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From the Editor’s Pen


Arun Mehta – VIIIth Batch

We know what we are only to the extent reflected on the mirror of the
society. But we fail, for some reason or the other, to see ourselves in the
Girish Deveshwar–VIIIth Batch light of the fire within us. Worse, nobody has time to explore you, your
feelings and your thought process. In the process, slowly but steadily, we
Navneet Vashisht– VIIIth Batch
keep smoldering and kill ourselves, leaving only our caricature to roam
Pradeep Kumar -VIIIth Batch around. It could be the other way round should we open ourselves up and
let the fire power up our imagination.
Gaurang Singh – IXth Batch
The humble effort, in the form of Parikalp, envisions helping the NPTIans
Prapti Dutta – IXth Batch
un-bundle their creativity and power of imagination towards a better
Rajat Tomar –IXth Batch tomorrow. Accordingly, our collective mission would be to provide
appropriate opportunity of expression to every NPTIan and mentor them
to excel and internalize such knowledge in such a manner as to establish
ourselves indispensable for the society. In pursuit of our mission, we would
Magazine Design
be guided by any and every wisdom which would help in un-orthodox
Ashman Gautam- VIIIth Batch evolution of not only mental capabilities but also core competencies.

We believe, “Imagination, when shared and challenged, gets transformed

into reality”. This implies that challenging shared imaginations produces
fruitful results for all; sharing challenged imagination is good for none.
Former promotes ownership, later, critics good for nothing. We hope
NPTIans would utilize, voluntarily and enthusiastically, this platform to not
only launch their ideas but also channel their useful energy to bring about
the change for the collective fulfillment of the society.

It is quite fascinating to see ‘something’ happening in one’s life time,

especially when the imaginations are limitless, period is shorter and
challenges daunting. Parikalp [PARI from PARIVARTAN (Change) and KALPA
from KALPANA (Imagination)] is one such ‘thing’. It is just a beginning and
not the best one but we believe that ‘best’ is the best concept which can
always be bettered. This is an effort towards progressive betterment of all
concerned. This endeavor would be incomplete without collective
ownership of the NPTIans. You have to endear it come what may.

We would remain indebted to our patron, mentor and advisors for their
blessings, encouragement and value addition. We are short of words to
express our gratitude towards all those who volunteered to own Parikalp.
We value human sensitivity and would carry the same as legacy.

Let’s make the stupendous start-up an amazing journey ……………

Message from the Director General

Dear Reader,

Being the flagship academic program of this premier institute of the

nation, MBA grads of NPTI have great expectations to fulfill. This
would require not only mental agility and toughness but also
unorthodox outlook towards every phenomenon in the society and
the environment. For this reason, co-curricular activities have
important roles to play in an academic setting. It is praiseworthy
that MBA (Power Management) students of NPTI have decided to take significant step towards this
direction. I hope the ‘Student’s Magazine’ would be a relevant platform for their future growth and

I wish a bright future for this initiative.

Message from the Principal Director

Dear Reader,

It is quite appealing that my students have given a thought to open

themselves up. I am happy to know that my students, of MBA (Power
Management), are going to launch a student’s magazine. It would not
only provide them a suitable platform to channel their constructive
energy and express their creativity but also help them explore their
hidden potential and recognize their core competency. It would help
them share their dream, vision and aspirations for the Indian power sector in particular and the society
in general. I hope this path-breaking initiative would make tangible contribution towards the re-
construction of the future.

“Knowledge is an un-depreciable asset and time is an invaluable working capital”. Share and utilize
them, for they will never diminish. I convey my heartfelt blessings for this initiative.

Power Updates

Govt to stick to competitive bidding deadline Access Universal,' a special excerpt of IEA World
The Centre has kept January 2011 as deadline Energy Outlook 2010.
for shifting to tariff-based competitive bidding Power projects with ready land, better
regime for the procurement of electricity from efficiency to have easier access to fuel
the market, and disallowing future projects to Fuel for future thermal power projects — both
enter into power purchase agreements on cost- coal and gas — will be allocated under a new
plus, regulator determined tariffs. Indications score-card system where the use of higher-
are that state-owned generation utilities could, efficiency units and progress on land acquisition
however, be allowed to set up projects through have the highest weights. Projects with a higher
the regulated tariff route for projects where the score will get priority in fuel allocation from
main plant order has been placed by the cut-off domestic sources under the proposed system,
date, which has sparked a rush among utilities. which aims to eliminate the subjectivity
surrounding the current fuel allocation policy.
Power on tap; but cuts galore
Despite cheap power being available on the With cheap power on tap at bourses, load-
Exchanges, there is no let-up in power cuts for shedding utilities face the stick
consumers, especially for industrial users during If power utilities resort to load-shedding even
peak hours. Northern and Southern States when electricity is available at cheap prices on
proved to be the most notorious in announcing the power exchanges, the regulator could wield
cuts in the recent months the stick. The Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (CERC) is likely to come out with
Energy-use data to be ready by October guidelines in this respect.
Under the proposed Perform, Achieve and
Trade (PAT) scheme to be unveiled by the French power majors keen to join Nuclear
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), 714 energy- Power Corp, BHEL suppliers' list
intensive industrial units across the country will French companies Areva and Alstom are
be given targets to reduce their energy holding talks with Indian public sector giants –
consumption. National Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPICL)
and Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) for
IEA World Energy Outlook 2010 supply of reactors and other critical equipment
Over 20 per cent of the global population, or for the country's $150-billion nuclear
1.4 billion people, lack access to electricity. programme.
Some 40 per cent of the global population, or
2.7 billion people, rely today on the traditional Firms with captive wind power say TNEB
use of biomass for cooking. These are some of circular hurting them
the major findings released by the International A recent circular of the Tamil Nadu Electricity
Energy Agency (IEA) in a new report ‘Ending Board has upset industrial consumers that have
Energy Poverty - How to Make Modern Energy their own captive wind power generation
capacity. The circular has reduced the maximum

demand, above which industrial consumer has Short-term power prices in India way above
to pay higher transmission charges. global benchmarks
Bengal examining possibility of reducing duty Power utilities in India are on an average
on power forking out much higher than their counterparts
The West Bengal government is examining the across the globe in shopping for electricity in
possibility of reducing duty on power through the short-term market. A key reason is that the
appropriate changes in duty structure to major volume of trade in the short-term market
provide relief to power-intensive industrial units in India takes place outside the two operational
in the State, according to Dr Asim Dasgupta, Power Exchanges through the over-the-counter
State Finance Minister. trades (OTC) at an average of over 40-60 per
cent higher prices as compared to the bourses.
NTPC arm powers up rural electrification
efforts IEA flags off steps to energy efficiency
Under the Government's flagship rural The International Energy Agency (IEA) has come
electrification project, NTPC Electric Supply out with “policy pathways” to demonstrate how
Company (NESCL), NTPC’s power distribution to substantially improve the implementation of
arm is targeting the electrification of 5,100 un- energy efficiency recommendations in the light
electrified villages and to provide 12.5 lakh of a lack of technical capacity and know-how
households, most of them below the poverty hinders governments from realising the full
line, with connections during 2010-11. potential of energy efficiency.

Centre targets 100,000 MW in 12th Plan India's uranium production set to rise two-and-
The Centre has targeted capacity addition of a-half times
100,000 MW each in the 12 th Plan (2012-17) India today produces 400 tonnes of uranium a
and 13 th Plan (2017-22), said the Union Power year. Thanks to the expansion of existing mines
Minister, Mr Sushil Kumar Shinde. and the opening of new ones, this production is
set to increase to 1,000 tonnes by the end of
Nuclear Power Corporation to set up Rs 1,500- 2013, according to Mr Ramendra Gupta,
cr ‘liability corpus' Chairman and Managing Director, Uranium
Nuclear Power Corporation of India is looking to Corporation of India Ltd.
set up a corpus (capital) of Rs 1,500 crore to
address liabilities arising from nuclear disasters. Contributor: Arun Mehta

News of the month

Nadal wins U.S. Open India clean sweeps the test series
Nadal became the seventh man to complete a After the dramatic win of the first test at Mohali
career Grand Slam sweep, joining Roger India went on to clinch the series 2-0 by win the
Federer, Andre Agassi, Roy Emerson, Rod Laver, second test at Bangalore comfortably. India
Don Budge and Fred Perry in having won maintains its top test slot after the series win
Wimbledon and the while Australia slipped to the decade low of 5.
US, French and Sachin Tendulkar was adjudged ‘man of the
Australian Open tournament’.
titles. The 24-year- .
old Spanish left-
Djokovic with
uncanny shotmaking
to win the $1.7
million top prize as
well as his third consecutive Grand Slam crown
and his ninth Grand Slam title overall. A ninth Ayodhya verdict out
Slam title moved Nadal alone into seventh on Sixty years after the matter first went into
the all-time list — passing Agassi, Perry, Ken litigation; a Special Full Bench of the High Court
Rosewall and Ivan Lendl and just seven shy of of Allahabad has ruled that the disputed land in
Federer's all-time record, three ahead of Ayodhya where the Babri Masjid stood for 500
Federer's pace at the same age. years until it was demolished in 1992 shall be
divided into three parts. A two-thirds portion is
to be shared by two Hindu plaintiffs and one-
Duo wins double nobel third will be given to the Sunni Muslim Waqf
A day after winning the Nobel Prize for Board.
Medicine, two scientists in Britain struck it
“rich” again at Stockholm when Russian-born Centre comes out with a formula for J&K
Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov of The Centre will appoint a group of interlocutors,
Manchester University were named joint under the chairmanship of an eminent person,
winners of this year's Nobel Prize for Physics for to begin the process of sustained dialogue in
their “groundbreaking” work on experiments Jammu and Kashmir with political parties,
with graphene, a new form of carbon with groups, students, civil society and other
immense possibilities. Professor Geim (51) is a stakeholders. The decision to begin the process
Dutch citizen. Both started their careers in of sustained dialogue was part of an eight-point
Russia.At 36, Professor Novoselov, a British- initiative taken at a meeting of the Cabinet
Russian citizen, has been the youngest physicist Committee on Security (CCS). The meeting was
since 1973 to win a Nobel. chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Delhi faces another attack Spectacular Indian show at Commonwealth
Two armed men on a motorcycle opened games
indiscriminate fire outside the historic Jama Indian contingent puts up a good show at the
Masjid in the Walled City of Delhi on 20th games.India makes history by ending up second
September, injuring two Taiwanese nationals in the medal tally. Medal tally was led by
who were about to board a tourist bus. hough Australia who were convincingly poised at the
an e-mail, purportedly sent by the Indian top spot with 74 gold medals. India managed
Mujahideen to a radio station, claimed 38 gold, 27 silver and 36 bronze medals. Indians
responsibility for the incident, the police have won the medal across all the games and
ruled out the involvement of any organised categories with major chunk coming from
terror group. wrestling and shooting.

