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Driver’s Manual
Copying, revision, translation and distribution of this work and all other instances of driver infor-
mation irrespective of form or method is forbidden without written consent from Scania CV AB.
All statutory rights are reserved by Scania CV AB.

The Driver’s Manual contains relevant information to enable you to operate the vehicle safely and
correctly. In addition, it tells you how to use the equipment included in your vehicle. (In certain
cases, it may also contain information on equipment not found in the vehicle.) Scania assumes that
every person driving a Scania vehicle has familiarised themselves with the content of the associ-
ated Driver’s Manual and (if applicable) agreed to the rights that Scania has reserved. Scania em-
ploys a policy of continual development, and we must therefore reserve the right to make changes
to equipment and technology supplied with the vehicle. For this reason, the information con-
tained in this Driver’s Manual cannot be called on to support claims resulting from any such

Today ECUs (Electronic Control Units), digital tachographs, FMS systems (Fleet Management
Systems) and other equipment in Scania vehicles can record and store information about vehicle
specifications, modifications and the use of the vehicle. Scania, as a manufacturer and original
vendor of the vehicle and associated services, has an interest in processing this type of operational
data (either itself or using companies that are members of Scania’s authorised distribution or
workshop network) for three primary purposes:

1. Providing services: The owner of a Scania vehicle can order certain services related to the
processing of operational data from members of the Scania organisation, allowing the customer
to evaluate its business operations or meet its legal obligations.

2. Enhanced customer benefits: Scania can create an environment that provides the best possible
customer service in its workshops by providing the correct parts information, correct vehicle data,
drawings and the correct information in the information products supplied by Scania.

3. Product development: Scania can benefit its design and engineering work by analysing opera-
tional data from actual conditions, with the objective of improving its products, making them
even more economical and environmentally friendly.

Scania confirms and guarantees that operational data, processed in accordance with the above,
will not be transmitted to third parties for any other than the stated purpose, that operational data
will in no way be processed in any way that will impinge on the owner’s competitiveness, that no
specific data regarding the driver of the vehicle will be processed or identified in a Scania compa-
ny’s processing of the operational data (to the extent that the information in general can be con-
sidered to be personal data) and that no driver will be identified in the stored data other than
within the framework of a service that the owner has ordered from a Scania company.

When we use the term Scania workshop, we normally mean an Authorised Scania Workshop. An
Authorised Scania Workshop has been approved by DOS (Scania’s dealer and workshop stand-
ard), which covers a number of different customer services. An authorised workshop is responsible
for carrying out repairs under warranty in accordance with Scania’s warranty stipulations. An Au-
thorised Scania Workshop possesses the training, tools and equipment necessary to diagnose
faults and carry out common repairs on Scania vehicles. When a workshop for some reason is not
able to fulfil its commitments, it is possible to obtain help from Scania Assistance and the respon-
sible distributor. Many other workshops also possess the ability to carry out repairs on Scania ve-
hicles and Scania will oblige by supplying at a cost any documentation, training and tools that are
necessary. Scania is not able to assess the competence of these workshops or support them if re-

pairs are not carried out in a proper manner. Scania does not accept responsibility for repairs car-
ried out by these workshops.


About the Driver’s Manual .............................................1

Read this first.................................................................................1
Feedback to Scania ........................................................................1
Admonitions in driver’s manual....................................................1
Bodywork and modifications ........................................................2

Safety precautions ...........................................................5

Safety during vehicle maintenance ...............................................5
Danger of fire and explosion.........................................................5
Safety regulations for fire extinguisher.........................................5

Environment ....................................................................9
Economical driving .......................................................................9
Air pollution ................................................................................14
Checking nitrogen oxides ...........................................................15
White smoke limiter ...................................................................17
Handling hazardous substances ..................................................18

Check points................................................................................20
Flammable material.....................................................................23
Check the brake system for leaks................................................23
Checking the locking device .......................................................24
Checking the towing unit ...........................................................24
APS ..............................................................................................24

Visibility and lighting ....................................................28

Rear view mirrors and window winders .....................................28
Heating the rear view mirror ......................................................29
Flasher and wiper lever ...............................................................29


Standard lighting.........................................................................30
Blackout lighting .........................................................................32
Auxiliary lamp panel....................................................................39
Guiding light from a parked vehicle...........................................43
Rotating beacon ..........................................................................44
Roof sign lamp ............................................................................44

Braking and changing gear ..........................................45

Gear changing .............................................................................45
Gear changing .............................................................................48
Gear changing .............................................................................51
Gear changing .............................................................................54
G670 ............................................................................................60
Reduction of clutch wear ............................................................62
Allison automatic gearbox...........................................................63
Manual gearbox with torque converter, ZF ...............................71
Adjusting the collapsible gear lever in the cab ...........................77
Opticruise ....................................................................................78
Opticruise ..................................................................................101
Opticruise ..................................................................................123
Exhaust brake ............................................................................143
Scania Retarder .........................................................................146
Allison retarder..........................................................................154
Parking brake ............................................................................160
Interlock valve ...........................................................................164
Trailer brake, switch .................................................................166
Trailer brake, lever....................................................................166
Hill hold ....................................................................................167
Automatic neutral position .......................................................170
ABS ............................................................................................170
EBS ............................................................................................172


Cruise control, roadholding and traction ..................178

Steering wheel buttons and steering wheel ..............................178
Starter lock ................................................................................181
Idling speed adjustment ............................................................183
Adjusted idling...........................................................................185
Kick-down .................................................................................185
Hand throttle.............................................................................185
Acceleration control ..................................................................187
Cruise control............................................................................188
Cruise control............................................................................190
Cruise control............................................................................193
Cruise control with Ecocruise ..................................................195
Adaptive cruise control .............................................................199
Downhill speed control.............................................................206
Downhill speed control with offset adjustment........................208
Scania lane departure warning (LDW) ....................................210
Scania driver support.................................................................212
Air suspension ...........................................................................225
Alternative vehicle levels ...........................................................227
Tag axle lift................................................................................229
Load transfer .............................................................................229
Selectable front wheel drive ......................................................233
All-wheel drive ..........................................................................236
Differential lock on rear axle ....................................................236
Differential lock on double-drive bogie ...................................238
Differential lock on front axle...................................................240
Differential lock in transfer box................................................242
Low gear in transfer box ...........................................................244
Drive wheel disengagement ......................................................245
ESP ............................................................................................247
Traction Control.......................................................................249
Wading ......................................................................................250


Vehicle information instruments................................251

Instrument cluster with display.................................................251
INFO button .............................................................................260
Menus in the display .................................................................262
Indicator lamps and symbols.....................................................276
Tachograph information in the display ....................................304
Bodywork symbols ....................................................................305
Checking engine oil level ..........................................................313
Checking gearbox oil ................................................................315
Tyre pressure monitoring .........................................................322
Tachograph ...............................................................................327
Digital tachograph ....................................................................333
Trip data log..............................................................................355
Digital tachograph ....................................................................355
Wireless download for the tachograph.....................................375
Scania Interactor .......................................................................377
Log on to Interactor..................................................................387
Basic functions in Interactor .....................................................398
Log out and shut down Interactor............................................410

Driver environment .....................................................412

Ergonomics ...............................................................................412
Seat, Basic ..................................................................................414
Seat, Medium ............................................................................415
Seat, Luxury...............................................................................417
Folding seat ...............................................................................419
Extendable ladder......................................................................419
Extendable bed ..........................................................................420
Upper bed..................................................................................422
Crew bench................................................................................424


Heating pads..............................................................................425
Lighting in the cab ....................................................................425
Reading lamp, passenger...........................................................428
Boarding lamp ...........................................................................428
Other lights ...............................................................................428
Background lighting..................................................................429
Reading lamp, driver .................................................................430
Climate system ..........................................................................430
Fan .............................................................................................439
Short-stop ventilation ...............................................................440
Climate system, air distribution................................................441
Electrically operated roof hatch................................................442
Roof hatch .................................................................................444
Auxiliary heater .........................................................................445
Remote control for auxiliary heater..........................................455
Remote control for auxiliary heater, radio and CD player ......462
Electric engine heater ...............................................................469
Radio Medium...........................................................................471
Radio with navigation ...............................................................501
Smoke alarm ..............................................................................536

Crash safety..................................................................540
Safety belt ..................................................................................540
Belt pretensioner .......................................................................541
Airbag ........................................................................................544

Locks and alarm ...........................................................549

Central locking..........................................................................549
Remote control for locks and alarm .........................................553
Immobiliser ...............................................................................556
Alarm .........................................................................................559


Maintenance ................................................................572
Inspection programme ..............................................................572
Lockable front grille panel........................................................572
Cab tilting..................................................................................573
Central electric unit ..................................................................586
Batteries .....................................................................................602
Battery master switch handle ....................................................612
Adjusted battery charging .........................................................614
Renewing a bulb ........................................................................615
Wiper blades and washer fluid..................................................639
Tool kit......................................................................................641
The fuel system .........................................................................642
Contaminants in the fuel...........................................................644
Water separating fuel filter .......................................................646
Engine air cleaner .....................................................................648
Snow protection air intake ........................................................654
Charge air cooler protection.....................................................658
Tyres and rims...........................................................................659
Cleaning aluminium rims..........................................................664
Cleaning aluminium rims..........................................................665
Changing wheels .......................................................................665
Draining the compressed air tanks ...........................................676
Checking brake chamber stroke length ....................................677
Disc brake..................................................................................678
Internal cleaning........................................................................682
Cleaning the climate system control panel...............................683
External cleaning.......................................................................684
Corrosion protection ................................................................686
Touching up paintwork ............................................................687
Waxing and polishing ...............................................................688


Emergency measures ...................................................689

Battery master switch ................................................................689
Emergency hammer ..................................................................691
Emergency kit ...........................................................................691
Vehicle gas and safety ...............................................................692
Jump start ..................................................................................694
Jumper start socket....................................................................698
Jump socket 24V/500A .............................................................702
Wheel chocks ............................................................................703
Filler nipple for parking brake circuit.......................................704
Bleed the fuel system.................................................................706
Towing and recovery ................................................................716
Shunting ....................................................................................736
Undo the propeller shaft...........................................................738
Releasing the parking brake without compressed air...............741
Chassis lifting points .................................................................745
Fill with air ................................................................................755

Fuel and lubricants ......................................................757

Fuel, biodiesel............................................................................757
Fuel, diesel.................................................................................760
Fuel heater.................................................................................766
Fuel, ethanol..............................................................................768
Fuel, vehicle gas ........................................................................771
Check the engine oil level .........................................................778
Engine oil ..................................................................................780
AdBlue .......................................................................................786
Coolant ......................................................................................790
Clutch fluid................................................................................795
Checking the gearbox oil level..................................................797
Checking gearbox oil ................................................................799
Power steering fluid ..................................................................801


Automatic chassis lubrication....................................................802

Loading and unloading...............................................806

Operation unit for air suspension .............................................806
Operation unit for air suspension .............................................810
Manual level control .................................................................814
Fifth wheel.................................................................................815
Fifth wheel.................................................................................819
Fifth wheel.................................................................................822
Fifth wheel.................................................................................825
Fifth wheel, switch ....................................................................829
Controlling the body.................................................................830
Operating the platform .............................................................833
2-way tipper truck .....................................................................836
Locker add-on ...........................................................................840
Concrete mixer..........................................................................846
Axle weight regulation, tag axle ................................................851
Sound level control for reverse alarm.......................................853
Compressed air connection to trailer .......................................854
Front compressed air connection .............................................855

Special functions..........................................................861
Trailer connectors.....................................................................861
EG power take-off.....................................................................862
EK power take-off.....................................................................867
EXT switch................................................................................871
Refrigerator ...............................................................................872
Information on Toll Collect .....................................................873
Air horn .....................................................................................875
Securing the vehicle on a ferry .................................................875


Technical data..............................................................879
Chassis information card...........................................................879
Type plate..................................................................................880
Pressure in brake system ...........................................................881
Tyre pressure.............................................................................882

About the Driver’s Manual

About the Driver’s Manual

Read this first
Read the entire Driver’s Manual thoroughly before driving the
Always read and follow the admonitions and instructions given in
the Driver’s Manual.
The Driver’s Manual tells you what you need to know about the
vehicle to be able to drive it without risking damage to the
vehicle or injury to yourself.
It also covers vehicle maintenance and how to carry out minor
repairs. For further information on repairs, please refer to
Scania’s service literature.

Feedback to Scania
Contact your dealer if you have views on the content of this
Driver’s Manual. The dealer can help you make a report to the
Scania factory. Scania is thankful for all suggestions regarding
improvements, as we continuously strive to make the Driver’s
Manual as user-friendly as possible.

Admonitions in driver’s manual


This caption is used when there is a risk of

personal injury.

20101006 1
About the Driver’s Manual

This caption is used when there is a risk of
material damage to the vehicle or other property.

This caption is used for certain important

Bodywork and modifications


The bodywork website and its specifications

must be applied to all bodywork/conversion

A Scania workshop must always be contacted when carrying out

bodywork/conversion projects, or in case of any queries
concerning bodywork/conversion projects, to gain access to this
technical information. Vehicles lacking in equipment or
functions which consequently do not meet the technical
requirements may constitute a hazard and it may be unlawful to
drive them on public highways.

2 Complete
About the Driver’s Manual


Changes to the vehicle, particularly the

retrofitting of electrical equipment or changes to
electrical components and their software, must
be carried out in a professional manner. The
illegal copying of software may, therefore, make
you liable for infringement of copyright. Scania
cannot be held responsible for the consequences
of work not carried out professionally.


Direct connection with the vehicle’s CAN buses

or via the diagnostics socket to retrieve data or
for other reasons is not permitted. This could be
extremely dangerous since it could affect the
functionality of the vehicle’s systems, e.g. engine
or brake. The SCANIA FMS and SCANIA
BWS/BCS interfaces must be used in such cases.

20101006 3
About the Driver’s Manual


The 66-pin connector in the torpedo wall is only

for Scania-fitted equipment and must not be used
for conversion of the vehicle with original

Direct connection to the battery’s positive and
negative terminals is not permitted.

4 Complete
Safety precautions

Safety precautions
Safety during vehicle maintenance
Work performed on the vehicle, such as inspection and service
or repairs, must be carried out by someone who has a very good
understanding of the work involved in order to avoid risk of
personal injury or damage to property and the environment. If in
doubt, always contact a Scania workshop.
When working indoors with the engine running, provide
adequate ventilation or use an exhaust extraction unit.
Always have a margin of safety when danger is involved. Protect
yourself as well as others. Don’t take risks!

Danger of fire and explosion

Avoid open fires, welding and suchlike when close to substances
that are combustible and explosive, such as oil and diesel fuel oil.

Safety regulations for fire


Operating instructions - Safety instructions

Please read these operating instructions carefully and pass on
the information to other possible users of the fire extinguisher.
This should be done before it is placed/mounted in position, or
before it is used for the first time.
• If possible, provide users with information about how to
use the fire extinguisher and explain the risks of misuse.
Keep children away from fire extinguishers.

20101006 5
Safety precautions

• The instruction text and illustration on the fire

extinguisher describe the correct method of use.

• Do not aim the jet of extinguishing medium directly at

someone. Keep at a safe distance of at least 1 metre when
extinguishing burning clothes on a person.

• Only skilled service engineers trained in accordance with

Swedish Standard SS3656 may open and carry out
maintenance on the fire extinguisher.

• The container may be pressurised. Do not expose it to

force from outside and do not use force to open it.

• Allow a skilled service engineer to depressurise damaged

or rusty containers or fittings.

• It is not permitted to make any modifications, e.g.

welding or soldering, to the container.

• Keep the fire extinguisher clean. Do not use any

aggressive cleaning agents, but just clean it with a damp

• The container should only be used as a fire extinguisher


• Do not expose it to direct sunlight or to the effects of the


• Drain and depressurise the container before it is disposed

of through a waste disposal company.

6 Complete
Safety precautions

• Always secure the fire extinguisher properly in the

vehicle. It must be secured in special holders so that it
cannot be damaged by the vehicle’s vibrations and
movement, or fall out of its holders.

• Never hand over the fire extinguisher to third parties

without giving them these operating instructions.

• Full pressure change from 0 bar to 18.5 bar: maximum

500 load changes.

Data on operational use of the fire

extinguisher including extinguishing
medium (user data)

Operating temperature range see instructions on

(related to extinguishing extinguisher

Nominal operating pressure see instructions on

(continuous pressure extinguisher
extinguisher) at +20°C:

The information stated on the extinguisher label concerning

operating range, nominal operating pressure, quantity of
extinguishing medium and propellant gas pressure applies to a

20101006 7
Safety precautions

fully operational fire extinguisher including extinguishing


8 Complete

Economical driving

Your vehicle affects the environment

In order to improve fuel economy and reduce exhaust emissions,
Scania is constantly striving to increase engine efficiency and
reduce the air/rolling resistance of vehicles. It is nevertheless
inevitable that your vehicle and your driving will affect the
Exhaust gases contain, for example, carbon dioxide, nitrogen
oxides and hydrocarbons.
• Carbon dioxide emissions contribute to the greenhouse
effect, and are regarded as being the environmental
problem which is most difficult to overcome.

• Nitrogen oxides contribute to the acidification of soil and

water and to eutrophication.

• Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides help to form ground

level ozone which is harmful to human life, animals and

Drive economically and reduce the

environmental impact
The most important aspect of economical driving is a long-term,
permanent fuel saving. The less fuel your vehicle consumes, the

20101006 9

less exhaust gases it emits. It is therefore possible to save money

and the environment by reducing your fuel consumption. The
main factors affecting the fuel consumption are your driving and
the condition of the vehicle.

Your driving
• Plan ahead when driving so that you avoid large
variations in speed.

• Economical driving with good forward planning making

greater use of the vehicle’s kinetic energy can reduce the
fuel consumption by 10%.

• Reducing the speed from 100 km/h to 90 km/h reduces

the fuel consumption by approximately 10%.

• Use the retarder and exhaust brake to save the wheel


• A preheated engine is subject to less wear when starting

than a cold engine.

• Run the engine at idling speed for approximately 1

minute after driving before switching off the engine.
Otherwise there is a risk of the turbocharger being

10 Complete

Vehicle condition
• A well-serviced engine and fuel system give good
efficiency. In the long run it is always more expensive to
neglect vehicle maintenance than to observe the
recommended service intervals. A vehicle that is well
looked after is always more economical in operation than
one that is neglected and poorly maintained.

• The vehicle’s service life and fuel economy are improved

if the vehicle is kept in good condition.

A clean air filter considerably reduces the fuel

Economy gearchanging
If your vehicle has economy gearchanging, it will have an engine
speed of approximately 1200 rpm at cruising speed. The low
engine speed means that you save fuel. It may require rather
more gear changes.
If your vehicle is equipped with overdrive, you can drive in 11th
gear at cruising speed with a heavy load, such as on hilly terrain
or when the vehicle is fully laden. You will have better pulling
power and will not need so many gear changes.

20101006 11

If your vehicle is equipped with Opticruise you should drive in

automatic mode to obtain the best fuel economy and driving

• Insufficient pressure in the tyres increases the rolling
resistance and therefore also the fuel consumption. In
addition, the tyres rapidly become worn and this also
affects safety when driving. The correct tyre pressure can
reduce the fuel consumption by up to 5%.

Check the tyre pressure frequently. Carry out the
check when the tyres are cold.

• Choose the correct tyres to suit your driving. If you use

energy tyres, the fuel consumption is reduced by between
4-6%. An unnecessarily deep tread leads to greater
rolling resistance.

• Make sure that the rims and tyres on double-mounted

wheels are the same type and size.

12 Complete

Air resistance
• The air resistance is affected by the road speed. If the
road speed is doubled, the air resistance increases by a
factor of four. As the height and width of the vehicle
increases, its air resistance also increases. This also applies
if there are roof racks and other protruding objects on the

• By adapting the bodywork and decreasing the height by

0.4 m, it is possible to save 2 litres of fuel per 100 km at a
speed of 80 km/h.

• Flat surfaces to covers and loads are important.

• The setting of the air deflector is important. An incorrect
setting increases the fuel consumption by 4-5%.

To set the air deflector, contact your Scania workshop.

Driving hints
• Maximum traction and the most economical operation
are achieved within the green range on the tachometer.

Do not overrev; it increases the fuel consumption.
Scania engines are most efficient when driven
within the green range on the tachometer.
Driving in the red zone can damage the engine.

20101006 13

• Before changing up, accelerate only so much that the

tachometer drops to the lower part of the green zone
after changing gear.

• Before changing down, allow the engine speed to drop to

the lower part of the green zone. Avoid changing gear if
the engine can manage anyway.

• Make use of the kinetic energy. Release the throttle pedal

before a stop or on a downhill slope and roll forward.

Allow the gear to engage and do not declutch.
This is to avoid damaging the gearbox.

• Drive as smoothly as possible and maintain the vehicle

speed. Increased vehicle speed leads to increased fuel

• Avoid unnecessary idling.

Refer to the section on the instrument cluster for more
information about the tachometer and the green zone.

Air pollution
Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
Provide for adequate ventilation or use an exhaust extraction
unit. Sulphuric acid mist produced when batteries are charged,
etc., is corrosive and may cause injury to the respiratory system.
Make sure you can easily rinse your eyes.

14 Complete

Checking nitrogen oxides

Driving a vehicle that emits more nitrogen oxides
in the exhaust gases than intended could violate
national legislation. This could also mean that
the conditions for national tax and duty relief will
not be met. Comply with national legislation.

The purpose of checking the amount of nitrogen oxides in the

exhaust gases is to ensure that the vehicle does not emit more
nitrogen oxides than intended. In general, national legislation
specifies requirements for nitrogen oxide emissions as well as
what measures must be taken if permitted limits are exceeded.

Display messages

Symbol for exceeded nitrogen oxide levels in the


exhaust gases.

A warning and a fault message is displayed in the instrument

cluster when:
• There is a fault in the nitrogen oxide control system.
• The vehicle emits more nitrogen oxides in the exhaust
gases than intended.

20101006 15

Once 50 hours of operating time have elapsed since the warning

was first lit, engine power is limited to 40%. The number of
hours remaining before engine power is limited is displayed in
the instrument cluster. The limitation is activated once time has
run out and the vehicle has been stopped.

Display messages

Symbol for exceeded nitrogen oxide levels in the


exhaust gases.

A warning and a fault message is displayed in the instrument

cluster when:
• There is a fault in the nitrogen oxide control system.
• The vehicle emits more nitrogen oxides in the exhaust
gases than intended.

Once 36 hours of operating time have elapsed since the warning

was first lit, engine power is limited to 40%. The number of
hours remaining before engine power is limited is displayed in
the instrument cluster. The limitation is activated the first time
the vehicle is started after the time has run out.

16 Complete

Display messages

Symbol for exceeded nitrogen oxide levels in the


exhaust gases.

A warning and a fault message is displayed in the instrument

cluster when:
• There is a fault in the nitrogen oxide control system.
• The vehicle emits more nitrogen oxides in the exhaust
gases than intended.

White smoke limiter

The white smoke limiter makes the engine emit cleaner exhaust
gases and maintain the correct operating temperature.

20101006 17

The white smoke limiter cannot be engaged
unless the parking brake is applied. Nor if there
is a fault in the Opticruise, ABS or exhaust brake.

Engage the white smoke limiter when warming up the cooling

system and the cab by idling. When the engine has become too
hot, the white smoke limiter is automatically disengaged.

Remember that the white smoke limiter increases the exhaust

noise somewhat and therefore should be used with caution at

Handling hazardous substances

Coolant, engine oil, hydraulic oil and similar substances are not
to be discharged into the sewage system or on the ground.


Refrigerant may only be handled by authorised


Isocyanates are used, e.g. in some paints, putties, glues and
plastic foams. Inhalation of isocyanates in the form of vapour,
dust or aerosol may cause irritation of mucous membranes with
asthmatic symptoms from the respiratory passages and produce

18 Complete

an impairment of lung function. Even short exposures may cause

lasting hypersensitivity.
When products containing bound-in isocyanates are heated,
these may be set free. This applies to grinding, welding, cutting,
etc. Therefore, provide for adequate ventilation in the working
area. Air-fed respirators should be used.

20101006 19

Check points

Daily inspection
Check the following points every day:
• Air pressure of all vehicle tyres. Check the inner wheels
on a twin mounting. If no measuring equipment is
available, examine the tyres visually and hit them with a
hammer to check that none sound flatter than the others.
If a tyre sounds more muffled than the others this
indicates that the air pressure is low.

• Lamps and windows throughout the vehicle.

• Load securing (lashing) if the vehicle is laden. Check that
the load is correctly positioned and secure.

• Washer fluid level.

The following points should be lubricated with grease daily:
• Rollers under the drum.
• The ring on the drum.
• The drum’s locking mechanism.
• Under-run protection lock pins.
• Concrete chute joints.

20 Complete

Also check:
• The oil level in the hydraulic oil tank.
• The oil level in the planetary gear.
The following points should be checked on a daily basis before
the tail lift is used:
• All safety equipment: flags, tape, stickers and load

• Hydraulic hoses to check that they are not scraped,

pinched or leaking.

• All lifting arms, joints, brackets, bolts and connections.

• Electrical cables and their lead throughs and connections.
• Hose burst valves and fuses.
• Protective boots for cylinders.
Lubricate the tipping cylinder joints and all the platform’s
moving parts, such as flaps and hinges.


Always use a platform strut when working under

the platform to avoid bodily injury.

20101006 21

Weekly inspection
Check the following points once a week:
• Engine oil level.
• Coolant level.
• Power steering fluid level.
• Air tanks, check that nothing other than air comes out
when they are drained.

• The locking device on the tow hook or fifth wheel if the

vehicle is equipped with these.

Also check:
• The tail lift lifting, lowering and swing functions using
the operation units.

• The speed required to lower and swing the tail lift.

• That the hydraulic hoses can move freely.
• The tail lift switch in the cab.
• The tail lift warning lamp.
• Damage or cracking on the frame bracket, pipe
attachments and the tail lift attachments.

• Damage or wear to the under-run protection, bearing

arrangements and bolts.

22 Complete

Check and lubricate the propeller shaft unions with grease on a

weekly basis.

Monthly inspection
Lubricate the tail lift’s moving parts, such as the tilt or lift
cylinder bearing arrangements.

Flammable material
If your load consists of flammable material which can come into
contact with hot parts of the vehicle during loading and
unloading, you must remove any spillage before driving off.
Clean thoroughly to reduce the risk of fire.
The following parts on the vehicle normally become hot when
driving: exhaust pipe, exhaust manifold, exhaust tailpipe,
turbocharger and silencer.
Examples of flammable materials are wood chips, bark, shredded
paper and grain.

Check the brake system for leaks

If you notice that it is taking longer for the system to reach the
correct pressure, take the vehicle to a Scania workshop to be
Proceed as follows when checking for leaks:
1. Switch off the engine when the brake pressure has
reached normal working pressure.

2. Wait for 1 minute until the hissing stops.

20101006 23

3. Press the brake pedal and hold it hard in the depressed

position. If the pressure falls markedly within one
minute, there is a leak present which must be rectified.

Checking the locking device

Check that the locking device on the fifth wheel or tow hook is
fully open when you connect the semi-trailer to the tractor or the
trailer to the truck.

Checking the towing unit


Check the front part of the semi-trailer frame if the tractor unit
is equipped with a ramp. This is because the semi-trailer can
hook onto the ramp when you turn corners.


The APS - Air Processing System - handles the air pressure and
air quality in the pneumatic system so that it operates correctly
and is not damaged. The APS consists mainly of an air dryer,

24 Complete

circuit protection valve and control unit with pressure sensor.

The APS also has a safety valve.
The purpose of the APS is to:
• protect the brake system from humidity to prevent ice
formation and corrosion.

• protect the different circuits from pressure drops.


Air dryer

Checking before driving

• Drain the compressed air tanks and check whether water

runs out. Small amounts of water may be present. Larger
amounts of water indicate that the air dryer is not
working or that the desiccant should be renewed.

20101006 25

Information in the instrument cluster


Lights up white. High air consumption.


Lights up yellow. Critical air consumption.

When air consumption is high, the symbol is shown in white in

the instrument cluster together with text. The pressure is then 9
bar or lower.
You can drive the vehicle without air consumption, e.g. on public
roads, or stop and leave the engine idling for a while to allow the
vehicle to recover.
If the warning is displayed without high air consumption, there
are probably leaks. Check the entire vehicle and the vehicle
If the air consumption is high for an extended period, the
warning is displayed in yellow and a fault code is generated. The
symbol below is also displayed at the same time.

This symbol is also displayed if there is a fault in the



26 Complete

The fault code is active until the system is reset. If the fault code
is due to high air consumption, this can take up to about 20
minutes provided that no air is used and there are no leaks. If the
vehicle continues working, it takes longer. The pressure remains
at 9 bar throughout this period.
If there are major leaks or there is a fault in the APS, the system
will not reset.

20101006 27
Visibility and lighting

Visibility and lighting

Rear view mirrors and window


With the top button you can decide whether to adjust the left or
the right exterior rear view mirror. With the middle button you
can adjust the interior rear view mirror. The two lower buttons
control the window winders.

28 Complete
Visibility and lighting

Heating the rear view mirror


You use this switch to activate heating of the rear view mirrors.

Flasher and wiper lever


1 2 4

Control on flasher and wiper lever.

1. Windscreen wipers and washers for windscreen and
headlamps: press the end of the lever.

20101006 29
Visibility and lighting

2. Direction indicators: move lever up or down.

3. Switching between main and dipped beam: pull lever

towards you.

4. Windscreen wipers: turn the sleeve to start or change

the speed.

A light press on (1) the end of the lever gives one sweep of the
windscreen wipers and a heavier press starts the washer. If the
vehicle is equipped with a high-pressure washer it will start at the
same time as the windscreen washers when main or dipped beam
is switched on.
The washing time for high-pressure washing is always the same
length and is not determined by how long you hold down the
button. To minimise the use of washer fluid, high-pressure
washing is activated every third time that the button (1) is held in
the cleaning position for longer than 1 second.

Standard lighting

1 2 3

1. Headlamp knob
2. Hazard warning light button

3. Headlamp height knob

30 Complete
Visibility and lighting

1 2

1. Headlamp knob

2. Hazard warning light button

Daytime running light with headlamps

When the headlamp knob is in the left-hand position, dipped
beam comes on. It is used as the daytime running light. The
daytime running light only works if the engine is running.
Dipped beam is on even if the vehicle is stationary. Some vehicles
can use the foglight as a daytime running light. The foglight is
activated via a button on the auxiliary lamp panel.

Daytime running lights

Daytime running lights come on when the starter key is in the
drive position and the rotary switch for the headlamps is in
position 0. The daytime running lights only come on when the
key is in the drive position. See section on Auxiliary lamp panel
for information on how to deactivate daytime running lights.

Parking lights
When the headlamp knob is in the centre position, the parking
lights come on, irrespective of the position of the starter key.

20101006 31
Visibility and lighting

Flashing the main beam

If the starter key is in the drive position, you can use the main
beam flasher regardless of the position of the headlamp knob. If
the starter key is in the radio position or locking position, you
can use the main beam flasher if the headlamp knob is in its
centre position or in the right-hand position.

Main and dipped beam

With the headlamp knob in the right-hand position and the
starter key in the drive position, the direction indicator and wiper
lever functions as a dipswitch between main and dipped beam.

Hazard warning light

When the hazard warning light is activated, the symbol on the
button flashes with a strong red light.

Blackout lighting

General information about the blackout

The blackout lighting is activated via the rotary control as shown
on the illustration below. It is located on the instrument panel.
The blackout lighting affects several systems on the vehicle. It
consists of lamps at the front and rear of the vehicle which are
adapted to military requirements.

32 Complete
Visibility and lighting

Systems affected:
• Instrument cluster

The background lighting on the instrument cluster goes out.

Vehicle faults are notified by acoustic signals and messages in
the display, see below. Speed and fuel gauges etc operate as

• Interior and exterior lighting

All interior lighting goes out apart from the display on the
auxiliary heater remote control. The vehicle radio is not affected
if it is factory-fitted. Externally the standard lights go out and
are replaced by the blackout lighting. Different rotary control
positions activate the lamps of the lights in different

• Horn

The horn is deactivated when the blackout lighting is activated.

General information about the blackout

The vehicle is equipped with blackout lighting which activates or
deactivates all the exterior and interior lights when you turn the
rotary control, see illustration below.
The blackout lighting affects several systems on the vehicle.

20101006 33
Visibility and lighting

Systems affected:
• Instrument cluster

The background lighting of the instrument cluster goes out and

vehicle faults are notified via acoustic signals and messages in
the display. Speed and fuel gauges etc operate as normal.

• Interior and exterior lighting

All interior lighting goes out apart from the display on the
auxiliary heater remote control. The vehicle radio is not affected
if it is factory-fitted. All exterior lights go out.

• Horn

The horn is deactivated when the blackout lighting is activated.

• Alarm

The alarm does not give a warning via flashing lamps and

Rotary control for blackout lighting


34 Complete
Visibility and lighting

Press and turn to change the rotary control position from

standard lighting to position 0 and vice versa. Between 0 and the
other positions it is only necessary to turn the control. It is only
in the first position (1) that standard lighting is activated.

Lighting options with the rotary control

1. Standard lighting.

2. All interior and exterior lighting switched off.

3. Brake lamps and convoy lamp activated.

4. Front lamps activated.

5. Blackout lighting fully activated: brake lamps, tail lamps,

front lamps and convoy lamp.

Rotary control for blackout lighting

Press and turn to change the position of the rotary control. It is
only in the first position (1) that standard lighting is activated.

1. Standard lighting.

2. All interior and exterior lighting switched off.

20101006 35
Visibility and lighting

Fault messages in the instrument cluster

If you hear a short acoustic signal from the
instrument cluster while driving with blackout
lighting this means that a serious fault has
occurred. Take appropriate action immediately.

Serious faults are indicated via a short acoustic signal and a

message in the display when driving with blackout lighting. You
cannot see the messages in the display without deactivating the
blackout lighting or using a flash light or similar to illuminate the
display. All warnings that are notified via an acoustic signal when
driving with blackout lighting are serious and mean that you
should take appropriate action immediately. Warnings and
messages will remain until you acknowledge them.
The following warnings are indicated via a short acoustic signal
when driving with blackout lighting:

Warning colour Function or system affected

Red engine fault

Red high engine coolant


Red low engine oil pressure

36 Complete
Visibility and lighting

Warning colour Function or system affected

Red EBS fault on trailer

Red low brake pressure on EBS


Red coordinator fault

Red high oil temperature in

torque converter

Red ECU communication fault

Red EBS fault on tractor

Red low brake pressure

White information from the gearbox

Red alternator not charging

Location of lamps

Blackout lighting on the front of


the vehicle.

20101006 37
Visibility and lighting

Lighting on the rear of the vehicle. The location varies depending on the vehicle
equipment. The illustration shows a temporary fitting.

Explanation of numbers in above illustration.

1. convoy lamp

2. brake lamps

3. registration plate lamps

4. rear foglamp

5. combination lamp with brake lamp, tail lamp, direction

indicators and a separate tail lamp for the blackout

6. end-outline marker lamp

7. side marker lamp

8. reversing lamp.

38 Complete
Visibility and lighting

1, 2 and 5 can only be activated with the blackout lighting


Auxiliary lamp panel

The auxiliary lamp panel controls the auxiliary lighting on the

1 2 4

1. Spot lamps in the sun visor.

2. Spot lamps in the bumper.
3. Front foglamp.
3 5
4. Work lamps.

5. Rear foglamp.

The auxiliary lamp panel controls the auxiliary lighting on the


20101006 39
Visibility and lighting

The buttons control the following lights:

1. Spot lamps in the sun visor.

2. Spot lamps in the bumper.

3. Daytime running lamps.

4. Work lamps.

5. Rear foglamp.

Front foglamps
The front foglamps work in combination with the parking lights
or main and dipped beams. The use of foglights in combination
with dipped headlamps is forbidden on certain markets. The
front foglamps can be used as daytime running lights on some
vehicles. There are no front foglamps on vehicles with LED
daytime running lights.

Spot lamps
The spot lamps work in combination with the main beam. The
vehicle is programmed so that the spot lamps in the bumper and
the spot lamps in the sun visor cannot be lit at the same time. A
function allowing both spotlights to be lit at the same time can
be activated at a Scania workshop.

40 Complete
Visibility and lighting

Work lamps
Work lamps only work if at least the parking light is on. This
vehicle is pre-programmed so that the work lamps switch off
automatically if the speed exceeds 20 km/h. At a Scania workshop
you can change the work lamp setting so that the work lamps
remain on or switch off automatically in the range between 5 and
40 km/h.
At a Scania workshop, you can also activate the work lamps with
reversing lights function. This function automatically activates
the work lamps when reverse gear is engaged. When a Scania
workshop has activated the function, you can switch the function
on and off yourself. You can do this by holding down the work
lamp button for at least 3 seconds. When the function is on, the
work lamp button will flash when you engage reverse gear.

Rear foglamps
The rear foglamps work in combination with the main and
dipped beams or front foglamps and with the starter key in the
drive position. The rear foglamps must be activated again when
the vehicle’s main and dipped beams have been switched off or
when the voltage has been switched off.

Daytime running lamps, deactivate and

The vehicle is equipped with daytime running lamps. The
daytime running lamps are lit when the starter key is in the drive

20101006 41
Visibility and lighting

position and the rotary switch for the headlamps is in position 0.

You can switch off the daytime running lamps in accordance with
the following instructions.

Button for daytime running lamps. The LED in the


button lights when the daytime running lights are on.

Proceed as follows to deactivate the daytime running lights:

1. Turn the starter key to the drive position.

2. Turn the rotary light switch to position 0.

3. Press the daytime running light button for at least 3


4. The LED on the button goes off when you release the

Now the daytime running lights are deactivated and can only be
lit again by activating as described below.

Proceed as follows to activate the daytime running lights:

1. Turn the starter key to the drive position.

2. Turn the rotary light switch to position 0.

3. Press the daytime running light button for at least 3

seconds. The daytime running lights now come on.

42 Complete
Visibility and lighting

4. The LED on the button comes on when you release the


The daytime running light will light the next time the vehicle’s
starter key is in the drive position and the rotary light switch is in
position 0.

Maintenance of daytime running lights

The vehicle has daytime running lights with a long service life.
If any faults occur the complete unit must be renewed. Contact a
Scania workshop for more information.

Guiding light from a parked vehicle

You can allow the parking light or dipped beam to remain active
for a short period after the vehicle is parked.
The function can be activated within 10 seconds of switching off
the engine and turning the starter key to the locking position or
radio position.

Lever positions Comes on

Right-hand direction Dipped beam


Left-hand direction indicator Parking lights

Main beam flasher Dipped beam or parking light

20101006 43
Visibility and lighting

The guide lights are on for 40 seconds after activation. The guide
lights then go out automatically. You can switch off the guide
lights by moving the lever again within 40 seconds of the guide
lights coming on.

Rotating beacon

The LED indicates when the rotating beacon is activated.

Roof sign lamp


You use this switch to switch on the roof sign lamp.

44 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Braking and changing gear

Gear changing
The gearbox comprises a 3-speed main gearbox with reverse
gears and a range gear and splitter gear.

1 5L
2 RH 4H


1. Split 2. Range

Remember that the powertrain is exposed to the
greatest stress when you use the lowest gears.

Range gear
The range gear doubles the three gear steps in the main gearbox.
When low range is engaged gears 1-2-3 are used and when high

20101006 45
Braking and changing gear

range is engaged, gears 4-5-6 are used. The switch between high
and low range takes place when the gear lever is in neutral.

Splitter gear
The splitter gear splits each gear ratio into high and low. The
reverse gear is also split into high and low.
The switch between high and low split takes place when you
depress the clutch pedal.

Gear changing when reversing

Reverse gears must be used only in the low range
so that the clutch is not damaged.

1. Select the reverse gear.

2. Release the clutch.

Overspeed protection
To protect the engine and clutch against overreving, overspeed
protection is fitted that prevents the engine from changing down
to low range at speeds of between 20 and 70 km/h. This may vary
depending on the rear axle ratio and tyre size.

46 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Overspeed protection has a monitoring feature which locks out

the low range if there is a break or short in the sensor circuit.
A blocked low range can be reset by:
1. Stopping the vehicle.

2. Turning off the engine.

3. Turning the key to the drive position.

4. Engaging low range within 10 seconds of turning the

key to the drive position.

Changing gear when parking and towing

The engine must be running and the clutch pedal
must be released when towing or moving.
Otherwise the oil pump is not driven, which may
cause the gearbox to be damaged. If it is not
possible to run the engine, the propeller shaft or
half shafts must be removed.

High range must be selected when towing and shunting the

Always park with:
• The gearbox in neutral.

20101006 47
Braking and changing gear

• High range
The high positions for range and split are automatically selected
when parking, regardless of the switch position. If the switches
are in their low positions and the system runs out of air, noises
may be produced when air pressure is built up on starting.


Never park with a gear engaged.

Gear changing
The gearbox consists of a 4-speed main gearbox with crawl gear
and a 2-speed range part.

5 3

1 8
RL 6 4


48 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Remember that the powertrain is exposed to the
greatest stress when you use the lowest gears.

You can select whether you wish to drive in high or low range via
the switch on the lever. The range gear doubles the gear steps in
the main gearbox. When low range is engaged gears 1-2-3-4 are
used and when high range is engaged, gears 5-6-7-8 are used.
The switch between high and low range takes place when the
gear lever passes neutral. An electrical latch prevents low range
from being selected when the speed is greater than 30 km/h.

Always start in low range with first gear selected when the vehicle
is loaded in order not to overload the clutch and the gearbox.

Never engage high range when reversing. This
can damage the clutch.

20101006 49
Braking and changing gear

Changing gear when parking and towing

The engine must be running and the clutch pedal
must be released when towing or moving.
Otherwise the oil pump is not driven, which may
cause the gearbox to be damaged. If it is not
possible to run the engine, the propeller shaft or
half shafts must be removed.

High range must be selected when towing and shunting the

Always park with:
• The gearbox in neutral.
• High range
High range is automatically selected when parking, regardless of
the switch position. If the switch is in the low range and the
system runs out of air, noises may be produced when air pressure
is built up on starting.


Never park with a gear engaged.

50 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Gear changing
The gearbox comprises a 3-speed main gearbox with crawl and
reverse gears, and range and splitter gears.

1 2H
2 3L


1. Split 2. Range

Remember that the powertrain is exposed to the
greatest stress when you use the lowest gears.

Crawl gears
The crawl gears are for extremely heavy starts and operating at
crawling speed. Do not use the crawl gear to get out. The crawl

20101006 51
Braking and changing gear

gears are so low that they are only required in exceptional

You can choose between high and low split when driving in crawl

Range gear
The range gear doubles the three gear steps in the main gearbox.
When low range is engaged gears 1-2-3 are used and when high
range is engaged, gears 4-5-6 are used. The switch between high
and low range takes place when the gear lever is in neutral.

Splitter gear
The splitter gear splits each gear ratio into high and low. The
crawl and reverse gears are also split into high and low. The
switch between high and low split takes place when you depress
the clutch pedal.

Gear changing when reversing

Reverse gears must be used only in the low range
so that the clutch is not damaged.

1. Select the reverse gear.

2. Release the clutch.

52 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Overspeed protection
To protect the engine and clutch against overreving, overspeed
protection is fitted that prevents the engine from changing down
to low range at speeds of between 20 and 70 km/h. This may vary
depending on the rear axle ratio and tyre size.
Overspeed protection has a monitoring feature which locks out
the low range if there is a break or short in the sensor circuit.
A blocked low range can be reset by:
1. Stopping the vehicle.

2. Turning off the engine.

3. Turning the key to the drive position.

4. Engaging low range within 10 seconds of turning the

key to the drive position.

Changing gear when parking and towing

The engine must be running and the clutch pedal
must be released when towing or moving.
Otherwise the oil pump is not driven, which may
cause the gearbox to be damaged. If it is not
possible to run the engine, the propeller shaft or
half shafts must be removed.

20101006 53
Braking and changing gear

High range must be selected when towing and shunting the

Always park with:
• The gearbox in neutral.
• High range
The high positions for range and split are automatically selected
when parking, regardless of the switch position. If the switches
are in their low positions and the system runs out of air, noises
may be produced when air pressure is built up on starting.


Never park with a gear engaged.

Gear changing
The gearbox consists of a 4-speed main gearbox and a 2-speed
range part.
The gearbox consists of a 4-speed main gearbox with crawl gear
and a 2-speed range part.

54 Complete
Braking and changing gear

L 4
2 8

141 506

L 4
3 C
2 8
C 1
141 512

Remember that the powertrain is exposed to the
greatest stress when you use the lowest gears.

20101006 55
Braking and changing gear

Range gear
You can select whether you wish to drive in high or low range via
the switch on the lever. The range gear doubles the gear steps in
the main gearbox. When low range is engaged gears 1-2-3-4 are
used and when high range is engaged, gears 5-6-7-8 are used.
The switch between high and low range takes place when the
gear lever passes neutral. An electrical latch prevents low range
from being selected when the speed is greater than 30 km/h.
Always start in low range with first gear selected when the vehicle
is loaded in order not to overload the clutch and the gearbox.

Overspeed protection
To protect the engine and clutch against overreving, overspeed
protection is fitted that prevents the engine from changing down
to low range at speeds of between 20 and 70 km/h. This may vary
depending on the rear axle ratio and tyre size.
Overspeed protection has a monitoring feature which locks out
the low range if there is a break or short in the sensor circuit.
A blocked low range can be reset by:
1. Stopping the vehicle.

2. Turning off the engine.

3. Turning the key to the drive position.

4. Engaging low range within 10 seconds of turning the

key to the drive position.

56 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Gear changing when reversing

Reverse gears must be used only in the low range
so that the clutch is not damaged.

1. Select the reverse gear.

2. Release the clutch.

Changing gear when parking and towing

The engine must be running and the clutch pedal
must be released when towing or moving.
Otherwise the oil pump is not driven, which may
cause the gearbox to be damaged. If it is not
possible to run the engine, the propeller shaft or
half shafts must be removed.

High range must be selected when towing and shunting the

Always park with:
• The gearbox in neutral.
• High range selected.

20101006 57
Braking and changing gear

High range is automatically selected when parking, regardless of

the switch position. If the switch is in the low range and the
system runs out of air, noises may be produced when air pressure
is built up on starting.

Remember that the powertrain is exposed to the
greatest stress when you use the lowest gears.

Crawl gear
The crawl gears are for extremely heavy starts and operating at
crawling speed. Do not use the crawl gear to get out. The crawl
gears are so low that they are only required in exceptional
You can choose between high and low split when driving in crawl

Range gear
You can select whether you wish to drive in high or low range via
the switch on the lever. The range gear doubles the gear steps in
the main gearbox. When low range is engaged gears 1-2-3-4 are
used and when high range is engaged, gears 5-6-7-8 are used.
The switch between high and low range takes place when the
gear lever passes neutral. An electrical latch prevents low range
from being selected when the speed is greater than 30 km/h.

58 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Always start in low range with first gear selected when the vehicle
is loaded in order not to overload the clutch and the gearbox.

Overspeed protection
To protect the engine and clutch against overrevving, overspeed
protection is fitted that prevents changing down to low range
when the road speed is above 30 km/h.
Overspeed protection has a monitoring feature which locks out
the low range if there is a break or short in the sensor circuit.
A blocked low range can be reset by:
1. Stopping the vehicle.

2. Turning off the engine.

3. Turning the key to the drive position.

4. Engaging low range within 10 seconds of turning the

key to the drive position.

Gear changing when reversing

Reverse gears must be used only in the low range
so that the clutch is not damaged.

1. Select the reverse gear.

20101006 59
Braking and changing gear

2. Release the clutch.

Changing gear when parking and towing

The engine must be running and the clutch pedal
must be released when towing or moving.
Otherwise the oil pump is not driven, which may
cause the gearbox to be damaged. If it is not
possible to run the engine, the propeller shaft or
half shafts must be removed.

High range must be selected when towing and shunting the

Always park with:
• The gearbox in neutral.
• High range selected.
High range is automatically selected when parking, regardless of
the switch position. If the switch is in the low range and the
system runs out of air, noises may be produced when air pressure
is built up on starting.

G670 is a 6-speed gearbox with a gear-changing pattern similar
to that of a car.

60 Complete
Braking and changing gear

R 8032836c

Remember that the powertrain is exposed to the
greatest stress when you use the lowest gears.

Gear changing when reversing

The vehicle must be stationary when you engage
the reverse gear; otherwise the gearbox may be

1. Depress the clutch and wait until the reverse gear can be
selected without any noise. It may take as much as 5

2. Select the reverse gear.

20101006 61
Braking and changing gear

3. Release the clutch.

Changing gear when parking and towing

The engine must be running and the clutch pedal
must be released when towing or moving.
Otherwise the oil pump is not driven, which may
cause the gearbox to be damaged. If it is not
possible to run the engine, the propeller shaft or
half shafts must be removed.


Never park with a gear engaged.

