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Rules & Syllabus 2017
There will be a growing demand for qualified manpower for the banking and finance sector
in the coming years on account of expansion of volume of business and large scale
retirement of personnel. Banking and finance industry will require professionally qualified
manpower endowed with banking and finance knowledge and skills together with
technology-familiarity, customer orientation and hands-on application skills who can be
assigned to various desks / jobs with minimal training intervention at the bank level.
In view of the huge current as well as potential demand for the professionally qualified
manpower for the banking and finance sector, and to ensure a steady stream of industry-
ready professionals at the entry-level, IIBF has designed this course as professional
qualification who aspire for a career in banking and finance.
The course will give knowledge inputs to the candidates and expose them to the
operational processes and modern banking environment so that they can man the
counters at the bank from the first day of their joining the bank. It is expected that
successful candidates of Diploma in Banking & Finance would have a competitive edge
and will be absorbed by banks and financial institutions and Diploma in Banking & Finance
would emerge as a preferred professional qualification with graduation for employment in
banking and finance industry.
Hosting of the Resume of successful candidates on IIBF’s website for employment :
IIBF will host on its website details of all the successful candidates and make it available
to its member Banks / Institutions which include Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of
India, Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks, Foreign Banks, Co-operative Banks
and IT / BPO companies providing services to banking industry, for considering them for
Salient Features
• Diploma in Banking & Finance will impart banking and finance knowledge and skills
together with technology-familiarity and customer-orientation
• High quality academic rigor and specially prepared courseware.
• Candidates undertaking the course will have comprehensive and up-to-date
knowledge in the subject of banking and finance. The Diploma offers practical insights
into the subjects while, at the same time, emphasizes robust theoretical foundation.
• The course will make the candidates job ready.
• The course is so designed that most employers would value it for talent scouting.
• This will ensure that banks can reduce their post recruitment training intervention.
• The course is cost effective and at the same time high in quality. At an additional fee,
candidates can seek educational support in the form of e-learning / virtual classes /
contact classes.
• The diploma carries professional recognition among the banking and finance
community as it is equivalent to banking industry recognized JAIIB qualification of IIBF.
• The certification is backed by a system of high professional standards of the Institute.
Educational Support
• Specially developed courseware.
• e-learning support / Class room learning.
12th Pass.
(Members of the Institute are not eligible for DB&F examination since they are eligible to
appear for JAIIB examination. In case if any Member of the Institute appears for DB&F
examination, their result / certificate will be liable for cancellation)
(1) Principles & Practices of Banking,
(2) Accounting & Finance for Bankers,
(3) Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Banking
1. Minimum marks for pass in the subject is 50 out of 100.
2. Candidates securing at least 45 marks in each subject with an aggregate of 50%
marks in all subjects of examination in a single attempt will also be declared as having
completed the Examination.
3. Candidates will be allowed to retain credits for the subject they have passed in a
attempt till the expiry of the time limit for passing the examination as mentioned below :
1. Candidates will be required to pass the examination within a time limit of 2 years
(i.e. 4 consecutive attempts). Initially a candidate will have to pay examination
fee for a block of one year (First block) i.e. for two attempts. In case if a candidate
is not able to pass the examination within a time limit of one year, he can appear
for a further period of one year (Second block) i.e. two attempts on payment of
requisite fee.
2. Candidates not able to pass examination within stipulated time period of two years are
required to re-enroll themselves afresh. Such candidates will not be granted credit/s
for subject/s passed, if any, earlier.
3. Time limit of 2 years will start from the date of application for First block. Attempts
will be counted irrespective of whether a candidate appears at any examination or
For Non-members only

First Block of 2 attempts `3,200/- *

Second Block of 2 attempts `2,400/- *
* Plus Service Tax as applicable (Reg. No. AAATT3309DSD002
Examination will be conducted in English only.
(i) Question Paper will contain approximately 120 objective type multiple choice
questions for 100 marks including questions based on case studies / case lets. The
Institute may however vary the number of questions to be asked for a subject
(ii) The examination will be held in Online Mode only
(iii) There will NOT be negative marking for wrong answers.
The duration of the examination will be of 2 hours.