Contributor: Gaurang Singh Chandel

Business Review

Coal India IPO approved by SEBI; Biggest IPO It is favourable for local equities and the move
after Reliance Power would broaden the pool of funds they can
Coal India is set to introduce India’s biggest access to expand business.
Initial Public Offer (IPO) after being approved by
Securities and Exchanges Board of India India’s growth in 2010 estimated to be 9.7%:
(SEBI).The clearance given to Coal India Limited IMF
(CIL) is the fastest given to an issue of this size International Monetary Fund (IMF) has
as the Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP) was predicted that India’s economy will grow by
filed on August 9, 2010 and got cleared in 40 9.7% in 2010 due to the robust industrial
days. The IPO price has been fixed between Rs. growth and strong macro-economic factors.
225 and Rs. 245 per This is up from the July forecast of 9.4% and is
share. At this price it is projected to slowdown to 8.4% according to its
expected to mop up World Economic Outlook report.
between Rs.14211 and
Rs.15475 Crore. Around India’s official growth estimate for 2010-2011 is
631.6 million shares of below the IMF forecast at 8.5% due to the fact
Rs.10 each are to be that IMF considers the calendar year whereas
offered on October 18, Indian agencies follow the April-March fiscal
2010 and the government is offering a discount year.
of 5% in IPO pricing for retail investors and CIL
employees. The world economy is forecast to grow by 4.8%
CIL is the largest coal mining company in the in 2010 before falling back to 4.2% next year.
world with annual coal production of 431 China is expected to grow at a rate of 10.5% in
million tonnes which it plans to hike to 486 2010 and a 9.6% in 2011 on account of high
million by the end of 11th FYP. domestic consumption.

Finmin allows the companies to raise money The slowdown in world economy is supposedly
from overseas due to the challenge of unemployment as an
India may allow individual investors based estimate suggests that around 210 million
overseas to directly buy stocks for the first time, people may be unemployed. There is a great
easing a rule that restricts investment to mutual need of strong policies and coordination at the
funds. It indicates the continued liberalization global level for rebalancing the world
of the stock market and represents another economies.
step in internationalizing India’s financial
markets. The rule change may add to the US SAIL to launch FPO in December
$92 billion foreign funds that have poured into Encouraged by the robust growth in economy
local stocks since they were allowed into the the government may release the Follow-on
country in 1993, with almost a quarter invested Public Offer (FPO) of Steel Authority of India
this year. Limited (SAIL) by December, 2010 instead of

earlier planned January-February in 2011 capital market for funds were awaiting
according to the Steel Secretary, PK Mishra. The Securities and Exchanges Board of India (SEBI)
SAIL Follow-on offer is expected to garner nod and would be out soon. The guideline for
around Rs.8000 Cr in the first phase. A second IPO of life insurance companies has already
phase will disinvest another 10% stake and thus been approved by SCADA, a body constituted
the two phase FPO will provide Rs.16000 Crore by SEBI, and is awaiting final nod from the
to the company which contributes to the market regulator.
government’s disinvestment target of Rs.40000
Cr in this fiscal. Currently, most of the 22 private life insurers
and 17 non-life players have foreign partners.
At present, the government holds around 85 The Insurance Act caps foreign direct
per cent stake in the company and after the investment at 26 per cent.
FPO its equity is to go down to 69 per cent. As per the Insurance Act, promoters having 26
per cent stake can offload equity after 10 years
Oracle forays into Cloud computing of operation. However, the legislation
World’s 3rd largest software maker, Oracle empowers the government to reduce the
Corp has entered the cloud computing business mandatory period.
with the unveiling of ‘Exalogic’ which integrates
server, storage and networking technology with India planning to get its own OS
Oracle’s software that will be used by India is planning to develop an operating
companies to manage their business system as another step in the process of
applications. The plugging in the loopholes in the nation’s
machine, introduced security. The new OS is being developed by the
by Mr. Ralph Ellison, Defence Research and Defence Organization
CEO, Oracle, (DRDO). Two software research centres have
provides complete been established in Bangalore and New Delhi
cloud application for this purpose. Although the new operating
infrastructure and system will be originally developed for defence
supports thousands applications, it may also be made available to
of applications for business purposes. The the commercial sector.
Oracle competes with SAP AG and IBM in the
development of business software markets. It reflects the high level of security concerns
expressed by the Indian government as in the
With the acquisition of Sun Microsystems case of Research in Motion’s Blackberry
earlier this year Oracle has entered into networks.
hardware markets against vendors like Hewlett-
Packard. Contributor: Pradeep Kumar

IPO guidelines for insurance companies soon

Insurance regulator IRDA has said that the
guidelines for insurance companies to tap the

Cover Story
For your kind information, Ekta used to live in

A Cup of Tea my neighborhood.

We both were good childhood friends but later
on separated.
Our families though remained in constant
touch; I had other pursuits, generally rendered
as useless by my parents.
Relatives and other family friends couldn’t
usually locate me in social gatherings.
Reason: I usually didn’t attend social
gatherings…for me they were too boring.
So…what’s up?? I asked
Working …what about you, she asked.
Not working …I said and laughed a bit.
Needless to say as it is, I shamelessly admit
(even proudly reckon) the fact that I’m lazy and
a procrastinator.
I was alone, at my home watching the same old So where are you working, I asked her.
boring TV shows with nothing else to do when NHPC… she said with a bit of smugness on her
the doorbell rang. face.
I nevertheless didn’t care…. Could you umm…help me with the full form, I
Sorry, no salesman this time, mom’s not at guess N stands for National.
home, I shouted. The bell however rang once Yeah and HPC stands for Hydroelectric Power
more, then twice, thrice. Corporation.
Hey I’m coming!!,I said and opened the door. Hmm…hydropower….that’s great
Well hydro reminds me that I forgot to ask you
As I opened the door, a sweet voice rang into for water.
my ears; Hii …Arun …is aunty at home?? She laughed a bit and said, not thirsty right
For a few moments I was perplexed then I said, now, will ask you whenever I feel thirsty.
Hi Ekta…’s not at home. So what are you doing these days? She asked.
Ohh..well I had some important work, she said Well I just gave CAT recently, waiting for the
but never mind I guess I’ll come some other results.
time. So what are your expectations?
It has been said in the Gita that one should not
Well you can wait if you want to, she would be be expectant of the results and continue with
back anytime soon. his duty, I said without a hint of apology.
Okay I guess I’ll wait for sometime she said. Hey, by the way would you like to have
something different? I asked.

Exotic, maybe?? Welingkar,IIFM,IMDR and NPTI, I said
Hmm…tell me what is it? NPTI, hmm….premier institute for training in
Would you like to have some tea? I asked. Power Sector.
Yeah, I said.
Tea..umm…no thanks for the concern. So you interested in Power Sector too??
Well it isn’t something that you’d get anywhere, Yeah, somewhat.
it’s special. And you don’t even know about NHPC.
And what’s so special about it. Well I was just kidding…

Darjeeling Tea, my dad went recently to Hmm….You want to know something about the
Darjeeling. sector?
Oh …even I’ve been to Darjeeling once, she Yeah sure, you must be knowing a lot about it.
said. Well I can give you a brief idea.
So what about the tea then? Okay.. go ahead.
Okay..let’s have it. The aroma reminds me of something.
So then I made a special tea for her and myself, What?
just adding a hint of sugar and a dash of milk to The lush tea gardens of Darjeeling, its green
it. fields and valleys with beautiful young maidens
She sipped the aromatic tea and asked, so Arun plucking tea, humming to a traditional song.
which colleges have you applied for?

This tea is making you nostalgic for sure. I said. Well, those valleys are important for something
else too.

Hmm… This unbundling must have been done quite a
They are the birthplace of the Power Sector; the long time ago
sector was born in the hills. With a small No it has been done quite recently; it has
hydropower plant of 135 MW established in mainly started with the Electricity Act of 2003.
1897.It was known as… You seem to say that with pride. I said
The Sidrapong Hydro Power Plant?? What?
Yeah, how do you know that? The Electricity Act of 2003; seems like some sort
Was preparing General Awareness for IIFT of breakthrough to me.
exam. Can be said as a landmark in the history of the
Good preparation, she said. sector.
I guess that plant was mainly to cater to the tea You were telling about the 1910 Act.
industry there. Yeah..during those days major participation in
Yeah…commercial production and distribution the sector was private and one needed to
of Electricity started in Calcutta in 1899. acquire a license from the state government.
Okay There was one thing nevertheless
In order to lay a proper framework for the And that was..
electricity sector, the Indian Electricity Act of The Act promoted competition by enabling
1910 was brought up. multiple licensees in one area.
It must have specified details regarding But don’t we have that even today, as in the
acquiring license for supply of electricity? case of Mumbai for instance we have Tata, that time only private participation was Reliance as well as BEST supplying electricity.
there, in order to supply electricity one had to Yeah…that has been possible today only due to
take a license from the State Government. the Electricity Act of 2003 which allows two or
I guess one needs to do the same even today. more licensees to supply in the same area.
No, today a license is not required for Okay…please continue with your story
generating electricity; license is required for After Independence the need for government
either transmission or distribution of electricity. involvement was felt.
So the one who generates isn’t the supplier? And that must have led to the creation of PSUs.
No, the one who distributes is the supplier.
In our case the supplier is… Yeah, firstly it led to the creation of SEBs under
MPSEB? I asked. the Electricity Supply Act of 1948, wherein SEBs
Correct, and it is the State Electricity Board and had control over all spheres of the sector and
has been recently unbundled. they were the advisors to the State
Unbundled?? Government.
Yeah …that is a separate company handles the So then it seems that the SEBs started giving
generation, a separate company handles licenses.
transmission and a separate company hands No, licenses were still given by the State
distribution Government, after consultation from the
That must have been done in order to improve SEBs.The SEBs had a major role to play. It was
efficiency in each of these segments. their responsibility to provide electricity to the
Exactly!! state. The SEBs had to carry out all activities

