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Dolion is a cross between a lion and dog. There are only 3 dolions that exists in laboratories.

It is similar to the crossbreed of the lion and tiger or

the liger.Individual strand of DNA from each are combined and inserted into a host egg.

The Dolion has been genetically modified to show how far science can go with DNA and cross fertilization, and the dolion is very rare animal and
scientist want to research more about it.

2002-first dolion
A cross breed of a lemur and a cat. They say this is very popular among Chinese ladies as a symbol of their wealth. With the growing wealth of China, many rich
Chinese women are seeking alternative and exotic pets to show off their money. This has lead to a number of Chinese medical and scientific research companies
to compete for this new income source by producing cross breed animals. The most successful (financially) so far has been the Lemur Cat. It is (as the name
suggests) a cross between a lemur and a cat. It retains the soft fur of the cat and the coloring, but has the striped tail and yellow eyes commonly found on a lemur.
It is more ferocious than the average cat but it is generally no more dangerous than a Chihuahua dog. The scientific name for this new breed is Prolos Fira.
Fern Spider
Fern Spider Bio-technologically Engineered.
This mutation was aN experiment to see how
the survival rate of a spider with built in
camouflage versus from one without,
differentiates. This mutation affects the animal
in a positive way, allowing it to blend into its
environment, hiding from it's predators more

How does this affect the animal?

This mutation occurs through Bio-
technology crossing of genetics. The way it
was created hasn't been revealed yet to society.
It was created at Massey University in New
Zealand. It was a cross between a Wolf Spider
and a Ponga Fern.
How does this occur?
This occurs only every time a scientist
wants to genetically cross a fern and a spider.
Or whenever they want to create new
experiments to challenge new theory's.
How often does this occur?
This mutation is beneficial to the
spider. It allows camouflage, to better adapt to
its surroundings and hunting skills. This allows
the spiders' survival rate to increase.
Is this beneficial or harmful to the animal?
Yes this can, it can be prevented by
stopping genetic cross breeding in laboratory's.
Also, by stopping experiments on animals to
create new mutations on purpose. Can this
be prevented?
Female to 30 mm.
Abdomen light brown with a not very clear cardiac mark and black and white chevrons. Ventrally black with a yellow / orange hem.
Carapace dark brown with a light brown median band which is slightly wider at the front and light brown bands on the side. Sternum black.
Legs light brown on top, very clear black and white annulated on the bottom.
Palps light brown to orange with dark points.
Male to 25 mm.
Markings and colours almost identical to the female. Underside of the abdomen, however, white with a horizontal black stripe. Sternum black with an orange pattern.

Dry, stony places with very little vegetation.

Occurs in the Mediterranean area.

Spring and summer.

Genetic research has shown that the French species Lycosa narbonensis is equal to the famous species Lycosa tarantula.
Tree fern with green-stalked soft leaves to 4m long that are distinctly silver on the underside. Trunk to 10m tall, covered by the bases of old fronds. Leaf
stems covered in wavy hairs (lens needed). Sporangia arranged in small round capsules underneath leaves.

Tree fern up to 10 m tall (very rarely without trunk). Trunk covered in long-persistent, peg-like, stipe bases. Stipes slender, silvery-white when young,
maturing pale brown. Harsh to the touch, covered in pale-brown scales. Scales without marginal spines. Fronds up to 4 m long, horizontal, somewhat
arching, 3-pinnate. Dead fronds falling. Longest primary pinnae 300-550 mm, pale green above, white below (very rarely pale green) below. Under
surfaces sparingly clad in curly hairs. Indusia covering sori at maturity, opening at maturity to form a deep cup with a smooth rim.
GPF Bunny is a trasgenic artwork comprises the creation of a green fluorescent
rabbit, its social integration, and the ensuing public debate. GFP Bunny was realized in
2000 and first presented publicity in Avignon, France. This work was proposed as a new
art form based on the use of genetic engineering to transfer natural or synthetic genes
to an organism, to create unique living beings. This must be done with great care, with
acknowledgment of the complex issues thus raised and, above all, with a commitment
to respect, nurture, and love the life thus created.
Key words transgenic art, genetic engineering, biotechnology, rabbit evolution, ethology.
Super-muscly pigs created by small genetic tweak

Xi-jun Yin
These meaty pigs could become the first genetically engineered animals to be approved for human consumption.
Belgian Blue cattle are hulking animals that provide unusually large amounts of prized, lean cuts of beef, the result of decades of selective breeding.
Now, a team of scientists from South Korea and China says that it has created the porcine equivalent using a much faster method.These ‘double-
muscled’ pigs are made by disrupting, or editing, a single gene — a change that is much less dramatic than those made in conventional genetic
modification, in which genes from one species are transplanted into another. As a result, their creators hope that regulators will take a lenient stance
towards the pigs — and that the breed could be among the first genetically engineered animals to be approved for human consumption.

