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Javier Real

Senior English


3 December 2018

A Warriors Honor

The foundation of the Anglo-Saxons is carried on from generation to generation. These

traits inspired many cultural advancements. The Angelo-Saxons had begun in the early middle

ages. In the end, they became Christians and had consolidated into three large kingdoms.

Beowulf, King of the Geats, went into many different battles, but the battle with King Hrothgar

led to many deaths and new honors. Along the way, the epic poem taught many values that are

seen in the actions of Beowulf and other characters. The Anglo-Saxons’ traits honor, loyalty and

bravery were portrayed throughout the epic poem.

The gift of honor, honor exposes itself in many parts of Beowulf. Beowulf takes on a

battle that is not his own and honors King Hrothgar by asking permission to fight his battle.

“Grant me, then, lord and protector of this noble place, a single request! I have come so far oh

shelter of warriors and your peoples loved friend, that this one favor you should not refuse me—

That I, alone and with the help of my men, may purge all evil from this hall” (Beowulf 160-166).

King Hrothgar respects Beowulf in many ways for this action. Beowulf hears the stories about

Grendel and confirms that he wants to fight him as Grendel will come with no weapon. “I have

herd, too, that the monster’s scorn of men, is so great he needs no weapons and fears non nor will

I”(Beowulf 166-169). This action shows Beowulf personal honor in the king, the people and

Through thick and thin, is commonly used as a way of being loyal to someone or

something and stick it out no matter what. This value is really captured by Wiglaf as his lord

Beowulf fights his final battle against the dragon. “As a good man must, what kinship should

mean. His name was Wiglaf, he was Wexstan’s son and good soldier” (Beowulf 696-698). This

good soldier didn’t think for one second to leave his king he thought fight alongside him unlike

the other soldiers. Grendel’s mother shows loyalty in her son’s death by revenging it after

discovering his body. “Took a single victim and fled from the hall…. She’d taken Hrothgar’s

closest friend, the man he most loved of all men on earth” (Beowulf 411-415). She proves her

loyalty by giving back an eye for an eye and takes the kings most beloved friend.

Bravery was breed, the culture in Beowulf is a very hard working and strong era. Battles

were apart these men’s lives and taught them bravery in many ways. In hearing the news

Beowulf took immediate time off to go fight the battle for the famous kin Hrothgar. “Heard, how

Grendel filled nights with horror and quickly commanded a boat fitted out” (Beowulf 111-112).

Beowulf without think runs right into action and doesn’t give up on his promise. “He leaped into

the lake, would not wait for anyone’s Answer” (Beowulf 450-451). Not many soldiers have the

guts to go after a monster, but Beowulf had plenty.

In conclusion, The Anglo-Saxons passed down the story of Beowulf orally, but it thought

many values. We learn that these values can get you far in life and that it takes no effort to

develop these characteristics. In the story Beowulf many can look as his achievements and be

inspired by his will to get things done and accomplish task that will help out everyone in his

circle. Putting the people that he loves and honors before at all cost. The Anglo-Saxons’ traits

honor, loyalty and bravery were portrayed all throughout the epic poem benefitting anyone who

reads it.

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