from generation to transmission and So the sector reforms started with the
distribution. Even the tariffs were fixed by the economic reforms, I asked.
respective SEB of the state. Yes, the declining condition of SEBs, high
Was there a central body to overlook the SEBs? Technical and Commercial losses were some of
Yeah..There was a central body, which came the reasons that necessitated the reforms
into effect after the Supply Act of 1948, it was
known as The Central Electricity Authority I read somewhere that these were the reasons
(CEA). Though it didn’t have the powers to that led to privatization of distribution in Orissa
interfere in the workings of the SEB but it could but it was a failure.
advise them or obtain data from them.CEA was The Orissa reforms were a failure because the
also the technical arm of the Central Transmission and Distribution losses were
Government and any plant above 25 MW would higher than anticipated, not only that even the
require a techno-economic clearance from the collection efficiency which was supposed to be
CEA. 100% was only 83%.
I’ve heard of another similar body, CERC, what
about that? That must have led to high losses for the
The CERC is the Central Electricity Regulatory distribution company.
Commission; it was setup much later in 1998.
Exactly, the failure of Orissa reforms has been
And, what about bodies such as NTPC and an important lesson, from which states like
NHPC? Haryana and Andhra Pradesh have learnt.
From 1975-1991 an era of PSUs came, in 1975 Yeah, there’s a saying, when you lose don’t lose
NTPC and NHPC were established, NPCIL the lesson.
(Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd and
NEEPCO (North Eastern Electric Power Right, and as a part of the reforms the
Corporation) were also established during this government started distancing itself from
period thereby providing impetus to the regulation for the first time as was evident by
generation sector. the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act of
Well, you seem to know quite a lot about what 1998.Since then tariff regulation is being done
happened, Miss Historian. by independent regulatory commissions.
A committee called the Rajadhyaksha
Committee submitted a report on the sector in And in the recent decade, as far as I know there
1980. The report highlighted several have been several developments in the sector.
shortcomings in the sector, especially in the
Transmission and Distribution sector as a result Yes, most important of which was The
of which NPTCL (later known as Power Grid Electricity Act of 2003, which has brought in
Corporation of India Ltd) was setup. competition and transparency, by enabling
And then as you might know, Economic Open Access.
Liberalization started in India in 1991, reforms
in Power Sector also started with the entry of Open Access?
private players such as Enron, GVK and Essar.

Yes, it is the right to use the interstate cherished vision of the National Electricity
transmission facility by any generator, industrial Policy.
consumer or a distribution licensee. Thanks for the information Ekta; I hope you
And in what ways might that have helped? liked the tea.
Well, by enabling open access one can route Well, it was the most awesome cup of tea I ever
power from surplus to deficit areas and it had.
enables better use of existing transmission
Arun Mehta is the founding
Well, Ekta that was quite informative, finally I’d member of Parikalp. His interests
like to ask you why should I join the Power are reading, surfing and listening
Sector? to music
The sector still faces a lot of challenges, the
cherished vision of National Electricity Policy
(2005) to provide Electricity to all households by
2012 still remains a daunting task. AT&C losses,
power shortages and cross subsidies still mar
the sector. The sector needs skilled and trained
personnel who can redeem the sector. Perhaps,
people like me and you can help in fulfilling the

Power -Article

Problem of land acquisition in Indian There are many examples of protests against
Power sector land acquisition –
The Constitutional Framework of Land
Acquisition- a) Reliance Power's Dadri project: In August
Originally the Constitution of India consisted of 2009, hundreds of farmers from Dadri in
provisions under Article 19(f) and Article 31 Ghaziabad district, Uttar Pradesh took out
which constituted Right to Property. Later, right protests against the Reliance power project for
to property was made only legal right and "forceful acquisition of fertile land." The
Article 31 was amended accordingly. The main compensation for land was fixed at the rate of
law that deals with acquisition is The Land Rs 135 per square metre, when the market rate
Acquisition Act, 1894 further amendment of of land at that time in Noida phase 2 was Rs
which is land acquisition act 1984 according to 15,000 per square metre.
which land can be acquired either by the state
or the central government for the public b) Enron: Enron's Dabhol Power project in
purposes .There are many loopholes in this Act Maharashtra was marred by several protests,
some of which are given below – bribery charges, brutal action against
a ) Too wide a definition of “Public Purpose” opposition by local and activists.
b) Uncertainty in rehabilitation c) Sterlite Industries: Vedanta's Indian arm,
c) Arbitrary and only monetary compensation Sterlite Industries for bauxite mining in
d) No provision for compulsory Social Impact Niyamgiri Hills.
e) The process is too time consuming & Under these circumstances, one needs a
cumbersome. solution which will accomplish at least two
Present Scenario in India – Objective1: Farmers (and other stakeholders on
Controversies, protests and violence have made the land) need compensation high enough to
land acquisition for power projects in India keep a large majority of them interested in
quite cumbersome. Protests against acquiring voluntary sales.
agricultural land, inappropriate compensation,
R & R, political opposition or environmental Objective2: The matter has to be settled in a
impact have been the main reasons for these way that it does not become a political football.
protests. Also, the project sites are sometimes
inhibited by the locals. Recommendation-
According to CEA, The land must be acquired by The solution is for the state to offer sellers a
competitive bidding but often the states compensation package in two parts:
governments award the projects to private a) Minimum lump sum amount related to the
players on the basis of their political nexus with recent average market value of the agricultural
the govt. land, and

b) An annuity (a monthly pension as it were for acquisition. This should be implemented in all
the farmer’s retirement) from an all-India trust India level.
fund where some shares of the new company The policy has not only hiked the compensation
are vested. This fund will collect shares from all payable to the farmer for the land acquired but
companies in the business of buying land all also laced it with a sort of inflation-linked
over India, so that risks are pooled on a large royalty payable to him for 33 years. The annuity
scale without the fund brought down by any gets an annual hike too. The policy also has it
particular project failure and it will be that in case a unit is set up on the land
independently and professionally managed (like acquired; one member of the farmer’s family
pension funds). A stream of annuity payments is will get a job.
much better for poor farmers than one-off cash
payments which often get frittered away. For those farmers whose land is acquired by the
Haryana State Industrial Infrastructure
Since stakeholders in the land also include Development Corporation (HSIIDC), the state
sharecroppers and agricultural labourers, one government has decided to provide an annual
may propose some part of the lump sum compensation of Rs 15,000 per acre for 33 years
compensation also to go to them, possibly in the form of royalty, besides giving them fixed
related to the market value of the agricultural compensation. The royalty would be increased
land (as the West Bengal government had by Rs 500 every year. If the land is acquired for
originally announced for registered setting up special economic zones
sharecroppers). The state also needs to be
involved in some form of temporary welfare
payments (and job training) to unregistered Amol Maurya is a student of
sharecroppers and landless workers. MBA Power Management 2nd
Year. His interest are playing
Future of land acquisition in India cricket and listening to music.

The land acquisition policy of Haryana (HR) is

very ideal policy to deal with difficulties in land

Point- Counterpoint
Should India bid for Olympics 2020? This indicates that India has the potential of
managing such a sports event. Thirdly, it has
India, which is the world’s been estimated that the total revenue
fastest growing economy generated due to the commonwealth games
after China, is currently would be of the order of 5 billion dollars. So
hosting possibly the most having Olympics would generate a lot of
hyped, anticipated and revenue. Also, more than 2.5 lakh jobs have
criticized games the world has ever seen-“The been created just by Commonwealth Games so
Commonwealth Games 2010”. These games we can easily imagine what Olympics would do.
have accumulated so much negative publicity Finally, if India is able to pull off a sporting
that the positive aspects have been completely event like the Olympics it would create a whole
overshadowed. new global image of India (Like Beijing Olympics
did for China).
The topic of discussion is “Should India bid for
Olympics 2020”. My answer is definitely YES. So In my view India should at least bid for the
Why am I so sure about it? I have points to Olympics. If we win the bid It would surely not
substantiate my response. I’ll be taking these be a mess like the Commonwealth Games (as
one by one. Firstly, India is currently hosting the humans learn from their mistakes) and It would
most expensive commonwealth games in the surely be a social and most importantly an
history costing in excess of Rs. 300 billion. If we economic boost for the country
consider that this was not the amount that was
stipulated to be invested and a lot of money has
been wasted, let’s assume that 25% of the Punit Paliwal is a
money invested could have been saved if there student of MBA 1st
was no corruption. Then the remaining amount year. His interests are
is Rs.225 billion which is also a huge investment. watching movies and
playing table tennis.
Most of this money was invested in building the
infrastructure for the games. So, the result is 20
world class stadiums in the city of Delhi. So we
possess quality infrastructure. Secondly, the
commonwealth games are considered the
second major sporting event in the world (after
the Olympics) and since we have started off
these games in a great fashion so I assume that
the management part would also be smooth.

Should India bid for Olympics 2020?
Just building roads, flyovers or any other
Olympics have always infrastructure at the name of any event doesn’t
been a fascination for bring development and growth. First we need
billions of people all over more schools, colleges and hospitals instead of
the world. To organize sport complexes in order to lay the path of
such an event is always sustainable development only after which
very prestigious for any organizing such events are justifiable.
country but at the same time very expensive
too. In the prevailing scenario security issues are the
major challenge for us. Star performers from
Last Olympics cost china $44billion and current top countries already denied being a part of
CWG cost India Rs 70,000 crore CWG and it is clearly a black spot on the face of
our country that we were not able to generate
The decision to organize such an expensive faith in the mind of participants. It is good for us
event in a country where poverty levels is to first strengthen our security system in order
among highest in world, where 50% of world’s to create an environment which is suitable for
hunger population resides is never considered such an event.
to be a sagacious decision.
The foremost obstacle in front of allocating
CWG games show the real picture of our budget for Olympics is our huge fiscal deficit
management ability and the corruption level which is nearly 6% of our GDP currently which is
prevailing in our great country. In prevailing likely to increase due to over budget of current
circumstances we are not in a condition to CWG.
organize such a massive event. First we have to In the light of above circumstances not to bid
improve our management ability and lay a for Olympics 2020 is in the favor of our great
proper framework of organizing event which country and also consider as a sagacious
must be corruption free. decision.

