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5E Periodic Table Lesson Plan

Time: 110 minutes (to be divided into two 55 minute class periods)
Teachers: Subject: Grade:
Marissa Beaith Chemistry/ Periodic Table 8th
Janelle Ruiz

Strand 5: Physical Science

Concept 1: Properties and Changes of Properties in Matter

Understand physical and chemical properties of matter.

 PO6: Explain the systematic organization of the periodic table.

Objective (Explicit):
 SWBAT create a periodic table model (day 1)
 SWBAT identify patterns in the periodic table for: (day 2)
o Metal/ nonmetal/ metalloid
o Family/ group characteristics
o Atomic numbers
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
 Creation of a periodic table model (day 1).
 Completion of a graphic organizer, where students are asked to list five key concepts learned and additional
questions they may still have (day 2).
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (knowledge, skill, purpose):
 N/A
Key vocabulary: Materials:
1. Matter- Has weight and takes up space 1. Periodic table element cards
2. Element- A type of atom. (provided by the teacher)
3. Periodic Table- A model used to organize the 2. Blank periodic table
elements based on patterns and trends. (provided by the teacher)
4. Family/Group- Columns ( go down) on the periodic 3. Graphic organizer handout
table. All elements in the same group or family (provided by the teacher)
have similar characteristics – they act alike ( just like 4. Comp books
your family). 5. Pencil/ colored pencils
5. Period- Rows across the periodic table. The 6. Tape/glue/stapler
elements gain protons and electrons (in a neutral 7. Video clip/ internet connection
atom) as we move from left to right across the
period. c-table.
6. Atomic Number- Number of an element on the
periodic table.
7. Atomic Mass- Total mass of one atom of an
8. Reactivity- Ability of an element to go through a
chemical change (reacts with another element).
**Review (10min)**
Review from previous days discussion on atoms, molecules, and elements. Introduce that day’s activity on elements
(in the periodic table)

Engage (5min)
How do you organize things?
For example: Music on your iPod, clothes in your closet, school binders/ comp books, ect.

Teacher Will: Students Will:

 Circulate and make sure students are on task  Answer prompt in comp book
 Guide class discussion  Discuss answers as a class
Explore (35min)
The teacher will give a brief background on Dmirti Mendeleev (organized the periodic table of elements). The teacher
will tell the students that they will be developing their own periodic table model just like Mendeleev. The students will
be placed into pre-assigned groups of 3-4, with specific roles. They will be given a set of “element cards.” They will be
told that they are only receiving some elements (just like when Mendeleev discovered the first elements). They will be
asked to make initial observations in their comp books. Then they will make a perliminary periodic table model by
placing the cards into an order that makes sense to them. They will reflect on how they have organized the cards, in
their comp books. After a short class discussion, they will be given an additional set of element cards and asked to
place them into order with their other cards, making a secondary model (just like when mendeleev discovered more
elements). They will go on a gallery walk to see how their peers organization compares to theirs. They will be asked to
reflect on what they saw/found out in their comp books. After a short class discussion, they will make changes to
finalize their model. The teacher will reveal the answer by showing a picture of what the periodic table looks like.

**Closure (5min)**
The closure will ask what the students learned, why it is important to organize the elements, and what would happen if
the elements were not organized. They will write down a response in their comp books and then have a class
Teacher Will: Students Will:
Element Cards Round 1/ Initial Model
 Place students into groups of 3-4  Get into assigned groups
 Hand out element cards  Make observations in comp book
 Ask students to record initial observations in their  Organize the element cards into an order
comp books  Answer prompt in comp books
 Instruct groups to organize the cards in a way that  Participate in class discussion
makes sense to them
 Ask students to write down how/methods used to
organize element cards in comp books
 Guide class discussion/circulate
Element Cards Round 2/ Secondary Model
 Hand out 2nd set of element cards  Develop a secondary model by organizing the
 Ask students to integrate the new cards with the old new cards with the old (trying to identify
ones, editing and making adjustments to the possible patterns/trends)
perliminary model
Gallery Walk
 Have students pause to look at their peers  Gallery walk
techniques. Circulate. Question Groups.  Make observations in comp book
 Ask students to record observations/new or learned
ideas in comp books
Final Model
 Have students make changes to their model  Develop a final model by editing and adjusting
the cards based on new information and
possible patterns/trends
Answer/ Explanation
 Reveal the answer by showing a picture of the  Listen and ask questions in an open discussion
periodic table and explain it to the class.
 Guide discussion. Questions. Circulate.
Co-Teaching Strategy
One teacher goes over procedures and the other enforces classroom management. The two teachers circulate the
classroom offering help, answering students’ questions, making sure students are staying on task, and managing
classroom behaviors.
Differentiation Strategy
Set up purposeful grouping, utilizing students’ background, to optimize the output of collaboration and academic
**Review (10min)**
Review what was learned the previous day (elements, periodic table organization).
Engage- In what ways are you similar to your family?

Explain (35min 20min notes/15min video)

The teacher will begin by explaining the atomic number/mass and element symbol/name.They will show the students
where the periods and groups are located on the periodic table. The students will record this on a blank copy of the
periodic table. The teacher will show where the metals, non-metals, and metalloids can be found on the periodic table.
The students will color these elements on their copy of the periodic table. The teacher will explain the atomic number,
atomic mass, and reactivity trends. The students will fill this information into their copy of the periodic table. The
teacher will show a video clip

Teacher Will: Students Will:

 Explain atomic number/mass and element  Fill in/color blank copy of periodic table of
symbol/name elements
 Show where the periods and groups are located on
the periodic table
 show where the metals, non-metals, and metalloids
can be found on the periodic table
 explain the atomic number, atomic mass, and
reactivity trends
 show video clip

Co-Teaching Strategy
One teacher circulates the classroom offering help, answering students’ questions, making sure students are staying
on task, and managing classroom behaviors. The other teacher gives notes/instructions/leads class discussion.
Differentiation Strategy
Grouping will allow students to work at optimal academic levels.
Pictures and videos will allow students the opportunity for multiple learning styles.
The students will be filling out and coloring their blank copy of the periodic table of elements at the same time that the
teacher is explaning notes.
Teacher Will: Students Will:
 Explain atomic number/mass and element  Fill in/color blank copy of periodic table of
symbol/name elements
 Show where the periods and groups are located on
the periodic table
 show where the metals, non-metals, and metalloids
can be found on the periodic table
 explain the atomic number, atomic mass, and
reactivity trends
 show video clip
Co-Teaching Strategy
One teacher explains notes/ guides the student discussion, while the other circulates the classroom to manage
classroom behaviors.
Differentiation Strategy
Provide students with ample time to copy notes/color/lable.
Evaluate (10min)
 The students will be asked to create of a periodic table model (day 1). They will be evaluated on the
knowledge gained by completing a think-write-pair-share. They will be asked what they learned about the
periodic table of elements and why it is important to organize the elements. The students will answer this
prompt in their comp books then share out in a class dscussion.
 The students will complete of a graphic organizer, where they are asked to list five key concepts learned and
additional questions they may still have (day 2). They will end by sharing out in a class discussion
Teacher Will: Students Will:
 Circulate  Create a periodic table model
 Guide class discussion  Answer prompt in comp book
 Participate in class discussion
 Complete graphic organizer

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