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THE MARRIAGE entered into in this state is presumed to be valid

RELATIONSHIP unless expressly made void by Chapter 6 or unless
expressly made voidable by Chapter 6 and
annulled as provided by that chapter.
§ 1.102. Most Recent Marriage Presumed Valid
When two or more marriages of a person
CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS to different spouses are alleged, the most recent
marriage is presumed to be valid as against each
SUBCHAPTER A. DEFINITIONS marriage that precedes the most recent marriage
until one who asserts the validity of a prior
§ 1.001. Applicability of Definitions marriage proves the validity of the prior marriage.
(a) The definitions in this subchapter
apply to this title. § 1.103. Persons Married Elsewhere
(b) Except as provided by this subchapter, The law of this state applies to persons
the definitions in Chapter 101 apply to terms used married elsewhere who are domiciled in this state.
in this title.
(c) If, in another part of this title, a term § 1.104. Capacity of Spouse
defined by this subchapter has a meaning different Except as expressly provided by statute or
from the meaning provided by this subchapter, the by the constitution, a person, regardless of age,
meaning of that other provision prevails. who has been married in accordance with the law
of this state has the capacity and power of an
§ 1.002. Court adult, including the capacity to contract.
"Court" means the district court, juvenile
court having the jurisdiction of a district court, or § 1.105. Joinder in Civil Suits
other court expressly given jurisdiction of a suit (a) A spouse may sue and be sued without
under this title. the joinder of the other spouse.
(b) When claims or liabilities are joint and
§ 1.003. Suit for Dissolution of Marriage several, the spouses may be joined under the rules
"Suit for dissolution of a marriage" relating to joinder of parties generally.
includes a suit for divorce or annulment or to
declare a marriage void. § 1.106. Criminal Conversation Not Authorized
A right of action by one spouse against a
SUBCHAPTER B. PUBLIC POLICY third party for criminal conversation is not
authorized in this state.
§ 1.101. Every Marriage Presumed Valid
In order to promote the public health and § 1.107. Alienation of Affection Not Authorized
welfare and to provide the necessary records, this A right of action by one spouse against a
code specifies detailed rules to be followed in third party for alienation of affection is not
establishing the marriage relationship. However, authorized in this state.
in order to provide stability for those entering into
the marriage relationship in good faith and to § 1.108. Promise or Agreement Must be in
provide for an orderly determination of parentage Writing
and security for the children of the relationship, it A promise or agreement made on
is the policy of this state to preserve and uphold consideration of marriage or nonmarital conjugal
each marriage against claims of invalidity unless cohabitation is not enforceable unless the promise
a strong reason exists for holding the marriage or agreement or a memorandum of the promise or
void or voidable. Therefore, every marriage agreement is in writing and signed by the person

obligated by the promise or agreement. vital statistics.
(b) The application form must contain:
CHAPTER 2. THE MARRIAGE (1) a heading entitled "Application for
RELATIONSHIP Marriage License, ____________ County,
SUBCHAPTER A. APPLICATION FOR (2) spaces for each applicant's full name,
MARRIAGE LICENSE including the woman's maiden surname, address,
social security number, if any, date of birth, and
§ 2.001. Marriage License place of birth, including city, county, and state;
(a) A man and a woman desiring to enter (3) a space for indicating the document
into a ceremonial marriage must obtain a marriage tendered by each applicant as proof of identity
license from the county clerk of any county of this and age;
state. (4) spaces for indicating whether each
(b) A license may not be issued for the applicant has been divorced within the last 30
marriage of persons of the same sex. days;
(5) printed boxes for each applicant to
§ 2.002. Application for License(amended 2009) check "true" or "false" in response to the
Except as provided by Section 2.006, each following statement: "I am not presently married
person applying for a license must: and the other applicant is not presently married.";
(1) appear before the county clerk; (6) printed boxes for each applicant to
(2) submit the person's proof of identity check "true" or "false" in response to the
and age as provided by Section 2.005(b); following statement: "The other applicant is not
(3) provide the information applicable to related to me as:
that person for which spaces are provided in the (A) an ancestor or descendant, by blood
application for a marriage license; or adoption;
(4) mark the appropriate boxes provided (B) a brother or sister, of the whole or half
in the application; and blood or by adoption;
(5) take the oath printed on the (C) a parent's brother or sister, of the
application and sign the application before the whole or half blood or by adoption; or
county clerk. (D) a son or daughter of a brother or
sister, of the whole or half blood or by adoption";
§ 2.003. Application for License by Minor (E) a current or former stepchild or
In addition to the other requirements stepparent; or
provided by this chapter, a person under 18 years (F) a son or daughter of a parent’s brother
of age applying for a license must provide to the or sister, of the whole or half blood or by
county clerk: adoption.”
(1) documents establishing, as provided (7) printed boxes for each applicant to
by Section 2.102, parental consent for the person check "true" or "false" in response to the
to the marriage; following statement: "I am not presently
(2) documents establishing that a prior delinquent in the payment of court-ordered child
marriage of the person has been dissolved; or support.";
(3) a court order granted under Section (8) a printed oath reading: "I
2.103 authorizing the marriage of the person. SOLEMNLY SWEAR (OR AFFIRM) THAT
§ 2.004. Application Form (amended 1997, APPLICATION IS CORRECT.";
2005) (9) spaces immediately below the printed
(a) The county clerk shall furnish the oath for the applicants' signatures;
application form as prescribed by the bureau of (10) a certificate of the county clerk that:

(A) each applicant made the oath and the (6) an original or certified copy of a birth
date and place that it was made; or certificate issued by a bureau of vital statistics for
(B) an applicant did not appear personally a state or a foreign government;
but the prerequisites for the license have been (7) an original or certified copy of a
fulfilled as provided by this chapter; Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certificate of
(11) spaces for indicating the date of the Birth Abroad issued by the United States
marriage and the county in which the marriage is Department of State;
performed; and (8) an original or certified copy of a court
(12) a space for the address to which the order relating to the applicant’s name change or
applicants desire the completed license to be sex change;
mailed. (9) school records from a secondary
(c) An applicant commits an offense if the school or institution of higher education;
applicant knowingly provides false information (10) an insurance policy continuously
under Subsection (b)(1), (2), (3), or (4). An valid for the two years preceding the date of the
offense under this subsection is a Class C application for a license;
misdemeanor. (11) a motor vehicle certificate of title;
(d) An applicant commits an offense if the (12) military records, including
applicant knowingly provides false information documentation of release or discharge from active
under Subsection (b)(5) or (6). An offense under duty or a draft record;
this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor. (13) an unexpired military dependent
identification card;
§ 2.005. Proof of Identity and Age (amended (14) an original or certified copy of the
2009) applicant’s marriage license or divorce decree;
(a) The county clerk shall require proof of (15) a voter registration certificate;
the identity and age of each applicant. (16) a pilot’s license issued by the Federal
(b) The proof must be established by: Aviation Administration or another authorized
(1) a driver’s license or identification card agency of the United States;
issued by this state, another state, or a Canadian (17) a license to carry a concealed
province that is current or has expired not more handgun under Subchapter H, Chapter 411,
than two years preceding the date the Government Code;
identification is submitted to the county clerk in (18) a temporary driving permit or a
connection with an application for a license; temporary identification card issued by the
(2) a United States passport; Department of Public Safety; or
(3) a current passport issued by a foreign (19) an offender identification card issued
country or a consular document issued by a state by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
or national government; (c) A person commits an offense if the
(4) an unexpired Certificate of United person knowingly provides false, fraudulent, or
States Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization, otherwise inaccurate proof of an applicant’s
United States Citizen Identification Card, identity or age under this section. An offense
Permanent Resident Card, Temporary Resident under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.
Card, Employment Authorization Card, or other
document issued by the federal Department of § 2.006. Absent Applicant(amended 2005, 2009)
Homeland Security or the United States (a) If an applicant is unable to appear
Department of State including an identification personally before the county clerk to apply for a
photograph; marriage license, any adult person or the other
(5) an unexpired military identification applicant may apply on behalf of the absent
card for active duty, reserve, or retired personnel applicant.
with an identification photograph; (b) The person applying on behalf of an

absent applicant shall provide to the clerk: (B) married to the other applicant and
(1) notwithstanding Section 132.001, they wish to marry again;
Civil Practice and Remedies Code, the notarized (4) a declaration that the other applicant
affidavit of the absent applicant as provided by is not presently married and is not related to the
this subchapter; absent applicant as:
(2) proof of the identity and age of the (A) an ancestor or descendant, by blood
absent applicant under Section 2.005(b); and or adoption;
(3) if required because the absent (B) a brother or sister, of the whole or half
applicant is a person under 18 years of age, blood or by adoption;
documents establishing that a prior marriage has (C) a parent's brother or sister, of the
been dissolved, a court order authorizing the whole or half blood or by adoption; or
marriage of the absent, underage applicant, or (D) a son or daughter of a brother or
documents establishing consent by a parent or a sister, of the whole or half blood or by adoption;
person who has legal authority to consent to the (E) a current or former stepchild or
marriage, including: stepparent; or
(A) proof of identity of the parent or (F) a son or daughter of a parent’s brother
person with legal authority to consent to the or sister, of the whole or half blood by adoption;
marriage under Section 2.005(b); and (5) a declaration that the absent applicant
(B) proof that the parent or person has the desires to marry and the name, age, and address of
legal authority to consent to the marriage for the the person to whom the absent applicant desires to
applicant under rules adopted under Section be married;
2.102(j). (6) the approximate date on which the
(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the marriage is to occur;
clerk may not issue a marriage license for which (7) the reason the absent applicant is
both applicants are absent unless the person unable to appear personally before the county
applying on behalf of each absent applicant clerk for the issuance of the license; and
provides to the clerk an affidavit of the applicant (8) if the absent applicant will be unable
declaring that the applicant is: to attend the ceremony, the appointment of any
(1) on active duty as a member of the adult, other than the other applicant, to act as
armed forces of the United States or the state proxy for the purpose of participating in the
military forces; or ceremony.
(2) confined in a correctional facility, as
defined b Section 1.07, Penal Code § 2.008. Execution of Application by Clerk
(a) The county clerk shall:
§ 2.007. Affidavit of Absent Applicant (1) determine that all necessary
(amended 2005) information, other than the date of the marriage
The affidavit of an absent applicant must ceremony, the county in which the ceremony is
include: conducted, and the name of the person who
(1) the absent applicant's full name, performs the ceremony, is recorded on the
including the maiden surname of a female application and that all necessary documents are
applicant, address, date of birth, place of birth, submitted;
including city, county, and state, citizenship, and (2) administer the oath to each applicant
social security number, if any; appearing before the clerk;
(2) a declaration that the absent applicant (3) have each applicant appearing before
has not been divorced within the last 30 days; the clerk sign the application in the clerk's
(3) a declaration that the absent applicant presence; and
is: (4) execute the clerk's certificate on the
(A) not presently married; or application.

(b) A person appearing before the clerk are already married to each other.
on behalf of an absent applicant is not required to (c) On the proper execution of the
take the oath on behalf of the absent applicant. application, the clerk shall:
(1) prepare the license;
§ 2.009. Issuance of License (amended 1997, (2) enter on the license the names of the
1999, 2005) licensees, the date that the license is issued, and,
(a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) if applicable, the name of the person appointed to
and (d), the county clerk may not issue a license act as proxy for an absent applicant, if any;
if either applicant: (3) record the time at which the license
(1) fails to provide the information was issued;
required by this subchapter; (4) distribute to each applicant printed
(2) fails to submit proof of age and materials about acquired immune deficiency
identity; syndrome (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency
(3) is under16 years of age and has not virus (HIV) and note on the license that the
been granted a court order as provided by Section distribution was made; and
2.103; (5) distribute to each applicant a
(4) is 16 years of age or older but under premarital education handbook provided by the
18 years of age and has not presented at least one attorney general under Section 2.014.
of the following: (d) The county clerk may not refuse to
(A) parental consent as provided by issue a license to an applicant on the ground that
Section 2.102; the applicant checked "false" in response to the
(B) documents establishing that a prior statement "I am not presently delinquent in the
marriage of the applicant has been dissolved; or payment of court-ordered child support."
(C) a court order as provided by Section
2.103; § 2.010. AIDS Information
(5) checks "false" in response to a Materials providing information about
statement in the application, except as provided acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
by Subsection (b) or (d), or fails to make a and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) shall
required declaration in an affidavit required of an be prepared and provided to the clerk by the
absent applicant; or Texas Department of Health and shall be designed
(6) indicates that the applicant has been to inform the applicants about:
divorced by a decree of a court of this state within (1) the incidence and mode of
the last 30 days, unless: transmission of AIDS and HIV;
(A) the applicants were divorced from (2) the local availability of medical
each other; or procedures, including voluntary testing, designed
(B) the prohibition against remarriage is to show or help show whether a person has AIDS
waived as provided by Section 6.802. or HIV infection, antibodies to HIV, or infection
(b) If an applicant checks "false" in with any other probable causative agent of AIDS;
response to the statement "I am not presently and
married and the other applicant is not presently (3) available and appropriate counseling
married," the county clerk shall inquire as to services regarding AIDS and HIV infection.
whether the applicant is presently married to the
other applicant. If the applicant states that the § 2.011. Recording [repealed 2009]
applicant is currently married to the other
applicant, the county clerk shall record that § 2.012. Violation by County Clerk; Penalty
statement on the license before the administration A county clerk or deputy county clerk
of the oath. The county clerk may not refuse to who violates or fails to comply with this
issue a license on the ground that the applicants subchapter commits an offense. An offense under

this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine completes the course. The certificate must
of not less than $200 and not more than $500. include the name of the course, the name of the
course provider, and the completion date.
§ 2.013. Premarital Education Courses (added
1999; amended 2007) § 2.014. Family Trust Fund (added 1999)
(a) Each person applying for a marriage (a) The family trust fund is created as a
license is encouraged to attend a premarital trust fund with the state comptroller and shall be
education course of at least eight hours during the administered by the attorney general for the
year preceding the date of the application for the beneficiaries of the fund.
license. (b) Money in the trust fund is derived
(b) A premarital education course must from depositing $3 of each marriage license fee as
include instruction in: authorized under Section 118.018©), Local
(1) conflict management; Government Code, and may be used only for:
(2) communication skills; and (1) the development and distribution of a
(3) the key components of a successful premarital education handbook;
marriage. (2) grants to institutions of higher
(c) A course under this section should be education having academic departments that are
offered by instructors trained in a skills-based and capable of research on marriage and divorce that
research-based marriage preparation curricula. will assist in determining programs, courses, and
The following individuals and organizations may policies to help strengthen families and assist
provide courses: children whose parents are divorcing;
(1) marriage educators; (3) support for counties to create or
(2) clergy or their designees; administer free or low-cost premarital education
(3) licensed mental health professionals; courses;
(4) faith-based organizations; and (4) programs intended to reduce the
(5) community-based organizations. amount of delinquent child support; and
(d) The curricula of a premarital (5) other programs the attorney general
education course must meet the requirements of determines will assist families in this state.
this section and provide the skills-based and (c) The premarital education handbook
research-based curricula of: under Subsection (b)(1) shall be distributed to
(1) the United States Department of each applicant for a marriage license as provided
Health and Human Services healthy marriage by Section 2.009(c)(5) and shall contain
initiative; information on:
(2) the National Healthy Marriage (1) conflict management;
Resource Center; (2) communication skills;
(3) criteria developed by the Health and (3) children and parenting
Human Services Commission; or responsibilities; and
(4) other similar resources. (4) financial responsibilities.
(e) The Health and Human Services (d) The attorney general shall appoint an
Commission shall maintain an Internet website on advisory committee to assist in the development
which individuals and organizations described by of the premarital education handbook. The
Subsection (c) may electronically register with the advisory committee shall consist of nine
commission to indicate the skills-based and members, including at least three members who
research-based curriculum in which the registrant are eligible under Section 2.013(d) to provide a
is trained. premarital education course. A member of the
(f) A person who provides a premarital advisory committee is not entitled to
education course shall provide a signed and dated reimbursement of the member's expenses.
completion certificate to each individual who

SUBCHAPTER B. UNDERAGE person is not a parent or a person who has the
APPLICANTS court-ordered right to consent to marriage for the
applicant. An offense under this subsection is a
§ 2.101. General Age Requirement Class A misdemeanor.
Except as otherwise provided by this (h) A parent or a person who has the
subchapter or on a showing that a prior marriage court-ordered right to consent to marriage for the
has been dissolved, a county clerk may not issue applicant commits an offense if the parent or other
a marriage license if either applicant is under 18 person knowingly provides parental consent under
years of age. this section for an applicant who is younger than
16 years of age or who is presently married to a
§ 2.102. Parental Consent for Underage person other than the person the applicant desires
Applicant (amended 2005, 2007, 2009) to marry. An offense under this subsection is a
(a) If an applicant is 16 years of age or felony of the third degree.
older but under 18 years of age, the county clerk (i) A parent or person who has the legal
shall issue the license if parental consent is given authority to consent to marriage for an underage
as provided by this section. applicant who gives consent under this section
(b) Parental consent must be evidenced by shall provide:
a written declaration on a form supplied by the (1) proof of the parent’s or person’s
county clerk in which the person consents to the identity under Section 2.005(b); and
marriage and swears that the person is a parent (if (2) proof that the parent or person has the
there is no person who has the court-ordered right legal authority to consent to marriage for the
to consent to marriage for the applicant or a applicant under rules adopted under Subsection
person who has the court-ordered right to consent (j).
to marriage for the applicant (whether an (j) The executive commissioner of the
individual, authorized agency, or court). Health and Human Services Commission shall
(c) Except as otherwise provided by this adopt rules detailing acceptable proof of the legal
section, consent must be acknowledged before a authority to consent to the marriage of an
county clerk. underage applicant. In adopting rules, the
(d) If the person giving parental consent executive commissioner shall ensure that the
resides in another state, the consent may be rules:
acknowledged before an officer authorized to (1) adequately protect against fraud; and
issue marriage licenses in that state. (2) do not create an undue burden on any
(e) If the person giving parental consent class of person legally entitled to consent to the
is unable because of illness or incapacity to marriage of an underage applicant.
comply with the provisions of Subsection ©) or
(d), the consent may be acknowledged before any § 2.103. Court Order for Underage Applicant
officer authorized to take acknowledgments. A (amended 2007)
consent under this subsection must be (a) A minor may petition the court in the
accompanied by a physician's affidavit stating that minor's own name for an order granting
the person giving parental consent is unable to permission to marry. In a suit under this section,
comply because of illness or incapacity. the trial judge may advance the suit if the best
(f) Parental consent must be given at the interest of the applicant would be served by an
time the application for the marriage license is early hearing.
made or not earlier than the 30th day preceding (b) The petition must be filed in the
the date the application is made. county where a parent resides if a court has not
(g) A person commits an offense if the awarded another person the right to consent to
person knowingly provides parental consent for marriage for the minor. If a court has awarded
an underage applicant under this section and the another person the right to consent to marriage for

the minor, the petition must be filed in the county (1) a licensed or ordained Christian
where that person resides. If no parent or person minister or priest;
who has the court-ordered right to consent to (2) a Jewish rabbi;
marriage for the minor resides in this state, the (3) a person who is an officer of a
petition must be filed in the county where the religious organization and who is authorized by
minor lives. the organization to conduct a marriage ceremony;
(c) The petition must include: and
(1) a statement of the reasons the minor (4) a justice of the supreme court, judge
desires to marry; of the court of criminal appeals, justice of the
(2) a statement of whether each parent is courts of appeals, judge of the district, county, and
living or is dead; probate courts, judge of the county courts at law,
(3) the name and residence address of judge of the courts of domestic relations, judge of
each living parent; and the juvenile courts, retired justice or judge of
(4) a statement of whether a court has those courts, justice of the peace, retired justice of
awarded to a person other than a parent of the the peace, udge of a municipal court, or judge or
minor the right to consent to marriage for the magistrate of a federal court of this state.
minor. (b) For the purposes of this section, a
(d) Process shall be served as in other retired judge or justice is a former judge or justice
civil cases on each living parent of the minor or a who is vested in the Judicial Retirement System
person who has the court-ordered right to consent of Texas Plan One or the Judicial Retirement
to marriage for the minor, as applicable. Citation System of Texas Plan Two or who has an
may be given by publication as in other civil aggregate of at least 12 years of service as judge
cases, except that notice shall be published one or justice of any type listed in Subsection (a)(4).
time only. (c) Except as provided by Subsection (d),
(e) The court shall appoint an amicus a person commits an offense if the person
attorney or an attorney ad litem to represent the knowingly conducts a marriage ceremony without
minor in the proceeding. The court shall specify authorization under this section. An offense
a fee to be paid by the minor for the services of under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.
the amicus attorney or attorney ad litem. The fee (d) A person commits an offense if the
shall be collected in the same manner as other person knowingly conducts a marriage ceremony
costs of the proceeding. of a minor whose marriage is prohibited by law or
(f) If after a hearing the court, sitting of a person who by marrying commits an offense
without a jury, believes marriage to be in the best under Section 25.01, Penal Code. An offense
interest of the minor, the court, by order, shall under this subsection is a felony of the third
grant the minor permission to marry. degree.


RETURN OF LICENSE (a) On receiving an unexpired marriage
license, an authorized person may conduct the
§ 2.201. Expiration of License marriage ceremony as provided by this
If a marriage ceremony has not been subchapter.
conducted before the 31st day after the date the (b) A person unable to appear for the
license is issued, the marriage license expires. ceremony may assent to marriage by the
appearance of a proxy appointed in the affidavit
§ 2.202. Persons Authorized to Conduct authorized by Subchapter A.
Ceremony (amended 2005, 2009)
(a) The following persons are authorized
to conduct a marriage ceremony:

§ 2.204. 72-Hour Waiting Period; Exceptions on Judicial Conduct that a person has intentionally
(amended 1999, 2007) violated Subsection (a), the commission may
(a) Except as provided by this section, a recommend to the supreme court that the person
marriage ceremony may not take place during the be removed from office.
72-hour period immediately following the
issuance of the marriage license. § 2.206. Return of License; Penalty
(b) The 72-hour waiting period after (a) The person who conducts a marriage
issuance of a marriage license does not apply to ceremony shall record on the license the date on
an applicant who: which and the county in which the ceremony is
(1) is a member of the armed forces of the performed and the person's name, subscribe the
United States and on active duty; or license, and return the license to the county clerk
(2) is not a member of the armed forces of who issued it not later than the 30th day after the
the United States but performs work for the date the ceremony is conducted.
United States Department of Defense as a (b) A person who fails to comply with this
department employee or under a contract with the section commits an offense. An offense under
department; this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine
(3) obtains a written waiver under of not less than $200 and not more than $500.
Subsection (c); or
(4) completes a premarital education § 2.207. Marriage Conducted After License
course described by Section 2.013, and who Expired; Penalty
provides to the county clerk a premarital (a) A person who is to conduct a marriage
education course completion certificate indicating ceremony shall determine whether the license has
completion of the premarital education course not expired from the county clerk's endorsement on
more than one year before the date the marriage the license.
license application is filed with the clerk. (b) A person who conducts a marriage
(c) An applicant may request a judge of a ceremony after the marriage license has expired
court with jurisdiction in family law cases, a commits an offense. An offense under this
justice of the supreme court, a judge of the court section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of
of criminal appeals, a county judge, or a judge of not less than $200 and not more than $500.
a court of appeals for a written waiver permitting
the marriage ceremony to take place during the § 2.208. Recording and Delivery of License
72-hour period immediately following the (a) The county clerk shall record a
issuance of the marriage license. If the judge returned marriage license and mail the license to
finds that there is good cause for the marriage to the address indicated on the application.
take place during the period, the judge shall sign (b) On the application form the county
the waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision clerk shall record:
of law, a judge under this section has the authority (1) the date of the marriage ceremony;
to sign a waiver under this section. (2) the county in which the ceremony was
conducted; and
§ 2.205. Discrimination in Conducting (3) the name of the person who conducted
Marriage Prohibited the ceremony.
(a) A person authorized to conduct a
marriage ceremony by this subchapter is § 2.209. Duplicate License (amended 2009)
prohibited from discriminating on the basis of (a) On request, the county clerk shall
race, religion, or national origin against an issue a certified copy of a recorded marriage
applicant who is otherwise competent to be license.
married. (b) If a marriage license issued by a
(b) On a finding by the State Commission county clerk is lost, destroyed, or rendered

useless, the clerk shall issue a duplicate license. SUBCHAPTER E. MARRIAGE WITHOUT
(c) If one or both parties to a marriage FORMALITIES
license discover an error on the recorded marriage
license, both parties to the marriage shall execute § 2.401. Proof of Informal Marriage (amended
a notarized affidavit stating the error. The county 1997, 2005)
clerk shall file and record the affidavit as an (a) In a judicial, administrative, or other
amendment to the marriage license, and the proceeding, the marriage of a man and woman
affidavit is considered part of the marriage may be proved by evidence that:
license. The clerk shall include a copy of the (1) a declaration of their marriage has
affidavit with any future certified copy of the been signed as provided by this subchapter; or
marriage license issued by the clerk. (2) the man and woman agreed to be
(D) The executive commissioner of the married and after the agreement they lived
Health and Human Services Commission by rule together in this state as husband and wife and
shall prescribe the form of the affidavit under there represented to others that they were married.
Subsection (c). (b) If a proceeding in which a marriage is
to be proved as provided by Subsection (a)(2) is
SUBCHAPTER D. VALIDITY OF not commenced before the second anniversary of
MARRIAGE the date on which the parties separated and ceased
living together, it is rebuttably presumed that the
§ 2.301. Fraud, Mistake, or Illegality in parties did not enter into an agreement to be
Obtaining License married.
Except as otherwise provided by this (c) A person under 18 years of age may
chapter, the validity of a marriage is not affected not:
by any fraud, mistake, or illegality that occurred (1) be a party to an informal marriage; or
in obtaining the marriage license. (2) execute a declaration of informal
marriage under Section 2.402.
§ 2.302. Ceremony Conducted by Unauthorized (d) A person may not be a party to an
Person (amended 2005) informal marriage or execute a declaration of an
The validity of a marriage is not affected informal marriage if the person is presently
by the lack of authority of the person conducting married to a person who is not the other party to
the marriage ceremony if: the informal marriage or declaration of an
(1) there was a reasonable appearance of informal marriage, as applicable.
authority by that person; and
(2) at least one party to the marriage § 2.402. Declaration and Registration of
participated in the ceremony in good faith and that Informal Marriage (amended 1997)
party treats the marriage as valid; and (a) A declaration of informal marriage
(3) neither party to the marriage: must be signed on a form prescribed by the bureau
(A) is a minor whose marriage is of vital statistics and provided by the county
prohibited by law; or clerk. Each party to the declaration shall provide
(B) by marrying commits an offense the information required in the form.
under Section 25.01, Penal Code. (b) The declaration form must contain:
(1) a heading entitled "Declaration and
Registration of Informal Marriage, ___________
County, Texas";
(2) spaces for each party's full name,
including the woman's maiden surname, address,
date of birth, place of birth, including city, county,
and state, and social security number, if any;

(3) a space for indicating the type of (b) A person commits an offense if the
document tendered by each party as proof of age person knowingly provides false, fraudulent, or
and identity; otherwise inaccurate proof of the person's identity
(4) printed boxes for each party to check or age under this section. An offense under this
"true" or "false" in response to the following subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.
statement: "The other party is not related to me
as: § 2.404. Recording of Certificate or Declaration
(A) an ancestor or descendant, by blood of Informal Marriage (amended 1997, 2009)
or adoption; (a) The county clerk shall:
(B) a brother or sister, of the whole or half (1) determine that all necessary
blood or by adoption; information is recorded on the declaration of
(c) a parent's brother or sister, of the informal marriage form and that all necessary
whole or half blood or by adoption; or documents are submitted to the clerk;
(D) a son or daughter of a brother or (2) administer the oath to each party to
sister, of the whole or half blood or by adoption; the declaration;
(E) a current or former stepchild or (3) have each party sign the declaration in
stepparent; or the clerk's presence; and
(F) a son or daughter of a parent’s brother (4) execute the clerk's certificate to the
or sister, of the whole or half blood or by declaration.
adoption.”; (a-1) On the proper execution of the
(5) a printed declaration and oath reading: declaration, the clerk may:
"I SOLEMNLY SWEAR (OR AFFIRM) THAT (1) prepare a certificate of informal
EACH OTHER BY VIRTUE OF THE (2) enter on the certificate the names of
FOLLOWING FACTS: ON OR ABOUT the persons declaring their informal marriage and
(DATE) WE AGREED TO BE MARRIED, AND the date the certificate or declaration is issued;
AS HUSBAND AND WIFE AND IN THIS (3) record the time at which the certificate
STATE WE REPRESENTED TO OTHERS or declaration is issued.
THAT WE WERE MARRIED. SINCE THE (b) The county clerk may not certify the
DATE OF MARRIAGE TO THE OTHER declaration or issue or record the certificate of
PARTY I HAVE NOT BEEN MARRIED TO informal marriage or declaration if:
ANY OTHER PERSON. THIS DECLARATION (1) either party fails to supply any
IS TRUE AND THE INFORMATION IN IT information or provide any document required by
WHICH I HAVE GIVEN IS CORRECT."; this subchapter;
(6) spaces immediately below the printed (2) either party is under 18 years of age;
declaration and oath for the parties' signatures; or
and (3) either party checks "false" in response
(7) a certificate of the county clerk that to the statement of relationship to the other party.
the parties made the declaration and oath and the (c) On execution of the declaration, the
place and date it was made. county clerk shall record the declaration or
certificate of informal marriage, deliver the
§ 2.403. Proof of Identity and Age; Offense. original of the declaration to the parties, deliver
(amended 2005, 2009) the original of the certificate of informal marriage
(a) The county clerk shall require proof of to the parties, if a certificate was prepared, and
the identity and age of each party to the send a copy of the declaration of informal
declaration of informal marriage to be established marriage to the bureau of vital statistics.
by a document listed in Section 2.005(b). (d) An executed declaration or a

certificate of informal marriage recorded as SUBTITLE B. PROPERTY RIGHTS AND
provided in this section is prima facie evidence of LIABILITIES
the marriage of the parties.
(e) At the time the parties sign the CHAPTER 3. MARITAL PROPERTY
declaration, the clerk shall distribute to each party RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES
printed materials about acquired immune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL RULES FOR
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The clerk shall SEPARATE AND COMMUNITY PROPERTY
note on the declaration that the distribution was
made. The materials shall be prepared and § 3.001. Separate Property
provided to the clerk by the Texas Department of A spouse's separate property consists of:
Health and shall be designed to inform the parties (1) the property owned or claimed by the
about: spouse before marriage;
(1) the incidence and mode of (2) the property acquired by the spouse
transmission of AIDS and HIV; during marriage by gift, devise, or descent; and
(2) the local availability of medical (3) the recovery for personal injuries
procedures, including voluntary testing, designed sustained by the spouse during marriage, except
to show or help show whether a person has AIDS any recovery for loss of earning capacity during
or HIV infection, antibodies to HIV, or infection marriage.
with any other probable causative agent of AIDS;
and § 3.002. Community Property
(3) available and appropriate counseling Community property consists of the
services regarding AIDS and HIV infection. property, other than separate property, acquired
by either spouse during marriage.
§ 2.405. Violation by County Clerk; Penalty
A county clerk or deputy county clerk § 3.003. Presumption of Community Property
who violates this subchapter commits an offense. (a) Property possessed by either spouse
An offense under this section is a misdemeanor during or on dissolution of marriage is presumed
punishable by a fine of not less than $200 and not to be community property.
more than $500. (b) The degree of proof necessary to
establish that property is separate property is clear
SUBCHAPTER F. RIGHTS AND DUTIES and convincing evidence.
§ 3.004. Recordation of Separate Property
§ 2.501. Duty to Support (a) A subscribed and acknowledged
(a) Each spouse has the duty to support schedule of a spouse's separate property may be
the other spouse. recorded in the deed records of the county in
(b) A spouse who fails to discharge the which the parties, or one of them, reside and in
duty of support is liable to any person who the county or counties in which the real property
provides necessaries to the spouse to whom is located.
support is owed. (b) A schedule of a spouse's separate real
property is not constructive notice to a good faith
purchaser for value or a creditor without actual
notice unless the instrument is acknowledged and
recorded in the deed records of the county in
which the real property is located.

§ 3.005. Gifts Between Spouses removed; and
If one spouse makes a gift of property to (2) if the option or stock was granted to
the other spouse, the gift is presumed to include the spouse during the marriage but required
all the income and property that may arise from continued employment following the date of
that property. dissolution of the marriage before the grant could
be exercised or the restriction removed, the
§ 3.006. Proportional Ownership of Property spouse's separate property interest is equal to the
by Marital Estates (amended 2001) fraction of the option or restricted stock in which:
If the community estate of the spouses (A) the numerator is the period from the
and the separate estate of a spouse have an date of dissolution of the marriage until the date
ownership interest in property, the respective the grant could be exercised or the restriction
ownership interests of the marital estates are removed; and
determined by the rule of inception of title. (B) the denominator is the period from
the date the option or stock was granted until the
§ 3.007. Property Interest in Certain Employee date the grant could be exercised or the restriction
Benefits (added 2005, amended and partially removed.
repealed 2009) (e) The computation described by
(a) - (b) [repealed 2009] Subsection (d) applies to each component of the
(c) The separate property interest of a benefit requiring varying periods of employment
spouse in a defined contribution retirement plan before the grant could be exercised or the
may be traced using the tracing and restriction removed.
characterization principles that apply to a [(f) repealed 2009]
nonretirement asset.
(d) A spouse who is a participant in an § 3.008 Property Interest in Certain Insurance
employer-provided stock option plan or an Proceeds (added 2005)
employer-provided restricted stock plan has a (a) Insurance proceeds paid or payable
separate property interest in the options or that arise from a casualty loss to property during
restricted stock granted to the spouse under the marriage are characterized in the same manner as
plan as follows: the property to which the claim is attributable.
(1) if the option or stock was granted to (b) If a person becomes disabled or is
the spouse before marriage but required continued injured, any disability insurance payment or
employment during marriage before the grant workers' compensation payment is community
could be exercised or the restriction removed, the property to the extent it is intended to replace
spouse's separate property interest is equal to the earnings lost while the disabled or injured person
fraction of the option or restricted stock in which: is married. To the extent that any insurance
(A) the numerator is the sum of: payment or workers' compensation payment is
(i) the period from the date the option or intended to replace earnings while the disabled or
stock was granted until the date of marriage; and injured person is not married, the recovery is the
(ii) if the option or stock also required separate property of the disabled or injured
continued employment following the date of spouse.
dissolution of the marriage before the grant could
be exercised or the restriction removed, the period SUBCHAPTER B. MANAGEMENT,
from the date of dissolution of the marriage until CONTROL, AND DISPOSITION OF
the date the grant could be exercised or the MARITAL PROPERTY
restriction removed; and
(B) the denominator is the period from § 3.101. Managing Separate Property
the date the option or stock was granted until the Each spouse has the sole management,
date the grant could be exercised or the restriction control, and disposition of that spouse's separate

property. (b) A third person dealing with a spouse
is entitled to rely, as against the other spouse or
§ 3.102. Managing Community Property anyone claiming from that spouse, on that
(a) During marriage, each spouse has the spouse's authority to deal with the property if:
sole management, control, and disposition of the (1) the property is presumed to be subject
community property that the spouse would have to the sole management, control, and disposition
owned if single, including: of the spouse; and
(1) personal earnings; (2) the person dealing with the spouse:
(2) revenue from separate property; (A) is not a party to a fraud on the other
(3) recoveries for personal injuries; and spouse or another person; and
(4) the increase and mutations of, and the (B) does not have actual or constructive
revenue from, all property subject to the spouse's notice of the spouse's lack of authority.
sole management, control, and disposition.
(b) If community property subject to the SUBCHAPTER C. MARITAL PROPERTY
sole management, control, and disposition of one LIABILITIES
spouse is mixed or combined with community
property subject to the sole management, control, § 3.201. Spousal Liability
and disposition of the other spouse, then the (a) A person is personally liable for the
mixed or combined community property is subject acts of the person's spouse only if:
to the joint management, control, and disposition (1) the spouse acts as an agent for the
of the spouses, unless the spouses provide person; or
otherwise by power of attorney in writing or other (2) the spouse incurs a debt for
agreement. necessaries as provided by Subchapter F, Chapter
(c) Except as provided by Subsection (a), 2.
community property is subject to the joint (b) Except as provided by this subchapter,
management, control, and disposition of the community property is not subject to a liability
spouses unless the spouses provide otherwise by that arises from an act of a spouse.
power of attorney in writing or other agreement. (c) A spouse does not act as an agent for
the other spouse solely because of the marriage
§ 3.103. Managing Earnings of Minor(amended relationship.
Except as provided by Section 264.0111, § 3.202. Rules of Marital Property Liability
during the marriage of the parents of an (amended 2009)
unemancipated minor for whom a managing (a) A spouse's separate property is not
conservator has not been appointed, the earnings subject to liabilities of the other spouse unless
of the minor are subject to the joint management, both spouses are liable by other rules of law.
control, and disposition of the parents of the (b) Unless both spouses are personally
minor, unless otherwise provided by agreement of liable as provided by this subchapter, the
the parents or by judicial order. community property subject to a spouse's sole
management, control, and disposition is not
§ 3.104. Protection of Third Persons subject to:
(a) During marriage, property is presumed (1) any liabilities that the other spouse
to be subject to the sole management, control, and incurred before marriage; or
disposition of a spouse if it is held in that spouse's (2) any nontortious liabilities that the
name, as shown by muniment, contract, deposit of other spouse incurs during marriage.
funds, or other evidence of ownership, or if it is in (c) The community property subject to a
that spouse's possession and is not subject to such spouse's sole or joint management, control, and
evidence of ownership. disposition is subject to the liabilities incurred by

the spouse before or during marriage. SUBCHAPTER D. MANAGEMENT,
(d) All community property is subject to CONTROL, AND DISPOSITION OF
tortious liability of either spouse incurred during MARITAL PROPERTY UNDER UNUSUAL
(e) For purposes of this section, all
retirement allowances, annuities, accumulated § 3.301. Missing, Abandoned, or Separated
contributions, optional benefits, and money in the Spouse (amended 2001)
various public retirement system accounts of this (a) A spouse may file a sworn petition
state that are community property subject to the stating the facts that make it desirable for the
participating spouse’s sole management, control, petitioning spouse to manage, control, and dispose
and disposition are not subject to any claim for of community property described or defined in the
payment of a criminal restitution judgment petition that would otherwise be subject to the
entered against the nonparticipant spouse except sole or joint management, control, and disposition
to the extent of the nonparticipant spouse’s of the other spouse if:
interest as determined in a qualified domestic (1) the other spouse has disappeared and
relations order under Chapter 804, Texas that spouse's location remains unknown to the
Government Code. petitioning spouse, unless the spouse is reported
to be a prisoner of war or missing on public
§ 3.203. Order in Which Property is Subject to service;
Execution (2) the other spouse has permanently
(a) A judge may determine, as deemed abandoned the petitioning spouse; or
just and equitable, the order in which particular (3) the spouses are permanently separated.
separate or community property is subject to (b) The petition may be filed in a court in
execution and sale to satisfy a judgment, if the the county in which the petitioner resided at the
property subject to liability for a judgment time the separation began, or the abandonment or
includes any combination of: disappearance occurred, not earlier than the 60th
(1) a spouse's separate property; day after the date of the occurrence of the event.
(2) community property subject to a If both spouses are nonresidents of this state at the
spouse's sole management, control, and time the petition is filed, the petition may be filed
disposition; in a court in a county in which any part of the
(3) community property subject to the described or defined community property is
other spouse's sole management, control, and located.
disposition; and
(4) community property subject to the § 3.302. Spouse Missing on Public Service
spouses' joint management, control, and (a) If a spouse is reported by an executive
disposition. department of the United States to be a prisoner of
(b) In determining the order in which war or missing on the public service of the United
particular property is subject to execution and States, the spouse of the prisoner of war or
sale, the judge shall consider the facts surrounding missing person may file a sworn petition stating
the transaction or occurrence on which the suit is the facts that make it desirable for the petitioner to
based. manage, control, and dispose of the community
property described or defined in the petition that
would otherwise be subject to the sole or joint
management, control, and disposition of the
imprisoned or missing spouse.
(b) The petition may be filed in a court in
the county in which the petitioner resided at the
time the report was made not earlier than six

months after the date of the notice that a spouse is § 3.306. Court Order for Management,
reported to be a prisoner of war or missing on Control, and Disposition of Community
public service. If both spouses were nonresidents Property
of this state at the time the report was made, the (a) After hearing the evidence in a suit
petition shall be filed in a court in a county in under this subchapter, the court, on terms the
which any part of the described or defined court considers just and equitable, shall render an
property is located. order describing or defining the community
property at issue that will be subject to the
§ 3.303. Appointment of Attorney management, control, and disposition of each
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), spouse during marriage.
the court may appoint an attorney in a suit filed (b) The court may:
under this subchapter for the respondent. (1) impose any condition and restriction
(b) The court shall appoint an attorney in the court deems necessary to protect the rights of
a suit filed under this subchapter for a respondent the respondent;
reported to be a prisoner of war or missing on (2) require a bond conditioned on the
public service. faithful administration of the property; and
(c) The court shall allow a reasonable fee (3) require payment to the registry of the
for an appointed attorney's services as a part of court of all or a portion of the proceeds of the sale
the costs of the suit. of the property, to be disbursed in accordance
with the court's further directions.
§ 3.304. Notice of Hearing; Citation
(a) Notice of the hearing, accompanied by § 3.307. Continuing Jurisdiction of Court;
a copy of the petition, shall be issued and served Vacating Original Order (amended 2001)
on the attorney representing the respondent, if an (a) The court has continuing jurisdiction
attorney has been appointed. over the court's order rendered under this
(b) If an attorney has not been appointed subchapter.
for the respondent, citation shall be issued and (b) On the motion of either spouse, the
served on the respondent as in other civil cases. court shall amend or vacate the original order
after notice and hearing if:
§ 3.305. Citation by Publication (1) the spouse who disappeared reappears;
(a) If the residence of the respondent, (2) the abandonment or permanent
other than a respondent reported to be a prisoner separation ends; or
of war or missing on public service, is unknown, (3) the spouse who was reported to be a
citation shall be published in a newspaper of prisoner of war or missing on public service
general circulation published in the county in returns.
which the petition was filed. If that county has no
newspaper of general circulation, citation shall be § 3.308. Recording Order to Affect Real
published in a newspaper of general circulation in Property
an adjacent county or in the nearest county in An order authorized by this subchapter
which a newspaper of general circulation is affecting real property is not constructive notice
published. to a good faith purchaser for value or to a creditor
(b) The notice shall be published once a without actual notice unless the order is recorded
week for two consecutive weeks before the in the deed records of the county in which the real
hearing, but the first notice may not be published property is located.
after the 20th day before the date set for the
hearing. § 3.309. Remedies Cumulative
The remedies provided in this subchapter
are cumulative of other rights, powers, and

remedies afforded spouses by law. of a debt secured by a lien on property owned
before marriage, to the extent the debt existed at
OF COMMUNITY ESTATE IN (4) the reduction of the principal amount
ENHANCED VALUE OF SEPARATE of a debt secured by a lien on property received by
PROPERTY (added 1999) a spouse by gift, devise, or descent during a
marriage, to the extent the debt existed at the time
§ 3.401. Definitions (amended 2001) the property was received;
In this subchapter: (5) the reduction of the principal amount
(1) "Claim for economic contribution" of that part of a debt, including a home equity
means a claim made under this subchapter. loan:
(2) "Economic contribution" means the (A) incurred during a marriage;
contribution to a marital estate described by (B) secured by a lien on property; and
Section 3.402. (C) incurred for the acquisition of, or for
(3) "Equity" means, with respect to capital improvements to, property;
specific property owned by one or more marital (6) the reduction of the principal amount
estates, the amount computed by subtracting from of that part of a debt:
the fair market value of the property as of a (A) incurred during a marriage;
specific date the amount of a lawful lien specific (B) secured by a lien on property owned
to the property on that same date. by a spouse;
(4) "Marital estate" means one of three (C) for which the creditor agreed to look
estates: for repayment solely to the separate marital estate
(A) the community property owned by the of the spouse on whose property the lien attached;
spouses together and referred to as the community and
marital estate;
(D) incurred for the acquisition of, or for
(B) the separate property owned
capital improvements to, property;
individually by the husband and referred to as a
(7) the refinancing of the principal
separate marital estate; or
amount described by Subdivisions (3)–(6), to the
(c) the separate property owned
extent the refinancing reduces that principal
individually by the wife, also referred to as a
amount in a manner described by the applicable
separate marital estate.
(5) "Spouse" means a husband, who is a subdivision;
man, or a wife, who is a woman. A member of a (8) capital improvements to property other
civil union or similar relationship entered into in than by incurring debt; and
another state between persons of the same sex is (9) the reduction by the community
not a spouse. property estate of an unsecured debt incurred by
the separate estate of one of the spouses.
§ 3.402. Claim for Reimbursement; Offsets (b) The court shall resolve a claim for
(added 1999, amended 2001, 2009) reimbursement by using equitable principles,
(a) For purposes of this subchapter, a including the principle that claims for
claim for reimbursement includes: reimbursement may be offset against each other if
(1) payment by one marital estate of the the court determines it to be appropriate.
unsecured liabilities of another marital estate; (c) Benefits fo the use and enjoyment of
(2) inadequate compensation fo the time, property may be offset against a claim for
toil, talent, and effort of a spouse by a business reimbursement for expenditures to benefit a
entity under the control and direction of that marital estate, except that the separate estate of a
spouse; spouse may not claim an offset for use and
(3) the reduction of the principal amount enjoyment of a primary or secondary residence
owned wholly or partly by the separate estate

against contributions made by the community a benefited marital estate to secure a claim for
estate to the separate estate. reimbursement against that property by a
(d) Reimbursement for funds expended by contributing marital estate.
a marital estate for improvements to another [(c) repealed 2009]
marital estate shall be measured by the
enhancement in value to the benefited marital § 3.407. Offsetting Claims (added 2001, repealed
estate. 2009)
(e) The party seeking an offset to a claim
for reimbursement has the burden of proof with § 3.408. Claim for Reimbursement(added 2001;
respect to the offset. amended 2007, repealed 2009)

§ 3.403. Claim Based on Economic § 3.409. Nonreimbursable Claims (added 2001)

Contribution (amended 2001, 2003, repealed The court may not recognize a marital
2009) estate's claim for reimbursement for:
(1) the payment of child support, alimony,
§ 3.404. Application of Inception of Title Rule; or spousal maintenance;
Ownership Interest Not Created (amended (2) the living expenses of a spouse or
2001, 2009) child of a spouse;
(a) This subchapter does not affect the (3) contributions of property of a nominal
rule of inception of title under which the character value;
of property is determined at the time the right to (4) the payment of a liability of a nominal
own or claim the property arises. amount; or
(b) A claim for economic contribution (5) a student loan owed by a spouse.
under this subchapter does not create an
ownership interest in property, but does create a § 3.410. Effect of Marital Property Agreements
claim against the property of the benefitted estate (added 2001, amended 2009)
by the contributing estate. The claim matures on A premarital or marital property
dissolution of the marriage or the death of either agreement, whether executed before, on, or after
spouse. September 1, 2009, that satisfies the requirements
of Chapter 4 is effective to waive, release, assign,
§ 3.405. Management Rights (amended 2001) or partition a claim for economic contribution,
This subchapter does not affect the right reimbursement or both, under this subchapter to
to manage, control, or dispose of marital property the same extent the agreement would have been
as provided by this chapter. effective to waive, release, assign, or partition a
claim for economic contribution, reimbursement,
§ 3.406. Equitable Lien (amended 2001, 2009) or both under the law as it existed immediately
(a) On dissolution of a marriage, the court before September 1, 1999, unless the agreement
may impose an equitable lien on the property of a provides otherwise.
benefited marital estate to secure a claim for
reimbursement against that property by a
contributing marital estate.
(b) On the death of a spouse, a court may,
on application for a claim for reimbursement
brought by the surviving spouse, the personal
representative of the estate of the deceased
spouse, or any other person interested in the
estate, as defined by Section 3, Texas Probate
Code, impose an equitable lien on the property of

CHAPTER 4. PREMARITAL AND personal rights and obligations, not in violation of
MARITAL PROPERTY AGREEMENTS public policy or a statute imposing a criminal
SUBCHAPTER A. UNIFORM (b) The right of a child to support may not
PREMARITAL AGREEMENT ACT be adversely affected by a premarital agreement.

§ 4.001. Definitions § 4.004. Effect of Marriage

In this subchapter: A premarital agreement becomes
(1) "Premarital agreement" means an effective on marriage.
agreement between prospective spouses made in
contemplation of marriage and to be effective on § 4.005. Amendment or Revocation
marriage. After marriage, a premarital agreement
(2) "Property" means an interest, present may be amended or revoked only by a written
or future, legal or equitable, vested or contingent, agreement signed by the parties. The amended
in real or personal property, including income and agreement or the revocation is enforceable
earnings. without consideration.

§ 4.002. Formalities § 4.006. Enforcement

A premarital agreement must be in (a) A premarital agreement is not
writing and signed by both parties. The enforceable if the party against whom
agreement is enforceable without consideration. enforcement is requested proves that:
(1) the party did not sign the agreement
§ 4.003. Content voluntarily; or
(2) the agreement was unconscionable
(a) The parties to a premarital agreement when it was signed and, before signing the
may contract with respect to: agreement, that party:
(1) the rights and obligations of each of (A) was not provided a fair and
the parties in any of the property of either or both reasonable disclosure of the property or financial
of them whenever and wherever acquired or obligations of the other party;
located; (B) did not voluntarily and expressly
(2) the right to buy, sell, use, transfer, waive, in writing, any right to disclosure of the
exchange, abandon, lease, consume, expend, property or financial obligations of the other party
assign, create a security interest in, mortgage, beyond the disclosure provided; and
encumber, dispose of, or otherwise manage and (c) did not have, or reasonably could not
control property; have had, adequate knowledge of the property or
(3) the disposition of property on financial obligations of the other party.
separation, marital dissolution, death, or the (b) An issue of unconscionability of a
occurrence or nonoccurrence of any other event; premarital agreement shall be decided by the
(4) the modification or elimination of court as a matter of law.
spousal support; ©) The remedies and defenses in this
(5) the making of a will, trust, or other section are the exclusive remedies or defenses,
arrangement to carry out the provisions of the including common law remedies or defenses.
(6) the ownership rights in and disposition § 4.007. Enforcement: Void Marriage
of the death benefit from a life insurance policy; If a marriage is determined to be void, an
(7) the choice of law governing the agreement that would otherwise have been a
construction of the agreement; and premarital agreement is enforceable only to the
(8) any other matter, including their extent necessary to avoid an inequitable result.

§ 4.008. Limitation of Actions separate property of the owner.
A statute of limitations applicable to an
action asserting a claim for relief under a § 4.104. Formalities (amended 2005)
premarital agreement is tolled during the marriage A partition or exchange agreement under
of the parties to the agreement. However, Section 4.102 or and agreement under Section
equitable defenses limiting the time for 4.103 must be in writing and signed by both
enforcement, including laches and estoppel, are parties. Either agreement is enforceable without
available to either party. consideration.

§ 4.009. Application and Construction § 4.105. Enforcement

This subchapter shall be applied and (a) A partition or exchange agreement is
construed to effect its general purpose to make not enforceable if the party against whom
uniform the law with respect to the subject of this enforcement is requested proves that:
subchapter among states enacting these (1) the party did not sign the agreement
provisions. voluntarily; or
(2) the agreement was unconscionable
§ 4.010. Short Title when it was signed and, before execution of the
This subchapter may be cited as the agreement, that party:
Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. (A) was not provided a fair and
reasonable disclosure of the property or financial
SUBCHAPTER B. MARITAL PROPERTY obligations of the other party;
AGREEMENT (B) did not voluntarily and expressly
waive, in writing, any right to disclosure of the
§ 4.101. Definition property or financial obligations of the other party
In this subchapter, "property" has the beyond the disclosure provided; and
meaning assigned by Section 4.001. (C) did not have, or reasonably could not
have had, adequate knowledge of the property or
§ 4.102. Partition or Exchange of Community financial obligations of the other party.
Property (amended 2003, 2005) (b) An issue of unconscionability of a
At any time, the spouses may partition or partition or exchange agreement shall be decided
exchange between themselves all or part of their by the court as a matter of law.
community property, then existing or to be (c) The remedies and defenses in this
acquired, as the spouses may desire. Property or section are the exclusive remedies or defenses,
a property interest transferred to a spouse by a including common law remedies or defenses.
partition or exchange agreement becomes that
spouse's separate property. The partition or § 4.106. Rights of Creditors and Recordation
exchange of property may also provide that future Under Partition or Exchange Agreement
earnings and income arising from the transferred (a) A provision of a partition or exchange
property shall be the separate property of the agreement made under this subchapter is void
owning spouse. with respect to the rights of a preexisting creditor
whose rights are intended to be defrauded by it.
§ 4.103. Agreement Between Spouses (b) A partition or exchange agreement
Concerning Income or Property From made under this subchapter may be recorded in
Separate Property the deed records of the county in which a party
At any time, the spouses may agree that resides and in the county in which the real
the income or property arising from the separate property affected is located. An agreement made
property that is then owned by one of them, or under this subchapter is constructive notice to a
that may thereafter be acquired, shall be the good faith purchaser for value or a creditor

without actual notice only if the instrument is (3) the joint management, control, and
acknowledged and recorded in the county in disposition of the spouses if the property is held in
which the real property is located. the name of both spouses; or
(4) the joint management, control, and
SUBCHAPTER C. AGREEMENT TO disposition of the spouses if the property is not
CONVERT SEPARATE PROPERTY TO subject to evidence of ownership and was owned
COMMUNITY PROPERTY (added 1999) by both spouses before the property was
converted to community property.
§ 4.201. Definition
In this subchapter, "property" has the § 4.205. Enforcement (amended 2003)
meaning assigned by Section 4.001. (a) An agreement to convert property to
community property under this subchapter is not
§ 4.202. Agreement to Convert to Community enforceable if the spouse against whom
Property enforcement is sought proves that the spouse did
At any time, spouses may agree that all or not:
part of the separate property owned by either or (1) execute the agreement voluntarily; or
both spouses is converted to community property. (2) receive a fair and reasonable
disclosure of the legal effect of converting the
§ 4.203. Formalities of Agreement property to community property.
(a) An agreement to convert separate (b) An agreement that contains the
property to community property: following statement, or substantially similar
(1) must be in writing and: words, prominently displayed in bold-faced type,
(A) be signed by the spouses; capital letters, or underlined, is rebuttably
(B) identify the property being converted; presumed to provide a fair and reasonable
and disclosure of the legal effect of converting
(C) specify that the property is being property to community property:
converted to the spouses' community property; "THIS INSTRUMENT CHANGES
(2) is enforceable without consideration. PROPERTY. THIS MAY HAVE ADVERSE
(b) The mere transfer of a spouse's CONSEQUENCES DURING MARRIAGE AND
separate property to the name of the other spouse ON TERMINATION OF THE MARRIAGE BY
or to the name of both spouses is not sufficient to DEATH OR DIVORCE. FOR EXAMPLE:
convert the property to community property under "EXPOSURE TO CREDITORS. IF YOU
§ 4.204. Management of Converted Property CONVERTED TO COMMUNITY PROPERTY
Except as specified in the agreement to MAY BECOME SUBJECT TO THE
convert the property and as provided by LIABILITIES OF YOUR SPOUSE. IF YOU DO
Subchapter B, Chapter 3, and other law, property NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT, YOUR
converted to community property under this SEPARATE PROPERTY IS GENERALLY NOT
subchapter is subject to: SUBJECT TO THE LIABILITIES OF YOUR
(1) the sole management, control, and SPOUSE UNLESS YOU ARE PERSONALLY
disposition of the spouse in whose name the LIABLE UNDER ANOTHER RULE OF LAW.
property is held; "LOSS OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS. IF
(2) the sole management, control, and YOU SIGN THIS AGREEMENT, ALL OR
disposition of the spouse who transferred the PART OF THE SEPARATE PROPERTY BEING
property if the property is not subject to evidence CONVERTED TO COMMUNITY PROPERTY

JOINT MANAGEMENT, CONTROL, AND the county in which the real property is located.
RETAIN THOSE RIGHTS." § 5.001. Sale, Conveyance, or Encumbrance of
IF YOU SIGN THIS AGREEMENT AND YOUR Whether the homestead is the separate
MARRIAGE IS SUBSEQUENTLY property of either spouse or community property,
TERMINATED BY THE DEATH OF EITHER neither spouse may sell, convey, or encumber the
SPOUSE OR BY DIVORCE, ALL OR PART OF homestead without the joinder of the other spouse
THE SEPARATE PROPERTY BEING except as provided in this chapter or by other rules
YOUR SPOUSE OR YOUR SPOUSE'S HEIRS. § 5.002. Sale of Separate Homestead After
IF YOU DO NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT, Spouse Judicially Declared Incapacitated
OF OWNERSHIP OF YOUR SEPARATE If the homestead is the separate property
PROPERTY ON TERMINATION OF YOUR of a spouse and the other spouse has been
MARRIAGE, WHETHER BY DEATH OR judicially declared incapacitated by a court
DIVORCE." exercising original jurisdiction over guardianship
(c) If a proceeding regarding enforcement and other matters under Chapter XIII, Texas
of an agreement under this subchapter occurs after Probate Code, the owner may sell, convey, or
the death of the spouse against whom enforcement encumber the homestead without the joinder of
is sought, the proof required by Subsection (a) the other spouse.
may be made by an heir of the spouse or the
personal representative of the estate of that § 5.003. Sale of Community Homestead after
spouse. Spouse Judicially Declared Incapacitated
(amended 2001)
§ 4.206. Rights of Creditors; Recording If the homestead is the community
(a) A conversion of separate property to property of the spouses and one spouse has been
community property does not affect the rights of judicially declared incapacitated by a court
a preexisting creditor of the spouse whose exercising original jurisdiction over guardianship
separate property is being converted. and other matters under Chapter XIII, Texas
(b) A conversion of separate property to Probate Code, the competent spouse may sell,
community property may be recorded in the deed convey, or encumber the homestead without the
records of the county in which a spouse resides joinder of the other spouse.
and of the county in which any real property is
(c) A conversion of real property from UNDER UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES
separate property to community property is
constructive notice to a good faith purchaser for § 5.101. Sale of Separate Homestead Under
value or a creditor without actual notice only if Unusual Circumstances (amended 2001)
the agreement to convert the property is If the homestead is the separate property
acknowledged and recorded in the deed records of of a spouse, that spouse may file a sworn petition

that gives a description of the property, states the date the other spouse has been reported to be a
facts that make it desirable for the spouse to sell, prisoner of war or missing on public service.
convey, or encumber the homestead without the
joinder of the other spouse, and alleges that the § 5.104. Appointment of Attorney
other spouse: (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),
(1) has disappeared and that the location the court may appoint an attorney in a suit filed
of the spouse remains unknown to the petitioning under this subchapter for the respondent.
spouse; (b) The court shall appoint an attorney in
(2) has permanently abandoned the a suit filed under this subchapter for a respondent
homestead and the petitioning spouse; reported to be a prisoner of war or missing on
(3) has permanently abandoned the public service.
homestead and the spouses are permanently (c) The court shall allow a reasonable fee
separated; or for the appointed attorney's services as a part of
(4) has been reported by an executive the costs of the suit.
department of the United States to be a prisoner of
war or missing on public service of the United § 5.105. Citation; Notice of Hearing
States. Citation and notice of hearing for a suit
filed as provided by this subchapter shall be
§ 5.102. Sale of Community Homestead Under issued and served in the manner provided in
Unusual Circumstances (amended 2001) Subchapter D, Chapter 3.
If the homestead is the community
property of the spouses, one spouse may file a § 5.106. Court Order
sworn petition that gives a description of the (a) After notice and hearing, the court
property, states the facts that make it desirable for shall render an order the court deems just and
the petitioning spouse to sell, convey, or equitable with respect to the sale, conveyance, or
encumber the homestead without the joinder of encumbrance of a separate property homestead.
the other spouse, and alleges that the other spouse: (b) After hearing the evidence, the court,
(1) has disappeared and that the location on terms the court deems just and equitable, shall
of the spouse remains unknown to the petitioning render an order describing or defining the
spouse; community property at issue that will be subject
(2) has permanently abandoned the to the management, control, and disposition of
homestead and the petitioning spouse; each spouse during marriage.
(3) has permanently abandoned the (c) The court may:
homestead and the spouses are permanently (1) impose any conditions and restrictions
separated; or the court deems necessary to protect the rights of
(4) has been reported by an executive the respondent;
department of the United States to be a prisoner of (2) require a bond conditioned on the
war or missing on public service of the United faithful administration of the property; and
States. (3) require payment to the registry of the
court of all or a portion of the proceeds of the sale
§ 5.103. Time for Filing Petition (amended of the property to be disbursed in accordance with
2001) the court's further directions.
The petitioning spouse may file the
petition in a court of the county in which any § 5.108. Remedies and Powers Cumulative
portion of the property is located not earlier than The remedies and the powers of a spouse
the 60th day after the date of the occurrence of an provided by this subchapter are cumulative of the
event described by Sections 5.101(1)–(3) and other rights, powers, and remedies afforded the
5.102(1)–(3) or not less than six months after the spouses by law.

SUBTITLE C. DISSOLUTION OF (1) left the complaining spouse with the
MARRIAGE intention of abandonment; and
(2) remained away for at least one year.


OF MARRIAGE The court may grant a divorce in favor of
either spouse if the spouses have lived apart
SUBCHAPTER A. GROUNDS FOR without cohabitation for at least three years.
§ 6.007. Confinement in Mental Hospital
§ 6.001. Insupportability The court may grant a divorce in favor of
On the petition of either party to a one spouse if at the time the suit is filed:
marriage, the court may grant a divorce without (1) the other spouse has been confined in
regard to fault if the marriage has become a state mental hospital or private mental hospital,
insupportable because of discord or conflict of as defined in Section 571.003, Health and Safety
personalities that destroys the legitimate ends of Code, in this state or another state for at least
the marital relationship and prevents any three years; and
reasonable expectation of reconciliation. (2) it appears that the hospitalized
spouse's mental disorder is of such a degree and
§ 6.002. Cruelty nature that adjustment is unlikely or that, if
The court may grant a divorce in favor of adjustment occurs, a relapse is probable.
one spouse if the other spouse is guilty of cruel
treatment toward the complaining spouse of a § 6.008. Defenses
nature that renders further living together (a) The defenses to a suit for divorce of
insupportable. recrimination and adultery are abolished.
(b) Condonation is a defense to a suit for
§ 6.003. Adultery divorce only if the court finds that there is a
The court may grant a divorce in favor of reasonable expectation of reconciliation.
one spouse if the other spouse has committed
§ 6.004. Conviction of Felony (amended 2009)
(a) The court may grant a divorce in favor § 6.101. Annulment of Marriage of Person
of one spouse if during the marriage the other Under Age 16 (repealed 2007)
(1) has been convicted of a felony; § 6.102. Annulment of Marriage of Person
(2) has been imprisoned for at least one Under Age 18 (amended 2005, 2007)
year in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, (a) The court may grant an annulment of
a federal penitentiary, or the penitentiary of a marriage of a person 16 years of age or older but
another state; and under 18 years of age that occurred without
(3) has not been pardoned. parental consent or without a court order as
(b) The court may not grant a divorce provided by Subchapters B and E, Chapter 2.
under this section against a spouse who was (b) A petition for annulment under this
convicted on the testimony of the other spouse. section may be filed by:
(1) a next friend for the benefit of the
§ 6.005. Abandonment underage party;
The court may grant a divorce in favor of (2) a parent; or
one spouse if the other spouse: (3) the judicially designated managing

conservator or guardian of the person of the § 6.107. Fraud, Duress, or Force
underage party, whether an individual, authorized The court may grant an annulment of a
agency, or court. marriage to a party to the marriage if:
(c) A suit filed under this subsection by a (1) the other party used fraud, duress, or
next friend is barred unless it is filed within 90 force to induce the petitioner to enter into the
days after the date of the marriage. marriage; and
(2) the petitioner has not voluntarily
§ 6.103. Underage Annulment Barred by cohabited with the other party since learning of
Adulthood (amended 2007) the fraud or since being released from the duress
A suit to annul a marriage may not be or force.
filed under 6.102 by a parent, managing
conservator, or guardian of a person after the 18th § 6.108. Mental Incapacity
birthday of the person. (a) The court may grant an annulment of
a marriage to a party to the marriage on the suit of
§ 6.104. Discretionary Annulment of Underage the party or the party's guardian or next friend, if
Marriage (amended 2007) the court finds it to be in the party's best interest
(a) An annulment under Section 6.102 of to be represented by a guardian or next friend, if:
a marriage may be granted at the discretion of the (1) at the time of the marriage the
court sitting without a jury. petitioner did not have the mental capacity to
(b) In exercising its discretion, the court consent to marriage or to understand the nature of
shall consider the pertinent facts concerning the the marriage ceremony because of a mental
welfare of the parties to the marriage, including disease or defect; and
whether the female is pregnant. (2) since the marriage ceremony, the
petitioner has not voluntarily cohabited with the
§ 6.105. Under Influence of Alcohol or other party during a period when the petitioner
Narcotics possessed the mental capacity to recognize the
The court may grant an annulment of a marriage relationship.
marriage to a party to the marriage if: (b) The court may grant an annulment of
(1) at the time of the marriage the a marriage to a party to the marriage if:
petitioner was under the influence of alcoholic (1) at the time of the marriage the other
beverages or narcotics and as a result did not have party did not have the mental capacity to consent
the capacity to consent to the marriage; and to marriage or to understand the nature of the
(2) the petitioner has not voluntarily marriage ceremony because of a mental disease or
cohabited with the other party to the marriage defect;
since the effects of the alcoholic beverages or (2) at the time of the marriage the
narcotics ended. petitioner neither knew nor reasonably should
have known of the mental disease or defect; and
§ 6.106. Impotency (3) since the date the petitioner discovered
The court may grant an annulment of a or reasonably should have discovered the mental
marriage to a party to the marriage if: disease or defect, the petitioner has not voluntarily
(1) either party, for physical or mental cohabited with the other party.
reasons, was permanently impotent at the time of
the marriage; § 6.109. Concealed Divorce
(2) the petitioner did not know of the (a) The court may grant an annulment of
impotency at the time of the marriage; and a marriage to a party to the marriage if:
(3) the petitioner has not voluntarily (1) the other party was divorced from a
cohabited with the other party since learning of third party within the 30-day period preceding the
the impotency. date of the marriage ceremony;

(2) at the time of the marriage ceremony § 6.202. Marriage During Existence of Prior
the petitioner did not know, and a reasonably Marriage
prudent person would not have known, of the (a) A marriage is void if entered into
divorce; and when either party has an existing marriage to
(3) since the petitioner discovered or a another person that has not been dissolved by
reasonably prudent person would have discovered legal action or terminated by the death of the other
the fact of the divorce, the petitioner has not spouse.
voluntarily cohabited with the other party. (b) The later marriage that is void under
(b) A suit may not be brought under this this section becomes valid when the prior
section after the first anniversary of the date of the marriage is dissolved if, after the date of the
marriage. dissolution, the parties have lived together as
husband and wife and represented themselves to
§ 6.110. Marriage Less Than 72 Hours After others as being married.
Issuance of License
(a) The court may grant an annulment of § 6.203. Certain Void Marriages Validated
a marriage to a party to the marriage if the Except for a marriage that would have
marriage ceremony took place in violation of been void under Section 6.201, a marriage that
Section 2.204 during the 72-hour period was entered into before January 1, 1970, in
immediately following the issuance of the violation of the prohibitions of Article 496, Penal
marriage license. Code of Texas, 1925, is validated from the date
(b) A suit may not be brought under this the marriage commenced if the parties continued
section after the 30th day after the date of the until January 1, 1970, to live together as husband
marriage. and wife and to represent themselves to others as
being married.
§ 6.111. Death of Party to Voidable Marriage
(amended 2007) § 6.204. Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage or
Except as provided by Section 47A, Texas Civil Union (added 2003)
Probate Code, a marriage subject to annulment (a) In this section, "civil union" means
may not be challenged in a proceeding instituted any relationship status other than marriage that:
after the death of either party to the marriage. (1) is intended as an alternative to
marriage or applies primarily to cohabitating
MARRIAGE VOID (2) grants to the parties of the relationship
legal protections, benefits, or responsibilities
§ 6.201. Consanguinity granted to the spouses of a marriage.
A marriage is void if one party to the (b) A marriage between persons of the
marriage is related to the other as: same sex or a civil union is contrary to the public
(1) an ancestor or descendant, by blood or policy of this state and is void in this state.
adoption; (c) The state or an agency or political
(2) a brother or sister, of the whole or half subdivision of the state may not give effect to a:
blood or by adoption; (1) public act, record, or judicial
(3) a parent's brother or sister, of the proceeding that creates, recognizes, or validates a
whole or half blood or by adoption; or marriage between persons of the same sex or a
(4) a son or daughter of a brother or sister, civil union in this state or in any other
of the whole or half blood or by adoption. jurisdiction; or
(2) right or claim to any legal protection,
benefit, or responsibility asserted as a result of a
marriage between persons of the same sex or a

civil union in this state or in any other A person not previously a resident of this
jurisdiction. state who is serving in the armed forces of the
United States and has been stationed at one or
§ 6.205 Marriage to Minor (added 2005, more military installations in this state for at least
amended 2007) the last six months and at a military installation in
A marriage is void if either party to the a county of this state for at least the last 90 days is
marriage is younger than 16 years of age, unless a considered to be a Texas domiciliary and a
court order has been obtained under Section resident of that county for those periods for the
2.103. purpose of filing suit for dissolution of a marriage.

§ 6.206 Marriage to Stepchild or Stepparent § 6.305. Acquiring Jurisdiction Over

(added 2005) Nonresident Respondent
A marriage is void if a party is a current (a) If the petitioner in a suit for
or former stepchild or stepparent of the other dissolution of a marriage is a resident or a
party. domiciliary of this state at the time the suit for
dissolution is filed, the court may exercise
SUBCHAPTER D. JURISDICTION, personal jurisdiction over the respondent or over
VENUE, AND RESIDENCE the respondent's personal representative although
QUALIFICATIONS the respondent is not a resident of this state if:
(1) this state is the last marital residence
§ 6.301. General Residency Rule for Divorce of the petitioner and the respondent and the suit is
Suit filed before the second anniversary of the date on
A suit for divorce may not be maintained which marital residence ended; or
in this state unless at the time the suit is filed (2) there is any basis consistent with the
either the petitioner or the respondent has been: constitutions of this state and the United States for
(1) a domiciliary of this state for the the exercise of the personal jurisdiction.
preceding six-month period; and (b) A court acquiring jurisdiction under
(2) a resident of the county in which the this section also acquires jurisdiction over the
suit is filed for the preceding 90-day period. respondent in a suit affecting the parent-child
§ 6.302. Suit for Divorce by Nonresident
Spouse § 6.306. Jurisdiction to Annul Marriage
If one spouse has been a domiciliary of (a) A suit for annulment of a marriage
this state for at least the last six months, a spouse may be maintained in this state only if the parties
domiciled in another state or nation may file a suit were married in this state or if either party is
for divorce in the county in which the domiciliary domiciled in this state.
spouse resides at the time the petition is filed. (b) A suit for annulment is a suit in rem,
affecting the status of the parties to the marriage.
§ 6.303. Absence on Public Service
Time spent by a Texas domiciliary § 6.307. Jurisdiction to Declare Marriage Void
outside this state or outside the county of (a) Either party to a marriage made void
residence of the domiciliary while in the service by this chapter may sue to have the marriage
of the armed forces or other service of the United declared void, or the court may declare the
States or of this state is considered residence in marriage void in a collateral proceeding.
this state and in that county. (b) The court may declare a marriage void
only if:
§ 6.304. Armed Forces Personnel Not (1) the purported marriage was contracted
Previously Residents in this state; or

(2) either party is domiciled in this state. § 6.403. Answer
(c) A suit to have a marriage declared The respondent in a suit for dissolution of
void is a suit in rem, affecting the status of the a marriage is not required to answer on oath or
parties to the purported marriage. affirmation.

§ 6.308. Exercising Partial Jurisdiction § 6.4035. Waiver of Service

(a) A court in which a suit for dissolution (a) A party to a suit for the dissolution of
of a marriage is filed may exercise its jurisdiction a marriage may waive the issuance or service of
over those portions of the suit for which it has process after the suit is filed by filing with the
authority. clerk of the court in which the suit is filed the
(b) The court's authority to resolve the waiver of the party acknowledging receipt of a
issues in controversy between the parties may be copy of the filed petition.
restricted because the court lacks: (b) The waiver must contain the mailing
(1) the required personal jurisdiction over address of the party who executed the waiver.
a nonresident party in a suit for dissolution of the (c) The waiver must be sworn but may not
marriage; be sworn before an attorney in the suit.
(2) the required jurisdiction under Chapter (d) The Texas Rules of Civil Procedure
152; or do not apply to a waiver executed under this
(3) the required jurisdiction under Chapter section.
§6.404 Information Regarding Protective
SUBCHAPTER E. FILING SUIT Orders (added 2005)
At any time while a suit for dissolution of
§ 6.401. Caption a marriage is pending, if the court believes, on the
(a) Pleadings in a suit for divorce or basis of any information received by the court,
annulment shall be styled "In the Matter of the that a party to the suit or a member of the party's
Marriage of __________ and __________." family or household may be a victim of family
(b) Pleadings in a suit to declare a violence, the court shall inform that party of the
marriage void shall be styled "A Suit To Declare party's right to apply for a protective order under
Void the Marriage of __________ and Title 4.
§ 6.405. Protective Order (amended 1999)
§ 6.402. Pleadings (a) The petition in a suit for dissolution of
(a) A petition in a suit for dissolution of a a marriage must state whether a protective order
marriage is sufficient without the necessity of under Title 4 is in effect or if an application for a
specifying the underlying evidentiary facts if the protective order is pending with regard to the
petition alleges the grounds relied on substantially parties to the suit.
in the language of the statute. (b) The petitioner shall attach to the
(b) Allegations of grounds for relief, petition a copy of each protective order issued
matters of defense, or facts relied on for a under Title 4 in which one of the parties to the
temporary order that are stated in short and plain suit was the applicant and the other party was the
terms are not subject to special exceptions respondent without regard to the date of the order.
because of form or sufficiency. If a copy of the protective order is not available at
(c) The court shall strike an allegation of the time of filing, the petition must state that a
evidentiary fact from the pleadings on the motion copy of the order will be filed with the court
of a party or on the court's own motion. before any hearing.

§ 6.406. Mandatory Joinder of Suit Affecting who has or who may assert an interest in the suit
Parent-Child Relationship for dissolution of the marriage.
(a) The petition in a suit for dissolution of
a marriage shall state whether there are children § 6.409. Citation by Publication
born or adopted of the marriage who are under 18 (a) Citation in a suit for dissolution of a
years of age or who are otherwise entitled to marriage may be by publication as in other civil
support as provided by Chapter 154. cases, except that notice shall be published one
(b) If the parties are parents of a child, as time only.
defined by Section 101.003, and the child is not (b) The notice shall be sufficient if given
under the continuing jurisdiction of another court in substantially the following form:
as provided by Chapter 155, the suit for "STATE OF TEXAS
dissolution of a marriage must include a suit To (name of person to be served with citation),
affecting the parent-child relationship under Title and to all whom it may concern (if the name of
5. any person to be served with citation is unknown),
§ 6.407. Transfer of Suit Affecting "You have been sued. You may employ
Parent-Child Relationship to Divorce Court an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a
(a) If a suit affecting the parent-child written answer with the clerk who issued this
relationship is pending at the time the suit for citation by 10 a.m. on the Monday next following
dissolution of a marriage is filed, the suit affecting the expiration of 20 days after you were served
the parent-child relationship shall be transferred this citation and petition, a default judgment may
as provided by Section 103.002 to the court in be taken against you. The petition of
which the suit for dissolution is filed. __________, Petitioner, was filed in the Court of
(b) If the parties are parents of a child, as __________ County, Texas, on the ______ day of
defined by Section 101.003, and the child is under __________, against __________, Respondent(s),
the continuing jurisdiction of another court under numbered ______, and entitled 'In the Matter of
Chapter 155, either party to the suit for dissolution Marriage of __________ and __________. The
of a marriage may move that court for transfer of suit requests __________ (statement of relief
the suit affecting the parent-child relationship to sought).'
the court having jurisdiction of the suit for "The Court has authority in this suit to
dissolution. The court with continuing enter any judgment or decree dissolving the
jurisdiction shall transfer the proceeding as marriage and providing for the division of
provided by Chapter 155. On the transfer of the property that will be binding on you.
proceedings, the court with jurisdiction of the suit "Issued and given under my hand and seal
for dissolution of a marriage shall consolidate the of said Court at __________, Texas, this the
two causes of action. ______ day of __________, ______.
(c) After transfer of a suit affecting the
parent-child relationship as provided in Chapter "________________________________
155, the court with jurisdiction of the suit for Clerk of the __________ Court of
dissolution of a marriage has jurisdiction to render __________________ County, Texas
an order in the suit affecting the parent-child By _______, Deputy."
relationship as provided by Title 5. (c) The form authorized in this section
and the form authorized by Section 102.010 may
§ 6.408. Service of Citation be combined in appropriate situations.
Citation on the filing of an original (d) If the citation is for a suit in which a
petition in a suit for dissolution of a marriage shall parent-child relationship does not exist, service by
be issued and served as in other civil cases. publication may be completed by posting the
Citation may also be served on any other person citation at the courthouse door for seven days in

the county in which the suit is filed. (1) intentionally communicating by
(e) If the petitioner or the petitioner's telephone or in writing with the other party by use
attorney of record makes an oath that no child of vulgar, profane, obscene, or indecent language
presently under 18 years of age was born or or in a coarse or offensive manner, with intent to
adopted by the spouses and that no appreciable annoy or alarm the other;
amount of property was accumulated by the (2) threatening the other, by telephone or
spouses during the marriage, the court may in writing, to take unlawful action against any
dispense with the appointment of an attorney ad person, intending by this action to annoy or alarm
litem. In a case in which citation was by the other;
publication, a statement of the evidence, approved (3) placing a telephone call, anonymously,
and signed by the judge, shall be filed with the at an unreasonable hour, in an offensive and
papers of the suit as a part of the record. repetitious manner, or without a legitimate
purpose of communication with the intent to
§ 6.410. Report to Accompany Petition (added annoy or alarm the other;
2003) (4) intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly
At the time a petition for divorce or causing bodily injury to the other or to a child of
annulment of a marriage is filed, the petitioner either party;
shall also file a completed report that may be used (5) threatening the other or a child of
by the district clerk, at the time the petition is either party with imminent bodily injury;
granted, to comply with Section 194.002, Health (6) intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly
and Safety Code. destroying, removing, concealing, encumbering,
transferring, or otherwise harming or reducing the
§ 6.411. Confidentiality of Pleadings (added value of the property of the parties or either party
2003) with intent to obstruct the authority of the court to
(a) This section applies only in a county order a division of the estate of the parties in a
with a population of 3.4 million or more. manner that the court deems just and right, having
(b) Except as otherwise provided by law, due regard for the rights of each party and any
all pleadings and other documents filed with the children of the marriage;
court in a suit for dissolution of a marriage are (7) intentionally falsifying a writing or
confidential, are excepted from required public record relating to the property of either party;
disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code, (8) intentionally misrepresenting or
and may not be released to a person who is not a refusing to disclose to the other party or to the
party to the suit until after the date of service of court, on proper request, the existence, amount, or
citation or the 31st day after the date of filing the location of any property of the parties or either
suit, whichever date is sooner. party;
(9) intentionally or knowingly damaging
SUBCHAPTER F. TEMPORARY ORDERS or destroying the tangible property of the parties
or either party; or
§ 6.501. Temporary Restraining Order (10) intentionally or knowingly tampering
(amended 1999) with the tangible property of the parties or either
(a) After the filing of a suit for dissolution party and causing pecuniary loss or substantial
of a marriage, on the motion of a party or on the inconvenience to the other.
court's own motion, the court may grant a (b) A temporary restraining order under
temporary restraining order without notice to the this subchapter may not include a provision:
adverse party for the preservation of the property (1) the subject of which is a requirement,
and for the protection of the parties as necessary, appointment, award, or other order listed in
including an order prohibiting one or both parties Section 64.104, Civil Practice and Remedies
from: Code; or

(2) that: date a receiver is appointed under Subsection
(A) excludes a spouse from occupancy of (a)(5), the receiver shall give notice of the
the residence where that spouse is living except as appointment to each lienholder of any property
provided in a protective order made in accordance under the receiver's control.
with Title 4; 1
(B) prohibits a party from spending funds § 6.503. Affidavit, Verified Pleading, and Bond
for reasonable and necessary living expenses; or Not Required
(C) prohibits a party from engaging in (a) A temporary restraining order or
acts reasonable and necessary to conduct that temporary injunction under this subchapter:
party's usual business and occupation. (1) may be granted without an affidavit or
a verified pleading stating specific facts showing
§ 6.502. Temporary Injunction and Other that immediate and irreparable injury, loss, or
Temporary Orders (amended 2001) damage will result before notice can be served and
(a) While a suit for dissolution of a a hearing can be held; and
marriage is pending and on the motion of a party (2) need not:
or on the court's own motion after notice and (A) define the injury or state why it is
hearing, the court may render an appropriate irreparable;
order, including the granting of a temporary (B) state why the order was granted
injunction for the preservation of the property and without notice; or
protection of the parties as deemed necessary and (C) include an order setting the suit for
equitable and including an order directed to one or trial on the merits with respect to the ultimate
both parties: relief sought.
(1) requiring a sworn inventory and (b) In a suit for dissolution of a marriage,
appraisement of the real and personal property the court may dispense with the issuance of a
owned or claimed by the parties and specifying bond between the spouses in connection with
the form, manner, and substance of the inventory temporary orders for the protection of the parties
and appraisal and list of debts and liabilities; and their property.
(2) requiring payments to be made for the
support of either spouse; § 6.504. Protective Orders (amended 1997)
(3) requiring the production of books, On the motion of a party to a suit for
papers, documents, and tangible things by a party; dissolution of a marriage, the court may render a
(4) ordering payment of reasonable protective order as provided by Subtitle B, Title 4.
attorney's fees and expenses;
(5) appointing a receiver for the § 6.505. Counseling (amended 1997)
preservation and protection of the property of the (a) While a divorce suit is pending, the
parties; court may direct the parties to counsel with a
(6) awarding one spouse exclusive person named by the court.
occupancy of the residence during the pendency (b) The person named by the court to
of the case; counsel the parties shall submit a written report to
(7) prohibiting the parties, or either party, the court and to the parties before the final
from spending funds beyond an amount the court hearing. In the report, the counselor shall give
determines to be for reasonable and necessary only an opinion as to whether there exists a
living expenses; reasonable expectation of reconciliation of the
(8) awarding one spouse exclusive control parties and, if so, whether further counseling
of a party's usual business or occupation; or would be beneficial. The sole purpose of the
(9) prohibiting an act described by report is to aid the court in determining whether
Section 6.501(a). the suit for divorce should be continued pending
(b) Not later than the 30th day after the further counseling.

(c) A copy of the report shall be furnished reflecting the arbitrator's award.
to each party.
(d) If the court believes that there is a § 6.602. Mediation Procedures (amended 1999)
reasonable expectation of the parties' (a) On the written agreement of the parties
reconciliation, the court may by written order or on the court's own motion, the court may refer
continue the proceedings and direct the parties to a suit for dissolution of a marriage to mediation.
a person named by the court for further counseling (b) A mediated settlement agreement is
for a period fixed by the court not to exceed 60 binding on the parties if the agreement:
days, subject to any terms, conditions, and (1) provides, in a prominently displayed
limitations the court considers desirable. In statement that is in boldfaced type or capital
ordering counseling, the court shall consider the letters or underlined, that the agreement is not
circumstances of the parties, including the needs subject to revocation;
of the parties' family and the availability of (2) is signed by each party to the
counseling services. At the expiration of the agreement; and
period specified by the court, the counselor to (3) is signed by the party's attorney, if
whom the parties were directed shall report to the any, who is present at the time the agreement is
court whether the parties have complied with the signed.
court's order. Thereafter, the court shall proceed (c) If a mediated settlement agreement
as in a divorce suit generally. meets the requirements of this section, a party is
(e) If the court orders counseling under entitled to judgment on the mediated settlement
this section and the parties to the marriage are the agreement notwithstanding Rule 11, Texas Rules
parents of a child under 18 years of age born or of Civil Procedure, or another rule of law.
adopted during the marriage, the counseling shall (d) A party may at any time prior to the
include counseling on issues that confront final mediation order file a written objection to
children who are the subject of a suit affecting the the referral of a suit for dissolution of a marriage
parent-child relationship. to mediation on the basis of family violence
having been committed against the objecting party
§ 6.506. Contempt by the other party. After an objection is filed, the
The violation of a temporary restraining suit may not be referred to mediation unless, on
order, temporary injunction, or other temporary the request of the other party, a hearing is held
order issued under this subchapter is punishable as and the court finds that a preponderance of the
contempt. evidence does not support the objection. If the
suit is referred to mediation, the court shall order
§ 6.507. Interlocutory Appeal appropriate measures be taken to ensure the
An order under this subchapter, except an physical and emotional safety of the party who
order appointing a receiver, is not subject to filed the objection. The order shall provide that
interlocutory appeal. the parties not be required to have face-to-face
contact and that the parties be placed in separate
SUBCHAPTER G. ALTERNATIVE rooms during mediation.
§ 6.603. Collaborative Law (added 2001,
§ 6.601. Arbitration Procedures amended 2005)
(a) On written agreement of the parties, (a) On a written agreement of the parties
the court may refer a suit for dissolution of a and their attorneys, a dissolution of marriage
marriage to arbitration. The agreement must state proceeding may be conducted under collaborative
whether the arbitration is binding or nonbinding. law procedures.
(b) If the parties agree to binding (b) Collaborative law is a procedure in
arbitration, the court shall render an order which the parties and their counsel agree in

writing to use their best efforts and make a good orders; or
faith attempt to resolve their dissolution of (4) dismiss the case.
marriage dispute on an agreed basis without (f) The parties shall notify the court if the
resorting to judicial intervention except to have collaborative law procedures result in a
the court approve the settlement agreement, make settlement. If they do not, the parties shall file:
the legal pronouncements, and sign the orders (1) a status report with the court not later
required by law to effectuate the agreement of the than the 180th day after the date of the written
parties as the court determines appropriate. The agreement to use the procedures; and
parties' counsel may not serve as litigation counsel (2) a status report on or before the first
except to ask the court to approve the settlement anniversary of the date of the written agreement to
agreement. use the procedures, accompanied by a motion for
(c) A collaborative law agreement must continuance that the court shall grant if the status
include provisions for: report indicates the desire of the parties to
(1) full and candid exchange of continue to use collaborative law procedures.
information between the parties and their (g) If the collaborative law procedures do
attorneys as necessary to make a proper evaluation not result in a settlement on or before the second
of the case; anniversary of the date that the suit was filed, the
(2) suspending court intervention in the court may:
dispute while the parties are using collaborative (1) set the suit for trial on the regular
law procedures; docket; or
(3) hiring experts, as jointly agreed, to be (2) dismiss the suit without prejudice
used in the procedure; (h) The provisions for confidentiality of
(4) withdrawal of all counsel involved in alternative dispute resolution procedures as
the collaborative law procedure if the provided in Chapter 154, Civil Practice and
collaborative law procedure does not result in Remedies Code, apply equally to collaborative
settlement of the dispute; and law procedures under this section.
(5) other provisions as agreed to by the
parties consistent with a good faith effort to § 6.604 Informal Settlement Conference (added
collaboratively settle the matter. 2005)
(d) Notwithstanding Rule 11, Texas Rules (a) The parties to a suit for dissolution of
of Civil Procedure, or another rule or law, a party a marriage may agree to one or more informal
is entitled to judgment on a collaborative law settlement conferences and may agree that the
settlement agreement if the agreement: settlement conferences may be conducted with or
(1) provides, in a prominently displayed without the presence of the parties' attorneys, if
statement that is boldfaced, capitalized, or any.
underlined, that the agreement is not subject to (b) A written settlement agreement
revocation; and reached at an informal settlement conference is
(2) is signed by each party to the binding on the parties if the agreement:
agreement and the attorney of each party. (1) provides, in a prominently displayed
(e) Subject to Subsection (g), a court that statement that is in boldfaced type or in capital
is notified 30 days before trial that the parties are letters or underlined, that the agreement is not
using collaborative law procedures to attempt to subject to revocation;
settle a dispute may not, until a party notifies the (2) is signed by each party to the
court that the collaborative law procedures did not agreement; and
result in a settlement: (3) is signed by the party's attorney, if
(1) set a hearing or trial in the case; any, who is present at the time the agreement is
(2) impose discovery deadlines; signed.
(3) require compliance with scheduling (c) If a written settlement agreement

meets the requirements of Subsection (b), a party § 6.703. Jury (amended 2007)
is entitled to judgment on the settlement In a suit for dissolution of a marriage,
agreement notwithstanding Rule 11, Texas Rules either party may demand a jury trial unless the
of Civil Procedure, or another rule of law. action is a suit to annul an underage marriage
(d) If the court finds that the terms of the under Section 6.102.
written informal settlement agreement are just and
right, those terms are binding on the court. If the § 6.704. Testimony of Husband or Wife
court approves the agreement, the court may set (a) In a suit for dissolution of a marriage,
forth the agreement in full or incorporate the the husband and wife are competent witnesses for
agreement by reference in the final decree. and against each other. A spouse may not be
(e) If the court finds that the terms of the compelled to testify as to a matter that will
written informal settlement agreement are not just incriminate the spouse.
and right, the court may request the parties to (b) If the husband or wife testifies, the
submit a revised agreement or set the case for a court or jury trying the case shall determine the
contested hearing. credibility of the witness and the weight to be
given the witness's testimony.
§ 6.705. Testimony by Marriage Counselor
§ 6.701. Failure to Answer (a) The report by the person named by the
In a suit for divorce, the petition may not court to counsel the parties to a suit for divorce
be taken as confessed if the respondent does not may not be admitted as evidence in the suit.
file an answer. (b) The person named by the court to
counsel the parties is not competent to testify in
§ 6.702. Waiting Period (amended 2009) any suit involving the parties or their children.
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (c), (c) The files, records, and other work
the court may not grant a divorce before the 60th products of the counselor are privileged and
day after the date the suit was filed. A decree confidential for all purposes and may not be
rendered in violation of this subsection is not admitted as evidence in any suit involving the
subject to collateral attack. parties or their children.
(b) A waiting period is not required
before a court may grant an annulment or declare § 6.706. Change of Name
a marriage void other than as required in civil (a) In a decree of divorce or annulment,
cases generally. the court shall change the name of a party
(C) A waiting period is not required under specifically requesting the change to a name
Subsection (a) before a court may grant a divorce previously used by the party unless the court
in a suit in which the court finds that: states in the decree a reason for denying the
(1) the respondent has been finally change of name.
convicted of or received deferred adjudication for (b) The court may not deny a change of
an offense involving family violence as defined by name solely to keep the last name of family
Section 71.004 against the petitioner or a member members the same.
of the petitioner’s household; or (c) A change of name does not release a
(2) the petitioner has an active protective person from liability incurred by the person under
order under Title 4 or an active magistrate’s order a previous name or defeat a right the person held
for emergency protection under Article 17.292, under a previous name.
Code of Criminal Procedure, based on a finding of (d) A person whose name is changed
family violence, against the respondent because of under this section may apply for a change of name
family violence committed during the marriage. certificate from the clerk of the court as provided
by Section 45.106.

§ 6.707. Transfers and Debts Pending Decree enforce a temporary order under this section
(a) A transfer of real or personal unless the appellate court, on a proper showing,
community property or a debt incurred by a supersedes the trial court's order.
spouse while a suit for divorce or annulment is
pending that subjects the other spouse or the § 6.710. Copy of Decree
community property to liability is void with The clerk of the court shall mail a copy of
respect to the other spouse if the transfer was the final decree of dissolution of a marriage to the
made or the debt incurred with the intent to injure party who waived service of process under
the rights of the other spouse. Section 6.4035 by mailing the copy of the decree
(b) A transfer or debt is not void if the to the party at the mailing address contained in the
person dealing with the transferor or debtor waiver or to the office of the party's attorney of
spouse did not have notice of the intent to injure record.
the rights of the other spouse.
(c) The spouse seeking to void a transfer § 6.711. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of
or debt incurred while a suit for divorce or Law (added 2001)
annulment is pending has the burden of proving (a) In a suit for dissolution of a marriage
that the person dealing with the transferor or in which the court has rendered a judgment
debtor spouse had notice of the intent to injure the dividing the estate of the parties, on request by a
rights of the spouse seeking to void the party, the court shall state in writing its findings
transaction. of fact and conclusions of law concerning:
(1) the characterization of each party's
§ 6.708. Costs assets, liabilities, claims, and offsets on which
(a) In a suit for dissolution of a marriage, disputed evidence has been presented; and
the court as it considers reasonable may award (2) the value or amount of the community
costs to a party. Costs may not be adjudged estate's assets, liabilities, claims, and offsets on
against a party against whom a divorce is granted which disputed evidence has been presented.
for confinement in a mental hospital under (b) A request for findings of fact and
Section 6.007. conclusions of law under this section must
(b) The expenses of counseling may be conform to the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
taxed as costs against either or both parties.
§ 6.709. Temporary Orders During Appeal
(a) Not later than the 30th day after the § 6.801. Remarriage
date an appeal is perfected, on the motion of a (a) Except as otherwise provided by this
party or on the court's own motion, after notice subchapter, neither party to a divorce may marry
and hearing, the trial court may render a a third party before the 31st day after the date the
temporary order necessary for the preservation of divorce is decreed.
the property and for the protection of the parties (b) The former spouses may marry each
during the appeal, including an order to: other at any time.
(1) require the support of either spouse;
(2) require the payment of reasonable § 6.802. Waiver of Prohibition Against
attorney's fees and expenses; Remarriage
(3) appoint a receiver for the preservation For good cause shown the court may
and protection of the property of the parties; or waive the prohibition against remarriage provided
(4) award one spouse exclusive by this subchapter as to either or both spouses if a
occupancy of the parties' residence pending the record of the proceedings is made and preserved
appeal. or if findings of fact and conclusions of law are
(b) The trial court retains jurisdiction to filed by the court.

