advertise job vacancies on their own websites, coordinate employee

referral schemes, and/or focus on campus graduate recruitment. Alternatively a large

employer may choose to outsource all or some of their recruitment process (Recruitment

process outsourcing).

The Recruitment Process

Peresonel Job Analysis Employee Applicant

Potencialplanning Requisition post

Job vacancies Recruitment Searching

Planning activition

-Number “selling” |
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-Types -Massage


Strategy Evaluation

Development and

-Where Applicant Control

-How population


These are the main recruiting stages.


Sourcing involves 1. advertising, a common part of the recruiting process, often

encompassing multiple media, such as the Internet, general newspapers, job ad

newspapers, professional publications, window advertisements, job centers, and campus

graduate recruitment programs; and 2. recruiting research, which is the proactive

identification of relevant talent who may not respond to job postings and other

recruitment advertising methods done in. This initial research for so-called passive

prospects, also called name-generation, results in a list of prospects who can then be

contacted to solicit interest, obtain a resume/CV, and be screened . |
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Screening & selection

Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication,

typing, and computer skills. Qualifications may be shown through résumés, job

applications, interviews, educational or professional experience, the testimony of

references, or in-house testing, such as for software knowledge, typing skills, numeracy,

and literacy, through psychological tests or employment testing.

In some countries, employers are legally mandated to provide equal opportunity in hiring.

Agencies are particularly suitable for recruitment of executives and specialists. It is also

known as RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing)



Government establishes public employment exchanges throughout the country. These

exchanges provide job information to job seekers and help employers in identifying

suitable candidates.

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Manual workers can be recruited through contractors who maintain close contacts with

the sources of such workers. This source is used to recruit labor for construction jobs.


Many job seekers visit the office of well-known companies on their own. Such callers are

considered nuisance to the daily work routine of the enterprise. But can help in creating

the talent pool or the database of the probable candidates for the organization.


Many organizations have structured system where the current employees of the

organization can refer their friends and relatives for some position in their organization.

Also, the office bearers of trade unions are often aware of the suitability of candidates.

Management can inquire these leaders for suitable jobs. In some organizations these are

formal agreements to give priority in recruitment to the candidates recommended by the

trade union.


Unskilled workers may be recruited at the factory gate these may be employed whenever

a permanent worker is absent. More efficient among these may be recruited to fill

permanent vacancies. Factors Affecting Recruitment |
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Effective human resource planning helps in determining the gaps present in the existing

manpower of the organization. It also helps in determining the number of employees to

be recruited and what qualification they must possess.


Here the company adopted to system for recruited their staff and worker .for staff

member the company adopted generally the traditional process like by the test , G.D ,

interview and for the worker level the company adopted the flowing process.

 On gate

 By the contractor

 By the camp

 On the reference

Thus the recruitment process of the Parle’s in

as like as the other company but one thing different the camp based selection process .I

think this a different kind of process and unique it self . The company run the camp in the

rural and remote area in state for the

Recruitment .they conducts one week program and this time interval the select number of

candidate. This helps not only the company but also the life of rural people who cut of the

rest world due to several reasons. This also helps increasing the economic and social

condition of the remote area which ultimately helps the nation development.

By this process the company also full fills the social

objective of the company. |
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The size of the firm is an important factor in recruitment process. If the organization is

planning to increase its operations and expand its business, it will think of hiring more

personnel, which will handle its operations.


Recruitment incur cost to the employer, therefore, organizations try to employ that source

of recruitment which will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the organization for each


Influence the recruiting efforts of the organization. If there is surplus of manpower at the

time of recruitment, even informal attempts at the time of recruiting like notice boards

display of the requisition or announcement in the meeting etc will attract more than

enough applicants.


Image of the employer can work as a potential constraint for recruitment. An organization

with positive image and goodwill as an employer finds it easier to attract and retain

employees than an organization with negative image. Image of a company is based on

what organization does and affected by industry. For example finance was taken up by

fresher MBA's when many finance companies were coming up. |
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Various government regulations prohibiting discrimination in hiring and employment

have direct impact on recruitment practices. For example, Government of India has

introduced legislation for reservation in employment for scheduled castes, scheduled

tribes, physically handicapped etc. Also, trade unions play important role in recruitment.

This restricts management freedom to select those individuals who it believes would be

the best performers. If the candidate can't meet criteria stipulated by the union but union

regulations can restrict recruitment sources.


One of the factors that influence the availability of applicants is the growth of the

economy (whether economy is growing or not and its rate). When the company is not

creating new jobs, there is often oversupply of qualified labor which in turn leads to



The recruitment policies of the competitors also affect the recruitment function of the |
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organizations. To face the competition, many a times the organisationsS have to change

their recruitment policies according to the policies being followed by the competitors.


Company need not plan for human resources much in advance.

