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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

Doc Rev A

Table of Contents

About This Guide 9

What's New 11

About Apttus Configure Price Quote 15

Apttus CPQ Model 15

Getting Started 16
System Requirements 16

Logging on to CPQ 16
To log on to CPQ 16

About Apttus CPQ UI 18

Creating Views 19
Dashboards 20
Reports 20

Creating Quotes 21
Creating Quote/Proposals from Opportunities 22
To create a quote/proposal 23

Cloning existing Quote/Proposal 25

To clone an existing quote 25

Creating Quick Quotes 27

To create a quick quote 27

Including Product Footnotes in Proposal Documents 28

To include product footnotes in Proposal documents 28

Adding Products 29
Searching a Product from the Catalog 30
To search for a product from the catalog 31

Configuring a Product from the Catalog 32

To configure product attributes 33
Attribute Enhancements: Hidden Attributes 34
To configure bundle products 35
To clone a bundle within the same quote 37
To lock an option value 37
To select products from prompt 38

Favorite Configurations on the Cart 39

Saving your Favorite Configurations 39
Reusing your Favorite Configurations 41
Providing Ability to Add Multiple Favorites with a Single Click 43

Pricing Products 44
To price a product on the shopping cart 47

Bucket Adjustments 53
Use Case 1: Applying Bucket Adjustments 54
Use Case 2: Applying Unit Level Discounts 56

Creating a Price Ramp for a Product 58

Creating the Price Ramp on the Cart Page 59

Defining Tiered Pricing 61

To define tiers 61

Sub totaling by group in the Cart 62

Applying Promotions on the Products in the Shopping Cart 62

To manually apply a promo code on the Shopping Cart 62

Editing a Price Agreement 64

To edit a price agreement 64

Contract Pricing 65
To select a contract pricing list 65

Finalizing Products 66
To finalize the cart 66

Re-validating the Product Configuration 67

To re-validate the cart 67

Finalizing Quotes 69
Generating and Presenting a Quote/Proposal 69
Auto-Synching Cart Line Items to a Quote 69
Generating a Quote/Proposal 70
Presenting a Quote/Proposal 71
Reprice Quote 71
Analyse Quote 72

Quote Lifecycle Collaboration 74

Assigning the configuration to the Collaborator or Queue 77
Working on the Configuration Request 80
Merging the Configurations in the Parent Cart 81

Accepting a Quote/Proposal 83
To accept a Quote/Proposal 83
Synchronizing Quote/Proposal With Opportunities 84
Activating an Order 86

Managing Assets 88
Viewing the Installed Products 89

Managing Views for Assets Grid 91

To create a view 92
To edit an existing view 92
To delete a view 92

Pricing Assets 92

Accessing the Assets page 93

Quote/Proposal Flow 93
CSR Flow 93
Contract Flow 94

Renewing an Asset 95
Using Proposal End Date 96
Retaining the Asset End Date 96
Farthest End Date 96
Use Case: Renewing Bundle Assets 99
Use Case: Renewing Standalone Assets 101

Changing an Asset 102

To change an asset 103
Impact of Changing the Asset on Order Line Items and Asset Transaction History 105
Changing a Configurable Bundle Asset 105
Performing Mass Update for Assets 107
Increment Asset with Coterminate Lines 108
Splitting an Asset 112

Swapping an Asset 115

To swap an asset 115
Mass Update for Assets 116

Terminating an Asset 117

To terminate an asset 118

Viewing the Asset Transaction History 121

Integrating Assets with Contracts 122

Integrating Assets with Contracts (with a Quote/Proposal) 123
Integrating Assets with Contracts (without a Quote/Proposal) 124

Billing for Assets 125

Impact of Asset actions on Billing Schedules 126
Billing Schedules for Renewed Assets 127
Billing Schedules for Cancelled Assets 128
Usage Schedules for Cancelled Assets 131
Changing Billing Schedules when you Decrease the Net Price of an Asset 136
Changing Billing Schedules when you change the Billing Frequency of an Asset 139
Changing Billing Schedules when you Extend the End Date of an Asset 143
Changing Billing Schedules when you Increase the Net Price of an Asset 146
Changing Billing Schedules when you reduce the End Date of an Asset 149

Viewing Installed Products Page 154

Searching Assets 156

Managing Services 158

Viewing Service Products on the Installed Products page 159
Purchased Products 159
Related Purchases 159
Coverage Status of Assets 160

Displaying Assets from the Account Hierarchy 162

Configuring Service Products 163

Use Case: Configuring a service product 164

Viewing the Service Cart 165

Service Pricing 166

Bundle to Bundle 167
Bundle to Component 167
Bundle to Bundle and Components 168
Service pricing 168
Splitting the Related Line Items from Service Line 170

Using Catalog 171

Using Guided Selling 171
To use guided selling 171

Using Refine your Search 172

To refine your Search 173

Using the Product Comparison Feature 173

To compare multiple products 173

Using Deal Guidance 174

Using Proposal Document Generation 176

Process flow: 177
Configuring Document Generation Preview Setup in Internet Explorer 181

Working with Cart 182

AngularJS based UI 182
To create a quote using the new user interface 183
Managing Assets 186
Applying Multiple Adjustments at the Line Item 188
Cart Locking for Concurrent Access 190
Mass update product fields 191

Cart Grid UI 193

Managing Cart Views 193
Viewing the Cart in Grid View 195

Glossary of Apttus Approval Stages 200

Glossary of Proposal Actions 201

Glossary of New Related Lists 204

Apttus Copyright Disclaimer 205

CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

About This Guide

Apttus CPQ on Salesforce User Guide explains how to use Apttus Configuration, Pricing, and
Quoting (CPQ) to manage your organization's and your customers' configuring, pricing, and
quoting requirements.

Topic Description

What's Covered This guide walks the Sales Representative through the entire process of
configuring, pricing, and quoting. It provides conceptual information, step-by-
step instructions, and use cases for the features provided by Apttus CPQ.

Primary Sales Representative

Collaborator (such as a product owner, manager, factory manager)

IT Environment Refer to the latest CPQ on Salesforce Release Notes for information on
System Requirements and Supported Platforms.

Updates For a comprehensive list of updates to this guide for each release, see the W
hat's New topic.

Other Resources CPQ on Salesforce Administrator Guide: Refer to this guide for
information on configuring Apttus CPQ.
CPQ on Salesforce Release Notes: Refer to this document for
information on system requirements and supported platforms, new
features and enhancements, resolved issues, and known issues for a
specific release.

This guide describes the following tasks:

Create quotes/proposals
Configure products from the catalog
Price products and apply adjustments
Work with cart
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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

Finalize quotes/proposals
Manage assets
Manage services
Before using CPQ, you must be familiar with the following:
Basic knowledge of Salesforce
Salesforce and Apttus terms and definitions
If you are new to Apttus CPQ, begin here: Get Started and About Apttus Configure Price Quote.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

What's New
The following table lists changes in the documentation to support each release.

Release Topic Description

Spring 2019 Terminating an Asset Updated the topic with information about
Rev A showing net price of the current year asset on
the termination page.

Spring 2019 Searching a Product from Updated the topic with information about actions
the Catalog products inheriting location of the condition

Configuring a Product Updated the topic with information and a note

from the Catalog about search functionality for options and
attribute on the configuration page.

Favorite Configurations on Updated the topic with information about saving

the Cart constraint rule in favorite configuration.

Working on the Updated the topic with the information about

Configuration Request support for replacement and deletion of
collaborated product

Merging the Updated the topic with information about support

Configurations in the for automatic child cart updates.
Parent Cart

Billing Schedules for Updated the Increment Asset with Coterminate

Incremented Assets Lines topic with a use case for billing schedules.

Splitting an Asset New topic. New feature for this release.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

Release Topic Description

Terminating an Asset Updated the topic with information about

showing the original asset start date on the
intermediate page UI.

Assigning the Updated the topic with information about adding

configuration to the products to a collaboration request.
Collaborator or Queue

Winter 2018 Creating the Price Ramp Updated the topic.

Rev B on the Cart Page
Removed a limitation about Cart Grid UI.
Removed the note about support for IE

Billing for Assets Updated the topic with information about billing.

Configuring Document Updated the topic with a note that the feature is
Generation Preview Setup no longer supported.
in Internet Explorer

Applying Promotions on Moved the "Applying and Removing Promotions

the Products in the or Coupons on Line Items in Cart" topic from
Shopping Cart CPQ on Salesforce Winter 2018 Administrator
Guide to this guide and merged the contents.

Creating the Price Ramp This topic is removed because the feature is no
on the Configuration Page longer available.

Winter 2018 Splitting Large Cart This topic is removed because the Large Cart
Rev A feature was not part of the Winter 2018 release.

Winter 2018 Configuring Service Updated the topic with information about cloning
Products service line.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

Release Topic Description

Pricing Products Updated the topic with new options in

Adjustment Type and a note to the % Discount
Off Lift option.

Assigning the Updated the topic with notes about access

configuration to the permissions being considered in the
Collaborator or Queue Collaboration Feature.

Bucket Adjustments Updated the topic with a note about bucket

adjustment applicable on the preceding bucket.

Service Pricing Updated the topic with information about splitting

the Related Line Items from Service Line.

Configuring a Product Updated the topic with information about

from the Catalog selecting products from a prompt.

Favorite Configurations on Updated the topic with information about access

the Cart permissions.

Managing Views for New topic. New feature for this release.
Assets Grid

Performing Mass Update New topic. New feature for this release.
for Assets

Increment Asset with New topic. New feature for this release.
Coterminate Lines

Creating Quote/Proposals Updated the topic with information about

from Opportunities purchase identifier.

Summer 2018 Bucket Adjustments Included a note about the creation of an

adjustment line.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

Release Topic Description

Viewing Installed Products Changes to the Installed Products User Interface

Page is added.

Searching Assets Enhancements to the Search functionality are


Viewing Service Products The Relate and relate Component flows are
on the Installed Products added.

Service Pricing Service Configuration and pricing information are


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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

About Apttus Configure Price Quote

Apttus CPQ is designed to guide users to the best possible quotes for all products, pricing, and
channels. In addition, by integrating quoting software with your contract processes, you can
automate renewal quotes based on previously agreed upon pricing and terms.
Apttus CPQ gives you visibility and control of the quote-to-order phase of your sales process.
Beginning in an opportunity, you can select products or services, configure and price them for
simple or highly complex scenarios, and produce high-quality customer facing quotes and
proposals. A proposal consists of configured products, a summary of the proposal, the price list
associated with it, pricing for the configured products, associated opportunity, and shipping
Apttus CPQ is a web-based, on-demand application that is accessed through a standard web
browser through the Internet.

Apttus CPQ Model

It is important to understand Apttus product and pricing objects and their relationships to each
other in the overall application. Apttus CPQ is divided into two major areas - Product Setup and
Pricing Setup. Products and Pricing are defined and customized based on how your organization
wants to set up their configuration.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

Getting Started
This section explains the tasks to perform to get started with the Apttus CPQ.

System Requirements
Apttus CPQ is a web-based, on-demand application that is accessed via a standard web browser
through the Internet. Before you install and start using CPQ, you must ensure the minimum system
For more information, refer to Release Notes.

Logging on to CPQ
Log on to your org to access Apttus CPQ.

Do not use the Back button on your browser when using CPQ.

Before you log in to CPQ, make sure you meet the following criteria.
You have installed all of the required CPQ module packages.
You have administrative privileges.
You have login credentials provided by Apttus.

To log on to CPQ
1. Go to
If your organization is using a sandbox or test environment to access Apttus CPQ (for
example, if you are doing user acceptance testing), go to instead.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

2. In the toolbar at the top of the page, click Login. The login page opens.

3. Enter your User Name and Password, and click Log in to Salesforce.
You have successfully logged into CPQ.
4. Navigate to the App Menu and select either Apttus Product Setup or Apttus
Pricing Setup to access the Product or Pricing setup tabs, respectively.

Congratulations! Now you are ready to start working with your products and pricing in Apttus
Now that you have logged in, know more About Apttus CPQ UI.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

About Apttus CPQ UI

The CPQ Home page is the starting point of various functions in the application.
The home page consists of the following components:

The Home page view depends on the user settings.

Feature Description

Search This feature enables you to quickly search for various items like Quote/Proposals,
Templates, Accounts, Contacts, and more. You can further search within the
results for specific objects using the Advanced Search feature. A search bar is
available at the top of every window within the application, backed by an easy-to-
use search engine. Based on the keyword you enter, the system searches against
all key elements and retrieves quotes or proposals.

Create This button is located on the left-hand side of the homepage. This button provides
New an easy way to initiate new items like Quote/Proposal, Opportunity, Template,
Account, Report, and more.

Tabs These are individual tabs that provide you a broader view of specific items like
Proposals, Templates, Reports, and more.

Dashboard Dashboards give you a real-time snapshot of corporate metrics and key
performance indicators. A dashboard is a group of different charts (or components)
that graphically display your custom report data.

My Tasks Quick summary of tasks that have been assigned to you.

Items To Quick summary of items that have been assigned to you for approval.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

Setup This link is located on the top right-hand corner of the homepage. The link redirects
you to the home page using which you can perform actions, such as
view, customize, add, or edit objects and fields.

Salesforce The drop-down menu provides you with the list of Apttus modules that you can use
menu for configuring, pricing, and quoting.

The CPQ Home page enables you to access quoting information in a variety of ways; Searching,
Reporting, Dashboards, and Views.
Creating Views
Views are a very powerful, and an easy way to create a virtual file cabinet of your proposals.
You can create views based on dates, values, products, any data field, or a combination of
fields and also have specific fields displayed. Views are a customized way to display the
exact information you are looking for.
Salesforce delivers standard report folders containing reports for each record type. For
example, Accounts, Opportunities, Leads, and more. These reports are used as a starting
point for your organizations reporting efforts. Salesforce allows all users to run, customize,
and create reports. For more information on setting up and managing reports within Apttus,
see information related to creating and customizing reports.
Dashboards organize key statistics in easy to understand, bottom-line format, allowing you
to gain the insight you need to fulfill your business needs.

Creating Views
Views are a very powerful, and an easy way to create a virtual file cabinet of your proposals. You
can create views based on dates, values, products, any data field, or combination of fields and
also have specific fields displayed. Views are a customized way to display the exact information
you are looking for.

To create views
1. From the Salesforce drop-down menu, select Apttus Proposal Management and go to the
Proposals tab.
2. Click the Create New View link.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

3. In the Enter View Name section, enter a mandatory View Name and a View Unique Name.

4. In the Specify Filter Criteria section, specify the filter options to narrow down to your
preferred view for proposals. For example, you can choose to view only those proposals for
a specific Account.
5. In the Select Fields to Display section, from Available Fields, select one or more options
and click the icon to move to Selected Fields.
6. In the Restrict Visibility section, select one of the following:

Visible only to me
Visible to all users (Includes partner and customer portal users)
Visible to certain groups of users
7. To save the view, click Save.

Dashboards organize key statistics in easy to understand, bottom-line format, allowing you to gain
the insight you need to fulfill your business needs.
Apttus provides a robust Dashboard capability at your fingertips, adding an edge to your business
solutions. Navigate to the Dashboards tab to customize the page by designating which dashboard
type you would like to see from a list. For more information, see Working with Dashboards.

Salesforce delivers standard report folders containing reports for each record type. For example,
Accounts, Opportunities, Leads, and more. These reports are used as a starting point for your
organizations reporting efforts. Salesforce allows all users to run, customize, and create reports.
For more information on setting up and managing reports within Apttus, see
information related to creating and customizing reports.
Apttus provides you a set of out-of-the-box reports. You may create new reports or customize
existing reports. To modify an existing report, run the report and click Customize. For more
information, see Create a custom report.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

Creating Quotes
Creating Quote/Proposals from Opportunities
Apttus provides you the capability to enter necessary information via a user-friendly
interface to prepare a quote/proposal request or a draft.
Quote Lifecycle Collaboration
Quote Lifecycle Collaboration allows multiple users to work on different parts of a quote
simultaneously and then merge the data and finalize in a single quote.
Cloning existing Quote/Proposal
You can clone the existing Quote/Proposal using the Clone button on the Quote detail page.
Creating Quick Quotes
You can use Quick Quote mode to quickly select numerous products from the product
selection page directly from an opportunity with just one click.
Including Product Footnotes in Proposal Documents
Product footnotes enable you to dynamically include static footnote content in your quote
/proposal documents, based on the products that are included in the quote.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

Displaying Quote Name in the Application Browser Tab
Apttus CPQ shows a quote or proposal name for an ease of navigation through the
browser tabs.
It shows the Quote/Proposal name when you are on the Catalog page, Installed
Products page, Attribute/Options page, Cart page (Angular or Cart Grid UI),
Analyze Quote page
It shows the browser tab named as "Apttus" when you are on the Proposal
Document Generation page.
It shows the Collaboration ID in the browser tab for a Quote Collaboration Request.
Displaying Apttus CPQ Quote ID in the Application Browser Tab
When you create a quote/proposal, Apttus CPQ used to autogenerate a Salesforce Quote
ID. To improve the user experience you can see a new CPQ specific Quote ID in the
browser tab. On the following pages Apttus CPQ shows the browser tab name according
to the name of the quote/proposal: Catalog, Installed Products, Options or Attributes,
Angular Cart or Cart Grid, and Analyze Quote.
Displaying Quote/Proposal Names instead of Numbers
Apttus CPQ displays the name of the Quote/Proposal adjacent to the its label at the top
left corner of the page. If the proposal name is too long then you can see up to 26
characters and then an ellipsis to expand the full name. While if you hover over, you can
see the whole text.
You can see the proposal names on the following pages: Catalog, Installed Products,
Renew, Terminate, Swap, Service Catalog, Attribute or Options, Angular Cart, Cart Grid,
Service Cart, Analyze Quote, and Compare Products.

Creating Quote/Proposals from Opportunities

Apttus provides you the capability to enter necessary information via a user friendly interface to
prepare a quote/proposal request or draft.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

To complete the quote/proposal, you must enter details relevant to a proposal. Some of the fields
identified with (red vertical line) are required fields, without which you cannot save the proposal
record. If required details are not entered or incorrect details are entered, the system displays
validation rule errors at the top of the page highlighted in red.

To create a quote/proposal
You must be logged into A series of colored tabs are aligned along the top
navigation area.

1. From the application menu, select Apttus Proposal Management.

2. Go to the Proposal tab and click New.

- OR -
Go to the Opportunities tab and click the Create Quote/Proposal button.

If you have installed CPQ for the first time, use Edit Layout to drag the button to the

3. From Record Type of new record, select the desired record type and click Continue. Apttus
can accommodate any type of Quote/Proposal template (Budgetary, Final, and more). The
out-of-the-box system only has the Proposal and RFP type. If quote/proposal types are not
set up or if you have access to only one quote/proposal type, skip to the next step.
4. Type a mandatory Proposal Name and enter a mandatory Opportunity.

5. Enter a Price List and an Account.

The Price List determines the categories and products you see in the configuration. Account
is auto-populated if the proposal is created from an opportunity.
6. An Opportunity may have many proposals or quotes. To set this record as a primary quote,
select the Primary check box.
7. In Primary Contact, enter the primary contact person name for the account.

8. In the Purchase Identifier field, enter a unique identifier.

A purchase identifier is populated to cumulate the quantity, coterminate assets

during quantity changes, bind various asset streams together, or add quantity
upsell to the original renewal quote during renewal automation.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

This purchase identifier floats from quote to cart line items > proposal line items >
order line items > asset line items. This purchase identifier is used to calculate the
total quantity that spans multiple streams during the increment scenarios, on the
Installed Products page (of a renewal quote).
For example, you enter PI-01 in the Purchase Identifier field and the account has
the following assets:
- Asset A
- Asset A
- Asset B
Then the total quantity of both Asset A and Asset A = 2, and the total quantity of
Asset B = 1. For more information, see Increment Asset with Coterminate Lines.

9. From Approval Stage, select the stage of the proposal. The approval stage determines the
actions available to you for a quote/proposal. For detailed information on various approval
stages and the actions available, refer to Glossary of Apttus Approval Stages.
10. To enable the final quote or proposal generation from the current proposal, select Ready to
Generate. The Ready to Generate checkbox is selected by default. If it is not selected, the
Generate button does not appear in the proposal.
11. To attach and send the proposal in an email to a configured account, select Ready to
Present. The Ready to Present check box is selected by default. If it is not selected, the
Present button does not appear in the proposal.

Before saving the quote/proposal, ensure that you have set the Pricing Date that
falls in between PLI expiration and effective dates. Otherwise Quote cannot pick the
PLI with a pricing date from an expired PLI.

12. Click Save.

You have created the draft proposal which you can use for searching and reporting. Various new
related lists are enabled on the quote/proposal page. To know more, refer to Glossary of New
Navigate to the proposal you just created, and proceed with product selection.

Create quotes from opportunities inheriting the related line items

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You can create a draft quote with the selected service product and its related line items
(asset line items) and then synchronize it with the opportunity. After clicking the
synchronize with opportunity, you can also cascade the related equipment lines to the
opportunity and forecast the service revenue in conjunction with the opportunity.
Similarly, you can create a renewal quote that carries over the related line items to the
quote or cart.

Cloning existing Quote/Proposal

You can now the existing Quote/Proposal using the Clone button on the Quote detail page.
Cloning copies all the information from the existing quote, including field data, line items, and
proposal header information. If an approval trigger is set on the existing quote, the approval status
and trigger is not copied to the cloned quote. You must re-trigger approval on the cloned quote.
The new cloned quote will retain all the information of the parent quote, including:
Proposal header details
Configuration line items (if parent quote is not finalized)
Proposal line items (if parent quote is finalized)
Attributes of line items
The following information is not retained from the parent quote:
Activity history
Notes and Attachments
Whenever an account executive needs to have multiple draft options of the same quote or needs
to make changes (example, extend the quote expiry date) to a finalized quote before sending it out
to the customer, he/she can clone the quote with the line items and with or without the approval

You can Generate a quote when the Status of your Product Configuration records is
Saved or Ready For Finalization.

To clone an existing quote

1. Navigate to your existing quote.

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CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide
2. Click the Clone button.

3. Fill in the required details in the cloned quote and click Save.

When you clone a quote with its line items, a new quote is generated with a unique quote number
whose Status will be Draft and Configurations status will be Saved.
The table below details the changed behavior when you clone a Quote/Proposal:

Behavior in New version Behavior in Old version

A new custom setting Clone With No custom setting to control the cloning of Approval
Approval Status to alter the status of a Quote/Proposal.
Approval status of a cloned Quote

Approval is not triggered for the All the header and line item level fields, which satisfy the
header and line items which have entry criteria for approvals were re-evaluated for
already been approved in the approvals, irrespective of the approval status of the
previous Quote/Proposal unless you parent and related line items. All the values were blanked
make any change to the new cloned out and the value in the Approval Status was not carried
Quote/Proposal and click Save. forward to the cloned quote after cloning.
The values in the Approval Status
on the header and line item fields
are blanked out, except for the
Quote/Proposal which has Approval
Status as Approved.

In cases when the status of Quote/Proposal is Not Submitted, Pending for Approvals, Cancelled or
Rejected, its corresponding Approval Status is cleared while cloning. The Same rule applies for
line items. This indicates that you might want to trigger an approval request upon the newly cloned
To enable the above enhancement, go to All Tabs (+) > Admin and create a new entry with the
following details:

Field Description

Name Enter APTS_CloneWithApprovalStatus as the name of the entry.

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Field Description

Value True: Enter this value if you want to clone the value in the ApprovalStatus of an
approved Quote/Proposal in the newly cloned Quote/Proposal.
False: Enter this value if you do not want to carry forward the value of the
Approval Status in the newly cloned Quote/Proposal.

Creating Quick Quotes

You can use Quick Quote mode to quickly select numerous products from the product selection
page directly from an opportunity with just one click.
Quick Quote has enhanced search capabilities that include targeting standard and custom fields,
advanced search, automatic pre-filters, saved list views, and can be sorted. When you have a long
list of individual products, you can use the Select All function to select all individual products

Before you can create a quick quote, you must have an existing opportunity with a
price list associated to it.
Only auto-inclusion constraint rules can be used with Quick Quote. Other
constraint rules will be ignored.

To create a quick quote

1. Navigate to the Opportunities tab, select an existing opportunity, and click Create Quick
Quote. The product selection page is displayed with products from the price list associated
with that opportunity.
2. Select a product from the list and click Select.

3. Do one of the following:

To add more products, click Add More Products.

To add miscellaneous line items without any particular product, click Add
Miscellaneous Items.
To recalculate the pricing after making changes, click Reprice.

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To save the product configuration and return back to the quote/proposal page, click
To save your changes and continue pricing, click Quick Save.
To proceed to the final stage of configuration, click Review & Finalize.

Your quote is ready using the Quick Quote mode. Now, you can price, review, and finalize the
shopping cart and proceed to the quote process.

Including Product Footnotes in Proposal Documents

Product footnotes enable you to dynamically include static footnote content in your quote/proposal
documents, based on the products that are included in the quote.

To include product footnotes in Proposal documents

1. Login to X-Author Contracts, select the X-Author Templates tab and check out (or create a
new) a proposal document template.
2. Place the cursor in the template where you want the footnotes and click Insert Merge Fields
3. Select Lookup Fields, and then select Product Footnote Fields > Footnote > Text and
click Insert Field. The merge field is entered into the document template.
4. Click Check-In and ensure that Type is Proposal and that the selected Agreement Types
also match those of the proposals you will use the template with.

When you Finalize your shopping cart and subsequently Preview or Generate the proposal
document, you should see the text associated with the product footnotes — for the products
included in the Line Items — displayed in the document.

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Adding Products
The Quote creation process involves, product selection, configuring attributes, configuring options,
and pricing the products. Pricing can be done only after you have added products to the shopping
The Quote/Proposal detail page is the gateway to select and configure your products, and later
price and finalize them to generate a Quote/Proposal.
The Quote creation process comprises the following four steps:
Select- This stage of the process enables you to select products from the Catalog page.
You can select and add Standalone and Bundle products directly to the shopping cart or
choose to configure products that have attributes or options associated with it. While doing
this, you can also view the Product Summary by clicking a specific product, which lists the
Product Code, Product Description, and whether a product has attributes and options
associated with it.
Configure - On the Catalog page, if you choose to configure products, you can select
attributes from the Attributes page or select and options from the Options page.
Price - After you are done with your product selection or configuration, you can price them
on the Shopping Cart page.
Finalize - Once your cart is complete, you can finalize the cart and your quote is ready to be
Note: Depending on your profile or any other business use case set for your organization, when
you click Configure Products, you might view different versions of the following:
Catalog page, Attributes page, Options page, Cart page, and Assets page.
Action buttons like Next, Reprice, Save, and more.
Columns on the Cart page.
Searching a Product from the Catalog
The Catalog page enables you to select and configure products. This page allows multiple
ways to search and choose the product you are looking for.
Configuring a Product from the Catalog
If you have attributes and/or options associated with your products, you can configure them
from the Catalog page.

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Pricing Products
In the Pricing stage, you can price the selected products and apply adjustments such as
markup value, discounts, and more from the Cart page.
Finalizing Products
This is the final step before taking the finalized set of products and prices back to the Quote
Using Guided Selling
Guided Selling is a process that helps you to choose the product best fulfilling your
customer's needs. The goal of guided selling is to provide you a way to figure out which
product to sell to a customer.
Using Refine your Search
When you are selecting items from the Product Catalog, Refine Your Search enables you to
narrow the list of products to those that match your search filter questions.
Using the Product Comparison Feature
Product comparison allows you to compare features of multiple products on the catalog
page enabling you to narrow down to products that best fit your customer's need

Searching a Product from the Catalog

The Catalog page enables you to select and configure products. This page allows multiple ways to
search and choose the product you are looking for.
You can select products by using the Browse Catalog list, Browse, or the Search bar. When
using the search bar, you can search for a product across all categories, or for an individual
category by:
Product Code
Product Family
Product Description
Product Configuration Type
Category Names
The search works for all the products, even if the product is not associated with the category.
However, the products must have their respective Price List Items associated with a Quote.

