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How Does War Affect Society?

Tyson DeWitt

TEL 311 Signature Assignment

Classroom Project Proposal

28 April 2019

Applicant Narrative

This paper will include information about the school and the specifics including

population, ethnicity break down, and socio-economics of the community and students. This

will also include my philosophy of education, ideas of public based learning and technology used

in the school and what may be available in the future.

My name is Tyson DeWitt and I am a first year Social Studies teacher at Westpark

Elementary School in Buckeye, AZ. I received by bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education-

History from Arizona State University. I retired from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office just

over five years ago, after serving twenty years in the County as a Detention Officer Sergeant. I

have worked with all types of individuals, adult and children alike and I know how important

their involvement in the community and their neighborhood is and how it can impact their lives.

Knowing the history their new-found surroundings, community and what activities the new

students can be involved in can be impactful. My teaching philosophy involves helping the

students achieve their education goals and help them with their dreams. As a teacher I feel it is

important to show compassion and kindness to the students, because some may be in more need

of those than others. I also feel parents should be an integral part of education of their children

and should be involved in this process as much as the students. The community at large will be

important because they are the ones who provide not only the financial support but provide the

means to properly educate their children. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “Teach the children so

it won't be necessary to teach the adult.” (Lincoln, n.d.). Project Based Learning is important in

the educational lives of the students. It allows for that engagement that you want from students

and can increase their learning by helping each other. In Social Studies, project based learning

can help the students in key areas and questions such as “Economics, civic responsibility,

history, and community…project-based learning can help them see the real life application of

social studies learning” (Hughes, n.d.).

Technological innovation is important in the classrooms. Currently the students have

access to Chromebooks while in the school and it since they were assigned late in the year, it will

be important to integrate more technology in the coming school year. Outside of the classroom,

students have access to Google classroom where they can turn in assignments and homework and

have access to extra credit assignments. As the new school year approaches, I plan on

introducing ThingLink which is an interactive website that allows students to create

presentations using images, videos, website links. This will allow students the opportunity to use

their own creativity in making a presentation on any subject. They can be as creative as they

want. The website is free so students will not feel pressured into having to purchase it. It is also

available on IOS and Android Apps. I will also try and introduce technology during the year that

will aid in student note taking with the website As students progress, technology

will become a bigger tool in their education experience.

School Environment

Westpark Elementary School is one of eight schools in the Buckeye Elementary School

District located in Buckeye, Arizona. The median household income for the zip code of the

school district, 85326, is $55,980 compared to the city of Buckeye’s median household income

of $61,469 (IncomebyZipcode, 2017). The median listing home price in the school’s zip code is

$221.9K (, 2019). In the school district, it is mainly Hispanic with 58% out of the

5,030 students enrolled. There are 28% white, 9% black, 1% of both Asian and American

Indian, and 3% of the students being two or more races. Of the students, there are 51% male and

49% female. The student to teacher ratio is 20:1 which is the state average. (, n.d.).

Westpark Elementary School breaks down averages almost the same as the district according to

ethnicity. The school has currently received a “C” grade according to the Arizona Department of

Education report cards. It earned a total of 70.07% of the K-8 model cut scores. The letter

grades or designated by Arizona State statutes. In English Language Arts scored 44% minimally

proficient, 21% partially proficient, 28% proficient and 7% highly proficient. In math 35%

scored minimally proficient, 24% partially proficient, 23% proficient and 17% highly proficient.

In Science students scored 19% fell far below standards, 25% approached standards, 28% met

standards, and 27% exceeded standards, (, n.d.). The grade given to the school does

not include Social Studies grades that the students have received. The project will allow students

to improve their abilities in social studies as they explore and research the topic that will be

given to them.

Project Impact

During this project-based learning (PBL) event, the students will explore the driving

question “How does war affect society?” This PBL will be conducted in the three eighth grade

classes at Westpark Elementary school. This PBL will give students the opportunity to

understand the impacts of war and how it affects everyone in society. In our school

environment, we have student who are children of combat veterans, related to a combat veteran

in a different way, some may know those that have fought for our country, and some currently

have a parent(s) currently serving active duty in the military, either full time or in the reserves or

National Guard. Our school is also within driving distance of Luke Airforce Base, so there could

be students who has a parent stationed at the base.