CHAPTER 7. AWARD OF MARITAL separate property of a spouse if partitioned or
PROPERTY exchanged by written agreement of the spouses:
(1) income and earnings from the spouses'
§ 7.001. General Rule of Property Division property, wages, salaries, and other forms of
In a decree of divorce or annulment, the compensation received on or after January 1 of the
court shall order a division of the estate of the year in which the suit for dissolution of marriage
parties in a manner that the court deems just and was filed; or
right, having due regard for the rights of each (2) income and earnings from the spouses'
party and any children of the marriage. property, wages, salaries, and other forms of
compensation received in another year during
§ 7.002. Division of Property Under Special which the spouses were married for any part of
Circumstances (amended 1999, 2001, 2003) the year.
(a) In addition to the division of the
estate of the parties required by Section 7.001, in § 7.003. Disposition of Retirement and
a decree of divorce or annulment the court shall Employment Benefits and Other Plans
order a division of the following real and personal In a decree of divorce or annulment, the
property, wherever situated, in a manner that the court shall determine the rights of both spouses in
court deems just and right, having due regard for a pension, retirement plan, annuity, individual
the rights of each party and any children of the retirement account, employee stock option plan,
marriage: stock option, or other form of savings, bonus,
(1) property that was acquired by either profit-sharing, or other employer plan or financial
spouse while domiciled in another state and that plan of an employee or a participant, regardless of
would have been community property if the whether the person is self-employed, in the nature
spouse who acquired the property had been of compensation or savings.
domiciled in this state at the time of the
acquisition; or § 7.004. Disposition of Rights in Insurance
(2) property that was acquired by either In a decree of divorce or annulment, the
spouse in exchange for real or personal property court shall specifically divide or award the rights
and that would have been community property if of each spouse in an insurance policy.
the spouse who acquired the property so
exchanged had been domiciled in this state at the § 7.005. Insurance Coverage Not Specifically
time of its acquisition. Awarded
(b) In a decree of divorce or annulment, (a) If in a decree of divorce or annulment
the court shall award to a spouse the following the court does not specifically award all of the
real and personal property, wherever situated, as rights of the spouses in an insurance policy other
the separate property of the spouse: than life insurance in effect at the time the decree
(1) property that was acquired by the is rendered, the policy remains in effect until the
spouse while domiciled in another state and that policy expires according to the policy's own
would have been the spouse's separate property if terms.
the spouse had been domiciled in this state at the (b) The proceeds of a valid claim under
time of acquisition; or the policy are payable as follows:
(2) property that was acquired by the (1) if the interest in the property insured
spouse in exchange for real or personal property was awarded solely to one former spouse by the
and that would have been the spouse's separate decree, to that former spouse;
property if the spouse had been domiciled in this (2) if an interest in the property insured
state at the time of acquisition. was awarded to each former spouse, to those
(c) In a decree of divorce or annulment, former spouses in proportion to the interests
the court shall confirm the following as the awarded; or

(3) if the insurance coverage is directly (2) order a division of the claim for
related to the person of one of the former spouses, reimbursement, if appropriate, in a manner that
to that former spouse. the court considers just and right, having due
(c) The failure of either former spouse to regard for the rights of each party and any
change the endorsement on the policy to reflect children of the marriage.
the distribution of proceeds established by this
section does not relieve the insurer of liability to § 7.008 Consideration of Taxes (added 2005)
pay the proceeds or any other obligation on the In ordering the division of the estate of
policy. the parties to a suit for dissolution of a marriage,
(d) This section does not affect the right the court may consider:
of a former spouse to assert an ownership interest (1) whether a specific asset will be subject
in an undivided life insurance policy, as provided to taxation; and
by Subchapter D, Chapter 9.1 (2) if the asset will be subject to taxation,
when the tax will be required to be paid.
§ 7.006. Agreement Incident to Divorce or
(a) To promote amicable settlement of CHAPTER 8. MAINTENANCE
disputes in a suit for divorce or annulment, the
spouses may enter into a written agreement SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL
concerning the division of the property and the PROVISIONS
liabilities of the spouses and maintenance of either
spouse. The agreement may be revised or § 8.001. Definitions (amended 2001)
repudiated before rendition of the divorce or In this chapter:
annulment unless the agreement is binding under (1) "Maintenance" means an award in a
another rule of law. suit for dissolution of a marriage of periodic
(b) If the court finds that the terms of the payments from the future income of one spouse
written agreement in a divorce or annulment are for the support of the other spouse.
just and right, those terms are binding on the (2) "Notice of application for a writ of
court. If the court approves the agreement, the withholding" means the document delivered to an
court may set forth the agreement in full or obligor and filed with the court as required by this
incorporate the agreement by reference in the final chapter for the nonjudicial determination of
decree. arrears and initiation of withholding for spousal
(c) If the court finds that the terms of the maintenance.
written agreement in a divorce or annulment are (3) "Obligee" means a person entitled to
not just and right, the court may request the receive payments under the terms of an order for
spouses to submit a revised agreement or may set spousal maintenance.
the case for a contested hearing. (4) "Obligor" means a person required to
make periodic payments under the terms of an
§ 7.007. Disposition of Claim for order for spousal maintenance.
Reimbursement (added 2001, amended 2009) (5) "Writ of withholding" means the
In a decree of divorce or annulment, the document issued by the clerk of a court and
court shall determine the rights of both spouses in delivered to an employer, directing that earnings
a claim for reimbursement as provided by be withheld for payment of spousal maintenance
Subchapter E, Chapter 3, and shall apply equitable as provided by this chapter.
principles to:
(1) determine whether to recognize the
claim after taking into account all the relative
circumstances of the spouses; and

SUBCHAPTER B. COURT–ORDERED (1) the financial resources of the spouse
MAINTENANCE (added 1997) seeking maintenance, including the community
and separate property and liabilities apportioned
§ 8.051. Eligibility for Maintenance; Court to that spouse in the dissolution proceeding, and
Order (amended 1999, 2001, 2005) that spouse's ability to meet the spouse's needs
In a suit for dissolution of a marriage or in independently;
a proceeding for maintenance in a court with (2) the education and employment skills
personal jurisdiction over both former spouses of the spouses, the time necessary to acquire
following the dissolution of their marriage by a sufficient education or training to enable the
court that lacked personal jurisdiction over an spouse seeking maintenance to find appropriate
absent spouse, the court may order maintenance employment, the availability of that education or
for either spouse only if: training, and the feasibility of that education or
(1) the spouse from whom maintenance is training;
requested was convicted of or received deferred (3) the duration of the marriage;
adjudication for a criminal offense that also (4) the age, employment history, earning
constitutes an act of family violence under Title 4 ability, and physical and emotional condition of
and the offense occurred: the spouse seeking maintenance;
(A) within two years before the date on (5) the ability of the spouse from whom
which a suit for dissolution of the marriage is maintenance is requested to meet that spouse's
filed; or personal needs and to provide periodic child
(B) while the suit is pending; or support payments, if applicable, while meeting the
(2) the duration of the marriage was 10 personal needs of the spouse seeking
years or longer, the spouse seeking maintenance maintenance;
lacks sufficient property, including property (6) acts by either spouse resulting in
distributed to the spouse under this code, to excessive or abnormal expenditures or
provide for the spouse's minimum reasonable destruction, concealment, or fraudulent
needs, as limited by Section 8.054, and the spouse disposition of community property, joint tenancy,
seeking maintenance: or other property held in common;
(A) is unable to support himself or herself (7) the comparative financial resources of
through appropriate employment because of an the spouses, including medical, retirement,
incapacitating physical or mental disability; insurance, or other benefits, and the separate
(B) is the custodian of a child of the property of each spouse;
marriage of any age who requires substantial care (8) the contribution by one spouse to the
and personal supervision because a physical or education, training, or increased earning power of
mental disability makes it necessary, taking into the other spouse;
consideration the needs of the child, that the (9) the property brought to the marriage
spouse not be employed outside the home; or by either spouse;
(c) clearly lacks earning ability in the (10) the contribution of a spouse as
labor market adequate to provide support for the homemaker;
spouse's minimum reasonable needs, as limited by (11) marital misconduct of the spouse
Section 8.054. seeking maintenance; and
(12) the efforts of the spouse seeking
§ 8.052. Factors in Determining Maintenance maintenance to pursue available employment
A court that determines that a spouse is counseling as provided by Chapter 304, Labor
eligible to receive maintenance under this chapter Code.
shall determine the nature, amount, duration, and
manner of periodic payments by considering all § 8.053. Presumption (amended 2005)
relevant factors, including: (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),

it is presumed that maintenance under Section long as the disability continues. The court may
8.015(2) is not warranted unless the spouse order periodic review of its order, on the request
seeking maintenance has exercised diligence in: of either party or on its own motion, to determine
(1) seeking suitable employment; or whether the disability continues to render the
(2) developing the necessary skills to spouse unable to support himself or herself
become self-supporting during a period of through appropriate employment. The
separation and during the time the suit for continuation of spousal maintenance under these
dissolution of the marriage is pending. circumstances is subject to a motion to modify as
(b) This section does not apply to a provided by Section 8.057.
spouse who is not able to satisfy the presumption
in Subsection (a) because the spouse § 8.055. Amount of Maintenance (amended
(1) has an incapacitating physical or 2001, 2003)
mental disability; or (a) A court may not order maintenance
(2) is the custodian of a child of the that requires an obligor to pay monthly more than
marriage of any age who requires substantial care the lesser of:
and personal supervision because a physical or (1) $2,500; or
mental disability makes it necessary, taking into (2) 20 percent of the spouse's average
consideration the needs of the child, that the monthly gross income.
spouse not be employed outside the home. (b) The court shall set the amount that an
obligor is required to pay in a maintenance order
§ 8.054. Duration of Maintenance Order to provide for the minimum reasonable needs of
(amended 2001, 2005) the obligee, considering employment or property
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), received in the dissolution of the marriage or
a court: otherwise owned by the obligee that contributes to
(1) may not order maintenance that the minimum reasonable needs of the obligee.
remains in effect for more than three years after ©) Department of Veterans Affairs
the date of the order; and service-connected disability compensation, social
(2) shall limit the duration of a security benefits and disability benefits, and
maintenance order to the shortest reasonable workers' compensation benefits are excluded from
period that allows the spouse seeking maintenance maintenance.
to meet the spouse's minimum reasonable needs (d) For purposes of this chapter, “gross
by obtaining appropriate employment or income” means resources as defined in Sections
developing an appropriate skill, unless the ability 154.062(b) and (c), disregarding any deductions
of the spouse to provide for the spouse's minimum listed in Section 154.062(d) and disregarding
reasonable needs through employment is those benefits excluded under Subsection ©) of
substantially or totally diminished because of: this section.
(A) physical or mental disability;
(B) duties as the custodian of an infant or § 8.056. Termination (amended 2001)
young child; or (a) The obligation to pay future
(C) another compelling impediment to maintenance terminates on the death of either
gainful employment. party or on the remarriage of the obligee.
(b) If a spouse seeking maintenance is (b) After a hearing, the court shall
unable to support himself or herself through terminate the maintenance order if the obligee
appropriate employment because the spouse has cohabits with another person in a permanent place
an incapacitating physical or mental disability or of abode on a continuing, conjugal basis.
because the spouse is custodian of a child of the
marriage of any age who has a physical or mental § 8.057. Modification of Maintenance Order
disability, the court may order maintenance for as (a) The amount of maintenance specified

in a court order or the portion of a decree that or refused to carry out the terms of the order. The
provides for the support of a former spouse may judgment may be enforced by any means available
be reduced by the filing of a motion in the court for the enforcement of judgment for debts.
that originally rendered the order. A party (c) It is an affirmative defense to an
affected by the order or the portion of the decree allegation of contempt of court or the violation of
to be modified may file the motion. a condition of probation requiring payment of
(b) Notice of a motion to modify court-ordered maintenance that the obligor:
maintenance and the response, if any, are (1) lacked the ability to provide
governed by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure maintenance in the amount ordered;
applicable to the filing of an original lawsuit. (2) lacked property that could be sold,
Notice must be given by service of citation, and a mortgaged, or otherwise pledged to raise the funds
response must be in the form of an answer due on needed;
or before 10 a.m. of the first Monday after 20 days (3) attempted unsuccessfully to borrow
after the date of service. A court shall set a the needed funds; and
hearing on the motion in the manner provided by (4) did not know of a source from which
Rule 245, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. the money could have been borrowed or otherwise
(c) After a hearing, the court may modify legally obtained.
an original or modified order or portion of a (d) The issue of the existence of an
decree providing for maintenance on a proper affirmative defense does not arise unless evidence
showing of a material and substantial change in is admitted supporting the defense. If the issue of
circumstances of either party. The court shall the existence of an affirmative defense arises, an
apply the modification only to payment accruing obligor must prove the affirmative defense by a
after the filing of the motion to modify. preponderance of the evidence.
(d) A loss of employment or (e) A court may enforce an order for
circumstances that render a former spouse unable spousal maintenance under this chapter by
to support himself or herself through appropriate ordering garnishment of the obligor's wages or by
employment by reason of incapacitating physical any other means available under this section.
or mental disability that occur after the divorce or
annulment are not grounds for the institution of § 8.060. Putative Spouse
spousal maintenance for the benefit of the former In a suit to declare a marriage void, a
spouse. putative spouse who did not have knowledge of an
existing impediment to a valid marriage may be
§ 8.058. Maintenance Arrearages (added 2001) awarded maintenance if otherwise qualified to
A spousal maintenance payment not receive maintenance under this chapter.
timely made constitutes an arrearage.
§ 8.061. Unmarried Cohabitants
§ 8.059. Enforcement of Maintenance Order An order for maintenance is not
(amended 2001) authorized between unmarried cohabitants under
(a) The court may enforce by contempt any circumstances.
the court's maintenance order or an agreement for
the payment of maintenance voluntarily entered SUBCHAPTER C. INCOME
into between the parties and approved by the WITHHOLDING (added 2001)
(b) On the suit to enforce by an obligee, § 8.101. Income Withholding; General Rule
the court may render judgment against a (a) In a proceeding in which periodic
defaulting party for the amount of arrearages after payments of spousal maintenance are ordered,
notice by service of citation, answer, if any, and a modified, or enforced, the court may order that
hearing finding that the defaulting party has failed income be withheld from the disposable earnings

of the obligor as provided by this chapter. (b) The additional amount withheld to be
(b) This subchapter does not apply to applied toward arrearages must be whichever of
contractual alimony or spousal maintenance, the following amounts will discharge the
regardless of whether the alimony or maintenance arrearages in the least amount of time:
is taxable, unless: (1) an amount sufficient to discharge the
(1) the contract specifically permits arrearages in not more than two years; or
income withholding; or (2) 20 percent of the amount withheld for
(2) the alimony or maintenance payments current maintenance.
are not timely made under the terms of the
contract. § 8.103. Withholding for Arrearages When
(c) An order or writ of withholding for Current Maintenance is Not Due
spousal maintenance may be combined with an A court may order income withholding to
order or writ of withholding for child support only be applied toward arrearages in an amount
if the obligee has been appointed managing sufficient to discharge those arrearages in not
conservator of the child for whom the child more than two years if current spousal
support is owed and is the conservator with whom maintenance is no longer owed.
the child primarily resides.
(d) An order or writ of withholding that § 8.104. Withholding to Satisfy Judgment for
combines withholding for spousal maintenance Arrearages
and child support must: The court, in rendering a cumulative
(1) require that the withheld amounts be judgment for arrearages, may order that a
paid to the appropriate place of payment under reasonable amount of income be withheld from
Section 154.004; the disposable earnings of the obligor to be
(2) be in the form prescribed by the Title applied toward the satisfaction of the judgment.
IV-D agency under Section 158.106;
(3) clearly indicate the amounts withheld § 8.105. Priority of Withholding
that are to be applied to current spousal An order or writ of withholding under this
maintenance and to any maintenance arrearages; chapter has priority over any garnishment,
and attachment, execution, or other order affecting
(4) subject to the maximum withholding disposable earnings, except for an order or writ of
allowed under Section 8.106, order that withheld withholding for child support under Chapter 158.
income be applied in the following order of
priority: § 8.106. Maximum Amount Withheld From
(A) current child support; Earnings
(B) current spousal maintenance; An order or writ of withholding must
©) child support arrearages; and direct that an obligor's employer withhold from
(D) spousal maintenance arrearages. the obligor's disposable earnings the lesser of:
(e) Garnishment for the purposes of (1) the amount specified in the order or
spousal maintenance does not apply to writ; or
unemployment insurance benefit payments. (2) an amount that, when added to the
amount of income being withheld by the employer
§ 8.102. Withholding for Arrearages in for child support, is equal to 50 percent of the
Addition to Current Spousal Maintenance obligor's disposable earnings.
(a) The court may order that, in addition
to income withheld for current spousal § 8.107. Order or Writ Binding on Employer
maintenance, income be withheld from the Doing Business in This State
disposable earnings of the obligor to be applied An order or writ of withholding issued
toward the liquidation of any arrearages. under this chapter and delivered to an employer

doing business in this state is binding on the (1) the style, cause number, and court
employer without regard to whether the obligor having jurisdiction to enforce the order;
resides or works outside this state. (2) the name, address, and, if available,
the social security number of the obligor;
§ 8.108. Voluntary Writ of Withholding by (3) the amount and duration of the spousal
Obligor maintenance payments, including the amount and
(a) An obligor may file with the clerk of duration of withholding for arrearages, if any;
the court a notarized or acknowledged request and
signed by the obligor and the obligee for the (4) the name, address, and, if available,
issuance and delivery to the obligor's employer of the social security number of the obligee.
a writ of withholding. The obligor may file the (b) The order for withholding must
request under this section regardless of whether a require the obligor to notify the court promptly of
writ or order has been served on any party or any material change affecting the order, including
whether the obligor owes arrearages. a change of employer.
(b) On receipt of a request under this (c) On request by an obligee, the court
section, the clerk shall issue and deliver a writ of may exclude from an order of withholding the
withholding in the manner provided by this obligee's address and social security number if the
subchapter. obligee or a member of the obligee's family or
(c) An employer who receives a writ of household is a victim of family violence and is the
withholding issued under this section may request subject of a protective order to which the obligor
a hearing in the same manner and according to the is also subject. On granting a request under this
same terms provided by Section 8.205. subsection, the court shall order the clerk to:
(d) An obligor whose employer receives (1) strike the address and social security
a writ of withholding issued under this section number required by Subsection (a) from the order
may request a hearing in the manner provided by or writ of withholding; and
Section 8.258. (2) maintain a confidential record of the
(e) An obligee may contest a writ of obligee's address and social security number to be
income withholding issued under this section by used only by the court.
requesting, not later than the 180th day after the
date on which the obligee discovers that the writ § 8.153. Request for Issuance of Order or Writ
was issued, a hearing to be conducted in the of Withholding
manner provided by Section 8.258 for a hearing An obligor or obligee may file with the
on a motion to stay. clerk of the court a request for issuance of an
(f) A writ of withholding under this order or writ of withholding.
section may not reduce the total amount of
spousal maintenance, including arrearages, owed § 8.154. Issuance and Delivery of Order or
by the obligor. Writ of Withholding
(a) On receipt of a request for issuance of
SUBCHAPTER D. PROCEDURE (added an order or writ of withholding, the clerk of the
2001) court shall deliver a certified copy of the order or
writ to the obligor's current employer or to any
§ 8.151. Time Limit subsequent employer of the obligor. The clerk
The court may issue an order or writ for shall attach a copy of Subchapter E to the order or
withholding under this chapter at any time before writ.
all spousal maintenance and arrearages are paid. (b) Not later than the fourth working day
after the date the order is signed or the request is
§ 8.152. Contents of Order of Withholding filed, whichever is later, the clerk shall issue and
(a) An order of withholding must state: deliver the certified copy of the order or writ by:

(1) certified or registered mail, return remittance is made by electronic funds transfer.
receipt requested, to the employer; or
(2) service of citation to: § 8.204. Employer May Deduct Fee From
(A) the person authorized to receive Earnings
service of process for the employer in civil cases An employer may deduct an
generally; or administrative fee of not more than $5 each month
(B) a person designated by the employer from the obligor's disposable earnings in addition
by written notice to the clerk to receive orders or to the amount withheld as spousal maintenance.
notices of income withholding.
§ 8.205. Hearing Requested by Employer
SUBCHAPTER E. RIGHTS AND DUTIES (a) Not later than the 20th day after the
OF EMPLOYER (added 2001) date an order or writ of withholding is delivered to
an employer, the employer may file with the court
§ 8.201. Order or Writ Binding on Employer a motion for a hearing on the applicability of the
(a) An employer required to withhold order or writ to the employer.
income from earnings under this chapter is not (b) The hearing under this section must be
entitled to notice of the proceedings before the held on or before the 15th day after the date the
order of withholding is rendered or writ of motion is made.
withholding is issued. (c) An order or writ of withholding is
(b) An order or writ of withholding is binding and the employer shall continue to
binding on an employer regardless of whether the withhold income and remit the amount withheld
employer is specifically named in the order or pending further order of the court.
§ 8.206. Liability and Obligation of Employer
§ 8.202. Effective Date and Duration of Income for Payments
Withholding (a) An employer who complies with an
An employer shall begin to withhold order or writ of withholding under this chapter is
income in accordance with an order or writ of not liable to the obligor for the amount of income
withholding not later than the first pay period withheld and remitted as required by the order or
after the date the order or writ was delivered to writ.
the employer. The employer shall continue to (b) An employer who receives, but does
withhold income as required by the order or writ not comply with, an order or writ of withholding
as long as the obligor is employed by the is liable to:
employer. (1) the obligee for any amount of spousal
maintenance not paid in compliance with the
§ 8.203. Remitting Withheld Payments order or writ;
(a) The employer shall remit to the person (2) the obligor for any amount withheld
or office named in the order or writ of from the obligor's disposable earnings, but not
withholding the amount of income withheld from remitted to the obligee; and
an obligor on each pay date. The remittance must (3) the obligee or obligor for reasonable
include the date on which the income withholding attorney's fees and court costs incurred in
occurred. recovering an amount described by Subdivision
(b) The employer shall include with each (1) or (2).
remittance: (c) An employer shall comply with an
(1) the cause number of the suit under order of withholding for spousal maintenance or
which income withholding is required; alimony issued in another state that appears
(2) the payor's name; and regular on its face in the same manner as an order
(3) the payee's name, unless the issued by a tribunal of this state. The employer

shall notify the employee of the order and comply other disciplinary action against, an employee.
with the order in the manner provided by (b) An employer may not refuse to hire an
Subchapter F, Chapter 159, with respect to an employee because of an order or writ of
order of withholding for child support issued by withholding.
another state. The employer may contest the order (c) An employer who intentionally
of withholding in the manner provided by that discharges an employee in violation of this section
subchapter with respect to an order of withholding is liable to that employee for current wages, other
for child support issued by another state. employment benefits, and reasonable attorney's
fees and court costs incurred in enforcing the
§ 8.207. Employer Receiving Multiple Orders employee's rights.
or Writs (d) In addition to liability imposed under
(a) An employer who receives more than Subsection ©), the court shall order with respect
one order or writ of withholding to withhold to an employee whose employment was
income from the same obligor shall withhold the suspended or terminated in violation of this
combined amounts due under each order or writ section appropriate injunctive relief, including
unless the combined amounts due exceed the reinstatement of:
maximum total amount of allowed income (1) the employee's position with the
withholding under Section 8.106. employer; and
(b) If the combined amounts to be (2) fringe benefits or seniority lost as a
withheld under multiple orders or writs for the result of the suspension or termination.
same obligor exceed the maximum total amount of (e) An employee may bring an action to
allowed income withholding under Section 8.106, enforce the employee's rights under this section.
the employer shall pay, until that maximum is
reached, in the following order of priority: § 8.209. Penalty for Noncompliance
(1) an equal amount toward current child (a) In addition to the civil remedies
support owed by the obligor in each order or writ provided by this subchapter or any other remedy
until the employer has complied fully with each provided by law, an employer who knowingly
current child support obligation; violates this chapter by failing to withhold income
(2) an equal amount toward current for spousal maintenance or to remit withheld
maintenance owed by the obligor in each order or income in accordance with an order or writ of
writ until the employer has complied fully with withholding issued under this chapter commits an
each current maintenance obligation; offense.
(3) an equal amount toward child support (b) An offense under this section is
arrearages owed by the obligor in each order or punishable by a fine not to exceed $200 for each
writ until the employer has complied fully with violation.
each order or writ for child support arrearages;
and § 8.210. Notice of Termination of Employment
(4) an equal amount toward maintenance and of New Employment
arrearages owed by the obligor in each order or (a) An obligor who terminates
writ until the employer has complied fully with employment with an employer who has been
each order or writ for spousal maintenance withholding income and the obligor's employer
arrearages. shall each notify the court and the obligee of:
(1) the termination of employment not
§ 8.208. Employer's Liability f or later than the seventh day after the date of
Discriminatory Hiring or Discharge termination;
(a) An employer may not use an order or (2) the obligor's last known address; and
writ of withholding as grounds in whole or part (3) the name and address of the obligor's
for the termination of employment of, or for any new employer, if known.

(b) The obligor shall inform a subsequent if the obligor contests the notice of application for
employer of the order or writ of withholding after a writ of withholding, including the procedures for
obtaining employment. suspending issuance of a writ of withholding; and
(8) include with the notice a suggested
SUBCHAPTER F. WRIT OF form for the motion to stay issuance and delivery
WITHHOLDING ISSUED BY CLERK of the writ of withholding that the obligor may file
(added 2001) with the clerk of the appropriate court.

§ 8.251. Notice of Application for Writ of § 8.253. Interstate Request for Withholding
Withholding; Filing (a) The registration of a foreign order that
(a) An obligor or obligee may file a notice provides for spousal maintenance or alimony as
of application for a writ of withholding if income provided in Chapter 159 is sufficient for filing a
withholding was not ordered at the time spousal notice of application for a writ of withholding.
maintenance was ordered. (b) The notice must be filed with the clerk
(b) The obligor or obligee may file the of the court having venue as provided in Chapter
notice of application for a writ of withholding in 159.
the court that ordered the spousal maintenance (c) The notice of application for a writ of
under Subchapter B. withholding may be delivered to the obligor at the
same time that an order is filed for registration
§ 8.252. Contents of Notice of Application for under Chapter 159.
Writ of Withholding
The notice of application for a writ of § 8.254. Additional Arrearages
withholding must be verified and: If the notice of application for a writ of
(1) state the amount of monthly withholding states that the obligor has failed to
maintenance due, including the amount of pay more than one spousal maintenance payment
arrearages or anticipated arrearages, and the according to the terms of the spousal maintenance
amount of disposable earnings to be withheld order, the writ of withholding may include
under a writ of withholding; withholding for arrearages that accrue between the
(2) state that the withholding applies to filing of the notice and the date of the hearing or
each current or subsequent employer or period of the issuance of the writ.
(3) state that the obligor's employer will § 8.255. Delivery of Notice of Application for
be notified to begin the withholding if the obligor Writ of Withholding; Time of Delivery
does not contest the withholding on or before the (a) The party who files a notice of
10th day after the date the obligor receives the application for a writ of withholding shall deliver
notice; the notice to the obligor by:
(4) describe the procedures for contesting (1) first-class or certified mail, return
the issuance and delivery of a writ of withholding; receipt requested, addressed to the obligor's last
(5) state that the obligor will be provided known address or place of employment; or
an opportunity for a hearing not later than the 30th (2) service of citation as in civil cases
day after the date of receipt of the notice of generally.
contest if the obligor contests the withholding; (b) If the notice is delivered by mail, the
(6) state that the sole ground for party who filed the notice shall file with the court
successfully contesting the issuance of a writ of a certificate stating the name, address, and date
withholding is a dispute concerning the identity of the party mailed the notice.
the obligor or the existence or amount of the (c) The notice is considered to have been
arrearages; received by the obligor:
(7) describe the actions that may be taken (1) on the date of receipt, if the notice was

mailed by certified mail; respondent specially excepts in writing and cites
(2) on the 10th day after the date the with particularity the alleged defect, obscurity, or
notice was mailed, if the notice was mailed by other ambiguity in the notice.
first-class mail; or (b) A special exception under this section
(3) on the date of service, if the notice must be heard by the court before hearing the
was delivered by service of citation. motion to stay issuance.
(c) If the court sustains an exception, the
§ 8.256. Motion to Stay Issuance of Writ of court shall provide the party filing the notice an
Withholding opportunity to refile and shall continue the
(a) The obligor may stay issuance of a hearing to a specified date without requiring
writ of withholding by filing a motion to stay with additional service.
the clerk of the court not later than the 10th day
after the date the notice of application for a writ of § 8.260. Writ of Withholding After Arrearages
withholding was received. Are Paid
(b) The grounds for filing a motion to stay (a) The court may not refuse to order
issuance are limited to a dispute concerning the withholding solely on the basis that the obligor
identity of the obligor or the existence or the paid the arrearages after the obligor received the
amount of the arrearages. notice of application for a writ of withholding.
(c) The obligor shall verify that the (b) The court shall order that a reasonable
statements of fact in the motion to stay issuance of amount of income be withheld and applied toward
the writ are correct. the liquidation of arrearages, even though a
judgment confirming arrearages was rendered
§ 8.257. Effect of Filing Motion to Stay against the obligor.
If the obligor files a motion to stay as
provided by Section 8.256, the clerk of the court § 8.261. Request for Issuance and Delivery of
may not deliver the writ of withholding to the Writ of Withholding
obligor's employer before a hearing is held. (a) If a notice of application for a writ of
withholding is delivered and the obligor does not
§ 8.258. Hearing on Motion to Stay file a motion to stay within the time provided by
(a) If the obligor files a motion to stay as Section 8.256, the party who filed the notice shall
provided by Section 8.256, the court shall set a file with the clerk of the court a request for
hearing on the motion and the clerk of the court issuance of the writ of withholding stating the
shall notify the obligor and obligee of the date, amount of current spousal maintenance, the
time, and place of the hearing. amount of arrearages, and the amount to be
(b) The court shall hold a hearing on the withheld from the obligor's income.
motion to stay not later than the 30th day after the (b) The party who filed the notice may not
date the motion was filed unless the obligor and file a request for issuance before the 11th day
obligee agree and waive the right to have the after the date the obligor received the notice of
motion heard within 30 days. application for a writ of withholding.
(c) After the hearing, the court shall:
(1) render an order for income § 8.262. Issuance and Delivery of Writ of
withholding that includes a determination of any Withholding
amount of arrearages; or The clerk of the court shall, on the filing
(2) grant the motion to stay. of a request for issuance of a writ of withholding,
issue and deliver the writ as provided by
§ 8.259. Special Exceptions Subchapter D not later than the second working
(a) A defect in a notice of application for day after the date the request is filed. The clerk
a writ of withholding is waived unless the shall charge a fee in the amount of $15 for issuing

the writ of withholding. § 8.267. Issuance and Delivery of Writ of
Withholding to Subsequent Employer
§ 8.263. Contents of Writ of Withholding (a) After the clerk of the court issues a
A writ of withholding must direct that an writ of withholding, a party authorized to file a
obligor's employer or a subsequent employer notice of application for a writ of withholding
withhold from the obligor's disposable earnings an under this subchapter may deliver a copy of the
amount for current spousal maintenance and writ to a subsequent employer of the obligor by
arrearages consistent with this chapter. certified mail.
(b) Except as provided by an order under
§ 8.264. Extension of Repayment Schedule by Section 8.152, the writ of withholding must
Party; Unreasonable Hardship include the name, address, and signature of the
A party who files a notice of application party and clearly indicate that the writ is being
for a writ of withholding and who determines that issued to a subsequent employer.
the schedule for repaying arrearages would cause (c) The party shall file:
unreasonable hardship to the obligor or the (1) a copy of the writ of withholding with
obligor's family may extend the payment period in the clerk not later than the third working day after
the writ. the date of delivery of the writ to the subsequent
employer; and
§ 8.265. Remittance of Amount to be Withheld (2) the postal return receipt from the
The obligor's employer shall remit the delivery to the subsequent employer not later than
amount withheld to the person or office named in the third working day after the date the party
the writ on each pay date and shall include with receives the receipt.
the remittance the date on which the withholding (d) The party shall pay the clerk a fee in
occurred. the amount of $15 for filing the copy of the writ.

§ 8.266. Failure to Receive Notice of SUBCHAPTER G. MODIFICATION,

Application for Writ of Withholding REDUCTION, OR TERMINATION OF
(a) Not later than the 30th day after the WITHHOLDING (added 2001)
date of the first pay period after the date the
obligor's employer receives a writ of withholding, § 8.301. Agreement by Parties Regarding
the obligor may file an affidavit with the court Amount or Duration of Withholding
stating that: (a) An obligor and obligee may agree to
(1) the obligor did not timely file a motion reduce or terminate income withholding for
to stay because the obligor did not receive the spousal maintenance on the occurrence of any
notice of application for a writ of withholding; contingency stated in the order.
and (b) The obligor and obligee may file a
(2) grounds exist for a motion to stay. notarized or acknowledged request with the clerk
(b) The obligor may: of the court under Section 8.108 for a revised writ
(1) file with the affidavit a motion to of withholding or notice of termination of
withdraw the writ of withholding; and withholding.
(2) request a hearing on the applicability (c) The clerk shall issue and deliver to the
of the writ. obligor's employer a writ of withholding that
(c) Income withholding may not be reflects the agreed revision or a notice of
interrupted until after the hearing at which the termination of withholding.
court renders an order denying or modifying (d) An agreement by the parties under this
withholding. section does not modify the terms of an order for
spousal maintenance.

§ 8.302. Modifications to or Termination of employer a certified copy of an order that reduces
Withholding in Voluntary Withholding Cases the amount of spousal maintenance to be withheld
(a) If an obligor initiates voluntary or terminates the withholding.
withholding under Section 8.108, the obligee may
file with the clerk of the court a notarized request § 8.305. Liability of Employers
signed by the obligor and the obligee for the The provisions of this chapter regarding
issuance and delivery to the obligor of: the liability of employers for withholding apply to
(1) a modified writ of withholding that an order that reduces or terminates withholding.
reduces the amount of withholding; or
(2) a notice of termination of withholding.
(b) On receipt of a request under this CHAPTER 9. POST-DECREE
section, the clerk shall issue and deliver a PROCEEDINGS
modified writ of withholding or notice of
termination in the manner provided by Section SUBCHAPTER A. SUIT TO ENFORCE
8.301. DECREE
(c) The clerk may charge a fee in the
amount of $15 for issuing and delivering the § 9.001. Enforcement of Decree
modified writ of withholding or notice of (a) A party affected by a decree of divorce
termination. or annulment providing for a division of property
(d) An obligee may contest a modified as provided by Chapter 7 may request
writ of withholding or notice of termination issued enforcement of that decree by filing a suit to
under this section by requesting a hearing in the enforce as provided by this chapter in the court
manner provided by Section 8.258 not later than that rendered the decree.
the 180th day after the date the obligee discovers (b) Except as otherwise provided in this
that the writ or notice was issued. chapter, a suit to enforce shall be governed by the
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure applicable to the
§ 8.303. Termination of Withholding in filing of an original lawsuit.
Mandatory Withholding Cases (c) A party whose rights, duties, powers,
(a) An obligor for whom withholding for or liabilities may be affected by the suit to enforce
maintenance owed or withholding for is entitled to receive notice by citation and shall
maintenance and child support owed is mandatory be commanded to appear by filing a written
may file a motion to terminate withholding. On a answer. Thereafter, the proceedings shall be as in
showing by the obligor that the obligor has civil cases generally.
complied fully with the terms of the maintenance
or child support order, as applicable, the court § 9.002. Continuing Authority to Enforce
shall render an order for the issuance and delivery Decree
to the obligor of a notice of termination of The court that rendered the decree of
withholding. divorce or annulment retains the power to enforce
(b) The clerk shall issue and deliver the the property division as provided by Chapter 7.
notice of termination ordered under this section to
the obligor. § 9.003. Filing Deadlines
(c) The clerk may charge a fee in the (a) A suit to enforce the division of
amount of $15 for issuing and delivering the tangible personal property in existence at the time
notice. of the decree of divorce or annulment must be
filed before the second anniversary of the date the
§ 8.304. Delivery of Order of Reduction or decree was signed or becomes final after appeal,
Termination of Withholding whichever date is later, or the suit is barred.
Any person may deliver to the obligor's (b) A suit to enforce the division of future

property not in existence at the time of the unenforceable.
original decree must be filed before the second (c) The power of the court to render
anniversary of the date the right to the property further orders to assist in the implementation of or
matures or accrues or the decree becomes final, to clarify the property division is abated while an
whichever date is later, or the suit is barred. appellate proceeding is pending.

§ 9.004. Applicability to Undivided Property § 9.008. Clarification Order

The procedures and limitations of this (a) On the request of a party or on the
subchapter do not apply to existing property not court's own motion, the court may render a
divided on divorce, which are governed by clarifying order before a motion for contempt is
Subchapter C and by the rules applicable to civil made or heard, in conjunction with a motion for
cases generally. contempt or on denial of a motion for contempt.
(b) On a finding by the court that the
§ 9.005. No Jury original form of the division of property is not
A party may not demand a jury trial if the specific enough to be enforceable by contempt,
procedures to enforce a decree of divorce or the court may render a clarifying order setting
annulment provided by this subchapter are forth specific terms to enforce compliance with
invoked. the original division of property.
(c) The court may not give retroactive
§ 9.006. Enforcement of Division of Property effect to a clarifying order.
(a) Except as provided by this subchapter (d) The court shall provide a reasonable
and by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, the time for compliance before enforcing a clarifying
court may render further orders to enforce the order by contempt or in another manner.
division of property made in the decree of divorce
or annulment to assist in the implementation of or § 9.009. Delivery of Property
to clarify the prior order. To enforce the division of property made
(b) The court may specify more precisely in a decree of divorce or annulment, the court may
the manner of effecting the property division make an order to deliver the specific existing
previously made if the substantive division of property awarded, without regard to whether the
property is not altered or changed. property is of especial value, including an award
(c) An order of enforcement does not alter of an existing sum of money or its equivalent.
or affect the finality of the decree of divorce or
annulment being enforced. § 9.010. Reduction to Money Judgment
(a) If a party fails to comply with a decree
§ 9.007. Limitation on Power of Court to of divorce or annulment and delivery of property
Enforce awarded in the decree is no longer an adequate
(a) A court may not amend, modify, alter, remedy, the court may render a money judgment
or change the division of property made or for the damages caused by that failure to comply.
approved in the decree of divorce or annulment. (b) If a party did not receive payments of
An order to enforce the division is limited to an money as awarded in the decree of divorce or
order to assist in the implementation of or to annulment, the court may render judgment against
clarify the prior order and may not alter or change a defaulting party for the amount of unpaid
the substantive division of property. payments to which the party is entitled.
(b) An order under this section that (c) The remedy of a reduction to money
amends, modifies, alters, or changes the actual, judgment is in addition to the other remedies
substantive division of property made or approved provided by law.
in a final decree of divorce or annulment is (d) A money judgment rendered under
beyond the power of the divorce court and is this section may be enforced by any means

available for the enforcement of judgment for SUBCHAPTER B. POST-DECREE
§ 9.011. Right to Future Property
(a) The court may, by any remedy § 9.101. Jurisdiction for Qualified Domestic
provided by this chapter, enforce an award of the Relations Order
right to receive installment payments or a (a) Notwithstanding any other provision
lump-sum payment due on the maturation of an of this chapter, the court that rendered a final
existing vested or nonvested right to be paid in the decree of divorce or annulment or another final
future. order dividing property under this title retains
(b) The subsequent actual receipt by the continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to render an
non-owning party of property awarded to the enforceable qualified domestic relations order or
owner in a decree of divorce or annulment creates similar order permitting payment of pension,
a fiduciary obligation in favor of the owner and retirement plan, or other employee benefits
imposes a constructive trust on the property for divisible under the law of this state or of the
the benefit of the owner.\ United States to an alternate payee or other lawful
§ 9.012. Contempt (b) Unless prohibited by federal law, a
(a) The court may enforce by contempt an suit seeking a qualified domestic relations order or
order requiring delivery of specific property or an similar order under this section applies to a
award of a right to future property. previously divided pension, retirement plan, or
(b) The court may not enforce by other employee benefit divisible under the law of
contempt an award in a decree of divorce or this state or of the United States, whether the plan
annulment of a sum of money payable in a lump or benefit is private, state, or federal.
sum or in future installment payments in the
nature of debt, except for: § 9.102. Procedure
(1) a sum of money in existence at the (a) A party to a decree of divorce or
time the decree was rendered; or annulment may petition the court for a qualified
(2) a matured right to future payments as domestic relations order or similar order.
provided by Section 9.011. (b) Except as otherwise provided by this
(c) This subchapter does not detract from code, a petition under this subchapter is governed
or limit the general power of a court to enforce an by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure that apply
order of the court by appropriate means. to the filing of an original lawsuit.
(c) Each party whose rights may be
§ 9.013. Costs affected by the petition is entitled to receive
The court may award costs in a notice by citation and shall be commanded to
proceeding to enforce a property division under appear by filing a written answer.
this subchapter as in other civil cases. (d) The proceedings shall be conducted in
the same manner as civil cases generally.
§ 9.014. Attorney's Fees (amended 2009)
The court may award reasonable § 9.103. Prior Failure to Render Qualified
attorney's fees in a proceeding under this Domestic Relations Order
subchapter. The court may order the attorney's A party may petition a court to render a
fees to be paid directly to the attorney, who may qualified domestic relations order or similar order
enforce the order for fees in the attorney's own if the court that rendered a final decree of divorce
name by any means available for the enforcement or annulment or another final order dividing
of a judgment for debt. property under this chapter did not provide a
qualified domestic relations order or similar order

permitting payment of benefits to an alternate name by any means available for the enforcement
payee or other lawful payee. of a judgment for debt.

§ 9.104. Defective Prior Domestic Relations SUBCHAPTER C. POST-DECREE DIVISION

If a plan administrator or other person
acting in an equivalent capacity determines that a § 9.201. Procedure for Division of Certain
domestic relations order does not satisfy the Property Not Divided on Divorce or
requirements of a qualified domestic relations Annulment
order or similar order, the court retains (a) Either former spouse may file a suit as
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over the parties provided by this subchapter to divide property not
and their property to the extent necessary to divided or awarded to a spouse in a final decree of
render a qualified domestic relations order. divorce or annulment.
(b) Except as otherwise provided by this
§ 9.1045 Amendment of Qualified Domestic subchapter, the suit is governed by the Texas
Relations Order (added 2005) Rules of Civil Procedure applicable to the filing
(a) A court that renders a qualified of an original lawsuit.
domestic relations order retains continuing,
exclusive jurisdiction to amend the order to § 9.202. Limitations
correct the order or clarify the terms of the order (a) A suit under this subchapter must be
to effectuate the division of property ordered by filed before the second anniversary of the date a
the court. former spouse unequivocally repudiates the
(b) An amended domestic relations order existence of the ownership interest of the other
under this section must be submitted to the plan former spouse and communicates that repudiation
administrator or other person acting in an to the other former spouse.
equivalent capacity to determine whether the (b) The two-year limitations period is
amended order satisfies the requirements of a tolled for the period that a court of this state does
qualified domestic relations order. Section 9.104 not have jurisdiction over the former spouses or
applies to a domestic relations order amended over the property.
under this section.
§ 9.203. Division of Undivided Assets When
§ 9.105. Liberal Construction Prior Court Had Jurisdiction
The court shall liberally construe this (a) If a court of this state failed to dispose
subchapter to effect payment of retirement of property subject to division in a final decree of
benefits that were divided by a previous decree divorce or annulment even though the court had
that failed to contain a qualified domestic jurisdiction over the spouses or over the property,
relations order or similar order or that contained the court shall divide the property in a manner that
an order that failed to meet the requirements of a the court deems just and right, having due regard
qualified domestic relations order or similar order. for the rights of each party and any children of the
§ 9.106. Attorney’s Fees (added 2009) (b) If a final decree of divorce or
In a proceeding under this subchapter, the annulment rendered by a court in another state
court may award reasonable attorney’s fees failed to dispose of property subject to division
incurred by a party to a divorce or annulment under the law of that state even though the court
against the other party to the divorce or had jurisdiction to do so, a court of this state shall
annulment. The court may order the attorney’s apply the law of the other state regarding
fees to be paid directly to the attorney, who may undivided property as required by Section 1,
enforce the order for fees in the attorney’s own Article IV, United States Constitution (the full

faith and credit clause), and enabling federal former spouse is not effective unless:
statutes. (1) the decree designates the insured's
former spouse as the beneficiary;
§ 9.204. Division of Undivided Assets When (2) the insured redesignates the former
Prior Court Lacked Jurisdiction spouse as the beneficiary after rendition of the
(a) If a court of this state failed to dispose decree; or
of property subject to division in a final decree of (3) the former spouse is designated to
divorce or annulment because the court lacked receive the proceeds in trust for, on behalf of, or
jurisdiction over a spouse or the property, and if for the benefit of a child or a dependent of either
that court subsequently acquires the requisite former spouse.
jurisdiction, that court may divide the property in (b) If a designation is not effective under
a manner that the court deems just and right, Subsection (a), the proceeds of the policy are
having due regard for the rights of each party and payable to the named alternative beneficiary or, if
any children of the marriage. there is not a named alternative beneficiary, to the
(b) If a final decree of divorce or estate of the insured.
annulment rendered by a court in another state (c) An insurer who pays the proceeds of a
failed to dispose of property subject to division life insurance policy issued by the insurer to the
under the law of that state because the court beneficiary under a designation that is not
lacked jurisdiction over a spouse or the property, effective under Subsection (a) is liable for
and if a court of this state subsequently acquires payment of the proceeds to the person or estate
the requisite jurisdiction over the former spouses provided by Subsection (b) only if:
or over the property, the court in this state may (1) before payment of the proceeds to the
divide the property in a manner that the court designated beneficiary, the insurer receives
deems just and right, having due regard for the written notice at the home office of the insurer
rights of each party and any children of the from an interested person that the designation is
marriage. not effective under Subsection (a); and
(2) the insurer has not interpleaded the
§ 9.205. Attorney's Fees (amended 2009) proceeds into the registry of a court of competent
In a proceeding to divide property jurisdiction in accordance with the Texas Rules of
previously undivided in a decree of divorce or Civil Procedure.
annulment as provided by this subchapter, the
court may award reasonable attorney's feess. The § 9.302. Pre-Decree Designation of Ex-Spouse
court may order the attorney's fees to be paid as Beneficiary in Retirement Benefits and
directly to the attorney, who may enforce the Other Financial Plans
order in the attorney's own name by any means (a) If a decree of divorce or annulment is
available for the enforcement of a judgment for rendered after a spouse, acting in the capacity of
debt. a participant, annuitant, or account holder, has
designated the other spouse as a beneficiary under
SUBCHAPTER D. DISPOSITION OF an individual retirement account, employee stock
UNDIVIDED BENEFICIAL INTEREST option plan, stock option, or other form of
savings, bonus, profit-sharing, or other employer
§ 9.301. Pre-Decree Designation of Ex-Spouse plan or financial plan of an employee or a
as Beneficiary of Life Insurance participant in force at the time of rendition, the
(a) If a decree of divorce or annulment is designating provision in the plan in favor of the
rendered after an insured has designated the other former spouse is not effective unless:
insured's spouse as a beneficiary under a life (1) the decree designates the other former
insurance policy in force at the time of rendition, spouse as the beneficiary;
a provision in the policy in favor of the insured's (2) the designating former spouse

redesignates the other former spouse as the
beneficiary after rendition of the decree; or
(3) the other former spouse is designated
to receive the proceeds or benefits in trust for, on
behalf of, or for the benefit of a child or
dependent of either former spouse.
(b) If a designation is not effective under
Subsection (a), the benefits or proceeds are
payable to the named alternative beneficiary or, if
there is not a named alternative beneficiary, to the
designating former spouse.
(c) A business entity, employer, pension
trust, insurer, financial institution, or other person
obligated to pay retirement benefits or proceeds of
a financial plan covered by this section who pays
the benefits or proceeds to the beneficiary under
a designation of the other former spouse that is
not effective under Subsection (a) is liable for
payment of the benefits or proceeds to the person
provided by Subsection (b) only if:
(1) before payment of the benefits or
proceeds to the designated beneficiary, the payor
receives written notice at the home office or
principal office of the payor from an interested
person that the designation of the beneficiary or
fiduciary is not effective under Subsection (a);
(2) the payor has not interpleaded the
benefits or proceeds into the registry of a court of
competent jurisdiction in accordance with the
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
(d) This section does not affect the right
of a former spouse to assert an ownership interest
in an undivided pension, retirement, annuity, or
other financial plan described by this section as
provided by this subchapter.
(e) This section does not apply to the
disposition of a beneficial interest in a retirement
benefit or other financial plan of a public
retirement system as defined by Section 802.001,
Government Code.

FAMILY The petitioner shall file the petition in the
county in which the petitioner resides.
MINORITY § 31.004. Representation of Petitioner (amended
CHAPTER 31. REMOVAL OF The court shall appoint an amicus
DISABILITIES OF MINORITY attorney or attorney ad litem to represent the
interest of the petitioner at the hearing.
§ 31.001. Requirements
(a) A minor may petition to have the § 31.005. Order (amended 1999)
disabilities of minority removed for limited or The court by order, or the Texas Supreme
general purposes if the minor is: Court by rule or order, may remove the disabilities
(1) a resident of this state; of minority of a minor, including any restriction
(2) 17 years of age, or at least 16 years of imposed by Chapter 32, if the court or the Texas
age and living separate and apart from the minor's Supreme Court finds the removal to be in the best
parents, managing conservator, or guardian; and interest of the petitioner. The order or rule must
(3) self-supporting and managing the state the limited or general purposes for which
minor's own financial affairs. disabilities are removed.
(b) A minor may file suit under this
chapter in the minor's own name. The minor need § 31.006. Effect of General Removal (amended
not be represented by next friend. 2001)
Except for specific constitutional and
§ 31.002. Requisites of Petition; Verification statutory age requirements, a minor whose
(amended 2005) disabilities are removed for general purposes has
(a) The petition for removal of disabilities the capacity of an adult, including the capacity to
of minority must state: contract. Except as provided by federal law, all
(1) the name, age, and place of residence educational rights accorded to the parent of a
of the petitioner; student, including the right to make education
(2) the name and place of residence of decisions under Section 151.003(a)(10), transfer
each living parent; to the minor whose disabilities are removed for
(3) the name and place of residence of the general purposes.
guardian of the person and the guardian of the
estate, if any; § 31.007. Registration of Order of Another
(4) the name and place of residence of the State or Nation
managing conservator, if any; (a) A nonresident minor who has had the
(5) the reasons why removal would be in disabilities of minority removed in the state of the
the best interest of the minor; and minor's residence may file a certified copy of the
(6) the purposes for which removal is order removing disabilities in the deed records of
requested. any county in this state.
(b) A parent of the petitioner must verify
the petition, except that if a managing conservator (b) When a certified copy of the order of
or guardian of the person has been appointed, the a court of another state or nation is filed, the
petition must be verified by that person. If the minor has the capacity of an adult, except as
person who is to verify the petition is unavailable provided by Section 31.006 and by the terms of
or that person's whereabouts are unknown, the the order.
amicus attorney or attorney ad litem shall verify
the petition.

CHAPTER 32. CONSENT TO Family and Protective Services has been
TREATMENT OF CHILD BY appointed managing conservator and who is
NON—PARENT OR CHILD committed to the Texas Youth Commission is
governed by Sections 266.004, 266.009, and
MEDICAL, DENTAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, (c) This section does not apply to consent
AND SURGICAL TREATMENT for the immunization of a child.
(d) A person who consents to the medical
§ 32.001. Consent by Non-Parent (amended treatment of a minor under Subsection (a)(7) or
2009) (8) is immune from liability for damages resulting
(a) The following persons may consent to from the examination or treatment of the minor,
medical, dental, psychological, and surgical except to the extent of the person's own acts of
treatment of a child when the person having the negligence. A physician or dentist licensed to
right to consent as otherwise provided by law practice in this state, or a hospital or medical
cannot be contacted and that person has not given facility at which a minor is treated is immune
actual notice to the contrary: from liability for damages resulting from the
(1) a grandparent of the child; examination or treatment of a minor under this
(2) an adult brother or sister of the child; section, except to the extent of the person's own
(3) an adult aunt or uncle of the child; acts of negligence.
(4) an educational institution in which the
child is enrolled that has received written § 32.002. Consent Form
authorization to consent from a person having the (a) Consent to medical treatment under
right to consent; this subchapter must be in writing, signed by the
(5) an adult who has actual care, control, person giving consent, and given to the doctor,
and possession of the child and has written hospital, or other medical facility that administers
authorization to consent from a person having the the treatment.
right to consent; (b) The consent must include:
(6) a court having jurisdiction over a suit (1) the name of the child;
affecting the parent-child relationship of which (2) the name of one or both parents, if
the child is the subject; known, and the name of any managing
(7) an adult responsible for the actual conservator or guardian of the child;
care, control, and possession of a child under the (3) the name of the person giving consent
jurisdiction of a juvenile court or committed by a and the person's relationship to the child;
juvenile court to the care of an agency of the state (4) a statement of the nature of the
or county; or medical treatment to be given; and
(8) a peace officer who has lawfully taken (5) the date the treatment is to begin.
custody of a minor, if the peace officer has
reasonable grounds to believe the minor is in need § 32.003. Consent to Treatment by Child
of immediate medical treatment. (amended 2001, 2007)
(b) Except as otherwise provided by this (a) A child may consent to medical,
subsection, the Texas Youth Commission may dental, psychological, and surgical treatment for
consent to the medical, dental, psychological, and the child by a licensed physician or dentist if the
surgical treatment of a child committed to it under child:
Title 3 when the person having the right to (1) is on active duty with the armed
consent has been contacted and that person has services of the United States of America;
not given actual notice to the contrary. Consent (2) is:
for medical, dental, psychological, and surgical (A) 16 years of age or older and resides
treatment of a child for whom the Department of separate and apart from the child's parents,

managing conservator, or guardian, with or own acts of negligence.
without the consent of the parents, managing (f) A physician, dentist, psychologist,
conservator, or guardian and regardless of the hospital, or medical facility may rely on the
duration of the residence; and written statement of the child containing the
(B) managing the child's own financial grounds on which the child has capacity to
affairs, regardless of the source of the income; consent to the child's medical treatment.
(3) consents to the diagnosis and
treatment of an infectious, contagious, or § 32.004. Consent to Counseling
communicable disease that is required by law or (a) A child may consent to counseling for:
a rule to be reported by the licensed physician or (1) suicide prevention;
dentist to a local health officer or the Texas (2) chemical addiction or dependency; or
Department of Health, including all diseases (3) sexual, physical, or emotional abuse.
within the scope of Section 81.041, Health and (b) A licensed or certified physician,
Safety Code; psychologist, counselor, or social worker having
(4) is unmarried and pregnant and reasonable grounds to believe that a child has
consents to hospital, medical, or surgical been sexually, physically, or emotionally abused,
treatment, other than abortion, related to the is contemplating suicide, or is suffering from a
pregnancy; chemical or drug addiction or dependency may:
(5) consents to examination and treatment (1) counsel the child without the consent
for drug or chemical addiction, drug or chemical of the child's parents or, if applicable, managing
dependency, or any other condition directly conservator or guardian;
related to drug or chemical use; (2) with or without the consent of the
(6) is unmarried, is the parent of a child, child who is a client, advise the child's parents or,
and has actual custody of his or her child and if applicable, managing conservator or guardian of
consents to medical, dental, psychological, or the treatment given to or needed by the child; and
surgical treatment for the child; or (3) rely on the written statement of the
(7) is serving a term of confinement in a child containing the grounds on which the child
facility operated by or under contract with the has capacity to consent to the child's own
Texas Department of Criminal Justice, unless the treatment under this section.
treatment would constitute a prohibited practice (c) Unless consent is obtained as
under Section 164.052(a)(19), Occupations Code. otherwise allowed by law, a physician,
(b) Consent by a child to medical, dental, psychologist, counselor, or social worker may not
psychological, and surgical treatment under this counsel a child if consent is prohibited by a court
section is not subject to disaffirmance because of order.
minority. (d) A physician, psychologist, counselor,
(c) Consent of the parents, managing or social worker counseling a child under this
conservator, or guardian of a child is not section is not liable for damages except for
necessary in order to authorize hospital, medical, damages resulting from the person's negligence or
surgical, or dental care under this section. wilful misconduct.
(d) A licensed physician, dentist, or (e) A parent, or, if applicable, managing
psychologist may, with or without the consent of conservator or guardian, who has not consented to
a child who is a patient, advise the parents, counseling treatment of the child is not obligated
managing conservator, or guardian of the child of to compensate a physician, psychologist,
the treatment given to or needed by the child. counselor, or social worker for counseling
(e) A physician, dentist, psychologist, services rendered under this section.
hospital, or medical facility is not liable for the
examination and treatment of a child under this
section except for the provider's or the facility's

§ 32.005. Examination Without Consent of consent for the child from a parent, managing
Abuse or Neglect of Child conservator, guardian, or other person who under
(a) Except as provided by Subsection ©), the law of another state or a court order may
a physician, dentist, or psychologist having consent for the child;
reasonable grounds to believe that a child's (6) another adult who has actual care,
physical or mental condition has been adversely control, and possession of the child and has
affected by abuse or neglect may examine the written authorization to consent for the child from
child without the consent of the child, the child's a parent, managing conservator, guardian, or other
parents, or other person authorized to consent to person who, under the law of another state or a
treatment under this subchapter. court order, may consent for the child;
(b) An examination under this section (7) a court having jurisdiction of a suit
may include X-rays, blood tests, photographs, and affecting the parent-child relationship of which
penetration of tissue necessary to accomplish the minor is the subject;
those tests. (8) an adult having actual care, control,
(c) Unless consent is obtained as and possession of the child under an order of a
otherwise allowed by law, a physician, dentist, or juvenile court or by commitment by a juvenile
psychologist may not examine a child: court to the care of an agency of the state or
(1) 16 years of age or older who refuses to county; or
consent; or (9) an adult having actual care, control,
(2) for whom consent is prohibited by a and possession of the child as the child's primary
court order. care giver.
(d) A physician, dentist, or psychologist (c) A person otherwise authorized to
examining a child under this section is not liable consent under Subsection (a) may not consent for
for damages except for damages resulting from the child if the person has actual knowledge that
the physician's or dentist's negligence. a parent, managing conservator, guardian of the
child, or other person who under the law of
SUBCHAPTER B. IMMUNIZATION another state or a court order may consent for the
§ 32.101. Who May Consent to Immunization (1) has expressly refused to give consent
of Child (amended 1999) to the immunization;
(a) In addition to persons authorized to (2) has been told not to consent for the
consent to immunization under Chapter 151 and child; or
Chapter 153, the following persons may consent (3) has withdrawn a prior written
to the immunization of a child: authorization for the person to consent.
(1) a guardian of the child; and (d) The Texas Youth Commission may
(2) a person authorized under the law of consent to the immunization of a child committed
another state or a court order to consent for the to it if a parent, managing conservator, or
child. guardian of the minor or other person who, under
(b) If the persons listed in Subsection (a) the law of another state or court order, may
are not available and the authority to consent is consent for the minor has been contacted and:
not denied under Subsection ©), consent to the (1) refuses to consent; and
immunization of a child may be given by: (2) does not expressly deny to the Texas
(1) a grandparent of the child; Youth Commission the authority to consent for
(2) an adult brother or sister of the child; the child.
(3) an adult aunt or uncle of the child; (e) A person who consents under this
(4) a stepparent of the child; section shall provide the health care provider with
(5) an educational institution in which the sufficient and accurate health history and other
child is enrolled that has written authorization to information about the minor for whom the consent

is given and, if necessary, sufficient and accurate provider, or a public health clinic, hospital, or
health history and information about the minor's other medical facility is not liable for damages
family to enable the person who may consent to arising from an immunization administered to a
the minor's immunization and the health care child authorized under this subchapter except for
provider to determine adequately the risks and injuries resulting from the person's or facility's
benefits inherent in the proposed immunization own acts of negligence.
and to determine whether immunization is
(f) Consent to immunization must meet PROVISIONS
the requirements of Section 32.002(a).
§ 32.201. Emergency Shelter or Care for
§ 32.102. Informed Consent to Immunization Minors (amended 2003)
(a) A person authorized to consent to the (a) An emergency shelter facility may
immunization of a child has the responsibility to provide shelter and care to a minor and the minor's
ensure that the consent, if given, is an informed child or children, if any.
consent. The person authorized to consent is not (b) An emergency shelter facility may
required to be present when the immunization of provide shelter or care only during an emergency
the child is requested if a consent form that meets constituting an immediate danger to the physical
the requirements of Section 32.002 has been given health or safety of the minor or the minor's child
to the health care provider. or children.
(b) The responsibility of a health care (c) Shelter or care provided under this
provider to provide information to a person section may not be provided after the 15th day
consenting to immunization is the same as the after the date the shelter or care is commenced
provider's responsibility to a parent. unless:
(c) As part of the information given in the (1) the facility receives consent to
counseling for informed consent, the health care continue services from the minor in accordance
provider shall provide information to inform the with Section 32.202; or
person authorized to consent to immunization of (2) the minor has qualified for financial
the procedures available under the National assistance under Chapter 31, Human Resources
Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. Code, and is on the waiting list for housing
Section 300aa–1 et seq.) to seek possible recovery assistance.
for unreimbursed expenses for certain injuries
arising out of the administration of certain § 32.202. Consent to Emergency Shelter or
vaccines. Care By Minor (added 2003)
(a) A minor may consent to emergency
§ 32.103. Limited Liability for Immunization shelter or care to be provided to the minor or the
(a) In the absence of wilful misconduct or minor's child or children, if any, under Section
gross negligence, a health care provider who 32.201 (c) if the minor is:
accepts the health history and other information (1) 16 years of age or older and:
given by a person who is delegated the authority (A) resides separate and apart
to consent to the immunization of a child during from the minor's parent, managing conservator, or
the informed consent counseling is not liable for guardian, regardless of whether the parent,
an adverse reaction to an immunization or for managing conservator, or guardian consents to the
other injuries to the child resulting from factual residence and regardless of the duration of the
errors in the health history or information given residence; and
by the person to the health care provider. (B) manages the minor's own
(b) A person consenting to immunization financial affairs, regardless of the source of
of a child, a physician, nurse, or other health care income; or

(2) unmarried and is pregnant or is the minor who:
parent of a child. (A) is unmarried; and
(b) Consent by a minor to emergency (B) has not had the disabilities of minority
shelter or care under this section is not subject to removed under Chapter 31.
disaffirmance because of minority.
(c) An emergency shelter facility may, § 33.002. Parental Notice (amended 2001)
with or without the consent of the minor's parent, (a) A physician may not perform an
managing conservator, or guardian, provide abortion on a pregnant unemancipated minor
emergency shelter or care to the minor or the unless:
minor's child or children under Section 32.201©). (1) the physician performing the abortion
(d) An emergency shelter facility is not gives at least 48 hours actual notice, in person or
liable for providing emergency shelter or care to by telephone, of the physician's intent to perform
the minor or the minor's child or children if the the abortion to:
minor consents as provided by this section, except (A) a parent of the minor, if the minor has
that the facility is liable for the facility's own acts no managing conservator or guardian; or
of negligence. (B) a court-appointed managing
(e) An emergency shelter facility may rely conservator or guardian;
on the minor's written statement containing the (2) the judge of a court having probate
grounds on which the minor has capacity to jurisdiction, the judge of a county court at law, the
consent to emergency shelter or care. judge of a district court, including a family district
(f) To the extent of any conflict between court, or a court of appellate jurisdiction issues an
this section and Section 32.003, Section 32.003 order authorizing the minor to consent to the
prevails. abortion as provided by Section 33.003 or 33.004;
(3) a probate court, county court at law,
district court, including a family district court, or
CHAPTER 33. NOTICE OF ABORTION court of appeals, by its inaction, constructively
(added 1999) authorizes the minor to consent to the abortion as
provided by Section 33.003 or 33.004; or
§ 33.001. Definitions (4) the physician performing the abortion:
In this chapter: (A) concludes that on the basis of the
(1) "Abortion" means the use of any physician's good faith clinical judgment, a
means to terminate the pregnancy of a female condition exists that complicates the medical
known by the attending physician to be pregnant, condition of the pregnant minor and necessitates
with the intention that the termination of the the immediate abortion of her pregnancy to avert
pregnancy by those means will with reasonable her death or to avoid a serious risk of substantial
likelihood cause the death of the fetus. This and irreversible impairment of a major bodily
definition, as applied in this chapter, applies only function; and
to an unemancipated minor known by the (B) certifies in writing to the Texas
attending physician to be pregnant and may not be Department of Health and in the patient's medical
construed to limit a minor's access to record the medical indications supporting the
contraceptives. physician's judgment that the circumstances
(2) "Fetus" means an individual human described by Paragraph (A) exist.
organism from fertilization until birth. (b) If a person to whom notice may be
(3) "Guardian" means a court-appointed given under Subsection (a)(1) cannot be notified
guardian of the person of the minor. after a reasonable effort, a physician may perform
(4) "Physician" means an individual an abortion if the physician gives 48 hours
licensed to practice medicine in this state. constructive notice, by certified mail, restricted
(5) "Unemancipated minor" includes a delivery, sent to the last known address, to the

person to whom notice may be given under reasonable person under similar circumstances
Subsection (a)(1). The period under this would have relied on the representation. The
subsection begins when the notice is mailed. If defense does not apply if the physician is shown
the person required to be notified is not notified to have had independent knowledge of the minor's
within the 48-hour period, the abortion may actual age or identity or failed to use due diligence
proceed even if the notice by mail is not received. in determining the minor's age or identity. In this
(c) The requirement that 48 hours actual subsection, "defense" has the meaning and
notice be provided under this section may be application assigned by Section 2.03, Penal Code.
waived by an affidavit of: (I) In relation to the trial of an offense
(1) a parent of the minor, if the minor has under this section in which the conduct charged
no managing conservator or guardian; or involves a conclusion made by the physician
(2) a court-appointed managing under Subsection (a)(4), the defendant may seek
conservator or guardian. a hearing before the Texas State Board of Medical
(d) A physician may execute for inclusion Examiners on whether the physician's conduct
in the minor's medical record an affidavit stating was necessary to avert the death of the minor or to
that, according to the best information and belief avoid a serious risk of substantial and irreversible
of the physician, notice or constructive notice has impairment of a major bodily function. The
been provided as required by this section. findings of the Texas State Board of Medical
Execution of an affidavit under this subsection Examiners under this subsection are admissible on
creates a presumption that the requirements of this that issue in the trial of the defendant.
section have been satisfied. Notwithstanding any other reason for a
(e) The Texas Department of Health shall continuance provided under the Code of Criminal
prepare a form to be used for making the Procedure or other law, on motion of the
certification required by Subsection (a)(4). defendant, the court shall delay the beginning of
(f) A certification required by Subsection the trial for not more than 30 days to permit a
(a)(4) is confidential and privileged and is not hearing under this subsection to take place.
subject to disclosure under Chapter 552,
Government Code, or to discovery, subpoena, or § 33.003. Judicial Approval (amended 2001)
other legal process. Personal or identifying (a) A pregnant minor who wishes to have
information about the minor, including her name, an abortion without notification to one of her
address, or social security number, may not be parents, her managing conservator, or her
included in a certification under Subsection (a)(4). guardian may file an application for a court order
The physician must keep the medical records on authorizing the minor to consent to the
the minor in compliance with the rules adopted by performance of an abortion without notification to
the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners either of her parents or a managing conservator or
under Section 153.003, Occupations Code. guardian.
(g) A physician who intentionally (b) The application may be filed in any
performs an abortion on a pregnant county court at law, court having probate
unemancipated minor in violation of this section jurisdiction, or district court, including a family
commits an offense. An offense under this district court, in this state.
subsection is punishable by a fine not to exceed (c) The application must be made under
$10,000. In this subsection, "intentionally" has the oath and include:
meaning assigned by Section 6.03(a), Penal Code. (1) a statement that the minor is pregnant;
(h) It is a defense to prosecution under (2) a statement that the minor is
this section that the minor falsely represented her unmarried, is under 18 years of age, and has not
age or identity to the physician to be at least 18 had her disabilities removed under Chapter 31;
years of age by displaying an apparently valid (3) a statement that the minor wishes to
governmental record of identification such that a have an abortion without the notification of either

of her parents or a managing conservator or proceed to hearing. If the court fails to rule on the
guardian; and application and issue written findings of fact and
(4) a statement as to whether the minor conclusions of law within the period specified by
has retained an attorney and, if she has retained an this subsection, the application is deemed to be
attorney, the name, address, and telephone number granted and the physician may perform the
of her attorney. abortion as if the court had issued an order
(d) The clerk of the court shall deliver a authorizing the minor to consent to the
courtesy copy of the application made under this performance of the abortion without notification
section to the judge who is to hear the application. under Section 33.002. Proceedings under this
(e) The court shall appoint a guardian ad section shall be given precedence over other
litem for the minor. If the minor has not retained pending matters to the extent necessary to assure
an attorney, the court shall appoint an attorney to that the court reaches a decision promptly.
represent the minor. If the guardian ad litem is an (I) The court shall determine by a
attorney admitted to the practice of law in this preponderance of the evidence whether the minor
state, the court may appoint the guardian ad litem is mature and sufficiently well informed to make
to serve as the minor's attorney. the decision to have an abortion performed
(f) The court may appoint to serve as without notification to either of her parents or a
guardian ad litem: managing conservator or guardian, whether
(1) a person who may consent to notification would not be in the best interest of the
treatment for the minor under Sections minor, or whether notification may lead to
32.001(a)(1)–(3); physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of the minor.
(2) a psychiatrist or an individual licensed If the court finds that the minor is mature and
or certified as a psychologist under Chapter 501, sufficiently well informed, that notification would
Occupations Code; not be in the minor's best interest, or that
(3) an appropriate employee of the notification may lead to physical, sexual, or
Department of Protective and Regulatory Services emotional abuse of the minor, the court shall enter
[now Family and Protective Services]; an order authorizing the minor to consent to the
(4) a member of the clergy; or performance of the abortion without notification
(5) another appropriate person selected by to either of her parents or a managing conservator
the court. or guardian and shall execute the required forms.
(g) The court shall fix a time for a hearing (j) If the court finds that the minor does
on an application filed under Subsection (a) and not meet the requirements of Subsection (I), the
shall keep a record of all testimony and other oral court may not authorize the minor to consent to an
proceedings in the action. The court shall enter abortion without the notification authorized under
judgment on the application immediately after the Section 33.002(a)(1).
hearing is concluded. (k) The court may not notify a parent,
(h) The court shall rule on an application managing conservator, or guardian that the minor
submitted under this section and shall issue is pregnant or that the minor wants to have an
written findings of fact and conclusions of law not abortion. The court proceedings shall be
later than 5 p.m. on the second business day after conducted in a manner that protects the anonymity
the date the application is filed with the court. On of the minor. The application and all other court
request by the minor, the court shall grant an documents pertaining to the proceedings are
extension of the period specified by this confidential and privileged and are not subject to
subsection. If a request for an extension is made, disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code,
the court shall rule on an application and shall or to discovery, subpoena, or other legal process.
issue written findings of fact and conclusions of The minor may file the application using a
law not later than 5 p.m. on the second business pseudonym or using only her initials.
day after the date the minor states she is ready to (l) An order of the court issued under this

section is confidential and privileged and is not under this section shall be given precedence over
subject to disclosure under Chapter 552, other pending matters to the extent necessary to
Government Code, or discovery, subpoena, or assure that the court reaches a decision promptly.
other legal process. The order may not be (c) A ruling of the court of appeals issued
released to any person but the pregnant minor, the under this section is confidential and privileged
pregnant minor's guardian ad litem, the pregnant and is not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552,
minor's attorney, another person designated to Government Code, or discovery, subpoena, or
receive the order by the minor, or a governmental other legal process. The ruling may not be
agency or attorney in a criminal or administrative released to any person but the pregnant minor, the
action seeking to assert or protect the interest of pregnant minor's guardian ad litem, the pregnant
the minor. The supreme court may adopt rules to minor's attorney, another person designated to
permit confidential docketing of an application receive the ruling by the minor, or a governmental
under this section. agency or attorney in a criminal or administrative
(m) The clerk of the supreme court shall action seeking to assert or protect the interest of
prescribe the application form to be used by the the minor. The supreme court may adopt rules to
minor filing an application under this section. permit confidential docketing of an appeal under
(n) A filing fee is not required of and this section.
court costs may not be assessed against a minor (d) The clerk of the supreme court shall
filing an application under this section. prescribe the notice of appeal form to be used by
the minor appealing a judgment under this section.
33.004. Appeal (e) A filing fee is not required of and
(a) A minor whose application under court costs may not be assessed against a minor
Section 33.003 is denied may appeal to the court filing an appeal under this section.
of appeals having jurisdiction over civil matters in (f) An expedited confidential appeal shall
the county in which the application was filed. On be available to any pregnant minor to whom a
receipt of a notice of appeal, the clerk of the court court of appeals denies an order authorizing the
that denied the application shall deliver a copy of minor to consent to the performance of an
the notice of appeal and record on appeal to the abortion without notification to either of her
clerk of the court of appeals. On receipt of the parents or a managing conservator or guardian.
notice and record, the clerk of the court of appeals
shall place the appeal on the docket of the court. § 33.005. Affidavit of Physician
(b) The court of appeals shall rule on an (a) A physician may execute for inclusion
appeal under this section not later than 5 p.m. on in the minor's medical record an affidavit stating
the second business day after the date the notice that, after reasonable inquiry, it is the belief of the
of appeal is filed with the court that denied the physician that:
application. On request by the minor, the court (1) the minor has made an application or
shall grant an extension of the period specified by filed a notice of an appeal with a court under this
this subsection. If a request for an extension is chapter;
made, the court shall rule on the appeal not later (2) the deadline for court action imposed
than 5 p.m. on the second business day after the by this chapter has passed; and
date the minor states she is ready to proceed. If (3) the physician has been notified that
the court of appeals fails to rule on the appeal the court has not denied the application or appeal.
within the period specified by this subsection, the (b) A physician who in good faith has
appeal is deemed to be granted and the physician executed an affidavit under Subsection (a) may
may perform the abortion as if the court had rely on the affidavit and may perform the abortion
issued an order authorizing the minor to consent as if the court had issued an order granting the
to the performance of the abortion without application or appeal.
notification under Section 33.002. Proceedings

§ 33.006. Guardian ad Litem Immunity conduct reasonably believed to violate Section
A guardian ad litem appointed under this 21.02, 22.011, 22.021, or 25.02, Penal Code,
chapter and acting in the course and scope of the based on information obtained during a
appointment is not liable for damages arising from confidential court proceeding held under this
an act or omission of the guardian ad litem chapter to:
committed in good faith. The immunity granted (1) any local or state law enforcement
by this section does not apply if the conduct of the agency;
guardian ad litem is committed in a manner (2) the Family and Protective Services, if
described by Sections 107.003(b)(1)–(4). the alleged conduct involves a person responsible
for the care, custody, or welfare of the child;
§ 33.007. Costs Paid by State (3) the state agency that operates,
(a) A court acting under Section 33.003 or licenses, certifies, or registers the facility in which
33.004 may issue an order requiring the state to the alleged conduct occurred, if the alleged
pay: conduct occurred in a facility operated, licensed,
(1) the cost of any attorney ad litem and certified, or registered by a state agency; or
any guardian ad litem appointed for the minor; (4) an appropriate agency designated by
(2) notwithstanding Sections 33.003(n) the court.
and 33.004(e), the costs of court associated with
the application or appeal; and § 33.010. Confidentiality (amended 2007)
(3) any court reporter's fees incurred. Notwithstanding any other law,
(b) An order issued under Subsection (a) information obtained by the Department of Family
must be directed to the comptroller, who shall pay and Protective Services or another entity under
the amount ordered from funds appropriated to the Section 33.008 or 33.009 is confidential except to
Texas Department of Health. the extent necessary to prove a violation of
Section 21.02, 22.011, 22.021, or 25.02, Penal
§ 33.008. Physician's Duty to Report Abuse of Code.
a Minor; Investigation and Assistance
(a) A physician who has reason to believe § 33.011. Information Relating to Judicial
that a minor has been or may be physically or Bypass
sexually abused by a person responsible for the The Texas Department of Health shall
minor's care, custody, or welfare, as that term is produce and distribute informational materials
defined by Section 261.001, shall immediately that explain the rights of a minor under this
report the suspected abuse to the Department of chapter. The materials must explain the
Protective and Regulatory Services [now Family procedures established by Sections 33.003 and
and Protective Services] and shall refer the minor 33.004 and must be made available in English and
to the department for services or intervention that in Spanish. The material provided by the
may be in the best interest of the minor. department shall also provide information relating
(b) The Department of Protective and to alternatives to abortion and health risks
Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective associated with abortion.
Services] shall investigate suspected abuse
reported under this section and, if appropriate,
shall assist the minor in making an application CHAPTER 34. AUTHORIZATION
with a court under Section 33.003. AGREEMENT FOR NONPARENT
RELATIVE (added 2009)
§ 33.009. Other Reports of Sexual Abuse of a
Minor (amended 2007) § 34.001. Applicability
A court or the guardian ad litem or This chapter applies only to an
attorney ad litem for the minor shall report

authorization agreement between a parent of a § 34.003. Contents of Authorization Agreement
child and a person who is the child's: (a) The authorization agreement must
(1) grandparent; contain:
(2) adult sibling; or (1) the following information from the
relative of the child to whom the parent is giving
(3) adult aunt or uncle.
(A) the name and signature of the
§ 34.002. Authorization Agreement
(a) A parent or both parents of a child
(B) the relative's relationship to the child;
may enter into an authorization agreement with a
relative of the child listed in Section 34.001 to
(C) the relative's current physical address
authorize the relative to perform the following
and telephone number or the best way to contact
acts in regard to the child:
the relative;
(1) to authorize medical, dental,
(2) the following information from the
psychological, or surgical treatment and
immunization of the child, including executing
(A) the name and signature of the parent;
any consents or authorizations for the release of
information as required by law relating to the
(B) the parent's current address and
treatment or immunization;
telephone number or the best way to contact the
(2) to obtain and maintain health
insurance coverage for the child and automobile
(3) the information in Subdivision (2)
insurance coverage for the child, if appropriate;
with respect to the other parent, if applicable;
(3) to enroll the child in a day-care
(4) a statement that the relative has been
program or preschool or in a public or private
given authorization to perform the functions listed
primary or secondary school;
in Section 34.002(a) as a result of a voluntary
(4) to authorize the child to participate in
action of the parent and that the relative has
age-appropriate extracurricular, civic, social, or
voluntarily assumed the responsibility of
recreational activities, including athletic activities;
performing those functions;
(5) to authorize the child to obtain a
(5) statements that neither the parent nor
learner's permit, driver's license, or state-issued
the relative has knowledge that a parent, guardian,
identification card;
custodian, licensed child-placing agency, or other
(6) to authorize employment of the child;
authorized agency asserts any claim or authority
inconsistent with the authorization agreement
(7) to apply for and receive public
under this chapter with regard to actual physical
benefits on behalf of the child.
possession or care, custody, or control of the
(b) To the extent of any conflict or
inconsistency between this chapter and any other
(6) statements that:
law relating to the eligibility requirements other
(A) to the best of the parent's and
than parental consent to obtain a service under
relative's knowledge:
Subsection (a), the other law controls.
(i) there is no court order or pending suit
(c) An authorization agreement under this
affecting the parent-child relationship concerning
chapter does not confer on a relative of the child
the child;
listed in Section 34.001 the right to authorize the
(ii) there is no pending litigation in any
performance of an abortion on the child or the
court concerning:
administration of emergency contraception to the
(a) custody, possession, or placement of
the child; or
(b) access to or visitation with the child;

(iii) the court does not have continuing authorization agreement and resume custody,
jurisdiction concerning the child; or possession, care, and control of the child on
(B) the court with continuing jurisdiction demand and that at any time the parent may
concerning the child has given written approval request the return of the child;
for the execution of the authorization agreement (7) that failure by the relative to return
accompanied by the following information: the child to the parent immediately on request
(i) the county in which the court is may have criminal and civil consequences;
located; (8) that, under other applicable law, the
(ii) the number of the court; and relative may be liable for certain expenses relating
(iii) the cause number in which the order to the child in the relative's care but that the parent
was issued or the litigation is pending; still retains the parental obligation to support the
(7) a statement that the authorization is child;
made in conformance with this chapter; (9) that, in certain circumstances, the
(8) a statement that the parent and the authorization agreement may not be entered into
relative understand that each party to the without written permission of the court;
authorization agreement is required by law to (10) that the authorization agreement may
immediately provide to each other party be terminated by certain court orders affecting the
information regarding any change in the party's child;
address or contact information; (11) that the authorization agreement is
(9) a statement by the parent that void unless the parties mail a copy of the
establishes the circumstances under which the authorization agreement to a parent who was not
authorization agreement expires, including that a party to the authorization agreement, if the
the authorization agreement: parent is living and the parent's parental rights
(A) is valid until revoked; have not been terminated, not later than the 10th
(B) continues in effect after the death or day after the date the authorization agreement is
during any incapacity of the parent; or signed; and
(C) expires on a date stated in the (12) that the authorization agreement
authorization agreement; and does not confer on a relative of the child the right
(10) space for the signature and seal of a to authorize the performance of an abortion on the
notary public. child or the administration of emergency
(b) The authorization agreement must contraception to the child.
contain the following warnings and disclosures:
(1) that the authorization agreement is an § 34.004. Execution of Authorization
important legal document; Agreement
(2) that the parent and the relative must (a) The authorization agreement must be
read all of the warnings and disclosures before signed and sworn to before a notary public by the
signing the authorization agreement; parent and the relative.
(3) that the persons signing the (b) A parent may not execute an
authorization agreement are not required to authorization agreement without a written order
consult an attorney but are advised to do so; by the appropriate court if:
(4) that the parent's rights as a parent may (1) there is a court order or pending suit
be adversely affected by placing or leaving the affecting the parent-child relationship concerning
parent's child with another person; the child;
(5) that the authorization agreement does (2) there is pending litigation in any court
not confer on the relative the rights of a managing concerning:
or possessory conservator or legal guardian; (A) custody, possession, or placement of
(6) that a parent who is a party to the the child; or
authorization agreement may terminate the (B) access to or visitation with the child;

or has legal custody of the child.
(3) the court has continuing, exclusive (c) An authorization agreement executed
jurisdiction over the child. under this chapter does not confer or affect
(c) An authorization agreement obtained standing or a right of intervention in any
in violation of Subsection (b) is void. proceeding under Title 5.

§ 34.005. Duties of Parties to Authorization § 34.008. Applicability

Agreement (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),
(a) If both parents did not sign the an authorization agreement under this chapter
authorization agreement, the parties shall mail a terminates if, after the execution of the
copy of the executed authorization agreement to authorization agreement, a court enters an order:
the parent who was not a party to the (1) affecting the parent-child
authorization agreement at the parent's last known relationship;
address not later than the 10th day after the date (2) concerning custody, possession, or
the authorization agreement is executed if that placement of the child;
parent is living and that parent's parental rights (3) concerning access to or visitation
have not been terminated. An authorization with the child; or
agreement is void if the parties fail to comply with (4) regarding the appointment of a
this subsection. guardian for the child under Section 676, Texas
(b) A party to the authorization Probate Code.
agreement shall immediately inform each other (b) An authorization agreement may
party of any change in the party's address or continue after a court order described by
contact information. If a party fails to comply Subsection (a) is entered if the court entering the
with this subsection, the authorization agreement order gives written permission.
is voidable by the other party. (c) An authorization agreement under this
chapter terminates on written revocation by a
§ 34.006. Authorization Voidable party to the authorization agreement if the party:
An authorization agreement is voidable by (1) gives each party written notice of the
a party if the other party knowingly: revocation;
(1) obtained the authorization agreement (2) files the written revocation with the
by fraud, duress, or misrepresentation; or clerk of the county in which:
(2) made a false statement on the (A) the child resides;
authorization agreement. (B) the child resided at the time the
authorization agreement was executed; or
§ 34.007. Effect of Authorization Agreement (C) the relative resides; and
(a) A person who is not a party to the (3) files the written revocation with the
authorization agreement who relies in good faith clerk of each court:
on an authorization agreement under this chapter, (A) that has continuing, exclusive
without actual knowledge that the authorization jurisdiction over the child;
agreement is void, revoked, or invalid, is not (B) in which there is a court order or
subject to civil or criminal liability to any person, pending suit affecting the parent-child relationship
and is not subject to professional disciplinary concerning the child;
action, for that reliance if the agreement is (C) in which there is pending litigation
completed as required by this chapter. concerning:
(b) The authorization agreement does not (i) custody, possession, or placement of
affect the rights of the child's parent or legal the child; or
guardian regarding the care, custody, and control (ii) access to or visitation with the child;
of the child, and does not mean that the relative or

(D) that has entered an order regarding plus court costs and reasonable attorney's fees.
the appointment of a guardian for the child under
Section 676, Texas Probate Code. § 41.0025. Liability for Property Damage to an
(d) If an authorization agreement Inn or Hotel
executed under this chapter does not state when (a) Notwithstanding Section 41.002,
the authorization agreement expires, the recovery of damages by an inn or hotel for wilful
authorization agreement is valid until revoked. and malicious conduct is limited to actual
(e) If both parents have signed the damages, not to exceed $25,000 per occurrence,
authorization agreement, either parent may revoke plus court costs and reasonable attorney's fees.
the authorization agreement without the other (b) In this section "occurrence" means one
parent's consent. incident on a single day in one hotel room. The
term does not include incidents in separate rooms
§ 34.009. Penalty or incidents that occur on different days.
(a) A person commits an offense if the
person knowingly: § 41.003. Venue
(1) presents a document that is not a valid A suit as provided by this chapter may be
authorization agreement as a valid authorization filed in the county in which the conduct of the
agreement under this chapter; child occurred or in the county in which the
(2) makes a false statement on an defendant resides.
authorization agreement; or
(3) obtains an authorization agreement by
fraud, duress, or misrepresentation. CHAPTER 42. CIVIL LIABILITY FOR
(b) An offense under this section is a INTERFERENCE WITH POSSESSORY
Class B misdemeanor. INTEREST IN CHILD

§ 42.001. Definitions
(1) "Order" means a temporary or final
CHAPTER 41. LIABILITY OF PARENTS order of a court of this state or another state or
(2) "Possessory right" means a
§ 41.001. Liability (amended 2001) court-ordered right of possession of or access to a
A parent or other person who has the duty child, including conservatorship, custody, and
of control and reasonable discipline of a child is visitation.
liable for any property damage proximately
caused by: § 42.002. Liability for Interference with
(1) the negligent conduct of the child if Possessory Right
the conduct is reasonably attributable to the (a) A person who takes or retains
negligent failure of the parent or other person to possession of a child or who conceals the
exercise that duty; or whereabouts of a child in violation of a possessory
(2) the wilful and malicious conduct of a right of another person may be liable for damages
child who is at least 10 years of age but under 18 to that person.
years of age. (b) A possessory right is violated by the
taking, retention, or concealment of a child at a
§ 41.002. Limit of Damages time when another person is entitled to possession
Recovery for damage caused by wilful of or access to the child.
and malicious conduct is limited to actual
damages, not to exceed $25,000 per occurrence,

§ 42.003. Aiding or Assisting Interference with § 42.008. Remedies Not Affected
Possessory Right This chapter does not affect any other
(a) A person who aids or assists in civil or criminal remedy available to any person,
conduct for which a cause of action is authorized including the child, for interference with a
by this chapter is jointly and severally liable for possessory right, nor does it affect the power of a
damages. parent to represent the interest of a child in a suit
(b) A person who was not a party to the filed on behalf of the child.
suit in which an order was rendered providing for
a possessory right is not liable unless the person at § 42.009. Frivolous Suit
the time of the violation: A person sued for damages as provided by
(1) had actual notice of the existence and this chapter is entitled to recover attorney's fees
contents of the order; or and court costs if:
(2) had reasonable cause to believe that (1) the claim for damages is dismissed or
the child was the subject of an order and that the judgment is awarded to the defendant; and
person's actions were likely to violate the order. (2) the court or jury finds that the claim
for damages is frivolous, unreasonable, or without
§ 42.005. Venue foundation.
A suit may be filed in a county in which:
(1) the plaintiff resides;
(2) the defendant resides; SUBTITLE C. CHANGE OF NAME
(3) a suit affecting the parent-child
relationship as provided by Chapter 102 may be CHAPTER 45. CHANGE OF NAME
brought, concerning the child who is the subject
of the court order; or SUBCHAPTER A. CHANGE OF NAME
(4) a court has continuing, exclusive OF CHILD
jurisdiction as provided by Chapter 155.
§ 45.001. Who May File; Venue
§ 42.006. Damages A parent, managing conservator, or
(a) Damages may include: guardian of a child may file a petition requesting
(1) the actual costs and expenses incurred, a change of name of the child in the county where
including attorney's fees, in: the child resides.
(A) locating a child who is the subject of
the order; § 45.002. Requirements of Petition (amended
(B) recovering possession of the child if 1999, 2003)
the petitioner is entitled to possession; and (a) A petition to change the name of a
(c) enforcing the order and prosecuting child must be verified and include:
the suit; and (1) the present name and place of
(2) mental suffering and anguish incurred residence of the child;
by the plaintiff because of a violation of the order. (2) the reason a change of name is
(b) A person liable for damages who acted requested;
with malice or with an intent to cause harm to the (3) the full name requested for the child;
plaintiff may be liable for exemplary damages. and
(4) whether the child is subject to the
§ 42.007. Affirmative Defense (amended 1999) continuing exclusive jurisdiction of a court under
The defendant may plead as an Chapter 155.
affirmative defense that the defendant acted in (5) whether the child is subject to the
violation of the order with the express consent of registration requirements of Chapter 62, Code of
the plaintiff. Criminal Procedure.

(b) If the child is 10 years of age or older, SUBCHAPTER B. CHANGE OF NAME OF
the child's written consent to the change of name ADULT
must be attached to the petition.
§ 45.101. Who May File; Venue
§ 45.003. Citation An adult may file a petition requesting a
(a) The following persons are entitled to change of name in the county of the adult's place
citation in a suit under this subchapter: of residence.
(1) a parent of the child whose parental
rights have not been terminated; § 45.102. Requirements of Petition (amended
(2) any managing conservator of the child; 2003)
and (a) A petition to change the name of an
(3) any guardian of the child. adult must be verified and include:
(b) Citation must be issued and served in (1) the present name and place of
the same manner as under Chapter 102. residence of the petitioner;
(2) the full name requested for the
§ 45.004. Order (amended 2003, 2005) petitioner;
(a) The court may order the name of a (3) the reason the change in name is
child changed if: requested;
(1) the change is in the best interest of the (4) whether the petitioner has been the
child; and subject of a final felony conviction;
(2) for a child subject to the registration (5, SB 146 ver.) whether the petitioner is
requirements of Chapter 62, Code of Criminal subject to the registration requirements of Chapter
Procedure: 62, Code of Criminal Procedure; and
(A) the change is in the interest of the (5, HB 162 ver.) A legible and complete
public; and set of the petitioner’s fingerprints on a fingerprint
(B) the person petitioning on behalf of the card format acceptable to the Department of
child provides the court with proof that the child Public Safety and the Federal Bureau of
has notified the appropriate local law enforcement Investigation.
authority of the proposed name change. (b) The petition must include each of the
(b) If the child is subject to the continuing following or a reasonable explanation why the
jurisdiction of a court under Chapter 155, the required information is not included:
court shall send a copy of the order to the central (1) the petitioner's:
record file as provided in Chapter 108. (A) full name;
(c) In this section, "local law enforcement (B) sex;
authority" has the meaning assigned by Article (C) race;
62.001, Code of Criminal Procedure. (D) date of birth;
(E) driver's license number for any
§ 45.005. Liabilities and Rights Unaffected driver's license issued in the 10 years preceding
A change of name does not: the date of the petition;
(1) release a child from any liability (F) social security number; and
incurred in the child's previous name; or (G) assigned FBI number, state
(2) defeat any right the child had in the identification number, if known, or any other
child's previous name. reference number in a criminal history record
system that identifies the petitioner;
(2) any offense above the grade of Class
C misdemeanor for which the petitioner has been
charged; and
(3) the case number and the court if a

warrant was issued or a charging instrument was The court may not deny a change of name solely
filed or presented for an offense listed in to keep last names of family members the same.
Subsection (b)(2). (b) A person whose name is changed
under this section may apply for a change of name
§ 45.103. Order (amended 2003, 2005, 2009) certificate from the clerk of the court as provided
(a) The court shall order a change of name by Section 45.106.
under this subchapter for a person other than a
person with a final felony conviction or a person § 45.106. Change of Name Certificate (amended
subject to the registration requirements of Chapter 1999)
62, Code of Criminal Procedure, if the change is (a) A person whose name is changed
in the interest or to the benefit of the petitioner under Section 6.706 or 45.105 may apply to the
and in the interest of the public. clerk of the court ordering the name change for a
(b) A court may order a change of name change of name certificate.
under this subchapter for a person with a final (b) A certificate under this section is a
felony conviction if, in addition to the one-page document that includes:
requirements of Subsection (a), the person has: (1) the name of the person before the
(1) received a certificate of discharge by change of name was ordered;
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or (2) the name to which the person's name
completed a period of probation ordered by a was changed by the court;
court and not less than two years have passed (3) the date on which the name change
from the date of the receipt of discharge or was made;
completion of probation; or (4) the person's social security number
(2) been pardoned. and driver's license number, if any;
(c) A court may order a change of name (5) the name of the court in which the
under this subchapter for a person subject to the name change was ordered; and
registration requirements of Chapter 62, Code of (6) the signature of the clerk of the court
Criminal Procedure, if, in addition to the that issued the certificate.
requirements of Subsection (a), the person (c) An applicant for a certificate under
provides the court with proof that the person has this section shall pay a $10 fee to the clerk of the
notified the appropriate local law enforcement court for issuance of the certificate.
authority of the proposed name change. In this (d) A certificate under this section
subsection, "local law enforcement authority" has constitutes proof of the change of name of the
the meaning assigned by Article 62.001, Code of person named in the certificate.
Criminal Procedure.

§ 45.104. Liabilities and Rights Unaffected TITLE 4. PROTECTIVE ORDERS AND

A change of name under this subchapter FAMILY VIOLENCE
does not release a person from liability incurred in
that person's previous name or defeat any right the SUBTITLE A. GENERAL PROVISIONS
person had in the person's previous name.
§ 45.105. Change of Name in Divorce Suit
(a) On the final disposition of a suit for § 71.001. Applicability of Definitions
divorce, for annulment, or to declare a marriage (a) Definitions in this chapter apply to this
void, the court shall enter a decree changing the title.
name of a party specially praying for the change (b) If, in another part of this title, a term
to a prior used name unless the court states in the defined by this chapter has a meaning different
decree a reason for denying the change of name. from the meaning provided by this chapter, the

meaning of that other provision prevails. § 71.004. Family Violence (amended 2001)
(c) Except as provided by this chapter, the "Family violence" means:
definitions in Chapter 101 apply to terms used in (1) an act by a member of a family or
this title. household against another member of the family
or household that is intended to result in physical
§ 71.002. Court harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault or
"Court" means the district court, court of that is a threat that reasonably places the member
domestic relations, juvenile court having the in fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury,
jurisdiction of a district court, statutory county assault, or sexual assault, but does not include
court, constitutional county court, or other court defensive measures to protect oneself;
expressly given jurisdiction under this title. (2) abuse, as that term is defined by
Sections 261.001(1)©), (E), and (G), by a member
§ 71.0021. Dating Violence (added 2001) of a family or household toward a child of the
(a) "Dating violence" means an act by an family or household; or
individual that is against another individual with (3) dating violence, as that term is defined
whom that person has or has had a dating by Section 71.0021.
relationship and that is intended to result in
physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual § 71.005. Household
assault or that is a threat that reasonably places "Household" means a unit composed of
the individual in fear of imminent physical harm, persons living together in the same dwelling,
bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault, but does without regard to whether they are related to each
not include defensive measures to protect oneself. other.
(b) For purposes of this title, "dating
relationship" means a relationship between § 71.006. Member of a Household
individuals who have or have had a continuing "Member of a household" includes a
relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. The person who previously lived in a household.
existence of such a relationship shall be
determined based on consideration of: § 71.007. Prosecuting Attorney
(1) the length of the relationship; "Prosecuting attorney" means the
(2) the nature of the relationship; and attorney, determined as provided in this title, who
(3) the frequency and type of interaction represents the state in a district or statutory county
between the persons involved in the relationship. court in the county in which venue of the
(c) A casual acquaintanceship or ordinary application for a protective order is proper.
fraternization in a business or social context does
not constitute a "dating relationship" under

§ 71.003. Family (amended 2001) CHAPTER 81. GENERAL PROVISIONS

"Family" includes individuals related by
consanguinity or affinity, as determined under § 81.001. Entitlement to Protective Order
Sections 573.022 and 573.024, Government Code, A court shall render a protective order as
individuals who are former spouses of each other, provided by Section 85.001(b) if the court finds
individuals who are the parents of the same child, that family violence has occurred and is likely to
without regard to marriage, and a foster child and occur in the future.
foster parent, without regard to whether those
individuals reside together. § 81.002. No Fee for Applicant
An applicant for a protective order or an
attorney representing an applicant may not be

assessed a fee, cost, charge, or expense by a attorney's fees against the party found to have
district or county clerk of the court or a sheriff, committed family violence or a party against
constable, or other public official or employee in whom an agreed protective order is rendered
connection with the filing, serving, or entering of under Section 85.005 as compensation for the
a protective order or for any other service services of a private or prosecuting attorney or an
described by this subsection, including: attorney employed by the Department of
(1) a fee to dismiss, modify, or withdraw Protective and Regulatory Services [now Family
a protective order; and Protective Services].
(2) a fee for certifying copies; (b) In setting the amount of attorney's
(3) a fee for comparing copies to fees, the court shall consider the income and
originals; ability to pay of the person against whom the fee
(4) a court reporter fee; is assessed.
(5) a judicial fund fee;
(6) a fee for any other service related to a § 81.006. Payment of Attorney's Fees
protective order; or The amount of fees collected under this
(7) a fee to transfer a protective order. chapter as compensation for the fees:
(1) of a private attorney shall be paid to
§ 81.003. Fees and Costs Paid by Party Found the private attorney who may enforce the order for
to Have Committed Family Violence fees in the attorney's own name;
(a) Except on a showing of good cause or (2) of a prosecuting attorney shall be paid
of the indigence of a party found to have to the credit of the county fund from which the
committed family violence, the court shall require salaries of the employees of the prosecuting
in a protective order that the party against whom attorney are paid or supplemented; and
the order is rendered pay the $16 protective order (3) of an attorney employed by the
fee, the standard fees charged by the clerk of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services
court in a general civil proceeding for the cost of [now Family and Protective Services] shall be
serving the order, the costs of court, and all other deposited in the general revenue fund to the credit
fees, charges, or expenses incurred in connection of the Department of Protective and Regulatory
with the protective order. Services [now Family and Protective Services].
(b) The court may order a party against
whom an agreed protective order is rendered § 81.007. Prosecuting Attorney
under Section 85.005 to pay the fees required in (a) The county attorney or the criminal
Subsection (a). district attorney is the prosecuting attorney
responsible for filing applications under this
§ 81.004. Contempt for Nonpayment of Fee subtitle unless the district attorney assumes the
(a) A party who is ordered to pay fees and responsibility by giving notice of that assumption
costs and who does not pay before the date to the county attorney.
specified by the order may be punished for (b) The prosecuting attorney responsible
contempt of court as provided by Section 21.002, for filing an application under this subtitle shall
Government Code. provide notice of that responsibility to all law
enforcement agencies in the jurisdiction of the
(b) If a date is not specified by the court prosecuting attorney.
under Subsection (a), payment of costs is required (c) The prosecuting attorney shall comply
before the 60th day after the date the order was with Article 5.06, Code of Criminal Procedure, in
rendered. filing an application under this subtitle.

§ 81.005. Attorney's Fees

(a) The court may assess reasonable

§ 81.0075. Representation by Prosecuting protective order to protect the applicant or any
Attorney in Certain Subsequent Actions other member of the applicant's family or
A prosecuting attorney who represents a household
party in a proceeding under this subtitle is not (b) With regard to family violence under
precluded from representing the Department of Section 71.004(3), an application for a protective
Protective and Regulatory Services [now Family order to protect the applicant may be filed by an
and Protective Services] in a subsequent action adult member of the dating relationship.
involving the party. (c) Any adult may apply for a protective
order to protect a child from family violence.
§ 81.008. Relief Cumulative (d) In addition, an application may be
Except as provided by this subtitle, the filed for the protection of any person alleged to be
relief and remedies provided by this subtitle are a victim of family violence by:
cumulative of other relief and remedies provided (1) a prosecuting attorney; or
by law. (2) the Department of Protective and
Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective
§ 81.009 Appeal (added 2005) Services].
(a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) (e) The person alleged to be the victim of
and (c), a protective order rendered under this family violence in an application filed under
subtitle may be appealed. Subsection ©) or (d) is considered to be the
(b) A protective order rendered against a applicant for a protective order under this subtitle.
party in a suit for dissolution of a marriage my not
be appealed until the time the final decree of § 82.003. Venue
dissolution of the marriage becomes a final, An application may be filed in:
appealable order. (1) the county in which the applicant
(c) A protective order rendered against a resides; or
party in a suite affecting the parent-child (2) the county in which the respondent
relationship may not be appealed until the time an resides.
order providing for support of the child or
possession of or access to the child becomes a § 82.004. Contents of Application (amended
final, appealable order. 2001)
An application must state:
(1) the name and county of residence of
CHAPTER 82. APPLYING FOR each applicant;
PROTECTIVE ORDER (2) the name and county of residence of
each individual alleged to have committed family
PROTECTIVE ORDER (3) the relationships between the
applicants and the individual alleged to have
§ 82.001. Application committed family violence; and
A proceeding under this subtitle is begun (4) a request for one or more protective
by filing "An Application for a Protective Order" orders.
with the clerk of the court.
§ 82.005. Application Filed During Suit for
§ 82.002. Who May File Application (amended Dissolution of Marriage or Suit Affecting
2001) Parent-Child Relationship
(a) With regard to family violence under A person who wishes to apply for a
Section 71.004(1) or (2), an adult member of the protective order with respect to the person's
family or household may file an application for a spouse and who is a party to a suit for the

dissolution of a marriage or a suit affecting the (A) the violation of the expired protective
parent-child relationship that is pending in a court order, if the application alleges that the
must file the application as required by respondent violated the expired protective order
Subchapter D, Chapter 85. by committing an act prohibited by that order
before the order expired; or
§ 82.006. Application Filed After Dissolution of (B) the threatened harm that reasonably
Marriage places the applicant in fear of imminent physical
If an applicant for a protective order is a harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault;
former spouse of the individual alleged to have and
committed family violence, the application must (3) if a violation of the expired order is
include: alleged, a statement that the violation of the
(1) a copy of the decree dissolving the expired order has not been grounds for any other
marriage; or order protecting the applicant that has been issued
(2) a statement that the decree is or requested under this subtitle.
unavailable to the applicant and that a copy of the (b) The procedural requirements for an
decree will be filed with the court before the original application for a protective order apply to
hearing on the application. a protective order requested under this section.

