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Submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree course of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Parul Rajvanshi Anushree Nandurkar
Department Of Management BBA V Semester

Maharaja Agrasen International College

Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G)


This is to certify that the project entitled “RECRUITMENT & SELECTION

PROCESS” is a bonafide work done under the guidance of MS. PARUL

RAJVANSHI by ANUSHREE NANDURKAR studying in BBA VI semester at

Maharaja Agrasen International College.

She has worked under our guidance and direction. Her work is found to be

satisfactory and complete in all respect.

Ms. Ruchi Sachan Ms. Jyoti Janswami

Head Of Department, Principal
Management MAIC


It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to present report entitled


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Parul Rajvanshi who has very

kindly guided me for this project report. Her experience, knowledge and support led

me to complete my project timely and successfully.

I sincerely acknowledge my HOD Ms. Ruchi Sachan for extending her valuable

guidance, critical review of the project and the report.

I extend my gratitude towards my institute MAHARAJA AGRASEN

INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE for helping me to successfully complete the project


I would like to thank from bottom of my heart to staff and management team of

DOMINO’S PIZZA management for their great support during the research. They

provided me with guidance and information as much as they could. My work would

have not been worthwhile without the information provided by them.

My thanks are due to all those who have directly or indirectly helped me in

preparing this project report.





Recruitment is the process of recruiting potential personnel to fill up the existing

requirement of the organization. It is the process of discovering potential applicants for
actual or anticipated job vacancies. Recruitment involves encouraging individual with the
needed skills to make applications for employment with the firm.

‘The main objective of recruitment is to increase the number of applications for the job
available in the organization, to select the best applicant who is best fitted to the job.

Need for recruitment:-

It makes possible to choose the right person in the right time at the place. It also makes it
possible to acquire the number and type of people necessary to ensure the continued
operation of the organization.

 Planned needs: - Such needs arise from changes in the organization policies.
 Anticipated needs: - It refer to those movements in personnel which an
organization can predict by studying trends in internal or external needs.
 Unexpected needs: - Such need arises due to illness, death and resignation.

Recruitment follows HR planning and goes hand in hand with selection process by which
organizations evaluate the suitability of candidates. With successful recruiting to create a
sizeable pool of candidates, even the most accurate selection system is of little use.

Recruitment process

To identify and recruit job seekers so as to attract qualified job applicants to build a
pool refers to the process. Process five interrelated stages :

1. Planning.
2. Development strategy.
3. Search.
4. Screening.
5. Assessment and control

Manpower Planning

Searching Screening and control

Strategy Development

Step 1: the recruitment plan

The first stage in the process of hiring plans. Plan to set goals or targets likely job
vacancies and information on the translation of the nature of these jobs include the
(1) number and Applicants
(2) Type to be contacted.
(3) Contact numbers

Organization, almost always, and to attract more applicants than they would fare
plan. Uninterested, inept or both will be contacted a few of them. Each time a
recruitment program is considered a qualified people to work with the number of
applicants needed to fill all vacancies is expected.

Contact Type

It's basically the kind of people are informed about job openings are concerned with.
Types of people and the tasks and responsibilities include, depending on
qualifications and experience expected. These details through the job description
and job specification are available.

Stage 2: Strategy Development

It is estimated that type of recruitment and so if you must have a focus in

(1). Buy it or employees.
(2). Technical sophistication of recruitment and selection tools.
(3). Labor market, including the geographical distribution of job seekers.
(4). Recruitment sources.
(5). Sequencing activities in the hiring process. '' Or 'buy':

Organizations must decide whether to hire skilled employees to take training and
education programs and investments, or they can hire skilled labor and business.
Basically, the 'making' or 'buy' decisions organization, skilled professionals for hire
who will pay more for these employees.

Technical sophistication:

This decision is mainly influenced by available technology. The advent of computers

it possible for employers to scan national and international applicant qualification is
designed. Impersonal, however, computers have given employers and job seekers a
wide scope of options in the preliminary investigation stage.

