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Instant Credit Repair Letters

The ULTIMATE Fill-In-The-Blanks Letter

Templates You Can Copy & Steal To Write
EFFECTIVE Credit Repair Letters For
ANY Credit Situation … In Just 31/2 Minutes

 2006 Bruce Liu

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents

Copyrights Notices............................................................3


A Letter From Publisher ...................................................5

Tips For Writing Effective Credit Repair Letters..............6

Sample Letters To Request Your Credit Reports.............10

Sample Dispute Letters With The Credit Bureaus. .........13

Sample Negotiation Letters With The Creditors.. ...........33

Sample Dispute Letters With The Collectors .................48

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

Copyright Notice
 PrimeMax Marketing Group


No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, or

distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and recording, or by any informational storage
or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Published by:
PrimeMax Marketing Group
3416 Hidden Valley Drive
Plano, TX 75074

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any
responsibility for errors, omissions or contradictory interpretation of the
subject matter herein.

This publication is not intended to be used as a source of legal advice.

The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the
use of these materials and information. The reader is strongly
encouraged to seek professional counsel before taking any action.

The information presented in this publication is intended as a general

guide to assist you in improving your credit rating. As different
consumers have different credit histories, results from employing the
information in this publication may vary.

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

A Letter From Publisher

Plano, TX

Saturday, January 28, 2006 8:23AM

Dear Reader:

Inside this e-book you will find a collection of important sample letters that can be
used to handle a wide variety of credit situations might occur. Some of these
letters may not be used in your particular situation. If you need help with how to
write or what to write – it’s right here!

After reading these letters, you should be able to write your own letter that
effectively deals with your own credit situation. These letters were written in
different styles. Use them as models for your own letters.

Remember, always reword if you use one of these letters as a template, so that they
do not sound like they are written by a lawyer or credit repair consultant.
Otherwise, it is very likely that your request is denial. Many credit bureaus will
show more resistance if a professional does it.

I wish you the best of luck.

Bruce Liu

P.S. One more thing. There’s nothing that brings me more happiness or satisfaction
than hear from customers who have used this information to write their own credit
repair letters that make the credit bureaus or the creditors take immediate notice.

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

Tips For Writing Effective
Credit Repair Letters

1. Keep Simple And Clear

When you write a dispute letter, always write it in simple manner. Succinctly describe the
problem you try to resolve. How the problem has affected your ability to get credit, employment,
insurance. How the problem potentially cause you to suffer some specific financial loss, such as
reject credit, mortgage, get higher interest, etc.

Why you think the items you are disputing are wrong. Give number of specific reasons. Don’t
provide details that will only confuse the situation. Only provide information that can help you
resolve the problem. Never show anything you are unsure about what you want to do with the
negative entries.

2. Keep Short
You should dispute no more than 4-5 items at a time. Don’t write a letter that is more than a
page long. Your letter is first read by a lower-level employee called the "checker".

If your letter is too long, complex or vague, the checker may write you back telling you that your
dispute is frivolous, or send you a letter asking for more information. Remember, credit bureaus
are bombarded with more than 10,000 letters a day.

3. Be Creative
Create and utilize techniques that help further the idea that the dispute letter is from a truly
wronged and disadvantaged consumer. If there is a negative item that you want removed from
your credit, such as a bankruptcy, charge off or collection account, you may want to write that
this is NOT your account and you want it removed immediately.

If the account is now paid off, but was seriously past due at one time, DO NOT write that it's not
your account. Instead, write that it is your account but was NEVER past due and you need it
updated. You should say that everything has always been current.

Send disputes during busy times of the year. For Example: The first to middle of November can
cause a delay in verification because of Thanksgiving. Christmas rush for the creditor and the
bureau can catch them before they can thoroughly investigate within a reasonable time

According to law, the credit bureau must response your request with 30 days, if they cannot get
verification from the creditor, most likely they will straight up your credit record.

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4. Be Polite
Your first one or two disputes should be friendly and polite. Just like any other consumer, you
can become frustrated and threatening as time passes. You may threaten to hire an attorney, you
may threaten to complain to the FTC and your state's attorney general, etc.

But don’t rude. Don’t overdo it.

5. Always Provide & Keep Documentations

Provide the documentations you believe that can verify your statements. If your payments were
not credited to your account, then you’ll need copies of cashed checks or bank statements.
But, never send originals.

Provide full information that the credit bureau can contact you. Be sure to place your mailing
address, home phone, and phone on every piece of correspondence.

Always keep a copy of your completed investigation request form, dispute letter, and backup
documentation. They provide you with the records of what you said and when you said it. Also,
the date on letter will let you know when you should have heard back from the credit bureaus.

6. Write Letter By Yourself

Always remember that if the dispute is sent in from anyone other than you, the credit bureau will
suspect that you have paid someone to repair your credit. This raises all sorts of Red Flags.
It is imperative that you let credit bureaus believe you are working alone and trying to fix a real
legitimate mistake.

To get the very best results, if possible, you may write all of your letters by hand because it
looks like more personalized. The credit bureau tends to take it more serious than typewrite
letter. Now, many credit-repair consultants now have all of their letters written by hand in the
very same simple style.

7. NEVER Give Credit Bureaus More Information Than They Need

Always include all information that credit bureau require, but NEVER give credit bureaus more
information than they need!

The bureaus have a right to request a copy of your social security card, but only give a copy of
the front. They also may request a copy of something showing your address if it is different than
what is showing on the report. Send them only billing statement that has your address. Do not
send them a copy of your driver’s license or as they request.