a) Examination will be conducted on pre-announced dates published on IIBF Web
Site. Institute conducts examination on half yearly basis, however periodicity of the
examination may be changed depending upon the requirement of banking industry.
b) List of Examination centers will be available on the website. (Institute will conduct
examination in those centers where there are 20 or more candidates.)
1. The Institute will consider the FIRST PHYSICAL ATTEMPT of the candidate at the
examination as first attempt for awarding class. In other words, the candidate should
not have attempted any of the subject/s pertaining to the concerned examination any
time in the past and has to pass all the subject as per the passing criteria and secure
prescribed marks for awarding class. Candidates re-enrolling for the examination
after exhausting all permissible attempts as per the time limit rule will not be
considered for awarding class.
2. First Class : 60% or more marks in aggregate and pass in all the subjects in the FIRST
3. First Class with Distinction: 70% or more marks in aggregate and 60 or more marks in
each subject in the FIRST PHYSICAL ATTEMPT.
Application for examination should be registered online from the Institute’s website The schedule of examination and dates for registration will be published
on IIBF website.
Non-members applying for Institute’s examinations/courses are required to attach /
submit a copy of any one of the following documents containing Name, Photo and
Signature at the time of registration of Examination Application. Application without the
same shall be liable to be rejected.
1) Photo I / Card issued by Employer or 2) PAN Card or 3) Driving Licencse or 4)
Election Voter’s I / Card or 5) Passport 6) Aadhaar Card
The Institute has developed a courseware to cover the syllabus. The courseware (book)
for the subject/s will be available at outlets of publisher/s. Please visit IIBF website under the menu “Exam Related” for details of book/s and address of
publisher/s outlets. Candidates are advised to make full use of the courseware. However,
as banking and finance fields are dynamic, rules and regulations witness rapid changes.
Therefore, the courseware should not be considered as the only source of information
while preparing for the examinations. Candidates are advised to go through the updates
put on the IIBF website from time to time and go through Master Circulars / Master
Directions issued by RBI and publications of IIBF like IIBF Vision, Bank Quest, etc. All
these sources are important from the examination point of view. Candidates are also to
visit the websites of organizations like RBI, SEBI, BIS, IRDAI, FEDAI etc. besides going
through other books & publications covering the subject / exam concerned etc. Questions
based on current developments relating to the subject / exam may also be asked.
Cut-off Date of Guidelines /Important Developments for Examinations :
The Institute has a practice of asking questions in each exam about the recent
developments / guidelines issued by the regulator(s) in order to test if the candidates keep
themselves abreast of the current developments. However, there could be changes in the
developments / guidelines from the date the question papers are prepared and the dates
of the actual examinations.
In order to address these issues effectively, it has been decided that:
(i) In respect of the examinations to be conducted by the Institute for the period February
to July of a calendar year, instructions / guidelines issued by the regulator(s) and
important developments in banking and finance up to 31st December will only be
considered for the purpose of inclusion in the question papers".
(ii) In respect of the examinations to be conducted by the Institute for the period
August to January of a calendar year, instructions / guidelines issued by
the regulator(s) and important developments in banking and finance up to
30th June will only be considered for the purpose of inclusion in the question
The table given below further clarifies the situation.

Particulars Cut-off Date of Guidelines / Important

Developments for Examination/s Developments for Examination/s
For the examinations to be conducted by 31st December 2016
the Institute for the period February 2017
to July 2017
For the examinations to be conducted by 30th June 2017
the Institute for the period August 2017 to
January 2018