Reduction of clutch wear

Reduction of clutch wear

The vehicle has a function which reduces wear on the clutch.
The clutch is exposed to wear when starting with a heavy load.
The function affects the engine speed so that it will not be too
high when starting from a stationary position. The maximum
engine speed is limited by the function to 750 rpm. In some

62 Complete
Braking and changing gear

situations it is necessary to increase the engine speed. The

procedure is described below.

Increasing the maximum engine speed

If you lock any of the differential locks in a rear axle, the

maximum engine speed limit is increased to 1100 rpm. The
performance is increased in that position. When you have
pressed the switch, it may take the differential lock some time to
lock. You can only increase the engine speed when the
differential lock is locked.

Temporary increase of engine speed

You can temporarily increase the engine speed by depressing and

holding the accelerator pedal in the kickdown position. The
engine speed then slowly increases, reaching a maximum of 1100
rpm. If you release the accelerator pedal, the engine speed stops
increasing. The temporary increase of engine speed operates
until the vehicle reaches 10 km/h.

Allison automatic gearbox

Initially a new control unit or replacement control unit for an
automatic gearbox adapts gear changing to achieve good ride
comfort and a long service life for the gearbox.
With time the gearbox adapts for the optimum engagement and
disengagement of the clutch discs. This means that gear
changing quality can vary. After driving for a short period at
varying speeds the control unit switches to its normal mode in
which it makes only small adjustments to gear changes that will
not be detected by the driver.

20101006 63
Braking and changing gear


Change drive mode by moving the lever between positions R, N,

D and 1-5. In positions 1-5 gear changing is carried out
automatically with the highest possible gear selected.

In positions 1-5 increase the gear range by pressing the lever to

the right. Each press to the left reduces the gear range.

The MODE button for selecting driving mode is located on the

instrument panel.

1 2

1. Rotary control for selecting drive

2. MODE button.

3 3. AUT button for the retarder.

64 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Change drive mode by moving the lever between positions R, N,

D and 1-5. The gear changes automatically in positions 1-5 with
the selected gear being the highest possible gear.

In positions 1-5 increase the gear range by tilting the lever

towards the steering wheel. Tilt the lever away from the steering
wheel to reduce the gear range.

Displaying gears and driving modes in the vehicle display.

1. Highest possible gear. Gear

1 2 3 changing is carried out between
the lowest gear up to the highest
22.00 selected gear.
2. Asterisk = secondary drive
program / No asterisk = standard
drive program set.

3. Current gear.

Driving modes
• R = reverse gear.
• N = neutral position. Used when starting the engine, for
long stops and when parking.

• D = normal forward drive mode. All gears are used.

• 1= forward drive mode in which only the lowest gear is
used. Mode 1 is intended for driving in snow, mud etc.
and can also be used for engine braking at low speed.

20101006 65
Braking and changing gear

• 2-5 = forward drive modes in which the highest possible

gear is selected.

The drive mode selector must always be in
position N in order to start the engine.
Forward and reverse gears can only be engaged if
the engine speed is below 900 rpm.

MODE button
You can change between the normal drive program and the
performance program via the MODE button. Upshifting and
downshifting take place at higher engine speeds in the
performance program.
When you switch on the power, the gearbox selects the program
which is set as standard. The performance program is standard
for emergency service vehicles. For other vehicles the normal
driving program is standard.
Press the MODE button to switch drive modes. If the selected
drive mode is not the one set as standard, an asterisk is shown in
the display.

Getting stuck
If you get the vehicle stuck and run the engine at high speed
without the wheels moving, the gearbox gets hot rapidly. Run the

66 Complete
Braking and changing gear

engine at full throttle for a maximum of 30 seconds; otherwise

the gearbox will overheat. Keep an eye on the gearbox
If the gearbox gets too hot it must be cooled down. Engage
neutral and increase the engine speed to approx. 1500 rpm. After
a couple of minutes the temperature should have returned to
normal levels.
When rocking the vehicle free, let the engine speed drop to
idling before changing between forward and reverse.

Driving in cold weather

To protect the gearbox at low gearbox oil temperatures, the
control unit has limits on which gears can be used at different

-33°C and colder Only gear N is available.

-32°C to -7ºC Gears R, N and 2 are


-6°C and warmer All gears are available.

Overspeed protection
The gearbox has some protection against overrevving of the
engine. In certain situations the gearbox may not change down
even though you have selected a lower gear range with the drive

20101006 67
Braking and changing gear

mode selector. This will occur if there is a risk of the engine

overrevving in the lower gear.

Safety system
The safety system will inform the driver of faults through the
control unit that monitors itself and the gearbox. If there is a
fault in a component or the control unit itself, this is remedied
automatically by the control unit to prevent the gearbox from
causing problems. In addition, the safety system attempts to
minimise consequential damage to the gearbox due to faults.

A yellow warning symbol, displayed in the instrument


cluster if there is a fault in the gearbox.

The control unit reads off faults in the gearbox in three different
1. Minor faults which do not directly affect gearbox
function: The fault code is saved and the gearbox
continues to function normally.

2. Faults which affect the gearbox to some extent: The

warning symbol is displayed and the drive mode is
disabled. The gearbox continues to function with some
limitations, depending on the type of fault.

68 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Remedy: Try to reset the gearbox; see the section Resetting the

If you switch off the ignition when the warning
symbol is displayed, the gearbox will be in neutral
(N) when you start again. The gearbox will
remain in N until the fault has been remedied.

3. Fault which has a serious effect on gearbox operation: If

the fault is serious the gearbox switches to an emergency
gear changing mode, Limp Home mode. Examples of
serious faults include the control unit having no voltage
supply, or the control unit switching itself off. The gear
which the gearbox selects depends on the gear that was
engaged when the fault occurred. The table shows the
automatic selection of gear.

Gear engaged Emergency gear changing


1 3

2 4

3 4

4 4

20101006 69
Braking and changing gear

Gear engaged Emergency gear changing


5 4

6 5



Remedy: Try to reset the gearbox; see the section Resetting the

Resetting the gearbox

1. Stop the vehicle.

2. Apply the parking brake.

3. Switch off the engine for at least 10 seconds to reset the

control unit.

4. Switch on the ignition power.

If the fault was temporary, the warning symbol goes out and the
gearbox resumes normal operation. If the fault remains, the
warning symbol will be displayed again. Contact your Scania
workshop for inspection.

70 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Manual gearbox with torque

converter, ZF
Your vehicle is equipped with a 16-speed manual gearbox, ZF-
Transmatic with torque converter, GRSOH901R. The gearbox
has the following four main components:

1 2 3 4

1. Torque converter

2. Integrated primary retarder

3. Disc coupling

4. Gearbox

Torque converter
The torque converter provides continuous transmission of the
engine torque to the gearbox. When the torque converter is in
operation and the clutch pedal is depressed at the same time as a
gear is engaged, the engine torque is limited to 700 Nm; refer to
section on the clutch.
The torque converter has a lock-up clutch, which automatically
opens and closes at different speeds depending on the load. At

20101006 71
Braking and changing gear

full load, the lock-up clutch closes at approximately 1200 rpm on

the gearbox input shaft. The lock-up clutch normally opens at
950 rpm but when the accelerator pedal is depressed in the kick-
down position, the lock-up clutch opens at up to 1100 rpm.

You can manually prevent the lock-up clutch from opening via
the switch on the instrument panel. The lock-up clutch then
does not open when the engine speed falls below 950 rpm. You
cannot, however, actively close it via the switch.
Manual lock-up can be engaged when the engine speed exceeds
270 rpm on the gearbox output shaft. If the engine speed falls
below 270 rpm on the gearbox output shaft, manual lock-up is
disengaged and the torque converter is activated. This is because
it should not be possible to start the vehicle in the lock-up
position and thus risk damaging the clutch.

The retarder braking effect is dependent on the engine speed and
means that you can brake with a heavy load at low speeds. Refer
to the section on the retarder for more information about
handling the retarder.

72 Complete
Braking and changing gear

You will be able to use both the retarder and exhaust brake to
maximum effect if you let the engine accelerate fully. You can
accelerate up towards the red zone on the tachometer when
using the retarder.

The retarder function is interrupted immediately
if the clutch pedal or accelerator pedal is

Oil temperature

If the oil temperature in the gearbox rises above 120°C the

current temperature is displayed together with a symbol and the
text "converter oil temperature" in the instrument cluster.
If the oil temperature rises above 150°C a red warning symbol is
displayed together with the current temperature and the text
"converter oil temperature high" in the instrument cluster.
In order to reduce an oil temperature that is too high, you
1. Change down.

20101006 73
Braking and changing gear

If the temperature does not fall:

2. Stop the vehicle, put it in neutral and depress the

accelerator pedal. (When the engine is revved up,
cooling of the heat exchanger through which the oil
passes is increased).

The clutch is hydraulic and self-adjusting.

Remove your foot from the clutch pedal after
changing gear. Retarder braking may be affected
and torque limitation can be activated if there is
contact with the clutch pedal.

Overspeed protection
The gearbox is fitted with two overspeed protection devices:
1. Range interlock: prevents low range from being engaged
if the speed is too high.

2. Gate interlock: prevents 1st and 2nd gear from being

engaged on the low range if the speed is too high.

74 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Gear changing pattern

1 6L 4H
2H 7H
2L 7L
2 3L

1. Split 2. Range

The ZF-Transmatic comprises a 4-speed main gearbox with a

splitter gear and a range gear, providing a total of 16 forward
gears (8x2). Select splitter gears using the split button which is
located on the gear lever knob. Select range gear via the range
selector positioned below the gear lever knob.

Driving instructions
At start up:
1. Check that the parking brake is applied and that the gear
lever is in neutral.

2. Start the engine, depress the clutch pedal fully and

engage a gear.

20101006 75
Braking and changing gear

3. Release the clutch pedal immediately. The vehicle will

roll slightly when the torque converter starts working.

Do not hold the pedal at the point where the
clutch engages.

4. Release the parking brake, depress the accelerator pedal

and drive off.

When stopping:
• Release the accelerator and depress the brake pedal.
You do not need to disengage when you stop, provided that you
have a suitable starting gear engaged.

Driving in cold weather

The gearbox works at temperatures down to -30°C when it is
filled with an approved oil. However, at temperatures between -
20°C and -30°C, the gearbox needs to be warmed up before
driving. Start the engine and leave it running for approximately
10 minutes at raised idling speed.
When the weather is so cold that the temperature falls to -30°C
or colder, the gearbox must be warmed up, e.g. with warm air.
Then start the engine and continue as for temperatures between
-30°C and -20°C.

76 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Never warm up the gearbox using a naked flame
because of the risk of fire.

Adjusting the collapsible gear lever in

the cab
The collapsible gear lever position can be adjusted for optimum
adaptation to the driver.

1 2

1. M6 lock nut

2. Pivot screw

To adjust the gear lever:

1. Undo the gear lever boot and lift it upwards.

2. Undo the M6 lock nut.

3. Turn the pivot screw 0-180° to adjust the gear lever

knob. Beyond 180° the knob will move back to its
original position.

20101006 77
Braking and changing gear

4. Tighten the M6 lock nut at the correctly adjusted


5. Press on the gear lever boot.

Opticruise is a system which allows a manual gearbox to change
gear automatically. Faults on Opticruise usually result in a
deterioration of the function and/or performance of the system.
If there is a fault, fault codes are generated. Refer to the section
on the instrument cluster for more information about fault

Drive in manual mode when the vehicle has a
moving load, e.g. liquids and pellets. If you use
automatic mode, Opticruise detects and changes
gear after speed changes caused by the movement
of the load.

2 1 1. Opticruise lever
2. Instrument cluster
3. Downhill speed control button
4 4. Floor switch for the engine brake


78 Complete
Braking and changing gear

1 2 5 6

3 4 7 8

1. Position R, reverse - Reverse.

2. Position N - Neutral.

3. Position D, drive - Drive.

4. Program H, driving uphill - Hill.

5. Indication of how you tilt the control to change up or


6. A/M button for selecting automatic or manual mode.

7. Retarder positions.

8. Switch for automatic retarder activation and downhill

speed control via the brake pedal. Refer to the section
on the retarder for more information.

20101006 79
Braking and changing gear

Make sure that you do not press the A/M button
when you tilt the steering column control away
from the steering wheel because you will then
switch between automatic mode and manual

2 1

1. Opticruise lever
2. Instrument cluster
3 3. Floor switch for engine brake


1 2 5 6

3 4

1. Position R, reverse - Reverse.

2. Position N - Neutral.

3. Position D, drive - Drive.

80 Complete
Braking and changing gear

4. Program H, driving uphill - Hill.

5. Indication of how you tilt the control to change up or


6. A/M button for selecting automatic or manual mode.

Make sure that you do not press the A/M button
when you tilt the steering column control away
from the steering wheel because you will then
switch between automatic mode and manual

Information in the display

Opticruise information and fault messages are shown in the

12 3 4

MH 9 11 22.00

1. Indicates drive mode, M for manual and A for


2. Indicates program: H for Hill, C for Clutch Mode or L

for Limp Home.

20101006 81
Braking and changing gear

3. Gear engaged.

4. Next gear. Shown in manual mode. The Scania

workshop can program the vehicle so that the next gear
is also displayed when driving in automatic mode.

Messages from Opticruise are shown in the display:

• Clutch down is displayed: Depress the clutch pedal.
When you are in C, the text is displayed to prompt you to
change gear.

• Clutch up is displayed: Release the clutch pedal.

• Start 1 is displayed after the displayed starting gear has
been set, when setting of the starting gear has been
completed and saved.

• Split high: is displayed when using high split during

power take-off operation.

• Split low: is displayed when using low split during power

take-off operation.

• PTO EG, Locked gear: is displayed when you try to drive

off with the gearbox-driven power take-off engaged.
Gearshifts are then not permitted.

• If Clutch Mode is displayed, it means that the vehicle is

switching to manual gear changing. You now have to use
the clutch pedal for each gear change and have to drive in
manual mode, M.

82 Complete
Braking and changing gear

• If Locked Gear is displayed, it is not possible to change

gear. You must use the gear which is currently engaged.
Refer to the section headed Fault warning for more

• If Config. Error is displayed, this means that there is no

control unit configuration, e.g. the wrong control unit
has been connected to the vehicle. If this is the case, a
Scania workshop must change the configuration.

A/M button
You can choose between automatic program, A, and manual
mode, M, by pushing the A/M button.

Position N
Position N, neutral, is used both when stationary and during
power take-off operation. On gearboxes equipped with a splitter
gearbox, moving the ring to N with the clutch pedal depressed
allows you to select high split (+) or low split (-). For further
information see the Power take-off operation section.
You can move the ring on the Opticruise lever to N at any time
while driving. When changing from position Dto position N,
and then back again, Opticruise remembers the gear selected.

20101006 83
Braking and changing gear

Position R
To move the ring on the Opticruise lever to R, reverse, you must
first push the ring in and then move it to R.

Position D
In position D, drive, the gears will be changed at normal engine
speed and at normal speed. This will ensure the best fuel
economy and comfort. Opticruise can jump over gears. Do not
leave the vehicle in D when stationary.

Program H

With the H program, traction and acceleration performance are

prioritised over fuel consumption. As a result, single step gear
changes will be more frequent than multi-step changes on hills
and off-road.
With program H combined with mode A, gear changing takes
less time and takes place at higher engine speeds. This will
improve pulling power. Changing down will take place earlier
than normal as well.
You can use program H on uphill gradients steeper than
approximately 6% if optimum performance has a higher priority
than fuel consumption. Manual mode may be preferable on
uphill gradients steeper than approximately 12%. Program H
combined with manual mode is only used to lock a certain gear
when you are driving on a difficult terrain, for example.

84 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Mode A
In mode A, automatic, Opticruise will change gear automatically
while the vehicle is in motion. You can influence the choice of
gear within certain limits by tilting the Opticruise lever towards
the steering wheel or away from it.

Mode A: Preventing gear changing

For example, on slippery road surfaces you can retain the gear
Opticruise has selected. If you are driving in A, change to M
using the A/M button while driving. In this way, you can
temporarily lock the gear that Opticruise has selected. Return to
mode A when you want Opticruise to change gear automatically

Mode M
In manual mode M, you select the gear but Opticruise changes
gear, provided the selection is feasible in relation to the speed.
Opticruise will change the same number of gears up (+) or down
(-) as the number of times in succession that you tilt the
Opticruise lever towards (+) or away from (-) the steering wheel.
You only use the clutch for starting, stopping and at very low

20101006 85
Braking and changing gear

If you select a gear that is far too low in relation
to the speed, the gear change will not be
completed. You must select it under the right
circumstances; see section Mode M, extreme

Mode M: Extreme downshifting

You can select a gear that may appear to be completely

implausible in the current circumstances, e.g. 3rd gear while
accelerating in 6th.
There are, however, two conditions:
1. The vehicle must be losing speed when you select an
extreme downshift.

2. Select program P on the Opticruise lever.

Proceed as follows:
1. Accelerate and tilt the Opticruise lever several times in
succession away from the steering wheel until the
desired gear is shown in the vehicle display.

2. The engine speed increases automatically and the gear is

engaged when the vehicle has reached the required

86 Complete
Braking and changing gear

The buzzer sounds:
• if you release the clutch pedal while the starting gear is
being engaged.

• if you change the starting gear.

• when a fault message is shown in the display.

Engine brake program


The function of the engine brake program is to provide the best

engine braking possible in different driving situations. This only
works when you have selected A together with program P.
Press the floor switch briefly with the accelerator pedal fully
released to engage the engine brake program. Gears are selected
so that the engine speed is higher than normal. If you hold down
the floor switch, the exhaust brake will also be engaged. The
engine brake program will remain engaged until you press the
accelerator pedal or engage cruise control.

20101006 87
Braking and changing gear


The exhaust brake is applied to the drive wheels

only and is a powerful brake, especially in
combination with the engine brake program. You
should therefore use the exhaust brake program
with care on slippery roads and with light loads.

If the vehicle is equipped with a retarder, the
engine brake program can be engaged
automatically in the last stages of retarder
braking. The objective is to provide the retarder
with the best possible cooling and braking effect.

Setting the starting gear

When vehicles are heavily laden, 1st or 2nd must
be used as the starting gear. Otherwise the clutch
will be exposed to excessive wear.

88 Complete
Braking and changing gear

For vehicles with GR gearboxes, you can set gear 1 or 2 as the

starting gear. GR gearboxes can be configured in Scania
workshops so that 3rd gear can also be used as the starting gear.
For vehicles with GRS gearboxes, you can set any gear from 1 to
4 as the starting gear. GRS gearboxes can be configured in Scania
workshops so that 5th or 6th gear can also be used as the starting
The starting gears that are available are specified at the factory.
Proceed as follows:
1. Make sure the vehicle is stationary and the clutch pedal
is released.

2. Move the ring on the Opticruise lever from N to H.

3. Select a starting gear by tilting the Opticruise lever

towards or away from the steering wheel. If you try to
set a starting gear which is higher than the one
permitted, the automatic starting gear will be activated.

4. Move the ring on the Opticruise lever from H to N.

When you have finished, the starting gear is shown in
the display and the setting is saved.

If you wish to temporarily start in a gear other than the set

starting gear, tilt the Opticruise lever until the desired gear is
displayed. You can then start the vehicle. The set starting gear
will remain in the system’s memory.

20101006 89
Braking and changing gear

The vehicle can be configured at a Scania workshop so you can

request a gear other than those indicated above. The vehicle can
also be configured so that you cannot select a starting gear by
setting or changing the automatic one.

Automatic starting gear

Start auto is shown on the display when the automatic starting
gear function has been activated when setting the starting gear.
With automatic starting gear, the vehicle selects the starting gear
according to factors such as road gradient, the total vehicle
weight etc.
With automatic starting gear, you can also temporarily change
the starting gear without saving the setting. Select the starting
gear by tilting the Opticruise lever to the desired gear.

Gear changing, both up and down, will take place at higher
engine speeds when you press the accelerator pedal from full
throttle position to kickdown. Changing down will take place
considerably earlier than normal. You can use kickdown to
accelerate rapidly.

When you press the accelerator pedal to
kickdown the fuel consumption increases.

90 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Cruise control
When driving with cruise control, Opticruise will automatically
change gear if mode A is selected. However, you can still
influence the choice of gear manually both in A and M modes
without disengaging cruise control. Refer to the section on the
cruise control for more information.

Exhaust brake
Opticruise can activate the exhaust brake automatically in order
to quickly reduce the engine speed when changing up. This is
done for short periods and as required.

Starting the vehicle

Proceed as follows to start the vehicle:
1. Turn the starter key to the drive position.

2. Ensure that the ring on the Opticruise lever is in N.

Depress the clutch pedal if N is not constantly shown in
the display. When N is constantly on, the gearbox is in
neutral and you can release the clutch.

3. If there is not enough air pressure in the system, you

must hold the clutch pedal down when you start the

4. Start the engine.

20101006 91
Braking and changing gear

5. Move the ring on the Opticruise lever to D. When the

number of the starting gear is constantly on, the gear is

6. Release the clutch pedal, accelerate and drive off.

Then you only use the clutch for starting, stopping and at very
low speeds.

Changing gear
If you are driving in mode A Opticruise automatically changes
gear, taking into account whether you are driving with program
H. You can change the selected gear at any time by tilting the
Opticruise lever towards or away from the steering wheel.
Opticruise checks that the gear selected is feasible.
Opticruise changes gear based on engine load and acceleration.
At high engine load, Opticruise changes gear at a higher engine
speed. At low engine load, Opticruise changes gear at a lower
engine speed.
If you need to use the clutch when changing gear while driving,
e.g. if a minor fault has occurred, then Clutch Mode is shown in
the display.
When driving, you can move the ring on the Opticruise lever to
N at any time, e.g. when you are approaching traffic lights, but
the engine speed should remain above 800 rpm. If you change
your mind and the vehicle is still moving, you can turn the ring

92 Complete
Braking and changing gear

to D or H and return to mode A or M. Opticruise then selects a

suitable gear depending on the speed.


The vehicle must be stationary before Opticruise
engages reverse gear. Otherwise the gearbox will
be damaged as the reverse gears are extremely

You can press the ring on the Opticruise lever and select R while
driving. When you depress the clutch pedal and the vehicle
stops, Opticruise engages reverse gear.
Otherwise, engage reverse gear as follows:
1. Depress the clutch pedal.

2. Press the ring on the Opticruise lever and select R.

Reverse gear is now engaged.

3. Release the clutch pedal, accelerate and drive off.

On gearboxes with a splitter gear you can choose between low

reverse (R1) and high reverse (R2). To select low reverse, tilt the
Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel and to select high
reverse, tilt it towards the steering wheel. You can change
between low reverse and high reverse while driving but then you

20101006 93
Braking and changing gear

have to use the clutch. Opticruise automatically selects the

reverse gear you last used the next time you select R.
If the clutch was released when the gearbox was in neutral, the
reverse gear is engaged after an intentional delay. If a forward
gear has been engaged and you have been stationary for a while,
you can engage a reverse gear immediately without first releasing
the clutch.

Always park in N.
1. Depress the clutch pedal and turn the ring on the
Opticruise lever to N; N is shown on the display.

2. Apply the parking brake.

If the Opticruise lever is not in position N, the
system still puts the gearbox into neutral when
the ignition is switched off with the starter key.
However, the Opticruise lever remains in the
position you left it in.

The vehicle is equipped with External Brake Request, XBR,

which means that the service brake can be applied automatically
when the exhaust brake is disengaged during gear changes.

94 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Crawl gear
Two crawl gears, low crawl CL and high crawl CH, are available
when you wish to drive very slowly.

Avoid selecting a crawl gear while the vehicle is in
motion. This can cause a scraping noise in the
gearbox and at worst damage to the gearbox. The
reason for this is that the crawl gears have no
synchromesh and are extremely low.

Do not confuse the crawl gear and starting gear.
They are different things.

Proceed as follows to engage a crawl gear:

1. Depress the clutch pedal and stop the vehicle.

2. Tilt the Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel

until the desired crawl gear is shown on the display.
Crawl gear is engaged. If the clutch pedal was released
when the gearbox was in neutral, crawl gear is engaged
after an intentional delay.

When the vehicle has a crawl gear engaged, you can change up,
both automatically and manually, without using the clutch pedal.

20101006 95
Braking and changing gear

In order to change down to a crawl gear again, you must stop the

Power take-off operation

PTO EK/ED is used for engine-driven power take-offs. Refer to
Special functions, Power take-off EK, for more information.

Power take-off operation

PTO EG is used for gearbox-driven power take-offs. For
gearboxes with a splitter gearbox, two different power take-off
speeds may be supplied at the same engine speed depending on
whether low or high split is engaged when the gearbox is in
You change the split section manually with the Opticruise lever
in position N and the clutch pedal depressed when you move the
Opticruise lever towards or away from the steering wheel.
When the gearbox-driven power take-off PTO EG is engaged,
no gear changes can be made when driving. You can, however,
change gear when stationary. If the vehicle is driven off with a
gearbox-driven power take-off engaged, PTO EG, Locked Gear
is shown on the display. Refer to Special functions, Power take-
off EG for more information.

96 Complete
Braking and changing gear

If there is a fault
Opticruise faults can be demonstrated by:
• A message displayed in the instrument cluster.
• The system operating abnormally in one way or another.
If this is the case use the Limp Home emergency gear change
program. Contact a Scania workshop.

Fault warnings

Symbol for the gearshift system.

This symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when there is

an Opticruise fault. A fault code is also shown in the display.
You can try to restore Opticruise by proceeding as follows:
1. Stop the vehicle in a suitable location.

2. Turn the starter key to the locking position and wait for
a few seconds so that the vehicle is switched off

3. Turn the starter key to the drive position again.

20101006 97
Braking and changing gear

If Clutch Mode is displayed, this means that a fault has caused

one of the two emergency gear change programs to start
automatically. The fault is less serious, but means that the vehicle
is switching to manual gear changing. You must now use the
clutch pedal for each gear change and drive in manual mode, M.
The vehicle can be programmed in a Scania workshop so that it
is only possible to drive in Clutch Mode.
If Locked Gear is displayed, you should activate the Limp Home
emergency gear change program. Refer to the section Activating
the emergency gear change program for more information.
Consult a Scania workshop for troubleshooting and remedial
action at the first suitable opportunity.

Activating the emergency gear change


The clutch must be working when you use LIMP
HOME. Before activating the emergency gear
change program, check that there is enough
clutch fluid in the reservoir. Otherwise the
powertrain could be exposed to further damage.

Proceed as follows:
1. Stop the vehicle and switch off the ignition with the
starter key.

98 Complete
Braking and changing gear

2. Make sure that the ring on the Opticruise lever is in

position N.

3. Push the Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel

and keep it in that position.

4. Turn the starter key to the drive position and wait until
Limp Home appears in the display and a buzzer can be

5. Release the Opticruise lever.

6. Tilt the Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel

again for no more than a few seconds.

It is important that you tilt the Opticruise lever
while the text LIMP HOME is displayed;
otherwise the emergency gear change program
will not be activated.

Driving with the emergency gear change

1. Depress the clutch pedal.

20101006 99
Braking and changing gear


It is important for the clutch pedal to be

depressed, because the gear change system will
still engage a gear after a certain time delay. If
you do not depress the clutch pedal, this can
cause the vehicle to start to move. It can also
result in serious damage to the powertrain.

2. The program now engages the highest gear. Step down

to a suitable starting gear using the Opticruise lever.

Do not engage too low a gear. This can result in
overrevving of the engine.

3. Release the clutch pedal, accelerate and drive off.

Change gear manually and use the clutch for each gear

Depress the clutch pedal until gear changing has
been completed, the selected gear is displayed and
a buzzer sounds.

100 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Opticruise stops using the emergency gear change program

when the ignition is switched off with the starter key.

Opticruise is a system which allows a manual gearbox to change
gear automatically. Faults on Opticruise usually result in a
deterioration of the function and/or performance of the system.
If there is a fault, fault codes are generated. Refer to the section
on the instrument cluster for more information about fault
Your vehicle may have the low cruising speed function. Low
cruising speed means that the vehicle calculates when it is
possible to save fuel by reducing the engine speed more than
normal at low loads. This is apparent from the fact that the
engine noise is reduced and top gear is used far less frequently.
The function is only engaged if you drive with Opticruise in
automatic mode.

Drive in manual mode when the vehicle has a
moving load, e.g. liquids and pellets. If you use
automatic mode, Opticruise detects and changes
gear after speed changes caused by the movement
of the load.

20101006 101
Braking and changing gear

2 1 1. Opticruise lever
2. Instrument cluster
3. Downhill speed control button
4 4. Floor switch for engine brake



1. Position R - Reverse.

2. Position N - Neutral.

3. Position D - Drive.

4. The arrows show the spring-loaded position of the lever

which changes between normal mode and program P,
extra power - Power.

5. Indication of how you tilt the control to change up or


6. A/M button for selecting automatic or manual mode.

102 Complete
Braking and changing gear

7. Retarder positions.

8. Switch for automatic retarder activation and downhill

speed control via the brake pedal. Refer to the section
on the retarder for more information.

Make sure that you do not press the A/M button
when you tilt the steering column control away
from the steering wheel because you will then
switch between automatic mode and manual

2 1

1. Opticruise lever
2. Instrument cluster
3 3. Floor switch for the engine brake


1 2 5 6

3 4

20101006 103
Braking and changing gear

1. Position R - Reverse.

2. Position N - Neutral..

3. Position D - Drive.

4. The arrows show the spring-loaded position of the lever

which changes between normal mode and program P,
extra power - Power.

5. Indication of how you tilt the control to change up or


6. A/M button for selecting automatic or manual mode.

Information in the display

Opticruise information and fault messages are shown in the

12 3 4

MP 2 m 3 22.00

1. Indicates drive mode, M for manual and A for


2. Indicates program: P for Power and C for Limited


104 Complete
Braking and changing gear

3. Gear engaged, m indicates whether the manoeuvring

gear is engaged.

4. Next gear. Shown in manual mode. A Scania workshop

can program the vehicle so that the next gear is also
displayed when driving in automatic mode.

Messages from Opticruise are shown in the display:

• Split high: is displayed when using high split during
power take-off operation.

• Split low: is displayed when using low split during power

take-off operation.

• PTO EG, Locked gear: is displayed when you try to drive

off with the gearbox-driven power take-off engaged.
Gearshifts are then not permitted.

• If Clutch Mode is displayed, it means that the vehicle is

switching to manual gear changing. You now have to use
the clutch pedal for each gear change and have to drive in
manual mode, M.

• If Locked Gear is displayed, it is not possible to change

gear. You must use the gear which is currently engaged.
Refer to the section headed Fault warning for more

20101006 105
Braking and changing gear

• If Config. Error is displayed, this means that there is no

control unit configuration, e.g. the wrong control unit
has been connected to the vehicle. If this is the case, a
Scania workshop must change the configuration.

A/M button
You can choose between automatic program, A, and manual
mode, M, by pushing the A/M button.

Position A
In mode A, automatic, Opticruise will change gear automatically
while the vehicle is in motion. You can influence the choice of
gear within certain limits by tilting the Opticruise lever towards
the steering wheel or away from it.

Preventing gear changing in mode A

For example, on slippery road surfaces you can retain the gear
Opticruise has selected. If you are driving in A, change to M
using the A/M button while driving. In this way, you can
temporarily lock the gear that Opticruise has selected. Return to
mode A when you want Opticruise to change gear automatically

Position M
In manual mode M, you select the gear but Opticruise changes
gear, provided the selection is feasible in relation to the speed.

106 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Opticruise will change the same number of gears up (+) or down

(-) as the number of times in succession that you tilt the
Opticruise lever towards (+) or away from (-) the steering wheel.
You only use the clutch for starting, stopping and at very low

If you select a gear that is far too low in relation
to the speed, the gear change will not be carried

Position N
Position N, neutral, is used both when stationary and during
power take-off operation. On gearboxes equipped with a splitter
gearbox, moving the ring to N with the clutch pedal depressed
allows you to select high split (+) or low split (-). For further
information see the Power take-off operation section.
You can move the ring on the Opticruise lever to N at any time
while driving. When changing from position D to position N
and then back again, Opticruise remembers which position you
had selected before you changed.

Position R
To move the ring on the Opticruise lever to R, reverse, you must
first push the ring in and then move it to R..

20101006 107
Braking and changing gear

Position D
In position D, drive, the gears will be changed at normal engine
speed and at normal speed. This will ensure the best fuel
economy and comfort. Opticruise can jump over gears. Do not
leave the vehicle in D when stationary.

Program P

With the P program, traction and acceleration performance are

prioritised over fuel consumption. As a result, single step gear
changes will be more frequent than multi-step changes on hills
and off-road.
With program P combined with mode A, gear changing takes
less time and takes place at higher engine speeds. This will
improve pulling power. Changing down will take place earlier
than normal as well.
You can use the P program if you prioritise optimum
performance over fuel consumption.

Manoeuvring gear

The manoeuvring mode is used for the following: shunting,

precision driving, coupling and uncoupling trailers. An m is
shown on the display when a gear is selected.
When manoeuvring mode is engaged the accelerator pedal has a
higher calibration. The clutch opens when the accelerator pedal
is fully released. The driver does not need to depress the brake
pedal for the clutch to open.

108 Complete
Braking and changing gear

To activate manoeuvring mode: hold the Opticruise lever tilted

away from (-) the steering wheel until the indicator m lights up
with the selected gear on the display.
To deactivate manoeuvring mode: tilt the Opticruise lever once
towards (+) the steering wheel.

The buzzer sounds:
• if you release the clutch pedal while the starting gear is
being engaged.

• if you change the starting gear.

• when a fault message is shown in the main display.

Engine brake program


The function of the engine brake program is to provide the best

engine braking possible in different driving situations. This
works well when you have selected A together with program P.
Press the floor switch briefly with the accelerator pedal fully
released to engage the engine brake program. Gears are selected

20101006 109
Braking and changing gear

so that the engine speed is higher than normal. If you hold down
the floor switch, the exhaust brake will also be engaged. The
engine brake program will remain engaged until you press the
accelerator pedal or engage cruise control.


The exhaust brake is applied to the drive wheels

only and is a powerful brake, especially in
combination with the engine brake program. You
should therefore use the exhaust brake program
with care on slippery roads and with light loads.

If the vehicle is equipped with a retarder, the
engine brake program can be engaged
automatically in the last stages of retarder
braking. The objective is to provide the retarder
with the best possible cooling and braking effect.

110 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Setting the starting gear

When vehicles are heavily laden, 1st or 2nd must
be used as the starting gear. Otherwise the clutch
will be exposed to excessive wear.

For vehicles with GR gearboxes, you can set gear 1 or 2 as the

starting gear. GR gearboxes can be configured in Scania
workshops so that 3rd gear can also be used as the starting gear.
For vehicles with GRS gearboxes, you can set any gear from 1 to
4 as the starting gear. GRS gearboxes can be configured in Scania
workshops so that 5th or 6th gear can also be used as the starting
The starting gears that are available are specified at the factory.
Proceed as follows:
1. Ensure that the vehicle is stationary.

2. Select a starting gear by entering the Vehicle settings

menu, selecting the starting gear menu and selecting the
gear. Use the vehicle’s INFO button to navigate in the

If you wish to temporarily start in a gear other than the set

starting gear, tilt the Opticruise lever until the desired gear is
displayed. You can then start the vehicle. The set starting gear
will remain in the system’s memory.

20101006 111
Braking and changing gear

The vehicle can be configured at a Scania workshop so you can

request a gear other than those indicated above. The vehicle can
also be configured so that you cannot select a starting gear by
setting or changing the automatic one.

Automatic starting gear

With automatic starting gear, the vehicle selects the starting gear
according to factors such as road gradient, the total vehicle
weight etc.
With automatic starting gear, you can also temporarily change
the starting gear without saving the setting. You then select the
starting gear by tilting the Opticruise lever to the desired gear.

Gear changing, both up and down, will take place at higher
engine speeds when you press the accelerator pedal from full
throttle position to kickdown. Changing down will take place
considerably earlier than normal. You can use kickdown to
accelerate rapidly.

When you press the accelerator pedal to
kickdown the fuel consumption increases.

112 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Cruise control
When driving with cruise control engaged, Opticruise will
automatically change gear if A mode is engaged (with or without
program P). However, you can still influence the choice of gear
manually both in A and M modes without disengaging cruise
control. Refer to the section on the cruise control for more

Exhaust brake
Opticruise can activate the exhaust brake automatically in order
to quickly reduce the engine speed when changing up. This is
done for short periods and as required.

Starting the vehicle

Proceed as follows to start the vehicle:
1. Turn the starter key to the drive position.

2. Make sure that the ring on the Opticruise lever is in

position N. Depress the clutch pedal if N is not
constantly shown in the display. When N is constantly
on, the gearbox is in neutral and you can release the

3. If there is not enough air pressure in the system, you

must hold the clutch pedal down when you start the

20101006 113
Braking and changing gear

4. Start the engine.

5. Move the ring on the Opticruise lever to D. When the

number of the starting gear is constantly on, the gear is

6. Release the clutch pedal, accelerate and drive off.

Then you only use the clutch for starting, stopping and at very
low speeds.

Changing gear
If you are driving in mode A Opticruise automatically changes
gear, taking into account whether you are driving with program
P. You can change the selected gear at any time by tilting the
Opticruise lever towards or away from the steering wheel.
Opticruise checks that the gear selected is feasible.
Opticruise changes gear according to engine load and
acceleration. At high engine load, Opticruise changes gear at a
higher engine speed. At low engine load, Opticruise changes
gear at a lower engine speed.
If you need to use the clutch when changing gear while driving,
e.g. if a minor fault has occurred, then Clutch Mode is shown in
the display.

114 Complete
Braking and changing gear


The vehicle must be stationary before Opticruise
engages reverse gear. Otherwise the gearbox will
be damaged as the reverse gears are extremely

You can press the ring on the Opticruise lever and select R while
driving. When you depress the clutch pedal and the vehicle
stops, Opticruise engages reverse gear.
Otherwise, engage reverse gear as follows:
1. Depress the clutch pedal.

2. Press the ring on the Opticruise lever and select R.

3. Release the clutch pedal, accelerate and drive off.

On gearboxes with a splitter gear you can choose between low

reverse (R1) and high reverse (R2). To select low reverse, tilt the
Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel and to select high
reverse tilt it towards the steering wheel. You can change
between low reverse and high reverse while driving but you need
to use the clutch. Opticruise automatically selects the reverse
gear you last used the next time you select R.
If the clutch was released when the gearbox was in neutral, the
reverse gear is engaged after an intentional delay. If a forward

20101006 115
Braking and changing gear

gear has been engaged and you have been stationary for a while,
you can engage a reverse gear immediately without first releasing
the clutch.

Always park in N.
1. Depress the clutch pedal and turn the ring on the
Opticruise lever to N; N is shown on the display.

2. Apply the parking brake.

If the Opticruise lever is not in position N, the
system still puts the gearbox into neutral when
the ignition is switched off with the starter key.
However, the Opticruise lever remains in the
position you left it in.

The vehicle is equipped with External Brake Request, XBR,

which means that the service brake can be applied automatically
when the exhaust brake is disengaged during gear changes.

Crawl gear
Two crawl gears, low crawl CL and high crawl CH, are available
when you wish to drive very slowly.

116 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Avoid selecting a crawl gear while the vehicle is in
motion. This can cause a scraping noise in the
gearbox and at worst damage to the gearbox. The
reason for this is that the crawl gears have no
synchromesh and are extremely low.

Do not confuse the crawl gear and starting gear.
They are different things.

Proceed as follows to engage a crawl gear:

1. Depress the clutch pedal and stop the vehicle.

2. Tilt the Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel

until the desired crawl gear is shown on the display.
Crawl gear is engaged. If the clutch pedal was released
when the gearbox was in neutral, crawl gear is engaged
after an intentional delay.

When the vehicle has a crawl gear engaged, you can change up,
both automatically and manually, without using the clutch pedal.
In order to change down to a crawl gear again, you must stop the

20101006 117
Braking and changing gear

Power take-off operation

PTO EK/ED is used for engine-driven power take-offs. Refer to
Special functions, Power take-off EK, for more information.

Power take-off operation

PTO EG is used for gearbox-driven power take-offs. For
gearboxes with a splitter gearbox, two different power take-off
speeds may be supplied at the same engine speed depending on
whether low or high split is engaged when the gearbox is in
You change the split section manually with the Opticruise lever
in position N and the clutch pedal depressed when you move the
Opticruise lever towards or away from the steering wheel.
When the gearbox-driven power take-off PTO EG is engaged,
no gear changes can be made when driving. You can, however,
change gear when stationary. If the vehicle is driven off with a
gearbox-driven power take-off engaged, PTO EG is shown on
the display. Refer to Special functions, Power take-off EG, for
more information.

If there is a fault
Opticruise faults can be demonstrated by:
• A message displayed in the instrument cluster.
• The system operating abnormally in one way or another.

118 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Contact a Scania workshop.

Fault warnings 80016fde

Symbol for the gearshift system.

This symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when there is

an Opticruise fault. In some cases Clutch Mode or Locked Gear
is also displayed. In addition, a fault code is generated which can
be read from the display.
You can try to restore Opticruise by proceeding as follows:
1. Stop the vehicle.

2. Turn the starter key to the locking position and wait for
a few seconds so that the vehicle is switched off

3. Turn the starter key to the drive position again.

If Clutch Mode is displayed, this means that a fault has caused

one of the two emergency gear change programs to start
automatically. The fault is less serious, but means that the vehicle
switches to manual gear changing. You now have to use the
clutch pedal for each gear change and have to drive in manual

20101006 119
Braking and changing gear

mode, M. The vehicle can be programmed in a Scania workshop

so that it is only possible to drive in Clutch Mode.
If Locked Gear is displayed, you should activate the Limp Home
emergency gear change program. Refer to the section on
Activating the emergency gear change program for more
information. Consult a Scania workshop for troubleshooting and
remedial action at the first suitable opportunity.

Activating the emergency gear change


The clutch must be working when you use the
emergency gear change program. Check that
there is enough clutch fluid before driving with
the emergency gear change program. Otherwise
the powertrain could be exposed to further

Proceed as follows:
1. Stop the vehicle and switch off the ignition with the
starter key.

2. Make sure that the ring on the Opticruise lever is in

position N.

120 Complete
Braking and changing gear

3. Push the Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel

and keep it in that position.

4. Turn the starter key to the drive position and wait until a
buzzer can be heard and Limp Home appears in the

5. Release the Opticruise lever.

6. Tilt the Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel

again no more than a few seconds.

It is important that you tilt the Opticruise lever
while the text Limp Home is displayed;
otherwise the emergency gear change program
will not be activated.

7. When the emergency gear change program is activated,

NL appears in the display. The emergency gear change
program is active until you switch off the ignition with
the starter key.

Driving with the emergency gear change

1. Depress the clutch pedal.

20101006 121
Braking and changing gear


It is important for the clutch pedal to be

depressed, because the gear change system will
still engage a gear after a certain time delay. If
you do not depress the clutch pedal, this can
cause the vehicle to start to move. It can also
result in serious damage to the powertrain.

2. The program now engages the highest gear. Step down

to a suitable starting gear using the Opticruise lever.

Do not engage too low a gear. This can result in
overrevving of the engine.

3. Release the clutch pedal, accelerate and drive off.

Change gear manually and use the clutch for each gear

Depress the clutch pedal until gear changing has
been completed, the selected gear is displayed and
a buzzer sounds.

122 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Opticruise stops using the emergency gear change program

when the ignition is switched off with the starter key.

Opticruise is a system which allows a manual gearbox to change
gear automatically. Faults on Opticruise usually result in a
deterioration of the function and/or performance of the system.
If there is a fault, fault codes are generated. Refer to the section
on the instrument cluster for more information about fault
Your vehicle may have the low cruising speed function. Low
cruising speed means that the vehicle calculates when it is
possible to save fuel by reducing the engine speed more than
normal at low loads. This is apparent from the fact that the
engine noise is reduced and top gear is used far less frequently.
The function is only engaged if you drive with Opticruise in
automatic mode.

Drive in manual mode when the vehicle has a
moving load, e.g. liquids and pellets. If you use
automatic mode, Opticruise detects and changes
gear after speed changes caused by the movement
of the load.

20101006 123
Braking and changing gear

1. Opticruise lever
2. Instrument cluster
3. Downhill speed control button
4. Floor switch for the engine brake



1. Position R, - Reverse.

2. Position N, - Neutral.

3. Position D, - Drive.

4. The arrows show the spring-loaded position of the lever

which changes between normal mode and program P,
extra power - Power.

5. Indication of how you tilt the control to change up or


6. A/M button for selecting automatic or manual mode.

124 Complete
Braking and changing gear

7. Retarder positions.

8. Switch for automatic retarder activation and downhill

speed control via the brake pedal. Refer to the Scania
retarder and Downhill speed control sections for more

Make sure that you do not press the A/M button
when you tilt the steering column control away
from the steering wheel because you will then
switch between automatic mode and manual

2 1


1. Opticruise lever

2. Instrument cluster

3. Floor switch for engine brake program

20101006 125
Braking and changing gear

1 2 5 6

3 4

1. Position R, - Reverse.

2. Position N, - Neutral.

3. Position D, - Drive.

4. The arrows show the spring-loaded position of the lever

which changes between normal mode and program P,
extra power - Power.

5. Indication of how you tilt the control to change up or


6. A/M button for selecting automatic or manual mode.

126 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Make sure that you do not press the A/M button
when you tilt the steering column control away
from the steering wheel because you will then
switch between automatic mode and manual

Information in the display

Opticruise information and fault messages are shown in the

12 3 4

MP 2 m 3 22.00

1. Indicates drive mode, M for manual and A for


2. Indicates program: P for Power or C for Limited


3. Gear engaged, m indicates whether the manoeuvring

gear is engaged.

4. Next gear. Shown in manual mode. The Scania

workshop can program the vehicle so that the next gear
is also displayed when driving in automatic mode.

20101006 127
Braking and changing gear

Messages in the display:

• Split high: is displayed when using high split during
power take-off operation.

• Split low: is displayed when using low split during power

take-off operation.

• PTO EG, Locked gear: is displayed when you try to drive

off with the gearbox-driven power take-off engaged.
Gearshifts are then not permitted.

• If Locked Gear is displayed, it is not possible to change

gear. You must use the gear which is currently engaged.
Refer to the section headed Fault warning for more

• If Limited Mode is displayed, there is a gearbox or clutch

fault. Contact a Scania workshop.

A/M button
You can choose between automatic program, A, and manual
mode, M, by pushing the A/M button.

Mode A
In mode A, automatic, Opticruise will change gear automatically
while the vehicle is in motion. You can influence the choice of
gear within certain limits by tilting the Opticruise lever towards
the steering wheel or away from it.

128 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Preventing gear changing in mode A.

For example, on slippery road surfaces you can retain the gear
Opticruise has selected. If you are driving in A, change to M
using the A/M button while driving. In this way, you can
temporarily lock the gear that Opticruise has selected. Return to
mode A when you want Opticruise to change gear automatically

Mode M
In manual mode M, you select the gear but Opticruise changes
gear, provided the selection is feasible in relation to the speed.
Opticruise will change the same number of gears up (+) or down
(-) as the number of times in succession that you tilt the
Opticruise lever towards (+) or away from (-) the steering wheel.

If you select a gear that is far too low in relation
to the speed, the gear change will not be carried

Position N
Position N, neutral, is used both when stationary and during
power take-off operation. For further information see the Power
take-off operation section. You can move the ring on the
Opticruise lever to N at any time while driving. When changing

20101006 129
Braking and changing gear

from position D to position N and then back again, Opticruise

remembers which position you had selected before you changed.

Position R
To move the ring on the Opticruise lever to R, reverse, you must
first push the ring in and then move it to R.

Position D
In position D, drive, the gears will be changed at normal engine
speed and at normal speed. This will ensure the best fuel
economy and comfort. Opticruise can jump over gears. Do not
leave the vehicle in D when stationary.

Program P
With the P program, traction and acceleration performance are
prioritised over fuel consumption. As a result, single step gear
changes will be more frequent than multi-step changes on hills
and off-road.
If the P program is combined with mode A, gear changing takes
less time and takes place at higher engine speeds. This will
improve pulling power. Changing down will take place earlier
than normal as well.
You can use the P program if you prioritise optimum
performance over fuel consumption.

130 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Manoeuvring gear
The manoeuvring mode is used for the following: shunting,
precision driving, coupling and uncoupling trailers. An m is
shown on the display when a gear is selected.
When manoeuvring mode is engaged the accelerator pedal has a
higher calibration. The clutch opens when the accelerator pedal
is fully released. The driver does not need to depress the brake
pedal for the clutch to open.
To activate manoeuvring mode: hold the Opticruise lever tilted
away from (-) the steering wheel until the indicator m lights up
with the selected gear on the display.
To deactivate manoeuvring mode: tilt the Opticruise lever once
towards (+) the steering wheel and then away.

The buzzer sounds when a fault message is shown on the display.

Engine brake program


20101006 131
Braking and changing gear

The function of the engine brake program is to provide the best

engine braking possible in different driving situations. This only
works when you have selected A together with program P.
Press the floor switch briefly with the accelerator pedal fully
released to engage the engine brake program. Gears are selected
so that the engine speed is higher than normal. If you hold down
the floor switch, the exhaust brake will also be engaged. The
engine brake program will remain engaged until you press the
accelerator pedal or engage cruise control.


