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Name of work : Construction of Institutional Block at Institute of Hotel Management,

SL. SCH. Quantit Rate in
Description of the work Unit Amount in Rs.
NO P.W.D y Rs.
1 PWD EXCAVATION in foundation in
2015, ordinary Soil ( Loam clay or sand )
251 including lift upto 1.5m lead upto 30.0
m & including filling watering and
ramming of excavated earth into the
space between the building & sides of 6048.15 Cum 90.25 545845.21
foundation trenches or into the plinth
and removal & disposal surplus earth
as directed by the engineer I/C within
a lead of 30 m.from foundation

2 U.P.P.A. Providing and injecting chemical

R 2015 emulsion for preconstructional
antitermite treatment and creating a
chemical barrier under and alround
the coloumn pitswall tench basement
excavation top surface if plinth filling
junction of wall and floor along the
external perimer of binding expansion
joints, surrounding of pipes and
conduits etc.complete(plinth area of
the building at ground floor only shall
be measured as per I.S.6313(Part ll
1981) aldrine emulsifiable concrete or
4709.75 Sqm 237.50 1118566.72
any other approved material such as
hepthachlor or chlordance will be
used.The rate of application of
chemical emulsion shall be as
follows:- (1) treatment for masonary
& foundation 5 litres per sq.m. (2)
back fill in immediate contract with
foundation 7.5 litre per sq.m
(3)treatment of top surface of plinth
filling 5 liters per sq.m. (4)
treatment of soil along external
parameter of building 7.50 lire per
3 PWD Sand filling in plinth including
2015, supply of necessary quantity of sand
255+ including watering, dressing etc.
SAND labour & T &P etc. required for
RATE proper completion of work saplings 475.24 Cum 634.60 301589.75
of girth upto 30 ground level and
removal of rubbish upto a distsnce of
50m out side the periphery of area
cleared. under floor fine sand.

4 PWD Providing and laying Cement

2015, concrete 1:4:8 (1cement :4 coarse
281 sand :8 graded stone ballast 20 mm.
nominal size) including supply of all
materials, labour and T&P etc. 840.09 Cum 4864.00 4086181.84
required for proper completion of the
work and curing complete, also
including cost of formwork in
2015, Cast cement concrete door sills,
282 chaukhats, boundary posts shelves
and similar small work with cement
approved coarse sand and 2 cm
gauge stone grit in proportions of
1:2:4 excluding its fixing and binding
1.82 Cum 7172.50 13041.06
the same with 24 B.W. G.G.I. binding
wire, moulds, all materials labour,
Tools & Plants etc. required for
proper completion of the work. the
rate excludes making of drip course
which shall be paid extra.

6 PWD with cement approved

2015, coarse sand and 2 cm. (3/4") guage
283 approved stone ballast in the
proportion 1:6, (1cement :6
aggregate) in lintels of doors and
windows excluding supply of
reinforcement and its fixing and
binding the same with 24 B WG
binding wire and including necessary
centering and shuttering etc.and
also including supply of all materials,
labour and tools and plants etc,
required for proper completion of the
works. strength of the concrete shall
not beless than M-200.
316.92 Cum 7446.1 2359845.76
(i) Analysis
rate As in item 283 above but for slabs 1223.03 Cum 7731.1 9455373.39

(ii) Analysis As in item 283 above but for lighter

rate 109.27 Cum 7921.1 865566.33

(iii) Analysis
As in item 283 above but for heavier
rate 993.21 Cum 8111.1 8055988.64

(iv) Analysis As in item 283 but on R.C.C.coiumns

rate 298.06 Cum 8208 2446435.99
in 1:1.5:3

7 PWD Filling of available excavated earth

2015, in trenches, plinth, sides of foundation
255 etc. inlayers not exceeding 20 cms in
depth, consolidating each deposited 4135.19 Cum 64.60 267133.44
layer by ramming and watering
including lead upto 50m & lift upto

8 Analysis P/F of Earth inner side in building

rate 2376.22 Cum 368.60 875874.44

9 PWD Class-150 brick work in 1:6 cement

2015, and COARSE sand mortar in
303+ foundation and plinth including
755.94 Cum 4963.75 3752313.56
307-306 supply of all materials, labour tools
and plants, etc. Required for proper
completetion of the work.

10 Analysis Sand pilling 2843.00 Nos 237.50 675212.50


11 PWD Class-150 brick work in 1:6 cement

2015, and COARSE sand mortar in
303+307 SUPERSTRUCTURE including
649.04 Cum 5372.25 3486795.75
-306+ supply of all materials, labour tools
309 +310 and plants, etc. Required for proper
completetion of the work

12 PWD Class-150 reinforced HALF brick

2015, work in 1:4 cement and COARSE
305b+31 sand mortar in
0+ 310a SUPERSTRUCTURE including 412.47 Cum 5448.25 2247233.07
supply of all materials, labour tools
and plants, etc.
13 PWD Mild steel or iron in plain work
2015, such as in reinforced concreted or
504 reinforced brick work (when not
included in overall rates) wrought to
required shape as necessary including 6242.18 Qtl 6545.50 40858190.20
bending for proper completion of the
work and including supply of steel its
wastage. Bend hooks and authorized
overlapping shall be measured.