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If Smart Search is enabled in your org, there will be typeahead results available while searching.
Note that the typeahead is case sensitive.
Note: If your smart search is using Azure, ensure that you search term does not contain hyphen (-
The sorting is done alphabetically. In the search bar, enter the desired product and click Search.
For a description of the product, click the icon.

As per the Salesforce limitation, the Text Search in the Search bar does not support
wildcards at the beginning of the search term. For example, there are 3 products in your
Catalog, namely Cat1_Product1, Cat1_Product2 and Cat2_Product4. If your Search Term
is *Product1, the search returns 0 result and if your search term is Cat1*, the search
returns 2 results (Cat1_Product1 and Cat1_Product2).

Based on your selection from any of the above-mentioned sections, the products are displayed in
the Product Catalog section in the center. You can use the refine your search feature to narrow the
list of products.

To search for a product from the catalog

1. You can search for a product by doing any of the following:

From the Browse Catalog list, select a category hierarchy you want to view.
From the Browse section, navigate to the category hierarchy for the desired product.
In the Search bar, type a category or product name and click Search.
Based on your selection, the products are displayed in the Product Catalog section. If you
have Refine Your Search configured, all the filter fields related to the selected category and
Search bar are displayed dynamically in the Refine Your Search section. The system
displays the products you search using the Search box, Refine Your Search, and Browse
Catalog feature collectively.
Proposal Locations are defined to distinguish differentiate the products as per your customer
locations. Depending on the Account and Proposal Locations defined for your Quote
/Proposal, the system displays products on the catalog page:
If no account is selected on Quote/Proposal, the system does not filter any product.
If an account is associated with your Quote/Proposal, the system return displays
account locations (in the drop-down list) which are associated to the Account.

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If no proposal locations are defined, the system filters the products based on the
account (previous 2 points).
If you have defined proposal locations on your Quote/Proposal, the system displays
only proposal locations in the drop-down list.
If you add a product to the cart after you defined a location, any product that is auto-
included through a constraint rule inherits the location you defined for the condition
2. You can further filter the product list by selecting the filter values from the Refine Your
Search section. These filter fields change dynamically based on your Category and Search
to further filter the products.

If you perform another search from Step 1, all your previous search selections are

3. You can also edit the quantity of your product if the quantity field is enabled. To view the
quantity field on the catalog page, the administrator must make appropriate settings.
4. From the Product Catalog section, to select a product and add it to the cart, click Add to Cart
next to it. The selected product is displayed in the Selected Products section on the right.

The product is added to the Selected Products panel on the right. If a product is configurable, you
can configure a product with multiple options or attributes.

Configuring a Product from the Catalog

If you have attributes and/or options associated to your products, you can configure them from the
Catalog page.
Configure Product Attributes - You can select and configure attributes for your products from the
Attributes page.
Configure Options for bundle product - You can select and configure options for your products from
the Options page.
If the system is configured such that you have to include one or more products along with your
regular product selection, you may view the following possibilities on the Catalog page and Options

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If there is only one product, it is auto-included automatically and you will see only the Addto
Cart button.

If there is an option to select only one product from a product group, you will see a radio
button next to each product and the AddtoCart button.
If there is an option to select multiple products, depending on the minimum/maximum
number of products set for your organization, you will see a checkbox next to each product
and the Addto Cart button. This enables you to select multiple products at once.

If no option products are visible due to Visibility rules configuration or different price
lists, and your administrator have set the minimum options as zero, the system
considers this configuration as invalid. Ensure that your administrator has set the
right configuration for the Min/Max option for an option group.
Apttus CPQ does not display a message when you hover over an option product
which is disabled on the configuration page. As a part of notification and error
handling, Apttus CPQ provides a defined Rule Messaging for exclusion rules. If
you run the exclusion rules successfully, no hover over message is displayed,
unlike in the case of inclusion rules where such messages are helpful for you to
make a decision about adding products to the cart.

To configure product attributes

1. You can select a product by doing any of the following:

From the Browse Catalog list, select a category hierarchy you want to view.
From the Browse section, navigate to the category hierarchy for the desired product.
In the Search bar, type a category or product name and click Search.
2. From the Product Catalog section, to configure attributes for a product, click Configure next
to it.
3. Configure the required attributes. You can search for attributes using the search bar next to
the bundle name. Type full or partial text and click Next or Previous or press Enter to
search the attribute. The search result is highlighted under the respective tab.
4. The following actions are available for you once you select the attributes.

Click Next. This button appears in case of bundled products where you may need to
configure or add additional products.
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Click Add More Products, to add additional products.
Click Remove Item, to remove a product.
Click Go to Pricing to price the product.
Click Validate to verify your configuration.
The values for an attribute can be driven by the numeric expression builder configured for
the selected product. While the constraint and pricing rules are processing in the system, the
Go to Pricing button is disabled on the Configuration page.

Based on your selected attributes, the system saves the product in your shopping cart.

On the Product Attribute Group Detail page, you can set the Two or Three Column
Display for the product attributes in order to view the configured attribute groups in
two or three column format.
Apttus CPQ displays a red border on the left when attributes are set required in the

Attribute Enhancements: Hidden Attributes

The CPQ Attributes feature is enhanced further to derive the price for a product from an attribute
without additional configurations to the Attribute Group for that attribute.
Consider a product Internet Plan, with three attributes - Internet Speed, Data Limit, and Package
Price. On configuring the product from the cart page, the user enters the value for Internet Speed
and Data Limit. Create an attribute Package Price, for which the value is calculated using the
formula Internet Speed * Data Limit using field expression builder. The Package Price attribute
value will not be shown to the user on the ProductAttributeDetail, ConfigureBundle, and
ConfigureOptions pages. The user can choose to derive the Base Price of the product Internet
Plan from the Package Price Attribute Value using the Default Price From field from the Default tab
of the Price List Item.
The attributes calculated using formula fields are hidden from the following pages:
Apttus_Config2__ProductAttributeDetail3- Attributes for Bundle or Standalone products
PageConfigureBundle page - Attributes for Options
SelectConfigOptionsDetailView- Attributes for Options shown in line with the option

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ConfigureOption page.

To configure bundle products

1. You can select a product by doing any of the following:

From the Browse Catalog list, select a category hierarchy you want to view.
From the Browse section, navigate to the category hierarchy for the desired product.
In the Search bar, type a category or product name and click Search.
2. From the Product Catalog section, to configure options for a product, click Configure next to
it. The selected product is displayed in the Selected Products section on the right and the
options page is displayed.
3. Select the options for your bundle. You can search for products using the search bar next to
the bundle name. Type full or partial text and click Next or Previous or press Enter to
search the product in various option group tabs. The search result is highlighted under the
respective tab.
4. The following actions are available for you once you select the options.

Click Add More Products, to add additional products.

Click Remove Item, to remove a product.
Click Go to Pricing to price the product.
Click Save to save your selected product for that quote.
Select Optional to consider a particular line item as an optional one.
The values in the Quantity field for options can be driven by the numeric expression builder
configured for the selected option.
The Save button is used in case you want to save your configuration before proceeding to
the attributes and cart page. For example, if you change the Quantity of the options
associated with your bundle product, you might want to save the configuration before moving
to the cart page.

The administrator must enable the search bar on the Configuration page. For more
information, refer to Configuring Config Page Settings.
Hidden options and attributes are not displayed in the search result.

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Configuring Optional Line Items

You can give a choice to the customers via the proposal if they want to mark the line item as not
required, but recommend these as part of the configuration. You can present these line items
separately in a proposal document or keep them as a part of the configuration. An important
aspect is that you can choose to price these line items separately or as part of the bundle
(applicable for option line items).
Marking a bundle as Optional enforces the sub-bundle and the option products below them as
optional line items by disabling the Is Optional checkbox. For such bundle products which are
marked as Optional, it is recommended to keep the option products as optional. Otherwise, the
system considers this as an incorrect configuration.
Note that the price of the “optional” options under bundle does not get added to the bundle price.
However, if the bundle itself is marked as “optional”, all the selected options under the bundle are
forced to be “optional” and the bundle does include the price of all the options. The bundle then is
not added to the totals to ensure that the quote total is not including the “optional” products.
Additionally, the required options cannot be made “optional” unless the whole bundle is marked
optional. You cannot mark an option as "optional" in the following two conditions:
If the option product is configured as Required.
If the option product belongs to an Option Group that has Min Options and Max Options set as 1.
The Validate button ensures that the constraint and pricing rules are processed for your products.
While the configurations are validated, the Go to Pricing button is disabled on the Configuration
page. Once validated, the Go to Pricing button is enabled .
After you click Go to Pricing, the Cart page is displayed.

You can clone a bundle within the same quote, make modifications, and use it as another bundle.
This feature enables you to clone a bundle with attributes, options, and pricing, make desired
changes and save it as another bundle.

Min-Max Messaging: On the product configuration page, when you make a selection of
options in the desired Option Group, Apttus CPQ displays the min-max messages guiding
you about how many options can be selected. For example, If you want to select X
number of options where options can be X to X+n (n=1,2,3...). Then you will see an
appropriate message for selecting those options from the desired Option Group.
Horizontal Scroll for Option Groups Tab : The Product Configuration page provides a
horizontal scroll bar when you have many option groups. You can see a single line of tabs
for option groups and for menus with many option groups, you can also see the
submenus with option groups being available for selection.
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Increased Threshold for Bundle Maintenance Job: You can run Bundle Maintenance
Job without failure when Apttus CPQhaslarge number of options validated with the
following scenarios.
10,000 options groups for the entire system
10,000 options in a given option group
2,000 option groups for a given bundle with an average of 3 to 5 options each

To clone a bundle within the same quote

You must have an existing bundle.

1. Select a bundle and click Validate. You can only clone a bundle.

2. Click (Copy icon).

3. You can configure the bundle or make the desired changes and click Validate.

You have created another bundle from an existing bundle. You can proceed to pricing.

To lock an option value

Ensure that field derives its quantity from an expression built using the field expression builder.

1. To lock an option quantity, navigate to the Option group, choose your option and select
Auto-Update Quantity.
2. On selecting the checkbox, a lock icon appears next to Quantity, when you configure your
Bundle from the Catalog Page. The user can click the lock icon next to an option, to ensure
that any updates to the field from which its value is derived does not affect the value set the
first time. For example, you can lock the quantity field for an option is populated based on
multiple attribute values using the field expression builder, once the user enters the attribute
value on the AttributeDetail3 page and clicks Next, the value for quantity is auto-populated.
3. Select the option and click the Lock icon.

4. Navigate back to the Attribute detail page and edit the attribute value and click Next. Notice
that the value of the Option does not change even though the attribute value has changed.

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If you skip any mandatory configurations, the status of your configuration is shown
as pending with a red exclamation mark on the Cart page. You must complete the
pending configurations in order to finalize the Cart.

If you have added any items by auto-inclusion rules, you cannot make them
When a product is added by rule that means AddedByRuleInfo__c field on the line item
has a value populated, Apttus CPQ does the following:
Clears "Is Optional" flag" if previously checked
Hides "Is Optional" field
Unchecks or disables "Is Optional" if line item "Is Required" flag is checked at the
Option Group level.

To select products from prompt

The prompt appears on the Catalog page when you add a product to the cart that cannot be sold
alone, but other specific products must be sold with that product. When you add such product,
Apttus CPQ requires you to select a minimum or a maximum number of products from the prompt
to add to the cart. The product listed in the prompt is based on the inclusion constraint rule defined
by the Administrator.
There are two types of prompt that appear on the Catalog page.
With checkboxes: In the prompt with checkboxes, select the checkbox against the product
you want to add to the cart and click Add to Cart. The Add to Cart button is not enabled
until you select at least a minimum number of products and the remaining products are
disabled when you have selected a maximum number of products. The prompt is closed
when you click Add to Cart.
Without checkboxes: In the prompt without checkboxes, you need to click Add to Cart
button against the products. After you click Add to Cart, the product is removed from the
prompt. When you select less than the maximum value, you have to manually close the
prompt because the prompt closes automatically only when the maximum number is

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Favorite Configurations on the Cart

A sales rep can use private and public favorite configuration for bundles and sub-bundles. Favorite
configuration enhances the product configuration and quoting process by providing the user an
ability to create, share, and import favorite configurations or its designs.

The Administrator must define proper access permissions for the sales rep to allow them
to use the Favorite feature. For more details refer to Defining Permissions for Favorite

Vertical industries in the quote to cash domain require a capability of favorite configurations. This
feature is useful for the following scenarios:
Speed up quoting process – you can save frequently configured solution, which is complex
in nature for its re-use at a later time.
Dynamic bundles – as a product manager, you have the ability to create, save and import a
saved configuration as a whole.

Saving your Favorite Configurations

As a sales rep, you can save the favorite configuration as a solution design, which includes
configuration and standalone components to the library. The saved configuration also includes the
products added through constraint rules and default options that are auto-included. The saved
configuration can then be re-used at a later time. You can add a favorite to the cart within the same
flow as you would add any other product from the catalog. Private configuration is saved to your
library so that you can re-use it at a later time. Product Manager or Sales Admin can set pre-
defined configuration for all users or group of users, making such configuration as Public
A button called Save as Favorite is available on the Cart to save the configuration for a particular
Quote/Proposal. When you click Save as Favorite, a pop-up dialog box is displayed. You can
customize the fields displayed this dialog box by using Favorite Configuration Settings. The
following table explains the different fields inside this dialog box.

Field Description


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Field Description

Enter a suitable name for your favorite configuration. This name is displayed as a
record under your Favorites category.

Scope Choose an option for the visibility of your configuration record. The available values
are, Public and Private. If you set this to Private, this record is visible to only the
owner of the record. If you set this to Public, this record is accessible to all the
users. The default value is Private.

This field is only visible when the administrator has given Read and Edit
access to the Profile. For more details refer to Defining Permissions for
Favorite Feature.

Description Enter details about your favorite configuration.

These favorite configurations are saved on Price Lists and can be used across multiple quotes.
The favorite configurations records are visible on the Catalog page only after you save your
favorite configuration record and reconfigure the Cart.

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Reusing your Favorite Configurations

As a sales rep, you can add saved a configuration to the quote. You can also add multiple
configurations. When you add a saved configuration to the quote, the system creates a copy of the
original design. This is useful in case if you want to edit the design on the quote without impacting
the original design.
After you have saved your favorite configurations for a particular Price List and have associated
this Price List with your Quote/Proposal, a separate category, named Favorites, containing your
favorite configurations is displayed on the Catalog page. The system creates a clone of the favorite
configuration records every time you associate the Price List with a Quote/Proposal. Ensure that
the primary charge type is same on both the price lists.

You can set your favorite category to be displayed first when you have multiple offerings,
using a custom setting Show Favorite as First Category. You can find this setting under
Config Select Products Settings Detail page. For more information, see Ordering Favorite
Category on the Catalog page in the Admin Guide.

Note that the rules (Constraint rules, Validation rules, and more) are carried forward in the cloned
favorite configuration records.
The favorite configuration records are also searchable like the normal products on the Catalog
page using All Favorites option from the Search drop-down list. While importing a favorite, you
can also control whether you want to include discounts to the cart or not. The price of the favorite
product is derived from the Price List associated with the Quote.

You can only import a Favorite Configuration when the Administrator has defined
appropriate access permissions for your profile. For more details refer to Defining
Permissions for Favorite Feature.

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For every favorite configuration record, Add to Cart action button along with the drop-down list
containing Exclude Adjustments, Delete and Publish buttons is displayed on the Catalog page.
Add to Cart – this will simply put all the cloned Line Items (including Options, Attributes,
and manual adjustments) of your favorite configuration record in the Cart.
Exclude Adjustments – this will fetch details of all the Line Items (including Options and
Attributes, excluding manual adjustments) and add them to the Cart. The manual
adjustments that you have applied to the original favorite configuration record are not
carried forward to the cloned favorite configuration record.
Delete – this will delete a favorite configuration record. This button is dependent on the
privacy defined for your favorite configurations . As a user, you can view all the public
configuration records and can delete only those records for which you are the record creator
or owner.
Publish – this will publish your favorite configuration record to another Price Lists. From the
Choose Price Lists dialog box, you must select the price lists to which you want to publish
your favorite configuration record. You can publish a favorite configuration record using the
Publish button on your favorite configuration record in Salesforce also. Once published, this
record shows up under your Favorites category of the Quote/Proposals that use the price
lists containing these favorite configuration records.

You can Publish functionality in Favorite Configuration when the Administrator

has defined Create access permissions for your profile. For more details refer to
Defining Permissions for Favorite Feature.

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You can control the fields displayed in the pop-up dialog box when you click the Product Name on
the Catalog page. Similar to custom settings defined for normal products, you can create a
separate record under Object Summary Settings for the favorite configuration record.
Name the new record as Favorite Configuration and select FavoriteConfiguration__c as the Object
Name. Refer to Object Summary Settings in the admin guide.

Multiple Adjustments Using Favorite Configuration

You can configure and add a product to the cart and then apply price adjustments to it.
Save this product configuration as Favorite on the cart. Hence, next time you can
leverage the favorite configuration to add multiple adjustments to products in the cart.
This helps you save time and expedite the process of applying price adjustments using
the Favorites on the Product Catalog page.

Providing Ability to Add Multiple Favorites with a Single Click

Apttus CPQ provides you an ability to add multiple favorite product configurations to the cart with a
single click.
On the Catalog page, if you click Add to cart for any of the Favorites, Apttus CPQ disables the
Add to cart button for all the available favorites and enables them back when you complete pricing

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Pricing Products
In the Pricing stage, you can price the selected products and apply adjustments such as markup
value, discounts, and more from the Cart page.
You can choose to view the cart in the normal UI or grid UI. The functionality and buttons remain
the same, only the orientation and spacing of columns and buttons are different in both the UI.
You can perform the following actions:
Add More Products: Return to the Catalog page to add more products.
Installed Products: Select products from a list of products that have been purchased and
associated with the account associated with the proposal. This enables you to select
products directly that are previously purchased by the account.
Add Miscellaneous Item: Add any miscellaneous charges that are not SKU related such
as shipping charges or sales tax to the quote.
Reprice: To recalculate the manual pricing adjustments.
Review & Finalize: Proceed to the final stage of configuration.
Save: Saves and changes the status to Saved, if status did not equal to Saved, Pending
Approval or Ready for Finalization. You may return to the specified return URL or proposal
object. For example, if you came to arrive on the cart from the Opportunity, the system will
return to the Opportunities page.
Quick Save: Saves and changes status to Saved if status did not equal to Saved, Pending
Approval or Ready for Finalization. You stay on the same page
Save & Reload: Saves and changes status to Saved if status did not equal to Saved,
Pending Approval or Ready for Finalization. Reloads the Cart by re-querying the Product
Configuration and setting the cart to show the first page, by doing this it runs Pricing.
Edit Price Agreement: Enables you to add and set prices for a product that are associated
with your contract. When you renew or regenerate a catalog from your contract the defined
price agreement prices are applicable.
Key fields in the Summary tab and their description:

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Fields Description

Actions You can see the one or more of the following icons:
Click Configure to configure a bundle option within a bundle. This
offers increased control over product selection, as well as making it
easier to select products as selecting one bundle full of products can
replace having to select those products separately.
Click Copy to clone a bundle with attributes, options, and pricing and
make modifications as needed and save it as another bundle.
Click Remove to remove a product from your current selection.

Totaling Group The group used for a line item in the Totals view.

Product The selected product.

Charge Type The relevant charge type for a product. A product can have multiple charge
types such as License Fees, Implementation Fees, and more.

Base Price The base, or starting price of a product. This is the List Price with any line
item automatic adjustments applied.

Option Price The sum of all option prices chosen if this is a bundle product.

Quantity The quantity of product being quoted.

UOM Unit of measure for the quantity field. Set up by the System Administrator per
product/charge type.

Term The selling term of the product, measured in Months, Days, Years etc.

Frequency Whether the charge is One Time, Recurring, or Usage.

Extended Price Base plus Option Price multiplied by Quantity and Term. (Base Price *
Quantity * Term)

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Fields Description

Adjustment Values for manual adjustments whether you want to apply discount or markup
Type on the price.

Location The location in which the said product will be available and delivered.

Adjustment Field to enter the amount or percentage of manual adjustment.


Adjusted Price Extended Price with any manual adjustments applied.

Renewal Specifies the type of renewal you want to apply for an asset during renewal.
Adjustment Values are: %Uplift and Uplift Amount. Applying any value here shows the
Type effect on asset renewal only.
Ensure that you have an active Workflow executing asset pricing, else the
price change will not appear in the Cart.

Renewal Specifies the actual amount of the value you have chosen in Renewal
Adjustment Adjustment Type. This amount is applicable when you renew an asset.
Ensure that you have an active Workflow executing asset pricing, else the
price change will not appear in the Cart.

Guidance Specifies the percentage range within which you can adjust the amount. This
amount can be the amount range by which a product can be marked up or

Net Price Adjusted price with any category level adjustments applied.

Is Optional Indicates if your line item is an optional one. This column works only when
you have set Enable Optional Items to true in System Properties. Refer to
System Properties topic for details.

Is Optional Indicates if the price of the optional line item should roll up at the bundle level.
Rollup Line This column works only when you have set Enable Optional Items to true in
System Properties. Refer to System Properties topic for details.

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Allocate Group Indicates if the line item is eligible for group adjustments. Set this to true
Adjustment when you want to allow group adjustments to be applied at the line item level
also. Set this to false to lock a line item record and prevent manual and group
adjustments. This functionality is helpful when your cart has many products
and you want to prevent the sales representative from applying mass
adjustments to certain products that are approved by your Sales Head. For
such scenarios, you can lock these products on the cart.

The Show Duration link is for advanced functionality related to Pro-ration and co-termination of
recurring charges. If this is setup for a price list item, then you can charge in a different frequency
from what the price list item is defined in and set Start and End Dates and a Term. For example, a
price list item may be a recurring yearly charge but on this quote, you may wish to charge only for
6 months.
In the Shopping Cart section, the price line items are further broken out to reflect pricing for any
options associated with the bundle product.
The Totals section shows all Totals by product category and a Grand Total sum of one time plus
recurring charges. The Totals tab also allows for a discount or markup to applied to a category as
a whole and rolled down to the individual line items in that category. The system distributes the
adjustments uniformly across each line item. If any automatic summary adjustments have been
configured, they will also appear in this view.
Proposal Locations are defined to distinguish differentiate the products as per your customer
On the cart page,
• The location drop-down list displays all the account and proposal locations.
• If your system admin has created any lookup filter criteria, the system follows the criteria and
filters the locations accordingly.

To price a product on the shopping cart

You can edit any field for an added product on the cart only if the administrator has set requisite
permissions for the CartDetailView page.

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1. In the Quantity column, you can change the quantity for a product. The values in the
Quantity column for a product can be driven by the numeric expression builder configured for
the selected product. You can click Reprice link individually to enable the system to
recalculate the price considering the new quantity.

2. In the SellingTerm column, you can enter a number to specify the term duration during
which the product is sold.
3. In the Frequency column, you can select a frequency type. The frequency type is displayed
for recurring charges.
4. From the Adjustment Type, you can select one of the following and enter a numeric value
in the Adjustment Amount column:

Option Description

% Discount Select this and enter a discount percentage in the Adjustment

Amount column. For example: If you enter 10 in the Adjustment
Amount column, this implies that you want to give a discount of 10%.

Discount Amount Select this and enter a flat discount amount in the Adjustment
Amount column.

% Markup Select this and enter a markup percentage in the Adjustment

Amount column. For example: If you enter 10 in the Adjustment
Amount column, this implies that you want to markup the price by

Markup Amount Select this and enter a flat markup amount in the Adjustment
Amount column.

Price Override Select this and enter an amount in the Adjustment Amount column.
The amount you enter overrides the net price of the product.

Base Price Select this and enter an amount in the AdjustmentAmount column.
Override The amount you enter overrides the base price of the product and all
the other calculations on the product would happen based on the new
base price. Allow Manual Adjustment must be selected on the
product line item, in order to make Base Price Override editable.

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Option Description

% Discount Off This is similar to % Discount; except it calculates the discount amount
List always on List Price of a Bundle and applies to Extended Price.

The option % Discount off List is not available by default.

The administrator must add the value to the Adjustment
Type field in the Line Item object. For more information refer
to Multiple Adjustments at the Line Item.

% Uplift This gets applied every time to products that are added from the

Price Factor Select this and enter an amount in the Adjustment Amount column.
The amount you enter gets multiplied by the Extended Price to
calculate the new Net Price.

Base Price Indicates that the adjustment amount is reduced from the Base Price.

Base Price Indicates that the adjustment amount is added to the Base Price.

% Discount Select this and enter a discount percentage in the Adjustment

(Bundle Only) Amount column. The value you enter applies a discount on the
bundle without applying that same adjustment on the options within
the bundle.

Discount Select this and enter a flat discount amount in the Adjustment
Amount (Bundle Amount column. The amount you enter applies a discount on the
Only) bundle without applying that same adjustment on the options within
the bundle.

% Uplift (Bundle

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Option Description

Select this and enter an uplift discount percentage in the Adjustment

Amount column. The value you enter applies an uplift to the bundle
every time a product is added from the Asset.

% Markup Select this and enter a markup percentage in the Adjustment

(Bundle Only) Amount column. The value you enter applies a markup on the bundle
without applying that same adjustment on the options within the

Markup Amount Select this and enter a flat markup amount in the Adjustment
(Bundle Only) Amount column. The amount you enter applies a markup on the
bundle without applying that same adjustment on the options within
the bundle.

Price Override Select this and enter an amount in the Adjustment Amount column.
(Bundle Only) The amount you enter overrides the net price of the bundle without
applying that same adjustment on the options within the bundle.

Price Factor Select this and enter an amount in the AdjustmentAmount column.
(Bundle Only) The amount you enter is multiplied with the Extended Price to
calculate the new Net Price of the bundle.

% Discount Select this and enter a discount effective percentage in the

Effective Adjustment Amount column. The value you enter applies a discount
on the bundle or total so that the Net Adjustment % on the Bundle or
Total is set to the user requested value.
This adjustment type is applicable when the following requirements
are fulfilled:
Group Adjustment Spread is set to True.
Max Adjustment Line must be blank or 1.
Bundle price must be zero.

% Markup

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Option Description

Select this and enter a discount effective percentage in the

Adjustment Amount column. The value you enter applies a markup
on the bundle or total so that the Net Adjustment % on the Bundle or
Total is set to the user requested value.
This adjustment type is applicable when the following requirements
are fulfilled:
Group Adjustment Spread is set to True.
Max Adjustment Line must be blank or 1.
Bundle price must be zero.

Price Factor Select this and enter an amount in the Adjustment Amount column.
Effective The amount you enter is multiplied with the Extended Price to
calculate the new Net Price of the bundle or total so that the Net
Adjustment % on the Bundle or Total is set to the user requested
This adjustment type is applicable when the following requirements
are fulfilled:
Group Adjustment Spread is set to True.
Max Adjustment Line must be blank or 1.
Bundle price must be zero.