The exhaust brake is applied to the drive wheels

only and is a powerful brake, especially in
combination with the engine brake program. You
should therefore use the exhaust brake program
with care on slippery roads and with light loads.

If the vehicle is equipped with a retarder, the
engine brake program can be engaged
automatically in the last stages of retarder
braking. The objective is to provide the retarder
with the best possible cooling and braking effect.

132 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Setting the starting gear

When vehicles are heavily laden, 1st or 2nd must
be used as the starting gear. Otherwise the clutch
will be exposed to excessive wear.

For vehicles with GR gearboxes, you can set gear 1 or 2 as the

starting gear. GR gearboxes can be configured in Scania
workshops so that 3rd gear can also be used as the starting gear.
For vehicles with GRS gearboxes, you can set any gear from 1 to
4 as the starting gear. GRS gearboxes can be configured in Scania
workshops so that 5th or 6th gear can also be used as the starting
The starting gears that are available are specified at the factory.
Proceed as follows:
1. Ensure that the vehicle is stationary.

2. Select a starting gear by entering the Vehicle settings

menu, selecting the starting gear menu and selecting the
gear. Use the vehicle’s INFO button to navigate in the

If you wish to temporarily start in a gear other than the set

starting gear, tilt the Opticruise lever until the desired gear is
displayed. You can then start the vehicle. The set starting gear
will remain in the system’s memory.

20101006 133
Braking and changing gear

The vehicle can be configured at a Scania workshop so you can

request a gear other than those indicated above. The vehicle can
also be configured so that you cannot select a starting gear by
setting or changing the automatic one.

Automatic starting gear

With automatic starting gear, the vehicle selects the starting gear
according to factors such as road gradient, the total vehicle
weight etc.
With automatic starting gear, you can also temporarily change
the starting gear without saving the setting. Select the starting
gear by tilting the Opticruise lever to the desired gear.

Gear changing, both up and down, will take place at higher
engine speeds when you press the accelerator pedal from full
throttle position to kickdown. Changing down will take place
considerably earlier than normal. You can use kickdown to
accelerate rapidly.

When you press the accelerator pedal to
kickdown the fuel consumption increases.

134 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Cruise control
When driving with cruise control engaged, Opticruise will
automatically change gear if A mode is engaged (with or without
program P). However, you can still influence the choice of gear
manually both in A and M modes without disengaging cruise
control. Refer to the section on the cruise control for more

Exhaust brake
Opticruise can activate the exhaust brake automatically in order
to quickly reduce the engine speed when changing up. This is
done for short periods and as required.

Starting the vehicle

Proceed as follows to start the vehicle:
1. Turn the starter key to the drive position.

2. Ensure that the ring on the Opticruise lever is in N.

3. When N is constantly lit in the display. Start the engine.

4. Move the ring on the Opticruise lever to D. When the

number of the starting gear is constantly on, the gear is

5. Accelerate and drive off.

20101006 135
Braking and changing gear

Changing gear
If you are driving in mode A Opticruise automatically changes
gear, taking into account whether you are driving with program
P. You can change the selected gear at any time by tilting the
Opticruise lever towards or away from the steering wheel.
Opticruise checks that the gear selected is feasible.
Opticruise changes gear based on engine load and acceleration.
At high engine load, Opticruise changes gear at a higher engine
speed. At low engine load, Opticruise changes gear at a lower
engine speed.


The vehicle must be stationary before Opticruise
engages reverse gear. Otherwise the gearbox will
be damaged as the reverse gears are extremely

You can press the ring on the Opticruise lever and select R while
driving. When the vehicle stops, Opticruise engages reverse
If the vehicle is stationary, engage reverse gear as follows:
1. Press the ring on the Opticruise lever and select R.
Reverse gear is now engaged.

136 Complete
Braking and changing gear

2. Accelerate and drive off.

On gearboxes with a splitter gear you can choose between low

reverse (R1) and high reverse (R2). To select low reverse, tilt the
Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel and to select high
reverse, tilt it towards the steering wheel. You cannot select low
reverse or high reverse when the vehicle is moving. Opticruise
automatically selects the reverse gear you last used the next time
you select R.

Always park in N.
1. Turn the ring on the Opticruise lever to N; N is shown
on the display.

2. Apply the parking brake.

If the Opticruise lever is not in position N, the
system still puts the gearbox into neutral when
the ignition is switched off with the starter key.
However, the Opticruise lever remains in the
position you left it in.

The vehicle is equipped with External Brake Request, XBR,

which means that the service brake can be applied automatically
when the exhaust brake is disengaged during gear changes.

20101006 137
Braking and changing gear

Crawl gear
Two crawl gears, low crawl CL and high crawl CH, are available
when you wish to drive very slowly.

Avoid selecting a crawl gear while the vehicle is in
motion. This can cause a scraping noise in the
gearbox and at worst damage to the gearbox. The
reason for this is that the crawl gears have no
synchromesh and are extremely low.

Do not confuse the crawl gear and starting gear.
They are different things.

Proceed as follows to engage a crawl gear:

1. Stop the vehicle.

2. Tilt the Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel

until the desired crawl gear is shown on the display.
Crawl gear is engaged.

When the vehicle has a crawl gear engaged, you can change up,
both automatically and manually. In order to change down to a
crawl gear again, you must stop the vehicle.

138 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Power take-off operation

PTO EK/ED is used for engine-driven power take-offs. Refer to
Special functions, Power take-off EK, for more information.

Power take-off operation

PTO EG is used for gearbox-driven power take-offs. For
gearboxes with a splitter gearbox, two different power take-off
speeds may be supplied at the same engine speed depending on
whether low or high split is engaged when the gearbox is in
You change the split section manually with the Opticruise lever
in position N when you move the Opticruise lever towards or
away from the steering wheel. It is not possible to change
between low and high split when the power take-off is activated.
When the gearbox-driven power take-off PTO EG is engaged,
no gear changes can be made when driving. You can, however,
change gear when stationary. If the vehicle is driven off with a
gearbox-driven power take-off engaged, PTO EG, Locked Gear
is shown on the display. Refer to Special functions, Power take-
off EG, for more information.

If there is a fault
Opticruise faults can be demonstrated by:
• A message displayed in the instrument cluster.
• The system operating abnormally in one way or another.

20101006 139
Braking and changing gear

Contact a Scania workshop.

Fault warnings 80016fde

Symbol for the gearshift system.

This symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when there is

an Opticruise fault. If Locked Gear or Limited Performance is
displayed, there is a gearbox fault. A fault code is generated
which can be read from the display. Contact a Scania workshop.
Activate the Limp Home emergency gear change program if
there is a fault in the clutch. Refer to the section Activating the
emergency gear change program for more information. Contact
a Scania workshop.
You can try to restore Opticruise by proceeding as follows:
1. Stop the vehicle in a suitable location.

2. Turn the starter key to the locking position and wait for
a few seconds so that the vehicle is switched off

3. Turn the starter key to the drive position again.

140 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Activating the emergency gear change

Proceed as follows:
1. Stop the vehicle and switch off the ignition with the
starter key.

2. Make sure that the ring on the Opticruise lever is in

position N.

3. Push the Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel

and keep it in that position.

4. Turn the starter key to the drive position and wait until
you hear a buzzer.

5. Release the Opticruise lever.

6. Push the Opticruise lever away from the steering wheel

and keep it there until you hear a buzzer and Limp
Home is shown in the display.

20101006 141
Braking and changing gear

Steps 1 to 10 must be repeated each time the
vehicle is stopped.
It is important that you tilt the Opticruise lever
while the text Limp Home is displayed;
otherwise the emergency gear change program
will not be activated.

Driving with the emergency gear change

1. Rotate the ring on the Opticruise lever to position D;
the lowest possible starting gear is selected

2. Select position M.

3. Disengage the parking brake.

4. Keep your foot lightly on the accelerator; turn the key to

activate the engine starter. The vehicle starts moving

5. Change up to a suitable gear.

6. To disengage the emergency gear change program, stop

the vehicle completely.

142 Complete
Braking and changing gear


There is a risk that you will not be able to engage

neutral in Limp Home mode. If this occurs, the
vehicle will continue forwards as long as the
engine is running. You must then keep the brake
pedal depressed until the engine is completely

Opticruise stops using the emergency gear change program

when the vehicle stops completely.

Exhaust brake
The exhaust brake is an auxiliary brake and only brakes the drive
wheels. In some places such as town centres exhaust braking may,
for example, be forbidden at night, which means that the exhaust
brake may need to be disengaged. Exhaust braking is not
permitted on some markets, which means that it may have been


The exhaust brake is applied to the drive wheels

only and is a powerful brake. Therefore use the
exhaust brake with care on slippery roads and
with light loads.

20101006 143
Braking and changing gear

The exhaust brake is most effective at high engine speeds in low

gear. Make best use of the exhaust brake by changing down in
time and allowing the engine to run at a high speed. This also
uses the engine braking characteristics of the engine to their full
For vehicles fitted with Opticruise: If the vehicle continues to
accelerate during maximum exhaust braking with downhill speed
control, Opticruise will change down, so as to increase the speed
and thus the performance of the exhaust brake.

The exhaust brake switch is located on the instrument



Leave the exhaust brake switched on. The exhaust brake is

disengaged as soon as you release the brake pedal.
When the exhaust brake switch is on, the exhaust brake works
when you depress the brake pedal.
During ABS control the exhaust brake is disengaged

144 Complete
Braking and changing gear

The retarder lever has 6 positions.

In the lowest position, the

exhaust brake can be engaged.

The exhaust brake can be set to work in one of the following

• When downhill speed control is engaged, the exhaust
brake is used regardless of whether the exhaust brake
switch is switched on or not.

• When the retarder lever is moved to the lowest position,

the exhaust brake is used regardless of whether the
exhaust brake switch is switched on or not.

• When downhill speed control is engaged or when the

retarder lever is moved to the lowest position, the exhaust
brake is used regardless of whether the exhaust brake
switch is switched on or not.

• The exhaust brake is only in use when the exhaust brake

switch is switched on.

20101006 145
Braking and changing gear

Scania Retarder

Retarder, general
The retarder is an auxiliary brake and only brakes the drive
wheels. Use the retarder for long periods of braking and save the
wheel brakes for short periods of braking. This will reduce both
brake wear and the risk of brake fade.

The retarder lever is positioned

on the right of the steering



146 Complete
Braking and changing gear

The retarder lever is integrated into the Opticruise lever.

Retarder function
The retarder is an oil brake driven by the propeller shaft. The
retarder has the most effect at high speeds. The system gradually
increases the oil quantity and the oil pressure as the vehicle speed
decreases. This maintains the braking capacity down to low
vehicle speeds.
The retarder is disengaged as soon as you accelerate. This applies
whether you accelerate using the pedal or using cruise control.
On vehicles without ABS or EBS, the retarder is not disengaged
when you accelerate.
On the other hand, accelerating does not disengage the auxiliary
brake when you keep the clutch pedal depressed. The vehicle will
not travel more quickly because you are depressing the clutch
pedal for short periods. In this way, the auxiliary brake continues
to brake even when you declutch and accelerate when changing


You should not brake using the retarder while

depressing the clutch pedal for more than a few
seconds because the retarder then stops braking.

20101006 147
Braking and changing gear

High engine speeds give the best braking

Retarder braking generates a lot of heat which has to be cooled
by the regular cooling system. The braking effect of the retarder
is reduced if the cooling system does not manage to cool the heat
generated. A high engine speed provides the most efficient form
of cooling because the output of the engine’s coolant pump is
then at its greatest. Therefore, keep the engine running at more
than 1800 rpm when using the auxiliary brake. In this way, the
retarder will be used to maximum effect.

Operating economy
Operating economy will not suffer if you allow the engine to
operate at high speed when you brake using the retarder.
Frequent use of the auxiliary brake can reduce brake wear
significantly and save a great deal of money.

Driving downhill


Do not use the wheel brakes to maintain a steady

speed when driving downhill.

148 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Use the retarder for long periods of braking on downhill

stretches. This will save the wheel brakes for when you really
need them.

Only use the brake pedal on downhill gradients to
adjust the speed.

Driving on slippery road surfaces

Use the wheel brakes by using the brake pedal to brake gently.
This will brake all the wheels on the vehicle combination and
reduce the risk of skidding and locking of the wheels. Drive with
increased safety margins.


Do not use the auxiliary brake on slippery road

surfaces. There is a risk of the wheels locking,
even if the vehicle is equipped with ABS.

20101006 149
Braking and changing gear

How to use the retarder lever


The retarder lever has 6 positions. When you move the retarder
lever down, the auxiliary brake brakes more. Meanwhile, the
retarder symbol in the instrument cluster will come on. Raise the
retarder lever to position 0 when you have finished braking.
Otherwise, the auxiliary brake will start to brake again as soon as
you release the accelerator. The retarder lever braking effect in
some vehicles can be adjusted in the workshop.

Retarder and ABS

When the ABS is actively working the retarder is automatically
disengaged. It is engaged again as soon as the braking system
permits. However, you should be aware that the ABS has a
certain reaction time.

150 Complete
Braking and changing gear

How to use the brake pedal


When the AUT button is in position 1, the retarder will work

first and then the wheel brakes.

As you depress the brake pedal, the braking effect of the retarder,
R, increases. Once you have depressed the pedal slightly, the
wheel brakes, B, also begin to brake.

Retarder and EBS

EBS can also control the braking effect of the retarder. When the
EBS is working actively, the auxiliary brake is automatically
disengaged. The auxiliary brake is engaged again as soon as the

20101006 151
Braking and changing gear

braking system permits. However, you should be aware that the

EBS has a certain reaction time.
Refer to the EBS section for more information on EBS.

Braking strategy
When the retarder switch is switched on or the AUT button on
the retarder lever is in position 1, the wheel brakes will work
when braking with the brake pedal for the short time it takes for
the retarder to start working. The retarder then works and uses
the wheel brakes if the retarder does not deliver sufficient
braking force. This ensures that you get an immediate response
when braking with the brake pedal.

Manual warming up
To rapidly warm up the engine, cooling system and cab using
the retarder, proceed as follows:
1. Accelerate with the accelerator pedal.

2. Brake with the retarder lever and continue to accelerate.

You must switch the retarder lever off yourself
when the vehicle has reached normal operating
temperature, if the accelerator pedal is still

152 Complete
Braking and changing gear

3. When the vehicle has attained the desired speed, you

can engage cruise control while retaining retarder
braking. When cruise control is engaged and the
accelerator pedal is depressed, the retarder will be
disengaged automatically when the vehicle approaches
normal operating temperature.

Automatic warming up
In cold weather, the engine, cooling system and cab can be
warmed up quickly using the retarder. For further information
refer to the section on the climate system.

Retarder symbol

Yellow retarder symbol in the instrument cluster

If the yellow retarder symbol lights up, there is a fault that

prevents the retarder from braking. The first thing you should do
if the retarder symbol does not go out automatically is to switch
off the ignition. Switch the ignition on again after approximately
10 seconds. This will show you whether a new fault occurs. If the
fault remains and the retarder symbol comes on again, you
should consult a Scania workshop. Drive carefully with a good
safety margin in case you have to rely solely on the wheel brakes.

20101006 153
Braking and changing gear

ABS symbol


ABS symbol

A fault on the ABS can generate subsequent faults on the

retarder. The ABS symbol will then come on at the same time as
the retarder symbol. Refer to the section on the instrument
cluster for more information.

Allison retarder

Retarder, general
The retarder is an auxiliary brake and only brakes the drive
wheels. Use the retarder for long periods of braking and save the
wheel brakes for short periods of braking. This will reduce both
brake wear and the risk of brake fade.

154 Complete
Braking and changing gear

The retarder lever is positioned

on the right of the steering
wheel. The AUT button is located

on the retarder lever.

The retarder lever is integrated into the drive mode selector.


Retarder function
The retarder is an oil brake driven by the propeller shaft. The
retarder has most effect at high vehicle speeds. The system
gradually increases the oil quantity and the oil pressure as the

20101006 155
Braking and changing gear

vehicle speed decreases. This maintains the braking capacity

down to low vehicle speeds.
The retarder is disengaged as soon as you accelerate. This applies
whether you accelerate using the pedal or using cruise control.
Retarder braking generates a great deal of heat which has to be
dissipated. The control unit changes down slightly earlier to
increase the engine speed during retarder braking so that the
cooling system works more effectively. The braking effect of the
retarder is reduced if the cooling system does not manage to
dissipate the heat generated by the retarder.

Driving downhill


Do not use the wheel brakes to maintain a steady

speed when driving downhill.

Use the retarder for long periods of braking on downhill

stretches. This will save the wheel brakes for when you really
need them.

Only use the brake pedal on downhill gradients to
adjust the speed.

156 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Driving on slippery road surfaces

Use the wheel brakes by using the brake pedal to brake gently.
This will brake all the wheels on the vehicle combination and
reduce the risk of skidding and locking of the wheels. Drive with
increased safety margins.


Do not use the auxiliary brake on slippery road

surfaces. There is a risk of the wheels locking,
even if the vehicle is equipped with ABS.

How to use the brake pedal


When the AUT button is in position 1, the retarder will work

first and then the wheel brakes.

20101006 157
Braking and changing gear

Once you depress the brake pedal, the retarder brakes, R. Once
you have depressed the pedal slightly the wheel brakes, B, also
begin to brake.

How to use the retarder lever


The retarder lever has 6 positions. When you move the retarder
lever down, the auxiliary brake brakes more. Meanwhile, the
retarder symbol in the instrument cluster will come on. Raise the
retarder lever to position 0 when you have finished braking.
Otherwise, the auxiliary brake will start to brake again as soon as
you release the accelerator. The retarder lever braking effect in
some vehicles can be adjusted in the workshop.

158 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Retarder and ABS

When the ABS is actively working the retarder is automatically
disengaged. It is engaged again as soon as the braking system
permits. However, you should be aware that the ABS has a
certain reaction time.

Retarder and EBS

EBS can also control the braking effect of the retarder. When the
EBS is working actively, the auxiliary brake is automatically
disengaged. The auxiliary brake is engaged again as soon as the
braking system permits. However, you should be aware that the
EBS has a certain reaction time.
Refer to the EBS section for more information on EBS.

Braking strategy
When the retarder switch is switched on or the AUT button on
the retarder lever is in position 1, the wheel brakes will work
when braking with the brake pedal for the short time it takes for
the retarder to start working. The retarder then works and uses
the wheel brakes if the retarder does not deliver sufficient
braking force. This ensures that you get an immediate response
when braking with the brake pedal.

20101006 159
Braking and changing gear

ABS symbol


ABS symbol

A fault on the ABS can generate subsequent faults on the

retarder. The ABS symbol will then come on at the same time as
the retarder symbol. Refer to the section on the instrument
cluster for more information.

Oil temperature
A warning message shows in the instrument cluster if the oil
temperature becomes too high. Reduce the use of the retarder in
this case until the temperature drops.

Parking brake
The parking brake is located on the instrument panel.


Always apply the parking brake properly before

leaving the cab.

The parking brake has the following positions:

160 Complete
Braking and changing gear

1. Drive position
2. Emergency brake position

3. Parking brake position

Drive position
When the lever is in the farthest forward position 1 the parking
brake is released as long as there is enough operating pressure in
the system.

Emergency brake position

By moving the lever from the farthest forward position 1 to the
pressure point 2, the tractor parking brake and trailer service
brake are gradually applied. This can be used when emergency
braking a tractor and trailer. The parking brake warning lamp
will be on as long as the brake is applied.

Parking brake position

Pull the lever past pressure point 2 to position 3. The tractor
parking brake will then be applied and the trailer brakes will be

20101006 161
Braking and changing gear

Check that the parking brake is locked into
position 3 by pressing in on it. The lever springs
out 2-3 mm when you release it.


Check that the vehicle combination does not

move when parking on a slope. Connect the
trailer parking brake and chock the wheels if

Release the parking brake by pulling the lever towards you and
pushing it back over pressure point 2.
The parking brake has the following positions:

1. Drive position
2. Emergency brake position
3. Parking brake position

4. Test position

162 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Drive position
When the lever is in the farthest forward position 1 the parking
brake is released as long as there is enough operating pressure in
the system.

Emergency brake position

By moving the lever from the farthest forward position 1 to the
pressure point 2, the tractor parking brake and trailer service
brake are gradually applied. This can be used when emergency
braking a tractor and trailer. The parking brake warning lamp
will be on as long as the brake is applied.

Parking brake position

Pull the lever past pressure point 2 to position 3. The tractor
parking brake will then be applied and the trailer brakes will be

Check that the parking brake is locked into
position 3 by pressing in on it. The lever springs
out 2-3 mm when you release it.

20101006 163
Braking and changing gear


Check that the vehicle combination does not

move when parking on a slope. Connect the
trailer parking brake and chock the wheels if

Release the parking brake by pulling the lever towards you and
pushing it back over pressure point 2.

Test position
Release the trailer’s brakes by pulling the lever to position 4.
Check that the vehicle combination does not roll away and then
allow the lever to spring back to position 3. The tractor’s parking
brake is still applied.

Interlock valve
When the pressure in the brake system drops below the interlock
valve setting, the vehicle’s parking brake will be automatically
applied. Once the pressure in the brake system has built up again
and the brake pressure lamp has gone out, the interlock valve
must be pressed in so that the parking brake is released. This
must be done even if the parking brake is released.

164 Complete
Braking and changing gear

Press the interlock valve to

PUSH TO SUPPLY supply air to the parking brake
circuit and allow the parking

brake to be released.

On vehicles equipped with a trailer brake the interlock valve has

a double function.

1. Press the interlock valve to supply air to the parking

brake circuit in the vehicle. This is so you can release the
parking brake.

2. Pull out the interlock valve to apply the trailer’s brakes.

Then carefully press the interlock valve to its normal
position to release the trailer’s brakes.

20101006 165
Braking and changing gear

Trailer brake, switch


Trailer brake switch

The trailer brake brakes the trailer without braking the vehicle
itself. Press to activate the trailer brake. The trailer brake cannot
be activated if the speed is higher than 4 km/h. The trailer brake
is automatically deactivated if the speed is greater than 7 km/h.

Trailer brake, lever

The trailer brake lever is located


on the instrument panel.

The trailer brake is applied gradually the more the lever is tilted.

166 Complete
Braking and changing gear


The trailer brake lever only actuates the brakes of

the trailer.


Never use the trailer brake while parking.


Remember that the wheels can lock during heavy


Hill hold

Hill hold switch

20101006 167
Braking and changing gear

Do not use hill hold in wintry road conditions
because of the risk that the vehicle will skid with
locked wheels.

Use hill hold to make hill starts easier.

To use hill hold:

• Switch on the power on the vehicle.
• Press the switch and the LED lights up.
• When you depress the brake pedal a click sounds, after
which the brake pressure is retained so that you can
release the brake pedal. The harder the brake pedal is
applied, the harder hill hold is applied.

Hill hold is available until the function is switched off via the
switch. If the function was activated when the vehicle was shut
down, hill hold will be activated the next time the vehicle is

Hill hold is not activated if the brake pressure is
too low or if ABS has been activated at the end of

168 Complete
Braking and changing gear

The brake pressure is retained until you release the clutch pedal
and the engine torque increases. The brake pressure also releases
if you release the clutch fully with the gearbox in neutral.


Always apply the parking brake before leaving

the driver area.

Hill hold releases a few seconds after the pedals are completely
released. The vehicle can then start moving. A warning signal
sounds and a warning text appears in the display before hill hold


Always apply the parking brake before leaving

the driver area.

Hill hold releases a few seconds after the pedals are completely
released. The vehicle can then start moving. A warning signal
sounds and a warning text appears in the display before hill hold

Hill hold releases immediately when you engage a gear, release

the brake and lightly depress the accelerator pedal.

20101006 169
Braking and changing gear

Automatic neutral position

If the parking brake or service brake is applied when the hill hold
switch is active, the gearbox is automatically set to neutral. The
gear previously selected flashes in the instrument cluster.
When you release the brake, the gearbox returns to D. On some
vehicles, you may need to engage neutral position first and then
D before continuing.
If you change the position of the drive mode selector when the
function is active, automatic neutral position is disengaged.
Before you can continue, you must engage neutral position and
then D.


General about ABS


ABS means that the vehicle is equipped with anti-lock brakes.

The advantages with ABS are greatest when panic braking.
Thanks to the prevention of wheel locking, the braking distance

170 Complete
Braking and changing gear

is reduced and steering is improved, whatever the type of road


The friction is lower and the braking distance
longer in slippery conditions, even for a vehicle
with ABS.

The improved steering with ABS brakes also reduces the risk of
jack-knifing accidents, even if the trailer has no ABS.

ABS does not work at speeds below 10 km/h.

This is how ABS works

If any wheel is beginning to lock up, a signal is sent from the
control unit to the ABS control valve on the wheel. The control
valve relieves the brake pressure so that the locking of the wheel
ceases. In this way very quick pump action braking is achieved.
• After the ignition key has been turned to the drive
position, the control unit carries out a test and activates
the control valves, whereupon several clicking noises can
be heard.

• The ABS symbol for the vehicle should go out after

approx. 3 seconds if the system is fault-free.

20101006 171
Braking and changing gear

• The ABS symbol for the trailer should go out at speeds

over 10 km/h if the system if fault-free.

• If a fault occurs, all or part of the ABS system will be

disconnected. If the vehicle is equipped with an automatic
exhaust brake or foot-operated retarder, these functions
are always disconnected when the warning lamp is

• After repair, the ABS symbol will go out after the system
has received signals from the wheel sensors. The vehicle
must have attained a speed of 5-7 km/h for this to occur.


EBS is an electronic braking system which means that the brakes
are applied more rapidly, resulting in a shorter braking distance.
During normal braking EBS distributes the braking force
between the wheels so that the wear on the brake linings is
equalised. During heavy braking, the braking power is
distributed so that the vehicle’s stability remains as good as
EBS includes the functions ABS, ESP and TC (Traction
Control). Refer to the section on ABS, ESP and TC for more

172 Complete
Braking and changing gear


Bodywork, conversions and re-parameterisation

of the control system or steering column affect
the control system. Contact a Scania workshop.

If there is a risk of the wheels locking when you change down or

use the retarder with a gear engaged, the engine torque increases
If you depress the brake pedal when the vehicle’s power is
switched off, the EBS is activated.

When the vehicle has been stationary for more
than 30 seconds, or when the power is switched
on, the vehicle detects that the load has changed.
If the load weight has been changed, the EBS will
not apply the retarder when braking for the first
3-6 times. This is normal.

Brake adaptation
Regulating the power in the trailer connection provides
automatic brake adaptation between the tractor unit and trailer.
The trailer’s braking force is adjusted automatically during

20101006 173
Braking and changing gear

If a serious fault occurs in the EBS, a compressed-air-controlled
back-up system engages automatically. A red brake warning is
displayed in the instrument cluster.


When the back-up system is engaged, the brake

pressure to the wheel brakes is no longer
controlled by electronic signals but by
compressed air. The braking system still has the
same braking force but the brake pedal feels
different and it requires considerably more pedal
force than normal to brake the vehicle. When the
back-up system is engaged, all electronic
functions, e.g. ABS and TC and ESP, are also

Wear control
Wear control helps to distribute the braking power so that the
disc brakes are evenly worn. This means that the wear parts on
the disc brakes can often be renewed at the same time on all
wheels. During heavy braking, however, vehicle stability is given
higher priority than even wear.

174 Complete
Braking and changing gear

You can check how much brake lining is left on each wheel in the
instrument cluster. Refer to the section on the instrument cluster
for more information.

Emergency brake assist

EBS reinforces the brake pressure during emergency braking in
emergency situations.

Safety function for axle differential

EBS prevents the rear axle differential lock from being activated
if the difference between the axle wheel speeds is greater than 3
km/h. Protection of the axle differentials is an additional safety
function. Refer to the sections on differential locks for more

The protection only applies to rear axle
differentials. The protection does not apply to
longitudinal differential locks.

Warning information
Symbols and fault messages for the EBS are displayed in the
instrument cluster. If there is a fault, fault codes may be
generated, which you can also read in the instrument cluster.

20101006 175
Braking and changing gear


Do not drive the vehicle if the low brake pressure

warning lamp is flashing or if the brake pressure
gauges show that the pressure is too low. Contact
a Scania workshop if you cannot increase the
pressure so that the warnings go out.

A fault message is displayed for 5 seconds when
the trailer is connected. This does not mean that
there is a fault but is only a check to ensure that
the fault message works. If the fault message
disappears within a set time, the system is
working correctly. The fault message is only
displayed if the trailer is equipped with EBS.

Brake test
If the brake test warning lamps come on in the instrument
cluster, stop the vehicle and carry out a brake check.

176 Complete
Braking and changing gear

It is necessary to acknowledge all warnings before carrying out

the brake test. Follow the instructions displayed in the
instrument cluster in order to carry out the EBS test.
The EBS test is carried out as follows:
1. Release the brake pedal to start the test.

2. Fully depress the brake pedal and keep it depressed.

3. Release the brake pedal.

4. Test completed and fault rectified or test completed and

fault remains.

The test may fail due to:

• Incorrect pedal movement.
• Time expired
• The vehicle is in motion.
If the test failed, carry out the test again.
If the brake system is working correctly, the warning goes out. If
it does not go out or it comes on again, contact a Scania

20101006 177
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Cruise control, roadholding and

Steering wheel buttons and steering


The picture above displays all steering wheel buttons available

on the steering wheel.

The buttons have the following functions:

1. Radio: change track, station, volume.

2. Radio: selection of sound source.

3. Telephone

178 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

4. INFO button.

5. Cruise control.

6. Adaptive cruise control.

7. Downhill speed control.

Detailed information about how you can use the buttons is

available in the driver’s manual section for each button’s

Press the middle of the steering wheel to activate the horn.

Adjustable steering wheel

The steering wheel is adjustable for height and rake so that a
comfortable driving posture can be obtained.


Adjust the steering wheel when the vehicle is

stationary and check that the settings are locked
before you drive off.

20101006 179
Cruise control, roadholding and traction


1. Open position. 2. Locked position.

Proceed as follows to adjust the height and rake:

1. Push the steering wheel adjustment button into the
open position. For a few seconds you can then adjust the
height and rake. Adjustment of the height is stepless.
There are 15 fixed driving positions and one parking
position for the rake.

180 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

2. Push the button into the locked position to lock the

setting. The settings are also locked automatically after a
few seconds.

On vehicles with an adjustable steering column the steering

wheel can be angled until it is parallel with the cab floor.


The steering wheel should be angled into the

parking position parallel with the floor only
when the vehicle is parked.

Starter lock

Locking position

In this position you can remove the starter key. You can stop the
engine by turning the key to this position or the radio position.
When you have removed the key, turn the steering wheel until
the steering lock engages.
Parking lights, hazard warning lights and some other functions
can only be used when the key is in the locking position.

20101006 181
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Always remove the key from the lock when
leaving the vehicle to prevent unauthorised
persons from setting the vehicle in motion.

Radio position

The vehicle radio works without any time limit in the radio

Drive position

The whole electrical system is activated in the drive position.

The warning lamps for battery level, oil pressure, brake pressure,
etc., light up.

182 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Start position


In the start position, the starter motor is engaged. When you

release the key, it springs back to the drive position. The vehicle
has an electronic restart inhibitor. This means that if you fail to
start the engine, you can try to start it again immediately. You do
not need to turn the key back to the radio position.

Idling speed adjustment

Use the buttons below and the brake pedal to adjust the idling

1. Cruise control button on the

1 steering wheel

2. Main cruise control switch

Use the buttons below and the brake pedal to adjust the idling

20101006 183
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

1. ACC/RET switch
1 2

2. Main cruise control switch

The idling speed can be adjusted between 500 and 700 rpm. Each
press of the buttons leads to a change of 10 rpm.

Ensure that the main switch for the cruise control is on and that
the engine is at operating temperature.

1. Slightly depress and keep the brake pedal depressed.

2. Hold in the RES button for at least 3 seconds.

3. You can now adjust the engine speed using + and - on

the cruise control button.

4. Save the new idling speed by holding in the RES button

for at least 3 seconds.

5. Release the brake pedal.

The idling speed set remains even when the engine is switched
off. The idling speed can also be adjusted by a Scania workshop.

184 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Adjusted idling
A current consumption which is too high in relation to the
alternator capacity can cause discharging of the vehicle batteries.
Temporarily raised idling prevents discharging of the batteries,
because a higher engine speed increases the charging capacity.
The function is automatically activated where necessary and
deactivated when the requirement for increased charging
capacity has been met.

Kickdown is used to change down a gear, e.g. when overtaking.
Kickdown can also be used to delay changing up, so that the
higher gear is engaged at a higher engine speed.

Keep the accelerator pedal in the kickdown position to avoid the

engine losing power when changing up whilst driving uphill.

Hand throttle
The hand throttle works in a similar way to the cruise control.
The difference is that the hand throttle controls the engine speed
instead of the road speed.

For example, it is possible to use the function to set the engine

speed when operating a crane.

The hand throttle function can be used when the vehicle is
stationary and when driving at low speeds, max. 10 km/h.

20101006 185
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

1. Cruise control button on the

1 steering wheel
2 805e92c6

2. Main cruise control switch

The main cruise control switch must be switched on when the

hand throttle function is used.
Engage the hand throttle function by pressing + or RES on the
cruise control button on the steering wheel.

Setting the engine speed

This is how you change the pre-programmed hand throttle
speed, (i.e. the speed that you get when you press RES on the
cruise control button on the steering wheel):
1. Set the required speed by pressing + or - on the cruise
control button on the steering wheel.

2. Save the new pre-programmed hand throttle speed by

pressing RES for at least 3 seconds.

The stored engine speed remains until a new adjustment is made

- even if the engine is switched off.

186 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

After the hand throttle speed has been set, you can also change
the speed while driving with a short press on + or -. Changes
made with these short presses are not, however, stored when you
switch off the engine.

You can disengage the hand throttle function by pressing one of
the following:
• OFF on the cruise control button on the steering wheel
• Brake pedal
• Clutch pedal
• 0 on the main cruise control switch

Acceleration control
To reduce fuel consumption and improve drive comfort, the
vehicle is fitted with acceleration control. The improvements are
most noticeable at low rolling resistance, when the vehicle has
low load or during operation with many stops and starts.
The driver is only aware of the acceleration control when the
vehicle fails to deliver full torque at low rolling resistance.
At high rolling resistance, e.g. under heavy load, driving on an
uphill slope, the acceleration control does not affect the engine
The degree of acceleration control can be adjusted at a Scania

20101006 187
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Temporary disengaging
The acceleration control can be temporarily disengaged at
speeds of more than 30 km/h. To do this, depress the accelerator
pedal to the kick-down position. At high rolling resistance, the
acceleration control cannot be certain of affecting the engine
torque. In such cases, depressing the accelerator pedal to the
kick-down position makes no difference.

Cruise control

1. ACC/RET switch for increasing or

reducing the set speed.
2. Main cruise control switch. For
engaging or disengaging cruise
control and for returning to the set
1 2


Engage cruise control

The road speed must be at least 20 km/h for
cruise control to be engaged.

188 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction


1. Set the switch to its centre position. The LED comes

on. The switch can be set to position 0 if cruise control
will not be used.

2. Drive at the desired road speed.


3. Press + or - and release the accelerator pedal.

You also use this switch to adjust the set speed by pressing + or -
. A short press changes the speed by 1 km/h. If you keep the
switch depressed, the speed will be altered until you release the

20101006 189
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Resuming the set speed

If you wish to return to the set speed, e.g. after braking, press
RES on the main cruise control switch.

Disengaging cruise control

Cruise control is disengaged if you:
• Set the main switch to position 0.
• Use the brake pedal.
• Use the clutch pedal.
• Use the accelerator pedal for a long time.
• Use the exhaust brake.
• Use the retarder.

Cruise control

1. Cruise control button on the

1 steering wheel

2. Main cruise control switch

190 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

The steering wheel button is located on the steering wheel and

the switch is located on the instrument panel.

Engaging cruise control

The road speed must be at least 20 km/h for
cruise control to be engaged.

1. Set the switch in its lower position. The LED comes on.
The switch can be set to position 0 if you will not be
using cruise control.

2. Drive at the desired road speed.


20101006 191
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

3. Press + or - and release the accelerator pedal. Cruise

control is now engaged.

You can then adjust the road speed by pressing + or -. A short

press changes the speed by 1 km/h. If you hold the button
depressed, the speed changes until you release the button.

Temporarily disengaging cruise control and

returning to the set speed
If you wish to disengage cruise control temporarily, press OFF
on the steering wheel button. The set speed remains in the
memory so long as the engine is not switched off, provided that
the main switch is switched on.
If you wish to return to the set speed, e.g. after braking or after
temporarily disengaging cruise control using OFF, press RES on
the steering wheel button. If, however, you wish to engage the
cruise control at your new speed, press + or -.

Disengaging cruise control

Cruise control is disengaged if you:
• set the main switch to position 0
• press OFF on the steering wheel button
• use the brake pedal
• use the clutch pedal

192 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

• use the accelerator pedal for a long time

• use the retarder
• use the exhaust brake.

Cruise control

Engaging cruise control

The road speed must be at least 20 km/h for
cruise control to be engaged.

1. Set the main cruise control switch and adaptive cruise

control to the centre position. Cruise control is now

2. Drive at the desired road speed.

20101006 193
Cruise control, roadholding and traction


3. Press + or - and release the accelerator pedal. Cruise

control is now set.

You can then adjust the road speed by pressing + or -. A short

press changes the speed by 1 km/h. If you hold the button
depressed, the speed changes until you release the button.

Temporarily disengaging cruise control and

returning to the set speed
If you wish to disengage cruise control temporarily, press OFF
on the steering wheel button. The set speed remains in the
memory so long as the engine is not switched off, provided that
the main switch is switched on.
If you wish to return to the set speed, e.g. after braking or after
temporarily disengaging cruise control using OFF, press RES on
the steering wheel button. If, however, you wish to engage the
cruise control at your new speed, press + or -.

Disengaging cruise control

Cruise control is disengaged if you:
• set the main switch to position 0
• press OFF on the steering wheel button

194 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

• use the brake pedal

• use the clutch pedal
• use the accelerator pedal for a long time
• use the retarder
• use the exhaust brake.

Cruise control with Ecocruise

Scania Ecocruise is a fuel-saving cruise control that makes use of
the vehicle’s kinetic energy and therefore operates best on hilly
stretches of road. The cruise control can be set to any speed up
to 85 km/h.
When the vehicle reaches the end of a hill, Ecocruise is
programmed to avoid accelerating until the gradient has levelled
out. This assumes that the speed has not fallen by more than 20
km/h during the climb.
Scania Ecocruise is a fuel-saving cruise control that makes use of
the vehicle’s kinetic energy and therefore operates best on hilly
stretches of road. The cruise control can be set to any speed up
to 89 km/h.
When the vehicle reaches the end of a hill, Ecocruise is
programmed to avoid accelerating until the gradient has levelled
out. This assumes that the speed has not fallen by more than 20
km/h during the climb.

20101006 195
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Ecocruise does not accelerate over the crest of the hill.

When the vehicle is on a downhill stretch, it does not accelerate

directly to the set cruise control speed. Instead the system tries
to make use of the kinetic energy and to gradually increase the
throttle actuation.

196 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Ecocruise makes use of the kinetic energy that arises on a downhill gradient.

Ecocruise makes use of the kinetic energy that occurs on a

downhill gradient by retaining the higher speed when the road
levels out. On a hilly stretch this means that the vehicle can use
the kinetic energy from a downhill gradient for the next uphill

20101006 197
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

By using the kinetic energy, the vehicle can take the next uphill gradient at a higher
speed than normal.

Ecocruise and Opticruise

If you activate Ecocruise while driving in H mode, Opticruise
automatically engages N mode and H disappears from the
display. When Ecocruise is deactivated, Opticruise automatically
re-engages H mode.

198 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Adaptive cruise control


The vehicle will not brake or warn automatically

for stationary obstacles. Adaptive cruise control
only regulates the distance to moving vehicles

Adaptive cruise control helps the driver keep their distance from
vehicles ahead of them. The vehicle decelerates automatically if
the adaptive cruise control detects a vehicle ahead travelling
more slowly. The vehicle follows the vehicle ahead with a preset
time window. The vehicle resumes the set cruise control speed as
soon as the traffic situation permits. Use adaptive cruise control
when driving on motorways and major roads.


Do not use adaptive cruise control on slippery

road surfaces. Adaptive cruise control does not
adjust the distance to vehicles ahead in relation to
the prevailing road conditions.

20101006 199
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

1. Main cruise control switch and

adaptive cruise control.
2. Switch for changing the time
window to the vehicle in front
80515b95 when the adaptive cruise control is
1 2 engaged.

Adaptive cruise control primarily uses the retarder. Use the
retarder or downhill speed control for prolonged braking on a
downhill slope. This prevents unnecessary wheel brake wear.

Engaging and disengaging cruise control


• When the switch is up, both normal and adaptive cruise

control are disengaged.

• When the switch is in the centre position, normal cruise

control is engaged.

200 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

• When the switch is down, both normal and adaptive

cruise control are engaged.

Adaptive cruise control cannot be engaged:

• When the system is carrying out a self-test immediately
after the engine is started.

• At speeds below 20 km/h.

• When the clutch is being operated.
• When the service brake is being used.
Switching from adaptive cruise control to cruise control changes
the set speed to the actual vehicle speed if this is lower than the
set speed.

Press the upper part of the switch to reduce the time

window to the vehicle ahead. Press the lower part of
the switch to increase the time window to the vehicle


20101006 201
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Information in the instrument cluster

The image appears in the display
when you change the time
8050f33e window.

The time window has 5 levels, with 1 being the shortest time and
5 being the longest time window/distance between your vehicle
and the vehicle ahead. The image shows the time window via the
number 5, a bar with 5 lines and the number of lines between the

Can be shown as an indicator lamp or symbol.

A green indicator lamp comes on when adaptive cruise control is

engaged and a vehicle has been identified.
The symbol lights up yellow when the sensor is blocked by, for
example, dirt or ice.

Collision warning

202 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

A red warning with acoustic signal is shown when the prevailing

traffic situation may require you to brake heavily. The system
only performs limited braking. You must brake the vehicle
yourself to use full brake force. The collision warning is shown
when adaptive cruise control is active.

Different traffic situations




In bends as well as before and after bends it can

be difficult for the adaptive cruise control to
identify vehicles ahead. The vehicle may be
braked unexpectedly or too late.

20101006 203
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Sideways position


Problems may occur if your vehicle is to one side

in relation to the vehicle ahead. The adaptive
cruise control may not identify a vehicle ahead.
You will have to brake yourself to increase the

Slip roads and the hard shoulder

204 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction


At slip roads and when vehicles are moving on

the hard shoulder it can be difficult for the
adaptive cruise control to identify vehicles ahead.
The vehicle may be braked unexpectedly or too
late. 8036a33e

Switching lanes


Vehicles that are switching lanes immediately in

front of your vehicle cannot be identified by the
adaptive cruise control until they are within the
identification zone. You will have to brake
yourself to increase the distance to the vehicle
which is switching lanes.

20101006 205
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Downhill speed control

Downhill speed control button on


the steering wheel

Downhill speed control is designed for long periods of braking

on downhill slopes. When downhill speed control is operating,
the wheel brakes on the vehicle are completely passive and cool.
This enhances both safety and operating economy.
The ABS must work for the downhill speed control to work. You
can, however, still activate the retarder.
Some vehicles can be programmed so that you can always use the
exhaust brake during cruise control. The exhaust brake is used
by downhill speed control as an additional help to maintain
Otherwise the exhaust brake switch must be on in order to
activate the exhaust brake.

206 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

The vehicle can be programmed to work in one of the following

• either only with the downhill speed control button
• or with both the downhill speed control button and the
brake pedal.

The option of activating downhill speed control can be disabled

in the workshop.
On some vehicles there is a programming option which ensures
that the brake lamps do not come on during downhill speed

Using downhill speed control

Engage downhill speed control as follows:

1. Set the AUT button in position 1 on the retarder.

2. Apply the brakes on the vehicle until you reach desired

speed or press on the plus or minus part of the downhill
speed control button. Downhill speed control is

3. Change gears so that the engine speed is over 1800 rpm

to obtain best braking effect.

The engine speed is automatically regulated if you drive with

Your vehicle will maintain the current speed until you accelerate
and have fully released the clutch or begin to brake again.

20101006 207
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

If it is not possible to maintain speed when going downhill, it is

likely that the engine speed is too low. If so, change down and
restart the downhill speed control. If it is still not possible to
maintain speed when going downhill, you must reduce the speed.

Downhill speed control with offset

Some vehicles have a function (brake offset) which you can use to
set a difference in speed between the downhill speed control and
cruise control.
To use the function, the retarder must be in AUT 1 mode.

75 km/h

The display shows the set speed


when the vehicle starts braking.

Setting brake offset

When you come to a downhill slope and wish to set the brake
offset, press the plus or minus part of the downhill speed control
button. The brake offset speed is set each time the button is
pressed. If you hold down the plus or minus part, this is similar
to pressing the button several times in succession.
When you press the plus or minus part, the display in the
instrument cluster lights up for a few seconds and you can see the
speed at which the vehicle will begin to brake.

208 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Brake offset can only be activated when cruise control is engaged.

Disengaging brake offset

You can disengage brake offset at any time by pressing the OFF
part of the downhill speed control button.
If you press the OFF part of the cruise control button on the
steering wheel, both brake offset and cruise control will be
switched off.
If you depress the clutch pedal, cruise control will be disengaged.
Downhill speed control will still be active, however.

Fuel-saving measure
You can save fuel by temporarily disengaging downhill speed
control at the end of a downhill slope. This gives the vehicle a
little extra speed in the coming uphill slope.
Proceed as follows to temporarily disengage downhill speed
• Press the accelerator at the end of the downhill slope
when the retarder is working. Downhill speed control is
temporarily disengaged.

• Downhill speed control is automatically activated during

the next uphill slope when the cruise control starts
working. Downhill speed control is now ready to brake
during the next downhill slope.

20101006 209
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

• Press on the RES part of the downhill speed control

button if you change your mind and want to activate the
downhill speed control immediately.

Scania lane departure warning (LDW)

The Scania lane departure warning (LDW) monitors the lane in
front via a camera in the windscreen and warns when one of the
side markings on the lane are unintentionally crossed. If you
actively steer over the side markings the system does not warn

The Scania lane departure warning is only an aid.
You must make sure that the vehicle follows the
road and lane.
Make sure that the windscreen is clean in front of
the camera so that the viewing range of the
camera is not impaired.

If the lane departure warning is not working, a symbol is

displayed in the instrument cluster.

210 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

LDW warns with acoustic signals in

LDW warns via an acoustic signal from the left or right
loudspeaker according to which side of the road you cross the
lane markings. When the warning occurs, the volume of any
music in the hi-fi system is automatically reduced.
The lane departure warning takes the form of an acoustic signal
• You unintentionally cross the lane markings of the lane
you are driving in.

The lane departure warning does not warn when:

• You carry out an intentional steering wheel movement
during normal steering.

• You have activated the direction indicator and for two

seconds after it has been switched off.

Activation and availability

Switch for LDW, Scania’s lane departure warning.

Green LED illuminated, LDW activated. Yellow LED

illuminated, LDW availability limited.

20101006 211
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

When you switch on the starting voltage, LDW is activated

automatically. The lamp in the switch on the instrument panel
lights up green or yellow indicating that the system is active.
• Green lamp on means the system is available and warns
about violations.

• Yellow lamp on means the system is not available and

does not give warnings.

The system can be deactivated via the switch and the lamp on the
switch is then off.
The lane departure warning is available when:
• The speed exceeds 65 km/h and the system can identify at
least 1 line.

The availability of the lane departure warning is limited when:

• The camera cannot read the lane departure markings
because of snow, gravel or similar materials on the road

• There are no clear lane markings.

• You are driving on a sharp bend.
• The sun is dazzling the camera.

Scania driver support

The overall aim of driver support is to make it easy as a driver for
you to develop and maintain a driving style that reduces fuel
consumption and wear and tear. Driver support is simple to use

212 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

and gives driving tips and a driving score while the vehicle is
being driven in the instrument cluster display.
Driver support has been developed mainly for vehicles which are
driven long distances and which maintain a high average speed
for extended periods. This means that driver support does not
give the correct driving score if you drive short distances at low
speeds with frequent stops.
Scania’s driver support gives you a driving score in 4 categories:
• hill driving: how you drive in hilly areas
• use of brakes: how you choose and use different braking

• anticipation: your ability to drive with good advance


• choice of gear: how you use the gears to reduce fuel


It works as follows

When you brake driver support evaluates the way you choose
and use each brake system. During braking, driver support
analyses many different parameters and shows the driving score
with symbols. The same principle applies to the other categories.
Driver support makes an analysis, gives a driving score, and
sometimes gives advice.

20101006 213
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Driving and driving score view

Driver support has two main menus - driving view and driving
score view. When the vehicle is being driven, focus on the
driving view. This switches between displaying the driving score
and tips. The driving score view shows a driving score for each
category. Use the INFO button to reset all driving scores. The
driving score is saved even when the power is switched off.

1. Driving view with dynamic display 2. The driving score view shows the
of the driving score and tips. driving score as a percentage for
each category.

