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e-Notes by Dr.M.C.

Nataraja, Professor, Civil Engineering Department, SJCE



(For class held on 12th March 07)

Dr. M. C. Nataraja,
Professor, Civil Engineering Department,
Sri Jayachamarajendra Collge of Engineering, Mysore-5a70 006
Phone: 0821-2343521, 9880447742
e-mail: [email protected]

 Stair case
Stair cases are used for the purpose of giving access to different floors of a structure.

 Parts of stairs
There are two main parts namely flight and landing. Series of steps are provided in the
flight. The vertical height of the step is called the rise and the horizontal distance between
the vertical faces of risers is known as going. The horizontal distance available on the
step is called tread. The horizontal length obtained by deducting going from the tread is
called nosing. These parts can be seen in the Figure 1.



Figure 1. Parts of stair case

 Types of stair cases
The different types of stairs may be classified under the following main heads:

 Straight stairs
 Dog legged stair
 Open well or open newel stairs
 Geometrical stairs such as spiral, circular, etc.

 Classification based on span

Based on type of span, following are the two types of stair cases;

 Horizontally spanning or transversely spanning stairs. Figure 2

 Longitudinally spanning stairs. For details refer IS: 456-2000 and SP (34).

Transversely spanning stair cases can be seen in figure 2. Here the main steel is provided
transversely and the distribution steel is in the longitudinal direction.




0.5 Ast


Figure 2. Transversely spanning stair cases

Longitudinally spanning stair cases:

Here the main steel in provided longitudinally and the distribution steel is in the
transverse direction.

 Effective span
The effective span is defined as follows based on the type of support.

Where flight supported at the ends of the landings in such a way that both landing and
flight spans in the same direction, the effective span is the distance between the center to
center of the supporting beams or wall. Refer Figure 3.

Where spanning on the edge of a landing slab which spans parallel with the riser, the
effective span is the distance equal to the going of the stairs plus at each end either half
the width of the landing or one meter, whichever is smaller. Refer Figure 4.

Where supported at top and bottom riser by beams spanning parallel with the riser, the
distance center to center of the beams is the effective span. Refer Figure 5.


Figure 3. Flight supported at the ends of the landings on walls



Figure 4. Flight supported at the sides of the landings on walls


Figure 5. Flight supported on landing beams

 Guide lines
Guide lines to be followed for fixing the dimensions of component parts of stair.

1. Rise (R) is 150mm to 180mm and tread (T) is 220 mm to 250 mm for a residential
2. For public building rise is kept between 120 to 150 mm and tread between 250 to
300 mm
3. Sum of tread (T) and twice the rise (2R) should be between 500 mm to 650 mm
4. The width of the stair is dependent on the usage and is between 0.8 m to 1 m for
residential building and 1.8 m to 2 m for public building.
5. The width of the landing is equal to the width of stairs.
6. The number of steps in each flight should not be greater than 12
7. The pitch of the stair should not be more than 38 degrees.
8. The head room measured vertically above any step or below the mid landing shall
not be less than 2.1 m.

 Design of stairs
Design for maximum bending moment and check for maximum shear force. The depth is
to be fixed from deflection criteria. Stair case slab is designed as slab. All rules regarding

the detailing are similar to that of slab. Enough development and anchorage lengths for
steel should be provided.

 Worked out problem

A dog legged stair case has to be provided for a residential building with the staircase
room size 2.1 m x 4.48 m (internal). The following details are given:

Vertical distance between the floors = 3.2 m

Waist slab thickness=160mm
Wall thickness =230
Main reinforcement= 12mm dia @ 120 mm c/c
Distribution steel = 8 mm dia @ 200 mm c/c
Grade of concrete used =M20
Grade of steel used =Fe415
First flight starts from foundation level.
Assume that the flights are supported at the ends of landing or landing spans in the
same direction as that of flight.

Draw to a suitable scale the following

a. Plan of staircase
b. Sectional elevation of first flight
c. Sectional elevation of second flight
d. Prepare the bar bending schedule 20 Marks

Data: As above

Let Rise= R=160 mm and Tread= T= 250 mm

T + 2R=570 mm ok
Number of risers=H/R= 3200/160 = 20
Number of risers in each of the two flights= 20/2=10
Number of treads per flight= 10-1 =9
Going = 9 x 250 = 2250 mm
Width of landing in each flight= (4480-2250)/2= 1115 mm.
Width of stairs = 1000mm leaving a gap of 100 mm between the flights.

With this drawing can be made.

See details at the end in Figure 6

Exercise Problems:

A dog legged stair case is to be detailed with the following particulars:

Clear dimension of stair case room=5.5 m x 2.8 m

With of each tread =250 mm
With of each rise = 150 mm
Thickness of waist slab = 150 mm
Landing 1.4 m x 1.4 m
All round wall = 230 mm
Main steel for each flight = #12@120
Distribution steel for each flight = #8@ 200

Intermediate Landing is supported on 230 mm wall. The second flight rests on

rectangular beam of 230 mm x 350 mm.
Beam consists of 4-#16 at bottom out of which 2-#16 are curtailed up.
Two hanger bars #12 at top is also provided. Two legged stirrups #8 at 150 mm c/c up
to 750 mm from the face of supports and the spacing is increased to 200 mm c/c near
the center.

Draw to a suitable scale

The plan of stair case
Sectional elevation of first flight
Sectional elevation of second flight
Beam details
Bar bending schedule

Solution: All details are given. First draw the rough sketch and then the final drawing
and detailing. For bar bending schedule, measure the length of bars on the drawing
sheet and use it for the calculation.

 December/January 2007
A dog legged stair case has to be provided for a public building with the staircase
room size 2.6 m x 5.4 m (internal). The following details are given:

Vertical distance between the floors = 3.6 m

Waist slab thickness=160mm
Wall thickness =230
Main renforcement= 12mm dia @ 120 mm c/c
Distribution steel = 8 mm dia @ 200 mm c/c
Grade of concrete used =M20
Grade of steel used =Fe415

Draw to a suitable scale the following

e. Plan of staircase
f. Sectional elevation of first flight
g. Prepare the bar bending schedule 20 Marks

Ld =564





Ld =564

# 12 @ 120
# 8 @ 200
500 mm

500 mm

1115 mm 2250 mm 1115 mm

Le = 4710 mm

Figure 6. Detailing for stair case when supported at the ends on landing on walls

Y=0.3 l or Ld Y
X = 0.15 l or Ld




DIST. STEEL # 8 @ 150




Figure 7. Detailing for stair case when supported on landing beams.

Footing: The function of a footing or a foundation is to transmit the load form the
structure to the underlying soil.

The choice of suitable type of footing depends on the depth at which the bearing strata
lies, the soil condition and the type of superstructure.

Types of footing
Following are the different types of footing used for concrete structure. Refer figure 1.
1. Isolated footing
2. Combined footings
3. Strap footing
4. Mat or raft foundation
5. Pile foundation

Isolated footings are provided under each column and may be square, rectangular, or
circular in plan. Footing may be flat or tapered.

Combined footings are provided to support two or more column loads. These may be
continuous with rectangular or trapezoidal in plan as shown. Combined footings become
necessary under the following circumstances:
 when the isolated footings overlap.
 when the exterior column is close to the property line with the result symmetrical
isolated footing can not be provided.

Strap footing is one of the types of combined types of combined. It consists of an isolated
footing of two columns connected by a beam called strap beam. The strap beam does not
remain in contact with the soil and thus does not transfer any load to the soil. This is
provided when one of the columns is on the property line.

The mat foundation is provided when the soil is having very low bearing capacity and or
when columns loads are heavy, the required footing area becomes very large and






Detailing: Following points are to be kept in mind in detailing.

 Size of footing
 Depth at footing
 Depth of footing edge
 Nominal and effective cover
 Development length
 Depth of foundation
 Minimum and maximum steel
 Spacing of bars and stirrups

Detailing of steel in rectangular footing as per IS:456-2000

In rectangular footing the reinforcement parallel to the long direction shall be distributed
uniformly across the width of the footing. In short direction, since the support provided to
the footing by the column is concentrated near the middle, the moment per unit length is
largest i.e., the curvature of the footing is sharpest immediately under the column and
decreases in the long direction with the increasing distance from the column. For this
reason larger steel area is needed in the central portion and is determined in accordance
with the equation given below.

Ast , central  band 2

Ast , total , short  direaction ( L / B)  1

Reminder of the steel is distributed uniformly in the outer portions of the footing (end

f s .φ s

Development length= Ldt=
Ldt = 47φs for M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel

1. An isolated footing is to be provided for a column of section 400 mm x 400 mm. The
following details re given:

Height of the column =3m

Main reinforcement in column = 4 Nos. 16 mm diameter.
Transverse reinforcement = 6 mm at 220 mm c/c
Plan size of footing = 2.7 m x 2.7 m
Depth of footing at column face = 500 mm
Depth of footing at edge = 150 mm
Depth of foundation = 1000 mm
Footing reinforcement = a mesh of 20 mm diameter steel at 250 mm c/c.
Grade of concrete= M20
Grade of steel = Fe415

Draw to a suitable scale the following:
a. Plan
b. Sectional Elevation
c. Prepare bar bending schedule 20 Marks

Development length in tension = 47φ = 47 x 16= 752 mm
Depth at junction = 500 mm
Leg length available for column bars = Ldt – 500 = 252 mm < 300 mm.
Provide 300 mm minimum.
Development length of 20 mm bars in footing = 47 x 20 = 940 mm
This is provided by the horizontal projection of bars. Bars need not be bent at ends in to
the depth of footing.

Number of bars in footing = 11 Numbers at 200 mm c/c with a side cover of 100 mm.
Width of footing= 10 x 250 + 100 x 2 =2700 mm

Follow all specification of SP 34 and prepare the drawing.

Exercise problems

2. Exam: December/January 2007

An isolated footing is to be provided for a column of section 400 mm x 400 mm. The
following details re given:

Height of the column =3m

Main reinforcement in column = 4 Nos. 16 mm diameter.
Transverse reinforcement = 6 mm at 220 mm c/c
Plan size of footing = 3.2 m x 3.2 m
Depth of footing at column face = 500 mm
Depth of footing at edge = 300 mm
Footing reinforcement = a mesh of 16 mm diameter steel at 180 mm c/c.
Grade of concrete= M20
Grade of steel = Fe415

Draw to a suitable scale the following:
d. Plan
e. Sectional Elevation
f. Prepare bar bending schedule 20 Marks

Rectangular footing:

An isolated rectangular footing is to be provided for a column of section 450 mm x 300

mm. The following details re given:

Height of the column =3m

Main reinforcement in column = 6 Nos. 20 mm diameter.
Transverse reinforcement = 8 mm at 200 mm c/c
Plan size of footing = 3.2 m x 2.2 m
Depth of footing at column face = 500 mm
Depth of footing at edge = 500 mm
Footing reinforcement = a mesh of 16 mm diameter steel at 200 mm c/c.
Grade of concrete= M20
Grade of steel = Fe415

Draw to a suitable scale the following:

g. Plan
h. Sectional Elevation
i. Prepare bar bending schedule 20 Marks

Solution: Similar to square footing. Footing steel is a mesh of 16 mm bars at 200 mm c/c
both ways.