Remember the credit bureaus are information-gathering companies who sell your information,
not only for credit, but also for promotional reasons.

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

8. Always Be Persistent And Never Give Up

It is possible the credit bureaus reject your request, the very first thing you should do is be
persistent and never give up. Be more insistent.

Don’t be upset. It could be the common delay strategy that credit bureau often used. It could be
you lack of enough documents to support your case. Try to find additional documentations that
will help your case.

Write your second or even third dispute letter. In your letter, again states what the problem is,
why you believe the item you disputing is wrong and how the problem affect your ability to get
credit, obtain mortgage, or get insurance, using stronger words.

Stick to your story no matter. Don’t show any signs of weakness or hesitancy in your letter. If
you give them such impression that the disputing item is POSTIVELY and 100% wrong, most
like the credit bureau clear up your record rather than spending more time and money to
investigate the individual issue.

People who have successfully cleaned their credit report say that they have denied a bankruptcy
or judgment and have received verification from the credit bureau that it was in public record.
They denied a second time and some even a third time, and finally the credit bureau deleted the
bankruptcy from the report.

So do not get discouraged! Patience and persistence are important keys to incredible success in
repairing a damaged credit report.

9. Do Not Bombard The Credit Bureaus With Disputes

Sending one dispute right after another is wasteful and counterproductive. You may wind up
alienating the credit bureau so that they hold up your progress.

As you submit one dispute after another, it may become increasingly difficult to get the checker
to initiate an investigation. The checker is only interested in investigating disputes that “truly”
are erroneous and damaging. Again, because the credit bureaus are flooded with requests, they
tend to give priority to those that seem most urgent.

Also remember, that credit repair is a time-consuming operation requiring great patience. The
rule of thumb is to wait 60 days between disputes of the same listing.

10. Sign Your Letter And Send It By Return Receipt Certified Mail
Make sure to sign each letter before you send it on. An unsigned letter is an unofficial document
that no one takes seriously, and often times is easily tossed in the garbage. Send the letter along
with other support documentations through certified/return receipt mail. It will greatly
increases your chance of a response.

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

There are a few more important things you need to AVOID when you write your dispute letter:

(1). Explain why and how the negative credit came about.
(2). Claim that your file has been mixed-up with someone else’s.
(3). Confirm the account if any information about the item is wrong
(4). Use letterhead (It will raise Red Flags).
(5). Quote the FCRA or other legal matters in your letter.

Here is the bad dispute sample letter:

“….. I have highlighted and numbered these disputed items on the attached copy. The reasons
why these items should be deleted are indicated below:

Item # Reason for Deletion

According to the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act 611 (a) [15 USC 1681i(a)], these
disputed items must be reinvestigated or deleted from my credit record within 30 days. In the
interim, these items should be noted on my credit record as “in dispute”. I am also requesting
the names, addresses and telephone numbers of individuals you contacted during your
investigation so that I may follow up.

Please notify me that the above items have been deleted pursuant to 611 (a) (6) [15 USC 1681j
(a) (6)]. I am also requesting an updated copy of my credit report, which should be sent to the
address listed below. According to the provisions of 612 [15 USC 1681j], there should be no
charge for this report. ”


My credit application was recently denied and according to the attached letter that I received
less than sixty days ago from the company that denied me credit, your credit bureau issued the
report that was used to determine my credit evaluation.

Section 609 [15 USC 1681g] of the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970 provides that your credit
bureau should send me all information on file that led to my credit application being denied.
According to the provisions of Section 612 (b) [15 USC 1681j (b)], there should be no charge for
this information. “

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

Sample Letters To Request
Your Credit Reports

1. Requesting Your Free Credit Report Letter


<Your Name>
<Your Current Address>

<Address of Credit Bureaus>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

I am writing to request my free credit report. Please send my credit report to address above.

<Your Complete Name>

<Your Social Security Number>
<Your Date of Birth>
<Your Drive License Number>
<Your Current Address>
<Your Previous Address>

Thank your for cooperation.

Sincerely Yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

2. Buying Your Credit Report Letter


<Your Name>
<Your Current Address>

<Address of Credit Bureaus>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

I would like to request a copy of my credit report for my review. Enclosed is my money
order/check for the cost of my credit report plus sales tax, also please find a photocopy of my
driving license, showing my current address, and a photocopy of my Social Security card.

Please send my copy of credit report the address above.

<Your Complete Name>

<Your Social Security Number>
<Your Date of Birth>
<Your Drive License Number>
<Your Current Address>
<Your Previous Address>

Thank your for cooperation.

Sincerely Yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: < List of documents>

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3. Requesting Your Free Credit Report If You Were Denied Credit
Use this letter if a credit report was used in a recent decision to deny your credit, insurance, or a
job. Under current law the credit bureaus that issued the report is required to give you a free copy
of your report if you request it within 60 days of being turned down.

How do you know if a credit report was used? The institution that turned you down is required to
tell you if your credit history was reviewed and also which credit bureau issued the report,
although they are not required to provider you with a copy of the credit report.