Where to look:
To reduce costs, the organizations needed to see most likely to offer job seekers to
labor markets. Generally, companies technical clerical and blue collar workers and
employees of the local market for the management and staff professional, regional
or local market to watch in the national market.

To see the application:

An effective recruitment strategy should determine when and where to learn how to
look for job applicants than decide on the timing of events to see.

Stage 3: Search:

Once a recruitment plan and strategies are worked out, the search process can
begin. Search involves two steps
A). Source activation and
B). Sell.

A). Source Activation:

Typically, the sources find ways to continue an employee's request are active. This
means that no actual hiring takes place when the only managers to verify that space
do exist. If the organization is well planned and its sources and search methods,
activation results in a flood of early applications did a good job of developing and /
or start.
Applications received should be examined. Those who pass the interview to be
contacted and invited. Unsuccessful applicants should send a letter of regret.

B). Sale:

A second issue concerns the search process to be addressed in communications.

Here, the organization moves carefully. On one hand, they do whatever they can to
attract desirable applicants want. On the other hand, they must resist the temptation
of overselling its virtues. Sales organization, deserve the attention of both message
and media. Message shows the job advertisement. With regard to the media, it can
be said that the impact of any message recruitment may depend on the media. Media
are many; some have low credibility, while others enjoy high credibility. Medium or
media to choose should be done with a lot of care.

Step 4: Screening

Applicants examined the recruitment process can be considered as an integral part,

the first step in the selection process, as many see it though. Even the definition of
recruitment, we quoted at the beginning of this chapter, excludes from its scope
screening. However, we have legitimate reasons for hiring include the screening.
After the selection process has been examined and short listing of applications will
begin. A professor at the University of hiring a specific situation, Check applications
received in response to advertising and only eligible applicants are called for an
interview. A selection Vice-chancellor, registrar and subject matter experts
committee is conducting interviews. Here, the recruitment process to expand the
application screening. After the start of the selection process it is developed.

The purpose of screening

For the purpose of screening at an early stage of the recruitment process, is for,
those applicants who seem unfit for the job. Effective screening can save a lot of time
and money. Care should be used, but probably best to assure that employees are
dismissed without justification. Screening, clear job specifications are invaluable.
This is both good practice and a legal requirement that the applicant's qualifications
their knowledge, skills, abilities and interest based on the need to work is judged.
Use technology to screen applicants, candidate sourcing and recruiting methods is
used. Interviews and application blanks for walk-ins can be used to screen. Campus
interview employers and agency representatives use screening. Reference checks
are also useful in screening.

Stage 5: Evaluation and Control:

Assessment and control is necessary as costs are considerable costs in the hiring
process. There are usually costs incurred: -
1. Employers pay for.

2. Management and professional time job descriptions, job specifications,
advertising, and agency contacts and further spent on preparation.
3. The cost of advertising or other recruitment methods, that is, the agency fees.
4. Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses.
5. The cost of overtime and outsourcing, while vacancies remain unfilled.
6. Selection process for the cost of hiring unsuitable candidates

Evaluate the recruitment process

Search for recruiting sufficient numbers and quality job seekers to get the
application object. Mind, may be involved in evaluating this objective in view:

1. Sent out of the application rate of return.

2. Number of suitable candidates for selection.
3. Retention and performance of the selected candidates.
4. The value of hiring process
5. Time lapse data
6. Comments on the image estimate.