For detailing as per IS: 456-2000, footing steel should be distributed by creating central
band and end bands. Steel should be distributed as per IS:456-2000.


3000 mm

4- #16
≥ 500 mm

Ldt L dc
150 min.

75 300 min.







DEPTH OF 6- #20
≥ 500 mm

Ldt L dc

75 300 min.






DEPTH OF 6- #20
≥ 500 mm

Ldt L dc

75 300 min.


EB CB= 2200 EB


Arrangement of steel in column cross section

The type of stirrups and its arrangement depends of the type of cross section and the
arrangement of longitudinal bars in the column cross section. The specifications of SP-34
and IS:456-2000 should be satisfied. Some of the details can be seen in the following

≤ 48φtr

≤ 75 > 75

> 48φtr ≤ 48φtr > 48φtr

> 75

> 75 > 75
> 75


≤ 48φtr ≤ 75

When the height of the retaining wall exceeds about 6 m, the thickness of the stem
and heel slab works out to be sufficiently large and the design becomes
uneconomical. In such a case counterforts having trapezoidal section fixed at the
base slab are provided at intervals of 1.5 m to 3 m. The counterforts support the
heel slab and the vertical stem. The design principles for different components of
the wall are discussed as under.

Design of Stem
The stem acts as a continuous slab spanning longitudinally over the counterforts.
The horizontal active soil pressure acts as the load on the slab. Since the earth
pressure varies linearly over the height of the stem, the slab deflects away from
the earth face between the counterforts and hence the main steel is provided at
the outer face of the stem and at the inner face near the supporting counterforts.
The bending moment in the stem is maximum at the base and reduces towards
top. But the thickness of the wall is kept constant and only the area of steel is

If I is the clear distance between the counterforts and p is the intensity of soil
pressure, the slab is designed for bending moment as under:

Maximum +ve B.M= pl2/16 (occurring mid-way between counterforts) and

Maximum -ve B.M= pl2/12 (occurring at inner face of counterforts)

The main reinforcement is provided horizontally along the length of the wall. The
ties are provided horizontally for the full value of reaction to prevent slab
separating from counterforts.

Design of Toe Slab

The base width is approximately taken equal to 0.6 H to 0.7 H, where H is the
overall height of the wall. The projection of toe slab is approximately taken
between 1/3 to 1/4 of base width. The toe slab is subjected to an upward soil
reaction and is designed as a cantilever slab fixed at the front face of the stem.
Due to upward soil pressure, the tension develops on the earth face and the
reinforcement is provided on earth face along the length of the toe slab. In case
the toe slab projection is large i.e. > b/3, front counterforts are provided above
the toe slab (normally up to the ground level) and the slab is designed as a
continuous horizontal slab spanning between the front counterforts.

Design of Heel Slab

The heel slab is designed as a continuous slab spanning over the counterforts,
as in the case of stem. The heel slab is subjected to downward forces due to
weight of soil plus self weight of slab and an upward force due to soil reaction.

The net force acts downward producing tension towards the earth face between
the counterforts and negative moment develops at the support provided by

If p is the net downward force and I is the clear span between the counterforts
the B.M. is given by:
Maximum +ve B.M= pl2/16 (mid-way between counterforts towards earth face)
Maximum -ve B.M. = pl2/12 (occurring at counterforts)

Design of Counterforts
Since the active earth pressure on stem acts outward and stem is considered to
be fixed at counterforts, the counterforts are subjected to outward reaction from
the stem. This produces tension along the outer sloping face of the counterforts.
The inner face supporting the stem is in compression. Thus, the stem lies in the
compression zone with respect to the bending of the counterforts and hence the
counterforts are designed as a T-beam of varying depth. The main steel provided
along the sloping face shall be anchored properly at both ends. The depth of the
counterfort is measured perpendicular to the sloping side.

In order that the counterfort and stem should act as one unit, it is joined firmly to
the stem by providing ties in the horizontal plane. The base is tied with vertical
ties to prevent its tendency to separate out under the action of net downward
force. The provision of ties ensures transfer of forces to the counterforts. The net
forces acting on the different components of the counterforts, position of main
steel and horizontal and vertical ties are schematically shown.

PROBLEM: A R.C.C. retaining wall with counterforts is required to support earth

to a height of 7 m above the ground level. The top surface of the backfill is
horizontal. The trial pit taken at the site indicates that soil of bearing capacity 220
kN/m2 is available at a depth of 1.25 m below the ground level. The weight of
earth is 18 kN/m3 and angle of repose is 30°. The coefficient of friction between
concrete and soil is 0.58. Use concrete M20 and steel grade Fe 415. Design the
retaining wall.

Given: fck = 20 N/mm2, fy = 415N/mm2, H = 7 m above G.L, Depth of footing

below G.L. = 1.25 m, γ = 18 kN/m3, μ = 0.58, fb = 220 kN/m2

Required : Design the counterfort retaining wall.

Design constants
Q=2.76 N/mm2
Ld = (0.87 fy / 4 τbd) φ = 0.87x415/4x(1.2x1.6)φ = 47φbar
For φ = 30°
Coefficient of active pressure = ka = (1 - sin φ)/(l + sin φ) = 1/3
Coefficient of passive pressure = kp = (1 + sin φ)/(l - sinφ) = 3

a. Proportioning of Wall Components

The height of the wall above the base = H = 7 + 1.25 = 8.25 m.

Base width = 0.6 H to 0.7 H i.e. between 4.95 m to 5.78 m.
Assume base width b = 5.5 m
Toe projection = b/4 = 5.5/4 = say 1 .2 m
Assume thickness of vertical wall = 250 mm
Thickness of base slab = 450 mm
clear spacing between counterforts is given by :
L = 3.5 (H/γ)0.25 = 3.5 (8.25/18)0.25 = 2.88 m
 c/c spacing = 2.88 + 0.25 = 3.13 m say 3 m
 Provide counterforts at 3 m c/c.
Assume width of counterfort = 400 mm
 clear spacing provided = L = 3 - 0.4 = 2.6 m
The preliminary dimensions of the components of the wall are shown in Figure.
250 mm

CF: 3m c/c,
400 mm

h=7.8 m
h1=7 m H=8.25 m

1.25m 1.2 m 4.05m

b=5.5 m

b. Check Stability of Wall

The stability of the wall will be checked at working load because safe bearing
capacity of soil is in the working load condition.

Dist. of Moment
Sr. Description Loads in
e.g. from about
No. of loads kN
T in m T in kN-m

Weight of stem 25x0.25x1x7.8 1.2 + 0.25/2
1 64.59
W1 = 48.75 =1.325

Weight of base 25x5.5x1x0.45

2 5.5/2 =2.75 170.17
slab W2 = 61.88

Weight of earth 18x4.05x1x7.8 1.45 +4.05/2

3 1975.95
over heel slab W3 = 568.62 = 3.475
Total ΣW = 679.25 ΣW =2210.71

Horizontal earth pressure on full height of wall

= Ph = γh2ka /2 =18 x 8.252/(3 x 2) = 204.19 kN

Overturning moment = M0 = Ph x H/3 = 204.19 x 8.25/3

= 561.52 kN.m.
Factor of safety against overturning
= ∑ M / M0 = 2210.71/561.52 = 3.937 > 1.55 ... safe.

Check for sliding

Total horizontal force tending to slide the wall = Ph = 204.19 kN
Resisting force = ∑µ.W = 0.58 x 679.25 = 393.97 kN
Factor of safety against sliding = ∑µ.W / Ph = 393.97/204.19
= 1.93 > 1.55 ... safe.

250 mm



1250 1200 mm C 4050 mm


X e b/2

166.61 kN/m2
153.9 147.8 143.9

5500 mm

Check for pressure distribution at base

Net moment = M = 2210.71 -561.52 = 1649.19 kN.m.
Let x be the distance from the toe where the resultant R acts,
 x = M / ∑W = 1649.19/679.25 = 2.43 m
Eccentricity = e = b/2 - x = 5.5/2 - 2.43 = 0.32 < b/6 (= 0.91 m)
Whole base is under compression.
Maximum pressure at toe
= pA = ∑W / b ( 1+6e/b) = 679.25/5.5 ( 1+ 6*0.32/5.5)
= 166.61 kN/m2 < f b (= 220 kN/m2)
Minimum pressure at heel
= pD = ∑W / b (1-6e/b) = 679.25/5.5 ( 1- 6*0.32/5.5)
= 80.39 kN/m2 compression.
The distribution of stresses under the base is shown in Fig

Intensity of pressure at junction of stem with toe i.e. under B

= pB = 80.39 + (166.61 - 80.39) x 4.3/5.5 = 147.8kN/m2
Intensity of pressure at junction of stem with heel i.e. under C
=Pc= 80.39 + (166.61 - 80.39) x 4.05/5.5 = 143.9 kN/m 2

(b) Design of Toe slab
Since the projection of the toe is small, it is designed as a cantilever fixed at the
Intensity of pressure at B = 147.8 kN/m2
Neglecting the weight of soil above the toe slab, the forces acting on
the toe slab are :
(i) downward force due to weight of toe slab TB
(ii) upward soil pressure on length AB.
Ultimate moment at B,
MB = L.F (moment due to soil pressure - moment due to wt. of slab TB
= 1.5 [147.8 x 1.22/2 + (166.61 - 147.8) x 1.2 (2/3 x 1.2)
-(25x 1.2 x 0.45 x 1.2/2) =174.57 kN.m.
d =√ (174.57 x 106) / ( 2.76 x1000) = 251.49mm < d (=390mm ) ... o.k.
Mu/bd2=1.15, pt=0.343, Ast= 1336mm2
Using # 16 mm bars, spacing = 1000 x 201/1335 = 150 mm
However, the spacing is limited to 110 mm c/c from shear considerations.
 Provide #16 mm @ 110 mm c/c, Area provided =1827 mm2, pt=0.47%

The bars shall be extended beyond the front face of the wall for a distance equal
to development length of 750 mm (= 47 x 16) Distribution steel = 0.12 x 1000 x
450/100 = 540 mm2
Provide #12 mm at 200 mm c/c. Area provided = 565 mm 2

Check for Shear

Since the soil pressure induces compression in the wall the critical section for
shear is taken at a distance d from the face of the stem. Intensity of pressure at
distance d (= 390 mm) from the face of the toe.
pE = 80.39 + (166.61 - 80.39) (4.3 + 0.39)/5.5 = 153.9 kN/m 2
Net vertical shear = Shear due to pressure varying from 166.61 kN/m 2 to 153.9
kN/m2 - Shear due to downward force of slab in length of 0.81 m (= 1.2 - 0.39) =
(166.61 + 153.9) x 0.81/2 - (25 x 0.45 x 0.81) =120.7 kN.
 Net ultimate shear = Vu.max = 1.5 x 120.7 =181.05 kN.
ζv= 181.05x106/1000x390=0.46 MPa
ζc =0.47MPa for pt=0.47%, ... safe.