5. Click the Details tab. In this view, the price line items are further expanded to reflect pricing
for any options associated to bundle products. You can make changes as per your
6. Click the Totals tab. This view shows all Totals by product category and a Grand Total sum
of one time plus recurring charges. The Totals tab also allows for a discount or markup to
applied to a category as a whole and rolled down to the individual line items in that category.
The system distributes the adjustments uniformly across each line item. If any automatic
summary adjustments have been configured, they will also appear in this view.
7. Do one of the following:

To reprice all the parameters such as a change in the quantity, term, frequency, and
any other custom field, click Reprice All.
To apply all the adjustments you made on the shopping cart, click Apply All
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All your selected products are priced with the desired parameters.

On the configuration page, you can observe the See Price in Cart link for the
option product. When you click on that link, you notice that for the free item,
Included with bundle text is displayed as a price value.
For single or multiple price list items of the option products, the See Price in Cart
link pops out well-aligned table for the prices of the corresponding products.
You can see the carrot icon when the option has multiple charges of multiple
charge types.
You can see "Included in Price" when the option has a single charge, and it is
included in the price of the bundle.
You can see the pop-up for the charge types when you click See Price in Cart.
On the product options screen during product configuration, you can see prices
against the options and when you expand the arrow against the options a list of
prices displays.
In the multi-adjustment pop-up, when you apply % Discount, Apttus CPQ applies
the Discount Amount to the Base Price after multiplying it with Quantity and
Selling Term of the bundle product.

You can review the products and prices configured for your quote one last time before returning to
the Quote/Proposal page.
Creating a Price Ramp for a Product
You can create a price ramp for a bundle product or for an option inside the bundle. You
can create ramp lines to spread across time periods and add new ramp lines, create user
ramps where from one period to the next the quantity (number of users) increases (user
count/quantity ramp), and also create revenue ramps where from one period to the next the
level of revenue commitment increases (total price/override ramp).
Defining Tiered Pricing
Tiered pricing is used to establish rates for a future usage. There is no pricing until you
know the future usage.

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Editing a Price Agreement

After product selection and configuration, you are redirected to the Shopping Cart page. The
Edit Price Agreement button enables you to add and set prices for a product that is to be
associated with your contract. When you renew your contract or regenerate a contract, the
defined price agreement prices are applicable.

Contract Pricing
Contract Pricing in CPQ enables you to store contracted prices in the system. When a quote
is created in CPQ, the quote price is determined by looking up the price defined in the

Bucket Adjustments
A bucket (field on Adjustment Line Item object) serves as a container for the adjustments that a
sales representative applies on a line item in the cart. The final value after applying the
adjustments within the same bucket is stored in a field called Running Total.
You can group the adjustments in buckets. Adjustments in the same buckets are applied to the
same starting price and the results form the running total price points. With bucket adjustments,
you support cascading pricing discounts by controlling if you want to apply the discounts on the
previous or starting price of the Line Item. The adjustments that fall under the first bucket are
applied to the starting price. Subsequent bucket adjustments are applied on the adjusted price in
the previous bucket, which is Running Total (Adjusted Price).

You can apply bucket adjustments when the Administrator has enabled the Enable
Adjustment Buckets checkbox in Config System Properties.

If Bucket field value is null, a sales representative must choose between the starting price, from
bucket 2 to the running total and the previous price. The pricing engine performs the following
sequential tasks:

1. Applies the manual adjustments from bucket 1 to the starting price.

2. Applies the price from bucket 2 to the running total that is the result of calculating bucket 1
3. Applies bucket 3 to the running total of bucket 2 adjustments.

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The same calculation logic applies to subsequent buckets. Numbered buckets are processed
before null buckets.

Use Case 1: Applying Bucket Adjustments

Description: This use case describes how you can apply adjustment buckets on a line item in the
cart page. You might use this functionality differently, depending on your business case.
Bucket adjustments help you control at which point you want to apply the adjustments in a
cascaded adjustment cycle.
Suppose you are a sales representative and you want to provide cascading price discounts to a
product. You have three categories of discounts you can provide. The first category is called
“Valued Customer Discounts”, the second category is called “Marketing Incentives”, and the third
category is called “Seasonal Promotions”. For each of the category, you want to provide multiple
discounts, being either % based or an amount based. This is also to incentivize the user to make
an immediate purchase.
In this case, you can apply three buckets, each representing a category. In each bucket, you can
define one or multiple % based discounts, one or multiple amount-based discounts.
Bucket 1: Valued Customer Discounts (VCD)

1. 5% off

Bucket 2: Marketing Incentives (MI)

1. $20 off

2. 10% off

Bucket 3: Seasonal Promotions (SP)

1. Type One: $100 off

2. Type Two: 5% off

3. Type Three: 2% off

4. Type Four: $50 off

If the starting price is $1000, the calculation works as depicted in the graph below:

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To apply bucket adjustments on line items in the cart

Prerequisite: You must have selected Enable Adjustment Buckets custom setting and defined a
numeric value in Max Adjustment Lines custom setting.

1. Navigate to the cart.

2. For any line item in the cart, click the dollar icon ( ). The Adjust Price for <Product Name>
<Charge Type> dialog box is displayed.
3. Enter the following details.

a. Type: Select the type of adjustment.

b. Bucket: Select the adjustment bucket.

c. Adjustment Applies To: Select the price to which this adjustment applies.

Starting Price: Select this option to apply adjustments on the starting price.
Previous Price: Select this option to apply adjustments on the adjusted price of
the previous bucket.
Bucket <number>: Select this option to apply adjustments on the adjusted
price of a specific bucket. Buckets configured by your administrator are listed
here; b y default, you are allowed to apply 10 buckets.
d. Adjustment Type: Select the type of adjustment.

e. Adjustment Amount: Enter the adjustment amount.

4. Click Add another adjustment to add one more adjustment and enter the details as in Step
3. Depending on your requirement, you can select a bucket for multiple adjustments.
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5. Click Save .

Result: Bucket Adjustments are applied for the selected line item in your cart.

If you select a bucket that was not applied in any previous adjustments in the Adjustment
Applies To column, the adjustment is automatically applied on the preceding bucket. If
there is no preceding bucket then the adjustment is applied on the Starting Price.

Use Case 2: Applying Unit Level Discounts

You can apply the unit level discount on the line item level, adjustment line item level, or
adjustment line items with different UoM (Unit of Measure) level. For instance, case: 10 Each
(Frequency/UoM). For details, refer to Unit of Measure (UoM) Setup and Conversion in CPQ on
Salesforce Administrator Guide.
On the cart in the multi-adjustment pop-up, when you apply % Discount, Apttus CPQ applies the
Discount Amount to the Base Price after multiplying it with Quantity and Selling Term of the
bundle product.

You must select the custom setting Enable Base Price Adjustment in the System
Properties > Price Settings in order to reprice the line item.

Scenario 1: On Line Item

List Base Quantity UoM Extended Adjustme Discount Adjusted

Price Price Price nt Type Amount Price

$100 $100 5 Each $500 Base 10 $450


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Scenario 2: On Adjustment Line Item

List Base Quan UoM Exte Adju Buck Adju Adju Amo UoM Net Unit
Price Price tity nded sted et stme stme unt Price Level
Price Price nt nt of Price
Appli Type Bund
es le

$100 $100 5 Each $500 $350 Buck Starti Disco 10% Each $50
et 1 ng unt
Price %

Buck Starti Disco $50 Each $400 $50

et 1 ng unt

Buck Buck Base $10 Each $350 $80

et 2 et 1 Price

Scenario 3: On Adjustment Line Item with Different UoM

List Base Quan UoM Exte Adju Buck Adju Adju Amo UoM Net Unit
Price Price tity nded sted et stme stme unt Price Level
Price Price nt nt of Price
Appli Type Bund
es le

$100 $100 5 Each $500 $395 Buck Starti Disco 10% Each $50
et 1 ng unt
Price %

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List Base Quan UoM Exte Adju Buck Adju Adju Amo UoM Net Unit
Price Price tity nded sted et stme stme unt Price Level
Price Price nt nt of Price
Appli Type Bund
es le

Buck Starti Disco $50 Each $400 $50

et 1 ng unt

Buck Buck Base $10 Case $350 $80

et 2 et 1 Price

$1 Each $395 $79

On the Bucket 2, Apttus CPQ calculates the price after discount based on the UoM for each unit .
For instance, $1 discount is applied for 5 option products, which in turn adjusted the net price of
bundle to $395 and unit level price $79.

If you have applied an adjustment on the promotion, an adjustment line is created and the
discount is provided appropriately.

Creating a Price Ramp for a Product

You can create a price ramp for a bundle product or for an option inside the bundle. You can
create ramp lines to spread across time periods and add new ramp lines, create user ramps where
from one period to the next the quantity (the number of users) increases (user count/quantity
ramp), and also create revenue ramps where from one period to the next the level of revenue
commitment increases (total price/override ramp).
While creating ramps the start date, end date and quantity are required fields. Ensure that the
dates must not overlap between ramps.

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You cannot create ramps and tiers both for an option.

In this section:
Creating the Price Ramp on the Pricing Cart Page

Creating the Price Ramp on the Cart Page

On the Cart page, you can create price ramps for the products by following the steps mentioned
Before you Begin
The administrator must enable Enable Price Ramp setting in the price list item.

To create the price ramp on the pricing cart page

On the cart page.

1. Click the ramp icon( ) on a line item. A ramp pop-up is displayed.

2. Specify the price ramps for a product as described below. The options in the list depend
upon the columns defined in the Display Column Settings.

Option Description

Add Click the add icon to add new ramps.

Quantity Displays and allows you to specify the quantity of the selected product
for a level in the price ramp.

Selling Term Displays and allows you to specify the selling term.

Selling Displays or allows you to define the usage period for a level in the price
Frequency ramp for the selected product by specifying its term and the type of

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Option Description

Extended Price Displays the selected products extended price.

Adjustment Displays or allows you to specify the adjustment type for a level in the
Type price ramp for the selected product.

Adjustment Displays or allows you to specify the adjustment amount for a level in
Amount the price ramp for the selected product.

Start Date Displays and allows you to specify the starting date of the usage period
for a level in the price ramp for the selected product.
Note: Start Date must be before Ending Date.

End Date Displays and allows you to specify the ending date of the usage period
for a level in the price ramp for the selected product.

Status Displays the status. A red X icon is displayed to indicate an issue.

Remove Click the remove icon to the remove the selected ramp.

3. Click Save.

The Apttus CPQ automatically enables price ramp on the second charge type, when price
ramp is enabled for the first charge type on the cart page. You will observe such behavior
in case if your administrator has selected Enable Auto Ramp Creation while configuring
the price list item for the product.

If the ramp is on a bundle or standalone product, each ramp line becomes a line in the cart.
In case you defined more than one ramp line for a bundle and its options, if you change the
quantity of the bundle in the primary ramp line, the primary ramp line of the options is automatically
updated. You need to update the non-primary ramp lines of the options manually. This is true when
Enable Auto Ramp and Auto Cascading are enabled.

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Please note that if you have selected a custom frequency, you see the following limitation:
Option Price of Option ramp line is not added to the respective bundle.
Selling Term is not calculated as per the Start Date and End Date.
Canceling a ramp line during change operation creates multiple lines.
A maximum of 50 ramp lines can be created in the current release.

Defining Tiered Pricing

Tiered pricing is used to establish rates for a future usage. There is no pricing until you know the
future usage.
Here is an example: In a cell phone plan, you are quoted possibly a tiered plan of $/minute for
various blocks of time that you agree to pay. At the end of the billing cycle, the carrier will use the
tier to determine the actual rate to apply to the minutes consumed and present you the bill for
payment. At the time of quoting, only the rate is established.
If you have defined price matrices, the tiered pricing for a product is inherited from there. If you
make any adjustments on the line item that has a tiered rate defined, the adjustments apply to
tiered rate and also affect the price matrices.

You cannot create ramps and tiers both for an option.

To define tiers
1. Select a product on the options/configuration page. The tiers table appears below the
selected product.
2. Type a mandatory Tier Start Value and Tier End Value. Ensure that the start and end
values do not overlap. For example, the range must be 0-100, 101-200, and so on.
3. Type a mandatory Usage Rate.

4. To add more tier lines, click the or icon, and select Add.

A new tier line is added in the tiers table.

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Sub totaling by group in the Cart

A product group is a high-level grouping of the products. Product groups enable you to categorize
the products which are displayed on the cart page. When you select the group level check box,
Apttus CPQ auto selects all the products in the group and allows you to select line items and
perform actions such as Copy, Remove From Cart, and Mass Update. You must specify the API
names in the Config System Properties > Manage> System Properties > GroupBy Fields in
the admin guide . These line item fields can be of the Lookup, Text, and Formula types.
Viewing subtotal at the group by cart level: You can view the subtotals of the cart by a group,
so that you can make decisions while applying adjustments at the group line item. When you view
a cart by the group, you see the relevant sub totals as separate line items. Group by subtotal has
the similar columns as Cart Line Item display columns.

Applying Promotions on the Products in the Shopping Cart

Out of the 2 options available to apply promotions in the new release, you can either apply the
promo code on the cart page or the system applies the promotion once your criteria is met.
PULL promotion: You can manually view the available promo codes and apply one or more
promo codes to your line item (product level) and to the entire cart.
PUSH promotion: This type of promotion is applied to your line items (products) or to your entire
cart when the entry criteria for the promotion is met for the selected products and the entire cart.
The system automatically updates your pricing for respective products or cart, depending on the
promotion applied.

To manually apply a promo code on the Shopping Cart

You must have a cart that contains products for which you can apply promo codes. CPQ enables
you to apply or remove promotions or coupons on line items individually or on multiple line items
together (mass application). Promotions and coupon applications must be mutually exclusive.
After coupons are generated from a promotion, the Apply Promotions dialog box does not list the
promotion. This forces the user to enter the coupon code to apply coupons instead. Only the
coupons that have not reached the usage limits are displayed. When the user enters a coupon, it is
stored on the Product Configuration object under the Coupon Code field.

The Apply Promotions and Remove Promotions buttons are visible only when you
select line items.
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Applying Promotions or Coupons

1. Navigate to the cart.

2. Select the required line items and click Apply Promotions. The Apply Promotions/Coupons
window is displayed.
Select a single line item to apply one or more promotions or coupons on it.
Select multiple line items to apply promotions or coupons together (mass application).
Select all items to apply promotions or coupons at the cart level.
3. On the Promotions tab:

a. Select the required promotions. You can also search promotions.

b. To remove any existing promotion, deselect the checkbox next to the promotion. This
is possible when only one promotion is applied on the line item.
4. On the Coupons tab:

a. Select the required coupons. You can also search coupons.

b. To remove any existing coupon, deselect the checkbox next to the coupon. This is
possible when only one coupon is applied on the line item.
5. Click Apply.

You can click Apply Promotions on Totals to apply promotions on the total amount on
the cart.

Removing Promotions or Coupons

1. Navigate to the cart.

2. Select the required line items and click Remove Promotions. The Remove Promotions
/Coupons window is displayed.
Select a single line item to remove one or all promotions or coupons applied on it.
Select multiple line items to remove promotions or coupons together (mass removal).
When you select multiple line items, only those promotions or coupons that are
common can be removed.

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Select all items to remove promotions or coupons at the cart level. When you all line
items, only those promotions or coupons that are applied at the cart level can be
3. On the Promotions tab, select the required promotions. You can also search promotions.

4. On the Coupons tab, select the required coupons. You can also search promotions.

5. Click Remove.

The pricing on the cart is updated automatically to include the benefits of the promotions you
apply. The Incentive Adjustment Amount denotes the adjustment amount which is applied using
the promo code.
After applying promotions on your cart, you can now proceed to add more products or save and
finalize the cart.

Editing a Price Agreement

After product selection and configuration, you are redirected to the Shopping Cart page. The Edit
Price Agreement button enables you to add and set prices for a product that are to be associated
with your contract. When you renew your contract or regenerate a contract the defined price
agreement prices are applicable.

To edit a price agreement

1. On the Shopping Cart page, click Edit Price Agreement.

2. Click Add More Products to add products the contract.

3. Select the products from the list and click OK. You can also search for the product using
Product Name, Product Code, or Product family.
4. Specify the quantity range for the product in the From and To fields. To define product
quantity ranges, such as 1-20, 21-50, click +.
5. Specify the Start and End Date ranges during which the product is valid.

6. Specify the Unit Price, Flat Price, and adjustments if any for a specific quantity range.

7. Click Save.

After you finalize the agreement and are redirected to your contract, the price agreement that you
save will be associated with your contract as the new Price List.

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Contract Pricing
Contract Pricing in CPQ enables you to store contracted prices in the system. When a quote is
created in CPQ, the quote price is determined by looking up the price defined in the Contract.
Contract price list is a subset of the standard price list. This implies that when the same product is
defined in multiple contract price lists, the former contract takes precedence. Contract Pricing is
supported for standalone and bundles. Contract Pricing for Options is supported provided options
are defined in the same contract price list as the bundle. Options cannot be in a different price list.
Options inherit the contract price list from the bundle.

To select a contract pricing list

You must have an existing contract pricing list.

1. Navigate to the Proposals tab and select a proposal.

2. From Configure (Contract Pricing), click Configure Products.

You have selected to configure products having contract pricing.

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Finalizing Products
This is the final step before taking the finalized set of products and prices back to the Quote
You can review the cart and its pricing and if you are satisfied with the configuration and pricing,
you can finalize the cart.

To finalize the cart

You must click the Reprice button to accept any pending changes in pricing. You must also
resolve any validation errors that may appear due to validation rules.

1. On the Cart page, click Review and Finalize.

The Review and Finalize button on the Cart page keeps you on the same page
without finalizing the configuration. This feature has been deprecated.

2. To confirm the product configuration and pricing, and return to the Quote/Proposal detail
page, click Finalize.

The Quote/Proposal page appears with all the product configuration and pricing information.
If your product contains Usage Tiers and Attributes, there might be a delay for the system to create
these records while you land on the Quote/Proposal page. You must wait for the system to finalize
the configurations before going for document generation or asset creation.
After the quote is finalized, the quote/proposal page appears. If any workflow processes have been
setup to trigger approvals based on criteria, they will typically occur at this point, and the Approval
Stage inside the Quote/Proposal record will be set to Approval Required. As soon as the
Approval Stage changes, the Submit for Approval button becomes available and you can submit
the Quote for approval to management if any approval processes have been configured. Once
approved, the Quote/Proposal is generated and presented.

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Re-validating the Product Configuration

You can re-validate your saved quote for the product structure changes. Saved quote created in
the past might have a product for which structure or rule has been changed. This can affect the
validity of such quote when you re-open the configuration. Re-validation includes changes to the
product structure, such as addition or deletion of options.

To re-validate the cart

1. When you click Revalidate on the Cart page, a popup is displayed in which you see the
products whose structure is changed.
2. Do one of the following:

a. Click Apply to accept the changes. Products whose structure is changed will be
marked as Pending Configuration and you must reconfigure such product before
b. Click Cancel to proceed with the previous structure of the product.

You see the Revalidate button on the previously saved Cart page when the Admin has made
changes to the Product Configuration and has updated the Version field of the product.

When you click Revalidate, Apttus CPQ shows No records to display a message in case
if there is no change in the product structure.

Displaying revalidation messages

When a price list item for the bundle or options is revalidated, the system warns you with the
message that some items may get changed upon revalidation.
A system displays the following revalidation messages based on the business scenarios.
For example,
When an optional product is removed from a bundle, the system shows the message:
"Product Structure for the following product(s) has changed. Do you
want to revalidate the product(s)?"

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When a line item is expired, the system shows the message:

"The following line items have invalid price list items. During
revalidation, some items in the cart may change or be removed."

When a version is changed in the quote, the system shows the message:
"Some items in the cart may have changed. Please revalidate the

For more information, see Field Set Settings in the admin guide.

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Finalizing Quotes
Generating and Presenting a Quote/Proposal
Quote Lifecycle Collaboration
Accepting a Quote/Proposal

Generating and Presenting a Quote/Proposal

Auto-Synching Cart Line Items to a Quote
When Auto-sync is turned on, the system does validate for errors and auto-syncs the cart
lines with the Proposal Lines.
Generating a Quote/Proposal
This scenario guides you to generate a Quote/Proposal document based on the information
you provided.
Presenting a Quote/Proposal
After generating a proposal document, it is presented to the trading partner. The system
sends an email with the generated Quote attached.
Reprice Quote
Use the Reprice Quote feature to reprice all the parameters with a single click from the
Quote/Proposal page.
Analyse Quote
Use the Analyse Quote feature to examine the price waterfall chart and understand the
product cost breakdown.

Auto-Synching Cart Line Items to a Quote

When Auto-sync is turned on, the system does validate for errors and auto-syncs the cart lines
with the Proposal Lines. You can view the synced line items in the Quote/Proposal detail page
under the Line Items related list. Auto-sync is done when following conditions are satisfied:
No error produced by validation callback
No Constraint Rules error
No line items in price pending state
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No Must Configure product is in configuration pending state

Generating a Quote/Proposal
This scenario guides you to generate a Quote/Proposal document based on the information you
After the quote is finalized, and if any approval processes have been configured in your
organization, the Approval Stage changes to Approval Required. As soon as the Approval Stage
changes, the Submit for Approval button becomes available and you can submit the Quote for
approval to management. For an overview of the various Approval stages, see Glossary of Apttus
Approval Stages.
After the quote is approved by an approver, the Approval Stage changes to Approved. You can
now generate a proposal document to present to a trading partner. When you initiate the Generate
action, a screen appears allowing you to select additional information about the document to be
generated. Additionally, if document protection has been enabled, a document can be generated
with the appropriate protection options.

To generate a proposal document

You must ensure that the Approval Stage is Approved.

1. Click Generate to generate a Proposal document.

2. From Options > 1. Select Output Format, select one of the following formats:

DOC: To generate an MS Word document.

RTF: To generate a proposal document in Rich Text Format.
PDF: To generate a PDF protected proposal document.
3. To include a watermark across the document, select Include Watermark.

4. Select a template from the list, and click Generate.

The proposal document is generated and can be found in the Notes and Attachments related list.
The proposal document is automatically attached to the Quote and can be viewed via the View
action link. The Approval Stage changes to Generated.
You can now present the quote you generated.

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Presenting a Quote/Proposal
After generating a proposal document, it is presented to the trading partner. The system sends an
email with the generated Quote attached.
If the email is sent, the Approval Stage will be automatically be set to Presented. If you prefer to
print or present the Quote a different way, you can manually set the Approval Stage to Presented.

To present a quote/proposal
The Approval Stage must be in Generated stage.

1. Click Present. The Present Proposal page appears.

2. Select the proposal document to be attached and click Next. The Send an Email page
3. Enter details as you would for an email and click Send. A confirmation popup appears. For
more information on email templates and defining custom email templates, see Managing
Email Templates. You can select an email template, attach additional files, and perform a
spell check before sending an email. The system will prompt whether the email was sent.
4. Click Yes.

The email is sent and the Approval Stage status changes to Presented. The Accept button is
After the quote has been accepted by the trading partner, click the Accept button.

Reprice Quote
Use the Reprice Quote feature to reprice all the parameters with a single click from the Quote
/Proposal page.
Pricing is determined by Quote header level parameters. Normally after the first time Quote
configuration is completed, and you were to adjust the Quote level parameters, you had to go back
to the shopping cart to Reprice. Doing this one by one and then repricing is time consuming and
ineffective. With Reprice Quote button, there is no need to do this, you can change product pricing
and/or rules, and click the Reprice Quote button to reprice all the parameters without going to the
cart page.

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To reprice a quote from the Quote/Proposal page

You must complete a quote configuration at least once.

1. Navigate to the Proposals tab and select a proposal.

2. Click Reprice Quote.

All the quote level parameters are repriced on the Quote/Proposal page.

Analyse Quote
Analyse Quote page helps you to view and manipulate the cost and profitability of each Line Item
and Summary Group Item, one at a time.

Enhanced Analyze Quote Page for Angular and Cart Grid UI

Apttus CPQ shows the following UI improvements in the Analzye Quote page:
The column names or headers are available for the optional columns. If you configure a
column from Config Setting > Display Column Setting > Display Type : Option Cost
& Profitability Cost, then on clicking Analyze Quote from the cart shows Optional
Columns on the page.

Add Analyse Quote button on the Cart

Go to Config Settings from (All tabs) > Display Action Settings and setup an action button for
Analyze Quote.

Screen Elements
The following illustration shows the Analyse Quote page, calling out the key elements appearing
on this page.

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Product and Summary Sidebar: This section displays a list of Line items and Summary Group
Items the way you would see it on the cart. You can select any of the line items or the summary
groups to see its corresponding waterfall chart and cost breakdown.
All information visible on this page is either for a single Line Item or a single Summary Group Item.
Line Item Key Metrics: Fields that are useful in deriving the costing profitability such as Margins,
Discount etc. can be added to this Key Metrics.
Line Item Waterfall Chart: Various Line item Currency fields can be used to plot the Waterfall
chart. It is basically a bar chart where Line Item Fields are plotted vertically and their values (Price)
are plotted horizontally.
You can see two kinds of bars:
Price Point: These bars begin from the base of the y-axis. Usually the Line Item fields such
as List Price, Invoice Price etc. are the Price Points in the Waterfall chart.
Adjustment: These bars are adjustments to the Price Point or Costs. These bars start from
the endpoint of the previous bar and based on the type of adjustment, whether negative or
positive, their end point is derived. As shown in the following illustration, Cost Markup is an
addition to the Base Cost and hence the Adjustment bar starts from the point Base Cost
ends. Similarly, Adjustment is a deduction from the Base Price which starts from where the
Base Price ends but goes inward indicating a negative adjustment.

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Waterfall Table: This table translates the Waterfall Chart with all cost breakups. You can override
certain costs and click Reprice to see the Waterfall with revised cost. In the "Amount" field, the
currency value is left aligned on the Analyze Quote UI page.
After analyzing the deal, you can also collaborate with multiple users to finalize the pricing. Please
refer, Quote Collaboration.

Apttus CPQ uses the Base Price field of Line Item to determine what the Currency Code
to be displayed in the Angular UI.
As you do not want Base Cost to be seen by specific users for various reasons but Base
Price to be made available to all users. Therefore, Apttus CPQ uses Base Price rather
than Base Cost to determine the currency code to be used. The currency code as set in
the user locale is displayed for all the currency fields.

Quote Lifecycle Collaboration

Quote Lifecycle Collaboration allows multiple users to work on different parts of a quote
simultaneously and then merge the data and finalize in a single quote.

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Quote collaboration feature empowers your sales reps to work together on the same quote. A
sales rep starts the configuration process, and assigns configuration request to Queue or to other
sales rep (called collaborator) where he needs help. A Sales rep can assign multiple line items to a
collaborator. A Sales rep can also assign different line items to different collaborators. Through the
collaboration request, Quote Lifecycle Collaboration allows the sales rep and collaborators to
communicate via SalesForce Chatter.
The Collaborator can then work on his piece of the configuration and submit his changes. Once
Sales rep receives such configurations from different collaborators, he can accept or reject the
configuration at the individual line item level.
When should it be used
When a sales rep needs help with configuration or pricing from a number of people who will
work simultaneously on their respective parts.
Quote collaboration is designed for working on specific products and to not send whole
configurations to a certain collaborator.
Types of collaboration
Peer to peer: To easily send line items to a collaborator. This copies over all the information
on the relevant line items. Ideal for a situation in which the sales rep needs help with pricing
and configuration.
Multi-tier: To send only specified fields from chosen line items and merge back specific
fields as well. Ideal for situations for which creating a cost structure is necessary, when
using transfer price mapping or any other collaboration scenario that requires a specific
update of certain fields.
Key Capabilities
Assign multiple collaboration requests from a single configuration.
Monitor and administer collaboration requests.
Review submitted child carts.
Reassign collaboration requests to new users.
Sequential assignment: A->B->C.
Have a back and forth pricing/cost/transfer price negotiation between a sales rep and a

Role wise definition

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Role Description

Sales Rep A sales rep initiates a collaboration process. Typically he is a member of the sales
team and has a customer facing role. The sales rep is in charge of sending out a
single final quote to the customer.