Promotion 1) Campus recruitment

Transfers 2) Press advertisement
Internal notification 3) Management consultancy
service & private
employment exchanges
Retirement 4) Deputation of personnel or
transfer from one enterprise
to another
Recall 5) Management training
Former employees 6) Walk-ins, write-ins, talk-
Miscellaneous ins
external sources
Internal Recruitment
Internal recruitment for positions within the company seeks applicants. Various
internal sources include

Promotions and Transfers

Promotion is an effective job postings and personnel records are used. Work
requires posting notices, publishing or circulating announced in staff meetings and
staff invited to apply by posting vacancies notified. Personnel record their
educational qualifications or skills to help employees who are working below the
level to find. Promotion has many advantages such as good public relations, builds
morale, encourage competent individuals who are ambitious, since information
about individual performance improves the probability of good selection is readily
available, recruitment going out to cheap, selected organizations that are familiar
with the internal orientation and also to reduce the time and energy with the
development of middle level and high level managers as a training tool
works. However, selection promotion organizations from entering the fresh blood
and ideas to stop a limited scope. Inbreeding is also in the organization. Transfer the
organization necessary for the promotion of future employees to provide a
comprehensive view is important.

Employee Referral
Employees of the company with the advantages of a job acquainting, introduce them
to put up with and encourage them to apply good prospects for their families and
friends can grow. This is a very effective means as many qualified people can be
reached at very little cost to the company. There are other benefits that employees
only referral based on their own experience will be able to fit into the organization

feels will bring. Organization can be assured of reliability and character of the
referral. In this way, organizations can meet social obligations and create goodwill.

Former employee

The retired employees who are willing to work on a part-time basis, individuals who
quit work and return to higher compensations are willing to covers. Even the laid off
employees are taken again. The advantage here is that people already known to the
organization and there is no need to find out that their past performance and
character. In addition, there is no need for an orientation program for them, because
they are familiar with the organization.

Dependents of deceased employees

Typically, banks follow this policy. If an employee dies, his / her spouse or son or
daughter has appointed in their place. This is usually an effective social
responsibility to meet and create goodwill.


When management is a problem, a manager who left on a long vacation can be

solved by the face that people remember the day after the problem is solved it can be
extended leave may decide.


At times, the management who, after meritorious service was retired on the spot
could not find suitable candidates. Under the circumstances, management may call
the new extension with the retired managers.

External recruitment

External Recruitment Company seeks applicants for positions from outside sources.
Internal methods they outnumbered. Various external sources

Professional or trade associations

Many organizations provide placement service for its members. The job seeker and
regional or national conferences during compile a list of the members are to provide
access to. In addition, publications of these associations to recruit their members
from employers interested in taking classified ads. These particular highly qualified,
experienced or skilled personnel are useful to attract. In addition, employers zero in
on specific job seekers, especially for hard to fill technical positions can.


The demand for recruits, as many employers because of their wide reach like
advertising is a popular method. To describe the benefits of advertising jobs,
employers to identify and to tell those interested to apply. Paper through the most
common, but highly specific recruits, the ad can be placed in professional or trade

Campus Recruiting

A college, universities, research labs, sports fields and institutions, is fertile ground
for employers, especially the Institute. Campus Recruiting HLL, Citibank, HCL, HP,
ANZ Grindlays, L & T, Motorola and the global market looking to companies like
Reliance is going global with. Some companies recruit candidates from a given
number of these institutions each year. Campus recruiting is so sought after is that
every college, university department or institution must possess a position to handle
recruiting tasks. However, it is often an expensive process, even if the recruitment
process, job offers and acceptances ultimately produces.

Walk-ins, write-ins and talk-ins

The most common and least expensive approach for the direct application of the
candidates, in which job seekers or submit unsolicited applications. Direct
application to provide a pool of potential employees to meet the needs of the future
can. Staff attitude, walk-ins are better as they associated with other methods of
recruiting troubles are free. While the direct application-specific entry level and
unskilled to fill vacancies is effective, some organizations apply directly to skilled
positions from the pool of potential employee’s collection. Write-ins are sending the
check written. This jobseeker to complete application forms for further processing is
called. Detailed talks point to the job recruitment (the appropriated date) meeting of
the candidates involved. Admitted to an application must be submitted to.