(c) Design of Heel Slab

The heel slab is designed as a continuous slab supported on counterforts. The
downward force will be maximum at the edge of the slab where intensity of soil
pressure is minimum.
 Consider 1 m wide strip near the outer edge D
The forces acting near the edge are
(a) Downward wt. of soil of height 7 . 8 m = 1 8 x 7 . 8 x l = 140.4 kN/m
(b) Downward wt. of heel slab = 25 x 0.45 x 1 = 11.25 kN/m

(c) Upward soil pressure of intensity 80.39 kN/m2 = 80.39 x 1
= 80.39 kN/m
 Net downward force at D = p = 140.4 + 11.25 - 80.39 = 71.26 kN/m
Also net downward force at C = 140.4 + 11.25 - 143.9 = 7.75 kN/m
Let the width of the counterfort = 400 mm
Clear spacing between counterforts = l = 2.6 m Maximum -ve ultimate
moment in heel slab at counterfort
= Mu= (L.F.) pl2 / 12 = 1.5 x 71.26 x 2.62/12 = 60.2 kN.m.
Mu/bd2=60.2x106/(1000x3902)= 0.4, pt=0.114, provide 0.12%GA
( Ast ) min = 0.12 x 1000 x 450/100 = 540 mm2
 Provide # 12 mm @ 200 mm c/c, Area provided = 565 mm2
Pt, = 100 x 565/ (1000 x 390) = 0.14 %

Check for shear

Maximum shear = Vumax = 1.5 x 71.26 x 2.6/2 = 139 kN

ζv= 139x103/1000x390=0.36 MPa

ζc=0.28MPa. Unsafe and hence shear steel is needed.
Using #8 mm 2-legged stirrups,
= 452 mm < (0.75 x 390 = 290 mm or 300 mm )
 Spacing = 290 mm
 Provide #8 mm 2-legged stirrups at 290 mm c/c.

Since shear force varies linearly along the span of 2.6 m, the zone of design
shear reinforcement can be determined.
Let x1 be the distance from the counterfort where S.F. = 109.2 kN
then x1 = 1.30 x (139-109.2) / 139= 0.28m
Further in the transverse direction the S.F. decreases due to increase in the soil
Let the net down ward ultimate force/m at a distance y 1 from C be equal to w1
Then ultimate S.F. at y1 = w1 x 2.60/2 = 1.30 w1
and this must be equal to Vuc i.e. 1.30 w1 = Vu c = 109.2 ... w1= 84 kN


1250 1200 mm C 4050 mm


X e b/2

4050 mm



2600 HEEL



7.75 71.28
kN/m kN/m

Net down force dia.

 net downward working load = w'1 = 84/1.5 = 56 kN/m.

Now, variation of net downward force is linear having value of
71.26 kN/m. at D and 7.75 kN/m at C.
Let y2 be the distance from C where net downward force is 56 kN/m..
y2 ./ (56 - 7 .75 ) = ... 4.05 / (17.26 - 7 .75) ... y2 = 3.08 m from C.
 y1 = 4.05 - 3.08 = say 1 m from end D
 Provide # 8 mm 2-legged stirrups in heel slab at 290 mm c/c for a distance of
0.340 m on either side of the counterfort and for a length of 1 m along the length
of the counterfort in the triangular portion. But from practical considerations
provide the stirrups in the rectangular portion of (0.34 m x 1 m).

Check for development length

For a continuous slab the check for development length satisfying the
curtailments rules as per SP34.

Area of steel for +ve moment

Maximum +ve ultimate moment = L.F. x p/2/16
= 3/4 Mu = 0.75 x 60.2

= 45.15 kN.m.
Mu/bd2=Very small
Too small and hence provide minimum steel. Astmin(= 540 mm2)
 Provide # 12 mm bars at 200 mm c/c., Area provided = 565 mm2 > 540 mm2
Check the force at junction of heel slab with stem
The intensity of downward force decreases due to increases in upward soil
reaction. Consider m width of the slab at C
Net downward force .= 18 x 7.8 +25 x 0.45 - 143.9 = 7.75 kN/m.
 Provide only minimum reinforcement. Provide # 12 mm bars at 200 mm c/c.

Distribution steel
Ast = 0.12 x 1000 x 450/100 = 540 mm2
Using # 12 mm bars, spacing = 1000 x 113/468 = 241 mm.
Provide # 12 mm at 200 mm c/c. , Area provided = 565 mm 2

(d) Design of Stem (Vertical Slab)

The stem acts as a continuous slab spanning between the counterforts. It is
subjected to linearly varying earth pressure having maximum intensity at bottom.
Consider 1 m wide strip at bottom of stem at C.
The intensity of earth pressure

= PH = ka γ h =18 x 7.8/3=46.8 kN/m2

Area of steel on earth side near counterforts :
Maximum -ve ultimate moment,

Mu = 1.5 x ph 12/12 = 1.5 x 46.8 x 2.62/12 = 39.54 kN.m.

Required d = √ (39.54 x 106/(2.76 x 1000)) = 119 mm
However provide total depth = 250 mm
Assuming effective cover = 60 mm , d = 250 - 60 = 190 mm

Mu/bd2=1.1, pt=0.33, Ast=627mm2

Provide #12 mm @ 180 mm c/c,
However provide #12 mm @ 110 mm c/c from shar. Area provided = 1000 x 113/110 =
1027.27 mm2
P t= 100 x 1027.27/(100 x 190) = 0.54 % ,
As the earth pressure decreases towards the top, the spacing of the bars is
increased with decrease in height.

Distribution steel
Asl = 0.12 x 1000 x 250/100 = 300 mm2
 Area of steel on each face = 300/2 = 150 mm2
Provide # 8 mm @ 300 mm on each face in the vertical direction.
Area provided = 1000 x 50/300 = 167 mm2

On the front face provided nominal steel φ 8 mm at 300 mm c/c to support the
vertical bars.

(e) Design of Counterfort

Width of counterfort = 400 mm. The counterforts are provided at 3 m c/c. They
are subjected to earth pressure and downward reaction from the heel slab.
At any section at any depth h below the top E the total horizontal earth
pressure acting on the counterfort.
= 1/2 y h2 k x c/c distance between counterfort
= 18 x h2 x 3 x 1/6 = 9 h2
B.M. at any depth h = 9h2xh/3 = 3h3
B.M. at the base at C= 3 x 7.83 = 1423-7 kN.m.
Ultimate moment = Mu= 1.5 x 1423.7 = 2135.60 kN.m.

Net downward pressure on heel slab at D

= wt. due to earth pressure + wt. of heel slab - upward soil pressure
= 18 x 7.8 + 25 x 0.45 - 80.39 = 71.26 kN/m
Net downward pressure on heel slab at C
= 18 x 7.8 + 25 x 0.45 - 143.9 = 7.75 kN/m2 .
 Total down ward force at D = 71.26 x c/c distance = 71.26 x 3
= 213.78 kN.m.
Total down ward force at C = 7.75 x c/c distance = 7.75 x 3
= 23.25 KN.m. .
As mentioned earlier the counterfort acts as a T-beam. As can be seen that the
depth available is much more than required from B.M. considerations.
Even assuming rectangular section,
d =√(2135.6 x 106(2.76 x 400)) = 1390 mm
The available depth is obtained as under :

7.8 m

4.05m θ

The effective depth is taken at right angle to the reinforcement.

tan θ = 7.8/4.05 =1.93, θ = 62.5°,
 d = 4050 sin θ - eff. cover
= 3535 mm > > 1390 mm
Mu/bd2=2135.6x106/(400x35352) =0.427, pt=0.12%, Ast=1696mm2

Ast.min = 0.85 bd/fy = 0.85 x 400 x 3535/415 = 2896 mm2

 Provided 4- # 22 mm + 4 - # 22 mm, Area provided = 3041 mm 2
pt = 100 x 3041/(400 x 3535) = 0.21 %
The height h where half of the reinforcement can be curtailed is approximately
equal to √H= √7.8=2.79 m
Curtail 4 bars at 2.79-Ldt from top i.e, 2.79-1.03 =1.77m from top.

Design of Horizontal Ties

Due to horizontal earth pressure, the vertical stem has a tendency of separating
out from the counterforts, Hence it should be tied to it by horizontal ties.
The direct pull by the wall on counterfort for 1 m height at base
= γhkax c/c distance =18 x 7.8 x 3 x 1/3 = 140.4 kN
Area of steel required to resist the direct pull
= 1.5 x 140.4 x 103/(0.87 x 415) = 583 mm2 per meter height.
Using # 8 mm 2-legged stirrups, Ast = 2 x π x 82/4 = 100 mm2
spacing = 1000 x 100/583 = 170 mm c/c.
 Provide # 8 mm 2-legged stirrups at 170 mm c/c.
Since the horizontal pressure decreases with h, the spacing of stirrups
can be increased from 170 mm c/c to 450 mm c/c towards the top.

Design of Vertical Ties

Due to net vertical down ward force acting on the base slab, it has a tendency to
separate out from the counterfort. This is prevented by providing vertical ties.
The maximum pull will be exerted at the end of heel slab where the net
downward force = 71.26 kN/m.
Consider one meter strip
Total downward force at D
= 71.26 x c/c distance between counterforts = 71.28 x 3 = 213.78 kN.
Required Ast = 1.5 x 213.78 x 103/(0.87 x 415) = 888 mm2
Using # 8 mm 2-legged stirrups , Ast = 100 mm2
spacing = 1000 x 100/888 = 110 mm c/c.
Provide # 8 mm 2-legged stirrups at 110 mm c/c.
Total downward force at C= 3 x 7.75 = 23.25 kN
Required Ast = 1.5 x 23.25 x l03/(0.87 x 415) = 96.6mm2 very less.
 Increase the spacing of vertical stirrups from 110 mm c/c to 450 mm c/c
towards the end C.