Value creation, operational flexibility and competitive advantage

turning the management's focus to strategic level processes of HRM

Company is free from salary negotiations, weeding the unsuitable resumes/candidates.

Company can save a lot of its resources and time


"Buying talent" (rather than developing it) is the latest mantra being followed by the

organisations today. Poaching means employing a competent and experienced person

already working with another reputed company in the same or different industry; the

organisation might be a competitor in the industry. A company can attract talent from

another firm by offering attractive pay packages and other terms and conditions, better

than the current employer of the candidate. But it is seen as an unethical practice and not

openly talked about. Indian software and the retail sector are the sectors facing the most

severe brunt of poaching today. It has become a challenge for human resource managers

to face and tackle poaching, as it weakens the competitive strength of the firm.

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Many big organizations use Internet as a source of recruitment. E- recruitment is the use

of technology to assist the recruitment process. They advertise job vacancies through

worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae i.e. CV

through e mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CV's in worldwide

web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon their requirements.

Advantages internal of recruitment are:

Low cost.

No intermediaries

Reduction in time for recruitment.

Recruitment of right type of people.

Efficiency of recruitment process.


1. The recruitment policy of an organization specifies the objectives of recruitment and

provides a framework for implementation of recruitment programmed. It may involve

organizational system to be developed for implementing recruitment programmed and

procedures by filling up vacancies with best qualified people.

2. Recruitment is a positive process i.e. encouraging more and more employees to apply

WHEREAS selection is a negative process as it involves rejection of the unsuitable

candidates. |
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3. Recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources of human resources WHEREAS

selection is concerned with selecting the most suitable candidate through various

interviews and tests.

4. There is no contract of recruitment established in recruitment WHEREAS selection

results in a contract of service between the employer and the selected employee. |
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Qn 1: Did you satisfied with the present recruitment process adopt by the company?

(a) Yes (b) no (c) some |
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Qn 2 How did you recruited in this company?

(a) Internally (b) by test and interview (c) on the reference |
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(d) On gate

Qn 3: In whole recruitment process which part you feel very interesting?

(a) Written test (b) G D

(c) interview

(d) all |
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Qn 4:In recruitment process which part you feel lengthy?

(a) Written test (b) GD

(c) interview

(d) all |
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Qn 5: Test question asked in test are level to the post offer?



Qn 6: The post offer and the salary are equal to the employment notice? |
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(a) yes


Qn 7: The eternal work environment according to the required level.

(a) Yes

(b) no |
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Qn 8: Your experience about the company at the time of joining is

(A) Good (b) fair (c) best

(d) Not good |
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Qn 9: Do you satisfied with the induction and orientation process?

(a) Yes (b) no

Qn 10: Do you want to give any suggestion for the company to improved recruitment and
selection process?

Ans: |
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The SWOT ANALYSIS summarizes the internal factor of the firm as list of its strength

and weakness and the opportunity and threats it faces from its external environment.


The internal analysis comprehensive evaluation of the internal environment’s potential

strength and weaknesses. |
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 Company image: A closely held company of a Parle product Limited

headquartered at MUMBAI; “PARLE PARIVAR”- a family oriented work culture which

provides flexibility and discretion in ones key resources area.

 Company Image: A biscuit and confectioner major in the Indian market, Parle

has a unique position in the heart of million Indian.

 Organizational Structure: A flat organizational with minimum overhead, mainly

dependent on direct communication with colleagues and superiors. No succession policy.

Parle (Rudrapur) organizational structure

Unit head

Depty Manager

Executives |
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Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer

Engineering Mechanical Accounts Production Personal

Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance

Officers Officers Officers Officers Officer





Operator / Fitters

Assistance Operator/


 KEY STAFF: The general manager.

 Access to natural resources: good accessibility

 Position on the experience curve :more than 60 years of experience in the

biscuit manufacturing industry, it has not bothered to raise the price of its flagship brand |
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for the past 6 years and has always tried to provide its offerings at nearly 33 percent

discount to competitive brands

 Operational efficiency: highly efficient production units, 4 factories of its own

and 18 contract manufacturing units for biscuits 6 under PBPL. The Bahadurgarh factory

prides itself of having the longest oven in Asia ; automated printing and packing section.

 Operational capacity: 200-250 tons per day at PBPL, Bgarh; Bahadurgarh and

Neemrana factories have the largest manufacturing facilities of biscuits.

 Brand awareness: highly aware product and brand profile (esp. Parle-G,

Krackjack and Monaco) due to a strong and efficient marketing team. The other biscuits

in the Parle product’s basket include Monaco, Krackjack, and Marie; Hide n Seek,

Cheeslings, Jeffs, Sixer and Fun Centre. But consumers need to be aware that are from


 The marketing strength: Parle has nearly 1500 wholesalers, catering to 4,

25,000 retail outlets directly or indirectly. A 200 strong dedicated field force services

these wholesalers and retailers. Additionally, there, there are 39 depots and C& F agents

supplying goods to the wide distribution network.