At one hand we already spend huge amount of

money on CWG and thinking to spend even a
far more amount on Olympics and on the other
hand children’s in our country are collecting Sameer Pachori is a
garbage’s instead of attending schools, people student of 2nd Year MBA
are dying on roads due to hunger and in in Power Management.
absence of medical help, diseases like dengue His interests are reading,
are widespread, farmers are revolting internet surfing and
continuously and we are facing lots of other playing badminton.
problems remain unsolved from decades.

Campus News
8th Batch, MBA (Power)
Ganesh Puja
With due support from students (including Razzmatazz on the occasion of Teacher’s Day
Alumni) and teachers, we organised Ganesha Teacher’s Day Celebration has been a custom in
Puja this year too. It was 10 days celebration. NPTI. It’s the day when we formally host some
On day 1, we established idol of Lord Ganesha cultural activities as a token of respect to our
with proper rituals followed by Aarti and respected teachers. This time, due to some
celebrations in which we danced on dhol, and unavoidable reasons, we celebrated it on 9th
music. From day 2 to day 9, we managed to September. Our celebration started with
‘Saraswati Vandana’ followed by ‘Deep
Prajwalan’ by Sri Subodh Garg, the Director
General of NPTI. Further, teachers were
requested to participate in games and songs
which really filled the auditorium with colours.
Songs were sung by students as well as
teachers. The event was electrified by sparkling
act cum comic poem presented by Mr. Navneet,
which made whole auditorium roll in the aisles.
It was followed by Mr. Chetan’s poem in the
respect of teachers. After this we had great
have Aarti in the morning and the evening. But,
lunch organised for the day. Post lunch, it some
everyday after Aarti, we had good gathering
movies were screened and their relevance
whereby we shared our ancient wisdom and
their relevance in contemporary world,
especially in power sector. Campus looked very
lively during those days.

On day 10, the day of “Ganpati Visarjan”,

campus was filled with excitement and joy. We
all gathered at 9.30 am for Puja and Havan.
Then at 11.30 am teachers joined us for Aarti.
We had a special lunch for that day. In evening
at 5.00 pm, we started a colourful Visarjan Yatra
accompanied by dhol, majeera and colours.
Heartiest thanks to co-ordinating committee for As shared by-
their efforts and to everyone else for one’s Cultural Committee
soulful contribution.

As shared by-
Ashutosh Singh & Ashish Gaikwad

My Summer Internship
measures to negotiate complex projects of this
Cross Border Electricity Trade: Necessity for nature. To achieve this, the region would
South Asia require extensive bilateral and multilateral
policy and confidence building measures from
Objective: The concept intends to promote the the Governments and International Financial
development of cross border electricity trade in Institutions (IFIs) to help evolve the huge
South Asia by developing adequate electricity market and enable it with inbuilt capabilities to
infrastructure (especially, transmission) for its make it this ambitious project a reality
adequate supply to sustain the economic
growth rates of the respective countries in Implications: It is envisaged that this cross
medium to long term. border trading would lead to unprecedented
economic growth and greater degree of
Approach: The research work analyzed power regional integration in South Asia. From social
scenarios of the countries in terms of cross angle, it would also result in better quality of
border trading opportunities for arbitrage and life for common man (i.e. consumer) due to
challenges towards it and possible trading increased availability of electricity supply.
Value: The study adds value to the already
Findings: There is huge potential for the existing studies on electricity interconnections
development of regional electricity trade in among South Asian Countries (SAC) and tries to
South Asia in terms of import of low cost identify/suggest priority actions needed by SAC.
hydropower by high demand countries (India
and Bangladesh) from high resource potential Author: Rohit Khatri,
countries (Nepal and Bhutan). In the longer MBA (Power Management), NPTI Faridabad
term, Bangladesh is envisaged as gas based (Haryana), India.
power exporter. This would require Email: [email protected]
improvement in investment climate –
macroeconomic conditions and legal
framework, ensuring commercial operation of
electricity sector and adopting institutional

My Summer Internship
alignment among the incentives of key groups
Opportunities, Challenges And Financial and how to fine-tune the approach to achieve a
Analysis of Agriculture Demand Side workable, financially viable, replicable and
Management (Ag-DSM) In India sustainable model. Scope of this report is very
wide. It is applicable all over India and also to
There are approximately 20,000,000 “irrigation many countries in the world. The problem
structures” (e.g., tube wells, etc.) in India. That regarding highly inefficient agriculture pump
is four times the number of irrigation structures sets is there all over India and there is an urgent
in China, Iran, Mexico, Pakistan, and the United need to take steps to solve the problem.
States combined together. Between 1980 and Replacing these pumps sets by the energy
2000, ground water consumption in India efficient pump sets is the need of the hour and
doubled. The rapid deployment of tube well this report focuses on that. This report gives a
technology has contributed to improving the lot comprehensive account of all aspects regarding
of farmers. However, it is increasingly clear that Ag DSM (Agriculture DSM). It highlights the
underground aquifers are being depleted and various opportunities and challenges for all the
the free power policies that helped enable the stakeholders, which are involved in Ag-DSM. It
lifting of ground water have imposed a ruinous gives the background regarding planning and
financial burden on the country’s erstwhile implementation of Ag-DSM projects. It
SEBs. Unhappily, there is neither enough water showcases the various models available for
nor enough electricity to allow the continuation financing these projects as well as risks and risk
of the trends of the past three decades for mitigation strategies attached to these projects.
another three. Reversing the policies of the past There are also financial analyses of potential
might not be enough to restore equilibrium and projects in Ag DSM for the states of
create the conditions that would allow Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana and
sustainable growth. Worse, the consequences Punjab. It provides an initial checklist of
of an abrupt reversal could be devastating for information needed from State governments
the millions of small, poor farmers who and Discoms to start assessment and planning
comprise most of rural India. The goal of this and finally implementation of potential Ag DSM
report is to sketch the complexity of the above projects.
mentioned problem and outline an
administrative approach towards developing a Author: Sharma Diveyesh Jyotindra, MBA
workable solution which could help stem the (Power), NPTI Faridabad, India
tide. It would yield important insights and help E-mail: [email protected]
refine our understanding of how to get better

My Summer Internship
investment in wind energy. It also gave the
Going Green Becoming Profitable: Analysis of insight about the possible future revenue
Revenue Opportunities for Wind Power streams from wind power project and their
Producers in India respective advantages and disadvantages.

Familiarization: It is high time that we, as a Methodology: Analysis of the last four year’s
nation embrace alternative energy sources such Tariff orders and ARR had been done to come
as wind power and invest for our future. The out with a projection trend and specific CAGR
development of wind power is the key to fight data of electricity purchase for each State. The
against dangerous climate change. Indian CAGR data of electricity purchase and RPO of
policymakers have understood the fact that each State was used to find the future RE
clean energy is the need of the hour and are demand in all the States. This analysis opened
providing ample regulatory and financial the door for REC market size projections.
support to make wind power projects financially Revenue comparison model was based on the
attractive. REC pricing regulations of CERC and preferential
Objective: There are three primary objectives of tariff offered by different states.
the project.
1. To make a comprehensive model for Findings: AP, MP, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and
future renewable energy requirement of each Gujarat are the most lucrative destinations for
State in India. wind power selling. In the longer run, REC
2. To project the future REC market size option will outweigh the preferential tariff
for wind power producers. option of revenue generation.
3. To analyze present revenue
opportunities in different states of India and to
make rational and descriptive revenue Author: Sunil Sharma, MBA (Power
comparison model. Management), NPTI, Faridabad, India
E-mail: [email protected]
Significance: Project was helpful for AES in
finding out the most attractive States for

costs of metering and purchasing the small
The Concept of Net-Metering: Case of USA & amounts of excess electricity produced by
Its Impact on India small-scale wind energy facilities. Consumers
benefit by getting greater value for some of the
In the Present scenario, the need for the electricity they generate and by being able to
involvement of Domestic households in the interconnect with the utility using their existing
development of Renewable Energy is quite meter.
obvious and important. A look at the Net-
Metering concept being followed in more than The only cost associated with net metering is
35 states across the USA could provide us with indirect: the customer is buying less electricity
the address to this problem. from the utility, which means the utility is
collecting less revenue from the customer.
"Net-metering" is a simplified method of
metering the energy consumed and produced Net-metering is a concept which can
at a home or business that has its own revolutionize the Indian electricity scenario by
renewable energy generator, such as a wind encouraging the rural and urban consumers to
turbine. Under net metering, excess electricity generate their own electricity through green
produced by the wind turbine will spin the means. Also, it would also help a long way in
existing home or business electricity meter increasing the renewable power generation
backwards, effectively banking the electricity capacities, which is envisaged in the 11th plan
until it is needed by the customer. This provides at 14,500 MW of capacity addition. These
the customer with full retail value for all the targets would be much easier to meet, if even a
electricity produced. small percentage of Indian population would
take part in it. The concept of Net-metering
The main reasons why net metering is a widely could provide the necessary impetus to lure
used concept in the USA are: people in.
•It helps counter the intermittent nature of the
renewable energy sources like solar, wind, tidal
etc. Suramya Dwivedi is a 2nd
•Easy and inexpensive mechanism for year student of MBA Power
encouraging the use of small-scale renewable Management. He is an avid
energy systems. reader and also likes
playing sports such as
Net metering provides a variety of benefits for cricket badminton etc.
both utilities and consumers. Utilities benefit by
avoiding the administrative and accounting