<Your Name>
<Your Current Address>

<Address of Credit Bureaus>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

I was recently rejected for <a loan, job, or insurance policy by name of rejecter> on <date of
rejection.> The decision is based on a credit report from your service. I would like to get a copy
of my credit report so I can look into this matter. Please send my free credit report to address

<Your Complete Name>

<Your Social Security Number>
<Your Date of Birth>
<Your Drive License Number>
<Your Current Address>
<Your Previous Address>

You will also find enclosed rejected letter from <Name of Rejecter>. Thank your for

Sincerely Yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <Reject letter from name of rejecter>

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

Sample Dispute Letters
With The Credit Bureaus

1. Sample Dispute Letter To Remove Late Payment


<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

I recently reviewed a copy of my credit report from your company. I found the following errors
are hurting my chances of getting a home for my family.

<Clearly describe each problem using as few words as possible>

<The account is wrong:> <Name of the creditor account number: ________________>

This account is not a bad account. Your report says that I was last <60 days twice>. But actually
I always pay that account on time.

I have enclosed the following documentations to support my claims: <Itemize the documentation
you are enclosing>

I would like you to investigate this problem as quickly as possible, correct it, and provide me a
corrected copy of my credit report. Please send my copy to: <Your completed mailing address>

If you need to reach me by phone, call <your phone number>. Thank you for your prompt
attention to this request.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents attached >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

2. Sample Dispute Letter To Remove Inaccurate Items (1)

<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

This letter is a formal request to correct inaccurate information contained in my credit file. The
item(s) listed below is/are completely <(insert appropriate word(s) - inaccurate, incorrect,
incomplete, erroneous, misleading, outdated>. I have enclosed a copy of a credit report your
company provided to me on <date of report> and circled the item in question.

Line Item: <name of creditor, account number or line item number>

Item Description: <this info is found on your credit report>

I request you investigate my claim and, if after your investigation, you find my claim to be valid
and accurate, I request that you immediately < insert appropriate word(s) - delete, update,
correct> the item.

Furthermore, I request that you supply a corrected copy of my credit profile to me and all
creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months, or the last 2 years for employment

Additionally, please provide me with the name, address, and telephone number of each credit
grantor or other subscriber that you provided a copy of my credit report too within the past six

If your investigation shows the information to be accurate, I respectfully request that you provide
me with proof of the accuracy of the item in question, specifically any contract, note or other
instrument bearing my signature.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosures: <List what you are enclosing>

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3. Sample Dispute Letter To Correct Inaccurate Item (2)

<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

I have obtained a recent copy of my credit report and discovered it contains inaccurate
information. The credit report in my name <list full name here> and Social Security number
<list your SSN number> maintained by your agency <name of bureau>.

You will find a copy of this credit report enclosed containing this inaccurate data highlighted in
<yellow and circled in red (Use one method or both)>. The following information that I have
highlighted/circled is wrong because the report states that: <list the inaccuracy>. This is not the
case because <list reasons why the listing is wrong>.

Please investigate this matter with <list name of the creditor> and correct and delete these
disputed items from my credit report.

In addition, make this letter a permanent part of my credit record. If you have any questions
about this request or the disputed credit information, you can call me at <list preferred contact
number: work, home, cell>.

Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter.

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosures: <List documents you are enclosing>

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

4. Sample Dispute Letter To Delete Multiple Items and Credit Inquiries

<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

Going over my credit report I have found it has many errors. I request your investigation of the

1. I spoke with <name of the creditor> again to verify my records. They confirmed that this as
my account and that there were no late payments to this account. They will draft a letter if
needed to correct this error. Please contact this creditor.

2. <Foreclosure 10/96> I did not have a <foreclosure> in <1996>. Please remove this item.

3. <Collection Account _____________ >I have tried to get to the bottom of this with the
information your company supplied. How are you able to confirm when I cannot? (See enclosed
copy). This is not mine. Please remove this.

I did not authorize the following inquiries and demand they be remove from my file:

1. <Name of the creditor> There are <4> different days in <July of 19**>. Why would this be?
Please remove <3> of these entries. I only authorized one time.

2. <Name of another creditor>. I only authorized <one>. Please remove the <other number of
inquiries> entries.

These listed accounts are not my debts nor my authorized inquiries. Please correct this by the
removal of these items from my credit report. Please send a copy of my corrected possible to my
address listed below.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosures: <List documents you are enclosing>

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5. Sample Dispute Letter To Remove A Item Belongs To Your Ex-Spouse
Sometimes, you may find that, in case of divorce, your former spouse still has access to your
credit cards, or has obtained credit through misrepresentation as still being your current spouse.
Take action to have this negative entry removed immediately from your credit file.


<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

I would like you to investigate the item listed below, which I have noted on my current credit
report. This item does not pertain to my account. It belongs to my former spouse. Would you
please remove it so my own credit history may be correctly and accurately reflected.

<Date of Credit Report>:

The following item belongs to my former spouse, to whom I am no longer married:

<List entry>

Please note that my former spouse incurred the above negative entry after our legal divorce.
Therefore, this entry must be deleted from my own credit file.

Please return a summary of your investigation, indicating that this entry indeed has been incurred
by my former spouse, and that you <have (or have not)> verified the accuracy of this entry.

Should verification not be forthcoming within 30 days, I fully expect this entry to be
permanently deleted from my credit report.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

6. Sample Dispute Letter To Remove Entry Because Of Fraudulent
If you find that someone has got hold of your Social Security Number and is assuming your
identity in order to obtain credit, you should inform the credit bureau immediately.


<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

By way of this letter, I would like to make you aware that a credit application was filed under
fraudulent circumstances, through unauthorized use of my signature and financial information.