There are currently 90 eighth grade students in the three classes. They will all be

involved in the PBL. If this project continues over the next three years, there will be an

estimation of 270 more students that will participate in this project. The impact this project will

have will directly impact those students who participate. Learning the effects of war will allow

the students to cultivate empathy to those directly involved, either by being in combat, losing a

loved one in combat, or being a civilian living within a war zone and how that affected that

person. Students will research and learn about different wars the United States has been

involved in and learn that sometimes war may be necessary in some instances. Students will also

hear live speeches from combat veterans, spouses of veterans or currently deployed, and hearing

from people that have lived in a warzone will be experiences that will help students understand

the effects on society. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a Q & A with a guest

speaker(s). They will ask their own questions after researching the driving question.

Currently I am the only Social Studies teacher at my school, so I have all eighth-grade

students during the school day in one of the three periods of class. My involvement in the PBL

will help continue to understand the seriousness of war and I will be able to relay my knowledge

to classes in the future. With this PBL I am hoping to inspire other teachers in the school and

those in other schools that are in the same subject area. The research that the students will

engage in will allow them to expand their knowledge and they will all gain their own opinions

and perspectives. This can help me expand my own knowledge by hearing and watching

students work and how they are able to embrace the driving question.

The community impact will be that of how the students react and share with others. As I

discussed before, many students are affected by those who are currently in the military, have

served, or may have known someone that has been in war. Showing the community that our

school and students have compassion to those in society affected by war, can only be beneficial

to the community at large. Support for our veterans is important too. This PBL will also help

the students learn about the possible effects of war that it has on veterans such as post-traumatic

stress disorder (PTSD). The impact that this PBL and driving question will have on the students

is limitless.

Project Narrative

Goals and Outcome Activities Assessment Technology and

Day The driving question for this The entry event consists of Students will break The technology
1 project is How does war a power-point presentation, into groups and used for today will
affect societies. Today’s with videos with statistics discuss the entry come from the
objective is Students will be and showing the tragedies event and have a Power-point
able to create open ended of war and the affects that peer assessment. presentation that I
questions concerning the those war had on societies. They will discuss will present at the
effects of war by writing They will break into groups the questions that beginning to
five questions to be asked of and begin to formulate they have written introduce the
a Military Combat Veteran. questions to present to a and decide if they driving question and
Content standard is 8.H2.2 veteran interviewee that are appropriate and the Project Based
Anchor Standards are will conduct a Q & A with will allow their Learning
Reading, writing, listening. the students at a later date. interview to answer assignment. After
The ISTE-E standards are Differentiation will begin in detail. I will walk breaking into
Leader, Collaborator, after the entry event. The around the room groups, students
Facilitator and Analyst. students will be placed into and listen to the will access their
ISTE-S Learner, small groups that will allow students as they Chromebook to
Knowledge Constructor, all students to be placed come up with research appropriate
Innovative Designer and with others that are questions to ask. questions for the
Global Collaborator. different learning levels or The five questions upcoming
This project will allow for language levels. Students compiled should be interview. The
the 21stcentury skills of will have approximately 30 open-ended. An Buckeye
collaboration, research, minutes to start their work example of a Elementary School
communication, creativity, on the projects. question could be District IT
and innovation. The What were some department will be
students will begin the use experiences you had contacted if any
of these skills at the with the civilian issues arise with the
beginning of this project. population in Iraq? students
Since this is the first Chromebooks.
step in the PBL, a
point value will not
be assessed at this
time. A final grade
will be given at the
end and will include
all steps of the
lesson that each
student will
participate in and
present at the end to
the community in a
gallery walk.