Radio, TV and Internet

Radio and television for skilled workers as some sort of job applicants is reached.
Radio and television are used but sparingly, and even government departments. Due
to higher costs for private sector companies are hesitant to use the media and also
because they fear that such advertising will make companies look desperate and
damage his conservative image. However, in the use of natural radio and television is

not desperate. It is called depends on how it is distributed. Internet recruitment is a
popular choice today. There are specific sites like


Applicants selected to recognize the difference between (and rent) in a job for those
with a greater likelihood of success as the process is defined. Originally selected (a
pool of applicants), the appropriate qualifications and ability to work for an
applicant is taking. To recruit future employees encouraged to apply for a job n
And selecting the right candidates are selected from the pool of applicants.

Select candidates fit or unfit candidates, or a combination of both in terms of

rejecting the concept can be. Involves both the selection because it picks up and fits
unfits rejected. In fact, in the Indian context, there are more candidates who are
selected in most of the selected processes are dismissed. So, sometimes, a
recruitment program, in contrast to the positive is called a negative process.

Stone has a formal definition, "the difference between selected applicants to identify
(and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in the job process."

Selection Process

A selection process involves several steps. The basic idea for the maximum possible
information about candidates for employment is recommended to ascertain their
suitability. May vary for different positions since the type of information required, it
is possible that the selection process step may be different for various positions. For
example, more information workers. A standard selection process the following

Preliminary Interview

Selection Tests

Employment Interview

Reference and Background Analysis

Selection Decision

Physical Examination

Job Offer

Employment Contract


Step -1 Initial interview

Under scrutiny from job seekers so as to eliminate applicants will be given to

unqualified applicants. This is usually an initial interview, more or less the same as
the purpose of testing the application, that is after the end of unqualified applicants.
Enabled us the human resources applications on your jobseekers based on
information supplied to the unqualified expert investigation. Initial interview, on the
other hand, the misfits who did not appear to reject the application form does help
the cause. Also, the initial interview, often of "courtesy interview" a good public
relations exercise called.

Step - 2 Selection Test

Job seekers who passed the screening and preliminary examination are called for
interview. Various types of work and the company's test can be administered.
Normally, the applicant's qualifications and personality is the ability to test set. The
following types of tests are taken

A). Ability tests

Determine how well a person can help with work-related tasks. The work secretarial
typing test given to a potential employer is an excellent example. Also as
"achievement tests are called. Are concerned with what is accomplished. The
applicant's something out an achievement test claims to measure how well they
know that it has taken. Achievement testing is the most common types of business
test. Questions designed and asbestos workers, punch press operators, machinists
tested for strength and course of business, many industries as the test for an
applicant for the position un-standardized achievement typing or stenographic
dictation tested .

B). Aptitude test

Aptitude tests measure whether an individual or a latent ability to learn if adequate

training is the ability to work. Appropriate aptitude test an applicant with a job
opening line have had little or no experience to use. Aptitudes tests help a person in
a given area to determine the ability to learn.

Capacity or ability to successfully test a person's fitness to engage in specific

activities for any number of points. They merit clerical areas, numerical ability,
mechanical aptitude, motor coordination, finger dexterity and manual dexterity
cover. It tested positive in an individual sensory or intellectual capacity to help the
session to find out. They learn or work on a particular area as the argument focused
on a particular type of talent.

Step - 3 Interview

The next step is an interview in the selection process. Formal interviews, in-depth
conversation to assess the applicant's approval. It is considered very good selection
tool. Face ideas, and ideas between candidates and interviewers look for is a front
for money. In fact, nothing but the interview is an oral examination of candidates
.Interview unskilled, skilled managerial and profession staff can be customized.

Step – 4Reference Check

Many employers request the name, address, and verify the information and maybe
aim for an applicant to get additional background information, telephone numbers

of references. Although listed on the application, references, usually a sequential
selection process until a successful applicant has reached the fourth stage are not
checked. The labor market is very tight, sometimes organizations check references
before you hire applicants.