Collaborator A collaborator is a product owner, manager, factory manager, or another user who
has the knowledge about a particular configuration.

Process flow
When the sales rep initiates the collaboration request from the cart page, a collaboration record is
created on the ‘business object’ with the status as Assigned. The notification is sent out to the
collaborator. Once collaborator receives the assigning notification, he can work on his part of the
configuration. Optionally, the collaborator can see the parent cart in a read-only mode. Once
collaborator has finished working on his piece of the configuration, he can submit the configuration.
Collaboration status is now changed to Completed. The notification is sent out to the sales rep.
Once the Sales rep receives the notification that a configuration has been submitted, child cart of
the collaborator is merged with his own parent cart. A Sales rep can accept or reject the
configuration changes, and can finalize the cart.
The following table describes the Collaboration status and the actions associated with it.

Collaboration Description

Assigned Sales rep has assigned the configuration request to the collaborator. This status
is shown with an orange exclamation mark when the sales rep assigns the
request to the collaborator.

Submitted Sales rep has submitted the configuration request to the collaborator.

Completed Collaborator has submitted the configuration back to the sales rep.

Accepted Sales rep has accepted the configuration and has merged with the parent cart.

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Collaboration Description

Cancelled Sales rep has cancelled the collaboration request.

Abandoned Sales rep has abandoned the cart.

Deleted Sales rep has deleted the line item from the cart.

The collaboration status depends upon the access permissions defined by the administrator. To
understand how the access permissions defined by the administrator impact the collaboration pop-
up, refer to Enabling Quote Collaboration in your org.

The Finalize button is disabled on the Cart page when the collaboration requests are not
accepted. This prevents the Sales rep from finalizing the cart premature. A warning
message is displayed on the Cart page when collaboration requests are not closed.

Assigning the configuration to the Collaborator or Queue

From the cart page, you can request the collaboration from other users.

The administrator must define proper Read, Create, Edit and Delete permission to give
the user access to the Quote Collaboration feature. To define the permissions refer to
Enabling Quote Collaboration in your org.

To assign the collaboration request to a collaborator or queue

At the line item level, click collaborate icon ( ) for your corresponding product. You can also
select multiple products and click the Collaborate button at the top.
You can collaborate on bundle as well as a standalone product. When you click Collaboration icon,
Quote Collaboration popup is displayed.

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In the Quote Collaboration popup, specify the following details.

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Field Name Description

User or Select the user (collaborator) or queue to whom you want to assign the
Queue configuration.

Only the users with Edit, Delete or Modify All access are displayed in
the drop-down list.

Collaboration Peer-To-Peer: Same business units collaborate for the configuration.

Type When peer-to-peer collaboration type is selected, the system copies the
entire line item over to the child cart.
Multi-Tier: Different business units collaborate for the configuration. In
multi-tier collaboration type, a sales rep from the different business units
collaborates for the configuration.

Specifications Specify the information that you want to convey to the collaborator in this text

Start Date Specify the start date by which the collaborator should start the configuration.

Completion Specify the completion date by which the collaborator should submit his
Due Date configuration.

Priority Specify the urgency of this request.

Grant Access Select this check box to allow the collaborator to view the entire cart in a read-
to Merge Cart only mode. This can be useful when you want the collaborator to see the entire
(Read Only) cart to gain a better understanding of the overall offering. This functionality is yet
not implemented.

Attachments Attach the additional documents or images.

Click Notify Collaborator(s) to send the notification email to the collaborator. The collaboration
status is updated to Submitted.

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You can add products to an existing collaboration request using a global method. Refer to Adding
Products to a Collaboration Request in the CPQ Salesforce Soap API Guide.
The collaborator can now start working on the assigned configurations as explained in the Working
on the Configuration Request section.

Working on the Configuration Request

To start working on the configuration request assigned to the Collaborator, he can access the
collaboration requested configuration by clicking on the link given in the email that he receives.
The collaborator can also access the collaboration request from All Tabs > Collaboration
Requests. When a collaboration request is assigned to a Queue, each queue member receives
the email notification (depending on queue setup).

When the sales rep deletes the line item associated with a work-in-progress collaboration
request, the corresponding request gets deleted automatically. Hence, the collaborator
cannot access and continue working on the collaboration request even by clicking on the
email link. The deletion action also resets the configuration status on the cart from In
Collaboration to Saved.

1. The Collaborator can click Collaboration Request Id to access the specific collaboration
request. From the Collaboration Request Details screen, he can click Configure Products
button to start working on his piece of the configuration.
Collaborator is redirected to the cart page to perform the configuration tasks.
2. After the collaborator completes his configuration for the line item, he must submit his
configuration back to the sales rep by clicking Submit For Merge. The collaborator can add,
delete, and replace products in his cart including product for which the sales rep initiated the
collaboration request. He can then send the configuration back to the sales rep.
3. Upon submission, the sales rep (who requested the configuration) receives an email
notification and a message is displayed that notifies the changes submitted by the
collaborator. In the parent cart, sales rep sees the newly added or replaced product as a
separate line item. Collaboration status is now updated to Completed. The updated status is
reflected in the Collaboration Request as well as in sales rep's parent cart. The sales rep can
also delete products from a completed collaboration request. The child cart is updated
4. The sales rep can merge the configuration and the Collaboration Status changes to Accepted

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The Collaborator can create a sequential collaboration. For example, Sales Rep can assign a
collaboration request to Collaborator A, who in turn can further assign the same collaboration
request to Collaborator B. B's completed configuration will merge onto A's cart, and A's completed
configuration will merge onto the Sales rep's cart respectively.
When a collaboration request is assigned to a Queue, collaborator does not see Configure
Products button. Follow the steps mentioned in the below procedure to see the Configure
Products button.

Taking ownership of the collaboration request assigned to a Queue

1. Go to All Tabs > Collaboration Requests.

2. From View drop-down, select the appropriate Queue and Click Go!.

3. Click the Collaboration Request Id to view the details of the configuration request.

4. In the Collaboration Request Detail screen, use the Owner field to change the ownership
from Queue name to the Collaborator username.
5. In the Collaboration Request Detail screen, click ConfigureProducts button under Action
column to work on the configuration request.

Unless the User owns a particular Collaboration Request, he does not see the Configure
Products button on the detail layout. Even if the Collaboration Request is assigned to a
Queue and the current logged-in User is a member of that Queue, he does not see the
Configure Products button unless he accepts the collaboration request.

Merging the Configurations in the Parent Cart

Once the collaborator has submitted his completed configuration, you can decide either to accept
the configuration or ask for updates to the current configuration.

1. Click the collaboration icon ( ) to see the Quote Collaboration pop-up again.
2. Perform any one of the following actions:

a. Click Merge to accept the configuration submitted by the collaborator and to merge
this line item with the parent cart. The status is updated to Accepted.

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b. In case if further collaboration is required, you can update the fields in the
collaboration popup and click Update to assign the collaboration task back to the
collaborator. You can use the same configuration request to send the configuration
back and forth to the collaborator. This is useful in a scenario when you are
negotiating a transfer price or you need to further request additional changes in the
configuration submitted by the collaborator.

As a Sales Rep, you have the ability to make changes to the configuration request details and you
can re-submit the same configuration to the same collaborator or to someone else, without losing
previously merged configuration. When you change the configuration request owner and re-
assigns the same configuration to someone else, the previous collaborator receives the
cancellation notification email.

1. You can review the completed configuration submitted by the collaborator before merging
with the parent configuration. You can review the submitted configurations from Completed
Configuration tab. When you navigate to Completed Configuration tab and click More
details, you can see the child configuration in a read-only mode.
2. Complete your pending configurations and finalize the cart. Note that Finalize button is
enabled only after you have merged the collaboration request in your parent cart.

When you update a Completed or Merged configuration, the status of such configuration
reverts to Submitted, and the Collaborator receives an email notification.

You can also delete products from a completed collaboration request. These products are
automatically deleted from the child cart as well.
While using Cost and Profitability functionality with Quote Collaboration, if the collaborator and the
Sales User are from different business units and the collaborator sends a price which becomes
one of the cost elements of the Sales Users cart and this price is negotiated, you must use multi-
tier as the collaboration type. In Peer-to-peer collaboration, the only difference is that the merge
copies over entire line items rather than merging field values based on transfer price map and
merge field set.
Consider that a parent cart has a product and that product is already collaborated by the
Collaborator. Originally collaborated line item should get merged as per the transfer price map and
merge field set. The child cart now has one line item containing the product. If the Quote

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Collaborator added the same line item and performs a merge operation, the line item would be
overridden during the merge operation. After the merge operation, if two line items have the same
product, and the collaborator performs a merge operation, the line items are saved as individual
See Cost and Profitability section in the admin guide for more details.

Accepting a Quote/Proposal
After a trading partner has accepted a proposal, you can finalize a quote/proposal by accepting the
proposal, synchronizing products and prices with the related Opportunity and then create an
After the quote/proposal has been presented to the trading partner either manually or via an email,
the Accept button is enabled. Selecting Accept signifies that the trading partner has accepted the
Quote. If the current Quote is not primary, clicking the Accept button will make all other quotes
non-primary and the current one primary.
Simultaneously, the line items in the Summary related list is synchronized back to Opportunity
Products for forecasting purposes.

The related opportunity must have a Price List associated with it or else the summary
items will not synchronize. The products do not need an entry in the Price List, but the
Opportunity must be associated with a Price List.

Alternatively, if the synchronization is not required to happen automatically, you can choose when
to synchronize with the Opportunity by using the Make Primary and Synchronize with
Opportunity buttons.

To accept a Quote/Proposal
The Approval Stage must be in Presented stage.

1. From Actions, click Accept. The Approval Stage changes to Accepted.

2. Do one of the following:

To create an agreement, click Create Agreement.

To create an agreement with line items, click Create Agreement with Line Items.

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To synchronize the quote with an opportunity, click Synchronize with Opportunity.

Synchronizing Quote/Proposal With Opportunities
Synchronization ensures that both the Quote/Proposal and Opportunity accurately
reflect the current state of the Quote. A best practice for sales pipeline reports and
forecasts in Salesforce is to display the amount of revenue and the products or
services that are forecasted to be sold.

The contracting process begins with the creation of an agreement. For detailed information, see
Apttus Contract Management User Guide.

Synchronizing Quote/Proposal With Opportunities

Synchronization ensures that both the Quote/Proposal and Opportunity accurately reflect the
current state of the Quote. A best practice for sales pipeline reports and forecasts in Salesforce is
to display the amount of revenue and the products or services that are forecasted to be sold.
Salesforce provides forecast reports that drive off of the amount of the Opportunity and the
associated Opportunity product records. Opportunity products are stored in a standard Salesforce
object and represent the line items for an Opportunity. When using Salesforce without Apttus,
products are added to the opportunity manually or by synching with a standard Salesforce Quote
Apttus CPQ can synchronize Proposal Line Items from a Quote Proposal to the related
This action updates the Opportunity Amount and maintains accuracy between the Apttus Quote/
Proposal and the Opportunity, both on the record and in reports.
This is especially important if you have configured sales reports using Opportunities with Products.
With Apttus, they can continue to use these reports and the deep functionality that Apttus CPQ
When a Quote/Proposal is synced with an Opportunity, the Proposal Line Item records are copied
to the Opportunity Products related list. The Amount of the Opportunity will reflect the summed
total of the opportunity products. The Sales Price field on the Opportunity Product record is
populated by the Proposal Line Item.Net Price field.
While a quote/proposal and an opportunity are synced, any addition or change to the list of
products in the quote/proposal syncs with the list of products in the Opportunity.
If a quote/proposal is re-configured and the shopping cart is finalized, the new proposal line items
will be copied to the opportunity’s product related list.

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Assigning a Default Pricebook

A Pricebook is the standard Salesforce version of a price list or container of products and
pricing. In Apttus CPQ, we use the Apttus Price List object as the pricing container.
Standard Salesforce synchronization requires that a Salesforce Pricebook is assigned to the
Opportunity to enable synchronization between Quote and Opportunity.

Marking Quotes As Primary

An opportunity can have multiple quotes, but it can only sync with one quote at a time. The
sync process looks for Quote/Proposal records where the Primary field is marked as true.
Auto Sync and Manual Sync
The Synchronize with Opportunity action button is visible on a Quote/Proposal that is
marked as Primary.

Assigning a Default Pricebook

A Pricebook is the standard Salesforce version of a price list, or container of products and pricing.
In Apttus CPQ, we use the Apttus Price List object as the pricing container. Standard Salesforce
synchronization requires that a Salesforce Pricebook is assigned to the Opportunity to enable
synchronization between Quote and Opportunity. The Pricebook may be assigned to the
Opportunity manually or automatically using a trigger. In either case, the Standard Price Book
should be used.

To assign a default pricebook

You must have an existing Quote/Proposal created from an Opportunity.

1. Go to the Opportunities tab and select an existing opportunity.

2. Scroll down to the Products related list, and click Choose Price Book.

3. From the Price Book picklist, select Standard Price Book.

4. Click Save.

A standard price book is assigned to the opportunity. Go to the Quote/Proposal and make it

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Marking Quotes As Primary

An opportunity can have multiple quotes, but it can only sync with one quote at a time. The sync
process looks for Quote/Proposal records where the Primary field is marked as true.
To ensure that only one Quote/Proposal is marked as Primary at any time, Apttus provides a Make
Primary action button. The button is conditionally displayed on a Quote/Proposal page if:
There is an Opportunity related to the Quote/Proposal
The Quote Proposal is not already marked as Primary
The first Quote/Proposal created on an Opportunity is automatically marked as Primary. When the
Make Primary action is invoked with the button on a Quote/Proposal, the Primary checkbox on any
other Quote/Proposal related to the same Opportunity is unchecked.

When a second Quote/Proposal is related to an Opportunity, it must be made Primary

before configuring and finalizing products.

Auto Sync and Manual Sync

The Synchronize with Opportunity action button is visible on a Quote/Proposal that is marked as
To automatically synchronize Primary Quotes, update the Proposal System Properties setting
called Auto Sync with Opportunity. This setting syncs Quote/Proposals that are marked as
Primary each time the shopping cart is Finalized.

Activating an Order
Once you have accepted the Quote/Proposal, an Order is created with the Status = New. All the
Proposal Line Items are copied to the Asset Line Items and Order Line Items. To proceed further
with creating Assets for the products/services listed in your Quote/Proposal, you must activate this
You can activate an Order by following any of the below-mentioned procedures:
By selecting Auto-Activate Order check box on the Quote/Proposal page:
If you choose this option, once you accept a Quote/Proposal, the Order is created and
activated simultaneously.

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By manually entering an Order-Activation Date:

If you choose this option, you have to manually enter a Date and Time in the Order
Activation Date field on the Quote/Proposal page.

Once activated, you can see the status of the Asset Line Items and Order Line Items is changed to
Activated. Refer Managing Assets for more details.

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Managing Assets
Asset Management is based on the order information that you have already defined in your sales
quote and the resulting contracts.
When your customers agree to purchase a product, the product changes from an agreement line
item to an order line item in Apttus CPQ. The status of the agreement in this stage is Accepted and
the order is now ready to be activated and realized as an asset for that customer. After you receive
payments for an order is when the order line item changes to an Asset line item.
With Asset-based Ordering, you can
create quotes for new products and services based on existing assets
create quotes to modify existing products and services
modify in-process orders that have been submitted for fulfillment
renew, change, swap, and terminate an existing service
have visibility into the asset transaction history during customer interactions
After being processed and fulfilled, new quotes and orders result in new assets that are listed on a
customer's account and a line item from an asset becomes an Installed Product. You can access
the Accounts page to see a customer's information and their purchase history.
The assets are created upon finalization of a Quote/Proposal and/or activation of an Agreement. If
your product contains Usage Tiers and Attributes, there might be a delay for the system to create
these records on the Proposal Line Items. You must refresh the Quote/Proposal or Agreement
page and wait for the system to finalize the configurations before accepting a Quote or activating
an Agreement.
In this Section:
Managing Views for Assets Grid
Pricing Assets
Accessing the Assets page
Renewing an Asset
Changing an Asset
Swapping an Asset

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Terminating an Asset
Viewing the Asset Transaction History
Integrating Assets with Contracts
Billing for Assets
Viewing Installed Products Page
Searching Assets

Viewing the Installed Products

An account with Assets has the Asset Manager button. Refer the configuration part and ensure
that the Asset Manager button is configured correctly in your org.
To view the installed products or assets for an account

1. Click Asset Manager.

2. Verify the Price List ID in the URL. Click Continue.

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3. On the Installed Products page, select the assets that you want to manage.

If your administrators have disabled an asset action, the button is grayed out for
that asset. For example, from the image above, if your administrator has not
defined Renew as an allowed action for Advanced Analytics, the Renew button is
grayed out and you cannot renew that asset for this customer. Also, if you select
two or more assets from the list of installed products, the Swap button is
automatically disabled.

The Installed Products page lists all installed assets for the account. Installed products can include
both products and services. A line item from an order becomes an installed asset if it is marked as
an asset in the product record.
With Asset-based ordering, you can create quotes and orders based on a customer’s existing
assets. Asset-based ordering is particularly useful when your business offers complex service
products, such as phone services and equipment.
On the Installed Products page, you can Renew , Terminate , Swap , and Change an existing
standalone, fixed, or a configurable bundle asset. For each transaction involving ABO actions, the
system creates a new order while you are navigating on the Cart. The status of the Asset Line Item
is not changed until you finalize the Cart and activate the Order containing that Asset Line Item.
The permitted configurations for the Installed Products page can be found in the Installed Product
Settings in CPQ on Salesforce Administrator Guide.
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Please ensure you add Allowable Actions for assets in order to perform Swap, Change,
Renewal or Termination. Refer to Defining Permitted Actions for Assets in CPQ on
Salesforce Administrator Guide.

Use case
For a sales-driven industry with products such as equipment (new purchase) and service
(purchased for an equipment), you might want to achieve the following:
As a manufacturing sales representative, for a service flow, you want to view the Renew
and the Terminate button. For an equipment flow, you want to view the Change and the
Swap button.
As a subscription sales representative, you want to see the Renew button only when I make
a purchase for a quote of type renew. For an add-on quote or an upgrade quote, you do not
want to see the Renew button. For example, managing the renewal of a magazine
The Swap and Renew buttons are disabled for the superseded asset line items. Apttus CPQ
checks for the Status field of related asset line item and disables these buttons for an asset line
item on the Installed Products page. This is to prevent a sales rep from using the superseded
asset line items in the renewed opportunities and Quote/Proposals.
For example, you have an Asset A and you perform Change>Config action to create an asset B.
The relation between these two assets in the related asset line item object is displayed as follows:

From Relation Type (From) To Relation Type (To)

Asset A Is Superseded By Asset B

Asset B Asset A Is Superseded By

After this transaction, Swap and Renew buttons are disabled for Asset A.

Managing Views for Assets Grid

This section provides information on managing user-level private views for the assets grid.

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To create a view
1. Click Installed Products. The Installed Products Page is displayed.

2. Click the Views drop-down list and select Create New View. The Create New View dialog
box is displayed.
3. Enter a name for the view in the View Name field.

4. Drag and drop the required columns from the Available list to Viewing list.

5. Select the Set as Default check box to make this view as the default view on the Installed
Products Page.
6. Click Save.

To edit an existing view

1. Click Installed Products. The Installed Products Page is displayed.

2. Click the Views drop-down list, select the required view, and click Edit. The Create New
View dialog box is displayed.
3. Make the required changes and click Save.

To delete a view
1. Click Installed Products. The Installed Products Page is displayed.

2. Click the Views drop-down list, select the required view, and click Delete. The view is

Pricing Assets
Unless you override the List Price, the price of the asset depends on the values you enter for
defined the Price List Item fields under the Tax and Billing tab. Before you make changes to an
asset, consider the pricing settings done on the product PLI.
Please refer Defining Taxes and Billing for a product in the admin guide.
If you select the Is Asset Pricing checkbox on the Proposal Line Item detail page, when you
Renew, Swap, Change, or Terminate the asset, Apttus CPQ accounts for any list price overrides
on the original order to compute the price of the asset.

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Accessing the Assets page

Before you start using Asset-Based Ordering, you must understand how you, as a Sales and
Customer Service Representatives in your organization, can use the ABO functionality.
There are total 3 flows that you can consider for using ABO. Ensure that you understand and
choose one of the flows to implement error-free ABO.

1. Quote/Proposal Flow: This is one of the signature events in Asset-based Ordering involving
Quote/Proposal.This is the normal flow of going through the Quote/Proposal to an Order and
then to the Assets. Once you accept a Quote/Proposal, the Order is generated. Upon
activation of the order, assets are created.
2. CSR Flow: This is the flow designed to enable the Sales Rep to skip the creation of a Quote
/Proposal. No signature event, such as creation of an Agreement or a Quote/Proposal is
involved. A new button called AssetManager is configured on the Accounts page to help the
Sales Rep navigate directly to the Installed Products page.
3. Contract Flow: This is one of the signature events in Asset-based Ordering involving
Contracts/Agreements. The assets are created through Contracts/Agreements using the
normal Contract lifecycle flow. Once you finalize a Contract (containing Agreement Line
Items), the corresponding Asset Line Items are created.

Quote/Proposal Flow
In this flow, you configure the Quote/Proposal and finalize a configuration. Once the configuration
is finalized, you present the configuration to the customer. Upon acceptance from the customer,
you click the Accept button on the Quote/Proposal. An order is created for this Quote/Proposal,
which upon activation, creates the Asset Line Items with the New status. You can configure the
Quote/Proposal again and navigate to the Installed Products page to view all the active assets. No
custom triggers are required here.
Flow: Create Quote/Proposal > Configure Products > Finalize > Accept > Activate Order >
Installed Products page.

CSR Flow
There can be scenarios when you do not want to configure the Quote/Proposal again to land on
the Installed Products page. For these type of scenarios, you can configure the Asset Manager
button on your Account page. Clicking Asset Manager creates an Order and navigates you
directly to the Installed Products page. In this flow, you skip the navigation of going to the Installed
Products page through the Quote/Proposal > Configure Products.
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The following image illustrates the CSR flow from the Sales and Customer Service perspective.

An order remains in the Draft status in spite of the fact that Apttus CPQ displays ready for
activation date, hence ABO operation does not get applied on the asset line items. If you
keep the status of an order as Draft, you need to Accept the order before starting the
CSR flow.

Contract Flow
A contract contains Agreement Line Items, Asset Line Items or Order Line Items. In this flow, you
follow the normal Contract Lifecyle flow of creating a Contract, presenting it to your customer and
finalizing the Contract. Here, the Asset Line Items are created when you finalize and activate a
Contract. Apttus CPQ provides the ability to synchronize the changes in Assets with the changes
in a Contract (see details here). The changes you make inside a Contract (such as change in
Contract End Date) will be reflected in the Assets contained in that Contract. Similarly, when you
perform actions on your purchased Assets (such as changing the Quantity of an Asset), these
changes will be reflected in the Contract.
Flow: Create Agreement > Configure Products > Finalize Quote/Proposal > Accept Quote
/Proposal > Activate Agreement > Installed Products page.

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Renewing an Asset
Renewals are the most common and effective way to retain existing customers and drive growth
and sales for your business. Asset renewals eliminate the scope of pricing errors by extending the
agreement. Therefore when you renew an asset, you basically regenerate the asset life-cycle for a
new duration.
An asset will be renewed till the date you select from one of the following options:
Using Proposal End Date
Retaining the Asset End Date
Using the Farthest End Date
Entering a Renewal Date

Please note that for renewal transactions, Asset Start Date will always be the current
Asset End Date + 1. The Asset End Date is derived from the selected renewal options.

Let us take an example to understand how an asset is renewed based on your selection of the
Renewal options.
For an Account 'TierOne', you have created a proposal ‘W3Courses’ which has a Start Date ‘01/01
/2016’ and End Date ‘12/31/2017’. The proposal contains the following Assets:

Asset Name Asset Status Start Date End Date Selling Term

Programming with Python course Activated 01/01/2016 06/30/2016 6 months

JAVA Learning Activated 01/01/2016 12/31/2016 12 months

CSS Learning Activated 01/01/2016 12/31/2017 24 months

Your subscriber wants to renew the subscription for the ‘Programming with Python course’ asset.
Let us see how renewal works with each of the options:

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Using Proposal End Date

This option fetches the Proposal End Date from an active proposal which the selected asset is a
part of. The Proposal End Date in this example is ‘12/31/2017’ and so the asset will be renewed till
this date. Since Asset Start Date will be the current Asset End Date + 1, in this case the Asset
Start Date becomes ‘07/01/2016’.

Asset Name Asset Status Start Date End Date Selling Term

Programming with Python course Activated 07/01/2016 12/31/2017 17 months

The asset is renewed for 17 months from a revised date of start. The ‘Action’ field on Asset
Transaction History is set to Renew.

Retaining the Asset End Date

The most common practice is to renew an asset immediately after it expires. This option renews an
asset with the same term from its current End Date. For example, if the selling term for an asset is
24 months (2 years), the asset will be renewed for 2 further years after the asset expires.
In this scenario, the Asset is renewed for another 6 months (derived from the Selling Term) from its
Start Date.

Asset Name Asset Status Start Date End Date Selling Term

Programming with Python course Activated 07/01/2016 12/31/2016 6 months

Farthest End Date

An account will have multiple proposals and assets with varying Start and End Dates and Term.
This option picks the farthest end date of an Asset out of all Assets in the Account and sets this
date as the End Date of the renewed Asset.
Let us assume that the farthest End Date is ‘12/31/2018’ for an asset in this Account. Now your
asset will be renewed as:

Asset Name Asset Status Start Date End Date Selling Term

Programming with Python course Activated 07/01/2016 12/31/2018 29 months

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Renewal Date
Instead of pulling a renewal date from various sources, if you want to explicitly specify a Renewal
End Date you can do so by selecting this option. If you enter ‘01/01/2018’ as the renewal date, the
Asset will be renewed as

Asset Name Asset Status Start Date End Date Selling Term

Programming with Python course Activated 07/01/2016 01/01/2018 18 months

Please ensure the Renewal Date entered here is greater than the Asset End Date.

To renew an asset
1. On the Installed Products page, select the assets that you want to Renew.

2. Click Renew.

3. To define the Renewal Date on the Confirm Renewal page, select one from the following
Proposal End Date - To renew the asset till the date Quote/Proposal ends.
The Proposal End Date is displayed next to the option.
Asset End Date - To renew the asset on the date the asset expires.
Farthest End Date - To choose the farthest end date out of all the Assets for

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Renewal Date - To pick a date from the calendar for renewal.

4. Click Confirm to proceed with the renewal. Asset Status is set to Pending Renewal on the
Installed Products page.
5. Click Go to Pricing to apply and load the asset with revised dates on the cart page.
While finalizing the original Quote/Proposal, if you have specified the Renewal Uplift
Amount , you will see the change in the Net Price . Click Confirm .
6. Finalize the cart.

On the Accounts page, you can verify the updated status of the Asset.
Check out how renewal works with Bundle and Standalone Assets.

