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Classroom Management Plan 6

Desks-The classroom layout consists of 36 desks. That many desks in the class are to

accommodate up to 36 students. The desks are placed in groups of 4 to accommodate group

work when needed. The desks are easily separated when testing is required. Desks would work

better in the classroom than students working at tables. The students have the ability to turn and

look at the board at the front of the desk and the television screen when necessary. There is also
Classroom Management Plan 7

plenty of room for the teacher to maneuver up and down the aisles and in between the groups of

desks. It will also allow any students in wheelchairs or crutches move in between the desks. If

there is a student(s) with a wheelchair, an oversized desk will be provided for that student to

accommodate the wheelchair. The teacher’s desk would be in the back corner or the classroom.

The teacher would have visual access to the entire class including who comes and goes. Meeting

the student’s basic needs can be accomplished with the setup of the classroom. Fun and

belonging can be accomplished with the setup that is made. With the four desks together,

students are, “able to work and talk with others, engage in interesting activities, and share

accomplishments,” and “Belonging is met when the student receives attention from the teacher

and others and are able to take part in class matters,” (Glasser, n. d.).

Book Shelves and Storage-There are several shelving units and places for storage throughout

the classroom. For a history classroom, students should have access to books and other materials

they may need. The teacher may provide personal books and/or books that have been donated.

To encourage students to read, a quiet sitting area is in the classroom where students will be able

to read the books provided and may be given extra credit for reading any of the books.

Computers-Two computers are on the side of the class to allow the students to use if researching

subjects or completing reports. These would be especially useful for those students who do not

have a computer or access to a computer at their house.

Tables-There are also some tables throughout the classroom that students can use for projects or

when they need a bigger space than their desk.

Sink and refrigerator-There is a sink and a refrigerator. Those are more for convenience than

for necessity. The students would have access to them to wash their hands or get a drink. A
Classroom Management Plan 8

fountain is attached to the sink for that purpose. The fridge would be more for the teachers use

and the students use.

Windows and Door-The door at the front of the room. Windows will be next to the door and

windows next to the fridge and the sink. Access to natural light would be a good thing for

students and the teacher. According to research conducted by Corbett Inc. natural light improves

performance, raising math and reading scores, it creates a healthy learning environment, and can

help with energy efficiency (Slowakiewicz, 2016).

Couches-Two couches, a chair, and a bean bag chair available to students. A designated sitting

area for the students has been placed in the corner of the room and the couches under two

windows all for the students to relax and read. These are also areas for students to study. The

access to these areas would be as a reward system or when assignments are completed.

Walls-The walls have several posters. Most would be history related, others would be dedicated

to my school. The classroom rules and procedures on the wall where the students would have the

ability to read and review them.

Whiteboard-In the back of the room there is a whiteboard and a SMART board. The students

would be able to see the boards from their desks without having to move or strain. With the

SMART board, the teacher can still face the class while using the computer to input on the

board, keeping the teacher from having to turn their back on the class. The teacher can also

connect the whiteboard to a tablet and walk around the class and project what they are writing on

the tablet. A projector is near the front of the room, in the middle to project on a screen that can

be accessed from the ceiling. The projector can be used to show history movies or videos.
Classroom Management Plan 9

Glasser, W. (n. d.). An Introduction to Choice Therapy. Retrieved from

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