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VIRAMA: An Interactive Baybayin Learning Application

Dayrit, Richard V. Garino, Ronnel Roy S. Mercado, Joshua C. Tiosen, Aeroll C. Valen, Aljon R
Mabalacat City College Mabalacat City College Mabalacat City College Mabalacat City College Mabalacat City College
Mabalacat City Mabalacat City Mabalacat City Mabalacat City Mabalacat City
09967390888 0995851170 09361153464 09755411475 09667560578
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT is a technology of relatively recent history that must be taught to

Virama, is an android based application that provides various each generation of children so they may concentrate on a single
functionalities and features in teaching on how to write Baybayin aspect in which it would increase their efficiency in using a
– one of the many scripts and the most dominant writing system certain script. Meaning it has been observable even thousands of
of the Philippines. The application is provides and interactive years before, from the Egyptians, Sumerians, and Greeks. Even
experience to user which makes it unique compared to other the Philippines has its very own writing system that is called
similar applications in the market. Baybayin and is used before the Spanish colonization. Even
though the patronization of the late country’s writing system has
The application will provide varieties of lessons which is essential vanished prior to the colonization of the country, in our current
in learning the traditional script. It will guide you in different times, the new generation are spearheading an act to revive the
topics such as word construction, glyph strokes, vowel once dead Baybayin. Through the approval of the proposal for
cancellations and etcetera. After learning the fundamentals of the making Baybayin as the national writing system of the
writing script, you can practice your learnings with the use of the Philippines, it is an opportunity for the new generation to provide
GAMES which is another feature that the application caters. Your an advance way of teaching it given that we are at the modern age
expertise can also be measured by it, gauging it from the time of technological advancement. And with the help of innovating
finished the quiz and number of right answers. The TOOLS the Baybayin teachings through its implementation to mobile
feature will also a handy function in familiarizing the other glyphs devices, which is the goal of this research, the access to the
or characters, from Flashcards and custom keyboard that can be national script will be more efficient, and is more effective
used in translating Baybayin to Tagalog and vice versa. Virama, because of its diverse availability for the new and the old
as a teaching material, is a lenient method in teaching the Filipino generations because mobilization of various old practices is the
citizen given by its wide availability not limited to students or way for it to adapt to the fast progression of our world.
teachers and professors, as long as the users know how to speak
or communicate in Tagalog, the application is available to use. 2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
Mobility and accessibility is also one of the selling factors that the
application has which makes the application accessible not only to
the young but also to the elders with the basic knowledge in 2.1 General Objective
mobile devices. The study aims to develop an interactive mobile application,
running in an Android Operating System Platform which will
Following the approval of the proposed House Bill 1022 or also provide an exemplary mode of education for Baybayin to its
known as the National Writing System Act, this application will users, through basic writing, syllabic ruling (addition and
make a drastic change in learning the script compared to the subtraction), and word construction.
traditional way of teaching with the use of pen and paper. This
social relevance is an opportunity for the IT industry to tackle this 2.2 Specific Objectives
area of innovation not limiting it only in teaching Baybayin but The following are the specific objectives of the research:
also in other fields or subjects and courses. 1. To develop an android application that teaches on
how to write Baybayin
General Terms 2. To generate a feature that tutors the user on how to
Teaching, Interactivity, Leaning, Writing, Translation, Tutorial, write a certain glyph and validates its accuracy
Lesson, Quizzes, Games, Social Relevance, Mobile Device, 3. To create an interactive experience that will appeal
Android Operating System, Application to the attention span of the user
4. To develop a way to measure the learnings of the
user through quizzes and/or side games
Keywords 5. To create a custom keyboard which translates the
Virama, Baybayin, House Bill 1022, Scripts, Glyphs, Tagalog, input of the user from Baybayin to Tagalog and
Writing System, Strokes Tagalog to Baybayin