Day Students will be able to The students will get into Students will use The 21st technology
2 describe society during the their assigned groups and the 3x summary used in the class is
Korean war by researching conduct research on society format to check for Nearpod for this
the war and how the Korean during the Korean War. their mastery. day. Each group of
civilians responded. They will take notes and Students will write students will be able
Content standards 8.H2.2 then they will be prompted one summary in 10- to access Nearpod
Anchor Standards to research the Korean war 15 words, one in 30- via their
Reading, Writing, and and society especially in 50 and one Chromebooks and
listening. Seoul, South Korea which summary of 75-100 collaborate to gather
ISTE-E: Designer and had to be liberated from the words. We will go the information that
Facilitator Communist forces two over the summaries is presented in the
ISTE-S: Knowledge and different times. The to check the mastery technology used.
Global Collaborator. students will identify the of the students. The The students will
The goal of this day is to effect on those people that summaries will be conduct research on
allow the student to review had to live during that time about Society in the their Chromebooks
the Korean War and learn and how they survived both Korean War and the and answer the
more about the impact on mentally and physically. battles in Seoul, question together
the American and Korean Students will have access to Korea. and describe what
societies during the conflict. their Chromebooks and will society was during
The research conducted will conduct the research on the the Korean War.
help with their subject given. They will
understanding. answer the write down their
observations and share
them with their group.
They will also find video,
pictures and news articles
relating to the society
during the Korean War. For
differentiation teaching, the
instruction is student
standard and there will be
groups that will allow
students that not as adept to
get help from other
students. Students will have
the entire period of 55
minutes to view the
material, take the
assessment, and research.
Day Students will be able to Students will participate in As an assessment, The students will
3 describe the life of a soldier a Q&A with a veteran of students will write use critical thinking
during the Koran War. the Korean War. They will down what they and communication
There will be Q&A with ask the questions that they learned during the skills when
Korean War veteran with all made and had approved by Q&A and I will involved in the
the students in the 8th grade. the teacher. Each student read their responses Q&A with the
Content Standards 8.H2.2 will take notes that they can and write comments veteran. They will
Anchor Standards use towards their project at for the students to need critical
Speaking, Listening and the end of the PBL. The use to help construct thinking skills to
Presenting. ELL students will have the their projects. transcribe the
ISTE-E: Analyst opportunity to ask answers that are
ISTE-S: Creative questions using another given and put them
Communicator student as a translator if in their
The goal of today is to have needed. More Chromebooks. The
an interactive interview differentiation will be that answers will be
involving a Korean War the Q&A will be recorded used in their final
veteran. I want the students and transcribed. Students project. The

to hear about the will be able to watch it communication

experiences and be able to again on the classroom skills will be needed
understand how the Korean website in Google when asking
War affected societies. Classroom and have access questions. The
to the transcript to record questions will need
answers to the questions. to be
The students will have an understandable and
hour or more for the Q&A will allow for the
and over an hour to put answer to be more
together the responses to than a yes or no
the questions that were answer.
Day Students will be able to Students will gather into For the assessment The learning on this
4 describe society during the their small groups and view about the society day will use
Vietnam War. a presentation that I have during the Vietnam Educreations in the
Content Standards produced on Educreations. War, students will initial instruction at
8.H2.2 This assignment will give be handed a quiz the beginning of
8.SP2.1 them the ability to learn that I have made up class. This 21st
Anchor Standards about society in Vietnam about the century technology
Reading, Writing, and and the United States presentation created allows the students
Listening. during the war. It will give on Educreations. It to view their lesson
ISTE-E: Designer and them ideas on where to will assess what on their
Facilitator. conduct research about the they learned, and Chromebooks and
ISTE-S: Knowledge and lesson given. This will all they will be able to has a voice over
Global Collaborator be conducted in their small grade their own presentation that
The goal of today is for groups and I will be there quiz. By doing that, can explain all the
students to get more insight to answer any questions the student will be material being show
to the war in Vietnam and and to help facilitate if they able to get the right to the students. This
the way impact it had on the are having trouble with the answer and it will will allow the
American and Vietnamese lesson or the research they help in the gathering students to hear the
societies. are conducting. of the information explanation without
Students will have the they need for their a lecture being
entire period of 55 minutes project. involved.
to view the material, take
the assessment, and
Day Students will be able to The students will be in their After the video, The technology
5 describe the Counter small groups and access students will be used will be
culture/Anti-war their Chromebooks. Their allowed to compare projected on the
movements of the 60’s. initial instruction will begin answers with each screen for the
Content Standards with a video presentation other without students viewing.
8.H3.1 on the counter culture and teacher interference. No new technology
8.H3.2 anti-war movements during Once the students innovation will be
Anchor Standards the Vietnam War. Students have had the integrated at this
Reading, writing, and will learn how this opportunity to time. Students have
listening. movement helped facilitate compare answers, I already shown an
ISTE-E: Designer and the end to the war as more will provide the influx of
Facilitator. and more people protested, answers to the fill in technologies and a
ISTE-S: Knowledge and and the war became less the blanks. This will break from these
Global Collaborator popular in public opinion. ensure that all the new systems may be
The goal of today is for Students will learn about students have the needed especially to
students to learn about the the tragedy at Kent State right responses. those students that
anti-war movement and and the riots during the are not yet tech
their impact on American Democratic National savvy.
society and on the ending of Convention in Chicago. A
handout will be given to the

