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G.R. No. 142773, January 28, 2003


Marlon, Manuel and Robert Delim are brothers. They are the
uncles of Leon and Ronald Delim. Modesto Delim, the victim
(deceased), was adopted by the father of the brothers. On
January 23, 1999, Modesto, Rita (wife), Randy (son) and their 2
grandchildren were about to eat their dinner when Marlon, Robert
and Ronald barged into the house. They were armed with a short
handgun. Marlon poked his gun at Modesto while Robert and
Ronald simultaneously grabbed and hog-tied the victim. A piece
of cloth was placed in the mouth of Modesto.

They then herded Modesto out of the house on their way towards
the direction of Paldit, Sison, Pangasinan. Leon and Manuel, also
armed with short handguns, stayed put by the door to the house
of Modesto and ordered Rita and Randy to stay where they were.
Leon and Manuel left the house at around 7am the following day.
On January 27, 1999, Randy, in the company of his relatives,
found Modesto under thick bushes in a grassy area. He was
already dead. The cadaver was bloated and in the state of
decomposition. It exuded a bad odor. Tiny white worms swarmed
over and feasted on the cadaver. Randy and his relatives
immediately rushed to the police station to report the incident
and to seek assistance. According to the autopsy, the cause of
death was a gunshot wound at the head and the stab wounds
sustained by the victim on his left and forearm were defensive
wounds. The investigators confirmed that the accused had no
licenses for their firearms. Only Marlon, Ronald and Leon were
arrested. Manuel and Robert were not found. To exculpate
themselves, Marlon, Ronald and Leon interposed denial and
alibi. The trial court rendered judgment finding accused-
appellants guilty of aggravated murder (The trialcourt
appreciated treachery as a qualifying circumstance


Whether the accused defense of alibi be given credence


It is incumbent upon appellants to prove that they were at

another place when the felony was committed, and that it was
physically impossible for them to have been at the scene of the
crime at the time it was committed. This they failed to prove.

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