Please be aware that I have not authorized the use of my signature or financial information for
this credit. As can be made apparent, my own signature and the fraudulent signature are in no
way similar. As well, I have never applied for this credit, with this lending institute.

I expect to receive from you the necessary documents, which I agree to notarize and return with a
copy of my driver’s license, that shall halt this fraudulent use of my identity.

Furthermore, I expect any negative or derogatory listing that may have been entered into my
credit file because of this fraudulent activity to be permanently stricken and deleted from all your

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

7. Sample Dispute Letter To Delete Out-Dated Credit Entries
At times, you may find negative listings on your credit report that should have been removed a
long time ago (over 7 to 10 years old), but were retained by the credit bureau.


<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

After scrutinizing my credit report with great care, I have noticed the following out-dated entry:

<Date of Credit Report>

<List of Entry>
Issued by: <name of credit bureau>

I would hereby like to request that the above out-dated entry be struck and removed from my
credit file.

Please return an updated version of my credit report, specifically showing that this outdated entry
has indeed been permanently deleted.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

8. Second Notice Letter If Credit Bureau No Response


<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

RE: Dispute Letter of <Date you sent in first or subsequent requests>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

This letter is formal notice that you have failed to respond to my dispute letter of <date>. I sent
this letter registered mail and have enclosed a copy of the return receipt which you signed on
<date of sign>.

As you are well aware, federal law requires you to respond within 30 days. It has now been over
that period since your receipt of my letter.

I am aware that you may have misplaced my letters or have failed to respond to my letter
because of an oversight due to the high volume of the requests you receive daily. If this is the
case, I'm sure you'll want to handle this matter as soon as possible.

For this purpose, I have included a copy of my original request, the dated receipt of your
reception of the original letter and a copy of the proof verifying the incorrectness of the credit
item you have mistakenly placed on my records.

The following information therefore needs to be verified and deleted from the report as soon as

<List the name of creditor and your account #>

Please delete this erroneous item from my credit report as soon as possible.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

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9. Second Notice Letter If Credit Bureau No Response


<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Re: Failure To Respond To Deletion Correction Letter on <date>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

On <date of first letter> I sent a letter requesting that you reinvestigate or delete disputed items
from my credit report as well as place these items in a “dispute status” during this investigation.
As of this date, you have failed to respond to my request. A copy of my original letter is
attached for your review.

I may suffer damages because I need to rely on an accurate and complete statement of my credit
record and demand that you investigate and update my report as requested immediately.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at <your phone

Thank you.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

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10. Sample Dispute Letter To Remove Unauthorized Credit Inquiry

<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Re: Unauthorized Inquiry

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

I reviewed a copy of my credit report and <name of the creditor> ran an unauthorized credit
inquiry on me on <date>.

I never authorized such action. Please contact <name of the creditor> and investigate such an

I am requesting an updated copy of my credit report, which should be sent to the address listed
below. In addition, as part of our investigation, please send the names, business address and
phone numbers of those who made unauthorized credit inquiries so I may contact them directly.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at <your phone

Thank you.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

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11. Sample Letter When Credit Bureau's Request More Information

<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

On <date>, I wrote to <Credit Bureau Name> at this address and filed a dispute of information
in my credit report. This dispute indicated that the information was in dispute and identified the
data from the language used in the credit report.

I also <list of the documents that credit bureau request>. And I’ve enclosed those documents
again now.

Please expedite my original request dated <date of original request>. It has now been 14 days
and I am still burdened with inaccurate credit reporting.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

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12. Sample Letter To Dispute Items Still Remain On Your Credit Report

<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

I recently wrote you to have an item investigated on my credit report. You claim that you have
verified that the item is correct as states on your report. I don’t how that could be true, since the
item is wrong. You seem to have merely repeated the information.

<list of your account number and name of the creditor is(are) wrong and explain why is wrong>

Since you have not given me names of persons with their business addresses that you contacted
for re-verification of the information, so that I could follow up as I requested, I assume that you
have not been able to verify the information I have disputed.

If this problem continues and I am forced to seek some form of professional assistance, you have
been forewarned of the harm which this problem is causing me.

I shall assume that 30 days constitutes a "reasonable time" to complete these actions unless you
immediately notify me otherwise.

Send me an updated copy of my credit report with these items deleted.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

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13. Sample Letter To Dispute Other Items If First Attempt is Successful

<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

Your credit reports are so confusing that I have identified another error on my credit report.

The item I found in error is:

<List name of the creditor and your account number>

Your report says that I was <30 days late once>, but that’s not my fault. The payment was late
because I did not receive the bill on time. The bill was sent to my previous address even though
I had already notified the credit card company before I moved.

I look forward to a prompt remedy of this unpleasantness.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

14. Sample Letter To Dispute Other Items If First Attempt is Successful

<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

I understand that an investigation concerning the entry below that appeared on my credit report
was undertaken. However, I am still in disagreement with this entry, as it certainly is incorrect.
Would you please re-investigate?

Please refer to my previous letter, a copy of which is enclosed for your convenience.

Furthermore, would you please send me the name and business address of each individual with
whom you verified the information as per my previous letter.

Please forward me an updated version of my credit report, after you have conducted your

I am still in disagreement with the following entry:

<List of item you believe it is wrong>

<Credit Report Date>

Should you not receive verification within 30 days, I expect the above entry to be permanently
deleted from my credit report.

