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UNIT – 2


One of the most important financial institutions in any modern economy is a central bank.
Basically, a central bank is an agency of government that has important public function in
monitoring the operation of the financial system and controlling the growth of that money
supply. Central bank do not directly deal with public, rather they are bankers bank. Central
bank of any country has the sole responsibility of making policy regarding the governance of
the banking system of any country. It is responsible to issue currency in any economy,
regulating the banking system and taking measures to protect the value of currency and
promote full employment. Central bank is the supreme authority or body which controls and
stabilizes the economy of every country through direct and indirect means. Direct means it uses
the monetary policy as a tool to expand and as indirect means; it uses tools like issuance of
treasury bills, national saving bonds and bank rates, etc.
Thus this type of bank is called government bank, bank of issue note and national bank. Bank
of Amsterdam 1609, Bank of Sweden 1668, Bank of England established in 1694 were the
initial central bank of the world.
Nepal Rastra Bank (Central Bank of Nepal)
Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), the Central Bank of Nepal, was established in 1956 under the Nepal
Rastra Bank Act, 1955, to discharge the central banking responsibilities including guiding the
development of the embryonic domestic financial sector. Since inception, there has been a
significant growth in both the number and the activities of the domestic financial institutions.
 To reflect this dynamic environment, the functions and objectives of the Bank have been
recast by the new NRB Act of 2002, the preamble of which lays down the primary functions
of the Bank as:
 To formulate necessary monetary and foreign exchange policies to maintain the stability in
price and consolidate the balance of payments for sustainable development of the economy
of Nepal;
 To develop a secure, healthy and efficient system of payments;
 To make appropriate supervision of the banking and financial system in order to maintain
its stability and foster its healthy development; and
 To further enhance the public confidence in Nepal's entire banking and financial system.
The Bank is eminently aware that, for the achievement of the above objectives in the present
dynamic environment, sustained progress and continued reform of the financial sector is of
utmost importance. Continuously aware of this great responsibility, NRB is seriously pursuing
various policies, strategies and actions, all of which are conveyed in the annual report on
monetary policy.

