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International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences April 2017, Volume 5 Issue 4, ISSN 2349-4476

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment

Anjana Raviprolu
(Asst. Professor)
Dept. of Management, Dr. Lankapalli Bullayya College

In today’s competitive world, the use of data has become imperative in planning and operations of a business. The
analytics is powering the critical decision making in marketing, sales, production, finance and also in human resources.
In strategic decisions for human resources, the data analytics play role in recruiting, selecting, growing and motivating
the employees. Artificial intelligence(AI) is used to group, analyse and represent the data in a form that is easily
accessible and understood and can be acted upon by the HR managers. With an influx of data in the HR space, AI has
the capacity to provide a wealth of insights in HR areas including recruitment. AI systems instantly identify patterns and
make connections that would be difficult and time-consuming for individuals to uncover. This predictive intelligence
allows HR teams to become more proactive and more strategic with their planning and programs.AI is a branch of
computer science that uses machine learning algorithms that mimic cognitive functions; making machines more human-
like. AI is so attractive as it helps leverage intelligent machines keep HR managers focused on the needs of candidates
and employees. AI helps outsource not just some of the administrative tasks in HR an recruitment but also helps elevate
our current efforts throughout our organization.The main objective of this paper is to study the role of AI in recruitment.
It also throws highlights on the techniques used in recruitment. This being a conceptual paper, only secondary sources is
used to gather the information. Various books and websites are used to gather the information. Also various literatures
are reviewed to understand the concept.
Key words: Artificial Intelligence, Recruitment, Time-consuming

With the global technology at its peak, the organisations are using AI to reach out for competent candidates
for the crucial roles.The power of using data can be realized not just by the return on investment or with the
future predictions but by the actual benefits that come when AI leverages the people data to make use of this
data into actions. The AI technology provides a tool to the HR managers and leaders to attract, retain and
inspire the competent manpower which leads to the success and growth of the organisation. One of the recent
trends in HR is the Use of AI in recruitment. Artificial intelligence is defined as “an ideal „intelligent‟
machine [that] is a flexible rational agent that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its
chance of success at some goal.”
The use of automation in recruitment saves the time and cost and does away with the third party involvement
in the recruitment. With the automation and use of AI in recruitment, the organisations can reach the best
talent in less time and money. AI tools have been extensively used to automate the resume screening process
by providing recommendations to learn about an existing employee experience, skills, and experience to get
cumulative insights before arriving at hiring decisions.

Literature review
Competence based model is an HR tool that helps the organisation to manage their manpower by effectively
recruiting, planning and developing the candidates.(Heene, 1997)
G Liddon, (2006)[10], described the competence model as a description of Knowledge, Skills, Capabilities
and Behaviors. These traits are required to successfully perform any job or functions. Organizations may use a
competence based system as a business strategy to determine how competence model are functionally and
multi-dimensionally used for hiring and selection, assessment, performance management, training and
development and career development.
Objectives of the study
 To understand the role of Artificial Intelligence in the recruitment
 To understand the benefits of using AI in recruitment
 To understand the challenges of using AI in recruitment

115 Anjana Raviprolu

International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences April 2017, Volume 5 Issue 4, ISSN 2349-4476

Methodology of the Study
This is a conceptual paper. This paper reviews the literature of others to understand the concept of Artificial
Intelligence and its role in recruitment. Only the secondary sources are used to gather the secondary
information. Various books and websites are referred for this purpose.

Definitions of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence refers to the theory and development of computer systems ability to accomplish
responsibilities that normally demands human intelligence, such as pictorial sensitivity, dialogue recognition,
decision-making, and translating from one language to another.
Artificial intelligence is an ideal "intelligent" machine is a flexible rational agent that perceives its
environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal.

How does the AI tool Bot Mya works?

This tool automates almost 75% of the recruitment process. Once the candidate finishes his traditional
application, Mya works in the company website, face book messenger, Skype, e-mail and SMS. If Mya finds
the candidate interesting, then bot send a positive reply. Mya does further screening by asking questions. The
Bot sends the updates to the candidates. Finally, a person from the company will inform to the candidate
whether they move on to an interview. The Bot provides the recruiters with enough time to concentrate on
interviews and closing offers.