Renewable products
Apttus CPQ provides the ability to set aside the products that are renewable at the PLI
level and control them at the cart or asset level.
You can define a product as non-renewable at the PLI level and cascade it to the
If the asset is non-renewable, you must not pull the product into any renewal
quote, namely auto or ondemand.
If the asset is non-renewable, Apttus CPQ disables the renew action.

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If the flag is set to fixed, the product is renewable
If the flag is set to fixed, you can pull the product into auto and ondemand renewal
If the flag is set to evergreen, you must not pull the product into auto and
ondemand renewal quote.
If the flag is set to evergreen, you are not allowed to renew the product manually.

Impact of Renewal on Order Line Item and Asset Transaction History

On the Asset Line Item, you can trace the renewal activity and modifications from the Order Line
Items and Asset Transaction History Related Lists.

Line Status for one-time products will remain Existing.

Use Case: Renewing Bundle Assets

This section describes the renewal process for a bundle asset. The Asset 'ABO Budle1_AS' with 3
different charge types has 2 Options- Option1 and Option2. On the cart, Option1 is selected with 6
months and 3 months of validity for corresponding charge types. You can see the screenshot for

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The cart is finalized and an order is generated. You can see the Asset Line Items on the Quote
/Proposal or from the Account.
Let us see how this Asset is renewed based on the Renewal Option of Retaining the Asset End

Deriving Start and End Dates

For renewal transactions, Asset Start Date will always be the Current Asset End Date + 1.
In this renewal option, Asset End Date will be the date derived from adding the Selling Term to
the new Asset Start Date.
Before Renewal

Asset Start Date End Date

ABO Bundle1_AS 07/26/2016 07/25/2017

Option1 07/26/2016 01/25/2017

Option1 (Different Charge Type) 07/26/2016 10/25/2016

The Asset Status on the Installed Products page is Activated.

After Renewal

Asset Start Date End Date

ABO Bundle1_AS 07/26/2017 07/25/2018

Option1 01/26/2017 07/25/2017

Option1 (Different Charge Type) 10/26/2016 01/25/2017

The Asset Status on the Installed Products page is Pending Renewal. When you confirm and go
to the Cart page, the Status changes to Renewed.

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Use Case: Renewing Standalone Assets

This section describes the renewal process for a standalone asset. The Asset 'ABO
Standalone1_AS' has 4 different charge types. You can see the screenshot for details.

The cart is finalized and an order is generated. You can see the Asset Line Items on the Quote
/Proposal or from the Account.
Let us see how this Asset is renewed based on the Renewal Option of Retaining the Asset End
Date .

Deriving Start and End Dates

For renewal transactions, Asset Start Date will always be current Asset End Date + 1. In this
renewal option, Asset End Date will be the date derived from adding the Selling Term again.
Before Renewal

Asset Start Date End Date

ABO Standalone1_AS 07/26/2016 07/25/2017

After Renewal

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Asset Start Date End Date

ABO Standalone1_AS 07/26/2017 07/25/2018

The Asset Status on the Installed Products page is Pending Renewal . When you confirm and go
to the Cart page, the Status changes to Renewed .

Changing an Asset
With the Change function, you can increase or decrease the quantity of assets according to your
customer's requests. Change operation also allows you to change the Start Date, End Date,
Selling Term, Billing Rule and other fields on the cart for both, Standalone and Bundle assets. You
can update the value of several fields on your cart under a single Change action, for a given Asset.
Of the various parameters you can change, following are the most commonly updated fields:
Change Quantity: If you update the quantity of an asset, this update will be reflected as an
amendment in the current Asset Line Item. A new line item will not be created for this
You should specify an absolute value for the Quantity field regardless of an increment or
decrement in the actual quantity. For example, if you want to increase the asset quantity
from 100 to 120, you should enter 120 and not 20. Therefore you must enter the total
quantity you want as a result of the change action.
Change Start Date: Updating Start Dates indicates the date from which the change is
effective. If you update both the Quantity and the Start Date, the updated quantity will come
into effect from the given start date.

For example, an Asset with 100 Licenses has a Start Date of 01 January 2016 and End
Date of 31 December 2016. As part of the Change action, Start Date is set to 01 March

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2016 and Quantity is increased by 30. This means, from 01 January to 29 February
customer has 100 Licences and starting from 01 March till the End Date, the number of
Licenses is 130.
Please note that prior to the new date, the asset will remain in its previous state and will be
billed accordingly. The older information will not be deleted or overwritten.
Change End Date: You can update the End Date to extend or shorten the asset validity. On
updating the Asset End Date, the existing Line item is amended.

For any Change action on the asset, Net Price indicates the price of the Asset as seen
from the Start Date to the End Date on the cart.

Let us take a look at the procedure to change an asset.

To change an asset
To change the Quantity and Selling Term for a standalone asset.

1. On the Installed Products page, select the asset you want to update and click Change. On
the cart page, Line Status changes to Amended.
2. You can change one or more of the following parameters:

Parameter Description

Attribute To change the Attribute value, click the wrench icon ( ) next to the asset.
Value You will see the Product Attributes page.
Select the new attribute value and click Go to Pricing to load the cart page.

Option Expand the Show Options tree and select from the listing of the options to
display all Product Options. From the resulting list, select the option with
which you want to replace the original product option.

Quantity Enter the number of units of the product your customer wants to purchase.

Adjustment If you want to adjust the price of the asset, select an adjustment type.

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Parameter Description

Price Enter a value that is the amount your customer is charged for the product
without accounting for taxes and other charges.

Start Date The date you want to start billing your customer for this purchase.

End Date The date you want to stop billing your customer for this purchase.

Billing Select one of the following options

Monthly - To generate a bill once every month
Quarterly - To generate a bill once every three months
Half-yearly- To generate a bill once in the middle of a calendar or financial
Yearly - To generate a bill once every year
Usage - To generate a bill based on usage
For details, see Billing Frequency in the Billing Management Guides.

Billing Rule Select one of the following options

Bill in Advance - To bill your customer before the product is delivered
Bill in Arrears - To bill your customer after the product is delivered
Bill on Ready for Billing Date - To bill your customer with a consolidate
invoice, on a day of their choice.

Billing Select a predefined billing preference. For details, see Billing Preference in
Preference the Billing Management Guides .

Payment Lookup and select a predefined Payment Term so your customers know
Term that they must pay outstanding charges within a stipulated time. For details,
see Payment Terms in the Billing Management Guides.

3. Click Reprice to view the changed price and Finalize to go back to the Quote.

4. The status of the changed asset changes from New to Amended.

You can rename the Change button as per your business requirement. The functionality remains
the same and only the label is renamed. Refer to Customizing Display Actions for more details.
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Impact of Changing the Asset on Order Line Items and Asset Transaction
The status of the asset changes to Amended on the Order Line Item and a new entry for the
Change action is added as to the Asset Transaction History as Amend.

To check the status of your assets, the Status Category of the proposal must be Accepted. To
view the assets, select the account of the proposal and navigate to Asset Line Items (Sold To)
related list.
Every change you make to an asset impacts its Billing Schedule. If the asset is usage-based, then
it impacts the associated Usage Schedule as well.

Even though you can extend your asset's validity using Change, it is recommended that
you perform Renewal action for explicit renewal purposes.

Renewing Ramp Lines after Change Operation

The Asset Grid retains renew ramp line upon Change or Renew operation after you
enable Renew One Ramp and Renew of Option.
When you click Change for an asset on the Installed Products page, Apttus CPQ shows
one renewed option line. However, you must enable Renew One Ramp in the Installed
Product settings along with Price Ramps for the bundle.

Changing a Configurable Bundle Asset

You can change the parameters of a bundle asset, much like you do with a standalone. On the
Installed Products page,

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1. Select the Bundle asset that you want to change and click Change.

2. To view the Options, click the Show Options list below the product name.

3. From the list of displayed options, select the checkboxes for options you want to include and
uncheck the selected option you want to remove.

For Change: Configuration, note the following limitation:
Terminating an asset from the original start date results in incorrect Net Price
for the changed and upgraded asset line items.

4. Manually enter values for the fields described in the Changing an Asset page.

5. Click Reprice and then Finalize.

You have successfully created a new order with different product options.

Changing the Attributes of an Asset

Similar to a Line Item (refer to Assets and Asset Line Items in CPQ on Salesforce Administrator
Guide) in the Quote to Cash flow, that starts as a Cart Line Item, progresses to the Proposal,
Agreement, Order, and finally the Asset Line Item, the Attribute values that you define for each
Product, are copied to the Proposal Product Attribute values object, Order Product Attribute values
object, and the Asset Product Attribute values object. You can view the Product Attribute values
that the Asset Line Item inherits from the cart, on the Asset line item detail page.
You can customize the product configuration on your cart based on the Product Attribute values
that you define. For more information, see Attribute-based Configuration in the admin guide.

To change the Attribute values for an asset

1. On the Installed Products page, select an asset and click Change.

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2. On the Product Attributes section, enter the values of the Attributes that you want to change.

3. Select the Required checkbox.

4. Select the Options page or click Go to Pricing.

Only those Attributes for which you select the Is Primary check box on the Attribute
Configuration page, are shown in the Product Attributes section of the Installed Products
page. These attributes are called Critical Attributes.

Performing Mass Update for Assets

As a Sales Rep, you can select a group of compatible assets and edit them together.

1. On the Installed Products page, select the required assets and click Change > Mass Edit
(Assets). The Mass Edit (Assets) window is displayed.

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2. Modify the required fields and click Apply.

You can leave any of the fields blank and the assets retain the data as it was before
the mass update.

Quantity (to make the quantity zero, you must explicitly enter 0)
Start Date
End Date
Adjustment Type
Adjustment Amount
Billing Rule
Billing Frequency
Amended Line Items are updated and Existing line items remain same. You can go to View Cart to
verify the updates. You can do multiple iterations to edit your assets in various groups and add
them to the same quote for processing.

Increment Asset with Coterminate Lines

As a Sales Rep, you can increase the quantity of an asset and manage these incremental licenses
independently as a separate asset or you can chose to update the existing asset to reflect the new
state after adding the incremental licenses. You can sell the incremental quantity at the same price
point as the original sale or at a different price point. During the sale of these incremental licenses,
you can coterminate them with the existing licenses.

In Winter 2018 release, CPQ on Salesforce does not support decreasing the quantity of
an asset. If you decrease the quantity by clicking the minus icon (–), the Go to Pricing
button is disabled.

1. Click Installed Products. The Installed Product page is displayed.

2. Select the check box for a product and click Change > Quantity. The Change Quantity page
for the selected asset is displayed.
3. In the Change quantity by field, increase the quantity by clicking the + icon. The New
Quantity field displays the updated quantity immediately.

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4. From the Cotermination drop-down list, select a cotermination option for incremental

During the sale of incremental licenses, you can decide whether you want to
coterminate them with the existing licenses. At the time of renewal, the incremental
licenses can be renewed independently. You can selectively coterminate all or
some of the incremental streams, or you can selectively merge all or some of the
incremental streams into one stream. The End Date field is editable only if you
select the Enter Custom Date option.
The options available depend on the settings defined by your Administrator. For
more information, see Installed Product Settings in CPQ on Salesforce
Administrator Guide.

Retain the current Asset End Date: Select this option to retain the current asset end
date for cotermination.
Enter Custom Date: Select this option to enter a custom date for cotermination. The
End Date field is editable if you select this option.
Use the Farthest Asset End Date: Select this option for cotermination to use the
farthest asset end date.
Use the Proposal End Date: Select this option for cotermination to use the proposal
end date.
5. Modify the Start Date and End Date fields if you selected Enter Custom Date from the
Cotermination drop-down list.
6. Select the Update Existing Assets checkbox to enable these quantity changes to reflect in
the existing asset.

If you selected Enter Custom Date in the Cotermination drop-down and modified
the End Date, you cannot select the Update Existing Assets checkbox.

If you select this checkbox, on order activation, the incremental quantity updates into
the existing asset. Line status is changed to Incremented and Merged. You can verify
the quantity increment at Account > Asset Line Items list. The quantity increment is
displayed under the Delta Quantity column.

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When the price point, identifier and end date are the same, the existing quote
line corresponding to the asset in the existing renewal quote is updated with
the updated asset detail.

When the price point is a weighted average, and the identifier and end date are
the same, the existing quote line corresponding to the asset in the existing
renewal quote is updated with the updated asset detail.
If you do not select this checkbox, on order activation, a new asset with the same
name of the existing asset is created. Line status is changed to Incremented. You can
verify the quantity increment at Account > Asset Line Items list. There are two assets
with the same name, one with the original quantity and the other with the increment
quantity. However, the Total Quantity column indicates the cumulative quantity, that
is, original quantity plus increment quantity.

In CPQ on Salesforce Winter 2018 release, CPQ does not support the
calculation of total quantity and asset quantity, and renewal automation on
the lines with the Incremented status.

When the price point of the incremental asset is not the same as the existing
asset (and you are not using the weighted average), but the identifier and the
end date are the same, a new line is created in the existing renewal quote.
When the price point of the incremental asset is not the same as the existing
asset (and you are not using the weighted average) and the end date is the
same but the identifier is different, a new renewal quote is created.
When the end date of the incremental asset is not the same as the existing
asset, a renewal quote is created.
7. To coterminate other asset streams with the current increment, in the Cotermination with
Increment section, select any or all assets.

If your administrator has configured Purchase Identification Criteria, you can see
other assets that match the purchase identifier of the current increment, in the
Cotermination with Increment section. For more information, refer to Installed
Product Settings in CPQ on Salesforce Administrator Guide.

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You can coterminate a few other assets that are related to the current asset. The
related assets are the assets that are available under Related Purchases on the
Installed Product page. However, you can only coterminate related assets with the
same end date, but cannot increment the quantity of the related assets.
If you selected Enter Custom Date in the Cotermination drop-down and modified
the End Date, the new date is updated in the New End Date field of the selected
related assets, under the Cotermination with Increment section.

8. Click Go to Pricing. The Cart page is displayed.

9. Click the icon on the Asset Line Column to understand the projected asset details. An
API is called and the Project Asset Value window is displayed. You can see the current
asset unit price, current asset net price, updated asset unit price, and updated asset net

Billing Schedules for Incremented Assets

As a Sales rep, you can increase the quantity of an asset and bill your customer for the
incremented asset as a separate asset. Separate billing schedules are created for the incremented

Use Case: Creating Billing Schedules for an Incremented Asset

Description: This use case describes how billing schedules are created when you increase the
quantity of an asset.
Suppose you are a customer service representative for a software company and you change the
license quantity for an asset from 1 to 4. Before you change the asset quality, you see the
following billing schedules:

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount

BS1 1/1/2019 3/31/2019 Pending Billing $90.00

BS2 4/1/2019 6/30/2019 Pending Billing $90.00

BS3 7/1/2019 9/30/2019 Pending Billing $90.00

BS4 10/1/2019 12/31/2019 Pending Billing $90.00

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To create billing schedules for the incremented assets

1. From an ABO Quote, click Configure Products.

2. On the cart page, click Installed Products.

3. Select your asset and click Change > Quantity.

4. In the Change quantity by field, increase the quantity by 3 by clicking the + icon. The New
Quantity field displays the updated quantity immediately.
5. Select the appropriate Cotermination option. For details on Cotermination option, see
Increment Asset with Coterminate Lines.
6. Enter the Start Date and End Date.

7. Click Go to Pricing. An asset line item with status Incremented and quantity as 3 is created.

8. Finalize the Cart.

9. Accept the Quote/Proposal and activate the order.

A new asset is created with Quantity as 3 and status as Incremented.
3 Billing Schedules are created as follows:

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount

BS5 1/1/2019 3/31/2019 Pending Billing $270.00

BS6 4/1/2019 6/30/2019 Pending Billing $270.00

BS7 7/1/2019 9/30/2019 Pending Billing $270.00

Splitting an Asset
As a Sales rep, you can divide an existing asset into multiple split lines to negotiate an upsell quote
with customers. On each split line of the asset, you can perform various asset-based actions such
as, split, split and swap, and split and renew.

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A Product Replacement Constraint Rule must be configured by your administrator for the Swap
asset action.

To split an asset
1. Click Installed Products. The Installed Product page is displayed.

2. Select the check box for a product and click Change > Split. The Define Split <asset name>
page is displayed. The original asset line item is in Existing status with the existing asset
quantity, start date, and end date. One more split line is added with zero quantity, with the
same asset start date and end date.
3. Select one of the following split asset actions.

The split asset actions depend on what your administrator has configured. For more
information, see "Installed products Settings" in the CPQ on Salesforce Spring
2019 Administrator Guide.

Split and Renew: Click the more icon and select Renew to split the asset into two
split lines and renew the second split line.

Split and Swap: Click the more icon and select Swap to split the asset into two
split lines and to exchange a split line of the existing asset with a predefined alternate
asset. When you select Swap, the Swap Asset page is displayed. Click Split to return
to the Define Split <asset name> page. You can now see the swapped asset for the
Split and Swap split line. For more information, see Swapping an Asset.

Click the add icon to add more split lines.

Click the delete icon to remove an split line.

4. Enter the following details:

Field Description


113 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.


CPQ on Salesforce Spring 2019 User Guide

Field Description

Enter the desired quantity for the split lines. You can also change the quantity
of the original asset. When you change the quantity of the original asset, the
status of the asset changes to Amend.

Until you enter the quantity for the split lines, the Go to Pricing button
is disabled.

Start Modify the split line start date if required. All split lines fetch the original asset
Date start date by default. For Split-Renew and Split-Swap actions, the split line will
have the renewed start date on the cart page.

End Modify the split line end date if required. All split lines fetch the original asset
Date end date by default. For Split-Renew and Split-Swap actions, the split line will
have the renewed end date on the cart page.

5. Click Go to Pricing. The cart page is displayed where you can also change the quantity,
start date, and end date.
Existing asset: Unless you made any changes, the existing asset remains unchanged
(with zero Delta Quantity). If you made any changes, the split line is in Amended
Split: The split line is in Split status. Unless you made any changes, the split split line
retains the start date and end date of the original asset. The quantity of the split split
line is the total quantity that includes original quantity and new quantity.
Split and Renew: The split line is in Split and Renewed status. The start date and end
dates are renewed dates. The quantity of the renewed split line is the total quantity
that includes original quantity and new quantity.
Split and Swap: The split line is in Upgraded status. The start date and end dates are
renewed dates. The quantity of the swapped split line is the total quantity that
includes original quantity and new quantity.

The Asset Lite Item column on the cart indicates that the new asset line
items have references to the original asset line item.
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6. Click Reprice. You can now finalize your cart.

7. Navigate to the account. After the quote is accepted and the order is activated, the account
displays all split lines as new asset line items.
8. Click an asset line item link. The Asset Line Item page is displayed.

9. Click Related Asset Line Items (From) or Related Asset Line Items (To) link. The New
Related Asset Line Item window displays the relation between the original asset line item
and the new split asset line item.
10. Click Related Transaction History (From) or Related Transaction History (To) link. The
New Asset Transaction History window displays the complete history of a specified asset
line item.

Swapping an Asset
The Swap feature allows you to exchange an existing asset with a predefined alternate asset. You
can also upgrade one asset with the next version of the asset. You can swap a standalone,
bundle, and an option product. Swapping of a product depends on the Product Replacement
Constraint Rule that is set by your administrator.
From the example discussed earlier, your subscriber wants to upgrade from the Beginner level of
the Business Intelligence course to the Advanced level.

To swap an asset
1. On the Installed Products page, select the product that you want to swap.

2. Select the product from Available Products section.

3. Click Purchase.

4. Select the date from when you want the Swap to be effective, and click Calculate.
If the Start Date of the swapped asset is a future date, a validation message is displayed to
enter a valid Start Date. For example, an asset A with Start Date = 1 Jan, 2017 and End
Date = 31 Jan, 2017 is swapped with a product B on June 5, 2016. Instead of taking June 6,
2016, as Start Date for product B, the system shows a validation message that the End Date
of product B should be after the Start Date of product A.
5. View the Description and the Difference in the Original and the New Product.

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6. To proceed with the Swap, click Confirm. Click Back to Selection to go back to the last

If you select multiple assets on the Installed Products page, the Swap button will be

7. Click Finalize to go back to the quote.

Field Description

From The product that you want to swap for is displayed here.

To The new product that you want to swap to is displayed here.

The status of the renewed asset changes from New to Upgraded. To check the status of your
assets, the Status Category of the proposal must be Accepted. To view the assets, select the
account of the proposal and navigate to Asset Line Items (Sold To) related list.
You can swap an Asset on the same day of its expiry. A new Line Item is created for the swapped
product with the same term as the previous asset.

Mass Update for Assets

From the Allow Mass Change setting on the Installed Products Settings under Custom
Settings page, you can enable or disable mass changes for must configure assets on the Installed
Products page.

Action Allow Mass Type of Asset Selection Behavior


Swap Unchecked not Must Single Enable swap and land on an

Configure Select intermediate page

Swap Unchecked Must Single Enable swap and land on an

Configure Select intermediate page

116 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Action Allow Mass Type of Asset Selection Behavior


Swap Checked not Must Single Enable swap and land on an

Configure Select intermediate page

Swap Checked Must Single Enable swap and land on an

Configure Select intermediate page

Swap Checked Must Multi Disable Swap

Configure Select

Swap Checked not Must Multi Disable Swap

Configure Select

Swap Unchecked Must Multi Disable Swap

Configure Select

Swap Unchecked not Must Multi Disable Swap

Configure Select

Terminating an Asset
Using the Terminate feature, you can cancel a standalone, fixed bundle, or a configurable bundle
asset. You can terminate an asset midway through the selling term. When an asset is canceled,
the system captures the Cancellation or Termination Date of an asset on the Line Item object in
the Contract Number field. The Contract Number field captures the information in CCYY-MM-DD
format which is used by the order and asset to store the Cancellation Date. The appropriate order
line items are created and assets are also updated immediately. During billing, the system
determines the refund value from the Cancellation Date captured in the asset and refunds
accordingly to the customer.
From the example discussed earlier, your subscriber wants to cancel the subscription for the
Programming with Python course.

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To terminate an asset
1. Click Installed Products.

2. Select the products that you want to cancel and click Terminate.

3. Enter the Termination Date.

The Termination Date can be in the past, current date or any date in the future. Once you
terminate an Asset Line Item (ALI), the status changes to PendingCancellation immediately.
Only after you activate the Order containing this ALI, the status of the cancelled ALI changes
to Cancelled.
4. Click Calculate to calculate the difference in billing amount.

The system shows values for different fields, such as the Pending Billing (Original = the
amount you had paid, Projected = the amount to be credited/debited depending on the
termination date, and Difference = the difference between the former field values).
If your product has different Charge Types, the system displays the amount divided among
the different Charge Types also. If your product is a Bundle and containsmulitpleOptions, the
system displays the amount divided among the Option products. Also, terminating a bundle
cancels all the associated options configured inside that bundle.
The Projected and Different amount is calculated simultaneously when you click Calculate
using the Billing Schedules and Billing APIs. This gives you a quick overview of the
difference you have to pay to or receive from an organization.
For example, if your Asset, priced at USD 1200, contains the Start Date as 01/01/2016, End
Date as 12/31/2016, and Termination Dateas 07/31/2016, the amount populated in the
different fields are:
Original = USD 1200
Projected = USD 300
Difference = USD -900
In order to receive the complete amount as a refund for the entire period of an asset, you
must select Same Day Cancellation custom setting. The system charges you for the period
between the Start and End Date of an asset. For example, if your Asset, priced at USD
1200, contains the Start Date as 01/01/2016, End Date as 12/31/2016, and Termination
Dateas 01/02/2016, you are charged for the amount calculated for 01/01/2016 and 01/02

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The billing impact is shown only if you have ApttusBilling Management package
installed in your org. Refer to Billing User Guide for details of each field. If Apttus
Billing Management is not installed, the system calculates the different values
based on the Calendar dates.

If you terminate an asset after renewing it, the billing amount is calculated from the inception
of the asset and not the renewal period. CPQ displays the net price of the current year asset
(renewed asset) on the Termination window.
For example, you do a new sale of a product where:
Start Date = 01/01/2019
End Date = 12/31/2019
Selling Term = 12
Net Price = 1200
You renew the asset where:
Start Date = 01/01/2020
End Date = 10/31/2020
Selling Term = 10
Net Price = 1000
After order activation, the current net price of the asset is 1000 and the total net price of the
asset is 2200. When you terminate the asset, CPQ displays the current net price of the asset
as 1000 on the termination window.
5. Click Confirm.
The status of the cancelled ALIs shows Pending Cancellation on the Installed Products
6. Go to the Cart and review the following fields and their values.

Delta Price
Delta Quantity
Net Price

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You can view the change in the Delta Quantity and Delta Price on the Cart only if
you have Apttus Billing Management installed in your org. For the above example,
Delta Price is shown as USD -900.
Delta Quantity and Delta Price is 0 for the following scenarios:
a. Your Bundle or Standalone product has Charge Type = One Time.

b. You do not have Apttus Billing Management installed in yourorg.

7. Click Review & Finalize > Finalize.

Once you finalize the Cart and activate the Order for the terminated assets, you can view the
impact on the following fields:

For an Asset Line Item, AssetStatus changes to Cancelled, DeltaPrice and Delta Quantity
contain new values.

For an Order Line Item, Line Status changes to Cancelled, Delta Price and DeltaQuantity
contain new values.

Once cancelled, the system selects the Inacitve flag for the ALIs with Cancelled status so that
these ALIs do not show on the Cart for the successive ABO actions.

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The status of the cancelled asset changes from Pending Cancellation to Cancelled. The Billing
Schedules for a cancelled asset are cancelled on the same day of cancellation. This is achieved
using a flag called, Same Day Cancellation, available at Setup > Develop > Custom Settings >
Billing System Properties > System Properties. When checked, the Billing Schedules for a
cancelled asset are marked with Cancelled status on the same day of cancellation. If not checked,
the Billing Schedules for a cancelled asset are marked as Cancelled on the day after an asset was
Apart from the Terminate action, following are the scenarios when the status of the ALI changes to
While using Change action, if you deselect an Option product (inside a Bundle product) and
finalize the Cart containing this Bundle Product. The status of the ALI for Bundle product will
show as Amended and that for the Option product will show as Cancelled.
While using Swap action, if you replace a product with another product, the status of the ALI
for the former will show as Cancelled.
To check the status of your assets, the Approval Stage of the Quote/Proposal must be Accepted.
To view the assets, select the account of the proposal and navigate to Asset Line Items (Sold To)
related list.
A new entry is also made in the Asset Transaction History related list. Refer to Asset Transaction
History for more details.

Viewing the Asset Transaction History

The Asset Transaction History related list on the Asset Line Item detail page displays information
for every Asset-based Order. For every ABO action (Change, Renew, Swap or Terminate), a new
transaction and order record is created inside the Asset Transaction History related list.
In the Asset Transaction History related list, click the transaction ID to view the details.
The Asset Line Item History denotes the list of transactions made on the same Asset Line Item.