250 mm

8-#22 1.77m

#12@200 #8@110-450, VS 8250

#12@ 8 - # 22
#8@170-450, HS

1250 1200 mm

#16@120 #12@200 #12@200

Cross sectional details of wall through the counterfort

250 mm


#12@200 8250 mm


1250 1200 mm 4050 mm


#16@120 #12@200 #12@200

Cross section between counterforts

Backfill Backfill

With straight bars With cranked bars

Section through stem at the junction of Base slab.


(For class held from 2nd April 07)

Definition: Retaining walls are usually built to hold back soil mass. However, retaining
walls can also be constructed for aesthetic landscaping purposes. Retaining walls are
structures that are constructed to retail soil or any such materials which are unable to
stand vertically by themselves. They are also provided to maintain the grounds at two
different levels.

(a) (b)

Figure. Cross section of cantilever retaining wall (a) and the finished retaining wall (b)

Figure. Types of retaining walls

Figure. Photo of concrete retaining wall

Figure. Types of gravity retaining walls

Classification of retaining walls:

Following are the different types of retaining walls, which is based on the shape and the
mode of resisting the pressure.

1. Gravity wall-Masonry or Plain concrete

2. Cantilever retaining wall-RCC
(Inverted T and L)
3. Counterfort retaining wall-RCC
4. Buttress wall-RCC

Backfill Backfill


Gravity RW T-Shaped RW L-Shaped RW

Counterfort Buttress

Counterfort RW Buttress RW
Figure. Types of retaining walls

Earth Pressure (P)

Earth pressure is the pressure exerted by the retaining material on the retaining wall. This
pressure tends to deflect the wall outward. There are two types of earth pressure and they

Active earth pressure or earth pressure (Pa) and Passive earth pressure (Pp). Active earth
pressure tends to deflect the wall away from the backfill. Earth pressure depends on type
of backfill, the height of wall and the soil conditions

Soil conditions: The different soil conditions are

Dry leveled back fill
Moist leveled backfill
Submerged leveled backfill
Leveled backfill with uniform surcharge
Backfill with sloping surface

Analysis for dry back fills




Maximum pressure at any height, p=kah

Total pressure at any height from top, P=1/2[kah]h = [kah2]/2
Bending moment at any height = M=Pxh/3= [kah3]/6

 Total pressure at bottom, Pa= [kaH2]/2

 Total Bending moment at bottom, M = [kaH3]/6
Where, ka= Coefficient of active earth pressure= (1-sin)/(1+sin)=tan2
= 1/kp, coefficient of passive earth pressure
= Angle of internal friction or angle of repose
=Unit weigh or density of backfill

If = 30, ka=1/3 and kp=3. Thus ka is 9 times kp

Backfill with sloping surface

pa= ka H at the bottom and is parallel to inclined surface of backfill

 cos  cos 2   cos 2  
ka= cos  
 cos  cos   cos  
2 2

Where =Angle of surcharge

 Total pressure at bottom=Pa= ka H2/2

Stability requirements of RW:

Following conditions must be satisfied for stability of wall.

1. It should not overturn
2. It should not slide
3. It should not subside i.e Max. pressure at the toe should not exceed the safe
bearing capacity of the soil under working condition

Check against overturning

Factor of safety against overturning = MR / MO  1.55 (=1.4/0.9)

Where, MR =Stabilising moment or restoring moment

MO =overturning moment
As per IS:456-2000,

MR>1.2 MO, ch DL + 1.4 MO, ch IL

0.9 MR  1.4 MO, ch IL

Check against Sliding

FOS = Resisting force to sliding/Horizontal force causing sliding

= W/Pa  1.55 (=1.4/0.9)

As per IS:456:2000
1.4 = ( 0.9W)/Pa

Design of Shear key:

If the wall is not safe against sliding, then a shear key is to be provided. It is provided
either below the stem or at the end of heel. It should not be provided at the end of toe. If
shear key is provided, then it should be designed taking the effect of passive pressure.





W ka(H+a)
=45 + /2

In case the wall is unsafe against sliding

pp= p tan2 (45 +/2) = p kp
where pp= Unit passive pressure on soil above shearing plane AB
W= Total vertical force acting at the key base
= shearing angle of passive resistance
R= Total passive force = pp x a
PA=Active horizontal pressure at key base for H+a
W=Total frictional force under flat base

For equilibrium, R + W =FOS x PA

FOS= (R + W)/ PA  1.55

Pressure below the wall

Consider the retaining wall as shown. All forces acting on the wall are shown. The
moment of all forces at the end of toe is considered and the requirements of stability are
to be established. For stability earth pressure at the end of the heel for the entire height of
wall should be considered. The maximum and minimum pressure below the wall can be
determined from the principles of static.

W4 H
x1 W1
x2 Pa

e b/6
x b/2

Pressure below the Retaining Wall

Maximum pressure at the toe

Let the resultant R due to W and Pa lie at a distance x from the toe.
X = M/W, M = sum of all moments about toe.
Eccentricity of the load = e = (b/2-x)
Minimum pressure at heel
W  6e 
Pmin  1
b  b 
This should not be less than zero to avoid tension at the base. From this e=b/6, resultant
should cut the base within the middle third. Otherwise the wall tends to separate from the
base due to tension.

Maximum pressure at toe

W  6e 
Pmax  1
b  b 
This should not be greater than SBC of soil to avoid the subsidence of wall.

Depth of foundation
SBC 1  sin   SBC 2
Rankine’s formula: Df =   = γ ka
 1  sin  

Preliminary Proportioning (T shaped wall)

Following guidelines are to be followed for initial proportioning of wall with out
surcharge. For surcharge and other cases, good text books should be followed.

Stem: Top width 200 mm to 400 mm

Base slab width b= 0.4H to 0.6H, and 0.6H to 0.75H for surcharged wall
Base slab thickness= H/10 to H/14
Toe projection= (1/3-1/4) Base width


tp= (1/3-1/4)b
H/10 –H/14

b= 0.4H to 0.6H
Behaviour or structural action and design
All the three elements namely stem, toe and heel acts as cantilever slabs and hence the
design and detailing principles are same as that of conventional cantilever slabs.

Stem design: Mu=partial safety factor x (ka H3/6)

Determine the depth d from Mu = Mu, lim=Qbd2
Determine the steel based on balanced or under reinforced design. Provide enough
development length at the junction for all bars.

Curtailment of steel

Maximum steel is needed at the base where the BM is maximum. As the BM decreases
towards the top, steel can be suitably curtailed at one or two levels. Usually steel is
curtailed at one level where the steel quantity is about 50% or 67% of the base steel.

Effective depth is Proportional to h

Bending moment is proportional to h3
Ast is αl to BM/Eff. depth and is αl to h2
A h2
i.e. st1  12
Ast 2 h2

h1 top Every alternate bar
Ast/2 h2

Ast/2 Ast

Distribution steel: 0.12% Gross area for HYSD bars, 0.15% for Mild steel bars

Temperature steel: Provide this steel at the outer face which is same as the distribution

Also provide suitable development lengths for all steel meeting at the junction. Provide
suitable construction keys, drainage facilities, tile drains and weep holes as shown in the
drawing. Sketch the drawings and detail as per the requirements.

Retaining wall Design

Design example-1

Design a cantilever retaining wall (T type) to retain earth for a height of 4m. the backfill
is horizontal. The density of soil is 18kN/m 3. Safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m 2.
Take the co-efficient of friction between concrete and soil as 0.6. The angle of repose is
30 degrees. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.


Data: h' = 4m, SBC= 200 kN/m2, γ= 18 kN/m3, μ=0.6, φ=30°

To fix the height of retaining wall, H

H= h' +Df

Depth of foundation
SBC 1  sin   SBC 2
Rankine’s formula: Df =   = γ ka
 1  sin  

1.23m say 1.2m , therefore H= 5.2m

Proportioning of wall
Thickness of base slab= (1/10 to 1/14) H, 0.52m to 0.43m, say 450 mm
Width of base slab=b = (0.5 to 0.6) H, 2.6m to 3.12m say 3m
Toe projection= pj= (1/3 to ¼)H, 1m to 0.75m say 0.75m
Provide 450 mm thickness for the stem at the base and 200 mm at the top

Design of stem

To find Maximum bending moment at the junction

Ph= ½ x 1/3 x 18 x 4.752=67.68 kN

M= Ph h/3 = 0.333 x 18 x 4.753/6 = 107.1 kN-m
Mu= 1.5 x M = 160.6 kN-m

Taking 1m length of wall,

Mu/bd2= 1.004 < 2.76, URS (Here d=450- effective cover=450-50=400 mm)

To find steel
Pt=0.295% <0.96%
Ast= 0.295x1000x400/100 = 1180 mm2
#12 @ 90 < 300 mm and 3d ok
Ast provided= 1266mm2

Development length
Ld=47 φbar =47 x 12 = 564 mm

Curtailment of bars
Curtail 50% steel from top
(h1/h)2 = ½

(h1/4.75)2 = ½, h1 = 3.36m

Actual point of cutoff= 3.36-Ld =3.36-47 φbar = 3.36-0.564 = 2.74m from top.

Spacing of bars = 180 mm c/c < 300 mm and 3d ok

Distribution steel
= 0.12% GA = 0.12x450 x 1000/100 = 540 mm2
#10 @ 140 < 450 mm and 5d ok

Secondary steel for stem at front (Temperature steel)

0.12% GA = 0.12x450 x 1000/100 = 540 mm2
#10 @ 140 < 450 mm and 5d ok

Check for shear

Max. SF at Junction = Ph=67.68 kN

Ultimate SF= Vu=1.5 x 67.68 = 101.52 kN
Nominal shear stress =τv=Vu/bd = 101.52 x 1000 / 1000x400 = 0.25 MPa
To find τc : 100Ast/bd = 0.32%, From IS:456-2000, τc= 0.38 MPa
τv< τc Hence safe in shear.