Role of AI in Recruitment
1. Initial screening of candidates: It AI tools and chat box are used by the HR managers to do the
initial screening of the candidates. These tools and chat box are used to ask questions from the
candidates and the answers are analyzed by the HR professionals to understand the various attributes
of the candidates.
2. Engagement of Candidates: Most of the candidates who apply for the job don‟t get the
communication from the employer. The AI tool helps in sending the customised information and
message to the individual candidate.
3. Re-engagement of candidates: Many times most of the records of the candidates are lost once the
requirement of a vacancy is met. But with AI ,once the record of the candidate is used and also
updated in real time. The additional qualifications or duties of the candidate also get updated.
4. Customized training and development: training and development is imparted to traineesto improve
their performance and hence productivity.Each employee need distinct training to improve specific
skills which needs to be updated. AI tool helps in providing customized training and development to
individual employee to improve their performance and help in career growth and development.
5. Post offer acceptance: once a candidate is selected, he is on a notice period. In this notice period, if
there is no communication of this employee with the employer then he might leave the organization
and move on to the other. AI can help to overcome this problem. It helps in maintaining the
relationship with the employees by regular communication. This helps to retain the employees and
saves lot of time and money which otherwise would have been wasted in the recruitmentof new
6. Orientation of new employees: Orientation is important for the new employees in making them
familiar with the culture of the organization. It also helps in making the employees familiar with the
policies and process of the company. But the employers don‟t like wasting the time on orientation.AI
helps in conducting the orientation of employees. The employees also can get any doubts clarified.
7. Employee relations: Most of the employees have many doubts ranging from simple questions to the
complex ones. AI helps in providing the answers of the simple and routine questions. But sometimes
HR manager has to come in between for the human touch especially when the questions are very
complex and complicated.

116 Anjana Raviprolu

International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences April 2017, Volume 5 Issue 4, ISSN 2349-4476

Benefits of using AI in Recruitment
1. Saves time: It saves time by using AI tools in doing repetitive task. Recruiters have to spend enough
time to screen the resumes of the candidates. That too screening is a repetitive job. AI helps in saving
the time of the recruiters.
2. Talent mapping: AI helps in understanding the requirement and the competency of the candidates.
This helps the recruiters to plan their career and place them on a right job.
3. Saves cost: As AI helps in the qualitative hiring, the role of the third party in recruitment is reduced.
This helps in saving the costs.
4. Quality hiring: As AI provides the recruiters with huge data and unbiased screening and selection, it
improves the quality of hires.
5. Reducing turnover: The employees get the updated information and they get the answers for their
queries. This satisfies the employees and result in employee engagement. It helps in reducing turnover
as an engaged employee continues to provide his services to the organization.
6. Productive workForce: The AI results in qualitative hiring. It also helps in training and development
of employees. This leads to the improved efficiency and productive work force.
7. No bias in recruitment: as the machine and not the humans are involved in the hiring, there is any
bias in screening or selection. .
8. Quality candidates:AI provides not just the quantity but also the quality of candidates. The AI helps in
understanding the attributes and competency, skills and knowledge of the candidates. The talented
candidates are hired.

Challenges or problems with AI in Recruitment

1. Lot of data is required: Dealing with people is like dealing with infinite variables. Lots of data is
needed to understand the psychology of people which is very complicated and complex.
2. Difficulty in dealing with human beings: The AI is artificial and is just a tool to do the work
with less time and money. But when it comes to handling the humans, it‟s the humans who van
handle humans. The AI is intelligent but with no emotions to handle and manage the humans.
3. Lack of human touch: AI being a tool lacks empathy and HR without empathy. This tool
without empathy cannot fix the people in the organization which a HR professional can with his
human touch.
Industry experts also convey that by implementing Artificial Intelligence, recruiters and hiring managers can
gauge problem-solving skills and teamwork capabilities in real-time. The intent is to learn more about
candidates by developing their learning and critical thinking skills. It can be said that AI is definitely going to
be the next big thing in recruitment and it is all set to redefine the overall process of recruitment in the coming

1. Heene, A. and Sanchez, R. (Eds.) (1997), CompetenceBased Strategic Management, Chichester: John Wiley and
2. G Liddon, (2006), “Forecasting a Competency Model for Innovation Leaders Using a Modified Delphi
Technique. [Thesis.]Pennsylvania State University, 2006

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