Tutorial / Contact programmes may be organized by the Institute at various centres. For
details in this regard candidates may visit Institute's website
Institute facilitates e-learning to all the JAIIB, DB&F and CAIIB papers to enhance the
understanding of the concepts. Candidates can access the e-learning (From Desktops
and Laptops only) through our website at their convenience and from their
place of choice. The user id and password will be sent to all the candidates registered for
the said examinations at their registered email id with the Institute.
Institute facilitates video classes (pre-recorded video classes) for all the JAIIB, DB&F and
CAIIB (compulsory subjects) covering 25-30 hours of lectures for each paper.
Candidates can access the classes (From Desktops and Laptops only) through our
website at their convenience and from their place of choice. The user id
and password will be sent to all the candidates registered for the said examinations at
their registered email id with the Institute.
The above said facilities of e-learning and video lectures offered to the candidates is
solely at the discretion of the Institute and subject to such terms / conditions as may be
deemed fit by the institute from time to time. Hence no candidate has any right / claim
whatsoever against the institute by reason of any technical glitches or any shortcomings
as the case may be and the decision of the institute in the event of any dispute there under
will be final and conclusive.
The details of the prescribed syllabus which is indicative are furnished in the
booklet. However, keeping in view the professional nature of examinations, all matters
falling within the realm of the subject concerned will have to be studied by the
candidate as questions can be asked on all relevant matters under the subject.
Candidates appearing for the examination should particularly prepare themselves
for answering questions that may be asked on the latest developments taking place
under the various subject/s of the said examination although those topics may not
have been specifically included in the syllabus. The Institute also reserves to itself
the right to vary the syllabus / rules / fee structure from time to time. Any alterations made
will be notified from time to time. Further, questions based on current developments in
banking and finance may be asked.

Candidates are advised to refer to financial news papers / periodicals more particularly
“IIBF VISION” and “BANK QUEST” published by the Institute.
Indian Financial System – An Overview
Role of RBI, Commercial Banks, NBFCs, PDs, FIs, Cooperative Banks, CRR, SLR;
Equity & Debt Market; IRDA
Banking Regulation
Constitution, Objectives, Functions of RBI; Tools of Monetary Control; Regulatory
Restrictions on Lending
Retail Banking, Wholesale and International Banking
Retail Banking- Products, Opportunities; Wholesale Banking, Products; International
Banking, Requirements of Importers & Exporters, Remittance Services; Universal
Banking; ADRs; GDRs; Participatory Notes
Role of Money Markets, Debt Markets & Forex Market
Types of Money & Debt Market Instruments incl. G-Secs; ADs, FEMA, LIBOR, MIBOR, etc.
Role and Functions of Capital Markets, SEBI
Overview of Capital Market; Stock Exchange; Commonly used Terms; Types of Capital
Issues; Financial Products / Instruments including ASBA, QIP; SEBI; Registration of
Stock Brokers, Sub-brokers, Share Transfer Agents, etc QIBs
Mutual Funds & Insurance Companies, Bancassurance & IRDA
Types of Mutual Funds, its Management & its Role; Role & Functions of Insurance
Companies; Bancassurance; IRDA
Factoring, Forfaiting Services and Off-Balance Sheet items
Types & advantages of Factoring & forfaiting services; Types of off balance sheet items
Risk Management, Basel Accords
Introduction to Risk Management; Basel I, II & III Accords
CIBIL, Fair Practices Code for Debt Collection, BCSBI
Role and Functions of CIBIL; Fair Practices Code for Debt Collection; Codes of BCSBI
Recent Developments in the Financial System
Structure, Reforms in the Indian Financial System; recent developments in Money, Debt,
Forex Markets; Regulatory Framework; Payments and Settlement System
Banker Customer Relationship
Types; Different Deposit Products & Services; Services to Customers & Investors
KYC / AML / CFT norms
PMLA Act; KYC Norms
Bankers’ Special Relationship
Mandate; POA; Garnishee Orders; Banker’s Lien; Right of Set off
Consumer Protection - COPRA, Banking Ombudsman Scheme
Operational Aspects of COPRA Act & Banking Ombudsman Scheme
Payment and Collection of Cheques and Other Negotiable Instruments
NI Act; Role & Duties of Paying & Collecting Banks; Endorsements; Forged Instruments;
Bouncing of Cheques; Its Implications; Return of Cheques; Cheque Truncation System
Opening accounts of various types of customers
Operational Aspects of opening and Maintaining Accounts of Different Types of
Customers including Aadhaar, SB Rate Deregulation