Formation of Board and Functions, Duties and Powers

Formation of the Board: There shall be a Board of Directors in the Bank consisting of the
following members:-
(a) Governor - Chairman
(b) Secretary, Ministry of Finance – Member
(c) Two Deputy Governors - Member
(d) Three Directors appointed by the Government of Nepal from amongst the persons
renowned in the fields of Economic, Monitory, Banking, Finance and Commercial Law -
Appointment of the Governor:
1. Government of Nepal, the Council of Ministers shall appoint Governor on the basis of
the recommendation of the Recommendation Committee formed pursuant to sub-
section (2).
2. Government of Nepal, the Council of Ministers shall, for the appointment of Governor,
form a Recommendation Committee as follows:-
(a) Minister of Finance - Chairperson
(b) One person from among the former Governors – Member
(c) One person designated by Government of Nepal from amongst the persons
renowned in the fields of Economic, Monitory, Banking, Finance and Commercial
Law. – Member
3. While making recommendation for the appointment of Governor, the committee
formed pursuant to sub-section (2), shall recommend to Government of Nepal, the
Council of Ministers the names of three persons renowned in the field of economic,
monetary, banking, finance, commerce, management, commercial law and from among
the Deputy Governors.
4. Government of Nepal, the Council of Ministers shall, out of the names recommended
pursuant to sub-section (3), appoint one person to the Office of Governor.
Appointment of the Deputy Governor:
1. Government of Nepal, the Council of Ministers shall, on the recommendation of the
Governor, appoint Deputy Governor. 9
2. The Governor shall, while making recommendation for appointment of Deputy
Governor pursuant to sub-section (1), recommend names, double in number of the post
falling vacant from among the special class officers of the Bank on the basis of their
performance and capability.
3. Person appointed in the post of Deputy Governor under this section shall be deemed to
have been automatically retired from the service of the Bank.
Appointment of the Directors:
1. Government of Nepal, the Council of Ministers shall appoint Directors.
2. Government of Nepal, the Council of Ministers shall, while appointing Directors,
appoint them each representing different sectors from amongst the persons renowned
in economic, monetary, banking, financial, commercial, management and commercial
law sectors.
Term of Office of the Directors:
1. The term of Office of the Governor, Deputy Governor and Directors shall be of five
2. Government of Nepal may, reappoint the retiring Governor for one term and the retiring
Directors for any term, if it is deemed necessary.
Remuneration and other Benefits of the Directors: The remuneration and other benefits of
the Governor, Deputy Governor and Directors shall be as prescribed by the Board.
Qualifications of the Directors: In order to be appointed to the post of Governor, Deputy
Governor and Directors, a person shall have to meet the following qualifications:-
(a) A Nepalese citizen;
(b) Having higher moral character;
(c) Having work experience in economic, monetary, banking, financial and commercial law
sectors after having attained at least master's degree in economics, monetary, banking,
finance, commerce, management, public administration, statistics, mathematics and law.
Explanation: - For the purpose of this clause, "work experience" means the experience of
works in the post of special class of Government of Nepal or of the Bank or in the post of a
university Professor or in the post of Executive Chief of class 'A' of a commercial bank or
of a financial institution or in the equivalent post or in the post higher than those in terms of
the order of protocol.
(d) Not disqualified under section 21.
Disqualification of the Directors:
None of the following persons shall be eligible for appointment to the Office of the Governor,
Deputy Governor and Director:-
(a) Member or official of a political party, or
(b) The person blacklisted in relation to transaction with a commercial bank or financial
institution, or
(c) An official currently engaged in any commercial bank or financial institution, or
(d) A person having five percent or more shares or voting right in a Commercial Bank or
financial institution, or
(e) A person rendered bankrupt for being unable to pay debts to creditors, or
(f) A lunatic person, or
(g) A person convicted by a court in an offence involving moral turpitude.
Grounds for Removable of the Directors from Office:
(1) Government of Nepal, the Council of Ministers shall remove the Governor, Deputy
Governor and Director on conditions stipulated under sub-section (5). Provided that
Government of Nepal shall not deprive the concerned person from a reasonable opportunity
to defend himself prior to remove him from his office.
(2) Government of Nepal shall, remove the Governor from his office pursuant to sub-section
(1), on the recommendation of an inquiry committee constituted under section 23.
(3) (3) While removing a Director or Deputy Governor pursuant to sub-section (1),
Government of Nepal shall cause to conduct an inquiry by committee and remove him from
the office on the basis of the recommendation made by the committee.
(4) Once Government of Nepal initiates the process for removing the Governor, Deputy
Governor and Director pursuant to sub-section (1), they shall be deemed to have been ipso
facto suspended from their office.
(5) The Governor, Deputy Governor and Director shall be removed from the office on any of
the following grounds:-
(a) If one is disqualified to become a Director pursuant to section 21; or
(b) The lack of capability to implement or cause to implement the functions which the Bank
has to carry out in order to achieve the objectives of the Bank under this Act; or
(c) If one has committed any act causing loss and damage to the banking and financial
system of the country; or
(d) If one is found to have acted dishonestly or with malafide intention in any transaction
related to the business of the Bank; or
(e) If professional license is revoked or prohibited from carrying out any profession
rendering disqualified to be engaged in any trade or profession on the ground of gross
misconduct; or
(f) If one is absent for more than three consecutive meeting of Board without a genuine
(6) Except on the grounds referred to in sub-section (5), no Governor, Deputy Governor and
director shall be removed from the office.
Functions, Duties and Powers of the Board:
The functions, duties and powers of the Board shall be as follows:
(a) To frame monetary and foreign exchange policies;
(b) To take necessary decisions with regard to the denominations of bank notes and coins,
the figures, size, metal, materials for printing notes, and other materials; and to frame
appropriate policies with regard to their issue;
(c) To frame necessary policies for causing the supervision and inspection of commercial
banks and financial institutions and banking and financial arrangement.
(d) To approve Rules and Bye-laws of the Bank and to frame policies applicable to the
operation and management of the Bank;
(e) To frame policies with regard to the appointment, promotion, transfer, dismissal,
remuneration, pension, gratuity, provident fund, leave, code of 13 conduct and other
terms and conditions relating to the service of the employees of the Bank;
(f) To approve the annual programs and budget of the Bank and the annual auditing of
accounts, and to submit its report to Government of Nepal for information;
(g) To approve the annual report on the activities of the Bank;
(h) To frame necessary policy for the issue of license to commercial banks and financial
institutions and for revoking such license;
(i) To approve the limit of the loan to be provided to Government of Nepal by the Bank;
(j) To fix the amount, limit and terms and conditions of the loan and refinance which the
Bank provides to the commercial banks and financial institutions;
(k) To make decision with regard to the Bank's membership to international organizations,
(l) To frame policy for the mobilization and investment of Bank's financial resource;
(m) To submit proposal to Government of Nepal along with the reasons therefor if it is
necessary to make amendment to this Act;
(n) To take decision on all other matters excluding the matters which are within the
authority of Governor under this Act; and
(o) To delegate the powers vested on the Board to the Governor or the subcommittee
constituted by the Board with or without fixing the time limit.
Functions, Duties and Powers of the Governor:
The functions, duties and powers of the Governor shall be as follows:-
(a) To implement the decisions made by the Board;
(b) To operate and manage the Bank;
(c) To systematize the functions to be carried out by the Bank;
(d) To represent and cause to represent on behalf of the Bank in international organizations
and associations;
(e) To implement and cause to implement the policies relating to monetary and foreign
exchange matters;
(f) To formulate necessary policy on rates of interest for deposits and loan with commercial
banks and financial institutions;
(g) To formulate necessary policies with regard to the rates of interest to be paid by
commercial banks and financial institution on deposit and loan or the rate of interest to
be charged by them on deposits and loan;
(h) To formulate necessary policies relating to liquidity to be maintained by commercial
banks and financial institutions;
(i) To make necessary arrangement with regard to the basis, amount, methods, conditions
and duration of compulsory deposit to be maintained by commercial banks and
financial institutions, and its use;
(j) To fix the terms and conditions relating to adequacy of the capital fund of commercial
banks and financial institutions;
(k) To take decision with regard to the procedures and terms and conditions to be followed
while purchasing and selling gold and other precious metals;
(l) To fix the charge on the services to be provided by the Bank;
(m) To take decision for opening and closing branch offices and other offices of the Bank
as may be necessary;
(n) To establish and close agency of the Bank;
(o) To make necessary arrangement for development and operation of information system
of the Bank;
(p) To make necessary arrangement for supervision of commercial banks and financial
(q) To take decision with regard to revocation of the license provided to commercial banks
and financial institutions;
(r) To take decisions on any other matters subject to the powers delegated by the Board of
Directors; (2) the powers to be exercised by the Governor of a Central Bank in
accordance with international practice shall be vested in the Governor.