Project Review
Model for Near Term Load Forecasting state has surplus power in significant amount in
various hours of the months under
Objective: To develop a universal model for consideration. This surplus power may be
near term load forecasting which can be used consumed or balanced by balancing the PRM
by any DISCOM for near term load forecasting. schedule and by load curve flattening.
Approach / Methodology: Trend analysis of past
demand for three months in past three years Rationale / Implications: The significance of the
has been done to estimate future demand of study to assist a DISCOM to estimate & procure
different consumer categories. Restricted and the balance power, over and above long term
un-restricted demand have been estimated, PPA, on month ahead basis and reduce the FSA
under appropriate PRM (Power Regulatory burden on consumers.
Measure) framework, to estimate total power
requirement in all circles of the State after Limitations: Practical difficulties in category-
making suitable provisions for FSA (Fuel wise demand estimation, assumed load factor
Surcharge Adjustment) as may be applicable at of 1 and certain assumptions regarding PRM
the time. pose certain limitations on the scope of the
Findings: The load curve flattening will reduce Originality / Value: India lacks effective tools for
the burden of extra power to be procured in near term load management. The model thus
short term and thereby reducing the burden of developed and subsequent analysis shows that
FSA on the consumers. By the study it comes it would help Discoms manage their business
out that the State needs to flatten its load curve more efficiently.
especially during early morning hours for all the Author: Ankit Piplani, MBA (Power), 2008-10
three months. Also there is huge gap between E-mail: [email protected]
demand and supply during Peak hours of the
day which can be well balanced by month
ahead PPA. Further it may be observed that

Project Review
Model for Near Term Load Forecasting manageable range. The sluggish power demand
in Delhi would be due to low industrial load and
Objective: The primary objective of the project relatively low growth rate in other consumer
is to develop Econometric model to project the categories.
future power demand in State of Delhi and to
validate the Model Projection with the Rationale / Implications: Power is a critical
Projection done by 17th EPS. infrastructural input which requires long term
dynamic planning to meet the future demand. It
Approach / Methodology: The model used in is necessary for utilities to make advance
the present study is a mixed approach of time demand estimation in order to sign a judicious
series analysis and econometric methods using PPA with the generating company for future
SPSS software package. In the contest of this power procurement. This helps reduce burden
study, first the explanatory variables have been on every stakeholder.
forecasted using time series annual data. After
forecasting the variables with time series data, Originality / Value: The model can be replicated
a multiple regression econometric model has for other State with suitable customization as
been developed to forecast the future regards consumer categories and load
requirement of electricity demand. Based upon behaviour. It would help utilities to become
the models thus developed, probabilistic, more competitive and consumers would get
optimistic and pessimistic energy and peak electricity at most competitive prices.
demand is estimated. In order to find out the
peak demand annual load factor is also Author: Ashwani Goel, MBA Power, (2008-10)
E-mail: [email protected]
Findings: The findings suggest that the
electricity demand in Delhi during the forecast
horizon 2009-22 would be sluggish and within

Any Colour You Like
magazines, TV channels gave a real good
coverage and the atmosphere was
unprecedented. In fact, in my 15 years of soccer
craziness I had never witnessed such good
Beauty in Boots media response and public excitement.
Argentina and Brazil had always been the
Two months back, the sounds of ‘Waka Waka, favourites among the fans, but this time the
It’s time for Africa’ echoed in every part of the young generation was crazy about Spain and
world, from South America, to Europe and Asia, Germany. Leave aside places like Kolkata and
to North America, with Africa being the Goa which have a long history of soccer frenzy,
epicentre. The Beautiful Game. This is how this time Delhi was high in soccer fever.
Soccer is referred all over the world and why Markets like Palika Bazaar, Sarojini Nagar were
don’t we have any other game with such filled with soccer jerseys. Messi, Ronaldo and
perfect blend of passion, speed, glamour, Kaka jerseys’ demand was at the peak.
energy and sporting spirit? Undoubtedly the Restaurants and Bars grabbed the opportunity
answer is a big ‘No’. All year round the English by giving special offers during match hours and
Premier league, Italian Serie A, Spanish league, installing big screen TV’s to attract customers.
mesmerise the fans with beautiful display of One full month of international soccer; a sheer
soccer, with the big daddy ‘Champions league’ delight for all soccer fans. We Indians proved to
terminating the season. Then after every four be one of the biggest supporters of the game.
years comes the most awaited and most
popular sports event in the world, The FIFA At this point of time I wonder for how long we
world cup. Hosted by South Africa, the recent will go on cheering for the Albicelestes and
FIFA World Cup, 2010, symbolized freedom Sambas. Where do we see our nation standing
from hatred and racism. South Africa, a in this game?
developing nation just behind India, was able to
India’s rank in world soccer is 160 and nations
host the event flawlessly.
like St Kitts and Nevis, Niger, Nepal , Fiji, Haiti
Well I am sure what comes to your mind is a which are in no comparison to India’s size,
comparison which is obvious as the CWG are economy, infrastructure and reputation, are
on, but that is not my objective here and I don’t ahead of it. In fact the condition was not so bad
want to think about anything else when I am earlier. If we look back, India’s performance till
thinking soccer. ’Soccer thinking’ should be 1970 was really good. The Indian national team
introduced in management classes. So much of won gold medals in football at the 1951 and
inspiration can be drawn from a soccer player, 1962 Asian Games, and finished fourth at the
especially the captain who in itself is a full 1956 Olympics in Melbourne. The team
grown manager applying all management qualified for the 1950 FIFA world cup but could
concepts and applications in his game. not participate due to lack of practice time and
certain selection issues.
Coming back to the bizarre event, India was
also gripped with soccer fever. Newspapers,

Now the point is that why at present India is But in India majority of players take soccer
not so beautiful in this beautiful game. The seriously at teenage, which is too late for a
question crops up every time a world cup game where a player is considered veteran after
comes around and we find ourselves farther 28 and is expected to quit. Lionel Messi,
from the main draw than Argentina is from Michael Oven and most of the star players
semi-final spot, a grief for a diehard made their debut in the national squad while
Argentinean fan like me. There are three they were aged between 17-19.
conventional answers to the question: one that
we are physically ill-equipped for the rigours of Looking at the second reason, citing lack of
the game; two that we lack interest in the interest in the game, I don’t agree because the
game; and three that we ignore soccer for our craze and enthusiasm was very clearly visible
two months back. Even if I keep aside the world
love of cricket. My view may or may not
support the above three points but attempts to cup, in normal days also soccer players could be
seen in parks and fields fighting for the ball.
sketch the current picture of soccer in India.
Recently during my visit to Assam, I did a lot of
It has been said that Roberto Carlos, once the road travelling and to my surprise; I could not
most powerful shooter of the ball, had four find a single place where cricket was being
times more power in his shoot than India’s best played. From the dense localities of Guwahati
- Bhaichung Bhutia. If we look at other games, to the sub-urban and rural areas of this
while we do well in cricket, history speaks even beautiful state, everywhere I could find kids
our best team lineup could not fill the dearth of playing soccer. I remember, soccer was the
a raging fast bowler who can scare the most popular sport in my school and we had
opposition batsman. Fast bowling is the only special coaching sessions in the morning. In fact
aspect of cricket that demands raw power, a there were regular inter-school soccer
level of physical ability on par with the tournaments organised by various schools in
footballers. Surprisingly none of our bowlers Kanpur. But unfortunately all that excitement
have been able to bowl consistently at over 150 and soccer mania was limited to school life only.
km per hour. Keeping in mind the so much hype The situation now is more or less the same.
and encouragement given to cricket don’t you
think it points to serious metabolic deficiencies After passing out of school a good soccer player
in the population? Coming to hockey, with the has no major opportunity to take soccer as a
advent of new playing style with long passes career. While we have so many cricket
and introduction of AstroTurf, India’s academies, their counterparts in soccer are
performance declined solely due to lack of rare. Those which exist don’t have proper
stamina and athleticism. Thus it is clear that we training facilities and coaches at par with
Indians genuinely lack in this aspect of fitness, international level, and most of them train boys
and the reason is a late start. In European not kids. This is the one thing I always stress
countries kids join soccer coaching classes at upon that if we want to go ahead in soccer we
the age of 6 or 7. Proper attention is given to should start right from the bottom. A very good
their diet and their physique and stamina is example is China where small girls of age 5 and
built accordingly. They are so comfortable with 6 were given training for the Beijing Olympics
the ball that no trick seems impossible to them. which took place a decade later. So it is better

to take the initiative with a different approach soccer, you cannot play it. So better start
which works, with international collaboration feeling the game. Perhaps after a decade we
and serious efforts by the government. The AIFF can sing ‘Waka Waka, It’s time for India’.
(All India Football Federation) should set targets
for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA world cups, inject Jai Hind……
funds, look for talent, and train to bring them to Mohammed Sarim Siddiqui
the level of Europeans and South Americans.
Passion, which is an integral part of the game MBA- VIIIth Batch NPTI
need to be built, because if you cannot feel