1. INTRODUCTION 2.3 Scope and Limitations of the Research

Writing system is established in almost the whole entirety of This section encompasses the scope of the study and presents the
mankind, whether it be from the Asian, European, American and limitations which are not covered by the developed system.
other continents. As what David R. Olson (n.d.) once said, writing
2.3.1 Scope of the Research Such inventions are notable advance for representing the Greek
The following are the scope of the study: language but not necessarily for representing the Semitic
The application’s scope surrounds around the development of an language. That’s the area where the eastern countries are capable
interactive learning experience, provide lessons which will give of achieving language such as Chinese and Japanese, which
the user the basics and essentials needed in learning on how to possesses a simpler syllabic architecture together with a much
write in Baybayin, customization of Baybayin Keyboard that
greater count of homophones. What has been mentioned
translates the Latin alphabet, gauging feature to measure the
learnings of the user, and tools to practice the acquired knowledge showcases the diverse characteristic of a writing system from
in writing the script. different parts of the world and its adaptability to fit what certain
needs are to be met.
2.3.2 Limitations of the research
The following are the limitations of the study: Writing is a form of communication with the use of visible marks
The developed system is only limited to Android Operating that are related to each other (Olson, n.d.). Languages is defined
System. The application is also available for Baybayin which is as systems of symbols and we can say that a writing system is for
only one of the many writing scripts of the country symbolizing these symbols. As previously mentioned, a writing
system renders a language visible. Speaking and writing depend
3. RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES upon the underlying structures of language. With that, writing
Culture is the identity and characteristic of a particular
cannot be ordinarily be read by someone who's not familiar with
community where they share the same belief, language, religion,
the linguistic language that was used. David R. Olson (n.d.) also
and other social habits (Zimmermann, 2017). To make it more stated that syllabaries provide unique symbol for each distinct
understandable, culture is the "way of life" of people in a
syllable and a syllable is a unit of speech that is composed of a
particular place and how they do things on their own. It is
vowel count or sometimes, a combination of consonant and vowel
considered as the main concept having the range of phenomena in
which it can be transmitted in human societies through social
learning. The Center for Advance Research on Language In the Philippines, there is a writing system that was used by the
Acquisition (2017) took a step further and they stated that culture Filipinos prior to the Hispanic colonization. Baybayin is an
is a shared behavior and interactions that are learned through ancient writing system native to the Philippines which has been a
socialization. With that being said, each and every people across core part of our heritage and culture for centuries ("Ancient
the globe has a culture to be part of. Writing Script of the Philippines", 2018). It was mainly used to
sign documents, write poetries, communicate, and to write letters
One thing is certain in a culture, and that is the imminent change.
to one another. According to the Emerencia Catapang (2014),
(De Rossi, 2017). Because of this constant change, the past should
there are several indigenous scripts that are associated or share the
be respected and preserved as well. Culture can become the key in
same lineage of Baybayin that are still used by some tribes and
our interconnected world, which consists of many ethnically
communities in the Philippines and these ancient scripts managed
diverse societies but can also be corrupted by the conflicts to the
to survive because of the people that prevented the influence from
other elements which make up culture. The United Nations the outside to their own way of life. Filipinos believed that the
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was
Spanish were the one to blame for the demise of the script but
built by the United Nations to identify the national heritage of
they are also the ones to keep it documented extensively (Kabuay,
every culture to protect and conserve it.
Languages play a unifying and a diversifying role in human Baybayin was widely known in the Spanish colonization. Some
society as a whole. We can also say that a language is a part of
wanted it to be destroyed, and some took the advantage of the
culture and plays a big role in it. There have been a lot of confuse
native's literacy by publishing several books that contained
that occurred whether the official language is the Tagalog or the
Baybayin text (Morrow, 2002). Baybayin was noted by the
Filipino. According to the Philippine Constitution initiated in
Spanish priest Pedro Chirino in 1604 and Antonio de Morga in
1986, the Filipino language was named as the country's official 1609 to be known by most Filipinos. However, according to
language. The Tagalog language actually came first as it was
William Henry Scott, there were some dates from 1590s who
initiated in 1897. But then, it was the Filipino language, wherein
could not sign affidavits or oaths, and witnesses who could not
its basis is the Tagalog language that became as an official
sign land deeds in the 1620s. The first book that was published
language of the Philippines (Kungu, 2018).
was the Doctrina Christiana in 1593. Many scholars believed that
it was based mainly from the manuscript that was written by Fr.
British classist Eric A. Havelock (n.d.) once wrote, at a stroke of
Juan de Placencia. This book also provides a view of how the
the Greeks provided a table of elements of linguistic sound not
Tagalog language was spoken before the Spanish had a chance to
only manageable because of economy, but for the time in the
make changes on the language.
history of homo sapiens, also accurate, pertaining to the invention
of the Greeks of that alphabets and its convenience to the people.
Education can have no endings because learning is a part of an the mobile devices. It also supports a continuous access to the
individual's entire life (Lideman, 2015). As what E.C Lindeman learning process and provides a way for educational institutions to
(2015) stated, learning is already attached on an individual's life. deliver knowledge and contents through their learners.