Stability analysis

W4 H
x1 W1
x2 Pa

e b/6
x b/2

0.75m 0.45m 1.8m

30.16 kN/m2
120.6 kN/m2

Pressure below the Retaining Wall

Bending moment
Distance from A,
Load Magnitude, kN about A
Stem W1 0.2x4.75x1x25 = 23.75 1.1 26.13
0.75 +
Stem W2 ½ x0.25x4.75x1x25 = 14.84 13.60
Base slab W3 3.0x0.45x1x25 = 33.75 1.5 50.63
Back fill, W4 1.8x4.75x1x18 = 153.9 2.1 323.20
total ΣW= 226.24 ΣMR=413.55
Hori. earth PH =0.333x18x5.22/2
H/3 =5.2/3 MO=140.05
pressure =PH =81.04 kN

Stability checks:

Check for overturning:

FOS = ΣMR/ MO= 2.94 >1.55 safe

Check for Sliding:

FOS = μ ΣW/ PH= 2.94 >1.55 safe

Check for subsidence:

Let the resultant cut the base at x from toe T,
x= ΣM/ ΣW= 1.20 m > b/3
e= b/2 –x = 3/2 – 1.2 = 0.3m < b/6

Pressure below the base slab

W  6e 
Max. pressure= Pmax  1
b  b 
120.66 kN/m2 < SBC, safe
W  6e 
Min. pressure = Pmin  1
b  b 
30.16 kN/m2 > zero, No tension or separation, safe

Design of Heel

To fine the maximum bending moment

Distance from BM,

Load Magnitude, kN
C, m MC, kN-m
Backfill 153.9 0.9 138.51
Heel slab 0.45x1.8x25 = 27.25 0.9 18.23
Pressure distribution,
30.16 x 1.8 =54.29 0.9 -48.86
Pressure distribution,
½ x 24.1 x1.8=21.69 1/3x1.8 -13.01
Total BM at
Total Load at junction 105.17 ΣMC=94.86

Mu= 1.5 x 94.86 =142.3 kNm

Mu/bd2= 0.89 < 2.76, URS
Pt=0.264% < 0.96%
Ast= 0.264x1000x400/100 = 1056 mm2
#16@ 190 < 300 mm and 3d ok
Ast provided= 1058mm2

Development length
Ld=47 φbar =47 x 16 = 752mm

Distribution steel
Same, #10 @ 140 < 450 mm and 5d ok

Check for shear at junction (Tension)

Net downward force causing shear = 142.3kN. Critical section for shear is at the face as it
is subjected to tension.
Maximum shear =V=105.17 kN, VU, max= 157.76 kN, τv =0.39 MPa

τuc =0.37 MPa
Allowable shear force= 0.37x 1000 x 400 =148kN, slightly less than VU, max.
May be ok

Design of toe
To find the maximum bending moment
Distance from BM,
Load Magnitude, kN
C, m MC, kN-m
Toe slab 0.75x0.45x25=8.44 0.75/2 -3.164
Pressure distribution,
97.99x0.75=73.49 0.75/2 27.60
½ x22.6
Pressure distribution, triangle 2/3x1=0.75 4.24
Total BM at
Total Load at junction 73.53 ΣM=28.67kNm

Mu= 1.5 x 28.67 =43 kNm

Mu/bd2= 0.27< 2.76, URS
Pt=0.085% Very small, provide 0.12%GA
Ast= 540 mm2
#10 @ 140 < 300 mm and 3d ok

Development length:
Ld=47 φbar =47 x 10 = 470 mm

Check for shear:

Since the soil pressure introduces compression in the wall, the critical section is taken at a
distance d from junction.
Net shear force at the section= (120.6+110.04)/2 x 0.35 -0.45x0.35x25=75.45kN
V=75.46 kN, VU,max=75.45x1.5=113.18 kN
τv=113.17x1000/(1000x400)=0.28 MPa
τuc =0.37 MPa
V,allowable = 0.37x 1000 x 400 =148 kN > VU,max, ok

Construction joint
A key 200 mm wide x 50 mm deep with nominal steel
#10 @ 250, 600 mm length in two rows

100 mm dia. pipes as weep holes at 3m c/c at bottom
Also provide 200 mm gravel blanket at the back of the stem for back drain.


Following section will be asked in the examination.

1. Cross section of wall

2. Longitudinal section of wall for about 2m
3. Sectional plan of the base slab
4. Longitudinal section of stem near the base slab

#12 @ 180

#10 @ 140

#12 @ 90
#16 @ 190

#10 @ 140
Cross section of wall Longitudinal section of wall

Adopt a suitable scale such as 1:20
Show all the details and do neat drawing
Show the development length for all bars at
the junction
Name the different parts such as stem, toe,
heel, backfill, weep holes, blanket, etc.,
Show the dimensions of all parts
Detail the steel in all the drawings
Lines with double headed arrows represents
the development lengths in the cross section

Sectional plan of base slab

Dr M. C. Nataraja

(For class held from 14-22 MAY 07)

Dr. M. C. Nataraja,
Professor, Civil Engineering Department,
Sri Jayachamarajendra Collge of Engineering, Mysore-5a70 006
Phone: 0821-2343521, 9880447742
e-mail: [email protected]

Combined footing

Whenever two or more columns in a straight line are carried on a single spread footing, it
is called a combined footing. Isolated footings for each column are generally the
economical. Combined footings are provided only when it is absolutely necessary, as
i) When two columns are close together, causing overlap of adjacent isolated
ii) Where soil bearing capacity is low, causing overlap of adjacent isolated
iii) Proximity of building line or existing building or sewer, adjacent to a building

The combined footing may be rectangular, trapezoidal or Tee-shaped in plan. The

geometric proportions and shape are so fixed that the centeroid of the footing area
coincides with the resultant of the column loads. This results in uniform pressure below
the entire area of footing.

Trapezoidal footing is provided when one column load is much more than the other. As a
result, the both projections of footing beyond the faces of the columns will be restricted.
Rectangular footing is provided when one of the projections of the footing is restricted or
the width of the footing is restricted.

Rectangular combined footing

Longitudinally, the footing acts as an upward loaded beam spanning between columns
and cantilevering beyond. Using statics, the shear force and bending moment diagrams in
the longitudinal direction are drawn. Moment is checked at the faces of the column. Shear
force is critical at distance ‘d’ from the faces of columns or at the point of contra flexure.
Two-way shear is checked under the heavier column.

The footing is also subjected to transverse bending and this bending is spread over a
transverse strip near the column.

Combined footing may be of slab type or slab and beam type or slab and strap beam type.


1. Locate the point of application of the column loads on the footing.

2. Proportion the footing such that the resultant of loads passes through the center of
3. Compute the area of footing such that the allowable soil pressure is not exceeded.
4. Calculate the shear forces and bending moments at the salient points and hence
draw SFD and BMD.
5. Fix the depth of footing from the maximum bending moment.
6. Calculate the transverse bending moment and design the transverse section for
depth and reinforcement. Check for anchorage and shear.
7. Check the footing for longitudinal shear and hence design the longitudinal steel
8. Design the reinforcement for the longitudinal moment and place them in the
appropriate positions.
9. Check the development length for longitudinal steel
10. Curtail the longitudinal bars for economy
11. Draw and detail the reinforcement
12. Prepare the bar bending schedule

1 2 3 4 5 6

d/2 a b

d c

d d
1 2 3 4 5 6
Section 1-1, 2-2, 5-5, and 6-6 are sections for critical
Section 3-3, 4-4 are sections for critical shear (one
for critical FOR
two way MOMENTS
shear is abcd AND

P1 P2

a l b

L/2 x L/2



P1 P2

a l b

L/2 L/2
x R
Combined footing with loads, (Slab type)

Types of combined footings (Plan)

Design of combined footing – Slab and Beam type

Two interior columns A and B carry 700 kN and 1000 kN loads respectively. Column A is
350 mm x 350 mm and column B is 400 mm X 400 mm in section. The centre to centre
spacing between columns is 4.6 m. The soil on which the footing rests is capable of
providing resistance of 130 kN/m2. Design a combined footing by providing a central
beam joining the two columns. Use concrete grade M25 and mild steel reinforcement.

Solution: Data
fck = 25 Nlmm2,
fy= 250 N/mm2,
f b (SBC)= l30 kN/m2,
Column A = 350 mm x 350 mm,
Column B = 400 mm x 400 mm,
c/c spacing of columns = 4.6 m ,
PA = 700 kN and PB = 1000kN

Required: To design combined footing with central beam joining the two columns.

Ultimate loads
PuA= 1.5 x 700 = 1050 kN, PuB = 1.5 x 1000 = 1500 kN

Proportioning of base size

Working load carried by column A = PA
= 700 kN
Working load carried by column B = PB = 1000 kN
Self weight of footing 10 % x (PA + PB) = 170 kN
Total working load = 1870 kN
Required area of footing = Af = Total load /SBC=1870/130 = 14.38 m2
Let the width of the footing = Bf = 2m
Required length of footing = Lf = Af /Bf = 14.38/2 = 7.19m
Provide footing of size 7.2m X 2m, Af = 7.2 x 2 = 14.4 m2

For uniform pressure distribution the C.G. of the footing should coincide with the C.G. of
column loads. Let x be the distance of C.G. from the centre line of column A

700 kN 1000 kN

a=900 4600 mm b=1700


x R
pu=177 kN/m2
wu=354 kN/m
Combined footing with loads

Then x = (PB x 4.6)/(PA + PB) = (1000 x 4.6)/(1000 +700) = 2.7 m from column A.
If the cantilever projection of footing beyond column A is ‘a’
then, a + 2.7 = Lf /2 = 7.2/2, Therefore a = 0.9 m

Similarly if the cantilever projection of footing beyond B is 'b'

then, b + (4.6-2.7) = Lf /2 = 3.6 m, Therefore b = 3.6 - 1.9 = 1.7 m
The details are shown in Figure

Total ultimate load from columns = Pu = 1.5(700 + 1000) = 2550 kN.

Upward intensity of soil pressure wu= P/Af= 2550/14.4 = 177 kN/m2  1.5 SBC or UBC

Design of slab:
Intensity of upward pressure = pu =177 kN/m2
Consider one meter width of the slab (b=1m)
Load per m run of slab at ultimate = 177 x 1 = 177 kN/m

Rectangular Footing with Central Beam:-Design of Bottom slab.

Cantilever projection of the slab (For smaller column) =1000 - 350/2 = 825 mm
Maximum ultimate moment = 177 x 0.8252/2 = 60.2 kN-m.

pu=177 kN/m2

For M25 and Fe 250, Q u max = 3.71 N/mm2

Required effective depth = √ (60.2 x 106/(3.71 x 1000)) = 128 mm
Since the slab is in contact with the soil, clear cover of 50 mm is assumed.
Using 20 mm diameter bars
Required total depth = 128 + 20/2 + 50 =188 mm say 200 mm
Provided effective depth = d = 200-50-20/2 = 140 mm

To find steel
Mu/bd2 =3.073.73, URS
Ast = 2380 mm2
Use Φ20 mm diameter bar at spacing = 1000 x 314 / 23 84 say 130 mm
Area provided =1000 x 314 / 130 = 2415 mm2
Check the depth for one - way shear considerations

Design shear force=Vu=177x(0.825-0.140)=121kN

Nominal shear stress=τv=Vu/bd=121000/(1000x140)=0.866MPa
Permissible shear stress
Pt = 100 x 2415 /(1000 x 140 ) = 1.7 %, τuc = 0.772 N/mm2
Value of k for 200 mm thick slab = 1.2
Permissible shear stress = 1.2 x 0.772 = 0.926 N/mm2
τuc > τv and hence safe

The depth may be reduced uniformly to 150 mm at the edges.

