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Antimicrobial Resistance (

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the resistance of a microorganism to an antimicrobial drug to

which it was previously sensitive. Resistant organisms (they include bacteria, viruses, and some
parasites) are able to withstand attack by antimicrobial medicines, such as antibiotics, antivirals,
and antiprotozoal, so that standard treatments become ineffective, and infections persist and may
spread to others. Antibiotics have revolutionized the treatment of infectious diseases, but there
are public health concerns that efficacy of antimicrobials in man is compromised by their use in
animals. Antimicrobial resistance is a consequence of the use, particularly the misuse, of
antimicrobial medicines and develops when a microorganism mutates or acquires a resistance
gene. This issue is now a significant global health problem, each year thousands of people die
from infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria which result in extra health-care costs and
productivity losses of billion dollars each year. If the current trend is not altered, millions of
people worldwide are expected to die prematurely because of drug resistance over the next
35 years.

Antibiotic resistance is also a food safety problem: antibiotic use in feed for treatment, disease
prevention, or growth promotion allows resistant bacteria and resistance genes to spread from
food animals to humans through the food chain. The horizontal transfer of resistant bacteria from
living animal to humans has been documented for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) where it has been investigated in poultry, pigs, cattle, horses, and domestic pets.
Although most S. aureus infections are hospital acquired, low transmission of MRSA from
animals to animal farmers and their families has been documented. In contrast to the hospital-
acquired MRSA (HA-MRSA), livestock-acquired MRSA strains also has a very low
pathogenicity, and it is hardly transmitted horizontally between humans). The issue of MRSA in
food animals is an emerging concern.

Antimicrobial resistance can also be spreads through global tourism, transfer of patients between
health-care facilities within and from outside his country, and through trade in food and animals.
It is an important global economic and a societal challenge that cannot be tackled by countries or
public administrations alone. Therefore, the problem needs a comprehensive “One Health”
approach to it. That means that a holistic, multi-sectorial approach involving many different
sectors (public health, food safety, biosafety, environment, research and innovation, international
cooperation, animal health and welfare as well as non-therapeutic use of antimicrobial
substances) is needed to take care of this complex problem.

and other regions. In addition, colistin should be reclassified and added to Category 2 of the
AMEG (Antimicrobial Advice ad hoc Expert Group of European Medicines Agency)
classification system, which includes medicines reserved for treating infections in animals for
which no effective alternative treatments exist. This category includes certain classes of
antimicrobials listed by the World Health Organization as critically important in human health,
especially fluoroquinolones and third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins, only be used in
food animals when their use is justified and under specific restrictions. Responsible (prudent) use
of antibiotics is an essential element in the fight against antibiotic resistance.

It is probable that one of the most effective measures to limit expansion of AMR is reducing the
need for antibiotics in animal husbandry by improving animal health through biosecurity
measures, disease prevention (including the introduction of effective vaccines, modulation of the
innate immunocompetence, bacteriophage therapy), and good hygienic and management
practices; and eliminating economic incentives that facilitate the inappropriate prescription of
antibiotics. More targeted use of antimicrobials were still necessary to guard animal health (e.g.,
by the use of accurate diagnosis, evidence-based regional treatment guidelines, and correct
dosing regimens). It is noticeable that it is necessary to provide improved summary product
characteristics (SPC) guidance about the epidemiological circumstances under which this has
shown to be effective and the extent of benefit demonstrated. Veterinary pharmacology
contributes to make rational dosage schedule design and to minimize its emergence and spread.

There is now a need to develop veterinary medicines, which reduce the need for use of
antimicrobials (“alternatives”), such as vaccines, and will facilitate the regulatory pathway for
innovative products and novel therapies. Furthermore, there is now a need to develop new
compounds having minimal impact on gut flora and on environmental bacterial ecosystems (34).

The development of nematode and trematode resistance to various groups of anthelmintics is a

major problem. Compared with the development of AMR, resistance to anthelmintics in
nematodes has been slow to develop under field conditions.

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