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Shepherd of my soul, I give you full control

Wherever you may lead, I will follow
I have made a choice to listen to your voice
Wherever you may lead, I will go

CHORUS: Be it the quiet pastures or by a gentle stream

The Shepherd of my soul is by my side
Should I face a mighty mountain?
Or a valley dark and dim
The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide


Savior, like a shepherd lead

Much we need thy tender care
In thy pleasant pastures feed us
For our use thy folds prepare
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
Thou hast bought us, Thine we are
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
Thou hast bought us, Thine we are

We are Thine, do thou befriends us

Be the Guardian of our way
Keep the flock, from sin defend us
Seek us when we go astray
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
Hear, o hear us when we pray
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
Hear, o hear us when we pray

Thou hast promised to receive us

Poor and sinful tho’ we be
Thou hast mercy to relieve is
Grace to cleanse and pow’r to free
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
Early let us turn to thee
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
Early let us turn to thee

Early let us seek thy favor

Early let us do thy will
Blessed Lord and only Savior
With thy love our beings fill
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
Thou hast loved us, love us still
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
Thou hast loved us, love us still


We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love –

For Jesus, who died and is now gone above

REFRAIN: Hallelujah! Thine the glory! Hallelujah! Amen

Hallelujah! Thine the glory! Revive us again

We praise thee, O God for thy Spirit of Light

Who has shown us our Savior and scattered our night
(Repeat Refrain)

All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain

Who has borne all our sins and has cleansed every stain
(Repeat Refrain)

Revive us again dill each heart with thy love

May each soul be rekindled with fire from above
(Repeat Refrain)

We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Spread the tidings all around: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Bear the news to every land climb the steeps, and across the waves
Onward ‘tis the Lord’s command: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Waft it on the rolling tide: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Tell it to sinners far and wide: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Sing, ye island of the sea! Echo back, ye ocean caves!
Earth shall keep her jubilee, Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Sing above the battle strife: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

By His death and endless life: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Sing it softly thro’ the gloom where the heart for mercy craves
Sing in triumphed o’er the tomb: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Give the winds a mighty voice: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

Let the nations now rejoice: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Shout the salvation full and free highest hills and deepest caves
This our song of victory: Jesus saves! Jesus saves!


Lord, the light of your light is shining

In the midst of the darkness shining
Jesus, light of the world
Shine upon us
Set us free by the truth you now bring us
Shine on me, shine on me

CHORUS: Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory
Blaze, Spirit, blaze; set our hearts on fire
Flow, river, flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy
Send forth your word
Lord, and let there be light

Lord, I come to your awesome presence

From the shadows into your radiance
By the blood I may enter your brightness
Search me, try me
Consume all my darkness
Shine on me, shine on me
(Repeat Chorus)

As we gaze on your kingly brightness

So our faces display your likeness
Ever changing from glory to glory
Mirrored here, may our lives tell your story
Shine on me, shine on me
(Repeat Chorus)


If my people shall humble themselves

Humble themselves and pray
If they seek my face
And humble themselves
And turn from their wicked ways
I will hear from heaven
And forgive their sins
I will hear from heaven
And heal their land

CHORUS: Lord heal our land

Father heal our land
Hear our cry
And turn our nation back, to you
Lord heal our land
Hear us O Lord
And heal our land
Forgive our sins
And heal our broken land

Have you been to Jesus for cleansing pow’r

Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Are you fully trusting in his grace this hour?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?

REFRAIN: Are you washed in the blood

In the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb?
Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lambs?

Are you walking daily by the savior’s side?

Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Do you rest each moment in the crucified?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
(Repeat Refrain)

When the bridegroom cometh, will your robes be white?

Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Will your souls be ready for the mansions bright and be washed in the blood
of the lamb?
(Repeat Refrain)

Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin

And be washed in the blood of the Lamb?
There’s a fountain flowing for the soul unclean
O be washed in the blood of the Lamb


I’m pressing on the upward way

New heights I’m gaining everyday
Still praying as I’m onward bound
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground

REFRAIN: Lord lift me up and let me stand

By faith on heaven’s stable land
A higher plane that I have found
Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay

Where doubts arise and fears dismay
Though some may dwell where these abound
My prayer, my aim is higher ground
(Repeat Refrain)

I want to live above the world

Though Satan’s dart at me are hurled
For faith has caught the joyful sound
The song of saints on higher ground
(Repeat Refrain)

I want to scale the utmost height

And catch a gleam of glory bright
But still I’ll pray, still heaven I’ve found
Lord lead me on higher ground
(Repeat Refrain)


Come thou fount of every blessing

Tune my heart to sing thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount I’m fixed upon it
Mount of thy redeeming love

O to grace how great a debtor

Daily I’m constrained be
Let thy goodness like a fetter
Blind my wandering heart to thee
Prone to wonder
Lord I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here’s my heart O take and seal it
Seal it for thy courts above

This my glad commemoration

That till now I’ve safely come
And I hope by thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home
Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wandering from the folds of Gold
He to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood


I know not why God’s wondrous grace

To me hath been made known;
Nor why unworthy as I am
He claimed me for His own

REFRAIN: But I knew whom I have believed;

And am persuaded that He is able
To keep that which I’ve committed
Unto Him against that day

I know not how his saving faith

To me He did impart;
Nor how believing in His word
Wrought peace within my heart
I know not how the Spirit moves
Convincing faith in Him
(Repeat Refrain)

I know not what of good or ill may be reserved for me,

Of weary ways of golden days, before His face I see
(Repeat Refrain)

I know not when my Lord may come

I know not how nor where:
If I shall pass the vale of death or meet Him in the air
(Repeat Refrain)


I will sing the wondrous story of the Christ who died for me;
How he left His home in glory for the Cross of Calvary

REFRAIN: Yes. I’ll sing the wondrous story

Of the Christ who died for me;
Sing it with the saint in glory gathered by the crystal sea

I was lost but Jesus found me-found the sheep that went astray;
Threw His loving arms around me drew me back into His way
(Repeat Refrain)

I was bruised: but Jesus healed me-faint was I from many a fall;
Sight was gone, and fears possessed me but He freed me from them all
(Repeat Refrain)

Days of darkness still come o’er me sorrow paths I often tread;

But the Savior still is with me by His hand I’m safely led
(Repeat Refrain)

He will keep me till the river roll its waters at my feet;

Then He’ll bear me safely over where the loved ones I shall meet
(Repeat Refrain)


Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!

O what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation purchase of God
Born of His spirit washed in His blood

REFRAIN: This is my story, this is my song

Praising my Savior, all the day long
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior, all the day long

Perfect submission, perfect delight!

Visions of rapture now burst on my sight
Angels descending bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love
(Repeat Refrain)

Perfect submission, all is at rest

In my savior I am happy and blest
Watching and waiting, looking above
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love
(Repeat Refrain)


Let there be praise

Let there be joy in our hearts
Let there be praise
Let there be joy in our hearts
Sing to the Lord, give Him the glory
Let there be praise
Let there be joy in our hearts
Forevermore let His love fill the air
And let there be praise


You are crown with many crowns, and rule all things in righteousness
You are crown with many crowns, upholding all things by Your words
You rule in power and reigneth in glory
You are the Lord of heaven and earth

REFRAIN: You are Lord of all

You are Lord of all
You are Lord of all


We bring the sacrifice of praise, unto the house of the Lord

We bring the sacrifice of praise, unto the house of the Lord
And as we offer unto You the sacrifice of thanksgiving
And as we offer unto You the sacrifices of praise


Ah Lord God, thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power
Ah Lord God, thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thine
outstretched arm

REFRAIN: Nothing is too difficult for thee

Nothing is too difficult for thee
Great and mighty God, great in counsel, mighty in deed
Nothing, nothing absolutely nothing
Nothing is too difficult for thee


In Him we live and move and have our being

In Him we live and move and have our being
Make joyful noise, sing unto the Lord tell Him of your love
Sing before Him make joyful noise sing unto the Lord
Tell Him of your love, hallelujah


What a mighty God we serve! What a mighty God we serve!

The angels bow before Him, heaven and earth adore Him
What a might God we serve!