Ancillary Services
Remittances; Safe Deposit Lockers; Govt. Business; EBT
Cash Operations
Cash Management Services and its Importance
Principles of lending, Working Capital Assessment and Credit Monitoring
Cardinal Principles; Non-fund Based Limits; WC; Term Loans; Credit Appraisal
Techniques; Sources of WC Funds & its Estimation; Operating Cycle; Projected
Net WC; Turnover Method; Cash Budget; Credit Monitoring & Its Management;
Base Rate
Priority Sector Advances
Targets; Sub-Targets; Recent Developments
Agricultural Finance
Types of Agricultural Loans; Risk Mitigation in agriculture (NAIS, MSP etc.)
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
MSMED Act, 2006 Policy Package for MSMEs; Performance and Credit Rating Scheme;
Latest Developments
Government Sponsored Schemes
Self Help Groups
Need for & Functions of SHGs; Role of NGOs in Indirect Finance to SHGs; SHGs &
SGSY Scheme; Capacity Building
Credit Cards, Home Loans, Personal Loans, Consumer Loans
Operational Aspects, Advantages, Disadvantages & Guidelines of Credit Cards; Procedure
and Practices for Home Loans, Personal Loans and Consumer Loans
Types of Documents; Procedure; Stamping; Securitisation
Different Modes of Charging Securities
Assignment; Lien; Set-off; Hypothecation; Pledge; Mortgage
Types of collaterals and their characteristics
Land & Buildings; Goods; Documents of Title to Goods; Advances against Insurance
Policies, Shares, Book Debts, Term Deposits, Gold, etc; Supply Bills
Non Performing Assets
Definition; Income Recognition; Asset Classification; Provisioning Norms; CDR
Financial Inclusion
BC; BF; Role of ICT in Financial Inclusion, Mobile based transactions, R SETI
Financial Literacy
Importance of financial literacy, customer awareness
Essentials of Bank Computerization
Computer Systems; LANs; WANs; UPS; Core Banking
Payment Systems and Electronic Banking
ATMs; HWAK; PIN; Electromagnetic Cards; Electronic Banking; Signature Storage &
Retrieval System; CTS; Note & Coin Counting Machines; Microfiche; NPC; RUPAY
Data Communication Network and EFT systems
Components & Modes of Transmission; Major Networks in India; Emerging Trends in
Communication Networks for Banking; Evolution of EFT System; SWIFT; Automated
Clearing Systems; Funds Transfer Systems; Recent Developments in India

Role of Technology Upgradation and its impact on Banks
Trends in Technology Developments; Role & Uses of Technology Upgradation; Global
Trends; Impact of IT on Banks
Security Considerations
Risk Concern Areas; Types of Threats; Control Mechanism; Computer Audit;
IS Security; IS Audit; Evaluation Requirements
Overview of IT Act
Gopalakrishna Committee Recommendations
Preventive Vigilance in Electronic Banking
Phishing; Customer Education; Safety Checks; Precautions
Marketing – An Introduction
Concept; Management; Products & Services; Marketing Mix; Brand Image
Social Marketing / Networking
Evolution, Importance & Relevance of Social Marketing / Networking
Consumer Behaviour and Product
Consumer Behaviour; Product Planning, Development, Strategies, etc; CRM
Importance, Objectives, Factors, Methods, Strategies of Pricing; Bank Pricing
Distribution Channels; Channels for Banking Services; Net Banking; Mobile Banking
Channel Management
Meaning, Levels, Dynamics, Advantages
Role of Promotion in Marketing; Promotion Mix
Role of Direct Selling Agent / Direct Marketing Agent in a bank
Definition; Relevance; Banker as DSA / DMA; Delivery Channels in Banks; Benefits
Marketing Information Systems – a longitudinal analysis
Functions & Components of MKIS; MKIS Model; Use of Computers & Decision Models;
Performance of MKIS; Advantages
Calculation of Interest and Annuities
Calculation of Simple Interest & Compound Interest; Calculation of Equated Monthly
Instalments; Fixed and Floating Interest Rates; Calculation of Annuities; Interest
Calculation using Products / Balances; Amortisation of a Debt; Sinking Funds
Calculation of YTM
Debt- Definition, Meaning & Salient Features; Loans; Introduction to Bonds; Terms
associated with Bonds; Cost of Debt Capital; Bond value with semi-annual Interest;
Current Yield on Bond; Calculation of Yield-to- Maturity of Bond; Theorems for Bond
Value; Duration of Bond; Properties of Duration; Bond Price Volatility
Capital Budgeting
Present Value and Discounting; Discounted Technique for Investment Appraisal; Internal
Rate of Return (IRR); Method of Investment Appraisal; NPV and IRR compared;
Investment Opportunities with Capital Rationing; Investment Decision making under
condition of uncertainty; Expected NPV Rule; Risk Adjusted Discount Rate Approach for