Focus your attention on the traffic conditions.
Look at the driving score when the vehicle is

214 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Show Scania driver support in the display

Driver support is always active. It is only shown, however, if you
activate viewing in the display.
Activate driver support viewing in the instrument cluster display
as follows:
1. Press the up arrow of the INFO button. You must enter
the menu symbolised by a road.

2. Browse in the menu list until the driver support’s driving

view is shown.

To show driver support: scroll upwards using the INFO


button in the display’s main menu.

Use driver support

You can display the driver support’s driving view at any time and
see your average score. Driver support assesses your driving even
if other information is shown in the display. Scania recommends
that you use the driving score view when the vehicle is stationary.
Under certain circumstances getting the maximum driving score
in all categories will be quite difficult for you as a driver. With
training, your results will get better with time.

20101006 215
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Driver support while driving, an example

In this example, driver support assesses your braking and your
ability to plan your driving - i.e. use of a predictive driving style.
Driver support automatically switches between four different
views. After the last view (4), driver support returns to the driving
view (1).

1 2 3 4

1. Driver support shows the driving view. It shows an
average score for all categories of 70%.

2. You start well-planned braking. Driver support registers

this and you get a driving score for anticipation of 5 out
of 5 points. The average score is raised a little.

However, you braked rather hard using the brake pedal.

3. The braking is concluded and you start to accelerate.

Your driving score for the braking is 1 out of 5 points.
Your average score for all categories has dropped a little.

4. Driver support shows tips with text and symbols

indicating how you can change the way you drive to get
a higher driving score. Driver support suggests that you

216 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

should use the automatic retarder by activating the

retarder AUT button.

Whether the brake use category is displayed depends on the

vehicle equipment.

What is what in the views

The driving view (A) and driving score view (B) are the main
views. The driving view is dynamic and also displays tips and
specific driving scores. It automatically returns to displaying the
average score after displaying tips and/or a score. The driving
score view is static and always displays a driving score for the
various categories.

3 5 6 8

1 2 4 7 9

A: Driving view. B: Driving score view

1. The average score for all categories.

20101006 217
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

2. The percentage (%) of the maximum driving score you

currently have on average.

3. The bar shows your current average score for all


4. Icon for anticipation.

5. Icon for hill driving

6. The dash (-) shows that the category does not give a
driving score.

7. Reset all values by pressing to the right on the INFO


8. Icon for brake use.

9. Icon for choice of gear.

A greyed-out numeral shows that a category is not currently


The 4 categories
Scania’s driver support gives you a driving score in 4 categories.
The categories are:
• hill driving
• use of brakes

218 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

• anticipation
• choice of gear.
The text below explains how Scania driver support analyses your
driving, generates a driving score and advises you how to
improve your driving score.

Hill driving

General icon for hill driving.

On the brow of a hill you should release the accelerator pedal in
good time before reaching the top to allow the vehicle to use its
kinetic energy over the top and down the hill. If you do this
correctly, the vehicle regains the speed it had before the uphill
slope. The driving score for driving over the brow of a hill is
displayed by the icon on the left in the picture.

Icon for the brow of a hill.

Steep hills
If you need to brake on a steep downhill slope, the system
judges how much you accelerated before the downhill slope
began. If you have a good predictive driving style, the system

20101006 219
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

expects you to release the accelerator pedal a little before the

downhill slope increases the vehicle speed. The system expects
you to anticipate when you can release the accelerator pedal and
brake. A driving score based on braking is displayed by the icon
on the left in the picture.

Icon for driving on different types

of hills.

Hills on roads with high speed

On steep hills on roads where you may/are permitted to maintain
a high speed, the system judges how much you accelerate shortly
before a downhill slope. Even in this situation the system expects
you to release the accelerator pedal a bit before the downhill
slope. If you do not release the accelerator pedal, there is a
greater risk that you will be forced to brake unnecessarily. The
driving score for driving on high speed hills is identical to that
listed in the example above.

Gain speed before an uphill slope

The system reacts positively when you increase speed before an
uphill slope. To reduce fuel consumption, the acceleration
should preferably occur at the end of a downhill slope. A driving
score based on this situation is displayed by the icon on the left
in the picture below. The driving score is shown as a bonus
item. You do not get a lower driving score if you cannot
accelerate in this manner.

220 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Icon for gaining speed before an

uphill slope. Gaining speed
before an uphill slope leads to a

higher driving score.

You do not get a hill driving score if the vehicle is equipped with
adaptive cruise control and it is set to regulate speed against
another vehicle. Nor is a driving score given if the vehicle is
equipped with an activated Scania Ecocruise system. When you
drive with conventional cruise control, however, you are
expected to be active in these situations. You may deactivate
cruise control before the hill with the OFF button and activate it
with the RES button.

Use of brakes

Icon for brake use: how you choose and use different

braking methods.

The system analyses your choice of braking method and how you
carry out braking.
It compares how your usage is divided between the usual service
brake (braking with the brake pedal), engine braking and
auxiliary brakes like retarders and exhaust brakes. You get a
higher driving score if you often use an engine brake or auxiliary
brake. The system continually calculates how much effect the

20101006 221
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

engine brake and auxiliary brake can contribute in different

During soft and easy braking with the service brakes, the engine
also brakes, providing you did not put the gear shift in neutral. In
these situations you can get a rather high driving score even if
you did not activate any auxiliary brake or deliberately use the
engine brake. When you need to brake more than the auxiliary
brakes can cope with, a high driving score is given. However, this
is the case only if you have used the braking power that the
auxiliary brakes can provide.

Minor braking and braking at low starting speeds do not
generate a driving score. The system generally encourages one to
use the retarder as often as possible. You can activate the
automatic retarder via a button on the retarder lever. See the
section of the driver manual on the retarder for more
Use the retarder lever actively and brake smoothly even when
driving in built-up areas.
Note that the driving score for braking is not given until braking
is completed. It is completed when the vehicle has stopped or
when you accelerate.

222 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction



Icon for anticipation.

Anticipation is judged by a simple criterion. You get a high

driving score for anticipation if you coast for a long time before
you start braking. If you drive erratically, the system will give you
a lower driving score.
You normally get a driving score for anticipation as soon as you
start braking using the brake pedal or retarder lever.

Avoid accelerating with the retarder lever in the brake position.
That means that the retarder brakes as soon as you release the
This category encourages engine braking. When using engine
braking, the speed decreases without you needing to use the
brake pedal or any auxiliary brake.

Choice of gear

Icon for choice of gear, how you use the gear to


decrease fuel consumption.

20101006 223
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

The driving score for choice of gear measures how your choice
of gears affects fuel consumption. If you drive in an unsuitable
gear, the system will show a tip advising which gear you should
switch to. If you follow that suggestion or drive in more suitable
gears, your gear score will improve. If you do not change gear
according to the tip, your score will go down after some time.
This is illustrated by 5 grey stars next to the choice of gear icon.
An exception is when you lug up at a high torque. For example
this could be at the brow of a hill over which you drive without
changing down.


The system provides tips on changing gear. If you do not change gear, your score
goes down.

You get no driving score for the choice of gear if you drive with
Opticruise in the AUT position.
The system generally encourages you to drive at a low engine
speed. This means that the advice to change to a lower gear can
come fairly late, for example when on an uphill slope.

224 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Air suspension
The ELC system controls the vehicle level by checking and
controlling the air pressure in the bellows at the same time as
measuring the vehicle level. This ensures that the current vehicle
level is maintained regardless of the load on the axles. The ELC
system detects the vehicle level via electrical sensors which are
fitted onto the frame and connected to the appropriate axle via a
swivel arm. In addition, the ELC system controls the tag axle by
raising or lowering it as required.

Symbols in the instrument cluster

This symbol is displayed with the text "suspension


malfunction" when there is a fault on the ELC system.

Slow level control while driving

This function ensures that the vehicle level remains constant
regardless of the load on the axles. The vehicle level is
automatically controlled once a minute.

Slow level control only takes places when the
speed is more than 1 km/h.

20101006 225
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Fast level control while driving

When the vehicle is being driven very slowly or is completely
stationary, the vehicle level is automatically controlled once a
second. This function is intended to ensure that the vehicle
maintains its normal level during loading and unloading. Level
control operates automatically even when the standby function is

Fast level control only takes places when the
speed is less than 1 km/h.

Automatic level control when the power is

switched on
When the power is switched on, the vehicle returns to the level
it was at before the power was switched off.

Releasing the parking brake

The front parking brake is released automatically during rear
level control and during load transfer and tag axle lift, provided
that the vehicle is stationary and the power is switched off. This
is intended to facilitate level control and protect the frame.
The parking brake is applied again if any of the following occur:
• The speed is not 0.

226 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

• The Stop button on the operation unit is pressed.

• The operation unit is switched off.
• More than 4 seconds have passed since level control was

Optimal Traction
The Optimal Traction function is intended to distribute the
weight during loading so that it is optimised as far as possible for
the driving axle. This function allows the axle weight distribution
to vary according to the total bogie weight. The driving axle
takes all the increase in load up to the maximum driving axle
weight. After that all the load increase is placed on the tag axle up
to the maximum permissible bogie weight. This axle weight
distribution is maintained if the vehicle is overloaded.

Axle weight distribution

The axle weight distribution function ensures that the load
distribution between the driving axle and tag axle is always the

Alternative vehicle levels

The alternative vehicle level function is available in 2 different
• One level and emptying air from the air bellows.
• Two alternative levels.

20101006 227
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

You can change your preset version at a Scania workshop.

The maximum permitted speed for changing
vehicle levels is 30 km/h.

Use the switch to select one of two alternative vehicle levels.

The vehicle moves to its upper level in position 1 and to its
lower level in position 2. When the switch is set to its middle
position, the vehicle moves to its normal position.

This symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster


when the vehicle is not at normal drive level.

228 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Tag axle lift


Tag axle lift switch

Make sure that the wheels are pointing straight ahead in the
direction of travel when raising or lowering the tag axle.

Give a short press on the top part of the switch to raise the tag
axle. Give a short press on the bottom part of the switch to lower
the tag axle.

When the vehicle is loaded, the options for lifting the tag axle are

Load transfer
Load transfer is used to temporarily increase the pressure on the
driving axle, e.g. if additional traction is needed.

20101006 229
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Load transfer in accordance with EC97/27

The load transfer function only works if you are
driving at speeds of less than 30 km/h.

Remember to start the vehicle carefully after load
transfers of more than 13 tonnes. Otherwise, the
powertrain and rear axle may be damaged.

Press the upper part of the switch rapidly to carry out a load
transfer, which increases the load on the driving axle by 30%.
Press the bottom part of the switch rapidly to interrupt the load

This symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster


when load transfer is activated.

If you are driving a vehicle with tandem bogie, the bogie

differential lock must be engaged when you carry out a load

230 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

This symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster

when you cannot carry out a load transfer because the

bogie differential lock is not engaged.

Information about the load

distribution is displayed in the

instrument cluster.

The regulations for maximum permissible load transfer are

governed by legal requirements in each country.

Manual load transfer

Remember to start the vehicle carefully after load
transfers of more than 13 tonnes. Otherwise, the
powertrain and rear axle may be damaged.

On some markets you have the option to carry out load transfer
gradually up to a predefined limit.

20101006 231
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

The load transfer can be controlled via the switch as follows:

1. Press the switch into the upper position to start or
increase the load transfer.

2. Press the switch into the lower position to reduce the

load transfer.

3. When the switch is in the centre position, the set load

transfer is retained.

4. When the switch is kept depressed for a short while, less

than 2 seconds, in the lower position, load transfer is
switched off.

This symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster


when load transfer is activated.

If you are driving a vehicle with tandem bogie, the bogie

differential lock must be engaged when you carry out a load

This symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster

when you cannot carry out a load transfer because the

bogie differential lock is not engaged.

232 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Information about the load

distribution is displayed in the

instrument cluster.

The regulations for maximum permissible load transfer are

governed by legal requirements in each country.

Selectable front wheel drive

The vehicle is equipped with selectable front wheel drive.
Selectable front wheel drive gives you the option of influencing
the vehicle’s operating economy and traction.
Engage front wheel drive when you are driving:
• off made-up roads (off-road)
• on slippery surfaces
• on very steep gradients.
Drive without front wheel drive on a normal road surface. It
provides better operating economy and the truck is easier to
operate, especially at low speeds.

Engaging and disengaging front wheel drive

The appearance of the rotary control may vary slightly
depending on the number of differential locks.

20101006 233
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Rotary control for differential

locks and selectable front wheel

Engage the front wheel drive by turning the differential lock

rotary control and using the clutch as you would when changing
gear normally. If you have an automatic gearbox, you only need
to release the accelerator pedal when engaging it. You can
engage front wheel drive when the vehicle is moving, but not
when the wheels are spinning on the ground. Avoid engaging
front wheel drive at high speed or at high engine revs. It puts the
clutch and transmission under stress.

Displaying front wheel drive



Front wheel drive status:

1. Front wheel drive not engaged.

2. Engage front wheel drive.

3. Front wheel drive engaged.

234 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

4. Disengage front wheel drive.

5. Front wheel drive not engaged.

Symbol for front wheel drive engaged displayed in the


instrument cluster.

Disengage front wheel drive by turning the rotary control. The

clutch does not need to be used. Disengage front wheel drive
when it is not required.

Only engage front wheel drive when the wheels
have a good grip on the road surface. If the wheels
are skidding on the road surface, the truck must
be stationary before you engage front wheel drive.

The truck ABS system can automatically
disengage front wheel drive under certain
circumstances. If this happens, you can engage
front wheel drive again.

20101006 235
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

All-wheel drive
The vehicle is equipped with all-wheel drive. All-wheel drive
increases the traction of the vehicle by using the transfer box to
distribute the main gearbox torque to the front and rear axles.
The all-wheel drive system also controls several of the vehicle’s
differential locks.

The symbol is shown on the instrument cluster if a


fault occurs in the all-wheel-drive.

Differential lock on rear axle

The differential lock on the rear axle forces the right and left rear
wheels to rotate at the same speed to increase the traction.
Driving on good road surfaces with the differential lock
continually engaged increases fuel consumption and tyre wear
and can also shorten the service life of vehicle components.

The symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when


a differential lock is engaged.

236 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction


The steering of the vehicle is impaired when the

differential lock is engaged.

Engaging and disengaging the differential

The appearance of the rotary control may vary slightly
depending on the number of differential locks.

Rotary control for differential


locks and TC

You can engage and disengage the differential lock via the rotary
control while driving provided that no wheels are spinning. If
you engage the differential lock when the wheels are spinning,
there is a risk that the axle gear will be damaged. It can
sometimes take time for the differential lock to be engaged or

20101006 237
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Displaying differential lock status

Differential lock status:

1. Differential lock not engaged.

2. Engage differential lock.

3. Differential lock engaged.

4. Disengage differential lock.

5. Differential lock not engaged.

Differential lock on double-drive bogie

The differential lock on the double-drive bogie forces the front
and rear driving axles to rotate at the same speed. The
differential lock provides better traction without affecting the
steering of the vehicle.
Driving on good road surfaces with the differential lock
continually engaged increases fuel consumption and tyre wear
and can also shorten the service life of vehicle components.

238 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

The symbol lights up in the instrument cluster when a


differential lock is engaged.

The appearance of the rotary control may vary slightly

depending on the number of differential locks.

Rotary control for differential


locks and TC

The rotary control controls the differential lock between the

axles. You can engage and disengage the differential lock via the
rotary control provided that no wheels are spinning. It can
sometimes take time for the differential lock to be engaged or

Displaying differential lock status

20101006 239
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Differential lock status:

1. Differential lock not engaged.

2. Engage differential lock.

3. Differential lock engaged.

4. Disengage differential lock.

5. Differential lock not engaged.

Differential lock on front axle

The differential lock on the front axle forces the right and left
front wheels to rotate at the same speed to increase the traction.
Driving on good road surfaces with the differential lock
continually engaged increases fuel consumption and tyre wear
and can also shorten the service life of vehicle components.

The symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when


a differential lock is engaged.

Never engage or disengage a differential lock
when the wheels are spinning.

240 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Engaging and disengaging the differential

The appearance of the rotary control may vary slightly
depending on the number of differential locks.

Rotary control for differential



You can engage and disengage the differential lock via the rotary
control provided that no wheels are spinning. It can sometimes
take time for the differential lock to be engaged or disengaged.

Displaying differential lock status

Differential lock status:

1. Differential lock not engaged.

20101006 241
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

2. Engage differential lock.

3. Differential lock engaged.

4. Disengage differential lock.

5. Differential lock not engaged.

Differential lock in transfer box

The differential lock in the transfer box forces the front and rear
axles to rotate at the same speed to improve the traction.

The symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when


a differential lock is engaged.

Engaging and disengaging the differential

The appearance of the rotary control may vary slightly
depending on the number of differential locks.

242 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Rotary control for differential

You can engage and disengage the differential lock via the rotary
control while driving provided that no wheels are spinning. If
you engage the differential lock when the wheels are spinning,
there is a risk of it being damaged. The instrument cluster
indicates whether the differential lock is engaged or disengaged.

Displaying differential lock status

Differential lock status:

1. Differential lock not engaged.

2. Engage differential lock.

3. Differential lock engaged.

4. Disengage differential lock.

5. Differential lock not engaged.

20101006 243
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

If the vehicle is equipped with ABS, the differential lock in the

transfer box will be disengaged when the ABS system is
controlling braking. This is because the brake system needs to
measure the difference in speed between the front and rear axles.
When ABS control of the braking has finished and the wheels are
rotating at the same speed, the differential lock will be
automatically engaged again.

Low gear in transfer box

When low gear is activated, an additional gear ratio of 1.5:1 is

Risk of damage!
When the vehicle is used off-road, low gear
should be engaged in the transfer gearbox. This is
so as not to cause damage to the transfer gearbox.

Switch for low gear in transfer box

244 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Engaging and disengaging low gear

In order to engage and disengage low gear in the transfer box, the
following conditions must be met:
• The vehicle must be completely stationary.
• The normal gear lever must be in neutral.
• The clutch pedal must be depressed.
Engaging and disengaging low gear via the switch. The
instrument cluster indicates whether low gear is engaged or

Drive wheel disengagement

Drive wheel disengagement means that you can put the transfer
box into neutral during towing or when you are using a power
take-off on the transfer box.

Drive wheel disengagement switch

20101006 245
Cruise control, roadholding and traction


If the vehicle is without power or without
compressed air, the propeller shafts on both the
front and rear axle must be detached before
towing. This must be carried out when towing
with or without the front axle raised.

Avoid damage to the main gearbox and the transfer box when
towing by first taking the following action. If the transfer box is
equipped with a power take-off, take the following action before
activating the power take-off.
1. Switch on the ignition power.

2. Put the gear lever into neutral and the range switch into
its upper position, high range. If the vehicle is equipped
with an automatic gearbox, put the gear selector in
neutral position.

3. Activate the switch for drive wheel disengagement. The

instrument cluster indicates that the drive is disengaged.

246 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

As long as drive wheel disengagement is activated,
the main gearbox must also be in neutral.
Otherwise the transfer box will be damaged due
to a lack of lubrication. This does not apply to
special models which are equipped with a power
take-off and/or integrated oil pump.

The following is required in order to engage the drive:
• The vehicle must be stationary.
• The clutch pedal must be depressed. If the vehicle is
equipped with an automatic gearbox, the gearbox must be
in neutral.

• The switch must be deactivated.

The instrument cluster must indicate that the drive is engaged.

ESP activates the service brake on the relevant wheel, the brakes
on the trailer and/or reduces the engine torque. This will reduce
the risk of the vehicle skidding and overturning.

20101006 247
Cruise control, roadholding and traction


Avoid driving with ESP on heavily banked bends.

ESP regulation in this situation could render the
vehicle hazardous to traffic.
Drive carefully when you have a moving load or
when the load has a high centre of gravity.

ESP symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster.

ESP on your vehicle cannot be disengaged.

On some vehicles, ESP settings can be changed so that it can be

disengaged using the TC switch. Contact your Scania workshop.

ESP on your vehicle can be temporarily switched off by pressing

the TC symbol on the rotary control. ESP lights up white in the
instrument cluster. Refer to the TC section for more

248 Complete
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Rotary control for differential
locks and TC

Traction Control
Traction Control, TC, prevents wheel spin on the driving
wheels by reducing the engine torque and braking spinning
wheels. The more you accelerate, the more the wheels will spin.
TC also prevents the driving wheels from locking if you release
the accelerator pedal too rapidly. This is achieved by increasing
the engine torque when there is a tendency for the wheels to
Overall this provides the following benefits:
• Better stability with a reduced risk of skidding.
• Improved hill-climbing ability.
• Easier to drive off from a stationary position.
• Reduced wear on tyres and powertrain.
• Steering is not impaired as is the case when driving with
the differential lock engaged.

20101006 249
Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Rotary control for differential
locks and TC

TC is normally engaged. Give the TC symbol on the rotary

control a short press to change to the off-road position. TC then
controls wheel spin only by using the brakes, and engine torque
limitation during wheel spin is switched off. You can use off-road
mode when you are driving in mud, gravel or deep snow.

When the wheels are spinning, the ESP symbol in the

instrument cluster flashes.

If you press the TC symbol on the rotary control for at least 5

seconds, TC is switched off and the wheels can rotate at different
speeds in relation to the front axle. This can be used when
performing a roller brake test or when washing wheels. When
the vehicle speed exceeds 10 km/h or you give the switch a short
press, this function is switched off and TC is engaged.

The vehicle can wade through depths of up to 750 mm.

250 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Vehicle information instruments

Instrument cluster with display

Instrument cluster

1 2 3 2 4


9 8 5 7 5 6 5

1. Tachometer 5. Indicator lamps and warning lamps

2. Direction indicators 6. Fuel level gauge
3. General warning lamps and 7. Display
indicator lamps for main beam and 8. Coolant temperature gauge
front foglamps
9. Lamps for bodybuilders and
4. Speedometer coachbuilders

20101006 251
Vehicle information instruments

Instrument cluster

1 2 3 3 2 4

0l/100 120

9 8 5 7 5 6 5

1. Gauge for engine speed and fuel 5. Indicator lamps and warning lamps
consumption 6. Fuel level gauge
2. Direction indicators 7. Display
3. General warning lamps and 8. Coolant temperature gauge
indicator lamps for main beam and
9. Lamps for bodybuilders and
front foglamps
4. Gauge for speed and oil pressure

252 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

The tachometer displays engine speed in revolutions per
minute, rpm. The tachometer has four positions:
• White, around 500 rpm.
• Green, between 1,000 and 1,600 rpm. The lowest fuel
consumption and highest torque are obtained when the
engine speed falls within the green zone.

• Blue, above 2,000 rpm. The engine exhaust brake is

strongest here.

• Red, around 2,500 rpm. If the engine speed is in the red

zone, there is a risk of damage to the engine.

Select a gear that keeps the speed within the
green zone. This is where the engine operates
most efficiently.

It is not always possible, or appropriate, to drive within the green

zone. If you are driving the vehicle without any load, less engine
power is normally required and you can drive at a lower engine
speed. When driving with a heavy load or on steep hills, more
power is taken from the engine and you can maintain a higher
engine speed.

20101006 253
Vehicle information instruments

Fuel level gauge

The fuel level gauge displays the amount of fuel in the fuel tank.
Keep an eye on the fuel level gauge. You must bleed the fuel
system if the tank has been drained.

Coolant gauge
This gauge indicates the engine coolant temperature. Check the
coolant level when the gauge enters the red zone.

High coolant temperature

The coolant temperature has a broad operating range for XPI
engines. The coolant temperature gauge can go towards red
without entering the red zone. The means that the control unit
is controlling the temperature. In such a case, there is no risk of
engine damage. This is normal behaviour for XPI. As driver, you
do not need to take any action.

Direction indicator
The instrument cluster has 2 direction indicator symbols on the
right side of the road train and 2 direction indicator symbols on
the left side of the road train.

254 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

1. Symbol for vehicle direction indicator.

2. Symbol for trailer direction indicator.

The direction indicator symbol flashes and a ticking sound is

made when the direction indicators are flashing. The direction
indicator sound can be deactivated on some vehicles. The trailer
direction indicator symbols should only flash if a trailer is
connected to the vehicle.
When a direction indicator bulb is blown, the symbol for that
direction indicator does not flash when you use the direction
indicator lever. The direction indicator acoustic signal will
sound, but the direction indicator symbol will not flash.


1. Information from the gearbox and displaying the time.

2. Boxes for messages, warning text and menus.
2 3. Box for warning symbols.
4. Mileage, skid warning and outside temperature. The
3 skid warning is displayed when the exterior

4 temperature is around freezing point.

20101006 255
Vehicle information instruments

1. Information from the gearbox and displaying the time.

2. Programmable field. You can select what should be
2 displayed.
3. Boxes for messages, warning text and menus.
4. Box for warning symbols.
4 5. Mileage, skid warning and outside temperature. The
5 skid warning is displayed when the exterior

temperature is around freezing point.

1. Information from the gearbox and displaying the time.

2. Programmable field. You can select what should be
3. Boxes for messages, warning text and menus.
4. Box for warning symbols.
4 5. Programmable field. You can select what should be
5 displayed.

6 6. Mileage, skid warning and outside temperature. The

skid warning is displayed when the temperature is

around freezing point.

Displaying warnings
Warnings are displayed as a lit indicator lamp or as a symbol with
text in the display. If you press an INFO arrow, the fault message
disappears for a few seconds and then reappears. If several
messages have been generated which are equally important, the
fault message that was generated last is displayed. Press an INFO
arrow to display the next fault message for a few seconds. A press

256 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

on the optional INFO arrow acknowledges the fault message and

it disappears from the display.
The display shows different messages describing what is
happening in different systems. The equipment in the vehicle
determines what is displayed.

If the vehicle has a cruise control with Ecocruise, the E

in the illustration shows that Ecocruise is actively

influencing the vehicle speed.

Refer to the relevant section for more information about

indicator lamps, different messages and what action may be
appropriate. Also look at the contents at the beginning or the
subject index at the end of the manual.

Displaying and changing the time

The time is displayed on the top row of the display. Use the
button kit to change the clock.
• Give a long press on the clock button to activate the time
change function.

• Switch between hours and minutes with a short press on

the clock button.

• Change the time with a short press on the Plus or Minus


20101006 257
Vehicle information instruments

Button kit for display

1 2

1. Clock button
2. Zero button
3. Minus button

3 4 4. Plus button

Lighting in instrument panel

Headlamp knob turned to dipped


beam position.

Change the instrument lighting by first turning the headlamp

knob to the dipped beam position. Then use the Plus and Minus
buttons on the button kit to increase or reduce the instrument
lighting one step at a time. There are 10 steps in total. The
change affects the lighting of, for example, the switches,
tachograph and instrument cluster.

258 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Automatic dimming of the lighting in the

instrument panel when reversing
When you engage reverse gear, the lighting is automatically
dimmed (reduced) in the instrument panel. This function is
intended to improve visibility in the rear view mirrors. The
function can be adjusted or completely deactivated. On delivery,
dimming is set to level 3.
Proceed as follows to adjust or deactivate the function:
1. Scroll down using the INFO button in the menu

2. Continue scrolling down to personal settings, press the

right arrow.

3. Go to the Dimming when reversing menu.

4. Use the INFO button to adjust the function.

Select from among the following options:

• No dimming, function switched off.
• Dimming level 1, very low lighting.
• Dimming level 2, low lighting.
• Dimming level 3, slightly lower lighting than normal.

20101006 259
Vehicle information instruments

5. Use the right arrow of the INFO button to select the

level you require and then exit from the menu by
pressing the left arrow of the INFO button.

You can choose between three

different dimming levels as well
as completely deactivating the


INFO button

INFO button

260 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

INFO button. It may also be

located on the left-hand side of
the steering wheel, depending on

the vehicle equipment.

Use the INFO button to:

1. Activate the main menu

2. Navigate in the menu

3. Acknowledge warnings

Acknowledge warnings and fault messages

Warnings and fault messages are displayed in the main field.

Press the right arrow to acknowledge a warning or a fault
message. They will remain as a symbol in the warnings field. If
several messages have been generated which are equally
important, the last fault message that was generated is displayed.
Press the right arrow to display the next message. The relevant
section provides more information about warnings, fault
messages and any actions.

20101006 261
Vehicle information instruments

Menus in the display

Menu tree
The main menu shows with symbols how the menus are divided
up into different subjects. The number of pages on each branch
of the menu tree varies depending on the vehicle’s equipment.


1. Cruise control, trip computer, 2. Instantaneous data.

driving time information and Scania 3. Settings
driver support.
4. Vehicle information.

262 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Use the INFO button to scroll through the menus.

Use the INFO button to access and scroll through the menus. If
the screen saver is active, you can obtain the main menu by
pressing the INFO button in any direction.

Use the INFO button arrows as follows:

• In the main menu press the relevant arrow to access a


• Up or down arrow: scroll through the menus.

• Left arrow: go back one step.
• Right arrow: save and confirm a selection.

One press to the right saves and confirms your



Using a mobile phone via the display

The Radio Medium section explains how to use the display for
the handsfree operation of a mobile phone.

Adjust the display’s screen saver

You can adjust the display’s screen saver to three different

• Black, no display
• Scania logotype

20101006 263
Vehicle information instruments

• V8 logotype, if the vehicle has a V8 engine.

Proceed as follows to change the screen saver:
1. When stationary, activate the display start menu by
pressing the INFO button

2. Press down arrow.

3. Scroll down to personal settings.

4. Press right arrow.

5. Scroll down to screen saver.

6. Press right arrow.

7. Select alternative with up or down arrow.

8. Press right arrow to select, a dot is visible in the ring.

9. Press left arrow several times until you see the start

The trip computer on vehicles with gas engines does not have a
display for average fuel consumption, operating times, total fuel
consumption, fuel consumption for idling and use of the power

264 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Menu tree
Use the INFO button to show the display’s tree-like menu
structure. From the menus you can, among other things, read off
measurement values, monitor consumption and customise which
information you want to see in the display. The main menu
shows how the menus are divided up into different subjects. In
some vehicles there are several pages in each branch of the menu
The contents in the main menu are arranged as follows:
1. Cruise control, trip computer and driving time

2. Instantaneous data.

3. Settings, text based.

4. Vehicle information: cargo weights, tyre pressure

monitoring (TPM), differential locks and drive.

The menus are active when the power is activated. You can also
activate the menu without the key in the starter lock. In this case
the display shows: current time, temperature and date. You can
also scroll through the average fuel consumption, mileage and
voltage level display. The display goes out ten seconds after the
last press on the INFO button.

20101006 265
Vehicle information instruments

1. Cruise control, trip computer and driving time information

Here, you can set and read off the trip computer; see
current operating information and read driving time

information from the digital tachograph.

• Cruise control
• Downhill speed control
• Adaptive cruise control
Operating information. This is displayed on 3 different pages.
Note that resetting one of the pages affects all 3 pages.
• Total distance driven
• Average vehicle speed
• Average fuel consumption
• Resetting
Operating time
• Total driving time
• Total operating time spent idling
• Total operating time using power take-off
• Resetting
Fuel consumption
• Total

266 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

• Idling
• Power take-off
• Resetting
Driving time information
If the vehicle has a digital tachograph, information such as
driving time, activity in progress and accrued rest time is shown.
See driver’s manual section on: tachograph information in the
display for more information.

2. Instantaneous data

Here you can view information about current


consumption and current levels.

• Brake pressure
• Fuel consumption
• Charging pressure, (trucks only)
• Charging voltage. This may vary if the vehicle is fitted
with the adapted battery charging function

• Oil pressure in engine

• AdBlue level
• Oil temperature in the gearbox

20101006 267
Vehicle information instruments

Information about brake pressure

Brake pressure is normally over 10 bar, but this can vary

The pressure may rise:
• When the outside temperature falls to 0°C to ensure that
the bottom valve will be kept ice-free.

• When engine braking, e.g. on a downhill slope.

• When the air suspension for the rear axle is activated by
the air suspension operation unit.

The pressure may drop:

• After high air consumption. The pressure stops at 9 bar to
reset the APS. The pressure returns to a normal value
when the system has been reset. Refer to the section on
the APS for more information.

At brake pressures below 5.5 bar the brake pressure lamp will
start flashing and an acoustic signal will sound.

Stop the vehicle immediately when the brake
pressure lamp flashes and locate the cause of the
pressure drop.

268 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

3. Settings


Settings are text based.

Settings contains a text-based menu with 2 different display

modes: 1. when driving 2. when stationary.
1. When driving, these menus are displayed:
• Warnings
• Settings for programmable fields. Does not apply to all
instrument models.

2. When stationary, these menus are displayed:

• Start-up check
• Warnings
• Settings for programmable fields.
• Trip information
• Personal settings
• Vehicle settings
• Vehicle data

20101006 269
Vehicle information instruments

• All warnings that are still active are displayed here. They
disappear when the power is switched off.

Settings for programmable fields

• In the programmable fields, you can choose what you
want to view. The equipment level of the vehicle
determines which choices are available. Programmable
fields are not found in all instrument cluster models.

Start-up check
• You can check the status of different systems: oil level in
engine, AdBlue level, clutch discs, brake linings, tyre
pressure monitoring, oil level in gearbox and inspection
information. The systems displayed depend on the
vehicle’s equipment. More information about the start-up
check is provided after this section.

Trip meter
• You can store several different trips in the trip meters,
which are called trip 2 and trip 3. Trip 1 is in the speed
check and trip computer branch of the menu. You can
reset trip information for trip 2 here, but you must enter a
PIN code for trip 3. This is a 4 digit code which is 0000
when the vehicle is new. Enter a new code to save
information about trips that you want to store for a long

Personal settings

270 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Select from the following:

• Language. You can change the language of the text shown
in the display

• Change units. You can change the unit for: distance, fuel
consumption, volume, pressure and temperature. The
change also affects how the heating system’s temperature
unit is displayed.

• Instrument contrast. Does not apply to all versions of the

instrument cluster.

• Screen saver.
• Set clock
• Economy zone, the green zone on the tachometer. There
are two different types of settings. 1. Non-dynamic;
tachometer LEDs are constantly on. 2. Dynamic: LEDs
light when the engine speed is outside the best engine
speed range. The LEDs show the best engine speed at
that time.

• Inspection information.
Vehicle settings
You can:
• Adjust the axle load value display which is shown in the
vehicle branch of the menu and reset it to the value on

20101006 271
Vehicle information instruments

• Calibrate tyre pressure, TPM. Always use the tyre

manufacturer’s recommendations.

Vehicle data
You can view and examine:
• Total engine operating hours.
• The vehicle’s VIN, Vehicle Identification Number
• Fault codes via IVD. Refer to the section entitled IVD for
detailed information.

4. Vehicle information

The vehicle information menu can be used to view cargo

weights, status of the differential locks and tyre pressures. Which
functions are shown depends on the vehicle’s equipment.
Differential locks and all-wheel drive
• The differential locks that are engaged and the drive on
different driving axles are displayed.

Tyre pressure monitoring, TPM

• You can view the tyre pressure compared to the reference
value. For more information about tyre pressure
monitoring, refer to the section in the driver’s manual.

Displaying vehicle weights

• The information shown depends on the vehicle’s
equipment. Driver’s manuals published after May 2009
contain detailed information about the function below.

272 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Details of the start-up check

You can check the following systems if they are fitted in the
vehicle. Start-up check is found in the settings menu.
Oil level display
Quantity of AdBlue in AdBlue tank.
Clutch disc, thickness in %.
The thickness of the brake linings for each wheel, if the vehicle
is fitted with EBS.
Brake lining
Clutch wear, indicated in 100-0%.
Tyre pressure TPM
Oil level in gearbox
Inspection indicator
If the vehicle is approaching the set mileage for inspection, the
remaining distance until the next inspection is displayed at start-
up. The information is displayed for 5 seconds or until switched
off using the INFO button. The information shows the text
"Inspection in X km". When the set distance to the next
inspection has been passed, a negative distance is displayed.
You can switch off this information display in the menu. Stop the
vehicle, activate the main menu and select the Settings menu.
Scroll to Instruments and then select Inspection. You can
activate or deactivate the function here. When the function is
deactivated, it is not displayed at start-up.

20101006 273
Vehicle information instruments

It is still possible to see the remaining distance until the next

inspection when the function is inactive. The vehicle must be
stationary. Select Settings and scroll to Start-up check. Then
scroll to Inspection indicator, which shows the distance
remaining until the next inspection.
The function is automatically activated again when the vehicle
has been serviced at a Scania workshop.

Displaying vehicle weights

You obtain the display by using the INFO button and browsing
in the vehicle information menu.

Step through the vehicle information menu to see the


vehicle’s weights.

The vehicle weights display shows you a snapshot of the vehicle’s

axle weight, cargo weight and gross laden weight. The gross
laden weight is the vehicle’s weight at a specific moment.
• The axle weight is shown for those axles that have air

• Cargo weight and gross laden weight are only shown for
vehicles with air suspension on all axles. The exception is
a 4X2 tractor with leaf spring suspension at the front and
air suspension at the rear. In those cases, the cargo weight
can be shown if the trailer has axle weight display.

274 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Displaying trailer weights

To get a complete display for different types of trailers, the

tractor must have EBS.

Resetting and calibrating cargo weight

Reset the cargo weight with the vehicle unladen to see how
much a new load weighs. You can also reset the cargo weight to
see how much a number of new items weigh when adding them
to an existing load. Reset before you load, but note that in this
situation you can only see the weight of the new cargo. The
display of the other weights is not affected by resetting.
The Settings menu contains the option Axle weight calibration.
Use this to calibrate the axle weight with an unladen vehicle on a
vehicle weighbridge. Calibration can give more exact values as
the air bellows can become stretched over time.

Examples of vehicle weights display

Illustration A shows a complete display of all weights.

Illustration B shows a tractor without display of gross laden
weight and axle weight on the front axle.

1. Cargo weight
2. Axle weight
3. Gross laden weight

4. Resetting the cargo weight

20101006 275
Vehicle information instruments

The gross laden weight gives the vehicle’s weight
at a specific time and can therefore be different
from time to time. The gross laden weight must
not be higher than the gross vehicle weight for
which the vehicle is designed and the vehicle
weight that the current road can carry. The gross
vehicle weight is stated in the vehicle registration

Note the following:

• For trailers, one weight is shown for the axles even if
there are several axles. The value refers to the combined
axle weight of all the axles.

• A lifted tag axle always gets a value of 0 kg.

• The axle weight can only be shown for those axles that
have air suspension.

Indicator lamps and symbols

The red or yellow warning lamp lights up if there is a fault on
the vehicle. Texts and symbols in the display or indicator lamps
in the instrument cluster indicate the fault that has occurred.

276 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

A red warning is displayed. The warning lights up red


even when it has been acknowledged.

A yellow warning is displayed. The warning lights up


yellow even when it has been acknowledged.

The following three levels of information may be displayed in

the instrument cluster:
• Red

Red means a risk of serious injuries or death, or damage to the

vehicle or other property. You must take appropriate action

• Yellow

Yellow means that something on the vehicle is in a critical state

which risks damaging the vehicle. Rectify the fault as quickly as
possible. Yellow information can also mean that an active
function requires extra attention.

• White

20101006 277
Vehicle information instruments

White, blue and green show information from a function that is

operating normally.

Read what the information means in the relevant section of the

Driver’s Manual.
Some symbols are displayed along with an acoustic signal. The
acoustic signal only sounds when the engine is running.

Lights up blue

Main beam is on.


Lights up yellow

The rear foglight is switched


Lights up yellow

Main or dipped beam fault.


Lights up yellow with acoustic


The dipped beam rotary

control is switched on but the
power is switched off.

278 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up red

Fault in the charging circuit.

Lights up yellow

Aftertreatment system

Do not switch off the battery

master switch.

Lights up red

Gas leakage.

Refer to the section Vehicle

gas and safety in the
Emergencies chapter.

Lights up white

Low air pressure in tyres.


Lights up yellow

Tyre pressure low or too


20101006 279
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up white

Inspection should be carried

Lights up white

Low washer fluid level.


Lights up red, with or without

acoustic signal

The driver’s safety belt is not


Lights up yellow

The belt pretensioner and

airbag have been triggered.

System fault.

Lights up yellow

The tool hatch is open.


280 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

Immobiliser fault.


Lights up red

The instrument cluster has

no contact with the control

units with which it should be


Lights up yellow

T Tachograph fault.

No card or paper in the



Lights up yellow

VIS Internal control system fault.


Current consumption
exceeds a certain level.

Relay fault.

Fault in the battery master

switch rotary control

20101006 281
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

The coordinator has not been


Lights up red

Incorrect data or no data

from other control units.

Coordinator fault or a fault

affecting the coordinator.

282 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up red

The parking brake is applied.

Flashes red with an acoustic

The parking brake is not

applied when:

the power is switched off.

the power is on and the door

is opened.

Lights up red while driving

The pressure in the parking

brake has fallen below a
certain level and it is starting
to be applied. Stop the
vehicle as soon as possible.

20101006 283
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up red

Vehicle EBS fault.

Low brake pressure in
parking and trailer brake

Stop the vehicle as soon as


284 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up red with an acoustic


The brake pressure is too low

which means the braking
performance may be
considerably impaired.

Stop the vehicle as soon as


Lights up yellow

Fault which affects the brake

system. The vehicle has full
braking power, but not full
EBS functionality.

The brake discs are too


APS fault.

High air consumption.

20101006 285
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up white

High air consumption.

Lights up yellow

Excessive air consumption.

May also be an APS fault.

Check for any leaks over the

entire vehicle combination.

Lights up white while a yellow

or red brake warning is


Stop the vehicle and check

the brake. See the section on

Lights up yellow

The brake linings are worn.

Brake lining sensor fault.


Lights up green

The retarder is activated.


286 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

Retarder fault; no retarder

braking available.

Lights up yellow

High oil temperature in



Lights up yellow

Vehicle ABS fault.

Wheel hub abnormally hot.


Lights up yellow

Fault on the trailer ABS if the


symbol lights up at speeds

over 10 km/h.

Lights up white

There is no ABS on the


trailer attached to the vehicle.

20101006 287
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up red

Low brake pressure in the

trailer brake system.

Stop the vehicle as soon as


Lights up white

The trailer brake has been

applied via the switch.

Lights up white

Hill hold will be released


288 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

Oil pressure in engine is

below 1 bar.

Lights red while driving

Insufficient oil pressure

which will quickly damage
the vehicle. Stop
immediately, switch off the
engine and check the oil

Lights up yellow

The engine oil level is too

high or too low.

Lights up red

The engine oil level is too


Lights up white

Engine power is limited.


20101006 289
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

Engine fault.

Battery master switch
switched off:

less than 90 seconds after you

switched off the power on a
vehicle with SCR catalytic

before power switched off

more than 10 times in

Lights up red

Serious engine fault.

290 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Flashes yellow

Risk that the level of

contaminants in the exhaust
gases emitted by the vehicle
will be too high.

Lights up yellow

Risk that the level of

contaminants in the exhaust
gases emitted by the vehicle
will be too high. In some
cases the engine output is
limited and in some cases the
vehicle speed is also limited.

Pay attention to messages in

the instrument cluster
display. See the section
Checking nitrogen oxides in
the Environment chapter.

Lights up yellow

Low coolant level in the

expansion tank.

20101006 291
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up red

The coolant temperature is

too high.

Lights up yellow

The starter motor has



Lights up yellow

The engine is not obtaining


enough air for optimum

operation under the current
conditions. Read more in the
section Engine air cleaner.

292 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up white

The particulate filter is
starting to become full.

Lights up yellow

The particulate filter is full.

Read more in the section
Regeneration of the
particulate filter.

Lights up red

The particulate filter is

excessively full and engine
torque is limited. See the
section Regeneration of the
particulate filter in the Fuel
and lubricants chapter.

20101006 293
Vehicle information instruments

Flashes yellow

Risk that the level of

contaminants in the exhaust
gases emitted by the vehicle
will be too high.

Lights up yellow

Risk that the level of

contaminants in the exhaust
gases emitted by the vehicle
will be too high. In some
cases the engine output is
reduced by 40%.

See the section Checking

nitrogen oxides in the
Environment chapter.

294 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

Low level of AdBlue in the

AdBlue tank or fault on SCR

Risk that the level of

contaminants in the exhaust
gases emitted by the vehicle
will be too high. In some
cases the engine output is
limited and in some cases the
vehicle speed is also limited.

Pay attention to messages in

the instrument cluster
display. See the AdBlue
section in the Fuel and
lubricants chapter.

Lights up yellow

The temperature of the


exhaust gases is above 350°C

Lights up yellow

Low level of AdBlue in the

AdBlue tank.

20101006 295
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

The engine shutdown button

on the bodywork is activated.

Lights up yellow

Low fluid level in clutch.


Lights up yellow at start-up

The clutch has been exposed

to unnecessary wear.

Lights up yellow while driving

Unintended clutch slippage.

The engine power is

temporarily reduced for some
engine types.

296 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up white

Information about the


Lights up yellow

Gearbox fault.

Lights up yellow

High oil temperature in


Lights up yellow

Oil level in gearbox with

torque converter low.

Lights up red

Oil level in gearbox with

torque converter too low.

20101006 297
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up white

Oil temperature in torque

converter above 120°C. The
current temperature is

Lights up red

Oil temperature in torque

converter above 150°C. The
current temperature is

Lights up yellow

Torque converter fault


298 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

Adaptive cruise control is not


Lights up white with an acoustic


Adaptive cruise control has

been switched off

Lights up green

Vehicle detected ahead.


Lights up yellow

The sensor is blocked.

Lights up red with an acoustic


Brake, the braking force of

the adaptive cruise control is

Lights up yellow

Collision warning function


20101006 299
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

The lane departure warning,

LDW, is not working.

Lights up white

Downhill speed control



Lights up white

Reduced ESP functionality.

Flashes yellow

ESP or TC is active.

The trailer’s ESP is active.

Lights up yellow

ESP or TC fault; completely

or partially switched off.

300 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

TC off-road activated or TC
allows the wheels to rotate at
different speeds during roller
brake testing mode or when
washing wheels.

Lights up white

Front wheel drive engaged or


Lights up yellow

All-wheel drive fault.


Lights up yellow

Differential lock is engaged.


Lights up white

Low gear engaged in the

transfer box.

20101006 301
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

The vehicle is not at normal

drive level.

Vehicle level 1 or vehicle

level 2 is activated.

Lights up yellow

Fault in the air suspension



Lights up yellow

Load transfer is activated.


Lights up yellow

Load transfer is not available;

the bogie axle differential is
not engaged. Only on

vehicles with tandem drive.

Lights up yellow

Load transfer, trailer.


302 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

The tag axle on the tractor is


Lights up yellow

The tag axle on the trailer is



Lights up yellow

Kg The tag axle lift cannot be

used; it may cause the driving
axle to be overloaded.

Lights up yellow

A power take-off is engaged.


Lights up yellow

Fault in steering circuits 1


and 2, both flow and


20101006 303
Vehicle information instruments

Lights up yellow

Fault in steering circuit 1.

Steering circuit 2 is activated

Lights up yellow

Fault in steering circuit 2.


Lights up yellow

Steered tag axle fault.


Tachograph information in the display

The display can be used to view current information from the
tachograph. Use the INFO button - press up and scroll in the
menu for trip computer information, operating information and
information from the digital tachograph.

304 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

1 2 3

05:00 h 1. Driver card in the tachograph
2. Activity in progress
00:15 h
3. Time used for activity in progress
06:00 h 804eda43

4. Accrued rest time

5 4 5. Total work time today

What is shown varies depending on the type of tachograph in the


Bodywork symbols
The instrument cluster display shows symbols and text to
provide information on the vehicle bodywork. The information
shown depends on which bodywork the vehicle has.
The following three levels of information may be displayed in
the instrument cluster:
• Red

Red means a risk of serious injuries or death, or damage to the

vehicle or other property. You must take appropriate action

• Yellow

20101006 305
Vehicle information instruments

Yellow means that something on the vehicle is in a critical state

which risks damaging the vehicle. Rectify the fault as quickly as
possible. Yellow information can also mean that an active
function requires extra attention.

• White

White, blue and green show information from a function that is

operating normally.

Read what the information means in the relevant section of the

Driver’s Manual.
Some symbols are displayed along with an acoustic signal. The
acoustic signal only sounds when the engine is running.

Lights up red

Towing device unlocked


Bodywork unlocked

Fifth wheel unlocked


306 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Crane extended

Supporting legs unlocked

The platform is not in the

normal position.

Tail lift lowered


Lights up yellow

Bodywork warning

Truck tipper body raised


20101006 307
Vehicle information instruments

Trailer tipper body raised

Under-run protection raised

Under-run protection

Truck tailboard spreader


Trailer tailboard spreader


Box body open/unlocked


Box body raised


308 Complete
Vehicle information instruments


Maximum trailer angle

Sensor error, foot plate


Demountable body unlocked


Platform cover open


Bodywork temperature
outside threshold values

Tag axle trailer locked


20101006 309
Vehicle information instruments

Tag axle trailer raised


Lights up white

Bogie drive roller active


Plough floating

Sand spreader active


Sand spreader active


Towing device locked


310 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Platform locked

Bodywork locked

Fifth wheel locked


Winch active

Bodywork filled

Mixer active

Functions can be controlled

from the outside of the


20101006 311
Vehicle information instruments

Working lamp active

Message received

The symbol has three

different meanings:

Vehicle speed limitation

Engine speed limitation

Engine torque limitation

Display of temperature in cargo area

Depending on the equipment, some vehicles have temperature
sensors in the bodywork. In the instrument cluster display, you
can view the temperature in the bodywork box with cooling
system. You obtain the display by using the INFO button and
browsing in the vehicle information menu.