the involvement of our students that will have fill

country in Vietnam. in the blanks for the
students to answer as the
video are playing. This will
allow for the students to not
have to keep notes during
the entire lesson.
Students will have the
entire period of 55 minutes
to view the material, take
the assessment, and
Day Students will be able to Using the application of The assessment The 21st century
6 describe society during the Evernote, students will used for this technology used on
cold War. view my presentation of the instruction on the this day is Evernote.
Content Standards: Cold War and the impact is Cold War society This can be useful
8.SP2.1 had on society from the will be draw a for the students to
8.SP4.1 1950s through the end in doodle about what save websites they
8.SP4.2 the 1990s. Evernote will they learned. It will have discovered for
Anchor Standards allow them to take notes, not be graded on their eventual
Reading, Writing and save websites for future how good their presentations. As a
listening. viewing. I will also be able doodle was it will tool, this will
ISTE-E: Designer and to show students handouts be graded on if it fit require critical
Facilitator. and websites that I would the concepts learned thinking skills as
ISTE-S: Knowledge and want them to view as well. in the lesson. well as
Global Collaborator This use of Evernote will communication.
The goal of today is to break help students who need Students will need
down the Cold War and more help to access data to harness these
how it affected how the they might not be able to skills to help them
people in the United States find on their own and achieve their goals
lived and the how society allowing them to view the for this PBL.
lived. same items as their peers.
Students will have the
entire period of 55 minutes
to view the material, take
the assessment, and
Day Students will be able to In their small groups, I will conduct an There are two
7 describe how society students will have the assessment using different
reacted to the First Gulf opportunity to learn about google docs. It is an technologies used
War. how society lived during interactive way that on this day.
Content Standards: 8.H2.2 the Gulf War. They will the students will be Voicethread is a
Anchor Standards investigate on their own able to take a right presentation that I
Reading, Writing and about the reaction to the down information constructed and
listening. conflict and the support the they are learning used my voice as I
ISTE-E: Designer and military had form the using spoke about the
Facilitator general population. I will Chromebooks. I will material being
ISTE-S: Knowledge and provide examples of what it be able to observe shown. It allows for
Global Collaborator was like during this time their submissions as the students to
Today’s goal is for students using Voicethread. I will they are working, maintain their
to learn about the first Gulf expect the students to view and I can add groups but still
War and how most of the the presentations then do content or observe the content.
United States showed additional research in their suggestions as they Google Docs will
support for the conflict and groups and discover how are occupied. This allow me as the
welcomed home the soldiers most Americans supported will allow to teacher to view how
with open arms and how the conflict and welcomed maintain hands off each student is