Hallelujah! Jesus is alive; death has lost its victory

And the grave has been denied the Lamb of God has risen
He’s alive, he’s alive

CHORUS: He’s the Alpha and Omega, the first the last is He
The curse of sin is broken and we have perfect liberty
The Lamb of God has risen He’s alive, He’s alive


Oh Clap your hands ye people

Shout to God with the voice of triumph (Repeat)
(Chorus) For great is the Lord and greatly to be praised
In the city of our God and the mountain of His Holy Name


CHORUS: God is good all the time

He put a song of praise
In this heart of mine
God is good all the time
Through the darkest night
His light will shine
God is good
He’s so good
All the time

When you’re walking through the valley

And there are shadows all around
Do not fear, he will guide you
He will keep you safe and sound
For He has promised to never leave you
Nor forsake you and His word is true
(Repeat Chorus)
Even though we’re so unworthy
Yet for us He chose to die
Fill us with His Holy Spirit
So we can stand the test of time
For His love is everlasting and His mercy it will never end
(Repeat Chorus)

BRIDGE: Though I may not understand the plan He has for me

My life is in Your hand and through the eyes of faith I can clearly see
(Repeat Chorus)


(Enter His gates with thanksgiving)

Enter His gates with thanksgiving

Enter His courts with praise
Come now and bow down before Him
Singing great and mighty is His name
Praise Him with sound of the trumpet
Praise Him with the tremble and harp
Let every creature in heaven and earth
Lift a song of praise
Sing with all your heart

CHORUS: For the Lord is good

For the Lord is good
For the Lord is good
And His mercy endureth forever

CHORUS: Walking in the light following my Savior

Jesus, never let me go…
Created in His image living in the promise
Of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, never let me go…

You call me on to higher ground

Your mercy, love and grace abounds
And my soul sings Your praises
I’ll walk in the truth
I’ll walk in Your light
Your joy and strength, it fills my life
And my soul sings Your praises

You touch my soul with Holy fire

My life, my all my one desire to see
See Your glory
You hear my prayers and set me free
New life, new hope
My one desire to see, see Your glory

Walk, walk, walk, walking in the light…

Walk, walk, walk, walking in the light…
Walk, walk, walk, walking in the light


When to say Lord? It’s you who gave me life

And I just can’t explain just how much you mean to me
Now that you have saved me Lord
I give all that I am to You
That everyday I can be a light that shines Your name

Everyday Lord I learn to stand upon your word

And I pray that I might come to know You more
That You would guide me in every single step I take
That everyday I can be your light unto the world
CHORUS: Everyday it’s You I live for
Everyday I’ll follow after You
Everyday… I’ll walk with You my Lord
It’s You I live for everyday


Let us rejoice and be glad, give the glory to Him

For the marriage of the Lamb has come
And the bride has made herself ready

CHORUS: Hallelujah for the Lord our God the Almighty reigns
Hallelujah for the Lord our God the Almighty reigns


More than I could hope or dream of

You have put your favor on me one day in the house of God is
Better than a thousand days in the world

CHORUS: So blessed I can’t contain it

So much I’ve got to give it away
Your love taught me to live now
You are more than enough for me
Lord you’re more than enough for me
Lord you’re more than enough for me


Where the Spirit is there is liberty

Fullness of joy with a heart of praise
I will lift my voice in the holy place
CHORUS: Your love is lifted me up again
Now I’m free to live
Your grace has lifted me high again

You are awesome in this place O Lord

We exalt Your name
For the hope you set inside of me
I will ever sing

And there’s no higher love that I could find

For this joy I will thank you
I will thank you


I’m trading my sorrow

I’m trading my shame
I’m laying them down
For the joy of the Lord
I’m trading my sickness
I’m trading my pain
I’m laying them down
For the joy of the Lord

And we say yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord

Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord. Amen

I’m pressed but not crushed

Persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed
I’m blessed beyond the curse
For His promise will endure
And His joy’s gonna be my strength

Though the sorrow may last for the night

But His joy, comes with the morning


Ma the fragrance of Jesus fill this place (echo)

May the fragrance of Jesus fill this place (echo: lovely fragrance of Jesus)
Rising from the sacrifice of lives laid down in adoration

May the beauty of Jesus fill my life (echo)

May the beauty of Jesus fill my life (echo: perfect beauty of Jesus)
Fill my thoughts, my words, my deeds, my all I give in adoration


Holy Lord, most Holy Lord

You alone are worthy of my praise
Holy Lord, most Holy Lord
With all of my heart, I sing