Previous employers, public figures, university professors, neighbors or friends can

act as a reference as is known. Previous employers are better because they already
are aware of the applicant's performance. However, the problem with the model
over-rates the applicant's previous employers to get rid of just the person to
perform part trend.

Organizations like general terms or telephone reference letter. The latter is

advantageous because of its accuracy and low cost. Telephone reference
immediately, rather candid comments and attitude sometimes hesitations and
inflections of speech can be inferred from the plea has the advantage.

Step – 5 Selection decision

After receiving information through the preceding steps, all steps of the most
important decisions should be selected. Other steps in the selection process have
been used to limit the number of candidates. The final decision pool of individuals
who test, interview and reference Czech steps should be. Line manager's view would
generally be considered in the final selection because he / she is responsible for the
performance of the new employee. Human Resource Manager plays a key role in the
final selection.

Step – 6 Physical examination
After the selection decision and job offer is made before, the candidate must
undergo a physical fitness test. A job offer, often, the candidate physical test after
contingency has been declared fit. Medical fitness test results are recorded in a
statement preserved in personnel records. There are several objectives behind a
physical examination.

Obviously, a physical examination to detect the reason the person carries any
infectious diseases. Second, the test determines that an applicant is physically fit to
work helps. Third, physical examination information to determine if there is some
physical ability, the successful and less successful employees are different can be
used. Fourth, Medical Czech-up work that may be harmful to them or otherwise the
employer could endanger property undertaking protects applicants with health
defects. Finally, such a test is not valid workers' compensation claim because the
injury or illness were present when the employee was hired to protect the employer
are not.

Step – 7 Job Offers

Next step in the selection process all applicants who have overcome past obstacles
to job offer. Job offer is made through a letter of appointment. Such a letter usually
appointed by a date which will include the duty to report. Reasonable time for
reporting should be appointed. Thos especially when it is needed or already in
employment, which in the case mentioned by the previous employer to obtain a
certificate of relief is required. Then, a new job, another city movement, which
means much of the preparation and properties of the Movement may need.
The company would like the person on duty at the reporting date may be delayed. If
new employees join the company for the first job maybe a week before going to the
company such training begins. Of course, not be abused this practice, especially if
the person is unemployed and cannot have enough money in it.

Decency demands that rejected applicants be informed about their non-selection.
Their applicants can be preserved for future use, if any. It is a focused application of
the selected candidates must be preserved for future reference needs.

Step – 8 Employment Contract

After the job offer was crazy and candidates to accept the offer, certain documents
must be executed by the employer and the candidate. Such as document verification
is. This form is important information about the candidates who are certified and
attested by him / her. Verification form for a valid will be recorded for future
Alternatively called employment agreements or just bonds, employment contracts,
serve many useful purposes. Such a contract job hoppers to control the knowledge
and information that could be important to the company's healthy bottom line and
prevent competitors from poaching highly valued employees may want to protect.

Most employers are going to insist on agreement signed by newly appointed staff.
But software, advertising and media fields such as high turnover is more likely to use
the contract.

Contract with the drawback that it is about implementing the determine an

employee organization, contract or no contract is to leave. Compensations to
employees or new agreement will provide the employer is willing to pay fines for
violations. This is why many companies have turned over the contract thoroughly.

Step - 9 concluding the selection process

Contrary to popular belief, the selection process will not end with the
implementation of the employment contract. There is one more step - amore
sensitive that the candidates not their personality is chosen not because of any
serious shortage, but because their profile did not match organization needs a
confident. They can be said that those who were selected purely on merit would
have been relative.

Step - 10 Choice of program evaluation

Comprehensive test of the effectiveness of the selection process has on the quality of
personnel. An organization must be competent and committed personnel. Selection
process, if done properly, will ensure the availability of such staff. How to influence a
selection process to evaluate? Respond to a periodic audit. Human Resources
Department who should conduct the independent audit function.