§ 82.007. Application Filed for Child Subject to § 82.0085. Application Filed Before Expiration
Continuing Jurisdiction of Previously Rendered Protective Order
An application that requests a protective (a) If an application for a protective order
order for a child who is subject to the continuing alleges that an unexpired protective order
exclusive jurisdiction of a court under Title 5 or applicable to the respondent is due to expire not
alleges that a child who is subject to the later than the 30th day after the date the
continuing exclusive jurisdiction of a court under application was filed, the application for the
Title 5 has committed family violence must subsequent protective order must include:
include: (1) a copy of the previously rendered
(1) a copy of each court order affecting protective order attached to the application or, if
the conservatorship, support, and possession of or a copy of the previously rendered protective order
access to the child; or is unavailable, a statement that the order is
(2) a statement that the orders affecting unavailable to the applicant and that a copy of the
the child are unavailable to the applicant and that order will be filed with the court before the
a copy of the orders will be filed with the court hearing on the application; and
before the hearing on the application. (2) a description of the threatened harm
that reasonably places the applicant in fear of
§ 82.008. Application Filed After Expiration of imminent physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or
Former Protective Order (amended 1999) sexual assault.
(a) An application for a protective order (b) The procedural requirements for an
that is filed after a previously rendered protective original application for a protective order apply to
order has expired must include: a protective order requested under this section.
(1) a copy of the expired protective order
attached to the application or, if a copy of the § 82.009. Application for Temporary ex Parte
expired protective order is unavailable, a Order
statement that the order is unavailable to the An application that requests the issuance
applicant and that a copy of the order will be filed of a temporary ex parte order under Chapter 83
with the court before the hearing on the must:
application; (1) contain a detailed description of the
(2) a description of either: facts and circumstances concerning the alleged

family violence and the need for the immediate SUBCHAPTER C. NOTICE OF
protective order; and APPLICATION FOR PROTECTIVE
(2) be signed by each applicant under an ORDER
oath that the facts and circumstances contained in
the application are true to the best knowledge and § 82.041. Contents of Notice of Application
belief of each applicant. (a) A notice of an application for a
protective order must:
§ 82.010. Confidentiality of Application (added (1) be styled "The State of Texas";
2003) (2) be signed by the clerk of the court
(a) This section applies only in a county under the court's seal;
with a population of 3.4 million or more. (3) contain the name and location of the
(b) Except as otherwise provided by law, court;
an application for a protective order is (4) show the date the application was
confidential, is excepted from required public filed;
disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code, (5) show the date notice of the application
and may not be released to a person who is not a for a protective order was issued;
respondent to the application until after the date of (6) show the date, time, and place of the
service of notice of the application or the date of hearing;
the hearing on the application, whichever date is (7) show the file number;
sooner. (8) show the name of each applicant and
(c) Except as otherwise provided by law, each person alleged to have committed family
an application requesting the issuance of a violence;
temporary ex parte order under Chapter 83 is (9) be directed to each person alleged to
confidential, is excepted from required public have committed family violence;
disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code, (10) show the name and address of the
and may not be released to a person who is not a attorney for the applicant or the mailing address of
respondent to the application until after the date the applicant, if the applicant is not represented by
that the court or law enforcement informs the an attorney; and
respondent of the court's order. (11) contain the address of the clerk of the
SUBCHAPTER B. PLEADINGS BY (b) The notice of an application for a
RESPONDENT protective order must state: "An application for a
protective order has been filed in the court stated
§ 82.021. Answer in this notice alleging that you have committed
A respondent to an application for a family violence. You may employ an attorney to
protective order who is served with notice of an defend you against this allegation. You or your
application for a protective order may file an attorney may, but are not required to, file a written
answer at any time before the hearing. A answer to the application. Any answer must be
respondent is not required to file an answer to the filed before the hearing on the application. If you
application. receive this notice within 48 hours before the time
set for the hearing, you may request the court to
§ 82.022. Request by Respondent for Protective reschedule the hearing not later than 14 days after
Order the date set for the hearing. If you do not attend
To apply for a protective order, a the hearing, a default judgment may be taken and
respondent to an application for a protective order a protective order may be issued against you."
must file a separate application.
§ 82.042. Issuance of Notice of Application
(a) On the filing of an application, the

clerk of the court shall issue a notice of an from doing specified acts.
application for a protective order and deliver the
notice as directed by the applicant. § 83.002. Duration of Order; Extension
(b) On request by the applicant, the clerk (a) A temporary ex parte order is valid for
of the court shall issue a separate or additional the period specified in the order, not to exceed 20
notice of an application for a protective order. days.
(b) On the request of an applicant or on
§ 82.043. Service of Notice of Application the court's own motion, a temporary ex parte order
(a) Each respondent to an application for may be extended for additional 20-day periods.
a protective order is entitled to service of notice of
an application for a protective order. § 83.003. Bond Not Required
(b) An applicant for a protective order The court, at the court's discretion, may
shall furnish the clerk with a sufficient number of dispense with the necessity of a bond for a
copies of the application for service on each temporary ex parte order.
(c) Notice of an application for a § 83.004. Motion to Vacate (amended 2001)
protective order must be served in the same Any individual affected by a temporary ex
manner as citation under the Texas Rules of Civil parte order may file a motion at any time to vacate
Procedure, except that service by publication is the order. On the filing of the motion to vacate,
not authorized. the court shall set a date for hearing the motion as
(d) Service of notice of an application for soon as possible.
a protective order is not required before the
issuance of a temporary ex parte order under § 83.005. Conflicting Orders
Chapter 83. During the time the order is valid, a
(e) The requirements of service of notice temporary ex parte order prevails over any other
under this subchapter do not apply if the court order made under Title 5 to the extent of any
application is filed as a motion in a suit for conflict between the orders.
dissolution of a marriage. Notice for the motion
is given in the same manner as any other motion § 83.006. Exclusion of Party From Residence
in a suit for dissolution of a marriage. (a) Subject to the limitations of Section
85.021(2), a person may only be excluded from
the occupancy of the person's residence by a
CHAPTER 83. TEMPORARY EX PARTE temporary ex parte order under this chapter if the
ORDERS applicant:
(1) files a sworn affidavit that provides a
§ 83.001. Requirements for Temporary ex detailed description of the facts and circumstances
Parte Order (amended 2001) requiring the exclusion of the person from the
(a) If the court finds from the information residence; and
contained in an application for a protective order (2) appears in person to testify at a
that there is a clear and present danger of family temporary ex parte hearing to justify the issuance
violence, the court, without further notice to the of the order without notice.
individual alleged to have committed family (b) Before the court may render a
violence and without a hearing, may enter a temporary ex parte order excluding a person from
temporary ex parte order for the protection of the the person's residence, the court must find from
applicant or any other member of the family or the required affidavit and testimony that:
household of the applicant. (1) the applicant requesting the excluding
(b) In a temporary ex parte order, the order either resides on the premises or has resided
court may direct a respondent to do or refrain there within 30 days before the date the

application was filed; extended time in which to hold a hearing on a
(2) the person to be excluded has within protective order either on a case-by-case basis or
the 30 days before the date the application was for all cases filed under this subtitle.
filed committed family violence against a member
of the household; and § 84.003. Hearing Rescheduled for Failure of
(3) there is a clear and present danger that Service
the person to be excluded is likely to commit (a) If a hearing set under this chapter is
family violence against a member of the not held because of the failure of a respondent to
household. receive service of notice of an application for a
protective order, the applicant may request the
§ 83.007. Recess of Hearing to Contact court to reschedule the hearing.
Respondent (b) Except as provided by Section 84.002,
The court may recess the hearing on a the date for a rescheduled hearing shall be not
temporary ex parte order to contact the respondent later than 14 days after the date the request is
by telephone and provide the respondent the made.
opportunity to be present when the court resumes
the hearing. Without regard to whether the § 84.004. Hearing Rescheduled for Insufficient
respondent is able to be present at the hearing, the Notice
court shall resume the hearing before the end of (a) If a respondent receives service of
the working day. notice of an application for a protective order
within 48 hours before the time set for the
hearing, on request by the respondent, the court
CHAPTER 84. HEARING shall reschedule the hearing for a date not later
than 14 days after the date set for the hearing.
§ 84.001. Time Set for Hearing (b) The respondent is not entitled to
(a) On the filing of an application for a additional service for a hearing rescheduled under
protective order, the court shall set a date and time this section.
for the hearing unless a later date is requested by
the applicant. Except as provided by Section § 84.005. Legislative Continuance
84.002, the court may not set a date later than the If a proceeding for which a legislative
14th day after the date the application is filed. continuance is sought under Section 30.003, Civil
(b) The court may not delay a hearing on Practice and Remedies Code, includes an
an application in order to consolidate it with a application for a protective order, the continuance
hearing on a subsequently filed application. is discretionary with the court.

§ 84.002. Extended Time for Hearing in

District Court In Certain Counties CHAPTER 85. ISSUANCE OF
(a) On the request of the prosecuting PROTECTIVE ORDER
attorney in a county with a population of more
than 1.5 million or in a county in a judicial district SUBCHAPTER A. FINDINGS AND
that is composed of more than one county, the ORDERS
district court shall set the hearing on a date and
time not later than 20 days after the date the § 85.001. Required Findings and Orders
application is filed or 20 days after the date a (amended 2001)
request is made to reschedule a hearing under (a) At the close of a hearing on an
Section 84.003. application for a protective order, the court shall
(b) The district court shall grant the find whether:
request of the prosecuting attorney for an (1) family violence has occurred; and

(2) family violence is likely to occur in of the documents to the applicant and the other
the future. document to the respondent.
(b) If the court finds that family violence (c) A court may not render one protective
has occurred and that family violence is likely to order under Section 85.022 that applies to both
occur in the future, the court: parties.
(1) shall render a protective order as
provided by Section 85.022 applying only to a § 85.004. Protective Order in Suit for
person found to have committed family violence; Dissolution of Marriage
and A protective order in a suit for dissolution
(2) may render a protective order as of a marriage must be in a separate document
provided by Section 85.021 applying to both entitled "PROTECTIVE ORDER."
parties that is in the best interest of the person
protected by the order or member of the family or § 85.005. Agreed Order (amended 2005)
household of the person protected by the order. (a) To facilitate settlement, the parties to
(c) A protective order that requires the a proceeding may agree in writing to the terms of
first applicant to do or refrain from doing an act a protective order as provided by Section 85.021.
under Section 85.022 shall include a finding that An agreement under this subsection is subject to
the first applicant has committed family violence the approval of the court.
and is likely to commit family violence in the (b) To facilitate settlement, a respondent
future. may agree in writing to the terms of a protective
order as provided by Section 85.022, subject to
§ 85.002. Exception for Violation of Expired the approval of the court. The court may not
Protective Order approve an agreement that requires the applicant
If the court finds that a respondent to do or refrain from doing an act under Section
violated a protective order by committing an act 85.022. The agreed order is enforceable civilly or
prohibited by the order as provided by Section criminally.
85.022, that the order was in effect at the time of (c) If the court approves an agreement
the violation, and that the order has expired after between the parties, the court shall render an
the date that the violation occurred, the court, agreed protective order that is in the best interest
without the necessity of making the findings of the applicant, the family or household, or a
described by Section 85.001(a), shall render a member of the family or household.
protective order as provided by Section 85.022 (d) An agreed protective order is not
applying only to the respondent and may render a enforceable as a contract.
protective order as provided by Section 85.021. (e) An agreed protective order expires on
the date the court order expires.
§ 85.003. Separate Protective Orders Required
(a) A court that renders separate § 85.006. Default Order
protective orders that apply to both parties and (a) A court may render a protective order
require both parties to do or refrain from doing that is binding on a respondent who does not
acts under Section 85.022 shall render two distinct attend a hearing if the respondent received service
and separate protective orders in two separate of the application and notice of the hearing.
documents that reflect the appropriate conditions (b) If the court reschedules the hearing
for each party. under Chapter 84, a protective order may be
(b) A court that renders protective orders rendered if the respondent does not attend the
that apply to both parties and require both parties rescheduled hearing.
to do or refrain from doing acts under Section
85.022 shall render the protective orders in two
separate documents. The court shall provide one

§ 85.007. Confidentiality of Certain residence to a party and, if appropriate, direct one
Information (amended 2001) or more parties to vacate the residence if the
(a) On request by a person protected by an residence:
order or member of the family or household of a (A) is jointly owned or leased by the party
person protected by an order, the court may receiving exclusive possession and a party being
exclude from a protective order the address and denied possession;
telephone number of: (B) is owned or leased by the party
(1) a person protected by the order, in retaining possession; or
which case the order shall state the county in (C) is owned or leased by the party being
which the person resides; denied possession and that party has an obligation
(2) the place of employment or business to support the party or a child of the party granted
of a person protected by the order; or possession of the residence;
(3) the child-care facility or school a child (3) provide for the possession of and
protected by the order attends or in which the access to a child of a party if the person receiving
child resides. possession of or access to the child is a parent of
(b) On granting a request for the child;
confidentiality under this section, the court shall (4) require the payment of support for a
order the clerk to: party or for a child of a party if the person
(1) strike the information described by required to make the payment has an obligation to
Subsection (a) from the public records of the support the other party or the child; or
court; and (5) award to a party the use and
(2) maintain a confidential record of the possession of specified property that is
information for use only by the court. community property or jointly owned or leased
§ 85.009. Order Valid Until Superseded
A protective order rendered under this § 85.022. Requirements of Order Applying to
chapter is valid and enforceable pending further Person Who Committed Family Violence
action by the court that rendered the order until (amended 1999, 2001, 2007, 2009)
the order is properly superseded by another court (a) In a protective order, the court may
with jurisdiction over the order. order the person found to have committed family
violence to perform acts specified by the court
SUBCHAPTER B. CONTENTS OF that the court determines are necessary or
PROTECTIVE ORDER appropriate to prevent or reduce the likelihood of
family violence and may order that person to:
§ 85.021. Requirements of Order Applying to (1) complete a battering intervention and
Any Party prevention program accredited under Article
In a protective order, the court may: 42.141, Code of Criminal Procedure;
(1) prohibit a party from: (2) beginning on September 1, 2008, if the
(A) removing a child who is a member of referral option under Subdivision (1) is not
the family or household from: available, complete a program or counsel with a
(I) the possession of a person named in provider that has begun the accreditation process
the order; or described by Subsection (a-1); or
(ii) the jurisdiction of the court; or (3) if the referral option under
(B) transferring, encumbering, or Subdivision (1), or, beginning on September 1,
otherwise disposing of property, other than in the 2008, the referral option under Subdivision (2) is
ordinary course of business, that is mutually not available, counsel with a social worker, family
owned or leased by the parties; service agency, physician, psychologist, licensed
(2) grant exclusive possession of a therapist, or licensed professional counselor who

has completed family violence intervention Penal Code, actively engaged in employment as a
training that the community justice assistance sworn, full-time paid employee of a state agency
division of the Texas Department of Criminal or political subdivision.
Justice has approved, after consultation with the (c) In an order under Subsection (b)(3) or
licensing authorities described by Chapters 152, (4), the court shall specifically describe each
501, 502, 503, and 505, Occupations Code, and prohibited location and the minimum distances
experts in the field of family violence. from the location, if any, that the party must
(a-1) Beginning on September 1, 2009, a maintain. This subsection does not apply to an
program or provider serving as a referral option order in which Section 85.007 applies.
for the courts under Subsection (a)(1) or (2) must (d) In a protective order, the court shall
be accredited under Section 4A, Article 42.141, suspend a license to carry a concealed handgun
Code of Criminal Procedure, as conforming to issued under Subchapter H, Chapter 411,
program guidelines under that article. Government Code, that is held by a person found
(b) In a protective order, the court may to have committed family violence.
prohibit the person found to have committed (e) In this section, "firearm" has the
family violence from: meaning assigned by Section 46.01, Penal Code.
(1) committing family violence;
(2) communicating: § 85.023. Effect on Property Rights
(A) directly with a person protected by an A protective order or an agreement
order or a member of the family or household of approved by the court under this subtitle does not
a person protected by an order, in a threatening or affect the title to real property.
harassing manner;
(B) a threat through any person to a § 85.024. Enforcement of Counseling
person protected by an order or a member of the Requirement (amended 2007)
family or household of a person protected by an (a) A person found to have engaged in
order; and family violence who is ordered to attend a
(C) if the court finds good cause, in any program or counseling under Section
manner with a person protected by an order or a 85.022(a)(1), (2), or (3) shall file with the court an
member of the family or household of a person affidavit before the 60th day after the date the
protected by an order, except through the party's order was rendered stating either that the person
attorney or a person appointed by the court; has begun the program or counseling or that a
(3) going to or near the residence or place program or counseling is not available within a
of employment or business of a person protected reasonable distance from the person's residence.
by an order or a member of the family or A person who files an affidavit that the person has
household of a person protected by an order; begun the program or counseling shall file with
(4) going to or near the residence, the court before the date the protective order
child-care facility, or school a child protected expires a statement that the person completed the
under the order normally attends or in which the program or counseling not later than the 30th day
child normally resides; and before the expiration date of the protective order
(5) engaging in conduct directed or the 30th day before the first anniversary of the
specifically toward a person who is a person date the protective order was issued, whichever
protected by an order or a member of the family or date is earlier. An affidavit under this subsection
household of a person protected by an order, must be accompanied by a letter, notice, or
including following the person, that is reasonably certificate from the program or counselor that
likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or verifies the person's completion of the program or
embarrass the person. counseling. A person who fails to comply with
(6) possessing a firearm, unless the person this subsection may be punished for contempt of
is a peace officer, as defined by Section 1.07, court under Section 21.002, Government Code.

(b) A protective order under Section BOTH."
85.022 must specifically advise the person subject "NO PERSON, INCLUDING A PERSON
to the order of the requirement of this section and WHO IS PROTECTED BY THIS ORDER, MAY
the possible punishment if the person fails to GIVE PERMISSION TO ANYONE TO IGNORE
comply with the requirement. OR VIOLATE ANY PROVISION OF THIS
§ 85.025. Duration of Protective Order ORDER IS VALID, EVERY PROVISION OF
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) EFFECT UNLESS A COURT CHANGES THE
or (c), an order under this subtitle is effective: ORDER."
(1) for the period stated in the order, not "IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY
to exceed two years; or PERSON, OTHER THAN A PEACE OFFICER,
(2) if a period is not stated in the order, AS DEFINED BY SECTION 1.07, PENAL
until the second anniversary of the date the order C O D E , A C T IV E L Y E N G A G E D I N
(b) A person who is the subject of a PAID EMPLOYEE OF A STATE AGENCY OR
protective order may file a motion not earlier than POLITICAL SUBDIVISION, WHO IS SUBJECT
the first anniversary of the date on which the order TO A PROTECTIVE ORDER TO POSSESS A
was rendered requesting that the court review the FIREARM OR AMMUNITION."
protective order and determine whether there is a (b) Each protective order issued under this
continuing need for the order. After a hearing on subtitle, except for a temporary ex parte order,
the motion, if the court finds there is a continuing must contain the following prominently displayed
need for the protective order, the protective order statement in boldfaced type, capital letters, or
remains in effect until the date the order expires underlined:
under this section. If the court finds there is no "A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER BY
continuing need for the protective order, the court COMMISSION OF AN ACT PROHIBITED BY
shall order that the protective order expires on a THE ORDER MAY BE PUNISHABLE BY A
date set by the court. FINE OF AS MUCH AS $4,000 OR BY
(c) If a person who is the subject of a CONFINEMENT IN JAIL FOR AS LONG AS
protective order is confined or imprisoned on the ONE YEAR, OR BOTH. AN ACT THAT
date the protective order would expire under RESULTS IN FAMILY VIOLENCE MAY BE
Subsection (a), the period for which the order is PROSECUTED AS A SEPARATE
effective is extended, and the order expires on the MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY OFFENSE. IF
first anniversary of the date the person is released THE ACT IS PROSECUTED AS A SEPARATE
from confinement or imprisonment. FELONY OFFENSE, IT IS PUNISHABLE BY
§ 85.026. Warning on Protective Order TWO YEARS."
(amended 1999, 2001) (c) Each protective order issued under this
(a) Each protective order issued under this subtitle, including a temporary ex parte order,
subtitle, including a temporary ex parte order, must contain the following prominently displayed
must contain the following prominently displayed statement in boldfaced type, capital letters, or
statements in boldfaced type, capital letters, or underlined:

THIS ORDER IS IN FULL FORCE AND § 85.042. Delivery of Order to Other Persons
ORDER." (a) The clerk of the court issuing an
original or modified protective order under this
SUBCHAPTER C. DELIVERY OF subtitle shall send a copy of the order, along with
PROTECTIVE ORDER the information provided by the applicant or the
applicant's attorney that is required under Section
§ 85.041. Delivery to Respondent 411.042(b)(6), Government Code, to the chief of
(a) A protective order rendered under this police of the municipality in which the person
subtitle shall be: protected by the order resides, if the person
(1) delivered to the respondent as resides in a municipality, or to the appropriate
provided by Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil constable and the sheriff of the county in which
Procedure; the person resides, if the person does not reside in
(2) served in the same manner as a writ of a municipality.
injunction; or (b) If a protective order made under this
(3) served in open court at the close of the chapter prohibits a respondent from going to or
hearing as provided by this section. near a child-care facility or school, the clerk of the
(b) The court shall serve an order in open court shall send a copy of the order to the
court to a respondent who is present at the hearing child-care facility or school.
by giving to the respondent a copy of the order, (c) The clerk of a court that vacates an
reduced to writing and signed by the judge or original or modified protective order under this
master. A certified copy of the signed order shall subtitle shall notify the chief of police or
be given to the applicant at the time the order is constable and sheriff who received a copy of the
given to the respondent. If the applicant is not in original or modified order that the order is
court at the conclusion of the hearing, the clerk of vacated.
the court shall mail a certified copy of the order to (d) The applicant or the applicant's
the applicant not later than the third business day attorney shall provide to the clerk of the court:
after the date the hearing is concluded. (1) the name and address of each law
(c) If the order has not been reduced to enforcement agency, child-care facility, and
writing, the court shall give notice orally to a school to which the clerk is required to mail a
respondent who is present at the hearing of the copy of the order under this section; and
part of the order that contains prohibitions under (2) any other information required under
Section 85.022 or any other part of the order that Section 411.042(b)(6), Government Code.
contains provisions necessary to prevent further (e) The clerk of the court issuing an
family violence. The clerk of the court shall mail original or modified protective order under
a copy of the order to the respondent and a Section 85.022 that suspends a license to carry a
certified copy of the order to the applicant not concealed handgun shall send a copy of the order
later than the third business day after the date the to the appropriate division of the Department of
hearing is concluded. Public Safety at its Austin headquarters. On
(d) If the respondent is not present at the receipt of the order suspending the license, the
hearing and the order has been reduced to writing department shall:
at the conclusion of the hearing, the clerk of the (1) record the suspension of the license in
court shall immediately provide a certified copy of the records of the department;
the order to the applicant and mail a copy of the (2) report the suspension to local law
order to the respondent not later than the third enforcement agencies, as appropriate; and
business day after the date the hearing is (3) demand surrender of the suspended
concluded. license from the license holder.

SUBCHAPTER D. RELATIONSHIP in which an application is filed under Subsection
BETWEEN PROTECTIVE ORDER AND (a)(2) is subject to transfer under Section 85.064.
AND SUIT AFFECTING PARENT-CHILD § 85.063. Application Filed After Final Order
RELATIONSHIP Rendered in Suit for Dissolution of Marriage
or Suit Affecting Parent-Child Relationship
§ 85.061. Dismissal of Application Prohibited; (a) If a final order has been rendered in a
Subsequently Filed Suit for Dissolution of suit for dissolution of marriage or suit affecting
Marriage or Suit Affecting Parent-Child the parent-child relationship, an application for a
Relationship protective order by a party to the suit against
If an application for a protective order is another party to the suit filed after the date the
pending, a court may not dismiss the application final order was rendered, and that is:
or delay a hearing on the application on the (1) filed in the county in which the final
grounds that a suit for dissolution of marriage or order was rendered, shall be filed in the court that
suit affecting the parent-child relationship is filed rendered the final order; and
after the date the application was filed. (2) filed in another county, shall be filed
in a court having jurisdiction to render a
§ 85.062. Application Filed While Suit for protective order under this subtitle.
Dissolution of Marriage or Suit Affecting (b) A protective order rendered by a court
Parent-Child Relationship Pending in which an application is filed under Subsection
(a) If a suit for dissolution of a marriage (a)(2) is subject to transfer under Section 85.064.
or suit affecting the parent-child relationship is
pending, a party to the suit may apply for a § 85.064. Transfer of Protective Order
protective order against another party to the suit (a) If a protective order was rendered
by filing an application: before the filing of a suit for dissolution of
(1) in the court in which the suit is marriage or suit affecting the parent-child
pending; or relationship or while the suit is pending as
(2) in a court in the county in which the provided by Section 85.062, the court that
applicant resides if the applicant resides outside rendered the order may, on the motion of a party
the jurisdiction of the court in which the suit is or on the court's own motion, transfer the
pending. protective order to the court having jurisdiction of
(b) An applicant subject to this section the suit if the court makes the finding prescribed
shall inform the clerk of the court that renders a by Subsection (c).
protective order that a suit for dissolution of a (b) If a protective order that affects a
marriage or a suit affecting the parent-child party's right to possession of or access to a child is
relationship is pending in which the applicant is rendered after the date a final order was rendered
party. in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship, on
(c) If a final protective order is rendered the motion of a party or on the court's own
by a court other than the court in which a suit for motion, the court may transfer the protective order
dissolution of a marriage or a suit affecting the to the court of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction
parent-child relationship is pending, the clerk of if the court makes the finding prescribed by
the court that rendered the protective order shall: Subsection (c).
(1) inform the clerk of the court in which (c) A court may transfer a protective order
the suit is pending that a final protective order has under this section if the court finds that the
been rendered; and transfer is:
(2) forward a copy of the final protective (1) in the interest of justice; or
order to the court in which the suit is pending. (2) for the safety or convenience of a
(d) A protective order rendered by a court party or a witness.

(d) The transfer of a protective order On receipt of notification by a clerk of court that
under this section shall be conducted according to the court has vacated or dismissed an order, the
the procedures provided by Section 155.207. law enforcement agency shall remove the order
(e) Except as provided by Section 81.002, from the agency's computer record of outstanding
the fees or costs associated with the transfer of a warrants.
protective order shall be paid by the movant.
§ 86.0011. Duty to Enter Information Into
§ 85.065. Effect of Transfer Statewide Law Enforcement Information
(a) A protective order transferred under System
Section 85.064 has the same effect as if the order On receipt of an original or modified
remained in the court that rendered the order. The protective order from the clerk of the issuing
protective order may be enforced by the court that court, a law enforcement agency shall
receives the order in the same manner as if the immediately, but not later than the 10th day after
court originally rendered the order. the date the order is received, enter the
(b) A protective order that is transferred information required by Section 411.042(b)(6),
is enforceable by contempt or by any other means Government Code, into the statewide law
by which the court that rendered the order could enforcement information system maintained by
enforce the order. The court that receives the the Department of Public Safety.
protective order may punish a violation of the
order regardless of whether the violation occurred § 86.002. Duty to Provide Information to
before or after the date of the transfer. Firearms Dealers
(c) A protective order that is transferred is (a) On receipt of a request for a law
subject to modification by the court that receives enforcement information system record check of
the order to the same extent modification is a prospective transferee by a licensed firearms
permitted under Chapter 87 by a court that dealer under the Brady Handgun Violence
rendered the order. Prevention Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 922, the chief
law enforcement officer shall determine whether
the Department of Public Safety has in the
CHAPTER 86. LAW ENFORCEMENT department's law enforcement information system
DUTIES RELATING TO PROTECTIVE a record indicating the existence of an active
ORDERS protective order directed to the prospective
§ 86.001. Adoption of Procedures by Law (b) If the department's law enforcement
Enforcement Agency information system indicates the existence of an
(a) To ensure that law enforcement active protective order directed to the prospective
officers responding to calls are aware of the transferee, the chief law enforcement officer shall
existence and terms of protective orders issued immediately advise the dealer that the transfer is
under this subtitle, each law enforcement agency prohibited.
shall establish procedures in the agency to provide
adequate information or access to information for § 86.003. Court Order for Law Enforcement
law enforcement officers of the names of each Assistance Under Temporary Order
person protected by an order issued under this On request by an applicant obtaining a
subtitle and of each person against whom temporary ex parte protective order that excludes
protective orders are directed. the respondent from the respondent's residence,
(b) A law enforcement agency may enter the court granting the temporary order shall render
a protective order in the agency's computer a written order to the sheriff, constable, or chief of
records of outstanding warrants as notice that the police to provide a law enforcement officer from
order has been issued and is currently in effect. the department of the chief of police, constable, or

sheriff to: another jurisdiction and of each person against
(1) accompany the applicant to the whom the protective order is directed.
residence covered by the order;
(2) inform the respondent that the court
has ordered that the respondent be excluded from CHAPTER 87. MODIFICATION OF
the residence; PROTECTIVE ORDERS
(3) protect the applicant while the
applicant takes possession of the residence; and § 87.001. Modification of Protective Order
(4) protect the applicant if the respondent On the motion of any party, the court,
refuses to vacate the residence while the applicant after notice and hearing, may modify an existing
takes possession of the applicant's necessary protective order to:
personal property. (1) exclude any item included in the
order; or
§ 86.004. Court Order for Law Enforcement (2) include any item that could have been
Assistance Under Final Order included in the order.
On request by an applicant obtaining a
final protective order that excludes the respondent § 87.002. Modification May Not Extend
from the respondent's residence, the court granting Duration of Order (amended 1999)
the final order shall render a written order to the A protective order may not be modified to
sheriff, constable, or chief of police to provide a extend the period of the order's validity beyond
law enforcement officer from the department of the second anniversary of the date the original
the chief of police, constable, or sheriff to: order was rendered or beyond the date the order
(1) accompany the applicant to the expires under Section 85.025©), whichever date
residence covered by the order; occurs later.
(2) inform the respondent that the court
has ordered that the respondent be excluded from § 87.003. Notification of Motion to Modify
the residence; Notice of a motion to modify a protective
(3) protect the applicant while the order is sufficient if delivery of the motion is
applicant takes possession of the residence and the attempted on the respondent at the respondent's
respondent takes possession of the respondent's last known address by registered or certified mail
necessary personal property; and as provided by Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil
(4) if the respondent refuses to vacate the Procedure.
(A) remove the respondent from the § 87.004. Change of Address or Telephone
residence; and Number
(B) arrest the respondent for violating the (a) If a protective order contains the
court order. address or telephone number of a person protected
by the order, of the place of employment or
§ 86.005. Protective Order From Another business of the person, or of the child-care facility
Jurisdiction (amended 2001) or school of a child protected by the order and that
To ensure that law enforcement officers information is not confidential under Section
responding to calls are aware of the existence and 85.007, the person protected by the order may file
terms of a protective order from another a notification of change of address or telephone
jurisdiction, each law enforcement agency shall number with the court that rendered the order to
establish procedures in the agency to provide modify the information contained in the order.
adequate information or access to information for (b) The clerk of the court shall attach the
law enforcement officers regarding the name of notification of change to the protective order and
each person protected by an order rendered in shall deliver a copy of the notification to the

respondent by registered or certified mail as The term includes a military tribunal of the United
provided by Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil States, an Indian tribe or band, and an Alaskan
Procedure. native village that has jurisdiction to issue
(c) The filing of a notification of change protective orders.
of address or telephone number and the (8) "Tribunal" means a court, agency, or
attachment of the notification to a protective order other entity authorized by law to issue or modify
does not affect the validity of the order. a protective order.

§ 88.003. Judicial Enforcement of Order

ENFORCEMENT OF PROTECTIVE (a) A tribunal of this state shall enforce
ORDERS ACT the terms of a foreign protective order, including
a term that provides relief that a tribunal of this
§ 88.001. Short Title (amended 2001) state would not have power to provide but for this
This chapter may be cited as the Uniform section. The tribunal shall enforce the order
Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence regardless of whether the order was obtained by
Protection Orders Act. independent action or in another proceeding, if the
order is an order issued in response to a
§ 88.002. Definitions (amended 2001) complaint, petition, or motion filed by or on
In this chapter: behalf of an individual seeking protection. In a
(1) "Foreign protective order" means a proceeding to enforce a foreign protective order,
protective order issued by a tribunal of another the tribunal shall follow the procedures of this
state. state for the enforcement of protective orders.
(2) "Issuing state" means the state in (b) A tribunal of this state shall enforce
which a tribunal issues a protective order. the provisions of the foreign protective order that
(3) "Mutual foreign protective order" govern the possession of and access to a child if
means a foreign protective order that includes the provisions were issued in accordance with the
provisions issued in favor of both the protected jurisdictional requirements governing the issuance
individual seeking enforcement of the order and of possession and access orders in the issuing
the respondent. state.
(4) "Protected individual" means an (c) A tribunal of this state may enforce a
individual protected by a protective order. provision of the foreign protective order relating
(5) "Protective order" means an injunction to child support if the order was issued in
or other order, issued by a tribunal under the accordance with the jurisdictional requirements of
domestic violence or family violence laws or Chapter 159 and the federal Full Faith and Credit
another law of the issuing state, to prevent an for Child Support Orders Act, 28 U.S.C. Section
individual from engaging in violent or threatening 1738B, as amended.
acts against, harassing, contacting or (d) A foreign protective order is valid if
communicating with, or being in physical the order:
proximity to another individual. (1) names the protected individual and the
(6) "Respondent" means the individual respondent;
against whom enforcement of a protective order is (2) is currently in effect;
sought. (3) was rendered by a tribunal that had
(7) "State" means a state of the United jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter
States, the District of Columbia, the under the law of the issuing state; and
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States (4) was rendered after the respondent was
Virgin Islands, or a territory or insular possession given reasonable notice and an opportunity to be
subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. heard consistent with the right to due process,

either: information.
(A) before the tribunal issued the order; (d) A law enforcement officer of this state
or who determines that an otherwise valid foreign
(B) in the case of an ex parte order, within protective order cannot be enforced because the
a reasonable time after the order was rendered. respondent has not been notified or served with
(e) A protected individual seeking the order shall inform the respondent of the order
enforcement of a foreign protective order and make a reasonable effort to serve the order on
establishes a prima facie case for its validity by the respondent. After informing the respondent
presenting an order that is valid on its face. and attempting to serve the order, the officer shall
(f) It is an affirmative defense in an action allow the respondent a reasonable opportunity to
seeking enforcement of a foreign protective order comply with the order before enforcing the order.
that the order does not meet the requirements for (e) The registration or filing of an order in
a valid order under Subsection (d). this state is not required for the enforcement of a
(g) A tribunal of this state may enforce valid foreign protective order under this chapter.
the provisions of a mutual foreign protective order
that favor a respondent only if: § 88.005. Registration of Order (added 2001)
(1) the respondent filed a written pleading (a) An individual may register a foreign
seeking a protective order from the tribunal of the protective order in this state. To register a foreign
issuing state; and protective order, an individual shall:
(2) the tribunal of the issuing state made (1) present a certified copy of the order to
specific findings in favor of the respondent. a sheriff, constable, or chief of police responsible
for the registration of orders in the local computer
§ 88.004. Nonjudicial Enforcement of Order records and in the statewide law enforcement
(amended 2001) system maintained by the Texas Department of
(a) A law enforcement officer of this Public Safety; or
state, on determining that there is probable cause (2) present a certified copy of the order to
to believe that a valid foreign protective order the Department of Public Safety and request that
exists and that the order has been violated, shall the order be registered in the statewide law
enforce the foreign protective order as if it were enforcement system maintained by the
an order of a tribunal of this state. A law Department of Public Safety.
enforcement officer has probable cause to believe (b) On receipt of a foreign protective
that a foreign protective order exists if the order, the agency responsible for the registration
protected individual presents a foreign protective of protective orders shall register the order in
order that identifies both the protected individual accordance with this section and furnish to the
and the respondent and on its face, is currently in individual registering the order a certified copy of
effect. the registered order.
(b) For the purposes of this section, a (c) The agency responsible for the
foreign protective order may be inscribed on a registration of protective orders shall register a
tangible medium or may be stored in an electronic foreign protective order on presentation of a copy
or other medium if it is retrievable in a of a protective order that has been certified by the
perceivable form. Presentation of a certified copy issuing state. A registered foreign protective
of a protective order is not required for order that is inaccurate or not currently in effect
enforcement. shall be corrected or removed from the registry in
(c) If a protected individual does not accordance with the law of this state.
present a foreign protective order, a law (d) An individual registering a foreign
enforcement officer may determine that there is protective order shall file an affidavit made by the
probable cause to believe that a valid foreign protected individual that, to the best of the
protective order exists by relying on any relevant protected individual's knowledge, the order is in

effect. emergency medical technician.
(e) A foreign protective order registered
under this section may be entered in any existing
state or federal registry of protective orders, in § 91.002. Reporting by Witnesses Encouraged
accordance with state or federal law. A person who witnesses family violence
(f) A fee may not be charged for the is encouraged to report the family violence to a
registration of a foreign protective order. local law enforcement agency.

§ 88.006. Immunity (added 2001) § 91.003. Information Provided by Medical

A state or local governmental agency, law Professionals
enforcement officer, prosecuting attorney, clerk of A medical professional who treats a
court, or any state or local governmental official person for injuries that the medical professional
acting in an official capacity is immune from civil has reason to believe were caused by family
and criminal liability for an act or omission violence shall:
arising from the registration or enforcement of a (1) immediately provide the person with
foreign protective order or the detention or arrest information regarding the nearest family violence
of a person alleged to have violated a foreign shelter center;
protective order if the act or omission was done in (2) document in the person's medical file:
good faith in an effort to comply with this chapter. (A) the fact that the person has received
the information provided under Subdivision (1);
§ 88.007. Other Remedies (added 2001) and
A protected individual who pursues a (B) the reasons for the medical
remedy under this chapter is not precluded from professional's belief that the person's injuries were
pursuing other legal or equitable remedies against caused by family violence; and
the respondent. (3) give the person a written notice in
substantially the following form, completed with
§ 88.008. Uniformity of Application and the required information, in both English and
Construction (added 2001) Spanish:
In applying and construing this chapter, "NOTICE TO ADULT VICTIMS OF FAMILY
consideration shall be given to the need to VIOLENCE
promote uniformity of the law with respect to its "It is a crime for any person to cause you any
subject matter among the states that enact the physical injury or harm even if that person is a
Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic member or former member of your family or
Violence Protection Orders Act. household.
"You may report family violence to a law
enforcement officer by calling the following
SUBTITLE C. REPORTING FAMILY t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r s :
VIOLENCE _______________________________________
CHAPTER 91. REPORTING FAMILY "If you, your child, or any other household
VIOLENCE resident has been injured or if you feel you are
going to be in danger after a law enforcement
§ 91.001. Definitions officer investigating family violence leaves your
In this subtitle: residence or at a later time, you have the right to:
(1) "Family violence" has the meaning "Ask the local prosecutor to file a
assigned by Section 71.004. criminal complaint against the person committing
(2) "Medical professional" means a family violence; and
licensed doctor, nurse, physician assistant, or "Apply to a court for an order to protect

you. You may want to consult with a legal aid TITLE 5. THE PARENT–CHILD
office, a prosecuting attorney, or a private RELATI O NSH I P AND THE SUI T
attorney. A court can enter an order that: AFFECTING THE PARENT–CHILD
"(1) prohibits the abuser from committing RELATIONSHIP
further acts of violence;
"(2) prohibits the abuser from threatening, SUBTITLE A. GENERAL PROVISIONS
harassing, or contacting you at home;
"(3) directs the abuser to leave your CHAPTER 101. DEFINITIONS
household; and
"(4) establishes temporary custody of the § 101.001. Applicability of Definitions
children or any property. (a) Definitions in this subchapter apply to
OF COURT-ORDERED PROTECTION MAY (b) If, in another part of this title, a term
BE A FELONY. defined by this chapter has a meaning different
"CALL THE FOLLOWING VIOLENCE from the meaning provided by this chapter, the
SHELTERS OR SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS IF meaning of that other provision prevails.
_________________________________." § 101.0010. Acknowledged Father (added 2001)
"Acknowledged father" means a man who
§ 91.004. Application of Subtitle has established a father-child relationship under
Chapter 160.
This subtitle does not affect a duty to
report child abuse under Chapter 261. § 101.0011. Administrative Writ of
"Administrative writ of withholding"
CHAPTER 92. IMMUNITY means the document issued by the Title IV-D
agency or domestic relations office and delivered
§ 92.001. Immunity to an employer directing that earnings be withheld
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), for payment of child support as provided by
a person who reports family violence under Chapter 158.
Section 91.002 or provides information under
Section 91.003 is immune from civil liability that § 101.0015. Alleged Father (added 2001)
might otherwise be incurred or imposed. (a) "Alleged father" means a man who
(b) A person who reports the person's own alleges himself to be, or is alleged to be, the
conduct or who otherwise reports family violence genetic father or a possible genetic father of a
in bad faith is not protected from liability under child, but whose paternity has not been
this section. determined.
(b) The term does not include:
(1) a presumed father;
(2) a man whose parental rights have been
terminated or declared to not exist; or
(3) a male donor.

§ 101.0017. Amicus Attorney (added 2005)

“Amicus attorney” has the meaning
assigned by Section 107.001.

§ 101.0018 Attorney Ad Litem (added 2005)

“Attorney ad litem” has the meaning (2) establish, modify, or enforce child
assigned by Section 107.001. support or medical support obligations;
(3) locate absent parents; or
§ 101.002. Authorized Agency (4) cooperate with other states in these
"Authorized agency" means a public actions and any other action authorized or
social agency authorized to care for children, required under Part D of Title IV of the federal
including the Texas Department of Protective and Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 651 et
Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective seq.) or Chapter 231.
§ 101.007. Clear and Convincing Evidence
§ 101.0021. Bureau of Vital Statistics (added "Clear and convincing evidence" means
1999) the measure or degree of proof that will produce
"Bureau of vital statistics" means the in the mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or
bureau of vital statistics of the Texas Department conviction as to the truth of the allegations sought
of Health. to be established.

§ 101.003. Child or Minor; Adult § 101.008. Court

(a) "Child" or "minor" means a person "Court" means the district court, juvenile
under 18 years of age who is not and has not been court having the same jurisdiction as a district
married or who has not had the disabilities of court, or other court expressly given jurisdiction
minority removed for general purposes. of a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
(b) In the context of child support, "child"
includes a person over 18 years of age for whom § 101.009. Danger to Physical Health or Safety
a person may be obligated to pay child support. of Child
(c) "Adult" means a person who is not a "Danger to the physical health or safety of
child. a child" includes exposure of the child to loss or
injury that jeopardizes the physical health or
§ 101.004. Child Support Agency safety of the child without regard to whether there
"Child support agency" means: has been an actual prior injury to the child.
(1) the Title IV–D agency;
(2) a county or district attorney or any § 101.010. Disposable Earnings
other county officer or county agency that "Disposable earnings" means the part of
executes a cooperative agreement with the Title the earnings of an individual remaining after the
IV–D agency to provide child support services deduction from those earnings of any amount
under Part D of Title IV of the federal Social required by law to be withheld, union dues,
Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 651 et seq.) and nondiscretionary retirement contributions, and
Chapter 231; or medical, hospitalization, and disability insurance
(3) a domestic relations office. coverage for the obligor and the obligor's children.

§ 101.005. Child Support Review Officer § 101.011. Earnings

"Child support review officer" means an "Earnings" means a payment to or due an
individual designated and trained by a child individual, regardless of source and how
support agency to conduct reviews under this title. denominated. The term includes a periodic or
lump-sum payment for:
§ 101.006. Child Support Services (1) wages, salary, compensation received
"Child support services" means as an independent contractor, overtime pay,
administrative or court actions to: severance pay, commission, bonus, and interest
(1) establish paternity; income;

(2) payments made under a pension, an awarded to one party.
annuity, workers' compensation, and a disability
or retirement program; and § 101.0161. Judicial Writ of Withholding
(3) unemployment benefits. "Judicial writ of withholding" means the
document issued by the clerk of a court and
§ 101.012. Employer delivered to an employer directing that earnings
"Employer" means a person, corporation, be withheld for payment of child support as
partnership, workers' compensation insurance provided by Chapter 158.
carrier, governmental entity, the United States, or
any other entity that pays or owes earnings to an § 101.017. Licensed Child Placing Agency
individual. The term includes, for the purposes of "Licensed child placing agency" means a
enrolling dependents in a group health insurance person, private association, or corporation
plan, a union, trade association, or other similar approved by the Department of Protective and
organization. Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective
Services] to place children for adoption through a
§ 101.0125. Family Violence (added 1999) license, certification, or other means.
"Family violence" has the meaning
assigned by Section 71.004. § 101.018. Local Registry (amended 2005)
"Local registry" means a county agency
§ 101.013. Filed or public entity operated under the authority of a
"Filed" means officially filed with the district clerk, county government, juvenile board,
clerk of the court. juvenile probation office, domestic relations
office, or other county agency or public entity that
§ 101.014. Governmental Entity serves a county or a court that has jurisdiction
"Governmental entity" means the state, a under this title and that:
political subdivision of the state, or an agency of (1) receives child support payments;
the state. (2) maintains records of child support
§ 101.0145. Guardian Ad Litem (added 2005) (3) distributes child support payments as
“Guardian ad litem” has the meaning required by law; and
assigned by Section 107.001. (4) maintains custody of official child
support payment records.
§ 101.015. Health Insurance (amended 2001)
"Health insurance" means insurance § 101.019. Managing Conservatorship
coverage that provides basic health care services, "Managing conservatorship" means the
including usual physician services, office visits, relationship between a child and a managing
hospitalization, and laboratory, X-ray, and conservator appointed by court order.
emergency services, that may be provided through
a health maintenance organization or other private § 101.020. Medical Support
or public organization, other than medical "Medical support" means periodic
assistance under Chapter 32, Human Resources payments or a lump-sum payment made under an
Code. order to cover medical expenses, including health
insurance coverage, incurred for the benefit of a
§ 101.016. Joint Managing Conservatorship child.
"Joint managing conservatorship" means
the sharing of the rights and duties of a parent by § 101.0201. Notice of Application for Judicial
two parties, ordinarily the parents, even if the Writ of Withholding
exclusive right to make certain decisions may be "Notice of application for judicial writ of

withholding" means the document delivered to an § 101.0255 Record (added 2007)
obligor and filed with the court as required by “Record” means information that is:
Chapter 158 for the nonjudicial determination of (1) inscribed on a tangible medium or
arrears and initiation of withholding. stored in an electronic or other medium; and
(2) retrievable in a perceivable form.
§ 101.021. Obligee (amended 1999)
"Obligee" means a person or entity § 101.026. Render
entitled to receive payments of child support, "Render" means the pronouncement by a
including an agency of this state or of another judge of the court's ruling on a matter. The
jurisdiction to which a person has assigned the pronouncement may be made orally in the
person's right to support. presence of the court reporter or in writing,
including on the court's docket sheet or by a
§ 101.022. Obligor separate written instrument.
"Obligor" means a person required to
make payments under the terms of a support order § 101.027. Parent Locator Service
for a child. "Parent locator service" means the service
established under 42 U.S.C. Section 653.
§ 101.023. Order
"Order" means a final order unless § 101.028. School
identified as a temporary order or the context "School" means a primary or secondary
clearly requires a different meaning. The term school in which a child is enrolled or, if the child
includes a decree and a judgment. is not enrolled in a primary or secondary school,
the public school district in which the child
§ 101.024. Parent (amended 1999, 2001, 2005) primarily resides.
(a) “Parent" means the mother, a man
presumed to be the father, a man legally § 101.029. Standard Possession Order
determined to be the father, a man who has been "Standard possession order" means an
adjudicated to be the father by a court of order that provides a parent with rights of
competent jurisdiction, a man who has possession of a child in accordance with the terms
acknowledged his paternity under applicable law, and conditions of Subchapter F, Chapter 153.
or an adoptive mother or father. Except as
provided by Subsection (b), the term does not § 101.030. State
include a parent as to whom the parent-child "State" means a state of the United States,
relationship has been terminated. the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of
(b) For purposes of establishing, Puerto Rico, or a territory or insular possession
determining the terms of, modifying, or enforcing subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
an order, a reference in this title to a parent The term includes an Indian tribe and a foreign
includes a person ordered to pay child support jurisdiction that has established procedures for
under Section 154.001(a-1) or to provide medical rendition and enforcement of an order that are
support for a child. substantially similar to the procedures of this title.

§ 101.025. Parent-Child Relationship (amended § 101.0301. State Case Registry

2001) "State case registry" means the registry
"Parent-child relationship" means the established and operated by the Title IV-D agency
legal relationship between a child and the child's under 42 U.S.C. Section 654a that has
parents as provided by Chapter 160. The term responsibility for maintaining records with respect
includes the mother and child relationship and the to child support orders in all Title IV-D cases and
father and child relationship. in all other cases in which a support order is

rendered or modified under this title on or after modification, or enforcement of a child support or
October 1, 1998. medical support obligation.

§ 101.0302. State Disbursement Unit § 101.035. Tribunal

"State disbursement unit" means the unit "Tribunal" means a court, administrative
established and operated by the Title IV–D agency agency, or quasi-judicial entity of a state
under 42 U.S.C. Section 654b that has authorized to establish, enforce, or modify support
responsibility for receiving, distributing, orders or to determine parentage.
maintaining, and furnishing child support
payments and records on or after October 1, 1999.
§ 101.031. Suit
"Suit" means a suit affecting the § 102.001. Suit Authorized; Scope of Suit
parent-child relationship. (a) A suit may be filed as provided in this
§ 101.032. Suit Affecting the Parent-Child (b) One or more matters covered by this
Relationship title may be determined in the suit. The court, on
(a) "Suit affecting the parent-child its own motion, may require the parties to replead
relationship" means a suit filed as provided by this in order that any issue affecting the parent-child
title in which the appointment of a managing relationship may be determined in the suit.
conservator or a possessory conservator, access to
or support of a child, or establishment or § 102.002. Commencement of Suit
termination of the parent-child relationship is An original suit begins by the filing of a
requested. petition as provided by this chapter.
(b) The following are not suits affecting
the parent-child relationship: § 102.003. General Standing to File Suit
(1) a habeas corpus proceeding under (amended 1999, 2001, 2003)
Chapter 157; (a) An original suit may be filed at any
(2) a proceeding filed under Chapter 159 time by:
to determine parentage or to establish, enforce, or (1) a parent of the child;
modify child support, whether this state is acting (2) the child through a representative
as the initiating or responding state; and authorized by the court;
(3) a proceeding under Title 2. (3) a custodian or person having the right
of visitation with or access to the child appointed
§ 101.033. Title IV–D Agency by an order of a court of another state or country;
"Title IV–D agency" means the state (4) a guardian of the person or of the
agency designated under Chapter 231 to provide estate of the child;
services under Part D of Title IV of the federal (5) a governmental entity;
Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 651 et (6) an authorized agency;
seq.). (7) a licensed child placing agency;
(8) a man alleging himself to be the father
§ 101.034. Title IV-D Case of a child filing in accordance with Chapter 160,
"Title IV-D case" means an action in subject to the limitations of that chapter, but not
which services are provided by the Title IV-D otherwise;
agency under Part D, Title IV, of the federal (9) a person, other than a foster parent,
Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 651 et who has had actual care, control, and possession
seq.), relating to the location of an absent parent, of the child for at least six months ending not
determination of parentage, or establishment, more than 90 days preceding the date of the filing

of the petition; § 102.0035. Statement to Confer Standing
(10) a person designated as the managing (added 2003)
conservator in a revoked or unrevoked affidavit of (a) A pregnant woman or a parent of a
relinquishment under Chapter 161 or to whom child may execute a statement to confer standing
consent to adoption has been given in writing to a prospective adoptive parent as provided by
under Chapter 162; this section to assert standing under Section
(11) a person with whom the child and the 102.003(a)(14). A statement to confer standing
child's guardian, managing conservator, or parent under this section may not be executed in a suit
have resided for at least six months ending not brought by a governmental entity under Chapter
more than 90 days preceding the date of the filing 262 or 263.
of the petition if the child's guardian, managing (b) A statement to confer standing must
conservator, or parent is deceased at the time of contain:
the filing of the petition; (1) the signature, name, age, and address
(12) a person who is the foster parent of a of the person named as a prospective adoptive
child placed by the Department of Protective and parent;
Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective (2) the signature, name, age, and address
Services] in the person's home for at least 12 of the pregnant woman or of the parent of the
months ending not more than 90 days preceding child who is consenting to the filing of a petition
the date of the filing of the petition; or for adoption or to terminate the parent-child
(13) a person who is a relative of the child relationship as described by Subsection (a);
within the third degree by consanguinity, as (3) the birth date of the child or the
determined by Chapter 573, Government Code, if anticipated birth date if the child has not been
the child's parents are deceased at the time of the born; and
filing of the petition. (4) the name of the county in which the
(14) a person who has been named as a suit will be filed.
prospective adoptive parent of a child by a (c) The statement to confer standing must
pregnant woman or the parent of the child, in a be attached to the petition in a suit affecting the
verified written statement to confer standing parent-child relationship. The statement may not
executed under Section 102.0035, regardless of be used for any purpose other than to confer
whether the child has been born. standing in a proceeding for adoption or to
(b) In computing the time necessary for terminate the parent-child relationship.
standing under Subsections (a)(9), (11), and (12), (d) A statement to confer standing may be
the court may not require that the time be signed at any time during the pregnancy of the
continuous and uninterrupted but shall consider mother of the unborn child whose parental rights
the child's principal residence during the relevant are to be terminated.
time preceding the date of commencement of the (e) A statement to confer standing is not
suit. required in a suit brought by a person who has
(c) Notwithstanding the time requirements standing to file a suit affecting the parent-child
of Subsection (a)(12), a person who is the foster relationship under Sections 102.003(a)(1)-(13) or
parent of a child may file a suit to adopt a child any other law under which the person has standing
for whom the person is providing foster care at to file a suit.
any time after the person has been approved to (f) A person who executes a statement to
adopt the child. The standing to file suit under confer standing may revoke the statement at any
this subsection applies only to the adoption of a time before the person executes an affidavit for
child who is eligible to be adopted. voluntary relinquishment of parental rights. The
revocation of the statement must be in writing and
must be sent by certified mail, return receipt
requested, to the prospective adoptive parent.

(g) On filing with the court proof of the § 102.005. Standing to Request Termination
delivery of the revocation of a statement to confer and Adoption (amended 2007)
standing under Subsection (f), the court shall An original suit requesting only an
dismiss any suit affecting the parent-child adoption or for termination of the parent-child
relationship filed by the prospective adoptive relationship joined with a petition for adoption
parent named in the statement. may be filed by:
(1) a stepparent of the child;
§ 102.004. Standing for Grandparent or Other (2) an adult who, as the result of a
Person (amended 1999, 2005, 2007) placement for adoption, has had actual possession
(a) In addition to the general standing to and control of the child at any time during the
file suit provided by Section 102.003, a 30–day period preceding the filing of the petition;
grandparent, or another relative of the child (3) an adult who has had actual
related within the third degree of consanguinity, possession and control of the child for not less
may file an original suit requesting managing than two months during the three-month period
conservatorship if there is satisfactory proof to the preceding the filing of the petition;
court that: (4) an adult who has adopted, or is the
(1) the order requested is necessary foster parent of and has petitioned to adopt, a
because the child's present circumstances would sibling of the child; or
significantly impair the child's physical health or (5) another adult whom the court
emotional development; or determines to have had substantial past contact
(2) both parents, the surviving parent, or with the child sufficient to warrant standing to do
the managing conservator or custodian either filed so.
the petition or consented to the suit.
(b) An original suit requesting possessory § 102.006. Limitations on Standing (amended
conservatorship may not be filed by a grandparent 2001, 2007)
or other person. However, the court may grant a (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b)
grandparent or other person deemed by the court and (c), if the parent-child relationship between
to have had substantial past contact with the child the child and every living parent of the child has
leave to intervene in a pending suit filed by a been terminated, an original suit may not be filed
person authorized to do so under this subchapter by:
if there is satisfactory proof to the court that (1) a former parent whose parent-child
appointment of a parent as a sole managing relationship with the child has been terminated by
conservator or both parents as joint managing court order;
conservators would significantly impair the child's (2) the father of the child; or
physical health or emotional development. (3) a family member or relative by blood,
(c) Possession of or access to a child by a adoption, or marriage of either a former parent
grandparent is governed by the standards whose parent-child relationship has been
established by Chapter 153. terminated or of the father of the child.
(b) The limitations on filing suit imposed
§ 102.0045. Standing for Sibling (added 2005; by this section do not apply to a person who:
amended 2009) (1) has a continuing right to possession of
(a) The sibling of a child may file an or access to the child under an existing court
original suit requesting access to the child as order; or
provided by Section 153.551 if the sibling is at (2) has the consent of the child's
least 18 years of age. managing conservator, guardian, or legal
(b) Access to a child by a sibling of the custodian to bring the suit.
child is governed by the standards established by (c) The limitations on filing suit imposed
Section 153.551. by this section do not apply to an adult sibling of

the child, a grandparent of the child, an aunt who access to the child under an order of the court;
is a sister of a parent of the child, or an uncle who (8) the name of an alleged father of the
is a brother of a parent of the child is the adult child or a statement that the identity of the father
sibling, grandparent, aunt, or uncle files an of the child is unknown;
original suit or a suit for modification requesting (9) a full description and statement of
managing conservatorship of the child not later value of all property owned or possessed by the
than the 90th day after the date the parent-child child;
relationship between the child and the parent is (10) a statement describing what action
terminated in a suit filed by the Department of the court is requested to take concerning the child
Family and Protective Services requesting the and the statutory grounds on which the request is
termination of the parent-child relationship. made; and
(11) any other information required by
§ 102.007. Standing of Title IV–D Agency this title.
In providing services authorized by
Chapter 231, the Title IV–D agency or a political § 102.0085. (repealed 2003)
subdivision contracting with the attorney general
to provide Title IV–D services under this title may § 102.0086. Confidentiality of Pleadings (added
file a child support action authorized under this 2003)
title, including a suit for modification or a motion (a) This section applies only in a county
for enforcement. with a population of 3.4 million or more.
(b) Except as otherwise provided by law,
§ 102.008. Contents of Petition (amended 2001) all pleadings and other documents filed with the
(a) The petition and all other documents court in a suit affecting the parent-child
in a proceeding filed under this title, except a suit relationship are confidential, are excepted from
for adoption of an adult, shall be entitled "In the required public disclosure under Chapter 552,
interest of __________, a child." In a suit in Government Code, and may not be released to a
which adoption of a child is requested, the style person who is not a party to the suit until after the
shall be "In the interest of a child." date of service of citation or the 31st day after the
(b) The petition must include: date of filing the suit, whichever date is sooner.
(1) a statement that the court in which the
petition is filed has continuing, exclusive § 102.009. Service of Citation (amended 1999,
jurisdiction or that no court has continuing 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009)
jurisdiction of the suit; (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),
(2) the name and date of birth of the child, the following are entitled to service of citation on
except that if adoption of a child is requested, the the filing of a petition in an original suit:
name of the child may be omitted; (1) a managing conservator;
(3) the full name of the petitioner and the (2) a possessory conservator;
petitioner's relationship to the child or the fact that (3) a person having possession of or
no relationship exists; access to the child under an order;
(4) the names of the parents, except in a (4) a person required by law or by order to
suit in which adoption is requested; provide for the support of the child;
(5) the name of the managing conservator, (5) a guardian of the person of the child;
if any, or the child's custodian, if any, appointed (6) a guardian of the estate of the child;
by order of a court of another state or country; (7) each parent as to whom the
(6) the names of the guardians of the parent-child relationship has not been terminated
person and estate of the child, if any; or process has not been waived under Chapter
(7) the names of possessory conservators 161;
or other persons, if any, having possession of or (8) an alleged father, unless there is

attached to the petition an affidavit of waiver of service or registered or certified mail and to
interest in a child executed by the alleged father as persons whose names are unknown.
provided by Chapter 161 or unless the petitioner (b) Citation by publication shall be
has complied with the provisions of Section published one time. If the name of a person
161.002(b)(2), (3) or (4); entitled to service of citation is unknown, the
(9) a man who has filed a notice of intent notice to be published shall be addressed to "All
to claim paternity as provided by Chapter 160; Whom It May Concern." One or more causes to
(10) the Department of Family and be heard on a certain day may be included in one
Protective Services, if the petition requests that notice and hearings may be continued from time
the department be appointed as managing to time without further notice.
conservator of the child; (c) Citation by publication shall be
(11) the Title IV-D agency, if the petition sufficient if given in substantially the following
requests the termination of the parent-child form:
relationship and support rights have been assigned "STATE OF TEXAS
to the Title IV-D agency under Chapter 231; To (names of persons to be served with citation)
(12) a prospective adoptive parent to and to all whom it may concern (if the name of
whom standing has been conferred under Section any person to be served with citation is unknown),
102.0035; and Respondent(s),
(13) a person designated as the managing "You have been sued. You may employ
conservator in a revoked or unrevoked affidavit of an attorney. If you or your attorney do (does) not
relinquishment under Chapter 161 or to whom file a written answer with the clerk who issued
consent to adoption has been given in writing this citation by 10 a.m. on the Monday next
under Chapter 162. following the expiration of 20 days after you were
(b) Citation may be served on any other served this citation and petition, a default
person who has or who may assert an interest in judgment may be taken against you. The petition
the child. of ______________, Petitioner, was filed in the
(c) Citation on the filing of an original Court of _______________ County, Texas, on the
petition in a suit shall be issued and served as in ___ day of _________, _____, against
other civil cases. __________, Respondent(s), numbered _____,
(d) If the petition requests the and entitled 'In the interest of __________, a child
establishment, termination, modification, or (or children).' The suit requests (statement of
enforcement of a support right assigned to the relief requested, e.g., 'terminate the parent-child
Title IV–D agency under Chapter 231 or the relationship'). The date and place of birth of the
rescission of a voluntary acknowledgment of child (children) who is (are) the subject of the
paternity under Chapter 160, notice shall be given suit: _____________.
to the Title IV–D agency in a manner provided by "The court has authority in this suit to
Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. render an order in the child's (children's) interest
(e) In a proceeding under Chapter 233, the that will be binding on you, including the
requirements imposed by Subsections (a) and (c) termination of the parent-child relationship, the
do not apply to the extent of any conflict between determination of paternity, and the appointment of
those requirements and the provisions in Chapter a conservator with authority to consent to the
233. child's (children's) adoption.
"Issued and given under my hand and seal
§ 102.010. Service of Citation by Publication of the Court at _________, Texas, this the ___
(amended 2003) day of _______, ____.
(a) Citation may be served by publication ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
as in other civil cases to persons entitled to service Clerk of the District
of citation who cannot be notified by personal Court of

_______________ (4) the person resided with the child in
County, Texas. this state;
(5) the person resided in this state and
By _____________, provided prenatal expenses or support for the
Deputy." child;
(d) In any suit in which service of citation (6) the person engaged in sexual
is by publication, a statement of the evidence of intercourse in this state and the child may have
service, approved and signed by the court, must be been conceived by that act of intercourse;
filed with the papers of the suit as a part of the (7) the person, as provided by Chapter
record. 160:
(e) In a suit filed under Chapter 161 or (A) registered with the paternity registry
262 in which the last name of the respondent is maintained by the bureau of vital statistics; or
unknown, the court may order substituted service (B) signed an acknowledgment of
of citation by publication, including publication paternity of a child born in this state; or
by posting the citation at the courthouse door for (8) there is any basis consistent with the
a specified time, if the court finds and states in its constitutions of this state and the United States for
order that the method of substituted service is as the exercise of the personal jurisdiction.
likely as citation by publication in a newspaper in
the manner described by Subsection (b) to give § 102.012. Exercising Partial Jurisdiction
the respondent actual notice of the suit. If the (amended 1999)
court orders that citation by publication shall be (a) A court in which a suit is filed may
completed by posting the citation at the exercise its jurisdiction over those portions of the
courthouse door for a specified time, service must suit for which it has authority.
be completed on, and the answer date is computed (b) The court's authority to resolve all
from, the expiration date of the posting period. If issues in controversy between the parties may be
the court orders another method of substituted restricted because the court lacks:
service of citation by publication, service shall be (1) the required personal jurisdiction over
completed as directed by the court. a nonresident party;
(2) the required jurisdiction under Chapter
§ 102.011. Acquiring Jurisdiction over 152; or
Nonresident (amended 2009) (3) the required jurisdiction under Chapter
(a) The court may exercise status or 159.
subject matter jurisdiction over the suit as (c) If a provision of Chapter 152 or
provided by Chapter 152. Chapter 159 expressly conflicts with another
(b) The court may also exercise personal provision of this title and the conflict cannot be
jurisdiction over a person on whom service of reconciled, the provision of Chapter 152 or
citation is required or over the person's personal Chapter 159 prevails.
representative, although the person is not a (d) In exercising jurisdiction, the court
resident or domiciliary of this state, if: shall seek to harmonize the provisions of this
(1) the person is personally served with code, the federal Parental Kidnaping Prevention
citation in this state; Act (28 U.S.C. Section 1738A), and the federal
(2) the person submits to the jurisdiction Full Faith and Credit for Child Support Order Act
of this state by consent, by entering a general (28 U.S.C. Section 1738B).
appearance, or by filing a responsive document
having the effect of waiving any contest to § 102.013. Docketing Requirements (amended
personal jurisdiction; 2001)
(3) the child resides in this state as a result (a) In a suit for modification or a motion
of the acts or directives of the person; for enforcement, the clerk shall file the petition or

motion and all related papers under the same conservator, custodian, or guardian of the person
docket number as the prior proceeding without has not been appointed, the child resides where
additional letters, digits, or special designations. the adult having actual care, control, and
(b) If a suit requests the adoption of a possession of the child resides;
child, the clerk shall file the suit and all other (4) if the child is in the actual care,
papers relating to the suit in a new file having a control, and possession of an adult other than a
new docket number. parent and the whereabouts of the parent and the
(c) In a suit to determine parentage under guardian of the person is unknown, the child
this title in which the court has rendered an order resides where the adult having actual possession,
relating to an earlier born child of the same care, and control of the child resides;
parents, the clerk shall file the suit and all other (5) if the person whose residence would
papers relating to the suit under the same docket otherwise determine venue has left the child in the
number as the prior parentage action. For all care and control of the adult, the child resides
other purposes, including the assessment of fees where that adult resides;
and other costs, the suit is a separate suit. (6) if a guardian or custodian of the child
has been appointed by order of a court of another
state or country, the child resides in the county
CHAPTER 103. VENUE AND TRANSFER where the guardian or custodian resides if that
OF ORIGINAL PROCEEDINGS person resides in this state; or
(7) if it appears that the child is not under
§ 103.001. Venue for Original Suit (amended the actual care, control, and possession of an
1999) adult, the child resides where the child is found.
(a) Except as otherwise provided by this
title, an original suit shall be filed in the county § 103.002. Transfer of Original Proceedings
where the child resides, unless: Within State
(1) another court has continuing exclusive (a) If venue of a suit is improper in the
jurisdiction under Chapter 155; or court in which an original suit is filed and no
(2) venue is fixed in a suit for dissolution other court has continuing, exclusive jurisdiction
of a marriage under Subchapter D, Chapter 6. of the suit, on the timely motion of a party other
(b) A suit in which adoption is requested than the petitioner, the court shall transfer the
may be filed in the county where the child resides proceeding to the county where venue is proper.
or in the county where the petitioners reside. (b) On a showing that a suit for
(c) A child resides in the county where the dissolution of the marriage of the child's parents
child's parents reside or the child's parent resides, has been filed in another court, a court in which a
if only one parent is living, except that: suit is pending shall transfer the proceedings to
(1) if a guardian of the person has been the court where the dissolution of the marriage is
appointed by order of a county or probate court pending.
and a managing conservator has not been (c) The procedures in Chapter 155 apply
appointed, the child resides in the county where to a transfer of:
the guardian of the person resides; (1) an original suit under this section; or
(2) if the parents of the child do not reside (2) a suit for modification or a motion for
in the same county and if a managing conservator, enforcement under this title.
custodian, or guardian of the person has not been
appointed, the child resides in the county where § 103.003. Transfer of Original Suit Within
the parent having actual care, control, and State when Party or Child Resides Outside
possession of the child resides; State
(3) if the child is in the care and control of (a) A court of this state in which an
an adult other than a parent and a managing original suit is filed or in which a suit for child

support is filed under Chapter 159 shall transfer (3) the recording equipment was capable
the suit to the county of residence of the party of making an accurate recording, the operator was
who is a resident of this state if all other parties competent, and the recording is accurate and has
and children affected by the proceedings reside not been altered;
outside this state. (4) the statement was not made in
(b) If one or more of the parties affected response to questioning calculated to lead the
by the suit reside outside this state and if more child to make a particular statement;
than one party or one or more children affected by (5) each voice on the recording is
the proceeding reside in this state in different identified;
counties, the court shall transfer the suit according (6) the person conducting the interview of
to the following priorities: the child in the recording is present at the
(1) to the court of continuing, exclusive proceeding and available to testify or be
jurisdiction, if any; cross-examined by either party; and
(2) to the county of residence of the child, (7) each party is afforded an opportunity
if applicable, provided that: to view the recording before it is offered into
(A) there is no court of continuing, evidence.
exclusive jurisdiction; or
(B) the court of continuing, exclusive § 104.003. Prerecorded Videotaped Testimony
jurisdiction finds that neither a party nor a child of Child
affected by the proceeding resides in the county of (a) The court may, on the motion of a
the court of continuing jurisdiction; or party to the proceeding, order that the testimony
(3) if Subdivisions (1) and (2) are of the child be taken outside the courtroom and be
inapplicable, to the county most appropriate to recorded for showing in the courtroom before the
serve the convenience of the resident parties, the court, the finder of fact, and the parties to the
witnesses, and the interest of justice. proceeding.
(c) If a transfer of an original suit or suit (b) Only an attorney for each party, an
for child support under Chapter 159 is sought attorney ad litem for the child or other person
under this section, Chapter 155 applies to the whose presence would contribute to the welfare
procedures for transfer of the suit. and well-being of the child, and persons necessary
to operate the equipment may be present in the
room with the child during the child's testimony.
CHAPTER 104. EVIDENCE (c) Only the attorneys for the parties may
question the child.
§ 104.001. Rules of Evidence (amended 2005) (d) The persons operating the equipment
Except as otherwise provided, the Texas shall be placed in a manner that prevents the child
Rules of Evidence apply as in other civil cases. from seeing or hearing them.
(e) The court shall ensure that:
§ 104.002. Prerecorded Statement of Child (1) the recording is both visual and aural
If a child 12 years of age or younger is and is recorded on film or videotape or by other
alleged in a suit under this title to have been electronic means;
abused, the recording of an oral statement of the (2) the recording equipment was capable
child recorded prior to the proceeding is of making an accurate recording, the operator was
admissible into evidence if: competent, and the recording is accurate and is
(1) no attorney for a party was present not altered;
when the statement was made; (3) each voice on the recording is
(2) the recording is both visual and aural identified; and
and is recorded on film or videotape or by other (4) each party to the proceeding is
electronic means; afforded an opportunity to view the recording

before it is shown in the courtroom. § 104.007. Video Testimony of Certain
Professionals (added 2003)
§ 104.004. Remote Televised Broadcast of (a) In this section, "professional" has the
Testimony of Child meaning assigned by Section 261.101(b).
(a) If in a suit a child 12 years of age or (b) In a proceeding brought by the
younger is alleged to have been abused, the court Department of Protective and Regulatory Services
may, on the motion of a party to the proceeding, [now Family and Protective Services] concerning
order that the testimony of the child be taken in a a child who is alleged in a suit to have been
room other than the courtroom and be televised by abused or neglected, the court may order, with the
closed-circuit equipment in the courtroom to be agreement of the state's counsel and the
viewed by the court and the parties. defendant's counsel, that the testimony of a
(b) The procedures that apply to professional be taken outside the courtroom by
prerecorded videotaped testimony of a child apply videoconference.
to the remote broadcast of testimony of a child. (c) In ordering testimony to be taken as
provided by Subsection (b), the court shall ensure
§ 104.005. Substitution for In-Court Testimony that the videoconference testimony allows:
of Child (1) the parties and attorneys involved in
(a) If the testimony of a child is taken as the proceeding to be able to see and hear the
provided by this chapter, the child may not be professional as the professional testifies; and
compelled to testify in court during the (2) the professional to be able to see and
proceeding. hear the parties and attorneys examining the
(b) The court may allow the testimony of professional while the professional is testifying.
a child of any age to be taken in any manner (d) If the court permits the testimony of a
provided by this chapter if the child, because of a professional by videoconference as provided by
medical condition, is incapable of testifying in this section to be admitted during the proceeding,
open court. the professional may not be compelled to be
physically present in court during the same
§ 104.006. Hearsay Statement of Child Abuse proceeding to provide the same testimony unless
Victim ordered by the court.
In a suit affecting the parent-child
relationship, a statement made by a child 12 years
of age or younger that describes alleged abuse CHAPTER 105. SETTINGS, HEARINGS,
against the child, without regard to whether the AND ORDERS
statement is otherwise inadmissible as hearsay, is
admissible as evidence if, in a hearing conducted § 105.001. Temporary Orders Before Final
outside the presence of the jury, the court finds Order (amended 1999, 2003)
that the time, content, and circumstances of the (a) In a suit, the court may make a
statement provide sufficient indications of the temporary order, including the modification of a
statement's reliability and: prior temporary order, for the safety and welfare
(1) the child testifies or is available to of the child, including an order:
testify at the proceeding in court or in any other (1) for the temporary conservatorship of
manner provided for by law; or the child;
(2) the court determines that the use of the (2) for the temporary support of the child;
statement in lieu of the child's testimony is (3) restraining a party from molesting or
necessary to protect the welfare of the child. disturbing the peace of the child or another party;
(4) prohibiting a person from removing
the child beyond a geographical area identified by
6 the court; or

(5) for payment of reasonable attorney's (h) An order under Subsection (a)(1) may
fees and expenses. be rendered without notice and an adversary
(b) Except as provided by Subsection ©), hearing if the order is an emergency order sought
temporary restraining orders and temporary by a governmental entity under Chapter 262.
injunctions under this section shall be granted
without the necessity of an affidavit or verified §105.0011 Information Regarding Protective
pleading stating specific facts showing that Orders (added 2005)
immediate and irreparable injury, loss, or damage At any time while a suit is pending, if the
will result before notice can be served and a court believes, on the basis of any information
hearing can be held. Except as provided by received by the court, that a party to the suit or a
Subsection (h), an order may not be rendered member of the party’s family or household may be
under Subsection (a)(1), (2), or (5) except after a victim of family violence, the court shall inform
notice and a hearing. A temporary restraining that party of the party’s right to apply for a
order or temporary injunction granted under this protective order under Title 4.
section need not:
(1) define the injury or state why it is § 105.002. Jury (amended 1999, 2001, 2003)
irreparable; (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),
(2) state why the order was granted a party may demand a jury trial.
without notice; or (b) A party may not demand a jury trial
(3) include an order setting the cause for in:
trial on the merits with respect to the ultimate (1) a suit in which adoption is sought,
relief requested. including a trial on the issue of denial or
(c) Except on a verified pleading or an revocation of consent to the adoption by the
affidavit in accordance with the Texas Rules of managing conservator; or
Civil Procedure, an order may not be rendered: (2) a suit to adjudicate parentage under
(1) attaching the body of the child; Chapter 160.
(2) taking the child into the possession of (c) In a jury trial:
the court or of a person designated by the court; (1) a party is entitled to a verdict by the
or jury and the court may not contravene a jury
(3) excluding a parent from possession of verdict on the issues of:
or access to a child. (A) the appointment of a sole managing
(d) In a suit, the court may dispense with conservator;
the necessity of a bond in connection with (B) the appointment of joint managing
temporary orders on behalf of the child. conservators;
(e) Temporary orders rendered under this (C) the appointment of a possessory
section are not subject to interlocutory appeal. conservator;
(f) The violation of a temporary (D) the determination of which joint
restraining order, temporary injunction, or other managing conservator has the exclusive right to
temporary order rendered under this section is designate the primary residence of the child;
punishable by contempt and the order is subject to (E) the determination of whether to
and enforceable under Chapter 157. impose a restriction on the geographic area in
(g) The rebuttable presumptions which a joint managing conservator may designate
established in favor of the application of the the child's primary residence; and
guidelines for a child support order and for the (F) if a restriction described by Paragraph
standard possession order under Chapters 153 and (E) is imposed, the determination of the
154 apply to temporary orders. The presumptions geographic area within which the joint managing
do not limit the authority of the court to render conservator must designate the child's primary
other temporary orders. residence; and

(2) the court may not submit to the jury § 105.006. Contents of Final Order (amended
questions on the issues of: 1999, 2001, 2003, 2007)
(A) support under Chapter 154 or Chapter (a) A final order, other than in a
159; proceeding under Chapter 161 or 162, must
(B) a specific term or condition of contain:
possession of or access to the child; or (1) the social security number and driver's
©) any right or duty of a conservator, license number of each party to the suit, including
other than the determination of which joint the child, except that the child's social security
managing conservator has the exclusive right to number or driver's license number is not required
designate the primary residence of the child under if the child has not been assigned a social security
Subdivision (1)(D). number or driver's license number; and
(2) each party's current residence address,
§ 105.003. Procedure for Contested Hearing mailing address, home telephone number, name of
(a) Except as otherwise provided by this employer, address of employment, and work
title, proceedings shall be as in civil cases telephone number, except as provided by
generally. Subsection (c).
(b) On the agreement of all parties to the (b) Except as provided by Subsection (c),
suit, the court may limit attendance at the hearing the court shall order each party to inform each
to only those persons who have a direct interest in other party, the court that rendered the order, and
the suit or in the work of the court. the state case registry under Chapter 234 of an
(c) A record shall be made as in civil intended change in any of the information
cases generally unless waived by the parties with required by this section as long as any person, as
the consent of the court. a result of the order, is under an obligation to pay
(d) When information contained in a child support or is entitled to possession of or
report, study, or examination is before the court, access to a child. The court shall order that notice
the person making the report, study, or of the intended change be given at the earlier of:
examination is subject to both direct examination (1) the 60th day before the date the party
and cross-examination as in civil cases generally. intends to make the change; or
(e) The hearing may be adjourned from (2) the fifth day after the date that the
time to time. party knew of the change, if the party did not
know or could not have known of the change in
§ 105.004. Preferential Setting (amended 2005) sufficient time to comply with Subdivision (1).
After a hearing, the court may: (c) If a court finds after notice and hearing
(1) grant a motion filed by a party or by that requiring a party to provide the information
the amicus attorney or attorney ad litem for the required by this section to another party is likely
child for a preferential setting for a trial on the to cause the child or a conservator harassment,
merits; and abuse, serious harm, or injury, the court may:
(2) give precedence to that hearing over (1) order the information not to be
other civil cases if the court finds that the delay disclosed to another party; or
created by ordinary scheduling practices will (2) render any other order the court
unreasonably affect the best interest of the child. considers necessary.
(d) An order in a suit that orders child
§ 105.005. Findings support or possession of or access to a child must
Except as otherwise provided by this title, contain the following prominently displayed
the court's findings shall be based on a statement in boldfaced type, capital letters, or
preponderance of the evidence. underlined:

(e) Except as provided by Subsection ©), VIOLATION, AND A MONEY JUDGMENT
an order in a suit that orders child support or FOR PAYMENT OF ATTORNEY'S FEES AND
possession of or access to a child must also COURT COSTS."
contain the following prominently displayed (e-1) An order in a suit that provides for
statement in boldfaced type, capital letters, or the possession of or access to a child must contain
underlined: the following prominently displayed statement in
"EACH PERSON WHO IS A PARTY TO boldfaced type, in capital letters, or underlined:

INVALID OR NO LONGER IN EFFECT after the date that the party knew of the change.
COMMITS AN OFFENSE THAT MAY BE (c) The court may waive the notice
PUNISHABLE BY CONFINEMENT IN JAIL required by this section on motion by a party if it
FOR AS LONG AS TWO YEARS AND A FINE finds that the giving of notice of a change of the
OF AS MUCH AS $10,000." required information would be likely to expose
(f) Except for an action in which contempt the child or the party to harassment, abuse, serious
is sought, in any subsequent child support harm, or injury.
enforcement action, the court may, on a showing
that diligent effort has been made to determine the § 105.008. Record of Support Order for State
location of a party, consider due process Case Registry (amended 2005)
requirements for notice and service of process to (a) The clerk of the court shall provide the
be met with respect to that party on delivery of state case registry with a record of a court order
written notice to the most recent residential or for child support. The record of an order shall
employer address filed by that party with the court include information provided by the parties on a
and the state case registry. form developed by the Title IV-D agency. The
(g) The Title IV-D agency shall form shall be completed by the petitioner and
promulgate and provide forms for a party to use in submitted to the clerk at the time the order is filed
reporting to the court and the state case registry for record.
under Chapter 234 the information required under (b) To the extent federal funds are
this section. available, the Title IV-D agency shall reimburse
(h) The court may include in a final order the clerk of the court for the costs incurred in
in a suit in which a party to the suit makes an providing the record of support order required
allegation of child abuse or neglect a finding on under this section.
whether the party who made the allegation knew
that the allegation was false. This finding shall § 105.009. Parent Education and Family
not constitute collateral estoppel for any criminal Stabilization Course (added 1999, 2005)
proceeding. The court may impose on a party (a) In a suit affecting the parent-child
found to have made a false allegation of child relationship, including an action to modify an
abuse or neglect any civil sanction permitted order in a suit affecting the parent-child
under law, including attorney's fees, costs of relationship providing for possession of or access
experts, and any other costs. to a child, the court may order the parties to the
suit to attend a parent education and family
§ 105.007. Compliance With Order Requiring stabilization course if the court determines that the
Notice of Change of Required Information order is in the best interest of the child.
(a) A party shall comply with the order by (b) The parties to the suit may not be
giving written notice to each other party of an required to attend the course together. The court,
intended change in the party's current residence on its own motion or the motion of either party,
address, mailing address, home telephone number, may prohibit the parties from taking the course
name of employer, address of employment, and together if there is a history of family violence in
work telephone number. the marriage.
(b) The party must give written notice by (c) A course under this section must be at
registered or certified mail of an intended change least four hours, but not more than 12 hours, in
in the required information to each other party on length and be designed to educate and assist
or before the 60th day before the change is made. parents with regard to the consequences of
If the party does not know or could not have divorce on parents and children. The course must
known of the change in sufficient time to provide include information on the following issues:
60-day notice, the party shall provide the written (1) the emotional effects of divorce on
notice of the change on or before the fifth day parents;

(2) the emotional and behavioral reactions may be completed by:
to divorce by young children and adolescents; (1) personal instruction;
(3) parenting issues relating to the (2) videotape instruction;
concerns and needs of children at different (3) instruction through an electronic
development stages; medium; or
(4) stress indicators in young children and (4) a combination of those methods.
adolescents; (I) On completion of the course, the
(5) conflict management; course provider shall issue a certificate of
(6) family stabilization through completion to each participant. The certificate
development of a coparenting relationship; must state:
(7) the financial responsibilities of (1) the name of the participant;
parenting; (2) the name of the course provider;
(8) family violence, spousal abuse, and (3) the date the course was completed;
child abuse and neglect; and and
(9) the availability of community services (4) whether the course was provided by:
and resources. (A) personal instruction;
(d) A course may not be designed to (B) videotape instruction;
provide individual mental health therapy or ©) instruction through an electronic
individual legal advice. medium; or
(e) A course satisfies the requirements of (D) a combination of those methods.
this section if it is offered by: (j) The county clerk in each county may
(1) a mental health professional who has establish a registry of course providers in the
at least a master's degree with a background in county and a list of locations at which courses are
family therapy or parent education; or provided. The clerk shall include information in
(2) a religious practitioner who performs the registry identifying courses that are offered on
counseling consistent with the laws of this state or a sliding fee scale or without charge.
another person designated as a program counselor (k) The court may not order the parties to
by a church or religious institution if the litigant a suit to attend a course under this section if the
so chooses. parties cannot afford to take the course. If the
(f) Information obtained in a course or a parties cannot afford to take a course, the court
statement made by a participant to a suit during a may direct the parties to a course that is offered
course may not be considered in the adjudication on a sliding fee scale or without charge, if a
of the suit or in any subsequent legal proceeding. course of that type is available. A party to a suit
Any report that results from participation in the may not be required to pay more than $100 to
course may not become a record in the suit unless attend a course ordered under this section.
the parties stipulate to the record in writing. (l) A person who has attended a course
(g) The court may take appropriate action under this section may not be required to attend
with regard to a party who fails to attend or the course more than twice before the fifth
complete a course ordered by the court under this anniversary of the date the person completes the
section, including holding the party in contempt of course for the first time.
court, striking pleadings, or invoking any sanction (m) A course under this section must be
provided by Rule 215, Texas Rules of Civil available in both English and Spanish.
Procedure. The failure or refusal by a party to (m) A course under this section in a suit
attend or complete a course required by this filed in a county with a population of more than
section may not delay the court from rendering a two million that is adjacent to a county with a
judgment in a suit affecting the parent-child population of more than one million must be
relationship. available in both English and Spanish.
(h) The course required under this section

CHAPTER 106. COSTS AND ATTORNEY'S litem for a child in a suit filed by a governmental
FEES entity.
(5) "Guardian ad litem" means a person
§ 106.001. Costs (amended 1997) appointed to represent the best interests of a child.
The court may award costs in a suit or The term includes:
motion under this title and in a habeas corpus (A) a volunteer advocate appointed under
proceeding. Subchapter C;
(B) a professional, other than an attorney,
§ 106.002. Attorney's Fees (amended 2003) who holds a relevant professional license and
(a) In a suit under this title, the court may whose training relates to the determination of a
render judgment for reasonable attorney's fees and child's best interests;
expenses and order the judgment and (C) an adult having the competence,
postjudgment interest to be paid directly to an training, and expertise determined by the court to
attorney. be sufficient to represent the best interests of the
(b) A judgment for attorney's fees and child; or
expenses may be enforced in the attorney's name (D) an attorney ad litem appointed to
by any means available for the enforcement of a serve in the dual role.
judgment for debt.
§ 107.002. Powers and Duties of Guardian Ad
Litem For Child (amended 2003, 2005)
CHAPTER 107. SPECIAL (a) A guardian ad litem appointed for a
APPOINTMENTS AND SOCIAL STUDIES child under this chapter is not a party to the suit
but may:
SUBCHAPTER A. COURT-ORDERED (1) conduct an investigation to the extent
REPRESENTATION IN SUITS that the guardian ad litem considers necessary to
AFFECTING THE PARENT-CHILD determine the best interests of the child; and
RELATIONSHIP (2) obtain and review copies of the child's
relevant medical, psychological, and school
§ 107.001. Definitions (added 2003) records as provided by Section 107.006.
In this chapter: (b) A guardian ad litem appointed for the
(1) "Amicus attorney" means an attorney child under this chapter shall:
appointed by the court in a suit, other than a suit (1) within a reasonable time after the
filed by a governmental entity, whose role is to appointment, interview:
provide legal services necessary to assist the court (A) the child in a developmentally
in protecting a child's best interests rather than to appropriate manner, if the child is four years of
provide legal services to the child. age or older;
(2) "Attorney ad litem" means an attorney (B) each person who has
who provides legal services to a person, including significant knowledge of the child's history and
a child, and who owes to the person the duties of condition, including any foster parent of the child;
undivided loyalty, confidentiality, and competent and
representation. (C) the parties to the suit;
(3) "Developmentally appropriate" means (2) seek to elicit in a developmentally
structured to account for a child's age, level of appropriate manner the child's expressed
education, cultural background, and degree of objectives;
language acquisition. (3) consider the child's expressed
(4) "Dual role" means the role of an objectives without being bound by those
attorney who is appointed under Section 107.0125 objectives;
to act as both guardian ad litem and attorney ad (4) encourage settlement and the use of

alternative forms of dispute resolution; and parties as directed by the court, but not later than
(5) perform any specific task directed by the earlier of:
the court. (1) the date required by the scheduling
(c) A guardian ad litem appointed for the order; or
child under this chapter is not a party to the suit (2) the 10th day before the date of the
but is entitled to: commencement of the trial.
(1) receive a copy of each pleading or (h) Disclosure to the jury of the contents
other paper filed with the court in the case in of a guardian ad litem's report to the court is
which the guardian ad litem is appointed; subject to the Texas Rules of Evidence.
(2) receive notice of each hearing in the
case; § 107.003. Powers and Duties of Attorney Ad
(3) participate in case staffings by an Litem for Child and Amicus Attorney (added
authorized agency concerning the child; 2003, amended 2005)
(4) attend all legal proceedings in the case An attorney ad litem appointed to
but may not call or question a witness or represent a child or an amicus attorney appointed
otherwise provide legal services unless the to assist the court:
guardian ad litem is a licensed attorney who has (1) shall:
been appointed in the dual role; (A) subject to Rules 4.02, 4.03, and 4.04,
(5) review and sign, or decline to sign, an Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional
agreed order affecting the child; and Conduct, and within a reasonable time after the
(6) explain the basis for the guardian ad appointment, interview:
litem's opposition to the agreed order if the (I) the child in a developmentally
guardian ad litem does not agree to the terms of a appropriate manner, if the child is four years of
proposed order. age or older;
(d) The court may compel the guardian ad (ii) each person who has significant
litem to attend a trial or hearing and to testify as knowledge of the child's history and condition,
necessary for the proper disposition of the suit. including any foster parent of the child; and
(e) Unless the guardian ad litem is an (iii) the parties to the suit;
attorney who has been appointed in the dual role (B) seek to elicit in a developmentally
and subject to the Texas Rules of Evidence, the appropriate manner the child’s expressed
court shall ensure in a hearing or in a trial on the objectives of representation;
merits that a guardian ad litem has an opportunity (C) consider the impact on the child in
to testify regarding, and is permitted to submit a formulating the attorney’s presentation of the
report regarding the guardian ad litem's child’s expressed objectives of representation to
recommendations relating to: the court;
(1) the best interests of the child; and (D) investigate the facts of the case to the
(2) the bases for the guardian ad litem's extent the attorney considers appropriate;
recommendations. (E) obtain and review copies of relevant
(f) In a nonjury trial, a party may call the records relating to the child as provided by
guardian ad litem as a witness for the purpose of Section 107.006;
cross-examination regarding the guardian's report (F) participate in the conduct of the
without the guardian ad litem being listed as a litigation to the same extent as an attorney for a
witness by a party. If the guardian ad litem is not party;
called as a witness, the court shall permit the (G) take any action consistent with the
guardian ad litem to testify in the narrative. child's interests that the attorney considers
(g) In a contested case, the guardian ad necessary to expedite the proceedings; and
litem shall provide copies of the guardian ad (H) encourage settlement and the use of
litem's report, if any, to the attorneys for the alternative forms of dispute resolution; and

(I) review and sign, or decline to sign, a § 107.004. Additional Duties of Attorney Ad
proposed or agreed order affecting the child; Litem for Child (added 2005)
(2) must be trained in child advocacy or (a) Except as otherwise provided by this
have experience determined by the court to be chapter, the attorney ad litem appointed for a child
equivalent to that training; and shall:
(3) is entitled to: (1) seek to elicit in a developmentally
(A) request clarification from the court if appropriate manner the child's expressed
the role of the attorney is ambiguous; objectives of representation;
(B) request a hearing or trial on the (2) advise the child;
merits; (3) provide guidance to the child;
(C) consent or refuse to consent to an (4) represent the child's expressed
interview of the child by another attorney; objectives of representation and follow the child's
(D) receive a copy of each pleading or expressed objectives of representation during the
other paper filed with the court; course of litigation if the attorney ad litem
(E) receive notice of each hearing in the determines that the child is competent to
suit; understand the nature of an attorney-client
(F) participate in any case staffing relationship and has formed that relationship with
concerning the child conducted by an authorized the attorney ad litem;
agency; and (5) consider the impact on the child in
(G) attend all legal proceedings in the formulating the attorney ad litem's presentation of
suit. the child's expressed objectives of representation
to the court; and
§ 107.004. Additional Duties of Attorney Ad (6) become familiar with:
Litem for Child (added 2003, amended 2005, (A) the American Bar Association's
2007) standards of practice for attorneys who represent
Except as otherwise provided by this children in abuse and neglect cases; and
chapter, the attorney ad litem appointed for a child (B) the suggested amendments to those
shall, in a developmentally appropriate manner: standards adopted by the National Association of
(1) advise the child; Counsel for Children.
(2) represent the child's expressed (b) An attorney ad litem appointed for a
objectives of representation and follow the child's child in a proceeding under Chapter 262 or 263
expressed objectives of representation during the shall complete at least three hours of continuing
course of litigation if the attorney ad litem legal education relating to child advocacy as
determines that the child is competent to described by Subsection ©) as soon as practicable
understand the nature of an attorney-client after the attorney ad litem's appointment. An
relationship and has formed that relationship with attorney ad litem is not required to comply with
the attorney ad litem; this subsection if the court finds that the attorney
(3) as appropriate, considering the nature ad litem has experience equivalent to the required
of the appointment, become familiar with the education.
American Bar Association's standards of practice (c) The continuing legal education
for attorneys who represent children in abuse and required by Subsection (b) must:
neglect cases, the suggested amendments to those (1) be low-cost and available to persons
standards adopted by the National Association of throughout this state, including on the Internet
Counsel for Children, and the American Bar provided through the State Bar of Texas; and
Association’s standards of practice for attorney’s (2) focus on the duties of an attorney ad
who represent children in custody cases. litem in, and the procedures of and best practices
for, a proceeding under Chapter 262 or 263.
(d) Except as provided by Subsection (e),

an attorney ad litem appointed for a child in a provides in providing assistance to the court; and
proceeding under Chapter 262 or 263 shall meet (4) become familiar with the American
before each court hearing with: Bar Association’s standards of practice for
(1) the child, if the child is at least four attorneys who represent children in custody cases.
years of age; or (c) An amicus attorney may not disclose
(2) the individual with whom the child confidential communications between the amicus
ordinarily resides, including the child's parent, attorney and the child unless the amicus attorney
conservator, guardian, caretaker, or custodian, if determines that disclosure is necessary to assist
the child is younger than four years of age. the court regarding the best interests of the child.
(e) An attorney ad litem appointed for a
child in a proceeding under Chapter 262 or 263 is § 107.006. Access to Child and Information
not required to comply with Subsection (d) before Relating to Child (added 2003, amended 2005)
a hearing if the court finds at that hearing that the (a) Except as provided by Subsection ©),
attorney ad litem has shown good cause why the in conjunction with an appointment under this
attorney ad litem's compliance with that chapter, other than an appointment of an attorney
subsection is not feasible or in the best interest of ad litem for an adult or a parent, the court shall
the child. Additionally, a court may, on a showing issue an order authorizing the attorney ad litem,
of good cause, authorize an attorney ad litem to guardian ad litem for the child, or amicus attorney
comply with Subsection (d) by conferring with the to have immediate access to the child and any
child or other individual, as appropriate, by information relating to the child.
telephone or video conference. (b) Without requiring a further order or
release, the custodian of any relevant records
§ 107.0045. Discipline of Attorney Ad Litem relating to the child, including records regarding
(added 2005) social services, law enforcement records, school
An attorney ad litem who fails to perform records, records of a probate or court proceeding,
the duties required by Sections 107.003 and and records of a trust or account for which the
107.004 is subject to disciplinary action under child is a beneficiary, shall provide access to a
Subchapter E, Chapter 81, Government Code. person authorized to access the records under
Subsection (a).
§ 107.005. Additional Duties of Amicus (c) A medical, mental health, or drug or
Attorney (added 2003, amended 2005) alcohol treatment record of a child that is
(a) Subject to any specific limitation in privileged or confidential under other law may be
the order of appointment, an amicus attorney shall released to a person appointed under Subsection
advocate the best interests of the child after (a) only in accordance with the other law.
reviewing the facts and circumstances of the case.
Notwithstanding Subsection (b), in determining § 107.007. Attorney Work Product and
the best interests of the child, an amicus attorney Testimony (added 2003)
is not bound by the child's expressed objectives of (a) An attorney ad litem, an attorney
representation. serving in the dual role, or an amicus attorney may
(b) An amicus attorney shall, in a not:
developmentally appropriate manner: (1) be compelled to produce attorney
(1) with the consent of the child, ensure work product developed during the appointment
that the child's expressed objectives of as an attorney;
representation are made known to the court; (2) be required to disclose the source of
(2) explain the role of the amicus attorney any information;
to the child; (3) submit a report into evidence; or
(3) inform the child that the amicus (4) testify in court except as authorized by
attorney may use information that the child Rule 3.08, Texas Disciplinary Rules of

Professional Conduct. litem, or an amicus attorney appointed under this
(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to the chapter is not liable for civil damages arising from
duty of an attorney to report child abuse or neglect an action taken, a recommendation made or an
under Section 261.101. opinion given in the capacity of guardian ad litem,
attorney ad litem, or amicus attorney.
§ 107.008. Substituted Judgment of Attorney (b) Subsection (a) does not apply to an
for Child (added 2003, amended 2005) action taken, a recommendation made, or an
(a) An attorney ad litem appointed to opinion given:
represent a child or an attorney appointed in the (1) with conscious indifference or
dual role may determine that the child cannot reckless disregard to the safety of another;
meaningfully formulate the child's objectives of (2) in bad faith or with malice; or
representation in a case because the child: (3) that is grossly negligent or wilfully
(1) lacks sufficient maturity to understand wrongful.
and form an attorney-client relationship with the
attorney; § 107.010. Discretionary Appointment of
(2) despite appropriate legal counseling, Attorney Ad Litem for Incapacitated Person
continues to express objectives of representation (amended 2003)
that would be seriously injurious to the child; or The court may appoint an attorney to
(3) for any other reason is incapable of serve as an attorney ad litem for a person entitled
making reasonable judgments and engaging in to service of citation in a suit if the court finds
meaningful communication. that the person is incapacitated. The attorney ad
(b) An attorney ad litem or an attorney litem shall follow the person's expressed
appointed in the dual role who determines that the objectives of representation and, if appropriate,
child cannot meaningfully formulate the child's refer the proceeding to the proper court for
expressed objectives of representation may guardianship proceedings.
present to the court a position that the attorney
determines will serve the best interests of the SUBCHAPTER B. APPOINTMENTS IN
(c) If a guardian ad litem has been
appointed for the child in a suit filed by a PART 1. APPOINTMENTS IN SUITS BY
governmental entity requesting termination of the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY
parent-child relationship or appointment of the
entity as conservator of the child, an attorney ad § 107.011. Mandatory Guardian Ad Litem
litem who determines that the child cannot (amended 2003)
meaningfully formulate the child's expressed (a) Except as otherwise provided by this
objectives of representation: subchapter, in a suit filed by a governmental entity
(1) shall consult with the guardian ad seeking termination of the parent-child
litem and, without being bound by the guardian ad relationship or the appointment of a conservator
litem’s opinion or recommendation, ensure that for a child, the court shall appoint a guardian ad
the guardian ad litem’s opinion and basis for any litem to represent the best interests of the child
recommendation regarding the best interests of the immediately after the filing of the petition but
child are presented to the court; and before the full adversary hearing.
(2) may present to the court a position that (b) The guardian ad litem appointed for a
the attorney determines will serve the best child under this section may be:
interests of the child. (1) a charitable organization composed of
volunteer advocates or an individual volunteer
§ 107.009. Immunity (amended 2003, 2005) advocate appointed under Subchapter C;
(a) A guardian ad litem, an attorney ad (2) an adult having the competence,

training, and expertise determined by the court to litem for the child and restrict the attorney to
be sufficient to represent the best interests of the acting as an attorney ad litem for the child.
child; or (c) An attorney appointed to serve in the
(3) an attorney appointed in the dual role. dual role may request the court to appoint another
(c) The court may not appoint a guardian person to serve as guardian ad litem for the child.
ad litem in a suit filed by a governmental entity if If the court grants the attorney's request, the
an attorney is appointed in the dual role unless the attorney shall serve only as the attorney ad litem
court appoints another person to serve as guardian for the child.
ad litem for the child and restricts the role of the (d) Unless the court appoints another
attorney to acting as an attorney ad litem for the person as guardian ad litem in a suit filed by a
child. governmental entity, an appointment of an
(d) The court may appoint an attorney to attorney to serve as an attorney ad litem in a suit
serve as guardian ad litem for a child without filed by a governmental entity is an appointment
appointing the attorney to serve in the dual role to serve in the dual role regardless of the
only if the attorney is specifically appointed to terminology used in the appointing order.
serve only in the role of guardian ad litem. An
attorney appointed solely as a guardian ad litem: § 107.0161. Ad Litem Appointments for Child
(1) may take only those actions that may Committed to Texas Youth Commission (added
be taken by a nonattorney guardian ad litem; and 2009)
(2) may not: If an order appointing the Department of Family
(A) perform legal services in the case; or and Protective Services as managing conservator
(B) take any action that is restricted to a of a child does not continue the appointment of
licensed attorney, including engaging in discovery the child's guardian ad litem or attorney ad litem
other than as a witness, making opening and and the child is committed to the Texas Youth
closing statements, or examining witnesses. Commission or released under supervision by the
Texas Youth Commission, the court may appoint
§ 107.012. Mandatory Appointment of a guardian ad litem or attorney ad litem for the
Attorney Ad Litem for Child child.
In a suit filed by a governmental entity
requesting termination of the parent-child § 107.013. Mandatory Appointment of
relationship or to be named conservator of a child, Attorney Ad Litem for Parent (amended 2003,
the court shall appoint an attorney ad litem to 2005, 2007)
represent the interests of the child immediately (a) In a suit filed by a governmental entity
after the filing, but before the full adversary in which termination of the parent-child
hearing, to ensure adequate representation of the relationship is requested, the court shall appoint
child. an attorney ad litem to represent the interests of:
(1) an indigent parent of the child who
§ 107.0125. Appointment of Attorney in Dual responds in opposition to the termination;
Role (added 2003) (2) a parent served by citation by
(a) In order to comply with the mandatory publication;
appointment of a guardian ad litem under Section (3) an alleged father who failed to register
107.011 and the mandatory appointment of an with the registry under Chapter 160 and whose
attorney ad litem under Section 107.012, the court identity or location is unknown; and
may appoint an attorney to serve in the dual role. (4) an alleged father who registered with
(b) If the court appoints an attorney to the paternity registry under Chapter 160, but the
serve in the dual role under this section, the court petitioner's attempt to personally serve citation at
may at any time during the pendency of the suit the address provided to the registry and at any
appoint another person to serve as guardian ad other address for the alleged father known by the

petitioner has been unsuccessful. according to the fee schedule that applies to an
(b) If both parents of the child are entitled attorney appointed to represent a child in a suit
to the appointment of an attorney ad litem under under Title 3 as provided by Chapter 51. The
this section and the court finds that the interests of court may not award attorney ad litem fees under
the parents are not in conflict, the court may this chapter against the state, a state agency, or a
appoint an attorney ad litem to represent the political subdivision of the state except as
interests of both parents. provided by this subsection.
(c) In a suit filed by a governmental entity (d) A person appointed as a guardian ad
requesting temporary managing conservatorship litem or attorney ad litem shall complete and
of a child, the court shall appoint an attorney ad submit to the court a voucher or claim for
litem to represent the interests of an indigent payment that lists the fees charged and hours
parent of the child who responds in opposition to worked by the guardian ad litem or attorney ad
the suit. litem. Information submitted under this section is
(d) A parent who claims indigence under subject to disclosure under Chapter 552,
Subsection (a) must file an affidavit of indigence Government Code.
in accordance with Rule 145(b) of the Texas
Rules of Civil Procedure before the court can § 107.016. Continued Representation (amended
conduct a hearing to determine the parent’s 2003)
indigence under this section. In a suit filed by a governmental entity in
which termination of the parent-child relationship
§ 107.014. [Repealed] or appointment of the entity as conservator of the
child is requested, an order appointing the
§ 107.015. Attorney Fees (amended 2003, 2005) Department of Protective and Regulatory Services
(a) An attorney appointed under this [now Family and Protective Services] as the
chapter to serve as an attorney ad litem for a child, child's managing conservator may provide for the
an attorney in the dual role, or an attorney ad continuation of the appointment of the guardian
litem for a parent is entitled to reasonable fees and ad litem or attorney ad litem for the child for any
expenses in the amount set by the court to be paid period set by the court.
by the parents of the child unless the parents are
indigent. § 107.017. Appointment of Amicus Attorney
(b) If the court determines that one or Prohibited (added 2003)
more of the parties are able to defray the fees and The court may not appoint a person to
expenses of an attorney ad litem or guardian ad serve as an amicus attorney in a suit filed by a
litem for the child as determined by the reasonable governmental entity under this chapter.
and customary fees for similar services in the
county of jurisdiction, the fees and expenses may
be ordered paid by one or more of those parties, or PART 2. APPOINTMENTS IN SUITS
the court may order one or more of those parties, OTHER THAN SUITS BY
prior to final hearing, to pay the sums into the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY
registry of the court or into an account authorized
by the court for the use and benefit of the payee § 107.021. Discretionary Appointments (added
on order of the court. The sums may be taxed as 2003, amended 2005)
costs to be assessed against one or more of the (a) In a suit in which the best interests of
parties. a child are at issue, other than a suit filed by a
(c) If indigency of the parents is shown, governmental entity requesting termination of the
an attorney ad litem appointed to represent a child parent-child relationship or appointment fo the
or parent in a suit filed by a governmental entity entity as conservator of the child, the court may
shall be paid from the general funds of the county appoint one of the following:

(1) an amicus attorney; entity as conservator of the child.
(2) an attorney ad litem; or
(3) a guardian ad litem. § 107.023. Fees in Suits Other Than Suits By
(a-1) In a suit requesting termination of Governmental Entity (added 2003, amended
the parent-child relationship that is not filed by a 2005)
governmental entity, the court shall, unless the (a) In a suit other than a suit filed by a
court finds that the interests of the child will be governmental entity requesting termination of the
represented adequately by a party to the suit parent-child relationship or appointment of the
whose interests are not in conflict with the child’s entity as conservator of the child, in addition to
interests, appoint one fo the following: the attorney's fees that may be awarded under
(1) an amicus attorney; or Chapter 106, the following persons are entitled to
(2) an attorney ad litem reasonable fees and expenses in an amount set by
(b) In determining whether to make an the court and ordered to be paid by one or more
appointment under this section, the court: parties to the suit:
(1) shall: (1) an attorney appointed as an amicus
(A) give due consideration to the ability attorney or as an attorney ad litem for the child;
of the parties to pay reasonable fees to the and
appointee; and (2) a professional who holds a relevant
(B) balance the child's interests against professional license and who is appointed as
the cost to the parties that would result from an guardian ad litem for the child, other than a
appointment by taking into consideration the cost volunteer advocate.
of available alternatives for resolving issues (b) The court shall:
without making an appointment; (1) determine the fees and expenses of an
(2) may make an appointment only if the amicus attorney, an attorney ad litem, or a
court finds that the appointment is necessary to guardian ad litem by reference to the reasonable
ensure the determination of the best interests of and customary fees for similar services in the
the child, unless the appointment is otherwise county of jurisdiction;
required by this code; and (2) order a reasonable cost deposit to be
(3) may not require a person appointed made at the time the court makes the appointment;
under this section to serve without reasonable and
compensation for the services rendered by the (3) before the final hearing, order an
person. additional amount to be paid to the credit of a
trust account for the use and benefit of the amicus
§ 107.022. Certain Prohibited Appointments attorney, attorney ad litem, or guardian ad litem.
(added 2003, amended 2005) (c) A court may not award costs, fees, or
In a suit other than a suit filed by a expenses to an amicus attorney, attorney ad litem,
governmental entity requesting termination of the or guardian ad litem against the state, a state
parent-child relationship or appointment of the agency, or a political subdivision of the state
entity as conservator of the child, the court may under this part.
not appoint: (d) The court may determine that fees
(1) an attorney to serve in the dual role; awarded under this subchapter to an amicus
or attorney, an attorney ad litem for the child, or a
(2) a volunteer advocate to serve as guardian ad litem for the child are necessaries for
guardian ad litem for a child unless the training of the benefit of the child.
the volunteer advocate is designed for
participation in suits other than suits filed by a
governmental entity requesting termination of the
parent-child relationship or appointment of the

§ 107.0501. Definitions (added 2007)
§ 107.031. Volunteer Advocates (amended In this subchapter:
2003, 2005) (1) "Social study" means an evaluative
(a) In a suit filed by a governmental entity process through which information and
requesting termination of the parent-child recommendations regarding adoption of a child,
relationship or appointment of the entity as conservatorship of a child, or possession of or
conservator of the child, the court may appoint a access to a child may be made to a court, the
charitable organization composed of volunteer parties, and the parties' attorneys. The term does
advocates whose charter mandates the provision not include services provided in accordance with
of services to allegedly abused and neglected the Interstate Compact on the Placement of
children or an individual who has received the Children adopted under Subchapter B, Chapter
court's approved training regarding abused and 162, or an evaluation conducted in accordance
neglected children and who has been certified by with Section 262.114 by an employee of or
the court to appear at court hearings as a guardian contractor with the Department of Family and
ad litem for the child or as a volunteer advocate Protective Services.
for the child. (2) "Social study evaluator" means an
(b) In a suit other than a suit filed by a individual who conducts a social study under this
governmental entity requesting termination of the subchapter.
parent-child relationship or appointment of the
entity as conservator of the child, the court may § 107.051. Order for Social Study (amended
appoint a charitable organization composed of 1999, 2001, 2007)
volunteer advocates whose training provides for (a) The court may order the preparation of
the provision of services in private custody a social study into the circumstances and
disputes or a person who has received the court's condition of:
approved training regarding the subject matter of (1) a child who is the subject of a suit or
the suit and who has been certified by the court to a party to a suit; and
appear at court hearings as a guardian ad litem for (2) the home of any person requesting
the child or as a volunteer advocate for the child. conservatorship of, or possession of, or access to,
A person appointed under this subsection is not a child.
entitled to fees under Section 107.023. (b) The social study may be made by a
(c) A court-certified volunteer advocate private entity, a person appointed by the court, a
appointed under this section may be assigned to domestic relations office, or a state agency,
act as a surrogate parent for the child, as provided including the Department of Family and
by 20 U.S.C. Section 1415(b), if: Protective Services if the department is a party to
(1) the chid is in the conservatorship of the suit.
the Department of Family and Protective Services; (c) In a suit in which adoption is
(2) the volunteer advocate is serving as requested or conservatorship of, possession of, or
guardian ad litem for the child; and access to a child is an issue and in which a social
(3) a foster parent of the child is not study has been ordered and the Department of
acting as the child’s parent under Section 29.015, Family and Protective Services is not a party, the
Education Code. court shall appoint a private agency, another
person, or a domestic relations office to conduct
the social study.
(d) Except as provided by Section
107.0511(b), each individual who conducts a

social study must be qualified under Section evaluation of physical, intellectual, social, and
107.0511. psychological functioning and needs and the
potential of the social and physical environment,
§ 107.0511. Social Study Evaluator; Minimum both present and prospective, to meet those needs;
Qualifications Pre–adoptive Home Screening and
(amended 2007, 2009) (B) have participated in the performance
(a) In this section: of at least 10 court-ordered social studies under
(1) "Full-time experience" means a period the supervision of an individual qualified under
during which an individual works at least 30 hours this section;
per week. (2) meet the requirements of Subdivision
(2) "Human services field of study" means (1)(A) and be practicing under the direct
a field of study designed to prepare an individual supervision of an individual qualified under this
in the disciplined application of counseling, section in order to complete at least 10 court-
family therapy, psychology, or social work values, ordered social studies under supervision; or
principles, and methods. (3) be employed by a domestic relations
(b) The minimum qualifications office, provided that the individual conducts
prescribed by this section do not apply to an social studies relating only to families ordered by
individual conducting a social study: a court to participate in social studies conducted
(1) in connection with a suit pending by the office.
before a court located in a county with a (e) If an individual meeting the
population of less than 500,000; requirements of this section is not available in the
(2) in connection with an adoption county served by the court, the court may
governed by rules adopted under Section authorize an individual determined by the court to
107.0519(a); be otherwise qualified to conduct the social study.
(3) as an employee or other authorized (f) In addition to the qualifications
representative of a licensed child-placing agency; prescribed by this section, an individual must
or complete at least eight hours of family violence
(4) as an employee or other authorized dynamics training provided by a family violence
representative of the Department of Family and service provider to be qualified to conduct a social
Protective Services. study under this subchapter.
(c) The executive commissioner of the (g) The minimum qualifications
Health and Human Services Commission shall prescribed by this section do not apply to an
adopt rules prescribing the minimum individual who, before September 1, 2007
qualifications that an individual described by (1) lived in a county that has a population
Subsection (b)(3) or (4) must possess in order to of 500,000 or more and is adjacent to two or more
conduct a social study under this subchapter. counties each of which has a population of 50,000
(d) To be qualified to conduct a social or more;
study under this subchapter, an individual must: (2) received a four-year degree from an
(1) have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher education;
accredited college or university in a human (3) worked as a child protective services
services field of study and a license to practice in investigator for the Department of Family and
this state as a social worker, professional Protective Services for at least four years;
counselor, marriage and family therapist, or (4) worked as a community supervision
psychologist and: and corrections department officer; and
(A) have two years of full-time experience (5) conducted at least 100 social studies
or equivalent part-time experience under in the previous five years.
professional supervision during which the (h) A person described by Subsection (g)
individual performed functions involving the who performs a social study must:

(1) complete at least eight hours of ethical standards, or guidelines adopted by the
family violence dynamics training provided by a state agency that licenses the evaluator.
family violence service provider; and (b) In addition to the requirements
(2) participate annually in at least 15 prescribed by this subchapter, a court may impose
hours of continuing education for child custody requirements or adopt local rules applicable to a
evaluators that meets the Model Standards of social study or a social study evaluator.
Practice for Child Custody Evaluation adopted by (c) A social study evaluator shall follow
the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts evidence-based practice methods and make use of
as those standards existed May 1, 2009, or a later current best evidence in making assessments and
version of those standards if adopted by rule of recommendations.
the executive commissioner of the Health and (d) A social study evaluator shall disclose
Human Services Commission. to each attorney of record any communication
(i) Subsections (g) and (h) and this regarding a substantive issue between the
subsection expire September 1, 2017. evaluator and an attorney of record representing a
party in a disputed suit. This subsection does not
§ 107.0512. Social Study Evaluator: Conflicts apply to a communication between a social study
of Interest and Bias (added 2007) evaluator and an attorney ad litem or amicus
(a) A social study evaluator who has a attorney.
conflict of interest with any party in a disputed (e) To the extent possible, a social study
suit or who may be biased on the basis of previous evaluator shall verify each statement of fact
knowledge, other than knowledge obtained in a pertinent to a social study and shall note the
court-ordered evaluation, shall: sources of verification and information in the
(1) decline to conduct a social study for report.
the suit; or (f) A social study evaluator shall state the
(2) disclose any issue or concern to the basis for the evaluator's conclusions or
court before accepting the appointment or recommendations in the report. A social study
assignment. evaluator who has evaluated only one side of a
(b) A social study evaluator who has disputed case shall refrain from making a
previously conducted a social study for a suit may recommendation regarding conservatorship of a
conduct all subsequent evaluations in the suit child or possession of or access to a child, but
unless the court finds that the evaluator is biased. may state whether the party evaluated appears to
(c) This section does not prohibit a court be suitable for conservatorship.
from appointing an employee of the Department (g) Each social study subject to this
of Family and Protective Services to conduct a subchapter must be conducted in compliance with
social study in a suit in which adoption is this subchapter, regardless of whether the study is
requested or possession of or access to a child is conducted:
an issue and in which the department is a party or (1) by a single social study evaluator or
has an interest. multiple evaluators working separately or
together; or
§ 107.0513. General Provisions Applicable to (2) within a county served by the court
Conduct of Social Study and Preparation of with continuing jurisdiction or at a geographically
Report (added 2007) distant location.
(a) Unless otherwise directed by a court (h) A social study report must include the
or prescribed by a provision of this title, a social name, license number, and basis for qualification
study evaluator's actions in conducting a social under Section 107.0511 of each social study
study shall be in conformance with the evaluator who conducted any portion of the social
professional standard of care applicable to the study.
evaluator's licensure and any administrative rules,

§ 107.0514. Elements of Social Study (added child unless each basic element of a social study
2007) under Subsection (a) has been completed. A
(a) The basic elements of a social study social study evaluator shall identify in the report
under this subchapter consist of: any additional element of a social study under
(1) a personal interview of each party to Subsection (b) that was not completed and shall
the suit; explain the reasons that the element was not
(2) an interview, conducted in a completed.
developmentally appropriate manner, of each
child at issue in the suit who is at least four years § 107.0515. Reports of Certain Placements for
of age; Adoption (added 2007).
(3) observation of each child at issue in A social study evaluator shall report to the
the suit, regardless of the age of the child; Department of Family and Protective Services any
(4) the obtaining of information from adoptive placement that appears to have been
relevant collateral sources; made by someone other than a licensed child-
(5) evaluation of the home environment of placing agency or the child's parents or managing
each party seeking conservatorship of a child at conservator.
issue in the suit or possession of or access to the
child, unless the condition of the home § 107.0519. Pre-Adoptive Social Study
environment is identified as not being in dispute (amended and renumbered 2007)
in the court order requiring the social study; (a) This section does not apply to a study
(6) for each individual residing in a prepared by a licensed child-placing agency or the
residence subject to the social study, Department of Family and Protective Services.
consideration of any criminal history information The procedures required in relation to a study
and any contact with the Department of Family prepared by a licensed child-placing agency or the
and Protective Services or a law enforcement Department of Family and Protective Services are
agency regarding abuse or neglect; and governed by rules adopted by the executive
(7) assessment of the relationship between commissioner of the Health and Human Services
each child at issue in the suit and each party Commission, including rules adopted under
seeking possession of or access to the child. Chapter 42, Human Resources Code.
(b) The additional elements of a social (b) A pre-adoptive social study shall be
study under this subchapter consist of: conducted as provided by this section to evaluate
(1) balanced interviews and observation each party in a proceeding described by
of each child at issue in the suit so that a child Subsection (c) who requests termination of the
who is interviewed or observed while in the care parent-child relationship or an adoption.
of one party to the suit is also interviewed or (c) The social study under this section
observed while in the care of each other party to shall be filed in any suit for:
the suit; (1) termination of the parent-child
(2) an interview of each individual relationship in which a person other than a parent
residing in a residence subject to the social study; may be appointed managing conservator of a
and child; or
(3) evaluation of the home environment of (2) an adoption.
each party seeking conservatorship of a child at (d) The social study under this section
issue in the suit or possession of or access to the must be filed with the court before the court may
child, regardless of whether the home sign the final order for termination of the parent-
environment is in dispute. child relationship.
(c) A social study evaluator may not offer (e) The costs of a social study in a suit for
an opinion regarding conservatorship of a child at adoption under this section shall be paid by the
issue in a suit or possession of or access to the prospective adoptive parent.

(f) Unless otherwise agreed to by the (b) In a contested case, the agency or
court, the social study under this section must person making the social study shall furnish
comply with the minimum requirements for the copies of the report to the attorneys for the parties
study under rules adopted by the executive before the earlier of:
commissioner of the Health and Human Services (1) the seventh day after the date the
Commission. social study is completed; or
(g) In a suit filed after the child begins (2) the fifth day before the date of
residence in the prospective adoptive home, the commencement of the trial.
pre-adoptive social study under this section and (c) The court may compel the attendance
the post-placement adoptive social study under of witnesses necessary for the proper disposition
Section 107.052 may be combined in a single of the suit, including a representative of the
report. Under this subsection, the pre-adoptive agency making the social study, who may be
social study will be completed after the child is compelled to testify.
placed in the home.
§ 107.056. Preparation Fee (amended 2007)
§ 107.052. Post–placement Adoptive Social If the court orders a social study to be
Study and Report (amended 2001, 2007) conducted, the court shall award the agency or
(a) In a proceeding in which a other person a reasonable fee for the preparation
pre-adoptive social study is required by Section of the study that shall be imposed in the frm of a
107.0519 for an adoption, a post-placement money judgment and paid directly to the agency
adoptive social study must be conducted and a or other person. The person or agency may
report filed with the court before the court may enforce the judgment for the fee by any means
render a final order in the adoption. available under law for civil judgments.
(b) Unless otherwise agreed to by the
court, the post-placement adoptive social study
must comply with the minimum requirements for CHAPTER 108. CENTRAL RECORD FILE;
the report under rules adopted by the executive VITAL STATISTICS
commissioner of the Health and Human Services
Commission. § 108.001. Transmittal of Records of Suit by
Clerk (amended 1999, 2007)
§ 107.053. Prospective Adoptive Parents to (a) Except as provided by this chapter, the
Receive Copy clerk of the court shall transmit to the bureau of
In all adoptions a copy of the report shall vital statistics a certified record of the order
be made available to the prospective adoptive rendered in a suit, together with the name and all
parents prior to a final order of adoption. prior names, birth date, and place of birth of the
child on a form provided by the bureau. The form
§ 107.054. Report Filed With Court shall be completed by the petitioner and submitted
The agency or person making the social to the clerk at the time the order is filed for
study shall file with the court on a date set by the record.
court a report containing its findings and (b) The bureau of vital statistics shall
conclusions. The report shall be made a part of maintain these records in a central file according
the record of the suit. to the name, birth date, and place of birth of the
child, the court that rendered the order, and the
§ 107.055. Introduction of Report at Trial docket number of the suit.
(a) Disclosure to the jury of the contents (c) Except as otherwise provided by law,
of a report to the court of a social study is subject the records required under this section to be
to the rules of evidence. maintained by the bureau of vital statistics are

(d) In a Title IV-D case, the Title IV-D of a child-placing agency that has ceased
agency may transmit the record and information operations, and the records required under this
specified by Subsection (a) to the bureau of vital section to be maintained by the bureau of vital
statistics, with a copy to the clerk of the court on statistics are confidential, and no person is entitled
request by the clerk. The record and information to access to or information from these records.
are not required to be certified if transmitted by (c) If the bureau of vital statistics
the Title IV-D agency under this subsection. determines that a report filed with the bureau
under this section requires correction, the bureau
§ 108.002. Dissolution of Marriage Records shall mail the report directly to an attorney of
Maintained by Clerk record with respect to the adoption. The attorney
A clerk may not transmit to the central shall return the corrected report to the bureau. If
record file the pleadings, papers, studies, and there is no attorney of record, the bureau shall
records relating to a suit for divorce or annulment mail the report to the clerk of the court for
or to declare a marriage void. correction.

§ 108.003. Transmittal of Information § 108.004. Transmittal of Files on Loss of

Regarding Adoption (amended 1999, 2003) Jurisdiction (amended 2007)
(a) The clerk of a court that renders a On the loss of jurisdiction of a court
decree of adoption shall, not later than the 10th under Chapter 155, 159, or 262, the clerk of the
day of the first month after the month in which the court shall transmit to the central registry of the
adoption is rendered, transmit to the central bureau of vital statistics a certified record, on a
registry of the bureau of vital statistics certified form provided by the bureau, stating that
report of adoption that includes: jurisdiction has been lost, the reason for the loss
(1) the name of the adopted child after of jurisdiction, and the name and all previous
adoption as shown in the adoption order; names, date of birth, and place of birth of the
(2) the birth date of the adopted child; child.
(3) the docket number of the adoption
suit; § 108.005. Adoption Records Received by
(4) the identity of the court rendering the Bureau of Vital Statistics (amended 1999)
adoption; (a) When the bureau of vital statistics
(5) the date of the adoption order; receives a record from the district clerk showing
(6) the name and address of each parent, that continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of a child
guardian, managing conservator, or other person has been lost due to the adoption of the child, the
whose consent to adoption was required or waived bureau shall close the records concerning that
under Chapter 162, or whose parental rights were child.
terminated in the adoption suit; (b) An inquiry concerning a child who has
(7) the identity of the licensed child been adopted shall be handled as though the child
placing agency, if any, through which the adopted had not previously been the subject of a suit
child was placed for adoption; and affecting the parent-child relationship.
(8) the identity, address, and telephone
number of the registry through which the adopted § 108.006. Fees
child may register as an adoptee. (a) The bureau of vital statistics may
(b) Except as otherwise provided by law, charge a reasonable fee to cover the cost of
for good cause shown, or on an order of the court determining and sending information concerning
that granted the adoption or terminated the the identity of the court with continuing, exclusive
proceedings under Section 155.001, the records jurisdiction.
concerning a child maintained by the district clerk
after rendition of a decree of adoption, the records

(b) On the filing of a suit requesting the marry each other subsequent to the birth of the
adoption of a child, the clerk of the court shall child.
collect an additional fee of $15. (b) The new certificate may not show that
(c) The clerk shall send the fees collected the father and child relationship was established
under Subsection (b) to the bureau of vital after the child's birth but may show the child's
statistics for deposit in a special fund in the state actual place and date of birth.
treasury from which the legislature may
appropriate money only to operate and maintain § 108.110. Release of Information by Bureau of
the central file and central registry of the bureau. Vital Statistics (added 1999)
(d) The receipts from the fees charged (a) The bureau of vital statistics shall
under Subsection (a) shall be deposited in a provide to the Department of Protective and
financial institution as determined by the director Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective
of the bureau of vital statistics and withdrawn as Services]:
necessary for the sole purpose of operating and (1) adoption information as necessary for
maintaining the central record file. the department to comply with federal law or
regulations regarding the compilation or reporting
§ 108.007. Microfilm of adoption information to federal officials; and
(a) The bureau of vital statistics may use (2) other information as necessary for the
microfilm or other suitable means for maintaining department to administer its duties.
the central record file. (b) The bureau may release otherwise
(b) A certified reproduction of a confidential information from the bureau's central
document maintained by the bureau of vital record files to another governmental entity that
statistics is admissible in evidence as the original has a specific need for the information and
document. maintains appropriate safeguards to prevent
further dissemination of the information.
§ 108.008. Filing Information After
Determination of Paternity (amended 1999)
(a) On a determination of paternity, the CHAPTER 109. APPEALS
petitioner shall provide the clerk of the court in
which the order was rendered the information § 109.001. Temporary Orders During
necessary to prepare the report of determination of Pendency of Appeal (amended 2001)
paternity. The clerk shall: (a) Not later than the 30th day after the
(1) prepare the report on a form provided date an appeal is perfected, on the motion of any
by the Bureau of Vital Statistics; and party or on the court's own motion and after notice
(2) complete the report immediately after and hearing, the court may make any order
the order becomes final. necessary to preserve and protect the safety and
(b) On completion of the report, the clerk welfare of the child during the pendency of the
of the court shall forward to the state registrar a appeal as the court may deem necessary and
report for each order that became final in that equitable. In addition to other matters, an order
court. may:
(1) appoint temporary conservators for the
§ 108.009. Birth Certificate (amended 2001) child and provide for possession of the child;
(a) The state registrar shall substitute a (2) require the temporary support of the
new birth certificate for the original based on the child by a party;
order in accordance with laws or rules that permit (3) restrain a party from molesting or
the correction or substitution of a birth certificate disturbing the peace of the child or another party;
for an adopted child or a child whose parents

(4) prohibit a person from removing the § 109.003. Payment for Statement of Facts
child beyond a geographical area identified by the (amended 2001)
court; (a) If the party requesting a statement of
(5) require payment of reasonable facts in an appeal of a suit has filed an affidavit
attorney's fees and expenses; or stating the party's inability to pay costs as
(6) suspend the operation of the order or provided by Rule 20, Texas Rules of Appellate
judgment that is being appealed. Procedure, and the affidavit is approved by the
(b) A court retains jurisdiction to enforce trial court, the trial court may order the county in
its orders rendered under this section unless the which the trial was held to pay the costs of
appellate court, on a proper showing, supersedes preparing the statement of facts.
the court's order. (b) Nothing in this section shall be
(c) A temporary order rendered under this construed to permit an official court reporter to be
section is not subject to interlocutory appeal. paid more than once for the preparation of the
(d) The court may not suspend under statement of facts.
Subsection (a)(6) the operation of an order or
judgment terminating the parent-child relationship
in a suit brought by the state or a political CHAPTER 110. COURT FEES
subdivision of the state permitted by law to bring
the suit. § 110.001. General Rule
Except as provided by this chapter, fees in
§ 109.002. Appeal (amended 1999, 2001) a matter covered by this title shall be as in civil
(a) An appeal from a final order rendered cases generally.
in a suit, when allowed under this section or under
other provisions of law, shall be as in civil cases § 110.002. Filing Fees and Deposits
generally. An appeal in a suit in which (a) The clerk of the court may collect a
termination of the parent-child relationship is in filing fee of $15 in a suit for filing:
issue shall be given precedence over other civil (1) a suit for modification;
cases and shall be accelerated by the appellate (2) a motion for enforcement;
courts. The procedures for an accelerated appeal (3) a notice of application for judicial writ
under the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure of withholding;
apply to an appeal in which the termination of the (4) a motion to transfer.
parent-child relationship is in issue. (5) a petition for license suspension;
(b) An appeal may be taken by any party (6) a motion to revoke a stay of license
to a suit from a final order rendered under this suspension; or
title. (7) a motion for contempt.
(c) An appeal from a final order, with or (b) No other filing fee may be collected or
without a supercede bond, does not suspend the required for an action described in this section.
order unless suspension is ordered by the court (c) The clerk may collect a deposit as in
rendering the order. The appellate court, on a other cases, in the amount set by the clerk for
proper showing, may permit the order to be payment of expected costs and other expenses
suspended, unless the order provides for the arising in the proceeding.
termination of the parent-child relationship in a
suit brought by the state or a political subdivision § 110.003. No Separate or Additional Filing Fee
of the state permitted by law to bring the suit. The clerk of the court may not require:
(d) On the motion of the parties or on the (1) a separate filing fee in a suit joined
court's own motion, the appellate court in its with a suit for dissolution of marriage under Title
opinion may identify the parties by fictitious 1; or
names or by their initials only.

(2) an additional filing fee if more than CHAPTER 111. GUIDELINES FOR
one form of relief is requested in a suit. POSSESSION AND CHILD SUPPORT

§ 110.004. Fee for Issuing and Delivering § 111.001. Review of Guidelines (amended 1999)
Withholding Order or Writ (a) Prior to each regular legislative
The clerk of the court may charge a session, the standing committees of each house of
reasonable fee, not to exceed $15, for each order the legislature having jurisdiction over family law
or writ of income withholding issued by the clerk issues shall review and, if necessary, recommend
and delivered to an employer. revisions to the guidelines for possession of and
access to a child under Chapter 153 and for
§ 110.005. Transfer Fee support of a child under Chapter 154. The
(a) The fee for filing a transferred case is committee shall report the results of the review
$45 payable to the clerk of the court to which the and shall include any recommended revisions in
case is transferred. No portion of this fee may be the committee's report to the legislature.
sent to the state. (b) Not later than December 1 of each
(b) A party may not be assessed any other even-numbered year, the Title IV–D agency shall
fee, cost, charge, or expense by the clerk of the submit a report to the standing committees of each
court or other public official in connection with house of the legislature having jurisdiction over
filing of the transferred case. family law issues for use by the committee in
(c) The fee limitation in this section does conducting the review required by Subsection (a).
not affect a fee payable to the court transferring The report must contain:
the case. (1) economic data obtained from the
United States Department of Agriculture on the
§ 110.006. Domestic Relations Office Fees cost of raising children;
(amended 1999, 2009) (2) an analysis of case data on the
(a) If an administering entity of a application of and deviations from the child
domestic relations office adopts an initial support guidelines; and
operations fee under Section 203.005(a)(1), the (3) a summary of any federal legislation
clerk of the court shall: enacted since the date of the last review.
(1) collect the operations fee at the time
the original suit, motion for modification, or § 111.002. Guidelines Supersede Court Rules
motion for enforcement, as applicable, is filed; (a) The guidelines in this title supersede
and local court rules and rules of the supreme court
(2) send the fee to the domestic relations that conflict with the guidelines.
office. (b) Notwithstanding other law, the
(b) If an administering entity of a guidelines may not be repealed or modified by a
domestic relations office adopts an initial child rule adopted by the supreme court.
support service fee under Section 203.005(a)(2),
the clerk of the court shall: § 111.003. Posting Guidelines
(1) collect the child support service fee at A copy of the guidelines for possession of
the time the original suit is filed; and and access to a child under Chapter 153 and a
(2) send the fee to the domestic relations copy of the guidelines for the support of a child
office. under Chapter 154 shall be prominently displayed
(c) The fees described by Subsections (a) at or near the entrance to the courtroom of every
and (b) are not filing fees for purposes of Section court having jurisdiction of a suit.
110.002 or 110.003.

SUBTITLE B. SUITS AFFECTING THE and complies with attendance requirements
PARENT–CHILD RELATIONSHIP described by Section 154.002(a)(2).
(c) A parent who fails to discharge the
CHAPTER 151. RIGHTS AND DUTIES IN duty of support is liable to a person who provides
PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP necessaries to those to whom support is owed.
(d) The rights and duties of a parent are
§ 151.001. Rights and Duties of Parent subject to:
(amended 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007) (1) a court order affecting the rights and
(a) A parent of a child has the following duties;
rights and duties: (2) an affidavit of relinquishment of
(1) the right to have physical possession, parental rights; and
to direct the moral and religious training, and to (3) an affidavit by the parent designating
designate the residence of the child; another person or agency to act as managing
(2) the duty of care, control, protection, conservator.
and reasonable discipline of the child; (e) Only the following persons may use
(3) the duty to support the child, including corporal punishment for the reasonable discipline
providing the child with clothing, food, shelter, of a child:
medical and dental care, and education; (1) a parent or grandparent of the child;
(4) the duty, except when a guardian of (2) a stepparent of the child who has the
the child's estate has been appointed, to manage duty of control and reasonable discipline of the
the estate of the child, including the right as an child; and
agent of the child to act in relation to the child's (3) an individual who is guardian of the
estate if the child's action is required by a state, child and who has the duty of control and
the United States, or a foreign government; reasonable discipline of the child
(5) except as provided by Section
264.0111, the right to the services and earnings of § 151.002. Rights of a Living Child After an
the child; Abortion or Premature Birth
(6) the right to consent to the child's (a) A living human child born alive after
marriage, enlistment in the armed forces of the an abortion or premature birth is entitled to the
United States, medical and dental care, and same rights, powers, and privileges as are granted
psychiatric, psychological, and surgical treatment; by the laws of this state to any other child born
(7) the right to represent the child in legal alive after the normal gestation period.
action and to make other decisions of substantial (b) In this code, "born alive" means the
legal significance concerning the child; complete expulsion or extraction from its mother
(8) the right to receive and give receipt for of a product of conception, irrespective of the
payments for the support of the child and to hold duration of pregnancy, which, after such
or disburse funds for the benefit of the child; separation, breathes or shows any other evidence
(9) the right to inherit from and through of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of
the child; the umbilical cord, or definite movement of
(10) the right to make decisions voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical
concerning the child's education; and cord has been cut or the placenta is attached.
(11) any other right or duty existing Each product of the birth is considered born alive.
between a parent and child by virtue of law.
(b) The duty of a parent to support his or § 151.003. Limitation on State Agency Action
her child exists while the child is an A state agency may not adopt rules or
unemancipated minor and continues as long as the policies or take any other action that violates the
child is fully enrolled in a secondary school in a fundamental right and duty of a parent to direct
program leading toward a high school diploma the upbringing of the parent's child.

which the issue may appear. The term does not
CHAPTER 152. UNIFORM CHILD include a proceeding involving juvenile
CUSTODY JURISDICTION AND delinquency, contractual emancipation, or
ENFORCEMENT ACT (1999) enforcement under Subchapter D.
(5) "Commencement" means the filing of
SUBCHAPTER A. APPLICATION AND the first pleading in a proceeding.
CONSTRUCTION (6) "Court" means an entity authorized
under the law of a state to establish, enforce, or
§ 152.001. Application and Construction modify a child custody determination.
This chapter shall be applied and (7) "Home state" means the state in which
construed to promote the uniformity of the law a child lived with a parent or a person acting as a
among the states that enact it. parent for at least six consecutive months
immediately before the commencement of a child
§ 152.002. Conflicts Between Provisions custody proceeding. In the case of a child less
If a provision of this chapter conflicts than six months of age, the term means the state in
with a provision of this title or another statute or which the child lived from birth with a parent or
rule of this state and the conflict cannot be a person acting as a parent. A period of temporary
reconciled, this chapter prevails. absence of a parent or a person acting as a parent
is part of the period.
SUBCHAPTER B. GENERAL (8) "Initial determination" means the first
PROVISIONS child custody determination concerning a
particular child.
§ 152.101. Short Title (9) "Issuing court" means the court that
This chapter may be cited as the Uniform makes a child custody determination for which
Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act. enforcement is sought under this chapter.
(10) "Issuing state" means the state in
§ 152.102. Definitions which a child custody determination is made.
In this chapter: (11) "Legal custody" means the managing
(1) "Abandoned" means left without conservatorship of a child.
provision for reasonable and necessary care or (12) "Modification" means a child
supervision. custody determination that changes, replaces,
(2) "Child" means an individual who has supersedes, or is otherwise made after a previous
not attained 18 years of age. determination concerning the same child, whether
(3) "Child custody determination" means or not it is made by the court that made the
a judgment, decree, or other order of a court previous determination.
providing for legal custody, physical custody, or (13) "Person acting as a parent" means a
visitation with respect to a child. The term person, other than a parent, who:
includes permanent, temporary, initial, and (A) has physical custody of the child or
modification orders. The term does not include an has had physical custody for a period of six
order relating to child support or another consecutive months, including any temporary
monetary obligation of an individual. absence, within one year immediately before the
(4) "Child custody proceeding" means a commencement of a child custody proceeding;
proceeding in which legal custody, physical and
custody, or visitation with respect to a child is an (B) has been awarded legal custody by a
issue. The term includes a proceeding for divorce, court or claims a right to legal custody under the
separation, neglect, abuse, dependency, law of this state.
guardianship, paternity, termination of parental (14) "Physical custody" means the
rights, and protection from domestic violence in physical care and supervision of a child.

(15) "Tribe" means an Indian tribe or country violates fundamental principles of human
band, or Alaskan Native village, that is recognized rights.
by federal law or formally acknowledged by a
state. § 152.106. Effect of Child Custody
(16) "Visitation" means the possession of Determination
or access to a child. A child custody determination made by a
(17) "Warrant" means an order issued by court of this state that had jurisdiction under this
a court authorizing law enforcement officers to chapter binds all persons who have been served in
take physical custody of a child. accordance with the laws of this state or notified
in accordance with Section 152.108 or who have
§ 152.103. Proceedings Governed by Other submitted to the jurisdiction of the court and who
Law have been given an opportunity to be heard. As to
This chapter does not govern an adoption those persons, the determination is conclusive as
proceeding or a proceeding pertaining to the to all decided issues of law and fact except to the
authorization of emergency medical care for a extent the determination is modified.
§ 152.107. Priority
§ 152.104. Application to Indian Tribes If a question of existence or exercise of
(a) A child custody proceeding that jurisdiction under this chapter is raised in a child
pertains to an Indian child as defined in the Indian custody proceeding, the question, upon request of
Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. Section a party, must be given priority on the calendar and
1901 et seq.) is not subject to this chapter to the handled expeditiously.
extent that it is governed by the Indian Child
Welfare Act. § 152.108. Notice to Persons Outside State
(b) A court of this state shall treat a tribe (a) Notice required for the exercise of
as if it were a state of the United States for the jurisdiction when a person is outside this state
purpose of applying this subchapter and may be given in a manner prescribed by the law of
Subchapter C. this state for service of process or by the law of
(c) A child custody determination made the state in which the service is made. Notice
by a tribe under factual circumstances in must be given in a manner reasonably calculated
substantial conformity with the jurisdictional to give actual notice but may be by publication if
standards of this chapter must be recognized and other means are not effective.
enforced under Subchapter D. (b) Proof of service may be made in the
manner prescribed by the law of this state or by
§ 152.105. International Application of the law of the state in which the service is made.
Chapter (c) Notice is not required for the exercise
(a) A court of this state shall treat a of jurisdiction with respect to a person who
foreign country as if it were a state of the United submits to the jurisdiction of the court.
States for the purpose of applying this subchapter
and Subchapter C. § 152.109. Appearance and Limited Immunity
(b) Except as otherwise provided in (a) A party to a child custody proceeding,
Subsection (c), a child custody determination including a modification proceeding, or a
made in a foreign country under factual petitioner or respondent in a proceeding to enforce
circumstances in substantial conformity with the or register a child custody determination, is not
jurisdictional standards of this chapter must be subject to personal jurisdiction in this state for
recognized and enforced under Subchapter D. another proceeding or purpose solely by reason of
(c) A court of this state need not apply having participated, or of having been physically
this chapter if the child custody law of a foreign

present for the purpose of participating, in the must be informed promptly of the communication
proceeding. and granted access to the record.
(b) A person who is subject to personal
jurisdiction in this state on a basis other than § 152.111. Taking Testimony in Another State
physical presence is not immune from service of (a) In addition to other procedures
process in this state. A party present in this state available to a party, a party to a child custody
who is subject to the jurisdiction of another state proceeding may offer testimony of witnesses who
is not immune from service of process allowed are located in another state, including testimony of
under the laws of that state. the parties and the child, by deposition or other
(c) The immunity granted by Subsection means allowed in this state for testimony taken in
(a) does not extend to civil litigation based on acts another state. The court on its own motion may
unrelated to the participation in a proceeding order that the testimony of a person be taken in
under this chapter committed by an individual another state and may prescribe the manner in
while present in this state. which and the terms upon which the testimony is
§ 152.110. Communication Between Courts (b) A court of this state may permit an
(amended 2001) individual residing in another state to be deposed
(a) In this section, "record" means or to testify by telephone, audiovisual means, or
information that is inscribed on a tangible medium other electronic means before a designated court
or that is stored in an electronic or other medium or at another location in that state. A court of this
and is retrievable in perceivable form. state shall cooperate with courts of other states in
(b) A court of this state may communicate designating an appropriate location for the
with a court in another state concerning a deposition or testimony.
proceeding arising under this chapter. (c) Documentary evidence transmitted
(c) The court may allow the parties to from another state to a court of this state by
participate in the communication. If the parties technological means that do not produce an
are not able to participate in the communication, original writing may not be excluded from
they must be given the opportunity to present facts evidence on an objection based on the means of
and legal arguments before a decision on transmission.
jurisdiction is made.
(d) If proceedings involving the same § 152.112. Cooperation Between Courts;
parties are pending simultaneously in a court of Preservation of Records
this state and a court of another state, the court of (a) A court of this state may request the
this state shall inform the other court of the appropriate court of another state to:
simultaneous proceedings. The court of this state (1) hold an evidentiary hearing;
shall request that the other court hold the (2) order a person to produce or give
proceeding in that court in abeyance until the evidence pursuant to procedures of that state;
court in this state conducts a hearing to determine (3) order that an evaluation be made with
whether the court has jurisdiction over the respect to the custody of a child involved in a
proceeding. pending proceeding;
(e) Communication between courts on (4) forward to the court of this state a
schedules, calendars, court records, and similar certified copy of the transcript of the record of the
matters may occur without informing the parties. hearing, the evidence otherwise presented, and
A record need not be made of the communication. any evaluation prepared in compliance with the
(f) Except as otherwise provided in request; and
Subsection (e), a record must be made of any (5) order a party to a child custody
communication under this section. The parties proceeding or any person having physical custody

of the child to appear in the proceeding with or is the more appropriate forum to determine the
without the child. custody of the child under Section 152.207 or
(b) Upon request of a court of another 152.208; or
state, a court of this state may hold a hearing or (4) no court of any other state would have
enter an order described in Subsection (a). jurisdiction under the criteria specified in
(c) Travel and other necessary and Subdivision (1), (2), or (3).
reasonable expenses incurred under Subsections (b) Subsection (a) is the exclusive
(a) and (b) may be assessed against the parties jurisdictional basis for making a child custody
according to the law of this state. determination by a court of this state.
(d) A court of this state shall preserve the (c) Physical presence of, or personal
pleadings, orders, decrees, records of hearings, jurisdiction over, a party or a child is not
evaluations, and other pertinent records with necessary or sufficient to make a child custody
respect to a child custody proceeding until the determination.
child attains 18 years of age. Upon appropriate
request by a court or law enforcement official of § 152.202. Exclusive Continuing Jurisdiction
another state, the court shall forward a certified (a) Except as otherwise provided in
copy of those records. Section 152.204, a court of this state which has
made a child custody determination consistent
SUBCHAPTER C. JURISDICTION with Section 152.201 or 152.203 has exclusive
continuing jurisdiction over the determination
§ 152.201. Initial Child Custody Jurisdiction until:
(a) Except as otherwise provided in (1) a court of this state determines that
Section 152.204, a court of this state has neither the child, nor the child and one parent, nor
jurisdiction to make an initial child custody the child and a person acting as a parent, have a
determination only if: significant connection with this state and that
(1) this state is the home state of the child substantial evidence is no longer available in this
on the date of the commencement of the state concerning the child's care, protection,
proceeding, or was the home state of the child training, and personal relationships; or
within six months before the commencement of (2) a court of this state or a court of
the proceeding and the child is absent from this another state determines that the child, the child's
state but a parent or person acting as a parent parents, and any person acting as a parent do not
continues to live in this state; presently reside in this state.
(2) a court of another state does not have (b) A court of this state which has made a
jurisdiction under Subdivision (1), or a court of child custody determination and does not have
the home state of the child has declined to exclusive, continuing jurisdiction under this
exercise jurisdiction on the ground that this state section may modify that determination only if it
is the more appropriate forum under Section has jurisdiction to make an initial determination
152.207 or 152.208, and: under Section 152.201.
(A) the child and the child's parents, or
the child and at least one parent or a person acting § 152.203. Jurisdiction to Modify
as a parent, have a significant connection with this Determination
state other than mere physical presence; and Except as otherwise provided in Section
(B) substantial evidence is available in 152.204, a court of this state may not modify a
this state concerning the child's care, protection, child custody determination made by a court of
training, and personal relationships; another state unless a court of this state has
(3) all courts having jurisdiction under jurisdiction to make an initial determination under
Subdivision (1) or (2) have declined to exercise Section 152.201(a)(1) or (2) and:
jurisdiction on the ground that a court of this state

(1) the court of the other state determines (d) A court of this state which has been
it no longer has exclusive continuing jurisdiction asked to make a child custody determination
under Section 152.202 or that a court of this state under this section, upon being informed that a
would be a more convenient forum under Section child custody proceeding has been commenced in
152.207; or or a child custody determination has been made
(2) a court of this state or a court of the by a court of a state having jurisdiction under
other state determines that the child, the child's Sections 152.201 through 152.203, shall
parents, and any person acting as a parent do not immediately communicate with the other court. A
presently reside in the other state. court of this state which is exercising jurisdiction
pursuant to Sections 152.201 through 152.203,
§ 152.204. Temporary Emergency Jurisdiction upon being informed that a child custody
(a) A court of this state has temporary proceeding has been commenced in or a child
emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in custody determination has been made by a court
this state and the child has been abandoned or it is of another state under a statute similar to this
necessary in an emergency to protect the child section shall immediately communicate with the
because the child, or a sibling or parent of the court of that state to resolve the emergency,
child, is subjected to or threatened with protect the safety of the parties and the child, and
mistreatment or abuse. determine a period for the duration of the
(b) If there is no previous child custody temporary order.
determination that is entitled to be enforced under
this chapter and a child custody proceeding has § 152.205. Notice; Opportunity to be Heard;
not been commenced in a court of a state having Joinder
jurisdiction under Sections 152.201 through (a) Before a child custody determination
152.203, a child custody determination made is made under this chapter, notice and an
under this section remains in effect until an order opportunity to be heard in accordance with the
is obtained from a court of a state having standards of Section 152.108 must be given to all
jurisdiction under Sections 152.201 through persons entitled to notice under the law of this
152.203. If a child custody proceeding has not state as in child custody proceedings between
been or is not commenced in a court of a state residents of this state, any parent whose parental
having jurisdiction under Sections 152.201 rights have not been previously terminated, and
through 152.203, a child custody determination any person having physical custody of the child.
made under this section becomes a final (b) This chapter does not govern the
determination, if it so provides and this state enforceability of a child custody determination
becomes the home state of the child. made without notice or an opportunity to be
(c) If there is a previous child custody heard.
determination that is entitled to be enforced under (c) The obligation to join a party and the
this chapter, or a child custody proceeding has right to intervene as a party in a child custody
been commenced in a court of a state having proceeding under this chapter are governed by the
jurisdiction under Sections 152.201 through law of this state as in child custody proceedings
152.203, any order issued by a court of this state between residents of this state.
under this section must specify in the order a
period that the court considers adequate to allow § 152.206. Simultaneous Proceedings
the person seeking an order to obtain an order (a) Except as otherwise provided in
from the state having jurisdiction under Sections Section 152.204, a court of this state may not
152.201 through 152.203. The order issued in this exercise its jurisdiction under this subchapter if, at
state remains in effect until an order is obtained the time of the commencement of the proceeding,
from the other state within the period specified or a proceeding concerning the custody of the child
the period expires. has been commenced in a court of another state

having jurisdiction substantially in conformity (b) Before determining whether it is an
with this chapter, unless the proceeding has been inconvenient forum, a court of this state shall
terminated or is stayed by the court of the other consider whether it is appropriate for a court of
state because a court of this state is a more another state to exercise jurisdiction. For this
convenient forum under Section 152.207. purpose, the court shall allow the parties to submit
(b) Except as otherwise provided in information and shall consider all relevant factors,
Section 152.204, a court of this state, before including:
hearing a child custody proceeding, shall examine (1) whether domestic violence has
the court documents and other information occurred and is likely to continue in the future and
supplied by the parties pursuant to Section which state could best protect the parties and the
152.209. If the court determines that a child child;
custody proceeding has been commenced in a (2) the length of time the child has resided
court in another state having jurisdiction outside this state;
substantially in accordance with this chapter, the (3) the distance between the court in this
court of this state shall stay its proceeding and state and the court in the state that would assume
communicate with the court of the other state. If jurisdiction;
the court of the state having jurisdiction (4) the relative financial circumstances of
substantially in accordance with this chapter does the parties;
not determine that the court of this state is a more (5) any agreement of the parties as to
appropriate forum, the court of this state shall which state should assume jurisdiction;
dismiss the proceeding. (6) the nature and location of the evidence
(c) In a proceeding to modify a child required to resolve the pending litigation,
custody determination, a court of this state shall including testimony of the child;
determine whether a proceeding to enforce the (7) the ability of the court of each state to
determination has been commenced in another decide the issue expeditiously and the procedures
state. If a proceeding to enforce a child custody necessary to present the evidence; and
determination has been commenced in another (8) the familiarity of the court of each
state, the court may: state with the facts and issues in the pending
(1) stay the proceeding for modification litigation.
pending the entry of an order of a court of the (c) If a court of this state determines that
other state enforcing, staying, denying, or it is an inconvenient forum and that a court of
dismissing the proceeding for enforcement; another state is a more appropriate forum, the
(2) enjoin the parties from continuing court shall stay the proceedings upon condition
with the proceeding for enforcement; or that a child custody proceeding be promptly
(3) proceed with the modification under commenced in another designated state and may
conditions it considers appropriate. impose any other condition the court considers
just and proper.
§ 152.207. Inconvenient Forum (d) A court of this state may decline to
(a) A court of this state which has exercise its jurisdiction under this chapter if a
jurisdiction under this chapter to make a child child custody determination is incidental to an
custody determination may decline to exercise its action for divorce or another proceeding while
jurisdiction at any time if it determines that it is an still retaining jurisdiction over the divorce or
inconvenient forum under the circumstances and other proceeding.
that a court of another state is a more appropriate
forum. The issue of inconvenient forum may be § 152.208. Jurisdiction Declined by Reason of
raised upon motion of a party, the court's own Conduct
motion, or request of another court. (a) Except as otherwise provided in
Section 152.204 or other law of this state, if a

court of this state has jurisdiction under this during the last five years, and the names and
chapter because a person seeking to invoke its present addresses of the persons with whom the
jurisdiction has engaged in unjustifiable conduct, child has lived during that period. The pleading
the court shall decline to exercise its jurisdiction or affidavit must state whether the party:
unless: (1) has participated, as a party or witness
(1) the parents and all persons acting as or in any other capacity, in any other proceeding
parents have acquiesced in the exercise of concerning the custody of or visitation with the
jurisdiction; child and, if so, identify the court, the case
(2) a court of the state otherwise having number, and the date of the child custody
jurisdiction under Sections 152.201 through determination, if any;
152.203 determines that this state is a more (2) knows of any proceeding that could
appropriate forum under Section 152.207; or affect the current proceeding, including
(3) no court of any other state would have proceedings for enforcement and proceedings
jurisdiction under the criteria specified in Sections relating to domestic violence, protective orders,
152.201 through 152.203. termination of parental rights, and adoptions and,
(b) If a court of this state declines to if so, identify the court, the case number, and the
exercise its jurisdiction pursuant to Subsection nature of the proceeding; and
(a), it may fashion an appropriate remedy to (3) knows the names and addresses of any
ensure the safety of the child and prevent a person not a party to the proceeding who has
repetition of the unjustifiable conduct, including physical custody of the child or claims rights of
staying the proceeding until a child custody legal custody or physical custody of, or visitation
proceeding is commenced in a court having with, the child and, if so, the names and addresses
jurisdiction under Sections 152.201 through of those persons.
152.203. (b) If the information required by
(c) If a court dismisses a petition or stays Subsection (a) is not furnished, the court, upon
a proceeding because it declines to exercise its motion of a party or its own motion, may stay the
jurisdiction pursuant to Subsection (a), it shall proceeding until the information is furnished.
assess against the party seeking to invoke its (c) If the declaration as to any of the items
jurisdiction necessary and reasonable expenses described in Subsections (a)(1) through (3) is in
including costs, communication expenses, the affirmative, the declarant shall give additional
attorney's fees, investigative fees, expenses for information under oath as required by the court.
witnesses, travel expenses, and child care during The court may examine the parties under oath as
the course of the proceedings, unless the party to details of the information furnished and other
from whom fees are sought establishes that the matters pertinent to the court's jurisdiction and the
assessment would be clearly inappropriate. The disposition of the case.
court may not assess fees, costs, or expenses (d) Each party has a continuing duty to
against this state unless authorized by law other inform the court of any proceeding in this or any
than this chapter. other state that could affect the current
§ 152.209. Information to be Submitted to (e) If a party alleges in an affidavit or a
Court pleading under oath that the health, safety, or
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (e) liberty of a party or child would be jeopardized by
or unless each party resides in this state, in a child disclosure of identifying information, the
custody proceeding, each party, in its first information must be sealed and may not be
pleading or in an attached affidavit, shall give disclosed to the other party or the public unless
information, if reasonably ascertainable, under the court orders the disclosure to be made after a
oath as to the child's present address or hearing in which the court takes into consideration
whereabouts, the places where the child has lived the health, safety, or liberty of the party or child

and determines that the disclosure is in the interest § 152.302. Enforcement Under Hague
of justice. Convention
Under this subchapter a court of this state
§ 152.210. Appearance of Parties and Child may enforce an order for the return of the child
(a) In a child custody proceeding in this made under the Hague Convention on the Civil
state, the court may order a party to the Aspects of International Child Abduction as if it
proceeding who is in this state to appear before were a child custody determination.
the court in person with or without the child. The
court may order any person who is in this state § 152.303. Duty to Enforce
and who has physical custody or control of the (a) A court of this state shall recognize
child to appear in person with the child. and enforce a child custody determination of a
(b) If a party to a child custody court of another state if the latter court exercised
proceeding whose presence is desired by the court jurisdiction in substantial conformity with this
is outside this state, the court may order that a chapter or the determination was made under
notice given pursuant to Section 152.108 include factual circumstances meeting the jurisdictional
a statement directing the party to appear in person standards of this chapter and the determination
with or without the child and informing the party has not been modified in accordance with this
that failure to appear may result in a decision chapter.
adverse to the party. (b) A court of this state may utilize any
(c) The court may enter any orders remedy available under other law of this state to
necessary to ensure the safety of the child and of enforce a child custody determination made by a
any person ordered to appear under this section. court of another state. The remedies provided in
(d) If a party to a child custody this subchapter are cumulative and do not affect
proceeding who is outside this state is directed to the availability of other remedies to enforce a
appear under Subsection (b) or desires to appear child custody determination.
personally before the court with or without the
child, the court may require another party to pay § 152.304. Temporary Visitation
reasonable and necessary travel and other (a) A court of this state which does not
expenses of the party so appearing and of the have jurisdiction to modify a child custody
child. determination may issue a temporary order
SUBCHAPTER D. ENFORCEMENT (1) a visitation schedule made by a court
of another state; or
§ 152.301. Definitions (2) the visitation provisions of a child
In this subchapter: custody determination of another state that does
(1) "Petitioner" means a person who seeks not provide for a specific visitation schedule.
enforcement of an order for return of a child under (b) If a court of this state makes an order
the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of under Subsection (a)(2), the court shall specify in
International Child Abduction or enforcement of the order a period that it considers adequate to
a child custody determination. allow the petitioner to obtain an order from a
(2) "Respondent" means a person against court having jurisdiction under the criteria
whom a proceeding has been commenced for specified in Subchapter C. The order remains in
enforcement of an order for return of a child under effect until an order is obtained from the other
the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of court or the period expires.
International Child Abduction or enforcement of
a child custody determination.

§ 152.305. Registration of Child Custody At that hearing, the court shall confirm the
Determination registered order unless the person contesting
(a) A child custody determination issued registration establishes that:
by a court of another state may be registered in (1) the issuing court did not have
this state, with or without a simultaneous request jurisdiction under Subchapter C;
for enforcement, by sending to the appropriate (2) the child custody determination sought
court in this state: to be registered has been vacated, stayed, or
(1) a letter or other document requesting modified by a court having jurisdiction to do so
registration; under Subchapter C; or
(2) two copies, including one certified (3) the person contesting registration was
copy, of the determination sought to be registered entitled to notice, but notice was not given in
and a statement under penalty of perjury that to accordance with the standards of Section 152.108,
the best of the knowledge and belief of the person in the proceedings before the court that issued the
seeking registration the order has not been order for which registration is sought.
modified; and (e) If a timely request for a hearing to
(3) except as otherwise provided in contest the validity of the registration is not made,
Section 152.209, the name and address of the the registration is confirmed as a matter of law
person seeking registration and any parent or and the person requesting registration and all
person acting as a parent who has been awarded persons served must be notified of the
custody or visitation in the child custody confirmation.
determination sought to be registered. (f) Confirmation of a registered order,
(b) On receipt of the documents required whether by operation of law or after notice and
by Subsection (a), the registering court shall: hearing, precludes further contest of the order
(1) cause the determination to be filed as with respect to any matter that could have been
a foreign judgment, together with one copy of any asserted at the time of registration.
accompanying documents and information,
regardless of their form; and § 152.306. Enforcement of Registered
(2) serve notice upon the persons named Determination
pursuant to Subsection (a)(3) and provide them (a) A court of this state may grant any
with an opportunity to contest the registration in relief normally available under the law of this
accordance with this section. state to enforce a registered child custody
(c) The notice required by Subsection determination made by a court of another state.
(b)(2) must state that: (b) A court of this state shall recognize
(1) a registered determination is and enforce, but may not modify, except in
enforceable as of the date of the registration in the accordance with Subchapter C, a registered child
same manner as a determination issued by a court custody determination of a court of another state.
of this state;
(2) a hearing to contest the validity of the § 152.307. Simultaneous Proceedings
registered determination must be requested within If a proceeding for enforcement under this
20 days after service of notice; and subchapter is commenced in a court of this state
(3) failure to contest the registration will and the court determines that a proceeding to
result in confirmation of the child custody modify the determination is pending in a court of
determination and preclude further contest of that another state having jurisdiction to modify the
determination with respect to any matter that determination under Subchapter C, the enforcing
could have been asserted. court shall immediately communicate with the
(d) A person seeking to contest the modifying court. The proceeding for enforcement
validity of a registered order must request a continues unless the enforcing court, after
hearing within 20 days after service of the notice.

consultation with the modifying court, stays or the first judicial day possible. The court may
dismisses the proceeding. extend the date of hearing at the request of the
§ 152.308. Expedited Enforcement of Child (d) An order issued under Subsection ©)
Custody Determination must state the time and place of the hearing and
(a) A petition under this subchapter must advise the respondent that at the hearing the court
be verified. Certified copies of all orders sought will award the petitioner immediate physical
to be enforced and of any order confirming custody of the child and order the payment of
registration must be attached to the petition. A fees, costs, and expenses under Section 152.312,
copy of a certified copy of an order may be and may schedule a hearing to determine whether
attached instead of the original. further relief is appropriate, unless the respondent
(b) A petition for enforcement of a child appears and establishes that:
custody determination must state: (1) the child custody determination has
(1) whether the court that issued the not been registered and confirmed under Section
determination identified the jurisdictional basis it 152.305 and that:
relied upon in exercising jurisdiction and, if so, (A) the issuing court did not have
what the basis was; jurisdiction under Subchapter C;
(2) whether the determination for which (B) the child custody determination for
enforcement is sought has been vacated, stayed, or which enforcement is sought has been vacated,
modified by a court whose decision must be stayed, or modified by a court having jurisdiction
enforced under this chapter and, if so, identify the to do so under Subchapter C; or
court, the case number, and the nature of the (c) the respondent was entitled to notice,
proceeding; but notice was not given in accordance with the
(3) whether any proceeding has been standards of Section 152.108, in the proceedings
commenced that could affect the current before the court that issued the order for which
proceeding, including proceedings relating to enforcement is sought; or
domestic violence, protective orders, termination (2) the child custody determination for
of parental rights, and adoptions and, if so, which enforcement is sought was registered and
identify the court, the case number, and the nature confirmed under Section 152.305, but has been
of the proceeding; vacated, stayed, or modified by a court of a state
(4) the present physical address of the having jurisdiction to do so under Subchapter C.
child and the respondent, if known;
(5) whether relief in addition to the § 152.309. Service of Petition and Order
immediate physical custody of the child and Except as otherwise provided in Section
attorney's fees is sought, including a request for 152.311, the petition and order must be served, by
assistance from law enforcement officials and, if any method authorized by the law of this state,
so, the relief sought; and upon the respondent and any person who has
(6) if the child custody determination has physical custody of the child.
been registered and confirmed under Section
152.305, the date and place of registration. § 152.310. Hearing and Order
©) Upon the filing of a petition, the court (a) Unless the court issues a temporary
shall issue an order directing the respondent to emergency order pursuant to Section 152.204,
appear in person with or without the child at a upon a finding that a petitioner is entitled to
hearing and may enter any order necessary to immediate physical custody of the child, the court
ensure the safety of the parties and the child. The shall order that the petitioner may take immediate
hearing must be held on the next judicial day after physical custody of the child unless the
service of the order unless that date is impossible. respondent establishes that:
In that event, the court shall hold the hearing on

(1) the child custody determination has warrant to take physical custody of the child. The
not been registered and confirmed under Section petition must be heard on the next judicial day
152.305 and that: after the warrant is executed unless that date is
(A) the issuing court did not have impossible. In that event, the court shall hold the
jurisdiction under Subchapter C; hearing on the first judicial day possible. The
(B) the child custody determination for application for the warrant must include the
which enforcement is sought has been vacated, statements required by Section 152.308(b).
stayed, or modified by a court of a state having (c) A warrant to take physical custody of
jurisdiction to do so under Subchapter C; or a child must:
(c) the respondent was entitled to notice, (1) recite the facts upon which a
but notice was not given in accordance with the conclusion of imminent serious physical harm or
standards of Section 152.108, in the proceedings removal from the jurisdiction is based;
before the court that issued the order for which (2) direct law enforcement officers to take
enforcement is sought; or physical custody of the child immediately; and
(2) the child custody determination for (3) provide for the placement of the child
which enforcement is sought was registered and pending final relief.
confirmed under Section 152.305 but has been (d) The respondent must be served with
vacated, stayed, or modified by a court of a state the petition, warrant, and order immediately after
having jurisdiction to do so under Subchapter C. the child is taken into physical custody.
(b) The court shall award the fees, costs, (e) A warrant to take physical custody of
and expenses authorized under Section 152.312 a child is enforceable throughout this state. If the
and may grant additional relief, including a court finds on the basis of the testimony of the
request for the assistance of law enforcement petitioner or other witness that a less intrusive
officials, and set a further hearing to determine remedy is not effective, it may authorize law
whether additional relief is appropriate. enforcement officers to enter private property to
(c) If a party called to testify refuses to take physical custody of the child. If required by
answer on the ground that the testimony may be exigent circumstances of the case, the court may
self-incriminating, the court may draw an adverse authorize law enforcement officers to make a
inference from the refusal. forcible entry at any hour.
(d) A privilege against disclosure of (f) The court may impose conditions upon
communications between spouses and a defense placement of a child to ensure the appearance of
of immunity based on the relationship of husband the child and the child's custodian.
and wife or parent and child may not be invoked
in a proceeding under this subchapter. § 152.312. Costs, Fees, and Expenses
(a) The court shall award the prevailing
§ 152.311. Warrant to Take Physical Custody party, including a state, necessary and reasonable
of Child expenses incurred by or on behalf of the party,
(a) Upon the filing of a petition seeking including costs, communication expenses,
enforcement of a child custody determination, the attorney's fees, investigative fees, expenses for
petitioner may file a verified application for the witnesses, travel expenses, and child care during
issuance of a warrant to take physical custody of the course of the proceedings, unless the party
the child if the child is imminently likely to suffer from whom fees or expenses are sought
serious physical harm or be removed from this establishes that the award would be clearly
state. inappropriate.
(b) If the court, upon the testimony of the (b) The court may not assess fees, costs,
petitioner or other witness, finds that the child is or expenses against a state unless authorized by
imminently likely to suffer serious physical harm law other than this chapter.
or be removed from this state, it may issue a

§ 152.313. Recognition and Enforcement child or a party and assist a prosecutor or
A court of this state shall accord full faith appropriate public official with responsibilities
and credit to an order issued by another state and under Section 152.315.
consistent with this chapter which enforces a child
custody determination by a court of another state § 152.317. Costs and Expenses
unless the order has been vacated, stayed, or If the respondent is not the prevailing
modified by a court having jurisdiction to do so party, the court may assess against the respondent
under Subchapter C. all direct expenses and costs incurred by the
prosecutor or other appropriate public official and
§ 152.314. Appeals law enforcement officers under Section 152.315
An appeal may be taken from a final order or 152.316.
in a proceeding under this subchapter in
accordance with expedited appellate procedures in
other civil cases. Unless the court enters a CHAPTER 153. CONSERVATORSHIP,
temporary emergency order under Section POSSESSION, AND ACCESS
152.204, the enforcing court may not stay an order
enforcing a child custody determination pending SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL

§ 152.315. Role of Prosecutor or Public Official § 153.001. Public Policy (amended 1999)
(a) In a case arising under this chapter or (a) The public policy of this state is to:
involving the Hague Convention on the Civil (1) assure that children will have frequent
Aspects of International Child Abduction, the and continuing contact with parents who have
prosecutor or other appropriate public official shown the ability to act in the best interest of the
may take any lawful action, including resorting to child;
a proceeding under this subchapter or any other (2) provide a safe, stable, and nonviolent
available civil proceeding to locate a child, obtain environment for the child; and
the return of a child, or enforce a child custody (3) encourage parents to share in the
determination if there is: rights and duties of raising their child after the
(1) an existing child custody parents have separated or dissolved their
determination; marriage.
(2) a request to do so from a court in a (b) A court may not render an order that
pending child custody proceeding; conditions the right of a conservator to possession
(3) a reasonable belief that a criminal of or access to a child on the payment of child
statute has been violated; or support.
(4) a reasonable belief that the child has
been wrongfully removed or retained in violation § 153.002. Best Interest of Child
of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of The best interest of the child shall always
International Child Abduction. be the primary consideration of the court in
(b) A prosecutor or appropriate public determining the issues of conservatorship and
official acting under this section acts on behalf of possession of and access to the child.
the court and may not represent any party.
§ 153.003. No Discrimination Based on Sex or
§ 152.316. Role of Law Enforcement Marital Status
At the request of a prosecutor or other The court shall consider the qualifications
appropriate public official acting under Section of the parties without regard to their marital status
152.315, a law enforcement officer may take any or to the sex of the party or the child in
lawful action reasonably necessary to locate a determining:

(1) which party to appoint as sole during the two years preceding the date of the
managing conservator; filing of the suit or during the pendency of the
(2) whether to appoint a party as joint suit, unless the court:
managing conservator; and (1) finds that awarding the parent access
(3) the terms and conditions of to the child would not endanger the child's
conservatorship and possession of and access to physical health or emotional welfare and would be
the child. in the best interest of the child; and
(2) renders a possession order that is
§ 153.004. History of Domestic Violence designed to protect the safety and well-being of
(amended 1999, 2001, 2003) the child and any other person who has been a
(a) In determining whether to appoint a victim of family violence committed by the parent
party as a sole or joint managing conservator, the and that may include a requirement that:
court shall consider evidence of the intentional (A) the periods of access be continuously
use of abusive physical force by a party against supervised by an entity or person chosen by the
the party's spouse, a parent of the child, or any court;
person younger than 18 years of age committed (B) the exchange of possession of the
within a two-year period preceding the filing of child occur in a protective setting;
the suit or during the pendency of the suit. (C) the parent abstain from the
(b) The court may not appoint joint consumption of alcohol or a controlled substance,
managing conservators if credible evidence is as defined by Chapter 481, Health and Safety
presented of a history or pattern of past or present Code, within 12 hours prior to or during the
child neglect, or physical or sexual abuse by one period of access to the child; or
parent directed against the other parent, a spouse, (D) the parent attend and complete a
or a child, including a sexual assault in violation battering intervention and prevention program as
of Section 22.011 or 22.021, Penal Code, that provided by Article 42.141, Code of Criminal
results in the other parent becoming pregnant with Procedure, or, if such a program is not available,
the child. A history of sexual abuse includes a complete a course of treatment under Section
sexual assault that results in the other parent 153.010.
becoming pregnant with the child, regardless of (e) It is a rebuttable presumption that it is
the prior relationship of the parents. It is a not in the best interest of a child for a parent to
rebuttable presumption that the appointment of a have unsupervised visitation with the child if
parent as the sole managing conservator of a child credible evidence is presented of a history or
or as the conservator who has the exclusive right pattern of past or present child neglect or physical
to determine the primary residence of a child is or sexual abuse by that parent directed against the
not in the best interest of the child if credible other parent, a spouse, or a child.
evidence is presented of a history or pattern of (f) In determining under this section
past or present child neglect, or physical or sexual whether there is credible evidence of a history or
abuse by that parent directed against the other pattern of past or present child neglect or physical
parent, a spouse, or a child. or sexual abuse by a parent directed against the
(c) The court shall consider the other parent, a spouse, or a child, the court shall
commission of family violence in determining consider whether a protective order was rendered
whether to deny, restrict, or limit the possession under Chapter 85, Title 4, against the parent
of a child by a parent who is appointed as a during the two-year period preceding the filing of
possessory conservator. the suit or during the pendency of the suit.
(d) The court may not allow a parent to
have access to a child for whom it is shown by a
preponderance of the evidence that there is a
history or pattern of committing family violence

§ 153.005. Appointment of Sole or Joint parenting plan. If the parties do not submit a
Managing Conservator revised parenting plan satisfactory to the court,
(a) In a suit, the court may appoint a sole the court may, after notice and hearing, order a
managing conservator or may appoint joint parenting plan that the court finds to be in the best
managing conservators. If the parents are or will interest of the child.
be separated, the court shall appoint at least one
managing conservator. § 153.0071. Alternate Dispute Resolution
(b) A managing conservator must be a Procedures (amended 1999, 2005, 2007)
parent, a competent adult, an authorized agency, (a) On written agreement of the parties,
or a licensed child-placing agency. the court may refer a suit affecting the
parent-child relationship to arbitration. The
§ 153.006. Appointment of Possessory agreement must state whether the arbitration is
Conservator binding or non-binding.
(a) If a managing conservator is (b) If the parties agree to binding
appointed, the court may appoint one or more arbitration, the court shall render an order
possessory conservators. reflecting the arbitrator's award unless the court
(b) The court shall specify the rights and determines at a non-jury hearing that the award is
duties of a person appointed possessory not in the best interest of the child. The burden of
conservator. proof at a hearing under this subsection is on the
(c) The court shall specify and expressly party seeking to avoid rendition of an order based
state in the order the times and conditions for on the arbitrator's award.
possession of or access to the child, unless a party (c) On the written agreement of the parties
shows good cause why specific orders would not or on the court's own motion, the court may refer
be in the best interest of the child. a suit affecting the parent-child relationship to
§ 153.007. Agreed Parenting Plan (amended (d) A mediated settlement agreement is
2005, 2007) binding on the parties if the agreement:
(a) To promote the amicable settlement of (1) provides, in a prominently displayed
disputes between the parties to a suit, the parties statement that is in boldfaced type or capital
may enter into a written agreed parenting plan letters or underlined, that the agreement is not
containing provisions for conservatorship and subject to revocation;
possession of the child and for modification of the (2) is signed by each party to the
parenting plan, including variations from the agreement; and
standard possession order. (3) is signed by the party's attorney, if
(b) If the court finds that the agreed any, who is present at the time the agreement is
parenting plant is in the child's best interest, the signed.
court shall render an order in accordance with the (e) If a mediated settlement agreement
parenting plan. meets the requirements of Subsection (d), a party
(c) Terms of the agreed parenting plan is entitled to judgment on the mediated settlement
contained in the order or incorporated by agreement notwithstanding Rule 11, Texas Rules
reference regarding conservatorship or support of of Civil Procedure, or another rule of law.
or access to a child in an order may be enforced (e-1) Notwithstanding Subsections (d) and
by all remedies available for enforcement of a (e), a court may decline to enter a judgement on a
judgment, including contempt, but are not mediated settlement agreement if the court finds
enforceable as a contract. that:
(d) If the court finds the agreed parenting (1) a party to the agreement was a victim
plan is not in the child's best interest, the court of family violence, and that circumstance
may request the parties to submit a revised impaired the party’s ability to make decisions; and

(2) the agreement is not in the child’s best counsel except to ask the court to approve the
interest. settlement agreement.
(f) A party may at any time prior to the (c) A collaborative law agreement must
final mediation order file a written objection to include provisions for:
the referral of a suit affecting the parent-child (1) full and candid exchange of
relationship to mediation on the basis of family information between the parties and their
violence having been committed by another party attorneys as necessary to make a proper evaluation
against the objecting party or a child who is the of the case;
subject of the suit. After an objection is filed, the (2) suspending court intervention in the
suit may not be referred to mediation unless, on dispute while the parties are using collaborative
the request of a party, a hearing is held and the law procedures;
court finds that a preponderance of the evidence (3) hiring experts, as jointly agreed, to be
does not support the objection. If the suit is used in the procedure;
referred to mediation, the court shall order (4) withdrawal of all counsel involved in
appropriate measures be taken to ensure the the collaborative law procedure if the
physical and emotional safety of the party who collaborative law procedure does not result in
filed the objection. The order shall provide that settlement of the dispute; and
the parties not be required to have face-to-face (5) other provisions as agreed to by the
contact and that the parties be placed in separate parties consistent with a good faith effort to
rooms during mediation. This subsection does not collaboratively settle the matter.
apply to suits filed under Chapter 262. (d) Notwithstanding Rule 11, Texas Rules
(g) The provisions for confidentiality of of Civil Procedure, or another rule or law, a party
alternative dispute resolution procedures under is entitled to judgment on a collaborative law
Chapter 154, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, settlement agreement if the agreement:
apply equally to the work of a parenting (1) provides, in a prominently displayed
coordinator, as defined by Section 153.601, and to statement that is boldfaced, capitalized, or
the parties and any other person who participates underlined, that the agreement is not subject to
in the parenting coordination. This subsection revocation; and
does not affect the duty of a person to report (2) is signed by each party to the
abuse or neglect under Section 261.101. agreement and the attorney of each party.
(e) Subject to Subsection (g), a court that
§ 153.0072. Collaborative Law (added 2001, is notified 30 days before trial that the parties are
amended 2005) using collaborative law procedures to attempt to
(a) On a written agreement of the parties settle a dispute may not, until a party notifies the
and their attorneys, a suit affecting the court that the collaborative law procedures did not
parent-child relationship may be conducted under result in a settlement:
collaborative law procedures. (1) set a hearing or trial in the case;
(b) Collaborative law is a procedure in (2) impose discovery deadlines;
which the parties and their counsel agree in (3) require compliance with scheduling
writing to use their best efforts and make a good orders; or
faith attempt to resolve the suit affecting the (4) dismiss the case.
parent-child relationship on an agreed basis (f) The parties shall notify the court if the
without resorting to judicial intervention except to collaborative law procedures result in a
have the court approve the settlement agreement, settlement. If they do not, the parties shall file:
make the legal pronouncements, and sign the (1) a status report with the court not later
orders required by law to effectuate the agreement than the 180th day after the date of the written
of the parties as the court determines appropriate. agreement to use the procedures; and
The parties' counsel may not serve as litigation

(2) a status report on or before the first (d) In a jury trial, the court may not
anniversary of the date of the written agreement to interview the child in chambers regarding an issue
use the procedures, accompanied by a motion for on which a party is entitled to a jury verdict
continuance that the court shall grant if the status (e) In any trial or hearing, the court may
report indicates the desire of the parties to permit the attorney for a party, the amicus
continue to use collaborative law procedures. attorney, the guardian ad litem for the child, or
(g) If the collaborative law procedures do the attorney ad litem for the child to be present at
not result in a settlement on or before the second the interview.
anniversary of the date that the suit was filed, the (f) On the motion of a party, the amicus
court may: attorney, or the attorney ad litem for the child, or
(1) set the suit for trial on the regular on the court's own motion, the court shall cause a
docket; or record of the interview to be made when the child
(2) dismiss the suit without prejudice is 12 years of age or older. A record of the
(h) The provisions for confidentiality of interview shall be part of the record in the case.
alternative dispute resolution procedures as
provided in Chapter 154, Civil Practice and § 153.010. Order for Family Counseling
Remedies Code, apply equally to collaborative (a) If the court finds at the time of a
law procedures under this section. hearing that the parties have a history of conflict
in resolving an issue of conservatorship or
§ 153.008. Child's Choice of Managing possession of or access to the child, the court may
Conservator (amended 1999, 2001, 2003; order a party to:
repealed 2009) (1) participate in counseling with a mental
health professional who:
§ 153.009. Interview of Child in Chambers (A) has a background in family therapy;
(amended 2001, 2005) (B) has a mental health license that
(a) In a nonjury trial or at a hearing, on requires as a minimum a master's degree; and
the application of a party, the amicus attorney, or (c) has training in domestic violence if the
the attorney ad litem for the child, the court shall court determines that the training is relevant to the
interview in chambers a child 12 years of age or type of counseling needed; and
older and may interview in chambers a child (2) pay the cost of counseling.
under 12 years of age to determine the child's (b) If a person possessing the
wishes as to conservatorship or as to the person requirements of Subsection (a)(1) is not available
who shall have the exclusive right to determine in the county in which the court presides, the
the child’s primary residence. The court may also court may appoint a person the court believes is
interview a child in chambers on the court’s own qualified to conduct the counseling ordered under
motion for a purpose specified by this subsection. Subsection (a).
(b) In a nonjury trial or at a hearing, on
the application of a party, the amicus attorney, or § 153.011. Security Bond
the attorney ad litem for the child or on the court’s If the court finds that a person who has a
own motion, the court may interview the child in possessory interest in a child may violate the court
chambers to determine the child’s wishes as to order relating to the interest, the court may order
possession, access, or any other issue in the suit the party to execute a bond or deposit security.
affecting the parent-child relationship. The court shall set the amount and condition the
(c)Interviewing a child does not diminish bond or security on compliance with the order.
the discretion of the court in determining the best
interests of the child.

§ 153.012. Right to Privacy; Deletion of possession of the child. In determining whether to
Personal Information in Records award electronic communication, the court shall
The court may order the custodian of consider:
records to delete all references in the records to (1) whether electronic communication is
the place of residence of either party appointed as in the best interest of the child;
a conservator of the child before the release of the (2) whether equipment necessary to
records to another party appointed as a facilitate the electronic communication is
conservator. reasonably available to all parties subject to the
order; and
§ 153.013. False Report of Child Abuse (3) any other factor the court considers
(a) If a party to a pending suit affecting appropriate.
the parent-child relationship makes a report (c) If a court awards a conservator
alleging child abuse by another party to the suit periods of electronic communication with a child
that the reporting party knows lacks a factual under this section, each conservator subject to the
foundation, the court shall deem the report to be a court's order shall:
knowingly false report. (1) provide the other conservator with the
(b) Evidence of a false report of child e-mail address and other electronic
abuse is admissible in a suit between the involved communication access information of the child;
parties regarding the terms of conservatorship of (2) notify the other conservator of any
a child. change in the e-mail address or other electronic
(c) If the court makes a finding under communication access information not later than
Subsection (a), the court shall impose a civil 24 hours after the date the change takes effect;
penalty not to exceed $500. and
(3) if necessary equipment is reasonably
§ 153.014. Visitation Centers and Visitation available, accommodate electronic communication
Exchange Facilities (added 2001) with the child, with the same privacy, respect, and
A county may establish a visitation center dignity accorded all other forms of access, at a
or a visitation exchange facility for the purpose of reasonable time and for a reasonable duration
facilitating the terms of a court order providing for subject to any limitation provided by the court in
the possession of or access to a child. the court's order.
(d) The court may not consider the
§ 153.015. Electronic Communication With availability of electronic communication as a
Child By Conservator (added 2007) factor in determining child support. The
(a) In this section, "electronic availability of electronic communication under
communication" means any communication this section is not intended as a substitute for
facilitated by the use of any wired or wireless physical possession of or access to the child
technology via the Internet or any other electronic where otherwise appropriate.
media. The term includes communication (e) In a suit in which the court's order
facilitated by the use of a telephone, electronic contains provisions related to a finding of family
mail, instant messaging, videoconferencing, or violence in the suit, including supervised
webcam. visitation, the court may award periods of
(b) If a conservator of a child requests the electronic communication under this section only
court to order periods of electronic if:
communication with the child under this section, (1) the award and terms of the award are
the court may award the conservator reasonable mutually agreed to by the parties; and
periods of electronic communication with the (2) the terms of the award:
child to supplement the conservator's periods of (A) are printed in the court's order in
boldfaced, capitalized type; and

(B) include any specific restrictions (7) to be designated on the child's records
relating to family violence or supervised as a person to be notified in case of an emergency;
visitation, as applicable, required by other law to (8) to consent to medical, dental, and
be included in a possession or access order. surgical treatment during an emergency involving
an immediate danger to the health and safety of
AS CONSERVATOR: IN GENERAL (9) to manage the estate of the child to the
extent the estate has been created by the parent or
§ 153.071. Court to Specify Rights and Duties the parent's family.
of Parent Appointed a Conservator (b) The court shall specify in the order the
If both parents are appointed as rights that a parent retains at all times.
conservators of the child, the court shall specify
the rights and duties of a parent that are to be § 153.074. Rights and Duties During Period of
exercised: Possession (amended 2003)
(1) by each parent independently; Unless limited by court order, a parent
(2) by the joint agreement of the parents; appointed as a conservator of a child has the
and following rights and duties during the period that
(3) exclusively by one parent. the parent has possession of the child:
(1) the duty of care, control, protection,
§ 153.072. Written Finding Required to Limit and reasonable discipline of the child;
Parental Rights and Duties (2) the duty to support the child, including
The court may limit the rights and duties providing the child with clothing, food, shelter,
of a parent appointed as a conservator if the court and medical and dental care not involving an
makes a written finding that the limitation is in the invasive procedure;
best interest of the child. (3) the right to consent for the child to
medical and dental care not involving an invasive
§ 153.073. Rights of Parent at All Times procedure; and
(amended 2003) (4) the right to direct the moral and
(a) Unless limited by court order, a parent religious training of the child.
appointed as a conservator of a child has at all
times the right: § 153.075. Duties of Parent Not Appointed
(1) to receive information from any other Conservator
conservator of the child concerning the health, The court may order a parent not
education, and welfare of the child; and appointed as a managing or a possessory
(2) to confer with the other parent to the conservator to perform other parental duties,
extent possible before making a decision including paying child support.
concerning the health, education, and welfare of
the child; § 153.076. Parents' Duty to Provide
(3) of access to medical, dental, Information (amended 1999, 2003)
psychological, and educational records of the (a) The court shall order that each
child; conservator of a child has a duty to inform the
(4) to consult with a physician, dentist, or other conservator of a child in a timely manner of
psychologist of the child; significant information concerning the health,
(5) to consult with school officials education, and welfare of the child.
concerning the child's welfare and educational (b) The court shall order that each
status, including school activities; conservator of a child has the duty to inform the
(6) to attend school activities; other conservator of a child if the conservator
resides with for at least 30 days, marries, or

intends to marry a person who the conservator § 153.132. Rights and Duties of Parent
knows: Appointed Sole Managing Conservator
(1) is registered as a sex offender under (amended 2003, amended 2005)
Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure; or Unless limited by court order, a parent
(2) is currently charged with an offense appointed as sole managing conservator of a child
for which on conviction the person would be has the rights and duties provided by Subchapter
required to register under that chapter. B and the following exclusive rights:
©) The notice required to be made under (1) the right to designate the primary
Subsection (b) must be made as soon as residence of the child;
practicable but not later than the 40th day after the (2) the right to consent to medical, dental,
date the conservator of a child begins to reside and surgical treatment involving invasive
with the person or the 10th day after the date the procedures;
marriage occurs, as appropriate. The notice must (3) the right, to consent to psychiatric and
include a description of the offense that is the psychological treatment;
basis of the person's requirement to register as a (4) the right to receive and give receipt for
sex offender or of the offense with which the periodic payments for the support of the child and
person is charged. to hold or disburse these funds for the benefit of
(d) A conservator commits an offense if the child;
the conservator fails to provide notice in the (5) the right to represent the child in legal
manner required by Subsections (b) and ©). An action and to make other decisions of substantial
offense under this subsection is a Class C legal significance concerning the child;
misdemeanor. (6) the right to consent to marriage and to
enlistment in the armed forces of the United
AS SOLE OR JOINT MANAGING (7) the right to make decisions concerning
CONSERVATOR the child's education;
(8) the right to the services and earnings
§ 153.131. Presumption That Parent to be of the child; and
Appointed Managing Conservator (9) except when a guardian of the child's
(a) Subject to the prohibition in Section estate or a guardian or attorney ad litem has been
153.004, unless the court finds that appointment appointed for the child, the right to act as an agent
of the parent or parents would not be in the best of the child in relation to the child's estate if the
interest of the child because the appointment child's action is required by a state, the United
would significantly impair the child's physical States, or a foreign government.
health or emotional development, a parent shall be
appointed sole managing conservator or both § 153.133. Parenting Plan for Joint Managing
parents shall be appointed as joint managing Conservatorship (amended 1999, 2003, 2005,
conservators of the child. 2007, 2009)
(b) It is a rebuttable presumption that the (a) If a written agreed parenting plan is
appointment of the parents of a child as joint filed with the court, the court shall render an order
managing conservators is in the best interest of the appointing the parents as joint managing
child. A finding of a history of family violence conservators only if the parenting plan:
involving the parents of a child removes the (1) designates the conservator who has the
presumption under this subsection. exclusive right to designate the primary residence
of the child and:
(A) establishes, until modified by further
order, the geographic area within which the

conservator shall maintain the child's primary (2) the ability of the parents to give first
residence; or priority to the welfare of the child and reach
(B) specifies that the conservator may shared decisions in the child's best interest;
designate the child's primary residence without (3) whether each parent can encourage
regard to geographic location; and accept a positive relationship between the
(2) specifies the rights and duties of each child and the other parent;
parent regarding the child's physical care, support, (4) whether both parents participated in
and education; child rearing before the filing of the suit;
(3) includes provisions to minimize (5) the geographical proximity of the
disruption of the child's education, daily routine, parents' residences;
and association with friends; (6) if the child is 12 years of age or older,
(4) allocates between the parents, the child's preference, if any, regarding the person
independently, jointly, or exclusively, all of the to have the exclusive right to designate the
remaining rights and duties of a parent provided primary residence of the child; and
by Chapter 151; (7) any other relevant factor.
(5) is voluntarily and knowingly made by (b) In rendering an order appointing joint
each parent and has not been repudiated by either managing conservators, the court shall:
parent at the time the order is rendered; and (1) designate the conservator who has the
(6) is in the best interest of the child. exclusive right to determine the primary residence
(b) The agreed parenting plan may contain of the child and:
an alternative dispute resolution procedure that (A) establish, until modified by further
the parties agree to use before requesting order, a geographic area within which the
enforcement or modification of the terms and conservator shall maintain the child's primary
conditions of the joint conservatorship through residence; or
litigation, except in an emergency. (B) specify that the conservator may
(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (a)(1), the court determine the child's primary residence without
shall render an order adopting the provisions of a regard to geographic location;
written agreed parenting plan appointing the (2) specify the rights and duties of each
parents as joint managing conservators if the parent regarding the child's physical care, support,
parenting plan: and education;
(1) meets all the requirements of (3) include provisions to minimize
Subsections (a)(2) through (6); and disruption of the child's education, daily routine,
(2) provides that the child's primary and association with friends;
residence shall be within a specified geographic (4) allocate between the parents,
area. independently, jointly, or exclusively, all of the
remaining rights and duties of a parent as
§ 153.134. Court-Ordered Joint provided by Chapter 151; and
Conservatorship (amended 1999, 2003, 2005) (5) if feasible, recommend that the parties
(a) If a written agreed parenting plan is use an alternative dispute resolution method
not filed with the court, the court may render an before requesting enforcement or modification of
order appointing the parents joint managing the terms and conditions of the joint
conservators only if the appointment is in the best conservatorship through litigation, except in an
interest of the child, considering the following emergency.
(1) whether the physical, psychological, § 153.135. Equal Possession Not Required
or emotional needs and development of the child Joint managing conservatorship does not
will benefit from the appointment of joint require the award of equal or nearly equal periods
managing conservators;

of physical possession of and access to the child those that are required to protect the best interest
to each of the joint conservators. of the child.

§ 153.137. Guidelines for the Possession of SUBCHAPTER E. GUIDELINES FOR THE

Child by Parent Named as Joint Managing POSSESSION OF A CHILD BY A PARENT
Conservator (amended 2003, repealed 2009) NAMED AS POSSESSORY
§ 153.138. Child Support Order Affecting Joint
Conservators § 153.251. Policy and General Application of
The appointment of joint managing Guidelines
conservators does not impair or limit the authority (a) The guidelines established in the
of the court to order a joint managing conservator standard possession order are intended to guide
to pay child support to another joint managing the courts in ordering the terms and conditions for
conservator. possession of a child by a parent named as a
possessory conservator or as the minimum
possession for a joint managing conservator.
SUBCHAPTER D. PARENT APPOINTED (b) It is the policy of this state to
AS POSSESSORY CONSERVATOR encourage frequent contact between a child and
each parent for periods of possession that
§ 153.191. Presumption that Parent to be optimize the development of a close and
Appointed Possessory Conservator continuing relationship between each parent and
The court shall appoint as a possessory child.
conservator a parent who is not appointed as a (c) It is preferable for all children in a
sole or joint managing conservator unless it finds family to be together during periods of possession.
that the appointment is not in the best interest of (d) The standard possession order is
the child and that parental possession or access designed to apply to a child three years of age or
would endanger the physical or emotional welfare older.
of the child.
§ 153.252. Rebuttable Presumption
§ 153.192. Rights and Duties of Parent In a suit, there is a rebuttable presumption
Appointed Possessory Conservator that the standard possession order in Subchapter
(a) Unless limited by court order, a parent F:
appointed as possessory conservator of a child has (1) provides reasonable minimum
the rights and duties provided by Subchapter B possession of a child for a parent named as a
and any other right or duty expressly granted to possessory conservator or joint managing
the possessory conservator in the order. conservator; and
(b) In ordering the terms and conditions (2) is in the best interest of the child.
for possession of a child by a parent appointed
possessory conservator, the court shall be guided § 153.253. Standard Possession Order
by the guidelines in Subchapter E.2 Inappropriate or Unworkable
The court shall render an order that grants
§ 153.193. Minimal Restriction on Parent's periods of possession of the child as similar as
Possession or Access possible to those provided by the standard
The terms of an order that denies possession order if the work schedule or other
possession of a child to a parent or imposes special circumstances of the managing
restrictions or limitations on a parent's right to conservator, the possessory conservator, or the
possession of or access to a child may not exceed child, or the year-round school schedule of the

child, make the standard order unworkable or which possession of a child by a parent is
inappropriate. contested and the possession of the child varies
from the standard possession order, on written
§ 153.254. Child Less Than Three Years of Age request made or filed with the court not later than
(a) The court shall render an order 10 days after the date of the hearing or on oral
appropriate under the circumstances for request made in open court during the hearing, the
possession of a child less than three years of age. court shall state in the order the specific reasons
(b) The court shall render a prospective for the variance from the standard order.
order to take effect on the child's third birthday,
which presumptively will be the standard SUBCHAPTER F. STANDARD
possession order. POSSESSION ORDER

§ 153.255. Agreement § 153.3101. Reference to “School” in Standard

The court may render an order for periods Possession Order (added 2009)
of possession of a child that vary from the In a standard possession order, "school"
standard possession order based on the agreement means the primary or secondary school in which
of the parties. the child is enrolled or, if the child is not enrolled
in a primary or secondary school, the public
§ 153.256. Factors for Court to Consider school district in which the child primarily
In ordering the terms of possession of a resides.
child under an order other than a standard
possession order, the court shall be guided by the § 153.311. Mutual Agreement or Specified
guidelines established by the standard possession Terms for Possession (amended 2009)
order and may consider: The court shall specify in a standard
(1) the age, developmental status, possession order that the parties may have
circumstances, needs, and best interest of the possession of the child at times mutually agreed to
child; in advance by the parties and, in the absence of
(2) the circumstances of the managing mutual agreement, shall have possession of the
conservator and of the parent named as a child under the specified terms set out in the
possessory conservator; and standard possession order.
(3) any other relevant factor.
§ 153.312. Parents Who Reside 100 Miles or
§ 153.257. Means of Travel Less Apart (amended 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007,
In an order providing for the terms and 2009)
conditions of possession of a child, the court may (a) If the possessory conservator resides
restrict the means of travel of the child by a legal 100 miles or less from the primary residence of
mode of transportation only after a showing of the child, the possessory conservator shall have
good cause contained in the record and a finding the right to possession of the child as follows:
by the court that the restriction is in the best (1) on weekends throughout the year
interest of the child. The court shall specify the beginning at 6 p.m. on the first, third, and fifth
duties of the conservators to provide Friday of each month and ending at 6 p.m. on the
transportation to and from the transportation following Sunday; and
facilities. (2) on Thursdays of each week during the
regular school term beginning at 6 p.m. and
§ 153.258. Request for Findings When Order ending at 8 p.m., unless the court finds that
Varies From Standard Order visitation under this subdivision is not in the best
Without regard to Rules 296 through 299, interest of the child.
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, in all cases in

(b) The following provisions govern (4) if the managing conservator gives the
possession of the child for vacations and certain possessory conservator written notice by April 15
specific holidays and supersede conflicting of each year or gives the possessory conservator
weekend or Thursday periods of possession. The 14 days' written notice on or after April 16 of each
possessory conservator and the managing year, the managing conservator may designate one
conservator shall have rights of possession of the weekend beginning not earlier than the day after
child as follows: the child's school is dismissed for the summer
(1) the possessory conservator shall have vacation and ending not later than seven days
possession in even-numbered years, beginning at before school resumes at the end of the summer
6 p.m. on the day the child is dismissed from vacation, during which an otherwise scheduled
school for the school's spring vacation and ending weekend period of possession by the possessory
at 6 p.m. on the day before school resumes after conservator will not take place, provided that the
that vacation, and the managing conservator shall weekend designated does not interfere with the
have possession for the same period in possessory conservator's period or periods of
odd-numbered years; extended summer possession or with Father's Day
(2) if a possessory conservator: if the possessory conservator is the father of the
(A) gives the managing conservator child.
written notice by April 1 of each year specifying
an extended period or periods of summer § 153.313. Parents Who Reside Over 100 Miles
possession, the possessory conservator shall have Apart (amended 1999, 2009)
possession of the child for 30 days beginning not If the possessory conservator resides more
earlier than the day after the child's school is than 100 miles from the residence of the child, the
dismissed for the summer vacation and ending not possessory conservator shall have the right to
later than seven days before school resumes at the possession of the child as follows:
end of the summer vacation, to be exercised in not (1) either regular weekend possession
more than two separate periods of at least seven beginning on the first, third, and fifth Friday as
consecutive days each, with each period of provided under the terms applicable to parents
possession beginning and ending at 6 p.m. on each who reside 100 miles or less apart or not more
applicable day; or than one weekend per month of the possessory
(B) does not give the managing conservator's choice beginning at 6 p.m. on the
conservator written notice by April 1 of each year day school recesses for the weekend and ending at
specifying an extended period or periods of 6 p.m. on the day before school resumes after the
summer possession, the possessory conservator weekend, provided that the possessory
shall have possession of the child for 30 conservator gives the managing conservator 14
consecutive days beginning at 6 p.m. on July 1 days' written or telephonic notice preceding a
and ending at 6 p.m. on July 31; designated weekend, and provided that the
(3) if the managing conservator gives the possessory conservator elects an option for this
possessory conservator written notice by April 15 alternative period of possession by written notice
of each year, the managing conservator shall have given to the managing conservator within 90 days
possession of the child on any one weekend after the parties begin to reside more than 100
beginning Friday at 6 p.m. and ending at 6 p.m. on miles apart, as applicable;
the following Sunday during one period of (2) each year beginning at 6 p.m. on the
possession by the possessory conservator under day the child is dismissed from school for the
Subdivision (2), provided that the managing school's spring vacation and ending at 6 p.m. on
conservator picks up the child from the possessory the day before school resumes after that vacation;
conservator and returns the child to that same (3) if the possessory conservator:
place; and (A) gives the managing conservator
written notice by April 1 of each year specifying

an extended period or periods of summer with the possessory conservator's period or
possession, the possessory conservator shall have periods of extended summer possession or with
possession of the child for 42 days beginning not Father's Day if the possessory conservator is the
earlier than the day after the child's school is father of the child.
dismissed for the summer vacation and ending not
later than seven days before school resumes at the § 153.314. Holiday Possession Unaffected by
end of the summer vacation, to be exercised in not Distance Parents Reside Apart (amended 2003,
more than two separate periods of at least seven 2007, 2009)
consecutive days each, with each period of The following provisions govern
possession beginning and ending at 6 p.m. on each possession of the child for certain specific
applicable day; or holidays and supersede conflicting weekend or
(B) does not give the managing Thursday periods of possession without regard to
conservator written notice by April 1 of each year the distance the parents reside apart. The
specifying an extended period or periods of possessory conservator and the managing
summer possession, the possessory conservator conservator shall have rights of possession of the
shall have possession of the child for 42 child as follows:
consecutive days beginning at 6 p.m. on June 15 (1) the possessory conservator shall have
and ending at 6 p.m. on July 27; possession of the child in even-numbered years
(4) if the managing conservator gives the beginning at 6 p.m. on the day the child is
possessory conservator written notice by April 15 dismissed from school for the Christmas school
of each year the managing conservator shall have vacation and ending at noon on December 28, and
possession of the child on one weekend beginning the managing conservator shall have possession
Friday at 6 p.m. and ending at 6 p.m. on the for the same period in odd-numbered years;
following Sunday during one period of possession (2) the possessory conservator shall have
by the possessory conservator under Subdivision possession of the child in odd-numbered years
(3), provided that if a period of possession by the beginning at noon on December 28 and ending at
possessory conservator exceeds 30 days, the 6 p.m. on the day before school resumes after that
managing conservator may have possession of the vacation, and the managing conservator shall have
child under the terms of this subdivision on two possession for the same period in even-numbered
nonconsecutive weekends during that time period, years;
and further provided that the managing (3) the possessory conservator shall have
conservator picks up the child from the possessory possession of the child in odd-numbered years,
conservator and returns the child to that same beginning at 6 p.m. on the day the child is
place; and dismissed from school before Thanksgiving and
(5) if the managing conservator gives the ending at 6 p.m. on the following Sunday, and the
possessory conservator written notice by April 15 managing conservator shall have possession for
of each year, the managing conservator may the same period in even-numbered years;
designate 21 days beginning not earlier than the (4) the parent not otherwise entitled under
day after the child's school is dismissed for the this standard possession order to present
summer vacation and ending not later than seven possession of a child on the child's birthday shall
days before school resumes at the end of the have possession of the child beginning at 6 p.m.
summer vacation, to be exercised in not more than and ending at 8 p.m. on that day, provided that the
two separate periods of at least seven consecutive parent picks up the child from the residence of the
days each, with each period of possession conservator entitled to possession and returns the
beginning and ending at6 p.m. on each applicable child to that same place;
day, during which the possessory conservator may (5) if a conservator, the father shall have
not have possession of the child, provided that the possession of the child beginning at 6 p.m. on the
period or periods so designated do not interfere Friday preceding Father's Day and ending on

Father's Day at 6 p.m., provided that, if he is not (2) if the possessory conservator elects to
otherwise entitled under this standard possession begin a period of possession at the time the child's
order to present possession of the child, he picks school is regularly dismissed, the managing
up the child from the residence of the conservator conservator shall surrender the child to the
entitled to possession and returns the child to that possessory conservator at the beginning of each
same place; and period of possession at the school in which the
(6) if a conservator, the mother shall have child is enrolled;
possession of the child beginning at 6 p.m. on the (3) the possessory conservator shall be
Friday preceding Mother's Day and ending on ordered to do one of the following:
Mother's Day at 6 p.m., provided that, if she is not (A) the possessory conservator shall
otherwise entitled under this standard possession surrender the child to the managing conservator at
order to present possession of the child, she picks the end of each period of possession at the
up the child from the residence of the conservator residence of the possessory conservator; or
entitled to possession and returns the child to that (B) the possessory conservator shall
same place. return the child to the residence of the managing
conservator at the end of each period of
§ 153.315. Weekend Possession Extended by possession, except that the order shall provide that
Holiday (amended 2009) the possessory conservator shall surrender the
(a) If a weekend period of possession of child to the managing conservator at the end of
the possessory conservator coincides with a each period of possession at the residence of the
student holiday or teacher in-service day that falls possessory conservator if:
on a Monday during the regular school term, as (I) at the time the original order or a
determined by the school in which the child is modification of an order establishing terms and
enrolled, or with a federal, state, or local holiday conditions of possession or access the possessory
that falls on a Monday during the summer months conservator and the managing conservator lived in
in which school is not in session, the weekend the same county, the possessory conservator's
possession shall end at 6 p.m. on [a] Monday. county of residence remains the same after the
(b) If a weekend period of possession of rendition of the order, and the managing
the possessory conservator coincides with a conservator's county of residence changes,
student holiday or teacher in-service day that falls effective on the date of the change of residence by
on a Friday during the regular school term, as the managing conservator; or
determined by the school in which the child is (ii) the possessory conservator and
enrolled, or with a federal, state, or local holiday managing conservator lived in the same residence
that falls on a Friday during the summer months in at any time during a six-month period preceding
which school is not in session, the weekend the date on which a suit for dissolution of the
possession shall begin at 6 p.m. on Thursday. marriage was filed and the possessory
conservator's county of residence remains the
§ 153.316. General Terms and Conditions same and the managing conservator's county of
The court shall order the following residence changes after they no longer live in the
general terms and conditions of possession of a same residence, effective on the date the order is
child to apply without regard to the distance rendered;
between the residence of a parent and the child: (4) if the possessory conservator elects to
(1) the managing conservator shall end a period of possession at the time the child's
surrender the child to the possessory conservator school resumes, the possessory conservator shall
at the beginning of each period of the possessory surrender the child to the managing conservator at
conservator's possession at the residence of the the end of each period of possession at the school
managing conservator; in which the child is enrolled;

(5) each conservator shall return with the (c) If a conservator petitions the court
child the personal effects that the child brought at under Subsection (b), the court:
the beginning of the period of possession; (1) shall compute the periods of
(6) either parent may designate a possession or access to the child described by
competent adult to pick up and return the child, as Subsection (b)(1); and
applicable; a parent or a designated competent (2) may award to the conservator
adult shall be present when the child is picked up additional periods of possession of or access to
or returned; the child for a length of time and under terms the
(7) a parent shall give notice to the person court considers reasonable, if the court determines
in possession of the child on each occasion that that:
the parent will be unable to exercise that parent's (A) the conservator was deployed in a
right of possession for a specified period; location where access to the child was not
(8) written notice shall be deemed to have reasonably possible; and
been timely made if received or postmarked (B) the award of additional periods of
before or at the time that notice is due; and possession of or access to the child is in the best
(9) if a conservator's time of possession of interest of the child.
a child ends at the time school resumes and for (d) In making the determination under
any reason the child is not or will not be returned Subsection (c)(2), the court:
to school, the conservator in possession of the (1) shall consider:
child shall immediately notify the school and the (A) the periods of possession of or access
other conservator that the child will not be or has to the child to which the conservator would
not been returned to school. otherwise have been entitled during the
conservator's deployment, as computed under
§ 153.3161. Limited Possession During Military Subsection (c)(1);
Deployment (added 2005, amended 2007, (B) whether the court provided in an
repealed 2009) order under Section 153.3161 that a person
exercise limited possession of the child during the
§ 153.3162. Additional Periods of Possession or conservator's deployment; and
Access After Conclusion of Military (C) any other factor the court considers
Deployment (added 2009) appropriate; and
(a) In this section, "conservator" means: (2) is not required to award additional
(1) a possessory conservator of a child; or periods of possession of or access to the child that
(2) a joint managing conservator of a equals the possession or access to which the
child without the exclusive right to designate the conservator would have been entitled during the
primary residence of the child. conservator's deployment, as computed under
(b) Not later than the 90th day after the Subsection (c)(1).
date a conservator who is a member of the armed (e) After the conservator has exercised all
services concludes the conservator's active additional periods of possession or access
military deployment, the conservator may petition awarded under this section, the rights of all
the court to: affected parties are governed by the terms of any
(1) compute the periods of possession of court order applicable when the conservator is not
or access to the child to which the conservator deployed.
would have otherwise been entitled during the
conservator's deployment; and § 153.317. Alternative Beginning and Ending
(2) award the conservator additional Possession Times (amended 2003, 2009)
periods of possession of or access to the child to (a) If elected by a conservator, the court
compensate for the periods described by shall alter the standard possession order under
Subdivision (1). Sections 153.312, 153.314, and 153.315 to

provide for one or more of the following rendition of a possession order. The election may
alternative beginning and ending possession times be made:
for the described periods of possession, unless the (1) in a written document filed with the
court finds that the election is not in the best court; or
interest of the child: (2) through an oral statement made in
(1) for weekend periods of possession open court on the record.
under Section 153.312(a)(1) during the regular
(A) beginning at the time the child's NONPARENT AS CONSERVATOR
school is regularly dismissed; or
(B) ending at the time the child's school § 153.371. Rights and Duties of Nonparent
resumes after the weekend; Appointed as Sole Managing Conservator
(2) for Thursday periods of possession (amended 1999, 2003)
under Section 153.312(a)(2): Unless limited by court order or other
(A) beginning at the time the child's provisions of this chapter, a nonparent, licensed
school is regularly dismissed; or child-placing agency, or authorized agency
(B) ending at the time the child's school appointed as a managing conservator of the child
resumes on Friday; has the following rights and duties:
(3) for spring vacation periods of (1) the right to have physical possession
possession under Section 153.312(b)(1), and to direct the moral and religious training of
beginning at the time the child's school is the child;
dismissed for those vacations; (2) the duty of care, control, protection,
(4) for Christmas school vacation periods and reasonable discipline of the child;
of possession under Section 153.314(1), (3) the duty to provide the child with
beginning at the time the child's school is clothing, food, shelter, education, and medical,
dismissed for the vacation; psychological, and dental care;
(5) for Thanksgiving holiday periods of (4) the right to consent for the child to
possession under Section 153.314(3), beginning at medical, psychiatric, psychological, dental, and
the time the child's school is dismissed for the surgical treatment and to have access to the child's
holiday; medical records;
(6) for Father's Day periods of possession (5) the right to receive and give receipt for
under Section 153.314(5), ending at 8 a.m. on the payments for the support of the child and to hold
Monday after Father's Day weekend; or disburse funds for the benefit of the child;
(7) for Mother's Day periods of (6) the right to the services and earnings
possession under Section 153.314(6): of the child;
(A) beginning at the time the child's (7) the right to consent to marriage and to
school is regularly dismissed on the Friday enlistment in the armed forces of the United
preceding Mother's Day; or States;
(B) ending at the time the child's school (8) the right to represent the child in legal
resumes after Mother's Day; or action and to make other decisions of substantial
(8) for weekend periods of possession legal significance concerning the child;
that are extended under Section 153.315(b) by a (9) except when a guardian of the child's
student holiday or teacher in-service day that falls estate or a guardian or attorney ad litem has been
on a Friday, beginning at the time the child's appointed for the child, the right to act as an agent
school is regularly dismissed on Thursday. of the child in relation to the child's estate if the
(b) A conservator must make an election child's action is required by a state, the United
under Subsection (a) before or at the time of the States, or a foreign government;

(10) the right to designate the primary § 153.374. Designation of Managing
residence of the child and to make decisions Conservator in Affidavit of Relinquishment
regarding the child's education; and (a) A parent may designate a competent
(11) if the parent-child relationship has person, authorized agency, or licensed
been terminated with respect to the parents, or child-placing agency to serve as managing
only living parent, or if there is no living parent, conservator of the child in an unrevoked or
the right to consent to the adoption of the child irrevocable affidavit of relinquishment of parental
and to make any other decision concerning the rights executed as provided by Chapter 161.
child that a parent could make. (b) The person or agency designated to
serve as managing conservator shall be appointed
§ 153.372. Nonparent Appointed as Joint managing conservator unless the court finds that
Managing Conservator the appointment would not be in the best interest
(a) A nonparent, authorized agency, or of the child.
licensed child-placing agency appointed as a joint
managing conservator may serve in that capacity § 153.375. Annual Report by Nonparent
with either another nonparent or with a parent of Managing Conservator
the child. (a) A nonparent appointed as a managing
(b) The procedural and substantive conservator of a child shall each 12 months after
standards regarding an agreed or court-ordered the appointment file with the court a report of
joint managing conservatorship provided by facts concerning the child's welfare, including the
Subchapter C apply to a nonparent joint managing child's whereabouts and physical condition.
conservator. (b) The report may not be admitted in
evidence in a subsequent suit.
§ 153.3721. Access to Certain Records by
Nonparent Joint Managing Conservator (added § 153.376. Rights and Duties of Nonparent
1999) Possessory Conservator
Unless limited by court order or other (a) Unless limited by court order or other
provisions of this chapter, a nonparent joint provisions of this chapter, a nonparent, licensed
managing conservator has the right of access to child-placing agency, or authorized agency
the medical records of the child, without regard to appointed as a possessory conservator has the
whether the right is specified in the order. following rights and duties during the period of
§ 153.373. Voluntary Surrender of Possession (1) the duty of care, control, protection,
Rebuts Parental Presumption and reasonable discipline of the child;
The presumption that a parent should be (2) the duty to provide the child with
appointed or retained as managing conservator of clothing, food, and shelter; and
the child is rebutted if the court finds that: (3) the right to consent to medical, dental,
(1) the parent has voluntarily relinquished and surgical treatment during an emergency
actual care, control, and possession of the child to involving an immediate danger to the health and
a nonparent, licensed child-placing agency, or safety of the child.
authorized agency for a period of one year or (b) A nonparent possessory conservator
more, a portion of which was within 90 days has any other right or duty specified in the order.
preceding the date of intervention in or filing of
the suit; and § 153.377. Access to Child's Records
(2) the appointment of the nonparent or A nonparent possessory conservator has
agency as managing conservator is in the best the right of access to medical, dental,
interest of the child. psychological, and educational records of the
child to the same extent as the managing

conservator, without regard to whether the right is has not had that parent's parental rights
specified in the order. terminated;
(2) the grandparent requesting possession
SUBCHAPTER H. RIGHTS OF of or access to the child overcomes the
GRANDPARENT, AUNT OR UNCLE presumption that a parent acts in the best interest
of the parent's child by proving by a
§ 153.431. Appointment of Grandparent, Aunt, preponderance of the evidence that denial of
or Uncle as Managing Conservator (amended possession of or access to the child would
2005) significantly impair the child's physical health or
If both of the parents of a child are emotional well-being; and
deceased, the court may consider appointment of (3) the grandparent requesting possession
a parent, sister, or brother of a deceased parent as of or access to the child is a parent of a parent of
a managing conservator of the child, but that the child and that parent of the child:
consideration does not alter or diminish the (A) has been incarcerated in jail or prison
discretionary power of the court. during the three-month period preceding the filing
of the petition;
§ 153.432. Suit for Possession or Access by (B) has been found by a court to be
Grandparent (amended 2005, 2009) incompetent;
(a) A biological or adoptive grandparent (C) is dead; or
may request possession of a grandchild by filing: (D) does not have actual or court-ordered
(1) an original suit; or possession of or access to the child.
(2) a suit for modification as provided by (b) An order granting possession of or
Chapter 156. access to a child by a grandparent that is rendered
(b) A grandparent may request possession over a parent's objections must state, with
of or access to a grandchild in a suit filed for the specificity that:
sole purpose of requesting the relief, without (1) at the time the relief was requested, at
regard to whether the appointment of a managing least one biological or adoptive parent of the child
conservator is an issue in the suit. had not had that parent's parental rights
(c) In a suit described by Subsection (a), terminated;
the person filing the suit must execute and attach (2) the grandparent requesting possession
an affidavit on knowledge or belief that contains, of or access to the child has overcome the
along with supporting facts, the allegation that presumption that a parent acts in the best interest
denial of possession of or access to the child by of the parent's child by proving by a
the petitioner would significantly impair the preponderance of the evidence that the denial of
child's physical health or emotional well-being. possession of or access to the child would
The court shall deny the relief sought and dismiss significantly impair the child's physical health or
the suit unless the court determines that the facts emotional well-being; and
stated in the affidavit, if true, would be sufficient (3) the grandparent requesting possession
to support the relief authorized under Section of or access to the child is a parent of a parent of
153.433. the child and that parent of the child:
(A) has been incarcerated in jail or prison
§ 153.433. Possession of or Access to during the three-month period preceding the filing
Grandchild (amended 2005, 2009) of the petition;
(a) The court may order reasonable (B) has been found by a court to be
possession of or access to a grandchild by a incompetent;
grandparent if: (C) is dead; or
(1) at the time the relief is requested, at (D) does not have actual or court-ordered
least one biological or adoptive parent of the child possession of or access to the child.