Check for development length

Ldt= [0.87 x 250 / (4 x 1.4)]Ф =39 Ф = 39 x 20 = 780 mm

Available length of bar = 825 - 25 =800mm > 780 mm and hence safe.

Transverse reinforcement
Required A st = 0.15 bD / 100 = 0.15 x 1000 x 200/100 = 300mm2
Using Ф 8 mm bars, spacing = 1000 x 50 / 300 = 160 mm
Provide distribution steel of Ф 8 mm at 160 mm c/c

(c) Design of Longitudinal Beam:
Two columns are joined by means of a beam monolithic with the footing slab. The load from the slab
will be transferred to the beam. As the width of the footing is 2 m, the net upward soil pressure per
meter length of the beam
= wu = 177 x 2 = 354 kN/m

Shear Force and Bending Moment

VAC = 354 x 0.9 = 318.6 kN, VAB = 1050-318.6 = 731.4 kN
VBD = 354 x 1.7 = 601.8kN, VBA = 1500-601.8 = 898.2 kN

Point of zero shear from left end C

X1 = 1050/354 = 2.97m from C or X2 = 7.2-2.97 = 4.23 m from D
Maximum B.M. occurs at a distance of 4.23 m from D
M uE = 354 x 4.232 / 2 - 1500 (4.23 - 1.7) = -628 kN.m
Bending moment under column A = M uA = 354 x 0.92 / 2 = 143.37 kN.m
Bending moment under column B = M uB = 354 x 1.72 = 511.5 kN-m
Let the point of contra flexure be at a distance x from the centre of column A
Then, Mx= I050x - 354 (x + 0.9 )2/ 2 = 0
Therefore x = 0.206 m and 3.92 m from column A i.e. 0.68 m from B.

0.9 m 4.6 m 1.7 m

1050 kN 1500 kN


C 354 kN/m D

ME=628 kN-m

0.206 m

MA=143.37 kN-m

BMD at Ultimate MB=511.5 kN-m

V3=898.2 kN
V1=318.6 kN

+ E

V4=601.8 kN
V2=731.4 kN

2.97 m 4.23 m

Depth of beam from B.M. Considerations

The width of beam is kept equal to the maximum width of the column i.e. 400 mm.
Determine the depth of the beam where T- beam action is not available. The beam acts as a
rectangular section in the cantilever portion, where the maximum positive moment = 511.5
d =√ (511.5 x 106/ (3.73 x 400)) = 586 mm

Provide total depth of 750 mm. Assuming two rows of bars at an effective cover
of 70 mm. Effective depth provided = d= 750-70 = 680 mm (Less than
750mm and hence no side face steel is needed).

Check the depth for Two-way Shear

The column B can punch through the footing only if it shears against the depth of the beam along
its two opposite edges, and along the depth of the slab on the remaining two edges. The critical
section for two-way shear is taken at distance d/2 (i.e. 680/2 mm) from the face of the column.
Therefore, the critical section will be taken at a distance half the effective depth of the slab (ds/2)
on the other side as shown in Fig.

0.825m 0.8m

A 350 x 350 400 + 400 x 400 B 2000

1.5m mm
2.7m 1.9m
a=0.9m 4.6m b=1.7m

7200 mm

B=400 x 400 mm


B D+ds 2000


In this case b = D = 400 mm, db = 680 mm, ds = 140 mm

Area resisting two - way shear
= 2(b x d b + d s x d s) + 2 (D + d b)ds
= 2 ( 4 0 0 x 6 8 0 + 140 x 140) + 2(400+ 680) 140
= 885600 mm2

Design shear=Pud= column load – W u x area at critical section
= 1500 - 177 x(b + d s) x (D + d b)
=1500-177 x (0.400+0.140) x (0.400+ 0.680)
τv=Pud/bod= 1377.65x1000/885600=1.56 MPa

Shear stress resisted by concrete = τuc = τuc x K s

where, τuc = 0.25 √ f ck= 0.25√ 25 = 1.25 N/mm2
K s = 0.5 + d / D = 0.5 + 400/400 = 1.5 ≤ 1 Hence K s = 1
τuc = 1 x 1.25 = 1.25 N/mm2
Therefore unsafe and the depth of slab need to be increased. However the same depth is

Area of Reinforcement

Cantilever portion BD
Length of cantilever from the face of column = 1.7 - 0.4 / 2 = 1.5 m.
Ultimate moment at the face of column = 354 x 1.52 / 2 = 398.25 kN-m
Mumax = 3.71 x 400 x 6802 x 106 = 686 kN.m >398.25 kN-m
Therefore Section is singly reinforced.

Mu/bd2 =398.25x106/(400x6802) =2.15 3.73, URS

Ast =3030 mm2
Provide 3 - Φ 32 mm + 4 - Φ 16 mm at bottom face, Area provided = 3217 mm2
Ld = 39 x 32 =1248 mm

All bottom bars will be continued up to the end of cantilever. The bottom bars of 3 - Ф 32
will be curtailed at a distance d (= 680 mm) from the point of contra flexure (λ = 680 mm)
in the portion BE with its distance from the centre of support equal to 1360 mm from B.

Cantilever portion AC
Length of cantilever from the face of column = 900 - 350 / 2 = 725 mm
Ultimate moment = 354 x 0.7252 /2 = 93 kN-m
Mu/bd2 =93x106/(400x6802) =0.52 3.73, URS
Pt=0.245% (Greater than minimum steel)
A st =660 mm2
Provide 4 - Ф 16 mm at bottom face, Area provided = 804 mm2
Continue all 4 bars of 16 mm diameter through out at bottom.

Region AB between points of contra flexures

The beam acts as an isolated T- beam.

bf = [L o /( L o / b +4)] + b w, where,

L o = 4.6 - 0.206 - 0.68 = 3.714 m = 3714 mm

b= actual width of flange = 2000 mm, b w = 400 mm
bf = [3714 / (3714 / 2000 + 4) + 400] =1034mm < 2000mm

D f = 200 mm, Mu = 628 kN-m
Moment of resistance Muf of a beam for x u = D f is :
(Muf) = [0.36 x 25 x 1034 x 200 (680 - 0.42x200)] x10-6
= 1109 kN.m > Mu ( = 628 kN-m)

Therefore Xu <D f
Ast= 4542 mm2
Provide 5 bars of Ф 32 mm and 3 bars of Ф 16 mm,
Area provided = 4021+ 603 = 4624 mm2 >4542 mm2
pt= 100 x 4624/(400x680) = 1.7 %

Consider that 2 - Ф 32 mm are to be curtailed
No. of bars to be continued = 3 - Ф16 + 3 - Ф 32 giving area = Ast =3016 mm2
Moment of resistance of continuing bars
Mur= (0.87 x 250 x 3016 ( 680 – ((250 x 3016) / (25 x 400) x 10-6 = 396.6 kN-m
Let the theoretical point of curtailment be at a distance X from the free end C, then
Muc= Mur Therefore -354 x2 / 2 + 1050 (x- 0.9) = 396.6
x2-5.93x + 7.58 =0, Therefore x = 4.06m or 1.86m from C
Actual point of curtailment = 4.06 + 0.68 = 4.74 m from C or 1.86 - 0.68 = 1.18 m from
Terminate 2 - Φ 32 mm bars at a distance of 280 mm (= 1180 - 900) from the column A
and 760mm (= 5500 - 4740) from column B. Remaining bars 3 - Φ 32 shall be continued
beyond the point of inflection for a distance of 680 mm i.e. 460 mm from column A and
up to the outer face of column B. Remaining bars of 3 - Φ 16 continued in the cantilever

Design of shear reinforcement

Portion between column i.e. AB
In this case the crack due to diagonal tension will occur at the point of contra flexure
because the distance of the point of contra flexure from the column is less than the
effective depth d(= 680mm)
(i) Maximum shear force at B = Vumax = 898.2 kN
Shear at the point of contra flexure = VuD - 898.2-354 x 0.68 = 657.48 kN

τv=657000/(400x680) =2.42 MPa  τc,max.

Area of steel available 3 - Φ 16 + 3 - Φ 32 , Ast = 3016 mm2
pt = 100 x 3016 / (400 x 680) = 1.1%
τv > τc
Design shear reinforcement is required.
Using 12 mm diameter 4 - legged stirrups,
Spacing = 0.87 x 250 x (4 x 113) /(2.42-0.664)x400 =139 mm say 120 mm c/c

Zone of shear reinforcements between τv to τc

= m from support B towards A

(ii) Maximum shear force at A = Vu max = 731.4 kN.

Shear at the point contra flexure = VuD = 731.4 - 0.206 x 354 = 658.5 kN

τv=658500/(400x680) =2.42MPa  τc,max.

Area of steel available = 4624 mm2, pt= 100 x 4624 / (400 * 680) = 1.7 %
τuc = 0.772 N/ mm2
τv > τc
Design shear reinforcement is required.
Using 12 mm diameter 4 - legged stirrups,
Spacing = 0.87 x 250 x (4 x 113) /(2.42-0.774)x400 =149 mm say 140 mm c/c

Zone of shear reinforcement.

From A to B for a distance as shown in figure
For the remaining central portion of 1.88 m provide minimum shear reinforcement using
12 mm diameter 2 - legged stirrups at
Spacing , s = 0.87 x 250 x (2 x 11 3 ) / (0.4 x 400) = 300 mm c/c< 0.75d

Cantilever portion BD
Vumax = 601.8kN, VuD = 601.8 - 354(0.400 / 2 + 0.680) = 290.28kN.
τv=290280/(400x680) =1.067MPa  τc,max.

Ast = 3217 mm2 Therefore pt = 100 x 3217/(400 x 680) = 1.18%

τc =0.683N/mm2 (Table IS:456-2000)
τv > τc and τv - τc0.4. Provide minimum steel.

Using 12 mm diameter 2- legged stirrups,

Spacing = 0.87 x 250 x (2 x 113) /(0.4x400) =307.2 mm say 300 mm c/c

Cantilever portion AC

Minimum shear reinforcement of Ф 12 mm diameters 2 - legged stirrups at 300mm c/c

will be sufficient in the cantilever portions of the beam as the shear is very less.