14 DSR Extra for providing and placing in

2015, position 2 Nos 6mm dia. M.S. bars at
3586.69 Sqm 66.03 236810.88
6.15 every third course of half brick

15 PWD 12 mm thick plaster with cement

2015, mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement &
7206.20 Sqm 103.55 746202.22
586 fine sand of not less than 1.25 F.M.
for all floors.(in inner wall)

16 PWD Ceiling plaster cement & course

2015, sand in F.M not less than 1.25, 1:3
583+587 including chiping of RCC surface
before ceiling plaster. The cost of
6677.57 Sqm 158.65 1059395.94
including all materials, labour, T & P
and scafolding etc. complete

17 PWD 12 mm thick plaster with cement

2015, mortar in proportion of 1:6 cement &
2772.60 Sqm 103.55 287102.94
586 fine sand of not less than 1.25 F.M.
for all floors.(in outer wall)

18 DSR Forming groove of uniform size in the

2014, top layer of washed stone grit plaster
13.73.1 as per approved pattern using
wooden battens, nailed to the under
layer,including removal of wooden
battens, repair to the edges of panels
and finishing the groove complete as
7587.35 Rmt 30.02 227772.25
per specifications and direction of the
Engineer-in-charge :Forming groove
of uniform size in the top layer of
washed stone grit plaster
19 DSR Providing and laying flamed finish
2014, Granite stone flooring in required
8.12 design and patterns, in linear as well
as curvilinear portions of the building
all complete as per the architectural
drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab
over 20 mm (average) thick base of
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 3024.44 Sqm 3082.13 9321738.76
coarse sand) laid and jointed with
cement slurry and pointing with white
cement slurry admixed with pigment
of matching shade including rubbing,
curing and polishing etc. all complete
as specified and as directed by the
Engineerin- Charge :

20 Analysis Granite stone slab 25 mm thick in

of rate risers of steps, skirting, dado and
pillars laid on 12 mm (average) thick
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
359.23 Sqm 2508.00 900960.01
coarse sand ) and jointed with grey
cement slurry mixed with pigment to
match the shade of the slab, including
rubbing and polishing complete.

21 DSR Item Providing edge moulding to 18 mm

no. 8.3.2 thick marble stone counters, Vanities
etc., including machine polishing to
edge to give high gloss finish etc. 295.23 Rmt 219.02 64662.01
complete as per design approved by
Granite work

22 DSR Providing and laying rectified Glazed

2014, Ceramic floor tiles of size 300x300
11.39 mm or more (thickness to be specified
by the manufacturer), of 1st quality
conforming to IS : 15622, of approved
make, in colours White, Ivory, Grey, 384.77 Sqm 902.55 347270.03
Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm
thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement: 4
Coarse sand), including grouting the
joints with white cement and
matching pigments etc., complete.
23 DSR Providing and fixing Ist quality
2014, ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming
11.36 to IS: 15622 (thickness to be specified
by the manufacturer), of approved
make, in all colours, shades except
burgundy, bottle green, black of any
size as approved by Engineer-in-
Charge, in skirting, risers of steps and 2684.46 Sqm 794.82 2133655.79
dados, over 12 mm thick bed of
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand) and jointing with grey
cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm,
including pointing in white cement
mixed with pigment of matching
shade complete.

24 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm

(average) thick base laid over and
jointed with grey cement slurry mixed
with pigment to match the shade of
the slab, including rubbing and
polishing complete with base of
cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) :
DSR Item
no. 25mm thick 2673.52 Sqm 1084.33 1204321.95
25 DSR Item Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers
no. 11.27 of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid
on 12 mm (average) thick cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand)
712.11 Sqm 1131.69 805881.56
and jointed with grey cement slurry
mixed with pigment to match the
shade of the slabs, including rubbing
and polishing complete

26 DSR Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in

2014, different sizes (thickness to be
11.47.2 specified by the manufacturer), with
water absorption less than 0.08% and
conforming to IS: 15622, of approved
brand & manufacturer, in all colours
and shade, in skirting, riser of steps,
laid with cement based high polymer
1072.02 Sqm 1548.69 1660230.48
modified quick set tile adhesive (water
based) conforming to IS:15477, in
average 6 mm thickness, including
grouting of joints (Payment for
grouting of joints tobe made parately).
27 DSR Item Providing and fixing 18 mm thick gang
no. saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and prepolished, machine cut for
kitchen platforms, vanity counters,
window sills , facias and similar
locations of required size, approved
shade, colour and texture laid over 20
mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1
31.79 Sqm 3712.03 117995.78
cement : 4 coarse sand), joints
treated with white cement, mixed
with matching pigment, epoxy touch
ups, including rubbing, curing,
moulding and polishing to edges to
give high gloss finish etc. complete at
all levels.
Area of slab over 0.50 sqm

28 DSR Item Providing edge moulding to 18 mm

no. 8.3.2 thick marble stone counters, Vanities
etc., including machine polishing to
edge to give high gloss finish etc. 53.26 Rmt 219.02 11666.01
complete as per design approved by
Granite work

29 DSR Providing and applying white cement

2014, based putty of average thickness 1
13.80 mm, of approved brand and 16656.3
Sqm 85.17 1418581.44
manufacturer, over the plastered wall 7
surface to prepare the surface even
and smooth complete.