§ 153.434. Limitation on Right to Request (3) an obstacles to locating, recovering,
Possession or Access (amended 1999, 2005) and returning the child if the child is abducted to
A biological or adoptive grandparent may a foreign country; and
not request possession of or access to a grandchild (4) the potential physical or psychological
if: harm to the child if the child is abducted to a
(1) each of the biological parents of the foreign country.
grandchild has:
(A) died; § 153.502. Abduction Risk Factors (amended
(B) had the person's parental rights 2009)
terminated; or (a) To determine whether there is a risk of
(C) executed an affidavit of waiver of the international abduction of a child by a parent
interest in child or an affidavit of relinquishment of the child, the court shall consider evidence that
of parental rights under Chapter 161 and the the parent:
affidavit designates an authorized agency, (1) has taken, enticed away, kept,
licensed child-placing agency, or person other withheld, or concealed a child in violation of
than the child's stepparent as the managing another person's right of possession of or access to
conservator of the child; and the child, unless the parent presents evidence that
(2) the grandchild has been adopted, or is the parent believed in good faith that the parent's
the subject of a pending suit for adoption, by a conduct was necessary to avoid imminent harm to
person other than the child's stepparent. the child or to the parent;
(2) has previously threatened to take,
SUBCHAPTER I. PREVENTION OF entice away, keep, withhold, or conceal a child in
INTERNATIONAL PARENTAL CHILD violation of another person's right of possession of
ABDUCTION (added 2003) or access to the child;
(3) lacks financial reason to stay in the
§ 153.501. Necessity of Measures to Prevent United States, including evidence that the parent
International Parental Child Abduction is financially independent, is able to work outside
(a) In a suit, if credible evidence is of the United States, or is unemployed;
presented to the court indicating a potential risk of (4) has recently engaged in planning
the international abduction of a child by a parent activities that could facilitate the removal of the
of the child, the court, on its own motion or at the child from the United States by the parent,
request of a party to the suit, shall determine including:
under this section whether it is necessary for the (A) quitting a job;
court to take one or more of the measures (B) selling a primary residence;
described by Section 153.503 to protect the child ©) terminating a lease;
from the risk of abduction by the parent. (D) closing bank accounts;
(b) In determining whether to take any of (E) liquidating other assets;
the measures described by Section 153.503, the (F) hiding or destroying documents;
court shall consider: (G) applying for a passport or visa or
(1) the public policies of this state obtaining other travel documents for the parent or
described by Section 153.001(a) and the the child; or
consideration of the best interest of the child (H) applying to obtain the child's birth
under Section 153.002; certificate or school or medical records;
(2) the risk of international abduction of (5) has a history of domestic violence that
the child by a parent of the child based on the the court is required to consider under Section
court's evaluation of the risk factors described by 153.004; or
Section 153.502; (6) has a criminal history or a history of
violating court orders.

(a-1) In considering evidence of planning (B) has any legal mechanisms for
activities under Subsection (a)(4), the court also immediately and effectively enforcing an order
shall consider any evidence that the parent was regarding the possession of or access to the child
engaging in those activities as a part of a safety issued by this state;
plan to flee from family violence. (C) has local laws or practices that would:
(b) If the court finds that there is credible (I) enable the parent to prevent the child's
evidence of a risk of abduction of the child by a other parent from contacting the child without due
parent of the child based on the court's cause;
consideration of the factors in Subsection (a), the (ii) restrict the child's other parent from
court shall also consider evidence regarding the freely traveling to or exiting from the country
following factors to evaluate the risk of because of that parent's gender, nationality, or
international abduction of the child by a parent: religion; or
(1) whether the parent has strong familial, (iii) restrict the child's ability to legally
emotional, or cultural ties to another country, leave the country after the child reaches the age of
particularly a country that is not a signatory to or majority because of the child's gender, nationality,
compliant with the Hague Convention on the Civil or religion;
Aspects of International Child Abduction; and (D) is included by the United States
(2) whether the parent lacks strong ties to Department of State on a list of state sponsors of
the United States, regardless of whether the parent terrorism;
is a citizen or permanent resident of the United (E) is a country for which the United
States. States Department of State has issued a travel
(c) If the court finds that there is credible warning to United States citizens regarding travel
evidence of a risk of abduction of the child by a to the country;
parent of the child based on the court's (F) has an embassy of the United States in
consideration of the factors in Subsection (a), the the country;
court may also consider evidence regarding the (G) is engaged in any active military
following factors to evaluate the risk of action or war, including a civil war;
international abduction of the child by a parent: (H) is a party to and compliant with the
(1) whether the parent is undergoing a Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of
change in status with the United States International Child Abduction according to the
Immigration and Naturalization Service that most recent report on compliance issued by the
would adversely affect that parent's ability to United States Department of State;
legally remain in the United States; (I) provides for the extradition of a
(2) whether the parent's application for parental abductor and the return of the child to the
United States citizenship has been denied by the United States; or
United States Immigration and Naturalization (J) poses a risk that the child's physical
Service; health or safety would be endangered in the
(3) whether the parent has forged or country because of specific circumstances relating
presented misleading or false evidence to obtain a to the child or because of human rights violations
visa, a passport, a social security card, or any committed against children, including arranged
other identification card or has made any marriages, lack of freedom of religion, child labor,
misrepresentation to the United States lack of child abuse laws, female genital
government; or mutilation, and any form of slavery.
(4) whether the foreign country to which
the parent has ties: § 153.503. Abduction Prevention Measures
(A) presents obstacles to the recovery and If the court finds that it is necessary under
return of a child who is abducted to the country Section 153.501 to take measures to protect a
from the United States; child from international abduction by a parent of

the child, the court may take any of the following the cost of recovering the child if the child is
actions: abducted by the parent to a foreign country;
(1) appoint a person other than the parent (7) authorize the appropriate law
of the child who presents a risk of abducting the enforcement agencies to take measures to prevent
child as the sole managing conservator of the the abduction of the child by the parent; or
child; (8) include in the court's order provisions:
(2) require supervised visitation of the (A) identifying the United States as the
parent by a visitation center or independent country of habitual residence of the child;
organization until the court finds under Section (B) defining the basis for the court's
153.501 that supervised visitation is no longer exercise of jurisdiction; and
necessary; (C) stating that a party's violation of the
(3) enjoin the parent or any person acting order may subject the party to a civil penalty or
on the parent's behalf from: criminal penalty or to both civil and criminal
(A) disrupting or removing the child from penalties.
the school or child-care facility in which the child
(B) approaching the child at any location (added 2005)
other than a site designated for supervised
visitation; § 153.551. Suit for Access (amended 2009)
(4) order passport and travel controls, (a) The sibling of a child who is separated
including controls that: from the child because of an action taken by the
(A) prohibit the parent and any person Department of Family and Protective Services
acting on the parent's behalf from removing the may request access to the child by filing:
child from this state or the United States; (1) an original suit; or
(B) require the parent to surrender any (2) a suit for modification as provided by
passport issued in the child's name, including any Chapter 156.
passport issued in the name of both the parent and (b) A sibling described by Subsection (a)
the child; and may request access to the child in a suit filed for
(C) prohibit the parent from applying on the sole purpose of requesting the relief, without
behalf of the child for a new or replacement regard to whether the appointment of a managing
passport or international travel visa; conservator is an issue in the suit.
(5) require the parent to provide: (c) The court shall order reasonable
(A) to the United States Department of access to the child by the child’s sibling described
State's Office of Children's Issues and the relevant by Subsection (a) if the court finds that access is
foreign consulate or embassy: in the best interest of the child.
(I) written notice of the court-ordered
passport and travel restrictions for the child; and § 153.552. Access to Sibling (repealed 2009)
(ii) a properly authenticated copy of the
court order detailing the restrictions and SUBCHAPTER K. PARENTING PLAN,
documentation of the parent's agreement to the PARENTING COORDINATOR, AND
restrictions; and PARENTING FACILITATOR (added 2005,
(B) to the court proof of receipt of the amended 2007, 2009)
written notice required by Paragraph (A)(I) by the
United States Department of State's Office of § 153.601. Definitions (amended 2007. 2009)
Children's Issues and the relevant foreign In this subchapter:
consulate or embassy; (1) "Dispute resolution process" means
(6) order the parent to execute a bond or (A) a process of alternative dispute
deposit security in an amount sufficient to offset resolution conducted in accordance with Section

153.0071 of this chapter and Chapter 154, Civil Subchapter F and any amendments to the standard
Practice and Remedies Code; or possession order agreed to by the parties or found
(B) any other method of voluntary dispute by the court to be in the best interest of the child;
resolution. (C) provide for child support; and
(2) "High-conflict case" means a suit (D) optimize the development of a close
affecting the parent-child relationship in which and continuing relationship between each parent
the court finds that the parties have demonstrated and the child.
an unusual degree of:
(A) repetitiously resorting to the § 153.602. Parenting Plan Not Required In
adjudicative process; Temporary Order (amended 2007)
(B) anger and distrust; and A temporary order in a suit affecting the
(C) difficulty in communicating about and parent-child relationship rendered in accordance
cooperating in the care of their children. with Section 105.001 is not required to include a
(3) "Parenting coordinator" means an temporary parenting plan. The court may not
impartial third party: require the submission of a temporary parenting
(A) who, regardless of the title by which plan in any case or by local rule or practice.
the person is designated by the court, performs
any function described by Section 153.606 in a § 153.603. Requirement of Parenting Plan in
suit; and Final Order (amended 2007)
(B) who: (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),
(i) is appointed under this subchapter by a final order in a suit affecting the parent-child
the court on its own motion or on a motion or relationship must include a parenting plan.
agreement of the parties to assist parties in (b) The following orders are not required
resolving parenting issues through confidential to include a parenting plan:
procedures; and (1) an order that only modifies child
(ii) is not appointed under another statute support;
or a rule of civil procedure. (2) an order that only terminates parental
(3-a) "Parenting facilitator" means an rights; or
impartial third party: (3) a final order described by Section
(A) who, regardless of the title by which 155.001(b).
the person is designated by the court, performs (c) If the parties have not reached
any function described by Section 153.6061 in a agreement on a final parenting plan on or before
suit; and the 30th day before the date set for trial on the
(B) who: merits, a party may file with the court and serve a
(i) is appointed under this subchapter by proposed parenting plan.
the court on its own motion or on a motion or (d) This section does not preclude the
agreement of the parties to assist parties in parties from requesting the appointment of a
resolving parenting issues through procedures that parenting coordinator to resolve parental conflicts.
are not confidential; and
(ii) is not appointed under another statute § 153.6031. Exception to Dispute Resolution
or a rule of civil procedure. Process Requirement (added 2007)
(4) "Parenting plan" means the provisions A requirement in a parenting plan that a
of a final court order that: party initiate or participate in a dispute resolution
(A) set out rights and duties of a parent or process before filing a court action does not apply
a person acting as a parent in relation to the child; to an action:
(B) provide for periods of access to and (1) to modify the parenting plan in an
possession of the child, which may be the terms emergency;
set out in the standard possession order under (2) to modify child support;

(3) alleging that the child’s present filed the objection. The order may provide that
circumstances will significantly impair the child’s the parties not be required to have face-to-face
physical health or significantly impair the child’s contact and that the parties be placed in separate
emotional development; rooms during the parenting coordination.
(4) to enforce; or (d) An individual appointed as a
(5) in which the party shows that parenting coordinator may not serve in any
enforcement of the requirement is precluded or nonconfidential capacity in the same case,
limited by Section 153.0071. including serving as an amicus attorney, guardian
ad litem, or social study evaluator under Chapter
§ 153.604. Modification of Final Parenting 107, as a friend of the court under Chapter 202, or
Plan (repealed 2007) as a parenting facilitator under this subchapter.

§ 153.605. Appointment of Parenting § 153.6051 Appointment of Parenting

Coordinator (amended 2007, 2009) Facilitator (Added 2009)
(a) In a suit affecting the parent-child (a) In a suit affecting the parent-child
relationship, the court may, on its own motion or relationship, the court may, on its own motion or
on a motion or agreement of the parties, appoint a on a motion or agreement of the parties, appoint a
parenting coordinator or assign a domestic parenting facilitator or assign a domestic relations
relations office under Chapter 203 to appoint an office under Chapter 203 to appoint an employee
employee or other person to serve as parenting or other person as a parenting facilitator.
coordinator. (b) The court may not appoint a parenting
(b) The court may not appoint a parenting facilitator unless, after notice and hearing, the
coordinator unless, after notice and hearing, the court makes a specific finding that:
court makes a specific finding that: (1) the case is a high-conflict case or
(1) the case is a high-conflict case or there is good cause shown for the appointment of
there is good cause shown for the appointment of a parenting facilitator and the appointment is in
a parenting coordinator and the appointment is in the best interest of any minor child in the suit; and
the best interest of any minor child in the suit; and (2) the person appointed has the
(2) the person appointed has the minimum qualifications required by Section
minimum qualifications required by Section 153.6101, as documented by the person.
153.610, as documented by the person, unless (c) Notwithstanding any other provision
those requirements have been waived by the court of this subchapter, a party may at any time file a
with the agreement of the parties in accordance written objection to the appointment of a
with Section 153.610(c). parenting facilitator on the basis of family
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision violence having been committed by another party
of this subchapter, a party may at any time file a against the objecting party or a child who is the
written objection to the appointment of a subject of the suit. After an objection is filed, a
parenting coordinator on the basis of family parenting facilitator may not be appointed unless,
violence having been committed by another party on the request of a party, a hearing is held and the
against the objecting party or a child who is the court finds that a preponderance of the evidence
subject of the suit. After an objection is filed, a does not support the objection. If a parenting
parenting coordinator may not be appointed facilitator is appointed, the court shall order
unless, on the request of a party, a hearing is held appropriate measures be taken to ensure the
and the court finds that a preponderance of the physical and emotional safety of the party who
evidence does not support the objection. If a filed the objection. The order may provide that
parenting coordinator is appointed, the court shall the parties not be required to have face-to-face
order appropriate measures be taken to ensure the contact and that the parties be placed in separate
physical and emotional safety of the party who rooms during the parenting facilitation.

§ 153.606. Duties of Parenting Coordinator comply with those guidelines and submit the
(amended 2007, 2009) statement to the court on acceptance of the
(a) The court shall specify the duties of a appointment. A failure to comply with the
parenting coordinator in the order appointing the guidelines is grounds for removal of the parenting
parenting coordinator. The duties of the parenting coordinator.
coordinator are limited to matters that will aid the
parties in: § 153.6061. Duties of Parenting Facilitator
(1) identifying disputed issues; (added 2009)
(2) reducing misunderstandings; (a) The court shall specify the duties of a
(3) clarifying priorities; parenting facilitator in the order appointing the
(4) exploring possibilities for problem parenting facilitator. The duties of the parenting
solving; facilitator are limited to those matters described
(5) developing methods of collaboration with regard to a parenting coordinator under
in parenting; Section 153.606(a), except that the parenting
(6) understanding parenting plans and facilitator may also monitor compliance with
reaching agreements about parenting issues to be court orders.
included in a parenting plan; (b) A parenting facilitator appointed
(7) complying with the court's order under this subchapter shall comply with the
regarding conservatorship or possession of and standard of care applicable to the professional
access to the child; license held by the parenting facilitator in
(8) implementing parenting plans; performing the parenting facilitator's duties.
(9) obtaining training regarding problem (c) The appointment of a parenting
solving, conflict management, and parenting facilitator does not divest the court of:
skills; and (1) the exclusive jurisdiction to determine
(10) settling disputes regarding parenting issues of conservatorship, support, and possession
issues and reaching a proposed joint resolution or of and access to the child; and
statement of intent regarding those disputes. (2) the authority to exercise management
(b) The appointment of a parenting and control of the suit.
coordinator does not divest the court of: (d) The parenting facilitator may not
(1) its exclusive jurisdiction to determine modify any order, judgment, or decree.
issues of conservatorship, support, and possession (e) Meetings between the parenting
of and access to the child; and facilitator and the parties may be informal and are
(2) the authority to exercise management not required to follow any specific procedures
and control of the suit. unless otherwise provided by this subchapter or
(c) The parenting coordinator may not the standards of practice of the professional
modify any order, judgment, or decree. license held by the parenting facilitator.
(d) Meetings between the parenting
coordinator and the parties may be informal and § 153.607. Removal of Parenting Coordinator
are not required to follow any specific procedures (amended 2007, 2009)
unless otherwise provided by this subchapter. (a) It is a rebuttable presumption that a parenting
(e) (repealed 2007) coordinator is acting in good faith if the parenting
(f) A parenting coordinator appointed coordinator's services have been conducted as
under this subchapter shall comply with the provided by this subchapter and the Ethical
Ethical Guidelines for Mediators as adopted by Guidelines for Mediators described by Section
the Supreme Court of Texas (Misc. Docket No. 153.606(f).
05-9107, June 13, 2005). On request by the court, (a-1) Except as otherwise provided by
the parties, or the parties' attorneys, the parenting this section, the court may remove the parenting
coordinator shall sign a statement of agreement to coordinator in the court's discretion.

(b) The court shall remove the parenting recommendation described by Section
coordinator: 153.6082(e) and any other information required
(1) on the request and agreement of all by the court, except that the report may not
parties; include recommendations regarding the
(2) on the request of the parenting conservatorship of or the possession of or access
coordinator; to the child who is the subject of the suit.
(3) on the motion of a party, if good
cause is shown; or § 153.6082. Report of Joint Proposal or
(4) if the parenting coordinator ceases to Statement of Intent; Agreements and
satisfy the minimum qualifications required by Recommendations (added 2009)
Section 153.610.. (a) If the parties have been ordered by the
court to attempt to settle parenting issues with the
§ 153.6071. Presumptions of Good Faith, assistance of a parenting coordinator or parenting
Removal of Parenting Facilitator (added 2009) facilitator and to attempt to reach a proposed joint
(a) It is a rebuttable presumption that a resolution or statement of intent regarding the
parenting facilitator is acting in good faith if the dispute, the parenting coordinator or parenting
parenting facilitator's services have been facilitator, as applicable, shall submit a written
conducted as provided by this subchapter and the report describing the parties' joint proposal or
standard of care applicable to the professional statement to the parties, any attorneys for the
license held by the parenting facilitator. parties, and any attorney for the child who is the
(b) Except as otherwise provided by this subject of the suit.
section, the court may remove the parenting (b) The proposed joint resolution or
facilitator in the court's discretion. statement of intent is not an agreement unless the
(c) The court shall remove the parenting resolution or statement is:
facilitator: (1) prepared by the parties' attorneys, if
(1) on the request and agreement of all any, in a form that meets the applicable
parties; requirements of:
(2) on the request of the parenting (A) Rule 11, Texas Rules of Civil
facilitator; Procedure;
(3) on the motion of a party, if good (B) a mediated settlement agreement
cause is shown; or described by Section 153.0071;
(4) if the parenting facilitator ceases to (C) a collaborative law agreement
satisfy the minimum qualifications required by described by Section 153.0072;
Section 153.6101. (D) a settlement agreement described by
Section 154.071, Civil Practice and Remedies
§ 153.608. Report of Parenting Coordinator Code; or
(amended 2007) (E) a proposed court order; and
A parenting coordinator shall submit a (2) incorporated into an order signed by
written report to the court and to the parties as the court.
often as ordered by the court. The report must be (c) A parenting coordinator or parenting
limited to a statement of whether the parenting facilitator may not draft a document listed in
coordination should continue. Subsection (b)(1).
(d) The actions of a parenting coordinator
§ 153.6081. Report of Parenting Facilitator or parenting facilitator under this section do not
(added 2009) constitute the practice of law.
A parenting facilitator shall submit a (e) If the parties have been ordered by the
written report to the court and to the parties as court to attempt to settle parenting issues with the
ordered by the court. The report may include a assistance of a parenting facilitator and are unable

to settle those issues, the parenting facilitator may by the licensing authority that issues the
ma ke r e c o mme nda t i on s , o t h e r t h a n professional license held by the parenting
recommendations regarding the conservatorship facilitator.
of or possession of or access to the child, to the
parties and attorneys to implement or clarify § 153.609. Compensation of Parenting
provisions of an existing court order that are Coordinator (amended 2007)
consistent with the substantive intent of the court (a) A court may not appoint a parenting
order and in the best interest of the child who is coordinator, other than a domestic relations office
the subject of the suit. A recommendation or a comparable county agency appointed under
authorized by this subsection does not affect the Subsection ©) or a volunteer appointed under
terms of an existing court order. Subsection (d), unless, after notice and hearing,
the court finds that the parties have the means to
§. 153.6083. Communications and pay the fees of the parenting coordinator.
Recordkeeping of Parenting Facilitator (added (b) Any fees of a parenting coordinator
2009) appointed under Subsection (a) shall be allocated
(a) Notwithstanding any rule, standard of between the parties as determined by the court.
care, or privilege applicable to the professional (c) Public funds may not be used to pay
license held by a parenting facilitator, a the fees of a parenting coordinator.
communication made by a participant in parenting Notwithstanding this prohibition, a court may
facilitation is subject to disclosure and may be appoint the domestic relations office or a
offered in any judicial or administrative comparable county agency to act as a parenting
proceeding, if otherwise admissible under the coordinator if personnel are available to serve that
rules of evidence. The parenting facilitator may function.
be required to testify in any proceeding relating to (d) If due to hardship the parties are
or arising from the duties of the parenting unable to pay the fees of a parenting coordinator,
facilitator, including as to the basis for any and a public employee is not available under
recommendation made to the parties that arises Subsection ©), the court, if feasible, may appoint
from the duties of the parenting facilitator. a person to act as a parenting coordinator on a
(b) A parenting facilitator shall keep a volunteer basis.
detailed record regarding meetings and contacts
with the parties, attorneys, or other persons § 153.6091. Compensation of Parenting
involved in the suit. Facilitator (added 2009)
(c) A person who participates in Section 153.609 applies to the
parenting facilitation is not a patient as defined by compensation of a parenting facilitator in the
Section 611.001, Health and Safety Code, and no same manner as provided for the compensation of
record created as part of the parenting facilitation a parenting coordinator.
that arises from the parenting facilitator's duties is
confidential. § 153.610. Qualifications of Parenting
(d) On request, records of parenting Coordinator (amended 2009)
facilitation shall be made available by the (a) The court shall determine the required
parenting facilitator to an attorney for a party, an qualifications of a parenting coordinator, provided
attorney for a child who is the subject of the suit, that a parenting coordinator must have experience
and a party who does not have an attorney. working in a field relating to families, have
(e) A parenting facilitator shall keep practical experience with high-conflict cases or
parenting facilitation records from the suit until litigation between parents, and:
the seventh anniversary of the date the facilitator's (1) hold at least:
services are terminated, unless a different
retention period is established by a rule adopted

(A) a bachelor's degree in counseling, (1) hold a license to practice in this state
education, family studies, psychology, or social as a social worker, licensed professional
work; or counselor, licensed marriage and family therapist,
(B) a graduate degree in a mental health psychologist, or attorney; and
profession, with an emphasis in family and (2) have completed at least:
children's issues; or (A) eight hours of family violence
(2) be licensed in good standing as an dynamics training provided by a family violence
attorney in this state. service provider;
(b) In addition to the qualifications (B) 40 classroom hours of training in
prescribed by Subsection (a), a parenting dispute resolution techniques in a course
coordinator must complete at least: conducted by an alternative dispute resolution
(1) eight hours of family violence system or other dispute resolution organization
dynamics training provided by a family violence approved by the court;
service provider; (C) 24 classroom hours of training in the
(2) 40 classroom hours of training in fields of family dynamics, child development, and
dispute resolution techniques in a course family law; and
conducted by an alternative dispute resolution (D) 16 hours of training in the laws
system or other dispute resolution organization governing parenting coordination and parenting
approved by the court; and facilitation and the multiple styles and procedures
(3) 24 classroom hours of training in the used in different models of service.
fields of family dynamics, child development, (c) The actions of a parenting facilitator
family law and the law governing parenting who is not an attorney do not constitute the
coordination, and parenting coordination styles practice of law.
and procedures.
(c) In appropriate circumstances, a court § 153.6102. Parenting Facilitator; Conflicts of
may, with the agreement of the parties, appoint a Interest and Bias (added 2009)
person as parenting coordinator who does not (a) A person who has a conflict of
satisfy the requirements of Subsection (a) or interest with, or has previous knowledge of, a
Subsection (b)(2) or (3) if the court finds that the party or a child who is the subject of a suit must,
person has sufficient legal or other professional before being appointed as parenting facilitator in
training or experience in dispute resolution a suit:
processes to serve in that capacity. (1) disclose the conflict or previous
(d) The actions of a parenting coordinator knowledge to the court, each attorney for a party,
who is not an attorney do not constitute the any attorney for a child, and any party who does
practice of law. not have an attorney; and
(2) decline appointment in the suit unless,
§ 153.6101 Qualifications of Parenting after the disclosure, the parties and the child's
Facilitator (added 2009) attorney, if any, agree in writing to the person's
(a) The court shall determine whether the appointment as parenting facilitator.
qualifications of a proposed parenting facilitator (b) A parenting facilitator who, after
satisfy the requirements of this section. On being appointed in a suit, discovers that the
request by a party, an attorney for a party, or any parenting facilitator has a conflict of interest with,
attorney for a child who is the subject of the suit, or has previous knowledge of, a party or a child
a person under consideration for appointment as who is the subject of the suit shall:
a parenting facilitator in the suit shall provide (1) immediately disclose the conflict or
proof that the person satisfies the minimum previous knowledge to the court, each attorney for
qualifications required by this section. a party, any attorney for a child, and any party
(b) A parenting facilitator must: who does not have an attorney; and

(2) withdraw from the suit unless, after of the suit, and any party who does not have an
the disclosure, the parties and the child's attorney, attorney the existence and substance of any
if any, agree in writing to the person's communication between the parenting facilitator
continuation as parenting facilitator. and another person, including a party, a party's
(c) A parenting facilitator, before attorney, a child who is the subject of the suit, and
accepting appointment in a suit, must disclose to any attorney for a child who is the subject of the
the court, each attorney for a party, any attorney suit, if the communication occurred outside of a
for a child who is the subject of the suit, and any parenting facilitator session and involved the
party who does not have an attorney: substance of parenting facilitation.
(1) a pecuniary relationship with an
attorney, party, or child in the suit; § 153.611. Exception for Certain Title IV-D
(2) a relationship of confidence or trust Proceedings
with an attorney, party, or child in the suit; and Notwithstanding any other provision of
(3) other information regarding any this subchapter, this subchapter does not apply to
relationship with an attorney, party, or child in the a proceeding in a Title IV-D case relating to the
suit that might reasonably affect the ability of the determination of parentage or establishment,
person to act impartially during the person's modification, or enforcement of a child support or
service as parenting facilitator. medical support obligation.
(d) A person who makes a disclosure
required by Subsection (c) shall decline
appointment as parenting facilitator unless, after SUBCHAPTER L. MILITARY DUTY
the disclosure, the parties and the child's attorney, (added 2009)
if any, agree in writing to the person's service as
parenting facilitator in the suit. § 153.701. Definitions
(e) A parenting facilitator may not serve In this subchapter:
in any other professional capacity at any other (1) "Designated person" means the
time with any person who is a party to, or the person ordered by the court to temporarily
subject of, the suit in which the person serves as exercise a conservator's rights, duties, and periods
parenting facilitator, or with any member of the of possession and access with regard to a child
family of a party or subject. A person who, before during the conservator's military deployment,
appointment as a parenting facilitator in a suit, military mobilization, or temporary military duty.
served in any other professional capacity with a (2) "Military deployment" means the
person who is a party to, or subject of, the suit, or temporary transfer of a service member of the
with any member of the family of a party or armed forces of this state or the United States
subject, may not serve as parenting facilitator in a serving in an active-duty status to another location
suit involving any family member who is a party in support of combat or some other military
to or subject of the suit. This subsection does not operation.
apply to a person whose only other service in a (3) "Military mobilization" means the
professional capacity with a family or any call-up of a National Guard or Reserve service
member of a family that is a party to or the subject member of the armed forces of this state or the
of a suit to which this section applies is as a United States to extended active duty status. The
teacher of coparenting skills in a class conducted term does not include National Guard or Reserve
in a group setting. For purposes of this annual training.
subsection, "family" has the meaning assigned by (4) "Temporary military duty" means the
Section 71.003. transfer of a service member of the armed forces
(f) A parenting facilitator shall promptly of this state or the United States from one military
and simultaneously disclose to each party's base to a different location, usually another base,
attorney, any attorney for a child who is a subject

for a limited time for training or to assist in the (1) the conservator who does not have the
performance of a noncombat mission. exclusive right to designate the primary residence
of the child;
§ 153.702. Temporary Orders (2) if appointing the conservator
(a) If a conservator is ordered to military described by Subdivision (1) is not in the child's
deployment, military mobilization, or temporary best interest, a designated person chosen by the
military duty that involves moving a substantial conservator with the exclusive right to designate
distance from the conservator's residence so as to the primary residence of the child; or
materially affect the conservator's ability to (3) if appointing the conservator
exercise the conservator's rights and duties in described by Subdivision (1) or the person chosen
relation to a child, either conservator may file for under Subdivision (2) is not in the child's best
an order under this subchapter. interest, another person chosen by the court.
(b) The court may render a temporary (b) A designated person named in a
order in a proceeding under this subchapter temporary order rendered under this section has
regarding: the rights and duties of a nonparent appointed as
(1) possession of or access to the child; sole managing conservator under Section 153.371.
or (c) The court may limit or expand the
(2) child support. rights of a nonparent named as a designated
(c) A temporary order rendered by the person in a temporary order rendered under this
court under this subchapter may grant rights to section as appropriate to the best interest of the
and impose duties on a designated person child.
regarding the child, except the court may not
require the designated person to pay child support. § 153.704. Appointing Designated Person to
(d) After a conservator's military Exercise Visitation for Conservator With
deployment, military mobilization, or temporary Exclusive Right to Designate Primary
military duty is concluded, and the conservator Residence of Child in Certain Circumstances
returns to the conservator's usual residence, the (a) If the court appoints the conservator
temporary orders under this section terminate and without the exclusive right to designate the
the rights of all affected parties are governed by primary residence of the child under Section
the terms of any court order applicable when the 153.703(a)(1), the court may award visitation with
conservator is not ordered to military deployment, the child to a designated person chosen by the
military mobilization, or temporary military duty. conservator with the exclusive right to designate
the primary residence of the child.
§ 153.703. Appointing Designated Person for (b) The periods of visitation shall be the
Conservator With Exclusive Right to Designate same as the visitation to which the conservator
Primary Residence of Child without the exclusive right to designate the
(a) If the conservator with the exclusive primary residence of the child was entitled under
right to designate the primary residence of the the court order in effect immediately before the
child is ordered to military deployment, military date the temporary order is rendered.
mobilization, or temporary military duty, the court (c) The temporary order for visitation
may render a temporary order to appoint a must provide that:
designated person to exercise the exclusive right (1) the designated person under this
to designate the primary residence of the child section has the right to possession of the child for
during the military deployment, military the periods and in the manner in which the
mobilization, or temporary military duty in the conservator without the exclusive right to
following order of preference: designate the primary residence of the child is
entitled under the court order in effect

immediately before the date the temporary order during the period that the designated person has
is rendered; possession of the child; and
(2) the child's other conservator and the (4) the designated person under this
designated person under this section are subject to section is subject to any provision in a court order
the requirements of Section 153.316, with the restricting or prohibiting access to the child by
designated person considered for purposes of that any specified individual.
section to be the possessory conservator; (c) The court may limit or expand the
(3) the designated person under this rights of a nonparent designated person named in
section has the rights and duties of a nonparent a temporary order rendered under this section as
possessory conservator under Section 153.376(a) appropriate to the best interest of the child.
during the period that the person has possession of
the child; and § 153.706. Temporary Orders for Child
(4) the designated person under this Support
section is subject to any provision in a court order A temporary order rendered under this
restricting or prohibiting access to the child by subchapter may result in a change of
any specified individual. circumstances sufficient to justify a temporary
(d) The court may limit or expand the order modifying the child support obligations of a
rights of a nonparent designated person named in party.
a temporary order rendered under this section as
appropriate to the best interest of the child. § 153.707. Expedited Hearing
(a) On a motion by the conservator who
§ 153.705. Appointing Designated Person to has been ordered to military deployment, military
Exercise Visitation for Conservator Without mobilization, or temporary military duty, the court
Exclusive Right to Designate Primary shall, for good cause shown, hold an expedited
Residence of Child hearing if the court finds that the conservator's
(a) If the conservator without the military duties have a material effect on the
exclusive right to designate the primary residence conservator's ability to appear in person at a
of the child is ordered to military deployment, regularly scheduled hearing.
military mobilization, or temporary military duty, (b) A hearing under this section shall, if
the court may award visitation with the child to a possible, take precedence over other suits
designated person chosen by the conservator, if affecting the parent-child relationship not
the visitation is in the best interest of the child. involving a conservator who has been ordered to
(b) The temporary order for visitation military deployment, military mobilization, or
must provide that: temporary military duty.
(1) the designated person under this (c) On a motion by any party, the court
section has the right to possession of the child for shall, after reasonable advance notice and for
the periods and in the manner in which the good cause shown, allow a party to present
conservator described by Subsection (a) would be testimony and evidence by electronic means,
entitled if not ordered to military deployment, including by teleconference or through the
military mobilization, or temporary military duty; Internet.
(2) the child's other conservator and the
designated person under this section are subject to § 153.708. Enforcement
the requirements of Section 153.316, with the Temporary orders rendered under this
designated person considered for purposes of that subchapter may be enforced by or against the
section to be the possessory conservator; designated person to the same extent that an order
(3) the designated person under this would be enforceable against the conservator who
section has the rights and duties of a nonparent has been ordered to military deployment, military
possessory conservator under Section 153.376(a) mobilization, or temporary military duty.

§ 153.709. Additional Periods of Possession or (C) any other factor the court considers
Access appropriate; and
(a) Not later than the 90th day after the (2) is not required to award additional
date a conservator without the exclusive right to periods of possession of or access to the child that
designate the primary residence of the child who equals the possession or access to which the
is a member of the armed services concludes the conservator would have been entitled during the
conservator's military deployment, military conservator's military deployment, military
mobilization, or temporary military duty, the mobilization, or temporary military duty, as
conservator may petition the court to: computed under Subsection (b)(1).
(1) compute the periods of possession of (d) After the conservator described by
or access to the child to which the conservator Subsection (a) has exercised all additional periods
would have otherwise been entitled during the of possession or access awarded under this
conservator's deployment; and section, the rights of all affected parties are
(2) award the conservator additional governed by the terms of the court order
periods of possession of or access to the child to applicable when the conservator is not ordered to
compensate for the periods described by military deployment, military mobilization, or
Subdivision (1). temporary military duty.
(b) If the conservator described by
Subsection (a) petitions the court under
Subsection (a), the court: CHAPTER 154. CHILD SUPPORT
(1) shall compute the periods of
possession or access to the child described by SUBCHAPTER A. COURT–ORDERED
Subsection (a)(1); and CHILD SUPPORT
(2) may award to the conservator
additional periods of possession of or access to § 154.001. Support of Child (amended 2005)
the child for a length of time and under terms the (a) The court may order either or both
court considers reasonable, if the court determines parents to support a child in the manner specified
that: by the order:
(A) the conservator was on military (1) until the child is 18 years of age or
deployment, military mobilization, or temporary until graduation from high school, whichever
military duty in a location where access to the occurs later;
child was not reasonably possible; and (2) until the child is emancipated through
(B) the award of additional periods of marriage, through removal of the disabilities of
possession of or access to the child is in the best minority by court order, or by other operation of
interest of the child. law;
(c) In making the determination under (3) until the death of the child; or
Subsection (b)(2), the court: (4) if the child is disabled as defined in
(1) shall consider: this chapter, for an indefinite period.
(A) the periods of possession of or access (a-1) The court may order each person
to the child to which the conservator would who is financially able and whose parental rights
otherwise have been entitled during the have been terminated with respect to a child in
conservator's military deployment, military substitute care for whom the department has been
mobilization, or temporary military duty, as appointed managing conservator to support the
computed under Subsection (b)(1); child in the manner specified by the order:
(B) whether the court named a designated (1) until the earliest of:
person under Section 153.705 to exercise limited (A) the child's adoption;
possession of the child during the conservator's
deployment; and

(B) the child's 18th birthday or (B) the minimum attendance requirements
graduation from high school, whichever occurs imposed by the school in which the child is
later; enrolled, if the child is enrolled in a private
(C) removal of the child's secondary school.
disabilities of minority by court order, marriage, (b) The request for a support order
or other operation of law; or through high school graduation may be filed
(D) the child's death; or before or after the child's 18th birthday.
(2) if the child is disabled as defined in (c) The order for periodic support may
this chapter, for an indefinite period. provide that payments continue through the end of
(b) The court may order either or both the month in which the child graduates.
parents to make periodic payments for the support
of a child in a proceeding in which the § 154.003. Manner of Payment
Department of Protective and Regulatory Services The court may order that child support be
[now Family and Protective Services] is named paid by:
temporary managing conservator. In a proceeding (1) periodic payments;
in which the Department of Protective and (2) a lump-sum payment;
Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective (3) an annuity purchase;
Services] is named permanent managing (4) the setting aside of property to be
conservator of a child whose parents' rights have administered for the support of the child as
not been terminated, the court shall order each specified in the order; or
parent that is financially able to make periodic (5) any combination of periodic payments,
payments for the support of the child. lump-sum payments, annuity purchases, or setting
(c) In a Title IV–D case, if neither parent aside of property.
has physical possession or conservatorship of the
child, the court may render an order providing that § 154.004. Place of Payment (amended 1999,
a nonparent or agency having physical possession 2003)
may receive, hold, or disburse child support (a) The court shall order the payment of
payments for the benefit of the child. child support to the state disbursement unit, as
provided by Chapter 234.
§ 154.002. Child Support Through High School (b) In a Title IV-D case, the court or the
Graduation (amended 1999, 2003) Title IV-D agency shall order that income
(a) The court may render an original withheld for child support be paid to the state
support order, or modify an existing order, disbursement unit of this state or, if appropriate,
providing child support past the 18th birthday of to the state disbursement unit of another state.
the child to be paid only if the child is: (c) This section does not apply to a child
(1) enrolled: support order that:
(A) under Chapter 25, Education Code, in (1) was initially rendered by a court
an accredited secondary school in a program before January 1, 1994; and
leading toward a high school diploma; (2) is not being enforced by the Title IV-D
(B) under Section 130.008, Education agency.
Code, in courses for joint high school and junior
college credit; or § 154.005. Payments of Support Obligation by
©) on a full-time basis in a private Trust
secondary school in a program leading toward a (a) The court may order the trustees of a
high school diploma; and spendthrift or other trust to make disbursements
(2) complying with: for the support of a child to the extent the trustees
(A) the minimum attendance requirements are required to make payments to a beneficiary
of Subchapter C, Chapter 25, Education Code; or

who is required to make child support payments (c) A child support order must be
as provided by this chapter. construed to contain a withholding provision even
(b) If disbursement of the assets of the if the provision has been omitted from the written
trust is discretionary, the court may order child order.
support payments from the income of the trust but (d) If the order was rendered or last
not from the principal. modified before January 1, 1987, the order is
presumed to contain a provision for income
§ 154.006. Termination of Duty of Support withholding procedures to take effect in the event
(amended 1999, 2003, 2007) a delinquency occurs without further amendment
(a) Unless otherwise agreed in writing or to the order or future action by the court.
expressly provided in the order or as provided by
Subsection (b), the child support order terminates § 154.008. Provision for Medical Support
on: (amended 2001)
(1) the marriage of the child; The court shall order medical support for
(2) the removal of the child's disabilities the child as provided by Subchapters B and D.
for general purposes;
(3) the death of: § 154.009. Retroactive Child Support (amended
(A) the child; or 2001)
(B) a parent ordered to pay child support; (a) The court may order a parent to pay
(4) a finding by a court that the child: retroactive child support if the parent:
(A) is 18 years of age or older; and (1) has not previously been ordered to pay
(B) has failed to comply with the support for the child; and
enrollment or attendance requirements described (2) was not a party to a suit in which
by Section 154.002(a); or support was ordered.
(5) if the child enlists in the armed forces (b) In ordering retroactive child support,
of the United States, the date on which the child the court shall apply the child support guidelines
begins active service as defined by 10 U.S.C. provided by this chapter.
Section 101. (c) Unless the Title IV–D agency is a
(b) Unless a nonparent or agency has been party to an agreement concerning support or
appointed conservator of the child under Chapter purporting to settle past, present, or future support
153, the order for current child support, and any obligations by prepayment or otherwise, an
provision relating to conservatorship, possession, agreement between the parties does not reduce or
or access terminates on the marriage or remarriage terminate retroactive support that the agency may
of the obligor and obligee to each other. request.
(d) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the
§ 154.007. Order to Withhold Child Support court may order a parent subject to a previous
From Income child support order to pay retroactive child
(a) In a proceeding in which periodic support if:
payments of child support are ordered, modified, (1) the previous child support order
or enforced, the court or Title IV-D agency shall terminated as a result of the marriage or
order that income be withheld from the disposable remarriage of the child's parents;
earnings of the obligor as provided by Chapter (2) the child's parents separated after the
158. marriage or remarriage; and
(b) If the court does not order income (3) a new child support order is sought
withholding, an order for support must contain a after the date of the separation.
provision for income withholding to ensure that (e) In rendering an order under Subsection
withholding may be effected if a delinquency (d), the court may order retroactive child support

back to the date of the separation of the child's as an obligation to the child named in the support
parents. order, as required by this section.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of the
§ 154.010. No Discrimination Based on Marital Probate Code, a child support payment held by the
Status of Parents or Sex Title IV-D agency, a local registry, or the state
The amount of support ordered for the disbursement unit or any uncashed check or
benefit of a child shall be determined without warrant representing a child support payment
regard to: made before, on, or after the date of death of the
(1) the sex of the obligor, obligee, or obligee shall be paid proportionately for the
child; or benefit of each surviving child named in the
(2) the marital status of the parents of the support order and not to the estate of the obligee.
child. The payment is free of any creditor's claim against
the deceased obligee's estate and may be disbursed
§ 154.011. Support Not Conditioned on as provided by Subsection ©).
Possession or Access (c) On the death of the obligee, current
A court may not render an order that child support owed by the obligor for the benefit
conditions the payment of child support on of the child or any amount described by
whether a managing conservator allows a Subsection (b) shall be paid to:
possessory conservator to have possession of or (1) a person, other than a parent, who is
access to a child. appointed as managing conservator of the child;
(2) a person, including the obligor, who
§ 154.012. Support Paid in Excess of Support has assumed actual care, control, and possession
Order (amended 2001) of the child, if a managing conservator or guardian
(a) If an obligor is not in arrears and the of the child has not been appointed;
obligor's child support obligation has terminated, (3) the county clerk, as provided by
the obligee shall return to the obligor a child Section 887, Texas Probate Code, in the name of
support payment made by the obligor that exceeds and for the account of the child for whom the
the amount of support ordered, regardless of support is owed;
whether the payment was made before, on, or (4) a guardian of the child appointed
after the date the child support obligation under Chapter XIII, Texas Probate Code, as
terminated. provided by that code; or
(b) An obligor may file a suit to recover a (5) the surviving child, if the child is an
child support payment under Subsection (a). If adult or has otherwise had the disabilities of
the court finds that the obligee failed to return a minority removed.
child support payment under Subsection (a), the (d) On presentation of the obligee's death
court shall order the obligee to pay to the obligor certificate, the court shall render an order
attorney's fees and all court costs in addition to the directing payment of child support paid but not
amount of support paid after the date the child disbursed to be made as provided by Subsection
support order terminated. For good cause shown, ©). A copy of the order shall be provided to:
the court may waive the requirement that the (1) the obligor;
obligee pay attorney's fees and costs if the court (2) as appropriate:
states the reasons supporting that finding. (A) the person having actual care, control,
and possession of the child;
§ 154.013. Continuation of Duty to Pay (B) the county clerk; or
Support After Death of Obligee (added 2001) (C) the managing conservator or guardian
(a) A child support obligation does not of the child, if one has been appointed;
terminate on the death of the obligee but continues

(3) the local registry or state disbursement § 154.015. Acceleration of Unpaid Child
unit and, if appropriate, the Title IV-D agency; Support Obligation (added 2007)
and (a) In this section, "estate" has the
(4) the child named in the support order, meaning assigned by Section 3, Texas Probate
if the child is an adult or has otherwise had the Code.
disabilities of minority removed. (b) If the child support obligor dies before
(e) The order under Subsection (d) must the child support obligation terminates, the
contain: remaining unpaid balance of the child support
(1) a statement that the obligee is obligation becomes payable on the date the
deceased and that child support amounts obligor dies.
otherwise payable to the obligee shall be paid for (c) For purposes of this section, the court
the benefit of a surviving child named in the of continuing jurisdiction shall determine the
support order as provided by Subsection (c); amount of the unpaid child support obligation for
(2) the name and age of each child named each child of the deceased obligor. In determining
in the support order; and the amount of the unpaid child support obligation,
(3) the name and mailing address of, as the court shall consider all relevant factors,
appropriate: including:
(A) the person having actual care, control, (1) the present value of the total amount
and possession of the child; of monthly periodic child support payments that
(B) the county clerk; or would become due between the month in which
(C) the managing conservator or guardian the obligor dies and the month in which the child
of the child, if one has been appointed. turns 18 years of age, based on the amount of the
(f) On receipt of the order required under periodic monthly child support payments under
this section, the local registry, state disbursement the child support order in effect on the date of the
unit, or Title IV-D agency shall disburse payments obligor's death;
as required by the order. (2) the present value of the total amount
of health insurance premiums payable for the
§ 154.014. Payments in Excess of benefit of the child from the month in which the
Court-Ordered Amount (added 2001) obligor dies until the month in which the child
(a) If a child support agency or local child turns 18 years of age, based on the cost of health
support registry receives from an obligor who is insurance for the child ordered to be paid on the
not in arrears a child support payment in an date of the obligor's death;
amount that exceeds the court-ordered amount, the (3) in the case of a disabled child under
agency or registry, to the extent possible, shall 18 years of age or an adult disabled child, an
give effect to any expressed intent of the obligor amount to be determined by the court under
for the application of the amount that exceeds the Section 154.306;
court-ordered amount. (4) the nature and amount of any benefit
(b) If the obligor does not express an to which the child would be entitled as a result of
intent for the application of the amount paid in the obligor's death, including life insurance
excess of the court-ordered amount, the agency or proceeds, annuity payments, trust distributions,
registry shall: social security death benefits, and retirement
(1) credit the excess amount to the survivor benefits; and
obligor's future child support obligation; and (5) any other financial resource available
(2) promptly disburse the excess amount for the support of the child.
to the obligee. (d) If, after considering all relevant
(c) This section does not apply to an factors, the court finds that the child support
obligee who is a recipient of public assistance obligation has been satisfied, the court shall
under Chapter 31, Human Resources Code. render an order terminating the child support

obligation. If the court finds that the child support child turns 18 years of age, based on the cost of
obligation is not satisfied, the court shall render a health insurance for the child ordered to be paid;
judgment in favor of the obligee, for the benefit of and
the child, in the amount of the unpaid child (3) in the case of a disabled child under
support obligation determined under Subsection 18 years of age or an adult disabled child, an
(c) The order must designate the obligee as amount to be determined by the court under
constructive trustee, for the benefit of the child, of Section 154.306.
any money received in satisfaction of the (c) The court may, on its own motion or
judgment. on a motion of the obligee, require the child
(e) The obligee has a claim, on behalf of support obligor to provide proof satisfactory to the
the child, against the deceased obligor's estate for court verifying compliance with the order
the unpaid child support obligation determined rendered under this section.
under Subsection ©). The obligee may present
the claim in the manner provided by the Texas SUBCHAPTER B. COMPUTING NET
(f) If money paid to the obligee for the PAYMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT
benefit of the child exceeds the amount of the
unpaid child support obligation remaining at the § 154.061. Computing Net Monthly Income
time of the obligor's death, the obligee shall hold (a) Whenever feasible, gross income
the excess amount as constructive trustee for the should first be computed on an annual basis and
benefit of the deceased obligor's estate until the then should be recalculated to determine average
obligee delivers the excess amount to the legal monthly gross income.
representative of the deceased obligor's estate. (b) The Title IV–D agency shall annually
promulgate tax charts to compute net monthly
§ 154.016. Provision of Support in Event of income, subtracting from gross income social
Death of Parent (added 2007) security taxes and federal income tax withholding
(a) The court may order a child support for a single person claiming one personal
obligor to obtain and maintain a life insurance exemption and the standard deduction.
policy, including a decreasing term life insurance
policy, that will establish an insurance-funded § 154.062. Net Resources (amended 2007, 2009)
trust or an annuity payable to the obligee for the (a) The court shall calculate net resources
benefit of the child that will satisfy the support for the purpose of determining child support
obligation under the child support order in the liability as provided by this section.
event of the obligor's death. (b) Resources include:
(b) In determining the nature and extent of (1) 100 percent of all wage and salary
the obligation to provide for the support of the income and other compensation for personal
child in the event of the death of the obligor, the services (including commissions, overtime pay,
court shall consider all relevant factors, including: tips, and bonuses);
(1) the present value of the total amount (2) interest, dividends, and royalty
of monthly periodic child support payments from income;
the date the child support order is rendered until (3) self-employment income;
the month in which the child turns 18 years of age, (4) net rental income (defined as rent after
based on the amount of the periodic monthly child deducting operating expenses and mortgage
support payment under the child support order; payments, but not including noncash items such as
(2) the present value of the total amount depreciation); and
of health insurance premiums payable for the (5) all other income actually being
benefit of the child from the date the child support received, including severance pay, retirement
order is rendered until the month in which the benefits, pensions, trust income, annuities, capital

gains, social security benefits other than § 154.064. Medical Support for Child
supplemental security income, unemployment Presumptively Provided by Obligor (amended
benefits, disability and workers' compensation 2001)
benefits, interest income from notes regardless of The guidelines for support of a child are
the source, gifts and prizes, spousal maintenance, based on the assumption that the court will order
and alimony. the obligor to provide medical support for the
(c) Resources do not include: child in addition to the amount of child support
(1) return of principal or capital; calculated in accordance with those guidelines.
(2) accounts receivable;
(3) benefits paid in accordance with § 154.065. Self-Employment Income
federal public assistance programs [or The (a) Income from self-employment,
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families whether positive or negative, includes benefits
program]; or allocated to an individual from a business or
(4) payments for foster care of a child. undertaking in the form of a proprietorship,
(d) The court shall deduct the following partnership, joint venture, close corporation,
items from resources to determine the net agency, or independent contractor, less ordinary
resources available for child support: and necessary expenses required to produce that
(1) social security taxes; income.
(2) federal income tax based on the tax (b) In its discretion, the court may exclude
rate for a single person claiming one personal from self-employment income amounts allowable
exemption and the standard deduction; under federal income tax law as depreciation, tax
(3) state income tax; credits, or any other business expenses shown by
(4) union dues; and the evidence to be inappropriate in making the
(5) expenses for the cost of health determination of income available for the purpose
insurance o cash medical support for the obligor's of calculating child support.
child ordered by the court under Section 154.182.
(e) In calculating the amount of the § 154.066. Intentional Unemployment or
deduction for health care coverage for a child Underemployment
under Subsection (d) (5), if the obligor has other If the actual income of the obligor is
minor dependents covered under the same health significantly less than what the obligor could earn
insurance plan, the court shall divide the total cost because of intentional unemployment or
to the obligor for the insurance by the total underemployment, the court may apply the
number of minor dependents, including the child, support guidelines to the earning potential of the
covered under the plan. obligor.

§ 154.063. Party to Furnish Information § 154.067. Deemed Income

The court shall require a party to: (a) When appropriate, in order to
(1) furnish information sufficient to determine the net resources available for child
accurately identify that party's net resources and support, the court may assign a reasonable amount
ability to pay child support; and of deemed income attributable to assets that do
(2) produce copies of income tax returns not currently produce income. The court shall
for the past two years, a financial statement, and also consider whether certain property that is not
current pay stubs. producing income can be liquidated without an
unreasonable financial sacrifice because of
cyclical or other market conditions. If there is no
effective market for the property, the carrying
costs of such an investment, including property

taxes and note payments, shall be offset against (b) A court may determine that the
the income attributed to the property. application of the guidelines would be unjust or
(b) The court may assign a reasonable inappropriate under the circumstances.
amount of deemed income to income-producing
assets that a party has voluntarily transferred or on § 154.123. Additional Factors for Court to
which earnings have intentionally been reduced. Consider

§ 154.068. Wage and Salary Presumption (a) The court may order periodic child
In the absence of evidence of the wage support payments in an amount other than that
and salary income of a party, the court shall established by the guidelines if the evidence
presume that the party has wages or salary equal rebuts the presumption that application of the
to the federal minimum wage for a 40–hour week. guidelines is in the best interest of the child and
justifies a variance from the guidelines.
§ 154.069. Net Resources of Spouse (b) In determining whether application of
(a) The court may not add any portion of the guidelines would be unjust or inappropriate
the net resources of a spouse to the net resources under the circumstances, the court shall consider
of an obligor or obligee in order to calculate the evidence of all relevant factors, including:
amount of child support to be ordered. (1) the age and needs of the child;
(b) The court may not subtract the needs (2) the ability of the parents to contribute
of a spouse, or of a dependent of a spouse, from to the support of the child;
the net resources of the obligor or obligee. (3) any financial resources available for
the support of the child;
§ 154.070. Child Support Received by Obligor (4) the amount of time of possession of
In a situation involving multiple and access to a child;
households due child support, child support (5) the amount of the obligee's net
received by an obligor shall be added to the resources, including the earning potential of the
obligor's net resources to compute the net obligee if the actual income of the obligee is
resources before determining the child support significantly less than what the obligee could earn
credit or applying the percentages in the multiple because the obligee is intentionally unemployed
household table in this chapter. or underemployed and including an increase or
decrease in the income of the obligee or income
SUBCHAPTER C. CHILD SUPPORT that may be attributed to the property and assets of
GUIDELINES the obligee;
(6) child care expenses incurred by either
§ 154.121. Guidelines for the Support of a party in order to maintain gainful employment;
Child (7) whether either party has the managing
The child support guidelines in this conservatorship or actual physical custody of
subchapter are intended to guide the court in another child;
determining an equitable amount of child support. (8) the amount of alimony or spousal
maintenance actually and currently being paid or
§ 154.122. Application of Guidelines received by a party;
Rebuttably Presumed in Best Interest of Child (9) the expenses for a son or daughter for
(a) The amount of a periodic child support education beyond secondary school;
payment established by the child support (10) whether the obligor or obligee has an
guidelines in effect in this state at the time of the automobile, housing, or other benefits furnished
hearing is presumed to be reasonable, and an by his or her employer, another person, or a
order of support conforming to the guidelines is business entity;
presumed to be in the best interest of the child.

(11) the amount of other deductions from adjusted amount determined under Subsection (a-
the wage or salary income and from other 1), whichever is greater.
compensation for personal services of the parties; (a-1) The dollar amount prescribed by
(12) provision for health care insurance Subsection (a) is adjusted every six years as
and payment of uninsured medical expenses; necessary to reflect inflation. The Title IV-D
(13) special or extraordinary educational, agency shall compute the adjusted amount, to take
health care, or other expenses of the parties or of effect beginning September 1 of the year of the
the child; adjustment, based on the percentage change
(14) the cost of travel in order to exercise during the 72-month period preceding Mrch 1 of
possession of and access to a child; the year of the adjustment, as rounded to the
(15) positive or negative cash flow from nearest $50 increment. The Title IV-D agency
any real and personal property and assets, shall publish the adjusted amount in the Texas
including a business and investments; Register before September 1 of the year in which
(16) debts or debt service assumed by the adjustment takes effect. For purposes of this
either party; and subsection, “consumer price index” has the
(17) any other reason consistent with the meaning assigned by Section 341.201, Finance
best interest of the child, taking into consideration Code.
the circumstances of the parents. (a-2) The initial adjustment required by
Subsection (a-1) shall take effect September 1,
§ 154.124. Agreement Concerning Support 2013. This subsection expires September 1, 2014.
(a) To promote the amicable settlement of (b) If the obligor's monthly net resources
disputes between the parties to a suit, the parties are not greater than the amount proided by
may enter into a written agreement containing Subsection (a), the court shall presumptively
provisions for support of the child and for apply the following schedule in rendering the
modification of the agreement, including child support order:
variations from the child support guidelines
provided by Subchapter C.
(b) If the court finds that the agreement is BASED ON THE MONTHLY NET
in the child's best interest, the court shall render RESOURCES OF THE OBLIGOR
an order in accordance with the agreement.
(c) Terms of the agreement pertaining to
child support in the order may be enforced by all
1 child 20% of Obligor's Net
remedies available for enforcement of a judgment,
including contempt, but are not enforceable as a
contract. 2 children 25% of Obligor's Net
(d) If the court finds the agreement is not Resources
in the child's best interest, the court may request
the parties to submit a revised agreement or the 3 children 30% of Obligor's Net
court may render an order for the support of the Resources
4 children 35% of Obligor's Net
§ 154.125. Application of Guidelines to Net
Resources (amended 2007, 2009) 5 children 40% of Obligor's Net
(a) The guidelines for the support of a Resources
child in this section are specifically designed to
apply to situations in which the obligor's monthly 6+ children Not less than the amount for
net resources are not greater than $7,500 or the 5 children

§ 154.126. Application of Guidelines to § 154.128. Computing Support for Children in
Additional Net Resources (amended 2007) More Than One Household
(a) If the obligor's net resources exceed (a) In applying the child support
the amount provided by Secion 154.125(a), the guidelines for an obligor who has children in more
court shall presumptively apply the percentage than one household, the court shall apply the
guidelines to the portion of the obligor's net percentage guidelines in this subchapter by
resources that does not exceed that amount. making the following computation:
Without further reference to the percentage (1) determine the amount of child support
recommended by these guidelines, the court may that would be ordered if all children whom the
order additional amounts of child support as obligor has the legal duty to support lived in one
appropriate, depending on the income of the household by applying the schedule in this
parties and the proven needs of the child. subchapter;
(b) The proper calculation of a child (2) compute a child support credit for the
support order that exceeds the presumptive obligor's children who are not before the court by
amount established for the portion of the obligor's dividing the amount determined under
net resources provided by Section 154.125(a) Subdivision (1) by the total number of children
requires that the entire amount of the presumptive whom the obligor is obligated to support and
award be subtracted from the proven total needs multiplying that number by the number of the
of the child. After the presumptive award is obligor's children who are not before the court;
subtracted, the court shall allocate between the (3) determine the adjusted net resources
parties the responsibility to meet the additional of the obligor by subtracting the child support
needs of the child according to the circumstances credit computed under Subdivision (2) from the
of the parties. However, in no event may the net resources of the obligor; and
obligor be required to pay more child support than (4) determine the child support amount
the greater of the presumptive amount or the for the children before the court by applying the
amount equal to 100 percent of the proven needs percentage guidelines for one household for the
of the child. number of children of the obligor before the court
to the obligor's adjusted net resources.
§ 154.127. Partial Termination of Support (b) For the purpose of determining a child
Obligation (amended 2007) support credit, the total number of an obligor's
(a) A child support order for more than children includes the children before the court for
one child shall provide that, on the termination of the establishment or modification of a support
support for a child, the level of support for the order and any other children, including children
remaining child or children is in accordance with residing with the obligor, whom the obligor has
the child support guidelines. the legal duty of support.
(b) A child support order is in compliance (c) The child support credit with respect
with the requirement imposed by Subsection (a) if to children for whom the obligor is obligated by
the order contains a provision that specifies: an order to pay support is computed, regardless of
(1) the events, including a child reaching whether the obligor is delinquent in child support
the age of 18 years or otherwise having the payments, without regard to the amount of the
disabilities of minority removed, that have the order.
effect of terminating the obligor’s obligation to
pay child support for that child; and § 154.129. Alternative Method of Computing
(2) the reduced total amount that the Support for Children in More Than One
obligor is required to pay each month after the Household
occurrence of an event described by Subdivision In lieu of performing the computation
(1). under the preceding section, the court may
determine the child support amount for the

children before the court by applying the
percentages in the table below to the obligor's net



Number of children 7 1 1 2 2 3 3 3
before the court 3. 7. 1. 6. 0. 1. 2.
0 2 6 0 6 3 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 2 0 9 7 8 0
Numb 0 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
er of 0. 5. 0. 5. 0. 0. 0.
other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
childre 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
for 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3
whom 7. 2. 7. 2. 7. 7. 8.
the 5 5 3 2 3 7 0
obligo 0 0 8 0 3 1 0
r 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 3
has a 6. 0. 5. 0. 5. 6. 6.
duty 0 6 2 3 4 0 4
of 0 3 0 3 3 0 4
t 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 3
4. 9. 4. 9. 4. 4. 5.
7 0 0 0 0 6 2
5 0 0 0 0 7 0
4 1 1 2 2 3 3 3
3. 8. 3. 8. 2. 3. 4.
6 3 1 0 8 6 1
0 3 4 0 9 0 8
5 1 1 2 2 3 3 3
3. 7. 2. 7. 2. 2. 3.
3 8 5 2 0 7 3
3 6 0 2 0 3 3
6 1 1 2 2 3 3 3
3. 7. 2. 6. 1. 2. 2.
1 5 0 6 2 0 6
4 0 0 0 7 0 2

§ 154.130. Findings in Child Support Order (1) the mother of the child had made any
(amended 2001, 2007, 2009) previous attempts to notify the obligor of his
(a) Without regard to Rules 296 through paternity or probable paternity;
299, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, in rendering (2) the obligor had knowledge of his
an order of child support, the court shall make the paternity or probable paternity;
findings required by Subsection (b) if: (3) the order of retroactive child support
(1) a party files a written request with the will impose an undue financial hardship on the
court not later than 10 days after the date of the obligor or the obligor's family; and
hearing; (4) the obligor has provided actual
(2) a party makes an oral request in open support or other necessaries before the filing of
court during the hearing; or the action.
(3) the amount of child support ordered (c) It is presumed that a court order
by the court varies from the amount computed by limiting the amount of retroactive child support to
applying the percentage guidelines under Section an amount that does not exceed the total amount
154.125 or 154.129, as applicable. of support that would have been due for the four
(a-1) If findings under this section are years preceding the date the petition seeking
required as a result of the request by a party under support was filed is reasonable and in the best
Subsection (a)(1) or (2), the court shall make and interest of the child.
enter the findings not later than the 15th day after (d) The presumption created under this
the date of the party's request. section may be rebutted by evidence that the
(b) If findings are required by this obligor:
section, the court shall state whether the (1) knew or should have known that the
application of the guidelines would be unjust or obligor was the father of the child for whom
inappropriate and shall state the following in the support is sought; and
child support order: (2) sought to avoid the establishment of a
"(1) the net resources of the obligor per support obligation to the child.
month are $______; (e) An order under this section limiting
"(2) the net resources of the obligee per the amount of retroactive support does not
month are $______; constitute a variance from the guidelines requiring
"(3) the percentage applied to the the court to make specific findings under Section
obligor's net resources for child support is 154.130.
______%; and (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of
"(4) if applicable, the specific reasons this subtitle, the court retains jurisdiction to
that the amount of child support per month render an order for retroactive child support in a
ordered by the court varies from the amount suit if a petition requesting retroactive child
computed by applying the percentage guidelines support is filed not later than the fourth
under Section 154.125 or 154.129, as applicable anniversary of the date of the child’s 18th
§ 154.131. Retroactive Child Support (amended
2001, 2007) § 154.132. Application of Guidelines to
(a) The child support guidelines are Children of Certain Disabled Obligors (added
intended to guide the court in determining the 1999)
amount of retroactive child support, if any, to be In applying the child support guidelines
ordered. for an obligor who has a disability and who is
(b) In ordering retroactive child support, required to pay support for a child who receives
the court shall consider the net resources of the benefits as a result of the obligor's disability, the
obligor during the relevant time period and court shall apply the guidelines by determining the
whether: amount of child support that would be ordered

under the child support guidelines and subtracting or
from that total the amount of benefits or the value (2) if private health insurance is not in
of the benefits paid to or for the child as a result effect for the child, whether:
of the obligor's disability. (A) the child is receiving medical
assistance under Chapter 32, Human Resources
§ 154.133. Application of Guidelines to Code;
Children of Obligors Receiving Social Security (B) the child is receiving health benefits
In applying the child support guidelines coverage under the state child health plan under
for an obligor who is receiving social security old Chapter 62, Health and Safety Code, and the cost
age benefits and who is required to pay support of any premium; and
for a child who receives benefits as a result of the (C) either parent has access to private
obligor's receipt of social security old age health insurance at reasonable cost to the obligor.
benefits, the court shall apply the guidelines by (c) In rendering temporary orders, the
determining the amount of child support that court shall, except for good cause shown, order
would be ordered under the child support that any health insurance coverage in effect for the
guidelines and subtracting from that total the child continue in effect pending the rendition of a
amount of benefits or the value of the benefits final order, except that the court may not require
paid to or for the child as a result of the obligor's the continuation of any health insurance that is not
receipt of social security old age benefits. available to the parent at reasonable cost to the
obligor. If there is no health insurance coverage
SUBCHAPTER D. MEDICAL SUPPORT in effect for the child or if the insurance in effect
FOR CHILD is not available at a reasonable cost to the obligor,
the court shall, except for good cause shown,
§ 154.181. Medical Support Order (amended order health care coverage for the child as
2001, 2003, 2007, 2009) provided under Section 154.182.
(a) The court shall render an order for the (d) On rendering a final order the court
medical support of the child as provided by this shall:
section and Section 154.182 in: (1) make specific findings with respect to
(1) a proceeding in which periodic the manner in which health care coverage is to be
payments of child support are ordered under this provided for the child, in accordance with the
chapter or modified under Chapter 156; priorities identified under Section 154.182; and
(2) any other suit affecting the parent- (2) except for good cause shown or on
child relationship in which the court determines agreement of the parties, require the parent
that medical support of the child must be ordered to provide health care coverage for the
established, modified, or clarified; or child as provided under Section 154.182 to
(3) a proceeding under Chapter 159. produce evidence to the court's satisfaction that
(b) Before a hearing on temporary orders the parent has applied for or secured health
or a final order, if no hearing on temporary orders insurance or has otherwise taken necessary action
is held, the court shall require the parties to the to provide for health care coverage for the child,
proceedings to disclose in a pleading or other as ordered by the court.
statement: (e) In this section, "reasonable cost"
(1) if private health insurance is in effect means the cost of health insurance coverage for a
for the child, the identity of the insurance child that does not exceed nine percent of the
company providing the coverage, the policy obligor's annual resources, as described by
number, which parent is responsible for payment Section 154.062(b), if the obligor is responsible
of any insurance premium for the coverage, under a medical support order for the cost of
whether the coverage is provided through a health insurance coverage for only one child. If
parent's employment, and the cost of the premium; the obligor is responsible under a medical support

order for the cost of health insurance coverage for equal to the actual cost of health insurance for the
more than one child, "reasonable cost" means the child, but not to exceed a reasonable cost to the
total cost of health insurance coverage for all obligor. In calculating the actual cost of health
children for which the obligor is responsible under insurance for the child, if the obligee has other
a medical support order that does not exceed nine minor dependents covered under the same health
percent of the obligor's annual resources, as insurance plan, the court shall divide the total cost
described by Section 154.062(b). to the obligee for the insurance by the total
number of minor dependents, including the child
§ 154.182. Health Care Coverage for Child covered under the plan.
(amended 2001, 2007, 2009) (b-2) If the court finds that neither parent
(a) The court shall consider the cost, has access to private health insurance at a
accessibility, and quality of health insurance reasonable cost to the obligor, the court shall
coverage available to the parties and shall give order the parent awarded the exclusive right to
priority to health insurance coverage available designate the child's primary residence or, to the
through the employment of one of the parties if extent permitted by law, the other parent to apply
the coverage is available at a reasonable cost to immediately on behalf of the child for
the obligor. participation in a government medical assistance
(b) In determining the manner in which program or health plan. If the child participates in
health care coverage for the child is to be ordered, a government medical assistance program or
the court shall render its order in accordance with health plan, the court shall order cash medical
the following priorities, unless a party shows good support under Subsection (b)(3).
cause why a particular order would not be in the (c) In this section:
best interest of the child: (1) "Accessibility" means the extent to
(1) if health insurance is available for the which health insurance coverage for a child
child through a parent's employment or provides for the availability of medical care
membership in a union, trade association, or other within a reasonable traveling distance and time
organization at reasonable cost [to the parent], the from the child's primary residence, as determined
court shall order that parent to include the child in by the court.
the parent's health insurance; (2) "Reasonable cost" has the meaning
(2) if health insurance is not available for assigned by Section 154.181(e).
the child under Subdivision (1) but is available to
a parent at reasonable cost from another source, § 154.1826. Health Care Program for Certain
including the program under Section 154.1826 to Children in Title IV-D Cases (added 2009)
provide health insurance in Title IV-D cases, the (a) In this section:
court may order that parent to provide health (1) "Health benefit plan issuer" means an
insurance for the child; or insurer, health maintenance organization, or other
(3) if health insurance coverage is not entity authorized to provide health benefits
available for the child under Subdivision (1) or coverage under the laws of this state.
(2), the court shall order the obligor to pay the (2) "Health care provider" means a
obligee, in addition to any amount ordered under physician or other person who is licensed,
the guidelines for child support, an amount, not to certified, or otherwise authorized to provide a
exceed nine percent of the obligor's annual health care service in this state.
[monthly] resources, as described by Section (3) "Program" means the child health
154.062(b), as cash medical support for the child. care program developed under this section.
(b-1) If the parent ordered to provide (4) "Reasonable cost" has the meaning
health insurance under Subsection (b)(1) or (2) is assigned by Section 154.181(e).
the obligee, the court shall order the obligor to pay (5) "Third-party administrator" means a
the obligee, as additional child support, an amount person who is not a health benefit plan issuer or

agent of a health benefit plan issuer and who (g) A health benefit plan issuer that
provides administrative services for the program, participates in the program may not deny health
including processing enrollment of eligible care coverage under the program to eligible
children in the program and processing premium children because of preexisting conditions or
payments on behalf of the program. chronic illnesses. A child who is determined to be
(b) In consultation with the Texas eligible for coverage under the program continues
Department of Insurance, the Health and Human to be eligible until the termination of the parent's
Services Commission, and representatives of the duty to pay child support as specified by Section
insurance industry in this state, the Title IV-D 154.006. Enrollment of a child in the program
agency shall develop and implement a statewide does not preclude the subsequent enrollment of
program to address the health care needs of the child in another health care plan that becomes
children in Title IV-D cases for whom health available to the child's parent at reasonable cost,
insurance is not available to either parent at including a health care plan available through the
reasonable cost under Section 154.182(b)(1) or parent's employment or the state child health plan
under Section 154.182(b)(2) from a source other under Chapter 62, Health and Safety Code.
than the program. (h) The Title IV-D agency shall contract
(c) The director of the Title IV-D agency with an independent third-party administrator to
may establish an advisory committee to consult provide necessary administrative services for
with the director regarding the implementation operation of the program.
and operation of the program. If the director (i) A person acting as a third-party
establishes an advisory committee, the director administrator under Subsection (h) is not
may appoint any of the following persons to the considered an administrator for purposes of
advisory committee: Chapter 4151, Insurance Code.
(1) representatives of appropriate public (j) The Title IV-D agency shall solicit
and private entities, including state agencies applications for participation in the program from
concerned with health care management; health benefit plan issuers that meet requirements
(2) members of the judiciary; specified by the agency. Each health benefit plan
(3) members of the legislature; and issuer that participates in the program must hold
(4) representatives of the insurance a certificate of authority issued by the Texas
industry. Department of Insurance.
(d) The principal objective of the (k) The Title IV-D agency shall promptly
program is to provide basic health care services, notify the courts of this state when the program
including office visits with health care providers, has been implemented and is available to provide
hospitalization, and diagnostic and emergency for the health care needs of children described by
services, to eligible children in Title IV-D cases at Subsection (b). The notification must specify a
reasonable cost to the parents obligated by court date beginning on which children may be enrolled
order to provide medical support for the children. in the program.
(e) The Title IV-D agency may use (l) On or after the date specified in the
available private resources, including gifts and notification required by Subsection (k), a court
grants, in administering the program. that orders health care coverage for a child in a
(f) The Title IV-D agency shall adopt Title IV-D case shall order that the child be
rules as necessary to implement the program. The enrolled in the program authorized by this section
Title IV-D agency shall consult with the Texas unless other health insurance is available for the
Department of Insurance and the Health and child at reasonable cost, including the state child
Human Services Commission in establishing health plan under Chapter 62, Health and Safety
policies and procedures for the administration of Code.
the program and in determining appropriate (m) Payment of premium costs for the
benefits to be provided under the program. enrollment of a child in the program may be

enforced by the Title IV-D agency against the (3) may be enforced by any means
obligor by any means available for the available for the enforcement of child support,
enforcement of a child support obligation, including withholding from earnings under
including income withholding under Chapter 158. Chapter 158.
(n) The program is not subject to any (b) If the court finds and states in the
provision of the Insurance Code or other law that child support order that the obligee will maintain
requires coverage or the offer of coverage of a health insurance coverage for the child at the
health care service or benefit. obligee's expense, the court shall increase the
(o) Any health information obtained by amount of child support to be paid by the obligor
the program, or by a third-party administrator in an amount not exceeding the actual cost to the
providing program services, that is subject to the obligee for maintaining health insurance coverage,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability as provided under Section 154.182(b-1).
Act of 1996 (42 U.S.C. Section 1320d et seq.) or (c) As additional child support, the court
Chapter 181, Health and Safety Code, is shall allocate between the parties, according to
confidential and not open to public inspection. their circumstances:
Any personally identifiable financial information (1) the reasonable and necessary health
or supporting documentation of a parent whose care expenses, including vision and dental
child is enrolled in the program that is obtained by expenses, of the child that are not reimbursed by
the program, or by a third-party administrator health insurance or are not otherwise covered by
providing program services, is confidential and the amount of cash medical support ordered under
not open to public inspection. Section 154.182(b)(3); and
(2) amounts paid by either party as
§ 154.1827. Administrative Adjustment of deductibles or copayments in obtaining health
Medical Support Order (added 2009) care services for the child covered under a health
(a) In each Title IV-D case in which a insurance policy.
medical support order requires that a child be
enrolled in a health care program under Section § 154.184. Effect of Order
154.1826, the Title IV-D agency may (a) Receipt of a medical support order
administratively adjust the order as necessary on requiring that health insurance be provided for a
an annual basis to reflect changes in the amount of child shall be considered a change in the family
premium costs associated with the child's circumstances of the employee or member, for
enrollment. health insurance purposes, equivalent to the birth
(b) The Title IV-D agency shall provide or adoption of a child.
notice of the administrative adjustment to the (b) If the employee or member is eligible
obligor and the clerk of the court that rendered the for dependent health coverage, the employer shall
order. automatically enroll the child for the first 31 days
after the receipt of the order or notice of the
§ 154.183. Medical Support Additional Support medical support order under Section 154.186 on
Duty of Obligor (amended 2007, 2009) the same terms and conditions as apply to any
(a) An amount that an obligor is ordered other dependent child.
to pay as medical support for the child under this (c) The employer shall notify the insurer
chapter, including the costs of health insurance of the automatic enrollment.
coverage or cash medical support under Section (d) During the 31–day period, the
154.182: employer and insurer shall complete all necessary
(1) is in addition to the amount that the forms and procedures to make the enrollment
obligor is required to pay for child support under permanent or shall report in accordance with this
the guidelines for child support; subchapter the reasons the coverage cannot be
(2) is a child support obligation; and made permanent.

§ 154.185. Parent to Furnish Information 651 et seq.), as amended. The notice may be used
(amended 2001) in any other suit in which an obligor is ordered to
(a) The court shall order a parent provide health insurance coverage for a child.
providing health insurance to furnish to either the ©) The Title IV-D agency by rule shall
obligee, obligor, or child support agency the establish procedures consistent with federal law
following information not later than the 30th day for use of the national medical support notice and
after the date the notice of rendition of the order may prescribe forms for the efficient use of the
is received: notice. The agency shall provide the notice and
(1) the social security number of the forms, on request, to obligees, obligors, domestic
parent; relations offices, friends of the court, and
(2) the name and address of the parent's attorneys.
(3) whether the employer is self-insured § 154.187. Duties of Employer (amended 2003,
or has health insurance available; 2009)
(4) proof that health insurance has been (a) An order or notice under this
provided for the child; subchapter to an employer directing that health
(5) if the employer has health insurance insurance coverage be provided to a child of an
available, the name of the health insurance carrier, employee or member is binding on a current or
the number of the policy, a copy of the policy and subsequent employer on receipt without regard to
schedule of benefits, a health insurance the date the order was rendered. If the employee
membership card, claim forms, and any other or member is eligible for dependent health
information necessary to submit a claim; and coverage for the child, the employer shall
(6) if the employer is self-insured, a copy immediately enroll the child in a health insurance
of the schedule of benefits, a membership card, plan regardless of whether the employee is
claim forms, and any other information necessary enrolled in the plan. If dependent coverage is not
to submit a claim. available to the employee or member through the
(b) The court shall also order a parent employer's health insurance plan or enrollment
providing health insurance to furnish the obligor, cannot be made permanent or if the employer is
obligee, or child support agency with additional not responsible or otherwise liable for providing
information regarding health insurance coverage such coverage, the employer shall provide notice
not later than the 15th day after the date the to the sender in accordance with Subsection ©).
information is received by the parent. (b) If additional premiums are incurred as
a result of adding the child to the health insurance
§ 154.186. Notice to Employer Concerning plan, the employer shall deduct the health
Medical Support (amended 2003, 2007) insurance premium from the earnings of the
(a) The obligee, obligor, or a child employee in accordance with Chapter 158 and
support agency of this state or another state may apply the amount withheld to payment of the
send to the employer a copy of the order requiring insurance premium.
an employee to provide health insurance coverage (c) An employer who has received an
for a child or may include notice of the medical order or notice under this subchapter shall provide
support order in an order or writ of withholding to the sender, by first class mail not later than the
sent to the employer in accordance with Chapter 30th day after the date the employer receives the
158. order or notice, a statement that the child:
(b) In an appropriate Title IV-D case, the (1) has been enrolled in the employer's
Title IV-D agency of this state or another state [a] health insurance plan or is already enrolled in
shall send to the employer the national medical another health insurance plan in accordance with
support notice required under Part D, Title IV of a previous child support or medical support order
the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section to which the employee is subject; or

(2) cannot be enrolled or cannot be § 154.189. Notice of Termination or Lapse of
enrolled permanently in the employer's [a] health Insurance Coverage
insurance plan and provide the reason why (a) An obligor ordered to provide health
coverage or permanent coverage cannot be insurance coverage for a child must notify the
provided. obligee and any child support agency enforcing a
(d) If the employee ceases employment or support obligation against the obligor of the:
if the health insurance coverage lapses, the (1) termination or lapse of health
employer shall provide to the sender, by first class insurance coverage for the child not later than the
mail not later than the 15th day after the date of 15th day after the date of a termination or lapse;
the termination of employment or the lapse of the and
coverage, notice of the termination or lapse and of (2) availability of additional health
the availability of any conversion privileges. insurance to the obligor for the child after a
(e) On request, the employer shall release termination or lapse of coverage not later than the
to the sender information concerning the available 15th day after the date the insurance becomes
health insurance coverage, including the name of available.
the health insurance carrier, the policy number, a (b) If termination of coverage results from
copy of the policy and schedule of benefits, a a change of employers, the obligor, the obligee, or
health insurance membership card, and claim the child support agency may send the new
forms. employer a copy of the order requiring the
(f) In this section, "sender" means the employee to provide health insurance for a child
person sending the order under Section 154.186. or notice of the medical support order as provided
(g) An employer who fails to enroll a by this subchapter.
child, fails to withhold or remit premiums or cash
medical support, or discriminates in hiring or § 154.190. Reenrolling Child for Insurance
employment on the basis of a medical support Coverage
order or notice under this subchapter shall be After health insurance has been
subject to the penalties and fines in Subchapter C, terminated or has lapsed, an obligor ordered to
Chapter 158. provide health insurance coverage for the child
(h) An employer who receives a national must enroll the child in a health insurance plan at
medical support notice under Section 154.186 the next available enrollment period.
shall comply with the requirements of the notice.
§ 154.191. Remedy Not Exclusive (amended
§ 154.188. Failure to Provide Required Health 2009)
Insurance (amended 2001, 2003) (a) This subchapter does not limit the
A parent ordered to provide health rights of the obligor, obligee, local domestic
insurance or to pay the other parent additional relations office, or Title IV–D agency to enforce,
child support for the cost of health insurance who modify, or clarify the medical support order.
fails to do so is liable for: (b) This subchapter does not limit the authority of
(1) necessary medical expenses of the the court to render or modify a medical support
child, without regard to whether the expenses order to provide for payment of uninsured health
would have been paid if health insurance had been expenses, health care costs, or health insurance
provided; and premiums in a manner consistent with this
(2) the cost of health insurance premiums subchapter.
or contributions, if any, paid on behalf of the
child. § 154.192. Cancellation or Elimination of
Insurance Coverage for Child
(a) Unless the employee or member
ceases to be eligible for dependent coverage, or

the employer has eliminated dependent health payments a photocopy, facsimile copy, or
coverage for all of the employer's employees or conformed copy of the court's order.
members, the employer may not cancel or (c) A local registry shall include with
eliminate coverage of a child enrolled under this each payment it forwards to the Title IV–D
subchapter until the employer is provided agency the date it received the payment and the
satisfactory written evidence that: withholding date furnished by the employer.
(1) the court order or administrative order (d) A local registry shall accept child
requiring the coverage is no longer in effect; or support payments made by personal check, money
(2) the child is enrolled in comparable order, or cashier's check. A local registry may
health insurance coverage or will be enrolled in refuse payment by personal check if a pattern of
comparable coverage that will take effect not later abuse regarding the use of personal checks has
than the effective date of the cancellation or been established. Abuse includes checks drawn
elimination of the employer's coverage. on insufficient funds, abusive or offensive
language written on the check, intentional
§ 154.193. Medical Support Order Not mutilation of the instrument, or other actions that
Qualified delay or disrupt the registry's operation.
(a) If a plan administrator or other person (e) Subject to Section 154.004, at the
acting in an equivalent position determines that a request of an obligee, a local registry shall redirect
medical support order issued under this and forward a child support payment to an address
subchapter does not qualify for enforcement under and in care of a person or entity designated by the
federal law, the tribunal may, on its own motion obligee. A local registry may require that the
or the motion of a party, render an order that obligee's request be in writing or be made on a
qualifies for enforcement under federal law. form provided by the local registry for that
(b) The procedure for filing a motion for purpose, but may not charge a fee for receiving
enforcement of a final order applies to a motion the request or redirecting the payments as
under this section. Service of citation is not requested.
required, and a person is not entitled to a jury in a (f) A local registry may accept child
proceeding under this section. support payments made by credit card, debit card,
(c) The employer or plan administrator is or automatic teller machine card.
not a necessary party to a proceeding under this (g) Notwithstanding any other law, a
section. private entity may perform the duties and
functions of a local registry under this section
SUBCHAPTER E. LOCAL CHILD either under a contract with a county
SUPPORT REGISTRY commissioners court or domestic relations office
executed under Section 204.002 or under an
§ 154.241. Local Registry (amended 2005) appointment by a court.
(a) A local registry shall receive a
court-ordered child support payment or a payment § 154.242. Payment or Transfer of Child
otherwise authorized by law and shall forward the Support Payments by Electronic Funds
payment, as appropriate, to the Title IV–D Transfer (amended 1999)
agency, local domestic relations office, or obligee (a) A child support payment may be made
within two working days after the date the local by electronic funds transfer to:
registry receives the payment. (1) the Title IV–D agency;
(b) A local registry may not require an (2) a local registry if the registry agrees to
obligor, obligee, or other party or entity to furnish accept electronic payment; or
a certified copy of a court order as a condition of (3) the state disbursement unit.
processing child support payments and shall (b) A local registry may transmit child
accept as sufficient authority to process the support payments to the Title IV–D agency by

electronic funds transfer. Unless support disability is known to exist, on or before the 18th
payments are required to be made to the state birthday of the child.
disbursement unit, an obligor may make (b) A court that orders support under this
payments, with the approval of the court entering section shall designate a parent of the child or
the order, directly to the bank account of the another person having physical custody or
obligee by electronic transfer and provide guardianship of the child under a court order to
verification of the deposit to the local registry. A receive the support for the child. The court may
local registry in a county that makes deposits into designate a child who is 18 years of age or older
personal bank accounts by electronic funds to receive the support directly.
transfer as of April 1, 1995, may transmit a child
support payment to an obligee by electronic funds § 154.303. Standing to Sue
transfer if the obligee maintains a bank account (a) A suit provided by this subchapter
and provides the local registry with the necessary may be filed only by:
bank account information to complete electronic (1) a parent of the child or another person
payment. having physical custody or guardianship of the
child under a court order; or
§ 154.243. Production of Child Support (2) the child if the child:
Payment Record (amended 1999) (A) is 18 years of age or older;
The Title IV–D agency, a local registry, (B) does not have a mental disability; and
or the state disbursement unit may comply with a (C) is determined by the court to be
subpoena or other order directing the production capable of managing the child's financial affairs.
of a child support payment record by sending a (b) The parent, the child, if the child is 18
certified copy of the record or an affidavit years of age or older, or other person may not
regarding the payment record to the court that transfer or assign the cause of action to any
directed production of the record. person, including a governmental or private entity
or agency, except for an assignment made to the
§ 154.304. General Procedure
§ 154.301. Definitions Except as otherwise provided by this
In this subchapter: subchapter, the substantive and procedural rights
(1) "Adult child" means a child 18 years and remedies in a suit affecting the parent-child
of age or older. relationship relating to the establishment,
(2) "Child" means a son or daughter of modification, or enforcement of a child support
any age. order apply to a suit filed and an order rendered
under this subchapter.
§ 154.302. Court-Ordered Support for
Disabled Child § 154.305. Specific Procedures
(a) The court may order either or both (a) A suit under this subchapter may be
parents to provide for the support of a child for an filed:
indefinite period and may determine the rights and (1) regardless of the age of the child; and
duties of the parents if the court finds that: (2) as an independent cause of action or
(1) the child, whether institutionalized or joined with any other claim or remedy provided
not, requires substantial care and personal by this code.
supervision because of a mental or physical (b) If no court has continuing, exclusive
disability and will not be capable of self-support; jurisdiction of the child, an action under this
and subchapter may be filed as an original suit
(2) the disability exists, or the cause of the affecting the parent-child relationship.