CHORUS: Great are You Lord

Worthy of praise
Holy and true
Great are you Lord, most Holy Lord


Oh precious Lord great is thy name, great is thy name

Oh precious Lord great is thy name in all the earth

Oh Lamb of God great is thy name, great is thy name

Oh Lamb of God great is thy name in all earth

CHORUS: Great is thy name

Great is thy name
Great is thy name in all the earth


You set me apart

Gave me a new heart
Filled with compassion to share your great love
Show me your ways
I want you to know you guide me in truth
My hope is in you

CHORUS: That I may dwell in your houses forever

Lifting up your name
Dwell in your house forevermore

I’ll hold on to you my strength and my refuge

Whom shall I fear, I know you are here all of my days
I’ll live for you Lord establish my path there’s one thing I ask

Holy Spirit have your way, sweet anointing

Teach or hearts, our lives we pray


Thank you for your mercy, thank you for your grace
Thank you for your love, that’s made a way
To come to your presence and glorify your name
Lord I stand amazed at what I see

CHORUS: Great is your mercy toward me

Your loving kindness toward me, your tender mercies I see day after day
Your loving kindness toward me, always providing me
Great is your mercy toward me, great is your grace
Your promises are ageless; your love will never end
For a thousand generations, your covenant will stand
Showing the grace and mercy to those who fear your name
Establishing your righteousness and grace
(Repeat Chorus)


At your feet I bow there is no one like you

For all that I gave found at all I want is you
Foe all the wonders you do and that you are
What can I bring to you I offer my heart

CHORUS: Wonderful magnificent God

I’m humbled by the life you gave
Beautiful redeemer you are
Worthy of my highest praise
(What can we give to you O God for everything you have given us) 3x
(We offer our lives to you O God for everything you have given to us) 3x
(Wonderful, you are wonderful) 2x
You are wonderful, wonderful magnificent God


One thing I ask, one thing I seek that I may dwell in your house
Oh Lord all of my days, all of my life that I may see you Lord

CHORUS: One thing I ask, I desire is to see you

Is to see you

Hear me O Lord, hear me when I cry

Lord do not hide your face from me
You have been my strength
You have been my shield and you will lift me up

(Chorus) All things (echo) work together (echo)

For the good of those (echo) who love you/ all things (echo)
Work together (echo) for the good of those
For the good of those who love you (Repeat)

When things are beyond my control to You Lord I lift up my soul

And when things are hard to understand Lord I trust In Your Perfect Plan
I believe that… (Repeat Chorus Twice)

Some things hazy will someday be clear

Some things hidden will one day appear
And some things so wrong will be made right
As we walk In Your Perfect Light I believe that…. (Repeat Chorus)

We are those (eco) who love you (Repeat)


Forgetting what lies behind setting our hearts on the price

Always keeping our eyes on our Lord Jesus
We’re running the race to win All the way to the end
Laying down every sin that would seek to hinder us

(Chorus) And we’ll be faithful to our calling for you are able to keep us
From falling and In your promise we will stand
And You are faithful to finish the work You began in us

Praise the Lord! Y servants of the Lord You who fear His name
Lift Him up both Ye small and the great Praise the Lord

Hallelujah! Salvation and glory

Power and honor belongs to our God (Repeat)


(Chorus) Arise shine for the light has come, your light has come
And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you
Arise shine,arise shine for your light has come

We have a reson to celebrate; we have a reason to sing

The windows of heaven are opened
Blessing are flowing, overflowing
The light of His glory has filled our hearts (Repeat Chorus)


(Chorus) Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised (Repeat)

His greatness is unsearchable His kingdom is invincible

One generation shall praise him to another

Tell of His wonderful works Sing of His glorious splendor
And show forth the power of His name (Repeat Chorus)

Praise Him in the sanctuary; Praise Him in the mighty heavens

Praise Him all the earth praise Him

Praise Him in His awesome power

Praise His great and holy name
Praise Him the whole world praise Him

(Bridge) From the rising of the sun let His praise be heard
From the east to the west and the north to south

(Chorus) Let everything that has breathed; Praise the Lord forever
Let everything in my soul praise the Lord (Repeat Chorus)


I lift my eyes up to the mountains where does my help come from

My help comes from you maker of heaven, Creator of the earth

(Chorus) Oh how I need you Lord, You are my only hope

You are my only friend so I will wait for you
To come and rescue me, Come and give me life