NPV Determination; Sensitivity Analysis for NPV Determination; Decision Tree Analysis
for NPV Estimation; Payback Methods; ARR.
Depreciation and its Accounting
Depreciation, its types and methods; Comparing Depreciation Methods
Foreign Exchange Arithmetic
Fundamentals of Foreign Exchange; Forex Markets; Direct and Indirect Quote; Some
Basic Exchange Rate Arithmetic – Cross Rate, Chain Rule, Value date, etc.; Forward
Exchange Rates – Forward Points; Arbitrage; Calculating Forward Points; Premium /
discount; etc.
Definition, Scope and Accounting Standards
Nature and Purpose of Accounting; Historical Perspectives; Origins of Accounting
Principles; Accounting Standards in India and its Definition and Scope; Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles of USA (US GAAP); Transfer Pricing; Overview of IFRS;
Difference between GAAP & IFRS.
Basic Accountancy Procedures
Concepts of Accountancy; Going Concern Entity; Double Entry System; Principle of
Conservatism; Revenue Recognition and Realisation; Accrual and Cash Basis.
Maintenance of Cash / Subsidiary Books and Ledger
Record Keeping Basics; Account Categories; Debit and Credit Concepts;
Accounting and Columnar Accounting Mechanics; Journals; Ledgers; subsidiary
books; etc.
Bank Reconciliation Statement
Need for Bank Reconciliation; Causes of Differences; Preparation of Bank Reconciliation
Statement; How to prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement when Extracts of Cash
Book and Pass Book are given; Adjusting the Cash Book Balance; Advantages of Bank
Reconciliation Statement.
Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors and Adjusting & Closing Entries
Meaning of a Trial Balance; Features and Purpose of a Trial Balance; Types of
Trial Balance and Preparation of a Trial Balance; Disagreement of a Trial Balance;
Classification of Errors; Location of Errors; Rectification of Errors; Suspense
Account and Rectification; Rectification of Errors when Books are closed; Adjusting
and Closing Entries.
Capital and Revenue Expenditure
Expenditure; Distinction between Capital and Revenue Expenditure; Deferred Revenue
Expenditure; Receipts; General Illustrations.
Bills of Exchange
Types of Instruments of Credit; Term and Due Date of a Bill; Certain Important Terms;
Accounting Entries to be Passed; Accommodation Bill etc.
Balance Sheet Equation
Balance Sheet Equation; Computation of Balance Sheet Equation.
Preparation of Final Accounts
Preparation of Trading A/C; Profit and Loss A/C; Profit & Loss Appropriation Account;
Balance Sheets
Ratio Analysis
Meaning of Accounting Ratios; Classification of Ratios; Uses of Accounting Ratios;
Limitations of Accounting Ratios; Calculation and interpretation of various Ratios;
Different Users and their Use of Ratios.