It is a continuous process in which it can help someone to easily
Mobile Learning is no more an option but a "must have" (Pandey,
understand things with less comprehension. Learning things 2018). It is a learning on the go and offers flexibility to the
through education enables us to interpret things among the other learners to take their learning on the device of their choice.
ideas. It is also proven that some may gain information but it Mobile Learning is being used 47% of the organizations
cannot be apply into knowledge without proper education. worldwide. Because it is known for its higher engagement,
According to Kafoumba Doumbia (2013), one thing why the different learning institutions has accepted the Mobile Learning
education is important because it is the one of the major into their platform. Asha Pandey (2018) stated that there are some
compelling stats that reaffirm that Mobile Learning is a must have
foundation of gaining knowledge and it also develops an
in an organization: For Gartner Inc. (2013), 45% of businesses
individual's perspective in life. will have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy by 2020; for
Justin Ferriman (2014), 70% of the learners felt more motivated
As highly prioritized by the government, education in the when learning on a mobile device, as opposed to a computer;
Philippines is considered as one of the most important thing than MNA Learning (n.d.) observed that E-Learners typically study for
an individual must take (Lockyer, 2014). In fact, children are 40 minutes longer than students using a desktop or tablet; while
obliged to attend the school, spending a total of 12 years in basic in the E-Book released by the, it is stated that
education before proceeding into college - with 6 years in smartphone learners complete courses 45% faster than those using
a computer.
primary, 4 years in junior high school, and an additional 2 years
for senior high school because of the introduction of the K-12
program in 2012. As records shown by the World Data Atlas
(2015), the Philippines' adult literacy rate, which ranges from 15 IMPLEMENTATION
years old and above, climbed up from 2000 up to 2015. Year 2000
and 2003 had a value of 92.6% literacy rate and a massive 96.6% 4.1 Development and Testing
This chapter will present the discussion of the methodology of
in year 2015.
this study and how the application was developed by the use of
the development tools and techniques that will be used by the
Students and teachers, particularly the new teachers, are proponents. From the procedure of the data gathering, up to the
demanding the modern day teaching for its capability to create testing and evaluation, and even the implementation of the
more educational opportunities. It allows the students and application, will be made to meet the expectation of the testers
teachers to be more collaborative in using advanced educational and evaluators.
technologies. According to Tyler Wantulok's article entitled,
"How Important is Technology in Education" (2015), these Figure 1 shows that the Prototype Model will be used in
developing the application. Some of its advantages in
children are the digital natives wherein they know technology
methodology is that errors, missing and confusing functions can
better because it is an integral part of their life. Wantulok (2015) be easily identified. Also, with the consistency of the evaluation
also stated that they can even have their own pace of learning that by the end users, improvements can be made and are expected to
the traditional classroom can't do. be met to the greatest extent. Prototype model has 6 phases and
these are as follows: Requirement Gathering, Quick Design, Build
Due to the flexibility of the technology, E-Learning has been Prototype, Customer Evaluation, Refining Prototype, and
introduced. Maybe, it is more personal and interactive to learn Engineer Product.
inside a classroom, but there are also a lot of benefits in taking up
online courses because of its convenience and affordability
(Clover, 2017). E-Learning allows the learners to access
educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom.
According to Kamy Anderson (2017), E-Learning is absolutely
essential in today's fast-paced world and with the continuous
growth of the learning organizations, more and more
organizations have now been involved in implementing E-
Learning, which they believed, to be more helpful for them to
learn and improve an individual's skills.
Figure 1. Prototype Model
With these innovation, a new educational system was introduced -
Mobile Learning. According to Vangie Beal (n.d.), mobile 4.1.1 Requirement Gathering
learning is a learning process by the use of mobile technologies In this phase, the proponents will identify the basic requirements
such as smartphones to obtain learning materials. Just like E- that will be needed. The proponents will make an initial data
Learning, mobile learning is flexible, which allows students to gathering through research and several interviews with Mr. Leo
access education, anywhere and anytime. Mobile Learning was Emmanuel Castro, a Baybayin expert, about the writing system
practically more convenient to use, because of the portability of
4.1.2 Quick Design
The proponents will now list down the several possible concepts
of the application to be worked out. After the brainstorming, the
proponents came up to an idea to create designs based on the
resemblance of the script.
4.1.3 Build Prototype
With the extra information that are going to be gathered from the
end users, the first prototype will now be modified. The
proponents' designated graphic artist will provide the designs as
soon as possible and after that, the programmer will also start to
build and develop the application.
4.1.4 Customer Evaluation
This phase will allow the proponents to present it to the end users,
particularly, History Major students from Mabalacat City College,
so they can give their feedbacks and recommendations based on Figure 3. LEARN Feature
the current application.
Figure 4 is the interface of the TOOLS section displaying the
4.1.5 Refining Prototype tracing and translation feature of the application (Character stroke
The suggestions, developments, and other additional requirements tutorial and customized keyboard).
will all be depending to the feedbacks of the end users. The
development and the refining of the new prototype will continue
to be worked out until all of the requirements that were given by
the customers are met.
4.1.6 Engineer Product
The final prototype, which must be 100% complete, will be
released in the Google Play Store and will provide the copy of the
application in .apk or android package formation.