Domino's Pizza is an international fast food pizza delivery corporation. It was founded

by Tom Monaghan. There are currently about 8,500 corporate and franchised stores in 55

countries, including all 50 US states. It was the second-largest pizza chain behind Pizza

Hut in the United States. In 1967, the first Domino's Pizza franchise store opened in

Ypsilanti. Domino’s continued to grow and in 1978 opened its 200th store.

On May 13, 1983, Domino's opened its first international store, in Winnipeg,
Canada. That same year, Domino's opened its 1,000th store overall, and by 1995
Domino's had 1,000 international locations. In 1998, after 38 years of ownership,
Domino's Pizza founder Tom Monaghan announced his retirement and sold 93 percent of
the company to Bain Capital, Inc. for about $1 billion and ceased being involved in day-
to-day operations of the company. A year later, the company named David A.
Brandon Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Involved in day-to-day operations of the
company. A year later, the company named David A. Brandon Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer.

In a simultaneous celebration in 2006, Domino's opened its 5,000th U.S. store in Huntley,

Illinois and its 3,000th international store in Panama City, making 8,000 total stores for

the system. Also that the Domino's Pizza store in Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland, became the

first in Domino's history to hit a turnover of $3 million (€2.35 million) per year. As of

September 2006, it has 8,238 stores which totaled US$1.4 billion in gross income.

In 2007, Domino's introduced its Veterans and Delivering the Dream franchising
programs and also rolled out its online and mobile ordering sites. In 2001 the company's
stores in New York City and Washington D.C. provided more than 12,000 pizzas to relief
workers following the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and The
Pentagon. Through a matching funds program, the corporation donated $350,000 to the
American Red Cross' disaster relief effort.

Leading industry publication Pizza Today magazine named Domino’s Pizza

"Chain of the Year" in 2003.


Tom Monaghan and his brother James purchase "Dominick’s," a pizza store in Ypsilanti,
Michigan. Monaghan borrowed $500 to buy the store.

James trades his half of the business to Tom for a Volkswagen Beetle.

Tom Monaghan is sole owner of company, and renames the business "Domino's Pizza,

The first Domino's Pizza franchise store opens in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

Company headquarters and commissary are destroyed by fire. First Domino's store
outside of Michigan opens in Burlington, Vermont.

Amstar Corp., maker of Domino Sugar, institutes a trademark infringement lawsuit
against Domino's Pizza. In 1980, Federal court rules Domino's Pizza did not infringe on
the Domino Sugar trademark.


Domino's first international store opens in Winnipeg, Canada. The 1000th Domino's store
opens. The first Domino's store opens on the Australian continent, in Queens land,

Domino's Pizza signs its 1,000th franchise.

Domino's rolls out Breadsticks, the company's first national non-pizza menu item.

Domino's Pizza International opens its 1,000th store.First store opens on African
continent, in Cairo, Egypt.

Domino's launches its Web site (

Domino's launches another industry innovation, Domino's Heat Wave, a hot bag using
patented technology that keeps pizza oven-hot to the customer's door.

Domino's Pizza International opens its 2,000th store outside the United States.Domino's
Pizza celebrates 40 years of innovation and delivering pizza to homes around the world.

Domino’s Pizza introduces Brownie Squares — warm, delicious, bite-sized brownies
delivered with a fudge dipping sauce.

Domino’s rolls out online and mobile ordering.

Domino’s Pizza India Limited

 Domino's Pizza India Limited (DPIL) is the master franchisee for India,
Srilanka, Bangladesh and Nepal from Domino’s Pizza International Inc., USA.
The company had been promoted by Mr.Shyam S. Bhartia and Mr. Hari S.Bhartia
of the Jubilant Organosys Group (Formally Vam Organic Group).
 The Company was incorporated in March 1995.