Final Accounts of Banking Companies
Definition and Functions of a Bank; Requirements of Banking Companies as to Accounts
and Audit; Significant Features of Accounting Systems of Banks; Principal Books of
Accounts; Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements of Banks; CMA Format;
Accounting Treatment of Specific Items; Preparation of Profit and Loss Account;
Comments on Profit and Loss Account; Important Items of Balance Sheet; Disclosure
Requirements of Banks; Additional Disclosures prescribed by RBI; Disclosures required
under BASEL norms.
Company Accounts I & II
Definition and Types of Companies; Distinction between Partnership and Limited Liability
Company; Classes of Share Capital; Issue of Shares; General Illustrations Non-voting
Shares; Form of Balance Sheet; Legal Requirements for Assets; Legal Requirements for
Liabilities; Legal Requirements for Profit & Loss A/c; Preparation of Final Accounts
Accounting in a Computerized Environment
Meaning, Features of and Terms used in Computerized Accounting; Difference between
Computerized and Manual Accounting; Advantages and Disadvantages of
Computerized Accounting; Functions performed by Computerized Accounting Softwares
available in the Market; Computerization – Scope and Experiences in Banking; The Core
Banking Components; Information Security; Internet and World Wide Web – Influences
on Banking
Banking Operations & Accounting Functions
Preparation of Vouchers, cash receipt and payment entries, clearing inward and outward
entries, transfer debit and credit entries, what is KYC and what are the different
documents to satisfy KYC, verify KYC and authenticity of documents, operational
aspects in regard to opening of all types of accounts, scrutiny of loan applications /
documents, allowing drawals and accounting entries involved at various stages,
operational aspects of CBS environment etc., Back office operations in banks, handling
of unreconciled entries in banks.
Legal Framework of Regulation of Banks
Business of Banking; Constitution of Banks; RBI Act, 1934; Banking Regulation Act,
1949; Role of RBI; Govt. as a Regulator of Banks; Control over Cooperative Banks;
Regulation by other Authorities.
Control over Organization of Banks
Licensing of Banking Companies; Branch Licensing; Paid up Capital and Reserves;
Shareholding in Banking Companies; Subsidiaries of Banking Companies; Board of
Directors; Chairman of Banking Company; Appointment of Additional Directors;
Restrictions on Employment; Control over Management; Corporate Governance;
Directors and Corporate Governance.
Regulation of Banking Business
Power of RBI to Issue Directions; Acceptance of Deposits; Nomination; Loans
and Advances; Regulation of Interest Rate; Regulation of Payment Systems; Internet
Banking Guidelines; Regulation of Money Market Instruments; Banking Ombudsman;
Reserve Funds; Maintenance of CRR, SLR; Assets in India.
Returns Inspection, Winding up, Mergers & Acquisitions
Annual Accounts & Balance Sheet; Audit & Auditors; Submission of Returns;
Preservation of Records and Return of Paid Instruments; Inspection and Scrutiny; Board
for Financial Supervision; Acquisition of Undertakings; Amalgamation of Banks; Winding
up of Banks; Penalties for offences.

Public Sector Banks and Co-operative Banks
SBI and its Subsidiaries; Regional Rural Banks; Nationalized Banks; Application
of BR Act to Public Sector Banks; Disinvestment of Shares by Govt.; Co-operative
Financial Sector Legislative Reforms
Need, Approach for Financial Sector Legislative Reforms; Important Reforms
Recent Legislative Changes in RBI Act
Recent Legislative Changes in RBI Act, Need thereof
Financial Sector Development Council
Role and Functions of Financial Sector Development Council
Different Types of Borrowers
Types of Borrowers; Limited Liability Partnership
Types of Credit Facilities
Cash Credit, Overdraft, Demand Loans, Term Loans, Bill Finance
Secured and Unsecured Loans, Registration of Firms and Incorporation of
Definition of Secured and Unsecured loans; Need for Secured Loans; Registration of
Firms; Consequences of Non-registration of Firms; Incorporation of a Company
Definition of Contract of Indemnity; Features of Indemnity Contract & Guarantee; Scope
and Application of Indemnity Contracts to Banks; Obligations of a Banker; Precaution &
Rights of an Indemnity Holder
Bank Guarantees
Definition and Types of Bank Guarantees; Banker’s Duty to Honour Guarantee;
Precautions to be taken for Issuance of Bank Guarantee; Precautions to be taken for
Payment under Bank Guarantee; Invocation & Enforcement.
Letters of Credit
General Considerations of Letters of credit; Parties to a Letter of credit; Types of Letters
of credit; Documents under a Letter of credit; UCPDC 600; Banks obligation for payment
of Letter of credit.
Deferred Payment Guarantees
Purpose of DPGs; Methods of Payment
Laws Relating to Bill Finance
Class of Bills and Laws Governing Bills; Classification of Bills; Categories of Bill Finance;
Bill Finance and Legal Position of Banker
Various Types of Securities
Types of Securities; Escrow Arrangements; Trust and Retention Arrangements.
Laws Relating to Securities and Modes of Charging – I
Mortgage; Types of Mortgage; Enforcement of Mortgages
Laws Relating to Securities and Modes of Charging – II
Lien; Pledge; Hypothecation; etc.
Registration and Satisfaction of Charges
Definition of Charge; Procedure for Registration of Charge; Effect of Non-registration of
Charges; Provisions of Law relating to Registration of Charges
Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying Bank
Negotiable Instruments Act and Paying Banks; Liability of Paying Banker; Payment in
due course; Payment in Good Faith; Whether Payment under Mistake Recoverable