312 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

805f885e Use the INFO button to browse in the vehicle

information menu.

Temperature can be displayed for boxes on trucks and/or trailers

with one or two sensors in each box. The temperature is
indicated in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
The picture below shows an example of how the display can look.

The numbers in brackets are the

set temperature for the
refrigerating unit. The numbers in
the centre part indicate the
actual temperature. The numbers
in circles are the different


Checking engine oil level

The engine oil level is only shown correctly if all the oil is in the
oil sump. It is therefore best to read the oil level in the display
before driving off.

20101006 313
Vehicle information instruments

The vehicle should be on a level surface to
display the oil level correctly.
The warning symbol for high or low oil level
only comes on during start-up, not during
If there is a fault on the oil level sensor, a fault
message, Sensor faulty, is shown in the display.

View the oil level in the display:

• Turn the starter key to the drive position.
• Press the INFO button to select the Settings menu and
the Start-up check.

• Oil level is indicated as a horizontal bar.

The current oil level is shown in the display after the power has
been switched on until the vehicle reaches max 10 km/h.

View the oil level with the engine just

switched off
If the engine has been running, the oil needs time to drain into
the sump before a new value can be shown in the display. The
waiting time is shown in the display with the message "Wait".
The waiting time depends on the temperature of the engine
when it was switched off. If the waiting time is more than 12

314 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

minutes, the display shows "Wait > 12 min". In some cases, it

may take several hours. It depends, for example, on whether the
engine was started cold, was run for a short time and did not
reach normal operating temperature.

View the oil level with the engine running

You cannot read the oil level if you have driven the vehicle faster
than 10 km/h and stood stationary with the engine running. If
you try to get a reading, "No reading available" is shown in the
display. Switch off the engine and wait until the oil has drained
into the sump.

Checking gearbox oil

Display gearbox oil temperature

1. Press the Info button to display Instantaneous data in
the display.

2. Press the INFO button until the gearbox oil

temperature is displayed.

The normal operating temperature for the gearbox is 60-104°C.

Display gearbox oil temperature

Conditions for displaying the oil level correctly:
• The vehicle must be on level ground.
• The drive mode selector must be in position N.

20101006 315
Vehicle information instruments

The oil level is only displayed when the vehicle is
completely stationary and the gearbox has
reached its normal operating temperature.

1. Start the engine and run it at idling speed.

2. Press the INFO button to show Settings in the display.

3. Select Start-up check in the menu.

4. Press the INFO button until the gearbox oil

temperature is displayed. If the oil level is normal, the
text Oil level OK is displayed.

5. If the text displays Gearbox oil level: temp. low, warm up

the gearbox to normal operating temperature. Refer to
the section Checking the oil temperature for more

If the text displays "Gearbox oil level: level low"
or "Gearbox oil level: level high", please contact
your Scania workshop.

316 Complete
Vehicle information instruments


Information about the vehicle systems is displayed in IVD, In
Vehicle Diagnostics,. You can read fault codes and filter out old
fault codes. The vehicle’s internal time data, which is set at the
factory, is used in the IVD. You cannot change the time data,
even if it does not match your local time.
You can access the IVD through the Settings menu when the
vehicle is stationary.
1. Press the INFO button to select Settings.

2. Select Vehicle data and then Diagnos IVD. You can

choose between different submenus.

• Systems. You should select the system that you would like
to investigate here. Then there are two options: 1. Read
fault codes. 2. Read ECU information. The following
section contains more information.

• Clear fault codes. Here you can choose between "Clear

fault codes" and "Reset fault codes". You can hide the
fault codes that have been generated up to the present
time. Only the workshop can delete the fault codes.

20101006 317
Vehicle information instruments

• Self-test. The test checks whether the indicator lamps

and other information are displayed correctly in the
instrument cluster. During the test, the gauge needles will
move, the display will show different patterns and the
warning sound will be heard for a few seconds.

Read fault codes.

You can only read fault codes when the vehicle is stationary.
Select the Settings menu and then scroll through to Vehicle data.
Select the system for which you want to view fault codes.
One of the following messages will be displayed:
1. No DTCs, Diagnostic Trouble Code is displayed when
no fault codes have been generated for the system you

2. If up to 24 fault codes have been generated, they will be

shown in chronological order; otherwise they will be
displayed unsorted. If more than 80 fault codes have
been generated for the same system, TO MANY DTCs.
is displayed.

The following systems must be switched on in
order to view their fault codes: ATA, WTA, AUS
and CTS.

318 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

1 2 3

768 2


07.53 8047ce77

Fault codes

1. A symbol, a solid circle, indicates that the fault code was

active when it was retrieved from the control unit.
Usually, this means that the cause of the fault is still

2. Fault code number.

3. The number of times a fault with the specified fault code

number has occurred.

Sometimes you cannot see how many times the fault has
occurred. You cannot see the number if:
• Old fault codes have been hidden
• If between 25 and 80 fault codes have been generated.
Read ECU information

ECU information comprises messages from the electronic

control systems in the vehicle. In the Read ECU information
menu, you can view:

20101006 319
Vehicle information instruments

• Part number of the system that generated the fault code.

• Name of the control system that generated the fault code.
To obtain more information about fault codes and what to do,
contact a Scania workshop.

Electronic control systems

The following systems can generate fault codes and are
supported by the IVD:

Abbreviation System

ACC Automatic climate control


ACS Articulation control system

for articulated bus

APS Air processing system

(compressed air supply)

ATA Auxiliary heater, air to air

AUS Audio system

AWD All-wheel drive

BCS Bus chassis system

BMS Brake management system

320 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Abbreviation System

BWS Bodywork system

COO Coordinator

CSS Crash safety system

CTS Clock and timer system

DIS Radar system for AICC

(distance sensor)

EMS Engine management system

GMS Gearbox management system

ICL Instrument cluster

LAS Lock and alarm system

LDW Lane departure warning

RET Retarder

RTI Fleet management system

RTC C 200

SMS Suspension management


SMA Suspension management

system in articulated buses

20101006 321
Vehicle information instruments

Abbreviation System

TCO Tachograph

TPM Tyre pressure monitoring

VIS Visibility system

WTA Auxiliary heater, water to air

Tyre pressure monitoring

Tyre pressure monitoring does not replace daily
checks. Manual checking of the tyres should be
carried out daily even on vehicles equipped with
tyre pressure monitoring.

TPM, Tyre Pressure Monitoring, monitors the pressure in each

tyre and displays the information in the instrument cluster. TPM
can only monitor tyre pressure. It cannot change the actual
pressure in the tyres.

322 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Warnings are displayed on the basis of the
reference pressure that has been set. You can
change the reference pressure for each axle and
adjust the values to the vehicle usage.

Warning of incorrect tyre pressure.

• A white warning is displayed when the tyre pressure is so

much lower than the reference pressure that tyre wear
and fuel economy are affected.

• A yellow warning is displayed if there is extremely low air

tyre pressure, i.e. when it is significantly lower than the
reference pressure. To reduce the risk of a puncture, you
should increase the tyre pressure.

• A yellow warning is displayed when the tyre pressure is

significantly higher than the reference pressure.

• A yellow warning is also displayed if air is leaking from

the tyres for a long period of time.

The tyres that are affected by a warning are shown when the
figure displaying the tyre pressure starts to flash.

20101006 323
Vehicle information instruments


Tyre with incorrect pressure, digits flash.

The pressure sensors are fitted on the rims and
the control unit which is fitted on the frame must
not be coated with paint. Paint can interfere with
the wireless communication.

View tyre pressure

Use the INFO button to navigate the display menu.
1. Select vehicle information by pressing the left arrow
from the main menu.

2. Scroll to tyre pressure with the down arrow.

Pressure is shown for all tyres on


the vehicle.

324 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

-.- A line is displayed: A signal has previously been

received from the tyre pressure sensor but there is
-.- 805254f7
currently no contact.

Blank: No signal has been received from the tyre

pressure sensor since the power was last switched on

with the battery master switch.

When the vehicle is stationary, it is possible that the signals from

some tyres are not reaching the control unit. Communication
works best when the vehicle is moving and the wheels are
rotating. If the battery master switch has been switched off, or if
the power was disconnected for some other reason, it may take
up to 20 minutes before all tyre pressures are displayed again.

View trailer tyre pressures

If the trailer is equipped with TPM, you can view the tyre
pressures of the trailer. View the tyre pressures of the tractor in
the same way.

Displaying trailer tyre pressures

20101006 325
Vehicle information instruments

Setting reference pressure

Enter the reference pressure for the pairs of wheels on each axle.
The setting can only be changed when the vehicle is stationary.
Refer to the section on tyre pressures for information about the
recommended tyre pressures.
Use the INFO button to navigate in the menu.
1. Select settings, tool menu by pressing the down arrow.

2. Scroll to vehicle settings and press the right arrow.

3. Select TPM, reference pressure and press the right


4. Reference pressure can now be set. Press the up arrow to

increase or the down arrow to decrease the value.

• Setting starts with the front axle.

• Press the right arrow to set the value for tyres on the next

• The set value is saved when you switch to the next axle or

5. Exit by pressing the left arrow. Setting is also ended

once you have changed or checked the value of all axles.

After changing reference pressure, it may take 5-10 seconds

before the new value appears.

326 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

The tachograph records the speed, distance travelled and driving

The fuse for the alarm and tachograph is located
in the battery box.

20101006 327
Vehicle information instruments

7 6 5

1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 4

1. Button to open the box. 7. Date

2. Button to select one of the time 8. Time group for Driver 1.
groups for Driver 1. 9. The graph chart is inserted for
3. Button to select one of the time Driver 1.
groups for Driver 2. 10.Odometer
4. Button to set the clock and display 11.Fault symbol
any fault codes.
12.The graph chart is inserted for
5. Buttons to set the clock and browse Driver 2.
through the fault codes.
13.Time group for Driver 2.
6. Clock

The same type of graph charts as in the conventional analogue

tachograph should be used. The tachograph has space for two
graph charts, one for driver 1 and one for driver 2.

328 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Do not switch off the power whilst the process
for opening the graph chart cover is in progress.
Activated cover opening is indicated via a process
symbol in the display. If the power is switched off
the cover does not lock correctly when it is closed

If the power is still switched off for some reason, proceed as

1. Turn the power back on and wait until the tachograph
has completed the cover opening process (the display
has returned to its normal setting).

2. Press in the cover so that it is locked in the closed


3. Switch off the power again.

The tachograph is located in the roof shelf.

Time groups

20101006 329
Vehicle information instruments

This knob position registers the entire driving time. The

tachograph automatically switches over to driving time when the
vehicle is in motion.

This knob position registers passive working time, such as

loading, unloading, waiting time, etc.

This knob position registers breaks and rest periods


This knob position registers all other working time. This time
group is used only on some markets.

Setting the clock

The clock can only be set if the vehicle is stationary.
1. Press M.

330 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

2. Press plus or minus. The minute digits start to flash and

you can set the minutes.

3. Set the hours by pressing M. The date is automatically

changed if the time 24:00 is passed.

4. Confirm the setting by keeping M depressed for more

than 2 seconds. The main menu is then displayed again.

The time setting for the graph chart holder is
automatically updated if the box is empty. If you
have set the clock with the graph chart inserted,
you can remove the graph charts and close the
box. The time will then be automatically updated
and you can put the graph charts back again.

Fault messages
This symbol is displayed in the instrument cluster when a fault
has occurred in the tachograph:


20101006 331
Vehicle information instruments

Fault messages are automatically displayed in the tachograph

display. The fault codes are displayed when you press the M
button twice:

Fault message Fault Action


9053 Remove the

graph charts

and close the

box. Then put
the graph
charts back

9064 Check that the

graph charts

have been
correctly and
that they are
not damaged.

9060 Open and close

the box once.

332 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Fault message Fault Action


A050 Stop the

vehicle and

insert a graph
chart for
Driver 1.

9051 Insert the

graph charts.

9052 9051 applies to

Driver 1 and
9052 applies to
Driver 2.

Digital tachograph
The tachograph is designed according to EU guidelines. It
displays and saves information about how the vehicle has been
driven and how the driver’s working time has been spent. It has
an internal clock which registers time in UTC, Universal Time
Coordinated, which corresponds to Greenwich Mean Time.
The tachograph stores the following information:
• the driver’s activities
• events and fault messages
• speed during the previous 24 hours’ driving

20101006 333
Vehicle information instruments

• distance travelled.
The tachograph has a memory that saves data from approx. 1
years’ driving. The memory becomes full earlier if the driving
generates many events that are stored in the memory.
The tachograph is checked when it is installed and whenever it is
calibrated. The tachograph can be checked by a person in
authority when driving on a public road.

Complete manual

This manual is a summary of the manufacturer’s complete

manual. The Driver’s Manual folder contains a manufacturer’s
printed quick guide and the complete manual on CD.
The complete manual can also be downloaded from

334 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

1. Display. 7. OK, confirm and acknowledge
2. Printer. warnings.

3. Card slot for first driver’s 8. Open the first driver’s card holder,
tachograph card. press for 3 seconds. Change activity,
short press.
4. Cancel: a process, go back a step,
return to previous menu display. 9. Open the second driver’s card
holder, press for 3 seconds. Change
5. Up arrow.
activity, short press.
6. Down arrow.
10.Card slot for second driver’s
tachograph card.

Menu tree
The display’s menus are divided according to subject and
function. Use the arrow keys (5, 6) to browse, the OK button (7)
to select or confirm and cancel (4) to go back a step in the menu
tree. The picture below shows the main menus and the selections
you can make under each branch in the menu tree.

20101006 335
Vehicle information instruments

Tachograph menu tree.

The different views of the display

When the vehicle is moving, the tachograph’s standard view is
shown in the display. It provides information about activity,
breaks and time.

The display’s standard view while



336 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

The display’s standard view:

1. The first driver’s current activity and how long it has

2. Total break time the latest driving period.

3. The second driver’s current activity and how long it has


4. Current time.

The display can show the following views while driving. Use up
and down arrows to switch between views.
1. Standard view: activity, break and time.

2. Overview for the first driver’s activities.

3. Overview for the second driver’s activities.

4. Local time, UTC time, date and year.

5. Speed, distance and information about the inserted card.

Driver card

You can only insert and remove the card when
the vehicle is stationary.

20101006 337
Vehicle information instruments

The driver card is a plastic card with a microchip which stores

information about the driver’s work. The card has a memory
which will store data for approx. 28 days driving.
The following is stored on the driver card:
• vehicles driven
• times of insertion and removal
• driver status
• activities
• location where driving begins and ends
• odometer reading
• events and fault messages
• identity and inspection date.
Handle the card with care. Avoid bending it and make sure that
it is kept clean. If necessary, clean the card with a soft clean cloth.
Before you start your journey, insert your card into the left card
holder in the tachograph. Insert the card with the chip upwards.
If you have carried out any other work during the working shifts
after your last journey, you must first enter this manually. Also
enter information about the journey you are about to start.
When you leave the vehicle you must take the driver card with
you, even during workshop visits. The driver card is a document
of value.

338 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Read the manufacturer’s manual or quick guide for detailed


Change activity manually

The activities are: driving, available, other work and break. The
tachograph switches automatically to the activity driving when
the vehicle begins to move. When the vehicle stops, the activity
is automatically changed to other work. You can manually
change the activity when the vehicle is stationary.
Proceed as follows to change activity:
1. Press 1 or 2 next to the card holders (8,9) when you want
to change activity.

2. The symbol for the new activity is shown in the display.

During the journey, your activities will be automatically stored

on the card. When you finish your journey, enter the relevant
information in the tachograph before you remove your card.
For detailed information about how you set the tachograph for
different situations, see the manufacturer’s manual.

Indicate country during a work shift

The tachograph always asks what country you are in when you
begin or end a work shift. The question is posed when you
remove or insert the card.
In certain conditions, you may need to change countries during
a work shift without removing or inserting the card.

20101006 339
Vehicle information instruments

Proceed as follows to change countries during a work shift:

1. Press OK (7).

2. Press the up or down arrow (5,6) to select locations.

3. Press OK (7).

4. Press the up or down arrow (5,6) to select start or end


How the display looks when a


country is changed.

5. Press the up or down arrow (5,6) to select a country.

6. Press OK (7) to save.

7. Press cancel (4) to go back.

If you choose Spain, you must also choose a region.

Driving outside the registration area

When driving outside an area covered by registration in the
tachograph, you must enter this before you start driving.
You indicate OUT by opening the locations menu and selecting

340 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

The symbol OUT is shown at the bottom right in the


When you are driving within the registration area again, this
must be manually entered in the tachograph. You do this in the
locations menu. The tachograph cancels OUT if you insert or
remove the driver card.

Ferry/train mode
When you will transport the vehicle by ferry or train you must
activate the tachograph’s ferry/train mode. Change the current
activity to rest. The tachograph saves ferry/train mode as a time
stamp indicating at what time ferry/train mode was activated.
The tachograph’s ferry/train mode is not an activity like driving
or rest.
Ferry/train mode is deactivated when the vehicle is in motion

The symbol for ferry/train mode is displayed as an


activity to the left in the display.

Proceed as follows to activate ferry/train mode in the

1. In standard view, press OK.

2. Press the down arrow (5) until location is shown in the


20101006 341
Vehicle information instruments

3. Press OK.

4. Press the down arrow until ferry/train mode is shown in

the display.

5. Press OK. Now the symbol for ferry/train mode is

displayed to the left in the display.

6. Press cancel (4) 2 times to return to the main menu.

Second driver
If the vehicle is crewed by two drivers, each driver inserts his card
in the tachograph. The person who drives, first driver, inserts his
card in the left card holder. If there is a change of driver, the
cards must therefore be changed over. When the vehicle starts
moving, the time is automatically saved as the activity available
for the second driver. The time for the second driver is also saved
as available when the vehicle is stationary if no other activity is
entered. To change the activity for the second driver, press
button 2 (9).

Warnings and fault messages

The tachograph registers and saves all events and faults in the
form of fault messages. They are shown in the display.
View and acknowledge the warnings as follows:
1. Press OK (7) to accept the warning.

342 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

2. Press OK again to clear the display.

Relevant warnings which you have confirmed and cleared are

displayed again the next time you switch on the ignition.
Note all warning messages, find out the causes and deal with
them as recommended by the supplier. For more information,
refer to the manufacturer’s complete manual.

The information which is saved in the tachograph and on the
card can be printed out or shown in the display.
Proceed as follows to print:
1. Start in standard view and press OK (7). The print menu
is displayed.

2. Press OK (7).

3. Press the up or down arrow (5,6) to select print.

4. Select date with the up or down arrow (5,6). You can

select a date that is saved on the driver card.

5. Press OK.

6. Use the up or down arrow (5,6) to choose whether to

print the information or view it in the display.

7. Press OK (7).

20101006 343
Vehicle information instruments

8. To cancel and return to the previous menu option, press

cancel. (4).

The manufacturer’s manual contains an explanation of how to

interpret the printout. To cancel printing in progress, press
cancel (4) until a warning message is displayed.
There are 12 different printing options to choose from:
1. 24 h card: Driver activities during the day saved on the

2. 24 h vehicle: Driver activities during the day saved in the


3. Card events.

4. Events vehicle.

5. Technical data.

6. Speed limit exceeded.

7. Manually entered activities.

8. Vehicle speed.

9. Engine speed.

10. Event (D1/D2).

11. 24 hours local time.

344 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

12. 24 hours vehicle local time.

Change settings
You can create settings for the tachograph’s language, local time,
UTC time, reverse the display’s lighting and carry out internal
tests in the tachograph.
More settings can be created when different types of cards are in
the tachograph. Refer to the the manufacturer’s manual for
detailed information.

How to change different settings

Here are some examples of how you can change settings. You
always start in the same way regardless of what you want to

Change language

Your driver card contains information about the language in

which the card was issued. The tachograph is automatically set to
the language the driver card indicates. If you change language as
listed below, the tachograph will select the new language next
time you insert your driver card.
Proceed as follows to change language:
1. Start in standard view and press OK (7).

2. Press on the up or down arrow (5,6) until you see


20101006 345
Vehicle information instruments

3. Press OK (7).

4. Press on the up or down arrow (5,6) until you see


5. Press OK (7).

6. Use up or down arrow (5,6) to select an new language.

7. Press OK (7) until the display shows that the changes

were saved.

8. Press cancel (4) 2 times to return to the main menu.

Change UTC-tid

The tachograph uses internal Universal Time Coordinated,

UTC. UTC is not affected by adjustments for summer or winter
Proceed as follows to change UTC time:
1. Start in standard view and press OK (7).

2. Press on the up or down arrow (5,6) until you see


3. Press OK (7).

4. Press on the up or down arrow (5,6) until you see UTC.

5. Press OK (7).

346 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

6. Press OK (7) so the selection moves to the area you want

to change.

7. Use the up or down arrow (5,6) to change something.

8. Press OK (7) until the display shows Changes saved.

9. Press cancel (4) 2 times to return to the main menu.

You can only adjust UTC +/- 1 minute/week.

Change local time

You can display local time in the tachograph. From UTC you
can adjust the local time by a maximum of +/-12 hours in 30
minute intervals.
1. Start in standard view and press OK (7).

2. Press on the up or down arrow (5,6) until the settings

menu is shown.

3. Press OK (7).

4. Press on the up or down arrow (5,6) until the local time

is shown.

5. Press OK (7).

20101006 347
Vehicle information instruments

6. Press the up or down arrow (5,6) to adjust the time


7. Press OK (7).

8. Press cancel (4) 2 times to cancel and return to the

previous menu selection.

Close all holders and covers when they do not need to be open.
The outside may be cleaned with a mild soap solution. Avoid
detergent since it can damage the plastic.

Do not press on the card holders when they are
pulled out.

Symbols in the tachograph display

People Meaning



348 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

People Meaning


801ecf04 Workshop/Inspection


Activities Meaning



Rest period

Other work

Saved break time



20101006 349
Vehicle information instruments

Equipment Meaning

First driver

1 801ecf33

Second driver


Tachograph card


Power supply

Country of location

External repository or data



350 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Equipment Meaning




Tyre dimension


Special circumstances Meaning

Ferry/train transport

Outside registration area


20101006 351
Vehicle information instruments

Time Meaning

One day

24 h 801ecf4a

One week

Two weeks

From or to

Miscellaneous Meaning

High or low temperature


Low temperature

High temperature

352 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Miscellaneous Meaning

Card holder open

Ejection of card



Sum total


Manual data entry


Not activated


20101006 353
Vehicle information instruments

Miscellaneous Meaning




End of working shift


Start of working shift



Refer to the supplier’s complete documentation for information

about fault messages and other symbols.

ADR tachograph
The ADR version is approved for vehicles carrying hazardous
goods. These tachographs are marked with the following

354 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

The difference between the ADR version and the standard
tachograph is that the power must be switched on if you are
going to:
• insert and remove a driver card
• create a printout.

Trip data log

Refer to the enclosed supplier’s manual for the user instructions
for the Siemens VDO 3202 Trip Data Log.

Digital tachograph
The tachograph is designed according to EU guidelines. It
displays and saves information about how the vehicle has been
driven and how the driver’s working time has been spent. It has
an internal clock which registers time in UTC, Universal Time
Coordinated, which corresponds to Greenwich Mean Time.
The tachograph stores the following information: some vehicle
parameters, all driver activities, events and fault messages, speed
over the past 24 hours and distance driven.
The tachograph has the capacity to store at least 365 days’

20101006 355
Vehicle information instruments

Complete manual

This manual is a summary of the manufacturer’s complete

manual. The Driver’s Manual folder contains a manufacturer’s
quick guide and the complete manual.
The complete manual can also be downloaded from

Refer to the supplier’s documentation for
detailed, relevant information about the

356 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

1 11 10

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Display 6. Ejecting the second driver’s

2. Selecting an activity for the first tachograph card
driver 7. Selecting an activity for the second
3. Ejecting the first driver’s tachograph driver
card 8. Card slot for second driver’s
4. Card slot for first driver’s tachograph card
tachograph card 9. Opening the paper holder
5. Connection for downloading and 10.Tear-off edge for printer paper
calibration 11.Menu button

Before you start your journey, insert your card into the left card
holder in the tachograph. If you have carried out any other work
during the working shifts after your last journey, you must first
enter this manually. Also enter information about the journey
you are about to start.

20101006 357
Vehicle information instruments

During the journey, your activities will be automatically stored

on the card. When you finish your journey, enter the relevant
information in the tachograph before you remove your card.

Tachograph card

You can only insert and remove the card when
the vehicle is stationary.

The tachograph card is a plastic card with a microchip which

stores information about the driver’s work and the distance
driven. The card has the capacity to store at least 28 days’
Handle the card with care. Avoid bending it and make sure that
it is kept clean. If necessary, clean the card with a soft clean cloth.

Inserting the card

Insert one card at a time and complete all entries before inserting
the next card.
1. If a card is already in the tachograph, it must finish
recording information on the inserted card first.

2. Insert your card with the arrow pointing up and

forwards into one of the tachograph’s card slots.

358 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

3. When the card is approved, your name will be shown in

the display.


Removing the card

Remove your card when you have finished driving, when
changing drivers and when changing vehicles.
1. Press the button to eject the tachograph card.

2. Answer the questions in the display and you will receive

a message that the card is being ejected.

When the vehicle is moving, information about the activities of
the first and second drivers is shown in the display:

20101006 359
Vehicle information instruments

1. Time
1 2 3 4
2. Local time symbol. The symbol is
visible if local time is set;
otherwise the current time is
displayed as UTC (Universal Time
5 6 7 8 9 Coordinated), which corresponds
to Greenwich Mean Time.
3. Operating mode
4. Speed
5. Current activities of first driver
6. Symbol displaying whether an
approved card has been inserted
for the first driver.
7. Total distance driven
8. Symbol displaying whether an
approved card has been inserted
for the second driver.

9. Current activities of second driver

When the vehicle is moving, you can display current times by

pressing any menu button.

1. The first driver’s driving time

1 3 calculated from the last break of at
least 45 minutes.
2. The second driver’s current
activities and how long they have
2 taken.

3. The first driver’s saved rest time.

360 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

When the vehicle is stationary, you can display the first driver’s
current times by pressing the Down arrow. To display the
second driver’s current times, press the Down arrow again.

1. Driving time calculated from the

1 2 last break of at least 45 minutes.
2. Total applicable rest time, rounded
off to periods of at least 15
2 4 3. Total driving time over the past
two weeks.

4. Duration of current activities.

Select activity
If the vehicle is crewed by two drivers, each driver inserts his card
in the tachograph. Complete entries before inserting the next
card. The first driver always inserts his card in the holder for the
first driver. If there is a change of driver, the cards must therefore
be changed over.
When the vehicle starts moving, the time is automatically saved
as Driving for the first driver and as Available for the second
driver. When the vehicle stops, the activity is automatically
changed to Other work for the first driver. The second driver’s
activity stays listed as Available unless otherwise specified
manually. You can manually change the activity when the vehicle
is stationary.
When the vehicle is stationary, you can choose between:

20101006 361
Vehicle information instruments

• Work - used for all active work apart from driving.

• Available - used when the driver is waiting to start
driving, e.g. waiting for passengers or for the paperwork
to be ready.

• Breaks or rest.
You can manually select the activity by holding in the button (2
or 7) for selecting an activity until the display shows the desired

Entering information manually: A brief

Do not insert a card while making manual entries. Complete the
entries and then the next card may be inserted.

If some manually entered times overlap with one
another, they are automatically adjusted by the

All times must be entered as UTC.

Information about work which you have done which is not saved
automatically is entered manually.

362 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Manual data entry is cancelled if:

• the vehicle starts moving
• the card is removed
• if you do not insert anything within 60 seconds.
The following table shows the questions you will be asked when
you insert the card in the tachograph and what subsequent
questions you will be asked according to the answers you gave.
Select between Yes and No or other time and country by using
the Up or Down button. Confirm by pressing OK on the menu

Do you wish to enter information manually?

Yes No

Was your previous work shift finished at this Enter

point? country
where the
work shift

20101006 363
Vehicle information instruments

Do you wish to enter information manually?

Yes No

Enter time and activity

Enter country

Did your current work shift start at this


Yes No

Enter time and activity

Enter country

Do you wish to confirm manual entries?

Yes No

Ready to drive Start again Ready to

from the drive

When did the previous work shift end?

If you reply Yes to the question about whether you wish to make
a manual data entry, you will be asked whether your previous
work shift ended when you last removed the card. Confirm the
time or enter the correct time for the end of the work shift and

364 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

the activity that you carried out then. Then enter the country
that you were in when the activity was carried out.

When did the current work shift begin?

The next question is whether your current work shift started

when you inserted the card in the tachograph. Confirm the time
or enter the correct time for the start of the work shift and the
activity that you carried out then. Enter the country that you
were in when the activity was carried out.

Confirm manual data entry

To confirm manual data entry, reply Yes and the vehicle is then
ready to drive. If you answer No, data entry starts again from the

Driving outside the registration area

The menu for OUT and ferry/train transportation is found in
the Indicate Vehicle menu.
When driving outside an area covered by registration in the
tachograph, you must enter this before you start driving.
The tachograph cancels OUT if you insert or remove the driver

Symbol indicating that you are driving outside the


registration area

20101006 365
Vehicle information instruments

When you are driving within the registration area again, this
must be entered in the tachograph.

Ferry/Train transport
When your vehicle is transported by ferry and train, you must
enter this in the tachograph.

Symbol for ferry/train transport

Warnings and fault messages

The tachograph registers and saves all events and faults. The
driver views the fault messages in the display.
• Press OK to accept the warning.
• Press OK again to clear the display. The exceptions are
manufacturer-specific warnings.

Relevant warnings which you have accepted and cleared are

displayed again the next time you switch on the ignition.
Note all warning messages, find out the causes and deal with
them as recommended by the supplier.

The information which is saved in the tachograph and on the
card can be printed out. Printing is only possible when the
vehicle is stationary.

366 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

To produce a print-out:
1. Press OK to activate the menu.

2. Press the Up or Down button to select the print option.

3. Press OK to select the printing option displayed.

To cancel printing in progress, press the OK button and answer

Yes when asked if printing should be cancelled.
You can choose between 3 different main print options:
1. Print driver 1.

2. Print driver 2.

You can choose to print: activities and events

3. Vehicle printout.

You can choose to print: driver activities, vehicle events,

speeding violations, technical data, speed profiles and engine
speed. You can choose to view the selected printout on the
display or in hard copy.

Change printer paper

To change the printer paper, press the open button on the paper
holder and position the new roll of paper as illustrated below.

20101006 367
Vehicle information instruments

1 2 Positioning the printer paper

1. Let the paper stick out from the edge of the paper

2. Button for opening the paper holder.

Take care when changing the paper because the
printer in the paper holder gets warm when
printing. To avoid burning your fingers, wait
until the printer has cooled down before you
change the paper.

Use only paper that is designed for this

368 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Close the holder and covers when they do not need to be open.
The outside may be cleaned with a mild soap solution. Avoid
detergent which may damage the plastic.

Time settings
The tachograph uses Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)
internally. UTC is not affected by seasonal adjustments.
1. Press OK to activate the menu.

2. Select indicate vehicle.

3. Press the Up or Down button until UTC is displayed.

4. Press the Up or Down button to adjust the time


5. Press OK to confirm.

You can only adjust UTC +/-1 minute/week. If
the time has been adjusted during the period, the
UTC menu is displayed, but cannot be changed.

Local time
1. Press one of the menu buttons to activate the menu.

20101006 369
Vehicle information instruments

2. Select indicate vehicle.

3. Press the Up or Down button until Local time is


4. Press OK.

5. Press the Up or Down button to adjust the local time.

6. Press OK to confirm.

The tachograph is checked when it is installed and whenever it is
calibrated. The tachograph can be checked by a person in
authority when driving on a public road.
Close all covers on the tachograph when they do not need to be
open. This is to prevent dirt from entering the tachograph.
If necessary, wipe the outside with a mild soap solution. Avoid
solutions which may damage the plastic.
Avoid using force when changing the paper; refer to Changing
the paper.

370 Complete
Vehicle information instruments


People Meaning

801ecf01 Company





Activities Meaning



Rest period

20101006 371
Vehicle information instruments

Activities Meaning

Other work

Saved break time


Equipment Meaning

First driver


Second driver


Tachograph card


Power supply

372 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Equipment Meaning

External storage location





Tyre dimension

Special circumstances Meaning

Outside registration area


Ferry/Train transport

20101006 373
Vehicle information instruments

Time Meaning

One day

24 h 801ecf4a

Two weeks

From or to

Other Meaning



Operating information

Start of working shift


374 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Other Meaning

End of working shift

801ecf26 Manual data entry



Sum total



Refer to supplier’s documentation for more symbols and


Wireless download for the tachograph

The tachograph and the driver card can be connected to
Scandia’s service for wireless downloading of tachograph data.

20101006 375
Vehicle information instruments

The service transfers data wirelessly from the tachograph and

driver card.
The tachograph data is transferred automatically. Driver card
data is transferred via a wireless download from the vehicle with
the driver card inserted in the tachograph.

Switch for downloading data from the driver card.

Downloading driver card data

Downloading takes approx. 10 minutes and can be done while

the vehicle is stationary or moving.
The number of downloads for the driver card per vehicle is
limited. Contact the vehicle owner for more information about
the downloading service.
To download data from the driver card, do as follows:
1. Insert the driver card into tachograph card slot 1 and let
it remain there while downloading.

2. Press the download switch.

376 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

3. The LED in the switch will be lit during the download.

4. The LED in the switch goes out when the download is


If the LED in the switch starts to flash, then an error has

occurred and the download has failed. To cancel the download,
press the switch once again so that the LED stops flashing.
Repeat steps 1–4 to make a new attempt.
If the download fails, the LED in the switch will flash until you
press the switch or until the power is switched off.
The starting voltage must be switched on when the download
starts. If the voltage is switched off during the download, it is
cancelled and you must restart it.
When there is an automatic download of tachograph data, the
LED lights up and you do not need to do anything with the
switch, driver card or the tachograph. Leave the voltage switched
on as long as the LED is lit; otherwise you will stop the
download. If the download is interrupted, a new attempt is
started automatically at a suitable time.

Scania Interactor
The basic functions in the Interactor are described here in the
Driver’s Manual.
The on-board computer is a tool to help you as a driver. It gives
you access to communication and vehicle information functions

20101006 377
Vehicle information instruments

The administrator can limit the number of functions that you

can access and also customise them.
Contact your Scania dealer for more information about the
Interactor functions and the administration program.

Cooling and heating

If the temperature inside the computer is below zero when you
start the computer, it is automatically heated first. In arctic
climates the computer should be switched off completely when
you leave the vehicle to reduce the load on the vehicle battery.
The computer is turned off completely if the ambient
temperature becomes too high.

Operating mode



The computer has four different operating modes:

1. On - normal operating mode with illuminated screen.

2. Black screen - screen off so as not to disturb the driver.

378 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

3. Standby - an energy saving mode in which only

communications is operating, e.g. responding,
transmitting alarms.

4. Off - both the screen and computer are completely

switched off.

When you have started the computer you can switch between On
and Black screen using the start button on the computer or the
vehicle starter key. After a period of time in Black screen mode,
the computer goes into Standby mode. After a period of time in
Standby mode, the computer switches itself off.
We recommend that you always switch off the Interactor before
leaving the vehicle. This avoids unnecessary power consumption
which drains the vehicle battery.
To reduce power consumption when using Interactor when the
engine is switched off, we recommend the following:
• Turn the vehicle starter key to the radio position.
• Switch off the Interactor by turning the vehicle starter
key to the locking position.

For more information about the starter lock, see the Starter lock

20101006 379
Vehicle information instruments

Always switch off the computer before cutting off
the power with the battery master switch.
Otherwise the computer may be damaged.

Moving the Interactor between vehicles

When an Interactor is moved from one vehicle to another, all
saved readings are cleared automatically.

SIM card
For communication to work between the vehicle and the GSM
network you need a subscription with a telephone operating
company. The SIM card must be installed in the computer. The
SIM card that Scania recommends that you use is supplied with
the computer. All the settings needed for this card are already
programmed into the computer. For Interactor 500, you can
choose a SIM card from another telephone operating company.
Contact your administrator before replacing the SIM card.
For the Interactor to communicate with Scania, settings need to
be programmed into the computer. Contact your supplier for
more information.

Touch screen
Press directly on the buttons on the screen to use the functions.

380 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Avoid using sharp objects on the screen as they
may scratch it.

In order to log in, you need to be registered as a user. To log in,
insert your tachograph card in the tachograph or log in using
your user name. This function can, however, be limited by the
administrator. For more information see the administration
program user guide.
Before you are registered as a user you can log into the Interactor
using the user name Guest without a password.

The computer is a Scania Interactor 300. You can only use
Scania programs.

1 2 1. USB port

2. Start button

20101006 381
Vehicle information instruments



The screen has buttons to:

1. Switch between: full brightness, reduced brightness,
automatic brightness or black screen.

2. Increase the sound level.

3. Reduce the sound level.

There is also a light sensor for automatic adjustment of the

screen brightness.
The meaning of the LEDs is as follows:
• Green for screen on.
• Yellow for warming up.
• Red for system fault. Contact the supplier’s customer

382 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

The computer is a Scania Interactor 300. You can only use
Scania programs.

1 2 1. USB port

2. Start button


1 2 3 4
1. Changing the screen brightness.
Press the minus button several
times to switch off the screen.
2. LED
3. Light sensor

4. Changing the volume

The screen automatically adjusts the brightness when the light in

the cab is increased or reduced.
If Interactor hangs, you can restart it. Press the plus button for
the brightness and the minus button for the volume
simultaneously until the screen becomes black.

20101006 383
Vehicle information instruments

The meaning of the LEDs is as follows:

• Yellow - the screen is warming up.
• Green - the screen is switched on.

The computer is a Scania Interactor 500 with Windows
operating system.

1 2 1. USB port

2. Start button

The screen has controls to:

1 2

384 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

1. Adjust the sound level.

2. Adjust the basic brightness setting from 0 to 100%.

There is also a light sensor so that the screen brightness
is automatically adjusted.

The meaning of the LEDs is as follows:

• Green for screen on.
• Yellow for warming up.
• Red for system fault. Contact the supplier’s customer

The computer is a Scania Interactor 500 with Windows
operating system.

1 2 1. USB port

2. Start button

20101006 385
Vehicle information instruments


1 2 3 4

1. Changing the screen brightness.

Press the minus button several
times to switch off the screen.
2. LED
3. Light sensor

4. Changing the volume

The screen automatically adjusts the brightness when the light in

the cab is increased or reduced.
If Interactor hangs, you can restart it. Press the plus button for
the brightness and the minus button for the volume
simultaneously until the screen becomes black.
The meaning of the LEDs is as follows:
• Yellow - the screen is warming up.
• Green - the screen is switched on.

386 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

Log on to Interactor

Log on

Select driver


Guest 80526a55

1. Start the computer.

2. Enter your user name or select one from the list.

3. Press the top button.

4. If you have a password, Interactor will ask for it. The

Start view is shown.

The first time you log in the license agreement and conditions
that you must accept in order to continue using Interactor are
displayed. If you do not accept the license agreement, you will be
logged out and no data will be saved.

20101006 387
Vehicle information instruments

When you start the computer you are asked
whether you want to calibrate the screen. This is
only necessary if the screen has been renewed.
The computer continues to start up
automatically if this question is ignored for 2

• Press OK to accept the license agreement and continue

logging on.

The Start view

Once you have logged on, the Start view is shown. It gives you
access to Interactor functions.

The number of functions varies by market. The
number of active functions is limited during

388 Complete
Vehicle information instruments


Driver: Guest

? End of trip


The Start view can contain the following:

1. Driving order button

2. Order Support button. Option.

3. Driver Log button. Option.

4. Scania Assistance button

5. Map. Press the image for a full screen display of the


20101006 389
Vehicle information instruments

6. Menu. Menu is not available when the vehicle is in


7. Back. When you use a function the Menu button

changes to Back. Press Back to exit the function and
return to the Start view.

8. Navigation data

9. Status field. Press on the field to view the function.

10. Status symbols

2 1 Vehicle Info

About 3 Settings

4 Log on


The menu gives you access to:

1. Vehicle information

2. About. Information on which Interactor version is used

by the vehicle.

3. Settings

4. Log on

390 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

5. Exit

For safety reasons you cannot access all functions
when the vehicle is moving.


1 2 3 4

Status symbols have the following meanings:

1. No contact between Interactor and vehicle systems. The
symbol is also shown if you start Interactor when the
vehicle’s power is off.

2. No GPS coverage. When the symbol is shown, the map

does not indicate the right position.

3. No contact with the GSM network. Interactor cannot

be used for communication.

4. GPRS. No contact between Interactor and Fleet

Management Portal. Contact is interrupted or the
vehicle is not connected to the service.

20101006 391
Vehicle information instruments

Communication to and from the vehicle is
limited or broken if there is poor or no contact
with the GSM and GPRS networks.



Overview Open Close



New/Add Delete/Undo Save




Search Send Print

392 Complete
Vehicle information instruments


Menu Back

The Start view

Once you have logged on, the Start view is shown. From here,
you have access to Interactor functions.

The number of functions varies by market. The
number of active functions is limited during

20101006 393
Vehicle information instruments


Driver: Guest

? Start of trip 8052aa37

The Start view contains the following:

1. Telephone button

2. Driving order button

3. SMS button

4. Order Support button. Option.

394 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

5. Driver Log button. Option.

6. Button for own programs

7. Camera button

8. Scania Assistance button

9. Map. Press the image for a full screen display of the


10. Menu. The button is not available when the vehicle is in


11. Back. When you use a function the Menu button

changes to Back. Press Back to exit the function and
return to the Start view.

12. Navigation data

13. Status field

14. Status symbols

20101006 395
Vehicle information instruments

1 Address Book

2 Vehicle Info

3 Settings

Log on
4 Exit

The menu gives you access to:

1. Address book

2. Vehicle information

3. Settings

4. Log on

5. Exit

1 2 3 4

Status symbols have the following meanings:

1. No contact between Interactor and vehicle systems. The
symbol is also shown if you start Interactor when the
vehicle’s power is off.

396 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

2. No GPS coverage. When the symbol is shown, the map

does not indicate the right position.

3. No contact with the GSM network. Interactor cannot

be used for communication.

4. GPRS. No contact between Interactor and Fleet

Management Portal. Contact is interrupted or the
vehicle is not connected to the service.

Communication to and from the vehicle is
limited or broken if there is poor or no contact
with the GSM and GPRS networks.




Overview Open Close

20101006 397
Vehicle information instruments



New/Add Delete/Undo Save


Send Print Search




Telephone list Menu Back

Basic functions in Interactor

Onscreen keyboard
When the vehicle is stationary, you can enter text in some of the
functions. You can either connect the external keyboard to the
computer or use the onscreen keyboard. The onscreen keyboard
is displayed when you select a text field to enter text.

398 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

q w e r t y u i o p 1 ABC
LOCK a s d f g h j k l ENTER 2 123

z x c v b n m ,; &@ ?! -+ 3 EXT

.: /\ (< )>

1. View keyboard with letters.

2. View keyboard with numbers.

3. View keyboard with special characters.

If the Interactor is connected to Fleet Management Portal, you
can contact Scania Assistance from the Interactor.

Scania Assistance button.

1. Press the Scania Assistance button. The button is only

shown if the Interactor is connected to Fleet
Management Portal.

2. Enter the phone number Scania Assistance can use to

reach you.

3. Press Send.

Scania Assistance will contact you at the phone number you

indicated. If transmission is unsuccessful you will receive a

20101006 399
Vehicle information instruments

message in which you will be asked to contact Scania Assistance

using another method.

Driving orders
The office can send driving orders to you via the Interactor. You
can choose to accept or decline a driving order. While you are
carrying out your driving order you can contact the office and
inform them about how the work is going. When the job is done
you can confirm that your driving order has been completed.
Every driving order, with replies and messages, is treated as a
message thread by the Interactor. If you delete a reply, and select
OK when asked if you want to delete the entire message thread,
the entire driving order is deleted.

To Do

this is working fi.. 26/01/2006 14:39

Accept 26/01/2006 14:39
RE:this is work.. 26/01/2006 14:40

When you get a driving order it is displayed in the information

field in the Start view.
To immediately delete the driving order without sending a reply,
mark the driving order and press the Delete button.

400 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

1 2 3

this is working fine


Mark the driving order and press the Open button to display the
entire driving order. At the top are the following buttons:
1. Accept. You accept the driving order and send a reply
that you can supplement with a message.

2. Decline. You decline the driving order and send a reply

that you can supplement with a message.

3. Reply. Send a reply consisting of the message and your

own text.

Switch between the messages using the arrow keys.

During the assignment, if you have accepted a driving order, you
can send a message about the order by opening the driving order
and pressing Reply.
When you have finished a driving order, and want to close it in
order to remove it:
1. Select the reply in which you accepted the driving order
and open it.

20101006 401
Vehicle information instruments

2. Write your message and press Send.

To cancel a driving order that you have accepted but not

1. Select the reply in which you accepted the driving order
and open it.

2. Press Cancel.

3. Write your message and press Send.

Map and navigation

Press the map icon in the Start view to display the map overview.

402 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

When the vehicle is stationary, you can use your finger to drag the map icon to a
new location.

1. Zoom out and in

2. Estimated arrival time to specified address.

3. Distance to specified address.

4. Information on next manoeuvre

5. Driving instruction

6. Main menu

20101006 403
Vehicle information instruments

7. Display field

8. Menu for view in display field

9. There are new messages

Enter a destination

1. Press Menu.

2. Press Destination.

3. Press Address.

4. Enter the name of the city and press on the name to

specify it as the destination.

404 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

5. Enter the street address and press on the street address
to specify it as destination.

6. Enter the street number and press on the number to

specify it as destination. If the number you entered is
not recognised by the navigator, you must select another
number. Otherwise, the destination will not be set.

7. Press Cross Street to enter an intersecting street.

20101006 405
Vehicle information instruments

8. Press Finish.

9. Press Drive. Press Edit if you wish to change the route.

Adapt the route to the vehicle

You can make settings in the navigator so that it adapts the route
based on the properties of the vehicle. By entering the height,
width, length and total weight of the vehicle, you can have the
navigator avoid roads on which the vehicle is not permitted. You
can also make settings that have the navigator avoid toll roads.


1. Press Menu.

2. Press Settings

3. Press Routing.

406 Complete
Vehicle information instruments

4. Press the arrow in the Routing Type drop-down menu
(A) to indicate whether the navigator should show the
fastest or the shortest route.

5. Press the arrow in the Toll Roads drop-down menu (B)

to add limitations for toll roads.

6. Press Edit Vehicle Restriction (C) to change

information on the vehicle’s height, length, width and
total weight.

7. Enter the vehicle data.

8. Press OK (D) to save vehicle restriction settings.

20101006 407
Vehicle information instruments

9. Press OK to save route settings.

Camera image
The camera is an accessory.


The Interactor camera view is not designed as a

safety function. If a rear view camera is
connected to Interactor, it is only used to
supplement the prescribed rear view mirrors and
it is the driver’s responsibility to request personal
help with reversing to make sure there is a free
path rearwards, if necessary.
The greatest care must be taken when using the
camera because its field of vision is limited and
the distance in the image can be interpreted in a
misleading way. In addition, a high computer
load can cause a deterioration in image transfer
and even result in the image freezing. The
activity indicator rotates once per second when
image transfer is working properly.

Press the image to switch between displaying the image in the

Start view or in full screen mode.

408 Complete
Vehicle information instruments


The activity indicator (1) rotates once per second when image transfer is working

The administrator can adjust camera settings in the

administration program. For example, it is possible to specify
that the camera image should always be displayed when

20101006 409
Vehicle information instruments

Log out and shut down Interactor

Log out

Address Book

Vehicle Info


Log on


To log out:
1. Press Menu.

2. Select Exit.

Shut down
Interactor can be shut down in two ways.
1. Switch off vehicle power with the starter key.

1. Select Log out in the menu.

2. Press the Shutdown button.

410 Complete
Vehicle information instruments


Shutdown button

Interactor is not switched off by removing the
tachograph card or by simply selecting Exit from
the menu.

20101006 411
Driver environment

Driver environment
A good sitting position is essential to prevent stress injuries to
the back and neck. Here are 10 tips on how to sit as
ergonomically correct as possible. Keep both feet on the floor
while adjusting the seat.

4 7


1. Sit as close to the backrest as possible.

2. Set the height of the seat so you can operate the pedals
properly without exerting too much pressure on your

412 Complete
Driver environment

3. Check the lengthwise position of the seat cushion. You

should be able to get two or three fingers between the
cushion and the back of the knees.

4. Adjust the inclination of the seat to obtain even pressure

under the thighs.