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

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15. Simplified FTC Dispute Letter

<You Name>
<Your Address>
<Your Phone>
<Your SSN>

Federal Trade Commission

Bureau of Credit Practices
Pennsylvania Ave. and 6th St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20580
(202) 326-2000

Dear Consumer Complaints:

<Credit bureau name> won’t respond to my complaints about the errors in my credit report.
Enclosed is a copy of the written dispute, and a copy of postal return receipt card. Please help
me in any way possible.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List of the documents you are enclosing>

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

16. FTC Formal Complaint Letter


<You Name>
<Your Address>
<Your Phone>
<Your SSN>

Federal Trade Commission

Bureau of Credit Practices
Pennsylvania Ave. and 6th St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20580
(202) 326-2000

Dear Consumer Complaints:

I am writing this letter to register a complaint about (name of credit bureau), located at (address
of credit bureau). A description of my problem with this credit bureau is following:

<Succinctly describe the problem you have been trying to resolve and how the problem has
affected your ability to get credit, employment, insurance, or other: Include a chronology of
events that illustrates how long you have been working to resolve the problem, the various steps
you have taken, and people you have spoken with. Detail the response of credit bureau
representatives, and when possible include the names and titles of persons you have spoken

While I understand that you do not take action on behalf of an individual consumer, I want you
to be aware of the troubles I have been experiencing with <name of credit bureau>. I hope that
if you receive enough complaints, you will do what you can to make sure that this credit bureau
cannot harm other consumers as it has harmed me.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

17. Notification Of Lawsuit Letter Against Credit Bureau

<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

Enclosed is a copy of the lawsuit that I filed against you in (name of county you are living) court
on <date of lawsuit you filed>. Currently the Pre-trail Conference is scheduled for <date pre-trial
date> in courtroom <courtroom number>. The case number is <case #>.

The reason the lawsuit was filed was due to a completely inadequate response from your
company. When someone is the victim of identity theft, it is simply a nightmare trying to get
false information removed from a credit file. I have contacted all of the false creditors listed on
my credit file. I have challenged all of the false listings on my credit file. Nothing ever happens
to fix the situation.

Over 90 days ago I wrote each the creditors in question and demanded proof that I am their
customer. I asked for proof of the alleged debt, including specifically the alleged contract or
other instrument bearing my signature.

So far none of them has been able to provide such proof to me. I have sent follow-up letters to
each of them and there is still no proof. I have attempted phone contact, but I simply get
transferred around and nothing ever gets accomplished.

I have copies of the certified letters and dates prepared to bring to court on <date of pre-trial>.
Also, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, these disputed items should not appear on my credit
report if they cannot be supported by any evidence.

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, if they cannot verify the debt within 30 days, then it must
be removed. Your letters to me claim to have ‘verified’ the debt, but this is in fact not true under

Simply contacting the alleged creditor and asking them to match up numbers in their database is
no sufficient verification for identity theft. Of course the information matches up. Someone
clearly used my information without my authorization.

Now I am suing <name of credit bureau> for being such a pain in the posterior to me. I have
provided more than sufficient evidence to get these false accounts removed.

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You may contact me before <date of pre-trial> at <your phone number> or at the address listed
at the top of this letter. This matter can be settled simply by your agreement to remove the false
information from my credit file.

I require a response, on point, in writing, hand signed, and in a timely manner. If I get another
pointless letter from you saying that it has already been ‘verified’ then there will be no more
opportunity for negotiation.

This will proceed in court until I have successfully proven to a judge that this false information
must be removed from my credit file. I will also be aggressively pursuing the full judgment that I
can get against <name of credit bureau> for violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and

I have already won a similar lawsuit against <another name of credit bureau>. Enclosed is a
copy of that settlement. I will agree to a similar settlement with <name of credit bureau> if you
contact me before <date of pre-trial>. If you accept the same terns as <another name of credit
bureau> did, then I will dismiss my lawsuit against <name of credit bureau> and you will not
need to appear in <your county and state>.

The items to be removed from my credit report are listed as follows:

<Listed accounts and account numbers>

I look forward to your response.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

18. Sample Letter to Add Good Credit On Your Credit Record

These letters will inform the credit bureau that you have other loans which are in good standing,
and which you would like added to your file.


<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

By reviewing the credit record you maintain on me. I noted that my credit report does not
contain certain information that I personal feel is important to a complete portrait of me a credit-
using consumer. Therefore, I request that you should add the following account information to
my credit file:

<Include a copy of your credit report, and specify the account information you would like added
to it. Note relevant accounts numbers, and provide the complete name(s) and address(es) of
applicable creditor(s).>

If you need additional information from me, you can reach me at <your phone number and
mailing address>. Please let me know if there will be a fee involved.

Thank you for your kind assistance.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

19. Adding 100 Words Statement Explanation of Late Payment

<You Name>
<Your Address>

Customer Service
<Credit bureau Name>
<Credit Bureau Address>

Dear Customer Service of <Name of Credit Bureau>:

I am writing this letter to explain my late payments on my mortgage to <name of creditor> in

<date of late payment>.

I am very distressed that this has ever happened to me, but I was <laid off, seriously injured,
going through a death in family>. The circumstances drained my carefully put aside savings and
I was forced to miss a payment because of it.

My financial advisor told me not to tap into my 401K, and I was able to recover from this crisis
and begin making on-time payments.

I have always prided myself in paying on time, and I have taken steps to put away more money
in my savings account to guard against other unforeseen occurrences like this.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

Sample Negotiation Letters
With The Creditors

1. Requesting To Add Credit Information In Both Spouse Name


<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

As of June 1, 1977, according to the provision of the federal ECOA, creditors were to begin
reporting account information on authorized-user and joint account in the names of both spouses.