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Integrating Assets with Contracts

Apttus CPQ now provides the ability to synchronize the changes in Assets with the changes in a
Contract. The changes you make inside a Contract (such as a change in Contract End Date) will
be reflected in the Assets contained in that Contract. Similarly, when you perform actions on your
purchased Assets (such as changing the Quantity of an Asset), these changes will be reflected in
the Contract.
For Contracts, the actions include: Renew and Cancel. For Assets, the actions include: Change,
Swap, Terminate, and Renew.
Consider an example of a learning and publications company, selling products such as Java
Learning, Python Learning, and CSS Learning.
Following are the use cases when the synchronization between a contract and assets is important:
For assets,
When you change the duration, price, billing parameters, or any such attributes of an asset,
the corresponding changes must be reflected in the Contract.
When you cancel multiple assets, the Asset or Order Line Items for these assets must be
removed from the contract. Similarly, when you add a new asset, the contract must contain
the details for the new asset. This could be the result of swapping an existing asset with
another product. Example, purchasing CSS Learning product if Python Learning is
discontinued by the company.
When you renew the terms and end date of an asset, the renewal dates of a contract must
be synchronized.
When you terminate an existing asset and require the refunded amount back before the
expiration date of the contract, the contract must reflect the new termination date.
For Contracts,
When you cancel or terminate a contract before the expiration date, the corresponding
assets must also be cancelled.
When you renew a contract, all its corresponding assets must also be renewed.
There are basically 3 process flows you must consider:

1. A contract contains Agreement Line Items, Asset Line Items or Order Line Items. These Line
Items are created when a contract is finalized. In this case, only Contract and no Quote
/Proposal is involved.
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2. A contract contains Agreement Line Items, Asset Line Items or Order Line Items. These Line
Items are created from the Proposal Line Items when a Quote is accepted. In this case,
both, Contract and Quote/Proposal are involved.
3. Normal CSR Flow: A Quote/Proposal document contains Asset Line Items or Order Line
Items and these are created when a Quote/Proposal is accepted.

With the normal CSR flow supported in the previous release, the new release involves an
integration of Assets with Contracts (number 1 and 2).

Integrating Assets with Contracts (with a Quote/Proposal)

To integrate Assets with Contracts (with a Quote/Proposal)
Ensure that you have set the custom setting, Auto Create Order to True under Setup > Develop
> Custom Settings > Comply System Properties.

1. Create a new Quote/Proposal record by clicking All Tabs (+) > Proposals > New.

2. Enter requisite details, such as Proposal Name, Proposal Start Date, and Proposal End
3. Associate an Account, an Opportunity, and a Price List to your record.

4. Click Configure Products to navigate to the Catalog and configure the required products
with options and attributes.
5. Once your configuration is finalized, click Finalize to navigate back to the Quote/Proposal
detail page.
6. Click Accept to accept the finalized line items in your Quote/Proposal.
Once you have accepted the Quote/Proposal, Create Agreement with Line Items is active.
7. Click Create Agreement with Line Items to copy all the Proposal Line Items to the
Agreement Line Items.
8. After the negotiations are complete with your customer, click Activate to bring the contract in
Note that the Agreement Line Items related list now contains the finalized, activated line item
9. Hit refresh to see that the Order, Order Line Items and Asset Line Items related lists now
contain records.
10. Go to your Order record and enter the Ready forActivation Date and click Save.

This will change the Status of all your Order Line Items and Asset Line Items to Activated.
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Post activation, you may perform actions like Amend, Renew, and Terminate. For Amend and
Renew, a new agreement record is created. The Related Agreements related list contains the
records which indicate how these agreement records are related to each other.
For the amended or renewed agreement, notice that the status of the Asset Line Items is also
changed. Click Configure Products on the new agreement to perform the ABO actions on the

Integrating Assets with Contracts (without a Quote/Proposal)

To integrate Assets with Contracts (without a Quote/Proposal)
Ensure that you have set the custom setting, Auto Create Order to True under Setup > Develop
> Custom Settings > Comply System Properties.

1. Create a new Agreement record by clicking All Tabs (+) > Agreements > New.

2. Enter requisite details, such as Agreement Name, Agreement Start Date, and Agreement
End Date.
3. Associate an Account and a Price List to your agreement record.

4. Click Configure Products to navigate to the Catalog and configure the required products
with options and attributes.
5. Once your configuration is finalized, click Finalize to navigate to your agreement record.

6. Now that your line items finalized, click Generate to generate an agreement document.

7. After the negotiations with your customer is complete, click Activate to put the agreement in
Note that the Agreement Line Items related list now contains the finalized, activated line item
8. Hit refresh to see that the Order, Order Line Items and Asset Line Items related lists now
contain records.
9. Go to your Order record and enter the Ready forActivation Date and click Save.

This will change the Status of all your Order Line Items and Asset Line Items to Activated.
Post activation, you may perform actions like Amend, Renew, and Terminate. For Amend and
Renew, a new agreement record is created. The Related Agreements related list contains the
records which indicate how these agreement records are related to each other.

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For the amended or renewed agreement, notice that the status of the Asset Line Items is also
changed. Click Configure Products on the new agreement to perform the ABO actions on the

Billing for Assets

After you finalize a proposal and accept a customer’s order, the products change from order line
item to asset line item. Then, you create an Asset-based Order by creating a quote on the account
that contains the installed products or assets. After you create the quote, go to product cart, click
Installed Products, and select one of the following actions:
Every asset action on an asset line item on Installed Product page changes the existing Billing
Schedule, Invoice Status, and the Billing Cycle Start and End Date for that asset line item or
the Installed Product.
Renewal of an asset will impact the Billing Schedules because the asset Start Date and End Date
will change. On renewal, the Asset Status will change to Renewed on the Asset Line Item. New
Billing Schedules will be created based on the new Start Date and End Date.
When you change an asset, you can update values for fields such as the Net Price and Selling
Term. Apttus Billing Management, by default assigns the Start Date of the Asset Line Item to the
effective date of the change.
Every changed or amended order has a new set of Billing Schedules that Apttus Billing
Management creates automatically and these new schedules depend on the Start and End dates
that you define for the changed asset line item. When you change an asset, it is critical to align the
Bill Cycle Start Date with the Billing Preference of the asset line item.
Let us now understand the impact of each asset action on Billing Schedules and how you can
manage this change.
In the following section:
Impact of Asset actions on Billing Schedules
Billing Schedules for Renewed Assets
Billing Schedules for Canceled Assets
125 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Usage Schedules for Canceled Assets

Changing Billing Schedules when you Decrease the Net Price of an Asset
Changing Billing Schedules when you change the Billing Frequency of an Asset
Changing Billing Schedules when you Extend the End Date of an Asset
Changing Billing Schedules when you Increase the Net Price of an Asset
Changing Billing Schedules when you reduce the End Date of an Asset

Impact of Asset actions on Billing Schedules

If you use Apttus Billing Management, you must consider the impact of each asset action, Renew,
Change, Swap or Terminate has on the Billing and Invoicing of the purchased products. While the
impact of asset actions on Billing Schedules are detailed in this guide, you must also consider the
following definitions before you make any changes to an asset.

Field Definition

Period The date you want to start billing your customer for this purchase.

Period The date you want to stop billing your customer for this purchase.

Billing The rule you defined to either Bill in Advance or Bill in Arrears.

Billing Periodic - to bill your customer on fixed billing dates that represent custom
Plan billing periods that may or may not have a regular frequency.
Milestone - to distribute the total amount to be billed over multiple billing
dates. As each milestone is successfully reached, you can bill your customer
either a percentage of the entire cost or a pre-defined amount.

If you have configured Billing Preference with Account Billing Day of Month, select
the day of the month when you want to generate the bill for this account.

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Field Definition

Day of

Billing Select one of the following options.

Billing Day of the Month - to start the billing cycle on the Billing day of the
Start month
Ready for Billing Date - to start the billing cycle when the status of the
proposal changes to Ready for Invoicing date
Period Start Date - Apttus Billing Management inherits this value from Apttus
Order Date - Apttus Billing Management inherits this value from Apttus CPQ
Account Billing Day of the Month - select this option if you want to define
the Billing Preference to use the Billing Day of the Month that you have
defined on the Accounts page

Scroll down to the Billing Schedule section on the Asset Line Item detail page to view the Billing
and Usage schedules for that asset.

Billing Schedules for Renewed Assets

To define the Renewal Date on the Confirm Renewal page, select from one of the following
Contract End Date - if you want to renew the asset on the date the contract expires.
Asset End Date - if you want to renew the asset on the date the asset expires.
Farthest End Date - if you want to choose the farthest end date out of all the selected
Asset Line Items and apply this date to all the Asset Line Items.
Renewal Date - use the calendar to define a custom date to renew the asset.
The date you enter here determines the billing period for the Renewed asset. The new Billing
Schedules for a renewed asset are in the Pending Billing state by default. Each renewed asset has
such Billing schedules that Apttus CPQ creates automatically when the asset is activated.

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Billing Schedules for Cancelled Assets

When you cancel an asset, the cancellation is effective only after one day's time.

Example 1.
You are a customer service representative for a telecommunications company and you cancel a
customer's data subscription plan mid-cycle when the status of each Billing Schedule is Pending
Before you cancel the subscription, you see the following Billing Schedules.

Billing Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded


BS1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

After you cancel the subscription, you see that status of schedules changes.

Billing Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded


BS1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS5 2/1/2015 2/14/2015 Pending Billing 50.00

BS6 2/15/2015 2/28/2015 Cancelled 50.00

BS3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Cancelled 100.00

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Billing Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded


BS4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Cancelled 100.00

In the above example, because the you cancelled the subscription mid-cycle, the original Billing
Schedule is superseded and replaced by the following new Billing Schedules.
BS1 is for the partial period that is still active and has not been billed.
BS2 is for the partial period that has been cancelled.
Also, because the Billing Schedules for March and April are unbilled their status is set to Cancelled.

Example 2.
Consider another example where you want to cancel a customer's data subscription plan mid-cycle
when the status of some Billing Schedules is Pending Billing and others is Invoiced.
Before you cancel the subscription, you see the following Billing Schedules.

Billing Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded


BS1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

BS5 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

After you cancel the subscription, you see that status of schedules changes.

129 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Billing Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded


BS1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS6 2/15/2015 2/28/2015 Cancelled 50.00

BS7 2/15/2015 2/28/2015 Pending Billing -50.00

BS3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS8 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Pending Billing -100.00

BS4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Cancelled 100.00

BS5 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Cancelled 100.00

In the second example, because you cancelled the subscription mid-cycle, the Billing Schedule for
February is invoiced and is augmented with two new Billing Schedules.
BS1 is for the partial period that was cancelled and is used to record that portion of the
invoiced amount that was cancelled.
BS2 is also for the partial period that was cancelled and it is used to generate an Invoice
Line Item in order to reflect the credit for the portion of the invoiced amount that was
Because the entire period for March is already invoiced it augments a single Billing Schedule that
is used to generate an Invoice Line Item that then reflects the credit for the invoiced amount was
cancelled. The Billing Schedules for April and March are unbilled their status is changed to

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Usage Schedules for Cancelled Assets

Example 1.
You are a customer service representative for a telecommunications company and you cancel a
customer's usage based subscription plan mid-cycle when the status of each Usage Schedule is
Pending Billing.
Before you cancel the subscription, the asset line item has the following Billing Schedules.

Billing Period Start Period End Status Usage Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Invoiced 88.00

BS2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Pending 72.00


BS3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Pending 0.00


BS4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Pending 0.00


Before you cancel the subscription, the asset line item has the following Usage Schedules.

Usage Period Start Period End Status Billing Quantity Superseded

Schedule Schedule ID

US1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Pending BS1 30


US2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Pending BS2 26


US3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Pending BS3 0


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Usage Period Start Period End Status Billing Quantity Superseded

Schedule Schedule ID

US4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Pending BS4 0


After you cancel the subscription, the status of Billing Schedules change.

Billing Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded


BS1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Superseded 72.00 Yes

BS5 2/1/2015 2/21/2015 Pending Billing 52.50

BS6 2/22/2015 2/28/2015 Cancelled 19.50

BS3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Cancelled 0.00

BS4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Cancelled 0.00

After you cancel the subscription, the status of Usage Schedules change.

Usage Period Start Period End Status Billing Quantity Superseded

Schedule Schedule ID

US1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Pending Billing BS1 30

US2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Superseded BS2 26 Yes

US5 2/1/2015 2/21/2015 Pending BS5 17


132 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Usage Period Start Period End Status Billing Quantity Superseded

Schedule Schedule ID

US6 2/22/2015 2/28/2015 Cancelled BS6 9

US3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Cancelled BS3 0

US4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Cancelled BS4 0

In the above example, because you cancelled the subscription mid-cycle, and Usage Schedule for
the February is unbilled, the status is marked as Superseded and augmented be with the following
Usage Schedules.
BS1 is for the partial period that is still active and has not been billed. It reflects the
aggregate amount of the rated Usage Inputs that have a date greater than or equal to 2/1
and less than or equal 2/21.
US1 is for the partial period that is still active and has not been billed. It reflects the
aggregate quantity of the rated Usage Inputs that have a date greater than or equal to 2/1
and less than or equal 2/21.
BS2 is for the partial period that has been cancelled. It reflects the aggregate amount of the
rated Usage Inputs that have a date greater than or equal to 2/22 and less than or equal 2
US2 is for the partial period that you cancelled. It reflects the aggregate quantity of the rated
Usage Inputs that have a date greater than or equal to 2/22 and less than or equal 2/28.

Every usage based asset that you terminate or change, also has Billing Schedules
associated with that asset. The Usage Schedules are updated in a manner similar to the
Billing Schedules.

Example 2.
Consider another example where you want to cancel a customer's subscription plan mid-cycle
when the status of some Usage Schedules is Pending Billing and others is Invoiced.

133 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Before you cancel the subscription, the asset line item has the following Billing Schedules.

Billing Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Invoiced 88.00

BS2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Invoiced 72.00

BS3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Invoiced 78.00

BS4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Pending 66.00


Before you cancel the subscription, the asset line item has the following Usage Schedules.

Usage Period Period Status Billing Quantity Superseded

Schedule Start End Schedule ID

US1 1/1/2015 1/31 Pending BS1 30

/2015 Billing

US2 2/1/2015 2/28 Pending BS2 26

/2015 Billing

US3 3/1/2015 3/31 Pending BS3 31

/2015 Billing

US4 4/1/2015 4/30 Pending BS4 24

/2015 Billing

After you cancel the subscription, you see that status of Billing Schedules change.

Billing Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Invoiced 72.00 Yes

134 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Billing Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS5 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Pending -72.00


BS6 2/1/2015 2/22/2015 Pending 52.50


BS7 2/22/2015 2/28/2015 Cancelled 19.50

BS3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Invoiced 78.00 Yes

BS8 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Pending -78.00


BS4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Cancelled 66.00

After you cancel the subscription, you see that status of Usage Schedules change.

Usage Period Period Status Billing Quantity Superseded

Schedule Start End Schedule ID

US1 1/1/2015 1/31 Pending BS1 30

/2015 Billing

US2 2/1/2015 2/28 Invoiced BS2 26 Yes


US5 2/1/2015 2/21/2015 Pending BS6 17


US6 2/22/2015 2/28/2015 Cancelled BS7 9

US3 3/1/2015 3/31 Invoiced BS3 31 Yes


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Usage Period Period Status Billing Quantity Superseded

Schedule Start End Schedule ID

US4 4/1/2015 4/30 Cancelled BS4 24


In the second example, because you cancelled the subscription mid-cycle, the Billing Schedule for
February is invoiced and is augmented with two new Billing Schedules.
BS1 is a credit for the amount that was invoiced.
BS2 is for the partial period that was not cancelled and is used to charge for the portion of
the invoiced amount was billed. It reflects the aggregate amount of the rated Usage Inputs
that have a date greater than or equal to 2/1 and less than or equal 2/21.
US1 is for the partial period that was not cancelled and is used to record (audit) that portion
of the quantity amount was billed. It reflects the aggregate quantity of the rated Usage
Inputs that have a date greater than or equal to 2/1 and less than or equal 2/21.
BS3 is for the partial period that was cancelled and the amount the Account will not be
charged for. It reflects the aggregate amount of the rated Usage Inputs that have a date
greater than or equal to 2/22 and less than or equal 2/28.
US2 is also for the partial period that has been cancelled. It reflects the aggregate quantity
of the rated Usage Inputs that have a date greater than or equal to 2/22 and less than or
equal 2/28.
Because the entire period for March is already invoiced it augments a single Billing Schedule that
is used to generate an Invoice Line Item that then reflects the credit for the invoiced amount was
cancelled. The Billing Schedules for April and March are unbilled their status is changed to

Changing Billing Schedules when you Decrease the Net Price of an Asset

Example 1
You are a customer service representative for a software company and you decrease the Net Price
of the customer's software subscription plan mid-cycle when the status of each Billing Schedule is
Pending Billing.
Before you decrease the Net Price of the subscription, you see the following Billing Schedules.

136 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

After you decrease the Net Price of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS4 4/1/2015 4/15/2015 Pending Billing 50.00

BS5 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing 25.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS6 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing 50.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS7 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Billing 50.00

Because the amendment is mid-cycle and the April Billing Schedule is unbilled it will be superseded
and augmented with the following new Billing Schedules.
BS1 reflects the amount (at the old rate) to charge for the partial period before the
amendment date.
BS2 reflects the decreased amount for the partial period that was amended.
Also, the Billing Schedules for May and June are unbilled and are superseded and replaced by
Billing Schedules that reflect the decreased amount.

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Example 2
Consider another example where for a software company and you decrease the Net Price of the
customer's software subscription plan mid-cycle when the status of some Billing Schedules is
Pending Billing and others are Invoiced .
Before you decrease the Net Price of the subscription, you see the following Billing Schedules.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

After you decrease the Net Price of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS4 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing -50.00

BS5 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing 25.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS6 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing -50.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS7 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Billing 50.00

Because the amendment is mid-cycle and the April Billing Schedule is already invoiced it remains
as invoiced and is augmented with the following new Billing Schedules.
138 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.
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BS1 reflects the amount (at the old rate) that was invoiced for the partial period at/after the
amendment date and will appear as a credit when an Invoice is generated.
BS2 reflects the decreased amount for the partial period that was amended and will appear
as a charge when an Invoice is generated.
Also, the Billing Schedule for May has been invoiced it will remain as invoiced and will be
augmented with one new Billing Schedule. This new Billing Schedule contains the new amount to
charge for and appears on the next Invoice generated for that Asset. The Billing Schedule for June
is then unbilled (in draft state) it is superseded and replaced by a Billing Schedule that reflects the
decreased amount.

Changing Billing Schedules when you change the Billing Frequency of an


Example 1
You are a customer service representative for a software company and you must change the
Billing frequency from Quarterly to Monthly for a customer's software subscription plan, mid-cycle
when the status of each Billing Schedule is Pending Billing.
Before you change the Billing frequency of the subscription from Quarterly to Monthly, you see the
following Billing Schedules.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 7/1/2015 9/30/2015 Invoiced 90.00

BS2 10/1/2015 12/31/2015 Invoiced 90.00

BS3 1/1/2016 3/31/2016 Pending Billing 90.00

After you extend the End Date of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 7/1/2015 9/30/2015 Invoiced 90.00 Yes

BS4 8/1/2015 9/30/2015 Pending Billing -60.00

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Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS5 8/1/2015 8/31/2015 Pending Billing 20.00

BS6 9/1/2015 9/30/2015 Pending Billing 20.00

BS2 10/1/2015 12/31/2015 Invoiced 90.00 Yes

BS7 10/1/2015 12/31/2015 Pending Billing -90.00

BS8 10/1/2015 10/31/2015 Pending Billing 20.00

BS9 11/1/2015 11/30/2015 Pending Billing 20.00

BS10 12/1/2015 12/31/2015 Pending Billing 20.00

BS3 1/1/2016 3/30/2016 Superseded 90.00 Yes

BS11 1/1/2016 1/31/2016 Pending Billing 20.00

BS12 2/1/2016 2/29/2016 Pending Billing 20.00

BS13 3/1/2016 3/31/2016 Pending Billing 20.00

BS14 4/1/2016 4/30/2016 Pending Billing 20.00

The new Term is now 8/1/2015 – 4/30/2016 (9 months) and the new Net Price is 180.00,
the Fee amount is 20.00 per month. When you transition from a less frequent Billing
Frequency (like quarterly) to more a frequent Billing Frequency (like monthly), a credit
Billing Schedule is created for each whole period Billing Schedule that is invoiced.

Because the billing frequency change is mid-cycle and the July-September Billing Schedule has
been invoiced it will remain as invoiced and will be augmented with the following new Billing

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BS4 reflects the amount for the partial period that is being amended (at the original billing
frequency and rate) and will appear as a credit when an Invoice is generated.

BS5 reflects the amount to charge for the first month within the amended partial period of
the quarter.
BS6 reflects the amount to charge for the second month within the amended partial period
of the quarter.
Also, the October-December Billing Schedule has been invoiced it will remain as invoiced and will
be augmented with the following new Billing Schedules.
BS7 is a credit for the amount that was invoiced.

BS8 reflects the amount to charge for the first month within the 2nd quarter.

BS9 reflects the amount to charge for the second month within the 2nd quarter.

BS10 reflects the amount to charge for the third month within the 2nd quarter.
The January-March Billing Schedule is unbilled and is marked as Superseded and augmented with
the following new Billing Schedules.

BS11 reflects the amount to charge for the first month within the 3rd quarter.

BS12 reflects the amount to charge for the second month within the 3rd quarter.

BS13 reflects the amount to charge for the third month within the 3rd quarter.
The End Date of the Asset Line Item is extended by 1 month to 4/30/2016 an additional Billing
Schedule, BS14 is created to accommodate the extension.

Example 2
Consider another example where you must change the Billing frequency from Monthly to Quarterly,
for a customer's software subscription plan, mid-cycle when the status of some Billing Schedules is
Pending Billing and others is Invoiced.
Before you change the Billing frequency of the subscription from Monthly to Quarterly, you see the
following Billing Schedules.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00

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Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS3 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS4 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS5 7/1/2015 7/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS6 8/1/2015 8/31/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

After you extend the End Date of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS7 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing -50.00

BS8 4/16/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing 50.00

BS3 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS4 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS9 6/1/2015 8/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS5 7/1/2015 7/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS6 8/1/2015 8/31/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

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The new Term is now 4/16 – 8/31 (4 ½ months) and the new Net Price is 450.00, the Fee
amount is 300.00 every quarter. The amendment was performed on 4/16 with the Billing
Cycle Start defined as the Period Start Date and the Calendar Cycle Start is June, the 1st
period is from 4/16 to 5/31. After this period the quarters is aligned with 6/1 so the next
period is from 6/1 to 8/1.

Because the billing frequency change is mid-cycle and the April Billing Schedule has been invoiced
it will remain as invoiced and will be augmented with one new Billing Schedule. The new Billing
Schedule reflects the amount for the partial period that is being amended (at the original billing
frequency and rate) and will appear as a credit when an Invoice is generated.
Because the billing frequency change goes into effect 4/16 and the 16th does not align with the
Start Period Date (3/1) a partial period will be created for the 1st new quarter. The Billing Schedule
for May has already been invoiced, remains as invoiced, and is superseded by BS8. BS9 is
created with a quarterly billing frequency that is from 6/1/2015 - 8/31/2015. It supersedes the 3
Billing Schedules for the months of June, July, and August. The Fee Amount is 300.00 but,
because you Invoiced the schedules for June and July, the Fee amount is reduced to 100.00.

Changing Billing Schedules when you Extend the End Date of an Asset

Example 1
You are a customer service representative for a software company and you extend the End Date
of a customer's software subscription plan mid-cycle when the status of each Billing Schedule is
Pending Billing.
Before you extend the End Date of the subscription, you see the following Billing Schedules.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 200.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 200.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Invoiced 200.00

After you extend the End Date of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.
143 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 200.00 Yes

BS4 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing -100.00

BS5 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing 50.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 200.00 Yes

BS6 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing -100.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Superseded 200.00 Yes

BS7 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS8 7/1/2015 7/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS9 8/1/2015 8/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS10 9/1/2015 9/15/2015 Pending Billing 50.00

Because the amendment is mid-cycle and the April Billing Schedule has been invoiced it will
remain as invoiced and augmented with two new Billing Schedules.
BS1 reflects the overpaid amount for the partial period that was amended and will appear as
a credit when an Invoice is generated.
BS2 reflects the new amount for the partial period that was amended and will appear as a
debit when an Invoice is generated.
Also, the Billing Schedule for May has been invoiced it will be augmented with one new Billing
Schedule. This new Billing Schedule contains a credit for the overpaid amount that was invoiced
and will appear on the next Invoice generated for the corresponding Asset. The Billing Schedule
for June is unbilled it will be superseded and replaced by a Billing Schedule that reflects the new
amount. The End Date was extended by 2.5 months and 3 new Billing Schedules are created with
the appropriate fee amount. The last Schedule created is only for half a month.

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Example 2
Consider another example where you extend the End Date of the customer's software subscription
plan mid-cycle when the status of some Billing Schedules is Pending Billing and others is
Before you extend the End Date of the subscription, you see the following Billing Schedules.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

After you extend the End Date of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 200.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 200.00 Yes

BS4 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing -100.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/15/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS5 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

BS6 7/1/2015 7/31/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00


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The End Date of the Asset Line Item was extended by 1.5 months and Net Price was set
to 300.00 for the new Term (5/1/2015 – 7/31/2015). This reduces the Fee from $200 per
month to $100.00 per month.

Because the amendment is at the period start and the May Billing Schedule has been invoiced it
will remain as invoiced and will be augmented with one new Billing Schedule. The new Billing
Schedule reflects the overpaid amount for the whole period that was amended and will appear as a
credit when an Invoice is generated. The Billing Schedule for June is unbilled it will be superseded
and replaced by a Billing Schedule that reflects the new amount.
Because the original Schedule for June was for a partial period and the End Date of the Asset Line
Item is extended by 1.5 months, the replacement Billing Schedule period is extended to a full
period. Extending the End date by a period of 1.5 months results in the following changes.
The partial period for June is extended to a full period and the fee amount is updated accordingly.
A new Billing Schedule is created for July with the appropriate fee amount.

Changing Billing Schedules when you Increase the Net Price of an Asset

Example 1
You are a customer service representative for a software company and you increase the Net Price
of the customer's software subscription plan mid-cycle when the status of each Billing Schedule is
Pending Billing.
Before you increase the Net Price of the subscription, you see the following Billing Schedules.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

BS2 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

BS3 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS4 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

After you increase the Net Price of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.

146 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

BS2 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS5 4/1/2015 4/15/2015 Pending Billing 50.00

BS6 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS3 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS7 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing 200.00

BS4 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS8 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Billing 200.00

Because the amendment is mid-cycle and the April Billing Schedule is unbilled it will be superseded
and augmented with the following new Billing Schedules.
BS1 reflects the amount (at the old rate) to charge for the partial period before the
amendment date.
BS2 reflects the increased amount for the partial period that was amended.
Also, the Billing Schedules for May and June are unbilled and are superseded and replaced by
Billing Schedules that reflect the increased amount.

Example 2
Consider another example where for a software company and you increase the Net Price of the
customer's software subscription plan mid-cycle when the status of some Billing Schedules is
Pending Billing and others is Invoiced.
Before you increase the Net Price of the subscription, you see the following Billing Schedules.

147 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

After you increase the Net Price of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS4 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing -50.00

BS5 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS6 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS7 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Billing 200.00

Because the amendment is mid-cycle and the April Billing Schedule is already invoiced it remains
as invoiced and is augmented with the following new Billing Schedules.
BS1 reflects the amount (at the old rate) that was invoiced for the partial period at/after the
amendment date and will appear as a credit when an Invoice is generated.
BS2 reflects the increased amount for the partial period that was amended and will appear
as a charge when an Invoice is generated.

148 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Also, the Billing Schedule for May has been invoiced it will be remain as invoiced and will be
augmented with one new Billing Schedule. This new Billing Schedule contains the new amount to
charge for and appears on the next Invoice generated for that Asset. The Billing Schedule for June
is then unbilled (in draft state) it is superseded and replaced by a Billing Schedule that reflects the
increased amount.