5. Adjust the backrest so you can grip the steering wheel

comfortably with slightly bent arms and your back
against the backrest. The backrest should be leaning
back about 15°-20°. A greater incline could cause neck

6. Angle the steering wheel so your elbows are angled 95°-


7. It is essential the lumbar support is adjusted correctly.

Make sure your back is close to the backrest and adjust
the lumbar support centrally in the small of the back.
Adjust the degree of lumbar support to maintain the
same curve of the back as when you are standing.

8. Adjust the side supports close to the upper body to

guarantee a good and stable support.

9. Adjust the head restraint so it is about 2 cm away from

the neck.

20101006 413
Driver environment

10. The armrests should provide support for the arms and
elbows without limiting their free movement. They
should help to take the strain off the neck and shoulders.

Change position from time to time during the day in order to

improve circulation of synovial fluid in the spine and to spread
the strain on the back.

Seat, Basic


1 2 3

1. Adjusting the height

2. Quick lowering

3. Adjusting the angle of the back support

4. Adjusting the longitudinal position of the seat

414 Complete
Driver environment

The seat may also be fitted with the following:

• Heating pad
• Seat release control
• Safety belt warning

Seat, Medium

7 8


1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Heating pad

2. Shock absorber

3. Adjusting the angle of the whole seat

4. Adjusting the height

5. Quick lowering

20101006 415
Driver environment

6. Adjusting the angle of the back support

7. Lower lumbar support

8. Upper lumbar support

9. Adjusting the seat cushion lengthwise

10. Adjusting the longitudinal position of the seat

The seat may also be fitted with the following:

• Seat release control
• Armrest
• Safety belt warning
• Belt pretensioner

If you have an R cab, you cannot have an armrest
on the side of the driver seat on which the gear
lever is. This depends on whether the armrest can
come into contact with the gear lever when tilting
the cab, causing a gear to be selected.

416 Complete
Driver environment

Seat, Luxury

8 9 10 6 7



1 2 3 4 5

1. Heating pad

2. Shock absorber

3. Adjusting the angle of the whole seat

4. Adjusting the height

5. Quick lowering

6. Adjusting the angle of the head restraint

7. Adjusting the angle of the back support

8. Upper lumbar support

20101006 417
Driver environment

9. Lower lumbar support

10. Backrest side support

11. Adjusting the seat cushion lengthwise

12. Adjusting the longitudinal position of the seat

The seat may also be fitted with the following:

• Seat release control
• Armrest
• Safety belt warning
• Belt pretensioner
• Automatic belt height adjustment

If you have an R cab, you cannot have an armrest
on the side of the driver seat on which the gear
lever is. This depends on whether the armrest can
come into contact with the gear lever when tilting
the cab, causing a gear to be selected.

418 Complete
Driver environment

Folding seat

1. Backrest angle
2. Lengthwise adjustment of whole

1 2 seat

Corresponding controls can be found on the inside of the seat.

The seat backrest can be folded down to form a table. The head
restraint can be adjusted manually. The seat cushion can be
folded up.

The seat can also have these functions:

• Heating pad
• Armrest

Extendable ladder

Ladder to the upper bed

An extendable ladder is available for the upper bed. This is
located on the underside of the upper bed. You can unfold the
ladder with a couple of simple manoeuvres.

20101006 419
Driver environment

The ladder is made to take a load of up to 140 kilos.

During the trip, the ladder must be stored and fastened in place.
Extend the ladder as follows:
1. Release the ladder by pushing on the button in the

2. Move the ladder downwards and towards you.

3. Pull out the ladder to its full length.

Extendable bed
The lower bed in the cab is extendable and can be adjusted to
various widths. When the vehicle is being driven the bed can be
pulled-out or pushed in but it should only be moved when the
vehicle is stationary. Its full width can only be used when the
seats are fully forward.

Proceed as follows to adjust the width:

1. Sit on the bed with your legs forward and push the seats
forward using the release pedals.

2. Grasp the handle, pull it upwards and forwards. Release

the handle when the width is right.

420 Complete
Driver environment

1 2

To adjust the width: 1. Sit on the bed and push the seats forward. 2. Use the handle
to adjust the width.

You can fold up the entire bed in order to open the storage
compartment of inspect the underside.

Proceed as follows to fold up the bed:

• Fold up: Pull the strop straight out and the bed folds up.
• Fold down: Press the bed down until you feel that it is in
its locked position.

20101006 421
Driver environment

Pull the strop to fold the bed up


against the rear wall.

Safety net and cleaning

There is a safety net for the bed. This is stored in the storage
compartment under the bed. The net is secured in the underside
of the upper bed or the ceiling if the cab has no upper bed.
Scania recommends a foam cleaner for cleaning ordinary
upholstery, or hand washing using a mild detergent.

Upper bed
There is a bed in the cab which can be lowered when the vehicle
is stationary. The bed is attached to the rear of the cab and
secured in the raised position with straps.

422 Complete
Driver environment

Lowering and raising the upper bed

When you undo the bed straps, hold on to the bed
which folds down under its own weight.


Hold on to the bed when you undo the straps.

Proceed as follows to lower the bed:

1. Make sure that the seats are in their furthest forward
position and fold the backrests forwards. The steering
wheel should preferably be tilted up.

20101006 423
Driver environment

2. Undo the straps and at the same time hold on to the bed
which will fall down under its own weight.

The bed should be fastened in the

raised position and secured with
two straps. The illustration shows
one of the straps in the fastened

position under the bed.

Crew bench
The crew bench can be converted to a rest bed by folding out an
extension piece. One person can easily do this in a few simple
operations. The rest bed can only be used when the vehicle is
stationary because the driver’s seat must be moved forwards
when the extension piece is folded out.
Proceed as follows to fold out the extension piece:
1. Move the driver’s seat and passenger seat forwards.

2. Press the catch down, see illustration.

3. Fold out and fold up the crew bench extension piece.

424 Complete
Driver environment

Press the catch down to release

the crew bench extension piece.
The catch is located on the long
side of the crew bench next to

the passenger seat.

Heating pads
The seat heating pads have three settings: No heat, 25% heat or
100% heat.

Make sure the heating pad in the passenger seat
is not turned on if the seat is not occupied. This
may shorten the service life of the heating pad.

Lighting in the cab

The general lighting comes on when the doors open. An
automatic delay function keeps the general lighting on for
another 25 seconds after the doors are closed. The same happens
when the starter key is removed from the starter lock; the general
lighting will come on for 25 seconds.

20101006 425
Driver environment

The 25-second delay can be interrupted by:

• Switching on the power supply
• Locking the doors
• Turning off the general lighting manually with a switch
The general lighting comes on when the doors are opened and
goes off when they are closed.

The general lighting switch is located on the


instrument panel.

You can also use the switch by the lower bed to switch

off the general lighting.

426 Complete
Driver environment

The switch has two fixed positions and one spring-return

position. The switch acts as a main switch for all the interior
• Top position: All interior lighting, including reading
lamps, internal background lighting, boarding lamp and
lamps in roof shelf and storage boxes, is off and cannot be
turned on with any of the switches. The general lighting
does not come on when the doors open. Lamps in storage
boxes and roof shelf do not come on when the hatch or
boxes are opened.

• Middle position: All interior lighting can be operated

manually. The general lighting comes on when the doors
are opened and goes off about 25 seconds after the doors
have been closed.

• Bottom position: The bottom position is spring-return

and is used to turn the general lighting on and off. This
function can be used to cancel the 25 second delay.

The switch has three fixed positions:

• Top position: The general lighting is off even when the
doors are open.

• Middle position: The general lighting comes on when the

doors are opened and goes off when they are closed.

• Bottom position: The general lighting is on.

20101006 427
Driver environment

Reading lamp, passenger


The switch has three positions, two fixed and one spring-return:
• Top position: Passenger reading lamp on.
• Middle position: No function in middle position.
• Bottom position: The bottom position is spring-return
and is used to turn the general lighting on and off. The
function can be used to cancel the 25 second delay after
closing the doors until the general lighting is turned off.

Boarding lamp
The boarding lamp illuminates the boarding steps and the
ground outside on both sides of the vehicle. It comes on together
with the general lighting so it illuminates the floor in the cab
even when the doors are closed and the general lighting is turned

Other lights
Any exterior storage boxes are equipped with lamps that come on
when the boxes are opened and go out when the doors are closed.
Storage compartments with hatches in the roof shelf are also

428 Complete
Driver environment

equipped with lamps that come on when the hatches are opened
and go out when they are closed. The lamps in open storage
compartments in the roof shelf come on when the general
lighting is turned on.

Background lighting
The interior background lighting is a soft red light that can be
used when driving at night.

The switch for the interior background lighting is located on the

instrument panel.

The switch has two fixed positions and is normally left on. The
interior background lighting works when the knob for the
headlamps is not in position 0.

20101006 429
Driver environment

Reading lamp, driver


The switch for the driver’s reading lamp is located on the

instrument panel.

Climate system
The automatic climate system checks and controls the
temperature in the cab. The temperature is regulated using the
short-stop heater, fan, air distribution, roof hatch, auxiliary
heater and recirculation.

430 Complete
Driver environment

1 2 4 5

6 8

1. Auxiliary heater 5. Open the roof hatch
2. Recirculation 6. Short-stop ventilation and fan
3. Switch for economy mode 7. Setting the temperature
4. Close the roof hatch 8. Air distribution

20101006 431
Driver environment

1 2 3

4 5 6 7

The following items can be found on the panel:

1. Temperature setting

2. Air distribution

3. Fan

4. Auxiliary heater

5. Recirculation

6. Air conditioning

432 Complete
Driver environment

7. Electrically operated roof hatch

In case of condensation
Proceed as follows to prevent the windows from misting up:
• Switch the air distribution to defroster mode to dry the

• Press the air conditioning switch. The air conditioning

can only operate down to an outside temperature of about
+5°C to 0°C.

• Press the switch to start recirculation in damp weather.

• Select a high fan speed.

In case of condensation
Proceed as follows to prevent the windows from misting up:
• Set the air distribution to defroster mode to dry the air in
the cab. The air conditioning can only operate down to
an outside temperature of about +5 to 0°C.

• Press the switch to start recirculation in damp weather.

• Press the ECON switch if economy mode has been

• Select a high fan speed.

20101006 433
Driver environment

Press the switch to start recirculation. If it is cold outside, you
can heat the cab faster by recirculating the air. If it is hot outside,
you can cool down the cab by recirculating the air.

Temperature setting

Set the desired temperature with the minus and plus buttons.
The temperature in the cab can be set to between 17°C and 27°C
(63-81°F). In addition, you can select the Lo and Hi settings for
maximum heating or cooling effect.

Maximum cooling
If you select Lo, the cab is cooled as quickly as possible. The
automatic climate system activates the fan, air distribution and

434 Complete
Driver environment

recirculation. Set the knobs for the fan and the air distribution to
automatic (AUT) for best results.

Maximum heating
If you select Hi, the cab is heated as quickly as possible, assuming
that the engine has not reached full operating temperature and
the outside temperature is below about 0°C. The automatic
climate system activates, if necessary, the exhaust brake, retarder,
auxiliary heater and white smoke limiter if the vehicle is
equipped with these functions. Set the fan knob and air
distribution knob to automatic (AUT) for best results.

Temperature setting in case of a fault

If there is a fault in the climate system, a number between 0 and
10 will be displayed. 0 means 0% heat and 10 means 100% heat.
The climate system is unable to control the temperature
automatically. You must control the temperature and fan

Er is also displayed if there is a fault. The fault can be rectified at

a Scania workshop.

20101006 435
Driver environment

Switch for economy mode

You activate economy mode via the ECON switch. The climate
system is controlled so that less fuel is consumed.
When ECON is activated:
• maximum heating of the cab cannot start.
• air conditioning is switched off.

Additional AC, air conditioning for the rear

The cab has air conditioning with an option to reduce the
temperature in the rear passenger area. The air conditioning can
be controlled via a control panel located in the roof in the central
part of the cab. Cold air is released through air vents in the cab
roof. The temperature of the front part of the cab is controlled
via the climate system control panel in the instrument panel. If
the vehicle air conditioning system breaks down, there will be no
reduction in temperature in the cab since the front and rear parts
of the vehicle climate control system share the same condenser
and AC compressor.

436 Complete
Driver environment

The control panel for the rear

seat air conditioning is located in

the roof.

Starting and switching off

Use the switches in the roof above the rear seat:

1. Press the switch with the snowflake.

2. Press the fan switch.

3. Switch off the air flow and air conditioning by pressing

the fan switch.

4. Switch off the vehicle air conditioning by pressing the

switch with the snowflake.

Note that the air conditioning for the front part of the cab is also
started and switched off when you press the switch with the

20101006 437
Driver environment


Air conditioning switch for vehicle. The LED lights up

green when the air conditioning is activated. The
switch starts and switches off the air conditioning

system, including the front part of the cab.

Switch for starting the fan and additional AC, air

conditioning for rear seat. The switch controls the fan

and connection of the additional AC.

438 Complete
Driver environment




You can set the fan speed with this knob. The fan will not be
completely stationary even with the knob in 0 position.

You can set the fan speed with this knob. The normal position is
automatic (AUT). The fan will not be completely stationary
even with the knob in 0 position.

20101006 439
Driver environment

Short-stop ventilation


Set the short-stop ventilation here. It is used to ventilate the cab

during short stops. Turn the knob to position P. The LED next
to the symbol will come on and the knob will return to automatic
operation (AUT), which is the recommended mode. You can
also choose another fan mode but remember that a higher fan
speed will draw more current from the battery.

Short-stop ventilation will be turned off when you turn the key
to the drive position or turn the knob to P again. The LED will
go out. If short-stop ventilation is not turned off manually, it will
be turned off automatically after 2 hours. If you want short-stop
ventilation to stay on longer you must hold the knob in P
position for longer than 1.5 seconds when it is being activated.
Short-stop ventilation will then only be turned off after 8 hours.

440 Complete
Driver environment

Climate system, air distribution

1. AUT, automatic mode. Air
3 distribution is automatic.
2. Air to floor and all windows
2 4 3. Defroster, air to windscreen
4. Air to panel
1 5. Air to panel, floor and side
windows. The air to panel vents is
5 not heated, but the air to the floor
is heated.
6. Air to panel, floor and side

7. Air to floor and side windows

1. Air to floor and all windows

2 2. Defroster mode, air to windscreen
3. Air to the instrument panel
1 3
4. Air to instrument panel, floor and
side windows. Air to panel vents
will be from outside and not
heated. Air to the floor will be
6 4
5. Air to instrument panel, floor and
side windows

6. Air to floor and side windows

20101006 441
Driver environment

Electrically operated roof hatch


Open the roof hatch


Close the roof hatch


Electrically operated roof hatch

Open the roof hatch to the ventilation position - give a quick


Open the roof hatch fully - another quick press. If you hold the
button in for a longer period, the hatch opens until the button is

To close the roof hatch to the ventilation position - one quick


Close the roof hatch fully by giving another quick press or by

holding in the button.

442 Complete
Driver environment

An anti-clamping device operates between the
open and ventilation positions.


There is no anti-clamping device between the

ventilation and closed positions. Therefore take
care when you operate the roof hatch.

To open the hatch to the ventilation position - give the upper

part of the switch one quick press.

Press quickly again to open the hatch fully. If you hold the switch
in for a longer period, the hatch opens until the switch is

To close the hatch to the ventilation position - give the lower

part of the switch one quick press. To close the roof hatch
completely, give another quick press. If you hold the switch in for
a longer period, the hatch closes until the switch is released.

An anti-clamping device operates between the
open and ventilation positions.

20101006 443
Driver environment


There is no anti-clamping device between the

ventilation and closed positions. Therefore take
care when you operate the roof hatch.

Roof hatch
Open and close the roof hatch using the levers by the roof hatch.

1 2

1. Lever on the driver’s side


2. Lever on the passenger side

Opening and closing the roof hatch

Opening the roof hatch:

Pull the lever on the passenger side (2) backwards. Press the
hatch upwards at the same time until you feel that the catch has
engaged in the open position. When the catch engages, the hatch
folds back.
Closing the roof hatch:
1. Pull the lever on the driver’s side (1) backwards.

444 Complete
Driver environment

2. Pull the hatch forwards until you feel that the catch has
engaged in the closed position.

Auxiliary heater
This vehicle has an auxiliary heater which runs on diesel even if
the vehicle’s engine is driven by another fuel. The auxiliary
heater has a separate diesel tank which holds approximately 10

The vehicle’s auxiliary heater has a separate tank
which should be filled with normal diesel.

Air heater
This vehicle is equipped with a diesel-powered auxiliary heater.
The heater circulates and heats the air in the cab. The warm air
comes out at the passenger seat. Note the warnings and advice on
care and usage.

Short-stop heater
This vehicle is equipped with a heater that uses excess heat in the
engine coolant. The heat is routed to the cab through the heating

20101006 445
Driver environment

Activate and deactivate the short-stop heater as follows.

• Press the auxiliary heater switch for activating and
deactivating the heater.

• The heater is switched off if the coolant temperature gets

too low.

• The heater is automatically deactivated after 2 hours.


When the climate system is set to maximum heating, the

auxiliary heater may also be switched on even if you have not
pressed the button or pre-programmed the auxiliary heater to
start. You can always switch off the auxiliary heater manually.

446 Complete
Driver environment

Usage and care of the diesel-powered

auxiliary heater
The auxiliary heater is switched on and off by pressing the
auxiliary heater switch.


To avoid accidents which can result in injury, it is

important to follow the instructions below when
using and maintaining the auxiliary heater.

The following points are important to bear in mind to prevent

personal injury when handling the auxiliary heater:
• Do not store flammable substances close to the intake,
exhaust or hoses of the auxiliary heater.

• The auxiliary heater must not be turned on while the

vehicle is standing in a garage.

• The auxiliary heater must always be switched off when


• Use of the auxiliary heater is prohibited where highly

flammable fumes or gases can form, e.g. in grain

• Do not block the intake or exhaust of the auxiliary heater.

20101006 447
Driver environment

• The roof hatch and windows must be closed when using

the auxiliary heater. The reason for this is that if hot air is
drawn out through the roof hatch and windows, an
underpressure is created in the cab. The underpressure
can result in exhaust gases being drawn into the cab
through small leaks in the floor.

The auxiliary heater fuel pump may stop working
if it is not used for long periods of time. In order
to prevent this, there is an automatic function
which starts the auxiliary heater fuel pump at
regular intervals.

To prevent the auxiliary heater from being
damaged or its service life reduced, it is important
to follow the points below when using and
maintaining the auxiliary heater.

It is important to bear the following points in mind to prevent

the auxiliary heater from being damaged or its service life being
• You must not use biodiesel.

448 Complete
Driver environment

• If you have an auxiliary heater of the water heater type, it

must not be started if it is not filled with coolant.

• To protect an auxiliary heater of the water heater type

against corrosion, the coolant must contain at least 10%
antifreeze all year round. In areas where there is no risk of
frost damage, only corrosion inhibitor needs to be added.

Renewing the air heater combustion

It is necessary to renew the combustion chamber ten years after
the auxiliary heater was put into service. This must be carried out
by an authorised workshop. The vehicle owner is responsible for
ensuring that the combustion chamber is renewed.

Diesel-powered auxiliary heater

Starting and using the auxiliary heater

The auxiliary heater is switched on and off by pressing the switch

for the auxiliary heater.
The vehicle is equipped with a diesel-powered auxiliary heater
to heat the cab and engine. Using the heater makes cold starts
easier and increases the service life of the engine. The heat is
routed to the cab through the heating system. Note the warnings
and advice on care and usage.

20101006 449
Driver environment

Good to know about the heater

When the auxiliary heater starts, it starts in several steps. First,

the water pump starts and the combustion fan and the glow plug
are activated. After another minute, the fuel pump starts. After
the starting process, the heater gradually reaches full power. The
heater’s method of starting and supplying heat can vary from
time to time. This is normal and is due to factors such as the
cooling system’s temperature.
The heater’s way of supplying heat is affected by the following:
• The outside temperature.
• The temperature in the cab.
• The temperature of the coolant and engine.

The auxiliary heater’s way of

starting and supplying heat
depends on: 1. Outside
temperatures 2. Coolant
temperature 3. Temperature in

the cab

Starting the heater with a hot engine

Under certain conditions, the heater will not react noticeably
when you start it with the switch. Neither the fan, fuel pump nor

450 Complete
Driver environment

combustion will start. This is because the coolant in the cooling

system is at a high temperature. The heater starts automatically
when the temperature in the cooling system drops.

Using the heater when it is very cold

When the cab and engine are very cold, it can take a long time
before heat is felt in the cab. The reason is that the heater must
first heat up the coolant in the cooling system. When the coolant
has been heated, heat is led into the cab via the cab’s standard
heating system. The heater is set by the manufacturer to run at
full power for maximum 2 hours. It then goes down to a lower
power mode for approx. 15 minutes before returning to full
power. The heater’s different operating modes at full power and
shorter periods at lower power are normal. It does not help to
restart the heater, as this will further delay the heater’s return to
full power.

Switching off the auxiliary heater

When you have pressed the switch to shut off the heater, it takes
approx. 3 minutes before it is completely shut off.

Emergency stop

The heater will keep best if you shut it off using the switch. If you
need to shut the heater off in emergency situations, do as follows:
• Switch off the vehicle main switch, the battery master
switch or disconnect the heater from the battery.

20101006 451
Driver environment

• Remove the heater’s fuse. It is located in the central

electric unit and has the symbol shown in the illustration

Fuse symbol for auxiliary heater. The fuse is in the

central electric unit, which is located in the instrument

panel in front of the passenger seat.

When the heater stops

The heater shuts down automatically in the following cases:

• The heater has not been able to start combustion after 2
internal attempts.

• The heater overheats.

• The power take-off is activated (applies to ADR vehicles).
• If the voltage drops below 20 Volt.
• If the voltage rises above 30.5 Volt.


To avoid accidents which can result in injury, it is

important to follow the instructions below when
using and maintaining the auxiliary heater.

452 Complete
Driver environment


The following points are important to observe to avoid personal

injuries when using the auxiliary heater:
• Do not store flammable substances close to the intake,
exhaust or hoses of the auxiliary heater.

• The auxiliary heater must not be turned on while the

vehicle is standing in a garage.

• The auxiliary heater must always be switched off when


• Use of the auxiliary heater is prohibited where highly

flammable fumes or gases can form, e.g. in grain

• Do not block the intake or exhaust of the auxiliary heater.

• The roof hatch and windows must be closed when using
the auxiliary heater. The reason for this is that if hot air is
drawn out through the roof hatch and windows, an
underpressure is created in the cab. The underpressure
can result in exhaust gases being drawn into the cab
through small leaks in the floor.

20101006 453
Driver environment

The auxiliary heater fuel pump may stop working
if it is not used for long periods of time. In order
to prevent this, there is an automatic function
which starts the auxiliary heater fuel pump at
regular intervals.

To prevent the auxiliary heater from being
damaged or its service life reduced, it is important
to follow the points below when using and
maintaining the auxiliary heater.

It is important to bear the following points in mind to prevent

the auxiliary heater from being damaged or its service life being
• You must not use biodiesel.
• If you have an auxiliary heater of the water heater type, it
must not be started if it is not filled with coolant.

• To protect an auxiliary heater of the water heater type

against corrosion, the coolant must contain at least 10%
antifreeze all year round. In areas where there is no risk of
frost damage, only corrosion inhibitor needs to be added.

454 Complete
Driver environment

Renewing the heater combustion chamber

It is necessary to renew the combustion chamber ten years after
the auxiliary heater was put into service. This must be carried out
by an authorised workshop. The vehicle owner is responsible for
ensuring that the combustion chamber is renewed.

Remote control for auxiliary heater


2 4

1. Activating the auxiliary heater
OK +
2. Programming the auxiliary heater
3. Alarm clock
4. Snooze function
5. Step up or down and confirm your


20101006 455
Driver environment

The remote control functions may be affected
when the battery master switch has been
switched off and the vehicle has not been started.

Activating the auxiliary heater 80037762

Switch the auxiliary heater on and off using this button. Step up
or down to change the temperature.
If you have an air heater and the power is switched off, a relative
scale between 1 and 10 will be displayed instead of the
temperature scale.

Alarm clock

Proceed as follows to set the alarm clock:

456 Complete
Driver environment

1. Press the alarm clock button.

2. Step up or down to select the hour. Press OK.

3. Step up or down to select the minutes. Press OK.

The buzzer is automatically switched off after 3 minutes or when

you press the alarm clock button or OK.

Snooze function

If you press this button when the alarm clock is in operation, the
buzzer will fall silent for 10 minutes.

Programming the auxiliary heater

You cannot program the auxiliary heater if you
are driving an ADR vehicle.

You can program the time at which the auxiliary heater should
be switched on and how long it should be on. You can program
3 different starting times per day, one week in advance.

20101006 457
Driver environment

The auxiliary heater remote control has an
inhibitor which prevents you from entering times
which overlap with one another. If you try to do
so a message is shown in the display indicating
that the timer is busy.

Programming the auxiliary heater

The same symbol as the one on the button is shown on the right
of the display when pre-programming has been carried out.

1. Press the auxiliary heater programming button.


2. Select the day by going up or down. Press OK.

458 Complete
Driver environment



3. Select program position; there are three per day. Press



4. Select the hour. Press OK.

20101006 459
Driver environment



5. Select the minutes. Press OK.


6. Select how long the auxiliary heater should be on. When

you go up or down, the interval is changed by 30
minutes at a time. The maximum time is 8 hours. Press

460 Complete
Driver environment



7. Select whether the programming should be active or

not. You can choose between on, off and all off. On
means that the particular program shown in the display
should be active. Off means that the program displayed
is not active. Therefore the auxiliary heater will not start
operating at the time shown in the display. All off means
that all the times entered are inactive.

20101006 461
Driver environment

Remote control for auxiliary heater,

radio and CD player


3 1. Activating the auxiliary heater
4 2. Programming the auxiliary heater
2 3. Alarm clock
4. Snooze function and automatic
"sleep in"
5 OK +
7 5. CD player
6. Radio
7. Volume
8. Step up or down and confirm your


The remote control functions may be affected
when the battery master switch has been
switched off and the vehicle has not been started.

462 Complete
Driver environment

Auxiliary heater


Switch the auxiliary heater on and off using this button. Step up
or down to change the temperature.
If you have an air heater and the power is switched off, a relative
scale between 1 and 10 will be displayed instead of the
temperature scale.

Alarm clock

Proceed as follows to set the alarm clock:

1. Press the alarm clock button.

2. Step up or down to select the hour. Press OK.

3. Step up or down to select the minutes. Press OK.

20101006 463
Driver environment

4. Choose between buzzer, radio and buzzer + radio by

stepping up or down. Press OK.

The buzzer is automatically switched off after 3 minutes if you

have not pressed the alarm clock button or OK. The radio is
automatically switched off after 30 minutes if you have not
pressed the radio button, the alarm clock button or OK. If you
turn the key to the drive position, the radio is not switched off.

Snooze function

If you press this button when the alarm clock is in operation, the
buzzer or the radio will fall silent for 10 seconds.

Automatic “sleep in”

You can also activate automatic "sleep in" via the snooze function
button. Press the button and the radio or CD player, depending
on which you are listening to at the time, will be automatically
switched off after 30 minutes. If you are not listening to anything
when you press the button, the radio is switched on. Switch off
the automatic "sleep-in" function by pressing the button again.

464 Complete
Driver environment

CD player


Switch the CD player on and off using this button. Press plus or
minus to change tracks. Hold down plus or minus to move
forwards or backwards.


Switch the radio on and off using this button. Chose between
preselected frequencies by pressing plus or minus. Hold down
plus or minus to search for a new radio station.


20101006 465
Driver environment

Change the volume by pressing this button and then plus or


Programming the auxiliary heater

You cannot program the auxiliary heater if you
are driving an ADR vehicle.

You can program the time at which the auxiliary heater should
be switched on and how long it should be on. You can program
3 starting times per day, one week in advance.

The auxiliary heater remote control has an
inhibitor which prevents you from entering times
which overlap with one another. If you try to do
so a message is shown in the display indicating
that the timer is busy.

Programming the auxiliary heater

466 Complete
Driver environment

The same symbol as the one on the button is shown on the right
of the display when pre-programming has been carried out.
1. Press the auxiliary heater programming button.


2. Select the day by going up or down. Press OK.


3. Select program position; there are three per day. Press


20101006 467
Driver environment



4. Select the hour. Press OK.


5. Select the minutes. Press OK.


468 Complete
Driver environment

6. Select how long the auxiliary heater should be on. When

you go up or down, the interval is changed by 30
minutes at a time. The maximum time is 8 hours. Press


7. Select whether the programming should be active or

not. You can choose between on, off and all off. On
means that the program shown in the display should be
active. Off means that the program displayed is not
active. Therefore the auxiliary heater will not start
operating at the time shown in the display. All off means
that all the times entered are inactive.

Electric engine heater

The vehicle is equipped with an electric engine heater mounted
in the engine. The electric engine heater heats up the engine
coolant, cylinder block and oil. The electric engine heater has an
output of about 1500 watts and requires 230 volts plus a
grounded electrical socket with a fuse of at least 10 amperes.

20101006 469
Driver environment

The purpose of the electric engine heater is to facilitate engine

start when it is extremely cold outside. Using the electric engine
heater reduces wear on the oil and the moving parts of the
engine. Connect the electric engine heater about 2 hours before
starting to give it time to warm up the engine to a favourable

On the left – electrical socket of

the electric engine heater. On the
right – electrical socket for an

electric cab heater.

The electrical socket of the electric engine heater is located

under the boarding step on the passenger side of the cab. Use the
intended electrical cable when connecting the electric engine
heater and connect the electrical cable connector to a grounded
electrical socket.

470 Complete
Driver environment

Radio Medium


Remember that traffic safety is of the highest
priority. You should therefore become acquainted
with the radio and all of its settings before starting
off. Set the volume so that you can hear important
sounds from outside, such as emergency vehicle
sirens. Remember that prolonged exposure to
high volume levels could damage your hearing.

Read the instructions before using the radio for the first time.


The radio contains a class 1 laser that could cause

eye damage. Contact a Scania workshop for
repair or troubleshooting work.

The complete manual can be found at

This manual contains selected information from the complete

manual. It can be downloaded from

20101006 471
Driver environment

Choice of region
The radio gives you the option of listening on the FM and AM
bands. The radio must be set to the correct region in order for
this to be possible in all parts of the world. If you do not have any
problems in listening to the AM band, you do not need to change
any settings on the radio. The regions that can be selected are
Europe (EUROPE), South America (SOU AMER) and
Asia/Pacific (ASIA/PAC).
Proceed as follows to change regions:
1. Activate the radio position (SRC)

2. Press station buttons 3 and 5, (10), simultaneously for at

least 3 seconds. The current region is shown in the

3. Press buttons 3 and 5 once to change to the next region.

Repeat until the correct region is shown in the display.


This radio has a built-in Bluetooth module. You can connect a

Bluetooth phone to the radio. See the section below: Use a
handsfree mobile phone with the radio’s Bluetooth.
You can use your Bluetooth phone handsfree by using the radio’s
built-in Bluetooth module and the microphone in the driver’s
seat. When using the phone handsfree, use the steering wheel
buttons and the display in the instrument cluster.

472 Complete
Driver environment


1. Combination button:

• Short press: switch on radio and MUTE, temporarily

switch off the sound.

• Long press: switch off the radio.

• Turn: adjust volume.
2. BND: short press - choose band and wavelength. With
Bluetooth activated: answer and make calls. Long press:
Search for and save stations automatically Travelstore

3. Eject CD.

4. CD compartment.

5. Display

20101006 473
Driver environment

6. Open menu. With Bluetooth activated: reject or end


7. Rocker button: scroll in menus, select track or folder,

station search.

8. AUD: open audio settings menu.

9. TA button: Activate traffic information or interrupt a

traffic bulletin

10. Station buttons 1-6: Different functions depending on

audio source and activity. Refer to the chapter entitled
Quick guide.

11. RDS: Activate or deactivate RDS. The radio sets the

strongest broadcaster for the selected station.

12. SRC: Select audio source, radio, cd/mp3 or AUXLong

press: with Bluetooth activated: open the phone book.

Quick guide

Start the radio and select audio source

Do as follows to start the radio and select which audio source

you want to listen to.
1. Give a long press on the multi-function button (1).

2. The radio starts.

474 Complete
Driver environment

3. Press SRC (12) to select CD or AUX.

If CODE is shown in the display, you must enter a 4-digit code;

see section: Anti-theft protection with code

Listen to MP3 discs

Use the buttons as follows when listening to MP3 discs.

SRC: Select RDS: Activate 1. Paus. Stop or
listening mode RDS. The radio start playback.
sets the strongest
broadcaster for the
selected station.

2. RPT: TRK - DIR 3. RND: DIR - 4. SCAN: TRK -

- OFF . Repeat ALL - OFF . OFF. Sampling of
track. Random playback each track.
of all tracks in a
folder or on the
entire disc.

5. SCRL: ON - TA: Activate AUD: Open audio

OFF. Show track playing of traffic settings menu.
title. bulletins.

20101006 475
Driver environment

The up and down arrows of the rocker button change folder,

DIR. The right and left arrows change track, TRK.

WMA music files with DRM (Digital Rights Management) from

online music services cannot be played in this radio. Playback of
WMA files can only be guaranteed if they have been created with
Windows Media Player version 8.

Listen to CDs

Use the buttons as follows when listening to CDs.

SRC: Select RDS: Activate 1. Paus Stop or 80556a51

listening mode RDS. The radio start playback.

sets the strongest
broadcaster for the
selected station.

2. RPT: TRK - 3. RND: CD - OFF 4. SCAN: TRK -

OFF. Repeat a Random playback OFF. Sampling of
track or folder. of the entire disc. each track.

5 - 6: No function TA: Activate AUD: Open audio

playing of traffic settings menu.

476 Complete
Driver environment

The right and left arrows of the rocker button change track,

Good to know when listening to CDs

The CD player can read CDs with standard audio tracks as well
as MP3 and WMA files. Do not mix different formats on the
same disc. Only use CD discs with a 12 cm diameter. Small discs
(8 cm) can get stuck and damage the mechanics. If a burned disc
will not play, it is often due to the combination: burning
software, CD burner and CD brand.

Listening to the radio

Use the buttons as follows when listening to the radio.


SRC: Select RDS: Activate 1 - 6: Preset

listening mode. RDS The radio stations.
sets the strongest
broadcaster for the
selected station.

TA: Activate playing of traffic bulletins. AUD: Open audio

settings menu.

20101006 477
Driver environment

Listen to music with AUX input

Buttons 1-6 are not used when an audio source is connected to

the AUX input. The abbreviation AUX indicates the addition of
an auxiliary audio source. This can be a computer, MP3 player,
Ipod or the like. You must have a cable with a 3.5 mm telecontact
in the end that connects to the radio. If the sound from your
audio source becomes too weak or strong, you can use the
MENY button to adjust GAIN (input volume).

Listen to music from USB (option)

Some vehicles have a USB port in the radio that can be used to
connect a USB unit and listen to music files.
Do as follows to listen to music from a USB unit.
1. Switch off the radio.

2. Connect the USB unit.

3. Start the radio.

4. Press SRC until USB appears in the display.

5. Choose track and press play.

6. Switch off the radio before disconnecting the USB unit

from the radio.

The USB unit must be formatted in FAT16 or FAT32 for the

radio to be able to recognise it. Scania cannot guarantee that all
USB units available on the market can be used with the radio.

478 Complete
Driver environment

Adjust audio properties

Press AUD to open the audio properties menu. Scroll through
the menu with the rocker button. Press the up or down arrow to
move among the different properties. Right or left arrow: select
new setting. Press AUD to exit the AUD menu. The following
audio properties can be adjusted:
• Loudness: amplify treble and bass.
• Staging: improve stereo sound.
• Bass: increase or decrease the low frequencies.
• Middle: increase or decrease the medium-register

• Treble: increase or decrease the high frequencies.

• Balance: distribute volume between the right and left-
hand speakers.

Volume is regulated with the combination button (1). Read more

about adjusting Staging and Gala in the section Using the
MENU button.

Search for and save stations manually

Search for and save stations as follows:

1. Start listening to a radio station. Press the combination
button and SRC.

20101006 479
Driver environment

2. Press the up or down arrow of the rocker button. You

search through the frequency scale in small increments.

3. Press the up or down arrow of the rocker button. The

radio seeks and plays the nearest station on the current

4. Save a station by pressing any button from 1 to 6 for

more than 2 seconds. An acoustic signal indicates that
the station is saved.

Search for and save stations automatically

1. Start listening to a radio station. Press the combination
button and SRC.

2. Press BND several times until FMT appears.

3. Press BND for more than 2 seconds.

4. When T-STORE appears in the display, the search has


5. When the search is complete, the radio plays the station

stored at button 1.

Do as follows to play automatically stored stations: Press BND..

Select: FMT. Press any button from 1 to 6.

480 Complete
Driver environment

Listen to road traffic information, TA

Press TA to listen to road traffic information. TA appears on the

display. You can set the volume of the traffic information by
using the MENU button and setting TAVOLUME. See the
illustration in the next section, which shows how to find the right
menu. If the radio cannot find traffic information in the
geographic area the vehicle is in, NO TP appears on the display.
Traffic information cannot be heard:
• MUTE is activated
• a call using Bluetooth is in progress.

Show radio information in the display

You can display information from the radio, CD player or
external audio source in the lower field of the instrument cluster
display. The information is adapted to the audio source you are
listening to. TA is always shown if it is activated.
Proceed as follows to show radio information in the display:
1. Use the INFO button to access the Settings menu.

2. Continue to scroll down to the lower programmable

field menu.

3. Access the menu and select radio with the right arrow of
the INFO button. Then exit the menu by pressing the
left arrow of the INFO button.

20101006 481
Driver environment

This information is displayed:

Radio CD player AUX

•radio icon •CD icon •AUX

•volume •volume •volume

•selected •current track

•play time.
•station name.

1. Selected radio station

1 2 TA
2. TA activated
3. Sound volume
255 FM 23
4. Saved station number and current
4 3

bandwidth (FM).

Use the MENU button

Press the MENU button to open the radio’s main menu. The
menu can be used to change radio function settings. Scroll
through the menu with the up or down arrow of the rocker
button. Select options with the right or left arrow of the rocker
button. When you are satisfied with a setting, press the down
arrow to the next menu row or press MENU to exit the menu.

482 Complete
Driver environment





GAIN -9 - +9


CODE ON ----

SLEEP 5 - 60




STAG-LSP R-O-L 1 - 10

MENU contents
• REGION: Off - On. Radio selects local stations. RDS
must be activated.

• HICUT: OFF - 1. 2. Regulates noise reduction.

20101006 483
Driver environment

• SENSITIV: DX - LO. Sensitiv. Regulates radio

sensitivity when searching for radio stations. DX, radio
searches for all receivable stations. LO (local), radio only
searches for the strongest stations.

• TAVOLUME: 1-32. Volume of traffic information

compared to base volume.

• GAIN: -9 - +9. Adjust input volume from an external

audio source.

• ONVOLUME. Volume at start-up.

• GALA. Noise and speed-based volume control.
• CODE. Theft protection.
• SLEEP. The time the radio is active during listening
without ignition on.

• BEEPTONE. Beeptone, warning tone on or off.

• PTY. Search for stations with program information.
• RDSTEXT. Displaying the radio station’s RDS
information in the display. Only shown if RDS is active.

• STAG -- LSP. Improve stereo sound.

• STAG -- SUB. Improve base reproduction.
• RESET. Reset radio to factory settings.

484 Complete
Driver environment

Use the MENU button

Press the MENU button to open the radio main menu. The
menu can be used to change radio function settings. Scroll
through the menu with the up or down arrow of the rocker
button. Select alternatives with the right or left arrow of the
rocker button. When you are satisfied with a setting, press the
down arrow to the next menu row or press MENU to exit the

20101006 485
Driver environment





GAIN -9 - +9



CODE ON ----

SLEEP 5 - 60




STAG-LSP R-O-L 1 - 10





The above illustration shows the menu tree with the new menus

486 Complete
Driver environment

MENU contents
• REGION: OFF - On. The radio selects local stations.
RDS must be activated.

• HICUT: OFF - 1. 2. Regulates noise reduction.

• SENSITIV: DX - LO. Sensitiv. Regulates radio
sensitivity when searching for radio stations. DX, the
radio searches for all receivable stations. LO (local), the
radio only searches for the strongest stations.

• TAVOLUME: 1-32. Volume of traffic information

compared to base volume.

• GAIN: -9 - +9. Adjust input volume from an external

audio source.

• PHONE VOL 1-32.

• ONVOLUME. Volume at start-up.
• GALA. Noise and speed-based volume control.
• CODE. Anti-theft protection
• SLEEP. The time the radio is active during listening
without ignition on.

• BEEPTONE. BEEPTONE, warning tone on or off.

• PTY. Search for stations with program information.

20101006 487
Driver environment

• RDSTEXT. Display of radio station RDS information in

the display. Only shown if RDS is active.

• STAG -- LSP. Improve stereo sound.

• STAG -- SUB. Improve base reproduction.
• RESET. Reset radio to factory settings.
• B-TOOTHOFF - ON Activate, deactivate Bluetooth

• BT JOIN PAIRED PHONE Connect mobile phone.

• BT PAIR VISIBLE The radio is visible to phones in the

Use a handsfree mobile phone with the radio

The radio’s built-in Bluetooth module and the microphone in
the driver’s seat can be used to operate your Bluetooth phone
handsfree via the steering wheel buttons and the display in the
instrument cluster.
The Bluetooth function can be used to:
• make, answer and reject calls
• operate the phone with the INFO button
• use favourites, call list and the mobile phone’s phone
book in the instrument cluster display.

488 Complete
Driver environment

Road safety must always take priority. The
steering wheel buttons and Bluetooth equipment
should be used in such a way that it causes no
danger to other road users. Stop the vehicle when
dealing with connection and advanced settings.
Follow local legislation which you the driver are
responsible for complying with.

General information about Bluetooth

Bluetooth technology is a short-range wireless connection. The
mobile phone must therefore be close to the radio for the
connection with the radio to be established and maintained. The
Bluetooth connection requires the phone and the radio
Bluetooth module not to be screened by anything that can
disrupt the connection. When the vehicle power is activated, you
can operate the phone via the steering wheel buttons and see
information from the phone in the instrument cluster display.

Compatible mobile phones

To use Bluetooth, you need a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone.

Most modern phones are Bluetooth-enabled. Refer to the
manufacturer’s manual for data about your phone equipment.
The Bluetooth connection works with most mobile phones. contains a list of the models that have

20101006 489
Driver environment

been tested and a description of how they work when they are
connected to the radio.

Proceed as follows
To connect the mobile phone and radio via Bluetooth, carry out
the following procedures:
1. activate the mobile phone Bluetooth function

2. activate the radio Bluetooth

3. connect the phone to the radio.

1. Activate the mobile phone Bluetooth

Activate the mobile phone Bluetooth. Follow the manufacturer’s

2. Activate the radio Bluetooth

Open the menu using the MENU button (1). Scroll


through the menu using the rocker button (2).

Proceed as follows to activate the radio Bluetooth function. Use

the radio MENU and rocker buttons:

1. Press the radio MENU button.

490 Complete
Driver environment

2. Press the up arrow of the rocker button until B-

TOOTH appears.

3. Use the right or left arrow of the rocker button to scroll

on to BT-ON.

4. Press MENU to save. The radio now starts to search for

your phone.

When you have completed the above, the Bluetooth symbol

starts to flash. The radio now automatically searches for the last
mobile phone connected. If you phone has not previously been
connected, the search ends after a few seconds. In this case,
continue to the section 3. Connect the phone to the radio.
If your phone has previously been connected and is automatically
connected, the Bluetooth symbol is displayed permanently in the
radio display. If the radio does not find a mobile phone, the
symbol goes out.
The Bluetooth function is active until you deactivate it. If you
switch off the radio with the Bluetooth function activated and
switch it on again after a while, the function will still be active.
The radio automatically tries to establish a connection with one
of the last five mobile phones that were connected.
You can activate the radio Bluetooth and connect the phone
without the power on. When the power is switched on, the call
list and phone book are transferred to the instrument cluster.

20101006 491
Driver environment

3. Connect the phone to the radio

Connecting the phone means that the radio actively searches for
an activated Bluetooth-enabled phone. You can also confirm in
your phone that you want to connect it to the radio. You can
connect one phone at a time.
Proceed as follows to connect a phone:
1. Press the radio MENU button.

2. Use the radio rocker button and scroll to BT PAIR.

VISIBLE then appears on the display.

The radio now searches for the phone. A connection is

displayed in the mobile phone called SCANIA BT. Select this.

3. A code is shown in the radio display which should be

entered in your phone’s button kit. Follow the phone’s

The radio now connects the phone and when the connection is
verified, PAIRED is briefly displayed in the radio display. The

492 Complete
Driver environment

radio’s Bluetooth symbol then flashes rapidly and is permanently

visible when the connection is established.

The radio’s Bluetooth symbol flashes when the radio is

searching. When a connection is established, the

symbol is displayed permanently in the radio display.

When the phone is connected, an earpiece is displayed in the

centre of the main menu of the display. Press the centre button
of the INFO button to go directly to the phone menu.

If connection of the phone fails: start up the phone after

carrying out the steps in the section 3. Connect a mobile phone and
search for the radio Bluetooth connection from your mobile


• When a mobile phone is connected to the radio, the radio

automatically loads the phone book from the phone’s SIM
card. You can obtain and use the phone book when you
want to make a call, (Read the section Making a call). The
phone book is available when all the data has been
transferred from the mobile phone.

20101006 493
Driver environment

• The time taken to transfer the phone book depends on

how much data is in it.

• Only contacts saved on the phone’s SIM card are

transferred. A new contact is transferred when the phone
is connected.

• If the connection with the phone is suddenly broken, the

radio automatically tries to establish the connection

Make a call from the call list

Use the INFO button to make a call from the phone book, call
list or favourites. An example is given below of how to make a call
from the call list.

1 2 3 4
Favorites Leif Calling
Call list 081234567
Phone book Gunnar

Phone information Linus/1

494 Complete
Driver environment

1. Press the 2. Scroll on 3. Press the 4. The phone

centre of the to the call right arrow makes the
INFO list, press the or the centre call. End the
button. right arrow of the INFO call by
button to pressing the
make a call. centre of the

The above illustration shows the display text in English. A list is

shown below of the words used in English which are translated
into the same language as the rest of the Driver’s Manual.

Word in display Translated word

Favourites Favourites

Call list Call list

Phone book Phone book

Phone information Phone information

Calling Ringing

End End

20101006 495
Driver environment

Answer and reject calls

When you are called, a ringtone can be heard in the loudspeaker

of the radio.
• Answer: press the right arrow or the centre button of the
INFO button.

• Reject call: press the left arrow of the INFO button


When it rings: Answer: press the

right arrow or the earpiece.

Reject: press the left arrow

Change the call or ringtone volume using the radio volume

button or steering wheel volume button.


Tip when using Bluetooth

• You can use the radio Bluetooth function without using
the steering wheel buttons or the instrument cluster
display. It is not, however, something that Scania
recommends to drivers, since using it in such a way
adversely affects road safety.

496 Complete
Driver environment

• This manual is an excerpt from the complete manual for

Radio Medium with Bluetooth. The complete manual
can be downloaded from

Anti-theft protection with code

The radio has anti-theft protection that is activated by entering
a 4-digit code. The anti-theft protection is not activated upon
delivery. When the vehicle is delivered from the factory, a paper
with the code is found under the rubber mat in the central
electric unit cover. If the code is activated, it must be entered
every time the radio has been without power. Store the code in a
manner that prevent unauthorised access.
Read through the instructions before starting.

Activating anti-theft protection

Anti-theft protection activation instructions:

Proceed as follows to activate the anti-theft protection:
1. Press MENU.

2. Press the down arrow until CODE appears.

3. Press the right arrow once; OFF then appears.

4. Press the right arrow and - - - - will appear. This means

that you can start entering the code; see step 5.

20101006 497
Driver environment

Use the station buttons (10) to enter the digits.

5. Press station button 1 until the first digit of the code

appears in the display.

6. Press station button 2 until the second digit of the code

appears in the display.

7. Press station button 3 until the third digit of the code

appears in the display.

8. Press station button 4 until the fourth digit of the code

appears in the display.

9. Once you have entered all of the digits: Press and hold
station button 5 until CODE OFF appears.

10. Press the right arrow and ON will appear.

11. Confirm activation by pressing MENU. You will then

exit the menu.

The anti-theft protection is now activated. If you did not have

time to make all the entries before the radio exited the menu,
you must start over.

Deactivating anti-theft protection

Anti-theft protection deactivation instructions: Deactivation

means that the code does not need to be re-entered if the power
supply to the radio is disconnected.

498 Complete
Driver environment

Proceed as follows to deactivate the anti-theft protection.

1. Press MENU

2. Use the down arrow to come to CODE.

3. Press the right arrow of the rocker button once; ON

then appears.

4. Press the right arrow and - - - - will appear. This means

that you can start entering the code.

Use the station buttons (10) to enter the digits.