All creation cries to you; worshiping in spirit and in truth

Glory to the faithful; one Jesus Christ God’s Son

All creation gives you praise; you alone are truly great
You alone are God who reigns for eternity

(Chorus) God is great and His praise fills the heavens

And your name will be praised through all the world
God is great sing His praise all the earth; all the heavens
Cause we’re living for the glory of your name; the glory of your name

Father we love you, we are gathered here to celebrate and worship

Father we love you, you alone deserve our praise

Jesus we love you, perfect Lamb of God sacrifice to save us

Jesus we love you, you alone deserve our praise

(Refrain) I just want to praise you, lift my hands and say

I love you; you are everything to me and I exalt your Holy Name
And I exalt your Holy Name and I exalt your Holy Name on high

Spirit we love you, lead us in the way; make us more like Jesus
Spirit we love you, you alone deserve our prasie


I sing a simple song of love to my savior; to my Jesus

I’m grateful for the things you’ve done
My loving Savior Oh precious Jesus
My heart is glad that you’ve called me your own
And there’s no place I’d rather be

(Chorus) Than in your arms of love; In your arms of love

Holding me still, drawing me near in your arms of love


Lord it was you who created heaven

Lord it was in your hands who put the stars in their place

Lord it was your voice who commands the morning

Even the oceans and their waves bow at your feet

Lord who am I? Compare to your glory

Lord who am I? Compare to your majesty
(Chorus) I’m your beloved, your creation and you love me as I am
You have called me for your kingdom
Unashamed to call me your own, I’m your beloved


Your steadfast love extends to heavens

Your faithfulness it reaches to the clouds
Your righteousness is like the majestic mountain
And your wisdom like the depths of the sea and you come to me

Filling my heart with your loving-kindness

I find my peace in the shadow of your wings
I eat my fill from the abundance of your house Lord

And I drink from the streams of rejoicing; You are my King

You are my King, You are my King


Here I am waiting abide in me I pray

Here I am longing for you
Hide me in your love; bring me to my knees
May I know Jesus more and more

Come live in me all my life
Take over; come breath in me and I will rise
On Eagle’s wings


My father, I adore you more

Than anything my heart could wish for
I just want you and Jesus, my beloved Savior
Everything I have I owe you, I owe it all to you
And angels come and adore you
And we your children worship you
You are my world, You are my God
And I lay down my life for you, You are my Lord the one I love
No one could ever take your place

And everything I have I give to you my Lord

The one I live for, I live for you and all my days are gifts from you
I pray I’d use them as you want me to use them for you


Here I stand forever in your mighty hand

Living with with your promise, written in my heart
I am yours surrendered wholly to you
You set me in your family; calling me your own

Now I, I belong to you all I need
Your spirit, your word, your truth
Hear my cry my deep desire to know you more

In your name I will lift my hands to the King

This anthem of praise I bring; heaven knows
I long to love you with all I am, I belong to you


Beautiful Lord forever in your mighty hand

Held in your hand, crafted in to your perfect plan

You gently call me into your presence

Guiding me by your Holy Spirit
Through Your eyes

I’m captured by your Holy calling
Setme apart I know your drawing me to yourself
Lead me Lord I pray
Take me, mold me, use me, and fill me
I give my life to the potter’s hand


Lamp unto my feet, light unto my path it is you, Jesus it is you

This treasure that I hold more than finest gold, It is you, Jesus it is you

With all my heart, with all my soul, I live to worship you
And praise forevermore, Lord everyday I need you more
On wings of heaven I will soar with you


Hope has found it’s home within me

Cause all I want is more of you, Cause all I want is more of you

Let your presence fall upon us, I want to see you face to face
Let me live forever lost in your love
Cause all I want is more of you, cause all I want is more of you

I’m living for this cause, I lay down my life into your hands
I’m living for the truth the hope of the world
In you I’ll stand, all I want is you


And can it be that I should gain an interest in the savior’s blood?

Died he for me who caused his pain? For me
Who him to death pursued? Amazing love!
How can it be that thou, my God shouldst die for me?

Amazing love! How can it be
That my God shouldst die for me

He left his father’s throne above so free, so infinite his grace!

