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Chapter 1 - Tony arrives to the city and meets the girls:

Open the box:

- Don't worry about losing points here, it's to show how tenant points work, it's inevitable to lose them, but they're easy
to recover.

Bathroom door ajar:

- If you knock on the door you'll get tenant points, but you'll only see Jessy come out with the towel.

- If you enter without knocking you will lose tenant points, but you will have a good view of Jessy and will also allow you
to get some points of affection and sexuality from her (Recommended).

Questions at the party:

- Every question at the party to Gina and Jessy's friends provides a point of affection, except for Alexia with whom Tony
has had a bad start.

- Who can be asked "Do you fuck?": Only Olivia, the most open in this respect, will give you points with her; but if you
try with the others you will lose considerable points.

- Alexia, look at her tits again?:

- If you look again you will lose some points of affinity but you will gain some points of sexuality (curious eh?).

- If you decide not to watch you will earn some affinity points (Recommended)

The history of the bear (End of party on the lounge):

- It's impossible to look closely at Jessy without this leading to a gameover, it's purposely made to show you what it
would be like; if you want to see it, save the game before choosing this option (Recommended to try).

- If you continue with the story you will be tempted again to look at Jessy again, choose to continue telling the story to
continue with the game (Recommended)
On the map:
When there's any possible interaction with a character, a small image will be displayed over the location on the map, residential
area or on the apartment.

(Note: if you are in the navigation area of the apartment and there is something important outside, an exclamation mark will be
displayed above the map icon).

Don't you have anything to do on the map?:

- You can always go to the park to train and earn speed points.

- You can go to the store to buy some items.

- You can eat or have a beer in the neighborhood coffee shop.

- You can spend time in your room sleeping a little or ...

(Any of these actions will cause that time advance)

Meeting with Cassie (The Photographer): Friday at noon in the coffee shop

Select "Go to Bar"

This sequence also serves to open the location of "Shop" to you.
If you don't do it the first Friday, you'll find it in the next.

Meeting with Olivia: Sunday at noon in the coffee shop

Interesting meeting to surprise Olivia and Scott, and then visit Olivia's apartment, where you'll can meet Charlene.
Second meeting with Cassie: Friday at noon in the coffee shop

In the second encounter with our favorite photographer, we'll find that she has a serious problem... Will you hesitate to help

Introduction of Sabrina:

If you keep visiting Alexia in the coffee shop, on Fridays at midnight, at the end you are going to find a pleasant surprise... it
seems that Alexia has finally found a new tenant... And you're going to love it!
First day at university: First Monday in the game

When Gina asks you if you're better, tell her just a little, so she'll give you another kiss and more points.
The classes:

First thing in the morning, Tony has a Philosophy class... Do you find it boring?...
Maybe you'll change your mind after meeting the teacher ;-)

In the second hour Tony will study History... Do you like very mature women? Well, don't miss his teacher, who, even though
she's old, is good to see! And if you don't have enough, instead of "Attend" in class, try "Distract", Tony will have more and more
imagination with his classmates.

(Note: The intermediate between classes, which will allow you to visit other areas, will be added in future versions)
Miss Cooper: After First Day of Studies

"The First Encounter"

After the first day of university, upon leaving it, Tony will automatically go to visit Miss Cooper to talk about his attitude in class,
for sure she will convince you to behave better >:-)
(Note: Tony will get his first sexual skills points, +5)

"The unexpected reencounter...": By getting 15 study points and attending philosophy class

Are you out of your mind to meet Miss Cooper again? Behave yourself at the university, attend the classes (hers or history) and
get study points, when you reach a certain amount you will have a second meeting with her >:-)
IMPORTANT NOTE: This second encounter incorporates a "mini-game", DON'T WORRY if the first time you not win, it is normal
... each time you lose your chances of winning the next attempt will increase and you will find it much easier.
In this second encounter you will gain +5 sexual skills points again, although this time you will have to earn them ;-)
Remember that after this second meeting with Miss Cooper, you will be able to visit Jess in the bathroom without fear >:-)
Friday night: Jessy is in her room with the laptop (working on her things...)

(Note: repetitive scene without changes, we will extend it in future versions)

Friday at midnight: The girls are in their room but both are closed.

Saturday morning, on the apartment: Breakfast with Gina

Saturday morning: Katia trains in the park

When you have 95 or more speed points, you will finally be able to beat Katia.

From now on you can train with Katia in a more private place.

Remember to go every Saturday to train with her, you will be able to enjoy her new dresses and earn points during and after the
training, and if you do it well, maybe you will have a final surprise ;-)

(Note: For the final surprise you will need 10 or more Katia's sexuality points)
Saturday afternoon: Gina does yoga on the lounge

You can spy on her for a while to observe her spectacular postures.
You can talk to her to get points (in the middle of the conversation you can leave her alone to earn tenant points, but you're not
going to earn points with Gina).

Saturday night: Gina in her room worried about her studies.

If you stay and talk to her, you'll get a good view of her virtues.

(Note: repetitive scene without changes, we will extend it in future versions)

Every day at midnight (except Friday): Jessy in his room

You can come in and spend a few tenant points having a good time with Jess.