society reacted in the United the troops home unlike most of their work grasping the days
States and across the world. anything since World War and not have to concepts and if they
II. “look over their need extra help.
Students will have the shoulders” as they
entire period of 55 minutes work. They can add
to view the material, take drawings or charts
the assessment, and as they work since
research. their Chromebooks
also work as a
Day The students will be able to Students will listen to a At the end of the The podcast will be
8 explain the Holocaust and podcast about life after the podcast, the broadcast over the
how it impacted society and Holocaust. This podcast assessment will classroom speaker
the survivors. will be about a survivor and consist of the self- system using my
Content standards: 8.SP1.4. how her life has been since reporting strategy of smart phone. It will
8.SP4. and surviving the Nazi Death Two Roses and a also be made
8.SP4.2 Camps. In their groups, Thorn. Each group available to students
ISTE-E: Facilitator. students will write down will share two to listen to on their
ISTE-S Knowledge information about the things they liked off time if needed to
Constructor podcast and how it affected about the paragraph help with their
Today’s goal is for students society. The notes will be and one thing they project. This part of
to get an inside look at the used in their final project did not or a question the project will use
Holocaust and how about war and the effects they still had. If a critical thinking on
destructive it was to society on society. question is asked, the students’ part as
across the world. Students will have the another student may they will have to
entire period of 55 minutes help answer the write down what
to listen to the 30-minute question or I as the they learned as a
podcast, take the teacher may help group listening to
assessment, and research. answer the question the stories in the
so that the students podcast.
come away with the
mastery of the
Day Students will be able to Since these wars started in In the assessment The technology
9 describe how society was the past decade, it is phase of this day, I used this day will be
and currently is during the possible that many of these will have the Pear Deck accessed
wars in Afghanistan and students have parents, students play by their
Iraq. brothers or sisters, and Jeopardy in the Chromebooks.
Content Standards: 8.H2.2 other family members that groups they are Students can view
Anchor Standards have served in either of already in. Each their lesson on their
Reading, Writing and these countries over the last group will answer Chromebooks and
listening. 18 years. These conflicts questions using a see the voice over
ISTE-E: Designer and will hit home for many of small white board presentation that
Facilitator. them and they may be able and I will keep track can explain all the
ISTE-S: Knowledge and to speak about their own of the score. All material being show
Global Collaborator. experiences of these students will be to the students.
The goal for today is for conflicts. The students will rewarded at the end With no lecture,
students to learn about access Pear Deck for a but the group with students will have
today’s conflicts and the presentation I have created the highest score access to the
way societies in the United to help them answer the will receive an extra material as much as
States support the military day’s objective. Pear Deck reward as incentive they need and not
and their families. will allow them to interact to work together as have to keep up
with the subject matter and a team. The game with a lecture.
they will see how their will help the
peers may have answered students
any questions. This will

allow for all students to understanding of the

learn at the same speed and subject matter.
the same content.
Students will have the
entire period of 55 minutes
to view the material, take
the assessment, and
Day This is the final day and the This presentation day will The assessment will Each student group
10 presentation of the project be all student based and I be made by those will have the ability
by each group. The driving will only act as the that visit the project. on the technology
question will be answered, facilitator for the visitors at The visitor will be they will use for
and the presentations will be the gym. The given a card with a their presentation.
held in the school differentiation used in the grading rubric that They will be able to
gymnasium at 7pm and PBL has included using a will include points use presentation
open for public view. Each variety of materials, for presentation, tools such as
group will be at a table instruction was provided in points for content, Thinglink, Pear
where they will show the different ways throughout points for Deck, Nearpod,
project to those who want to the project, small groups of originality, and Prezi, Buncee, or
view it. Students will either students was used to help points for Voicethread. Each
address the content standard those that are not as strong knowledge of of these technology
of 8.SP4. 8.SP4.8 8.SP3. in the classroom and will project information. tools has been
and 8.SP4.6 allow them to be assisted There will be 100 explained to the
The anchor standards of throughout the PBL. With points maximum for students and they
Speaking and Presenting the small group format, each presentation. will have used one
will be used. cooperative learning will The cards will be or more of these
The ISTE-S will be: occur during each day of turned in by the tools earlier in the
Knowledge Constructor, the project. The driving visitors and will be school year. These
Innovative Designer, and question of How does war used in the grading tools are helping the
Creative Communicator. affect societies will finally process. Each students in the 21st
The ISTE-E for the final be answered with the student in the group century. They are
day will be: Facilitator and presentation that is given will be assessed the collaborative based
Analyst. by the students. same grade. and allow the
The goal for today is for the The presentation will occur students to be
students to have an in the evening and last for creative.
enjoyable time and give the two hours 6-8pm.
best they can in their