Any Colour You Like
he knew it had been a mistake. Simone had
(Untitled) said, “I don’t just understand why you keep
thinking of these things. It is all in your mind.
Running as hard as he could, but getting
We live reasonably well. We have all necessary
nowhere. Running, but to what end? Running,
comforts. Just last week we discussed starting a
with no finish line in sight. Tyler was now
family. But you insist on thinking in this manner.
getting tired. He was seeing things it seemed,
Tell me, is there some problem? Don’t I love
because the scenery around him didn’t seem to
you? Don’t you want children?” And after this
be changing. Maybe it was the fatigue getting to
point Tyler had drifted off into his thoughts.
him. He didn’t know, and frankly, he didn’t care.
But now, he was tiring, and getting exhausted.
It seemed to him that his life had no purpose.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, he came up against a
As far back as he could remember, he always
wall. He had to go around it, and as he turned a
seemed to be running. Or if not that, then
corner, there were more blockages. It seemed
pulling stuff, or pushing buttons meaninglessly,
as if he had entered some kind of maze. He had
or just sitting around and eating. To put it
to retrace his footsteps several times. It was all
simply, Tyler was depressed. He was fed up of
so confusing and confounding. It seemed as if
this life doing worthless things. His lovely wife,
his world had just been reduced to this race of
Simone, was the same, if not worse off. She also
sorts, and reaching the end of this maze, at the
was doing menial, worthless things.
centre of which he knew lay the golden prize.
Sometimes he sat down and thought, where
Running... deciding... turning... no way
had he gone wrong, where was the wrong step
forward... coming back... starting off in a new
taken, which had led to this. He got this feeling
direction, on a new path... Suddenly, there it
that he was trapped. Even though he did all
was. In front of him, at a mere 100 paces, lay
these different things, he was somehow
the treasure. He ran towards it with a new
trapped. There wasn’t a feeling of freedom in
found burst of energy. To him, it seemed that
these lowly tasks. Oh, he was comfortable, no
with this golden booty lay the answers to all his
doubt about that, but somewhere at the back of
troubles. But, as he reached within sniffing
his puny mind, there was this nagging feeling
distance, amazingly, he was picked up and
that something was amiss.
transported back to his home, alongside his
And today, he had to run. Fighting against every sleeping wife.Again this feeling of helplessness
urge to stop, and just lie down, to rest those and befuddlement broke over him like a
burning muscles, to have a hint of some relief, torrent. So close, and so far. Somehow he felt
any relief, would be a bliss. But he had to run. that they both were just mere lab rats. Which to
And running he was doing. be quite honest, was exactly what they were.
Rats in a laboratory.
As he tired more, the morning conversation
Girish Deveshwar is a 2nd
came to his mind. He had told his wife his fears,
Year MBA student.. His
his insecurities, and as soon as he was finished,
interests are reading, movies
and cricket.
Mystery Of Seven The number seven was chosen for this because
the Greeks believed it to be the representation
I happened to go for a wedding a couple of of perfection and plenty. However it still
months ago. As we knew during Indian continues and now we have different sets of
weddings, we have 7 rounds (which we call fere
wonders but in number 7 :) like 7 wonders of
or Saptapadi) around the fire and then bride ancient world, 7 wonders of medieval world, 7
and groom ties a knot for lifetime. I was wonders of modern world and etc. etc.
wondering why we have 7 feres and not 6 or 8...
Then I realized, there are many things which are 4. 7 Sur in music (Saptasur)
7.... Want to check? Let’s start from the
wedding rounds itself. Indian Music has Saptak Swaras octets (sa re ga
ma pa dha ni) which are basics of music, using
1. Saptapadi in weddings. which hundreds of ragas are composed. The
seven notes of the scale (swaras), in Indian
Initially I used to think as normally people say music are named shadja, rishabh, gandhar,
there are 7 human births a person can have. So
madhyam, pancham, dhaivat and nishad,
each round might be a replica of each birth. But usually shortened to Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha,
when I asked my uncle, he said, with each and Ni and written S, R, G, M, P, D, N.
round a couple makes a vow to establish a Collectively these notes are known as the
happy married life. These includes - providing sargam (the word is an acronym of the
proper food, being strong and complement to consonants of the first four swaras)
one another, being blessed with prosperity,
being eternally happy, being blessed with 5. Seven deadly sins
children, living in perfect harmony and finally
being always the best of friends. Wrath (Anger), Greed (a sin of excess), Sloth
(neglecting what God has spoken, and being
2. Seven days in a week physically and emotionally inactive), Pride, Lust,
Envy and gluttony (over-indulgence) are
Have you ever wondered why there are seven
supposed to be seven deadly sins in the world.
days in a week? There were at least 9 planets
identified when the days, weeks and years into 6. Seven spirits of god.
place, then why not 9 days in week, why 7? It
may be due to the association of the seven As per the old myths there are seven spirits of
celestial beings (the visible planets plus the Sun god, which include the Spirit of the Lord; the
and the Moon) with deities in the minds of Spirit of wisdom; the Spirit of understanding;
humans from probably an early stage in the the Spirit of counsel; the Spirit of might; the
development of intelligence up to the time of Spirit of knowledge and the Spirit of the fear of
the advent of modern science. As we all know the LORD.
they include Sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Also, as per Hinduism, there are seven worlds in
Venus and Saturn the universe, seven colors in rainbow, seven
3. Seven Wonders of the World seas in the world and seven Rishis (seven gurus)
called sapta rishis which include Bhrigu, Atri,
Angirasa, Vasishta, Pulastya, Pulalaha and

Kratu. There are seven virtues as per the Expecting a solution in the next issue of
catholic epistemology including faith, hope, PARIKALP.
love, patience, kindness, courage and justice.
According to Arthur M. Young there are seven Sunil Sharma is a 2nd year
student of MBA Power
levels of evolution. According to Charles Muses
there is a seven-dimensional Q-universe which Management. His interests are
is the master control center of our 3-D universe. reading and cricket
There are seven step pyramids in Mexico, seven
step ziggurats of Mesopotamia. And the
mystery of number Seven continues :) can
anyone help me in solving this puzzle?


है सफ कछ उसके ऩास भगय,

में तया चाहिा हॉ
सही होते बी ग़रत फना,
ना भस्जजद चाहता हॊ ना भॊददय चाहता हॊ ,
इॊसानों भें भसीहा है वो,
हय ददर भें भोहब्फत का सभॊदय चाहता हॊ !
फॊटने को हास्जय सदा यहा.
जहाॉ बी दे खता हॊ वहाॉ गभ ही गभ हैं,
अफ तो फस खशिमों के फवॊडय चाहता हॊ !
भशरक कहता उसका मे जग,
अफ तक हाया हॊ फस हायता यहा हॊ भैं,
जफ जहाॉ ऩकायो आता है ,
अफ खद को एक फहत फडा शसकॊदय चाहता हॊ !
वो प्माय का बखा आज तरक,
औय फडे फडे भक़फयों से कोई इश्कक़ बी नहीॊ भझे,
झोरी ऩर भें बय जाता है .
खद के शरमे भहकता हआ खण्डहय चाहता हॊ !
ऩय कहाॉ रुके आॉस फहते,
फेचाया सोचा कयता है ,
यचना की थी भैने स्जसकी,
Navneet Vashisht is a 2
year MBA student and a member of
वो भझे उराहनें दे ता है .
the Editorial
Board of Parikalp
स्जस भाटी से फना है त,
वही भाटी तेया अॊत फनी,
रार कयी धयती तने,
जो कबी यही थी हयी बयी.

ि मेरा अपना है
तेये जीने से खि हॉ भैं,

उजरी जग की याहों भें , ऩय मह जान रे त प्माये ,

चभकते उज्जवर तायों भें , चाहे जो भज़हफ हो तेया,

फैठी खाभोि ननगाहें हैं, रगे भझे अऩने साये .

चऩ सी सनती आहें हैं.

भझे फाॉट कय नाभ ऩय,

कहता है वो, भैं क्मा कहॉ? त क्मा कय रेगा हाॉशसर,

कहना बी भस्श्ककर रगता है , उस छोटी सी बशभ ऩय ही,

इस भल्मवान सॊसाय भें , नाभ तेया होगा धशभर.

पकीय फना सा फपयता है .

चाहे फनरे भॊददय त, जो दय हआ जड से तो वो,
मा भस्जजद ऩय ही खि हो रे, टटा पर ना परता है .
डेया भेया है ददर तेया,
ना बेद फकमा कबी भैनें,
भझे प्माये प्रेभभम भें रे.
फ़िय त क्मॉ बेद फनता है ,
ऩाना चाहे तो सोच ज़या, भेये नाभ की इज़्जज़त भें ,
कैसे त भझको ऩाएगा, त भझे चनौती दे ता है .
तेया कभामा धन वैबव,
सफ मही धाया यह जाएगा. त आज बी भेया अऩना है ,
मे तेया बी तो सऩना है ,
भैं दे ख यहा हॉ आज महाॉ,
आन शभरो आऩस भें सफ,
भेय धयती अफ योती है ,
भोती शभरे तो गहना है .
छाती ऩय अऩनी जफ खद के,
गगयते फच्चों को सहती है . Piyush Arora is an alumnus of
त हय को जीत सभझता है , He is currently working with PWC
जफ अऩनों से ही रडता है ,

World’s Best Medicine

भैं एक केऩदटव ऩॉवय प्राॊट, त 250 भेगावाट का जनये टय

पॉवर मॅनेजर की ज़ुबानी पक्नन की िारीफ
है ,
अये ओ ऩॊडडताइन, भेयी हाइ वोल्टे ज राइन,
भैं गचम्पनी से ननकरता धआॉ हॉ त इरेक्रोजटे दटक
गजसे भें ये ड हॉट है तेये चेहये ऩय ब्रॅ क जऩॉट है !
प्रेशसपऩटे टय है !
अये तेयी वजह से ही तो भेयी पॅशभरी मे जटे फर है ,
भैं आयजीजीवाई को तयसता गाॉव औय त आयएऩीडीआयऩी
तेयी गथी हई छोटी जैसे एरयमर-फनच्ड-केफर है !
त जफ-२ भजकयाती है धडकन की यें ज फढ़ जाती है , भझे रयॊग पेस््सॊग भें ्करड कयरे त भझे भत छोडना त
अचानक गजसा होकय अनिेड्मल्ड इॊटयचें ज कय जाती है ! भझे भत छोडना !

अये भैं गरी भें जरता रटट हॉ त हाइवे की योडराइट है , नवनीत वशिष्ठ
भैं खडखद कयती ब्रराइन त एएय-इॊडडमा की फ्राइट है ! उजाड प्रफॊधन (2009-11)

३२ की हो गमी है त फपय बी जैसे २४ सार की एज है ,

भैं टॉयें ट ऩॉवय की ददहाडी त ऩीडब्ल्मसी का ऩैकेज है !

त एकदभ गोर चऩाती है औय भैं जैसे गीरा आटा हॉ,

त एक कम्पप्रीट डीऩीआय औय भैं केवर फेसराइन डाटा हॉ !

तेये बफना कछ नहीॊ त रयएस्क्टव भैं एस्क्टव ऩॉवय हॉ,

त सऩय हीटे ड जटीभ है औय भैं कशरॊग टॉवय हॉ !