Case Laws on Responsibility of Collecting Bank
Statutory protection to Collecting Bank; Duties of Collecting Bank
Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993(DRT Act)
Objective of the Act, Constitution of Tribunal, Procedure to be followed, Enforcement
Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of
Securities Interest Act (SARFAESI)
Constitutional Validity; Definitions; Regulation & Reconstruction; Enforcement of
Security Interest; Central Registry; Offences & Penalties; Miscellaneous Provisions
Banking Ombudsmen Scheme
Purpose; Extent; Definitions; Establishment; Powers; Procedure for Redressal Grievance
Bankers Books Evidence Act, 1891
Applicability; Definition; Important Provisions
The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987
Lok Adalats- Organisation; Jurisdiction; Disposal of Cases; Awards
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and CERSAI
Preamble, Extent & Definitions; Consumer Protection Councils; Consumer Disputes
Redressal Agencies; Objectives and important provisions of Central Registry of
Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India
The Law of Limitation
Definition; Computation of Limitation; Important Provisions in schedule to the Limitation
Tax Laws
Income Tax; Commodity Transaction Tax; Service Tax
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
Applicability; Definition; Important Provisions
Payment & Settlements Systems Act, 2007
Applicability; Definition; Important Provisions
Indian Contract Act, 1872
Meaning and essentials of contract; Contract of Indemnity & Rights of Indemnity Holder;
Contract of Guarantee; Contract of Bailment; Contract of Pledge; Contract of Agency
The Sale of Goods Act, 1930
Features; Sale & Agreement to Sell; Conditions and Warranties; Express & Implied;
Rights of Unpaid Seller
Indian Partnership Act, 1932
Definition & Types of Partnerships; Relation of partners to one another & to third
Parties; Minor admitted to benefits of partnership; Dissolution of a firm; Effect of
non-registration; Limited liability partnerships formation, registration, rights and
liabilities of partners
Definition and features of a company
Definition & Features of a Company; Distinction between Company and Partnership
The Companies Act, 1956 (Now Companies Act, 2013 )
Definition, Features & Types of companies; Memorandum and Articles of Association;
Doctrine of Ultra Vires, Constructive Notice, Indoor Management; Membership of
Company- Acquisition, Cessation, Register, Rights & Duties of Members, Prospectus;
Directors; Winding up of Companies

Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
Important Terms; Powers of RBI, Regulation and Management; Directorate of
Transfer of Property Act, 1882
Sale, Mortgage of Immovable Property; Types of Mortgages; Sale with and without court
intervention; Lease of Immovable Property
The Right to Information Act, 2005
Applicability; Definition; Important Provisions
Right to Information and Obligation of Public Authorities
Obligations; Procedure; Disposal; Appeal; Orders; Penalties.
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
Obligations; Records to be Maintained; Procedure for Maintaining & Furnishing
Information; Maintenance & Verifications of Records of Identity of Clients.
Information Technology Act, 2000
a. Admit letter of all eligible candidates will be emailed to the candidates
in their email id registered with the Institute, 10 days before the examination
b. Admit letter of all eligible candidates will be hosted on Institute's website under the menu 'Exam Related', 1 week before the
examination date.
c. For downloading and printing of admit letter from the above mentioned website,
candidates will have to enter the following:
i. Membership or registration number as login id
ii. Edit profile password.
iii. If candidates do not remember their Edit profile password, they have
to click on the 'Forgot password / Get Password' button after entering
the Membership or Registration number. On clicking fresh edit profile
password will be sent to their registered email id.
d. Candidates are required to produce printed copy of admit letter along
with Membership identity card or any other valid photo ID card (Aadhaar card /
Employer's card / PAN Card / Driving License / Election voter's card / Passport
etc.) at the examination venue.
e. In the absence of printed copy of Admit Letter and Photo Identity Card,
candidates will be denied permission to write Examination.
2. Mobile Phones
a. Mobile phones and other electronic / smart gadgets (except calculator
as permissible) are not allowed in the examination hall. It is clarified that
mere possession of mobile phone and other electronic / smart gadgets in the
examination hall whether in switch off mode or silent mode shall also be deemed
to be resorting to adoption of unfair means in the examination.
3. Use of calculator
a. Candidates will be allowed to use battery operated portable calculator
in the examination. The calculator can be of any type up to 6 functions,
12 digits.
b. Attempt to use any other type of calculator not complying with the
specifications indicated above or having more features than mentioned
above shall tantamount to use of unfair means. Scientific calculator is not

