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Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST)

(Open Access Quarterly International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 205-211, 2018

A Smart Electric Meter Reading and Monitoring System using Embedded


A.Tamilselvi1, K.Ramya2, T.Pavithra3, Dr.J.Augustin Jacob4, Mr.N.Ebenesar Jebadurai5

PG Scholar, Department of ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar.
Associate Professor, Department of ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar.
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar.

Article Received: 27 November 2017 Article Accepted: 24 January 2018 Article Published: 29 March 2018


Among the rapid development in technology and pervasive usage of web enabled services there is greater speculation among customers to look at
reducing the manpower in electrical meter reading system. Few research efforts are made in the literature to automate the meter reading process,
however the price of the system was not affordable to low power consumer. The reason is they used GSM based meter reading system. So there is a
need of low cost smart electrical meter reading and monitoring system. Here a new smart electrical meter reading and monitoring system was
proposed that reads and monitors the power reading and keep informing the power usage to the customers and electricity department through web
associated interface. Live meter reading are read from the meter through arduino microcontroller and the Energy usage is monitored, analysed and
stored in the Thingspeak server. Energy Usage and the Amount is displayed in a In Home Display installed in every home. Each Household is
provided with a Login Id which can be accessed via a Smart Metering website (created especially for this purpose) , to acquire a knowledge on their
Energy Consumption and think on Energy reduction measures if required. The Energy Usage and the Bill amount is periodically updated in the cloud.
The officers at EB can retrieve the energy usage data and the amount of each users even as a spreadsheet for easy manipulation.
Keywords—Smart Meter, Energy Usage, Rate, Website, Thingspeak Server, Cloud.

The traditional meter reading for electrical consumption is carried out by human operators by visiting the site in
person. The man power and time required to accomplish the task increases linearly with the increase in area.
Further human operator reading are prone to reading errors and sometimes the electrical meter in the house or
building is placed in a location where it is not easily accessible. Also meter reading process affected by bad weather
conditions. In addition to that additional cost associated with the meter reading process will be loaded over the
consumers. With the increase in the development of residential housing and commercial building, accomplishing
meter reading task with manual operator is a challenging task. This pushed the need to develop automated meter
reading system. With the development in digital technology electromechanical meters are replaced by digital
electronic meter. This offers greater convenience to implement Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system. The
major challenges in AMR system are efficiency and reliability of retrieving meter reading. Various methods and
technologies of AMR system are developed in [1] to [6] using RF module, Bluetooth. ZigBee and GSM, however
they are expensive and requires complex interfacing structures. The proposed smart energy meter reading and
monitoring system uses low cost microcontroller embedded with WiFi module reads the power continuously and
update the values in the central data base through web associated interface.

With smart metering initiatives gaining increasing global popularity, the system seeks to challenge the increasingly
entrenched view that providing householders with feedback about their energy usage, via an in-lcd-display, will
lead them to substantially reduce their energy consumption. Specifically, draw on existing quantitative and

205 | P a g e Online ISSN: 2456-883X Impact Factor: 1.805 Website:

Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST)
(Open Access Quarterly International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 205-211, 2018

qualitative evidence to outline key problems with feedback: (a) the limited evidence of efficacy, (b) the need for
user engagement, and (c) the potential for unintended consequences. And thereby conclude nothing that, in their
current form, existing in-lcd-displays may not induce the desired energy-reduction response anticipated by smart
metering initiatives.

If a system provides High Data accuracy, it in turn increases the processing time[6].When the system becomes
complex it requires High cost to be implemented and leads to data inaccuracy. As platforms were larger in size,
they were unsuitable for real time applications [9]. Some systems includes separate calculation, Transmission rate
is low and leads to high data inaccuracy[10].In certain existing systems, Message were sent to the customers and
requires manual work as the datas were not stored in the server [12]. Existing Systems used a complex approach in
order to collect data and upload to webpage using MySQL database and external web server, Modbus, which are
very heavy for the SBC type Board and also no front GUI system was designed for day to day monitoring. Instead,
if the proposed system for smart metering effectively reduces energy consumption where there is a clear need to
develop and test innovative new feedback devices that have been designed with user engagement in mind.

Smart energy meters can be used with home energy management systems such as Web-based tools that utility
provides or devices that can be installed in the home. Smart meters can display the home energy use, helps find
ways to save energy and money, and even allows to remotely adjust the thermostat or turn appliances off. The
proposed system consists of both hardware and software. The proposed system incorporates Energy Meter,
Arduino, Pulse Monitoring circuit and a LCD. And this system reads the energy meter readings and automatically
updates the Units consumed by the customer periodically, so that the householders receives the feedback about
their energy usage. Figure 1 illustrates the Overall block diagram of the proposed system. The softwares required
are Python IDLE, PHP, HTML, C-Programming . Model Calculation: Before proceeding for the calculations, first
note the pulse rate of energy meter. There are two pulse rates of energy meter first is 1600 imp/kwh and second is
3200 imp/kwh. The energy meter used is 3200 imp/kwh pulse rate energy meter. So first calculate the Pulses for
100watt, means how many times Pulse LED will blink in a minute, for the load of 100 watts. Number of Pulses is
given by the Equation 1,


Electric sensing Arduino
controller LCD
meter circuit

Figure. 1. Block diagram

206 | P a g e Online ISSN: 2456-883X Impact Factor: 1.805 Website:

Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST)
(Open Access Quarterly International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 205-211, 2018