4.2 Description of the Prototypes

Figure 2 shows the Home page of the application which is also the
landing page of the app. This is the navigation part where the user
will pick on what function the user would want to use.
Figure 4. TOOLS Feature

Figure 5 displays the Games features that will hone the skills
acquired from learning the script.

Figure 2. Home Page

Figure 3 shows the interface of the learning section of the

application. This is where the user will choose its topic to be
application will undergo Alpha and Beta testing. The system will
be tested by an IT expert (Android Developer, Multimedia Expert,
IT practitioner) and the User. In Alpha and beta testing, the IT
practitioner and User will use Android Phone. The Equivalent
Score given by the respondent in alpha and beta test interpret with
use of evaluation scale as:

 Player experience:
 Focused Attention
 Fun
 Challenge
 Social Interaction
 Confidence
 Relevance
Figure 5. GAMES Feature  Satisfaction
Figure 6 is the area where in you can customize the audio and  Perceived Learning
sound FX.  Usability:
 Aesthetics
 Learnability
 Operability
 Accessibility


Based on the alpha tests results, the respondents depicted their

perspectives regarding the developed app.

The alpha testers rated the developed system with great

inclination to Strongly Agree in terms of Player Experience as the
Figure 6. SETTINGS Interface
table shows in Table 1.

3.3 Implementation Plan

Perc Relev Foc F Soc Satisf Ch C
eived ance use u ial actio alle o
nge n




2 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 1 1 1e

The proponents plan to deploy the application to Mabalacat City
College students who are undertaking History related courses
which makes them a more possible candidate in criticizing the

applications effectivity, efficiency, acceptability and usability. For

the initial users familiarity, the developers while provide mobile
n Inte

devices and will be noting impromptus comments and suggestions


provided by the users.

3.4 Implementation Result



As to the result on the evaluation made by the twenty (20) History

Major students of Mabalacat City College, the researchers would
like to achieve the same, much more if better result on the
evaluation of the students. The proponents have tallied the
suggestions of the students and summarized it for a better

comprehension of the result. If that so, the implementation plan is

successful and that means the developed system is accepted by
initial usersIn the Testing and Evaluation, the Application will be
evaluated using MEEGA+, the proponents will using the
MEEGA+’s questionnaire used in evaluating the application
Table 1. Alpha Test Player Experience Results
which covers the players experience and usability. The
And with the results with high positive ratings into the Usability While in usability section, the results showed a positive result too.
as Table 2 shows. Meaning the application is well compelling to the beta tester
perspective. It shows the difference compared to the initial test
conducted just as how table 4 displays.

ics n

essi rabi bility thet a


Acc Ope Learna Aes i

era ability sth
Op Learn Ae



0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 2

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2

bilit lity



Table 2. Alpha Test Usability Results
Table 4. Beta Test Usability Results
And as to the results of the beta tests, the results where more
positive compared to the initial test. Giving the application a more
affinition to the latter testers. Just as how table 4 depicted, it is 6. CONCLUSION AND
likely to assume that the developers appealed to the seconds RECOMMENDATIONS
After the test and evaluation has been conducted. The proponents
drew their conclusion and recommendations from the results
given by the evaluators. To sum up the results, the applications’
Socia Satisfac Chall C
enge o



proclivity falls under the Player Experience’s Fun and Challenge.

Providing a lesson-like procedure loses the enticing factor that
2 1 2 2 2 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1

most active games provides justified because of the applications

nature, learning game. To appeal to the Challenge declination of
result, the proponents might suggest into providing more eye-

catching and exciting side games and/or activities. With the

findings and conclusion of the study, the researchers recommend
some advance studies and researches for future development of
the system, the following recommendations are drawn:

1. Users’ inability of providing their own mobile device.

The developers recommends in accessing multi-

platform options for Windows OS and IOS users.


2. Since the application is only capable of teaching


Baybayin script, the users recommends on adapting

Perceiv Relevan Focu


even to the other traditional writing scripts of the

3. As to the users’ recommendations, the developers
might adapt into using other color scheme for the

4. To heighten the users’ expertise, the developers
recommends on adding different side activities not

limiting to only three activities.


Table 3. Beta Test Player Experience Results


First and foremost, we thank God for everything and to our

families who keep on supporting and believing us. We would like
to thank our adviser, Mr. Ralph Cadalzo, whose encouragement,
guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled us
to develop an understanding of the project. Lastly, we offer our
regards and blessings to all of those who supported us in any
respect during the completion of the project.


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