In reviewing the credit files maintained on myself and my husband by (name of credit bureau), I
noticed that you are not reporting information under my name for the account <Account#:
____________________> that we have with you. That account was opened after June 1, 1977.

I am writing to ask that you start reporting account information in my husband’s name as well as
in my name. I also ask that you make my file reflect the current status of my husband’s file as
reported by you.

Thank you for assistance. If you have any question, you may call me at <your phone number>.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

2. Sample Dispute Letter To Update Correct Information

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

Recently, I requested a copy of my credit report from <name of credit bureau>. By reviewing
my credit report, I discovered a problem relating to the account I have with you. My account
number is <your account number>.

The problem is: <Describe the problem as clearly and succinctly as possible>. I have enclosed
documentation that supports my case.

I would like to appreciate your checking into this problem and advising me of your findings. If
you determine that you have not been reporting accurate, complete information on my account to
the credit bureaus you work with, please provide the correct information to those credit bureaus
and direct them to make the appropriate changes in the files that they are maintaining on me.

In addition, I would like to receive a copy of whatever you send the credit bureaus in response to
this letter. Please send that correspondence to me at my address: <Your current completed
mailing address>

If you need to reach me by phone, call me at <your phone number>.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

3. Sample Dispute Letter To Remove Late Payment

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

I recently pulled my credit report from <name of credit bureau> and to my amazement, saw that
you recently have decided to report me <30 days late> on this account in <date of reported>.

I immediately disputed this information with <name of credit bureau> and the results of the
investigation came back "verified". Not only was I never late on this account, but according to
the FCRA, you are required to notify me of the insertion of negative listings.

You are also required to furnish me with documentation regarding information you are reporting
to the credit bureaus if I ask for it. Since I have disputed the lateness with the credit bureaus, and
you obviously "verified" them.

In order to clear up this matter, I would like to see, at the very minimum, a payment history from
your company showing me I was late on these dates. If you don't provide to me within 30 days
the information, I will assume you have no documentation and therefore you were negligent in
providing the credit bureaus with accurate information.

I request that you remove my late payments and also the "account closed by credit grantor" from
my credit report. Please correct this listing to "paid as agreed - never late", and remove late for
<insert date of late(s)>.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

4. Request To Update Past Due Account Status After Made Full Payments

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

Your report to the credit bureau, in regard to the previous past due status of my account with
you, was detrimental to my credit rating.

Now that I have paid off the past due balance and have also made regular payments on my
account, as agreed, I would like to request you to please submit a statement to <name of credit
bureau> describing my account as being in good standing – which it certainly is now.

Thank you for your attention to this request.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

5. Negotiation A Settlement To Request To Remove Your Bankruptcy

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Your Account Number With Lender>

<Name of Lender>
<Lender Address>

Dear: Mr./Ms. <Name of person handling your account>

Since my credit rating was negatively effected by your entry to the credit bureau which showed a
bankruptcy of my account with you, I am writing this letter to you to negotiate a settlement of
the account, and discuss having this bankruptcy status removed from my credit report with
<Name of Credit Bureau to which the lender reports>.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

6. Negotiation A Settlement To Reduce Debt For Your Outstanding Account


<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

I am writing to request assistance in correcting erroneous information pertaining to my account

#__________________ shown on my credit report.

I was involved in a traumatic divorce which necessitated leaving my home. All outstanding
accounts were to have been taken care of in the proceedings. With changes to my address and
marital status, perhaps any billings that were sent, concerning unpaid accounts, missed me.

While trying to rebuild my life, I discovered these accounts such as yours that were never settled.
I am trying to correct my credit after going through this set back by trying to settle these
accounts, and doing the best I can.

The outstanding account # ________________ has a balance of $<the total amount you owed>
which is a large sum for me at this time.

I am writing to inquire if there is any hope for a reduced amount to satisfy the account in full. In
this way I may realistically be able to settle this outstanding balance with you.

I am also concerned about the negative information now on my credit file. I am advised this
negative information you have placed on my files could remain in my credit reports for 7 years
after payment is made. However, I have the right to remove any information from this credit
report through the suppliers of information.

I am requesting, because of my horrible situation, your company notify the Credit Bureaus to
delete this account from my files when paid in full, as it does not reflect my personal willingness
to pay my debts.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this unfortunate situation.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

7. Negotiation A Settlement With Utility Companies

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Name of Regional Utilities>

< Regional Utilities Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of utilities>

Please be advised that this correspondence is an effort to once again satisfy the obligation listed
with your company as account number _______________ and with <Credit Bureau Name> as
account number ___________ in the amount of $_____________.

You state, "In order for us to maintain the integrity of all the accounts that we refer to <Credit
Bureau Name>, we will only cancel accounts if they have been referred due to an error on our

I doubt that this is the first time a meter was not transferred from one owner to another correctly.

My request does nothing to breach your integrity concerning other accounts <Credit Bureau

It is the popularly held standard that the Fair Credit Reporting Act concludes that paid collection
accounts may be reported for seven years from the date of last activity.

Thus, if a consumer, such as myself, were to pay off a debt, one would be burdened with the
negative trade reference for an additional seven years above and beyond that time which may
have already passed.