Emptied himself of all but love, and bled for Adam’s helpless race!
‘Tis mercy all immense and free, for O my God it found it me (Repeat Refrain)

Long my imprisoned spirit lay fast bound in sin and natures night
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray. I woke the dungeon flamed with light!
My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth and followed thee

No condemnation now I dread: Jesus


It’s your blood that cleanses me It’s your blood that gives me life
It’s your blood that took my place in redeeming sacrifice
Washing clean whiter than the snow; that snow
My Jesus, God’s precious sacrifice


Jesus, Son of God only you can save me suffering on the cross
You gave your all willingly paid the cost for me now I am free to worship

Jesus you are my savior, O Jesus touch me and I will be free
Lord by your stripes I am healed, I am free; O Jesus you are my savior
O Jesus You are my Lord and my king
I put my trust In Your Name, In Your Name Jesus

Lord your name is great! A refuge I can run to, a shelter from the storm
A faithful friend and I can depend on; you my God my king
I lift my voice and worship (Repeat Chorus)
O Jesus! Jesus! O Jesus! (Jesus) (Repeat 6x)


I can’t believe the way, your love has got a hold on me

Each morning I wake to find you near
You lift me above my fears and set my feet on solid ground
All of my days belong to you
And I breathe in your breathe of life that fills my heart
You are my all consuming fire

And I stand here before you in wide open wonder amazed
At the glory of you, the power of heaven
Revealing your purpose in me as I’m reaching for you


My Lord, what love is this that pays so clearly;

That I, the guilty one may go free

Amazing love, O what sacrifice
The Son of God, given for me;
My depth He pays and my depth He dies
That I might live, That I might live

Andso they watched him die, despised, rejected;

But, O the blood he shed flowed for me

And now this love of Christ shall flow like rivers;

Come wash you guilt away, live again


Proclaim your awesome power tell all mighty deeds

Declare your excellent kingdoms of everlasting peace

And my eyes that look unto you always
And I am captured by your majesty

Declare your excellent kingdoms of everlasting peace

And my eyes they look unto you always
And I am captured by your majesty

All of my days I will sing of your greatness
All of my days I will speak of your grace
All my days I will tell of your wondrous love
Your love in my life, your love

All your works will praise you; your children bless your name
We speak of all your goodness; we walk in the fields of grace

(Key of D)

Amazing love / has won my heart / I am in awe of all you’ve done

You gave us Jesus and with Him / you freely give us everything

Amazing love / sets me free /from all that would weigh down on me
You are my strength / my help my friend / and my hope-life without end

(Chorus) Father / my father / I’m so secure in You

Your perfect love drives away all my fear
Father I love / for You have loved me first
And I am grateful for amazing love


(Key of E)

Father of life / draw me closer / Lord my heart is set on You

Let me run the race of time / with Your life enfolding mine
And let the peace of God, let it reign

Oh Holy spirit, You’re my comfort / strengthen me / set my heart on You

And I stand upon Your truth / bringing glory unto You
And let the peace of God, let it reign

(Chorus) Oh Lord I hunger / for more of You rise up within me

Let me know Your truth / oh Holy spirit / saturate my soul
And let the life of God / fill me now / and let Your healing power
Breath life and make me whole / and let the peace of God , let it reign


(key of F)

Thank You for the cross / thank You for price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
On love You came / and gave amazing grace

Thank You for this love Lord

Thank You for the nail pierced hands
Washed me in your cleansing flow / now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace

(Chorus) Worthy is the lamb / seateth on the throne

Crown You now with many crown / You reign victorious
High and lifted up / Jesus son of God / The darling of the heaven
Crucified / worthy is the lamb / worthy is the lamb


(Key of G)

Thank You for the cross the mighty cross

That God himself should die for such as us
And everyday were change into Your image more and more
Yes by the cross were truly been transformed

(Chorus) Were so amazed and we give You praise

That You have save us at such a cost
Were so amazed and we give you praise
By the power of the cross (2x)

(Key of G)
Hear the story from God’s word / that kings and priests and prophets heard
There would be a sacrifice and blood would flow to pay sin’s price

(Chorus) Previous Lamb of Glory / love’s most wondrous story

Heart of God’s redemption of man / worship the lamb of Glory!

On the cross God loved the world / while all the pow’rs of hell were hurled
No one there could understand / the one they saw was Christ the Lamb

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