 Market Share: The company commands a 40% market share in the rs .35 billion

biscuits market in India. Has established a dominant position in the glucose biscuit

market share (around 65%): Marie segment (12-13%) ; sweet and salty category at 90% |
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 Financial resources: A cash rich company having major investments. Needs to

emphasize on budgeting and cost minimization.

 Patents and trade secrets: the Parle-G formula…..


An opportunity is the chance to introduce a new product or service that can generate

superior returns. Opportunity can arise when changes occur in external environment.

Many position of existing products and may necessitates a change in product

specifications or developments of new products in order for the firm to remain

competitive . Changes in the environment may be related to:

 Customers: Customers an expectation has increased over the years, Parle needs

to evolve with the changing environment and focus upon R&D and advertising.

 Competitors: the competitive scenario at the national level is more of a disguised

duopoly than a real one. Acloser look at state-levels markets show the presence of strong

regional players such as Barman’s, Priyagold, Shalimar, Windsor and Champion other

than the national players, Parle and Britannia. This has held the prices in check for a long


 Market trends: Growth in the over 40 year-old Indian biscuit industry has

remained slow. Back-of -the-envelope calculations will show that per capital household

per month. Hence there is immense opportunity for Parle to move up the value chain in

the Indian an export market. |
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 Social changes: more and more marketing budgets are being spent on below-the-

line promotions and less on brand building. The freebie driven purchase behavior may

lead to long-term damage of the brand.

 New technology: both Parle and Britannia are now trying to different iate their

brands to reflect their superior quality through superior packaging. Being a national

player, Parle can afford to concentrate on continuous technological updation.

 Economic environment: a reduction in the 16% excise to 8% has proved to be a

boon to the biscuit industry.


Parle-G has been strong household name across India. The great taste, high nutrition, and

the international quality, makes Parle-G a winner. No wonder, it’s the undisputed leader

in the biscuit category for decades. Parle-G is consumed by people of all ages, from the

rich to the poor, living in cities & in villages. While some have it for breakfast, for others

it is a complete wholesome meal. For some it’s a way of getting charged whenever they

are low on energy. Because of this, Parle-G is the world’s largest selling brand of


Launched in the year 1939, it was one of the first brands of Parle products. It was called

Parle Gluco Biscuits mainly to cue that it was a glucose biscuit. It was manufactured at

the Mumbai factory, Vile Parle and sold in units of half and quarter pound packs. |
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The incredible demand led Parle to introduce the brand in special branded packs and in

large festive tin packs. By the year 1949, Parle Gluco biscuit were available not just in

Mumbai but also across the state. It was also sold in parts of North India. By the early

50’s, over 150 tones of biscuits were produced in the Mumbai factory. Looking at the

success of Parle-G, a lot of other me-too brands were introduced in the market. And

these brands had names that were similar to Parle Gluco Biscuits so that if not by

anything else, the consumer would err in picking the brand. This forced Parle to change

the name from Parle Gluco Biscuits to Parle-G.

Originally packed in the wax paper pack, today it is available in a contemporary,

premium BOPP pack with attractive side fins. The new airtight pack helps to keep the

biscuits fresh and tastier for a longer period.

Parle-G was the only biscuit brand that was always in the short supply. It was heading

towards becoming an all-time great brand of biscuit. Parle-G started being advertised

in the 80’s. It was advertised mainly through press ads. The communication spoke about

the basic benefits of energy and nutrition. In 1989, Parle-G released its Dadaji

commercial, which went on to become one of the most popular commercials for Parle-

G. The commercial was run for a period of 6 years.

Parle-G grew bigger by the minute. Be it the packs sold, the areas covered or the number

of consumers. It became a part of the daily lives of many Indians. It wasn’t a biscuit any

more. It had become an icon. The next level of communication associated the brand with

the positive values of life like honesty, sharing and caring. |
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In the year 1997, Parle-G sponsored the tale-serial of the Indian superhero, Shaktimaan

that went on to become a huge success. The personality of the superhero matched the

overall superb benefits of the brand. Parle extended the association with Shaktimaan and

gave away a lot of merchandise of Shaktimaan which was supported by POS and press

communication. The children just could not get enough of Parle-G and Shaktimaan.