भैं कॅक्टस का ऩौधा हॉ औय तभ परों की भारा हो,

इतनी सॊदय हो जैसे सीडीएभ से फना डारा हो !

भैं इरेक्रो-भेकेननकर भीटय सा नघसट यहा तभ एएभआय

सी पाजट हो,
भैं कोमरे की भारगाडी हॉ तभ एक्सप्रेस सऩय पाजट हो !

भैं डफती अनफॊडल्ड मटीशरटी, तभ फ्रेंचामज़ी का भॉडेर हो,

भैं जटे ट फोडड की वेफसाइट, तभ एभओऩी का ऩोटड र हो !

Funny Quotes

"I find television very educating. Every time Arey yaar- Rohit Chaturvedi
somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room
and read a book."(Groucho Marx)
Earlier- The Sun never sets in Great Britain

"Dad always thought laughter was the best Now- The Sun never sets in Room No. 233- Arun
medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of Mehta
tuberculosis."(Jack Handy) Contributor: Arun Mehta

"2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2."-unknown

"A fool and his money are soon venture capital"-

Some Finance guy I presume

And God said let there be light and there was light,
but the electricity board said he’d have to wait till
Thursday- Unknown

where even mobile network was unavailable for
most of the time in a day? But then, gradually, I
And then it all began... a journey from Kolkata to became a part of it. Life in those remote pockets
Kandhamal amidst forests and hilly terrains fascinated me to
It was pin drop silence then. The HR had just work up to the limit of my potential. It was a
announced some of us who were allocated the BT challenging job though. A part of my work was to
project were being sent in an unpaid leave for six design the layout of the transmission and
months. British Telecom (30% stake holder in Tech distribution lines up to 33 KV. All these required a
M), the UK telecom giant, withdrew a huge project lot of travelling and communication with the
from Tech Mahindra, whom I worked for, and hence natives. Even without knowing their language I took
the decision. We were promised to be called back them in confidence. I realized it was one’s body
but, somehow, I could not buy the idea and language or goodwill that speaks, not the dialect. In
resigned. various villages I witnessed ruins of a lethal
communal riot, which took place in 2008, between
I started preparing the basics of electrical Hindus and Christians following the murder of
engineering- my domain of study which, certain Hindu Leader. With no industry around and
unfortunately, I had left studying after I got placed due to remote location, it was indeed one of the
in the IT before the 6th semester. But, somehow, most backward districts of India. This very fact,
within a short span of time I made it to NHPC as paved the way for a certain group to rise- the
Engineer (Electrical). Actually, it was a rural Maoists! I still remember the day when I was
electrification project under RGGVY. Eventually, I stopped midway by a group of people who said
was posted in Kandhamal district of Orissa. armed training were going around in the area. We
Considering the distance from Bhubaneswar (219 could not go further. It was sort of a stern order.
KM), I inferred that it was the only reason why Later, quite a few times, I noticed those red colored
people were reluctant to join there. I was wrong banners and posters on the trunk of trees or
though. I heard that it was a Naxal infested area. I cottages. It all contained messages either to indulge
got a taste of it just a few months later. villagers for certain meetings or warning against
entertaining the police under any circumstances. Let
Anyway, after a hectic 7 hours bus journey covering
me recall an incident jus after Operation GreenHunt
an entire night, I reached there. The place was the
was started in two districts of Orissa, (namely,
district headquarters, called Phulbani. It was mostly
Koraput and Malkangiri). For monitoring certain
hilly area covered with thick forest and intersected,
erection work I had to go to a place called Raikia,
unevenly, by non-perennial rivers. I was allotted six
110 km away from the district headquarters. I was
blocks, consisting 952 villages executable as per the
accompanied by my driver. After we reached there I
DPR. With an official vehicle and a JE, I started
was looking for the way to certain village but I
visiting the sites very often. It was then, for the first
couldn’t spot anyone nearby whom I could ask. A
time in my life of 22 years, I came in direct contact
man, quite old, saw our car but then suddenly ran
with some part of rural India; got introduced and
away. In those few seconds I noticed fear with
then accustomed to their life and lifestyle. Initially, I
trembling emotions in his eyes. “People are helpful
was apprehensive about it. Who would like a place
here but what happened suddenly”? I wondered.

The path ahead was rocky, not suitable for vehicle. I I have left NHPC two months back. Still, sometimes,
got down n started walking. After walking half a Km I some incidents squeeze in my thoughts. After the
saw a few cottages. All of them seemed vacant but Raikia visit I spoke to contractors and sub-
then, suddenly, I confronted seven or eight people contractors of the area. We took some local people
blocking my way. They were asking me something in for the work. But just that; the erection rate was not
their native language. “I couldn’t understand what from the contract agreement signed in the
you all are talking about”, I wanted to say. But corporate office. It was the rate decided by
couldn’t. They were not at all co-operating; it was someone else. This truce had to be reached in order
not ignorance but waywardness. It was unnatural. I to carry out the electrification activities in four
understood only one word ‘police’. Keeping my blocks. Now, when I recall those moments, I get a
nerves cool, I tried to explain my situation politely. I strange feeling which I cannot scribble it in words.
clarified why I was there. They seemed to My life there was not actually enchanting, but,
understand my point. I could notice terrified faces somehow, may be for a change, but in those 1.2
peeping from the muddy doors and windows years, I gained an experience of a lifetime. I indeed
watching me in utter disbelief. I came to know then became a part of them and the place. I think of
that previous night a group of around 60 armed those flashy multiplexes in Kolkata and those mushy
Naxalites visited the village. They torched a lorry, forests in Kandhamal. It is then I realize what a
another 50 meters away from where I was standing, journey it had been- a journey worth remembrance.
carrying materials for some activities under PMGSY From Kolkata to Kandhamal……
(Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana) and killed
someone accused to be an informer. The news did
appear in the local morning newspapers but I missed
it. Even, they forcibly had dinner in the village which,
later I heard, was be a regular phenomenon. I also Indradeep Das
understood that the old man who ran away once
MBA (Power management)
seeing the vehicle, actually, thought it to be Police
one. He didn’t want to get a bad name. 1st Year(2010-12)

Personality of the Month
TULSI TANTI the economic advantages of staying off the grid. He
realized that he had stumbled onto a promising
business opportunity. In a power-starved nation,
renewable energy has a favoured future.

In early 2000, the inveterate traveler read a report

on global warming predicting that without a radical
decrease in the world's carbon emissions, some of
his favourite tourist destinations, including the
Maldives, would be under water by 2050. It was
then that Tanti realized his fate lay far beyond the
Ever heard of an electricity bill inspiring someone to latest advances in synthetic fibres. "I had a very
build a multibillion empire? Sounds weird but an clear vision," he says. "If Indians start consuming
electricity bill has once shown its prowess. A textile power like the Americans, the world will run out of
manufacturer in Surat, Gujarat was disgusted out of resources. Either you stop India from developing, or
infrastructure bottlenecks. The biggest of them all you find some alternate solution."
was the cost and unavailability of power, which
formed a high proportion of operating expenses of Selling some family property, the Tantis put together
textile industry. His new line of polyester yarns was $600,000 as seed capital to start Suzlon. They
doing well, but India's shaky power grid and the shopped around for technology in Europe, but no
rising cost of electricity offset any profits. "We were one was willing to give it without having an equity
constantly innovating, but we weren't able to stake in the venture.
control the price of power," he says. So he decided
Finally, Sudwind, a small German company agreed,
to generate his own. And rest is as we call it
provided Suzlon bought ten turbines. Tanti
convinced IPCL, a petrochemicals company that had
The maverick about whom we are talking about is been supplying raw materials for his yarn business,
Tulsi Tanti and the company is Suzlon. It was the to sign up as Suzlon's first customer. Suzlon
time when innovation was only a word in the completed IPCL's 3.5-megawatt project using
dictionary and the most successful were the ones Sudwind's turbines within the three-month
who dreamt very conventional, very routine. After a deadline. Tanti claims that ten years on, this first
few years of research, Tulsi settled on wind power, wind farm continues to run at 97 per cent efficiency.
buying two turbines to provide his energy needs. But the brothers, all four engineers, wanted to
The initial cost was steep, but the company, now prove their technical prowess by crafting their own
headquartered in the western Indian city of Pune, turbine. Their research efforts got a boost when
was no longer buffeted by the seesawing cost of Sudwind went bust in 1997. They hired Sudwind's
fossil fuels. But his fellow men branded him as engineers and created an R&D centre in Germany.
insane with the expenditure of the turbine The subsequent acquisition of a manufacturer of
exceeding that of textile business itself. But soon rotor blades in the Netherlands gave them access to
Tanti was preaching to fellow industrialists about technology for a key component.

By 1999 Suzlon had introduced its partly home AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS
grown turbine into the market. Today the company
has three research sites, in Germany, the
 Hero of the Environment” Award by TIME
Netherlands and India, which are linked together.
One important mission: to find ways of increasing
 Silver Jubilee Global Award 2008” for his
output so cost per kilowatt of energy-generated
outstanding contribution for development
decreases. At the same time, Tulsi Tanti is shrewdly
of Wind Energy by Priyadarshni Academy.
consolidating his hold on component supplies, a
 Rajiv Gandhi Award 2007” for the most
critical success factor in this business. Today apart
successful Industrialist in India
from the wind power generation Suzlon is seriously
 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year
into wind turbine manufacturing, project services,
2006” award by Ernst & Young
and operation & maintenance.
 India Business Leader Award 2006” by CNBC
Suzlon today has employee strength of over 16,000 TV18 in the category “The most promising
people in 25 countries. It has operations across the entrant into the big league”
Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe. It has fully  Teri alumni Award” for outstanding
integrated supply chain with manufacturing facilities Entrepreneurship in Energy – Environment
in three continents. Suzlon’s sophisticated R&D Technologies 2006 by The Teri alumni Trust
capabilities in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, India  Best Renewable Man of the Decade” which
and The Netherlands are the evidence of his is a lifetime achievement award from the
visionary approach and holistic foresightedness. It’s Foundation of Indian Industry and
clearly a market leader in Asia. Apart from these it Economists in 2005
has a vision of world domination in the field it is in.  World Wind Energy Award 2003” for his
All this accomplishment is the fruits of the hard extraordinary achievements in the
work and risk taking attitude and aptitude of its dissemination of the wind energy in India
founder, Mr.Tanti.  Business Leadership Award 2002” by Solar
Energy Society of India, etc.
Tulsi Tanti is a visionary businessman and a great
leader with an aim of providing sustainable source
of energy to the planet. It is because of these
efforts that he has been awarded several awards of Gaurang Singh is a first year student of MBA Power
international reputation. Now it’s up to us to get Management. He is a music
inspired by such endeavours in making our society and literature buff.
and planet green, clean and energy sufficient at the
same time.

standouts I feel are Meri Araj Suno, Alif Allah, Chori
Chori and Nazar Eyle. Plus stunning performances by
Music Reviews by Arun & Gaurang band and vocalists have suited the ever-evolving
Coke Studio : Season 3 dynamics of what it stands for. A MUST HEAR !!!