It is my goal to be free from an additional seven years of negative credit data pertaining to this
account. In my last correspondence dated ____________, (see enclosed copy), I requested your
assistance in putting this error to rest by making payment, even though I was not the recipient of
the services being billed for.

I thought I had made it clear chat this proposal is being made only for the purpose of
compromise and is not in any way to be construed as an admission of any liability, wrongful or
negligent conduct or bad faith on the part of either party.

Accordingly, I am again requesting your help in deletion of this account from my credit reports
when payment in full is received as this is not accurately portraying what happened.

In this instant matter, your company will collect the obligation in full and I will face no more of a
credit reporting burden than that already sustained.

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

8. Negotiation A Settlement For Collection Account

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

I am writing in an attempt to settle the account you are listing under my name and social security

I agree ___________________ Company should have been paid for service rendered but I do not
agree with this being on my credit report as a bad debt. I would like to put this account to rest as
I hope you would.

I did not use your services but am negligent in not making certain the person buying the
residence had changed the billing from my name to his. I never received a statement or overdue
notice. I no longer was living in the home so I had no reason to suspect a payment problem.

My concern is if I made payment to you in an attempt to stop negative reporting to the credit
bureau, the balance in my credit file would show Zero PAID COLLECTION, and then those
negative ratings would continue for another seven years.

This would be wrong as it is not a true indicator of my willingness or ability to pay debts. I
believe I am caught in the computers and a credit reporting system that does not tell what truly
has happened.

I am requesting your help in deletion of this account from my credit reports when payment in full
is received as this does not accurately portray what has happened. I have been informed by
reputable source that this can be done and is within the purview of the law.

I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter and an expedient favorable resolution.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

9. Confirm Settlement Letter And Request To Remove Delinquent Account

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear: <The name of the person handling your account>:

As per our various telephone conversations, please find enclosed the agreed-upon payment.

To confirm our agreement in writing, you agreed to remove any and all negative and derogatory
listings in my credit file, pertaining to my account with you. In exchange, I have agreed to pay
the total amount of $<state amount>), as full settlement of my delinquent account.

Please understand that your agreement to remove negative listings does not mean a listing of
“Account Paid”. Rather this agreement means the complete and permanent erasure of the entire
incident and listing with any and all collection agencies and/or credit reporting entities.

Your acceptance, deposit and cashing of my check (enclosed), shall mean your full compliance
with the above-defined agreement.

Thank you.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

10. Debt Scheduler Settlement Letter

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

Due to <your reason such as server financial, health problems, etc>), I find it necessary to settle
my debts as best I can.

With this letter, I offer to settle my outstanding debt to you for <percentage> of its total amount.
In other words, I am offering you ($______) to be paid in (______) monthly payment terms, you
agree to delete all of bad credit items and report this account as current and satisfactory.

If this is agreeable to you, please sign the date below and return to me

Thank you very much. I want to extend my thanks to the customer service department for being
so helpful with this misunderstanding.

Best Wishes,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

11. Debt Settlement Letter To Accept Partial Payment as Full Payment

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

This letter concerns the money I owe you. For the past three months I have received bills from
you stating that I owe $<amount owed> for shoddy furniture which you refused to replace or

Because of the incredibly inferior condition of the merchandise I have received, I feel I owe you
no more than $<the amount you feel you owe to the creditor>. It is obvious that there is a good
faith dispute over this bill.

To settle this debt I will send you a check for $ <the amount you feel you owe to the creditor>
with a restrictive endorsement and if you cash that check it will constitute an accord and

In other words, you will receive from me a check that states "cashing of this check constitutes
payment in full." If you cash this check, that check will take care of what I owe you.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

12. Creditor Agreement to Compromise Debt
<Name of Creditor>, referred to as CREDITOR and <your name>, referred to as DEBTOR,
agree to compromise the indebtedness as between them. CREDITOR, hereby agrees to
compromise the indebtedness due the CREDITOR on the following terms and conditions:

The CREDITOR and the DEBTOR agree that the present debt due is $<the total amount you
owed to the creditor>. The parties agree that the CREDITOR shall accept the sum of $<the
amount you will pay to the creditor> as full payment on the debt. The acceptance of the payment
will serve as a complete discharge of all monies due. The payment shall be made in cash.

In addition, upon accepting of the $< the amount you will pay to the creditor>, the CREDITOR
will notify all credit bureaus that account is PAID AS AGREED, and delete any entries showing
this account as ever being late.

This compromise is expressly conditioned upon the payment being received by <date of payment
should be received>. If the DEBTOR fails to pay the compromised amount by <date of payment
should be received>, the original amount owed by the DEBTOR will be reinstated in full, and
immediately due.

This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and

Dated: <_______________ > Signature: <____________ >

<Name of creditor> CREDITOR

Date: <______________> Signature: <____________ >

<Your Printed Name> DEBTOR

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13. Student Loan Forbearance Notification Letter

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Student Loan Lender Name>

<Student Loan Lender Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of lender>:

Please consider this formal notification that I am still in the school, and therefore the terms of the
forbearance of my student loan are still in effect.

I will notify you as soon as I graduate and subsequent grace period has elapsed by sending you a
check for the first payment on my loan.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

14. Creditor’s Agreement To Clear Collection Account


<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

I am glad that we are able to settle our misunderstanding. Please find enclosed <full, or if you
are using a repayment schedule, the first installment> payment.

Your acceptance of the check signifies that the account is <paid in full or paid up to date> and
that you will contact the three credit bureaus and collection agencies to delete any collection
account or any other derogatory credit.