In the year 2002, it was decided to bring the brand closer to the child who is a major

consumer. A national level promo- ‘Parle-G Mera Sapna Sach Hoga’ was run for a

period of 6 months. The promo was all about fulfilling the dreams of children. There

were over 5 lakh responses and of that, over 300 dreams were fulfilled. Dreams that were

fulfilled ranged from trips to Disneyland at Paris & Singapore, meeting their favorite

film stat Hrithik Roshan, free ride on a chartered plane, 20 scholarships worth Rs

50,000, a special cricket coaching camp with the Australian cricketer – Ricky Ponting


The year 2002 will ago down as a special year in Parle-G’s advertising history. A year

that saw the birth of G-Man a new ambassador for Parle-G. Not just a hero but also a

super-hero that saves the entire world, especially children from all the evil forces. A

campaign that is not just new to the execution that is loved by children all over the world-

Animation. A TV commercial that showed G-Man saving the children from the evil force

called Terrolene laughed this campaign. It was also supported by print medium through

poster and streamers put up at the retail outlets. G-Man, a new superhero of Parle-G has

the potential of making it big. And will be supported by a campaign that will see many a |
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new creative in the future so as to keep the children excited and generate pride in being a

consumer of Parle-G.

To make the brand much more interesting and exciting with children, it was decided to

launch a premium version of Parle-G called Parle-G Magix in the year 2002. Parle-G

Magix is available in two exciting tastes –‘Choco’ and ‘Cashew’. The year 2002 also

witnessed the launch of Parle-G Milk Shakti, which has the nourishing combination of

milk and honey, especially launched for the southern market.

Parle-G continues to climb the stairs of success. Take a look at the global market were it

is being exported. First came the Middle East then USA followed by Africa and then

Australia. An Indian brand, that’s exported to almost all parts of world. After all that’s

what you would expect from the Parle-G World’s Largest Selling Biscuit. |
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Parle no doubt world famous biscuit company. It has unique place in every Indian. By

strong financial and structural position it is top to his competitor. In era of globalization

the company growth and feature are safe. The price policies fowled by the company do

separate to its competitor. The recruitment and selection policies are very good. Talent

search in rural area, in my concerned first time adopted by any company in India. |
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In hole training period I learn a lot in Parle and find that some of the area where the

company required improvement like


It has been rightly said that if the beginning of a new voyage in our

lives be good, all goes well after that. The true in many organizations, which go an extra

mile when they have new employees on board. If a new hire gets inducted into the

organization in a proper manner, he/she feels more connected to the organization and

eventually, loyalty and long-terms association follow.

After joining a new organization, many of us find ourselves thrown into a new

environment, with a lot of apprehensions. This be where induction trainee can help

familiarize us with the organization’s philosophy, along with key business processes and

our work responsibilities.

it is absolutely necessary to unbolt the door to international business customs and

practices so as to enable international managers to conduct business successfully around

the world.


Today, when business has become global, to achieve success, one not only needs to

communicate in a language that can be understood, but also needs to know the customs

and the non-verbal practices of every culture.

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Organizations recognized the need for maintaining reserve talent to fill a vacancy as and

when it arises. But the whole process of talent acquisition, i.e., how to fix and select

talent for the organization remains largely undefined and is often left to the discretion of

the individual managers hiring then. As a result of this the process varies from one

manager to another which is highly undesirable. For example, some

Managers adopt the procedure of posting their job requirements on major websites and

news papers, or search for suitable resumes available on different job sites, while some

other prefer an internal recruiter, a search firm, attending job fair or hiring known people.

The following basic steps can be taken developing the process of talent acquisition.

 Defining talent acquisition strategy.

 Advertising about the openings in the medium never tried before and building

contacts with people.

 Creating a referral network comprising newly selected employees, retirees and

also the previous employees who have left the organizations.

 Interacting with the prospective job-seekers regularly.

 Maintaining a website of the company containing the detailed profiles of the

openings, history and nature of business being carried on, the referral lists and also the

method of contacting the company.

 Reducing the application process and workload for the job. Invite interested

job seekers to create a ‘self-profile’ which can be used in case a suitable job vacancy

arises. |
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 Understanding the demographics of workforce both current and future.

 Identification of economic issues which have an impact on the

organization’s sustainability.

 Identification of organizational and cultural issues which influence talent


 Knowledge about industry trends and emerging issues.

According to the Talent Acquisition Strategies Benchmark Report by Aberdeen Group, a

market research-based organization found that 59% of the best in class companies

reported that their overall performance was increased after implementation of their talent

acquisition strategy compared to 41% of industry average and 33% of laggard companies.

The report also offered the following recommendation:

 Alignment of talent acquisition strategy with the overall corporate strategic plan.

 Measuring workforce performance on the basis of quality of hire and time per


 Elimination of traditional paper methods and using latest technological


 Focusing on a long -term plan.

 Managing workforce wholly. |
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1Singh A.K. Human resource management

2 Flippo Edwin B., Human resource management

3 Jha A.K., Management of human resource

4 ASWTHAPA K, Human resource management

5 Human resource management review IFCIA Unv.

6 Parle web site and library ( )

7 Internet (

8. Kumar Ashok, Encyclopedia of HUMAN RESOURCES

9. Times of India dated 12-08 08 |

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