(c) If there is a court of continuing, any other law.
exclusive jurisdiction, an action under this
subchapter may be filed as a suit for modification § 154.309. Possession of or Access to Adult
as provided by Chapter 156. Disabled Child (amended 2007)
(a) A court may render an order for the
§ 154.306. Amount of Support After Age 18 possession of or access to an adult disabled child
In determining the amount of support to that is appropriate under the circumstances.
be paid after a child's 18th birthday, the specific (b) Possession of or access to an adult
terms and conditions of that support, and he rights disabled child is enforceable in the manner
and duties of both parents with respect to the provided by Chapter 157. An adult disabled child
support of the child, the court shall determine and may refuse possession or access if the adult
give special consideration to: disabled child is mentally competent.
(1) any existing or future needs of the (c) A court that obtains continuing,
adult child directly related to the adult child's exclusive jurisdiction of a suit affecting the
mental or physical disability and the substantial parent-child relationship involving a disabled
care and personal supervision directly required by person who is a child retains continuing, exclusive
or related to that disability; jurisdiction of subsequent proceedings involving
(2) whether the parent pays for or will pay the person, including proceedings after the person
for the care or supervision of the adult child or is an adult. Notwithstanding this subsection and
provides or will provide substantial care or any other law, a probate court may exercise
personal supervision of the adult child; jurisdiction in a guardianship proceeding for the
(3) the financial resources available to person after the person is an adult.
both parents for the support, care, and supervision
of the adult child; and
(4) any other financial resources or other CHAPTER 155. CONTINUING, EXCLUSIVE
resources or programs available for the support, JURISDICTION; TRANSFER
care, and supervision of the adult child.
§ 154.307. Modification and Enforcement EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION
An order provided by this subchapter may
contain provisions governing the rights and duties § 155.001. Acquiring Continuing, Exclusive
of both parents with respect to the support of the Jurisdiction (amended 1999, 2001)
child and may be modified or enforced in the (a) Except as otherwise provided by this
same manner as any other order provided by this section, a court acquires continuing, exclusive
title. jurisdiction over the matters provided for by this
title in connection with a child on the rendition of
§ 154.308. Remedy Not Exclusive a final order.
(a) This subchapter does not affect a (b) The following final orders do not
parent's: create continuing, exclusive jurisdiction in a
(1) cause of action for the support of a court:
disabled child under any other law; or (1) a voluntary or involuntary dismissal of
(2) ability to contract for the support of a a suit affecting the parent-child relationship;
disabled child. (2) in a suit to determine parentage, a
(b) This subchapter does not affect the final order finding that an alleged or presumed
substantive or procedural rights or remedies of a father is not the father of the child, except that the
person other than a parent, including a jurisdiction of the court is not affected if the child
governmental or private entity or agency, with was subject to the jurisdiction of the court or
respect to the support of a disabled child under some other court in a suit affecting the

pa r e nt-child relationship be f or e t he state; or
commencement of the suit to adjudicate (2) each individual party has filed written
parentage; and consent with the tribunal of this state for a
(3) a final order of adoption, after which tribunal of another state to modify the order and
a subsequent suit affecting the child must be assume continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of the
commenced as though the child had not been the suit.
subject of a suit for adoption or any other suit (d) A court of this state may not exercise
affecting the parent-child relationship before the its continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify its
adoption. child support order if modification is precluded by
(c) If a court of this state has acquired Chapter 159.
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction, no other court
of this state has jurisdiction of a suit with regard § 155.004. Loss of Continuing, Exclusive
to that child except as provided by this chapter or Jurisdiction
Chapter 262. (a) A court of this state loses its
(d) Unless a final order has been rendered continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify its
by a court of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction, a order if:
subsequent suit shall be commenced as an original (1) an order of adoption is rendered after
proceeding. the court acquires continuing, exclusive
jurisdiction of the suit;
§ 155.002. Retaining Continuing, Exclusive (2) the parents of the child have remarried
Jurisdiction (amended 1999) each other after the dissolution of a previous
Except as otherwise provided by this marriage between them and file a suit for the
subchapter, a court with continuing, exclusive dissolution of their subsequent marriage combined
jurisdiction retains jurisdiction of the parties and with a suit affecting the parent-child relationship
matters provided by this title. as if there had not been a prior court with
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over the child;
§ 155.003. Exercise of Continuing, Exclusive or
Jurisdiction (3) another court assumed jurisdiction
(a) Except as otherwise provided by this over a suit and rendered a final order based on
section, a court with continuing, exclusive incorrect information received from the bureau of
jurisdiction may exercise its jurisdiction to modify vital statistics that there was no court of
its order regarding managing conservatorship, continuing, exclusive jurisdiction.
possessory conservatorship, possession of and (b) This section does not affect the power
access to the child, and support of the child. of the court to enforce its order for a violation that
(b) A court of this state may not exercise occurred before the time continuing, exclusive
its continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify jurisdiction was lost under this section.
managing conservatorship if:
(1) the child's home state is other than this § 155.005. Jurisdiction Pending Transfer
state; or (a) During the transfer of a suit from a
(2) modification is precluded by Chapter court with continuing, exclusive jurisdiction, the
152. transferring court retains jurisdiction to render
(c) A court of this state may not exercise temporary orders.
its continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify (b) The jurisdiction of the transferring
possessory conservatorship or possession of or court terminates on the docketing of the case in
access to a child if: the transferee court.
(1) the child's home state is other than this
state and all parties have established and continue
to maintain their principal residence outside this

SUBCHAPTER B. IDENTIFICATION OF exclusive jurisdiction over the child.
COURT OF CONTINUING, EXCLUSIVE (b) If the bureau of vital statistics notifies
JURISDICTION the court that the bureau has furnished incorrect
information regarding the existence of another
§ 155.101. Request for Identification of Court court with continuing, exclusive jurisdiction
of Continuing, Exclusive Jurisdiction (amended before the rendition of a final order, the provisions
1999) of this chapter apply.
(a) The petitioner or the court shall
request from the bureau of vital statistics § 155.104. Voidable Order
identification of the court that last had continuing, (a) If a request for information from the
exclusive jurisdiction of the child in a suit unless: bureau of vital statistics relating to the identity of
(1) the petition alleges that no court has the court having continuing, exclusive jurisdiction
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of the child and of the child has been made under this subchapter,
the issue is not disputed by the pleadings; or a final order, except an order of dismissal, may
(2) the petition alleges that the court in not be rendered until the information is filed with
which the suit or petition to modify has been filed the court.
has acquired and retains continuing, exclusive (b) If a final order is rendered in the
jurisdiction of the child as the result of a prior absence of the filing of the information from the
proceeding and the issue is not disputed by the bureau of vital statistics, the order is voidable on
pleadings. a showing that a court other than the court that
(b) The bureau of vital statistics shall, on rendered the order had continuing, exclusive
the written request of the court, an attorney, or a jurisdiction.
(1) identify the court that last had SUBCHAPTER C. TRANSFER OF
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of the child in a CONTINUING, EXCLUSIVE
suit and give the docket number of the suit; or JURISDICTION
(2) state that the child has not been the
subject of a suit. § 155.201. Mandatory Transfer (amended 1999,
(c) The child shall be identified in the 2005)
request by name, birthdate, and place of birth. (a) On the filing of a motion showing that
(d) The bureau of vital statistics shall a suit for dissolution of the marriage of the child's
transmit the information not later than the 10th parents has been filed in another court and
day after the date on which the request is received. requesting a transfer to that court, the court having
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of a suit
§ 155.102. Dismissal affecting the parent-child relationship shall,
If a court in which a suit is filed within the time required by Section 155.204,
determines that another court has continuing, transfer the proceedings to the court in which the
exclusive jurisdiction of the child, the court in dissolution of the marriage is pending. The
which the suit is filed shall dismiss the suit motion must comply with the requirements of
without prejudice. Section 155.204(a).
(b) If a suit to modify or a motion to
§ 155.103. Reliance on Bureau of Vital enforce an order is filed in the court having
Statistics Information continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of a suit, on the
(a) A court shall have jurisdiction over a timely motion of a party the court shall, within the
suit if it has been, correctly or incorrectly, time required by Section 144.204, transfer the
informed by the bureau of vital statistics that the proceeding to another county in this state if the
child has not been the subject of a suit and the child has resided in the other county for six
petition states that no other court has continuing, months or longer.

(c) If a suit to modify or a motion to affidavit is filed within the period allowed for its
enforce an order is pending at the time a filing, the proceeding shall be transferred
subsequent suit to modify or motion to enforce is promptly without a hearing to the proper court.
filed, the court may transfer the proceeding as (c) If a timely motion to transfer has been
provided by Subsection (b) only if the court could filed and no controverting affidavit is filed within
have transferred the proceeding at the time the the period allowed for its filing, the proceeding
first motion or suit was filed. shall, not later than th e21st day after the final
date of the period allowed for the filing of a
§ 155.202. Discretionary Transfer controverting affidavit, be transferred without a
(a) If the basis of a motion to transfer a hearing to the proper court.
proceeding under this subchapter is that the child (d) On or before the first Monday after the
resides in another county, the court may deny the 20th day after the date of notice of a motion to
motion if it is shown that the child has resided in transfer is served, a party desiring to contest the
that county for less than six months at the time the motion must file a controverting affidavit denying
proceeding is commenced. that grounds for the transfer exist.
(b) For the convenience of the parties and (e) If a controverting affidavit contesting
witnesses and in the interest of justice, the court, the motion to transfer is filed, each party is
on the timely motion of a party, may transfer the entitled to notice not less than 10 days before the
proceeding to a proper court in another county in date of the hearing on the motion to transfer.
the state. (f) Only evidence pertaining to the
transfer may be taken at the hearing.
§ 155.203. Determining County of Child's (e) An order transferring or refusing to
Residence transfer the proceeding is not subject to
In computing the time during which the interlocutory appeal.
child has resided in a county, the court may not (g) If the court finds after the hearing on
require that the period of residence be continuous the motion to transfer that grounds for the transfer
and uninterrupted but shall look to the child's exist, the proceeding shall be transferred to the
principal residence during the six-month period proper court not later than the 21st day after the
preceding the commencement of the suit. date the hearing is concluded.
(h) An order transferring or refusing to
§ 155.204. Procedure for Transfer (amended transfer the proceeding is not subject to
1999, 2005) interlocutory appeal.
(a) A motion to transfer under (I) If a transfer order has been signed by
Section 155.201(a) may be filed at any time. The a court exercising jurisdiction under Chapter 262,
motion must contain a certification that all other a party may file the transfer order with the clerk of
parties, including the attorney general, if the court of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction. On
applicable, have been informed of the filing of the receipt and without a hearing, the clerk of the
motion. court of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction shall
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (a) transfer the files as provided by this subchapter.
or Section 262.203, a motion to transfer by a
petitioner or movant is timely if it is made at the § 155.205. Transfer of Child Support Registry
time the initial pleadings are filed. A motion to (amended 1999, 2001)
transfer by another party is timely if it is made on (a) On rendition of an order transferring
or before the first Monday after the 20th day after continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to another court,
the date of service of citation or notice of the suit the transferring court shall also order that all
or before the commencement of the hearing, future payments of child support be made to the
whichever is sooner. If a timely motion to local registry of the transferee court or, if
transfer has been filed and no controverting payments have previously been directed to the

state disbursement unit, to the state disbursement (2) certified copies of all entries in the
unit. minutes; and
(b) The transferring court's local registry (3) a certified copy of each final order.
or the state disbursement unit shall continue to (b) The clerk of the transferring court
receive, record, and forward child support shall keep a copy of the transferred pleadings and
payments to the payee until it receives notice that other requested documents. If the transferring
the transferred case has been docketed by the court retains jurisdiction of another child who was
transferee court. the subject of the suit, the clerk shall send a copy
(c) After receiving notice of docketing of the pleadings and other requested documents to
from the transferee court, the transferring court's the court to which the transfer is made and shall
local registry shall send a certified copy of the keep the original pleadings and other requested
child support payment record to the clerk of the documents.
transferee court and shall forward any payments (c) On receipt of the pleadings,
received to the transferee court's local registry or documents, and orders from the transferring court,
to the state disbursement unit, as appropriate. the clerk of the transferee court shall docket the
suit and shall notify all parties, the clerk of the
§ 155.206. Effect of Transfer transferring court, and, if appropriate, the
(a) A court to which a transfer is made transferring court's local registry that the suit has
becomes the court of continuing, exclusive been docketed.
jurisdiction and all proceedings in the suit are (d) The clerk of the transferring court
continued as if it were brought there originally. shall send a certified copy of the order directing
(b) A judgment or order transferred has payments to the transferee court, to any party or
the same effect and shall be enforced as if employer affected by that order, and, if
originally rendered in the transferee court. appropriate, to the local registry of the transferee
(c) The transferee court shall enforce a court.
judgment or order of the transferring court by
contempt or by any other means by which the SUBCHAPTER D. TRANSFER OF
transferring court could have enforced its PROCEEDINGS WITHIN THE STATE
judgment or order. The transferee court shall WHEN PARTY OR CHILD RESIDES
have the power to punish disobedience of the OUTSIDE THE STATE
transferring court's order, whether occurring
before or after the transfer, by contempt. § 155.301. Authority to Transfer (amended
(d) After the transfer, the transferring 2007)
court does not retain jurisdiction of the child who (a) A court of this state with continuing,
is the subject of the suit, nor does it have exclusive jurisdiction over a suit or an action for
jurisdiction to enforce its order for a violation child support under Chapter 159 shall transfer the
occurring before or after the transfer of proceeding to the county of residence of the
jurisdiction. resident party if one party is a resident of this state
and all other parties including the child or all of
§ 155.207. Transfer of Court Files (amended the children affected by the proceedings reside
2001, 2005) outside this state.
(a) On the signing of an order of transfer, (b) If one or more of the parties affected
the clerk of the court transferring a proceeding by the proceedings reside outside the state and if
shall send to the proper court in the county to more than one party or one or more children
which transfer is being made: affected by the proceeding reside in this state in
(1) the pleadings in the pending different counties, the court shall transfer the
proceeding and any other document specifically proceeding according to the following priorities:
requested by a party; (1) to the court of continuing, exclusive

jurisdiction, if any; § 156.003. Notice (amended 1999)
(2) to the county of residence of the child, A party whose rights and duties may be
if applicable, provided that: affected by a suit for modification is entitled to
(A) Subdivision (1) is inapplicable; or receive notice by service of citation.
(B) the court of continuing, exclusive
jurisdiction finds that neither a party nor a child § 156.004. Procedure
affected by the proceeding resides in the county of The Texas Rules of Civil Procedure
the court of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction; or applicable to the filing of an original lawsuit
(3) if Subdivisions (1) and (2) are apply to a suit for modification under this chapter.
inapplicable, to the county most appropriate to
serve the convenience of the resident parties, the § 156.005. Frivolous Filing of Suit for
witnesses, and the interest of justice. Modification
(c) Except as otherwise provided by this If the court finds that a suit for
subchapter, if a transfer of continuing, exclusive modification is filed frivolously or is designed to
jurisdiction is sought under this section, the harass a party, the court shall tax attorney's fees as
procedures for determining and effecting a costs against the offending party.
transfer of proceedings provided by this chapter
apply. If the parties submit to the court an agreed § 156.006. Temporary Orders (amended 1999,
order for transfer, the court shall sign the order 2001, 2003, 2005, 2009)
without the need for other pleadings. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),
the court may render a temporary order in a suit
for modification.
CHAPTER 156. MODIFICATION (b) While a suit for modification is
pending, the court may not render a temporary
SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL order that has the effect of changing the
PROVISIONS designation of the person who has the exclusive
right to designate the primary residence of the
§ 156.001. Orders Subject to Modification child under the final order unless the temporary
A court with continuing, exclusive order is in the best interest of the child and:
jurisdiction may modify an order that provides for (1) the order is necessary because the
the conservatorship, support, or possession of and child's present circumstances would significantly
access to a child. impair the child's physical health or emotional
§ 156.002. Who can File (amended 2009) (2) the person designated in the final
(a) A party affected by an order may file order has voluntarily relinquished the primary
a suit for modification in the court with care and possession of the child for more than six
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction. months; or
(b) A person or entity who, at the time of (3) the child is 12 years of age or older
filing, has standing to sue under Chapter 102 may and has expressed to the court in chambers as
file a suit for modification in the court with provided by Section 153.009 the name of the
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction. person who is the child's preference to have the
(c) The sibling of a child who is exclusive right to designate the primary residence
separated from the child because of the actions of of the child.
the Department of Family and Protective Services (c) Subsection (b)(2) does not apply to a
may file a suit for modification requesting access conservator who has the exclusive right to
to the child in the court with continuing, exclusive designate the primary residence of the child and
jurisdiction. who has temporarily relinquished the primary care
and possession of the child to another person

during the conservator's military deployment, § 156.102. Modification of Exclusive Right to
military mobilization, or temporary military duty, Determine Primary Residence of Child Within
as those terms are defined by Section 153.701. One Year of Order (amended 2001, 2003, 2009)
(a) If a suit seeking to modify the
SUBCHAPTER B. MODIFICATION OF designation of the person having the exclusive
CONSERVATORSHIP, POSSESSION AND right to designate the primary residence of a child
ACCESS, OR DETERMINATION OF is filed not later than one year after the earlier of
RESIDENCE the date of rendition of the order or the date of the
signing of a mediated or collaborative law
§ 156.101. Grounds for Modification of Order settlement agreement on which the order is based,
Establishing Conservatorship or Possession the person filing the suit shall execute and attach
and Access (amended 1999, 2001, 2003, 2009) an affidavit as provided by Subsection (b).
(a) The court may modify an order that (b) The affidavit must contain, along with
provides for the appointment of a conservator of supporting facts, at least one of the following
a child, that provides the terms and conditions of allegations:
conservatorship, or that provides for the (1) that the child's present environment
possession of or access to a child if modification may endanger the child's physical health or
would be in the best interest of the child and: significantly impair the child's emotional
(1) the circumstances of the child, a development;
conservator, or other party affected by the order (2) that the person who has the exclusive
have materially and substantially changed since right to designate the primary residence of the
the earlier of: child is the person seeking or consenting to the
(A) the date of the rendition of the order; modification and the modification is in the best
or interest of the child; or
(B) the date of the signing of a mediated (3) that the person who has the exclusive
or collaborative law settlement agreement on right to designate the primary residence of the
which the order is based; child has voluntarily relinquished the primary care
(2) the child is at least 12 years of age and possession of the child for at least six months
and has expressed to the court in chambers as and the modification is in the best interest of the
provided by Section 153.009 the name of the child.
person who is the child's preference to have the (c) The court shall deny the relief sought
exclusive right to designate the primary residence and refuse to schedule a hearing for modification
of the child; or under this section unless the court determines, on
(3) the conservator who has the exclusive the basis of the affidavit, that facts adequate to
right to designate the primary residence of the support an allegation listed in Subsection (b) are
child has voluntarily relinquished the primary care stated in the affidavit. If the court determines that
and possession of the child to another person for the facts stated are adequate to support an
at least six months. allegation, the court shall set a time and place for
(b) Subsection (a)(3) does not apply to a the hearing.
conservator who has the exclusive right to (d) Subsection (b)(3) does not apply to a
designate the primary residence of the child and person who has the exclusive right to designate
who has temporarily relinquished the primary care the primary residence of the child and who has
and possession of the child to another person temporarily relinquished the primary care and
during the conservator's military deployment, possession of the child to another person during
military mobilization, or temporary military duty, the conservator's military deployment, military
as those terms are defined by Section 153.701. mobilization, or temporary military duty, as those
terms are defined by Section 153.701.

§ 156.103. Increased Expenses Because of conservator for an offense involving family
Change of Residence (amended 2001) violence is a material and substantial change of
(a) If a change of residence results in circumstances sufficient to justify a temporary
increased expenses for a party having possession order and modification of an existing court order
of or access to a child, the court may render or portion of a decree that provides for the
appropriate orders to allocate those increased appointment of a conservator or that sets the terms
expenses on a fair and equitable basis, taking into and conditions of conservatorship or for the
account the cause of the increased expenses and possession of or access to a child to conform the
the best interest of the child. order to the requirements of Section 153.004(d).
(b) The payment of increased expenses by (b) A person commits an offense if the
the party whose residence is changed is rebuttably person files a suit to modify an order or portion of
presumed to be in the best interest of the child. a decree based on the grounds permitted under
(c) The court may render an order without Subsection (a) and the person knows that the
regard to whether another change in the terms and person against whom the motion is filed has not
conditions for the possession of or access to the been convicted of an offense, or received deferred
child is made. adjudication for an offense, involving family
violence. An offense under this subsection is a
§ 156.104. Modification of Order on Conviction Class B misdemeanor.
for Child Abuse; Penalty (amended 2001, 2007)
(a) Except as provided by Section § 156.105. Modification of Order Based on
156.1045, the conviction of a conservator for an Military Deployment (added 2005, amended
offense under Section 21.02, Penal Code, or the 2007, 2009)
conviction of the conservator or an order deferring The military duty of a conservator who is
adjudication with regard to the conservator, for an ordered to military deployment, military
offense involving the abuse of a child under mobilization, or temporary military duty, as those
Section 21.11, 22.011, or 22.021, Penal Code, is terms are defined by Section 153.701, does not by
a material and substantial change of circumstances itself constitute a material and substantial change
sufficient to justify a temporary order and of circumstances sufficient to justify a
modification of an existing court order or portion modification of an existing court order or portion
of a decree that provides for the appointment of a of a decree that sets the terms and conditions for
conservator or that sets the terms and conditions the possession of or access to a child except that
of conservatorship or for the possession of or the court may render a temporary order under
access to a child. Subchapter L, Chapter 153.
(b) A person commits an offense if the
person files a suit to modify an order or portion of SUBCHAPTER E. MODIFICATION OF
a decree based on the grounds permitted under CHILD SUPPORT
Subsection (a) and the person knows that the
person against whom the motion is filed has not § 156.401. Grounds for Modification of Child
been convicted of an offense, or received deferred Support (amended 1997, 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007)
adjudication for an offense, under Section 21.02, (a) Except as provided by Subsection (a-
21.11, 22.011, or 22.021, Penal Code. An offense 1) or (b), the court may modify an order that
under this subsection is a Class B misdemeanor. provides for the support of a child, including an
order for health care coverage under Section
§ 156.1045. Modification of Order on 154.182, if:
Conviction for Family Violence (amended 2001) (1) the circumstances of the child or a
(a) The conviction or an order deferring person affected by the order have materially and
adjudication of a person who is a possessory substantially changed since earlier of:
conservator or a sole or joint managing (A) the date of the order's rendition; or

(B) the date of the signing of a mediated § 156.403. Voluntary Additional Support
or collaborative law settlement agreement on A history of support voluntarily provided
which the order is based; or in excess of the court order does not constitute
(2) it has been three years since the order cause to increase the amount of an existing child
was rendered or last modified and the monthly support order.
amount of the child support award under the order
differs by either 20 percent or $100 from the § 156.404. Net Resources of New Spouse
amount that would be awarded in accordance with (a) The court may not add any portion of
the child support guidelines. the net resources of a new spouse to the net
(a-1) If the parties agree to an order under resources of an obligor or obligee in order to
which the amount of child support differs from the calculate the amount of child support to be
amount that would be awarded in accordance with ordered in a suit for modification.
the child support guidelines, the court may modify (b) The court may not subtract the needs
the order only if the circumstances of the child or of a new spouse, or of a dependent of a new
a person affected by the order have materially and spouse, from the net resources of the obligor or
substantially changed since the date of the order's obligee in a suit for modification.
(b) A support order may be modified with § 156.405. Change in Lifestyle
regard to the amount of support ordered only as to An increase in the needs, standard of
obligations accruing after the earlier of: living, or lifestyle of the obligee since the
(1) the date of service of citation; or rendition of the existing order does not warrant an
(2) an appearance in the suit to modify. increase in the obligor's child support obligation.
(c) An order of joint conservatorship, in
and of itself, does not constitute grounds for § 156.406. Use of Guidelines for Children in
modifying a support order. More Than One Household (amended 1999)
(d) Release of a child support obligor In applying the child support guidelines in
from incarceration is a material and substantial a suit under this subchapter, if the obligor has the
change in circumstances for purposes of this duty to support children in more than one
section if the obligor's child support obligation household, the court shall apply the percentage
was abated, reduced, or suspended during the guidelines for multiple families under Chapter
period of the obligor's incarceration. 154.

§ 156.402. Effect of Guidelines (amended 1999) § 156.407. Assignment of Child Support Right
(a) The court may consider the child A notice of assignment filed under
support guidelines for single and multiple families Chapter 231 does not constitute a modification of
under Chapter 154 to determine whether there has an order to pay child support.
been a material or substantial change of
circumstances under this chapter that warrants a § 156.408. Modification of Support Order
modification of an existing child support order if Rendered by Another State (amended 2001)
the modification is in the best interest of the child. (a) Unless both parties and the child
(b) If the amount of support contained in reside in this state, a court of this state may
the order does not substantially conform with the modify an order of child support rendered by an
guidelines for single and multiple families under appropriate tribunal of another state only as
Chapter 154, the court may modify the order to provided by Chapter 159.
substantially conform with the guidelines if the (b) If both parties and the child reside in
modification is in the best interest of the child. A this state, a court of this state may modify an
court may consider other relevant evidence in order of child support rendered by an appropriate
addition to the factors listed in the guidelines. tribunal of another state after registration of the

order as provided by Chapter 159. has resumed physical possession of the child. A
copy of the affidavit shall be delivered to the
§ 156.409. Change in Physical Possession obligor and any other party, including the Title
(amended 1999, 2001, 2005) IV-D agency if appropriate. On receipt of the
(a) The court shall, on the motion of a affidavit, the court on its own motion shall order
party or person having physical possession of the the obligor to make support payments to the
child, modify an order providing for the support of conservator.
the child to provide that the person having (b) Notice of a motion for modification
physical possession of the child for at least six under this section may be served in the manner for
months shall have the right to receive and give serving a notice under Section 157.065.
receipt for payments of support for the child and
to hold or disburse money for the benefit of the § 156.410. Change in Circumstances Resulting
child if the sole managing conservator of the child From Military Service (added 2003, amended
or the joint managing conservator who has the 2005, repealed 2009)
exclusive right to determine the primary residence
of the child has:
(1) voluntarily relinquished the primary CHAPTER 157. ENFORCEMENT
care and possession of the child;
(2) been incarcerated or sentenced to be SUBCHAPTER A. PLEADINGS AND
incarcerated for at least 90 days; or DEFENSES
(3) relinquished the primary care and
possession of the child in a proceeding under Title § 157.001. Motion for Enforcement
3 or Chapter 262. (a) A motion for enforcement as provided
(a-1) If the court modifies a support order in this chapter may be filed to enforce a final
under this section, the court shall order the obligor order for conservatorship, child support,
to pay the person or entity having physical possession of or access to a child, or other
possession of the child any unpaid child support provisions of a final order.
that is not subject to offset or reimbursement (b) The court may enforce by contempt a
under Section 157.008 and that accrues after the final order for possession of and access to a child
date the sole or joint managing conservator: as provided in this chapter.
(1) relinquishes possession and control of (c) The court may enforce a final order for
the child, whether voluntarily or in a proceeding child support as provided in this chapter or
under Title 3 or Chapter 262; or Chapter 158.
(2) is incarcerated. (d) A motion for enforcement shall be
(a-2) This section does not affect the filed in the court of continuing, exclusive
ability of the court to render a temporary order for jurisdiction.
the payment of child support that is in the best
interest of the child. § 157.002. Contents of Motion
(a-3) An order under this section that (a) A motion for enforcement must, in
modifies a support order because of the ordinary and concise language:
incarceration of the sole or joint managing (1) identify the provision of the order
conservator of a child must provide that on the allegedly violated and sought to be enforced;
conservator's release from incarceration the (2) state the manner of the respondent's
conservator may file an affidavit with the court alleged noncompliance;
stating that the conservator has been released from (3) state the relief requested by the
incarceration, that there has not been a movant; and
modification of the conservatorship of the child (4) contain the signature of the movant or
during the incarceration, and that the conservator the movant's attorney.

(b) A motion for enforcement of child (2) a suit for damages under Chapter 42.
(1) must include the amount owed as § 157.004. Time Limitations; Enforcement of
provided in the order, the amount paid, and the Possession
amount of arrearages; The court retains jurisdiction to render a
(2) if contempt is requested, must include contempt order for failure to comply with the
the portion of the order allegedly violated and, for order of possession and access if the motion for
each date of alleged contempt, the amount due and enforcement is filed not later than the sixth month
the amount paid, if any; after the date:
(3) may include as an attachment a copy (1) the child becomes an adult; or
of a record of child support payments maintained (2) on which the right of possession and
by the Title IV-D registry or a local registry; and access terminates under the order or by operation
(4) if the obligor owes arrearages for a of law.
child receiving assistance under Part A of Title IV
of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 157.005. Time Limitations; Enforcement of
Section 601 et seq.), may include a request that: Child Support (amended 1999, 2005, 2007,
(A) the obligor pay the arrearages in 2009)
accordance with a plan approved by the court; or (a) The court retains jurisdiction to render
(B) if the obligor is already subject to a a contempt order for failure to comply with the
plan and is not incapacitated, the obligor child support order if the motion for enforcement
participate in work activities, as defined under 42 is filed not later than the second anniversary of the
U.S.C. Section 607(d), that the court determines date:
appropriate. (1) the child becomes an adult; or
(c) A motion for enforcement of the terms (2) on which the child support obligation
and conditions of conservatorship or possession of terminates under the order or by operation of law.
or access to a child must include the date, place, (b) The court retains jurisdiction to
and, if applicable, the time of each occasion of the confirm the total amount of child support
respondent's failure to comply with the order. arrearages and render a cumulative money
(d) The movant is not required to plead judgment for past-due child support, as provided
that the underlying order is enforceable by by Section 157.263, if a motion for enforcement
contempt to obtain other appropriate enforcement requesting a cumulative money judgment is filed
remedies. not later than the 10th anniversary after the date:
(e) The movant may allege repeated past (1) the child becomes an adult; or
violations of the order and that future violations of (2) on which the child support obligation
a similar nature may occur before the date of the terminates under the child support order or by
hearing. operation of law.

§ 157.003. Joinder of Claims and Remedies; § 157.006. Affirmative Defense to Motion for
No Election of Remedies (amended 1999) Enforcement
(a) A party requesting enforcement may (a) The issue of the existence of an
join in the same proceeding any claim and remedy affirmative defense to a motion for enforcement
provided for in this chapter, other provisions of does not arise unless evidence is admitted
this title, or other rules of law. supporting the defense.
(b) A motion for enforcement does not (b) The respondent must prove the
constitute an election of remedies that limits or affirmative defense by a preponderance of the
precludes: evidence.
(1) the use of any other civil or criminal
proceeding to enforce a final order; or

§ 157.007. Affirmative Defense to Motion for § 157.009. Credit for Payment of Disability
Enforcement of Possession or Access Payments (added 2009)
(a) The respondent may plead as an In addition to any other credit or offset
affirmative defense to contempt for failure to available to an obligor under this title, if a child
comply with an order for possession or access to for whom the obligor owes child support receives
a child that the movant voluntarily relinquished a lump-sum payment as a result of the obligor's
actual possession and control of the child. disability and that payment is made to the obligee
(b) The voluntary relinquishment must as the representative payee of the child, the
have been for the time encompassed by the obligor is entitled to a credit. The credit under
court-ordered periods during which the this section is equal to the amount of the lump-
respondent is alleged to have interfered. sum payment and shall be applied to any child
support arrearage and interest owed by the obligor
§ 157.008. Affirmative Defense to Motion for on behalf of that child at the time the payment is
Enforcement of Child Support made.
(a) An obligor may plead as an
affirmative defense in whole or in part to a motion SUBCHAPTER B. PROCEDURE
for enforcement of child support that the obligee
voluntarily relinquished to the obligor actual § 157.061. Setting Hearing
possession and control of a child. (a) On filing a motion for enforcement
(b) The voluntary relinquishment must requesting contempt, the court shall set the date,
have been for a time period in excess of any time, and place of the hearing and order the
court-ordered periods of possession of and access respondent to personally appear and respond to
to the child and actual support must have been the motion.
supplied by the obligor. (b) If the motion for enforcement does not
(c) An obligor may plead as an request contempt, the court shall set the motion
affirmative defense to an allegation of contempt for hearing on the request of a party.
or of the violation of a condition of community (c) The court shall give preference to a
service requiring payment of child support that the motion for enforcement of child support in setting
obligor: a hearing date and may not delay the hearing
(1) lacked the ability to provide support in because a suit for modification of the order
the amount ordered; requested to be enforced has been or may be filed.
(2) lacked property that could be sold,
mortgaged, or otherwise pledged to raise the funds § 157.062. Notice of Hearing
needed; (a) The notice of hearing must include the
(3) attempted unsuccessfully to borrow date, time, and place of the hearing.
the funds needed; and (b) The notice of hearing need not repeat
(4) knew of no source from which the the allegations contained in the motion for
money could have been borrowed or legally enforcement.
obtained. (c) Notice of hearing on a motion for
(d) An obligor who has provided actual enforcement of an existing order providing for
support to the child during a time subject to an child support or possession of or access to a child
affirmative defense under this section may request shall be given to the respondent by personal
reimbursement for that support as a counterclaim service of a copy of the motion and notice not
or offset against the claim of the obligee. later than the 10th day before the date of the
(e) An action against the obligee for hearing.
support supplied to a child is limited to the (d) If a motion for enforcement is joined
amount of periodic payments previously ordered with another claim:
by the court. (1) the hearing may not be held before 10

a.m. on the first Monday after the 20th day after § 157.066. Failure to Appear
the date of service; and If a respondent who has been personally
(2) the provisions of the Texas Rules of served with notice to appear at a hearing does not
Civil Procedure applicable to the filing of an appear at the designated time, place, and date to
original lawsuit apply. respond to a motion for enforcement of an
existing court order, regardless of whether the
§ 157.063. Appearance motion is joined with other claims or remedies,
A party makes a general appearance for the court may not hold the respondent in contempt
all purposes in an enforcement proceeding if: but may, on proper proof, grant a default
(1) the party appears at the hearing or is judgment for the relief sought and issue a capias
present when the case is called; and for the arrest of the respondent.
(2) the party does not object to the court's
jurisdiction or the form or manner of the notice of SUBCHAPTER C. FAILURE TO APPEAR;

§ 157.064. Special Exception § 157.101. Bond or Security for Release of

(a) If a respondent specially excepts to the Respondent
motion for enforcement or moves to strike, the (a) When the court orders the issuance of
court shall rule on the exception or the motion to a capias as provided in this chapter, the court shall
strike before it hears the motion for enforcement. also set an appearance bond or security, payable
(b) If an exception is sustained, the court to the obligee or to a person designated by the
shall give the movant an opportunity to replead court, in a reasonable amount.
and continue the hearing to a designated date and (b) An appearance bond or security in the
time without the requirement of additional amount of $1,000 or a cash bond in the amount of
service. $250 is presumed to be reasonable. Evidence that
the respondent has attempted to evade service of
§ 157.065. Notice of Hearing, First Class Mail process, has previously been found guilty of
(amended 2007) contempt, or has accrued arrearages over $1,000
(a) If a party has been ordered under is sufficient to rebut the presumption. If the
Chapter 105 to provide the court and the state case presumption is rebutted, the court shall set a
registry with the party's current mailing address, reasonable bond.
notice of a hearing on a motion for enforcement
may be served by mailing a copy of the notice to § 157.102. Capias or Warrant; Duty of Law
the respondent, together with a copy of the Enforcement Officials (amended 1999, 2007)
motion, by first class mail to the last mailing Law enforcement officials shall treat a
address of the respondent on file with the court capias or arrest warrant ordered under this chapter
and the registry. in the same manner as an arrest warrant for a
(b) The notice may be sent by the clerk of criminal offense and shall enter the capias or
the court, the movant's attorney, or any person warrant in the computer records for outstanding
entitled to the address information as provided in warrants maintained by the local police, sheriff,
Chapter 105. and Department of Public Safety. The capias or
(c) A person who sends the notice shall warrant shall be forwarded to and disseminated by
file of record a certificate of service showing the the Texas Crime Information Center and the
date of mailing and the name of the person who National Crime Information Center.
sent the notice.
(d) Repealed by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. § 157.103. Capias Fees
911, § 97(a), eff. Sept. 1, 1997. (a) The fee for issuing a capias as
provided in this chapter is the same as the fee for

issuance of a writ of attachment. whether the respondent appears at the hearing.
(b) The fee for serving a capias is the
same as the fee for service of a writ in civil cases § 157.107. Appearance Bond or Security Other
generally. Than Cash Bond as Support
(a) If the respondent fails to appear at the
§ 157.104. Conditional Release hearing as directed, the court shall order that the
If the respondent is taken into custody and appearance bond or security be forfeited and that
released on bond, the court shall condition the the proceeds of any judgment on the bond or
bond on the respondent's promise to appear in security, not to exceed the amount of child
court for a hearing as required by the court support arrearages determined to exist, be paid to
without the necessity of further personal service the obligee or to a person designated by the court.
of notice on the respondent. (b) The obligee may file suit on the bond.

§ 157.105. Release Hearing (amended 2007) § 157.108. Cash Bond as Property of

(a) If the respondent is taken into custody Respondent
and not released on bond, the respondent shall be A court shall treat a cash bond posted for
brought before the court that issued the capias on the benefit of the respondent as the property of the
or before the third working day after the arrest. respondent. A person who posts the cash bond
The court shall determine whether the does not have recourse in relation to an order
respondent's appearance in court at a designated regarding the bond other than against the
time and place can be assured by a method other respondent.
than by posting the bond or security previously
established. § 157.109. Security for Compliance With Order
(b) If the respondent is released without (a) The court may order the respondent to
posting bond or security, the court shall set a execute a bond or post security if the court finds
hearing on the alleged contempt at a designated that the respondent:
date, time, and place and give the respondent (1) has on two or more occasions denied
notice of hearing in open court. No other notice possession of or access to a child who is the
to the respondent is required. subject of the order; or
(c) If the court is not satisfied that the (2) is employed by an employer not
respondent's appearance in court can be assured subject to the jurisdiction of the court or for
and the respondent remains in custody, a hearing whom income withholding is unworkable or
on the alleged contempt shall be held as soon as inappropriate.
practicable, but not later than the seventh day after (b) The court shall set the amount of the
the date that the respondent was taken into bond or security and condition the bond or
custody, unless the respondent and the security on compliance with the court order
respondent's attorney waive the accelerated permitting possession or access or the payment of
hearing. past-due or future child support.
(c) The court shall order the bond or
§ 157.106. Cash Bond as Support security payable through the registry of the court:
(a) If the respondent has posted a cash (1) to the obligee or other person or entity
bond and is found to be in arrears in the payment entitled to receive child support payments
of court-ordered child support, the court shall designated by the court if enforcement of child
order that the proceeds of the cash bond be paid to support is requested; or
the child support obligee or to a person designated (2) to the person who is entitled to
by the court, not to exceed the amount of child possession or access if enforcement of possession
support arrearages determined to exist. or access is requested.
(b) This section applies without regard to

§ 157.110. Forfeiture of Security for Failure to § 157.115. Default Judgment
Comply With Order (a) The court may render a default order
(a) On the motion of a person or entity for for the relief requested if the respondent:
whose benefit a bond has been executed or (1) has been personally served, has filed
security deposited, the court may forfeit all or part an answer, or has entered an appearance; and
of the bond or security deposit on a finding that (2) does not appear at the designated time,
the person who furnished the bond or security: place, and date to respond to the motion.
(1) has violated the court order for (b) If the respondent fails to appear, the
possession of and access to a child; or court may not hold the respondent in contempt but
(2) failed to make child support payments. may order a capias to be issued.
(b) The court shall order the registry to
pay the funds from a forfeited bond or security SUBCHAPTER D. HEARING AND
deposit to the obligee or person or entity entitled ENFORCEMENT ORDER
to receive child support payments in an amount
that does not exceed the child support arrearages § 157.161. Record
or, in the case of possession of or access to a (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),
child, to the person entitled to possession or a record of the hearing in a motion for
access. enforcement shall be made by a court reporter or
(c) The court may order that all or part of as provided by Chapter 201.
the forfeited amount be applied to pay attorney's (b) A record is not required if:
fees and costs incurred by the person or entity (1) the parties agree to an order; or
bringing the motion for contempt or motion for (2) the motion does not request
forfeiture. incarceration and the parties waive the
requirement of a record at the time of hearing,
§ 157.111. Forfeiture Not Defense to Contempt either in writing or in open court, and the court
The forfeiture of bond or security is not a approves waiver.
defense in a contempt proceeding.
§ 157.162. Proof (amended 2007, 2009)
§ 157.112. Joinder of Forfeiture and Contempt (a) The movant is not required to prove
Proceedings that the underlying order is enforceable by
A motion for enforcement requesting contempt to obtain other appropriate enforcement
contempt may be joined with a forfeiture remedies.
proceeding. (b) A finding that the respondent is not in
contempt does not preclude the court from
§ 157.113. Application of Bond Pending Writ ordering any other enforcement remedy, including
If the obligor requests to execute a bond rendering a money judgment, posting a bond or
or to post security pending a hearing by an other security, or withholding income.
appellate court on a writ, the bond or security on (c) A copy of the payment record attached
forfeiture shall be payable to the obligee. to the motion is evidence of the facts asserted in
the payment record and is admissible to show
§ 157.114. Failure to Appear whether payments were made. The respondent
The court may order a capias to be issued may offer controverting evidence.
for the arrest of the respondent if: (d) The court may not find a respondent in
(1) the motion for enforcement requests contempt of court for failure to pay child support
contempt; if the respondent appears at the hearing with a
(2) the respondent was personally served; copy of the payment record or other evidence
and satisfactory to the court showing that the
(3) the respondent fails to appear. respondent is current in the payment of child

support as ordered by the court. days from the date the respondent was taken into
(e) Notwithstanding Subsection (d), the custody to respond to the movant's pleadings and
court may award the petitioner costs of court and prepare for the hearing.
reasonable attorney's fees in a proceeding (h) The court may shorten or extend the
described by that subsection if the court finds that: time for preparation if the respondent and the
(1) on the date the motion for respondent's attorney sign a waiver of the time
enforcement was filed, the respondent was not limit.
current in the payment of child support as ordered (I) The scope of the court appointment of
by the court; and an attorney to represent the respondent is limited
(2) the respondent made the child support to the allegation of contempt or of violation of
payments described by Subsection (d) after the community supervision contained in the motion
date the respondent was served notice of the for enforcement or motion to revoke community
motion or otherwise discovered that the motion supervision.
for enforcement had been filed.
§ 157.164. Payment of Appointed Attorney
§ 157.163. Appointment of Attorney (a) An attorney appointed to represent an
(a) In a motion for enforcement or motion indigent respondent is entitled to a reasonable fee
to revoke community service, the court must first for services within the scope of the appointment in
determine whether incarceration of the respondent the amount set by the court.
is a possible result of the proceedings. (b) The fee shall be paid from the general
(b) If the court determines that funds of the county according to the schedule for
incarceration is a possible result of the the compensation of counsel appointed to defend
proceedings, the court shall inform a respondent criminal defendants as provided in the Code of
not represented by an attorney of the right to be Criminal Procedure.
represented by an attorney and, if the respondent ©) For purposes of this section, a
is indigent, of the right to the appointment of an proceeding in a court of appeals or the Supreme
attorney. Court of Texas is considered the equivalent of a
(c) If the court determines that the bona fide appeal to the Texas Court of Criminal
respondent will not be incarcerated as a result of Appeals.
the proceedings, the court may require a
respondent who is indigent to proceed without an § 157.165. Probation of Contempt Order
attorney. (amended 1999)
(d) If the respondent claims indigency and The court may place the respondent on
requests the appointment of an attorney, the court community supervision and suspend commitment
shall require the respondent to file an affidavit of if the court finds that the respondent is in
indigency. The court may hear evidence to contempt of court for failure or refusal to obey an
determine the issue of indigency. order rendered as provided in this title.
(e) Except as provided by Subsection ©),
the court shall appoint an attorney to represent the § 157.166. Contents of Enforcement Order
respondent if the court determines that the (amended 1999)
respondent is indigent. (a) An enforcement order must include:
(f) If the respondent is not in custody, an (1) in ordinary and concise language the
appointed attorney is entitled to not less than 10 provisions of the order for which enforcement was
days from the date of the attorney's appointment requested;
to respond to the movant's pleadings and prepare (2) the acts or omissions that are the
for the hearing. subject of the order;
(g) If the respondent is in custody, an (3) the manner of the respondent's
appointed attorney is entitled to not less than five noncompliance; and

(4) the relief granted by the court. respondent pay attorney's fees and costs unless the
(b) If the order imposes incarceration or a court also finds that the respondent:
fine for criminal contempt, an enforcement order (1) is involuntarily unemployed or is
must contain findings identifying, setting out, or disabled; and
incorporating by reference the provisions of the (2) lacks the financial resources to pay the
order for which enforcement was requested and attorney's fees and costs.
the date of each occasion when the respondent's
failure to comply with the order was found to § 157.168. Additional Periods of Possession or
constitute criminal contempt. Access (amended 1999)
(c) If the enforcement order imposes (a) A court may order additional periods
incarceration for civil contempt, the order must of possession of or access to a child to
state the specific conditions on which the compensate for the denial of court-ordered
respondent may be released from confinement. possession or access. The additional periods of
possession or access:
§ 157.167. Respondent to Pay Attorney's Fees (1) must be of the same type and duration
and Costs (amended 1999, 2003, 2005) of the possession or access that was denied;
(a) If the court finds that the respondent (2) may include weekend, holiday, and
has failed to make child support payments, the summer possession or access; and
court shall order the respondent to pay the (3) must occur on or before the second
movant's reasonable attorney's fees and all court anniversary of the date the court finds that
costs in addition to the arrearages. Fees and costs court-ordered possession or access has been
ordered under this subsection may be enforced by denied.
any means available for the enforcement of child (b) The person denied possession or
support, including contempt access is entitled to decide the time of the
(b) If the court finds that the respondent additional possession or access, subject to the
has failed to comply with the terms of an order provisions of Subsection (a)(1).
providing for the possession of or access to a
child, the court shall order the respondent to pay SUBCHAPTER E. COMMUNITY
the movant's reasonable attorney's fees and all SUPERVISION
court costs in addition to any other remedy. If the
court finds that the enforcement of the order with § 157.211. Conditions of Community
which the respondent failed to comply was Supervision (amended 1999, 2001)
necessary to ensure the child's physical or If the court places the respondent on
emotional health or welfare, the fees and costs community supervision and suspends
ordered under this subsection may be enforced by commitment, the terms and conditions of
any means available for the enforcement of child community supervision may include the
support, including contempt, but not including requirement that the respondent:
income withholding. (1) report to the community supervision
(c) Except as provided by Subsection (d), officer as directed;
for good cause shown, the court may waive the (2) permit the community supervision
requirement that the respondent pay attorney's officer to visit the respondent at the respondent's
fees and costs if the court states the reasons home or elsewhere;
supporting that finding. (3) obtain counseling on financial
(d) If the court finds that the respondent is planning, budget management, conflict resolution,
in contempt of court for failure or refusal to pay parenting skills, alcohol or drug abuse, or other
child support and that the respondent owes matters causing the respondent to fail to obey the
$20,000 or more in child support arrearages, the order;
court may not waive the requirement that the (4) pay required child support and any

child support arrearages; office.
(5) pay court costs and attorney's fees
ordered by the court; § 157.214. Motion to Revoke Community
(6) seek employment assistance services Supervision (amended 2001)
offered by the Texas Workforce Commission A prosecuting attorney, the Title IV-D
under Section 302.0035, Labor Code, if agency, a domestic relations office, or a party
appropriate; and affected by the order may file a verified motion
(7) participate in mediation or other alleging specifically that certain conduct of the
services to alleviate conditions that prevent the respondent constitutes a violation of the terms and
respondent from obeying the court's order. conditions of community supervision.

§ 157.212. Term of Community Supervision § 157.215. Arrest for Alleged Violation of

(amended 1999, 2007) Community Supervision
The initial period of community (a) If the motion to revoke community
supervision period may not exceed 10 years. The supervision alleges a prima facie case that the
court may continue the community supervision respondent has violated a term or condition of
beyond 10 years until the earlier of: community supervision, the court may order the
(1) the second anniversary of the date on respondent's arrest by warrant.
which the community supervision first exceeded (b) The respondent shall be brought
10 years; or promptly before the court ordering the arrest.
(2) the date on which all child support,
including arrearages and interest, has been paid. § 157.216. Hearing on Motion to Revoke
Community Supervision (amended 2007)
§ 157.213. Community Supervision Fees (a) The court shall hold a hearing without
(amended 2001) a jury not later than the third working day after the
(a) The court may require the respondent date the respondent is arrested under Section
to pay a fee to the court in an amount equal to that 157.215. If the court is unavailable for a hearing
required of a criminal defendant subject to on that date, the hearing shall be held not later
community supervision. than the third working day after the date the court
(b) The court may make payment of the becomes available.
fee a condition of granting or continuing (b) The hearing under this section may not
community supervision. be held later than the seventh working day after
(c) The court shall deposit the fees the date the respondent is arrested.
received under this subchapter as follows: ©) After the hearing, the court may
(1) if the community supervision officer continue, modify, or revoke the community
is employed by a community supervision and supervision.
corrections department, in the special fund of the
county treasury provided by the Code of Criminal § 157.217. Discharge From Community
Procedure to be used for community supervision; Supervision
or (a) When a community supervision period
(2) if the community supervision officer has been satisfactorily completed, the court on its
is employed by a domestic relations office, in one own motion shall discharge the respondent from
of the following funds, as determined by the community supervision.
office's administering entity: (b) The court may discharge the
(A) the general fund for the county in respondent from community supervision on the
which the domestic relations office is located; or motion of the respondent if the court finds that the
(B) the office fund established by the respondent:
administering entity for the domestic relations (1) has satisfactorily completed one year

of community supervision; and court shall terminate the abeyance of enforcement
(2) has fully complied with the of the arrearages.
community supervision order. (e) On the expiration of the child support
order, the court may, with the agreement of the
SUBCHAPTER F. JUDGMENT AND Title IV-D agency, reduce the amount of the
INTEREST arrearages assigned to the Title IV-D agency
under Section 231.104(a) if the court finds that the
§ 157.261. Unpaid Child Support as Judgment obligor has complied with the conditions set by
(a) A child support payment not timely the court under this section.
made constitutes a final judgment for the amount (f) The money judgment for arrearages
due and owing, including interest as provided in rendered by the court may be subject to a
this chapter. counterclaim or offset as provided by this title.
(b) For the purposes of this subchapter,
interest begins to accrue on the date the judge § 157.263. Confirmation of Arrearages (added
signs the order for the judgment unless the order 2003, amended 2007)
contains a statement that the order is rendered on (a) If a motion for enforcement of child
another specific date. support requests a money judgment for arrearages,
the court shall confirm the amount of arrearages
§ 157.262. Reduction of Arrearages; Abeyance and render one cumulative money judgment.
of Enforcement (amended 2001) (b) A cumulative money judgment
(a) Except as provided by this section, in includes:
a contempt proceeding or in rendering a money (1) unpaid child support not previously
judgment, the court may not reduce or modify the confirmed;
amount of child support arrearages. (2) the balance owed on previously
(b) In an enforcement action under this confirmed arrearages or lump sum or retroactive
chapter, the court may, with the agreement of the support judgments;
Title IV-D agency, hold in abeyance the (3) interest on the arrearages; and
enforcement of any arrearages, including interest, (4) a statement that it is a cumulative
assigned to the Title IV-D agency under Section judgment.
231.104(a) if, for the period of the court's order of (c) If the amount of arrearages confirmed
abeyance of enforcement, the obligor: by the court reflects a credit to the obligor for
(1) timely and fully pays the obligor's support arrearages collected from a federal tax
current child support under a court or refund under 42 U.S.C. Section 664, and,
administrative order; and subsequently, the amount of that credit is reduced
(2) is involved in the life of the child for because the refund was adjusted because of an
whom support is ordered through the exercise of injured spouse claim by a jointly filing spouse, the
the obligor's right of possession of or access to the tax return was amended, the return was audited by
child. the Internal Revenue Service, or for another
(c) If the court orders an abeyance of reason permitted by law, the court shall render a
enforcement of arrearages under this section, the new cumulative judgment to include as arrearages
court may require the obligor to obtain counseling an amount equal to the amount by which the credit
on parenting skills, work skills, job placement, was reduced.
financial planning, conflict resolution, substance
abuse, or other matters causing the obligor to fail § 157.264. Enforcement of Judgment (amended
to obey the child support order. 2001, 2007, 2009)
(d) If the court finds in a subsequent (a) A money judgment rendered as
hearing that the obligor has not met the conditions provided in this subchapter may be enforced by
set by the court's order under this section, the any means available for the enforcement of a

judgment for debts. governed by the law in effect on the date the
(b) The court shall render an order judgment was rendered, and the former law is
requiring that the obligor make periodic payments continued in effect for that purpose.
on the judgment, including by income withholding
under Chapter 158 if the obligor is subject to § 157.266. Date of Delinquency (amended 1999)
income withholding. (a) A child support payment is delinquent
(c) An order rendered under Subsection for the purpose of accrual of interest if the
(b) does not preclude or limit the use of any other payment is not received before the 31st day after
means for enforcement of the judgment. the payment date stated in the order by:
(1) the local registry, Title IV-D registry,
§ 157.265. Accrual of Interest on Child Support or state disbursement unit; or
(amended 1999, 2001, 2005) (2) the obligee or entity specified in the
(a) Interest accrues on the portion of order, if payments are not made through a registry.
delinquent child support that is greater than the (b) If a payment date is not stated in the
amount of the monthly periodic support obligation order, a child support payment is delinquent if
at the rate of six percent simple interest per year payment is not received by the registry or the
from the date the support is delinquent until the obligee or entity specified in the order on the date
date the support is paid or the arrearages are that an amount equal to the support payable for
confirmed and reduced to money judgment. one month becomes past due.
(b) Interest accrues on child support
arrearages that have been confirmed and reduced § 157.267. Interest Enforced as Child Support
to money judgment as provided in this subchapter Accrued interest is part of the child
at the rate of six percent simple interest per year support obligation and may be enforced by any
from the date the order is rendered until the date means provided for the collection of child support.
the judgment is paid.
(c) Interest accrues on a money judgment § 157.268. Application of Child Support
for retroactive or lump-sum child support at the Payment (amended 2001, 2007, 2009)
annual rate of six percent simple interest from the Child support collected shall be applied in the
date the order is rendered until the judgment is following order of priority:
paid. (1) current child support;
(d) Subsection (a) applies to a child (2) non-delinquent child support owed;
support payment that becomes due on or after (3) the principal amount of child support
January 1, 2002. that has not been confirmed and reduced to money
(e) Child support arrearages in existence judgment;
on January 1, 2002, that were not confirmed and (4) the principal amount of child support
reduced to a money judgment on or before that that has been confirmed and reduced to money
date accrue interest as follows: judgment;
(1) before January 1, 2002, the arrearages (5) interest on the principal amounts
are subject to the interest rate that applied to the specified in Subdivisions (3) and (4); and
arrearages before that date; and (6) the amount of any ordered attorney's
(2) on and after January 1, 2002, the fees or costs, or Title IV-D service fees authorized
cumulative total of arrearages and interest under Section 231.103 for which the obligor is
accumulated on those arrearages described by responsible.
Subdivision (1) is subject to Subsection (a).
(f) Subsections (b) and ©) apply to a § 157.269. Retention of Jurisdiction (amended
money judgment for child support rendered on or 1999, 2007)
after January 1, 2002. A money judgment for A court that renders an order providing
child support rendered before that date is for the payment of child support retains

continuing jurisdiction to enforce the order, issued in this or another state.
including by adjusting the amount of the periodic
payments to be made by the obligor or the amount § 157.312. General Provisions (amended 2001,
to be withheld from the obligor’s disposable 2003)
earnings, until all current support and medical (a) A claimant may enforce child support
support and child support arrearages, including by a lien as provided in this subchapter.
interest and any applicable fees and costs, have (b) The remedies provided by this
been paid. subchapter do not affect the availability of other
remedies provided by law.
SUBCHAPTER G. CHILD SUPPORT LIEN 9c) The lien is in addition to any other
lien provided by law.
§ 157.311. Definitions (amended 2003) (d) A child support lien arises by
In this subchapter: operation of law against real and personal
(1) "Account" means: property of an obligor for all amounts of child
(A) any type of a demand deposit account, support due and owing, including any accrued
checking or negotiable withdrawal order account, interest, regardless of whether the amounts have
savings account, time deposit account, money been adjudicated or otherwise determined, subject
market mutual fund account, certificate of deposit, to the requirements of this subchapter for
or any other instrument of deposit in which an perfection of the lien.
individual has a beneficial ownership either in its (e) A child support lien arising in another
entirety or on a shared or multiple party basis, state may be enforced in the same manner and to
including any accrued interest and dividends; and the same extent as a lien arising in this state.
(B) a life insurance policy in which an (f) A foreclosure action under this
individual has a beneficial ownership or liability subchapter is not required as a prerequisite to levy
insurance against which an individual has filed a and execution on a judicial or administrative
claim or counterclaim. determination of arrearages as provided by
(2) "Claimant" means: Section 157.327.
(A) the obligee or a private attorney (g) A child support lien under this
representing the obligee; subchapter may not be directed to an employer to
(B) the Title IV-D agency providing child attach to the disposable earnings of an obligor
support services; paid by the employer.
(C) a domestic relations office or local
registry; or § 157.313. Contents of Child Support Lien
(D) an attorney appointed as a friend of Notice (amended 2001, 2007)
the court. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (e),
(3) "Court having continuing jurisdiction" a child support lien notice must contain:
is the court of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction in (1) the name and address of the person to
this state or a tribunal of another state having whom the notice is being sent;
jurisdiction under the Uniform Interstate Family (2) the style, docket or cause number, and
Support Act or a substantially similar act. identity of the tribunal of this or another state
(4) "Financial institution" has the meaning having continuing jurisdiction of the child support
assigned by 42 U.S.C. Section 669a(d)(1) and action and, if the case is a Title IV-D case, the
includes a depository institution, credit union, case number;
benefit association, liability or life insurance (3) the full name, address, and, if known,
company, money market mutual fund, and any the birth date, driver's license number, social
similar entity authorized to do business in this security number, and any aliases of the obligor;
state. (4) the full name and, if known, social
(5) "Lien" means a child support lien security number of the obligee;

(5) the amount of the current or § 157.314. Filing Lien Notice or Abstract of
prospective child support obligation, the Judgment; Notice to Obligor (amended 2001)
frequency with which current or prospective child (a) A child support lien notice or an
support is ordered to be paid, and the amount of abstract of judgment for past due child support
child support arrearages owed by the obligor and may be filed by the claimant with the county clerk
the date of the signing of the court order, of:
administrative order, or writ that determined the (1) any county in which the obligor is
arrearages or the date and manner in which the believed to own nonexempt real or personal
arrearages were determined; property;
(6) the rate of interest specified in the (2) the county in which the obligor
court order, administrative order, or writ or, in the resides; or
absence of a specified interest rate, the rate (3) the county in which the court having
provided for by law; continuing jurisdiction has venue of the suit
(7) the name and address of the person or affecting the parent-child relationship.
agency asserting the lien; (b) A child support lien notice may be
(8) the motor vehicle identification filed with or delivered to the following, as
number as shown on the obligor's title if the appropriate:
property is a motor vehicle; (1) the clerk of the court in which a claim,
(9) a statement that the lien attaches to all counterclaim, or suit by, or on behalf of, the
nonexempt real and personal property of the obligor, including a claim or potential right to
obligor that is located or recorded in the state, proceeds from an estate as an heir, beneficiary, or
including any property specifically identified in creditor, is pending, provided that a copy of the
the notice and any property acquired after the date lien is mailed to the attorney of record for the
of filing or delivery of the notice; obligor, if any;
(10) a statement that any ordered child (2) an attorney who represents the obligor
support not timely paid in the future constitutes a in a claim or counterclaim that has not been filed
final judgment for the amount due and owing, with a court;
including interest, and accrues up to an amount (3) any other individual or organization
that may not exceed the lien amount; and believed to be in possession of real or personal
(11) a statement that the obligor is being property of the obligor; or
provided a copy of the lien notice and that the (4) any governmental unit or agency that
obligor may dispute the arrearage amount by issues or records certificates, titles, or other
filing suit under Section 157.323. indicia of property ownership.
(b) A claimant may include any other (c) Not later than the 21st day after the
information that the claimant considers necessary. date of filing or delivering the child support lien
©) Except as provided by Subsection (e), notice, the claimant shall provide a copy of the
the lien notice must be verified. notice to the obligor by first class or certified
(d) A claimant must file a notice for each mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the
after-acquired motor vehicle. obligor at the obligor's last known address. If
(e) A notice of a lien for child support another person is known to have an ownership
under this section may be in the form authorized interest in the property subject to the lien, the
by federal law or regulation. The federal form of claimant shall provide a copy of the lien notice to
lien notice does not require verification when used that person at the time notice is provided to the
by the Title IV-D agency. obligor.
(f) The requirement under Subsections (d) If a child support lien notice is
(a)(3) and (4) to provide a social security number, delivered to a financial institution with respect to
if known, does not apply to a lien notice for a lien an account of the obligor, the institution shall
on real property. immediately:

(1) provide the claimant with the last of judgment for past due child support or a child
known address of the obligor; and support lien notice is filed or delivered as
(2) notify any other person having an provided by Section 157.314.
ownership interest in the account that the account (b) If a lien established under this
has been frozen in an amount not to exceed the subchapter attaches to a motor vehicle, the lien
amount of the child support arrearage identified in must be perfected in the manner provided by
the notice. Chapter 501, Transportation Code, and the court
or Title IV-D agency that rendered the order of
§ 157.3145. Service on Financial Institution child support shall include in the order a
(added 2001, amended 2003) requirement that the obligor surrender to the court
(a) Service of a child support lien notice or Title IV-D agency evidence of the legal
on a financial institution relating to property held ownership of the motor vehicle against which the
by the institution in the name of, or in behalf of, lien may attach. A lien against a motor vehicle
an obligor is governed by Section 59.008, Finance under this subchapter is not perfected until the
Code, if the institution is subject to that law, or obligor's title to the vehicle has been surrendered
may be delivered to the registered agent, the to the court or Title IV-D agency and the Texas
institution's main business office in this state, or Department of Motor Vehicles has issued a
another address provided by the institution under subsequent title that discloses on its face the fact
Section 231.307. that the vehicle is subject to a child support lien
(b) A financial institution doing business under this subchapter.
in this state shall comply with the notice of lien
and levy under this section regardless of whether § 157.317. Property to Which Lien Attaches
the institution's corporate headquarters is located (amended 1999, 2001, 2003, 2007)
in this state. (a) A child support lien attaches to all real
and personal property not exempt under the Texas
§ 157.315. Recording and Indexing Lien Constitution or other law, including:
(amended 1999, 2001) (1) an account in a financial institution;
(a) On receipt of a child support lien (2) a retirement plan, including an
notice, the county clerk shall immediately record individual retirement account; and
the notice in the county judgment records as (3) the proceeds of a life insurance policy,
provided in Chapter 52, Property Code. a claim for negligence or personal injury, workers'
(b) The county clerk may not charge the compensation, or an insurance settlement or
Title IV-D agency, a domestic relations office, a award for the claim, due to or owned by the
friend of the court, or any other party a fee for obligor.
recording the notice of a lien. To qualify for this (a-1) A lien attaches to all property owned
exemption, the lien notice must be styled "Notice or acquired on or after the date the lien notice or
of Child Support Lien" or be in the form abstract of judgment is filed with the county clerk
authorized by federal law or regulation. of the county in which the property is located,
(c) The county clerk may not charge the with the court clerk as to property or claims in
Title IV-D agency, a domestic relations office, or litigation, or, as to property of the obligor in the
a friend of the court a fee for recording the release possession or control of a third party, from the
of a child support lien. The lien release must be date the lien notice is delivered to that party.
styled "Release of Child Support Lien." (b) A lien attaches to all nonhomestead
real property of the obligor but does not attach to
§ 157.316. Perfection of Child Support Lien a homestead exempt under the Texas Constitution
(amended 2001, 2009) or the Property Code.
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),
a child support lien is perfected when an abstract

§ 157.3171. Release of Lien on Homestead service fees authorized under Section 231.103 for
Property (added 2009) which the obligor is responsible, have been paid
(a) An obligor who believes that a child or the lien is otherwise released as provided by
support lien has attached to real property of the this subchapter.
obligor that is the obligor's homestead, as defined (b) The lien secures payment of all child
by Section 41.002, Property Code, may file an support arrearages owed by the obligor under the
affidavit to release the lien against the homestead underlying child support order, including
in the same manner that a judgment debtor may arrearages that accrue after the lien notice was
file an affidavit under Section 52.0012, Property filed or delivered as provided by Section 157.314.
Code, to release a judgment lien against a (c) The filing of a lien notice or abstract
homestead. of judgment with the county clerk is a record of
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), the notice and has the same effect as any other
the obligor must comply with all requirements lien notice with respect to real property records.
imposed by Section 52.0012, Property Code. For (d) A lien is effective with respect to real
purposes of complying with that section, the property until the 10th anniversary of the date on
obligor is considered to be a judgment debtor which the lien notice was filed with the county
under that section and the claimant under the child clerk. A lien subject to the limitation prescribed
support lien is considered to be a judgment by this subsection may be renewed for subsequent
creditor under that section. 10-year periods by filing a renewed lien notice in
(c) For purposes of Section the same manner as the original lien notice. For
52.0012(d)(2), Property Code, and the associated purposes of establishing priority, a renewed lien
text in the affidavit required by Section notice filed before the applicable 10th anniversary
52.0012(f), Property Code, the obligor is required relates back to the date the original lien notice was
only to send the letter and affidavit described in filed. A renewed lien notice filed on or after the
those provisions to the claimant under the child applicable 10th anniversary has priority over any
support lien at the claimant's last known address. other lien recorded with respect to the real
(d) The claimant under the child support property only on the basis of the date the renewed
lien may dispute the obligor's affidavit by filing a lien notice is filed.
contradicting affidavit in the manner provided by
Section 52.0012(e), Property Code. § 157.319. Effect of Lien Notice (amended 2001)
(e) Subject to Subsection (f), an affidavit (a) If a person having actual notice of the
filed by an obligor under this section has the same lien possesses nonexempt personal property of the
effect with respect to a child support lien as an obligor that may be subject to the lien, the
affidavit filed under Section 52.0012, Property property may not be paid over, released, sold,
Code, has with respect to a judgment lien. transferred, encumbered, or conveyed unless:
(f) If the claimant files a contradicting (1) a release of lien signed by the claimant
affidavit as described by Subsection (d), the issue is delivered to the person in possession; or
of whether the real property is subject to the lien (2) a court, after notice to the claimant
must be resolved in an action brought for that and hearing, has ordered the release of the lien
purpose in the district court of the county in which because arrearages do not exist.
the real property is located and the lien was filed. (b) A person having notice of a child
support lien who violates this section may be
§ 157.318. Duration and Effect of Child joined as a party to a foreclosure action under this
Support Lien (amended 2001, 2007, 2009) chapter and is subject to the penalties 1 provided
(a) Subject to Subsection (d) a lien is by this subchapter.
effective until all current support and child (c) This section does not affect the
support arrearages, including interest, any costs validity or priority of a lien of a health care
and reasonable attorney's fees, and any Title IV-D provider, a lien for attorney's fees, or a lien of a

holder of a security interest. This section does not (b) The release of the child support lien is
affect the assignment of rights or subrogation of a effective when:
claim under Title XIX of the federal Social (1) filed with the county clerk with whom
Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1396 et seq.), as the lien notice or abstract of judgment was filed;
amended. or
(2) delivered to any other individual or
§ 157.320. Priority of Lien as to Real Property organization that may have been served with a lien
(a) A lien created under this subchapter notice under this subchapter.
does not have priority over a lien or conveyance
of an interest in the nonexempt real property § 157.323. Foreclosure or Suit to Determine
recorded before the child support lien notice is Arrearages (amended 2001)
recorded in the county where the real property is (a) In addition to any other remedy
located. provided by law, an action to foreclose a child
(b) A lien created under this subchapter support lien, to dispute the amount of arrearages
has priority over any lien or conveyance of an stated in the lien, or to resolve issues of ownership
interest in the nonexempt real property recorded interest with respect to property subject to a child
after the child support lien notice is recorded in support lien may be brought in:
the county clerk's office in the county where the (1) the court in which the lien notice was
property of the obligor is located. filed under Section 157. 314(b)(1);
(c) A conveyance of real property by the (2) the district court of the county in
obligor after a lien notice has been recorded in the which the property is or was located and the lien
county where the real property is located is was filed; or
subject to the lien and may not impair the (3) the court of continuing jurisdiction.
enforceability of the lien against the real property. (b) The procedures provided by
(d) A lien created under this subchapter is Subchapter B apply to a foreclosure action under
subordinate to a vendor's lien retained in a this section, except that a person or organization
conveyance to the obligor. in possession of the property of the obligor or
known to have an ownership interest in property
§ 157.321. Discretionary Release of Lien that is subject to the lien may be joined as an
(amended 2001) additional respondent.
A child support lien claimant may at any (c) If arrearages are owed by the obligor,
time release a lien on all or part of the property of the court shall:
the obligor or return seized property, without (1) render judgment against the obligor
liability, if assurance of payment is considered for the amount due, plus costs and reasonable
adequate by the claimant or if the release or return attorney's fees;
will facilitate the collection of the arrearages. The (2) order any official authorized to levy
release or return may not operate to prevent future execution to satisfy the lien, costs, and attorney's
action to collect from the same or other property fees by selling any property on which a lien is
owned by the obligor. established under this subchapter; or
(3) order an individual or organization in
§ 157.322. Mandatory Release of Lien (amended possession of nonexempt personal property or
2001) cash owned by the obligor to dispose of the
(a) On payment in full of the amount of property as the court may direct.
child support due, together with any costs and (d) For execution and sale under this
reasonable attorney's fees, the child support lien section, publication of notice is necessary only for
claimant shall execute and deliver to the obligor three consecutive weeks in a newspaper published
or the obligor's attorney a release of the child in the county where the property is located or, if
support lien. there is no newspaper in that county, in the most

convenient newspaper in circulation in the county. subchapter.
(b) After notice to the obligor, the
§ 157.324. Liability for Failure to Comply With obligor's spouse, any other person alleging an
Order or Lien (amended 2001, 2007) ownership interest, the claimant, and the obligee,
A person who knowingly disposes of the court shall conduct a hearing and determine
property subject to a child support lien or who, the extent, if any, of the ownership interest in the
after a foreclosure hearing, fails to surrender on property held by the obligor's spouse or other
demand nonexempt personal property as directed person. If the court finds that:
by a court under this subchapter is liable to the (1) the property is the separate property of
claimant in an amount equal to the value of the the obligor's spouse or the other person, the court
property disposed of or not surrendered, not to shall order that the lien against the property be
exceed the amount of the child support arrearages released and that any action to foreclose on the
for which the lien or foreclosure judgment was property be dismissed;
issued. (2) the property is jointly owned by the
obligor and the obligor's spouse, the court shall
§ 157.325. Release of Excess Funds to Debtor determine whether the sale of the obligor's interest
or Obligor (amended 2001) in the property would result in an unreasonable
(a) If a person has in the person's hardship on the obligor's spouse or family and:
possession earnings, deposits, accounts, balances, (A) if so, the court shall render an order
or other funds or assets of the obligor, including that the obligor's interest in the property not be
the proceeds of a judgment or other settlement of sold and that the lien against the property should
a claim or counterclaim due to the obligor that are be released; or
in excess of the amount of arrearages specified in (B) if not, the court shall render an order
the child support lien, the holder of the nonexempt partitioning the property and directing that the
personal property or the obligor may request that property be sold and the proceeds applied to the
the claimant release any excess amount from the child support arrearages; or
lien. The claimant shall grant the request and (3) the property is owned in part by
discharge any lien on the excess amount unless another person, other than the obligor's spouse,
the security for the arrearages would be impaired. the court shall render an order partitioning the
(b) If the claimant refuses the request, the property and directing that the obligor's share of
holder of the personal property or the obligor may the property be applied to the child support
file suit under this subchapter for an order arrearages.
determining the amount of arrearages and (c) In a proceeding under this section, the
discharging excess personal property or money spouse or other person claiming an ownership
from the lien. interest in the property has the burden to prove the
extent of that ownership interest.
§ 157.326. Interest of Obligor's Spouse or
Another Person Having Ownership Interest § 157.327. Execution and Levy on Financial
(amended 2001) Assets of Obligor (added 2001, 2007)
(a) A spouse of an obligor or another (a) Notwithstanding any other provision
person having an ownership interest in property of law, if a judgment or administrative
that is subject to a child support lien may file suit determination of arrearages has been rendered, a
under Section 157.323 to determine the extent, if claimant may deliver a notice of levy to any
any, of the spouse's or other person's interest in financial institution possessing or controlling
real or personal property that is subject to: assets or funds owned by, or owed to, an obligor
(1) a lien perfected under this subchapter; and subject to a child support lien, including a lien
or for child support arising in another state.
(2) an action to foreclose under this (b) The notice under this section must:

(1) identify the amount of child support (f) A financial institution may deduct the
arrearages owing at the time the amount of fees and costs identified in Subsection (c) from
arrearages was determined or, if the amount is the obligor’s assets before paying the appropriate
less, the amount of arrearages owing at the time amount to the claimant.
the notice is prepared and delivered to the
financial institution; and § 157.328. Notice of Levy Sent to Obligor
(2) direct the financial institution to pay to (added 2001)
the claimant, not earlier than the 15th day or later (a) At the time the notice of levy under
than the 21st day after the date of delivery of the Section 157.327 is delivered to a financial
notice, an amount from the assets of the obligor or institution, the claimant shall serve the obligor
from funds due to the obligor that are held or with a copy of the notice.
controlled by the institution, not to exceed the (b) The notice of levy delivered to the
amount of the child support arrearages identified obligor must inform the obligor that:
in the notice, unless: (1) the claimant will not proceed with
(A) the institution is notified by the levy if, not later than the 10th day after the date of
claimant that the obligor has paid the arrearages or receipt of the notice, the obligor pays in full the
made arrangements satisfactory to the claimant for amount of arrearages identified in the notice or
the payment of the arrearages; otherwise makes arrangements acceptable to the
(B) the obligor or another person files a claimant for the payment of the arrearage
suit under Section 157.323 requesting a hearing amounts; and
by the court; or (2) the obligor may contest the levy by
(C) if the claimant is the Title IV-D filing suit under Section 157.323 not later than the
agency, the obligor has requested an agency 10th day after the date of receipt of the notice.
review under Section 157.328. (c) If the claimant is the Title IV-D
(c) A financial institution that receives a agency, the obligor receiving a notice of levy may
notice of levy under this section may not close an request review by the agency not later than the
account in which the obligor has an ownership 10th day after the date of receipt of the notice to
interest, permit a withdrawal from any account the resolve any issue in dispute regarding the
obligor owns, in whole or in part, or pay funds to existence or amount of the arrearages. The
the obligor so that any amount remaining in the agency shall provide an opportunity for a review,
account is less than the amount of the arrearages by telephone conference or in person, as
identified in the notice, plus any fees due to the appropriate to the circumstances, not later than the
institution and any costs of the levy identified by fifth business day after the date an oral or written
the claimant. request from the obligor for the review is
(d) A financial institution that receives a received. If the review fails to resolve any issue
notice of levy under this section shall notify any in dispute, the obligor may file suit under Section
other person having an ownership interest in an 157.323 for a hearing by the court not later than
account in which the obligor has an ownership the fifth day after the date of the conclusion of the
interest that the account has been levied on in an agency review. If the obligor fails to timely file
amount not to exceed the amount of the child suit, the Title IV-D agency may request the
support arrearages identified in the notice of levy. financial institution to release and remit the funds
(e) The notice of levy may be delivered to subject to levy.
a financial institution as provided by Section (d) The notice under this section may be
59.008, Finance Code, if the institution is subject delivered to the last known address of the obligor
to that law or may be delivered to the registered by first class mail, certified mail, or registered
agent, the institution's main business office in this mail.
state, or another address provided by the
institution under Section 231.307. § 157.329. No Liability for Compliance With

Notice of Levy (added 2001) Parental Kidnaping Prevention Act (28 U.S.C.
A financial institution that possesses or Section 1738A), if the right to possession of a
has a right to an obligor's assets for which a notice child is governed by a court order, the court in a
of levy has been delivered and that surrenders the habeas corpus proceeding involving the right to
assets or right to assets to a child support lien possession of the child shall compel return of the
claimant is not liable to the obligor or any other child to the relator only if the court finds that the
person for the property or rights surrendered. relator is entitled to possession under the order.
(b) If the court finds that the previous
§ 157.330. Failure to Comply With Notice of order was granted by a court that did not give the
Levy (added 2001, amended 2007) contestants reasonable notice of the proceeding
(a) A person who possesses or has a right and an opportunity to be heard, the court may not
to property that is the subject of a notice of levy render an order in the habeas corpus proceeding
delivered to the person and who refuses to compelling return of the child on the basis of that
surrender the property or right to property to the order.
claimant on demand is liable to the claimant in an
amount equal to the value of the property or right § 157.373. Relator Relinquished Possession;
to property not surrendered but that does not Temporary Orders
exceed the amount of the child support arrearages (a) If the relator has by consent or
for which the notice of levy has been filed. acquiescence relinquished actual possession and
(B) A claimant may recover costs and control of the child for not less than 6 months
reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in an action preceding the date of the filing of the petition for
under this section. the writ, the court may either compel or refuse to
order return of the child.
§ 157.331. Additional Levy to Satisfy (b) The court may disregard brief periods
Arrearages (added 2001) of possession and control by the relator during the
If the property or right to property on 6-month period.
which a notice of levy has been filed does not (c) In a suit in which the court does not
produce money sufficient to satisfy the amount of compel return of the child, the court may issue
child support arrearages identified in the notice of temporary orders under Chapter 105 if a suit
levy, the claimant may proceed to levy on other affecting the parent-child relationship is pending
property of the obligor until the total amount of and the parties have received notice of a hearing
child support due is paid. on temporary orders set for the same time as the
habeas corpus proceeding.
§ 157.374. Welfare of Child
§ 157.371. Jurisdiction Notwithstanding any other provision of
(a) The relator may file a petition for a this subchapter, the court may render an
writ of habeas corpus in either the court of appropriate temporary order if there is a serious
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction or in a court immediate question concerning the welfare of the
with jurisdiction to issue a writ of habeas corpus child.
in the county in which the child is found.
(b) Although a habeas corpus proceeding § 157.375. Immunity to Civil Process
is not a suit affecting the parent-child relationship, (a) While in this state for the sole purpose
the court may refer to the provisions of this title of compelling the return of a child through a
for definitions and procedures as appropriate. habeas corpus proceeding, the relator is not
amenable to civil process and is not subject to the
§ 157.372. Return of Child jurisdiction of any civil court except the court in
(a) Subject to Chapter 152 and the which the writ is pending. The relator is subject

to process and jurisdiction in that court only for § 157.423. Substantive Change Not Enforceable
the purpose of prosecuting the writ. (a) A court may not change the
(b) A request by the relator for costs, substantive provisions of an order to be clarified
attorney's fees, and necessary travel and other under this subchapter.
expenses under Chapter 106 or 152 is not a waiver (b) A substantive change made by a
of immunity to civil process. clarification order is not enforceable.

§ 157.376. No Existing Order § 157.424. Relation to Motion for Contempt

(a) If the right to possession of a child is The court may render a clarification order
not governed by an order, the court in a habeas before a motion for contempt is made or heard, in
corpus proceeding involving the right of conjunction with a motion for contempt, or after
possession of the child: the denial of a motion for contempt.
(1) shall compel return of the child to the
parent if the right of possession is between a § 157.425. Order Not Retroactive
parent and a nonparent and a suit affecting the The court may not provide that a
parent-child relationship has not been filed; or clarification order is retroactive for the purpose of
(2) may either compel return of the child enforcement by contempt.
or issue temporary orders under Chapter 105 if a
suit affecting the parent-child relationship is § 157.426. Time Allowed to Comply
pending and the parties have received notice of a (a) In a clarification order, the court shall
hearing on temporary orders set for the same time provide a reasonable time for compliance.
as the habeas corpus proceeding. (b) The clarification order may be
(b) The court may not use a habeas corpus enforced by contempt after the time for
proceeding to adjudicate the right of possession of compliance has expired.
a child between two parents or between two or
more nonparents.
§ 157.421. Clarifying Nonspecific Order WITHHOLDING REQUIRED; GENERAL
(a) A court may clarify an order rendered PROVISIONS
by the court in a proceeding under this title if the
court finds, on the motion of a party or on the § 158.001. Income Withholding; General Rule
court's own motion, that the order is not specific In a proceeding in which periodic
enough to be enforced by contempt. payments of child support are ordered, modified,
(b) The court shall clarify the order by or enforced, the court or the Title IV-D agency
rendering an order that is specific enough to be shall order that income be withheld from the
enforced by contempt. disposable earnings of the obligor as provided by
(c) A clarified order does not affect the this chapter.
finality of the order that it clarifies.
§ 158.002. Suspension Of Income Withholding
§ 157.422. Procedure Except in a Title IV-D case, the court may
(a) The procedure for filing a motion for provide, for good cause shown or on agreement of
enforcement of a final order applies to a motion the parties, that the order withholding income
for clarification. need not be issued or delivered to an employer
(b) A person is not entitled to a jury in a until:
proceeding under this subchapter. (1) the obligor has been in arrears for an

amount due for more than 30 days; attorney's fees and costs resulting from an action
(2) the amount of the arrearages is an to enforce child support under this title.
amount equal to or greater than the amount due (b) An order rendered under this section
for a one-month period; or is subordinate to an order or writ of withholding
(3) any other violation of the child for child support under this chapter and is subject
support order has occurred. to the maximum amount allowed to be withheld
under Section 158.009.
§ 158.003. Withholding for Arrearages in (c) The court shall order that amounts
Addition to Current Support (amended 1999) withheld for fees and costs under this section be
(a) In addition to income withheld for the remitted directly to the person entitled to the
current support of a child, income shall be ordered attorney's fees or costs or be paid through
withheld from the disposable earnings of the a local registry for disbursement to that person.
obligor to be applied toward the liquidation of any
child support arrearages, including accrued § 158.006. Income Withholding in Title IV-D
interest as provided in Chapter 157. Suits
(b) The additional amount to be withheld In a Title IV-D case, the court or the Title
for arrearages shall be an amount sufficient to IV-D agency shall order that income be withheld
discharge those arrearages in not more than two from the disposable earnings of the obligor and
years or an additional 20 percent added to the may not suspend, stay, or delay issuance of the
amount of the current monthly support order, order or of a judicial or administrative writ of
whichever amount will result in the arrearages withholding.
being discharged in the least amount of time.
§ 158.007. Extension of Repayment Schedule
§ 158.004. Withholding for Arrearages When by Court or Title IV–D Agency; Unreasonable
no Current Support is Due (amended 1999) Hardship (amended 1999)
If current support is no longer owed, the If the court or the Title IV–D agency finds
court or the Title IV–D agency shall order that that the schedule for discharging arrearages would
income be withheld for arrearages, including cause the obligor, the obligor's family, or children
accrued interest as provided in Chapter 157, in an for whom support is due from the obligor to suffer
amount sufficient to discharge those arrearages in unreasonable hardship, the court or agency may
not more than two years. extend the payment period for a reasonable length
of time.
§ 158.005. Withholding to Satisfy Judgment for
Arrearages § 158.008. Priority of Withholding
In rendering a cumulative judgment for An order or writ of withholding has
arrearages, the court shall order that a reasonable priority over any garnishment, attachment,
amount of income be withheld from the execution, or other assignment or order affecting
disposable earnings of the obligor to be applied disposable earnings.
toward the satisfaction of the judgment.
§ 158.009. Maximum Amount Withheld From
§ 158.0051. Order for Withholding for Costs Earnings
and Fees (added 2001) An order or writ of withholding shall
(a) In addition to an order for income to direct that any employer of the obligor withhold
be withheld for child support, including child from the obligor's disposable earnings the amount
support and child support arrearages, the court specified up to a maximum amount of 50 percent
may render an order that income be withheld from of the obligor's disposable earnings.
the disposable earnings of the obligor to be
applied towards the satisfaction of any ordered

§ 158.010. Order or Writ Binding on Employer withholding.
Doing Business in State
An order or writ of withholding issued § 158.102. Time Limitations (amended 1999)
under this chapter and delivered to an employer An order or writ for income withholding
doing business in this state is binding on the under this chapter may be issued until all current
employer without regard to whether the obligor support and child support arrearages, interest, and
resides or works outside this state. any applicable fees and costs, including ordered
attorney's fees and court costs, have been paid.
§ 158.011. Voluntary Withholding by Obligor
(a) An obligor may file with the clerk of § 158.103. Contents of Order or Writ of
the court a notarized or acknowledged request Withholding (amended 1999, 2001)
signed by the obligor and the obligee for the An order of withholding or writ of
issuance and delivery to the obligor's employer of withholding issued under this chapter must
a writ of withholding. A notarized or contain the information required by the forms
acknowledged request may be filed under this prescribed by the Title IV-D agency under Section
section regardless of whether a writ or order has 158.106.
been served on any party or of the existence or
amount of an arrearage. § 158.104. Request for Issuance of Order or
(b) On receipt of a request under this Judicial Writ of Withholding (amended 1999)
section, the clerk shall issue and deliver a writ of A request for issuance of an order or
withholding in the manner provided by this judicial writ of withholding may be filed with the
chapter. clerk of the court by the prosecuting attorney, the
(c) An employer that receives a writ of Title IV–D agency, the friend of the court, a
withholding issued under this section may request domestic relations office, the obligor, the obligee,
a hearing in the same manner and according to the or an attorney representing the obligee or obligor.
same terms provided by Section 158.205.
(d) An obligor whose employer receives § 158.105. Issuance and Delivery of Order or
a writ of withholding issued under this section Judicial Writ of Withholding (amended 1999,
may request a hearing in the manner provided by 2001, 2005)
Section 158.309. (a) On filing a request for issuance of an
(e) An obligee may contest a writ of order or judicial writ of withholding, the clerk of
withholding issued under this section by the court shall cause a certified copy of the order
requesting, not later than the 180th day after the or writ to be delivered to the obligor's current
date on which the obligee discovers that the writ employer or to any subsequent employer of the
has been issued, a hearing in the manner provided obligor.
by Section 158.309. (b) The clerk shall issue and deliver the
(f) A writ of withholding under this certified copy of the order or judicial writ not later
section may not reduce the total amount of child than the fourth working day after the date the
support, including arrearages, owed by the order is signed or the request is filed, whichever is
obligor. later.
(c) An order or judicial writ of
SUBCHAPTER B. PROCEDURE withholding shall be delivered to the employer by
first class mail or, if requested, by certified or
§ 158.101. Applicability of Procedure registered mail, return receipt requested, by
Except as otherwise provided in this electronic transmission, including electronic mail
chapter, the procedure for a motion for or facsimile transmission, or by service of citation
enforcement of child support as provided in to:
Chapter 157 applies to an action for income (1) the person authorized to receive

service of process for the employer in civil cases employer is specifically named in the order or
generally; or writ.
(2) a person designated by the employer,
by written notice to the clerk, to receive orders or § 158.202. Effective Date of and Duration of
writs of withholding. Withholding
(d) The clerk may deliver an order or An employer shall begin to withhold
judicial writ of withholding under Subsection ©) income in accordance with an order or writ of
by electronic mail if the employer has an withholding not later than the first pay period
electronic mail address or by facsimile following the date on which the order or writ was
transmission if the employer is capable of delivered to the employer and shall continue to
receiving documents transmitted in that manner. withhold income as required by the order or writ
If delivery is accomplished by electronic mail, the as long as the obligor is employed by the
clerk must request acknowledgment of receipt employer.
from the employer or use an electronic mail
system with a read receipt capability. If delivery § 158.203. Remitting Withheld Payments
is accomplished by facsimile transmission, the (amended 1999, 2009)
clerk's facsimile machine must create a delivery (a) The employer shall remit the amount
confirmation report. to be withheld to the person or office named in the
order or writ on each pay date. The payment must
§ 158.106. Forms for Income Withholding include the date on which the withholding
(amended 1999, 2001) occurred.
(a) The Title IV-D agency shall prescribe (b) An employer with 250 or more
forms as required by federal law in a standard employees shall remit a payment required under
format entitled order or notice to withhold income this section by electronic funds transfer or
for child support. electronic data interchange not later than the
(b) The Title IV–D agency shall make the second business day after the pay date.
appropriate forms available to obligors, obligees, (b-1) An employer with fewer than 250
domestic relations offices, friends of the court, employees may remit a payment required under
and private attorneys. this section by electronic funds transfer or
(c) The Title IV–D agency may prescribe electronic data interchange. A payment remitted
additional forms for the efficient collection of by the employer electronically must be remitted
child support and to promote the administration of not later than the date specified by Subsection (b).
justice for all parties. (c) The employer shall include with each
(d) The forms prescribed by the Title payment transmitted:
IV–D agency under this section may be used to (1) the number assigned by the Title IV–D
request voluntary withholding under Section agency, if available, and the county identification
158.011. number, if available;
(2) the name of the county or the county's
SUBCHAPTER C. RIGHTS AND DUTIES federal information processing standard code;
OF EMPLOYER (3) the cause number of the suit under
which withholding is required;
§ 158.201. Order or Writ Binding on Employer (4) the payor's name and social security
(a) An employer required to withhold number; and
income from earnings is not entitled to notice of (5) the payee's name and, if available,
the proceedings before the order is rendered or social security number, unless the payment is
writ of withholding is issued. transmitted by electronic funds transfer.
(b) An order or writ of withholding is (d) In a case in which an obligor's income
binding on an employer regardless of whether the is subject to withholding, the employer shall remit

the payment of child support directly to a local (A) the amount withheld and not paid as
registry, the Title IV–D agency, or to the state required by the order or writ; and
disbursement unit. (B) an amount equal to the interest that
accrues under Section 157.265 on the amount
§ 158.204. Employer May Deduct Fee From withheld and not paid; and
Earnings (amended 1999) (3) for reasonable attorney's fees and
An employer may deduct an court costs.
administrative fee of not more than $10 each (c) If an obligor has filed a claim for
month from the obligor's disposable earnings in workers' compensation, the obligor's employer
addition to the amount to be withheld as child shall send a copy of the income withholding order
support. or writ to the insurance carrier with whom the
claim has been filed in order to continue the
§ 158.205. Hearing Requested by Employer ordered withholding of income.
(a) Not later than the 20th day after the
date an order or writ of withholding is delivered, § 158.207. Employer Receiving More Than One
the employer may, as appropriate, file a motion Order or Writ (amended 2001)
with the court or file a request with the Title IV-D (a) An employer receiving two or more
agency for a hearing on the applicability of the orders or writs for one obligor shall comply with
order or writ to the employer. The Title IV-D each order or writ to the extent possible.
agency by rule shall establish procedures for an (b) If the total amount due under the
agency hearing under this section. orders or writs exceeds the maximum amount
(b) The hearing under this section shall be allowed to be withheld under Section 158.009, the
held not later than the 15th day after the date the employer shall pay an equal amount towards the
motion or request was made. current support in each order or writ until the
(c) An order or writ of withholding employer has complied fully with each current
remains binding and payments shall continue to be support obligation and, thereafter, equal amounts
made pending further order of the court or, in the on the arrearages until the employer has complied
case of an administrative writ, action of the Title with each order or writ, or until the maximum
IV-D agency. total amount of allowed withholding is reached,
whichever occurs first.
§ 158.206. Liability and Obligation of (c) An employer who receives more than
Employer; Workers' Compensation Claims one order or writ of withholding that combines
(amended 1999, 2001) withholding for child support and spousal
(a) An employer receiving an order or a maintenance as provided by Section 8.101 shall
writ of withholding under this chapter, including withhold income and pay the amount withheld in
an order or writ directing that health insurance be accordance with Section 8.207.
provided to a child, who complies with the order
or writ is not liable to the obligor for the amount § 158.208. Employer may Combine Amounts
of income withheld and paid as required by the Withheld
order or writ. An employer required to withhold from
(b) An employer receiving an order or more than one obligor may combine the amounts
writ of withholding who does not comply with the withheld and make a single payment to each
order or writ is liable: agency designated if the employer separately
(1) to the obligee for the amount not paid identifies the amount of the payment that is
in compliance with the order or writ, including the attributable to each obligor.
amount the obligor is required to pay for health
insurance under Chapter 154;
(2) to the obligor for:

§ 158.209. Employer's Penalty for obligee of that fact not later than the seventh day
Discriminatory Hiring or Discharge after the date employment terminated and shall
(a) An employer may not use an order or provide the obligor's last known address and the
writ of withholding as grounds in whole or part name and address of the obligor's new employer,
for the termination of employment or for any if known.
other disciplinary action against an employee. (b) The obligor has a continuing duty to
(b) An employer may not refuse to hire an inform any subsequent employer of the order or
employee because of an order or writ of writ of withholding after obtaining employment.
(c) If an employer intentionally discharges § 158.212. Improper Payment (added 1999)
an employee in violation of this section, the An employer who remits a payment to an
employer continues to be liable to the employee incorrect office or person shall remit the payment
for current wages and other benefits and for to the agency or person identified in the order of
reasonable attorney's fees and court costs incurred withholding not later than the second business day
in enforcing the employee's rights as provided in after the date the employer receives the returned
this section. payment.
(d) An action under this section may be
brought by the employee, a friend of the court, the § 158.213. Withholding From Workers’
domestic relations office, or the Title IV-D Compensation Benefits (added 2003)
agency. (a) An insurance carrier that receives an
order or writ of withholding under Section
§ 158.210. Fine for Noncompliance (amended 158.206 for workers' compensation benefits
1999) payable to an obligor shall withhold an amount
(a) In addition to the civil remedies not to exceed the maximum amount allowed to be
provided by this subchapter or any other remedy withheld from income under Section 158.009
provided by law, an employer who knowingly regardless of whether the benefits payable to the
violates the provisions of this chapter may be obligor for lost income are paid as lump sum
subject to a fine not to exceed $200 for each amounts or as periodic payments.
occurrence in which the employer fails to: (b) An insurance carrier subject to this
(1) withhold income for child support as section shall send the amount withheld for child
instructed in an order or writ issued under this support to the place of payment designated in the
chapter; or order or writ of withholding.
(2) remit withheld income within the time
required by Section 158.203 to the payee § 158.214. Withholding From Severance Pay
identified in the order or writ or to the state (added 2007)
disbursement unit. (a) In this section, "severance pay" means
(b) A fine recovered under this section income paid on termination of employment in
shall be paid to the county in which the obligee addition to the employee's usual earnings from the
resides and shall be used by the county to improve employer at the time of termination.
child support services. (b) An employer receiving an order or
writ of withholding under this chapter shall
§ 158.211. Notice of Termination of withhold from any severance pay owed an obligor
Employment and of New Employment an amount equal to the amount the employer
(amended 1999) would have withheld under the order or writ if the
(a) If an obligor terminates employment severance pay had been paid as the obligor's usual
with an employer who has been withholding earnings as a current employee.
income, both the obligor and the employer shall (c) The total amount that may be withheld
notify the court or the Title IV–D agency and the under this section is subject to the maximum

amount allowed to be withheld under Section (b) The notice of application for judicial
158.009. writ of withholding may be filed in the court of
continuing jurisdiction by:
§ 158.215 Withholding From Lump-Sum (1) the Title IV-D agency;
Payments (added 2007, amended 2009) (2) the attorney representing the local
(a) In this section, "lump-sum payment" domestic relations office;
means income in the form of a bonus or an (3) the attorney appointed a friend of the
amount paid in lieu of vacation or other leave court as provided in Chapter 202;
time. The term does not include an employee's (4) the obligor or obligee; or
usual earnings or an amount paid as severance pay (5) a private attorney representing the
on termination of employment. obligor or obligee.
(b) This section applies only to an ©) The Title IV-D agency may in a Title
employer who receives an administrative writ of IV-D case file a notice of application for judicial
withholding in a Title IV-D case. writ of withholding on request of the obligor or
(c) An employer to whom this section obligee.
applies may not make a lump-sum payment to the
obligor in the amount of $500 or more without § 158.302. Contents of Notice of Application for
first notifying the Title IV-D agency to determine Judicial Writ Of Withholding
whether all or a portion of the payment should be The notice of application for judicial writ
applied to child support arrearages owed by the of withholding shall be verified and:
obligor. (1) state the amount of monthly support
(d) After notifying the Title IV-D agency due, including medical support, the amount of
in compliance with Subsection ©), the employer arrearages or anticipated arrearages, including
may not make the lump-sum payment before the accrued interest, and the amount of wages that
earlier of: will be withheld in accordance with a judicial writ
(1) the 10th day after the date on which of withholding;
the employer notified the Title IV-D agency; or (2) state that the withholding applies to
(2) the date on which the employer each current or subsequent employer or period of
receives authorization from the Title IV-D agency employment;
to make the payment. (3) state that if the obligor does not
(e) If the employer receives a timely contest the withholding within 10 days after the
authorization from the Title IV-D agency under date of receipt of the notice, the obligor's
Subsection (d)(2), the employer may make the employer will be notified to begin the
payment only in accordance with the terms of that withholding;
authorization. (4) describe the procedures for contesting
the issuance and delivery of a writ of withholding;
SUBCHAPTER D. JUDICIAL WRIT OF (5) state that if the obligor contests the
WITHHOLDING ISSUED BY CLERK withholding, the obligor will be afforded an
opportunity for a hearing by the court not later
§ 158.301. Notice of Application for Judicial than the 30th day after the date of receipt of the
Writ Of Withholding; Filing notice of contest;
(a) A notice of application for judicial (6) state that the sole ground for
writ of withholding may be filed if: successfully contesting the issuance of a writ of
(1) a delinquency occurs in child support withholding is a dispute concerning the identity of
payments in an amount equal to or greater than the the obligor or the existence or amount of the
total support due for one month; or arrearages, including accrued interest;
(2) income withholding was not ordered (7) describe the actions that may be taken
at the time child support was ordered. if the obligor contests the notice of application for

judicial writ of withholding, including the address, and date on which the mailing or hand
procedures for suspending issuance of a writ of delivery was made.
withholding; and (c) Notice is considered to have been
(8) include with the notice a suggested received by the obligor:
form for the motion to stay issuance and delivery (1) if hand delivered, on the date of
of the judicial writ of withholding that the obligor delivery;
may file with the clerk of the appropriate court. (2) if mailed by certified mail, on the date
of receipt;
§ 158.303. Interstate Request for Income (3) if mailed by first-class mail, on the
Withholding 10th day after the date the notice was mailed; or
(a) The registration of a foreign support (4) if delivered by service of citation, on
order as provided in Chapter 159 is sufficient for the date of service.
the filing of a notice of application for judicial
writ of withholding. § 158.307. Motion to Stay Issuance of Writ of
(b) The notice shall be filed with the clerk Withholding
of the court having venue as provided in Chapter (a) The obligor may stay issuance of a
159. judicial writ of withholding by filing a motion to
(c) Notice of application for judicial writ stay with the clerk of court not later than the 10th
of withholding may be delivered to the obligor at day after the date the notice of application for
the same time that an order is filed for registration judicial writ of withholding was received.
under Chapter 159. (b) The grounds for filing a motion to stay
issuance are limited to a dispute concerning the
§ 158.304. Additional Arrearages identity of the obligor or the existence or the
If the notice of application for judicial amount of the arrearages.
writ of withholding states that the obligor has (c) The obligor shall verify that
repeatedly failed to pay support in accordance statements of fact in the motion to stay issuance of
with the underlying support order, the judicial the writ are true and correct.
writ may include arrearages that accrue between
the filing of the notice and the date of the hearing § 158.308. Effect of Filing Motion to Stay
or the issuance of a judicial writ of withholding. The filing of a motion to stay by an
obligor in the manner provided by Section
§ 158.306. Delivery of Notice of Application for 158.307 prohibits the clerk of court from
Judicial Writ Of Withholding; Time of delivering the judicial writ of withholding to any
Delivery employer of the obligor before a hearing is held.
(a) A notice of application for judicial
writ of withholding may be delivered to the § 158.309. Hearing on Motion to Stay
obligor by: (a) If a motion to stay is filed in the
(1) hand delivery by a person designated manner provided by Section 158.307, the court
by the Title IV-D agency or local domestic shall set a hearing on the motion and the clerk of
relations office; court shall notify the obligor, obligee, or their
(2) first-class or certified mail, return authorized representatives, and the party who filed
receipt requested, addressed to the obligor's last the application for judicial writ of withholding of
known address or place of employment; or the date, time, and place of the hearing.
(3) by service of citation as in civil cases (b) The court shall hold a hearing on the
generally. motion to stay not later than the 30th day after the
(b) If the notice is delivered by mailing or date the motion was filed, except that a hearing
hand delivery, the party who filed the notice shall may be held later than the 30th day after filing if
file with the court a certificate stating the name,

both the obligor and obligee agree and waive the of the notice of application for judicial writ of
right to have the motion heard within 30 days. withholding by the obligor.
(c) Upon hearing, the court shall:
(1) render an order for income § 158.313. Issuance and Delivery of Writ of
withholding that includes a determination of the Withholding
amount of child support arrearages, including (a) On the filing of a request for issuance
medical support and interest; or of a writ of withholding, the clerk of the court
(2) grant the motion to stay. shall issue the writ.
(b) The writ shall be delivered as
§ 158.310. Special Exceptions provided by Subchapter B.
(a) A defect in a notice of application for (c) The clerk shall issue and mail the writ
judicial writ of withholding is waived unless the not later than the second working day after the
respondent specially excepts in writing and cites date the request is filed.
with particularity the alleged defect, obscurity, or
other ambiguity in the notice. § 158.314. Contents of Writ of Withholding
(b) A special exception under this section The judicial writ of income withholding
must be heard by the court before hearing the issued by the clerk must direct that the employer
motion to stay issuance. or a subsequent employer withhold from the
(c) If the court sustains an exception, the obligor's disposable income for current child
court shall provide the party filing the notice an support, including medical support, and child
opportunity to refile and the court shall continue support arrearages an amount that is consistent
the hearing to a date certain without the with the provisions of this chapter regarding
requirement of additional service. orders of withholding.