Changing Billing Schedules when you reduce the End Date of an Asset

Example 1
You are a customer service representative for a software company and you shorten the End Date
of a customer's software subscription plan mid-cycle when the status of each Billing Schedule is
Pending Billing.
Before you shorten the End Date of the subscription, you see the following Billing Schedules.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

BS4 7/1/2015 7/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

BS5 8/1/2015 8/31/2015 Pending Billing 100.00

After you shorten the End Date of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS6 4/1/2015 4/15/2015 Pending Billing 50.00

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BS7 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing 112.50

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS8 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing 225.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Superseded 100.00 Yes

BS9 6/1/2015 6/15/2015 Pending Billing 112.50

BS10 6/15/2015 6/30/2015 Cancelled 50.00

BS4 7/1/2015 7/31/2015 Cancelled 100.00

BS5 8/1/2015 8/31/2015 Cancelled 100.00

Because the End Date of the Asset Line Item is reduced by 2.5 months and the Net Price is set to
450.00, the monthly fee for the amended Term(4/15 – 6/15) is increased from 100 per month to
225 per month.
Because the amendment is mid-cycle and the April Billing Schedule is unbilled, it is then
superseded and replaced with two new Billing Schedules.
BS1 reflects the amount at the old rate for the partial period prior to the amendment date
and is calculated as a debit when an Invoice is generated.
BS2 reflects the new amount for the partial period that was amended and is calculated as a
debit when an Invoice is generated.
Also, the Billing Schedule for May is unbilled and is superseded with one new Billing Schedule.
This new Billing Schedule reflects the new monthly rate and is calculated in the next Invoice that
you generate for the corresponding Asset. The Billing Schedule for June is unbilled and its period
is shortened, it is superseded and replaced with the following new Billing Schedules.
The 1st new Billing Schedule reflects the new amount for the partial period that was
amended and is calculated as a debit when you generate an Invoice.
The period in June is shortened and the 2nd new Billing Schedule reflects the amount for
the partial period of June that is dropped because the End Date is shortened.

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The Billing Schedules for July and August are unbilled and they are dropped because the End
Date is shortened they are marked as Cancelled.

Example 2
Consider another example where you shorten the End Date of the customer's software
subscription plan, mid-cycle when the status of some Billing Schedules is Pending Billing and
others is Invoiced.
Before you shorten the End Date of the subscription, you see the following Billing Schedules.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS4 7/1/2015 7/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS5 8/1/2015 8/31/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

After you shorten the End Date of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS6 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing -50.00

BS7 4/16/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Billing 112.50

BS2 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

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BS8 5/1/2015 5/31/2015 Pending Billing 125.00

BS3 6/1/2015 6/30/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS9 6/1/2015 6/15/2015 Pending Billing -50.00

BS10 6/1/2015 6/15/2015 Pending Billing 112.50

BS11 6/15/2015 6/30/2015 Pending Billing -50.00

BS4 7/1/2015 7/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS12 7/1/2015 7/31/2015 Pending Billing -100.00

BS5 8/1/2015 8/31/2015 Cancelled 100.00

The End Date of the Asset Line Item is reduced by 2.5 months and the Net Price is set to
450.00, the monthly fee for the amended Term(4/15 – 6/15) is increased from 100 per
month to 225 per month.

Because the amendment is mid-cycle and the April Billing Schedule has been invoiced it will
remain as invoiced and will be augmented with the following new Billing Schedules.
BS1 reflects the amount already paid for the partial period that was amended and will
appear as a credit when an Invoice is generated.
BS2 reflects the new amount for the partial period that was amended and will appear as a
debit when an Invoice is generated.
Because the period in June is shortened, the 3rd new Billing Schedule reflects a credit for the
partial period of June after the End Date is shortened

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Example 3
Consider another example where you shorten the End Date make it the same as the Start Date of
the customer's software subscription plan mid-cycle to the same as the Start Date, when the
status of some Billing Schedules is Pending Billing and others is Invoiced.
Before you shorten the End Date and make it the same as the Start Date of the subscription, you
see the following Billing Schedules.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Pending Invoiced 100.00

After you shorten the End Date of the subscription, the number of and the status of each Billing
Schedule changes.

Schedule Period Start Period End Status Fee Amount Superseded

BS1 1/1/2015 1/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00

BS2 2/1/2015 2/28/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS5 2/8/2015 2/21/2015 Pending Billing -50.00

BS6 2/8/2015 2/21/2015 Pending Billing 80.00

BS7 2/22/2015 2/28/2015 Pending Billing -25.00

BS3 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Invoiced 100.00 Yes

BS8 3/1/2015 3/31/2015 Pending Billing -100.00

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BS4 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 Cancelled 100.00

The new Term in this scenario is from 2/8/2015 to 2/21/2015 and the Net Price will be 80.00.
Because the amendment is mid-cycle and the February Billing Schedule has been invoiced it will
remain as invoiced and because the end date of the Asset has been reduced to February it will be
augmented with the following new Billing Schedules.
BS1 reflects the amount already paid for the partial period that was amended and will
appear as a credit when an Invoice is generated.
BS2 reflects the new amount for the partial period that was amended and will appear as a
debit when an Invoice is generated.
BS3 is to account for the end of the period that is being dropped and will appear as a credit
when an Invoice is generated.
The Billing Schedule for March is invoiced and is removed because the End Date is shortened.
A new Billing Schedule is created to credit the amount that was already invoiced. Because the End
Date is shortened and the period for August is unbilled, the Billing Schedule is marked as

Viewing Installed Products Page

Installed Products page is redesigned for quick search of assets and better control of column
visibility. The Grid UI for Installed Products gives better performance in terms of page load time
and intuitive navigation.

Only the Asset Grid UI is supported on the Installed Products Page.

Styling for Installed Products Page

You can apply column settings to the Installed Products page. You can change coloring,
formatting, and styling of the angular and the asset grid pages. This helps you customize
the look and feel of the Installed Products page for better readability.
You can see the Search bar adjacent to the installed products header area on the right

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corner on both Asset and Assets Grid pages.
You can see a floating menu for the Asset Grid page similar to the Cart Grid page.
You can see pagination at the top of the Asset Grid page, which helps proper page
alignment. Also, notice that the left side search filter section gets collapsed by default.

On the Installed Products page, Primary Service columns are available for Equipment type assets
only. From the new user interface, you can
Expand or Collapse the product attributes
Use Pagination to control the display of assets on a single page and to extreme left or right
of the view as chosen from the options
Search using a product or option (with a full or a partial string
Perform a basic search or an advanced search
Create asset views
View assets across account hierarchy
To enable the new interface, append grid at the end of the Installed Products URL.
For example,

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should be changed to

Similarly, you can switch back from the grid UI to the classic interface by removing grid from the
You can use the following features to navigate the Installed Products homepage if you are using
the Assetsgrid (New UI):
Product Search: Enables you to search existing assets. Enter the name of the product and click
the magnifier icon. All products that are relevant to the search string (full name of the product or
partial name ) are displayed. Click the + icon to use the Basic and Advanced Search options. You
can also search an option product, all bundles with their options are displayed.

Account Hierarchy icon : Click the Accounts Hierarchy icon and select one or more a
displays accounts hierarchy as per show assets settings. By default, the app will display all assets
of the current account of the proposal.
Items per Page: You can select the number of assets that must be displayed on the home page of
the Installed products page. You can select a maximum number of 200 items that must display on
a page.

Searching Assets
Apttus CPQ provides the Search Products feature on the Installed Products Asset Grid page only
and lets you search by option as well.
You can search the install base with a full or partial search on the option name and then you get all
the bundles with that particular option including nested bundle options. You can apply other filters
on the install base in addition to the search based on the option name. If the product catalog does
not have bundles with that option, it presents a message that bundles with that option could not be
found in the install base. Option-based search works in accordance with existing features such as
Asset Source, Account Hierarchy, and Pagination.
In this global search, you can specify a keyword, option, option name, or partial name in order to
search assets.

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On top of global search, you can narrow down your search using Account Hierarchy and Filter By
The Filter By function provides Basic and Advanced search to further drill down your search.
When you clear the search criteria from a secondary or tertiary level search, it does not impact the
search criteria of higher level search. For example, clearing the search criteria of Filter By fields
does not reset the search criteria of Account Hierarchy.
Sorting Product Items Per Page
By default you can sort the product items per page for 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 records. In addition,
you can set the custom value in the Config User Preferences page.
This feature works in association with Search functionality in order to display search records per

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Managing Services
Service CPQ feature caters to customer requirements that are related to services for existing or
newly purchased products from Apttus. A sales rep owns an equipment that is sold to customer
and associates a service product with an equipment or asset. A sales rep has the visibility to the
end to end cycle through the following pages for service management:
Installed Products page
Service Catalog page
Service Config page
Service Cart page
For an exisiting asset which is not being serviced yet, the system administrator (admin) can
classify it under equipment or service product type. To see how services are loaded on Installed
products page, refer to Viewing Service Products on the Installed Products page.
All the service products and the assets are associated based on the eligibilty rules that is the
framework for service eligibilty at large. For defining the eligiblity constraint rule criteria you as an
admin have to use Match in Related Lines option for the OEM product, for instance. This
criteria hides all other OEM products on the Sevice Catalog page through Exclusion type constraint
rule that you must set. The constraint rule action intent is scoped to other OEM products under a
product family or product group to make them ineligible (block them) when the rule is triggered. To
see how services are configured, refer to Configuring Service Products, Creating Constraint Rule
Conditions, and Creating Constraint Rule Actions in CPQ on Salesforce Administrator Guide.
The service catalog page displays only the eligible service products for the selected assets or
equipments. As a sales rep, you can configure the bundle product for setting the entitlements or
offerings for the customer. For example, 24x7 support under a bundle product of annual
maintenance contract. To see the new Service Catalog page, refer to Configuring Service Products.
When you go to the cart page, you can see the service line items and the related asset line items
along with weightage details for each asset. The weightage amount or percentage value drives the
service allocation for the customer. For example, you can set 60:40 service allocation amongst two
service products depending upon service implementation needs. To see the cart grid actions, refer
to Viewing the Service Cart and Viewing the Cart in Grid View.

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Service pricing for the selected assets is available only on the Angular Cart Grid UI but
not on the Angular Cart UI. Also, you can see the Related Line Items menu option for the
service product only after the System Administrator configures the Flow Setting for the
Angular Cart Grid.

Viewing Service Products on the Installed Products page

For the Service CPQ functionality, the Installed Products page is enhanced to include the following
two tabs:
Purchased Products
Related Purchases

Apttus CPQ supports only the Asset Grid UI.

Purchased Products
This tab displays the existing assets for an Account. This is similar to the old Installed Products

Validating Service Assets based on Criteria

You can select multiple service assets on the Installed Products Asset Grid page based
on the criteria. Based on the selection criteria of service assets, Apttus CPQ displays the
validation messages in order to ensure that the mass edit of purchased products happens
accurately. For example, you can select assets based on the location criterion and then
edit them together.
You need to set the custom settings > Installed Product Settings > Mass Edit Action
Criteria Fields. This custom setting shows all the fields of Asset line item and Price
Dimensions defined on asset line item. When you select two or more assets and click
Mass Edit, Apttus CPQ validates the selected asset line items against the Relate action
criteria fields. In case of any discrepancies, a validation error message shows up in the

159 Purchases Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Related Purchases
This tab displays the relevant services configured for an asset (equipment) for an Account. All
these service products are loaded into the Service Catalog. From the Service Catalog, all the
service products are configured as a normal product in Apttus CPQ system. The columns in this
tab are configured using Display Column Settings > Display Type = Related Purchases for your
flow name.
A new button named Relate is introduced on the Installed Products page. Clicking Relate button
associates your asset products with the available services. You can change the label and
alignment of Relate button from Display Action Settings > Display Type = Installed Products for
your flow name.
The relate flow is used when you want to sell services on the equipment (bundle or Standalone).
You are able to see only the related line item for the bundle or Standalone that is selected,
however, you do not see the related line items for the component of Bundle.
The Relate Component flow is used when you want to sell services for the component of bundle.
You are able to see the related line item for the component selected, and will not see the related
line items for the bundle.

Support for Related Line Items at the Option Level

You can view the related lines associated with the component in the cart from an
icon at the option level.
You can add or delete components using the Add or Remove buttons.
This allows you to select and sell services at the component level and view the details in
the cart.

Coverage Status of Assets

Apttus CPQ provides a Boolean field Is Primary Service on Asset Line Item object, which is
disabled by default.
You can enable it to view the coverage status of your assets:
Installed Product (Asset Grid) page shows Service Product columns if Show Coverage for
Primary Service is set to true and you have added all the columns to column settings.
You need to mark the service as a Primary Service in asset line item manually or by any
custom setting. Apttus CPQ does not have provision on the UI to mark the service as
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Only one primary service is associated to an equipment. In case of more than one primary
service associated with an equipment, Apttus CPQ shows the coverage status data for the
first available service.
You can see the service along with its start and end dates along side the equipment asset
without any clicks.
Primary Service: Product shows proper name of service product.
Primary Service: Start Date shows a start date of service product.
Primary Service: End Date shows an end date of service product.
Primary Service: Weighted Net Price shows Net price of weightage that is distributed among
You can see the dynamically generated coverage status of the asset on the page as
If the equipment has a service of type warranty and if the end date of the warranty is
less than the day of the analysis, the status is Out of warranty.
If the equipment has a service of type warranty and if the end date of the warranty is
greater than or equal to as opposed to the day of analysis, the status is In warranty.
If the equipment has a service of type contract and if the end date of the contract is
less than the day of analysis, the status is Out of contract.
If the equipment has a service of type contract and if the end date of the contract is
greater than or equal to the day of analysis, the status is In contract.
You can also search your assets by using the coverage status on the Installed Products

You need to enable Show Service Coverage custom setting in order to view the
coverage status columns on the Installed Products (Asset Grid) page.

Enabled Match in Options support for Related Asset Lines

When you relate a bundle (asset), the eligibility rule is triggered at the option and bundle level and
based on the eligible purchases for the option of a service, you can do the following:
Sell services for a bundle or option
Select the options for which you want to add a service coverage

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When a service catalog launches after relating the assets with options, eligibility rules check
"Match in Options" for related lines condition and accordingly disables or enables valid services.

ABO Support for Renewals on Services

During service renewal, you can update equipment items for the service. You can
terminate the equipment line items or you can add them to additional services or extend
coverage to the quote. While renewing a service, on the cart grid you can see all related
equipment in the Related Items pop-up and when you click Add or Remove, on the
Installed Products page only services get selected. It has been observed that the
relationship between a service and an equipment is established, however, currently you
may not be able to add or remove related line items from the equipment.

Displaying Assets from the Account Hierarchy

You can view all the assets of either the parent or the child on the Installed Products asset grid
page and search them using various criteria.
To set the account hierarchy

1. Under Custom Settings > Installed Product Settings > Show Assets, specify Parents,

If Show Assets is blank, on the asset grid page you cannot see an icon for
Account Hierarchy and Apttus CPQ shows only assets from the current
If Show Assets set to Parents, Children, on the asset grid page you can
see an icon for Account Hierarchy and Apttus CPQ shows assets from the
current account as well as from Parent and Children.

2. Add or update the Accounts that you want to be displayed in the Account Hierarchy screen
on the asset grid page.
3. Execute the batch job in CPQ Console > Maintenance Console > Account Hierarchy,
whenever you add or update account's parent or create a new acccount with parent.

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4. Click Account Hierarchy icon on the asset grid page. The Account Hierarchy pop-up
5. Select the account for which you want to view the list of assets. The default account is
always marked in bold in the Account Hierarchy pop-up.
6. Click Apply in the pop-up to see the list of asset for a particular account in the right pane.
You can see the hierarchy of assets under Account Hierarchy icon in the left pane.

Configuring Service Products

You can configure a service product from the catalog after you set the product type as a Service or
an Equipment. When you go to the Service Catalog page, you can see all the service products that
are associated with your assets or equipments for a new service. For a service product you have
to follow the same procedures that are given in the topic, Configuring a Product from the Catalog.
Displaying the eligible services on catalog: The Service Catalog page displays the eligible
service products that you can associate with the assets.
Displaying the assets on catalog: On the Service Catalog page, click the Selected Assets
link to view the assets and their corresponding details.
Selected options of an Equipment bundle from the Assets page appear on the Selected
Assets pop-up both in Catalog and Configuration page.
Displaying the custom fields for assets: On the Service Catalog page when you open the
Selected Assets pop up, it displays the custom fields that you configured for your asset.
You can populate the desired fields of asset line items in the Selected Assets pop-up.
Supporting the entitlements non-exclusive to all assets: You can select a service offering
(entitlement) on the service catalog and configure it for one or more purchased products
(assets). For example, you can select 24x7 support for the Order Management product.
Applying the eligible entitlements to assets: You can see and configure the service offerings
(entitlements) that are applicable to your assets. The Apttus CPQ disables the non-eligible
entitlements for selection on the service catalog. If you select an entitlement that is not
applicable to any purchases products, Apttus CPQ displays an error message.
Supporting the catalog actions on the service catalog: An Apttus CPQ supports the catalog
actions on the service catalog as well. For example, searching for services, display charge
types beside services, configure a service bundle, add service to the cart, and so on.

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Displaying three columns for the attributes: On the configuration page you can see three
columns for the product attributes. This behavior is governed by the Three Column Attribute
Display checkbox from the Product Attribute Group page.

On options, Apttus CPQ displays an icon next to options with Related Assets on the
configuration page. This helps you to see which assets are related to the options of a
bundle by invoking the pop-up on the right side.
On the cart page, you can clone the configured service lines. Select one or more service

lines and click copy icon ( ). Only the service line and its configuration are cloned so
that you can to associate different assets with the service line. Click Add/Remove button on
the Related Line Items pop-up, to relate assests with the service line.

Use Case: Configuring a service product

Description : This use case describes how to configure a service product that improves the user
experience of the customer post purchase.
Suppose ABC is the OEM manufacturer of the selected asset, Bundled ABC Software and
Hardware. Apttus CPQ provides the following Service Offerings or Entitlements:
24x7 Same Day Onsite Response
24x7 Support for Sev 1
Proactive Support Services
Remote Account Manager
XYZ Specialist Service = This product option is not available (greyed out) to sales rep
because this is not eligible for the selected asset.
In the following example, the sales rep configures the product.
Prerequisite: Make sure that system administrator has configured the product type and the
eligibility rules. For more information, see Managing Services.
To configure a service product

1. You can select a product by doing any of the following:

From the Browse Catalog list, select a category hierarchy you want to view.
From the Browse section, navigate to the category hierarchy for Bundled ABC
Software and Hardware.
In the Search bar, type a category or product name and click Search.

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2. From the Service Catalog section, to configure options for a product, click Configure next to
it. The selected product is displayed in the Selected Products section on the right and the
options page is displayed.
3. Select the options for your bundle, and do any of the following:

Click Add More Products, to add additional products.

Click Remove Item, to remove a product.
Click Go to Pricing to price the product.
Click Save to save your selected product for that quote.
Select Optional to consider a particular line item as an optional one.
The values in the Quantity field for options can be driven by the numeric expression builder
configured for the selected option.
The Save button is used in case you want to save your configuration before proceeding to
the attributes and cart page. For example, if you change the Quantity of the options
associated with your bundle product, you might want to save the configuration before moving
to the cart page.

Result: Bundled ABC Software and Hardware is configured and ready to be added to the cart.
Next Step: On the cart page, a sales rep can verify the following details and then finalize the cart.
Weightage of the each service product
Pricing and quantity
Association between the service product and the selected asset
Related asset line items and service line items

Viewing the Service Cart

After you configure a product on the Service Catalog and add it to the cart, the following user
actions are available on the Service Cart:
Apttus CPQ supports the cart grid actions on the service cart as well.
On the cart page, you can see the service lines for the bundle options as well as for the
standalone product.

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On the cart page, when you go to more button for a product, you can see the Related Line
Items menu option. The related line items are nothing but your assets that are associated
with the service line.

You can modify the related line items that are associated with the service line. Select the
product (asset) from the Related Line Items pop up and click change to relate the desired
product with a service product. On the Service Catalog page, click Update to confirm the
service product association with the new asset.
You can edit the weightage for your assets based on the business requirements. You can
set the percentage or amount as the Weightage Type, however, ensure that the total
weightage must add up to 100 (For details, see Field Set Settings in the admin guide).
You can clone a configured service line on the Service Cart page. For more information
refer to Configuring Service Products .
For more information on the Service CPQ feature, see Managing Services.
For more information on the cart grid actions, see Viewing the Cart in Grid View.
For more information on the Installed Products, see Configuring Installed Products Settings in CPQ
on Salesforce Administrator Guide.

Service Pricing
This section covers use cases for service pricing.
Various scenarios and the behavior changes are mentioned as follows:
User selected an Equipment Bundle and related it to a Service Bundle (assuming user didn’t
pick any options on the service –so only bundle header is in the cart ). Related line items for
Service Bundle will have only Equipment Bundle
User selected an Equipment Bundle and related it to a Service Bundle & it’s Service Option.
Related line items for Service Option will have only Equipment Bundle
Related line items for Service Bundle will have only Equipment Bundle
User selected few Equipment Options using relate component and associated/related them
to a Service Bundle SL (assuming no service options were selected ). Related line items for
Service Bundle will have only selected Equipment Options

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User selected few Equipment Options using relate component and associated/related them
to a Service Bundle and it’s Service Option.
Related line items for Service Bundle will have only selected Equipment Options.
Related line items for Service Option will have only selected Equipment Options
The navigations to the service pricing scenarios are as follows:

Bundle to Bundle
To be able to sell services for the components of an equipment by selecting them explicitly:

1. Navigate to the Installed Products page.

2. Select an asset bundle. Bundle and its components are displayed.

3. Click Relate. The service catalog page is displayed.

4. Select a service bundle and Click Add to Cart.

5. View cart.

6. Select the service bundle that you have previously selected on the service catalog page.
Click the Related Line Items. All asset bundles that you had selected on the Installed
Products page is displayed.

Bundle to Component
To be able to sell a service entitlement for more than one special component of one or more of an

1. Navigate to the Installed Products page.

2. Select an asset bundle. Bundle and its components are displayed.

3. Click Relate Component. The relate component page displays components of the asset.

4. Click Relate. The service catalog page is displayed.

5. Select a service bundle and Click Configure.

6. Select a service option and click Go to Pricing. the cart page is displayed.

7. Select the service bundle and Click the Related Line Items. All asset bundle components
and service options are displayed.

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Bundle to Bundle and Components

To be able to sell general entitlements (24x7, 99% uptime) that cover the equipment(s) (
Ultrasound Scanners, MRI's ). Also, you want to be able to maximize the revenue on a service
contract by selling specialized service entitlements ( eg probe coverage, magnet coverage ) for
more than one special component of the equipment items ( S-probe, T-Probe, Magnet ):

1. Navigate to the Installed products page.

2. Select two asset bundle. Bundle and its components are displayed.

3. Click Relate. The relate component page displays components of the asset.

4. Click Relate. The service catalog page is displayed.

5. Select a service bundle and Click Configure.

6. Select a service option and click the icon. Asset bundles and its components are
displayed. Select specific asset options and click Save.
7. Click Go to Pricing, the cart page is displayed.

8. Click the Related Line Items on the service option. Asset options are displayed.

Service pricing
Enable the following properties in Custom Settings -> Proposal System Properties to define the
mode used for service pricing.
Rollup – Used when the customer has a need to pool and price related equipment with different
service prices
Allocate – Used when the customer has a need to create a service line only for similarly priced
related equipment line items. In this case, the dimensions from the first set of the related line items
is used to price the service
The service pricing flow is as follows:
Create as many dimensions in the matrix as the number of your asset dimensions Set up
the matrix pricing for the service bundle and the service component individually Use
component name as a matrix dimension to price for individual component ( refer to the S-
Probe, T-Probe entries in the matrix )
The system relies on the first match for the service price. Specify entries with less ambiguity
(wild card ) at the beginning of the matrix.

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Configure the Config System Properties > Service Price Distribution Method.
For Relate Component - Bundle to Bundle scenario: Related line items created only at
the bundle level for the equipment items selected. Service is priced individually at the
service bundle level and the at the service option level for each related line item Individual
service prices are then averaged to obtain the base price of the service line item and are
then further rolled up to arrive at the price for the service line.
For Relate Component - Bundle to Component scenario: Related line items created only
at the component level for the selected components of the equipment
( Note the behavior change from the previous releases – no related line items are created
for the equipment bundles – you can see bundle associated with the component as an
associated column on the same related line item). Service is priced individually at the
service bundle level and the at the service option level for each related line item Individual
service prices are then averaged to obtain the base price of the service line item and are
then further rolled to arrive at the price for the service line
If there is no matching entry in the price matrix then it will take price as zero
Weightage of the service line is derived from its contribution.
The option of splitting a service line using a button click based on the flow level settings.
(Refer to Splitting the Related Line Items from Service Line )

Note the following for summer 2018 release:

Understand the performance impact as you pool a number of service lines. There
is no base line available with the summer 2018 release but will be published with
upcoming releases.
• A new icon is introduced alongside the service options – functionality associated
with this will be available with the upcoming release vehicles
• Ensure that the option quantities are manually updated or populated with default
quantities from the PLI in the cart. Changes upcoming in subsequent releases

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Splitting the Related Line Items from Service Line

The Split feature allows you to clone services with some or all related line items using in the
service cart. You must clone the service line to discount or negotiate various equipment items
differently. In many scenarios, sales reps belonging to a specific region have identical needs for
negotiation. However, there may be scenarios where the sales rep may not want to break the
service line. You can split the service line on the Service Cart. This feature splits the related line
items based on the split criteria defined in Config System Properties.
Split Criteria must be defined in the Service Line Split Criteria setting in Config System
Properties. You can define split criteria that apply globally or create split criteria for the specific
flow. In case the split criteria is defined for a specific flow, the Split button is not displayed in other
flows. For more information, see Defining Split Criteria.
Perform the following steps to split the service line.

1. Click Related Line Items on the Service Cart page.

2. Click Split. Select one or more criteria and Click Split.

After you click Split, the service line is cloned. The related line items are removed from the original
service line and associated to the cloned service line based on the split criteria. The price is
recalculated based on the related line items associated with the service line.

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Using Catalog
The following features are available on the product catalog page.
Using Guided Selling
Using Refine your Search
Using the Product Comparison Feature
Using Deal Guidance
Using Proposal Document Generation

Using Guided Selling

Guided Selling is a process that helps you to choose the product best fulfilling your customer's
needs. The goal of guided selling is to provide you a way to figure out which product to sell to a
customer. You need to answer a set of questions around your customer’s needs and based on
your answers, the system recommends products. This way, you can quickly select the right product
to meet your customer’s needs.

To use guided selling

Prerequisite: You must be on the product catalog page.

1. Select a category and click Guided Selling. A set of questions appears (one or more pages
of questions).
2. Select an answer from the available choices for the questions and click Next.

After you have finished answering the questionnaire, the system retrieves and displays the
products matching your customer's needs in the Recommended Products section.
You can either configure a product from the recommended products section, by clicking Configure
or add a product to the shopping cart by clicking Add to Cart.

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Using Refine your Search

When you are selecting items from the Product Catalog, Refine Your Search enables you to
narrow the list of products to those that match your search filter questions.
Search filters are associated with categories, so that the Refine Your Search questions may
change when you select different product categories. The questions are also found in the product
record, which is how the Product list gets refined. When you select an answer to a question and
that answer matches the answer on the product record, that product is included in the filtered
Product list.