30 DSR Wall painting with acrylic emulsion

2014, paint of approved brand and
7206.20 Sqm 76.48 551094.30
13.60.1 manufacture to give an even shade :
Two or more coats on new work

31 DSR Finishing walls with textured

2014, exterior paint of required shade New
13.45.1 work (Two or more coats applied @
3.28 ltr/10 sqm) over and including
priming coat of exterior primer 2772.60 Sqm 139.13 385745.19
applied @ 2.20kg/10 sqm texture of
minimum film thickness 1.0 mm.
32 DSR French spirit polishing : Two or
2014, more coats on new works including a 793.70 Sqm 184.25 146241.21
13.68.1 coat of wood filler

33 DSR Making drip course in sun shade

2014, or FACIA as per direction of
5.30 engineer - in - charge including
63.45 Rmt 29.21 1853.53
supply of all materials labour etc
.required for proper completion of the

34 DSR Providing and laying integral cement

2014, based water proofing treatment
22.7.1 including preparation of surface as
required for treatment of roofs,
balconies, terraces etc consisting of
following operations: a) Applying a
slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75
kg/sqm of cement admixed with water
proofing compound conforming to IS.
2645 and approved by Engineer-in-
charge over the RCC slab including
adjoining walls upto 300 mm height
including cleaning the surface before
treatment. b) Laying brick bats with
mortar using roken bricks/brick bats
25 mm to 115 mm size with 50% of
cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5
coarse sand) admixed with water
proofing compound conforming to IS 4595.61 Sqm 968.10 4448995.84
: 2645 and pproved by Engineer-in-
charge over 20 mm thick layer of
cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement
:5 coarse sand ) admixed with water
proofing compound conforming to IS
: 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-
charge to required slope and treating
similarly the adjoining walls upto 300
mm height including rounding of
junctions of walls and slabs c) After
two days of proper curing applying a
second coat of cement slurry using
2.75 kg/ sqm of cement admixed
jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1
cement :4 coarse sand) admixed with
water proofing compound conforming
to IS : 2645 and approved by
35 Grading roof for water proofing
treatment with
DSR Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
2014, coarse sand) 229.78 Cum 8745.42 2009524.61

36 DSR Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement

2014, concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse
12.21.1 sand : 4 stone aggregate 10 mm and
down gauge), including finishing with
247.67 Rmt 135.95 33669.50
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine
sand) as per standard design :
12.21.1 In 75x75 mm deep chase

37 DSR Making khurras 45x45 cm with

2014, average minimum thickness of 5 cm
12.22 cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate of 20 mm nominal size)
over P.V.C. sheet 1 m x1 m x 400 22.00 Nos 177.32 3900.99
micron, finished with 12 mm cement
plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand)
and a coat of neat cement, rounding
the edges and making and finishing
the outlet complete.

38 PWD 600 40mm thick water proofing plaster in

74.30 Sqm 522.50 38822.27
two layers
39 DSR Providing and laying water proofing
2014, treatment to vertical and horizontal
22.3 surfaces of depressed portions of
W.C., kitchen and the like consisting
of: (i) Ist course of applying cement
[email protected]/sqm mixed with water
proofing compound conforming to IS
2645 in recommended proportions
including rounding off junction of
vertical and horizontal surface.
(ii) IInd course of 20 mm cement
plaster 1:3 (1 cement :3coarsesand)
mixed with water proofing compound 214.22 Sqm 496.76 106414.90
in recommended proportion
including rounding off junction of
vertical and horizontal surface.
(iii) IIIrd course of applying blown or
residual bitumen applied hot at 1.7
kg. per sqm of area.
(iv) IVth course of 400 micron thick
PVC sheet. (Overlaps at joints of PVC
sheet should be 100 mm wide and
pasted to each of PVC sheet should
be 100 mm wide and pasted to each
other with bitumen @ 1.7 kg/sqm).

40 Analysis Providing & laying of light cinder filling

rate under floor of toilets & other sunken 96.40 Cum 1731.85 166948.68
roofs .

41 Providing wood work in frames of

doors, windows, clerestory windows
and other frames, wrought framed
and fixed in position with hold fast
lugs or with dash fasteners of
required dia & length ( hold fast lugs
or dash fastener shall be paid for
DSR Item 86922.0
no. 9.1.1 Second class teak wood 6.45 Cum 560544.03
42 DSR Providing and fixing ISI marked flush
2014, door shutters conforming to IS :
9.20.1+ 2202 (Part I) decorative type, core of
9.127.2 block board construction with frame
of 1st class hard wood and with
decorative both side high pressure
laminated sheet of plain / wood grain
in gloss / matt / suede finish with high 274.47 Sqm 3118.71 855991.65
density protective surface layer and
reverse side of adhesive bonding
quality conforming to IS : 2046 Type
S, including cost of adhesive of
approved quality of 1.0 mm thick
including 32x5 mm teak wood lipping
on edges of shutters.