5. Press station button 1 until the first digit of the code

appears in the display.

6. Press station button 2 until the second digit of the code

appears in the display.

7. Press station button 3 until the third digit of the code

appears in the display.

8. Press station button 4 until the fourth digit of the code

appears in the display.

9. Once you have entered all of the digits, press and hold
station button 5 for at least 4 seconds.

10. CODE ON appears in the display. Press the left arrow

and OFF will appear.

20101006 499
Driver environment

11. Confirm deactivation by pressing MENU. You will then

exist the menu.

The code is now deactivated.

- - - - appears in the display if you enter the wrong code. You

can enter the code two more times. After a third failed attempt,
the function is blocked for 1 hour and the radio automatically
goes into SLEEP mode. If you try to activate the code during
that hour, WAIT 1 H appears on the display. If you cut off the
power or switch off the radio during the waiting period, the
waiting period is reset and you must wait an entire hour before
your next attempt.

Enter code if radio was without power

You must re-enter the code if the radio was without power. After
3 failed attempts to enter the code, you must wait one hour.
Proceed as follows to enter the code:
1. Switch on the radio.

2. The display shows CODE and then - - - -.

3. Press station button 1 until the first digit of the code

appears in the display.

4. Press station button 2 until the second digit of the code

appears in the display.

500 Complete
Driver environment

5. Press station button 3 until the third digit of the code

appears in the display.

6. Press station button 4 until the fourth digit of the code

appears in the display.

7. Press station button 5 for at least three seconds.

8. The radio starts and is ready for use.

Radio with navigation

Important information

The navigation equipment must not be used for
journey planning while the truck is moving. Stop
before you indicate a new destination or change
the system settings! The navigation equipment
must be used in a way that does not put you or
other road users in danger. Traffic safety is more
important than anything else. The risk for serious
accidents is great if you do no keep your full
attention on the traffic situation. The route with
the guidance that the navigation equipment
calculates is a suggestion. You must always display
good driving behaviour and pay attention to the
current traffic situation. Signs, temporary
notifications and regulations always take

20101006 501
Driver environment

precedence over route guidance from the

navigation equipment. If you uses navigation
with vehicle properties, you must make sure that
you know what happens on the route the
navigator has suggested. This applies for example
to carriage capacity on roads, bridges, local
regulations, etc.
Learn about all the functions before you start
driving. Only use the radio and other functions
when the traffic situation allows it.
The navigator provides route guidance during
navigation. Follow the guidance only if you are
not breaking any traffic regulations!
Scania’s navigator is designed for use in trucks.
Adjust the volume to the current traffic situation.
You must be able to hear sounds from emergency
vehicles clearly and in time.

About the manual

Read the instructions before using the radio for the first time.
Use accessories that are approved by Scania. Contact your dealer
for more information on suitable accessories

Complete manual

This manual is a summary. A complete manual is available for

download from

502 Complete
Driver environment

Overview of controls and basic functions

1. Left or right arrow. Short press: Automatic radio station 80556a44

search or CD track change. Long press: Fast


2. Compartment for CDs and navigation DVD.

3. Function buttons: Changes function based on what

appears in the display.

4. Eject CD and DVD.

5. Day/night display. Short press: Day or night display

illumination. Long press: Switch display on or off.

20101006 503
Driver environment

6. Activate traffic jam menu.

7. Combination button with press and rotary function.

• In a menu: Turn - select, change. Press - confirm.

• In radio mode: Turn - set station.
• In CD mode: Turn - select track.
8. ESC: Exit a menu.

9. MAP: Switch between different map displays.

10. NAVI: Open navigation menu.

11. AUX: Open external audio source menu.

12. CD: Open CD/MP3 disc playback menu.

13. RADIO: Open radio playback menu.

14. INFO: Open system settings menu.

15. Combination button with press and rotary function.

• Turn: Adjust volume.

• Short press: Switch on the radio.
• Long press: Switch off the radio.
• Short press: Switch off traffic messages.

504 Complete
Driver environment

The radio can be operated with the steering wheel buttons. For
more information, see the steering wheel section of the Driver’s
Manual. This is found in the chapter entitled Cruise control,
roadholding and traction.

Selecting language
You can select a language for navigator voice and menus. The
available languages are found on the accompanying DVD.
Proceed as follows to select a language:
1. Insert the accompanying DVD in the radio’s CD/DVD

2. Press INFO (14).

3. Press Syst. settings (3).

4. Press Language (3).

5. Select the language with the up or down arrow (3).

6. Confirm your choice with OK (3).

7. The radio loads the language and displays syst.settings.

8. Press ESC (8). The language has been changed and you
see the info menu.

20101006 505
Driver environment

Starting the radio and selecting audio mode

Switch the radio on or off by pressing the left-hand combination
button (15). If the unit was on when the ignition was switched
off, it comes on automatically when the key is turned to the radio
position. The unit is activated in the mode (radio, CD,
navigation) in use when the vehicle was switched off.
If the voltage was switched off, a warning text is shown when you
start the radio. Press (3) to confirm that you read the message and
want to continue.
You can start the radio without having the key in the radio
position. If the radio is started without the key, it switches itself
off after one hour.
The following audio modes can be selected:
• Radio, press RADIO.
• CD, insert a CD or MP3 disc. Press CD (12).

You can also use:

• CD changer or other external equipment. Press AUX


• Navigation, press NAVI (10).

Adjusting audio properties

The following can be adjusted for each audio source:
• Treble: high frequencies.

506 Complete
Driver environment

• Middle: mid-range frequencies.

• Bass: low frequencies.
Adjustments to balance and fader apply to all audio sources.
• Balance: distribution of volume between left and right
audio channel.

Proceed as follows to adjust audio properties:

1. Press INFO (14).

2. Press SOUND (3).

3. Adjust (3) the values you want to change.

4. Press ESC (8) to exit the menu.

Using GALA, speed-dependent volume

You can set the radio to adjust volume to vehicle speed. You can
set how much volume should be changed in relation to speed. A
low GALA value produces a barely noticeable change while a
high GALA value produces a great volume change at different
Proceed as follows to change the GALA value:
1. Press INFO (14).

2. Press Syst. settings (3).

20101006 507
Driver environment

3. Press Volume (3).

4. Press GALA (3) to change the value, + higher or - lower


5. Press ESC (8) to exit the menu.

Starting radio mode

Starting radio mode is the first step of several of the following
operations. In radio mode, the radio menu is displayed and a
station plays.

Proceed as follows to start radio mode:

1. With the radio off, press the left-hand combination
button (15).

2. Press RADIO (13). Radio mode starts.

Selecting band
You can choose between different bands: FM1, FM2, FM3, MW
and LW.
1. Start radio mode.

2. Press RADIO (13) repeatedly to select band. Press FM1

to listen to the radio.

Automatic radio station search

1. Start radio mode.

508 Complete
Driver environment

2. Press the right or left arrow (1).

3. The radio plays the first station it finds.

4. Press again to search for another station.

Saving stations manually

You can save 6 stations for each Fm band.
1. Start radio mode.

2. Press RADIO to select a band.

3. Find a station using automatic search.

4. Give a long press on any function button (3). A sound

indicates that the station is stored.

Saving stations automatically

An automatic search saves the 6 strongest stations on the FM2
band. After the search, station names are shown in the display.
1. Start radio mode.

2. Press Autostore (3).

3. A sound indicates that the radio is searching for stations.

4. The radio plays the first of the 6 stored stations.

20101006 509
Driver environment

Using saved stations

The saved stations are shown in the radio menu. Press (3) to
listen to a saved station.

Selecting stations from a list

It is possible to open a list of FM band stations that the radio is
receiving at that time.
1. Start radio mode.

2. Press List (3).

3. Select a station from the with the up or down arrow (3).

4. Press OK (3) to confirm your selection. The selected

station is played.

Activating RDS
Activate RDS functions for better radio reception and to listen to
traffic information.
Select TA ON to listen to traffic information.
Select RDS Reg. Auto to have the radio search for the strongest
broadcaster of the station you are listening to. If the vehicle
leaves the reception range of the station, the radio switches to
another station.
Select OFF for the radio to switch to the strongest broadcaster
when reception becomes weak.

510 Complete
Driver environment

Proceed as follows to activate RDS:

1. Start radio mode.

2. Press Settings (3).

3. Select the RDS function you would like to activate.

Press (3) for your selection.

4. Press ESC (8) to return to the radio’s basic menu.

Using the CD player

The CD player can play 12-cm CDs of the type CD-R and CD-
RW with audio, MP3 or WMA tracks. Problems playing self-
burned discs could be due to low-quality discs or problems
during burning. Never use dirty or damaged discs in the CD


The CD player uses a class 1 laser, which can be

hazardous to humans. Never make repairs or
open the outer casing. Entrust repairs to a Scania

20101006 511
Driver environment

Never use small CD discs (8 cm) as they will
damage the CD player. Scania accepts no
responsibility for damages stemming from use of
faulty or unapproved discs.

CD display during playback of a standard CD.


1. Mix Cd: random playback. 7. Forward one track.

2. Scan: a short clip of each track is 8. Fast forward.
played. Press to start; press again to 9. Track Repeat: press to repeat a
switch off. track; Rpt. Track. appears in the
3. Rapid rewind. display. Press again to deactivate
4. Back one track. the repeat.

5. Stop and start playback. 10.Syst. settings: settings.

6. Pause playback. Press again to start 11.Playback status.

from the same spot in the track.

512 Complete
Driver environment

Playing MP3 discs

MP3 discs are played the same way as regular CDs. Track title
and length are shown in the display.
An MP3 disc holds more audio files (tracks) than a regular audio
CD. An MP3 disc is often made up of folders that can contain
other folders or audio files. Use Browser to browse in the disc.
To play all songs from a disc, press Mix folder once so that MIX
CD appears.

20101006 513
Driver environment


Scan Play 0:18 Track Repeat

Mix Folder Browser


1. Mix Folder, Mix CD: plays one track 7. Forward one track.
in a folder or on the entire disc 8. Fast forward.
9. Track Repeat:: press to repeat a
2. Scan: brief playback of all tracks on track; Rpt Track appears in the
the disc. display. Press again to deactivate
3. Rapid rewind. the repeat.
4. Back one track. 10.Browser: file manager for the music
5. Stop and start playback. files (tracks) on the MP3 disc.

6. Pause playback. Press again to start 11.Playback status

from the same spot in the track. 12.Properties of the track you are
listening to.

Using AUX
Two different types of units can be connected to AUX input 1.
An audio source, such as an IPod, MP3 player or computer. 2. A
video source. Press AUX (11) to open the AUX menu. Select the
audio source you connected.

514 Complete
Driver environment

Restoring factory settings

You can reset the radio to factory settings. All radio settings are
reset, but navigator settings are left untouched.
Proceed as follows to restore factory settings:
1. Press INFO.

2. Press Syst. settings. (3).

3. Press Factory set. (3).

4. Press YES (3) to reset.

5. Press ESC (8) to exit the menu.

Using navigation
This manual contains selected information from the complete
Download the complete manual from
It contains additional instructions for all navigator functions.
The radio’s navigator helps you plan your trip. The navigator
suggests routes and provides guidance with a voice, map or
symbols. The navigator shows information on estimated
remaining driving time and distance.
In some vehicles, route symbols can be displayed in the
instrument cluster. Use the vehicle’s INFO button to activate
display. For more information, read the section entitled Menus
and navigation in the Driver’s Manual.

20101006 515
Driver environment

For some countries in the DVD map directory, the navigator

can suggest a route that is suited to the vehicle’s properties:
length, height, weight and load. See the section: Using vehicle
properties for navigation. The case of the accompanying DVD
contains information on which map areas or countries have
support for vehicle properties. If you selected a map area that
does not support navigation with vehicle properties, the
navigator displays a truck with a cross over it.

The image shows that the map material does not

support navigation with vehicle properties. Using the

navigator as an aid in selecting route.

Through TMC, dynamic navigation, the navigator can

sometimes find alternative routes around temporary traffic
hindrances. For more information, see the section Navigating
with TMC.

Using the navigator as an aid. Navigation with
vehicle properties is one way for the navigator to
suggest route. Pay attention to new, temporary
and unknown changes along the route.
Always give the traffic situation your full
attention. Only modify or add a destination when
the vehicle is stationary.

516 Complete
Driver environment

Installing navigator software

The navigator software is loaded the first time the accompanying
navigation DVD (DVD Navigation) is inserted.
Install the software as follows:
1. Insert the DVD with the shiny side down. The disc is
pulled in automatically.

2. The navigator loads the software automatically.

The navigator must be calibrated before it is used for the first

time; see below.

3. Wait a few minutes before continuing and calibrating

according to the instructions.

Calibrating the navigator

The radio navigator must be calibrated before it is used for the
first time. This must be done after the navigator software is
Proceed as follows to calibrate the navigator:
1. Start the radio and leave it on.

2. Insert the DVD in the radio.

20101006 517
Driver environment

The navigator is calibrated while the vehicle is driven. Use

major roads.

3. Calibration is complete after 50 km of driving.

Starting the navigator and selecting

You must first open the menu for selecting destination. Proceed
as follows:
1. Insert the DVD in the CD compartment.

2. Press NAVI (10).

On some occasions, the navigator displays the vehicle properties

menu. You can make changes as necessary. Press NAVI or wait.

3. Press Destination (3).

4. Press New destination (3). The New destination menu


You must now select the following in the order shown: country,
town, street and any street number.
If you enter the wrong letter, correct it using the button (3) at the arrow
on the right side.
Selecting country
1. Press Country (3).

518 Complete
Driver environment

2. Turn the right-hand combination button (7) to select

letters and press (7) to confirm the name of the selected

3. Press OK (3) to confirm and exit the country selection


Selecting town or postcode.

4. Press Town/Postcode (3).

5. Turn the right-hand combination button (7) to select

letters or numbers and press (7) to confirm the name of
the selected town.

6. Press OK (3) to confirm and exit the town selection


Selecting address and street number.

7. Press Street (3).

8. Turn the right-hand combination button (7) to select

letters and press (7) to confirm the name of the selected

9. Press OK (3).

10. Press OK (3) to confirm and exit the address selection


20101006 519
Driver environment

11. Press Housenumber (3).

12. Turn (7) to select numbers and press (7) to confirm the
the selected address.

Selecting destination on the map

If you selected a town, you can press Dest. on map. You can then
select a destination using the buttons (3) and the map that is
displayed. Zoom in or out on the map by turning the right-hand
combination button.

Starting navigation, Route guidance

Once you selected a destination, you can start navigation and
route display.
1. Press Route guidance (3).

2. The navigator calculates the route and starts showing it

in the navigator display. Press OK if necessary.

Route information display options:

• Symbols.
• Map.
• Map and symbols.

520 Complete
Driver environment

Press MAP (9) to switch between different route information

display options.

• To start voice guidance, press (3), the speaker symbol and


Displaying route information in the instrument cluster

Some vehicles are able to show route information in the

instrument cluster display. Use the vehicle’s INFO button to
navigate in the display. For more information, see the Driver’s
Manual section entitled Menus in the display.

Switching off navigation

1. Press NAVI (10).

2. The navigation menu opens and you now have two


• Switch off route guidance; your route remains in the

memory without needing to re-insert the DVD. Press
Stop guidance (3).

• To continue with your route and guidance, press MAP


Symbols in the display during navigation

Symbols are shown in the display once you have started

navigating towards a destination.

20101006 521
Driver environment

Symbols Explanation

Distance to destination


Remaining driving time


You can also display arrival

time based on the radio clock.

Map scale

Map orientation (north or


direction of travel)

Automatic map scale.


Map display with crosshairs


Open orientation display


Open menu settings, Settings


Repeat spoken instruction


522 Complete
Driver environment

Symbols Explanation

Dynamic navigation and

reception of accessible TMC

Display of available GPS



The image shows that the


map material does not

support navigation with
vehicle properties.

The image shows that the


map material supports

navigation with vehicle

Using the corridor function

If a route has been selected and you want to listen to a CD/MP3
disc, you can use the corridor function. The corridor function
means that the navigator can save information on the selected
route in an area (corridor) around the route. To do so, the
navigator must be given the opportunity to load necessary
information before you remove the DVD. The navigator can
save one corridor at a time after you have entered a complete
route with country, town, address and any street number.

20101006 523
Driver environment

Proceed as follows to use the corridor function:

1. Select and enter a complete destination.

2. Press the CD eject button (4). The navigator will

indicate if the DVD can be removed.

3. Wait until the navigator has finished saving and press

the DVD eject button (4).

The corridor is now saved and you can use the CD player. The
navigator will indicate when it needs the DVD again.

Saving home address

You can save an entered destination in the New Destination
menu. Is a good idea to save the home address as a destination.
This makes navigator usage easier.
Proceed as follows to save a home address:
1. Press NAVI (10).

2. Press Destination (3).

3. Press Advanced (3).

4. Press Edit home (3).

524 Complete
Driver environment

You can now enter a new address or use the current address as
home address.

5. Enter a new address to specify a new home address.

6. Press HERE to use the current address.

7. Press SAVE.

Navigating using TMC

A navigator with activated TMC provides updated route
guidance if temporary traffic incidents arise along the planned
route. This is done with TMC, Traffic Message Channel. You
can use TMC if the radio stations in the area of travel broadcast
TMC. If there is a traffic incident along the planned route, the
new route is presented with a voice message. There may be times
when the navigator will be unable to find a new route. In such
cases, it continues with the original route.
If destination was active the last time you used NAVI (10) you
will enter the destination munu when you press NAVI.

Activating and using TMC

TMC is always active as its default setting. Proceed as follows to

activate or deactivate TMC:
1. Press NAVI (10).

20101006 525
Driver environment

2. The navigation menu is shown with the TMC symbol at

the bottom of the display. This indicates that TMC is

3. Press Route options (3).

4. Press TMC (3) to switch between ON and OFF.

5. Press ESC (8) to exit the menu.

Indicating temporary traffic hindrance

You can manually indicate a temporary traffic hindrance. If this
occurs during travel, the navigator suggests alternate roads. It
can even do this if TMC is not active. The navigator can provide
suggestions provided you are driving towards a set destination
with route guidance.
Proceed as follows to have a new road suggested if there is a
traffic hindrance:
1. Press detour if there is a traffic hindrance (6).

2. Press Congest. ahead (3).

3. Turn the right-hand combination button (7) and enter

the distance to the traffic hindrance.

4. Confirm by pressing (7).

5. The route is calculated based on the new conditions.

526 Complete
Driver environment

Deleting an entered traffic hindrance.

Proceed as follows to delete a manually entered traffic hindrance.

Press (6) and select Congest. ahead. Cancel (3).

Using saved destinations

The navigator automatically saves the 10 most recent
destinations. You can access them from the memory and use
them again.
Proceed as follows to use a saved destination:
1. Press NAVI (10).

2. Press Destination (3).

3. Press Last 10 (3).

4. Select one of the destinations with (3).

5. The navigator calculates the route and begins guidance.

Using vehicle characteristics when navigating

When you have entered the characteristics of the vehicle and
load, the navigator calculates the route based on this
information. Note that not all the countries’ maps provide
support for this function. The DVD cover provides a list of those
parts of Europe which provide support for vehicle

20101006 527
Driver environment

The characteristics that can be entered are dimensions, weight,

miscellaneous and load type.

Use the navigator as an aid. Navigating with
vehicle characteristics is one way that the
navigator can make suggestions about the route.
Pay attention to new, temporary or unknown
changes along the route.
Always pay full attention to the traffic conditions.
Change or add a new destination only when the
vehicle is stationary.

Enter the vehicle and load characteristics

Proceed as follows to enter the vehicle and load characteristics.

1. Press NAVI (10).

2. Press Settings (3).

3. Press Veh.settings (3).

4. Select Dimensions, Weight, Miscellaneous or Load.

5. Turn the right-hand multi-function button (7) to set the

current values.

6. Press (7) to confirm a selected value.

7. Press ESC to save and return to Vehicle settings.

528 Complete
Driver environment

8. Press (3) to select one of the other headings that apply to

the vehicle characteristics. Repeat steps 4-5.

9. Exit the setting procedure by pressing ESC.

The navigator will calculate a new route if you change the

vehicle characteristics when navigation is underway.

Indicating route properties

When you choose a route, you can select different properties for
it. You can select from the following options:
Select from among the following options:
• Route: Fastest, shortest or Econ, which optimises time
and length.

• Motorway: with or without motorway.

• Ferry: with or without ferry.
• Toll roads: with or without toll roads.
• TMC: with or without dynamic navigation. TMC
monitors the prevailing traffic situation and examines
alternate routes around traffic hindrances.

Proceed as follows to select route options:

1. Press NAVI (10).

2. Press Route options (3).

20101006 529
Driver environment

3. Press (3), left side at the property you want to change.

4. Press ESC (8) to exit the menu.

Your choices are now saved and used when calculating the route
to a destination you select.

Marking a vehicle position

If the vehicle is at a location without GPS coverage, you can
manually mark the vehicle’s position on the map.
Proceed as follows to mark the vehicle position:
1. Press NAVI (10).

2. Press Settings (3).

3. Press Pos. on map (3). A map opens.

4. You can now use the arrows (3) to mark where the
vehicle is located. Change the map scale with (7).

5. Press OK (3) to confirm and save the selected position.

Anti-theft protection with code

The radio has anti-theft protection that is activated by entering
a code. The code is not activated upon delivery. When the
vehicle is delivered from the factory, a paper with the code is
found under the rubber mat in the central electric unit cover.
When the code is activated, it must be entered every time the

530 Complete
Driver environment

radio has been without power. Store the code in a manner that
prevents unauthorised access.
Read through the instructions before activating the anti-theft
protection. Note how to change an incorrectly entered number.

Activating anti-theft protection

Proceed as follows to activate the anti-theft protection with code.
You are allowed 3 attempts to enter the right code. After the
third attempt, the radio is blocked for one hour. Before you can
make another attempt, the radio must be shut off completely for
one hour.
1. Press INFO (16).

2. Press Syst.settings (3).

3. Press Pin code (3).

4. Press Yes (3).

5. Select a number by turning the right-hand combination

button (7).

6. Confirm the number by pressing the right-hand

combination button (7).

7. Once you have entered 4 numbers, confirm the code by

pressing OK (3).

20101006 531
Driver environment

8. Once you have entered all of the numbers, confirm by

pressing OK (3).

Correcting an incorrectly entered number

If you enter one or more numbers incorrectly, you can correct

them before confirming the code.
1. Press (3) at the arrow on the right side of the display.

You can press several times if several numbers are wrong. One
of the numbers becomes yellow with each press.

2. Select a new number by turning the right-hand

combination button (7).

3. Press the right-hand combination button (7) and the

new number will appear in the display.

Deactivating anti-theft protection

Proceed as follows to deactivate the anti-theft protection.
1. Press the radio’s INFO button (16).

2. Press Syst.settings (3).

3. Press Pin code. (3).

4. Press NO (3).

5. Select a number by turning the right-hand combination

button (7).

532 Complete
Driver environment

6. Confirm the number choice by pressing OK (3).

7. Once you have entered all of the numbers, confirm by

pressing OK (3).

Entering a code when power was disconnected from the radio

The code must be re-entered if the radio was without power. If

you enter the code incorrectly, the same conditions apply as in
the section on deactivating the anti-theft protection. After 3
failed attempts to enter the code, you must wait one hour.
Proceed as follows to enter the code:
1. Select a number by turning the right-hand combination
button (7).

2. Confirm the choice of number by pressing the right-

hand combination button (7).

3. Do the same for the other numbers.

4. The radio starts.

You are allowed 3 attempts to enter the right code. After the
third attempt, the radio is blocked for one hour. Before you can
make another attempt, the radio must be shut off completely for
one hour.

View the navigation information in the display

You can choose to show the information from the navigator in

the display’s lower programmable field.

20101006 533
Driver environment

Proceed as follows to show information from the navigator in

the display:
1. Activate the display by pressing the INFO button.

2. Press the down arrow.

3. Scroll down to lower programmable field.

4. Press right arrow.

5. Scroll to Navigation.

6. Press right arrow.

7. Press left arrow several times until you see the start

1. Symbol that the display of

navigation information is
2. Shows crossroads, roundabouts
and change of lane.
3. Shows time remaining to the next
event: crossroads, stop or similar.
The number of lines increases as
you approach the event. When the
distance is more than 200 metres
the distance is shown only by


534 Complete
Driver environment

Show radio information in the display

You can display information from the radio, CD player or
external audio source in the lower field of the instrument cluster
display. The information is adapted to the audio source you are
listening to. TA is always shown if it is activated.
Proceed as follows to show radio information in the display:
1. Use the INFO button to access the Settings menu.

2. Continue to scroll down to the lower programmable

field menu.

3. Access the menu and select radio with the right arrow of
the INFO button. Then exit the menu by pressing the
left arrow of the INFO button.

This information is displayed:

Radio CD player AUX

•radio icon •CD icon •AUX

•volume •volume •volume

•selected •current track

•play time.
•station name.

20101006 535
Driver environment

1. Selected radio station

1 2 TA
2. TA activated
3. Sound volume
255 FM 23
4. Saved station number and current
4 3

bandwidth (FM).

Smoke alarm
The smoke alarm is triggered when it detects smoke particles.
The smoke alarm can react to particles in cigarette smoke and to
some extent to dust.
The button flashes at 45 second intervals during normal
operation. The alarm starts at a lower noise level and increases
after approximately 50 seconds to a higher noise level.

The external environment affects the service life
of the smoke alarm.

536 Complete
Driver environment


The smoke alarm is located above the door on the driver side or
in the ceiling on the driver side.

Checking the smoke alarm

Check that the smoke alarm is working at least
once a week and always after holidays or any other
extended period of absence.

To check that the smoke alarm is working, hold down the button
for 5-10 seconds. The alarm should then sound and the button
should flash for as long as it is pressed.

20101006 537
Driver environment

After the check, the smoke alarm is set
automatically to timer mode.

If the alarm goes off for no reason, this may be because the smoke
alarm is dirty. The smoke alarm must then be renewed.
The smoke alarm should always be checked during servicing in
the workshop.

Timer function
Since the alarm can also be triggered for reasons other than
smoke from a fire, there is a timer function which allows the
driver to switch off the smoke alarm temporarily. The function
can be used when smoking. Briefly pressing the button switches
off the smoke alarm for 10 minutes. This can also be done when
the alarm has gone off. The button flashes at 10 second intervals
when in timer mode.

Renewing the battery

When it is time to renew the battery, the button flashes and the
smoke alarm chirps at 45 second intervals. This alarm signal is
triggered approximately one month before the battery is
completely flat. The battery lasts for 1-2 years depending on the
number of alarms and periods of high temperatures. The smoke
alarm takes a 9-volt battery, type 6R61, 6LR61 or 1604 A.

538 Complete
Driver environment

Fixed accessories should be retrofitted in a Scania workshop.

If the vehicle is fitted with electrical sockets, you can connect

portable accessories to them. The sockets are marked as 12 V or
24 V and are normally fitted on the instrument panel.

The voltage in 24 volt sockets can vary. Therefore
make sure that the accessories connected to 24
volt sockets can withstand continuous voltages up
to 30 V. Otherwise there is a risk that the
accessories will be damaged.

20101006 539
Crash safety

Crash safety
Safety belt

Use the safety belts correctly

The protection provided by the belt is best if the waist strap is
worn low over the hips. The diagonal strap should be positioned
as far in on the shoulder as possible without coming too close to
your neck. Make sure the belt is not twisted or chafing against
any sharp edges.
The belt must not be slack at any point. Check especially
thoroughly if you are wearing bulky clothes.


To reduce the risk of injury in a collision, the

driver and passengers should always use safety
belts when in motion.

540 Complete
Crash safety

Using the beds


To reduce the risk of injury in a collision, the

beds should only be used when the vehicle is

Belt pretensioner

To increase the protection for the driver, the safety belt is

equipped with a belt pretensioner. The belt pretensioner is
always activated in the event of a heavy frontal collision and
reduces forward body movement. However, it is not designed to

20101006 541
Crash safety

be deployed if the car rolls over, is hit from the side or in the case
of minor collisions.

After the collision


The safety belt, belt pretensioner and other

constituent parts must be inspected after each
Even safety belts and components that are not
used in the collision must be inspected and
renewed if they show signs of damage or other

Scania recommends renewing all component parts of the safety

belts that have been used in a collision. Renewal is not necessary
after a minor collision when a Scania workshop cannot find any
damage and considers the function to be fault-free.



Belt pretensioners must be disposed of in a safe

manner before scrapping the vehicle.

542 Complete
Crash safety

Symbols in the instrument cluster


Yellow symbol

The symbol may light up if the belt pretensioner has been

When the symbol lights up while you are driving, a fault has
occurred. This fault may mean that the belt pretensioner will not
be activated in a collision. The belt pretensioner must then be
checked immediately by a Scania workshop.
The normal safety belt function will work even if the symbol
lights up.

Fault codes
If there is a fault on the belt pretensioner, fault codes are
generated. Refer to the section on the instrument cluster for
more information about how to view fault codes.

20101006 543
Crash safety



It is especially important to wear a safety belt in

vehicles fitted with airbag. This is to ensure the
correct sitting position if the airbag inflates.

A belt will help to keep you in position so the airbag will cushion
you straight on. Not wearing a belt will impair your protection.

The airbag must be renewed no later than 15
years after the date of manufacture.

544 Complete
Crash safety

Airbag deployment during frontal collision


The collision process begins

The control unit detects the

retardation and gives a signal
which inflates the airbag. At the
same time the belt pretensioner

is deployed.

20101006 545
Crash safety

When the airbag is fully inflated,

it meets the driver’s head and


The driver’s weight presses the

air out of the airbag which in this

way cushions the impact.

546 Complete
Crash safety

After the collision


The safety belt, belt pretensioner and other

constituent parts must be inspected after each
Even safety belts and components that are not
used in the collision must be inspected and
renewed if they show signs of damage or other

If a system with airbag is activated, the safety belts must be

renewed. This also applies to the passenger side if it is equipped
with a belt pretensioner.



Airbags must be disposed of in a safe manner

before scrapping the vehicle.

Any work that involves scrapping airbags must be performed by

a Scania workshop.

20101006 547
Crash safety

Symbols in the instrument cluster


Yellow symbol

A yellow symbol lights up for a few seconds when the power is

turned on if the vehicle is equipped with an airbag. The symbol
may also light up if the airbag has been deployed.
If the symbol lights up while you are driving, a fault has occurred
somewhere in the system. This fault may mean that the airbag
will not be activated in a collision. The system must then be
checked immediately by a Scania workshop.
The normal safety belt function will work even if the symbol
lights up.

Fault codes
Faults on the airbag can lead to the generation of fault codes. You
can read the fault codes in the instrument cluster. Refer to the
section on the instrument cluster for more information about
how to read fault codes.

548 Complete
Locks and alarm

Locks and alarm

Central locking

Locking and unlocking

You can lock and unlock the central locking on the vehicle as
• Turn the starter key in the door lock.
• Press the central locking switch.

• Use the catch on the interior door handle.

20101006 549
Locks and alarm


The doors must be completely closed to lock

Locking and unlocking

You can lock and unlock the central locking on the vehicle as
• Turn the starter key in the door lock.
• Press the remote control locking or unlocking button

• Use the catch on the interior door handle.

550 Complete
Locks and alarm


Automatic relocking
If you unlock the vehicle using the remote control, the vehicle
will automatically be relocked after a set time if you do not open
a door and the starter key is not in the start position. This
function can be changed at a Scania workshop.

Locking and unlocking

You can lock and unlock the central locking on the vehicle as
• Press the remote control locking or unlocking button

• Turn the starter key in the door lock.

• Use the catch on the interior door handle.

20101006 551
Locks and alarm


To activate the alarm, you must lock by using the remote control
locking button.

If the alarm is activated, you must unlock by
using the remote control unlocking button;
otherwise the alarm will be triggered.

Locking the vehicle with the starter key in

the drive position
The vehicle can be programmed so that you can lock it with the
starter key in the drive position, e.g. when you are using the tail
lift. Proceed as follows:
1. Leave the starter key in the drive position. Apply the
parking brake.

552 Complete
Locks and alarm

2. Lock the vehicle by pressing the remote control locking


Remote control for locks and alarm

The remote control can be used to operate the central locking
system, test all exterior lighting and activate the safety lighting.
The remote control has a diode that flashes when one of the
buttons is pressed. If the diode does not flash, the battery must
be renewed.

1. Turn on safety lighting.

2. Lock the doors.
3. Test exterior lighting. All lamps
come on in sequence.

4. Unlock the doors.

The remote control can be used to arm the alarm, operate the
central locking system, test all exterior lighting, activate the
safety lighting and activate the panic alarm. More information on
the functions can be found in the section ‘Alarm’.

20101006 553
Locks and alarm

The remote control has a diode that flashes when one of the
buttons is pressed. If the diode does not flash, the battery must
be renewed.

1. Turn on safety lighting.

2. Lock doors and arm the alarm.
3. Test exterior lighting. All lamps
come on in sequence.
4. Arm the alarm without the cab
movement detector and vehicle
inclination sensor. Suitable when
parking on a ferry.
5. Unlock doors and dearm alarm.
6. Arm the alarm without movement
detector. Can be used as entry
protection when sleeping in the


Security central locking

The vehicle is equipped with security central locking, which
prevent unauthorised individuals from opening the vehicle’s
doors during brief stops or at low speed.
Security central locking automatically locks the vehicle doors
when you start driving. If you want to drive with unlocked doors,
the easiest way to do so is to unlock with the door handle after
the doors have been locked. The doors remain unlocked until
you have stopped and opened a door or switched off the engine.
Security central locking locks again when you start driving.

554 Complete
Locks and alarm

Security central locking can be permanently deactivated or

activated by a Scania workshop. Contact a Scania workshop for
more information.

Safety lighting and testing exterior lighting

The safety lighting makes getting to the vehicle safer if there are
no light sources close to the vehicle. The safety lighting lights
the parking light and direction indicator lamps.
The safety lighting and test of the exterior lighting is switched
off automatically:
• after 1 minute.
• after pressing the relevant button again
• when the starter key is moved to the drive position
• when the vehicle is driven off.
Panic alarm

Activate the panic alarm by pressing and holding and button.

Deactivate it by pressing the unlocking symbol.

Renewing the battery

The battery is located on the back of the remote control. Open

the cover by inserting a screwdriver in the hole at the Scania logo
and carefully prising. The battery is a lithium battery, 3V CR

20101006 555
Locks and alarm

Deregistering and registering the remote control

If you lost a remote control and want it to be blocked, this can be

done at a Scania workshop. Bring along the PIN code, which is
common to the remote control and immobiliser. The PIN code
is kept by the vehicle owner. The vehicle owner can enlist the
help of a Scania workshop if the PIN code has been misplaced.

The immobiliser is a means of electronic theft protection which
only allows the vehicle to be started with the correct starter key.

The sticker indicates that the vehicle is equipped with


an immobiliser.


When the vehicle is delivered, a bag is supplied
with other documents and keys. Your PIN code
for the immobiliser, etc, and the encryption code
are provided in the bag. There is only one PIN
code and one encryption code for each key set.
Keep the codes in a safe place.

The PIN code is needed when:

• adding several starter keys,

556 Complete
Locks and alarm

• renewing the coordinator or engine control unit.

The encryption code is needed when:
• renewing the coordinator or engine control unit.

Starter keys
You must use the correct starter key to start the vehicle. The
vehicle checks that the key is correct whenever it is started.

Only put one starter key on your key ring. This
applies to all vehicle types and makes. Several
keys on the same key ring may cause
malfunctions which may prevent the vehicle from

20101006 557
Locks and alarm

New starter keys

When the vehicle is supplied, you will receive two or more
starter keys. If you need more starter keys or a new set of starter
keys, you can order them from a Scania workshop. The starter
keys must be programmed using the PIN code or the encryption
code which is specific to the vehicle’s immobiliser. It is therefore
not possible to order a standard key or to copy it.

Lost starter keys

If you lose a starter key, you should consult a Scania workshop in
order to renew all the starter keys and lock cylinders.

Radio type approval

The immobiliser comprises both a transmitter and a receiver. It
must therefore have radio type approval in accordance with the
national regulations in each country. Radio type approval applies
to the following countries:

558 Complete
Locks and alarm



France also includes French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique,

New Caledonia and Réunion.




The sticker indicates that the vehicle is equipped with


an alarm.

20101006 559
Locks and alarm

Alarm and battery master switch

The fuse for the alarm and tachograph is located
in the battery box.

If the battery master switch is off

• the vehicle is still monitored by the alarm
• the alarm can be armed and dearmed with the remote

• the remote control can be used to unlock the doors.

Lock the doors and arm the alarm

• Press the lock button on the remote control to lock the
vehicle’s central locking system and arm the alarm.

• If all doors and hatches are properly closed, the direction

indicators will flash twice and the LED in the cab will
start to flash.

• When the alarm is armed, the LED in the cab flashes

once every other second.

• If there is a fault, e.g. a hatch is not closed properly, the

LED in the cab and the direction indicators flash rapidly
for 5 seconds.

560 Complete
Locks and alarm

If a door is not fully closed when you lock the vehicle, that door
remains unlocked. But the alarm is active, even if all the doors
and hatches are not closed properly.

Deactivating the alarm and unlocking

Press the remote control unlocking button to deactivate the
alarm. The direction indicators flash once and the LED stops
flashing. If the alarm has been triggered, switch off the alarm
using the remote control unlocking button.
You can unlock the doors in different ways depending on the
vehicle settings:
• Separate unlocking: Press the remote control unlocking
button once to deactivate the alarm and unlock the
driver’s door. Press twice to unlock both doors.

• Simultaneous unlocking: Press the remote control

unlocking button once to deactivate the alarm and unlock
both doors.

More functions and change settings

A Scania workshop can activate functions and change some alarm

settings. The functions that can be activated include:
• relocking
• automatic locking.
• alarm zones, work alert.
Contact a Scania workshop for more information

20101006 561
Locks and alarm

Trigger the panic alarm


Panic alarm switch

The panic alarm can be triggered in two ways:

• Press the panic alarm switch in the cab for at least 2
seconds. The siren sounds and the direction indicators

• Press and hold any button on the remote control for at

least 2 seconds.

The remote control is factory-programmed with the panic alarm

function enabled. The panic alarm function of the remote
control can also be disabled by a Scania workshop.
The panic alarm can be deactivated in two ways:
• Press the unlocking button on the remote control.
• Press the panic alarm switch for at least 2 seconds.

562 Complete
Locks and alarm

Emergency shut off

If you activated the alarm using the remote control, and this is
then lost or damaged, you can carry out an emergency shut-off
using the ordinary starter key.
Proceed as follows:
1. Unlock the driver’s door with the starter key; the alarm
will be triggered.

2. Open the driver’s door.

3. Insert the starter key in the starter lock and turn it to the
drive position. The alarm is switched off when the key is
checked and approved.

Symbols and alarm codes

The alarm is triggered when any of the alarm sensors gives the
signal. The LED will then flash once a second and the siren will
sound. You can see which sensor has triggered the alarm by
checking the alarm codes in the display. Refer to the section on
the instrument cluster for more information. Alarm symbols are
shown in display for 20 seconds. Alarm codes can be cleared by a
Scania workshop.
If you forget to close a door or hatch before arming the alarm, no
alarm code is generated.

20101006 563
Locks and alarm

Alarm - Cab doors



8192 Driver door open.

8225 Fault in driver door lock


8201 Driver door lock motor has

triggered the alarm.

8216 Fault in driver door alarm


8193 Passenger door open.

8226 Fault in passenger door lock


8202 Passenger door lock motor

has triggered the alarm.

8217 Fault in passenger door alarm


564 Complete
Locks and alarm

Alarm - Outer storage



8195 Storage box on driver side


8196 Storage box on passenger side


8219 Fault in driver side storage

box sensor.

8220 Fault in passenger side

storage box sensor.

Alarm - Front grille panel



8197 Front grille panel open.

8221 Fault in front grille panel


20101006 565
Locks and alarm

Alarm - Roof hatch



8198 Roof hatch open.

8222 Fault in roof hatch sensor.

Alarm - Bodywork lock



8203 Lock motor for cargo area

door has triggered the alarm.

8227 Fault in lock motor of cargo

area door lock.

Alarm - Bodywork movement


566 Complete
Locks and alarm


8208 Movement sensor in

bodywork activated.

8209 Movement sensor in

bodywork disabled.

Alarm - Auxiliary sensor



8199 Auxiliary sensor open.

8223 Fault in auxiliary sensor 1.

8200 Auxiliary sensor 2 open.

8224 Fault in auxiliary sensor 2.

Alarm - Ignition

20101006 567
Locks and alarm


8213 Vehicle started with alarm


8204 Ignition disabled.

8210 BBS - Backup battery and

siren disabled.

8211 Fault in communication with


Alarm - Panic alarm



8214 Panic alarm switch activated.

8215 Panic alarm activated via

remote control.

568 Complete
Locks and alarm

Alarm - Inclination sensor


8205 Inclination sensor activated.

Alarm - Cab movement



8206 Movement sensor in cab


8207 Movement sensor in cab


Alarm - Siren


20101006 569
Locks and alarm

2012 Siren disabled

2013 Siren communication fault

The siren has a back-up battery which supplies its own power
and supplies power to the entire alarm system for up to 2 days
when the normal power supply fails. The battery should be
checked regularly by a Scania workshop.

Movement sensor
The vehicle is equipped with movement sensors for the cab.
Some vehicles are also equipped with movement sensors for the
cargo area. The movement sensor is only activated when the
alarm is armed. The sensor is not sensitive to air movements or
small objects. This means that short-stop ventilation can be
switched on when the alarm is fully armed.

Roof hatch
You can leave the electric roof hatch open in the ventilation
position when the alarm is armed. But if this roof hatch is opened
further than the ventilation position, the alarm will trigger if it is
armed on opening.
The manual roof hatch has no alarm sensor.

570 Complete
Locks and alarm

More connections
The alarm system has connections for more alarm sensors, an
additional lock motor and movement sensors. There are
connections to switch on, for example, a rotating beacon, work
lamps, a camera or extra sensors.
Contact a Scania workshop to connect and program these

Bring along PIN code to workshop visit

Bring along the alarm PIN code if you want a Scania workshop
to reprogram, upgrade or add new functions to the alarm. The
code is also needed to renew the remote control and for the
workshop to program additional remote controls for the vehicle.

There is no connection between the PIN code
and the chassis number. The PIN code is
required during programming.

20101006 571

Inspection programme
The inspection programme for your vehicle depends on the
specification of your vehicle and how you use it. Contact a Scania
workshop to obtain the correct inspection programme for your
particular vehicle.

Lockable front grille panel


If the front grille panel is lockable, it can be opened with a handle

in the door pillar. Grab hold of the handle by the arrow and pull
upwards until two "clicking" sounds can be heard.

572 Complete

Cab tilting

Cab tilt mechanism


The cab tilt pump is located on the left side behind the rear
boarding step.
When the cab is correctly lowered, it is locked by 2 mechanical
locks that open hydraulically during tilting.

20101006 573


The pump valve must be in the lowering position

when driving. Otherwise the hydraulics may
pump up the cab and cause injury or damage.


Fasten the cab with the cab strut when it is



The vehicle should be standing level when the

cab is tilted. Never tilt the cab if the vehicle is
standing on an incline greater than 10%. This
may overload the tilt cylinder and/or cab tilt
pump. Too many heavy objects in the cab may
have the same effect.
Do not stand in front of or behind the cab during

574 Complete

Cab tilt mechanism

The cab tilt pump is located in front of the passenger boarding step.

When the cab is correctly lowered, it is locked by 2 mechanical

locks that open hydraulically during tilting.


The pump valve must be in the lowering position

when driving. Otherwise the hydraulics may
pump up the cab and cause injury or damage.

20101006 575


Do not work under a cab tilted to the

intermediate position. Always tilt the cab fully.


The vehicle should be standing level when the

cab is tilted. Never tilt the cab if the vehicle is
standing on an incline greater than 10%. This
may overload the tilt cylinder and/or cab tilt
pump. Too many heavy objects in the cab may
have the same effect.
Do not stand in front of or behind the cab during

Oil type in the cab tilt pump

At temperatures above -20°C the cab tilt pump should be filled
with hydraulic oil of viscosity class 22 or 32 cST at +40°C or ATF
oil of Dexron grade II or III.
At temperatures below -20°C the cab tilt pump should be filled
with hydraulic oil of a viscosity class of 1500 cST maximum at -
40 °C.

576 Complete

Checking the oil level in the cab tilt pump


Do not remove the oil filler plug from the cab tilt
pump before reading the following instructions.
Never fill the cab tilt pump with oil when the cab
is in the tilted/forward position.

Before you can check the oil level, you need to remove the
plastic cover fitted over the cab tilt pump. The plastic is cover is
attached with screws in the boarding step unit and bumper.
The hydraulic cab tilt system is under constant internal
pressure. Before you remove the oil filler plug the pressure must
be neutralised.
1. Set the pump valve to the tilt position. Pump around 20
strokes. After this, the cab should have moved slightly

2. Set the pump valve back to the lowering position. The

cab returns to its original position.

3. Remove the oil filler plug from the cab tilt pump.

4. Fill the cab tilt pump with oil according to specification.

The oil level should be 30 mm below the edge of the
filler hole or 2 mm above the top of the piston.

20101006 577

5. Refit the oil filler plug.

Vehicles with precleaner

Vehicles with a precleaner and high air intake have an outlet pipe
that must be detached before the cab is tilted. Make sure that the
outlet pipe is undone when tilting the cab. When lowering, the
outlet pipe is inserted in the lower part.

Make sure that the outlet pipe is

undone when tilting and that it is
inserted in the lower pipe when




When the cab is tilted, the engine should be

switched off, the parking brake should be applied
and the gearbox should be in neutral.

578 Complete

The cab is tilted as follows:

1. Apply the parking brake.

2. Put the gear lever in the neutral position.

There is a risk that a gear could be engaged when
tilting the cab.

3. Switch off the engine.

4. Ensure that there are no loose objects in the cab which

could fall and be damaged or cause damage.

The handle bar is located under


the upper front grille panel.

5. Open the upper front grille panel and take out the
handle bar. Leave the front grille panel open.

6. Close the doors.

20101006 579

7. Set the pump valve in the tilt position. Use the adapter
or the handle bar.

Setting the pump valve when

tilting up or down. The upper
illustration shows the valve
position during tilting. The lower
illustration show the valve
position during lowering. Use the
handle bar or adapter to set the
pump valve to the correct


8. Put the adapter on the pump pin.

9. Put the handle bar and the adapter together. Note that
the handle bar must be pumped up and down parallel to
the length of the vehicle.

8. Fit the adapter. 9. Put the

handle bar and the adapter


580 Complete

10. Begin pumping. The cab lock will open automatically.

Make sure that the cab lock is fully open before full
pump pressure is reached.


If you have to start the engine while the cab is

tilted, make sure the gear lever is in the neutral

11. Always pump the cab all the way until it falls forward
under its own weight.

12. Turn back the pump valve to the lowering position.



When the cab is tilted, the engine should be

switched off, the parking brake should be applied
and the gearbox should be in neutral.

20101006 581


The crew cab is not tilted past its state of

equilibrium. This makes the cab strut even more
The risk of crushing is great during lowering.
Make sure that no one is in the vicinity of a cab
that is being raised or lowered.

The cab strut must always be


used when the cab is tilted up.

Tilt the crew cab as follows:

1. Apply the parking brake.

2. Put the gear lever in the neutral position.

582 Complete

There is a risk that a gear could be engaged when
tilting the cab.

3. Switch off the engine.

4. Ensure that there are no loose objects in the cab which

can fall forwards and be damaged or cause damage.

5. Open the upper front grille panel and take out the
handle bar. Leave the front grille panel open.

6. Close the doors.

7. Set the pump valve in the tilt position; use the handle

Setting the pump valve when

tilting up or down. The upper
illustration shows the valve
position during tilting. The lower
illustration show the valve
position during lowering. Use the
handle bar to set the pump valve

to the correct position.

8. Begin pumping. The cab lock will open automatically.

Make sure that the cab lock is fully open before full
pump pressure is reached.

20101006 583

9. Pump up the cab until it reaches the full opening angle.

For the crew cab, the angle is very flat.

10. Fit the cab strut. Exercise great care!


If you have to start the engine while the cab is

tilted, make sure the gear lever is in the neutral

Proceed as follows:
1. Make sure the gear lever is in neutral position. Make
sure the doors are closed.


Do not hold your hand on the mudguard seal

when lowering the cab. Otherwise there is a risk
of crush injuries.

2. Make sure the pump valve is in the position for lowering

and pump the cab back.

584 Complete

Check that the cab locks engage properly. They
hold the cab in place while driving.


The pump valve must be in the lowering position

when driving. Otherwise the hydraulics may
pump up the cab and cause injury or damage.

Tilting with electric cab tilt pump

The vehicle has an electric cab tilt pump which is activated with
a blocking switch in the cab and a switch at the manual cab tilt
1. Follow the instructions in the section on tilting the cab.
Note the warnings!

2. Press the blocking switch in the cab.

3. Press and hold in the electric pump switch until the cab
is fully tilted.

20101006 585

4. Mount the cab strut once the cab is fully tilted. Note
that the cab is lifted to a flatter angle than other types of

The switch of the electric cab tilt pump is located


above the manual pump.