For a product to be displayed on the Catalog page, it must match all of the selected
Refine Your Search criteria.

To configure your system to use Refine Your Search you must complete the following:

Configure Two custom fields need to be created. The field for Search Attribute Values is used
the to provide the search question and answers, which will be associated with a
custom category. The field for Products is used to have the same search question and
fields answer values available on the product record.

Configure This makes the custom field available from the Search Filter Fields list in the
Search Hierarchy Manager . This must be completed so that the custom field can be
Filter associated with a specific category.

Configure This task associates the custom field with a specific category and adds it to the
refine Refine Your Search window in the Product Selection page.

So that using Refine Your Search provides useful and relevant filtering, you should
select a value for each search field on a product record.

172 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Select a
field value
for a

The following configuration tasks, will use a refine search question example in the screenshots
(How many seats will you need?) to help show how the feature is built.

To refine your Search

You must have configured Custom fields for each search question.

1. Select a Quote/Proposal and click Configure Products.

2. On the Catalog page, search for a product. Based on your selected category, all the
products are listed in the Product Catalog section.
3. The Refine Your Search window displays the search filter questions. Select a value to
answer the questions that best match your requirements, and based on your selection, the
list of products are further filtered to narrow down the list.

The displayed products list will refresh to only display those products which match the search
criteria. Products must match all criteria to be displayed.
Additional selections you make in the Refine Your Search window will further filter the products list.

Using the Product Comparison Feature

Product comparison allows you to compare features of multiple products on the catalog page
enabling you to narrow down to products that best fit your customer's needs.

To compare multiple products

1. On the Catalog page, select more than one product to compare.

2. Click Compare Products.

A Product Compare page appears listing the selected products and its features in the tabular form.
You can show/hide the products to display on the comparison page.

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The system indicates the number of products that you have chosen to compare inside
parenthesis on the Compare button. This helps you keep a counter of the number of
products chosen for comparison on different pages on the catalog page. After product
selection, the system also indicates how many products you have chosen for comparison,
as 'n' selected. The products can be chosen from different categories also.

You can remove a product from the selection by clicking icon adjacent to each product.
The products are listed in the Compare Products selection dialog box based on the order of
your selection and not in an alphabetical order.
To go back to the catalog page, click Return to Catalog.
The Return to Catalog button now takes you back to the last category that you had browsed for
product selection. For example, you had selected Product 1 from Category A and Product 2 from
Category B. Once you are on the Product Comparison page, clicking Return to Catalog takes you
to Category B and the catalog page (containing all the categories).

Using Deal Guidance

With Apttus Deal Maximizer, sales reps can easily view the current rating of a deal at any time
alongside suggested recommendations to improve it. You can create rules that define the various
criteria of a good deal. This deal rating is available to sales reps at the time of negotiation. The
sales reps can see the rating of their current deal and gain visibility into approval requirements
ahead of time. Deal Maximizer guides the sales reps towards proposing good deals.
Apttus Deal Maximizer boosts revenue by guiding sales reps towards optimal deals that align with
organization's objectives.
Deal Maximizer is a set of rules that displays a deal color band based on the previous constraints
that you have set. The deal color band is displayed to the end-user right in the shopping cart so
any changes can be in real-time.
With Deal Maximizer, your Rule can be set up based on Opportunity, Agreement, Agreement Line
Item, Deal, Deal Line Item, Line Item, or Product Configuration. The Rule Criteria Measure Options
can be set as Unit Price, Annual Price per Unit, % Discount, Discount Amount, and % Margin. You
have the option to set the criteria rules as either a discrete value or a range.

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Before implementing Deal Maximizer, you must talk to your customer and gather data on what
defines a good, medium, and bad deal for their business. Business requirements will identify which
specific parameters (Discount %, Price Override) should trigger that a deal is moving to a risky
stage. Deal Maximizer uses data stored on the Line Item to determine deal acceptability. It can be
configured in multiple ways and can be set with one parameter or set as a combination of
From the Shopping Cart, you can view Meta Data from these objects, in order to display the
validity of the specific deal.
Once the rules have kicked in and the Deal Color Band appears, the End-user has a few options. If
the Deal Color Band shows the deal as below average, the End-user can still technically approve
the deal. However, this is not the best practice as it is very unlikely that the deal will be approved.
Instead, the End-user should reconfigure the deal and structure it in a way that moves the Deal
Color Band from below average to average or above average.
The following packages must be installed in order to use Deal Maximizer
Apttus Deal Manager
Apttus Deal Maximizer
Apttus Deal Approvals Management
Use Case:
Below is an example of the color band matrix used for ACME CSD.
In this case, the Discount % and Quantity fields are used to determine the color bands and
Acceptance level for ACME CSD deals. These fields are located in the Line Item object and
displayed on the shopping cart. When identifying the color band triggers for your client, be sure to
track where the data is held in Salesforce and determine if it is accessible by the DealMaximizer
dimension records.

Deal Color Band: Green Yellow Orange Red

Acceptance Target Acceptable Below Average Not Acceptable


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Quantity Discount % - Discount % - Discount % - Discount % - Not

Target Acceptable Below Average Acceptable

1 0 5 8 99999

20 0 8 11 99999

40 0 11 14 99999

60 0 14 17 99999

80 0 17 20 99999

9999 0 20 23 99999

For more information about how to configure the deal guidance, refer to Deal Maximizer
Administrator Guide.

Using Proposal Document Generation

Generating a Quote/Proposal and sending the Quote/Proposal to the customer should be easy and
intuitive. Proposal Doc Gen provides the ability to select a template, select the output format,
merge the Quote/Proposal document with additional documents and sequence them, email the
collated file with attachments and preview the different versions of documents. As a Sales Rep,
you can invoke the new wizard from the cart as well as from the Quote/Proposal header page.
This reduces the number of clicks and provides an integrated experience from the shopping cart as
well as the Quote/Proposal header. All the functionality resides in a single page application that is
smooth and easy to use.
Consider the following scenarios where this feature can be very useful:
Use case 1: After confirming the product selection and pricing, as a Sales Rep, you would like to
instantly generate a Quote/Proposal from the Shopping Cart, merge some marketing material and
product data sheets with my generated Quote/Proposal and send the document in an email to the

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User case 2: After receiving the email that my quote (that I had submitted earlier for approval) has
been approved, you want to quickly generate the Quote/Proposal document, merge some
marketing material and product data sheets with my generated proposal and send the document in
an email to the customer.

During the proposal workflow, the system detects the acceptable file type ( For instance, .
docx, .doc, .pdf ) and displays a distinct icon for the file format.
Also, when you try to merge a file with an unsupported format or the file size is more than
4 MB, the system alerts you with an error message.

Process flow:
Accessing the Doc Gen Wizard
You can access the Doc Gen Wizard from the Quote/Proposal header by clicking Send
Proposal button, which is available with the proposal management package.

If you do not find the Send Proposal button on the Quote header page, use Edit
Layout to bring the button to your page layout.

You can also access this wizard from the cart by clicking Send Proposal. The major two
differences in accessing the Doc Gen Wizard from the cart are that you must choose a
177 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.
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proposal template to generate a proposal document and you get quick access to action
buttons, such as Go to Pricing, Add More Products, Installed Products, and Go to
Proposal below the Quote/Proposal name.
Generating a Quote/Proposal document
When you click New Proposal Document, a new dialog box appears where you can
choose the default template or search for any queried templates for your Quote/Proposal
document (filtered using Query Templates). You can also choose the Output Format for
your document. Only doc, docx and pdf formats are supported, depending on the format
your admin has configured, using Proposal Document Output Format. Using Proposal
Document Output Format, if you've chosen docx and pdf, the drop-down list here shows
both. If you do not define any format, the system takes pdf as the default output format. Use
the Generate button to generate a new Quote/Proposal document. The Generate button is
disabled until you choose a template. As soon as the Quote/Proposal document is
generated, the system displays the document in the Preview mode on the right pane.

The Quote/Proposal document generated using the Doc Gen Wizard follows the naming
convention as: Quote/Proposal Name + Template Name + Date stamp. Such documents
appear in the left pane of Proposal Doc Gen wizard and as attachments in the Notes &
Attachments related list.
(Optional) Previewing generated documents and merging with additional documents

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Once generated, the system automatically previews the generated document on the right
pane of the window. In case of mulitple documents, you can also preview such documents
by clicking the name of the generated document. Note that Preview is available only for
documents created in PDF format.
Add from Quote
You can also attach additional documents to the Quote/Proposal by clicking Add from
Quote. This button fetches all the documents (that are not generated using Proposal Doc
Gen) from the Notes & Attachments related list of a Quote/Proposal. Select a document
and click Add to Merge Docs to allow the system to consider this document for merge with
the generated Quote/Proposal document. The merging happens only after you click Merge
Documents on the right pane.
Use Browse to documents on your computer to attach any offline documents from your
local storage. You can simply drag and drop an offline document to the Doc Gen wizard and
the system considers it for merging with the Quote/Proposal document.

You can add document hyperlinks from external sources and merge them with the Proposal.
Click Add URL to launch a pop-up that gives you the ability to enter valid document
hyperlinks and its corresponding Title. You can add multiple URLs by clicking Add Another
link at the bottom of the pop-up.

Ensure that you have added the endpoint for the document URL that you want to
list on the Proposal Doc Gen from Setup > Security Controls > Remote Site

As soon as you attach more than one document to your Quote/Proposal (apart from the
generated Quote/Proposal), the right pane of the window grays out and enables a single
button called Merge Documents. You can choose to merge all the generated and offline
documents in the Documents to be Merged section and turn them into a single document.
After your documents are merged, the system displays the collated document in the
Preview pane on the right. The merged document appears as a record under the
Document Collate Infos related list on the Quote/Proposal.

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Sending the generated document to the customer

After the sales rep has reviewed, merged and finalized the content in the final Quote
/Proposal document, he can send the collated document to the customer for further actions.
Buttons like Email and Download are available for the following purposes:

Action Usage

Email Use this button to send the Quote/Proposal (or merged) document to your
customer for review. The new dialog box allows you to enter information like,
email addresses for To, CC, BCC fields, Subject, choose an Email Template
and Email Folder, and add any additional documents. The system by default
populates the email information of the Primary Contact field in the To field.
The Mark Proposal as Presented ensures that the status of the Quote
/Proposal is changed to Presented as soon as you send the Email.

Download Use this button if you want to download a local copy of the generated Quote
/Proposal (or merged) document.

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Configuring Document Generation Preview Setup in Internet Explorer

This feature is not available because Apttus no longer supports Internet Explorer 11.

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Working with Cart

Apttus CPQ supports the following two user interfaces.
AngularJS based UI
Cart Grid UI

AngularJS based UI
This version has a new user interface (UI) designed with the AngularJS framework and leading to
a better and faster user experience. The new UI will be supported alongside the previous one and
can be turned on without any additional configuration.
The following UI enhancements have been made in the new release.
Catalog Page Enhancements
Attribute Page Enhancements
Options Page Enhancements
Cart Page Enhancements
The new user interface allows you to select products, configure their attributes and options, define
pricing and make adjustments, select installed products, Change, Swap and Cancel orders on one
single, user friendly page.

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To create a quote using the new user interface

1. Go to the product catalog page.

2. You can search for a product or use the Refine your Search feature to filter products, and
select the product you want to order. The system displays the products you search using the
Search box, Refine Your Search, and Browse Catalog feature collectively. The small
indicator, with the label "Installed", next to each product on the Catalog page is used to
differentiate between the products which have already been purchased and which products
are new for a configure quote.

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3. To configure a bundle, click Configure. If you select an option product, Add To Cart and
Configure buttons will be disabled, because the option product has to be sold along with the
bundle product. Once selected, you can view the exact number of products added in your
mini cart on the top-right corner.

4. Configure the attributes of the product.

5. Click Product Options and select the option you want to order.

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In case of sub-bundle products, containing options and its attributes, you can also use the
clone icon, available next to your option product to replicate your configuration.

6. Click Go to Pricing and define the price of the product on the Cart page. You can also click

to define the pricing at the line item level.

You can reorder the line items for a bundle and standalone product on the Shopping Cart
using the drag and drop functionality. Use the number column to achieve this. You can either
reorder the line items on the same page or even move the line items to an another page if
there are more number of products.

You can also view the products grouped by specific Locations by selecting Location from the
Group By drop-down list.

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7. Click Submit for Approval to have your line manager review the order or click Finalize to
save and go back to the quote.

Managing Assets
You can also manage assets on the new CPQ interface. Click Installed Products to view all the
installed products on a single page.
You can even filter you search. Select one or more parameters from the search criteria on the left
work pane and click Apply.

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To manage an asset
1. Select an asset, and click one of the following buttons.

Terminate - to cancel a subscription

Swap - to change one product with another
Change - to change the subscription dates

2. Define the values for the fields described in the following table.

187 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Field Description

Start Date Enter the date that your customers want the new subscription term to begin.

End Date Enter the date that subscription term ends.

Quantity Enter the number of units you want to renew the contract for.

3. Click Confirm > Go to Pricing > Finalize.

Applying Multiple Adjustments at the Line Item

You can apply multiple adjustments at the line level either by applying the adjustments in the
corresponding columns or clicking $ icon next to the line item from the cart page. This enhances
the functionality when you want to apply multiple adjustments to get to the final price for a
particular line item.

Before you apply multiple adjustments to your line item in the pop-up dialog box, ensure
that you have not given any manual adjustments against the line item on the cart.

You can apply the adjustments in the following manner:

Adjustments on the previous price
Adjustments on the starting price
Bucket Adjustments (refer to Bucket Adjustments for details)
Here is an example of the difference between the previous and starting price types:

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Extended Price = $100

SR Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Net Description

No Applies to Type Amount Price

1 Starting % Discount 10 90 Create an adjustment line with

Price adjustment applies to as either
starting price or previous price (it
doesn't matter because it is the first
adjustment). The new net price will be

2 Starting % Discount 10 80 Now create another adjustment line

Price with adjustment applies to as starting
price that applies a 10% discount.
The new total adjustment amount will
be 100 * (10% + 10%) = $20. The new
net price will be $80.

SR Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Net Description

No Applies to Type Amount Price

1 Starting % Discount 10 90 Create an adjustment line with

Price adjustment applies to as either
starting price or previous price (it
doesn't matter because it is the first
adjustment). The new net price will be

2 Previous % Discount 10 81 Create another adjustment line with

Price adjustment applies to as previous
price that applies a 10% discount.

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SR Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment Net Description

No Applies to Type Amount Price

The new total adjustment amount will

be 100*10%*10% = $19. The new net
price will be $81.
This is because the previous price
would be 100 plus the 10% discount.

When you save the adjustments, Apttus CPQ triggers a Reprice action.
The number of adjustments applicable for a line item is defined in the Max
Adjustment Lines custom setting, available under Config System Properties in
the admin guide.
You can restrict adjustment types using Product Attribute Rule (PAR) at the line
item level on the Cart Grid UI. This capability is supported for Adjustment Type

Cart Locking for Concurrent Access

Cart locking helps prevent data loss while a sales rep is working on a configuration. When a sales
rep is working on a configuration (in edit mode), any other user who tries to access the cart at the
same time will get redirected to a read-only view of the cart. The user in read-only mode can gain
edit access only after the sales rep saves or finalizes or abandons or closes the cart.

Ensure that your administrator has configured the necessary custom setting before using
Cart Locking.

While a user is in edit mode, if another user requests control by clicking Request Edit Access, the
user currently in edit mode gets notified through an email with the message: “<<user in read-only
mode>> has requested to edit the cart. Would you like to grant access?”

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In an edit mode, after the user saves, closes, finalizes, or abandons the current cart, an email
notification is sent to the user who was waiting to get the edit access of the cart.
The email notifications are sent in the following format:

Action Email notification content

on the

Claim User <<name in read-only mode>> has requested edit access to <<proposal
Edit name>>. To grant this user with access, please either: save, close, finalize, or
Access abandon your configuration.

Save or <<User name - edit mode user>> is done configuring. You can claim edit access to
Close the cart by clicking the Claim Edit Access button on the cart.

Finalize <<User name - edit mode user>> has finalized the configuration. You can now view
and edit this finalized version by clicking the Claim Edit Access button on the cart.

Abandon <<User name - edit mode user>> is done configuring. You can claim edit access to
the cart now by navigating to the quote header page and clicking Configure

Cart locking is available only in the Angular UI. Enabling it for the classic UI may result in
unexpected issues.

Mass update product fields

Mass update allows you to bulk update fields, such as quantity, adjustment type, and adjustment
amount for one or more than one products at a time.

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To mass update product fields

1. From the cart page, select the desired product(s) and click Mass Update.

2. In the Mass Update popup, specify the desired value for the fields and click Apply.

By default, you see the following fields in the Mass Update popup.
Adjustment Type
Adjustment Amount

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You can either specify the value for a field or select the Reset check box. Mass Update will
override any existing user entered value. If you keep a specific field blank and click Apply, no
action is taken on that field. When you select the Reset check box, system updates the field to its
default value. Using Mass Update, you can update any line item field, including a custom field
which is editable. You need to ensure that Allow Manual Adjustment for the corresponding PLI is
set to True.

To customize the fields displayed in the Mass Update popup, admin can navigate
to Config Settings > Display Column Settings. Select Mass Update from the
Display Type, and ngFlow from Flow drop down.
You should not use Mass Update along with Multiple Adjustments.

Cart Grid UI
Managing Cart Views
Viewing the Cart in Grid View

Managing Cart Views

Similar to Salesforce views, the new cart grid supports Cart Views containing predefined filter
values on the cart. These views help you filter and display cart line items as per your
configurations. You can create new views, edit the Group By field and the list of columns to be
displayed for a particular view of the cart.

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By default, you can create a new view, edit and delete views. When you delete a view, the record
is deleted from your flow but does not get removed from the list of views. This means that your
view is still visible to other flows.

Setting Custom View as Default

You can choose one of your custom views to set as default, which then overrides the
administrator view. If you do not set the custom view as "Default", then the administrator
view becomes the default. The system retains and displays the custom view next time
you login. You can set the custom views based on many parameters such as product,
color, and location, using the Create New View pop up. After you save the created or
updated custom cart view, the system loads it instantaneously. Under Choose Cart
Columns section, you can select and move the field values to be displayed or removed
using the hand icon.
Note that Search function does not work on Cart Grid UI while using custom views.

Required Configuration
For each view that you create, you must ensure that your administrator has listed your flow name
as a picklist value in Config Settings object > Flow picklist field. If your administrator has not
listed the flow name in this picklist field, you would be allowed to create a new view but would not
be able to save the view. Also, after your administrator has listed the flow name in this picklist field,
you can view and use all the views created by different users, provided the flow names are listed in
the Flow picklist.

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The columns displayed in your view are mapped with your flow. You can edit the columns using
Display Column Settings in the admin guide . You can modify the group-by fields by listing the API
names of the desired fields in the Group field available at Setup > App Setup > Develop >
Custom Settings > Config System Properties > Manage > System Properties.

Viewing the Cart in Grid View

The shopping cart has been redesigned to provide better usability and accessibility to the sales

Following are the key changes that you can see in the shopping cart:
Displaying cart level actions on top-right corner: A system displays the primary cart
level actions on the top right corner of the page with Finalize action as a default. The other
user actions such as Reprice, Apply Promotion, Analyze Quote, Submit for Approvals
and so on are made available based on the user scenarios. The user actions that are
grayed out show an info icon next to them, providing a reason for non-availability for
selection. You can customize the primary and secondary buttons using the Display Action
Settings in the admin guide.
Action buttons, such as Add More Products, Installed Products, Reprice, Finalize,
Submit for Approval, and more are available as picklist values.
Mass actions, such as Delete Product, Copy Product, Save as Favorite, Mass Update,
Product Collaboration, at the line item level are available as picklist values. Any change
using Mass Update performs the calculation on the client side for faster execution.
Easy and type-ahead search functionality on the top of line item table.
A Quick view of the Grand Total amount on the top-right corner. Also, Show Totals, Total
Adjustments are displayed on the page header. The right arrow next to Grand Total shows
you the detailed calculations at the line item level.
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Bundle cart line items with expand/collapse functionality.

A spinner on the cart header to indicate the progress of any rules/adjustments that are
being executed in the background.
Infinite scrolling for line items avoiding the need for pagination.
Column headers: Always available on the top while scrolling. Non-numeric fields are center
aligned and numeric fields are right aligned.
Editable fields and actions on hover.
Support for different data types for columns, such as Text, Picklist, Lookup, Date, Hyperlink
Formula, Hyperlink Image Formula, Image, Formula, and more.
Support for Deal Guidance: On the Angular UI, for a product that you configured on the
cart page, the system displays a Pricing Guidance pop-up for a customer deal. On the
Guidance column when you hover your mouse on a green circle, it pops up a screen with
some guidance parameters.
Ability to apply mass adjustments for options without applying adjustments on
bundle: You can apply the mass update on the option and bundle products separately. A
new check box design has been implemented that depicts how you can choose to apply the
mass adjustments on bundle, option or both.
On the bundle level, when you click for the consequent times and click Mass Update, you
see the following behavior:

Click Check Behavior

number box

First Solid The mass updates are applied only to the bundle product. Sub-
square box bundle products also behave as bundle products.

Second Minus sign The mass updates are applied only to the option products.

Third Checked The mass updates are applied to both, the bundle and option

196 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Click Check Behavior

number box

Fourth Empty The mass updates are not applied.


Support for long Product Name, Column text, and charge names
Providing client-side computation facility:
On Cart Grid with custom setting Enable Auto Reprice set to ON, when you change
any Quantity on cart line item, system updates the pricing fields such as Extended
Price, Net Price for the specific row.
Calculate totals (by charges and frequency) and grand totals
Calculate subtotals for category
Providing bundle roll-up for cost and price: Roll up line gets updated when individual
line's price gets changed and any discount is applied on the summary line when any
individual lines get updated.
Support for removal of price list items for the existing quotes: Whenever you have a
PLI removed from an active quote, the system notifies you and removes the item
Eliminating the additional pricing spinner: When the pricing has been completed on the
catalog or config page, the system does not show spinner on angular UI or the cart grid
Recalculating the end date of one-time fee: Based on the start date and the selling term,
the end date for one-time price type is re-computed when you delete it in the cart.
Showing sub totals and totals sections: The Cart Grid UI shows sub totals and totals
section at the bottom of the cart page based on a new setting called
EnableContextualTotals. For more information, see Config System Properties in the
Admin Guide.
Providing an indicator for line item approval: If you make updates to a quote/proposal,
the system displays an indicator "Approval Required" for the line item on the cart page.

197 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Reordering of primary lines on the cart: You can drag and drop the primary line items on
the cart using the hand icon that helps you sort the products.

Cancelling the order line items: While amending an in-flight order, you can cancel one or
more order line items from the cart that are not yet fulfilled (orders with pending and in-
fulfillment status).
Improved User Experience for Adjustment Amount field: Apttus CPQ displays a blue
bar when you click or hover over the Adjustment Amount field on the line item or Totals
section in the cart page. This feature improves the user experience by highlighting the
Adjustment Amount field in order to make it noticable during an edit mode.
Three Columns in the left section of the Cart Grid
The left side of cart grid is limited to three line items fields.
When you create a new cart view and try to drag a fourth field into the third section, it
moves that field to the middle section.
When you create a new cart view as an admin, you can see the same behavior as a
general user creating a cart view.
Hiding Secondary Action Buttons upon Hard Revalidate: Upon hard revalidation of the
quote by changing the product version, Apttus CPQ hides the secondary action buttons on
the cart that are part of Display Action Settings. For example, Add More Products, Installed
Products, Add Miscellanous Items, Reprice, Finalize, and so on.

On the configuration page at the Summary section, the Hide Option Groups link is
disabled when no product option is selected.
For example, while you are configuring a quote, you do not want to include option groups
that are associated with the product. In that case you want to finalize the quote and add the
product on the cart without any options. Hence, the Product Summary section need to hide
or disable the Hide Option Groups link, which is irrelevant in this scenario.
Suppose you are providing a quote of an internet plan to a customer which has no
installation fee and router charges for the festival season. In that case, you can configure
this product without the options, namely Installation Fee and Router Charges.
You can resize the first column and change the sequence of the columns (by dragging the line
items vertically). This is controlled through Display Column Settings in the admin guide .
Please keep in mind the following pointers for icons/action buttons when using the new grid view:

198 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Copy, Remove and Product Collaboration – these icons/action buttons are available when
all the selected line items are primary line items. Else the icons are grayed out.

Mass Update – this is available for both, primary and secondary line items, except you have
separate configurations such as Quantity = Read Only.

Required Configuration
This functionality can be achieved by a simple configuration of creating a new flow with the Cart
page name as Apttus_Config2__Cart#cartgrid. You must then specify the flow name in your
Configure Products button to view the new UI for the shopping cart. See Configuring Flow
Settings and Creating Custom button pages for details in the admin guide .

For details about service cart, see Viewing the Service Cart.
For details about cart views, see Managing Cart Views.

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Glossary of Apttus Approval Stages

This section describes the purpose of the different Approval Stages.

Field Value Description

Draft New Quote Created.

Approval Changes to the Quote or Quote Line Items have triggered a need for
Required approval.

In Review Quote is in the process of being Approved or Denied.

Approved Quote has been approved by management.

Generated Quote document has been generated.

Presented Quote document was presented to the end customer, either via email or

Accepted Quote was accepted by the end customer.

Denied Quote has been denied by management.

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Glossary of Proposal Actions

This section describes the actions available at various stages of the proposal and their

These actions are fields and they are configurable by the System Administrator per your
business process requirements.

Configure Products


Description Starts a new configuration process for the Quote, or reconfigure an existing set of
products on the Quote.

Availability If approval stage is Draft.

Generate Proposal


Description Generates a Proposal document and attaches it to the Quote/Proposal record.

Availability Always Available if Ready to Generate is set to true.

Present Proposal


Description Presents the attached document to the Quote to the end customer through an

201 Copyright ©2018 Apttus Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Availability Always Available if Ready to Present is set to true.

Accept Proposal


Description Accept refers to an end customer Accepting the final proposal. This button
synchronizes all Summary lines with the Opportunity Products for the Related

Availability If approval stage is Presented.

Make Primary


Description Sets this Quote to primary and all other Quotes for the Opportunity non Primary.
Also enables the Synchronize with Opportunity button.

Availability If Primary flag is false.

Synchronize with Opportunity


Description Synchronizes the finalized quote with the Opportunity, each time the cart is
Finalized. If you are using automatic synchronization, you should remove this from
the page layout.

Availability If Primary flag is true.

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Create Agreement with Line Items


Description Once accepted, the final step is to create the contract.

Availability If approval stage is Accepted.

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Glossary of New Related Lists

This section describes the various related lists enabled after the draft proposal record is created.

Name Description

Actions Lists the various actions you can execute for this stage of the quoting process. A
list of actions with the description of their function is available in Proposal Actions

Line Items Contains the detailed line items (bundles, options, and standalone) of a finalized
configuration. This corresponds to the Detail tab in configuration.

Summary Contains the summary view (standalone and bundles) of a finalized configuration.
This corresponds to the Summary tab in configuration.

Summary Contains the totals for the finalized configuration according to the product
Groups hierarchy including a Grand Total.

Notes & Enables you to attach any reference document or file relevant to a quote
Attachments /proposal. The proposal document when generated from the template is stored
by the application in this section.

Open Enables you to create and assign new task corresponding to a quote.

Approval Initiate and track approvals corresponding to the quote.Note: Approvals can be
History initiated only if the corresponding approval processes have been set up by the
System Administrator.

Activity Lists an Audit history of significant changes during the life of the quote.

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