43 DSR Item Providing 40x5 mm flat iron hold fast

no. 9.53 40 cm long including fixing to frame
with 10 mm diameter bolts, nuts and
wooden plugs and embedding in
1040.00 Nos 111.48 115941.80
cement concrete block 30x10x15cm
1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 coarse sand: 6
graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size).

44 Providing and fixing aluminium tower

bolts, ISI marked, anodised (anodic
coating not less than grade AC 10 as
per IS : 1868 ) transparent or dyed to
required colour or shade, with
necessary screws etc. complete :
a) DSR Item
no. 250x10 mm 142.00 Nos 90.49 12849.23

b) DSR Item
no. 150x10 mm 36.00 Nos 62.08 2234.97

Providing and fixing aluminium

handles, ISI marked, anodised (anodic
coating not less than grade AC 10 as
per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to
required colour or shade, with
necessary screws etc. complete :
DSR Item
no. 125mm 356.00 Nos 66.31 23606.36
46 Providing and fixing aluminium
hanging floor door stopper, ISI
marked, anodised (anodic coating not
less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868)
transparent or dyed to required
colour and shade, with necessary
screws etc. complete.
a) DSR Item
no. Twin rubber stopper 178.00 Nos 79.75 14195.95

47 Providing and fixing carbon steel

galvanised ( minimum coating 5
micron) dash fastener of 10 mm dia
double threaded 6.8 grade (yield
strength 480 N/mm2), counter sunk
head, comprising of 10 m dia
polyamide PA 6 grade sleeve,
including drilling of hole in frame ,
concrete/ masonry, etc. as per
direction of Engineer-in-charge
a) DSR Item
no. 10x80mm 90.00 Nos 67.21 6049.13

b) DSR Item
no. 10x120mm 108.00 Nos 82.41 8900.55

48 Providing and fixing aluminium work

for doors, windows, ventilators and
partitions with extruded built up
standard tubular sections/
appropriate Z sections and other
sections of approved make
conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285,
fixing with dash fasteners of required
dia and size, including necessary
filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at
top, bottom and sides with required
EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc.
Aluminium sections shall be smooth,
rust free, straight, mitred and jointed
mechanically wherever required
including cleat angle, Aluminium snap
beading for glazing / paneling, C.P.
brass / stainless steel screws, all
complete as per architectural
drawings and the directions of
Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling
and dash fasteners to be paid for
separately) :

DSR Item Powder coated aluminium (minimum

no. thickness of powder coating 50 3674.84 Kg 358.86 1318761.60 micron)

49 For shutters of doors, windows &

ventilators including providing and
fixing hinges/ pivots and making
provision for fixing of fittings
wherever required including the cost
of EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket
required (Fittings shall be paid for
DSR Item Powder coated aluminium (minimum
no. thickness of powder coating 50 839.16 Kg 413.96 347380.77 micron)

50 Providing and fixing glazing in alu.

door, window, ventilator shutters and
partitions etc. with EPDM rubber /
neoprene gasket etc. complete as per
the architectural drawings and the
directions of engineer-in-charge.
(Cost of aluminium snap beading shall
be paid in basic item):
DSR Item
With float glass panes of 5.50 mm
no. 209.99 Sqm 787.31 165328.34

51 Filling the gap in between aluminium

frame & adjacent RCC/ Brick/ Stone
work by providing weather silicon
sealant over backer rod of approved
quality as per architectural drawings
and direction of Engineer-in-charge
DSR Item
no. Upto 5mm depth and 5mm width 289.57 Rmt 84.31 24414.37
52 Providing and fixing aluminium
casement windows fastener of
required length for aluminium
windows with necessary screws etc.
DSR Item
Powder coated minimum thickness
no. 96.00 Nos 52.39 5029.68
50 micron aluminium

53 Providing and fixing aluminium round

shape handle of outer dia 100mm
with SS screws etc. complete as per
direction of Engineerin- charge
DSR Item
Powder coated minimum thickness
no. 96.00 Nos 68.97 6621.12
50 micron aluminium

54 Painting with synthetic enamel paint

of approved brand and manufacture
to give an even shade
DSR Item
Two or more coats on new work 247.70 Sqm 70.68 17507.44
no. 13.61

55 DSR Providing & fixing glass panes with

2014, putty and glazing clips in steel
10.30.1 doors,windows, clerestory windows, 247.70 Sqm 726.23 179886.55
all complete with : 4.0 mm thick glass
panesFixing of Glass Pan 4mm thick

56 DSR Providing and fixing stainless steel (

2014, Grade 304) railing made of Hollow
10.28 tubes, channels, plates etc., including
welding, grinding, buffing, polishing
and making curvature (wherever
required) and fitting the same with
necessary stainless steel nuts and
bolts complete, i/c fixing the railing
with necessary accessories &
stainless steel dash fasteners ,
stainless steel bolts etc., of required
size, on the top of the floor or the side
1671.08 Kg 588.43 983313.60
of waist slab with suitable
arrangement as per approval of
Engineer-in-charge,(for payment
purpose only weight of stainless steel
members shall be considered
excluding fixing accessories such as
nuts, bolts, fasteners
etc.)S.S.Railing.900MM HT each
rmt=10.00 kg
57 DSR Providing and fixing curtain rods of
2014, 1.25 mm thick brass plates with two
14.28.2 brass brackets fixed with brass screws 249.54 Rmt 223.35 55732.39
and wooden plugs etc. wherever
necessary complete. 25 mm diameter.