Jin-Soo Kim, a molecular biologist at Seoul National University who is leading the work, argues that his gene edits merely speed up a process that
could, at least in principle, occur through a more natural route. “We could do this through breeding,” he says, “but then it would take decades.”

No genetically engineered animal has been approved for human consumption anywhere in the world, owing to fears of negative environmental and
health effects. Fast-growing transgenic Atlantic salmon have languished in regulatory limbo for 20 years with the US Food and Drug Administration
(see Nature 497, 17–18; 2013).

Kim and his colleagues are part of a growing band of researchers who hope that gene editing, which can be used to disable — or knock out — a
single gene, will avoid this. Reports of gene-editing applications in agriculture include the creation of hornless cattle. (Horns make the animals
difficult to handle and are currently burned off in a painful procedure.) Researchers have also engineered pigs that are immune to African swine fever

Key to creating the double-muscled pigs is a mutation in the myostatin gene (MSTN). MSTN inhibits the growth of muscle cells, keeping muscle size
in check. But in some cattle, dogs and humans, MSTN is disrupted and the muscle cells proliferate, creating an abnormal bulk of muscle fibres.

To introduce this mutation in pigs, Kim used a gene-editing technology called a TALEN, which consists of a DNA-cutting enzyme attached to a
DNA-binding protein. The protein guides the cutting enzyme to a specific gene inside cells, in this case in MSTN, which it then cuts. The cell’s
natural repair system stitches the DNA back together, but some base pairs are often deleted or added in the process, rendering the gene dysfunctional.

The team edited pig fetal cells. After selecting one edited cell in which TALEN had knocked out both copies of the MSTN gene, Kim’s collaborator
Xi-jun Yin, an animal-cloning researcher at Yanbian University in Yanji, China, transferred it to an egg cell, and created 32 cloned piglets.

Kim and his team have not yet published their results. However, photographs of the pigs “show the typical phenotype” of double-muscled animals,
says Heiner Niemann, a pioneer in the use of gene-editing tools in pigs who is at the Friedrich Loeffler Institute in Neustadt, Germany. In particular,
he notes, they have the pronounced rear muscles that are typical of such animals.
Yin says that preliminary investigations, show that the pigs provide many of the double-muscled cow’s benefits — such as leaner meat and a higher
yield of meat per animal. However, they also share some of its problems. Birthing difficulties result from the piglets’ large size, for instance. And
only 13 of the 32 lived to 8 months old. Of these, two are still alive, says Yin, and only one is considered healthy.

Rather than trying to create meat from such pigs, Kim and Yin plan to use them to supply sperm that would be sold to farmers for breeding with
normal pigs. The resulting offspring, with one disrupted MSTN gene and one normal one, would be healthier, albeit less muscly, they say; the team is
now doing the same experiment with another, newer gene-editing technology called CRISPR/Cas9. Last September, researchers reported using a
different method of gene editing to develop new breeds of double-muscled cows and double-muscled sheep (C. Proudfoot et al. Transg.
Res. 24, 147–153; 2015).

Because gene editing is a relatively new phenomenon, countries have only just started to consider how to regulate it in agricultural plants and
animals. There are some signs that government agencies will view it more leniently than they do conventional forms of genetic modification:
regulators in the United States and Germany have already declared that a few gene-edited crops fall outside of their purview because no new DNA
has been incorporated into the genome. But Tetsuya Ishii, who studies international biotechnology regulation at the Hokkaido University in Sapporo,
Japan, and who has done an international comparison on GM regulations, says that gene editing will raise increasing alarm as it progresses in

Kim hopes to market the edited pig sperm to farmers in China, where demand for pork is on the rise. The regulatory climate there may favour his
plan. China is investing heavily in gene editing and historically has a lax regulatory system, says Ishii. Regulators will be cautious, he says, but some
might exempt genetic engineering that does not involve gene transfer from strict regulations. “I think China will go first,” says Kim.

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