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Components of FHSIS

1. Individual / Family Treatment Record
a. Fundamental record kept in the facility
b. Contains the client’s data (name, address, date of birth, religion, weight,
c. May contain chief complaints, vital signs, diagnosis, treatment if any and date
of consultation
2. Target/ Client Lists
a. Second building block of FHSIS
b. Purposes:
i. To plan and carry out patient care and service delivery in the most
efficient way and to prevent duplication
ii. To facilitate monitoring and supervision of services
iii. To report services delivered in forms or tally sheets for easy reporting
iv. To provide a clinic-level data base which could be accessed for further
c. TCL to be maintained:
i. Lists for EPI
ii. List for Eligible Population
iii. Lists of children 9-59 months
iv. Lists for Nutrition
v. Lists for Pre-natal Care
vi. Lists for Postpartum Care
vii. Lists for TB
viii. Lists for Family Planning
3. Summary table
a. It’s a form with a 12 month column retained at the BHS where the midwife
makes a monthly report of all relevant data.
b. Parts:
i. Health program accomplishment
1. Midwife records all data found on the TCL
2. Serves as source of data for reports
3. Data source for any survey, study or research
4. Serves as a tool for the midwife to assess her own
ii. Morbidity Disease Table
1. This shows the monthly trend of diseases and the ten leading
causes of morbidity in the municipality.
4. Monthly Consolidation Table
a. An essential form in the FHSIS where the nurse records the reported date
b. Source document of the nurse for the Quarterly form and serves as the output
table of the Rural Health Unit
1. Tally/ Reporting Forms
a. The FHSIS reports are the only means by which data are transmitted from one
facility to another on weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually or even every few
minutes in cases of maternal and neonatal deaths. The bulk of the data
received from the RHU levels will be linked up with the data reported by
others during the data processing phase of the operation.
2. Output Reports or tables
a. Will be produced at the Provincial Health Office) form the data reported in
the FHSIS Reporting Forms. Data will be disseminated to RHU then through the
DOH system to the Regional Health Office.

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