58 DSR Providing and fixing double

2014, scaffolding system (cup lock type) on
14.72 the exterior side, up to seven story
height made with 40 mm dia M.S.
tube 1.5 m centre to centre, horizontal
& vertical tubes joining with cup & lock 1947.48 Sqm 151.91 295832.56
system with M.S. tubes, M.S. tube
challies, M.S. clamps and M.S.
staircase system in the scaffolding for
working platform etc.

59 DSR Providing and fixing wire gauge

2014, shutters using stainless steel grade
9. 134 304 wire gauge with wire of dia 0.5
.1.1.1 mm and average width of aperture 1.4
mm in both directions for doors,
windows and clerestory windows with 288.48 Sqm 3327.66 959963.36
necessary screws : 35 mm thick
shutters with ISI marked Stainless
Steel butt hinges with necessary
screws of required size Second class
teak wood

60 DSR Providing and laying S&S centrifugally

2014, cast (spun) iron pipes (Class LA)
18.27.3 conforming to IS - 1536
150mm 231.00 Rmt 1535.91 354795.79

61 DSR Providing and fixing collar :

2014, 60.00 Nos 302.43 18145.95

62 DSR Providing and fixing M.S. holder-bat

2014, clamps of approved design to Sand
17.37.1 Cast iron/cast iron (spun) pipe
embedded in and including cement
concrete blocks 10x10x10 cm of 1:2:4 150.00 Nos 145.26 21788.25
mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size), including cost of cutting
holes and making good the walls etc. :
63 DSR Providing and fixing plain bend of
2014, required degree. 30.00 Nos 318.96 9568.88

64 DSR Providing and fixing single equal plain

2014, invert branch of required degree : 30.00 Nos 495.52 14865.60

65 DSR Providing and fixing door piece,

2014, insertion rubber washer 3mm thick, 30.00 Nos 487.78 14633.33 bolts & nuts complete :

66 DSR Providing lead caulked joints to sand

2014, cast iron rain water pipes and fittings: 240.00 Nos 363.47 87232.80
12.39.2 150 mm dia Pipe

67 DSR Providing and fixing to the inlet mouth

2014, of rain water pipe cast iron grating 15
30.00 Nos 39.05 1171.35
12.44 cm diameter and weighing not less
than 440 grams

68 DSR Painting (two or more coats) on rain

2014, water, soil, waste and vent pipes and
13.56.2 fittings with synthetic enamel paint of
approved brand and manufacture and 231.00 Rmt 54.72 12640.32
required colour over a priming coat of
approved steel primer on new work.
150 mm diameter pipes
69 DSR Providing and fixing of expansion joint
2014, system of approved make and
5.46.1 manufactures for various roof
locations as per approved drawings
and direction of Engineer-In-Charge.
The joints shall be of extruded
aluminum base members with, self
aligning and self centering
arragement support plates asper
ASTM B221-02. The system shall be
such that it provides watertight roof to
roof/roof to corner joint cover
expansion control system that is
capable of accommodating
multidirectional seismic movement
without stress to its components.
System shall consist of metal profile
that incorporates a universal
aluminum base member designed to
accommodate various project
conditions and roof treatments. The
cover plate shall be designed of width
and thickness required to satisfy
movement and loading requirements 162.47 Rmt 6040.62 981419.94
and secured to base members by
manufacturer’s pre-engineered self-
centering arrangement that freely
rotates / moves in all directions. The
Self centering arrangement shall
exhibit circular sphere ends that lock
and slide inside the
correspondingaluminum extrusion
cavity to allow freedom of movement
and flexure in all directions including
vertical displacement. The Joint
System shall resists damage or
deterioration from the impact of falling
ice, exposure to UV,airborne
contaminants and occasional foot
traffic from maintenance personnel.
Provision of Moisture Barrier
Membrane in the Joint System to
have water tight joint is mandatory
requirement. Material shall confirm to
ASTM 6063. Roof Joint of 100 mm

70 Providing & fixing of Tata blue scope

Sheet for OPEN TO SKY Covering
including nut & bolts washer etc all 608.69 Sqm 1425.00 867389.38
complete of direction of engineer in
71 Analysis Rebaring Work
6612.00 Nos 185.25 1224873.00
of rate