 The First Domino's Pizza store in India as opened in January 1996, at New Delhi

and today after nine years Domino's Pizza India has grown into a countrywide

network of over 220 outlets in 42 cities.

 Domino’s has a young and enthusiastic team of over 2,100 employees.

 Domino’s Pizza India has been consistently rated amongst the top 2

pizza chains worldwide in the Domino’s family by Domino’s International, in

terms of

quality of operations.

 Customers can order their pizzas by calling the single countrywide


Helpline" - 1600-111-123 and Domino’s was the first one to start this facility for

it’s customer.


 Place the customer experience at the core of all we do

Their customers are the reason for their existence. They demonstrate their appreciation by

providing them with high quality food and superior service, in a clean, welcoming

environment, at a great value.

 committed to their people

Provide opportunity, nurture talent, develop leaders and reward achievement. They

believe that a team of well-trained individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences,

working together in an environment that fosters respect and drives high levels of

engagement, is essential to continued success.

 Believe in the Domino’s System

Business model, depicted by the “three-legged stool” of owner/operators, suppliers, and

company employees, is their foundation, and the balance of interests among the three

groups is key.

 Operate their business ethically

Sound ethics is good business. At Domino’s, they conduct their business to high

standards of fairness, honesty, and integrity. They are individually accountable and

collectively responsible.

 Give back to their communities

Take the responsibilities that come with being a leader. They help their customers build

better communities, support Domino’s House Charities, and leverage their size, scope and

resources to help make the world a better place.

 Grow business profitably

Domino’s is a publicly traded company. As such, they work to provide sustained

profitable growth for their shareholders. This requires a continuing focus on their

customers and the health of their system.

 Strive continually to improve

It is a learning organization that aims to anticipate and respond to changing customer,

employee and system needs through constant evolution and innovation.

Working at Domino’s

Domino's Pizza has become the world leader in pizza delivery and one of the most

successful franchise businesses with more than 8,000 stores in 50 plus international


The Recruitment and Selection Process

 The Domino’s Pizza Group Ltd recruitment process consists of various stages and is

dependent on the success rate of the vacancy. Short listing will commence dependent

on application and the matching of the required skills and experience. You will then be

contacted to explain the role in further details and if suitable, an interview will be


 Further interviews may occur before an offer is made.

 Due to high volumes of applications, it is regretful that although they endeavour to

contact all candidates regarding the status of their application, they may be unable to

contact everyone. If you are not contacted within 28 days of your submitting your

application, it means that your application has not been successful on that occasion.


In March 2009 Domino’s launched a dedicated e-recruitment website to help more than

2,500 initial job vacancies across 434 stores across Australia.

New Zealand followed shortly after with more than 500 available positions. In the first

week more than 10,000 job applications were received. For the first time ever, the

website enabled prospective job applicants to log on and find out exactly what it’s like to

work for

Domino’s, view current job vacancies and play an interactive delivery driver game to

show ‘it’s more fun with us .The 2,500 initial job vacancies came as a result of the

successful launch of the new menu earlier in the year. While providing all relevant

employment information for job applications, also equips

franchisees and store managers with all the relevant tools to recruit staff effectively and

quickly at a store level. is now their main recruitment tool with all

available jobs updated on the site regularly.



When Cyclone Larry devastated the coast of Far North Queensland in March 2006,

Domino’s responded immediately. A Domino’s relief team flew up to North

Queensland and worked around the clock to make and deliver over 2,500 pizzas to

feed the hungry residents and emergency services volunteers of Innisfail, the small

town south of Cairns that bore the brunt of Larry’s fury.


Locally owned and operated, they strongly believe in giving back to the community

that has chosen Domino’s as their number one pizza provider. That it is a major supporter

of local farmers and industries, using fresh, local ingredients and purchasing from local

suppliers wherever possible.


Domino’s is the principal sponsor of the AYDA; a program that brings together secondary

school leaders, school captains and vice captains, from across Australia, to participate in

leadership programs. AYDA youth will develop to lead organisations such as Domino’s -

and they recognise that investing in their nation’s youth is investing in its future.