In this project-based learning assignment, students will have the opportunity to answer

the question of How does war affect societies. During their Social Studies class, students learn

about various conflicts during the last several hundred years. It is important for them to learn that

these wars affect everyone involved in them, home and abroad. During this assignment students

will learn about several different technology-based programs that will allow them to use for their

final presentation and learn about the subject matter over the course of the days allotted for this

project. The final project will be a collaborative project, made in small groups. They will decide

on the way it will be created. It will be presented to the community and they will decide how

successful these projects are.

I would like students in every class year to have an opportunity to view these

presentations and then make one of their own. Most of the equipment initially needed for this

first project-based learning assignment will be available for future students. Some changes may

need to be contemplated after the first one is completed. The success of this project will

determine the next one, and if it will be the same topic as I would like to continue with. I will

continue with the next classes and introduce the project early in the school year to allow the

students to contemplate the upcoming assignment. I also feel it will be important to introduce

these technology applications to the next classes early on so they will have a greater

understanding of them.


The items listed below are essential for the project-based learning (PBL) assignment that

the students will be conducting of a ten-day period. Each assigned group of students will create

their own project, in their own way, to answer the question, how does war affect societies? The

listed items consist of basic things such as pencils, erasers, and glue sticks, to other essential

items that students may use such as construction paper, poster board, and storage boxes to hold

supplies for each group. These items can help the students use their imagination and design a

project from their own mind given these supplies. These items will give each student the ability

to create at school without having to bring their own supplies at a cost that some of them may not

be able to afford. As a Title I school, many students here rely on the ability of the state to offer

supplies for their daily classwork. With this project, these extra supplies will not need to come

from what has already been provided for them. This will ease any stress on the student or the

family while they are participating in this PBL.

Each student is already assigned a Chromebook for school. These will be utilized by the

students to create their projects. A major item listed that would cost the most, is the laser jet

printer and copier (See Appendix). This would be used by each class as a printer and copier. It

is Wi-Fi compatible so the students could be able to access it through that system to print out

what they need. The speaker does not wish to be paid for his time but if we are willing, he

would like the money, $200, to be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project (See Appendix). The

total of all items to purchase is $1764.44.

I will be applying for a grant through the Professional Development Grants for Teachers

at the NEA Foundation Learning and Leadership Grants. This grant is described as:

“The NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education awards grants that

support the professional development of public-school teachers and faculty in public

institutions of higher education. Grants may fund professional development experiences,

such as summer institutes or action research, mentoring experiences or lesson study.”

(NEA, 2019).

This grant will allow me to purchase all the items I need to allow the students to actively

participate in the PBL. Any extra money and supplies can be saved for the next year and help

the next group of eighth grade students continue with this PBL.