72 Analysis Drains with Grating 253.05 Rmt 3658.45 925770.77


73 Analysis P/L of P.O.P. with Polythin sheet

rate 9786.11 Sqm 294.50 2882009.54

74 Analysis Apron
of rate 252.92 Sqm 2666.65 674449.12

75 Analysis Apron Drain

of rate 259.22 Rmt 3658.45 948343.41

76 DSR Providing and fixing of expansion joint

2015, system related with wall joint
5.45.1 (internal/external location as per
drawings and direction of Engineer-In-
The joints shall be of extruded
aluminum base members, self
aligning /centering arrangement and
support plates as per ASTM B221-
02. The material shall be such that it
provides anExpansion Joints System
suitablefor vertical wall to wall/ wall to
corner application, both new and
existing 33.60 Rmt 4826.86 162182.33
construction in office Buildings &
complexes with no slipping down
tendency amongst the components of
the Joint System. The Joint System
utilize light weight aluminum profiles
exhibiting minimal exposed aluminum
surfaces mechanically snap locking
the multicellular to facilitate
(Material shall confirm to ASTM
Wall Joint of 100 mm gap
77 C.P.A.R Overhead Tank IN Terrace 150000 Ltr 14.25 2137500.00
GRAND TOTAL 127147511.92
Name of work : Construction of Institutional Block at Institute of Hotel Management,
1 17.3.1 Providing & fixing white vitreous china pedastal type water
closet (European type) with ISI marked white solid plastic
seat and lid, 10 litre white vitreous china low level
flushing cistren & C.P. flush bend with fittings and CI
brackets, 40 mm flush bend, over flow arrangement with
specials of standard make and mosquito proof coupling of
approved municipal design complete including painting of
fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls
and floors wherever required. 24.00 Nos 4,545.37 109,088.88

2 17.20.1 P.V.C.Cover 24.00 Nos 390.45 9,370.80

3 P.V.C.Sistern low-level
17.18.1 48.00 Nos 821.80 39,446.28

4 Providing white viterous china Under counter Oval Wash

Basin size 550 x 450 mm with C.P. brass one hole basin
mixer, CI/MS brackets, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of
standard pattern, standard quality P.V.C. waste pipe.
(Parryware C0418 & Jaquar 167 or equivalent) 26.00 Nos 3,211.00 83,486.00

5 17.8 Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal for wash
basin completely recessed at the back for the reception of
pipes and fittings. 26.00 Nos 930.95 24,204.77

6 Providing and fixing mirror of superior glass (of

approved quality) and of required shape and
size with plastic moulded frame of approved
make and shade with 6 mm thick hard board
backing : Circular shape 450 mm dia

17.32.1 26.00 Nos 839.90 21,837.27

7 Providing and fixing flexible P.V.C. waste pipe for sink or

wash basin including PVC waste fittings complete.
32 mm dia (for wash basin) 43.00 Nos 70.73 3,041.28
40 mm dia (for sink ) 24.00 Nos 72.91 1,749.90

8 Providing & Fixing 600 X 450 mm bevelled edge mirror

of superior glass (of approved quality) complete with 6mm
thick hard board ground fixed to wooden cleats with C.P.
17.31 brass screws and washers complete. 26.00 Nos 754.25 19,610.57
9 Providing and fixing 600x120x5 mm glass shelf
with edges round off,
supported on anodised aluminium angle frame
with C.P. brass brackets
and guard rail complete fixed with 40 mm long
screws, rawl plugs etc.,
17.34.1 complete. each 543.80 26.00 Nos 516.61 13,431.86

10 Providing and fixing toilet paper holder :

17.34 C.P. brass 24.00 Nos 395.11 9,482.52

11 Providing & fixing stainless steel AISI 304 (18/8) kitchen

sink with drain board as per IS :13983 with C.I. brackets
and stainless steel plug 40 mm including painting of
fittings and brackets cutting and making good the walls
wherever required.
600x450mm bowl depth 200 mm 24.00 Nos 3,789.74 382963.2

12 17.69.2 Waste coupling 38 mm dia of 83 mm length

and 77mm breadth,
weighing not less than 60 gms
56 Nos 136.94 382963.2


AND FITTINGS (Centrifugally Cast Spun Iron)
13 The following items include providing, fixing and testing in
position of ISI marked (IS : 3989) centrifugally cast spun
iron soil, waste, vent and rain water pipes and fittings
cut to required lengths, fixing at wall, ceiling or on floor
including connections to all required fittings complete in all
Providing & fixing pipes.
100mm dia Centrifugally cast (spun) iron S & S Pipe 1534.50 R.M. 871.86 1,337,873.01
M.R 511.50 R.M. 1,263.24 646,149.05
75mm dia Centrifugally cast (spun) iron S & S Pipe 191.81 R.M. 751.74 144,192.17

14 Painting sand cast iron/ centrifugally cast (spun) iron soil,

waste vent pipes
and fittings with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of any
colour such as
chocolate grey, or buff etc. over a coat of primer (of
approved quality) for
ew work :
100 mm diameter pipe
17.65.1 1534.50 R.M. 36.72 56,343.00
75 mm
17.65.2 diameter pipe 191.81 R.M. 28.03 5,375.55
150 mm diameter pipe
M.R 511.50 R.M. 45.55 23,300.10

15 Providing lead Caulked joints to sand cast

iron/centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes & fittings of

17.58.1 100 mm Nos 236,888.44

1023.00 231.56
M.R 150mm Nos 138,184.11
341.00 405.23
17.58.2 75 mm Nos 24,940.10
127.88 195.04

