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Kadang-Kadang, which is also known as

in tagalong was first played in Cebu inthe year 1969. Kadang-kadang is a traditional Filipino game which is played
during larong lahi or recreational activities.Kadang-kadang which also means “simple play” is an outdoor game that is
played usinga bamboo stilt. To play the kadang-kadang, you need a pair of bamboo poles with equallengths and a
stepladder of foot size to serve as the platform for the player’s feet. Thebamboo has a height of 10 feet from the
ground. But in the present era, Filipinosmodified the height of the bamboos making it higher.Primarily, kadang-
kadang is a racing game. Before starting the game, players shouldform two parallel lines with a distance of 100
meters apart to serve as the starting andfinish line and then mark every 25
meter of each line. The game needs four players in each team. The players are set in a way that the firstplayer
stands behind the starting line, while the second player will stand behind the25
mark of the line, the third player behind the 50
mark, and the fourth player standsbehind the 75
mark. The rule of the game is just simple. On the signal “get set”, the player stands at thestarting line with his stilts. At
the signal “go” the first player mounts on his stilts andstarts walking to the 25
mark. After reaching the mark, he gets off from the stilts andhand it down to the second player who will do the same
while going to the 50
mark. Thesame pattern goes with the third and the fourth player until they reach the finish line. Aplayer loss if he gets
off the stilts twice before reaching the finish line, or gets off the stiltafter two steps (Propagate Philippine Indigenous
Game).In the game kadang-kadang, the players will be able to build up their concentration,teamwork, and
sportsmanship. In this game, balance is an important element. If youknow how to balance yourself, you will be able to
perfectly play this kind of game.Kadang-kadang is not only for recreational activities. It could also be played during
freetime when you are with your playmates, friends, and families.
Two pairs of coconut stilts are needed. This is made by boring a hole through one of the
"eyes" of a half of the coconut shell. A string, about one or two meters long (depending on
the height of the player) ispulled through the hole and a big, sturdy knot is tied at the
bottom end inside the shell.The first player who reaches finish line wins the game..
Kadang kadang mechanics
1.The game will be a relay type of race.2.Ten (10) people will represent each
t e a m . 3 . Th e g am e wi l l be g in on c e t he fa ci l it a to r s h a ve g i ve n t he co mm and t o d o s o. 4 . Th e
p l a ye rs wi l l h a ve t o ra ce b ac k a n d f o rt h b y m ea ns o f t he co co nu t s h el l s til t s .5 . Th e p la ye r
s h ou l d t ap th e h a nd o f th e ne xt p l a ye r i n l i ne to in d ic a te hi s/ h e r completion of his/her part.6 . Th e
c u r re n t p la ye r wi l l h a nd th e c oc o nu t s h el l s ti l ts for t h e n e xt p la ye r t o us e .7 . I n c as e t he co co n ut
s h el l s ti l ts br e ak , a r ep lac em e nt wi l l b e p r o vi de d ( d e pe n di n g on availability) and the current player has
to restart his/her leg of the race.

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