Name of Item Cost of Item in $ Number Needed Company/URL to

Spiral Notebooks 139.80 4 Units of 24 US School Supply/
Pencils 13.25 1 unit of 200 US School Supply/
Pens 29.50 2 units of 72 US School Supply/
Markers 39.70 2 units of 6 boxes US School Supply/
Colored Pencils 29.88 18 boxes US School Supply/
Dry Erase Markers 28.90 2 units of 36 US School Supply/
Glue Sticks 9.75 1 unit of 24 US School Supply/
3 Ring Binder 199.6 8 units of 12 US School Supply/
Erasers 4.55 1 unit of 144 US School Supply/
Sticky Notes 33.95 1 unit of 48 US School Supply/
Dry Erasers 68.22 18 Total US School Supply/
Rulers 26.50 1 unit of 96 US School Supply/
Scissors 33.65 1 unit of 24 US School Supply/
Staples 47.68 4 boxes Walmart/
Staplers 117.36 18 Total Walmart/
Poster Board 75.26 2 packages of 25 Walmart/
Tape 35.94 2 packs of 10 Walmart/
Construction Paper 59.94 3 packs of 250 Walmart/
Storage Boxes 91.62 18 Total Michaels/
Pencil Sharpener 18.49 1 Total Staples/
White Board 164.94 6 Total Staples/
Printer/Copy Paper 35.99 1 box Staples/
Laser Toner 129.98 2 Total Staples/
Printer/Copier 329.99 1 Total Staples/
Speaker Honorarium 200.00 Donation Wounded Warrior
Total 1764.44


Budget Supplies

The printer/copier will be purchased through Staples. The following is a description and the



For the donation to the Wounded Warrior Project it can be found at the URL:





Lesson Plan

How War Affects Societies PBL

Teachers: Subject: Grade:

Tyson DeWitt Social Studies 8th
Common Core State Standards:
 8.H2.2 Investigate how conflict can be bot unifying and divisive both domestically and internationally.
 Anchor Standards:
SP2: Thinking within the discipline involves the ability to identify, compare, and evaluate multiple perspectives
about a given event to draw conclusions about that event since there are multiple points of view about events
and issues.
H2: Cycles of conflict and cooperation have shaped relations among people, places, and environments.
 ISTE-E Leader-Educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support student empowerment and success
and to improve teaching and learning.
Collaborator-Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice,
discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems.
Facilitator- Educators facilitate learning with technology to support student achievement of the 2016 ISTE
Standards for Students
Analyst-Educators understand and use data to drive their instruction and support students in achieving their
learning goal.
 ISTE-S Learner-Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating
competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences
Knowledge Constructor-Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct
knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Innovative Designer-Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve
problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.
Global Collaborator-Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by
collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.

Objective (Explicit):
 Students will be able to create open ended questions concerning the effects of war by writing five
questions to be asked of a Military Combat Veteran.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
 Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
 Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
 Assign value to each portion of the response
Students will break into groups and discuss the entry event and have a peer assessment. They will discuss the questions that they have written and
decide if they are appropriate and will allow their interview to answer in detail. I will walk around the room and listen to the students as they come up
with questions to ask. The five questions compiled should be open-ended. An example of a question could be What were some experiences you had
with the civilian population in Korea? Since this is the first step in the PBL, a point value will not be assessed at this time. A final grade will be given at
the end and will include all steps of the lesson that each student will participate in and present at the end to the community in a gallery walk.

Sub-Objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex)

 How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
 What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
 How is this objective relative to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

Students will have already discussed events in the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and Korea. In these lessons, students will have learned the
affects of war on societies and persons involved in such conflicts. Students will be able to use their Chromebooks to research appropriate questions
they will write. They will also be able to research the tool they will use as they make their own presentation for their end of the PBL. They will also use
their Chromebooks in their final presentations that they will show to the community during a gallery walk.

Key vocabulary: Project based learning Materials: Chromebooks

Driving question, veteran, society, war-torn, casualty, Notebooks
combat, post-traumatic stress disorder Writing utensils

 How will you activate prior knowledge?
 How will you hook student attention?
 What question will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer in Explore?
Teacher Will: As the teacher, I will present my entry event to start off Students Will: Students will watch the entry event and then
our Project Base Learning event and project. The event will be a power separate into groups to discuss what they watched and how they
point and video with statistics and videos of the tragedies of war and will proceed into the next step.
will have a few pre recorded interviews with a combat veteran and a
survivor of a war in Korea. Students will answer the driving question
of How does war affect societies? They will use the information they
gain in this lesson and what they have previously known. Students will
then be able to prepare themselves for the upcoming projects events
including the next day which will be a question and answer event with
a combat veteran in the War in Korea.