350x350 400x400

0.9 m 4.6 m 1.7 m

Side face
3- Φ16 5-Φ32 + 3- Φ16 3-Φ32 + 3- Φ16 3- Φ16 2- Φ12


Φ12@300, Φ12@140, Φ12@300, Φ12@120, Φ12@300,

2L Stp 4L Stp 2L Stp 4L Stp 2L Stp

5-φ32 3-φ16
750 750
2000 4-φ16
C/S at Centre C/S at the junction
(Right of B)

Φ20@130 Φ8@160

2000 mm

7200 mm

Plan of footing slab

Design of combined footing – Slab and Beam type-2

Design a rectangular combined footing with a central beam for supporting two columns
400x400 mm in size to carry a load of 1000kN each. Center to center distance between
the columns is 3.5m. The projection of the footing on either side of the column with
respect to center is 1m. Safe bearing capacity of the soil can be taken as 190kN/m 2. Use
M20 concrete and Fe-415 steel.

Solution: Data
fck = 20Nlmm2,
fy= 415mm2,
f b (SBC)= l90 kN/m2,
Column A = 400 mm x 400 mm,
Column B = 400 mm x 400 mm,
c/c spacing of columns = 3.5,
PA = 1000 kN and PB = 1000 kN

Required: To design combined footing with central beam joining the two columns.

Ultimate loads
PuA= 1.5 x 1000 = 1500 kN, PuB = 1.5 x 1000 = 1500 kN

Proportioning of base size

Working load carried by column A = PA
= 1000 kN
Working load carried by column B = PB = 1000 kN
Self weight of footing 10 % x (PA + PB) = 200 kN
Total working load = 2200 kN
Required area of footing = Af = Total load /SBC=2200/190 = 11.57 m2
Length of the footing Lf = 3.5 +1 +1 =5.5m
Required width of footing = b= Af /Lf = 11.57/5.5 = 2.1m
Provide footing of size 5.5 x 2.1 m

For uniform pressure distribution the C.G. of the footing should coincide with the C.G. of
column loads. As the footing and columns loads are symmetrical, this condition is

1000 kN 1000 kN

1m 3.5 m 1m

R p=173.16 kN/m2
w=363.64 kN/m

The details are shown in Figure

Total load from columns = P = (1000 + 1000) = 2000 kN.

Upward intensity of soil pressure=Column loads, P/Af= 2000/5.5 x2.1 =173.16 kN/m2<

Design of slab:
Intensity of Upward pressure = p =173.16 kN/m2
Consider one meter width of the slab (b=1m)
Load per m run of slab at ultimate = 173.16 x 1 = 173.16 kN/m
Cantilever projection of the slab (For smaller column) =1050 - 400/2 = 850mm
Maximum ultimate moment = 173.16 x 0.8502/2 = 62.55 kN-m. (Working condition)

For M20 and Fe 415, Q u max = 2.76 N/mm2
Required effective depth = √ (62.15 x1.5 x 106/(2.76 x 1000)) = 184.28 mm
Since the slab is in contact with the soil clear cover of 50 mm is assumed.
Using 20 mm diameter bars, effective cover =20/2 +50 say 75 mm
Required total depth = 184.28 + 75 = 259.4 mm. However provide 300 mm from shear
consideration as well. Provided effective depth = d = 300-75 = 225 mm

To find steel
Mu/bd2 =1.5 x 62.15 x106/1000 x 2252 = 1.84 2.76, URS

Pt=0.584 %
Ast = 1314 mm2
Use #20 mm diameter bar at spacing = 1000 x 314 / 1314 =238.96 mm say 230 mm c/c
Area provided =1000 x 314 / 230 = 1365 mm2. Hence safe. This steel is required for the
entire length of the footing.

Check the depth from one - way shear considerations

Design shear force=Vu=1.5 x173.16 x (0.850-0.225) = 162.33 kN
Nominal shear stress = τv= Vu/bd =162330/(1000x225) =0.72 MPa
Permissible shear stress
Pt = 100 x 1365 /(1000 x 225 ) = 0.607 %, τuc = 0.51 N/mm2
Value of k for 300 mm thick slab = 1
Permissible shear stress = 1 x 0.51= 0.51 N/mm2
τuc < τv and hence unsafe.

The depth may be increased to 400 mm so that d = 325mm

Mu/bd2 =1.5 x 62.15 x106/1000 x 3252 = 0.883 2.76, URS

Pt=0.26 %, Ast = 845 mm2
Use #16 mm diameter bar at spacing = 1000 x 201 / 845 =237.8 mm, say 230 mm c/c
Area provided =1000 x 201 / 230 = 874 mm2.
Check the depth from one - way shear considerations
Design shear force=Vu=1.5 x 173.16 x (0.850-0.325)= 136.36 kN
Nominal shear stress = τv = Vu/bd =136360/(1000x325) = 0.42 MPa
Permissible shear stress
pt = 100 x 874/(1000 x 325 ) = 0.269 %, τuc = 0.38 N/mm2
Value of k for 400 mm thick slab = 1
Permissible shear stress = 1 x 0.38= 0.38 N/mm2
Again τuc < τv and hence slightly unsafe.
However provide steel at closure spacing, #16 @150 mm c/c.
Ast=201 x 1000/150 =1340 mm2 and pt =0.41% and hence τuc=0.45 MPa and safe.

Check for development length

Ldt= 47 times diameter = 47x16=768 mm
Available length of bar = 850 - 25 =825mm > 768 mm and hence safe.

Transverse reinforcement
Required A st = 0.12 bD / 100 = 0.12 x 1000 x 400/100 = 480mm2
Using 10 mm bars, spacing = 1000 x 79 / 480 = 164.58 mm
Provide distribution steel of #10 mm at 160 mm c/c

Design of Longitudinal Beam

Two columns are joined by means of a beam monolithic with the footing slab. The load from the slab
will be transferred to the beam. As the width of the footing is 2.1 m, the net upward soil pressure
per meter length of the beam under service.
= w = 173.16 x 2.1 = 363.64 kN/m

Shear Force and Bending Moment at service condition

VAC = 363.64 x 1 = 363.14 kN, VAB = 1000-363.14 = 636.36 kN

VBD = 363.14 kN, VBA = 636.36 kN

Point of zero shear is at the center of footing at L/2, i.e., at E

Maximum B.M. occurs at E
ME = 363.64 x 2.752 / 2 - 1000 (2.75 - 1) = -375 kN.m

Bending moment under column A = MA = 363.64 x 12 / 2 = 181.82 kN.m

Similarly bending moment under column B = MB = 181.82 kN-m
Let the point of contra flexure be at a distance x from C
Then, Mx= 363.63x2/2 – 1000(x-1) = 0
Therefore x = 1.30 m and 4.2m from C

Depth of beam from B.M. Considerations:

The width of beam is kept equal to the maximum width of the column i.e. 400 mm.
Determine the depth of the beam from absolute maximum BM. This is in the central part
where T- beam action is available. Assume the beam as rectangular at the center of span where
the moment is maximum, we have,

d =√ (375 x 1.5 x 106/ (2.76 x 400)) = 713.8 mm

Provide total depth of 800 mm. Assuming two rows of bars at an effective cover of 75 mm, the
effective depth provided = d= 800-75 = 725 mm.

Check the depth for Two-way Shear:

The column B can punch through the footing only if it shears against the depth of the beam along
its two opposite edges, and along the depth of the slab on the remaining two edges. The critical
section for two-way shear is taken at distance d/2 (i.e. 680/2 mm) from the face of the column.
Therefore, the critical section will be taken at a distance half the effective depth of the slab (ds/2)
on the other side as shown in Fig.

1000 kN 1000 kN

363.64 kN/m

MC=375 kN-m

0.3m 0.3m

MA=181.82 kN-m BMD at MB=181.82 kN-m


V2=636.36 kN

V4=363.63 kN

+ -


V1=363.63 kN SFD
V3=636.36 kN


A 4000 x 400 400 + 400 x 400 B 2100

0.8m mm
1.75m 1.75m
a=1 m 3.5m b=1
5500 mm



400 B D+ds 2100


In this case b = D = 400 mm, d b = 725 mm, d s = 325 mm

Area resisting two - way shear
= 2(b x d b + d s x d s) + 2 (D + d b)ds
= 2 ( 4 0 0 x 7 2 5 + 325 x 325) + 2(400+ 725) 325 = 1522500 mm2
Design shear=Pud= column load – W u x area at critical section
= 1500 – 173.16 x1.5 x(b + d s) x (D + d b)
=1500-173.16 x 1.5 x (0.400+0.325) x (0.400+
=1288.14 kN
τv=Pud/bod= 1288.14x1000/1522500=0.845 MPa

Shear stress resisted by concrete = τuc = τuc x K s

where, τuc = 0.25 √ f ck= 0.25√ 20 = 1.11 N/mm2
K s = 0.5 + d / D = 0.5 + 400/400 = 1.5 ≠ 1 Hence K s = 1
τuc = 1 x 1.11 = 1.11 N/mm2 , Therefore safe

Area of Reinforcement
Cantilever portion BD and AC
Length of cantilever from the face of column = 0.8 m.
Ultimate moment at the face of column = 363.64x1.5 x 0.82 / 2 = 177.53 kN-m
Mumax = 2.76 x 400 x 7252 x 10 -6 = 580.29 kN.m >177.53 kN-m
Therefore Section is singly reinforced.

Mu/bd2 =177.53x106/(400x7252) =0.844 2.76, URS

Pt=0.248%, A st =719.2 mm2
Provide 4 - 16 mm at bottom face, Area provided = 804 mm2, pt=0.278%
Ld = 47x16 =752 mm

Curtailment: All bottom bars will be continued up to the end of cantilever for both columns.
If required two bottom bars of 2-16mm will be curtailed at a distance d (= 725 mm) from the
point of contra flexure in the portion BE as shown in figure.

Region AB between points of contra flexures

The beam acts as an isolated T- beam.
bf = [ L o /( L o /b + 4 )] + b w, where,
L o = 4.2-1.3=2.9 m = 2900 mm
b= actual width of flange = 2100 mm, b w = 400 mm
bf = [2900 / (2900 / 2100) + 4] + 400 =938.9mm < 2100mm
D f = 400 mm, Mu = 1.5 x 375=562.5 kN-m
Moment of resistance Muf of a beam for x u = D f is :
(Muf) = [0.36 x 20 x 938.9 x 400 (725 - 0.42x400)] x10-6
= 1506 kN.m > Mu ( = 562.5 kN-m)
Therefore Xu <D f
Ast= 2334 mm2
Provide 4 bars of 25 mm and 2 bars of 16 mm,
Area provided = 2354 mm2 >2334 mm2
pt = 100 x 2334/(400x725) = 0.805 %

Curtailment: Curtailment can be done as explained in the previous problem. However

extend all bars up to a distance ‘d’ from the point of contra flexure i.e up to 225 mm from
the outer faces of the columns. Extend 2-16mm only up to the end of the footing.