16 Providing & fixing M. S. holder - bat clamps of approved

design to sand Cast iron/cast iron (spun) pipe embedded in
& including cement concrete blocks 10*10*10cm of 1:2:4
mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size). Including cost of cutting
holes&making good the walls etc.
For 100 mm dia pipe
17.37.1 1023.00 Nos 145.26 148,595.87
For 150 mm dia pipe
17.37. 341.00 Nos 143.07 48,786.87

17 Providing & fixing sand cast iron S&S trap of self cleaning
design with sand cast iron screwed down or hinged grating
with or without vent arm complete, including cost of
cutting & making good the walls and floors.
100 mm inlet & 75 mm outlet 100.00 Nos 969.86 96,985.50
100mm inlet & 100mm outlet 400.00 Nos 933.42 373,369.00

18 Providing & fixing Sand Cast iron S & S coller

100 mm dia 512 Nos 302.43 154,694.22
75 mm dia 171 Nos 208.76 35,594.01

19 Providing & fixing plain sand cast iron S & S Bend of

required degree.
100 mm dia 92.00 Nos 318.96 29,344.55
150mm dia
M.R 92.00 Nos 498.75 45,885.00

20 Providing & fixing single equal plain sand cast iron S&S
junction of required degree with access door, insertion
rubber washer 3 mm thick bolts & nuts complete. (door tee)
100 * 100 * 100 mm 160.00 Nos 592.61 94,817.60
150*100 mm
M.R 500.00 Nos 1,087.87 543,936.75
21 Providing & fixing single unequal 100*100*75 mm sand
cast iron S & S junction of required degree with access
door,insertion rubber washers 3mm thick, bolts&nuts
complete. 160.00 Nos 752.59 120,414.40

22 Providing & fixing of door piece

150 mm dia
M.R 84.00 Nos 412.78 34,673.10
100 mm dia 48.00 Nos 487.78 23,413.32

23 P/f terminal guard

17.56.1 24.00 Nos 412.78 9,906.60
M.R 60.00 Nos 542.82 32,569.23

24 Providing and fixing single unequal plain invert branch of

required degree : Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 3989
92.00 Nos 627.90 57,767.03

Providing and fixing sand cast iron S&S off sets
as per IS: 3989 : With 75 mm dia pipe 25.00 Nos 269.47 6,736.69
150 mm off sets
With 75 mm dia pipe 35.00 Nos 346.13 12,114.64
With 100 mm dia pipe 30.00 Nos 461.99 13,859.55


26 Providing, fixing G. I. pipes complete with G. I. fittings
and clamps including cutting and making good the walls
etc. (internal work) - (Exposed on wall) -
15mm dia nominal bore
18.11.1 700.00 R.M. 290.75 203,523.25
20mm dia nominal bore
18.11.2 75.00 R.M. 317.16 23,786.81
25mm dia nominal bore
18.10.3 100.00 R.M. 288.94 28,894.25
32mm dia nominal bore
18.10.4 50.00 R.M. 326.04 16,302.00
40mm dia nominal bore
18.10.5 125.00 R.M. 404.37 50,545.94
50mm dia nominal bore
18.10.6 150.00 R.M. 500.84 75,126.00
27 Painting G. I. pipes and fittings with synthetic enamel
white paint over a ready mixed priming coat, both of
approved quality for new work.

15mm dia nominal bore

18.38.1 700.00 R.M. 9.12 6,384.00
20mm dia nominal bore
18.38.2 75.00 R.M. 10.78 808.69
25mm dia nominal bore
18.38.3 100.00 R.M. 14.20 1,420.25
32mm dia nominal bore
18.38.4 50.00 R.M. 16.82 840.75
40mm dia nominal bore
18.10.5 125.00 R.M. 404.37 50,545.94
50mm dia nominal bore
18.38.6 150.00 R.M. 23.51 3,526.88

28 P/F G.I.Union in G..Pipe

18.46.2 150.00 NOS. 179.08 26,861.25
18.46.3 135.00 NOS. 190.10 25,662.83
18.46.4 45.00 NOS. 228.71 10,292.06
18.46.6 105.00 NOS. 372.78 39,141.90
18.46.7 30.00 NOS. 604.49 18,134.55
18.46.8 27.00 NOS. 692.79 18,705.26

29 Making connection of G.I. distribution branch

with G.I. main of following
sizes by providing and fixing tee, including
cutting and threading the pipe
etc. complete :
25to 40 mm nominal bore each 367.75
18.13.1 450.00 NOS 349.36 157,213.13
50 to 80 mm nominal bore each 761.10
18.13.2 100.00 NOS 723.05 72,304.50

30 Cutting holes up to 30x30 cm in walls including

making good the same:

With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular)

18.76.1 bricks 150.00 NOS 197.55 29,632.88

31 Cutting holes up to 15x15 cm in R.C.C. floors

and roofs for passing drain pipe etc. and
repairing the hole after insertion of drain pipe 80.00 NOS 183.35 14,668.00
etc. with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
18.77 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size), including finishing complete so as
to make it leak proof.