How The West Was Won – Led Zeppelin

What do you think is a challenge? To deliver

excellence, or to meet the expectations, or to
supersede the expectations..? I think the last one
How The West Was Won is a live album by the
and Coke Studio has just done that with its third
English band Led Zeppelin that was released in 2003,
season out. It has delivered it again and with more
the complete album comes in a set of three compact
captivating music this time. Although the theme is
discs. The album comprises of some of the best
same, presenting fusion of rich subcontinent music
tracks of the band. Led Zeppelin are known as one of
but season 3 has a hidden intention of bringing out
the best rock bands of all time, with several singles
obscure genres of music. That too, with all the
topping the charts. The band comprises of Robert
suavity and elegance. We have ‘fakir’s rhythmic
Plant (vocalist), Jimmy Page (guitarist) and John
kalams’ by Juman Shah; a 250 year old tradition,
then we have poetry recital by Arieb Azhar, core Bonham (drummer).
Sufic Punjabi in the form of Arif Lohar, and even If you are a hard rock or blues rock fan, then some
Dari and Persian ballads. Innovation in the band is of the songs are highly recommended by me.
accompanied by introduction of Sagar Veena and
Rubab in the band. Season 3 is an eclectic melange 1. Stairway to Heaven: Stairway to Heaven is also
of intricacies of Pakistani music. If music stalwarts of called as “Rock Anthem” and has been the most
Abida Parweeen and Tina Sani are face of the requested song on FM stations. No doubt that you’d
traditional music in season 3, then ADP, Karavan, have to listen to it a few times patiently , once you
Zeb and Haniya, and Entity Paradigm stand for the understand the lyrics and the theme of the song
contemporary music. The season spread over 5 ,you’d be hooked to it. Towards the end of the song
episodes termed Reason, Will, Conception, Form the guitar solo played by Page can be said to be
and Realisation bringing enriched flavours and inarguably the best guitar solo that has ever been
diversity to quench your cravings with its soulful played.
poignancy. It would be unfair to compare but the

2. Heartbreaker: Ever thought what it feels like ‘Ezekiel 25:17 the path of the righteous man is
running on a guitar, listen to this single and you’d beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and
feel as if you might actually be running on a guitar. the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the
Sounds crazy enough!! Try it out. name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak
through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his
3. Since I’ve been loving you: By looking at some of brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.
the lyrics you can see what the song’s about “Since
I’ve been loving you, I’m about to lose, my worried And I will strike down upon thee with great
mind …oh yeah”. It is perhaps the best blues song vengeance and furious anger those who would
I’ve ever heard. Page cries with the guitar and Plant attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you
actually does. will know my name is the Lord when I lay my
vengeance upon tor thee.’
4.“Going to California”: It is a song about a search
for a woman, a very beautiful song indeed. Some of This dialogue tantalizes the farcical in you. In fact
the interesting lyrics are the entire movie is full of them. Whether its
henchmen musing over burger or the outlaws
” Ride a white mare in the footsteps of dawn Tryin' discussing about giving a foot massage.
to find a woman who's never, never, never been
born “ The movie moves around three stories with
characters ranging from bank robbers to drug
5. “What is and What Should Never Be”: Listen to it mafias, from hit-men to professional boxers and
on your headphones and enjoy the mellow from thieves to don’s wife. Movie is all about how
psychedelic music. these unrelated characters are interwoven and how
plot culminates in a bizarre climax. Tarantino’s deft
treatment of the character and handling of the
Movie Reviews by Gaurang climax makes it an all time classic.

Pulp Fiction No, you can’t take the credit away from the acting
department. Career best performances by Samuel
Jackson, Uma Thurman, Tim Roth, Bruce Willis, but
stands out is John Travolta where he plays Vincent
Vega, a hit-man for his mafia boss and ironically
displays honesty and loyalty.

Overall, a great movie if you have got a taste for

dark comedy. A great background music is
something which adds to the feel of the movie (Pulp
Fiction theme is a cult as you know).
Irony, dark humour and more irony, more dark
humour is what Tarantino fills you with, but when it The real beauty in the movie is the moral element
comes to Pulp Fiction it goes a notch higher. Simply that is evident in spite of all bitching going on
picture this. A goon (Samuel Jackson) pronouncing a around. Addictive, to be precise. So, go and watch it
bible phrase while justifying his killing. if you haven’t, and watch it again if you have.

Shall We Dance would again mention the quality dancing and music
of the movie. It’s a mix of light emotions and surely
You know what sets apart the Hollywood actors a good watch.
from their Bollywood counterparts? Though it’s akin
to comparing India and United States, but what Book Reviews by Gaurang
specifically sets them apart is the grace and
elegance with which the actors in Hollywood carry The last lecture
their age. Be it De Niro, Daniel Craig, Brosnan or ‘The last lecture’ is actually based on the lecture
Hanks. They are not given by Randy Pausch at Carnegie Mellon. Pausch, a
like Indian actors computer science professor in the university
like Dev Anands delivered this lecture when he was already
and SRKs who diagnosed with a terminal cancer. And ironically
perpetually want to enough the book is not about dying but about life,
appear young but about overcoming the obstacles, giving wings to the
the beauty lies in dreams of others and most importantly living life to
how they carry the fullest. He talks about his childhood dreams of
their age with being in zero gravity, playing in the NFL, contributing
suavity and to Encyclopaedia,
panache. And winning stuffed
Richard Gere does animals, being a
it exemplarily in Disney designer
Shall We Dance. and being
The movie is about mid life crisis when John Clark captain Kirk. And
(Gere) in spite of a handsome job and a good family then how he
misses the spark in his life, goes on to enrol himself goes on to
in a dance class, bewitched by the trainer Paulina achieve these
(Jennifer Lopez). But slowly he falls in love with dreams in some
dancing . He is a bit shy and doubtful of revealing his or the other
new found passion to his family. But, the twist manner. Like he
comes when Gere’s wife catches him trying to be learned the
youthful and gets suspicious. The movie ends in a lessons of life from what he wasn’t able to achieve.
delightful note where he realistically goes back to What’s the best part of the book is that it’s not the
his wife and embraces her routine inspirational monologue but it’s an
The high point of the movie is the Gere-Lopez dance interesting book filled with humour, anecdotes and
which is immaculately performed with grace and intelligence. I particularly liked the practicality and
passion. Gere is at his charming best while Lopez is real-life dealing of the book. It stays away from the
not in a glam character but adapts a doleful abstract sermons and is unputdownable.
disposition out of her past relationship blues. The One of the most touching lines in the book is ‘I
characters other than leads are also smartly would rather love to die with cancer rather than hit
portrayed. You really feel light and great after by a bus,because if I am hit by a bus I wouldn’t have
watching the movie. It’s a decent romantic movie. I the time to spent with the family or to prepare for

my death’. The last lecture was a commercial and Istanbul. Overall, a book that needs to be reread
success and critically acclaimed throughout the over and over to savour the taste it offers.
world. So, if you are feeling low and frustrated, turn
the pages and feel the rejuvenation. Happy reading.. Gadget Review by Gaurang

Istanbul by Orhan Pamuk SONY W SERIES WALKMAN

If you are expecting a travelogue from a Nobel Prize

winner, you are absolutely prejudiced. Orhan Pamuk
has crafted a soulful childhood memoir which is
simply treat to your
senses. A museum-
in-words, it puts
across the dilemma
of identity
ambiguity of
Istanbuls as a
whole. It is Finally Sony reads the mind of the all the youth and
depiction of a city comes out with an all-problems-solved mp3 player.
torn between First of all its ultra compact with mp3 player in built
eastern (Islamic) in the ear buds. And yes, its wireless, making your
and western life easier. You can make your drive-outs in rains
ideologies. Originally written in Turkish by Pamuk, more eventful as W252 is waterproof and with 11hr
the book manages to elicit wistful nostalgia about battery backup. Coming with attractive colour
glorious Ottoman empire. In one of the chapters he options it’s got 2GB memory and Zappin which
rues ‘so poor and confused that it can never again makes it convenient to choose the song of your
dream of rising to its former heights of wealth, choice. It can prove to be a great company while
power and culture.' workouts. Available at a prize of Rs.4990, it adds to
your style quotient and certainly the music quality is
In fact, the symbolism is at its best when he
describes the snowfall, the huzun, Bosphorus River,
dilapidated medieval age monuments and in the NOKIA C3
process conveys without conveying. Intertwined
with the meticulous portrayal is Pamuk’s Now Nokia comes up with a high
biographical account which is as beautiful as former. quality phone with Wi-Fi connectivity
Growing up in Nisantasi district reading Freud, and Qwerty keypad at the price of
Sartre, Kemal etc he portrays the himself as a only Rs.7000. Another key feature in
liberalist drinking alcohol and having a love affair, the phone is Facebook and Twitter integration. The
but deep down you can feel it’s an illusion he wants phone has all the necessary multimedia options.
you to experience. Opera works swiftly on the phone and makes
browsing fast. The negatives in the phone are its
The book is beautifully illustrated with the help of screen and camera. Otherwise it is smart budget
photographs which showcase his childhood, family buy.


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