Design of shear reinforcement

Portion between column i.e. AB
In this case the crack due to diagonal tension will occur at the point of contra flexure
because the distance of the point of contra flexure from the column is less than the
effective depth d(= 725mm)
(i) Maximum shear force at A or B = Vumax = 1.5 x 636.36 =954.54 kN
Shear at the point of contra flexure = 954.54-1.5x 363.64x0.3 = 790.9 kN
τv=790900/(400x725) =2.73 MPa  τc,max.(2.8 MPa)
Area of steel available = 2354 mm2, 0.805 %
τc=0.59MPa, τv > τc
Design shear reinforcement is required.
Using 12 mm diameter 4 - legged stirrups,
Spacing = 0.87 x 415 x (4 x 113) /(2.73-0.59)x400 =190.6 mm say 190 mm c/c
Zone of shear reinforcements is between τv to τc
= m from support B towards A

Cantilever portion BD and AC

Vumax = 363.64 x 1.5 = 545.45 kN,
Shear from face at distance d = VuD = 545.45-363.64 x1.5(0.400 / 2 + 0.725) = 40.90 kN
τv=40900/(400x 725) =0.14 MPa  τc,max. This is very small

Steel at this section is 4 – 16 mm, Area provided = 804 mm2, pt=0.278%
τc =0.38N/mm2 (Table IS:456-2000). No shear steel is needed.
Provide minimum steel.
Using 12 mm diameter 2- legged stirrups,
Spacing = 0.87 x 415 x (2 x 113) /(0.4x400) =509.9 mm say 300 mm c/c

400x400 400x400

1m 3.5 m 1m

Side face
2-#16 4-#25 + 2-#16 2-#16 2-#12



#12@300, #12@190, #12@300, #12@190, #12@300,

2L Stp 4L Stp 2L Stp 4L Stp 2L Stp

Design of combined footing – Slab type-3

Design a rectangular combined footing–slab type [with out a central beam] for supporting
two columns 400x400 mm in size to carry a load of 1000kN each. Center to center
distance between the columns is 3.5m. The projection of the footing on either side of the
column with respect to center is 1m. Safe bearing capacity of the soil can be taken as
190kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe-415 steel.

Solution: Data
fck = 20Nlmm2,
fy= 415mm2,
f b = l90 kN/m2,
Column A = 400 mm x 400 mm,
Column B = 400 mm x 400 mm,
c/c spacing of columns = 3.5,
PA = 1000 kN and PB = 1000 kN

Required: To design combined footing with central beam joining the two columns.

Ultimate loads
P uA= 1.5 x 1000 = 1500 kN, P uB = 1.5 x 1000 = 1500 kN

Proportioning of base size

Working load carried by column A = PA
= 1000 kN
Working load carried by column B = PB = 1000 kN
Self weight of footing 10 % x (PA + PB) = 200 kN
Total working load = 2200 kN
Required area of footing = Af = Total load /SBC=2200/190 = 11.57 m2
Length of the footing Lf = 3.5 +1 +1 =5.5m
Required width of footing = b= Af /Lf = 11.57/5.5 = 2.1m
Provide footing of size 5.5 x 2.1 m

For uniform pressure distribution the C.G. of the footing should coincide with the C.G. of
column loads. As the footing and columns loads are symmetrical, this condition is

1000 kN 1000 kN

1m 3.5 m 1m

R p=173.16 kN/m2
w=363.64 kN/m

Pa Pb

Longitudinal Bending Transverse Bending


The details are shown in Figure

Total load from columns = P = (1000 + 1000) = 2000 kN.

Upward intensity of soil pressure=Column loads, P/Af= 2000/5.5 x2.1 =173.16 kN/m2<

Design of slab for longitudinal bending

As the width of the footing is 2.1 m, the net upward soil pressure per meter length of the beam under
= w = 173.16 x 2.1 = 363.64 kN/m

Shear Force and Bending Moment at service condition

VAC = 363.64 x 1 = 363.14 kN, VAB = 1000-363.14 = 636.36 kN
VBD = 363.14 kN, VBA = 636.36 kN

Point of zero shear is at the center of footing at L/2, i.e., at E

Maximum B.M. occurs at E
ME = 363.64 x 2.752 / 2 - 1000 (2.75 - 1) = -375 kN.m

Bending moment under column A = MA = 363.64 x 12 / 2 = 181.82 kN.m

Similarly bending moment under column B = MB = 181.82 kN-m
Let the point of contra flexure be at a distance x from C
Then, Mx= 363.63x2/2 – 1000(x-1) = 0
Therefore x = 1.30 m and 4.2m from C

Depth of footing from B.M. Considerations:

d =√ (375 x 1.5 x 106/ (2.76 x 2100)) = 311.52 mm
D=d + 75 =400 mm, d=325 mm

Check the depth for Two-way Shear:

1000 kN 1000 kN

363.64 kN/m

MC=375 kN-m


MA=181.82 kN-m BMD MB=181.82 kN-m

V2=636.36 kN

V4=363.63 kN

+ -


V1=363.63 kN SFD
V3=636.36 kN


A 4000 x 400 400 x 400 B 2100

0.8m mm
1.75m 1.75m
a=1 m 3.5m b=1
5500 mm



400 B D+ds 2100


Load on heavy column = Pu =1500 kN.

Load causing the punching shear = Design shear=Pud= column load – W u x area at
critical section

Pud = 1500- 173.15x1.5x (0.4 + 0.325)2 = 1363.48 kN

τv=Pud/bod =1363.48 x 1000 /(725x4x325) = 1.45 MPa

Shear stress resisted by concrete = τuc = τuc x K s

where, τuc = 0.25 √ f ck= 0.25√ 20 = 1.11 N/mm2
K s = 0.5 + d / D = 0.5 + 400/400 = 1.5 ≠ 1 Hence K s = 1
τuc = 1 x 1.11 = 1.11 N/mm2, Therefore unsafe
Increase the depth to 500 mm with d =425 mm

Pud = 1500- 173.15x1.5x (0.4 + 0.425)2 = 1285.73 kN

τv=Pud/bod =1285.73 x 1000 /(725x4x325) = 0.92 Mpa. Therefore ok.

Area of Reinforcement

Region AB between points of contra flexures

Mu = 1.5 x 375=562.5 kN-m

Mu/bd2 = 562.5 x 106 /2100 x 4252 =1.48, pt= 0.456, Area = 4070 mm2
Provide 13 bars of 20 mm, Area provided = 4084 mm2
pt = 0.46 %

Curtailment: Curtailment can be done as explained in the previous problem. However

extend all bars up to a distance ‘d’, from the point of contra flexure. Extend the remaining
bars upto the end of footing.

Cantilever portion BD and AC

Length of cantilever from the face of column = 0.8 m.
Ultimate moment at the face of column = 363.64x1.5 x 0.82 / 2 = 177.53 kN-m

Therefore Section is singly reinforced.

Mu/bd2 =177.53x106/(2100x4252) =0.47 2.76, URS

Pt=0.135%, A st =0.135x2100x425/100 = 1205 mm2
Minimum steel = 0.12x2100x500/100 =1260 mm2
Provide 13 - 12 mm at bottom face, Area provided = 1470 mm2, pt=0.16%
Ld = 47x12 = 564 mm

Curtailment: All bottom bars will be continued up to the end of cantilever for both columns.
Alternate bars are to be curtailed at a distance d (= 725 mm) from the point of contra flexure
as shown.

Design of shear reinforcement

Portion between column i.e. AB
In this case the crack due to diagonal tension will occur at the point of contra flexure
because the distance of the point of contra flexure from the column is less than the
effective depth d(= 725mm)
(i) Maximum shear force at A or B = Vumax = 1.5 x 636.36 =954.54 kN
Shear at the point of contra flexure = 954.54-1.5x 363.64x0.3 = 790.9 kN
τv=790900/(2100x425) =0.886 MPa  τc,max.(2.8 MPa)
Area of steel available = 4084 mm2, 0.46 %
τc=0.47MPa, τv > τc
Design shear reinforcement is required.
Using 12 mm diameter 4 - legged stirrups,
Spacing = 0.87 x 415 x (4 x 113) /(0.886-0.47)x2100 =186 mm say 180 mm c/c
Zone of shear reinforcements between τv to τc
= m from support B towards A

Cantilever portion BD and AC

Similarly design for shear at other critical sections can be made. However minimum steel
is required for the two projections of the footing. Provide 12mm, 4 legged at 200 mm c/c.

Design of slab:
Intensity of Upward pressure = w =173.16 kN/m2
Consider one meter width of the slab (b=1m)
Load per m run of slab at ultimate = 173.16 x 1 = 173.16 kN/m

Cantilever projection of the slab (For smaller column) =1050 - 400/2 = 850mm
Maximum ultimate moment = 173.16 x 0.8502/2 = 62.55 kN-m. (Working condition)

For M20 and Fe 415, Q u max = 2.76 N/mm2
Required effective depth = √ (62.15 x1.5 x 106/(2.76 x 1000)) = 184.28 mm, which is more
than the provided 425 mm.

To find steel
Mu/bd2 =1.5 x 62.15 x106/1000 x 4252 = 0.516 2.76, URS
Pt=0.15 %
Ast = 0.15 x 1000 x 425/100 = 637 mm2
Use # 12 mm diameter bar at spacing = 1000 x 113 / 637 = 177 mm say 170 mm c/c
This is required at the central band whose length is 400 mm + 2x425 =1250 mm under both
columns. For the remaining length minimum steel can be provided, which 0.12 % of grass
Required A st = 0.12 bD / 100 = 0.12 x 1000 x 400/100 = 480mm2
Using 12 mm bars, spacing = 1000 x 113 / 480 = 235.4 mm
Provide distribution steel of #12 mm at 230 mm c/c

Check for development length

Ldt= 47 times diameter = 47x12 mm
Available length of bar = 850 - 25 =825mm and hence safe.

Transverse reinforcement
Required A st = 0.12 bD / 100 = 0.12 x 1000 x 400/100 = 480mm2
Using 12 mm bars, spacing = 1000 x 113 / 480 = 164.58 mm
Provide distribution steel of #12 mm at 230 mm c/c

Details can be seen in drawings. Provide all dimensions and the details of the reinforcements.

Dr. M. C. Nataraja
Professor, SJCE, Mysore-570 006

1000 kN 1000 kN

1000 3500 1000






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