HIDDEN CONTENT: If you bought the insomnia pill in the shop, go to the kitchen at midnight...
Tony will test it to see if they really work ;-)

(IMPORTANT NOTE: While doing the guide we have detected a small programming error, make sure you have the anti-insomnia
pill selected before clicking on the button in the kitchen, otherwise it may show you a warning of "Available in future updates"
and direct you to the shop, this will be corrected in the next version)

These nightly visits to Jess have other surprises:

- From the second week, when you visit on Wednesdays, you can enjoy a different sequence (sorry because in a phrase
Tony says that Jess wears a new dress, when it is actually the same, we snuck the phrase :-p)

- If in addition, when you visit her on Wednesdays, you have equal or more than 30 points of affection and 50 points of
sexuality with her, you will find a surprise when you visit her, don't miss it! >:-)

(Note: We found a bug, (already fixed for future versions); make sure you have more than 10 tenant points before visiting her)
Sunday morning, on the apartment: Breakfast with Jessy

Jess is a very naughty girl...

- When you pick up the napkin and ask if you have found it, tell her NO ;-)
- You can tell if she was a good girl (footjob, animation) or a bad girl (spanking on the couch)

Sunday night: Gina and Jessy are ready to see a movie

As you choose one or the other you will get points from Gina or Jessy, we recommend that you try both, do not worry about the
points, that you must take more into account in the repetitions.
The fourth time you go to see a movie with the girls, you will have a new choice ;-)
(Note: The final options in the romantic movie will be incorporated in future versions)
Monday night: Gina in the bathroom

You have the possibility of enter without knock, and losing tenant points, but you will have spectacular views of Gina... yes, you
are going to lose points with her too (We recommend to save before choose this option).
If, on the other hand, you knock to enter, you will have to wait for Gina to finish the bath and open the door, with her
magnificent dressing gown and in a very relaxed attitude ;-)
Mornings on the apartment:

Starting Tuesday, you'll have more options when you wake up.

Prepare breakfast: It allows you to earn tenant points and also compliment some of the girls.

(Note: contrary to what it may seem, AT THE BEGINNING, it is better to compliment Jessy to gain more points of affection from
her and be able to visit her in the mornings without penalty).

Visit Gina: Gina looks spectacular with the first lights of the day, visit her in the room and be a little bad if you want >:-) When
you say goodbye to her, don't hesitate to be "more affectionate" to earn a few more points.

Visit Jessy: Contrary to what Tony thinks, Jessy is already awake when he visits her, and half dressed... be careful! if you have
few points of affection with Jessy she won't like you visiting her and will make you lose points, the more affection points you
earn more permissible she will be ;-)

Go to the bathroom: Allows you to earn tenant points.

If you visit on Tuesdays or Thursdays, you may randomly find Gina in an embarrassing situation.
If you visit him on Wednesdays or Fridays you will find Jessy in all his splendour.
Visit Olivia in her apartment:

From your meeting with her and Scott in the coffee shop, and to keep her secret, Olivia agrees that you can visit her and offer
you something in exchange for your silence...

In the first explosive encounter with Olivia you'll learn more about her hidden relationship with Scott, and she'll show you her
seductive arts that you won't be able to resist.

From the first meeting, and closing the deal with her, you have the daily possibility to visit her, but keep this in mind:

- You have to wait at least 3 days since the last visit so that Olivia doesn't get angry.

- The final options of whether or not to warn her of your cum... better to warn her at the beginning, don't you want to
look bad, right?... but don't worry, when you get more sexuality points with her you will be able to not warn her and
enjoy an alternative end ;-)

From the fourth quick visit to Olivia, randomly, you may find a little surprise ;-)
Tuesday night: Gina reads some magazines in her room

Can there be anything sexier than Gina? Yes!.... Gina with glasses! >:-)
The visit is only to wish her good night, but you can be more handsome if you buy the rose available in the shop and enter the
room ;-)

(Note: Remember that you have to select the rose in the inventory before entering the room)

Any day, midnight:

How to make money? Well, from the first Tuesday, every midnight you can visit the coffee shop, the waitress has a lot of work
and closes late and tired; help her to pick up and you will have a small reward. At the moment, it's the only way to make money
in the game.

(Note: There is no warning about this on the map, so keep it in mind to earn money)
Thursday Night: Jessy in the Bathroom

Mmm... Jess takes a relaxing bath without complexes, Tony can't resist it at first and will close the door, not without Jessy
realizes and you lose points. So it's better to wait until Tony is more daring to visit her...

...maybe Miss Cooper's two private classes will help you ;-)

Una vez que Tony pueda visitarla y se atreva a satisfacerla, repítalo siempre que pueda:
The third time you'll discover a surprise guest, don't miss... Dickuo!

At the sixth time, Jess will be able to enjoy two intense and consecutive orgasms.
Friday at midnight: Alexia in the coffee shop

On Fridays book them to visit the coffee shop at midnight, there you will find the strict Alexia, although for some reason this
time will be more "friendly".

Repeat every Friday the visits to the cafeteria, and the 4th time you will have a pleasant surprise, and you will meet the new
tenant of Alexia's flat, the incredible Sabrina! Don't miss it!
The Shop

You can buy:

- Tobacco and gum are not necessary at the moment to trigger any interaction with characters, but it will
allow you to see the woman in charge of the shop better.

- La Rosa: For Gina when she's reading in the afternoon.

- Anti-insomnia pills: For Jessy, Monday through Wednesday at midnight, in the kitchen.

- Box of bonbons: It is possible to buy but it does not contribute anything, better not to do it in this version.

- All other items cannot be purchased in this version.

The end, for the moment...

When you reach certain conditions in the game, one Sunday Jess will wake you up with an enigmatic
surprise for you... enjoy it! and see you soon ;-)






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