§ 158.311. Arrearages § 158.315. Extension of Repayment Schedule

(a) Payment of arrearages after receipt of by Party; Unreasonable Hardship
notice of application for judicial writ of If the party who filed the notice of
withholding may not be the sole basis for the application for judicial writ of withholding finds
court to refuse to order withholding. that the schedule for repaying arrearages would
(b) The court shall order that a reasonable cause the obligor, the obligor's family, or the
amount of income be withheld to be applied children for whom the support is due from the
toward the liquidation of arrearages, even though obligor to suffer unreasonable hardship, the party
a judgment confirming arrearages has been may extend the payment period in the writ.
rendered against the obligor.
§ 158.316. Payment of Amount to be Withheld
§ 158.312. Request for Issuance and Delivery of The amount to be withheld shall be paid
Writ of Withholding (amended 1999) to the person or office named in the writ on each
(a) If a notice of application for judicial pay date and shall include with the payment the
writ of withholding is delivered and a motion to date on which the withholding occurred.
stay is not filed within the time limits provided by
Section 158.307, the party who filed the notice § 158.317. Failure to Receive Notice of
shall file with the clerk of the court a request for Application for Judicial Writ Of Withholding
issuance of the writ of withholding stating the (a) Not later than the 30th day after the
amount of current support, including medical date of the first pay period following the date of
support, the amount of arrearages, and the amount delivery of the writ of withholding to the obligor's
to be withheld from the obligor's income. employer, the obligor may file an affidavit with
(b) The request for issuance may not be the court that a motion to stay was not timely filed
filed before the 11th day after the date of receipt because the notice of application for judicial writ

of withholding was not received by the obligor overdue support may not be used as the sole basis
and that grounds exist for a motion to stay. for terminating withholding.
(b) Concurrently with the filing of the (b) At the request of the Title IV-D
affidavit, the obligor may file a motion to agency, the clerk of the court shall issue a judicial
withdraw the writ of withholding and request a writ of withholding to the obligor's employer
hearing on the applicability of the writ. reflecting any modification or changes in the
(c) Income withholding may not be amount to be withheld or the termination of
interrupted until after the hearing at which the withholding.
court renders an order denying or modifying
withholding. § 158.402. Agreement by Parties Regarding
Amount or Duration of Withholding
§ 158.319. Issuance and Delivery of Judicial (a) An obligor and obligee may agree on
Writ of Withholding to Subsequent Employer a reduction in or termination of income
(a) After the issuance of a judicial writ of withholding for child support on the occurrence of
withholding by the clerk, a party authorized to file one of the following contingencies stated in the
a notice of application for judicial writ of order:
withholding under this subchapter may issue the (1) the child becomes 18 years of age or
judicial writ of withholding to a subsequent is graduated from high school, whichever is later;
employer of the obligor by delivering to the (2) the child's disabilities of minority are
employer by certified mail a copy of the writ. removed by marriage, court order, or other
(b) The judicial writ of withholding must operation of law; or
include the name, address, and signature of the (3) the child dies.
party and clearly indicate that the writ is being (b) The obligor and obligee may file a
issued to a subsequent employer. notarized or acknowledged request with the clerk
(c) The party shall file a copy of the of the court under Section 158.011 for a revised
judicial writ of withholding with the clerk not judicial writ of withholding, including the
later than the third working day following delivery termination of withholding.
of the writ to the subsequent employer. The party (c) The clerk shall issue and deliver to an
shall pay the clerk a fee of $15 at the time the employer of the obligor a judicial writ of
copy of the writ is filed. withholding that reflects the agreed revision or
(d) The party shall file the postal return termination of withholding.
receipt from the delivery to the subsequent (d) An agreement by the parties under this
employer not later than the third working day after section does not modify the terms of a support
the party receives the receipt. order.

SUBCHAPTER E. MODIFICATION, § 158.403. Modifications to or Termination of

REDUCTION, OR TERMINATION OF Withholding in Voluntary Withholding Cases
WITHHOLDING (a) If an obligor initiates voluntary
withholding under Section 158.011, the obligee or
§ 158.401. Modifications to or Termination of an agency providing child support services may
Withholding by Title IV–D Agency file with the clerk of the court a notarized request
(a) The Title IV–D agency shall establish signed by the obligor and the obligee or agency, as
procedures for the reduction in the amount of or appropriate, for the issuance and delivery to the
termination of withholding from income on the obligor of a:
liquidation of an arrearages or the termination of (1) modified writ of withholding that
the obligation of support in Title IV–D cases. The reduces the amount of withholding; or
procedures shall provide that the payment of (2) notice of termination of withholding.

(b) On receipt of a request under this chapter in a proceeding in which the office is
section, the clerk shall issue and deliver a providing child support enforcement services. A
modified writ of withholding or notice of reference in this code to the Title IV-D agency
termination in the manner provided by Section that relates to an administrative writ includes a
158.402. domestic relations office, except that the writ
(c) The clerk may charge a reasonable fee must be in the form prescribed by the Title IV-D
not to exceed $15 for filing the request. agency under Section 158.504.
(d) An obligee may contest a modified
writ of withholding or notice of termination issued § 158.502. When Administrative Writ of
under this section by requesting a hearing in the Withholding May be Issued (amended 1999,
manner provided by Section 158.309 not later 2001, 2003, 2007)
than the 180th day after the date the obligee (a) An administrative writ of withholding
discovers that the writ or notice has been issued. under this subchapter may be issued by the Title
IV–D agency at any time until all current support,
§ 158.404. Delivery of Order of Reduction or including medical support, and child support
Termination of Withholding arrearages, and Title IV-D service fees authorized
If a court has rendered an order that under Section 231.102 for which the obligor is
reduces the amount of child support to be responsible, have been paid. The writ issued
withheld or terminates withholding for child under this subsection may be based on an
support, any person or governmental entity may obligation in more than one support order.
deliver to the employer a certified copy of the (b) The Title IV–D agency may issue an
order without the requirement that the clerk of the administrative writ of withholding that directs that
court deliver the order. an amount be withheld for an arrearage or adjusts
the amount to be withheld for an arrearage. An
§ 158.405. Liability of Employers administrative writ issued under this subsection
The provisions of this chapter regarding may be contested as provided by Section 158.506.
the liability of employers for withholding apply to (c) The Title IV-D agency may issue an
an order that reduces or terminates withholding. administrative writ of withholding as a reissuance
of an existing withholding order on file with the
SUBCHAPTER F. ADMINISTRATIVE court of continuing jurisdiction or a tribunal of
WRIT OF WITHHOLDING another state. The administrative writ under this
subsection is not subject to the contest provisions
§ 158.501. Issuance of Administrative Writ of of Sections 158.505(a)(2) and 158.506.
Withholding (amended 1999, 2001, 2005) (d) The Title IV-D agency may issue an
(a) The Title IV–D agency may initiate administrative writ of withholding to direct child
income withholding by issuing an administrative support payments to the state disbursement unit of
writ of withholding for the enforcement of an another state.
existing order as authorized by this subchapter.
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (d), § 158.503. Delivery of Administrative Writ to
the Title IV–D agency is the only entity that may Employer; Filing With Court (amended 1999,
issue an administrative writ under this subchapter. 2001)
(c) The Title IV-D agency may use the (a) An administrative writ of withholding
procedures authorized by this subchapter to issued under this subchapter may be delivered to
enforce a support order rendered by a tribunal of an obligor, obligee, and employer by mail or by
another state regardless of whether the order has electronic transmission.
been registered under Chapter 159. (b) Not later than the third business day
(d) A domestic relations office may issue after the date of delivery of the administrative writ
an administrative writ of withholding under this of withholding to an employer, the Title IV-D

agency shall file a copy of the writ, together with existence or amount of arrearages is incorrect;
a signed certificate of service, in the court of and
continuing jurisdiction. The certificate of service (3) a copy of the administrative writ,
may be signed electronically. This subsection including the information concerning income
does not apply to the enforcement under Section withholding provided to the employer.
158.501(c) of a support order rendered by a (b) The notice required under this section
tribunal of another state. may be sent to the obligor by:
(c) The copy of the administrative writ of (1) personal delivery by a person
withholding filed with the clerk of court must designated by the Title IV-D agency;
include: (2) first-class mail or certified mail, return
(1) the name, address, and signature of the receipt requested, addressed to the obligor's last
authorized attorney or individual that issued the known address; or
writ; (3) service of citation as in civil cases
(2) the name and address of the employer generally.
served with the writ; and (c) Repealed by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch.
(3) a true copy of the information 556, § 81, eff. Sept. 1, 1999.
provided to the employer.
(d) The clerk of the court may charge a § 158.506. Contest by Obligor to
reasonable fee not to exceed $15 for filing an Administrative Writ of Withholding (amended
administrative writ under this section. 1999, 2007)
(a) Except as provided by Section
§ 158.504. Contents of Administrative Writ of 158.502(c), an obligor receiving the notice under
Withholding (amended 1999, 2001) Section 158.505 may request a review by the Title
(a) The administrative writ of withholding IV–D agency to resolve any issue in dispute
must be in the form prescribed by the Title IV-D regarding the identity of the obligor or the
agency as required by this chapter and in a existence or amount of arrearages. The Title
standard format authorized by the United States IV–D agency shall provide an opportunity for a
Department of Health and Human Services. review, by telephonic conference or in person, as
(b) An administrative writ of withholding may be appropriate under the circumstances.
issued under this subchapter may contain only the (b) After a review under this section, the
information that is necessary for the employer to Title IV-D agency may issue a new administrative
withhold income for child support and medical writ of withholding to the employer, including a
support and shall specify the place where the writ modifying the amount to be withheld or
withheld income is to be paid. terminating withholding.
(c) If a review under this section fails to
§ 158.505. Notice to Obligor (amended 1999, resolve any issue in dispute, the obligor may file
2001) a motion with the court to withdraw the
(a) On issuance of an administrative writ administrative writ of withholding and request a
of withholding, the Title IV-D agency shall send hearing with the court not later than the 30th day
the obligor: after receiving notice of the agency's
(1) notice that the withholding has determination. Income withholding may not be
commenced, including, if the writ is issued as interrupted pending a hearing by the court.
provided by Section 158.502(b), the amount of the (d) If an administrative writ of
arrearages, including accrued interest; withholding issued under this subchapter is based
(2) except as provided by Section on an order of a tribunal of another state that has
158.502(c), notice of the procedures to follow if not been registered under Chapter 159, the obligor
the obligor desires to contest withholding on the may file a motion with an appropriate court in
grounds that the identity of the obligor or the accordance with Subsection ©).

§ 158.507. Administrative Writ Terminating parent for at least six consecutive months
Withholding (amended 2007) preceding the time of filing of a petition or a
An administrative writ to terminate comparable pleading for support and, if a child is
withholding may be issued and delivered to an less than six months old, the state in which the
employer by the Title IV-D agency when all child lived with a parent or a person acting as
current support, including medical support, and parent from the time of birth. A period of
child support arrearages, and Title IV-D service temporary absence of any of them is counted as
fees authorized under Section 231.103 for which part of the six-month or other period.
the obligor is responsible, have been paid. (5) "Income" includes earnings or other
periodic entitlements to money from any source
and any other property subject to withholding for
CHAPTER 159. UNIFORM INTERSTATE support under the law of this state.
FAMILY SUPPORT ACT (6) "Income-withholding order" means an
order or other legal process directed to an
SUBCHAPTER A. CONFLICTS BETWEEN obligor's employer, as provided in Chapter 158, to
PROVISIONS withhold support from the income of the obligor.
(7) "Initiating state" means a state from
§ 159.001. Conflicts Between Provisions which a proceeding is forwarded or in which a
If a provision of this chapter conflicts proceeding is filed for forwarding to a responding
with a provision of this title or another statute or state under this chapter or a law or procedure
rule of this state and the conflict cannot be substantially similar to this chapter.
reconciled, this chapter prevails. (8) "Initiating tribunal" means the
authorized tribunal in an initiating state.
SUBCHAPTER B. GENERAL (9) "Issuing state" means the state in
PROVISIONS which a tribunal issues a support order or renders
a judgment determining parentage.
§ 159.101. Short Title (added 2003) (10) "Issuing tribunal" means the tribunal
This chapter may be cited as the Uniform that issues a support order or renders a judgment
Interstate Family Support Act. determining parentage.
(11) "Law" includes decisional and
§ 159.102. Definitions (amended 2003, 2007) statutory law and rules and regulations having the
In this chapter: force of law.
(1) "Child" means an individual, whether (12) "Obligee" means:
over or under the age of majority, who: (A) an individual to whom a duty of
(A) is or is alleged to be owed a duty of support is or is alleged to be owed or in whose
support by the individual's parent; or favor a support order has been issued or a
(B) is or is alleged to be the beneficiary of judgment determining parentage has been
a support order directed to the parent. rendered;
(2) "Child support order" means a support (B) a state or political subdivision to
order for a child, including a child who has which the rights under a duty of support or
attained the age of majority under the law of the support order have been assigned or that has
issuing state. independent claims based on financial assistance
(3) "Duty of support" means an obligation provided to an individual obligee; or
imposed or imposable by law to provide support (C) an individual seeking a judgment
for a child, spouse, or former spouse, including an determining parentage of the individual's child.
unsatisfied obligation to provide support. (13) "Obligor" means an individual or the
(4) "Home state" means the state in which estate of a decedent:
a child lived with a parent or a person acting as

(A) who owes or is alleged to owe a duty support orders that are substantially similar to the
of support; procedures under this chapter.
(B) who is alleged but has not been (22) "Support enforcement agency" means
adjudicated to be a parent of a child; or a public official or agency authorized to seek:
(C) who is liable under a support order. (A) enforcement of support orders or laws
(14) “Person” means an individual, relating to the duty of support;
corporation, business trust, estate, trust, (B) establishment or modification of child
partnership, limited liability company, support;
association, joint venture, government, (C) determination of parentage;
governmental subdivision, agency, (D) the location of obligors or their assets;
instrumentality, public corporation, or any other or
legal or commercial entity. (E) determination of the controlling child
(15) “Record” means information that is: support order.
(A) inscribed on a tangible medium or "Support enforcement agency" does not
stored in an electronic or other medium; and include a domestic relations office unless that
(B) retrievable in a perceivable form. office has entered into a cooperative agreement
(16) "Register" means to file a support with the Title IV–D agency to perform duties
order or judgment determining parentage in the under this chapter.
registry of foreign support orders. (23) "Support order" means a judgment,
(17) "Registering tribunal" means a decree, order, or directive, whether temporary,
tribunal in which a support order is registered. final, or subject to modification, issued by a
(18) "Responding state" means a state in tribunal for the benefit of a child, a spouse, or a
which a proceeding is filed or to which a former spouse that provides for monetary support,
proceeding is forwarded for filing from an health care, arrearages, or reimbursement and may
initiating state under this chapter or a law or include related costs and fees, interest, income
procedure substantially similar to this chapter. withholding, attorney's fees, and other relief.
(19) "Responding tribunal" means the (24) "Tribunal" means a court,
authorized tribunal in a responding state. administrative agency, or quasi-judicial entity
(20) "Spousal support order" means a authorized to establish, enforce, or modify support
support order for a spouse or former spouse of the orders or to determine parentage.
(21) "State" means a state of the United § 159.103. Tribunal of State
States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the The court is the tribunal of this state.
United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or
insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the § 159.104. Remedies Cumulative (amended
United States. The term includes: 2003)
(A) an Indian tribe; and Remedies provided in this chapter are
(B) a foreign country or political cumulative and do not affect the availability of
subdivision that has: remedies under other law, including the
(I) been declared to be a foreign recognition of a support order of a foreign country
reciprocating country or political subdivision or political subdivision on the basis of comity.
under federal law; (b) This chapter does not:
(ii) established a reciprocal arrangement (1) provide the exclusive method of
for child support with this state as provided by establishing or enforcing a support order under the
Section 159.308; or law of this state; or
(iii)enacted a law or established (2) grant a tribunal of this state
procedures for issuance and enforcement of jurisdiction to render a judgment or issue an order

relating to child custody or visitation in a relating to a support order continues as long as the
proceeding under this chapter. tribunal has continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to
modify its order or continuing jurisdiction to
SUBCHAPTER C. JURISDICTION enforce its order under Sections 159.205, 159.206,
and 159.211.
§ 159.201. Bases for Jurisdiction Over
Nonresident § 159.203. Initiating and Responding Tribunal
(a) In a proceeding to establish or enforce of State
a support order or to determine parentage, a Under this chapter, a tribunal of this state
tribunal of this state may exercise personal may serve as an initiating tribunal to forward
jurisdiction over a nonresident individual or the proceedings to another state and as a responding
individual's guardian or conservator if: tribunal for proceedings initiated in another state.
(1) the individual is personally served
with citation in this state; § 159.204. Simultaneous Proceedings
(2) the individual submits to the (a) A tribunal of this state may exercise
jurisdiction of this state by consent, by entering a jurisdiction to establish a support order if the
general appearance, or by filing a responsive petition or comparable pleading is filed after a
document having the effect of waiving any contest pleading is filed in another state only if:
to personal jurisdiction; (1) the petition or comparable pleading in
(3) the individual resided with the child in this state is filed before the expiration of the time
this state; allowed in the other state for filing a responsive
(4) the individual resided in this state and pleading challenging the exercise of jurisdiction
provided prenatal expenses or support for the by the other state;
child; (2) the contesting party timely challenges
(5) the child resides in this state as a result the exercise of jurisdiction in the other state; and
of the acts or directives of the individual; (3) if relevant, this state is the home state
(6) the individual engaged in sexual of the child.
intercourse in this state and the child may have (b) A tribunal of this state may not
been conceived by that act of intercourse; exercise jurisdiction to establish a support order if
(7) the individual asserted parentage in the petition or comparable pleading is filed before
the paternity registry maintained in this state by a petition or comparable pleading is filed in
the bureau of vital statistics; or another state if:
(8) there is any other basis consistent with (1) the petition or comparable pleading in
the constitutions of this state and the United States the other state is filed before the expiration of the
for the exercise of personal jurisdiction. time allowed in this state for filing a responsive
(b) A tribunal of this state may not use the pleading challenging the exercise of jurisdiction
bases of personal jurisdiction listed in Subsection by this state;
(a) or in any other law of this state to acquire (2) the contesting party timely challenges
personal jurisdiction to modify a child support the exercise of jurisdiction in this state; and
order of another state unless the requirements of (3) if relevant, the other state is the home
Section 159.611 or 159.615 are satisfied. state of the child.

§ 159.202. Duration of Personal Jurisdiction § 159.205. Continuing, Exclusive Jurisdiction

(amended 2003) to Modify Child Support Order (amended 2003)
Personal jurisdiction acquired by a (a) A tribunal of this state that has issued
tribunal of this state in a proceeding under this a child support order consistent with the law of
chapter or other law of this state in a proceeding this state has and shall exercise continuing,
under this chapter or other law of this state

exclusive jurisdiction to modify its order if the (B) has not been modified by a tribunal of
order is the controlling order and: another state that assumed jurisdiction under the
(1) at the time a request for modification Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; or
is filed, this state is the state of residence of the (2) a money judgment for support
obligor, the individual obligee, or the child for arrearages and interest on the order accrued before
whose benefit the support order is issued; or a determination that an order of another state is
(2) the parties consent in a record or in the controlling order.
open court that the tribunal of this state may (b) A tribunal of this state having
continue to exercise jurisdiction to modify its continuing jurisdiction over a support order may
order. act as a responding tribunal to enforce the order.
(b) A tribunal of this state that has issued
a child support order consistent with the law of § 159.207. Determination of Controlling Child
this state may not exercise continuing, exclusive Support Order (amended 2003)
jurisdiction to modify the order if: (a) If a proceeding is brought under this
(1) each party who is an individual files a chapter and only one tribunal has issued a child
consent in a record with the tribunal of this state support order, the order of that tribunal controls
that a tribunal of another state that has jurisdiction and must be so recognized.
over at least one of the parties who is an (b) If a proceeding is brought under this
individual or that is located in the state of chapter and two or more child support orders have
residence of the child may modify the order and been issued by tribunals of this state or another
assume continuing, exclusive jurisdiction; or state with regard to the same obligor and child, a
(2) the order is not the controlling order. tribunal of this state having personal jurisdiction
(c) A tribunal of this state shall recognize over both the obligor and individual obligee shall
the continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of a tribunal apply the following rules to determine by order
of another state if the tribunal of the other state which order controls:
has issued a child support order that modifies a (1) if only one of the tribunals would have
child support order of a tribunal of this state under continuing, exclusive jurisdiction under this
a law substantially similar to this chapter. chapter, the order of that tribunal controls and
(d) A tribunal of this state that does not must be so recognized;
have continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify (2) if more than one of the tribunals
a child support order may serve as an initiating would have continuing, exclusive jurisdiction
tribunal to request a tribunal of another state to under this chapter:
modify a support order issued in that state. (A) an order issued by a tribunal in the
(e) A temporary support order issued ex current home state of the child controls if an order
parte or pending resolution of a jurisdictional is issued in the current home state of the child; or
conflict does not create continuing, exclusive (B) the order most recently issued
jurisdiction in the issuing tribunal. controls if an order has not been issued in the
current home state of the child; and
§ 159.206. Continuing Jurisdiction to Enforce (3) if none of the tribunals would have
Child Support Order (amended 2003) continuing, exclusive jurisdiction under this
(a) A tribunal of this state that has issued chapter, the tribunal of this state shall issue a child
a child support order consistent with the law of support order that controls.
this state may serve as an initiating tribunal to (c) If two or more child support orders
request a tribunal of another state to enforce: have been issued for the same obligor and same
(1) the order, if the order: child, on request of a party who is an individual or
(A) is the controlling order; and a support enforcement agency, a tribunal of this
state having personal jurisdiction over both the
obligor and the obligee who is an individual shall

determine which order controls under Subsection In responding to registrations or petitions
(b). The request may be filed: for enforcement of two or more child support
(1) with a registration for enforcement or orders in effect at the same time with regard to the
registration for modification under Subchapter G; same obligor and different individual obligees, at
or least one of which was issued by a tribunal of
(2) as a separate proceeding. another state, a tribunal of this state shall enforce
(d) A request to determine the controlling those orders in the same manner as if the orders
order must be accompanied by a copy of each had been issued by a tribunal of this state.
child support order in effect and the applicable
record of payments. The requesting party shall § 159.209. Credit for Payments (amended 2003)
give notice of the request to each party whose A tribunal of this state shall credit
rights may be affected by the determination. amounts collected for a particular period under a
(e) The tribunal that issued the controlling support order against the amounts owed for the
order under Subsection (a), (b), or (c) has same period under any other child support order
continuing jurisdiction to the extent provided for support of the same child issued by a tribunal
under Section 159.205 or 159.206. of this or another state.
(f) A tribunal of this state that determines
by order which order is the controlling order § 159.210. Applicability to Nonresident
under Subsection (b)(1) or (2) or Subsection ©) or Subject to Personal Jurisdiction (added 2003)
that issues a new controlling order under (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),
Subsection (b)(3) shall state in that order: Subchapters D-H do not apply to a tribunal of this
(1) the basis upon which the tribunal state exercising personal jurisdiction over a
made its determination; nonresident in a proceeding under this chapter or
(2) the amount of prospective child under other law of this state relating to a support
support, if any; and order or recognizing a support order of a foreign
(3) the total amount of consolidated country or political subdivision on the basis of
arrearages and accrued interest, if any, under the comity. The tribunal shall apply the procedural
orders after all payments are credited under and substantive law of this state in a proceeding
Section 159.209. described by this subsection.
(g) Within 30 days after issuance of an (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a
order determining which order is the controlling tribunal of this state exercising personal
order, the party obtaining the order shall file a jurisdiction over a nonresident in a proceeding
certified copy of the controlling order in each under this chapter or under other law of this state
tribunal that issued or registered an earlier order relating to a support order or recognizing a
of child support. A party or support enforcement support order of a foreign country or political
agency that obtains the order and fails to file a subdivision on the basis of comity may:
certified copy is subject to appropriate sanctions (1) receive evidence from another state as
by a tribunal in which the issue of failure to file provided by Section 159.316;
arises. The failure to file does not affect the (2) communicate with a tribunal of
validity or enforceability of the controlling order. another state as provided by Section 159.317; and
(h) An order that has been determined to (3) obtain discovery through a tribunal of
be the controlling order, or a judgment for another state as provided by Section 159.318.
consolidated support arrearages and interest
issued under this section, must be recognized in a § 159.211. Continuing, Exclusive Jurisdiction
proceeding under this chapter. to Modify Spousal Support Order (added 2003)
(a) A tribunal of this state issuing a
§ 159.208. Child Support Orders for Two or spousal support order consistent with the law of
More Obligees (amended 2003) this state has continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to

modify the spousal support order throughout the powers and provide all remedies available in those
existence of the support obligation. proceedings; and
(b) A tribunal of this state may not modify (2) determine the duty of support and the
a spousal support order issued by a tribunal of amount payable in accordance with the law and
another state having continuing, exclusive support guidelines of this state.
jurisdiction over that order under the law of that
state. § 159.304. Duties of Initiating Tribunal
(c) A tribunal of this state that has (amended 2003)
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over a spousal (a) On the filing of a petition authorized
support order may serve as: by this chapter, an initiating tribunal of this state
(1) an initiating tribunal to request a shall forward the petition and its accompanying
tribunal of another state to enforce the spousal documents:
support order issued in this state; or (1) to the responding tribunal or
(2) a responding tribunal to enforce or appropriate support enforcement agency in the
modify its own spousal support order. responding state; or
(2) if the identity of the responding
SUBCHAPTER D. CIVIL PROVISIONS OF tribunal is unknown, to the state information
GENERAL APPLICATION agency of the responding state with a request that
they be forwarded to the appropriate tribunal and
§ 159.301. Proceedings Under Chapter that receipt be acknowledged.
(amended 2003) (b) If requested by the responding
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this tribunal, a tribunal of this state shall issue a
chapter, this subchapter applies to all proceedings certificate or other document and make findings
under this chapter. required by the law of the responding state. If the
(b) Repealed. responding state is a foreign country or political
(c) An individual or a support subdivision, the tribunal shall specify the amount
enforcement agency may initiate a proceeding of support sought, convert that amount into the
authorized under this chapter by filing a petition equivalent amount in the foreign currency under
in an initiating tribunal for forwarding to a the applicable official or market exchange rate as
responding tribunal or by filing a petition or a publicly reported, and provide any other
comparable pleading directly in a tribunal of documents necessary to satisfy the requirements
another state that has or that can obtain personal of the responding state.
jurisdiction over the respondent.
§ 159.305. Duties and Powers of Responding
§ 159.302. Action by Minor Parent Tribunal (amended 2003)
A minor parent or a guardian or other (a) When a responding tribunal of this
legal representative of a minor parent may state receives a petition or comparable pleading
maintain a proceeding on behalf of or for the from an initiating tribunal or directly under
benefit of the minor's child. Section 159.301©), the responding tribunal shall
cause the petition or pleading to be filed and
§ 159.303. Application of Law of State notify the petitioner where and when it was filed.
(amended 2003) (b) Except as prohibited by other law, a
Except as otherwise provided in this responding tribunal of this state may do one or
chapter, a responding tribunal of this state shall: more of the following:
(1) apply the procedural and substantive (1) issue or enforce a support order,
law generally applicable to similar proceedings modify a child support order, determine the
originating in this state and may exercise all controlling child support order, or determine

(2) order an obligor to comply with a § 159.306. Inappropriate Tribunal
support order and specify the amount and the If a petition or comparable pleading is
manner of compliance; received by an inappropriate tribunal of this state,
(3) order income withholding; that tribunal shall forward the pleading and
(4) determine the amount of any accompanying documents to an appropriate
arrearages and specify a method of payment; tribunal in this state or another state and notify the
(5) enforce orders by civil or criminal petitioner where and when the pleading was sent.
contempt, or both;
(6) set aside property for satisfaction of § 159.307. Duties of Support Enforcement
the support order; Agency (amended 2003)
(7) place liens and order execution on the (a) A support enforcement agency of this
obligor's property; state, on request, shall provide services to a
(8) order an obligor to keep the tribunal petitioner in a proceeding under this chapter.
informed of the obligor's current residential (b) A support enforcement agency of this
address, telephone number, employer, address of state that provides services to the petitioner shall:
employment, and telephone number at the place of (1) take all steps necessary to enable an
employment; appropriate tribunal in this state or another state to
(9) issue a bench warrant or capias for an obtain jurisdiction over the respondent;
obligor who has failed after proper notice to (2) request an appropriate tribunal to set
appear at a hearing ordered by the tribunal and a date, time, and place for a hearing;
enter the bench warrant or capias in any local and (3) make a reasonable effort to obtain all
state computer systems for criminal warrants; relevant information, including information as to
(10) order the obligor to seek appropriate income and property of the parties;
employment by specified methods; (4) not later than the second day,
(11) award reasonable attorney's fees and excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays,
other fees and costs; and after the date of receipt of a written notice in a
(12) grant any other available remedy. record from an initiating, responding, or
(c) A responding tribunal of this state registering tribunal, send a copy of the notice to
shall include in a support order issued under this the petitioner;
chapter, or in the documents accompanying the (5) not later than the second day,
order, the calculations on which the support order excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays,
is based. after the date of receipt of a written
(d) A responding tribunal of this state may communication in a record from the respondent or
not condition the payment of a support order the respondent's attorney, send a copy of the
issued under this chapter on compliance by a party communication to the petitioner; and
with provisions for visitation. (6) notify the petitioner if jurisdiction
(e) If a responding tribunal of this state over the respondent cannot be obtained.
issues an order under this chapter, the tribunal (c) A support enforcement agency of this
shall send a copy of the order to the petitioner and state that requests registration of a child support
the respondent and to the initiating tribunal, if order in this state for enforcement or for
any. modification shall make reasonable efforts to
(f) If requested to enforce a support order, ensure that:
arrearages, or a judgment or to modify a support (1) the order to be registered is the
order stated in a foreign currency, a responding controlling order; or
tribunal of this state shall convert the amount (2) a request for a determination of which
stated in the foreign currency to the equivalent order is the controlling order is made in a tribunal
amount in dollars under the applicable official or having jurisdiction to make the determination, if
market exchange rate as publicly reported. two or more child support orders have been issued

and a determination of the controlling order has that have jurisdiction under this chapter and any
not been made. support enforcement agencies in this state and
(d) A support enforcement agency of this send a copy to the state information agency of
state that requests registration and enforcement of every other state;
a support order, arrearages, or a judgment stated (2) maintain a register names and
in a foreign currency shall convert the amount addresses of tribunals and support enforcement
stated in the foreign currency to the equivalent agencies received from other states;
amount in dollars under the applicable official or (3) forward to the appropriate tribunal in
market exchange rate as publicly reported. the county in this state where the obligee who is
(e) A support enforcement agency of this an individual or the obligor resides, or where the
state shall issue, or request a tribunal of this state obligor's property is believed to be located, all
to issue, a child support order and an income- documents concerning a proceeding under this
withholding order that redirects payment of chapter received from an initiating tribunal or the
current support, arrearages, and interest if state information agency of the initiating state;
requested to do so by a support enforcement and
agency of another state under Section 159.319. (4) obtain information concerning the
(f) This chapter does not create or negate location of the obligor and the obligor's property
a relationship of attorney and client or other in this state not exempt from execution, by such
fiduciary relationship between a support means as postal verification and federal or state
enforcement agency or the attorney for the agency locator services, examination of telephone
and the individual being assisted by the agency. directories, requests for the obligor's address from
employers, and examination of governmental
§ 159.308. Duty of Attorney General (amended records, including, to the extent not prohibited by
2003) other law, those relating to real property, vital
(a)If the attorney general determines that statistics, law enforcement, taxation, motor
the support enforcement agency is neglecting or vehicles, driver's licenses, and social security.
refusing to provide services to an individual, the
attorney general may order the agency to perform § 159.311. Pleadings and Accompanying
its duties under this chapter or may provide those Documents (amended 2003)
services directly to the individual. (a) In a proceeding under this chapter, a
(b) The governor may determine that a petitioner seeking to establish a support order, to
foreign country or political subdivision has determine parentage, or to register and modify a
established a reciprocal arrangement for child support order of another state must file a the
support with this state and take appropriate action petition. Unless otherwise ordered under Section
for notification of the determination. 159.312, the petition or accompanying documents
must provide, so far as known, the name,
§ 159.309. Private Counsel residential address, and social security numbers of
An individual may employ private counsel the obligor and the obligee or the parent and
to represent the individual in proceedings alleged parent and the name, sex, residential
authorized by this chapter. address, social security number, and date of birth
of each child for whose benefit support is sought
§ 159.310. Duties of State Information Agency or whose parentage is to be determined. Unless
(amended 2003) filed at the time of registration, the petition must
(a) The Title IV–D agency is the state be accompanied by a copy of any support order
information agency under this chapter. known to have been issued by another tribunal.
(b) The state information agency shall: The petition may include any other information
(1) compile and maintain a current list, that may assist in locating or identifying the
including addresses, of the tribunals in this state respondent.

(b) The petition must specify the relief § 159.314. Limited Immunity of Petitioner
sought. The petition and accompanying (amended 2003)
documents must conform substantially with the (a) Participation by a petitioner in a
requirements imposed by the forms mandated by proceeding under this chapter before a responding
federal law for use in cases filed by a support tribunal, whether in person, by private attorney, or
enforcement agency. through services provided by the support
enforcement agency, does not confer personal
§ 159.312. Nondisclosure of Information in jurisdiction over the petitioner in another
Exceptional Circumstances (amended 2003) proceeding.
If a party alleges in an affidavit or (b) A petitioner is not amenable to service
pleading under oath that the health, safety, or of civil process while physically present in this
liberty of a party or child would be jeopardized by state to participate in a proceeding under this
disclosure of specific identifying information chapter.
regarding the party or the child, the identifying (c) The immunity granted by this section
information shall be sealed and may not be does not extend to civil litigation based on acts
disclosed to the other party or to the public. After unrelated to a proceeding under this chapter
a hearing in which a tribunal considers the health, committed by a party while present in this state to
safety, or liberty of the party or the child, the participate in the proceeding.
tribunal may order disclosure of information if the
tribunal determines that the disclosure serves the § 159.315. Nonparentage as Defense
interests of justice. A party whose parentage of a child has
been previously determined by or under law may
§ 159.313. Costs and Fees not plead nonparentage as a defense to a
(a) The petitioner may not be required to proceeding under this chapter.
pay a filing fee or other costs.
(b) If an obligee prevails, a responding
tribunal may assess against an obligor filing fees, § 159.316. Special Rules of Evidence and
reasonable attorney's fees, other costs, and Procedure (amended 2003, 2005)
necessary travel and other reasonable expenses (a) The physical presence of a nonresident
incurred by the obligee and the obligee's party who is an individual in a tribunal of this
witnesses. The tribunal may not assess fees, state is not required for the establishment,
costs, or expenses against the obligee or the enforcement, or modification of a support order or
support enforcement agency of either the initiating the rendition of a judgment determining
state or the responding state, except as provided parentage.
by other law. Attorney's fees may be taxed as (b) An affidavit, a document substantially
costs and may be ordered paid directly to the complying with federally mandated forms or a
attorney, who may enforce the order in the document incorporated by reference in an
attorney's own name. Payment of support owed to affidavit or document, that would not be under the
the obligee has priority over fees, costs, and hearsay rule if given in person, is admissible in
expenses. evidence if given under penalty of perjury by a
(c) The tribunal shall order the payment party or witness residing in another state.
of costs and reasonable attorney's fees if it (c) A copy of the record of child support
determines that a hearing was requested primarily payments certified as a true copy of the original
for delay. In a proceeding pursuant to Sections by the custodian of the record may be forwarded
159.601 through 159.608, a hearing is presumed to a responding tribunal. The copy is evidence of
to have been requested primarily for delay if a facts asserted in it and is admissible to show
registered support order is confirmed or enforced whether payments were made.
without change.

(d) Copies of bills for testing for foreign country, or political subdivision. A
parentage and for prenatal and postnatal health tribunal of this state may furnish similar
care of the mother and child that are furnished to information by similar means to a tribunal of
the adverse party not less than 10 days before the another state or of a foreign country or political
date of trial are admissible in evidence to prove subdivision.
the amount of the charges billed and that the
charges were reasonable, necessary, and § 159.318. Assistance With Discovery
customary. A tribunal of this state may:
(e) Documentary evidence transmitted (1) request a tribunal of another state to
from another state to a tribunal of this state by assist in obtaining discovery; and
telephone, telecopier, or another means that does (2) on request, compel a person over
not provide an original record may not be whom the tribunal has jurisdiction to respond to a
excluded from evidence on an objection based on discovery order issued by a tribunal of another
the means of transmission. state.
(f) In a proceeding under this chapter, a
tribunal of this state shall permit a party or § 159.319. Receipt and Disbursement of
witness residing in another state to be deposed or Payments (amended 2003)
to testify by telephone, audiovisual means, or (a) A support enforcement agency or
other electronic means at a designated tribunal or tribunal of this state shall disburse promptly any
other location in that state. A tribunal of this state amounts received under a support order, as
shall cooperate with a tribunal of another state in directed by the order. The agency or tribunal shall
designating an appropriate location for the furnish to a requesting party or tribunal of another
deposition or testimony. state a certified statement by the custodian of the
(g) If a party called to testify at a civil record of the amounts and dates of all payments
hearing refuses to answer on the ground that the received.
testimony may be self-incriminating, the trier of (b) If the obligor, the obligee who is an
fact may draw an adverse inference from the individual, and the child do not reside in this state,
refusal. on request from the support enforcement agency
(h) A privilege against disclosure of of this state or another state, the support
communications between spouses does not apply enforcement agency of this state or a tribunal of
in a proceeding under this chapter. this state shall:
(I) The defense of immunity based on the (1) direct that the support payment be
relationship of husband and wife or parent and made to the support enforcement agency in the
child does not apply in a proceeding under this state in which the obligee is receiving services;
chapter. and
(j) A voluntary acknowledgment of (2) issue and send to the obligor's
paternity, certified as a true copy, is admissible to employer a conforming income-withholding order
establish parentage of the child. or an administrative notice of change of payee
reflecting the redirected payments.
§ 159.317. Communications Between Tribunals (c) The support enforcement agency of
(amended 2003) this state on receiving redirected payments from
A tribunal of this state may communicate another state under a law similar to Subsection (b)
with a tribunal of another state or of a foreign shall provide to a requesting party or a tribunal of
country or political subdivision in a record, by the other state a certified statement by the
telephone, or by other means, to obtain custodian of the record of the amount and dates of
information concerning the laws, the legal effect all payments received.
of a judgment, decree, or order of that tribunal,
and the status of a proceeding in the other state,

SUBCHAPTER E. ESTABLISHMENT OF § 159.502. Employer's Compliance With
SUPPORT ORDER Income-Withholding Order of Another State
(amended 2003)
§ 159.401. Petition to Establish Support Order (a) On receipt of an income-withholding
(amended 2003) order, the obligor's employer shall immediately
(a) If a support order entitled to provide a copy of the order to the obligor.
recognition under this chapter has not been issued, (b) The employer shall treat an
a responding tribunal of this state may issue a income-withholding order issued in another state
support order if: that appears regular on its face as if the order had
(1) the individual seeking the order been issued by a tribunal of this state.
resides in another state; or (c) Except as otherwise provided in
(2) the support enforcement agency Subsection (d) and Section 159.503, the employer
seeking the order is located in another state. shall withhold and distribute the funds as directed
(b) The tribunal may issue a temporary in the withholding order by complying with terms
child support order if the tribunal determines that of the order that specify:
the order is appropriate and the individual ordered (1) the duration and amount of periodic
to pay is: payments of current child support, stated as a sum
(1) a presumed father of the child; certain;
(2) a man petitioning to have his paternity (2) the person designated to receive
adjudicated; payments and the address to which the payments
(3) a man identified as the father of the are to be forwarded;
child through genetic testing; (3) medical support, whether in the form
(4) an alleged father who has declined to of periodic cash payments, stated as a sum certain,
submit to genetic testing; or ordering the obligor to provide health insurance
(5) a man shown by clear and convincing coverage for the child under a policy available
evidence to be the father of the child; through the obligor's employment;
(6) an acknowledged father as provided (4) the amount of periodic payments of
by applicable state law; fees and costs for a support enforcement agency,
(7) the mother of the child; or the issuing tribunal, and the obligee's attorney,
(8) an individual who has been ordered to stated as sums certain; and
pay child support in a previous proceeding and the (5) the amount of periodic payments of
order has not been reversed or vacated. arrearages and interest on arrearages, stated as
sums certain.
SUBCHAPTER F. ENFORCEMENT OF (d) An employer shall comply with the
ORDER OF ANOTHER STATE WITHOUT law of the state of the obligor's principal place of
REGISTRATION employment for withholding from income with
respect to:
§ 159.501. Employer's Receipt of (1) the employer's fee for processing an
Income-Withholding Order of Another State income-withholding order;
(amended 2003) (2) the maximum amount permitted to be
An income-withholding order issued in withheld from the obligor's income; and
another state may be sent by or on behalf of the (3) the times within which the employer
obligee or by the support enforcement agency to must implement the withholding order and
the person defined as the obligor's employer under forward the child support payment.
Chapter 158 without first filing a petition or
comparable pleading or registering the order with
a tribunal of this state.

§ 159.503. Employer’s Compliance With Two (3) the person designated to receive
or More Income-Withholding Orders (amended payments in the income- withholding order or to
2003) the obligee, if no person is designated.
If an obligor's employer receives two or
more income-withholding orders with respect to § 159.507. Administrative Enforcement of
the earnings of the same obligor, the employer Orders (amended 2003)
satisfies the terms of the orders if the employer (a) A party or support enforcement agency
complies with the law of the state of the obligor's seeking to enforce a support order or an
principal place of employment to establish the income-withholding order, or both, issued by a
priorities for withholding and allocating income tribunal of another state may send the documents
withheld for two or more child support obligees. required for registering the order to a support
enforcement agency of this state.
§ 159.504. Immunity From Civil Liability (b) On receipt of the documents, the
An employer who complies with an support enforcement agency, without initially
income-withholding order issued in another state seeking to register the order, shall consider and, if
in accordance with this subchapter is not subject appropriate, use any administrative procedure
to civil liability to an individual or agency with authorized by the law of this state to enforce a
regard to the employer's withholding of child support order or an income-withholding order, or
support from the obligor's income. both. If the obligor does not contest
administrative enforcement, the order need not be
§ 159.505. Penalties for Noncompliance registered. If the obligor contests the validity or
An employer who wilfully fails to comply administrative enforcement of the order, the
with an income-withholding order issued by support enforcement agency shall register the
another state and received for enforcement is order under this chapter.
subject to the same penalties that may be imposed
for noncompliance with an order issued by a SUBCHAPTER G. REGISTRATION,
tribunal of this state. ENFORCEMENT AND MODIFICATION
§ 159.506. Contest by Obligor (amended 2003)
(a) An obligor may contest the validity or § 159.601. Registration of Order for
enforcement of an income-withholding order Enforcement
issued in another state and received directly by an A support order or income-withholding
employer in this state by registering the order in a order issued by a tribunal of another state may be
tribunal of this state and: registered in this state for enforcement.
(1) filing a contest to that order under
Subchapter G; or § 159.602. Procedure to Register Order for
(2) contesting the order in the same Enforcement (amended 2001, 2003)
manner as if the order had been issued by a (a) A support order or income-
tribunal of this state. withholding order of another state may be
(b) The obligor shall give notice of the registered in this state by sending to the
contest to: appropriate tribunal in this state:
(1) a support enforcement agency (1) a letter of transmittal to the tribunal
providing services to the obligee; requesting registration and enforcement;
(2) each employer that has directly (2) two copies, including one certified
received an income-withholding order relating to copy, of the order to be registered, including any
the obligor; and modification of the order;
(3) a sworn statement by the person
requesting registration or a certified statement by

the custodian of the records showing the amount § 159.604. Choice of Law (amended 2003)
of any arrearage; (a) Except as provided by Subsection (d),
(4) the name of the obligor and, if known: the law of the issuing state governs:
(A) the obligor's address and social (1) the nature, extent, amount, and
security number; duration of current payments under a registered
(B) the name and address of the obligor's support order;
employer and any other source of income of the (2) the computation and payment of
obligor; and arrearages and accrual of interest on the
(C) a description of and the location of arrearages under the support order; and
property of the obligor in this state not exempt (3) the existence and satisfaction of other
from execution; and obligations under the support order.
(5) except as otherwise provided by (b) In a proceeding for arrearages under a
Section 159.312, the name of the obligee and, if registered support order, the statute of limitation
applicable, the person to whom support payments of this state or of the issuing state, whichever is
are to be remitted. longer, applies.
(d) If two or more orders are in effect, the (c) A responding tribunal in this state
person requesting registration shall: shall apply the procedures and remedies of this
(1) provide to the tribunal a copy of each state to enforce current support and collect
support order and the documents specified in this arrearages and interest due on a support order of
section; another state registered in this state.
(2) identify the order alleged to be the (d) After a tribunal of this or another state
controlling order, if any; and determines which order is the controlling order
(3) state the amount of consolidated and issues an order consolidating arrearages, if
arrearages, if any. any, the tribunal of this state shall prospectively
(e) A request for a determination of which apply the law of the state issuing the controlling
order is the controlling order may be filed order, including that state's law on interest on
separately from or with a request for registration arrearages, current and future support, and
and enforcement or for registration and consolidated arrearages.
modification. The person requesting registration
shall give notice of the request to each party § 159.605. Notice of Registration of Order
whose rights may be affected by the (amended 2003)
determination. (a) When a support order or
income-withholding order issued in another state
§ 159.603. Effect of Registration for is registered, the registering tribunal shall notify
Enforcement the nonregistering party. The notice must be
(a) A support order or accompanied by a copy of the registered order and
income-withholding order issued in another state the documents and relevant information
is registered when the order is filed in the accompanying the order.
registering tribunal of this state. (b) A notice under this section must
(b) A registered order issued in another inform the nonregistering party:
state is enforceable in the same manner and is (1) that a registered order is enforceable
subject to the same procedures as an order issued as of the date of registration in the same manner
by a tribunal of this state. as an order issued by a tribunal of this state;
(c) Except as otherwise provided in this (2) that a hearing to contest the validity or
subchapter, a tribunal of this state shall recognize enforcement of the registered order must be
and enforce, but may not modify, a registered requested within 20 days after notice;
order if the issuing tribunal had jurisdiction.

(3) that failure to contest the validity or (b) If the nonregistering party fails to
enforcement of the registered order in a timely contest the validity or enforcement of the
manner: registered order in a timely manner, the order is
(A) will result in confirmation of the confirmed by operation of law.
order and enforcement of the order and the alleged (c) If a nonregistering party requests a
arrearages; and hearing to contest the validity or enforcement of
(B) precludes further contest of that order the registered order, the registering tribunal shall
with respect to any matter that could have been schedule the matter for hearing and give notice to
asserted; and the parties of the date, time, and place of the
(4) of the amount of any alleged hearing.
(c) If the registering party asserts that two § 159.607. Contest of Registration or
or more orders are in effect, the notice under this Enforcement (amended 2003)
section must also: (a) A party contesting the validity or
(1) identify: enforcement of a registered order or seeking to
(A) the orders, including which order is vacate the registration has the burden of proving
alleged by the registering person to be the one or more of the following defenses:
controlling order; and (1) the issuing tribunal lacked personal
(B) the consolidated arrearages, if any; jurisdiction over the contesting party;
(2) notify the nonregistering party of the (2) the order was obtained by fraud;
right to a determination of which order is the (3) the order has been vacated, suspended,
controlling order; or modified by a later order;
(3) state that the procedures provided in (4) the issuing tribunal has stayed the
Subsection (b) apply to the determination of order pending appeal;
which order is the controlling order; and (5) there is a defense under the law of this
(4) state that failure to contest the validity state to the remedy sought;
or enforcement of the order alleged to be the (6) full or partial payment has been made;
controlling order in a timely manner may result in (7) the statute of limitation under Section
confirmation that the order is the controlling 159.604 precludes enforcement of some or all of
order. the alleged arrearages; or
( d ) O n r e gi s t r a t i o n of a n (8) the alleged controlling order is not the
income-withholding order for enforcement, the controlling order.
registering tribunal shall notify the obligor's (b) If a party presents evidence
employer under Chapter 158. establishing a full or partial defense under
Subsection (a), a tribunal may stay enforcement of
§ 159.606. Procedure to Contest Validity or the registered order, continue the proceeding to
Enforcement of Registered Order permit production of additional relevant evidence,
(a) A nonregistering party seeking to and issue other appropriate orders. An
contest the validity or enforcement of a registered uncontested portion of the registered order may be
order in this state shall request a hearing within 20 enforced by all remedies available under the law
days after notice of the registration. The of this state.
nonregistering party may seek under Section (c) If the contesting party does not
159.607 to: establish a defense under Subsection (a) to the
(1) vacate the registration; validity or enforcement of the order, the
(2) assert any defense to an allegation of registering tribunal shall issue an order confirming
noncompliance with the registered order; or the order.
(3) contest the remedies being sought or
the amount of any alleged arrearages.

§ 159.608. Confirmed Order (2) this state is the state of residence of
Confirmation of a registered order, the child, or a party who is an individual, is
whether by operation of law or after notice and subject to the personal jurisdiction of the tribunal
hearing, precludes further contest of the order of this state and all of the parties who are
with respect to any matter that could have been individuals have filed consents in a record in the
asserted at the time of registration. issuing tribunal for a tribunal of this state to
modify the support order and assume continuing,
§ 159.609. Procedure to Register Child Support exclusive jurisdiction.
Order of Another State for Modification (c) Except as provided by Section
A party or support enforcement agency 159.615, a tribunal of this state may not modify
seeking to modify or to modify and enforce a any aspect of a child support order, including the
child support order issued in another state shall duration of the obligation of support, that may not
register that order in this state in the same manner be modified under the law of the issuing state. If
provided in Sections 159.601–159.604 if the order two or more tribunals have issued child support
has not been registered. A petition for orders for the same obligor and same child, the
modification may be filed at the same time as a order that controls and must be recognized under
request for registration or later. The pleading Section 159.207 establishes the aspects of the
must specify the grounds for modification. support order that are nonmodifiable.
(d) On issuance of an order by a tribunal
§ 159.610. Effect of Registration for of this state modifying a child support order
Modification (amended 2003) issued in another state, the tribunal of this state
A tribunal of this state may enforce a becomes the tribunal of continuing, exclusive
child support order of another state registered for jurisdiction.
purposes of modification in the same manner as if (e) In a proceeding to modify a child
the order had been issued by a tribunal of this support order, the law of the state that is
state, but the registered order may be modified determined to have issued the initial controlling
only if the requirements of Section 159.611, order governs the duration of the obligation of
159.613, or 159.615 have been met. support. The obligor's fulfillment of the duty of
support established by that order precludes
§ 159.611. Modification of Child Support imposition of a further obligation of support by a
Order of Another State (amended 2001, 2003, tribunal of this state.
(a) Except as provided by Section § 159.612. Recognition of Order Modified in
159.615, on petition a tribunal of this state may Another State (amended 2003)
modify a child support order issued in another If a child support order issued by a
state and registered in this state only if Section tribunal of this state is modified by a tribunal of
159.613 does not apply and after notice and another state that assumed jurisdiction under the
hearing the tribunal finds that: Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, a tribunal
(1) the following requirements are met: of this state:
(A) the child, the obligee who is an (1) may enforce the order that was
individual, and the obligor do not reside in the modified only as to arrearages and interest
issuing state; accruing before the modification;
(B) a petitioner who is a nonresident of (2) may provide appropriate relief for
this state seeks modification; and violations of the order that occurred before the
(C) the respondent is subject to the effective date of the modification; and
personal jurisdiction of the tribunal of this state; (3) shall recognize the modifying order of
or the other state, on registration, for the purpose of

§ 159.613. Jurisdiction to Modify Child (2) the individual seeking modification is
Support Order of Another State When a resident of this state or of the foreign country or
Individual Parties Reside in This State political subdivision.
(a) If all of the parties who are individuals (b) An order issued under this section is
reside in this state and the child does not reside in the controlling order.
the issuing state, a tribunal of this state has
jurisdiction to enforce and to modify the issuing
state's child support order in a proceeding to SUBCHAPTER H. DETERMINATION OF
register that order. PARENTAGE
(b) A tribunal of this state exercising
jurisdiction under this section shall apply the § 159.701. Proceeding to Determine Parentage
provisions of Sections 159.101 through 159.209 (amended 2003)
and 159.601 through 159.614 and the procedural A court of this state authorized to
and substantive law of this state to the proceeding determine the parentage of a child may serve as a
for enforcement or modification. Sections responding tribunal in a proceeding to determine
159.301 through 159.507 and 159.701 through parentage brought under this chapter or a law
159.802 do not apply. substantially similar to this chapter.

§ 159.614. Notice to Issuing Tribunal of SUBCHAPTER I. INTERSTATE

Modification RENDITION
Within 30 days after issuance of a
modified child support order, the party obtaining § 159.801. Grounds for Rendition (amended
the modification shall file a certified copy of the 2003)
order with the issuing tribunal that had (a) In this subchapter, "governor" includes
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over the earlier an individual performing the functions of
order and in each tribunal in which the party governor or the executive authority of a state
knows the earlier order has been registered. A covered by this chapter.
party who obtains the order and fails to file a (b) The governor of this state may:
certified copy is subject to appropriate sanctions (1) demand that the governor of another
by a tribunal in which the issue of failure to file state surrender an individual found in the other
arises. The failure to file does not affect the state who is charged criminally in this state with
validity or enforceability of the modified order of having failed to provide for the support of an
the new tribunal having continuing, exclusive obligee; or
jurisdiction. (2) on the demand of the governor of
another state, surrender an individual found in this
§ 159.615. Jurisdiction to Modify Child state who is charged criminally in the other state
Support Order of Foreign Country or Political with having failed to provide for the support of an
Subdivision (added 2003) obligee.
(a) If a foreign country or political (c) A provision for extradition of
subdivision that is a state refuses to modify its individuals not inconsistent with this chapter
order or may not under its law modify its order, a applies to the demand even if the individual
tribunal of this state may assume jurisdiction to whose surrender is demanded was not in the
modify the child support order and bind all demanding state when the crime was allegedly
individuals subject to the personal jurisdiction of committed and has not fled from that state.
the tribunal regardless of whether:
(1) consent to modification of a child
support order has been given under Section
159.611; or

§ 159.802. Conditions of Rendition (amended CHAPTER 160. UNIFORM
2003) PARENTAGE ACT (2001)
(a) Before making a demand that the
governor of another state surrender an individual SUBCHAPTER A. APPLICATION
charged criminally in this state with having failed AND CONSTRUCTION
to provide for the support of an obligee, the
governor may require a prosecutor of this state to § 160.001. Application and Construction
demonstrate: This chapter shall be applied and
(1) that not less than 60 days before the construed to promote the uniformity of the law
date of the demand, the obligee had initiated among the states that enact the Uniform Parentage
proceedings for support under this chapter; or Act.
(2) that initiating the proceeding would be
of no avail. § 160.002. Conflicts Between Provisions
(b) If, under this chapter or a law If a provision of this chapter conflicts
substantially similar to this chapter, the governor with another provision of this title or another state
of another state makes a demand that the governor statute or rule and the conflict cannot be
of this state surrender an individual charged reconciled, this chapter prevails.
criminally in that state with having failed to
provide for the support of a child or other SUBCHAPTER B. GENERAL
individual to whom a duty of support is owed, the PROVISIONS
governor may require a prosecutor to investigate
the demand and report whether a proceeding for § 160.101. Short Title
support has been initiated or would be effective. This chapter may be cited as the Uniform
If it appears that a proceeding would be effective Parentage Act.
but has not been initiated, the governor may delay
honoring the demand for a reasonable time to § 160.102. Definitions (amended 2007)
permit the initiation of a proceeding. In this chapter:
(c) If a proceeding for support has been (1) "Adjudicated father" means a man
initiated and the individual whose rendition is who has been adjudicated by a court to be the
demanded prevails, the governor may decline to father of a child.
honor the demand. If the petitioner prevails and (2) "Assisted reproduction" means a
the individual whose rendition is demanded is method of causing pregnancy other than sexual
subject to a support order, the governor may intercourse. The term includes:
decline to honor the demand if the individual is (A) intrauterine insemination;
complying with the support order. (B) donation of eggs;
(C) donation of embryos;
SUBCHAPTER J. MISCELLANEOUS (D) in vitro fertilization and transfer of
PROVISIONS embryos; and
(E) intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
§ 159.901. Uniformity of Application and (3) "Child" means an individual of any
Construction (amended 2003) age whose parentage may be determined under
In applying and construing this chapter, this chapter.
consideration must be given to the need to (4) "Commence" means to file the initial
promote uniformity of the law with respect to the pleading seeking an adjudication of parentage in
subject matter of this chapter among states that a court of this state.
enact a law similar to this chapter. (5) "Determination of parentage" means
the establishment of the parent-child relationship
by the signing of a valid acknowledgment of

paternity under Subchapter D or by an markers of the tested man, the mother of the child,
adjudication by a court. and the child, conditioned on the hypothesis that
(6) "Donor" means an individual who the tested man is the father of the child; and
provides eggs or sperm to a licensed physician to (B) the likelihood that the tested man is
be used for assisted reproduction, regardless of not the father of the child, based on the genetic
whether the egg or sperm are provided for markers of the tested man, the mother of the child,
consideration. The term does not include: and the child, conditioned on the hypothesis that
(A) a husband who provides sperm or a the tested man is not the father of the child and
wife who provides eggs to be used for assisted that the father of the child is of the same ethnic or
reproduction by the wife; racial group as the tested man.
(B) a woman who gives birth to a child by (13) "Presumed father" means a man who,
means of assisted reproduction; or by operation of law under Section 160.204, is
(C) an unmarried man who, with the recognized as the father of a child until that status
intent to be the father of the resulting child, is rebutted or confirmed in a judicial proceeding.
provides sperm to be used for assisted (14) "Probability of paternity" means the
reproduction by an unmarried woman, as provided probability, with respect to the ethnic or racial
by Section 160.7031. group to which the alleged father belongs, that the
(7) "Ethnic or racial group" means, for alleged father is the father of the child, compared
purposes of genetic testing, a recognized group to a random, unrelated man of the same ethnic or
that an individual identifies as all or part of the racial group, expressed as a percentage
individual's ancestry or that is identified by other incorporating the paternity index and a prior
information. probability.
(8) "Genetic testing" means an analysis of (15) "Record" means information that is
an individual's genetic markers to exclude or inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in
identify a man as the father of a child or a woman an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in
as the mother of a child. The term includes an a perceivable form.
analysis of one or more of the following: (16) "Signatory" means an individual who
(A) deoxyribonucleic acid; and authenticates a record and is bound by its terms.
(B) blood-group antigens, red-cell (17) "Support enforcement agency" means
antigens, human-leukocyte antigens, serum a public official or public agency authorized to
enzymes, serum proteins, or red-cell enzymes. seek:
(9) "Intended parents" means individuals (A) the enforcement of child support
who enter into an agreement providing that the orders or laws relating to the duty of support;
individuals will be the parents of a child born to a (B) the establishment or modification of
gestational mother by means of assisted child support;
reproduction, regardless of whether either (C) the determination of parentage;
individual has a genetic relationship with the (D) the location of child-support obligors
child. and their income and assets; or
(10) "Man" means a male individual of (E) the conservatorship of a child or the
any age. termination of parental rights.
(11) "Parent" means an individual who
has established a parent-child relationship under § 160.103. Scope of Chapter; Choice of Law
Section 160.201. (amended 2003, 2009)
(12) "Paternity index" means the (a) Except as provided by Chapter 233,
likelihood of paternity determined by calculating this chapter governs every determination of
the ratio between: parentage in this state.
(A) the likelihood that the tested man is
the father of the child, based on the genetic

(b) The court shall apply the law of this (1) an unrebutted presumption of the
state to adjudicate the parent-child relationship. man's paternity of the child under Section
The applicable law does not depend on: 160.204;
(1) the place of birth of the child; or (2) an effective acknowledgment of
(2) the past or present residence of the paternity by the man under Subchapter D, unless
child. the acknowledgment has been rescinded or
(c) This chapter does not create, enlarge, successfully challenged;
or diminish parental rights or duties under another (3) an adjudication of the man's paternity;
law of this state. (4) the adoption of the child by the man;
§ 160.104. Authorized Courts (5) the man's consenting to assisted
The following courts are authorized to reproduction by his wife under Subchapter H,
adjudicate parentage under this chapter: which resulted in the birth of the child.
(1) a court with jurisdiction to hear a suit
affecting the parent-child relationship under this § 160.202. No Discrimination Based on Marital
title; or Status
(2) a court with jurisdiction to adjudicate A child born to parents who are not
parentage under another law of this state. married to each other has the same rights under
the law as a child born to parents who are married
§ 160.105. Protection of Participants to each other.
A proceeding under this chapter is subject
to the other laws of this state governing the health, § 160.203. Consequences of Establishment of
safety, privacy, and liberty of a child or any other Parentage
individual who may be jeopardized by the Unless parental rights are terminated, a
disclosure of identifying information, including parent-child relationship established under this
the person's address, telephone number, place of chapter applies for all purposes, except as
employment, and social security number and the otherwise provided by another law of this state.
name of the child's day-care facility and school.
§ 160.204. Presumption of Paternity in Context
§ 160.106. Determination of Maternity of Marriage (amended 2003)
The provisions of this chapter relating to (a) A man is presumed to be the father of
the determination of paternity apply to a a child if:
determination of maternity. (1) he is married to the mother of the child
and the child is born during the marriage;
SUBCHAPTER C. PARENT-CHILD (2) he is married to the mother of the child
RELATIONSHIP and the child is born before the 301st day after the
date the marriage is terminated by death,
§ 160.201. Establishment of Parent-Child annulment, declaration of invalidity, or divorce;
Relationship (3) he married the mother of the child
(a) The mother-child relationship is before the birth of the child in apparent
established between a woman and a child by: compliance with law, even if the attempted
(1) the woman giving birth to the child; marriage is or could be declared invalid, and the
(2) an adjudication of the woman's child is born during the invalid marriage or before
maternity; or the 301st day after the date the marriage is
(3) the adoption of the child by the terminated by death, annulment, declaration of
woman. invalidity, or divorce; or
(b) The father-child relationship is (4) he married the mother of the child
established between a man and a child by: after the birth of the child in apparent compliance

with law, regardless of whether the marriage is or (4) state whether there has been genetic
could be declared invalid, he voluntarily asserted testing and, if so, that the acknowledging man's
his paternity of the child, and: claim of paternity is consistent with the results of
(A) the assertion is in a record filed with the testing; and
the bureau of vital statistics; (5) state that the signatories understand
(B) he is voluntarily named as the child's that the acknowledgment is the equivalent of a
father on the child's birth certificate; or judicial adjudication of the paternity of the child
©) he promised in a record to support the and that a challenge to the acknowledgment is
child as his own; or permitted only under limited circumstances and is
(5) during the first two years of the child’s barred after four years.
life, he continuously resided in the household in (b) An acknowledgment of paternity is
which the child resided and he represented to void if it:
others that the child was his own. (1) states that another man is a presumed
(b) A presumption of paternity established father of the child, unless a denial of paternity
under this section may be rebutted only by signed or otherwise authenticated by the presumed
(1) an adjudication under Subchapter G; father is filed with the bureau of vital statistics;
or (2) states that another man is an
(2) the filing of a valid denial of paternity acknowledged or adjudicated father of the child;
by a presumed father in conjunction with the or
filing by another person of a valid (3) falsely denies the existence of a
acknowledgment of paternity as provided by presumed, acknowledged, or adjudicated father of
Section 160.305. the child.
(c) A presumed father may sign or
SUBCHAPTER D. VOLUNTARY otherwise authenticate an acknowledgment of

§ 160.301. Acknowledgment of Paternity § 160.303. Denial of Paternity

(amended 2003) A presumed father of a child may sign a
The mother of a child and a man claiming denial of his paternity. The denial is valid only if:
to be the biological father of the child may sign an (1) an acknowledgment of paternity
acknowledgment of paternity with the intent to signed or otherwise authenticated by another man
establish the man's paternity. is filed under Section 160.305;
(2) the denial is in a record and is signed
§ 160.302. Execution of Acknowledgment of or otherwise authenticated under penalty of
Paternity perjury; and
(a) An acknowledgment of paternity must: (3) the presumed father has not
(1) be in a record; previously:
(2) be signed, or otherwise authenticated, (A) acknowledged paternity of the child,
under penalty of perjury by the mother and the unless the previous acknowledgment has been
man seeking to establish paternity; rescinded under Section 160.307 or successfully
(3) state that the child whose paternity is challenged under Section 160.308; or
being acknowledged: (B) been adjudicated to be the father of
(A) does not have a presumed father or the child.
has a presumed father whose full name is stated;
and § 160.304. Rules for Acknowledgment and
(B) does not have another acknowledged Denial of Paternity
or adjudicated father; (a) An acknowledgment of paternity and
a denial of paternity may be contained in a single

document or in different documents and may be (2) the date of the first hearing in a
filed separately or simultaneously. If the proceeding to which the signatory is a party
acknowledgment and denial are both necessary, before a court to adjudicate an issue relating to the
neither document is valid until both documents child, including a proceeding that establishes child
are filed. support.
(b) An acknowledgment of paternity or a
denial of paternity may be signed before the birth § 160.308. Challenge After Expiration of
of the child. Period for Rescission (amended 2005)
(c) Subject to Subsection (a), an (a) After the period for rescission under
acknowledgment of paternity or denial of Section 160.307 has expired, a signatory of an
paternity takes effect on the date of the birth of acknowledgment of paternity or denial of
the child or the filing of the document with the paternity may commence a proceeding to
bureau of vital statistics, whichever occurs later. challenge the acknowledgment or denial only on
(d) An acknowledgment of paternity or the basis of fraud, duress, or material mistake of
denial of paternity signed by a minor is valid if it fact. The proceeding must be commenced before
otherwise complies with this chapter. the fourth anniversary of the date the
acknowledgment or denial is filed with the bureau
§ 160.305. Effect of Acknowledgment or Denial of vital statistics unless the signatory was a minor
of Paternity on the date the signatory executed the
(a) Except as provided by Sections acknowledgment or denial. If the signatory was a
160.307 and 160.308, a valid acknowledgment of minor on the date the signatory executed the
paternity filed with the bureau of vital statistics is acknowledgment or denial, the proceeding must
the equivalent of an adjudication of the paternity be commenced before the earlier of the fourth
of a child and confers on the acknowledged father anniversary of the date of:
all rights and duties of a parent. (1) the signatory's 18th birthday; or
(b) Except as provided by Sections (2) the removal of the signatory's
160.307 and 160.308, a valid denial of paternity disabilities of minority by court order, marriage,
filed with the bureau of vital statistics in or by other operation of law.
conjunction with a valid acknowledgment of (b) A party challenging an
paternity is the equivalent of an adjudication of acknowledgment of paternity or denial of
the nonpaternity of the presumed father and paternity has the burden of proof.
discharges the presumed father from all rights and (c) Notwithstanding any other provision
duties of a parent. of this chapter, a collateral attack on an
acknowledgment of paternity signed under this
§ 160.306. Filing Fee Not Required chapter may not be maintained after the fourth
The bureau of vital statistics may not anniversary of the date the acknowledgment of
charge a fee for filing an acknowledgment of paternity is filed with the bureau of vital statistics
paternity or denial of paternity. unless the signatory was a minor on the date the
signatory executed the acknowledgment. If the
§ 160.307. Proceeding for Rescission signatory was a minor on the date the signatory
A signatory may rescind an executed the acknowledgment, a collateral attack
acknowledgment of paternity or denial of on the acknowledgment of paternity may not be
paternity by commencing a proceeding to rescind maintained after the earlier of the fourth
before the earlier of: anniversary of the date of:
(1) the 60th day after the effective date of (1) the signatory's 18th birthday; or
the acknowledgment or denial, as provided by (2) the removal of the signatory's
Section 160.304; or disabilities of minority by court order, marriage,
or by other operation of law.

(d) For purposes of Subsection (a), denial of paternity that is effective in another state
evidence that, based on genetic testing, the man if the acknowledgment or denial has been signed
who is the signatory of an acknowledgment of and is otherwise in compliance with the law of the
paternity is not rebuttably identified as the father other state.
of a child in accordance with Section 160.505
constitutes a material mistake of fact. § 160.312. Forms for Acknowledgment and
Denial of Paternity
§ 160.309. Procedure for Rescission or (a) To facilitate compliance with this
Challenge subchapter, the bureau of vital statistics shall
(a) Each signatory to an acknowledgment prescribe forms for the acknowledgment of
of paternity and any related denial of paternity paternity and the denial of paternity.
must be made a party to a proceeding to rescind or (b) A valid acknowledgment of paternity
challenge the acknowledgment or denial of or denial of paternity is not affected by a later
paternity. modification of the prescribed form.
(b) For purposes of the rescission of or a
challenge to an acknowledgment of paternity or § 160.313. Release of Information
denial of paternity, a signatory submits to the The bureau of vital statistics may release
personal jurisdiction of this state by signing the information relating to the acknowledgment of
acknowledgment or denial. The jurisdiction is paternity or denial of paternity to a signatory of
effective on the filing of the document with the the acknowledgment or denial and to the courts
bureau of vital statistics. and Title IV-D agency of this or another state.
(c) Except for good cause shown, while a
proceeding is pending to rescind or challenge an § 160.314. Adoption of Rules
acknowledgment of paternity or a denial of The Title IV-D agency and the bureau of
paternity, the court may not suspend the legal vital statistics may adopt rules to implement this
responsibilities of a signatory arising from the subchapter.
acknowledgment, including the duty to pay child
support. § 160.315. Memorandum of Understanding
(d) A proceeding to rescind or to (a) The Title IV-D agency and the bureau
challenge an acknowledgment of paternity or a of vital statistics shall adopt a memorandum of
denial of paternity shall be conducted in the same understanding governing the collection and
manner as a proceeding to adjudicate parentage transfer of information for the voluntary
under Subchapter G. acknowledgment of paternity.
(e) At the conclusion of a proceeding to (b) The Title IV-D agency and the bureau
rescind or challenge an acknowledgment of of vital statistics shall review the memorandum
paternity or a denial of paternity, the court shall semiannually and renew or modify the
order the bureau of vital statistics to amend the memorandum as necessary.
birth record of the child, if appropriate.
§ 160.316. Suit to Contest Voluntary Statement
§ 160.310. Ratification Barred of Paternity
A court or administrative agency (a) A man who executed a voluntary
conducting a judicial or administrative proceeding statement of paternity before September 1, 1999,
may not ratify an unchallenged acknowledgment and who, on the basis of that statement, is the
of paternity. subject of a final order declaring him to be a
parent of the child who is the subject of the
§ 160.311. Full Faith and Credit statement may file a suit affecting the parent-child
A court of this state shall give full faith relationship to contest the statement on the basis
and credit to an acknowledgment of paternity or a of fraud, duress, or material mistake of fact in the

same manner that a person may contest an (h) This section expires September 1,
acknowledgment of paternity under Sections 2004.
160.308 and 160.309. For purposes of this
subsection, evidence that, based on genetic SUBCHAPTER E. REGISTRY OF
testing, the man is not rebuttably identified as the PATERNITY
father of a child in accordance with Section
160.505 constitutes a material mistake of fact. § 160.401. Establishment of Registry
(b) A suit filed under this section to A registry of paternity is established in
contest a voluntary statement of paternity is not the bureau of vital statistics.
affected by an order with respect to the child that
was rendered on the basis of that statement. § 160.402. Registration for Notification
(c) The court, on a preliminary finding in (a) Except as otherwise provided by
a suit under this section that there is credible Subsection (b), a man who desires to be notified
evidence of fraud, duress, or material mistake of of a proceeding for the adoption of or the
fact regarding the execution of the voluntary termination of parental rights regarding a child
statement of paternity, shall order genetic testing that he may have fathered may register with the
as provided by Subchapter F. The person registry of paternity:
contesting the voluntary statement of paternity (1) before the birth of the child; or
shall pay the cost of the testing. (2) not later than the 31st day after the
(d) Except as provided by Subsection (e), date of the birth of the child.
if the results of the genetic testing do not (b) A man is entitled to notice of a
rebuttably identify the man as the father of the proceeding described by Subsection (a) regardless
child in accordance with Section 160.505, the of whether he registers with the registry of
court shall set aside: paternity if:
(1) the final order declaring the man to be (1) a father-child relationship between the
a parent of the child; and man and the child has been established under this
(2) any other order with respect to the chapter or another law; or
child that was rendered on the basis of the (2) the man commences a proceeding to
voluntary statement of paternity. adjudicate his paternity before the court has
(e) The court may not set aside under terminated his parental rights.
Subsection (d) a final order declaring a man to be (c) A registrant shall promptly notify the
a parent of a child if the man who executed the registry in a record of any change in the
voluntary statement of paternity: information provided by the registrant. The
(1) executed the statement knowing that bureau of vital statistics shall incorporate all new
he was not the father of the child; or information received into its records but is not
(2) subsequently adopted the child. required to affirmatively seek to obtain current
(f) If the court sets aside a final order as information for incorporation in the registry.
provided by Subsection (d), the court shall order
the bureau of vital statistics to amend the birth § 160.403. Notice of Proceeding (amended 2007)
record of the child. The court may not as a result Except as provided by Sections
of the order being set aside: 161.002(b)(2), (3), and (4) and (f), notice of a
(1) require an obligee to repay child proceeding to adopt or to terminate parental rights
support paid by the man who executed the regarding a child must be given to a registrant
voluntary statement of paternity; or who has timely registered with regard to that
(2) award damages to the man who child. Notice must be given in a manner
executed the voluntary statement of paternity. prescribed for service of process in a civil action.
(g) A suit under this section must be filed
before September 1, 2003.

§ 160.404. Termination of Parental Rights: (b) Information contained in the registry
Failure to Register is confidential and may be released on request
The parental rights of a man alleged to be only to:
the father of a child may be terminated without (1) a court or a person designated by the
notice as provided by Section 161.002 if the man: court;
(1) did not timely register with the bureau (2) the mother of the child who is the
of vital statistics; and subject of the registration;
(2) is not entitled to notice under Section (3) an agency authorized by another law
160.402 or 161.002. to receive the information;
(4) a licensed child-placing agency;
§ 160.411. Required Form (5) a support enforcement agency;
The bureau of vital statistics shall adopt a (6) a party, or the party's attorney of
form for registering with the registry. The form record, to a proceeding under this chapter or a
must require the signature of the registrant. The proceeding to adopt or to terminate parental rights
form must state that: regarding a child who is the subject of the
(1) the form is signed under penalty of registration; and
perjury; (7) the registry of paternity in another
(2) a timely registration entitles the state.
registrant to notice of a proceeding for adoption of
the child or for termination of the registrant's § 160.413. Offense: Unauthorized Release of
parental rights; Information
(3) a timely registration does not (a) A person commits an offense if the
commence a proceeding to establish paternity; person intentionally releases information from the
(4) the information disclosed on the form registry of paternity to another person, including
may be used against the registrant to establish an agency, that is not authorized to receive the
paternity; information under Section 160.412.
(5) services to assist in establishing (b) An offense under this section is a
paternity are available to the registrant through the Class A misdemeanor.
support enforcement agency;
(6) the registrant should also register in § 160.414. Rescission of Registration
another state if the conception or birth of the child A registrant may rescind his registration
occurred in the other state; at any time by sending to the registry a rescission
(7) information on registries in other in a record or another manner authenticated by
states is available from the bureau of vital him and witnessed or notarized.
statistics; and
(8) procedures exist to rescind the § 160.415. Untimely Registration (amended
registration of a claim of paternity. 2007)
If a man registers later than the 31st day
§ 160.412. Furnishing of Information; after the date of the birth of the child, the bureau
Confidentiality of vital statistics shall notify the registrant that the
(a) The bureau of vital statistics is not registration was not timely filed.
required to attempt to locate the mother of a child
who is the subject of a registration. The bureau of § 160.416. Fees for Registry
vital statistics shall send a copy of the notice of (a) A fee may not be charged for filing a
the registration to a mother who has provided an registration or to rescind a registration.
address. (b) Except as otherwise provided by
Subsection (c), the bureau of vital statistics may

charge a reasonable fee for making a search of the (d) A search of the registry is not required
registry and for furnishing a certificate. if a parent-child relationship exists between a man
(c) A support enforcement agency is not and the child, as provided by Section 160.201(b),
required to pay a fee authorized by Subsection (b). and that man:
(1) has been served 2ith citation of the
§ 160.421. Search of Appropriate Registry proceeding for termination of the parent-child
(amended 2007) relationship; or
(a) If a father-child relationship has not (2) has signed a relinquishment of
been established under this chapter, a petitioner parental rights with regard to the child.
for the adoption of or the termination of parental
rights regarding the child must obtain a certificate § 160.423. Admissibility of Certificate
of the results of a search of the registry. The A certificate of the results of a search of
petitioner may request a search of the registry on the registry in this state or of a paternity registry
or after the 32nd day after the date of the birth of in another state is admissible in a proceeding for
the child, and the bureau of vital statistics may not the adoption of or the termination of parental
by rule impose a waiting period that must elapse rights regarding a child and, if relevant, in other
before the bureau will conduct the requested legal proceedings.
(b) If the petitioner for the adoption of or SUBCHAPTER F. GENETIC TESTING
the termination of parental rights regarding a child
has reason to believe that the conception or birth § 160.501. Application of Subchapter
of the child may have occurred in another state, This subchapter governs genetic testing of
the petitioner must obtain a certificate of the an individual to determine parentage, regardless
results of a search of the paternity registry, if any, of whether the individual:
in the other state. (1) voluntarily submits to testing; or
(2) is tested under an order of a court or a
§ 160.422. Certificate of Search of Registry support enforcement agency.
(amended 2007)
(a) The bureau of vital statistics shall § 160.502. Order for Testing
furnish a certificate of the results of a search of (a) Except as otherwise provided by this
the registry on request by an individual, a court, or subchapter and by Subchapter G, a court shall
an agency listed in Section 160.412(b). order a child and other designated individuals to
(b) The certificate of the results of a submit to genetic testing if the request is made by
search must be signed on behalf of the bureau and a party to a proceeding to determine parentage.
state that: (b) If a request for genetic testing of a
(1) a search has been made of the registry; child is made before the birth of the child, the
and court or support enforcement agency may not
(2) a registration containing the order in utero testing.
information required to identify the registrant: (c) If two or more men are subject to
(A) has been found and is attached to the court-ordered genetic testing, the testing may be
certificate; or ordered concurrently or sequentially.
(B) has not been found.
(c) A petitioner must file the certificate of § 160.503. Requirements for Genetic Testing
the results of a search of the registry with the (a) Genetic testing must be of a type
court before a proceeding for the adoption of or reasonably relied on by experts in the field of
termination of parental rights regarding a child genetic testing. The testing must be performed in
may be concluded. a testing laboratory accredited by:

(1) the American Association of Blood § 160.504. Report of Genetic Testing
Banks, or a successor to its functions; (a) A report of the results of genetic
(2) the American Society for testing must be in a record and signed under
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, or a penalty of perjury by a designee of the testing
successor to its functions; or laboratory. A report made under the requirements
(3) an accrediting body designated by the of this subchapter is self-authenticating.
federal secretary of health and human services. (b) Documentation from the testing
(b) A specimen used in genetic testing laboratory is sufficient to establish a reliable chain
may consist of one or more samples, or a of custody that allows the results of genetic
combination of samples, of blood, buccal cells, testing to be admissible without testimony if the
bone, hair, or other body tissue or fluid. The documentation includes:
specimen used in the testing is not required to be (1) the name and photograph of each
of the same kind for each individual undergoing individual whose specimens have been taken;
genetic testing. (2) the name of each individual who
(c) Based on the ethnic or racial group of collected the specimens;
an individual, the testing laboratory shall (3) the places in which the specimens
determine the databases from which to select were collected and the date of each collection;
frequencies for use in the calculation of the (4) the name of each individual who
probability of paternity of the individual. If there received the specimens in the testing laboratory;
is disagreement as to the testing laboratory's and
choice: (5) the dates the specimens were received.
(1) the objecting individual may require
the testing laboratory, not later than the 30th day § 160.505. Genetic Testing Results; Rebuttal
after the date of receipt of the report of the test, to (a) A man is rebuttably identified as the
recalculate the probability of paternity using an father of a child under this chapter if the genetic
ethnic or racial group different from that used by testing complies with this subchapter and the
the laboratory; results disclose:
(2) the individual objecting to the testing (1) that the man has at least a 99 percent
laboratory's initial choice shall: probability of paternity, using a prior probability
(A) if the frequencies are not available to of 0.5, as calculated by using the combined
the testing laboratory for the ethnic or racial group paternity index obtained in the testing; and
requested, provide the requested frequencies (2) a combined paternity index of at least
compiled in a manner recognized by accrediting 100 to 1.
bodies; or (b) A man identified as the father of a
(B) engage another testing laboratory to child under Subsection (a) may rebut the genetic
perform the calculations; and testing results only by producing other genetic
(3) the testing laboratory may use its own testing satisfying the requirements of this
statistical estimate if there is a question regarding subchapter that:
which ethnic or racial group is appropriate and, if (1) excludes the man as a genetic father of
available, shall calculate the frequencies using the child; or
statistics for any other ethnic or racial group (2) identifies another man as the possible
requested. father of the child.
(d) If, after recalculation using a different (c) Except as otherwise provided by
ethnic or racial group, genetic testing does not Section 160.510, if more than one man is
rebuttably identify a man as the father of a child identified by genetic testing as the possible father
under Section 160.505, an individual who has of the child, the court shall order each man to
been tested may be required to submit to submit to further genetic testing to identify the
additional genetic testing. genetic father.

§ 160.506. Costs of Genetic Testing § 160.510. Identical Brothers
(a) Subject to the assessment of costs (a) The court may order genetic testing of
under Subchapter G, the cost of initial genetic a brother of a man identified as the father of a
testing must be advanced: child if the man is commonly believed to have an
(1) by a support enforcement agency, if identical brother and evidence suggests that the
the agency is providing services in the proceeding; brother may be the genetic father of the child.
(2) by the individual who made the (b) If each brother satisfies the
request; requirements of Section 160.505 for being the
(3) as agreed by the parties; or identified father of the child and there is not
(4) as ordered by the court. another identical brother being identified as the
(b) In cases in which the cost of genetic father of the child, the court may rely on
testing is advanced by the support enforcement nongenetic evidence to adjudicate which brother
agency, the agency may seek reimbursement from is the father of the child.
a man who is rebuttably identified as the father.
§ 160.511. Offense: Unauthorized Release of
§ 160.507. Additional Genetic Testing Specimen
The court or the support enforcement (a) A person commits an offense if the
agency shall order additional genetic testing on person intentionally releases an identifiable
the request of a party who contests the result of specimen of another person for any purpose not
the original testing. If the previous genetic testing relevant to the parentage proceeding and without
identified a man as the father of the child under a court order or the written permission of the
Section 160.505, the court or agency may not person who furnished the specimen.
order additional testing unless the party provides (b) An offense under this section is a
advance payment for the testing. Class A misdemeanor.

§ 160.508. Genetic Testing When All SUBCHAPTER G. PROCEEDING TO

Individuals Not Available ADJUDICATE PARENTAGE
(a) Subject to Subsection (b), if a genetic
testing specimen for good cause and under § 160.601. Proceeding Authorized; Rules of
circumstances the court considers to be just is not Procedure (amended 2009)
available from a man who may be the father of a (a) A civil proceeding may be maintained
child, a court may order the following individuals to adjudicate the parentage of a child.
to submit specimens for genetic testing: (b) The proceeding is governed by the
(1) the parents of the man; Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, except as
(2) any brothers or sisters of the man; provided by Chapter 233.
(3) any other children of the man and their
mothers; and § 160.602. Standing to Maintain Proceeding
(4) other relatives of the man necessary to (amended 2003)
complete genetic testing. (a) Subject to Subchapter D and Sections
(b) A court may not render an order under 160.607 and 160.609 and except as provided by
this section unless the court finds that the need for subsection (b), a proceeding to adjudicate
genetic testing outweighs the legitimate interests parentage may be maintained by:
of the individual sought to be tested. (1) the child;
(2) the mother of the child;
§ 160.509. Deceased Individual (3) a man whose paternity of the child is
For good cause shown, the court may to be adjudicated;
order genetic testing of a deceased individual.

(4) the support enforcement agency or (3) a proceeding for probate or
another government agency authorized by other administration of the presumed or alleged father's
law; estate has been commenced.
(5) an authorized adoption agency or
licensed child-placing agency; § 160.606. No Time Limitation: Child Having
(6) a representative authorized by law to no Presumed, Acknowledged, or Adjudicated
act for an individual who would otherwise be Father
entitled to maintain a proceeding but who is A proceeding to adjudicate the parentage
deceased, is incapacitated, or is a minor; of a child having no presumed, acknowledged, or
(7) a person related within the second adjudicated father may be commenced at any
degree by consanguinity to the mother of the time, including after the date:
child, if the mother is deceased; or (1) the child becomes an adult; or
(8) a person who is an intended parent. (2) an earlier proceeding to adjudicate
(b) After the date a child having no paternity has been dismissed based on the
presumed, acknowledged, or adjudicated father application of a statute of limitation then in effect.
becomes an adult, a proceeding to adjudicate the
parentage of the adult child may only be § 160.607. Time Limitation: Child Having
maintained by the adult child. Presumed Father (amended 2003)
(a) Except as otherwise provided by
§ 160.603. Necessary Parties to Proceeding Subsection (b), a proceeding brought by a
The following individuals must be joined presumed father, the mother, or another individual
as parties in a proceeding to adjudicate parentage: to adjudicate the parentage of a child having a
(1) the mother of the child; and presumed father shall be commenced not later
(2) a man whose paternity of the child is than the fourth anniversary of the date of the birth
to be adjudicated. of the child.
(b) A proceeding seeking to disprove the
§ 160.604. Personal Jurisdiction father-child relationship between a child and the
(a) An individual may not be adjudicated child's presumed father may be maintained at any
to be a parent unless the court has personal time if the court determines that:
jurisdiction over the individual. (1) the presumed father and the mother of
(b) A court of this state having the child did not live together or engage in sexual
jurisdiction to adjudicate parentage may exercise intercourse with each other during the probable
personal jurisdiction over a nonresident individual time of conception; and
or the guardian or conservator of the individual if (2) the presumed father never represented
the conditions in Section 159.201 are satisfied. to others that the child was his own.
(c) Lack of jurisdiction over one
individual does not preclude the court from § 160.608. Authority to Deny Motion for
making an adjudication of parentage binding on Genetic Testing (amended 2003, 2005)
another individual over whom the court has (a) In a proceeding to adjudicate
personal jurisdiction. parentage, a court may deny a motion for an order
for the genetic testing of the mother, the child, and
§ 160.605. Venue the presumed father if the court determines that:
Venue for a proceeding to adjudicate (1) the conduct of the mother or the
parentage is in the county of this state in which: presumed father estops that party from denying
(1) the child resides or is found; parentage; and
(2) the respondent resides or is found if (2) it would be inequitable to disprove the
the child does not reside in this state; or father-child relationship between the child and the
presumed father.

(b) In determining whether to deny a § 160.609. Time Limitation: Child Having
motion for an order for genetic testing under this Acknowledged or Adjudicated Father
section, the court shall consider the best interest (a) If a child has an acknowledged father,
of the child, including the following factors: a signatory to the acknowledgment or denial of
(1) the length of time between the date of paternity may commence a proceeding seeking to
the proceeding to adjudicate parentage and the rescind the acknowledgment or denial or to
date the presumed father was placed on notice that challenge the paternity of the child only within the
he might not be the genetic father; time allowed under Section 160.307 or 160.308.
(2) the length of time during which the (b) If a child has an acknowledged father
presumed father has assumed the role of father of or an adjudicated father, an individual, other than
the child; the child, who is not a signatory to the
(3) the facts surrounding the presumed acknowledgment or a party to the adjudication and
father's discovery of his possible nonpaternity; who seeks an adjudication of paternity of the child
(4) the nature of the relationship between must commence a proceeding not later than the
the child and the presumed father; fourth anniversary of the effective date of the
(5) the age of the child; acknowledgment or adjudication.
(6) any harm that may result to the child
if presumed paternity is successfully disproved; § 160.610. Joinder of Proceedings
(7) the nature of the relationship between (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b),
the child and the alleged father; a proceeding to adjudicate parentage may be
(8) the extent to which the passage of time joined with a proceeding for adoption, termination
reduces the chances of establishing the paternity of parental rights, possession of or access to a
of another man and a child support obligation in child, child support, divorce, annulment, or
favor of the child; and probate or administration of an estate or another
(9) other factors that may affect the appropriate proceeding.
equities arising from the disruption of the (b) A respondent may not join a
father-child relationship between the child and the proceeding described by Subsection (a) with a
presumed father or the chance of other harm to the proceeding to adjudicate parentage brought under
child. Chapter 159.
(c) In a proceeding involving the
application of this section, a child who is a minor § 160.611. Proceedings Before Birth
or is incapacitated must be represented by an (a) A proceeding to determine parentage
amicus attorney or attorney ad litem. commenced before the birth of the child may not
(d) A denial of a motion for an order for be concluded until after the birth of the child.
genetic testing must be based on clear and (b) In a proceeding described by
convincing evidence. Subsection (a), the following actions may be taken
(e) If the court denies a motion for an before the birth of the child:
order for genetic testing, the court shall issue an (1) service of process;
order adjudicating the presumed father to be the (2) discovery; and
father of the child. (3) except as prohibited by Section
(f) This section applies to a proceeding to 160.502, collection of specimens for genetic
rescind or challenge an acknowledgment of testing.
paternity or a denial of paternity as provided by
Section 160.309 (d). § 160.612. Child as Party; Representation
(amended 2005)
(a) A minor child is a permissible party,
but is not a necessary party to a proceeding under
this subchapter.

(b) The court shall appoint an amicus (b) A court may adjudicate parentage
attorney or attorney ad litem to represent a child contrary to the position of an individual whose
who is a minor or is incapacitated if the child is a paternity is being determined on the grounds that
party or the court finds that the interests of the the individual declines to submit to genetic testing
child are not adequately represented. as ordered by the court.
(c) Genetic testing of the mother of a
§ 160.621. Admissibility of Results of Genetic child is not a prerequisite to testing the child and
Testing; Expenses a man whose paternity is being determined. If the
(a) Except as otherwise provided by mother is unavailable or declines to submit to
Subsection ©), a report of a genetic testing expert genetic testing, the court may order the testing of
is admissible as evidence of the truth of the facts the child and each man whose paternity is being
asserted in the report. The admissibility of the adjudicated.
report is not affected by whether the testing was
performed: § 160.623. Admission of Paternity Authorized
(1) voluntarily or under an order of the (a) A respondent in a proceeding to
court or a support enforcement agency; or adjudicate parentage may admit to the paternity of
(2) before or after the date of a child by filing a pleading to that effect or by
commencement of the proceeding. admitting paternity under penalty of perjury when
(b) A party objecting to the results of making an appearance or during a hearing.
genetic testing may call one or more genetic (b) If the court finds that the admission of
testing experts to testify in person or by telephone, paternity satisfies the requirements of this section
videoconference, deposition, or another method and that there is no reason to question the
approved by the court. Unless otherwise ordered admission, the court shall render an order
by the court, the party offering the testimony bears adjudicating the child to be the child of the man
the expense for the expert testifying. admitting paternity.
(c) If a child has a presumed,
acknowledged, or adjudicated father, the results of § 160.624. Temporary Order
genetic testing are inadmissible to adjudicate (a) In a proceeding under this subchapter,
parentage unless performed: the court shall render a temporary order for child
(1) with the consent of both the mother support for a child if the order is appropriate and
and the presumed, acknowledged, or adjudicated the individual ordered to pay child support:
father; or (1) is a presumed father of the child;
(2) under an order of the court under (2) is petitioning to have his paternity
Section 160.502. adjudicated;
(d) Copies of bills for genetic testing and (3) is identified as the father through
for prenatal and postnatal health care for the genetic testing under Section 160.505;
mother and child that are furnished to the adverse (4) is an alleged father who has declined
party on or before the 10th day before the date of to submit to genetic testing;
a hearing are admissible to establish: (5) is shown by clear and convincing
(1) the amount of the charges billed; and evidence to be the father of the child; or
(2) that the charges were reasonable, (6) is the mother of the child.
necessary, and customary. (b) A temporary order may include
provisions for the possession of or access to the
§ 160.622. Consequences of Declining Genetic child as provided by other laws of this state.
(a) An order for genetic testing is
enforceable by contempt.

§ 160.631. Rules for Adjudication of Paternity § 160.635. Dismissal for Want of Prosecution
(a) The court shall apply the rules stated The court may issue an order dismissing
in this section to adjudicate the paternity of a a proceeding commenced under this chapter for
child. want of prosecution only without prejudice. An
(b) The paternity of a child having a order of dismissal for want of prosecution
presumed, acknowledged, or adjudicated father purportedly with prejudice is void and has only
may be disproved only by admissible results of the effect of a dismissal without prejudice.
genetic testing excluding that man as the father of
the child or identifying another man as the father § 160.636. Order Adjudicating Parentage;
of the child. Costs
(c) Unless the results of genetic testing (a) The court shall render an order
are admitted to rebut other results of genetic adjudicating whether a man alleged or claiming to
testing, the man identified as the father of a child be the father is the parent of the child.
under Section 160.505 shall be adjudicated as (b) An order adjudicating parentage must
being the father of the child. identify the child by name and date of birth.
(d) Unless the results of genetic testing (c) Except as otherwise provided by
are admitted to rebut other results of genetic Subsection (d), the court may assess filing fees,
testing, a man excluded as the father of a child by reasonable attorney's fees, fees for genetic testing,
genetic testing shall be adjudicated as not being other costs, and necessary travel and other
the father of the child. reasonable expenses incurred in a proceeding
(e) If the court finds that genetic testing under this subchapter. Attorney's fees awarded by
under Section 160.505 does not identify or the court may be paid directly to the attorney. An
exclude a man as the father of a child, the court attorney who is awarded attorney's fees may
may not dismiss the proceeding. In that event, the enforce the order in the attorney's own name.
results of genetic testing and other evidence are (d) The court may not assess fees, costs,
admissible to adjudicate the issue of paternity. or expenses against the support enforcement
agency of this state or another state, except as
§ 160.632. Jury Prohibited provided by other law.
The court shall adjudicate paternity of a (e) On request of a party and for good
child without a jury. cause shown, the court may order that the name of
the child be changed.
§ 160.633. Hearings; Inspection of Records (f) If the order of the court is at variance
(amended 2003) with the child's birth certificate, the court shall
(a) A proceeding under this subchapter is order the bureau of vital statistics to issue an
open to the public as in other civil cases. amended birth record.
(b) Papers and records in a proceeding (g) On a finding of parentage, the court
under this subchapter are available for public may order retroactive child support as provided by
inspection. Chapter 154 and, on a proper showing, order a
party to pay an equitable portion of all of the
§ 160.634. Order on Default prenatal and postnatal health care expenses of the
The court shall issue an order mother and the child.
adjudicating the paternity of a man who: (h) In rendering an order for retroactive
(1) after service of process, is in default; child support under this section, the court shall
and use the child support guidelines provided by
(2) is found by the court to be the father Chapter 154, together with any relevant factors.
of a child.

§ 160.637. Binding Effect of Determination of SUBCHAPTER H. CHILD
(a) Except as otherwise provided by
Subsection (b) or Section 160.316, a § 160.701. Scope of Subchapter
determination of parentage is binding on: This subchapter applies only to a child
(1) all signatories to an acknowledgment conceived by means of assisted reproduction.
or denial of paternity as provided by Subchapter
D; and § 160.702. Parental Status of Donor
(2) all parties to an adjudication by a A donor is not a parent of a child
court acting under circumstances that satisfy the conceived by means of assisted reproduction.
jurisdictional requirements of Section 159.201.
(b) A child is not bound by a § 160.703. Husband's Paternity of Child of
determination of parentage under this chapter Assisted Reproduction
unless: If a husband provides sperm for or
(1) the determination was based on an consents to assisted reproduction by his wife as
unrescinded acknowledgment of paternity and the provided by Section 160.704, he is the father of a
acknowledgment is consistent with the results of resulting child.
genetic testing;
(2) the adjudication of parentage was § 160.7031. Unmarried Man’s Paternity of
based on a finding consistent with the results of Child of Assisted Reproduction (added 2007)
genetic testing and the consistency is declared in (a) If an unmarried man, with the intent to
the determination or is otherwise shown; or be the father of a resulting child, provides sperm
(3) the child was a party or was to a licensed physician and consents to the use of
represented in the proceeding determining that sperm for assisted reproduction by an
parentage by an attorney ad litem. unmarried woman, he is the father of a resulting
(c) In a proceeding to dissolve a marriage, child.
the court is considered to have made an (b) Consent by an unmarried man who
adjudication of the parentage of a child if the intends to be the father of a resulting child in
court acts under circumstances that satisfy the accordance with this section must be in a record
jurisdictional requirements of Section 159.201, signed by the man and the unmarried woman and
and the final order: kept by a licensed physician.
(1) expressly identifies the child as "a
child of the marriage" or "issue of the marriage" § 160.704. Consent to Assisted Reproduction
or uses similar words indicating that the husband (amended 2007)
is the father of the child; or
(2) provides for the payment of child (a) Consent by a married woman to
support for the child by the husband unless assisted reproduction must be in a record signed
paternity is specifically disclaimed in the order. by the woman and her husband and kept by a
(d) Except as otherwise provided by licensed physician. This requirement does not
Subsection (b), a determination of parentage may apply to the donation of eggs by a married woman
be a defense in a subsequent proceeding seeking for assisted reproduction by another woman.
to adjudicate parentage by an individual who was (b) Failure by the husband to sign a
not a party to the earlier proceeding. consent required by Subsection (a) before or after
(e) A party to an adjudication of paternity the birth of the child does not preclude a finding
may challenge the adjudication only under the that the husband is the father of a child born to his
laws of this state relating to appeal, the vacating wife if the wife and husband openly treated the
of judgments, or other judicial review. child as their own.