4. Other Rules / Information
a. Candidates should ensure that they sign the Attendance Sheet.
b. Candidates are advised to reach the Examination Venue at least 30 minutes
before commencement of the examination.
c. No candidate will be permitted to enter the Examination Venue / hall after expiry
of 15 minutes and to leave the hall in the first 30 minutes from the scheduled
commencement of the examination.
d. Candidates would be able to login to the system only with the password
mentioned in this Admit Letter. This password should not be disclosed to
others. Keep it safe to avoid the possible misuse.
e. If the examination could not commence on scheduled time or there is
delay due to Failure of power, Technical snag of whatsoever nature or for
any such reason having bearing upon the conduct of examination; candidates
have to :-
i. Wait till resumption of power supply / solving of technical snag.
ii. Take-up the examination at other venue arranged by the examination
conducting authority.
iii. Follow instructions given by the examination conducting authority.
f. Candidates are required to strictly follow all the instructions given by the
examination conducting authority during the examination and adhere to
Rules of the examination.
g. Violation of any of the Rules / Instructions, misuse of the Admit Letter
will be considered to be an act of serious misconduct and the Institute will
take action as per the Rules of the examination, which will also be reported
to the employer of the candidate.
5. Rules, Penalities for Misconduct / Unfair Practices :
a. Communication of any sort between candidates or with outsiders is
not permitted and complete silence should be maintained during the
b. Copying answers from other candidates / other printed / Electronic material
or permitting others to copy or consultation of any kind will attract the rules
relating to unfair practices in the examination.
c. No candidate shall impersonate others or allow others to impersonate himself /
herself at the examination.
d. No candidate shall misbehave / argue with the Examination Conducting
Authorities at the centre.
e. Candidates have to compulsory return any papers given including that given
for rough work to invigilator.
f. Candidates should not possess and / or use books, notes, periodicals, etc.
in the examination hall at the time of examination / or use mathematical
tables, slide rules, stencils etc. during the examination.
If any candidate violates any of the above rules, it will be considered to be an act
of misconduct and he/she will be liable for punishment.
6. Result Advice / Consolidated Marksheet / Final Certificate
a. Result Advice of candidates will be hosted on Institute's website on declaration
of result, which can be downloaded by the candidates.

b. Consolidated mark sheet for candidates completing examination having
more than one subject, will be available on the Institute's website after
the declaration of results. Candidates can download the same after entering
login credentials using their membership number and edit profile password.
c. Final certificates will be sent by speed post within 2 months after the declaration
of result.

Register your queries through website > Members / Candidates
Services (Help)
Email all your queries to [email protected]
Member Support Service Office :
Indian Institute of Banking & Finance
191-F, Maker Towers, 19th Floor,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400 005
Tel. : 022-2218 3302 / 2218 5134
For training / contact classes related queries contact :
Leadership Centre
Indian Institute of Banking & Finance
Kohinoor City, Commercial-II, Tower-I, 3rd Floor,
Kirol Road, Off L.B.S.Marg, Kurla West, Mumbai 400 070.
Tel. : 022 25039746 / 9604 / 9907
E-mail : [email protected]

South Zone North Zone East Zone

Indian Institute of Banking & Indian Institute of Banking & Indian Institute of Banking &
Finance Finance Finance
No. 94, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 102-113, Vikrant Towers, Hindusthan Building (Annexe),
(100 Feet Road), Opp. Hotel 1st Floor, 4 Rajendra Place, 7th Floor, 4, C. R. Avenue,
Ambica Empire, Vadapalani, New Delhi – 110 008. Kolkatta – 700 072.
Chennai – 600 026. Tel. : 011-2575 2191 / 92 Tel. : 033-2212 4992
Tel. : 044-2472 2990 / 2472 7961 E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]
E-mail : [email protected]

Corporate Office : Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, Kohinoor City,

Commercial-II, Tower-1, 2nd Floor, Kirol Road, Kurla (West), Mumbai - 400 070
Tel. : 022-2503 9746 / 9604 / 9907
Quality Printers (I) Ph. 24922297


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