Pulse= (Pulse_rate*watt*time)/ (1000*3600) ---- (1)

For 3200 imp/kwh electric meter., Pulses=3200*100*60/1000*3600 Pulses = ~5.33 pulse per minute
Power Factor is the estimation of electricity consumption per unit pulse.
Power factor is given by the Equation 2,
PF= watt/(hour*Pulse) -------- (2)
PF=100/60*5.33=0.3125watt in a single pulse Units consumed is given by the equation3,
Units= PF*Total pulse/1000 -------- (3)
Total pulses in an hour is around 5.33*60=320 Units = 0.3125*320/1000
Units = 0.1 per hour
If a 100 watt bulb is lighting for a day then it will consume Units
=0.1*24=2.4 units

Connecting Energy Meter with Arduino:

Firstly, the Analogue Electricity Energy Meter is opened and the Pulse LED or Cal LED’s terminals (cathode and
Anode) are found. Now two wires at both the terminals are taken out from the energy meter, soldered and then
energy meter is closed. Figure 2 illustrates the connection between the Anode and Cathode of the energy meter to
the Optocoupler. Secondly, a load is connected to the input of the energy meter and connect the anode terminal of
LED (output terminals) at pin number 1 of Optocoupler (PC817) and cathode terminal to pin 2. Pin number four of
optocouper should be connected to ground. A LED and a Pull-up resistor are connected at pin number 5 of
optocoupler. And same terminal should go to the Arduino pin 8 too. The optocoupler is converts the 230V Spikes
produced in the Anode and the Cathode terminals of the energy meter to 5V pulses. The Optocoupler is mainly used
to provide Electrical isolation between the two devices (Energy meter operating at 230V and the Arduino operating
at 5V).

Figure. 2. Connecting the Anode and Cathode to the Optocoupler

Arduino- LCD Interface:

Interfacing an Arduino with an LCD display consists of two parts, wiring and programming. A typical LCD display
consists of 16 pins that control various features of the screen. The Arduino can output voltages of either 5 V or 3.3

207 | P a g e Online ISSN: 2456-883X Impact Factor: 1.805 Website:

Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST)
(Open Access Quarterly International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 205-211, 2018

V, so the LCD can be powered by connecting VSS and VDD to the ground and 5 V pins on the arduino. It is
possible to adjust the contrast of the screen by wiring a variable resistor to V0 located at pin 3 on the screen.

Website Creation and Server Updation:

A user friendly website was created for Smart Metering to monitor, store and analyse the data from the energy
meter. Each and every Household is given a Login Id so that they can easily get the Energy usage and the Bill
Amount. In the EB office, each and every house’s unit consumed and their bill amount would be stored in the
database for them to manipulate easily. The Energy Usage and the rate is updated in the server via Pyserial (Python
IDLE).A unique login ID is given to the users using a Thingspeak server. The data is updated in the Thingspeak
Server using the Python IDLE.


The Smart Energy Meter readings are monitored and displayed in the In home Display (LCD) which serves as a
feedback for the Household to help in Energy reduction. Figure 3 shows the Energy usage and Bill Amount
Displayed in the In Home Displays (LCD). Figure 4 shows the Hardware setup of the Smart Energy Meter.

Figure. 3. Energy usage and Bill Amount Displayed in the In Home Displays (LCD)

Figure. 4. Smart Energy Meter Hardware Setup

208 | P a g e Online ISSN: 2456-883X Impact Factor: 1.805 Website:

Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST)
(Open Access Quarterly International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 205-211, 2018

Figure. 5. Interface between Arduino and Python IDLE

Figure 5 shows the Interface between Arduino and Python IDLE. The Energy Usage and the rate is updated in the
server via Pyserial (Python IDLE).A unique login ID is given to the users using a Thingspeak server. The data is
updated in the Thingspeak Server using the Python IDLE. A user friendly website was created for Smart Metering
to monitor, store and analyse the data from the energy meter. Each and every Household is given a Login Id so that
they can easily get the Energy usage and the Bill Amount. In the EB office, each and every house’s unit consumed
and their bill amount would be stored in the database for them to manipulate easily.

Figure. 6. Analysis Curves in the Thingspeak Server

Figure 6 shows the Analysis Curves obtained in the Thingspeak Server and Figure 7 and 8 shows the User Database
and EB Database retrieved as a Spreadsheet.

Figure. 7. User Database retrieved as a Spreadsheet

209 | P a g e Online ISSN: 2456-883X Impact Factor: 1.805 Website:

Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST)
(Open Access Quarterly International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 205-211, 2018

Figure. 8. EB Database retrieved as a Spreadsheet

A Smart Energy Meter to monitor, analyze and store the Energy Usage was designed using Arduino. The proposed
design becomes highly efficient as it updates the Energy usage details periodically in the Thingspeak server. The
Thingspeak server was accessed using a Unique Id by each and every user. The interface between Arduino and the
server was established via python IDLE environment. The user would be able to view and analyze their energy
usage details easily by various analysis plots. The proposed system effectively reduced the Human Intervention and
turned into one of the best advancements in the technology. The Key problems persisting in the Energy Saving
Environment such as the limited evidence of efficacy, the need for user engagement and the potential for
unintended consequences have been addressed. In Indian scenario, smart metering is a mandatory requirement
which has not yet been replaced by any automated system. This Smart Energy Monitoring system can be combined
along with the Gas Usage details so that Households would have updates on gas Usage too. Both the Energy Usage
and the gas Usage could be displayed in the In Home Displays making it more efficient.

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