§ 160.705. Limitation on Husband's Dispute of not a parent of the resulting child unless the
Paternity deceased spouse consented in a record kept by a
(a) Except as otherwise provided by licensed physician that if assisted reproduction
Subsection (b), the husband of a wife who gives were to occur after death the deceased spouse
birth to a child by means of assisted reproduction would be a parent of the child.
may not challenge his paternity of the child
(1) before the fourth anniversary of the AGREEMENTS (added 2003)
date of learning of the birth of the child he
commences a proceeding to adjudicate his § 160.751. Definition.
paternity; and In this subchapter, "gestational mother"
(2) the court finds that he did not consent means a woman who gives birth to a child
to the assisted reproduction before or after the conceived under a gestational agreement.
birth of the child.
(b) A proceeding to adjudicate paternity § 160.752. Scope of Subchapter: Choice of
may be maintained at any time if the court Law.
determines that: (a) Notwithstanding any other provision
(1) the husband did not provide sperm for of this chapter or another law, this subchapter
or, before or after the birth of the child, consent to authorizes an agreement between a woman and
assisted reproduction by his wife; the intended parents of a child in which the
(2) the husband and the mother of the woman relinquishes all rights as a parent of a
child have not cohabited since the probable time child conceived by means of assisted reproduction
of assisted reproduction; and and that provides that the intended parents
(3) the husband never openly treated the become the parents of the child.
child as his own. (b) This subchapter controls over any
(c) The limitations provided by this other law with respect to a child conceived under
section apply to a marriage declared invalid after a gestational agreement under this subchapter.
assisted reproduction.
§ 160.753. Establishment of Parent-Child
§ 160.706. Effect of Dissolution of Marriage Relationship.
(amended 2007) (a) Notwithstanding any other provision
(a) If a marriage is dissolved before the of this chapter or another law, the mother-child
placement of eggs, sperm, or embryos, the former relationship exists between a woman and a child
spouse is not a parent of the resulting child unless by an adjudication confirming the woman as a
the former spouse consented in a record kept by a parent of the child born to a gestational mother
licensed physician that if assisted reproduction under a gestational agreement if the gestational
were to occur after a divorce the former spouse agreement is validated under this subchapter or
would be a parent of the child. enforceable under other law, regardless of the fact
(b) The consent of a former spouse to that the gestational mother gave birth to the child.
assisted reproduction may be withdrawn by that (b) The father-child relationship exists
individual in a record kept by a licensed physician between a child and a man by an adjudication
at any time before the placement of eggs, sperm, confirming the man as a parent of the child born
or embryos. to a gestational mother under a gestational
agreement if the gestational agreement is
§ 160.707. Parental Status of Deceased Spouse validated under this subchapter or enforceable
(amended 2007) under other law.
If a spouse dies before the placement of
eggs, sperm, or embryos, the deceased spouse is

§ 160.754. Gestational Agreements egg retrieval procedures, and egg or embryo
Authorized. transfer procedures; and
(a) A prospective gestational mother, her (5) reasonably foreseeable psychological
husband if she is married, each donor, and each effects resulting from the procedure.
intended parent may enter into a written (e) The parties to a gestational agreement
agreement providing that: must enter into the agreement before the 14th day
(1) the prospective gestational mother preceding the date the transfer of eggs, sperm, or
agrees to pregnancy by means of assisted embryos to the gestational mother occurs for the
reproduction; purpose of conception or implantation.
(2) the prospective gestational mother, her (f) A gestational agreement does not apply
husband if she is married, and each donor other to the birth of a child conceived by means of
than the intended parents, if applicable, relinquish sexual intercourse.
all parental rights and duties with respect to a (g) A gestational agreement may not limit
child conceived through assisted reproduction; the right of the gestational mother to make
(3) the intended parents will be the decisions to safeguard her health or the health of
parents of the child; and an embryo.
(4) the gestational mother and each
intended parent agree to exchange throughout the § 160.755. Petition to Validate Gestational
period covered by the agreement all relevant Agreement.
information regarding the health of the gestational (a) The intended parents and the
mother and each intended parent. prospective gestational mother under a gestational
(b) The intended parents must be married agreement may commence a proceeding to
to each other. Each intended parent must be a validate the agreement.
party to the gestational agreement. (b) A person may maintain a proceeding
(c) The gestational agreement must to validate a gestational agreement only if:
require that the eggs used in the assisted (1) the prospective gestational mother or
reproduction procedure be retrieved from an the intended parents have resided in this state for
intended parent or a donor. The gestational the 90 days preceding the date the proceeding is
mother's eggs may not be used in the assisted commenced;
reproduction procedure. (2) the prospective gestational mother's
(d) The gestational agreement must state husband, if she is married, is joined as a party to
that the physician who will perform the assisted the proceeding; and
reproduction procedure as provided by the (3) a copy of the gestational agreement is
agreement has informed the parties to the attached to the petition.
agreement of:
(1) the rate of successful conceptions and § 160.756. Hearing to Validate Gestational
births attributable to the procedure, including the Agreement.
most recent published outcome statistics of the (a) A gestational agreement must be
procedure at the facility at which it will be validated as provided by this section.
performed; (b) The court may validate a gestational
(2) the potential for and risks associated agreement as provided by Subsection (c) only if
with the implantation of multiple embryos and the court finds that:
consequent multiple births resulting from the (1) the parties have submitted to the
procedure; jurisdiction of the court under the jurisdictional
(3) the nature of and expenses related to standards of this chapter;
the procedure; (2) the medical evidence provided shows
(4) the health risks associated with, as that the intended mother is unable to carry a
applicable, fertility drugs used in the procedure, pregnancy to term and give birth to the child or is

unable to carry the pregnancy to term and give arising out of the gestational agreement until the
birth to the child without unreasonable risk to her date a child born to the gestational mother during
physical or mental health or to the health of the the period covered by the agreement reaches 180
unborn child; days of age.
(3) unless waived by the court, an agency
or other person has conducted a home study of the § 160.759. Termination of Gestational
intended parents and has determined that the Agreement.
intended parents meet the standards of fitness (a) Before a prospective gestational
applicable to adoptive parents; mother becomes pregnant by means of assisted
(4) each party to the agreement has reproduction, the prospective gestational mother,
voluntarily entered into and understands the terms her husband if she is married, or either intended
of the agreement; parent may terminate a gestational agreement
(5) the prospective gestational mother has validated under Section 160.756 by giving written
had at least one previous pregnancy and delivery notice of the termination to each other party to the
and carrying another pregnancy to term and giving agreement.
birth to another child would not pose an (b) A person who terminates a gestational
unreasonable risk to the child's health or the agreement under Subsection (a) shall file notice of
physical or mental health of the prospective the termination with the court. A person having
gestational mother; and the duty to notify the court who does not notify
(6) the parties have adequately provided the court of the termination of the agreement is
for which party is responsible for all reasonable subject to appropriate sanctions.
health care expenses associated with the (c) On receipt of the notice of termination,
pregnancy, including providing for who is the court shall vacate the order rendered under
responsible for those expenses if the agreement is Section 160.756 validating the gestational
terminated. agreement.
(c) If the court finds that the requirements (d) A prospective gestational mother and
of Subsection (b) are satisfied, the court may her husband, if she is married, may not be liable to
render an order validating the gestational an intended parent for terminating a gestational
agreement and declaring that the intended parents agreement if the termination is in accordance with
will be the parents of a child born under the this section.
(d) The court may validate the gestational § 160.760. Parentage Under Validated
agreement at the court's discretion. The court's Gestational Agreement. (amended 2005)
determination of whether to validate the (a) On the birth of a child to a gestational
agreement is subject to review only for abuse of mother under a validated gestational agreement,
discretion. the intended parents shall file a notice of the birth
with the court not later than the 300th day after
§ 160.757. Inspection of Records. the date assisted reproduction occurred.
The proceedings, records, and identities (b) After receiving notice of the birth, the
of the parties to a gestational agreement under this court shall render an order that:
subchapter are subject to inspection under the (1) confirms that the intended parents are
same standards of confidentiality that apply to an the child's parents;
adoption under the laws of this state. (2) requires the gestational mother to
surrender the child to the intended parents, if
§ 160.758. Continuing, Exclusive Jurisdiction. necessary; and
Subject to Section 152.201, a court that (3) requires the bureau of vital statistics to
conducts a proceeding under this subchapter has issue a birth certificate naming the intended
continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of all matters parents as the child's parents.

(c) If a person alleges that a child born to reasonable expenses incurred in a proceeding
a gestational mother did not result from assisted under this section. Attorney's fees awarded by the
reproduction, the court shall order that court may be paid directly to the attorney. An
scientifically accepted parentage testing be attorney who is awarded attorney's fees may
conducted to determine the child's parentage. enforce the order in the attorney's own name.
(d) If the intended parents fail to file the
notice required by Subsection (a), the gestational § 160.763. Health Care Facility Reporting
mother or an appropriate state agency may file the Requirement.
notice required by that subsection. On a showing (a) The Texas Department of Health by
that an order validating the gestational agreement rule shall develop and implement a confidential
was rendered in accordance with Section 160.756, reporting system that requires each health care
the court shall order that the intended parents are facility in this state at which assisted reproduction
the child's parents and are financially responsible procedures are performed under gestational
for the child agreements to report statistics related to those
§ 160.761. Effect of Gestational Mother’s (b) In developing the reporting system, the
Marriage After Validation of Agreement. department shall require each health care facility
If a gestational mother is married after the described by Subsection (a) to annually report:
court renders an order validating a gestational (1) the number of assisted reproduction
agreement under this subchapter: procedures under a gestational agreement
(1) the validity of the gestational performed at the facility during the preceding
agreement is not affected; year; and
(2) the gestational mother's husband is not (2) the number and current status of
required to consent to the agreement; and embryos created through assisted reproduction
(3) the gestational mother's husband is not procedures described by Subdivision (1) that were
a presumed father of the child born under the not transferred for implantation.
terms of the agreement.

§ 160.762. Effect of Gestational Agreement CHAPTER 161. TERMINATION OF THE

(a) A gestational agreement that is not
validated as provided by this subchapter is SUBCHAPTER A. GROUNDS
unenforceable, regardless of whether the
agreement is in a record. § 161.001. Involuntary Termination of
(b) The parent-child relationship of a Parent-Child Relationship (amended 1999,2001,
child born under a gestational agreement that is 2005, 2007, 2009)
not validated as provided by this subchapter is The court may order termination of the
determined as otherwise provided by this chapter. parent-child relationship if the court finds by clear
(c) A party to a gestational agreement that and convincing evidence:
is not validated as provided by this subchapter (1) that the parent has:
who is an intended parent under the agreement (A) voluntarily left the child alone or in
may be held liable for the support of a child born the possession of another not the parent and
under the agreement, even if the agreement is expressed an intent not to return;
otherwise unenforceable. (B) voluntarily left the child alone or in
(d) The court may assess filing fees, the possession of another not the parent without
reasonable attorney's fees, fees for genetic testing, expressing an intent to return, without providing
other costs, and necessary travel and other for the adequate support of the child, and

remained away for a period of at least three adjudication community supervision, for being
months; criminally responsible for the death or serious
(C) voluntarily left the child alone or in injury of a child under the following sections of
the possession of another without providing the Penal Code or adjudicated under Title 3 for
adequate support of the child and remained away conduct that caused the death or serious injury of
for a period of at least six months; a child and that would constitute a violation of
(D) knowingly placed or knowingly one of the following Penal Code sections:
allowed the child to remain in conditions or (I) Section 19.02 (murder);
surroundings which endanger the physical or (ii) Section 19.03 (capital murder);
emotional well-being of the child; (iii) Section 19.04 (manslaughter);
(E) engaged in conduct or knowingly (iv) Section 21.11 (indecency with a
placed the child with persons who engaged in child);
conduct which endangers the physical or (v) Section 22.01 (assault);
emotional well-being of the child; (vi) Section 22.011 (sexual assault);
(F) failed to support the child in (vii) Section 22.02 (aggravated assault);
accordance with the parent's ability during a (viii) Section 22.021 (aggravated sexual
period of one year ending within six months of the assault);
date of the filing of the petition; (ix) Section 22.04 (injury to a child,
(G) abandoned the child without elderly individual, or disabled individual);
identifying the child or furnishing means of (x) Section 22.041 (abandoning or
identification, and the child's identity cannot be endangering child);
ascertained by the exercise of reasonable (xi) Section 25.02 (prohibited sexual
diligence; conduct);
(H) voluntarily, and with knowledge of (xii) Section 43.25 (sexual performance
the pregnancy, abandoned the mother of the child by a child);
beginning at a time during her pregnancy with the (xiii) Section 43.26 (possession or
child and continuing through the birth, failed to promotion of child pornography); and
provide adequate support or medical care for the (xiv) Section 21.02 (continuous sexual
mother during the period of abandonment before abuse of young child or children);
the birth of the child, and remained apart from the (M) had his or her parent-child
child or failed to support the child since the birth; relationship terminated with respect to another
(I) contumaciously refused to submit to a child based on a finding that the parent's conduct
reasonable and lawful order of a court under was in violation of Paragraph (D) or (E) or
Subchapter D, Chapter 261; substantially equivalent provisions of the law of
(J) been the major cause of: another state;
(I) the failure of the child to be enrolled in (N) constructively abandoned the child
school as required by the Education Code; or who has been in the permanent or temporary
(ii) the child's absence from the child's managing conservatorship of the Department of
home without the consent of the parents or Family and Protective Services or an authorized
guardian for a substantial length of time or agency for not less than six months, and:
without the intent to return; (I) the department or authorized agency
(K) executed before or after the suit is has made reasonable efforts to return the child to
filed an unrevoked or irrevocable affidavit of the parent;
relinquishment of parental rights as provided by (ii) the parent has not regularly visited or
this chapter; maintained significant contact with the child; and
(L) been convicted or has been placed on
community supervision, including deferred

(iii) the parent has demonstrated an elements that are substantially similar to the
inability to provide the child with a safe elements of an offense under Section 15.01, Penal
environment; Code, to commit the offense described by
(O) failed to comply with the provisions Subparagraph (I), or
of a court order that specifically established the (iii) criminal solicitation under Section
actions necessary for the parent to obtain the 15.03, Penal Code, or under a law of another state,
return of the child who has been in the permanent federal law, the law of a foreign country, or the
or temporary managing conservatorship of the Uniform Code of Military Justice that contains
Department of Family and Protective Services for elements that are substantially similar to the
not less than nine months as a result of the child's elements of an offense under Section 15.03, Penal
removal from the parent under Chapter 262 for the Code, of the offense described by Subparagraph
abuse or neglect of the child; (i); and
(P) used a controlled substance, as (2) that termination is in the best interest
defined by Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, of the child.
in a manner that endangered the health or safety
of the child, and: § 161.002. Termination of the Rights of an
(I) failed to complete a court-ordered Alleged Biological Father (amended 2007)
substance abuse treatment program; or (a) Except as otherwise provided by this
(ii) after completion of a court-ordered section, the procedural and substantive standards
substance abuse treatment program, continued to for termination of parental rights apply to the
abuse a controlled substance; termination of the rights of an alleged father.
(Q) knowingly engaged in criminal (b) The rights of an alleged father may be
conduct that has resulted in the parent's: terminated if:
(I) conviction of an offense; and (1) after being served with citation, he
(ii) confinement or imprisonment and does not respond by timely filing an admission of
inability to care for the child for not less than two paternity or a counterclaim for paternity under
years from the date of filing the petition; Chapter 160;
(R) been the cause of the child being born (2) the child is over one year of age at the
addicted to alcohol or a controlled substance, time the petition for termination of the parent-
other than a controlled substance legally obtained child relationship or for adoption is filed, he has
by prescription, as defined by Section 261.001; not registered with the paternity registry under
(S) voluntarily delivered the child to a Chapter 160, and after the exercise of due
designated emergency infant care provider under diligence by the petitioner:
Section 262.302 without expressing an intent to (A) his identity and location are unknown;
return for the child; or
(T) been convicted of (B) his identity is known but he cannot be
(i) the murder of the other parent of the located;
child under Section 19.02 or 19.03, Penal Code, or (3) the child is under one year of age at
under a law of another state, federal law, the law the time the petition for termination of the parent-
of a foreign country, or the Uniform Code of child relationship or for adoption is filed and he
Military Justice that contains elements that are has not registered with the paternity registry under
substantially similar to the elements of an offense Chapter 160; or
under Section 19.02 or 19.03, Penal Code; (4) he has registered with the paternity
(ii) criminal attempt under Section 15.01 registry under Chapter 160, but the petitioner's
Penal Code, or under a law of another state, attempt to personally serve citation at the address
federal law, the law of a foreign country, or the provided to the registry and at any other address
Uniform Code of Military Justice that contains for the alleged father known by the petitioner has

been unsuccessful, despite the due diligence of the (1) the parent has a mental or emotional
petitioner. illness or a mental deficiency that renders the
(c) The termination of the rights of an parent unable to provide for the physical,
alleged father under Subsection (b)(2) rendered on emotional, and mental needs of the child;
or after January 1, 1998, and before January 1, (2) the illness or deficiency, in all
2008, does not require personal service of citation reasonable probability, proved by clear and
or citation by publication on the alleged father. convincing evidence, will continue to render the
(c-1) The termination of the rights of an parent unable to provide for the child's needs until
alleged father under Subsection (b)(2) or (3) the 18th birthday of the child;
rendered on or after January 1, 2008, does not (3) the department has been the temporary
require personal service of citation or citation by or sole managing conservator of the child of the
publication on the alleged father, and there is no parent for at least six months preceding the date of
requirement to identify or locate an alleged father the hearing on the termination held in accordance
who has not registered with the paternity registry with Subsection (c);
under Chapter 160. (4) the department has made reasonable
(d) The termination of rights of an alleged efforts to return the child to the parent; and
father under Subsection (b)(4) does not require (5) the termination is in the best interest
service of citation by publication on the alleged of the child.
father. (b) Immediately after the filing of a suit
(e) The court shall not render an order under this section, the court shall appoint an
terminating parental rights under Subsection attorney ad litem to represent the interests of the
(b)(2) or (3) unless the court receives evidence of parent against whom the suit is brought.
a certificate of the results of a search of the (c) A hearing on the termination may not
paternity registry under Chapter 160 from the be held earlier than 180 days after the date on
bureau of vital statistics indicating that no man which the suit was filed.
has registered the intent to claim paternity. (d) An attorney appointed under
(f) The court shall not render an order Subsection (b) shall represent the parent for the
terminating parental rights under Subsection duration of the suit unless the parent, with the
(b)(4) unless the court, after reviewing the permission of the court, retains another attorney.
petitioner's sworn affidavit describing the
petitioner's effort to obtain personal service of § 161.004. Termination of Parental Rights
citation on the alleged father and considering any After Denial of Prior Petition to Terminate
evidence submitted by the attorney ad litem for (a) The court may terminate the
the alleged father, has found that the petitioner parent-child relationship after rendition of an
exercised due diligence in attempting to obtain order that previously denied termination of the
service on the alleged father. The order shall parent-child relationship if:
contain specific findings regarding the exercise of (1) the petition under this section is filed
due diligence of the petitioner. after the date the order denying termination was
§ 161.003. Involuntary Termination: Inability (2) the circumstances of the child, parent,
to Care for Child (amended 2001) sole managing conservator, possessory
(a) The court may order termination of the conservator, or other party affected by the order
parent-child relationship in a suit filed by the denying termination have materially and
Department of Protective and Regulatory Services substantially changed since the date that the order
[now Family and Protective Services] if the court was rendered;
finds that:

(3) the parent committed an act listed § 161.007. Termination When Pregnancy
under Section 161.001 before the date the order Results From Criminal Act (amended 2007)
denying termination was rendered; and The court may order the termination of
(4) termination is in the best interest of the parent-child relationship of a parent and a
the child. child if the court finds that:
(b) At a hearing under this section, the (1) the parent has been convicted of an
court may consider evidence presented at a offense committed under Section 21.02, 22.011,
previous hearing in a suit for termination of the 22.021, or 25.02, Penal Code;
parent-child relationship of the parent with respect (2) as a direct result of the commission of
to the same child. the offense by the parent, the victim of the offense
became pregnant with the parent's child; and
§ 161.005. Termination When Parent is (3) termination is in the best interest of
Petitioner the child.
(a) A parent may file a suit for
termination of the petitioner's parent-child SUBCHAPTER B. PROCEDURES
relationship. The court may order termination if
termination is in the best interest of the child. § 161.101. Petition Allegations
(b) If the petition designates the A petition for the termination of the
Department of Protective and Regulatory Services parent-child relationship is sufficient without the
[now Family and Protective Services] as necessity of specifying the underlying facts if the
managing conservator, the department shall be petition alleges in the statutory language the
given service of citation. The court shall notify ground for the termination and that termination is
the department if the court appoints the in the best interest of the child.
department as the managing conservator of the
child. § 161.102. Filing Suit for Termination Before
§ 161.006. Termination After Abortion (a) A suit for termination may be filed
(a) A petition requesting termination of before the birth of the child.
the parent-child relationship with respect to a (b) If the suit is filed before the birth of
parent who is not the petitioner may be granted if the child, the petition shall be styled "In the
the child was born alive as the result of an Interest of an Unborn Child." After the birth, the
abortion. clerk shall change the style of the case to conform
(b) In this code, "abortion" means an to the requirements of Section 102.008.
intentional expulsion of a human fetus from the
body of a woman induced by any means for the § 161.103. Affidavit of Voluntary
purpose of causing the death of the fetus. Relinquishment of Parental Rights (amended
(c) The court or the jury may not 2003, 2007)
terminate the parent-child relationship under this (a) An affidavit for voluntary
section with respect to a parent who: relinquishment of parental rights must be:
(1) had no knowledge of the abortion; or (1) signed after the birth of the child, but
(2) participated in or consented to the not before 48 hours after the birth of the child, by
abortion for the sole purpose of preventing the the parent, whether or not a minor, whose parental
death of the mother. rights are to be relinquished;
(2) witnessed by two credible persons;
(3) verified before a person authorized to
take oaths.

(b) The affidavit must contain: managing conservator of the child and the address
(1) the name, county of residence, and age of the person or agency.
of the parent whose parental rights are being (c) The affidavit may contain:
relinquished; (1) a waiver of process in a suit to
(2) the name, age, and birth date of the terminate the parent-child relationship filed under
child; this chapter or in a suit to terminate joined with a
(3) the names and addresses of the petition for adoption; and
guardians of the person and estate of the child, if (2) a consent to the placement of the child
any; for adoption by the Department of Protective and
(4) a statement that the affiant is or is not Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective
presently obligated by court order to make Services] or by a licensed child-placing agency.
payments for the support of the child; (d) A copy of the affidavit shall be
(5) a full description and statement of provided to the parent at the time the parent signs
value of all property owned or possessed by the the affidavit.
child; (e) The relinquishment in an affidavit that
(6) an allegation that termination of the designates the Department of Protective and
parent-child relationship is in the best interest of Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective
the child; Services] or a licensed child-placing agency to
(7) one of the following, as applicable: serve as the managing conservator is irrevocable.
(A) the name and county of residence of A relinquishment in any other affidavit of
the other parent; relinquishment is revocable unless it expressly
(B) a statement that the parental rights of provides that it is irrevocable for a stated period of
the other parent have been terminated by death or time not to exceed 60 days after the date of its
court order; or execution.
(C) a statement that the child has no (f) A relinquishment in an affidavit of
presumed father; relinquishment of parental rights that fails to state
(8) a statement that the parent has been that the relinquishment is irrevocable for a stated
informed of parental rights and duties; time is revocable as provided by Section
(9) a statement that the relinquishment is 161.1035.
revocable, that the relinquishment is irrevocable, (g) To revoke a relinquishment under
or that the relinquishment is irrevocable for a Subsection (e) the parent must sign a statement
stated period of time; witnessed by two credible persons and verified
(10) if the relinquishment is revocable, a before a person authorized to take oaths. A copy
statement in boldfaced type concerning the right of the revocation shall be delivered to the person
of the parent signing the affidavit to revoke the designated in the affidavit. If a parent attempting
relinquishment only if the revocation is made to revoke a relinquishment under this subsection
before the 11th day after the date the affidavit is has knowledge that a suit for termination of the
executed; parent-child relationship has been filed based on
(11) if the relinquishment is revocable, the parent's affidavit of relinquishment of parental
the name and address of a person to whom the rights, the parent shall file a copy of the
revocation is to be delivered; and revocation with the clerk of the court.
(12) the designation of a prospective (h) The affidavit may not contain terms
adoptive parent, the Department of Family and for limited post-termination contact between the
Protective Services, if the department has child and the parent whose parental rights are to
consented in writing to the designation, or a be relinquished as a condition of the
licensed child-placing agency to serve as relinquishment of parental rights.

§ 161.1031. Medical History Report (added rights and duties are modified or terminated by
2005) court order.
(a) A parent who signs an affidavit of
voluntary relinquishment of parental rights under § 161.105. Affidavit of Status of Child (amended
Section 161.103 regarding a biological child must 1999; repealed 2007)
also prepare a medical history report that
addresses the medical history of the parent and the § 161.106. Affidavit of Waiver of Interest in
parent's ancestors. Child (amended 2007)
(b) The Department of Family and (a) A man may sign an affidavit
Protective Services, in cooperation with the disclaiming any interest in a child and waiving
Department of State Health Services, shall adopt notice or the service of citation in any suit filed or
a form that a parent may use to comply with this to be filed affecting the parent-child relationship
section. The form must be designed to permit a with respect to the child.
parent to identify any medical condition of the (b) The affidavit may be signed before the
parent or the parent's ancestors that could indicate birth of the child.
a predisposition for the child to develop the (c) The affidavit shall be:
condition. (1) signed by the man, whether or not a
(c) The medical history report shall be minor;
used in preparing the health, social, educational, (2) witnessed by two credible persons;
and genetic history report required by Section and
162.005 and shall be made available to persons (3) verified before a person authorized to
granted access under Section 162.006 in the take oaths.
manner provided by that section. (d) The affidavit may contain a statement
that the affiant does not admit being the father of
§ 161.1035. Revocability of Certain Affidavits the child or having had a sexual relationship with
(amended 2007) the mother of the child.
An affidavit of relinquishment of parental (e) An affidavit of waiver of interest in a
rights that fails to state that the relinquishment or child may be used in a suit in which the affiant
waiver is irrevocable for a stated time is: attempts to establish an interest in the child. The
(1) revocable only if the revocation is affidavit may not be used in a suit brought by
made before the 11th day after the date the another person, licensed child-placing agency, or
affidavit is executed; and authorized agency to establish the affiant's
(2) irrevocable on or after the 11th day paternity of the child.
after the date the affidavit is executed. (f) A waiver in an affidavit under this
section is irrevocable.
§ 161.104. Rights of Designated Managing (I) A copy of the affidavit shall be
Conservator Pending Court Appointment provided to the person who executed the affidavit
A person, licensed child-placing agency, at the time the person signs the affidavit.
or authorized agency designated managing [Subsections (g), (h), and (j) repealed
conservator of a child in an irrevocable or 2007.]
unrevoked affidavit of relinquishment has a right
to possession of the child superior to the right of § 161.107. Missing Parent or Relative (amended
the person executing the affidavit, the right to 2007)
consent to medical, surgical, dental, and (a) In this section:
psychological treatment of the child, and the (1) "Parent" means a parent, as defined by
rights and duties given by Chapter 153 to a Section 160.102, whose parent-child relationship
possessory conservator until such time as these with a child has not been terminated. The term

does not include a man who does not have a (3) verified before a person authorized to
parent-child relationship established under take oaths.
Chapter 160. (c) A hospital or birthing center shall
(2) "Relative" means a parent, comply with the terms of a release executed under
grandparent, or adult sibling or child. this section without requiring a court order.
(b) If a parent of the child has not been
personally served in a suit in which the § 161.109. Requirement of Paternity Registry
Department of Family and Protective Services Certificate (amended 2007)
seeks termination, the department must make a (a) If a parent-child relationship does not
diligent effort to locate that parent. exist between the child and any man, a certificate
(c) If a parent has not been personally from the bureau of vital statistics signed by the
served and cannot be located, the department shall registrar that a diligent search has been made of
make a diligent effort to locate a relative of the the paternity registry maintained by the bureau
missing parent to give the relative an opportunity and that a registration has not been found
to request appointment as the child's managing pertaining to the father of the child in question
conservator. must be filed with the court before a trial on the
(d) If the department is not able to locate merits in the suit for termination may be held.
a missing parent or a relative of that parent and (b) In a proceeding to terminate parental
sufficient information is available concerning the rights in which the alleged or probable father has
physical whereabouts of the parent or relative, the not been personally served with citation or signed
department shall request the state agency an affidavit of relinquishment or an affidavit of
designated to administer a statewide plan for child waiver of interest, the court may not terminate the
support to use the parental locator service parental rights of the alleged or probable father,
established under 42 U.S.C. Section 653 to whether known or unknown, unless a certificate
determine the location of the missing parent or from the bureau of vital statistics signed by the
relative. registrar states that a diligent search has been
(e) The department shall be required to made of the paternity registry maintained by the
provide evidence to the court to show what bureau and that a filing or registration has not
actions were taken by the department in making a been found pertaining to the father of the child in
diligent effort to locate the missing parent and question.
relative of the missing parent.
§ 161.108. Release of Child From Hospital or
Birthing Center § 161.2011. Continuance; Access to Child
(a) Before or at the time an affidavit of (amended 2001)
relinquishment of parental rights under Section (a) A parent whose rights are subject to
161.103 is executed, the mother of a newborn termination in a suit affecting the parent-child
child may authorize the release of the child from relationship and against whom criminal charges
the hospital or birthing center to a licensed are filed that directly relate to the grounds for
child-placing agency, the Department of which termination is sought may file a motion
Protective and Regulatory Services [now Family requesting a continuance of the final trial in the
and Protective Services], or another designated suit until the criminal charges are resolved. The
person. court may grant the motion only if the court finds
(b) A release under this section must be: that a continuance is in the best interest of the
(1) executed in writing; child. Notwithstanding any continuance granted,
(2) witnessed by two credible adults; and the court shall conduct status and permanency
hearings with respect to the child as required by

Chapter 263 and shall comply with the dismissal relating to the child and made available to persons
date under Section 263.401. with whom the child is placed.
(b) Nothing in this section precludes the
court from issuing appropriate temporary orders § 161.203. Dismissal of Petition (amended 2001)
as authorized in this code. A suit to terminate may not be dismissed
(c) The court in which a suit to terminate nor may a nonsuit be taken unless the dismissal or
the parent-child relationship is pending may nonsuit is approved by the court. The dismissal or
render an order denying a parent access to a child nonsuit approved by the court is without
if the parent is indicted for criminal activity that prejudice.
constitutes a ground for terminating the
parent-child relationship under Section 161.001. § 161.204. Termination Based on Affidavit of
The denial of access under this section shall Waiver of Interest (amended 2001)
continue until the date the criminal charges for In a suit for termination, the court may
which the parent was indicted are resolved and the render an order terminating the parent-child
court renders an order providing for access to the relationship between a child and a man who has
child by the parent. signed an affidavit of waiver of interest in the
child, if the termination is in the best interest of
§ 161.202. Preferential Setting (amended 2001, the child.
In a termination suit, after a hearing, the § 161.205. Order Denying Termination
court shall grant a motion for a preferential setting (amended 2001)
for a final hearing on the merits filed by a party to If the court does not order termination of
the suit or by the amicus attorney or attorney ad the parent-child relationship, the court shall:
litem for the child and shall give precedence to (1) deny the petition; or
that hearing over other civil cases if: (2) render any order in the best interest of
(1) termination would make the child the child.
eligible for adoption; and
(2) discovery has been completed or § 161.206. Order Terminating Parental Rights
sufficient time has elapsed since the filing of the (amended 2003, 2007)
suit for the completion of all necessary and (a) If the court finds by clear and
reasonable discovery if diligently pursued. convincing evidence grounds for termination of
the parent-child relationship, it shall render an
§ 161.2021. Medical History Report (added order terminating the parent-child relationship.
2005) (b) Except as provided by Section
(a) In a termination suit, the court shall 161.2061, an order terminating the parent-child
order each parent before the court to provide relationship divests the parent and the child of all
information regarding the medical history of the legal rights and duties with respect to each other,
parent and the parent's ancestors. except that the child retains the right to inherit
(b) A parent may comply with the court's from and through the parent unless the court
order under this section by completing the medical otherwise provides.
history report form adopted by the Department of (c) Nothing in this chapter precludes or
Family and Protective Services under Section affects the rights of a biological or adoptive
161.1031. maternal or paternal grandparent to reasonable
(c) If the Department of Family and access under Chapter 153.
Protective Services is a party to the termination (d) An order rendered under this section
suit, the information provided under this section must include a finding that:
must be maintained in the department records

(1) a request for identification of a court subsequent adoption order with respect to the
of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction has been child.
made as required by Section 155.101; and
(2) all parties entitled to notice, including § 161.2062. Provision for Limited Contact
the Title IV-D agency, have been notified. Between Biological Parent and Child (added
§ 161.2061. Terms Regarding Limited Post- (a) An order terminating the parent-child
Termination Contact (added 2003) relationship may not require that a subsequent
(a) If the court finds it to be in the best adoption order include terms regarding limited
interest of the child, the court may provide in an post- termination contact between the child and a
order terminating the parent-child relationship that biological parent.
the biological parent who filed an affidavit of (b) The inclusion of a requirement for
voluntary relinquishment of parental rights under post-termination contact described by Subsection
Section 161.103 shall have limited post- (a) in a termination order does not:
termination contact with the child as provided by (1) affect the finality of a termination or
Subsection (b) on the agreement of the biological subsequent adoption order; or
parent and the Department of Protective and (2) grant standing to a parent whose
Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective parental rights have been terminated to file any
Services]. action under this title after the court renders a
(b) The order of termination may include subsequent adoption order with respect to the
terms that allow the biological parent to: child.
(1) receive specified information
regarding the child; § 161.207. Appointment of Managing
(2) provide written communications to the Conservator on Termination
child; and (a) If the court terminates the parent-child
(3) have limited access to the child. relationship with respect to both parents or to the
(c) The terms of an order of termination only living parent, the court shall appoint a
regarding limited post-termination contact may be suitable, competent adult, the Department of
enforced only if the party seeking enforcement Protective and Regulatory Services [now Family
pleads and proves that, before filing the motion and Protective Services], a licensed child-placing
for enforcement, the party attempted in good faith agency, or an authorized agency as managing
to resolve the disputed matters through mediation. conservator of the child. An agency designated
(d) The terms of an order of termination managing conservator in an unrevoked or
under this section are not enforceable by irrevocable affidavit of relinquishment shall be
contempt. appointed managing conservator.
(e) The terms of an order of termination (b) The order of appointment may refer to
regarding limited post-termination contact may the docket number of the suit and need not refer to
not be modified. the parties nor be accompanied by any other
(f) An order under this section does not: papers in the record.
(1) affect the finality of a termination
order; or § 161.208. Appointment of Department of
(2) grant standing to a parent whose Protective and Regulatory Services [now
parental rights have been terminated to file any Family and Protective Services] as Managing
action under this title other than a motion to Conservator
enforce the terms regarding limited post- If a parent of the child has not been
termination contact until the court renders a personally served in a suit in which the
Department of Protective and Regulatory Services

[now Family and Protective Services] seeks (c) A direct or collateral attack on an
termination, the court that terminates a order terminating parental rights based on an
parent-child relationship may not appoint the unrevoked affidavit of relinquishment of parental
Department of Protective and Regulatory Services rights or affidavit of waiver of interest in a child
[now Family and Protective Services] as is limited to issues relating to fraud, duress, or
permanent managing conservator of the child coercion in the execution of the affidavit.
unless the court determines that:
(1) the department has made a diligent
effort to locate a missing parent who has not been CHAPTER 162. ADOPTION
personally served and a relative of that parent;
(2) a relative located by the department
has had a reasonable opportunity to request § 162.001. Who May Adopt and be Adopted
appointment as managing conservator of the child (amended 2003)
or the department has not been able to locate the (a) Subject to the requirements for
missing parent or a relative of the missing parent. standing to sue in Chapter 102, an adult may
petition to adopt a child who may be adopted.
§ 161.209. Copy of Order of Termination (b) A child residing in this state may be
A copy of an order of termination adopted if:
rendered under Section 161.206 is not required to (1) the parent-child relationship as to each
be mailed to parties as provided by Rules 119a living parent of the child has been terminated or a
and 239a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. suit for termination is joined with the suit for
§ 161.210. Sealing of File (2) the parent whose rights have not been
The court, on the motion of a party or on terminated is presently the spouse of the petitioner
the court's own motion, may order the sealing of and the proceeding is for a stepparent adoption;
the file, the minutes of the court, or both, in a suit (3) the child is at least two years old, the
for termination. parent-child relationship has been terminated with
respect to one parent, the person seeking the
§ 161.211. Direct or Collateral Attack on adoption has been a managing conservator or has
Termination Order (amended 1999) had actual care, possession, and control of the
(a) Notwithstanding Rule 329, Texas child for a period of six months preceding the
Rules of Civil Procedure, the validity of an order adoption, or is the child’s former stepparent and
terminating the parental rights of a person who the nonterminated parent consents to the adoption;
has been personally served or who has executed or
an affidavit of relinquishment of parental rights or (4) the child is at least two years old, the
an affidavit of waiver of interest in a child or parent-child relationship has been terminated with
whose rights have been terminated under Section respect to one parent, and the person seeking the
161.002(b) is not subject to collateral or direct adoption is the child's former stepparent and has
attack after the sixth month after the date the order been a managing conservator or has had actual
was signed. care, possession, and control of the child for a
(b) Notwithstanding Rule 329, Texas period of one year preceding the adoption.
Rules of Civil Procedure, the validity of an order (c) If an affidavit of relinquishment of
terminating the parental rights of a person who is parental rights contains a consent for the
served by citation by publication is not subject to Department of Protective and Regulatory Services
collateral or direct attack after the sixth month [now Family and Protective Services] or a
after the date the order was signed. licensed child-placing agency to place the child
for adoption and appoints the department or

agency managing conservator of the child, further § 162.005. Preparation of Health, Social,
consent by the parent is not required and the Educational, and Genetic History Report
adoption order shall terminate all rights of the (a) This section does not apply to an
parent without further termination proceedings. adoption by the child's:
(1) grandparent;
§ 162.002. Prerequisites to Petition (2) aunt or uncle by birth, marriage, or
(a) If a petitioner is married, both spouses prior adoption; or
must join in the petition for adoption. (3) stepparent.
(b) A petition in a suit for adoption or a (b) Before placing a child for adoption,
suit for appointment of a nonparent managing the Department of Protective and Regulatory
conservator with authority to consent to adoption Services [now Family and Protective Services], a
of a child must include: licensed child-placing agency, or the child's parent
(1) a verified allegation that there has or guardian shall compile a report on the available
been compliance with Subchapter B; or health, social, educational, and genetic history of
(2) if there has not been compliance with the child to be adopted.
Subchapter B, a verified statement of the (c) The report shall include a history of
particular reasons for noncompliance. physical, sexual, or emotional abuse suffered by
the child, if any.
§ 162.0025. Adoption Sought by Military (d) If the child has been placed for
Service Member (added 2007) adoption by a person or entity other than the
In a suit for adoption, the fact that a department, a licensed child-placing agency, or
petitioner is a member of the armed forces of the the child's parent or guardian, it is the duty of the
United States, a member of the Texas National person or entity who places the child for adoption
Guard or the National Guard of another state, or a to prepare the report.
member of a reserve component of the armed (e) The person or entity who places the
forces of the United States may not be considered child for adoption shall provide the prospective
by the court, or any person performing a social adoptive parents a copy of the report as early as
study or home screening, as a negative factor in practicable before the first meeting of the adoptive
determining whether the adoption is in the best parents with the child. The copy of the report
interest of the child or whether the petitioner shall be edited to protect the identity of birth
would be a suitable parent. parents and their families.
(f) The department, licensed child-placing
§ 162.003. Pre–adoptive and Post–placement agency, parent, guardian, person, or entity who
Social Studies (amended 2001, 2007) prepares and files the original report is required to
In a suit for adoption, a pre-adoptive and furnish supplemental medical, psychological, and
post-placement social studies must be conducted psychiatric information to the adoptive parents if
as provided in Chapter 107. that information becomes available and to file the
supplemental information where the original
§ 162.0045. Preferential Setting report is filed. The supplemental information
The court shall grant a motion for a shall be retained for as long as the original report
preferential setting for a final hearing on an is required to be retained.
adoption and shall give precedence to that hearing
over all other civil cases not given preference by § 162.006. Right to Examine Records
other law if the social study has been filed and the (a) The department, licensed child-placing
criminal history for the person seeking to adopt agency, person, or entity placing a child for
the child has been obtained. adoption shall inform the prospective adoptive
parents of their right to examine the records and
other information relating to the history of the

child. The person or entity placing the child for § 162.0065. Editing Adoption Records in
adoption shall edit the records and information to Department Placement (added 2003)
protect the identity of the biological parents and Notwithstanding any other provision of
any other person whose identity is confidential. this chapter, in an adoption in which a child is
(b) The department, licensed child-placing placed for adoption by the Department of
agency, or court retaining a copy of the report Protective and Regulatory Services [now Family
shall provide a copy of the report that has been and Protective Services], the department is not
edited to protect the identity of the birth parents required to edit records to protect the identity of
and any other person whose identity is birth parents and other persons whose identity is
confidential to the following persons on request: confidential if the department determines that
(1) an adoptive parent of the adopted information is already known to the adoptive
child; parents or is readily available through other
(2) the managing conservator, guardian of sources, including the court records of a suit to
the person, or legal custodian of the adopted child; terminate the parent-child relationship under
(3) the adopted child, after the child is an Chapter 161.
(4) the surviving spouse of the adopted § 162.007. Contents of Health, Social,
child if the adopted child is dead and the spouse is Educational, and Genetic History Report
the parent or guardian of a child of the deceased (a) The health history of the child must
adopted child; or include information about:
(5) a progeny of the adopted child if the (1) the child's health status at the time of
adopted child is dead and the progeny is an adult. placement;
(c) A copy of the report may not be (2) the child's birth, neonatal, and other
furnished to a person who cannot furnish medical, psychological, psychiatric, and dental
satisfactory proof of identity and legal entitlement history information;
to receive a copy. (3) a record of immunizations for the
(d) A person requesting a copy of the child; and
report shall pay the actual and reasonable costs of (4) the available results of medical,
providing a copy and verifying entitlement to the psychological, psychiatric, and dental
copy. examinations of the child.
(e) The report shall be retained for 99 (b) The social history of the child must
years from the date of the adoption by the include information, to the extent known, about
department or licensed child-placing agency past and existing relationships between the child
placing the child for adoption. If the agency and the child's siblings, parents by birth, extended
ceases to function as a child-placing agency, the family, and other persons who have had physical
agency shall transfer all the reports to the possession of or legal access to the child.
department or, after giving notice to the (c) The educational history of the child
department, to a transferee agency that is must include, to the extent known, information
assuming responsibility for the preservation of the about:
agency's adoption records. If the child has not (1) the enrollment and performance of the
been placed for adoption by the department or a child in educational institutions;
licensed child-placing agency and if the child is (2) results of educational testing and
being adopted by a person other than the child's standardized tests for the child; and
stepparent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle by birth, (3) special educational needs, if any, of
marriage, or prior adoption, the person or entity the child.
who places the child for adoption shall file the (d) The genetic history of the child must
report with the department, which shall retain the include a description of the child's parents by birth
copies for 99 years from the date of the adoption. and their parents, any other child born to either of

the child's parents, and extended family members Section 162.006(e), a certificate from the bureau
and must include, to the extent the information is acknowledging receipt of the report.
available, information about: (c) A court having jurisdiction of a suit
(1) their health and medical history, affecting the parent-child relationship may by
including any genetic diseases and disorders; order waive the making and filing of a report
(2) their health status at the time of under this section if the child's biological parents
placement; cannot be located and their absence results in
(3) the cause of and their age at death; insufficient information being available to
(4) their height, weight, and eye and hair compile the report.
(5) their nationality and ethnic § 162.0085. Criminal History Report Required
background; (amended 1997)
(6) their general levels of educational and (a) In a suit affecting the parent-child
professional achievements, if any; relationship in which an adoption is sought, the
(7) their religious backgrounds, if any; court shall order each person seeking to adopt the
(8) any psychological, psychiatric, or child to obtain that person's own criminal history
social evaluations, including the date of the record information. The court shall accept under
evaluation, any diagnosis, and a summary of any this section a person's criminal history record
findings; information that is provided by the Department of
(9) any criminal conviction records Protective and Regulatory Services [now Family
relating to a misdemeanor or felony classified as and Protective Services] or by a licensed
an offense against the person or family or public child-placing agency that received the information
indecency or a felony violation of a statute from the department if the information was
intended to control the possession or distribution obtained not more than one year before the date
of a substance included in Chapter 481, Health the court ordered the history to be obtained.
and Safety Code; and (b) A person required to obtain
(10) any information necessary to information under Subsection (a) shall obtain the
determine whether the child is entitled to or information in the manner provided by Section
otherwise eligible for state or federal financial, 411.128, Government Code.
medical, or other assistance.
§ 162.009. Residence With Petitioner
§ 162.008. Filing of Health, Social, Educational, (a) The court may not grant an adoption
and Genetic History Report (amended 1999) until the child has resided with the petitioner for
not less than six months.
(a) This section does not apply to an (b) On request of the petitioner, the court
adoption by the child's: may waive the residence requirement if the waiver
(1) grandparent; is in the best interest of the child.
(2) aunt or uncle by birth, marriage, or
prior adoption; or § 162.010. Consent Required
(3) stepparent. (a) Unless the managing conservator is the
(b) A petition for adoption may not be petitioner, the written consent of a managing
granted until the following documents have been conservator to the adoption must be filed. The
filed: court may waive the requirement of consent by the
(1) a copy of the health, social, managing conservator if the court finds that the
educational, and genetic history report signed by consent is being refused or has been revoked
the child's adoptive parents; and without good cause. A hearing on the issue of
(2) if the report is required to be consent shall be conducted by the court without a
submitted to the bureau of vital statistics under jury.

(b) If a parent of the child is presently the § 162.015. Race or Ethnicity
spouse of the petitioner, that parent must join in (a) In determining the best interest of the
the petition for adoption and further consent of child, the court may not deny or delay the
that parent is not required. adoption or otherwise discriminate on the basis of
(c) A child 12 years of age or older must race or ethnicity of the child or the prospective
consent to the adoption in writing or in court. The adoptive parents.
court may waive this requirement if it would serve (b) This section does not apply to a
the child's best interest. person, entity, tribe, organization, or child custody
proceeding subject to the Indian Child Welfare
§ 162.011. Revocation of Consent Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. Section 1901 et seq.). In
At any time before an order granting the this subsection "child custody proceeding" has the
adoption of the child is rendered, a consent meaning provided by 25 U.S.C. Section 1903.
required by Section 162.010 may be revoked by
filing a signed revocation. § 162.016. Adoption Order
(a) If a petition requesting termination has
§ 162.012. Direct or Collateral Attack been joined with a petition requesting adoption,
(a) Notwithstanding Rule 329, Texas the court shall also terminate the parent-child
Rules of Civil Procedure, the validity of an relationship at the same time the adoption order is
adoption order is not subject to attack after six rendered. The court must make separate findings
months after the date the order was signed. that the termination is in the best interest of the
(b) The validity of a final adoption order child and that the adoption is in the best interest of
is not subject to attack because a health, social, the child.
educational, and genetic history was not filed. (b) If the court finds that the requirements
for adoption have been met and the adoption is in
§ 162.013. Abatement or Dismissal the best interest of the child, the court shall grant
(a) If the sole petitioner dies or the joint the adoption.
petitioners die, the court shall dismiss the suit for (c) The name of the child may be changed
adoption. in the order if requested.
(b) If one of the joint petitioners dies, the
proceeding shall continue uninterrupted. § 162.017. Effect of Adoption (amended 2005)
(c) If the joint petitioners divorce, the (a) An order of adoption creates the
court shall abate the suit for adoption. The court parent-child relationship between the adoptive
shall dismiss the petition unless the petition is parent and the child for all purposes.
amended to request adoption by one of the (b) An adopted child is entitled to inherit
original petitioners. from and through the child's adoptive parents as
though the child were the biological child of the
§ 162.014. Attendance at Hearing Required parents.
(a) If the joint petitioners are husband and (c) The terms "child," "descendant,"
wife and it would be unduly difficult for one of "issue," and other terms indicating the relationship
the petitioners to appear at the hearing, the court of parent and child include an adopted child
may waive the attendance of that petitioner if the unless the context or express language clearly
other spouse is present. indicates otherwise.
(b) A child to be adopted who is 12 years (d) Nothing in this chapter precludes or
of age or older shall attend the hearing. The court affects the rights of a biological or adoptive
may waive this requirement in the best interest of maternal or paternal grandparent to reasonable
the child. possession of or access to a grandchild, as
provided in Chapter 153.

§ 162.018. Access to Information (amended home if removal is in the child's best interest and
1997, 2007) may enter any order necessary for the welfare of
(a) The adoptive parents are entitled to the child.
receive copies of the records and other
information relating to the history of the child § 162.021. Sealing File
maintained by the department, licensed (a) The court, on the motion of a party or
child-placing agency, person, or entity placing the on the court's own motion, may order the sealing
child for adoption. of the file and the minutes of the court, or both, in
(b) The adoptive parents and the adopted a suit requesting an adoption.
child, after the child is an adult, are entitled to (b) Rendition of the order does not relieve
receive copies of the records that have been edited the clerk from the duty to send information
to protect the identity of the biological parents and regarding adoption to the bureau of vital statistics
any other person whose identity is confidential as required by this subchapter and Chapter 108.
and other information relating to the history of the
child maintained by the department, licensed § 162.022. Confidentiality Maintained by Clerk
child-placing agency, person, or entity placing the The records concerning a child
child for adoption. maintained by the district clerk after entry of an
(c) It is the duty of the person or entity order of adoption are confidential. No person is
placing the child for adoption to edit the records entitled to access to the records or may obtain
and information to protect the identity of the information from the records except for good
biological parents and any other person whose cause under an order of the court that issued the
identity is confidential. order.
(d) At the time an adoption order is
rendered, the court shall provide to the parents of § 162.023. Adoption Order from Foreign
an adopted child information provided by the Country (added 2003)
bureau of vital statistics that describes the (a) Except as otherwise provided by law,
functions of the voluntary adoption registry under an adoption order rendered to a resident of this
Subchapter E. The licensed child-placing agency state that is made by a foreign country shall be
shall provide to each of the child's biological accorded full faith and credit by the courts of this
parents known to the agency, the information state and enforced as if the order were rendered by
when the parent signs an affidavit of a court in this state unless the adoption law or
relinquishment of parental rights or affidavit of process of the foreign country violates the
waiver of interest in a child. The information fundamental principles of human rights or the
shall include the right of the child or biological laws or public policy of this state.
parent to refuse to participate in the registry. If (b) A person who adopts a child in a
the adopted child is 14 years old or older the court foreign country may register the order in this
shall provide the information to the child. state. A petition for registration of a foreign
adoption order may be combined with a petition
§ 162.019. Copy of Order for a name change. If the court finds that the
A copy of the adoption order is not foreign adoption order meets the requirements of
required to be mailed to the parties as provided in Subsection (a), the court shall order the state
Rules 119a and 239a, Texas Rules of Civil registrar to:
Procedure. (1) register the order under Chapter 192,
Health and Safety Code; and
§ 162.020. Withdrawal or Denial of Petition (2) file a certificate of birth for the child
If a petition requesting adoption is under Section 192.006, Health and Safety Code.
withdrawn or denied, the court may order the
removal of the child from the proposed adoptive

§ 162.025. Placement by Unauthorized Person; INTERSTATE COMPACT ON THE
Offense (amended 1997) PLACEMENT OF CHILDREN
(a) A person who is not the natural or ARTICLE I. PURPOSE AND POLICY
adoptive parent of the child, the legal guardian of
the child, or a child-placing agency licensed under It is the purpose and policy of the party
Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, commits an states to cooperate with each other in the interstate
offense if the person: placement of children to the end that:
(1) serves as an intermediary between a (a) Each child requiring placement shall
prospective adoptive parent and an expectant receive the maximum opportunity to be placed in
parent or parent of a minor child to identify the a suitable environment and with persons or
parties to each other; or institutions having appropriate qualifications and
(2) places a child for adoption. facilities to provide a necessary and desirable
(b) It is not an offense under this section degree and type of care.
if a professional provides legal or medical (b) The appropriate authorities in a state
services to: where a child is to be placed may have full
(1) a parent who identifies the prospective opportunity to ascertain the circumstances of the
adoptive parent and places the child for adoption proposed placement, thereby promoting full
without the assistance of the professional; or compliance with applicable requirements for the
(2) a prospective adoptive parent who protection of the child.
identifies a parent and receives placement of a (c) The proper authorities of the state
child for adoption without the assistance of the from which the placement is made may obtain the
professional. most complete information on the basis on which
(c) An offense under this section is a to evaluate a projected placement before it is
Class B misdemeanor. made.
(d) Appropriate j urisdictional
SUBCHAPTER B. INTERSTATE arrangements for the care of children will be
§ 162.101. Definitions
In this subchapter: As used in this compact:
(1) "Appropriate public authorities," with (a) "Child" means a person who, by
reference to this state, means the executive reason of minority, is legally subject to parental,
director. guardianship, or similar control.
(2) "Appropriate authority in the receiving (b) "Sending agency" means a party state,
state," with reference to this state, means the officer, or employee thereof; a subdivision of a
executive director. party state, or officer or employee thereof; a court
(3) "Compact" means the Interstate of a party state; a person, corporation,
Compact on the Placement of Children. association, charitable agency, or other entity
(4) "Executive head," with reference to which sends, brings, or causes to be sent or
this state, means the governor. brought any child to another party state.
(c) "Receiving state" means the state to
§ 162.102. Adoption of Compact; Text which a child is sent, brought, or caused to be sent
The Interstate Compact on the Placement or brought, whether by public authorities or
of Children is adopted by this state and entered private persons or agencies, and whether for
into with all other jurisdictions in form placement with state or local public authorities or
substantially as provided by this subchapter. for placement with private agencies or persons.

(d) "Placement" means the arrangement (d) The child shall not be sent, brought, or
for the care of a child in a family free or boarding caused to be sent or brought into the receiving
home or in a child-caring agency or institution but state until the appropriate public authorities in the
does not include any institution caring for the receiving state shall notify the sending agency, in
mentally ill, mentally defective, or epileptic or any writing, to the effect that the proposed placement
institution primarily educational in character, and does not appear to be contrary to the interests of
any hospital or other medical facility. the child.



(a) No sending agency shall send, bring, The sending, bringing, or causing to be
or cause to be sent or brought into any other party sent or brought into any receiving state of a child
state any child for placement in foster care or as a in violation of the terms of this compact shall
preliminary to a possible adoption unless the constitute a violation of the laws respecting the
sending agency shall comply with each and every placement of children of both the state in which
requirement set forth in this article and with the the sending agency is located or from which it
applicable laws of the receiving state governing sends or brings the child and of the receiving
the placement of children therein. state. Such violation may be punished or
(b) Prior to sending, bringing, or causing subjected to penalty in either jurisdiction in
any child to be sent or brought into a receiving accordance with its laws. In addition to liability
state for placement in foster care or as a for any such punishment or penalty, any such
preliminary to a possible adoption, the sending violation shall constitute full and sufficient
agency shall furnish the appropriate public grounds for the suspension or revocation of any
authorities in the receiving state written notice of license, permit, or other legal authorization held
the intention to send, bring, or place the child in by the sending agency which empowers or allows
the receiving state. The notice shall contain: it to place or care for children.
(1) the name, date, and place of birth of
(2) the identity and address or addresses JURISDICTION
of the parents or legal guardian;
(3) the name and address of the person, (a) The sending agency shall retain
agency, or institution to or with which the sending jurisdiction over the child sufficient to determine
agency proposes to send, bring, or place the child; all matters in relation to the custody, supervision,
(4) a full statement of the reasons for such care, treatment, and disposition of the child which
proposed action and evidence of the authority it would have had if the child had remained in the
pursuant to which the placement is proposed to be sending agency's state, until the child is adopted,
made. reaches majority, becomes self-supporting, or is
(c) Any public officer or agency in a discharged with the concurrence of the
receiving state which is in receipt of a notice appropriate authority in the receiving state. Such
pursuant to Paragraph (b) of this article may jurisdiction shall also include the power to effect
request of the sending agency, or any other or cause the return of the child or its transfer to
appropriate officer or agency of or in the sending another location and custody pursuant to law. The
agency's state, and shall be entitled to receive sending agency shall continue to have financial
therefrom, such supporting or additional responsibility for support and maintenance of the
information as it may deem necessary under the child during the period of the placement. Nothing
circumstances to carry out the purpose and policy contained herein shall defeat a claim of
of this compact. jurisdiction by a receiving state sufficient to deal

with an act of delinquency or crime committed and regulations to carry out more effectively the
therein. terms and provisions of this compact.
(b) When the sending agency is a public
agency, it may enter into an agreement with an ARTICLE VIII. LIMITATIONS
authorized public or private agency in the
receiving state providing for the performance of This compact shall not apply to:
one or more services in respect of such case by the (a) the sending or bringing of a child into
latter as agent for the sending agency. a receiving state by his parent, stepparent,
©) Nothing in this compact shall be grandparent, adult brother or sister, adult uncle or
construed to prevent a private charitable agency aunt, or his guardian and leaving the child with
authorized to place children in the receiving state any such relative or nonagency guardian in the
from performing services or acting as agent in that receiving state; or
state for a private charitable agency of the sending (b) any placement, sending, or bringing of
state; nor to prevent the agency in the receiving a child into a receiving state pursuant to any other
state from discharging financial responsibility for interstate compact to which both the state from
the support and maintenance of a child who has which the child is sent or brought and the
been placed on behalf of the sending agency receiving state are party, or to any other
without relieving the responsibility set forth in agreement between said states which has the force
Paragraph (a) hereof. of law.



A child adjudicated delinquent may be This compact shall be open to joinder by

placed in an institution in another party any state, territory, or possession of the United
jurisdiction pursuant to this compact but no such States, the District of Columbia, the
placement shall be made unless the child is given Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and, with the
a court hearing on notice to the parent or guardian consent of congress, the government of Canada or
with opportunity to be heard, prior to his being any province thereof. It shall become effective
sent to such other party jurisdiction for with respect to any such jurisdiction when such
institutional care and the court finds that: jurisdiction has enacted the same into law.
(1) equivalent facilities for the child are Withdrawal from this compact shall be by the
not available in the sending agency's jurisdiction; enactment of a statute repealing the same, but
and shall not take effect until two years after the
(2) institutional care in the other effective date of such statute and until written
jurisdiction is in the best interest of the child and notice of the withdrawal has been given by the
will not produce undue hardship. withdrawing state to the governor of each other
party jurisdiction. Withdrawal of a party state
ARTICLE VII. COMPACT shall not affect the rights, duties, and obligations
ADMINISTRATOR under this compact of any sending agency therein
with respect to a placement made prior to the
The executive head of each jurisdiction effective date of withdrawal.
party to this compact shall designate an officer
who shall be general coordinator of activities ARTICLE X. CONSTRUCTION AND
under this compact in his jurisdiction and who, SEVERABILITY
acting jointly with like officers of other party
jurisdictions, shall have power to promulgate rules The provisions of this compact shall be
liberally construed to effectuate the purposes

thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be by Article VI of the compact. After placement in
severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or another state, the court retains jurisdiction of the
provision of this compact is declared to be child as provided by Article V of the compact.
contrary to the constitution of any party state or of
the United States or the applicability thereof to § 162.106. Compact Authority
any government, agency, person, or circumstance (a) The governor shall appoint the
is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of executive director of the Department of Protective
this compact and the applicability thereof to any and Regulatory Services [now Family and
government, agency, person, or circumstance shall Protective Services] as compact administrator.
not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be (b) The executive director shall designate
held contrary to the constitution of any state party a deputy compact administrator and staff
thereto, the compact shall remain in full force and necessary to execute the terms of the compact in
effect as to the remaining states and in full force this state.
and effect as to the state affected as to all
severable matters. § 162.107. Offenses; Penalties
(a) An individual, agency, corporation, or
§ 162.103. Financial Responsibility for Child child-care facility that violates a provision of the
(a) Financial responsibility for a child compact commits an offense. An offense under
placed as provided in the compact is determined, this subsection is a Class B misdemeanor.
in the first instance, as provided in Article V of (b) An individual, agency, corporation,
the compact. After partial or complete default of child-care facility, or child-care institution in this
performance under the provisions of Article V state that violates Article IV of the compact
assigning financial responsibility, the executive commits an offense. An offense under this
director may bring suit under Chapter 154 and subsection is a Class B misdemeanor. On
may file a complaint with the appropriate conviction, the court shall revoke any license to
prosecuting attorney, claiming a violation of operate as a child-care facility or child-care
Section 25.05, Penal Code. institution issued by the department to the entity
(b) After default, if the executive director convicted and shall revoke any license or
determines that financial responsibility is unlikely certification of the individual, agency, or
to be assumed by the sending agency or the child's corporation necessary to practice in the state.
parents, the executive director may cause the child
to be returned to the sending agency. SUBCHAPTER C. INTERSTATE
(c) After default, the department shall COMPACT ON ADOPTION AND
assume financial responsibility for the child until MEDICAL ASSISTANCE
it is assumed by the child's parents or until the
child is safely returned to the sending agency. § 162.201. Adoption of Compact; Text
The Interstate Compact on Adoption and
§ 162.104. Approval of Placement Medical Assistance is adopted by this state and
The executive director may not approve entered into with all other jurisdictions joining in
the placement of a child in this state without the the compact in form substantially as provided
concurrence of the individuals with whom the under this subchapter.
child is proposed to be placed or the head of an
institution with which the child is proposed to be INTERSTATE COMPACT ON ADOPTION
§ 162.105. Placement in Another State
A juvenile court may place a delinquent The legislature finds that:
child in an institution in another state as provided

(a) Finding adoptive families for children The Department of Protective and
for whom state assistance is desirable, under Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective
Subchapter D, Chapter 162,1 and assuring the Services], through its executive director, is
protection of the interest of the children affected authorized to develop, participate in the
during the entire assistance period require special development of, negotiate, and enter into one or
measures when the adoptive parents move to other more interstate compacts on behalf of this state
states or are residents of another state. with other states to implement one or more of the
(b) The provision of medical and other purposes of this compact. An interstate compact
necessary services for children, with state authorized by this article has the force and effect
assistance, encounters special difficulties when of law.
the provision of services takes place in other

ARTICLE II. PURPOSES A compact entered into under the

authority conferred by this compact shall contain:
The purposes of the compact are to: (1) a provision making the compact
(a) authorize the Department of Protective available for joinder by all states;
and Regulatory Services [now Family and (2) a provision for withdrawal from the
Protective Services], with the concurrence of the compact on written notice to the parties, with a
Health and Human Services Commission, to enter period of one year between the date of the notice
into interstate agreements with agencies of other and the effective date of the withdrawal;
states for the protection of children on behalf of (3) a requirement that protections under
whom adoption assistance is being provided by the compact continue for the duration of the
the Department of Protective and Regulatory adoption assistance and apply to all children and
Services [now Family and Protective Services]; their adoptive parents who on the effective date of
and the withdrawal are receiving adoption assistance
(b) provide procedures for interstate from a party state other than the one in which they
children's adoption assistance payments, including reside and have their principal place of abode;
medical payments. (4) a requirement that each case of
adoption assistance to which the compact applies
ARTICLE III. DEFINITIONS be covered by a written adoption assistance
agreement between the adoptive parents and the
In this compact: state child welfare agency of the state that
(a) "Adoption assistance state" means the provides the adoption assistance and that the
state that signs an adoption assistance agreement agreement be expressly for the benefit of the
in a particular case. adopted child and enforceable by the adoptive
(b) "Residence state" means the state in parents and the state agency providing the
which the child resides by virtue of the residence adoption assistance; and
of the adoptive parents. (5) other provisions that are appropriate
(c) "State" means a state of the United for the proper administration of the compact.
States, the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin ARTICLE VI. OPTIONAL CONTENTS OF
Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the COMPACTS
Northern Mariana Islands, or a territory or
possession of or a territory or possession A compact entered into under the
administered by the United States. authority conferred by this compact may contain
the following provisions, in addition to those
ARTICLE IV. COMPACTS AUTHORIZED required under Article V of this compact:

(1) provisions establishing procedures and contract or arrangement held by the child or the
entitlement to medical, developmental, child-care, adoptive parents may not be reimbursed. The
or other social services for the child in accordance state medical assistance agency shall adopt rules
with applicable laws, even if the child and the implementing this subsection. The additional
adoptive parents are in a state other than the one coverage and benefit amounts provided under this
responsible for or providing the services or the subsection are for services for which there is no
funds to defray part or all of the costs thereof; federal contribution or services that, if federally
and aided, are not provided by the residence state.
(2) other provisions that are appropriate or The rules shall include procedures for obtaining
incidental to the proper administration of the prior approval for services in cases in which prior
compact. approval is required for the assistance.
(d) The submission of a false, misleading,
ARTICLE VII. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE or fraudulent claim for payment or reimbursement
for services or benefits under this article or the
(a) A child with special needs who resides making of a false, misleading, or fraudulent
in this state and who is the subject of an adoption statement in connection with the claim is an
assistance agreement with another state is entitled offense under this subsection if the person
to receive a medical assistance identification from submitting the claim or making the statement
this state on the filing in the state medical knows or should know that the claim or statement
assistance agency of a certified copy of the is false, misleading, or fraudulent. A person who
adoption assistance agreement obtained from the commits an offense under this subsection may be
adoption assistance state. In accordance with liable for a fine not to exceed $10,000 or
rules of the state medical assistance agency, the imprisonment for not more than two years, or both
adoptive parents, at least annually, shall show that the fine and the imprisonment. An offense under
the agreement is still in effect or has been this subsection that also constitutes an offense
renewed. under other law may be punished under either this
(b) The state medical assistance agency subsection or the other applicable law.
shall consider the holder of a medical assistance (e) This article applies only to medical
identification under this article as any other holder assistance for children under adoption assistance
of a medical assistance identification under the agreements with states that have entered into a
laws of this state and shall process and make compact with this state under which the other
payment on claims on the holder's account in the state provides medical assistance to children with
same manner and under the same conditions and special needs under adoption assistance
procedures as for other recipients of medical agreements made by this state. All other children
assistance. entitled to medical assistance under adoption
(c) The state medical assistance agency assistance agreements entered into by this state
shall provide coverage and benefits for a child are eligible to receive the medical assistance in
who is in another state and who is covered by an accordance with the laws and procedures that
adoption assistance agreement made by the apply to the agreement.
Department of Protective and Regulatory Services
[now Family and Protective Services] for the ARTICLE VIII. FEDERAL PARTICIPATION
coverage or benefits, if any, not provided by the
residence state. The adoptive parents acting for Consistent with federal law, the
the child may submit evidence of payment for Department of Protective and Regulatory Services
services or benefit amounts not payable in the [now Family and Protective Services] and the
residence state and shall be reimbursed for those Health and Human Services Commission, in
amounts. Services or benefit amounts covered connection with the administration of this
under any insurance or other third-party medical compact or a compact authorized by this compact,

shall include the provision of adoption assistance the use of any institution or facility of this state or
and medical assistance for which the federal requires or authorizes the provision of a service by
government pays some or all of the cost in any this state, the supplementary agreement does not
state plan made under the Adoption Assistance take effect until approved by the head of the
and Child Welfare Act of 1980 (Pub. L. No. department or agency under whose jurisdiction the
96–272), Titles IV-E and XIX of the Social institution or facility is operated or whose
Security Act, and other applicable federal laws. department or agency will be charged with
The Department of Protective and Regulatory rendering the service.
Services [now Family and Protective Services]
and the Health and Human Services Commission § 162.205. Payments by State
shall apply for and administer all relevant federal The compact administrator, subject to the
aid in accordance with law. approval of the chief state fiscal officer, may
make or arrange for payments necessary to
§ 162.202. Authority of Department of discharge financial obligations imposed on this
Protective and Regulatory Services [now state by the compact or by a supplementary
Family and Protective Services] agreement entered into under the compact.
The Department of Protective and
Regulatory Services [now Family and Protective § 162.206. Penalties
Services], with the concurrence of the Health and A person who, under a compact entered
Human Services Commission, may develop, into under this subchapter, knowingly obtains or
participate in the development of, negotiate, and attempts to obtain or aids or abets any person in
enter into one or more interstate compacts on obtaining, by means of a wilfully false statement
behalf of this state with other states to implement or representation or by impersonation or other
one or more of the purposes of this subchapter. fraudulent device, any assistance on behalf of a
An interstate compact authorized by this article child or other person to which the child or other
has the force and effect of law. person is not entitled, or assistance in an amount
greater than that to which the child or other person
§ 162.203. Compact Administration is entitled, commits an offense. An offense under
The executive director of the Department this section is a Class B misdemeanor. An offense
of Protective and Regulatory Services [now under this section that also constitutes an offense
Family and Protective Services] shall serve as the under other law may be punished under either this
compact administrator. The administrator shall section or the other applicable law.
cooperate with all departments, agencies, and
officers of this state and its subdivisions in
facilitating the proper administration of the SUBCHAPTER D. ADOPTION SERVICES
compact and any supplemental agreements BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY AND
entered into by this state. The executive director PROTECTIVE SERVICES
and the commissioner of human services shall
designate deputy compact administrators to § 162.301. Definitions
represent adoption assistance services and medical In this subchapter:
assistance services provided under Title XIX of (1) "Adoption assistance agreement"
the Social Security Act. means a written agreement, binding on the parties
to the agreement, between the department and the
§ 162.204. Supplementary Agreements prospective adoptive parents that specifies the
The compact administrator may enter into nature and amount of any payment, services, or
supplementary agreements with appropriate assistance to be provided under the agreement and
officials of other states under the compact. If a stipulates that the agreement will remain in effect
supplementary agreement requires or authorizes without regard to the state in which the

prospective adoptive parents reside at any of adoption assistance for parents who adopt
particular time. them. Special effort shall be made to disseminate
(2) "Child" means a child who cannot be the information to families that have lower income
placed for adoption with appropriate adoptive levels or that belong to disadvantaged groups.
parents without the provision of adoption
assistance because of factors including ethnic § 162.304. Financial and Medical Assistance
background, age, membership in a minority or (amended 2007, 2009)
sibling group, the presence of a medical condition, (a) The department shall enter into
or a physical, mental, or emotional disability. adoption assistance agreements with the adoptive
(3) "Department" means the Department parents of a child as authorized by Part E of Title
of Family and Protective Services. IV of the federal Social Security Act, as amended
(42 U.S.C. Section 673).
§ 162.302. Adoption Assistance Program (b) The adoption of a child may be
(amended 2001) subsidized by the department. The need for and
(a) The department shall administer a amount of the subsidy shall be determined by the
program designed to promote the adoption of department under its rules.
children by providing information to prospective (b-1) The department shall pay a $150
adoptive parents concerning the availability and subsidy each month for the premiums for health
needs of the children, assisting the parents in benefits coverage for a child with respect to whom
completing the adoption process, and providing a court has entered a final order of adoption if the
adoption assistance necessary for the parents to child:
adopt the children. (1) was in the conservatorship of the
(b) The legislature intends that the department at the time of the child's adoptive
program benefit children residing in foster homes placement;
at state or county expense by providing them with (2) after the adoption, is not eligible for
the stability and security of permanent homes and medical assistance under Chapter 32, Human
that the costs paid by the state and counties for Resources Code; and
foster home care for the children be reduced. (3) is younger than 18 years of age.
(c) The program shall be carried out by (b-2) The executive commissioner of the
licensed child-placing agencies or county Health and Human Services Commission shall
child-care or welfare units under rules adopted by adopt rules necessary to implement Subsection (b-
the department. 1), including rules that:
(d) The department shall keep records (1) limit eligibility for the subsidy under
necessary to evaluate the program's effectiveness that subsection to a child whose adoptive family
in encouraging and promoting the adoption of income is less than 300 percent of the federal
children. poverty level;
(e) It is the intent of the legislature that (2) provide for the manner in which the
the department in providing adoption services, department shall pay the subsidy under that
when it is in the children's best interest, keep subsection; and
siblings together and whenever possible place (3) specify any documentation required to be
siblings in the same adoptive home. provided by an adoptive parent as proof that the
subsidy is used to obtain and maintain health
§ 162.303. Dissemination of Information benefits coverage for the adopted child.
The department, county child-care or (c) In addition to the subsidy under
welfare units, and licensed child-placing agencies Subsection (b), the department may subsidize the
shall disseminate information to prospective cost of medical care for a child. The department
adoptive parents concerning the availability and shall determine the amount and need for the
needs of children for adoption and the existence subsidy.

(d) The county may pay a subsidy under (1) the child's mental or physical
Subsection (b) or ©) if the county is responsible disability, age, and membership in a sibling group;
for the child's foster care at the time of the child's and
adoptive placement. (2) the number of prior placement
(e) If the child is receiving supplemental disruptions the child has experienced.
security income from the federal government, the (h) In determining the amount that would
state may pay the subsidy regardless of whether have been paid to a foster parent for purposes of
the state is the managing conservator for the child. Subsection (g), the department:
(f) Subject to the availability of funds, the (1) shall use the minimum amount
department shall work with the Health and Human required to be paid to a foster parent for a child
Services Commission and the federal government assigned the same service level as the child who is
to develop a program to provide medical the subject of the adoption assistance agreement;
assistance under Chapter 32, Human Resources and
Code, to children who were in the conservatorship (2) may not include any amount that a
of the department at the time of adoptive child-placing agency is entitled to retain under the
placement and need medical or rehabilitative care foster care rate structure in effect on the date the
but do not qualify for adoption assistance. department and the adoptive parent enter into the
(g) A child for whom a subsidy is agreement.
provided under Subsection (b-1) for premiums for (I) A child for whom a subsidy is
health benefits coverage and who does not receive provided under Subsection (b-1) for premiums for
any other subsidy under this section is not health benefits coverage and who does not receive
considered to be the subject of an adoption any other subsidy under this section is not
assistance agreement for any other purpose, considered to be the subject of an adoption
including for determining eligibility for the assistance agreement for any other purpose,
exemption from payment of tuition and fees for including for etrmining eligibility for the
higher education under Section 54.2111, exemption from payment of tuition and fees for
Education Code. higher education under Sction 54.2111, Education
(g) The executive commissioner of the Code.
Health and Human Services Commission by rule
shall provide that the maximum amount of the § 162.3041. Continuation of Assistance After
subsidy under Subsection (b) that may be paid to Child's 18th Birthday (added 2001, amended
an adoptive parent of a child under an adoption 2009)
assistance agreement is an amount that is equal to (a) The department shall, in accordance
the amount that would have been paid to the foster with department rules, offer adoption assistance
parent of the child, based on the child's foster care after a child's 18th birthday to the child's adoptive
service level on the date the department and the parents under an existing adoption assistance
adoptive parent enter into the adoption assistance agreement entered into under Section 162.304
agreement. This subsection applies only to a child until:
who, based on factors specified in rules of the (1) the first day of the month of the child's
department, the department determines would 21st birthday if the department determines, as
otherwise have been expected to remain in foster provided by department rules, that:
care until the child's 18th birthday and for whom (A) the child has a mental or physical
this state would have made foster care payments disability that warrants the continuation of that
for that care. Factors the department may assistance;
consider in determining whether a child is eligible (B) the child, or the child's adoptive
for the amount of the subsidy authorized by this parent on behalf of the child, has applied for
subsection include the following: federal benefits under the supplemental security

income program (42 U.S.C. Section 1381 et seq.), department is not required to provide adoption
as amended; and assistance benefits under Subsection (a-1) unless
(C) the child's adoptive parents are the department is specifically appropriated funds
providing the child's financial support; or for purposes of that subsection.
(2) if the child does not meet the (b) In determining whether a child meets
requirements of Subdivision (1), the earlier of: the requirements of Subdivision (a)(1), the
(A) the date the child ceases to regularly department may conduct an assessment of the
attend high school or a vocational or technical child's mental or physical disability or may
program; contract for the assessment to be conducted.
(B) the date the child obtains a high (c) The department and any person with
school diploma or high school equivalency whom the department contracts to conduct an
certificate; assessment under Subsection (b) shall:
(C) the date the child's adoptive parents (1) inform the adoptive parents of the
stop providing financial support to the child; or child for whom the assessment is conducted of the
(D) the first day of the month of the application requirement under Subsection
child's 19th birthday. (a)(1)(B) for federal benefits for the child under
(a-1) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), if the supplemental security income program (42
the department first entered into an adoption U.S.C. Section 1381 et seq.), as amended;
assistance agreement with a child's adoptive (2) provide assistance to the adoptive
parents after the child's 16th birthday, the parents and the child in preparing an application
department shall, in accordance with rules for benefits under that program; and
adopted by the executive commissioner of the (3) provide ongoing consultation and
Health and Human Services Commission, offer guidance to the adoptive parents and the child
adoption assistance after the child's 18th birthday throughout the eligibility determination process
to the child's adoptive parents under an existing for benefits under that program.
adoption agreement until the last day of the month (d) If the legislature does not appropriate
of the child's 21st birthday, provided the child is: sufficient money to provide adoption assistance to
(1) regularly attending high school or the adoptive parents of all children described by
enrolled in a program leading toward a high Subsection (a), the department shall provide
school diploma or high school equivalency adoption assistance only to the adoptive parents of
certificate; children described by Subsection (a)(1). The
(2) regularly attending an institution of department is not required to provide adoption
higher education or a postsecondary vocational or assistance benefits under Subsection (a-1) unless
technical program; the department is specifically appropriated funds
(3) participating in a program or activity for purposes of that subsection.
that promotes, or removes barriers to,
employment; § 162.305. Funds
(4) employed for at least 80 hours a The department and other state agencies
month; or shall actively seek and use federal funds available
(5) incapable of doing any of the for the purposes of this subchapter.
activities described by Subdivisions (1)-(4) due to
a documented medical condition. § 162.306. Postadoption Services
(d) If the legislature does not appropriate (a) The department may provide services
sufficient money to provide adoption assistance to after adoption to adoptees and adoptive families
the adoptive parents of all children described by for whom the department provided services before
Subsection (a), the department shall provide the adoption.
adoption assistance only to the adoptive parents of (b) The department may provide services
children described by Subsection (a)(1). The under this section directly or through contract.

(c) The services may include financial § 162.309. Advisory Committee on Promoting
assistance, respite care, placement services, Adoption of Minority Children
parenting programs, support groups, counseling (a) An advisory committee on promoting
services, crisis intervention, and medical aid. the adoption of and provision of services to
minority children is established within the
§ 162.308. Race or Ethnicity department.
(a) The department, a county child-care or (b) The committee is composed of 12
welfare unit, or a licensed child-placing agency members appointed by the board of the
may not make an adoption placement decision on Department of Family and Protective Services.
the presumption that placing a child in a family of The board shall appoint to the committee
the same race or ethnicity as the race or ethnicity individuals who in the aggregate have knowledge
of the child is in the best interest of the child. of and experience in community education,
(b) Unless an independent psychological cultural relations, family support, counseling, and
evaluation specific to a child indicates that parenting skills and education. At least six
placement with a family of a particular race or members must be ordained members of the clergy.
ethnicity would be detrimental to the child, the (c) A committee member serves for a
department, county child-care or welfare unit, or two-year term and may be appointed for
licensed child-placing agency may not deny, additional terms.
delay, or prohibit the adoption of a child because (d) A member of the committee receives
the department, county, or agency is attempting to no compensation but is entitled to reimbursement
locate a family of a particular race or ethnicity. for actual and necessary expenses incurred in
(c) This section does not prevent or limit performing the member's duties under this section.
the recruitment of minority families as adoptive (e) The committee shall elect one member
families, but the recruitment of minority families to serve as presiding officer. The presiding
may not be a reason to delay placement of a child officer serves for a two-year term and may be
with an available family of a race or ethnicity elected for additional terms.
different from that of the child. (f) The department shall set the time and
(d) A state or county employee who place of the first committee meeting. The
violates this section is subject to immediate committee shall meet at least quarterly.
dismissal. A licensed child-placing agency that (g) The department shall pay the expenses
violates this section is subject to action by the of the committee and shall supply necessary
licensing agency as a ground for revocation or personnel and supplies.
suspension of the agency's license. (h) To promote the adoption of and
(e) A district court, on the application for provision of services to minority children, the
an injunction or the filing of a petition committee shall:
complaining of a violation of this section by any (1) study, develop, and evaluate programs
person residing in the county in which the court and projects relating to community awareness and
has jurisdiction, shall enforce this section by education, family support, counseling, parenting
issuing appropriate orders. An action for an skills and education, and reform of the child
injunction is in addition to any other action, welfare system;
proceeding, or remedy authorized by law. An (2) consult with churches and other
applicant or petitioner who is granted an cultural and civic organizations; and
injunction or given other appropriate relief under (3) report to the department at least
this section is entitled to the costs of the suit, annually the committee's recommendations for
including reasonable attorney's fees. department programs and projects that will
promote the adoption of and provision of services
to minority children.

(I) On receiving the committee's child of that person. The term does not include
recommendations, the department may adopt rules the act of establishing the legal relationship of
to implement a program or project recommended parent and child between a man and a child
under this section. The department may solicit, through proof of paternity or voluntary
accept, and use gifts and donations to implement legitimation proceedings.
a program or project recommended by the (4) "Adoption agency" means a person,
committee. other than a natural parent or guardian of a child,
(j) The department shall report to the who plans for the placement of or places a child in
legislature not later than November 1 of each the home of a prospective adoptive parent.
even-numbered year following the first year in (5) "Adoptive parent" means an adult who
which it receives recommendations under this is a parent of an adoptee through a legal process
section regarding committee recommendations of adoption.
and action taken by the department under this (6) "Alleged father" means a man who is
section. not deemed by law to be or who has not been
(k) The recruitment of minority families adjudicated to be the biological father of an
may not be a reason to delay placement of a child adoptee and who claims or is alleged to be the
with an available family of a race or ethnicity adoptee's biological father.
different from that of the child. (7) "Authorized agency" means a public
agency authorized to care for or to place children
SUBCHAPTER E. VOLUNTARY for adoption or a private entity approved for that
ADOPTION REGISTRIES purpose by the department through a license,
certification, or other means. The term includes a
§ 162.401. Purpose licensed child-placing agency or a previously
The purpose of this subchapter is to licensed child-placing agency that has ceased
provide for the establishment of mutual consent operations and has transferred its adoption records
voluntary adoption registries through which to the bureau or an agency authorized by the
adoptees, birth parents, and biological siblings department to place children for adoption and a
may voluntarily locate each other. It is not the licensed child-placing agency that has been
purpose of this subchapter to inhibit or prohibit acquired by, merged with, or otherwise succeeded
persons from locating each other through other by an agency authorized by the department to
legal means or to inhibit or affect in any way the place children for adoption.
provision of postadoptive services and education, (8) "Biological parent" means a man or
by adoption agencies or others, that go further woman who is the father or mother of genetic
than the procedures set out for registries origin of a child.
established under this subchapter. (9) "Biological siblings" means persons
who share a common birth parent.
§ 162.402. Definitions (amended 1997) (10) "Birth parent" means:
In this subchapter: (A) the biological mother of an adoptee;
(1) "Administrator" means the (B) the man adjudicated or presumed
administrator of a mutual consent voluntary under Chapter 151 to be the biological father of an
adoption registry established under this adoptee; and
subchapter. ©) a man who has signed a consent to
(2) "Adoptee" means a person 18 years of adoption, affidavit of relinquishment, affidavit of
age or older who has been legally adopted in this waiver of interest in child, or other written
state or another state or country. instrument releasing the adoptee for adoption,
(3) "Adoption" means the act of creating unless the consent, affidavit, or other instrument
the legal relationship of parent and child between includes a sworn refusal to admit or a denial of
a person and a child who is not the biological paternity. The term includes a birth mother and

birth father but does not include a person § 162.405. Determination of Appropriate
adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction as Registry
not being the biological parent of an adoptee. (a) The administrator of the central
(11) "Central registry" means the mutual registry shall determine the appropriate registry to
consent voluntary adoption registry established which an applicant is entitled to apply.
and maintained by the bureau under this (b) On receiving an inquiry by an adoptee,
subchapter. birth parent, or sibling who has provided
(12) "Department" means the Department satisfactory proof of age and identity and paid all
of Family and Protective Services. required inquiry fees, the administrator of the
(13) "Registry" means a mutual consent central registry shall review the information on
voluntary adoption registry established under this file in the central index and consult with the
subchapter. administrators of other registries in the state to
(14) "Bureau" means the bureau of vital determine the identity of any appropriate registry
statistics. through which the adoptee, birth parent, or sibling
may register.
§ 162.403. Establishment of Voluntary (c) Each administrator shall, not later than
Adoption Registries (amended 1997) the 30th day after the date of receiving an inquiry
(a) The bureau shall establish and from the administrator of the central registry,
maintain a mutual consent voluntary adoption respond in writing to the inquiry that the registrant
registry. was not placed for adoption by an agency served
(b) Except as provided by Subsection ©), by that registry or that the registrant was placed
an agency authorized by the department to place for adoption by an agency served by that registry.
children for adoption and an association If the registrant was placed for adoption by an
comprised exclusively of those agencies may agency served by the registry, the administrator
establish a mutual consent voluntary adoption shall file a report with the administrator of the
registry. An agency may contract with any other central registry including:
agency authorized by the department to place (1) the name of the adopted child as
children for adoption or with an association shown in the final adoption decree;
comprised exclusively of those agencies to (2) the birth date of the adopted child;
perform registry services on its behalf. (3) the docket number of the adoption
(c) An authorized agency that did not suit;
directly or by contract provide registry services as (4) the identity of the court that granted
required by this subchapter on January 1, 1984, the adoption;
may not provide its own registry service. The (5) the date of the final adoption decree;
bureau shall operate through the central registry (6) the identity of the agency, if any,
those services for agencies not permitted to through which the adopted child was placed; and
provide a registry under this section. (7) the identity, address, and telephone
number of the registry through which the adopted
§ 162.404. Requirement to Send Information to child may register as an adoptee.
Central Registry (d) After completing the investigation, the
An authorized agency that is permitted to administrator of the central registry shall issue an
provide a registry under this subchapter or that official certificate stating:
participates in a mutual consent voluntary (1) the identity of the registry through
adoption registry with an association of authorized which the adoptee, birth parent, or biological
agencies shall send to the central registry a sibling may apply for registration, if known; or
duplicate of all information the registry maintains (2) if the administrator cannot make a
in the agency's registry or sends to the registry in conclusive determination, that the adoptee, birth
which the agency participates.

parent, or biological sibling is entitled to apply for (1) the registry of the authorized agency
registration through the central registry. through which the adoptee was adopted or placed;
§ 162.406. Registration Eligibility (2) the central registry.
(a) An adoptee who is 18 years of age or (d) The administrator may not accept an
older may apply to a registry for information application for registration unless the applicant:
about the adoptee's birth parents and biological (1) provides proof of identity as provided
siblings. by Section 162.408;
(b) A birth parent who is 18 years of age (2) establishes the applicant's eligibility to
or older may apply to a registry for information register; and
about an adoptee who is a child by birth of the (3) pays all required registration fees.
birth parent. (e) A registration remains in effect until
(c) An alleged father who is 18 years of the 99th anniversary of the date the registration is
age or older and who acknowledges paternity but accepted unless a shorter period is specified by
is not, at the time of application, a birth father the applicant or the registration is withdrawn
may register as a birth father but may not before that time.
otherwise be recognized as a birth father for the (f) A registrant may withdraw the
purposes of this subchapter unless: registrant's registration in writing without charge
(1) the adoptee's birth mother in her at any time.
application identifies him as the adoptee's (g) After a registration is withdrawn or
biological father; and expires, the registrant shall be treated as if the
(2) additional information concerning the person has not previously registered.
adoptee obtained from other sources is not (h) A completed registry application must
inconsistent with his claim of paternity. be accepted or rejected before the 46th day after
(d) A biological sibling who is 18 years of the date the application is received. If an
age or older may apply to a registry for application is rejected, the administrator shall
information about the person's adopted biological provide the applicant with a written statement of
siblings. the reason for the rejection.
(e) Only birth parents, adoptees, and
biological siblings may apply for information § 162.408. Proof of Identity (amended 1997)
through a registry. The rules and minimum standards of the
(f) A person, including an authorized Texas Board of Health for the bureau must
agency, may not apply for information through a provide for proof of identity in order to facilitate
registry as an agent, attorney, or representative of the purposes of this subchapter and to protect the
an adoptee, birth parent, or biological sibling. privacy rights of adoptees, adoptive parents, birth
parents, biological siblings, and their families.
§ 162.407. Registration (amended 1997)
(a) The administrator shall require each § 162.409. Application
registration applicant to sign a written application. (a) An application must contain:
(b) An adoptee adopted or placed through (1) the name, address, and telephone
an authorized agency may register through the number of the applicant;
registry maintained by that agency or the registry (2) any other name or alias by which the
to which the agency has delegated registry applicant has been known;
services or through the central registry maintained (3) the age, date of birth, and place of
by the bureau. birth of the applicant;
(c) Birth parents and biological siblings (4) the original name of the adoptee, if
shall register through: known;

(5) the adoptive name of the adoptee, if (4) the last known address of the adoptee's
known; other birth parent; and
(6) a statement that the applicant is (5) other available information through
willing to allow the applicant's identity to be which the other birth parent may be identified.
disclosed to a registrant who is eligible to learn (d) The application of a biological sibling
the applicant's identity; must include:
(7) the name, address, and telephone (1) a statement explaining the applicant's
number of the agency or other entity, basis for believing that the applicant has one or
organization, or person placing the adoptee for more biological siblings;
adoption, if known, or, if not known, a statement (2) the names, including maiden and
that the applicant does not know that information; married names, and aliases of all the applicant's
(8) an authorization to the administrator siblings by birth and adoption and their dates and
and the administrator's designees to inspect all places of birth, if known;
vital statistics records, court records, and agency (3) the names of the applicant's legal
records, including confidential records, relating to parents;
the birth, adoption, marriage, and divorce of the (4) the names of the applicant's birth
applicant or to the birth and death of any child or parents, if known; and
sibling by birth or adoption of the applicant; (5) any other information known to the
(9) the specific address to which the applicant through which the existence and identity
applicant wishes notice of a successful match to of the applicant's biological siblings can be
be mailed; confirmed.
(10) a statement that the applicant either (e) An application may also contain
does or does not consent to disclosure of additional information through which the
identifying information about the applicant after applicant's identity and eligibility to register may
the applicant's death; be ascertained.
(11) a statement that the registration is to (f) The administrator shall assist the
be effective for 99 years or for a stated shorter applicant in filling out the application if the
period selected by the applicant; and applicant is unable to complete the application
(12) a statement that the adoptee applicant without assistance, but the administrator may not
either does or does not desire to be informed that furnish the applicant with any substantive
registry records indicate that the applicant has a information necessary to complete the application.
biological sibling who has registered under this
subchapter. § 162.411. Fees (amended 1997)
(b) The application may contain the (a) The costs of establishing, operating,
applicant's social security number if the applicant, and maintaining a registry may be recovered in
after being advised of the right not to supply the whole or in part through users' fees charged to
number, voluntarily furnishes it. applicants and registrants.
(c) The application of a birth parent must (b) Each registry shall establish a
include: schedule of fees for services provided by the
(1) the original name and date of birth or registry. The fees shall be reasonably related to
approximate date of birth of each adoptee with the direct and indirect costs of establishing,
respect to whom the parent is registering; operating, and maintaining the registry.
(2) the names of all other birth children, (c) A fee may not be charged for
including maiden names, aliases, dates and places withdrawing a registration.
of birth, and names of the birth parents; (d) The fees collected by the bureau shall
(3) each name known or thought by the be deposited in a special fund in the general
applicant to have been used by the adoptee's other revenue fund. Funds in the special fund may be
birth parent;

appropriated only for the administration of the birth parents, or biological siblings and without a
central registry. court order.
(e) The administrator may waive users' (d) To establish a match, the administrator
fees in whole or in part if the applicant provides may also request confirmation of a possible match
satisfactory proof of financial inability to pay the from the agency, if any, that has possession of
fees. records concerning the adoption of an adoptee or
from the court that granted the adoption, the
§ 162.412. Supplemental Information hospital where the adoptee or any biological
(a) A registrant may amend the registrant's sibling was born, the physician who delivered the
registration and submit additional information to adoptee or biological sibling, or any other person
the administrator. A registrant shall notify the who has knowledge of the relevant facts. The
administrator of any change in the registrant's agency, court, hospital, physician, or person with
name or address that occurs after acceptance of knowledge may confirm or deny the match
the application. without breaching any duty of confidentiality to
(b) The administrator does not have a duty the adoptee, adoptive parents, birth parents, or
to search for a registrant who fails to register a biological siblings.
change of name or address. (e) If a match is denied by a source
contacted under Subsection (d), the administrator
§ 162.413. Counseling shall make a full and complete investigation into
The applicant must participate in the reliability of the denial. If the match is
counseling for not less than one hour with a social corroborated by other reliable sources and the
worker or mental health professional with administrator is satisfied that the denial is
expertise in postadoption counseling after the erroneous, the administrator may make
administrator has accepted the application for disclosures but shall report to the adoptee, birth
registration and before the release of confidential parents, and biological siblings involved that the
information. match was not confirmed by all information
§ 162.414. Matching Procedures (amended
1997) § 162.416. Disclosure of Identifying
(a) The administrator shall process each Information
registration in an attempt to match the adoptee and (a) When a match has been made and
the adoptee's birth parents or the adoptee and the confirmed to the administrator's satisfaction, the
adoptee's biological siblings. administrator shall mail to each registrant, at the
(b) The administrator shall determine that registrant's last known address, by fax or
there is a match if the adult adoptee and the birth registered or certified mail, return receipt
mother or the birth father have registered or if a requested, delivery restricted to addressee only, a
biological sibling has registered. written notice:
(c) To establish or corroborate a match, (1) informing the registrant that a match
the administrator shall request confirmation of a has been made and confirmed;
possible match from the bureau. If the agency (2) reminding the registrant that the
operating the registry has in its own records registrant may withdraw the registration before
sufficient information through which the match disclosures are made, if desired; and
may be confirmed, the administrator may, but is (3) notifying the registrant that before any
not required to, request confirmation from the identifying disclosures are made, the registrant
bureau. The bureau may confirm or deny the must:
match without breaching the duty of (A) sign a written consent to disclosure
confidentiality to the adoptee, adoptive parents, that allows the disclosure of identifying
information about the other registrants to the

registrant and allows the disclosure of identifying (b) Information acquired by a registry
information about the registrant to other may not be disclosed under freedom of
registrants; information or sunshine legislation, rules, or
(B) participate in counseling for not less practice.
than one hour with a social worker or mental (c) A person may not file or prosecute a
health professional who has expertise in class action litigation to force a registry to
postadoption counseling; and disclose identifying information.
(C) provide the administrator with written
certification that the counseling required under § 162.420. Rulemaking (amended 1997)
Subdivision (B) has been completed. (a) The Texas Board of Health shall make
(b) Identifying information about a rules and adopt minimum standards for the bureau
registrant shall be released without the registrant's to:
having consented after the match to disclosure if (1) administer the provisions of this
the registrant is dead, the registrant's registration subchapter; and
was valid at the time of death, and the registrant (2) ensure that each registry respects the
had in writing specifically authorized the right to privacy and confidentiality of an adoptee,
postdeath disclosure in the registrant's application birth parent, and biological sibling who does not
or in a supplemental statement filed with the desire to disclose the person's identity.
administrator. (b) The bureau shall conduct a
(c) Identifying information about a comprehensive review of all rules and standards
deceased birth parent may not be released until adopted under this subchapter not less than every
each surviving child of the deceased birth parent six years.
is an adult or until each child's surviving parent, (c) In order to provide the administrators
guardian, managing conservator, or legal an opportunity to review proposed rules and
custodian consents in writing to the disclosure. standards and send written suggestions to the
(d) The administrator shall prepare and Texas Board of Health, the board shall, before
release written disclosure statements identifying adopting rules and minimum standards, send a
information about each of the registrants if the copy of the proposed rules and standards not less
registrants complied with Subsection (a) and, than 60 days before the date they take effect to:
before the 60th day after the date notification of (1) the administrator of each registry
match was mailed, the registrant or registrants established under this subchapter; and
have not withdrawn their registrations. (2) the administrator of each agency
(e) If the administrator establishes that a authorized by the department to place children for
match cannot be made because of the death of an adoption.
adoptee, birth parent, or biological sibling, the
administrator shall promptly notify the affected § 162.421. Prohibited Acts; Criminal Penalties
registrant. The administrator shall disclose the (amended 1997)
reason why a match cannot be made and may (a) This subchapter does not prevent the
disclose nonidentifying information concerning bureau from making known to the public, by
the circumstances of the person's death. appropriate means, the existence of voluntary
adoption registries.
§ 162.419. Registry Records Confidential (b) Information received by or in
(a) All applications, registrations, records, connection with the operation of a registry may
and other information submitted to, obtained by, not be stored in a data bank used for any purpose
or otherwise acquired by a registry are other than operation of the registry.
confidential and may not be disclosed to any (c) A person commits an offense if the
person or entity except in the manner authorized person knowingly or recklessly discloses
by this subchapter. information from a registry application,

registration, record, or other information a registry under this subchapter is not liable to any
submitted to, obtained by, or otherwise acquired person for obtaining or disclosing identifying
by a registry in violation of this subchapter. This information about a birth parent, adoptee, or
subsection may not be construed to penalize the biological sibling within the scope of this
disclosure of information from adoption agency subchapter and under its provisions.
records. An offense under this subsection is a (c) A person or entity furnishing
felony of the second degree. information to the administrator or an employee or
(d) A person commits an offense if the agent of a registry is not liable to any person for
person with criminal negligence causes or permits disclosing information about a birth parent,
the disclosure of information from a registry adoptee, or biological sibling within the scope of
application, registration, record, or other this subchapter and under its provisions.
information submitted to, obtained by, or (d) A person or entity is not immune from
otherwise acquired by a registry in violation of liability for performing an act prohibited by
this subchapter. This subsection may not be Section 162.421.
construed to penalize the disclosure of
information from adoption agency records. An SUBCHAPTER F. ADOPTION OF AN
offense under this subsection is a Class A ADULT
(e) A person commits an offense if the § 162.501. Adoption of Adult
person impersonates an adoptee, birth parent, or The court may grant the petition of an
biological sibling with the intent to secure adult residing in this state to adopt another adult
confidential information from a registry according to this subchapter.
established under this subchapter. An offense
under this subsection is a felony of the second § 162.502. Jurisdiction
degree. The petitioner shall file a suit to adopt an
(f) A person commits an offense if the adult in the district court or a statutory county
person impersonates an administrator, agent, or court granted jurisdiction in family law cases and
employee of a registry with the intent to secure proceedings by Chapter 25, Government Code, in
confidential information from a registry the county of the petitioner's residence.
established under this subchapter. An offense
under this subsection is a felony of the second § 162.503. Requirements of Petition
degree. (a) A petition to adopt an adult shall be
(g) A person commits an offense if the entitled "In the Interest of __________, An
person, with intent to deceive and with knowledge Adult."
of the statement's meaning, makes a false (b) If the petitioner is married, both
statement under oath in connection with the spouses must join in the petition for adoption.
operation of a registry. An offense under this
subsection is a felony of the third degree. § 162.504. Consent
A court may not grant an adoption unless
§ 162.422. Immunity From Liability (1997) the adult consents in writing to be adopted by the
(a) The bureau or authorized agency petitioner.
establishing or operating a registry is not liable to
any person for obtaining or disclosing identifying § 162.505. Attendance Required
information about a birth parent, adoptee, or The petitioner and the adult to be adopted
biological sibling within the scope of this must attend the hearing. For good cause shown,
subchapter and under its provisions. the court may waive this requirement, by written
(b) An employee or agent of the bureau or order, if the petitioner or adult to be adopted is
of an authorized agency establishing or operating unable to attend.

§ 162.506. Adoption Order (amended 2003) § 162.602. Documentation to Accompany
(a) The court shall grant the adoption if Petition for Adoption or Annulment or
the court finds that the requirements for adoption Revocation of Adoption (added 2003)
of an adult are met. At the time a petition for adoption or
(b) Notwithstanding that both spouses annulment or revocation of adoption is filed, the
have joined in a petition for the adoption of an petitioner shall also file completed documentation
adult as required by Section 162.503(b), the court that may be used by the clerk of the court, at the
may grant the adoption of the adult to both time the petition is granted, to comply with
spouses or, on request of the spouses, to only one Section 192.009, Health and Safety Code, and
spouse. Section 108.003.

§ 162.507. Effect of Adoption (amended 2005)

(a) The adopted adult is the son or
daughter of the adoptive parents for all purposes.
(b) The adopted adult is entitled to inherit
from and through the adopted adult's adoptive
parents as though the adopted adult were the
biological child of the adoptive parents.
(c) The adopted adult may not inherit
from or through the adult's biological parent. A
biological parent may not inherit from or through
an adopted adult.


§ 162.601. Incentives for Licensed

Child-Placing Agencies
(a) Subject to the availability of funds, the
Department of Family and Protective Services
shall pay, in addition to any other amounts due, a
monetary incentive to a licensed child-placing
agency for the completion of an adoption:
(1) of a child, as defined by Section
162.301, receiving or entitled to receive foster
care at department expense; and
(2) arranged with the assistance of the
(b) The incentive may not exceed 25
percent of the amount the department would have
spent to provide one year of foster care for the
child, determined according to the child's level of
care at the time the adoption is completed.
(c) For purposes of this section, an
adoption is completed on the date on which the
court issues the adoption order.


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