 How will you model your performance expectations? (Remember you are not modeling what you want students to discover but need to
model expected behavior or required procedures.)
 How will students take the lead and actively use materials to discover information that will help them answer the question posed in the
 What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are “exploring”?
Teacher Will: Provide the outline for the five questions that students Students Will: Students will lead the discussions in their groups.
will need to provide for the next event in the project. I will divide the They will formulate a plan to come up with questions to ask the
students into groups of 5-6. I will provide some resources for students veteran. They will research the War in Iraq and find stories and
to use in their research in discovery of questions to write. I will ask information of major events during the war. Students will use
questions such as, what are some things you would not ask a veteran? their Chromebooks to conduct the research and formulate their
How would you phrase questions, so they are more than yes or no questions.
answers? Then I will ask students to consider what questions they may
have of a veteran of the Korean War.

Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
There are a few students that are ELL learners and will need extra help in this project. Because my classes have several
students that are bilingual in English and Spanish, I will place the ELL students with a group that has another student that will
be able to explain the project in terms that they can understand.

 How will all students have an opportunity to share what they discovered?
 How will you connect student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations?
 How will all students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the sub-objectives by answering the question from the
Engage before moving on?
Teacher Will: With about 10-15 minutes remaining in class, we will stop Students Will: Towards the end of the class period, we will stop
our groups and discuss what we have discovered and talk about some the group learning to engage and explain what we have
of the questions that each group has come up with. I will direct those discovered. Each group will discuss their findings and one or two
questions in the right direction if they are still to vague or not questions they have written for the interview. They will have the
appropriate. We as a class will reflect on how their questions were five questions ready for the interview. If some groups have not
written and how they may be answered. finished, we will set aside some time in the future before the
interview to finish the questions. I will evaluate the student’s
questions that they compose, and I will try to answer those
Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
There are a few students that are ELL learners and will need extra help in this project. Because my classes have several
students that are bilingual in English and Spanish, I will place the ELL students with a group that has another student that will
be able to explain the project in terms that they can understand. The ELL student will be respond to the lesson by repeating the
questions the group has come up with and will receive help to understand them.
 How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular aspect of this
learning at a deep level?
 How will students use higher order thinking at this stage (e.g. A common practice in this section is to pose a What If? Question)?
 How will all students articulate how their understanding has changed or been solidified?

Teacher Will: I will ask the students to discuss with each other what the Students Will: Students will learn how to formulate questions that
affects of war are and then we as a class will continue the discussion are appropriate and relate to the objective of what the some
and will be able to learn together what happens to individuals that are affects of war are. They will be able to answer the What if question
affected by war. These would include the soldier, the civilian, the that I pose to them after group work. Their answers will allow me
families of those fighting and the community at large. to determine if their understanding of affects of war has improved
or if it needs to be addressed at a deeper level.
Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
There are a few students that are ELL learners and will need extra help in this project. Because my classes have several
students that are bilingual in English and Spanish, I will place the ELL students with a group that has another student that will
be able to explain the project in terms that they can understand.
 How will all students demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not mastery of the elaborate content)?
 How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the assessment)?

Teacher Will: I will evaluate the questions that are devised by each Students Will: Students will need to have created five questions to
group of students. I will determine if the questions are phrased in a ask the speaker. They will use their Chromebooks to research the
way that they will be understood by the speaker. Korean War and appropriate questions to ask. The questions will
have been created by the research done about the War in Korea. The
summarization will be in the questions and turned into the teacher
at the end of the class period.

References (n.d.). Buckeye Elementary District. Retrieved from

Hughes, D. (n.d.). Project Based Learning for Social Studies. Retrieved from

IncomebyZipcode. (2017). Income by Zip Code. Retrieved from

Lincoln, A. (n.d.). Quote Waves. Retrieved January 25, 2019, from

NEA. (2019). Grants For Teachers. Retrieved from

change-lives/grants-for-teachers/ (2019). Retrieved from

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