Establishment, Objectives and Functions, Duties and Powers

Establishment of the Bank:
(1) There shall be a Central Bank established in the name as NEPAL RASTRA BANK in order
to carry out the functions of Central Bank.
(2) The Nepal Rastra Bank established under the Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2012 (1955) shall be
deemed to have been established under this Act.
(3) The Bank shall be an autonomous and corporate body with perpetual succession.
(4) There shall be a separate seal for transaction of business of the Bank.
(5) The Bank may, subject to this Act, acquire, utilize, retain, sell and otherwise dispose of or
manage movable and immovable property.
(6) The Bank may sue in its name and the Bank may also be sued in the same name.
(7) The Central office of the Bank shall be located at Kathmandu and the Bank may open
branch, sub-branch and other offices at any place within and outside the Kingdom of Nepal
and appoint agents or representatives as per its requirement.
Objectives of the Bank:
(1) The objectives of the Bank shall be as follows:-
(a) To formulate necessary monetary and foreign exchange policies in order to maintain
the stability of price and balance of payment for sustainable development of economy,
and manage it;
(b) To promote stability and liquidity required in banking and financial sector;
(c) To develop a secure, healthy and efficient system of payment;
(d) To regulate, inspect, supervise and monitor the banking and financial system; and
(e) To promote entire banking and financial system of the Kingdom of Nepal and to
enhance its public credibility.
(2) The Bank shall, without any prejudice to the objectives referred to in subsection (1), extend
co-operation in the implementation of the economic policies of Government of Nepal.
Functions, Duties and Powers of the Bank:
(1) In order to achieve the objectives referred to in section 4, the functions, duties and powers
of the Bank shall be as follows:
(a) To issue bank notes and coins;
(b) To formulate necessary monetary policies in order to maintain price stability and to
implement or cause to implement them;
(c) To formulate foreign exchange policies and to implement or cause to implement them;
(d) To determine the system of foreign exchange rate;
(e) To manage and operate foreign exchange reserve;
(f) To issue license to commercial banks and financial institutions to carry on banking and
financial business and to regulate, inspect, supervise and monitor such transactions;
(g) To act as a banker, advisor and financial agent of Government of Nepal;
(h) To act as the banker of commercial banks and financial institutions and to function as
the lender of the last resort;
(i) To establish and promote the system of payment, clearing and settlement and to regulate
these activities; and
(j) To implement or cause to implement any other necessary functions which the Bank has
to carry out in order to achieve the objectives of the Bank under this Act;
(2) While exercising the powers conferred by this Act or any other prevailing law, the Bank
shall have power to carry out other functions and take actions, which are incidental thereto.
(3) No one shall violate powers conferred on the Bank under this Act.