Charities Of Choice

Domino’s Pizza Group Ltd has selected Make-A-Wish Foundation UK, as its charity of

choice. Make-A-Wish Foundation UK grants wishes to children with life threatening

diseases. In Ireland, Domino’s Pizza supports Barretstown, the children’s charity which

provides medically endorsed programme of arts, adventure and fun activities for children

with serious illnesses.


Doughraisers are the Domino’s version of fundraising. Doughraisers aim to support

local communities by raising funds through the sale of pizza products on a particular

day for a chosen charities, schools, sporting or community groups. Doughraising

initiative is a vital part of its franchisees’ involvement within local communities.

Doughraising events are just one way Domino’s, its franchisees and team members give

back to the communities who have supported .Over the past 12 months Domino’s

stores across Australia and New Zealand have raised thousands of dollars for good

causes, here’s just a few:

• Victorian Bushfire Relief

• Red Cross Cancer Council’s Relay for Life

• Starlight Foundation’s Starlight Day.

Domino’s Pizza began nearly 50 years ago as one small pizza shop in Ypsilanti,

Mich. Today, recognized world leader in pizza delivery and can find it almost

everywhere on the planet, growing to 8,624 store locations worldwide in more than 55


That kind of growth doesn’t happen by accident. It takes leadership, commitment

and an ever-evolving team of passionate people who love what they do. Their success

is accomplished when exceptional team members WOW their customers!

Company’s Chariman and CEO, is fond of saying “the pizza company with the best

people will win.” Clearly, the team members in domino’s stores who make, bake and take

more than one million pizzas to customers’ doorstep every day are the backbone of the


The Domino's Pizza Team is hard working, committed to excellence and serious about

having fun. There are more than 170,000 team members employed by 600 corporate-

owned stores, a system of 5,000+ domestic franchise-owned stores and international

franchise base that operates more than 3,000 stores in more than 55 counties around the

globe. Of those, 13,000 are corporate team members, and more than 400 at the World

Resource Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Continuing Success

Through the efforts of a dedicated team, Domino’s Pizza offers great job opportunities

and long-term career options to grow and succeed. They are looking for the best people to

drive their business – managers, store crew and corporate team members with strong

work ethic, character, passion, integrity and dedication to delivering results!

Building the network

Need for quality team members is rapidly growing as Domino’s experiences the strongest

expansion in history, so recruitment and training programs play an essential role in

identifying and nurturing team members to help boost growth.

Age is no barrier at Domino’s. they look for people who are driven to succeed, with the

right approach to hard work and a genuine desire to learn. In fact, many franchisees

and members of the Domino’s leadership team started as pizza delivery drivers and

pizza makers.


Q.1) What are the methods used by the company for your recruitment?

a) Internal b) External

Q.2) If Internal then which method?

a) References b) Promotions c) Transfer

Q.3) If External then which method?

a) Media Advertisement b) Employment Agencies

c) Campus Placements d) E-Recruiting

Q.4) Are you satisfied with your procedure of Recruitment?

a) Yes b) No

Q.5) Why did you choose to work in Domino’s?

a) Reputation b) Salary c) Work Environment

Q.6) Does the company contain any E- Recruitment sites?

a) Yes b) No

Q.7) What form of interview do you prefer?

a) Personal Interview b) Telephonic Interview

c) Video Conferencing d) Panel Interview

Q.8) How many rounds of interviews are conducted in Domino’s?

a) 1-3 b) 3-5 c) More than 5

Q.9) Which type of media do you prefer for recruitment in Domino’s?

a) Social Media b) Press c) TV d) Radio

Q.10) R&S Process depends on recruiter?

a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Disagree d) Strongly Disagree

Q.11) Are you satisfied with the Recruitment process of Domino’s?

a) Yes b) No


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