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Multivariate data analysis is application of__ All

Pattern such as group or trend in the data table can not be studied using
Multivariate data analysis. incorrect

Dependent variables refers to those variables__ variation is analysed

Independent variables refers to those variables__ Which acts as an input in the

experiment. *

Multivariate data analysis helps us to__ both

What is multivariate statistics? All

What are the features of multivariate random variable? Both options

Use of only one variable to describe the data is known as__ univariate
data analysis

__ is an example of Multivariate analysis in which relationship exist

between a dependent variable and independent variable/s. partial least

If the area under the PDF curve is zero, then__ Probability=0

Lurking variable remains__ hidden during analysis

Principal component analysis reduces__ large number of correlated

Probability mass function is also known as__ prob density function
Least number of coordinates required to showcase a point is__ dimension
What is done when a new data in the sub Interval is added? 1 bin added
to top
Amalgamation paradox is also known as__ simpson’s paradox
What is the drawback of using Kernel density estimation's Histogram
method? plot is not smooth

Stochastic variables are also known as__ random variables

Final: 15/15
1. What are the features of multivariate random variable? Both
2. What is box kernel density estimate? block in the histogram is centered over the
data points

3. Features of probability density function are__ All

4. What is prior probability? Probability distribution done in lack of evidence.
5. In box kernel density estimation,__ histogram is centered over the data points

6. We use __ in histogram for sub intervals. Bins

7. What is Kernel density estimation? non - parametric density estimation
8. What is density estimation? Estimate probability density function
9. What is multivariate statistics? All
10. What is parameter? Both
11. Stochastic variables are also known as__ random variable
12. What is Random walk? we can not predict the outcome in advance
13. Use of only one variable to describe the data is known as__ univariate
14. Lurking variable remains__ hidden during analysis
15. Multivariate data analysis is application of__ all

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