NRB relationship with government

 Banker, Advisor and Financial Agent:
(1) The Bank shall be the banker and financial advisor of Government of Nepal and a
financial agent of the Kingdom of Nepal.
(2) Government of Nepal shall consult the Bank on any matters that are within the
jurisdiction of its competence. It shall be the duty of the Bank to advise on matter
consulted by the Government of Nepal.
(3) Government of Nepal shall, while preparing annual budget, consult the Bank on the
domestic debt including overdrafts.
(4) The Bank shall submit a pre-budget review report to Government of Nepal each year
on the economic and financial matters.

 Opinions and Information Relating to External Debt:

(1) Government of Nepal may consult the Bank while taking loan from external sectors.
(2) The consultation referred to in sub-section (1) shall include the subjects such as amount
of loan, the terms and conditions of the loan and the repayment of loan.
(3) Government of Nepal shall inform the Bank when external loans have been received.
(4) Government of Nepal shall consult the Bank while granting approval to private and
public institutions to raise loan-creating liability in foreign exchange.
(5) Government of Nepal, public institution or private sector shall inform the Bank about
the agreements concluded having creating liability in foreign exchange.

 Deposit Collection:
(1) The Bank shall accept the deposits of Government of Nepal or other bodies prescribed
by Government of Nepal.
(2) While accepting deposits pursuant to sub-section (1), the Bank shall receive and
disburse monies, keep accounts therein, and provide banking services related thereto.
(3) The Bank may authorize commercial banks and other financial institutions to conduct
the transaction as referred to in sub-section (2) subject to the terms and conditions
prescribed by the Bank.

 Functions of Fiscal Agent: The Bank shall, subject to the terms and conditions stipulated
in the agreement entered into with Government of Nepal, act as fiscal agent of Government
of Nepal on the following matters:-
(1) Marketing, purchase and sell of debt bonds issued by Government of Nepal and to act
as registrar and transfer agent therefore;
(2) Payment of the principal, interest and other fees of the debt bonds referred to in sub-
section (1);
(3) Other necessary functions to be carried out as the agent.

 Bank may ask for Particulars, Statistics and Documents:

(1) The Bank may ask for the particulars, statistics and documents necessary for conduct
of its business from the concerned bodies.
(2) It shall be the duty of the concerned bodies to provide the Bank with the particulars,
statistics and documents asked for under sub-section (1).

 Consultation on the Matter of Law Reform:

(1) The Bank may be consulted on any proposals by the concerned entities for legislation
with respect to matters that relate to Bank objectives or that otherwise are within its
fields of competence, including monetary policy and its operations, credit, the balance
of payments, foreign exchange, and banking, before they are submitted for amendment
or legislative action.
(2) It shall be the duty of the Bank to provide opinion sought pursuant to subsection (1).
(3) The Bank shall have powers to submit proposals to Government of Nepal for enacting
new law or amending the existing laws on the subjects relating to the objectives of the
Bank or area of its competence such as monetary policies and its operation, credit,
balance of payment, foreign exchange and banking.
 Credit to Government of Nepal and Purchase of Government Debt Bonds:
(1) Except otherwise provided in this Act, the Bank shall not provide any type of financial
assistance to Government of Nepal or an institution under the full or substantial or
partial ownership of Government of Nepal.
(2) Subject to the limits specified in this section, the Bank may extend credit to Government
of Nepal with a condition to repay within one hundred eighty days.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), the Bank may extend a special
credit of long term to Government of Nepal only on account of subscription and 28
similar payments resulting from or incidental to the membership of the Kingdom of
Nepal with international organization.
(4) The Bank shall disburse credit to be extended to Government of Nepal or an institution
under full or substantial or partial ownership of Government of Nepal only in Nepalese
rupees. Such credit shall be certified by negotiable debt bond issued by Government of
Nepal and delivered to the Bank. Such debt security should have the maturity
corresponding to the maturity of the extension of credit and should bear the interest at
market rate. There must be a written agreement executed between Government of Nepal
and the Bank. Such agreement should clearly stipulate the principal amount of the loan
or limit on a line of credit, the maturity, and the applicable rates of interest and other

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