I appreciate your cooperation and service.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

Sample Dispute Letters
With The Collectors

1. Cease And Desist Collection Efforts Letter


<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Name of Collection Agency>

<Address of Collection Agency>

RE: <Your account number with the collector>

Dear Customer Service of <name of collector>:

I request that you CEASE and DESIST in your efforts to collect on the above referenced account
(SEE letter attached). It is my personal policy not to deal with collection agencies and I will only
deal with the original creditor of this account.

You are hereby instructed to cease collection efforts immediately or face legal sanctions under
applicable Federal and State law.



<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

2. Sample Dispute Letter To Validate Debt
Under the Federal Debt Collection Practices Act, you are allowed to challenge the validity of a
debt that a collection agency states you owe to them.

Use this letter and the following form to make the agency verify that the debt is actually yours
and owed by you. Keep a copy for your files and send the letter registered mail.


<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

This letter is being sent to you in response to a notice sent to me on <date of receiving collection
letter from the collector>. Be advised that this is not a refusal to pay, but a notice sent pursuant
to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act that your claim is disputed and validation is requested.

This is NOT a request for “verification” or proof of my mailing address, but a request for
VALIDATION made pursuant to the above named Title and Section. I respectfully request that
your offices provide me with competent evidence that I have any legal obligation to pay you.

Please provide me with the following:

• What the money you say I owe is for;

• Explain and show me how you calculated what you say I owe;
• Provide me with copies of any papers that show I agreed to pay what you say I owe;
• Provide a verification or copy of any judgment if applicable;
• Identify the original creditor;
• Prove the Statute of Limitations has not expired on this account
• Show me that you are licensed to collect in my state
• Provide me with your license numbers and Registered Agent

At this time I will also inform you that if your offices have reported invalidated information to
any of the 3 major Credit Bureau’s (Equifax, Experian or TransUnion) this action might
constitute fraud under both Federal and State Laws.

Due to this fact, if any negative mark is found on any of my credit reports by your company or
the company that you represent I will not hesitate in bringing legal action against you for the

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

• Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act
• Violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
• Defamation of Character

If your offices are able to provide the proper documentation as requested in the following
declaration, I will require at least 30 days to investigate this information and during such time all
collection activity must cease and desist.

Also during this validation period, if any action is taken which could be considered detrimental
to any of my credit reports, I will consult with my legal counsel for suit. This includes any listing
any information to a credit reporting repository that could be inaccurate or invalidated or
verifying an account as accurate when in fact there is no provided proof that it is.

If your offices fail to respond to this validation request within 30 days from the date of your
receipt, all references to this account must be deleted and completely removed from my credit
file and a copy of such deletion request shall be sent to me immediately.

I would also like to request, in writing, that no telephone contact be made by your offices to my
home or to my place of employment. If your offices attempt telephone communication with me,
including but not limited to computer generated calls and calls or correspondence sent to or with
any third parties, it will be considered harassment and I will have no choice but to file suit.

All future communications with me MUST be done in writing and sent to the address noted in
this letter by USPS.

It would be advisable that you assure that your records are in order before I am forced to take
legal action. This is an attempt to correct your records, any information obtained shall be used
for that purpose.

Best Regards,

<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

3. Simplified Sample Dispute Letter To Validate Debt

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

I am continually being called on the telephone by your firm over an alleged $<total amount you
owed to the collector> debt. I request validation of this debt.

I am requesting proof that I am indeed the party you are asking to pay this debt, and there is
some contractual obligation which is binding on me to pay this debt.

I request that you stop contacting us on the telephone and restrict your contact with us to writing,
and only when you can provide adequate validation of this alleged debt.

I look forward to an uneventful resolution of this matter.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

4. Sample Dispute Letter To Validate Debt Regarding Phone Bill

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

When living in New Jersey, I received service through ________________ Telephone Company.
During that time, there were numerous billing errors. I kept being mixed up with another family.
Though time consuming and aggravating for me, the phone company always found and corrected
the errors.

Before moving to New York, I stopped service and paid the final bill. I never thought I would
continue to be plagued with __________________ Telephone Company errors.

I am sure if you speak to a human being and not a computer at ________________ Telephone
Company, there will be a record of the problems we were having with wrong billings. I am also
certain you will discover this is not my debt.

Though I was assured by the phone company at the time that my name was not the cause of the
errors, I'm not so sure.

I would truly appreciate your assistance.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

5. Sample Dispute Letter To Validate Debt Which You Believe Not Owed

<You Name>
<Your Address>

<Creditor Name>
<Creditor Address>

Dear Customer Service of <name of creditor>:

I am writing in response to your letter dated <date of receiving collector letter> [copy enclosed].
This is the first letter I've received from you on this matter.

I do not believe that I owe what you say I owe, and I request that you please do the following:

• Tell me what this money that you say I owe is for;

• Show me how you calculated what you say I owe;
• Give me copies of any papers that show I agreed to pay what you say I owe;
• Show me that you are licensed in my state, and give me your license number;
• Stop contacting me about this or any other matter you have, except to provide me with
proof that I owe what you say I owe;

I demand that you also send a copy of this dispute to the company that you say I owe money to,
so that they do not report this on my credit report.

I further demand that if you have reported me to a credit reporting company, you tell them that I
do not agree with this debt.


<Your Signature>

<Your Printed Name>

Enclosure: <List documents you are enclosing >

Copyright  PrimeMax Marketing Group All Rights Reserved

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