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Parametric and non Parametric hypothesis testing

Malik Adnan (17-MS-PT-AMD-17)

1) If the information about the population is completely known by means of its parameters then
statistical test is called
a) Parametric
b) non parametric
c) both a & b
2) Parametric test, unlike the non-parametric tests, make certain assumptions about
a) The population size
b) The underlying distribution
c) The sample size
3) Which one of the following is a parametric test
a) f- test
b) z- test
c) t- test
d) All of the above
4) t- test was developed by Prof W.S Gossett in
a) 1906
b) 1908
c) 1910
d) 1912
5) t- test will be used when
a) sample size is less than 30
b) population variance is known
c) sample size is greater than 30
d) none of the above
6) z- test will be used when
a) population variance is not known
b) population variance is known
c) sample size is greater than 30
d) All of the above
7) For perfect positive correlation
a) r= 1
b) r= -1
c) r<1
d) r>1
8) If there is no knowledge about the population or parameters then the test that will be used is called
a) Parametric
b) non parametric
c) both of these
d) none of these
9) Which of the following is non parametric test
a) t- test
b) f- test
d) Mann Whitney U test
10) If you have nominal data which nonparametric statistic should you use?
a) Chi-square
b) Spearman's rho
c) the t-test
d) Wilcoxon
11) The non parametric equivalent of an unpaired samples t-test is
a) Sign test
b) Wilcoxon signed rank test
c) Mann-Whitney U test
d) Kruskal Wallis Test
12) The sign test is
a) Less Powerful than that of the Wilcoxon signed rank test
b) More Powerful than the paired sample t-test
c) More Powerful than the Wilcoxon signed rank test
d) Equivalent to Mann-Whitney test
13) The sign test assumes that the
a) Samples are independent
b) Samples are dependent
c) Samples have the same mean
d) None of these
14) The Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test used to compares
a) Two populations
b) Three Populations
c) A sample mean to the population mean
d) Any number of populations
15) Which of the following test use Rank Sums
a) F test
b) Chi-Square and Sign tests
c) Runs test
d) Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests
16) The Mann-Whitney U test is a counterpart of the ________ to compare the means of two
independent populations
a) t test
c) ϗ2 test
d) z test
17) The _________ is a non-parametric alternative to the t test for related samples
a) Kruskal-Wallis test
b) Mann-Whitney U test
c) Wilcoxon test
d) Friedman test

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