32 Providing and fixing PTMT Ball cock

of approved quality,
colour and make
complete with Epoxy coated aluminium rod
with L.P./ H.P.H.D. plastic

20 mm
nominal bore, 120 mm long, weighing not less 10.00 NOS
18.62.2 than 198gms
25 mm
nominal bore, 152mm long, weighing not less
15.00 NOS 7,901.63
than 440 526.78
18.62.3 gms
40 mm
nominal bore, 206mm long, weighing not less 10.00 NOS 9,570.78
than 690
18.62.4 gms
50 mm
nominal bore, 242mm long, weighing not less 10.00 NOS 13,322.80
than 1240
18.62.5 gms


33 C.P.Pillar Cock for wash basin
24.00 Nos 3,211.00 77,064.00

34 Providing white vitreous China recessed soap tray (210

mm X 110 mm) (Parryware C9935 or equivalent) 43.00 Nos 223.25 9,599.75

35 Providing 600 mm long C. P. brass towel rail complete

with C.P. brass brackets . (Jaquar 1111 or equivalent) 29.00 Nos 926.25 26,861.25

36 Providing ISI Marked CP brass angle valve 15mm. with

flange of approved quality (Jaquar 053 or equivalent)
134.00 Nos. 470.25 63,013.50

37 C.P.Soap Dish
43.00 Nos 223.25 9,599.75

38 C.P.Ring
29.00 Nos 660.25 19,147.25
39 P/F C.P.Bib cock long body
18.51 16.00 Nos 580.12 9,281.88

40 P/F C.P.Bib cock short body

18.49 16.00 Nos 436.53 6,984.40

41 P/F C.P.Waste coupling

M.R. 26.00 Nos 281.58 7,321.08

42 P/F C.P.Extention Piece

M.R. 166.00 Nos 56.32 9,348.46
M.R. 55.00 Nos 103.10 5,670.69

43 P/F C.P.Flunch
18.101.1 166.00 Nos 49.64 8,239.83

44 P/F C.P.Floor Jali

M.R. 30.00 Nos 47.65 1,429.56

45 P/F P.V.C.Waste Pipe 32mm 67.00 Nos 72.91 4,885.14

46 Providing & fixing 15 mm nominal bore 45 cm long unplasticised PVC connection pipe with brass unions. 67.00 Nos 65.17 4,366.39



Fixing of china soap tray recess type Nos 8,170.00
43.00 190.00

Fixing of C. P. brass towel rail Nos 2,066.25
29.00 71.25

Fixing of CP brass angle valve Nos. 7,638.00
134.00 57.00

50 Fixing of CP brass single hole wash basin mixture in

Nos. 3,705.00
place of pillar cock. 26.00 142.50

51 Fixing of CP brass single hole wash basin pillar cock. Nos. 3,705.00
26.00 142.50


Providing, fixing and testing in position ISI marked (IS :
1239) G.I pipes (medium class) manufactured from
seamless pipes, in concealed or exposed works complete
with all necessary G.I fittings i.e. sockets, elbows, tees,
bends, unions, plugs and clamps including cutting chases
and making good the walls (on terrace the pipes shall be
supported at suitable interval and inside ducts these shall be
52 properly clamped through duct walls). The Galvanization
shall conform to IS : 4736. The work shall include the
painting with two coats of anti-corrosive paints on buried
and concealed pipe works and with two coats enamel paint
of approved quality and shade over a coat of primer on
exposed pipe works complete as required by the Engg-in-
charge for proper completion of the work.
(Make : Jindal(Hissar) / Bharat / Prakash Surya)

65mm nominal bore (wall thickness - 3.6 mm) R.M. 156,750.00

300.00 522.50
80mm nominal bore (wall thickness - 4.0 mm) R.M. 136,800.00
200.00 684.00
100mm nominal bore (wall thickness - 4.5 mm) R.M. 139,650.00
150.00 931.00

Providing & fixing of hand lever operated forged brass

body full way ball valve type isolating valve having
forged brass hard chrome plated mirror finish ball, steel
handle with PVC grip, teflon seat, screwed ends tested to a
pressure of 15 kg/sqcm complete. (Make : CIM / Audco /
Festo / Zoloto / Advance)
15 mm nominal bore Nos. 41,040.00
96.00 427.50
20 mm nominal bore Nos. 64,324.50
111.00 579.50
25 mm nominal bore Nos. 63,412.50
75.00 845.50
32 mm nominal bore Nos. 102,956.25
75.00 1,372.75
40 mm nominal bore Nos. 67,887.00
36.00 1,885.75
Providing and fixing in position vent connection to water
storage tanks comprising two elbows of 50 mm dia. And
mosquito proof brass wire mesh fixing in frame and welded 24.00 nos. 6,612.00
to upstand pipe complete as required. (Length of pipe 275.50
involved shall be measured seperately under item piping).

54 Providing and fixing of cast iron Manhole Cover with

frame for overhead / underground water storage tanks. The
fixing of frame shall be done during the casting of the RCC
slab of the tank.
600 x 600 mm (38 Kg) 243,675.00
100.00 Nos. 2,436.75

55 Making main Hole 600*600 mm

18.33 100.00 Nos. 6,416.59
Total 8123328.27

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