Follow the instructions in the section on lowering cabs. Note the

Central electric unit

The central electric unit is located

in the instrument panel in front

of the passenger seat.

Open the central electric unit as follows:

1. Open the hatch in the instrument panel in front of the
passenger seat.

2. Bend up the rubber mat.

586 Complete

3. Undo the bolts. Use the Torx key from the bulb and tool

A list of fuses and relays is located on the cover of the central

electric unit.
A factory-fitted radio may have a separate fuse at the rear.


Always switch off the power when renewing


Always fit a fuse of the rating specified in the list
and of a type that is equivalent to the original fuse.

If the vehicle is equipped with a battery master
switch, the fuse for the alarm and tachograph is
located in the battery box instead of the central
electric unit.

20101006 587

Symbols for fuses and relays




Visibility and lighting

Heated windscreen

Front foglamps

Headlamp washers

Internal lighting

588 Complete

Visibility and lighting

Brake light


Rotating beacon

Reversing light

Position and side marker

lamps, LH side

Position and side marker

lamps, RH side

Interior background lighting


Position and side marker

lamps on trailer, LH side

20101006 589

Visibility and lighting

Position and side marker

lamps on trailer, RH side

Cruise control, roadholding and traction

Cruise control

Adaptive cruise control


LDW Lane departure


departure warning/RTI

Rear differential locks


590 Complete

Cruise control, roadholding and traction

All-wheel drive/ABS


Locking steered rear axle on


Tag axle lift


Air suspension

Front differential lock


Tyre pressure sensor


20101006 591

Engine, gearbox and brakes

ABS/EBS on trailer


Fuel heater

Emission control system


Engine management system



Opticruise, automatic

592 Complete

Engine, gearbox and brakes

Air dryer


Cooling fan

Fuel cooling

Climate control

Climate control

Climate control for crew cab


Climate control fan


20101006 593

Climate control

Auxiliary heater


Window winders, rear view mirrors and roof hatch

Adjusting rear view mirror


Window winder, driver side


Window winder, passenger


Rear view mirror retraction


Roof hatch

594 Complete

Window winders, rear view mirrors and roof hatch

Rear view mirror heating


Open roof hatch warning


Vehicle information and communication instruments


Instrument cluster


Road toll charge


20101006 595

Vehicle information and communication instruments



FMS preparation

Locks, alarm and radio

Central locking

Communication system



596 Complete

Locks, alarm and radio

Alcolock/mobile phone


Rear view mirror retraction


Audio system

Starter lock

Two-way radio

Telematics unit

20101006 597

Locks, alarm and radio



LDW Interactor/lane

departure warning



Bodywork equipment, power take-offs and chassis

Power take-off 1

598 Complete

Bodywork equipment, power take-offs and chassis

Power take-off 2


RTC Bodywork equipment


Automatic chassis lubrication



Cab tilting

Cigarette lighter

20101006 599


24V socket


12V socket


Kitchen module

Seat heating

Retractable step

600 Complete

Safety system

Scania Alert


Reverse alarm switched off



Belt pretensioner

Power supply

Delayed power supply


Battery master switch


20101006 601

Power supply

Relay for 15 supply, drive


Relay for parking light


Relay for electrical

equipment that is not

activated until the engine has



General information on batteries

The batteries provide the power supply when the engine is not
running. Other current consumption is handled by the
Scania batteries have a high capacity and provide a high cold
starting current.

602 Complete

Charging, general
• If power is used from the batteries they should be
recharged within a day or two.

• Repeated starts and extended periods of idling provide

less effective charging than long runs. Charge the
batteries if they are not charged through driving. See the
section on charging.

• It is more difficult to charge a battery at low


The vehicle starter batteries contain the toxic metal lead and
corrosive sulphuric acid. Handle the batteries as instructed
below. Use protective equipment, gloves and protective goggles.


The vehicle starter batteries contain corrosive

diluted sulphuric acid and the toxic metal lead.
Lead is harmful to humans and the environment.
Wash your hands after contact with the battery.
The batteries should be handled in accordance
with national regulations on environmentally
hazardous substances.

20101006 603

When you handle a battery you can obtain toxic lead pollutants
on the skin. Therefore wash your hands after handling a lead
battery. Wash with soap and water.


If you get acid splashes in your eyes: rinse

immediately with running water for at least 15
Always seek medical attention if you get acid in
your eyes.
If you splash acid on other parts of your body:
rinse immediately with water. Then wash your
clothes in a normal water wash.
Do not stand close to the batteries while jump
starting the vehicle. A battery can explode as
oxyhydrogen gas is formed during charging.
Short circuits can cause burns and fire.

604 Complete

Checking electrolyte level


Battery capacity Electrolyte level X

140 Ah 20-25 mm

180 Ah 20-25 mm

225 Ah 30-35 mm

Check that the fluid level is correct according to the table. A

level below the upper edge of the plates will lead to permanent
battery damage.

Use only distilled water when topping up.

• Top up with distilled water as and when necessary.

20101006 605

• Top up with distilled water if necessary before charging

the battery. This prevents water from settling at the top
of the cells when it could freeze in cold weather.

• Remember that the water level may increase when

recharging a completely discharged battery.

Charge the batteries when necessary in order to avoid


Explosive gas is formed when batteries are being

charged. Smoking is forbidden and any apparatus
that can cause sparks must not be in the vicinity.

Always remove the ground connection (negative)
before charging.
Never connect 12 V equipment to only one of
the batteries, e.g. a radio. The other battery can
then be overloaded.

606 Complete

Slow charging
Slow charging is always preferable except in real emergencies.
The current level should be approximately 10% of the battery
capacity. A battery with a capacity of 180 Ah should be charged
with approx. 20 A.

Boost charging
Boost charging means that the battery is recharged with a higher
current for a shorter period of time.
Do not boost-charge the batteries. The load on the batteries is
very high when boost charging and may impair their service life.

One cable terminal must be disconnected before
boost charging. Otherwise, there is a significant
risk of damage to the vehicle’s electronic control

Trickle charging
If the vehicle is not to be used for a long period, we recommend
trickle charging in order to avoid damaging the batteries.

The exterior condition of the batteries must be inspected
regularly. Oxide, dirt and moisture can generate leakage currents

20101006 607

and discharge the batteries. Oxide can also result in poor

connections and loss of voltage.
Some maintenance advice:
• Make sure that the batteries, battery terminals, cables and
battery box are clean. Wash with hot water.

• Check that the battery cable terminals are undamaged.

Grease battery terminals and cable terminals with
Vaseline. Corroded battery cable terminals lead to poor
connection with a reduced current capacity as a result.

Wash your hands with soap and water when you
have handled the battery.

Renewing the battery

Scrapped batteries can be

handed in to Scania for
environmentally appropriate


608 Complete

Contact your Scania dealer or workshops if you have batteries

that need to be scrapped. They will dispose of the batteries in
accordance with national legislation and make sure that they go
for environmentally appropriate recycling. Battery disposal is a
free service.

When a battery needs to be renewed it is
important to renew both batteries at the same
time. If only one of the batteries is renewed, the
life of both batteries will be reduced.


+ +

Disconnect the ground connection (negative terminal) first and

then the other connections.

20101006 609

Do not disconnect the batteries while the engine
is running. The alternator and other electrical
components can be damaged.

Do not tap the cable terminals. Terminal pillars
and cell plates may come loose.


2 1

+ +

First connect positive cable 1 and then ground connection 2 to

the battery negative terminal. Tighten the cable terminals well.

610 Complete

Do not mix up the battery connections as this can
damage the alternator or other electrical
components immediately.

Renewing the batteries fitted at the rear end

of the frame

Use only original Scania batteries when the
batteries need to be renewed. They are designed
for the demands placed on batteries fitted at the
rear end of the frame.

Density of battery acid

Check the specific gravity of the acid using a hydrometer.

20101006 611

Specific Charging Terminal Recommend

gravity status (%) voltage (V) ed action

>1.26 100-85 >12.6 OK

1.26-1.20 85-50 12.6-12.2 Charging

<1.20 50-0 <12.2 Renewing

the battery

The density of the battery acid is also known as the specific

The specific gravity can be measured immediately after using the
battery. It is, however, preferable to let it rest for an hour or

Specific gravity should be measured in all cells.

The result of the measured specific gravity is affected by the

temperature. The reading is a little higher at low temperatures,
0°C or lower.

Battery master switch handle

The vehicle consumes some power even when it is parked. The
purpose of the battery master switch is to save battery power

612 Complete

during longer stops on a run. When the battery master switch is

turned off, power is only supplied to the tachograph.


The battery master switch is located by the battery box.

20101006 613


Switch off the engine before switching off the

battery master switch.

The battery master switch is

switched off. Power is only

supplied to the tachograph.

The battery master switch is


switched on.

Adjusted battery charging

The ability of the battery to charge is dependent on the
temperature of the battery. A cold battery is less able to accept
the charge than a warm battery. Cold batteries therefore reach a
better charging status if they are charged at a high charging
The adjusted battery charging function means that the charging
voltage from the alternator is adjusted to the battery
temperature. The charging voltage therefore increases when the
battery is cold and reduces when the battery is warm. The
charging voltage is set automatically and cannot be controlled

614 Complete

manually. You can see how high the charging voltage is on the
instrument cluster. The value can vary between 26 V and 30 V.
The adjusted battery charging function can be deactivated in a
Scania workshop.

Renewing a bulb
The instrument cluster lets you know if a main or dipped beam
or parking light bulb has blown.

If the main or dipped beam bulb is blown, the symbol for main
or dipped beam fault comes on.

A main or dipped beam bulb is blown.

When a direction indicator bulb is blown, the symbol for that

direction indicator does not flash when you use the direction
indicator lever. The direction indicator acoustic signal will
sound, but the direction indicator symbol will not flash.

Direction indicator symbols. The trailer direction

indicators should only flash if a trailer is connected to

the vehicle.

1. Symbol for vehicle direction indicator.

2. Symbol for trailer direction indicator.

20101006 615

Removing the headlamp guard

1. Undo the bolts securing the top

edge of the headlamp guard.
2. Pull the headlamp guard straight


Renewing a bulb in the front headlamp unit


Always turn off the power before renewing bulbs.


Do not touch the bulbs. Use clean gloves.

Do not touch the headlamp reflectors with your

616 Complete


1. Undo the two screws in the direction indicator and open


2. Open the lower front grille panel.


3. Undo the four screws in the headlamp unit.

4. Take out the headlamp. Information about renewing

various bulbs is provided later on in this section.

20101006 617

Renew an H4 bulb for main and dipped beam


1. Remove the connector from the bulb.

2. Snap off the spring.

3. Renew the bulb.

Renew a bulb for direction indicators and position lamps

1. Bend out the direction indicator and position lamp unit
so that you can access the lamps.

2. Renew the bulb.

618 Complete

1. Position lamp
2. Parking light
3. Direction indicator

4. Direction indicator

1. Open the lower front grille panel.


2. Undo the four screws in the headlamp unit.

20101006 619


3. Take out the headlamp. Information about renewing the

different bulbs is provided later on in this section.

Renew the direction indicator bulb


1. Pull the electrical connection downwards to detach it

from the bulb.

2. Turn the bulb anticlockwise to loosen it.

620 Complete

3. Renew the bulb.

Renew H7 bulb for main beam


1. Unsnap the cover.

2. Remove the connector.

3. Unsnap the spring in two places.

4. Renew the bulb.

Renew a xenon bulb for dipped beam


Xenon lamps are operated at a high power.

Incorrect handling can cause injury. Xenon bulbs
should be renewed in a Scania workshop. Follow
the instructions carefully if an emergency arises
and you need to renew xenon bulbs yourself.

20101006 621


Lethal voltage. Power to the xenon lamp must be

turned off while renewing. Unplug the electrical
connection to the headlamp housing.


The xenon bulb may explode due to excessive

pressure if you remove or release it when it has
recently been switched on. Wait to detach the
xenon bulb for at least 3 minutes after the light is
switched off.

Renew the bulbs in pairs to ensure that the illumination is as even

as possible.

622 Complete

1. Press the top of the electrical connection to detach it

from the headlamp housing.

2. Remove the screws securing the cover.

3. Move the cover out of the way.


4. Pull the electrical connection downwards to detach it

from the ignition unit.

5. Press the latch clamp towards the ignition unit and

move it aside to release it from the latch hooks.

20101006 623


6. Pull the xenon bulb straight out. The ignition unit (A)
and xenon bulb (B) cannot be disassembled. The xenon
bulb and ignition unit must be renewed as a unit.

Position the xenon bulb so that the latch springs
end up on the outside of the ignition unit.
Otherwise there is a risk of the latch springs
coming off.

624 Complete

Position the xenon bulb so that

the latch springs end up on the

outside of the ignition unit.

7. Place the new xenon bulb in the lamp housing. The

electrical socket must face down.

8. Press the xenon bulb into place. It is only possible to

secure the latch clamp if the xenon bulb is pressed all the
way down into the lamp housing.

20101006 625


9. Press the latch clamp towards the xenon bulb. Secure

the latch clamp in the latch hooks.

10. Plug in the electrical connection at the bottom of the

xenon bulb.

11. Attach the cover to the back of the lamp housing.

12. Connect the electrical connection to the headlamp


Xenon bulbs contain small amounts of mercury.
Used xenon lamps should be treated as hazardous
waste in accordance with local regulations.

626 Complete

Renew the parking light bulb


Incorrect handling can cause injury. Parking

light bulbs should be renewed in a Scania
workshop. Follow the instructions carefully if an
emergency arises and you need to renew the
bulbs yourself.

You need to remove the xenon lamp first in order to renew the
parking light bulb. Instructions are provided in the section
Renew a xenon bulb for dipped beam.


Lethal voltage. Power to the xenon lamp must be

turned off while renewing. Unplug the electrical
connection to the headlamp housing.

20101006 627


1. Unsnap the two fasteners around the bulb and pull out
the bulb.

2. Renew the bulb.

Renewing foglamp and spotlamp bulbs in the


Foglamp (A) and spotlamp (B)

1. Undo the screws securing the bumper cover.

2. Remove the bumper cover.

628 Complete


3. Unscrew the two screws for the lamp bracket.

4. Tilt out the lamp bracket.


5. Turn anticlockwise to loosen the respective bulb holder.

6. Renew the bulb.

20101006 629

Renew a bulb for spotlamps in the sun visor


1. Undo the screws.


2. Release the spring and renew the bulb.

Renewing a bulb for rear lights

1. Undo the retaining screws on the lens.

2. Press in the bulb, turn anticlockwise and remove it.

630 Complete

3. Make sure the lens seals tightly when refitting.

Renewing bulbs in blackout lighting

Use gloves when touching the bulb glass.
Avoid touching the reflector with the fingers.

Renewing the bulb in the front lamp

Proceed as follows to renew the bulb:

1. Undo the screws (1).

(1) Undo the screws by the



2. Remove the lens.

3. Renew the bulb.

4. Refit the lens.

20101006 631

5. Tighten the screws

Renewing bulbs in the combination lamp

Proceed as follows to renew a bulb in the combination lamp on

the rear of the vehicle:
1. Undo the screws and remove the lens.

2. Press in the bulb, turn anticlockwise and remove it.

3. Fit a new bulb.

4. Refit the lens and tighten the screws.

Make sure the lens seals tightly when refitting.

Renewing a bulb in the convoy lamp

Proceed as follows to renew bulbs in the convoy lamp:

1. Renew the bulbs from the rear of the plate the convoy
lamp is fitted on. Undo the plate by removing the lock
pins on the top and turning it back to front.

2. Undo the 4 nuts marked as 1 on the illustration and

remove the protection.

632 Complete

Rear view of convoy lamp plate.


Undo the nuts at the marks.

3. Undo the bolts holding the lens in position and remove


4. Renew the bulb.

5. Refit the lens and tighten the bolts that were unscrewed.

6. Refit the protection and tighten the 4 nuts that were


7. Turn the plate over and refit it in the correct position

using the lock pins.

20101006 633

Renewing roof sign lamp bulb


1. Remove the screws on top of the lamp.

2. Remove the cover.

3. Renew the bulb.

634 Complete

Renewing roof sign lamp bulb


1. Remove the lens screws.

2. Renew the bulb.


Use only 21 W bulbs for the direction indicators.
Otherwise the display on the instrument cluster
will not work correctly.

20101006 635

Connect no more than 3 front direction indicator
lamps (21 W) on each side. If you connect more,
the front direction indicators will not work.

Function Base Power

Internal lighting BA15s 15 W

Step lighting SV8.5 21 W

Reading lamps, BA9s 4W

lower sleeping
berth lamp

Main beam PX26d 70 W

Dipped beam, PK32d-3 35 W

xenon lamp

Position lamp, tail BA15s 5W


Direction BA15s 21 W
reversing lights,
brake lights, rear

636 Complete

Function Base Power

Direction BAU 15s 21 W

indicators, yellow

Main and dipped P43t 75 W/70 W

beam, H4

foglamps, front P14.5s 70 W

foglamp in the

Spotlamps, P14.5s 70 W
spotlamp in the

Spotlamps, PK22s 70 W
spotlamp in the
sun visor

Roof sign lamp on BAY9s 21 W


Roof sign lamp SV8.5 10 W

over windscreen

Bulbs in the blackout lighting

All bulbs must be of the 24 volt type.

20101006 637

Lamp Base Power

Front lamp Ba15s 18 W

Combination Ba15s 5W
lamp: tail lamp for
standard lighting

Combination Ba15s 21 W
lamp: brake lamp
for standard

Combination Ba15s 21 W
lamp: bulb for
direction indicator

Combination Ba9s 2W
lamp: tail light for
blackout lighting

Registration plate Ba15s 5W


Front foglamp Ba15s 21 W

Reversing lamp Ba15s 21 W

Blackout brake Ba9s 2W


638 Complete

Lamp Base Power

Convoy lamp Ba9s 2W

Lamp Light source Action if it does

not light up

End-outline LED Renew entire unit

marker lamp if the LEDs are

Side marker lamp LED Renew entire unit

if the LEDs are

Wiper blades and washer fluid

Wiper blade
The wiper blades can be cleaned with the same type of alcohol as
used in the washer fluid.

20101006 639


Renew damaged or uneven wiper blades. Wiper
blades in poor condition can scratch the glass.

The washer nozzles are attached to the wiper blade. Remove the
washer nozzles when renewing wiper blades.

640 Complete

Washer fluid


Topping up the washer fluid

Tool kit
Vehicle tools can vary in quantity and appearance depending on
the specification.

The tool kit contains a set of


screwdrivers, fuses and bulbs.

The following parts may be found in your vehicle.

20101006 641

From left: crank, lever, wheel nut spanner, wheel nut spanner support (upper and
lower part), hose assembly and adapter for cab tilting.

The following parts may be found in your vehicle.

From left: bolt, wheel nut

spanner, screwdriver and warning


The following parts may be found in your vehicle.

From left: spacer, lever, adapter


and jack.

The fuel system

The vehicle is equipped with an engine of emission class Euro 5.
The engine has a common rail fuel system called XPI. During
certain types of operation, the combustion noise of the engine
may sound harsh. This is normal.

642 Complete

The engine control unit regularly adjusts itself to the injectors to

generate the best possible engine performance and fuel
economy. During adaptation, the engine idles hard with active
exhaust brake. This is completely normal.
Adaptation occurs more often:
• When the vehicle is new.
• After renewal of fuel system components.
The fuel system works under a high fuel pressure. It is therefore
important that the fuel does not contain water, which can cause
corrosion. Since the fuel system is also extremely sensitive to
contamination, all operations in the system, such as fuel filter
renewal, should be carried out by a Scania workshop.
The engine management system is equipped with a number of
safety features in order to protect the engine and cooling system.
As a driver, you will notice engagement of these safety features
through reduction of engine torque.
Some examples of when torque reduction by the engine control
unit can occur are:
• when the temperature of coolant or the charge air cooler

• when emission values are higher.

20101006 643

Contaminants in the fuel

Water or micro-organisms
Small amounts of water are permitted in fuel. Max. 0.02% is
permitted for diesel (EN 590) and max. 0.05% is permitted for
biodiesel (EN 14214). These amounts of water do not affect
engine function. Prolonged and improper fuel storage can result
in more water collecting. If these larger amounts of water enter
the engine, it will be damaged.
To check if there is water in the fuel, light up the tank with a
torch. The water in the fuel will appear like silvery bubbles or
floe. Since water is heavier than diesel, the water collects at the
bottom of the tank.
If you have so much water in the tank that floe forms, you should
visit the workshop for decontamination. If water is so high that
it is close to the fuel pick-up unit’s inlet, request towing to a
Scania workshop for decontamination.
Micro-organisms can grow in the interface between water and
fuel. They can lead to a brown or black slimy film and discolour
the fuel.
Water and micro-organisms can block the fuel filter so that the
engine runs unevenly or stops. They can also pass the filter and
form damaging coatings on different parts of the injection

644 Complete

In the event of contamination

Fuel additives can contain substances that are
dangerous to the environment and health. Take
care to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for
handling and dosing.

If the vehicle fuel system is contaminated, it must be completely

cleaned from fuel and water. The tanks must be drained and
cleaned, mechanically and by steam/high pressure washing, and
then dried. Lines and other components in the fuel system must
be flushed and blown dry. It is important that no fluid is left in
the system after cleaning.
Always renew fuel filters. In the event of serious or long-term
infection the injectors and fuel pump may also need to be
Locate the source of the infection. Establish and rectify the cause
of the contamination so that the infection does not recur. It is
usually fuel that has been stored for a long time, with little
movement and without draining of the condensation. For
example in a container, barrel or auxiliary tank.
When the fuel system has been thoroughly cleaned, an anti-
bacterial agent can be added at the first refuelling in order to
ensure successful cleaning. Continuous use can damage the fuel
system and is not recommended.

20101006 645

Water separating fuel filter

Water separating fuel filter

The water separating fuel filter is located on the front part of the
chassis behind the cab. Depending on vehicle model, it is located
either on the right or left-hand side. The same change intervals
apply as those for an ordinary fuel filter.

Drain the water

Drain the water separating fuel filter regularly. The amount of

water collected is dependent on climate and fuel quality. Under
certain circumstances it may therefore be necessary to drain the
filter every day.
If there is water in the filter, check if there is water in the fuel
tank. Shine a light into the tank using a torch. The water in the
fuel will appear like silvery bubbles or floe. If you have water in
the tank, refer to section "Contaminants in fuel".

646 Complete

1. Shut-off cock.

2. Valve for draining.

1. Replaceable filter.

2 2. Valve for draining.

To empty the filter, do as follows:

• Switch off the engine and position a container under the

20101006 647

• Open the drain valve by carefully screwing out the valve


• Release water until fuel comes out.

• Screw in the valve again.
• Dispose of the drained fluid in an environmentally
responsible manner.

Help protect our environment! Avoid spillage.
Use a suitable container.

Engine air cleaner

Air is drawn through the aperture on the side of the air cleaner.
The air passes through the paper filter and is drawn through the
upper opening on to the engine or turbocharger.

There is a rubber valve underneath the air cleaner that acts as a

drain. Water that enters the air cleaner is collected at this point.
The rubber valve opens when the pressure exerted by the water
is greater than the pressure in the air cleaner.

The symbol for a blocked air filter is displayed in the


instrument cluster.

648 Complete

If the blocked air filter symbol is displayed in the instrument

cluster, the engine is not obtaining enough air for optimum
operation under the current conditions. When the engine does
not obtain enough air, the engine output is reduced. This also
usually increases fuel consumption and the amount of soot in the
exhaust gases. There is also an increased risk of damage to the
turbocharger. Renew the engine air filter if you will continue to
drive at the same engine load level, e.g. for extended driving at a
high altitude.

The warning goes out when the power is switched off.

Dirt indicator

The indicator is located inside the


right-hand boarding step.

20101006 649

Engine output will be reduced if the filter admits insufficient air

to the engine. This also usually increases fuel consumption and
the amount of soot in the exhaust gases. There is also an
increased risk of damage to the turbocharger.
The indicator has two windows. The smaller window indicates
the need for filter renewal by changing colour, and the larger
window is graduated. When the small window is red, the filter
element should be renewed.

Reset the indicator by pressing


the centre of it.

650 Complete

Renewing the filter

Proceed as follows:


1. Remove the bumper casing. It is fastened with three

bolts. Does not apply to vehicles with steel bumpers.

2. Loosen the clips that hold the filter cover in place.

20101006 651


3. Renew the filter element.

4. Make sure that the cover and rubber valve for dust
removal are clean. If necessary, clean the filter housing
internally very carefully.

5. Reset the indicator; see the section Dirt indicator.

652 Complete

Renewing the filter

The filter housing is located behind the cab. Some cab types
require cab tilting. Refer to the Cab tilting section for more
Proceed as follows:

Loosen the clips that hold the


filter cover in place.


Lift off the cover.

20101006 653

Turn and carefully pull out the

filter element.

Make sure that the cover and rubber valve for dust removal are
clean. If necessary, clean the filter housing internally very

Fit a new filter element by

turning and pressing it in. Turn
the rubber valve downwards

when you refit the filter cover.

Reset the indicator. Refer to the section Dirt indicator for more

Snow protection air intake

The swirling snow position on the air intake
should only be used when driving in strongly
swirling snow, such as during snow ploughing.

When driving in strongly swirling snow, you should change the

air intake position for the engine. Change this using the manual

654 Complete

control which is located under the front grille panel adjacent to

the engine air intake.

When the air intake is in its normal position, air is brought to the
engine from the front of the vehicle and in the swirling snow
position the air is taken from the area by the turbocharger. The
swirling snow position prevents snow from blocking the air filter
when driving in strongly swirling snow but the maximum air flow
to the engine is lower than in the normal position. Do not,
therefore, drive with the air intake in the swirling snow position
unless you have to.

If you drive with the swirling snow position under normal winter
conditions and at temperatures above +5°C, this could cause the
engine power to be reduced and the fuel consumption to be
increased. Prolonged driving in the swirling snow position, when
this is not necessary, could damage the engine.

20101006 655

1. Push or pull the lever to change the 2. Outer position: swirling snow
position of the air intake. position
3. Inner position: normal position

656 Complete

1. Push or pull the lever to change the 2. Inner position: swirling snow
position of the air intake. position
3. Outer position: normal position

20101006 657

1. Turn the rotary control to change 3. Turn to the clockwise end position
the position of the air intake. for the normal position.
2. Turn to the counterclockwise end
position for the swirling snow

Charge air cooler protection

Combustion air for the engine is cooled by the charge air cooler.
Protection has been developed to reduce the cooling effect and
minimise icing in the charge air cooler.

658 Complete

When the outdoor temperature is less than 5°C,
the charge air cooler protection should be
attached. If the outdoor temperature is more than
5°C, the charge air cooler protection should be
removed; otherwise there is a risk of engine

Tyres and rims


Never pump up the tyre on a wheel which is not

fitted on the vehicle. The wheel may be flung out
if the tyre bursts.
The vehicle’s compressed air system can be used
when pumping up tyres. To reduce the risk of a
puncture use only the parking circuit, which
supplies a maximum pressure of 8.5 bar.
Only pump up tyres which are undamaged and
which have a satisfactory tread depth.
Always adapt tyre pressure to loads. Incorrect
tyre pressure can affect roadholding.

Modern trucks have front axles that are designed to give quick
and responsive steering, provide a good feel for the road and are

20101006 659

easy to steer. They do however require wheels that have high

standards of roundness and rims with high standards of flatness.
It is important that you follow the Driver’s Manual instructions
to avoid vibrations in the front axle caused by the wheels.


Never replace tyres on rims if you do not have

the suitable equipment and necessary experience.

Mark the rim’s position in

relation to the hub so that it is

refitted in the same position.

• Front axle rims should be used for the front axle, rear axle
rims for the rear axle. Avoid mixing the two.

• Make sure that the rim complies with Scania standards for
flatness. Only use rims which meet these requirements.
Consult a Scania workshop regarding marking.

660 Complete

• When renewing a tyre on the front axle, the same rim

should be used. Fit rims back in the same position they
were in before removal.

• Front wheels should be balanced before fitting. If

vibration still occurs, the wheel should be balanced whilst
fitted to the front axle. The wheels are usually balanced
by tyre workshops.

• Renew both tyres at the same time on a twin mounting.

Choice of tyre
The vehicle and tyres are correctly matched on delivery.
Changing to a different tyre dimension can alter the overall gear
ratio of the vehicle. This means that the tachograph must be
reset. Contact a Scania workshop.
Do not exceed the maximum rated speed for the tyres. Refer to
the table for the speed index and the maximum rated road speed.

Speed index Maximum permitted speed in


E 70

F 80

G 90

J 100

20101006 661

Speed index Maximum permitted speed in


K 110

L 120

M 130

Checking the tyres

Check that tyre wear is even and evenly distributed across the
whole tread. When wear is uneven, it must be investigated and
the cause rectified.
Check tread depth. The minimum safe tread depth is 3.0 mm.
The worn-tyre warning is at 1.6 mm.
• Too high a tyre pressure increases tyre wear.
• Too low a tyre pressure increases fuel consumption.

The legal requirements for tread depth vary
depending on the country concerned.

662 Complete

Spare wheel

Remove the nuts securing the


wheel to the holder.

Fit the crank and lower the wheel


to the ground.

20101006 663

Always screw the lifting yoke to the holder using
the nuts, even if the holder is empty.
Only wind up the lifting yoke far enough to
screw the nuts into place. Do not tighten the
lifting yoke against the spare wheel carrier.

Cleaning aluminium rims

Dura-Bright aluminium rims from Alcoa have a special surface
treatment which gives the rim a long service life and facilitates
cleaning. Clean the rims with hot water and a mild detergent
(standard vehicle detergent). Use high-pressure cleaning
equipment with hot water. Clean the rims regularly because this
prevents brake dust and road dust from forming a moisture-
retaining coating that is difficult to clean.
When changing tyres, contact a Scania workshop for details of
the correct procedure.

The rims must not be cleaned with polishing
wash, polishing brushes, steel wool, scouring
cloths, strong detergents or chemicals. Do not
spray cold water onto hot rims.

664 Complete

Cleaning aluminium rims

Dura-Flange aluminium rims from Alcoa have hardened rim
edges to protect against wear. Clean the rims with detergent
and/or polishing wax. Clean the rims regularly because this
prevents brake dust and road dust from forming a moisture-
retentive coating that is difficult to clean.

When changing tyres, contact a Scania workshop for details of

the correct procedure.

The rims must not be cleaned with steel wool,
scouring cloths, strong detergents or chemicals.
Do not spray cold water onto hot rims.

Changing wheels


Never work under a vehicle supported only by a

jack. Both the chassis and moving axle suspension
components must be secured against falling with
stands to ensure absolute safety when working
under a raised vehicle. There is a high risk of
crush injuries.

20101006 665


Never work under a vehicle with air suspension

which is not fully secured against lowering in
case there is a change of pressure in the air
bellows. There is a high risk of crush injuries.

1. Engage a low gear and turn the starter key to the lock

2. Chock the vehicle with chocks in front of and behind

the wheels.

666 Complete


You must chock the vehicle wheels to prevent the

vehicle from rolling whilst work is being carried

3. Release the parking brake.

4. Loosen but do not remove the wheel nuts before jacking

the vehicle up off the ground.

5. Jack up the vehicle.


Ensure that the jack is stable on level ground.

Only position the jack at the specified lifting
points. If it is positioned differently, serious
damage to the vehicle could result.

Read more about lifting points in the section ’Lifting points on

the chassis’.

20101006 667

Fitting, disc wheels

1. Thoroughly clean the contact surfaces. Use a wire

Thick coats of paint, rust and dirt can lead to
loosening of the wheel nuts and consequently,
the stud holes in the rim and the brake drum
becoming oval.

668 Complete


2. Clean and grease the threads on the wheel studs.

Check that the parking brake is released on the
axle in question.

3. Fit the wheel and tighten the wheel nuts by hand.

20101006 669

The illustration shows the

tightening sequence for the

wheel nuts.

4. Tighten the wheel nuts to 600 Nm in the sequence

shown in the illustration. Never use a flywheel type nut
runner. Too much or too little torque can cause the
wheels to come loose.

Incorrectly tightened wheel nuts can lead to
brake vibrations.

670 Complete

A load of 60 kg at the end of the

handle will produce a tightening

torque of 600 Nm.

5. Check-tighten the wheel nuts to 600 Nm after driving

approx. 100 km.

Fitting, spoke wheels

1. Thoroughly clean the contact surfaces. Use a wire

20101006 671

Thick coats of paint, rust and dirt can lead to
loosening of the wheel nuts and consequently,
the stud holes in the rim and the brake drum
becoming oval.

2. Clean and grease the threads on the wheel studs.


3. Rotate the hub so that one wheel spoke points upwards.

672 Complete


4. Position the wheel on the hub so that the valve is located

between two spokes.

20101006 673

Rear wheel: Fit the intermediate ring and the outer wheel.

6 1
5 2
4 3

5. Fit the clamps and tighten the wheel nuts to 10 Nm in
the sequence shown in the illustration.

674 Complete

Max 2mm


6. Rotate the wheel and check the run-out. The maximum

permissible run-out is 2 mm between the centre and the
tread area.

20101006 675

6 1
(1m 7kg)

5 2

4 3

70 Nm

7. Tighten the wheel nuts to 70 Nm.

8. Finally tighten the wheel nuts to 350 Nm.

9. Check-tighten the wheel nuts to 350 Nm after driving

approx. 100 km.

Draining the compressed air tanks 8033aa13

Stretch a cable between the holes on the drain valves to make it

easier to empty the compressed air tanks.

676 Complete

Marking the compressed air tanks


Front circuit

Rear circuit

Parking circuit

Checking brake chamber stroke length


It is important that function and stroke are

checked and adjusted regularly in accordance
with the inspection programme. Brake action can
otherwise be affected significantly.

20101006 677

The stroke must be adjusted by hand as the brake linings wear



It is important that function and stroke are

checked regularly in accordance with the
inspection programme. Brake action can
otherwise be affected significantly.

Disc brake

Checking brake discs


678 Complete

• Measure the brake disc thickness. The minimum

permissible thickness is 37 mm. A new brake disc is 45

A wear edge may have formed on the outer
circumference of the discs. Measure inside the
wear edge.

• Check that the brake discs have no scratches wider than

1.5 mm or cracks more than 40 mm long. No cracks may
run out to the edge of the brake discs irrespective of their

• If the brake discs do not fulfil the above requirements,

they should be ground or renewed. Contact your nearest
Scania workshop.

20101006 679

Checking brake linings


1. Measure the thickness of the brake lining between the

brake disc and the brake lining backing plate.

Look carefully for any uneven wear as this can be
caused by the brake calliper sticking.

680 Complete


2. Measure any wear edges on the brake disc and add them
to the brake lining thickness.

3. If the brake lining wear surface is under 2 mm, they

should be renewed. If the brake disc thickness is less
than 40 mm, the brake lining must be at least 4 mm.

Checking the brake system

Check the brake system for leaks regularly. If you
notice that it is taking longer for the brake system
to reach the correct pressure, take the vehicle to a
Scania workshop to be examined.

1. Stop the engine when the brake pressure is about 8 bar.

20101006 681

2. Press the brake pedal and hold it in the depressed

position. If the pressure falls markedly within one
minute, there is probably a leak which must be rectified.
In this case contact your Scania workshop.

Internal cleaning

Cleaning the cab

Clean the cab’s internal surfaces and interior regularly. Vacuum
textile floor coverings and clean them with carpet shampoo and
a brush or sponge. Also vacuum the seat upholstery to remove
dust and other loose particles. Wipe surfaces clean with a damp
cloth and use lukewarm water and a mild detergent. Use a
vacuum cleaner with protective grounding and connect it to an
grounded electrical socket.

Stains on upholstery

If you get oil stains on the seat upholstery, it is important to clean

this correctly using the correct detergent. Stains left by liquids
such as carbonated drinks or light oil must be removed
immediately. Remove as much of the liquid as you can with a
clean cloth or some other material that absorbs the liquid. Then
use a detergent which is suitable for the type of upholstery,
leather or vinyl. When removing dirt or stains, it is important to
work from the outer edges of the stain and in towards the centre.
This is to avoid leaving rings. If cleaning does leave a ring, or if
there is any remaining dirt, it will usually disappear after washing
with a lukewarm soap solution or water.

682 Complete

Leather upholstery

Leather upholstery should be oiled at least twice a year and

always after cleaning. Use a wax-based product intended for
oiling leather upholstery. Use soap or leather cleaner for
cleaning. Never use chemical solvents since they damage the
leather. Remember to oil the leather after cleaning.

Vinyl upholstery

Vinyl upholstery should be cleaned with water and a soap

solution. You can also use a mixture of 1 part isopropyl alcohol
and 2 parts water (1:2).

Never use chemical solvents since they damage
the vinyl.

Cleaning the climate system control

If dirt collects by the temperature sensor air intake, the climate
system temperature control may stop working. It is therefore
important that the area marked on the illustration is cleaned at
regular intervals.

20101006 683

External cleaning

Cleaning agent

Protect the environment. As far as possible, use
cleaners that have been environmentally adapted.

Cleaning the cab

Wash the cab often. When new, the cab should be washed by
hand with only cold water and a clean soft brush through which
the water can flow.

684 Complete

Avoid machine washers for the first 5-6 months until the
paintwork has had time to harden.
You can add a special vehicle detergent to the water, which
should then be lukewarm, to make washing easier. Avoid washing
and leaving the vehicle to dry in the sun.
Clean windows inside and out using window cleaner.
Remove traces of asphalt with a cloth dampened with white
spirit. Do not use strong cleaning agents. They will make the
paintwork dry out.

Cleaning the chassis

Keep the chassis as clean as the cab. Use environmentally
adapted cleaning agents here as well.
Take care not to remove grease from spring brackets, etc., when
using high-pressure jets. If this does happen, they must be re-

Important when using high pressure cleaning

Avoid high pressure cleaning the universal joint cross, support
bearings and slide joint so as not to damage the seals. Do not
direct the jet towards seals. Water may enter the seals and cause

20101006 685

Do not carry out high pressure cleaning or walk
on the silencer heat shield under the vehicle since
this may damage the material.
If large tears occur on the heat shield, the material
must be renewed. Inadequate heat insulation
capacity can cause overheating of adjacent
components and there is a risk of personal injury.

Cleaning aluminium rims

Clean aluminium rims regularly to prevent white rust from
forming on the rims. White rust is extremely difficult to remove
even with detergent.

Cleaning the engine compartment

Clean the engine and engine compartment with warm water.
Use high-pressure jets with caution. Avoid spraying electrical
components such as the starter motor, alternator, etc. Use
paraffin as a cleaning agent and solvent for repairs and

Corrosion protection
The vehicle has been through a complete anti-corrosion
programme before leaving the factory. Much of the cab has been
galvanised in production and cavities have been treated with
anti-corrosion oil.

686 Complete

The anti-corrosion must be supplemented, first after 2 years and

then every fifth year. This is to provide effective protection
during the entire service life of the vehicle. You may need to
carry out the anti-corrosion protection more often in severe
operating and climatic conditions. Consult your Scania

Touching up paintwork
You should treat paintwork damage as soon as it is detected. The
earlier it is treated, the less risk there is of corrosion.

A professional paint shop should be used for more extensive

damage to obtain satisfactory results. However, you can repair
minor damage such as chips caused by flying stones and
individual scratches yourself.

If the damage has not gone through to the metal and there is a
coat of protective paint remaining, you can clean thoroughly and
apply the touch-up paint directly.

Scania cabs are manufactured in galvanised sheet steel. If a stone

has caused damage down to the metal and it has started to
corrode, you must first scrape away the surface rust and then
grind down the damaged area to the bare metal.

Afterwards, apply a zinc-based primer as a reinforcing layer to

retain the corrosion protection. The primer must be suitable for
use on galvanised sheet metal.

20101006 687

Then, apply one coat of primer. Finally, apply the finishing coat
in several thin layers so that the damaged area attains the same
height as the surrounding paintwork.

Stir the primer and finishing coat thoroughly before use. Allow
the paint to dry between coats.

Waxing and polishing

A new vehicle should not be waxed until after 3-4 months.
Polishing is not required until the paintwork has oxidised and
become dull. Polish and abrasives may be used only in
exceptional cases on a new vehicle. Contact your Scania
workshop for advice.

The paintwork must be thoroughly clean before you start waxing

and polishing.

688 Complete
Emergency measures

Emergency measures
Battery master switch
The battery master switch is used to rapidly cut off the power in
an emergency situation or when loading and unloading vehicles.
When the battery master switch is turned off, power is only
supplied to the tachograph.

Wait at least 1.5 minutes after switching off the
power before switching off the battery master
switch. Otherwise the SCR system will not have
had time to be purged of reductant residue, which
could damage the system.

The battery master switch control is located on the instrument


20101006 689
Emergency measures


When the battery master switch cuts off the

power, the engine stops. The vehicle becomes
difficult to control if this occurs when moving.
Stop the vehicle, if possible, before cutting off
the power.

On some radio equipment, the radio code is
erased when the battery master switch cuts off
the power.

The switch in the picture is situated on the outside of the

vehicle and has the same function as the battery master switch
control on the instrument panel.

690 Complete
Emergency measures

The switch for regulating the

battery master switch is located
beneath the battery box or

behind the left-hand mudguard.

Emergency hammer

The emergency hammer is located above the door on the

passenger side in the cab. Use the emergency hammer to break
the window in the door so that you can get out in an emergency.

Emergency kit
The vehicle is equipped with an emergency kit.

From left: first-aid kit, sign,

reflecting waistcoat, torch and

bracket for the torch.

20101006 691
Emergency measures

Vehicle gas and safety

Action in the event of fire


In the event of fire, switch off the engine and

immediately notify the fire brigade that the
vehicle contains vehicle gas and what type of gas
it is.

Each gas tank has safety valves. The safety valves open when the
temperature outside exceeds 110°C. The safety valves release the
gas in a controlled manner and prevent the gas tank from
Vehicle gas can only ignite with a mixture of 5-15% vehicle gas
and the remaining percentage air.

Gas odour or gas leak


Switch off the engine immediately if you smell


692 Complete
Emergency measures


The fuel system contains vehicle gas under a

high pressure of up to 230 bar, and should only
be repaired by qualified personnel. If the system
is opened in an uncontrolled manner, there is a
risk of injury and of damage to the fuel system.

Proceed as follows if you suspect there is a gas leak:

1. Switch off the engine. The solenoid valves of the gas
tanks close automatically.

2. Close the manual tap.

3. Tow the vehicle to a Scania workshop to have the leak

rectified. Park the vehicle outdoors as long as there is

Gas leak warning


Gas leak symbol.

The gas leak symbol is displayed if the solenoid valves in the fuel
system are not working. Visit a Scania workshop to have the fuel
system repaired if the symbol is displayed.

20101006 693
Emergency measures

The gas leak warning can appear after the manual
tap is opened.
If this happens, turn the starter key to the locking
position and wait for more than 10 seconds so
that the vehicle is switched off completely and
then try to start it again.

Safety valves for pressure drop in the fuel system

If the fuel system rapidly loses pressure, for example when a fuel
pipe breaks, the safety valves operate, which immediately
switches off the flow of fuel from the gas tanks. Tow the vehicle
to a Scania workshop to have the fuel system repaired if this

Jump start
Both systems must have the same battery voltage, i.e. 24 V.


Do not stand close to the batteries while jump

starting the vehicle. A battery might explode and
cause severe injuries.
Follow the instructions exactly to ensure that
injuries and damage do not occur.

694 Complete
Emergency measures

Jump starting is only permitted when using the
batteries or Scania jump starter unit Eurotec 2024
A different jump starter unit can cause serious
damage to the vehicle’s electrical systems.

Use thick starter cables - at least 25 mm² - with insulated clamps.

• Start the engine on the vehicle which has charged

• All connections (+) should be made on the vehicle battery

which has its positive cable connected directly to the
electrical system.

20101006 695
Emergency measures

Proceed as follows:

1. Connect to the battery positive terminal (+) on the
vehicle with a low battery voltage.

2. Connect to the battery positive terminal (+) on the fully

charged vehicle.

3. Connect to the battery negative terminal (-) on the fully

charged vehicle. Select the negative terminal (-) which is
connected to the chassis.

4. Connect to an earthing point (e.g. by the battery cable

bracket in the frame) a short way from the battery itself
on the vehicle with a low battery voltage. This last cable
may produce a spark when connected.

696 Complete
Emergency measures

If the protective paint on the frame is damaged it
needs to be touched up immediately.

5. Switch on the engine of the vehicle with a low battery

voltage. Do not stand close to the batteries.

6. When the engine has started, detach the cable from the
frame first and then the other cables.

Do not run the starter motor for more than 30
seconds during each start attempt. If the engine
has not started after two attempts to start it,
investigate whether something is wrong. The
starter motor must rest for at least 5 minutes
before you try again. The starter motor is
automatically blocked after 35 seconds.

20101006 697
Emergency measures

Jumper start socket


Do not stand close to the batteries when using

starter cables. A battery might explode and cause
severe injuries.
Follow the instructions exactly to ensure that
injuries and damage do not occur.

Jump starting is only permitted when using the
batteries. An auxiliary starting device may supply
excess voltage and damage the vehicle electronics.


You must not connect the batteries in an

environment where there are flammable gases
such as petrol and ethanol

If the vehicle’s battery is discharged and cannot provide enough

current to start the engine you can connect it to other batteries.
Both electrical systems must have the same battery voltage, i.e.

698 Complete
Emergency measures

24 V. Use thick starter cables - at least 25 mm² - with insulated


At the back of the chassis there is a socket for jump starting. The
socket is located with the batteries on the left-hand side and has
a red plastic cover. In the socket there is a connection for a
positive clamp (+). Next to the cover there is a short metal rod
that can be used as an earth clamp (-).

1. The jump socket for (+) and 2,

the metal rod for the earth clamp
(-), are located next to the

batteries on the left-hand side.

• Take out starter cables.
• Start the engine on the vehicle which has charged

• Check which positive terminal on the charged battery is

directly connected to the electrical system and use that.

• Remove the plastic cover from the jump start socket.

20101006 699
Emergency measures

• Switch off the voltage on the vehicle with low battery



Connect the socket and batteries in the order shown in the figures.

Proceed as follows to connect two different battery units:

1. Fit the starter cable clamp to the jump start socket (+) on
the vehicle with low battery voltage.

2. Connect the same cable to the positive battery terminal

(+) on the fully charged battery. Use the positive

700 Complete
Emergency measures

terminal that is connected directly to the electrical


3. Fit the clamp to the negative terminal (-) of the charged

battery. Connect to the negative terminal that is directly
connected to the chassis.

4. Connect the other end of the starter cable to the metal

earth rod on the vehicle with the low battery voltage.
The last connection may cause a spark.

5. Move away from the batteries and start the engine of the
vehicle with the low battery voltage.

Do not run the starter motor for more than 30
seconds during each start attempt. If the engine
has not started after two attempts to start it,
investigate whether something is wrong. The
starter motor must rest for at least 5 minutes
before you try again. The starter motor is
automatically blocked after 35 seconds.

6. First undo the cable on the metal rod and then at the
other end.

7. Undo the positive cable and refit the plastic cover.

20101006 701
Emergency measures

Jump socket 24V/500A

There is a 2-pin jump socket on the vehicle which is connected
to the battery. Connect the socket to external power sources
using the electrical cable designed for the purpose. Scania can
supply a suitable electrical cable as an additional accessory.

The socket must not be used when complying
with ADR regulations.

The socket can be used in two ways:

• for jump starting if the vehicle battery capacity is low.
• as additional battery power for other vehicles.

The socket must only be connected to other
vehicles with 24 volt electrical systems

702 Complete
Emergency measures


2-pin jump socket. It is located by


the left mudflap.

Jump socket with open cover.

Make sure that the rubber gasket
in the cover forms a good seal
when you screw the cover back


Wheel chocks
On the vehicle there are one or two wheel chocks on the side of
the vehicle or on the back of the frame.
The wheel chocks are used when there is a risk that the vehicle
may move unintentionally.

20101006 703
Emergency measures

When you remove the wheel chocks:

• Fasten the rubber strap to the holder.
After use:
• Attach the wheel chock with the rubber strap and latch
clamp, see figure.

1. Pull the rubber strap through the

slots in the wheel chock and hook
firmly to both sides of the wheel
chock. The appearance of the
bracket varies from vehicle to
2. Make sure the spring-loaded latch

clamp is in the correct position.


When parked the vehicle must have the brakes

applied and be secured so that it cannot move.

Filler nipple for parking brake circuit

The filler nipple is used to fill the parking brake circuit with air,
when for example towing short distances.

704 Complete
Emergency measures

Filler nipple for parking brake



Do the following to top up air:

1. Chock the wheels so that the vehicle cannot move.

2. Release the parking brake lever.

3. Top up air to the parking brake circuit, e.g. from a tyre

or from another vehicle.

4. Release the interlock valve.

20101006 705
Emergency measures

The parking brake can now be applied normally, but only once.

Bleed the fuel system

The fuel system needs to be bled when the tank has been run dry
or when work is being carried out on the system.
It is important that you use the starter motor according to the
following instructions. The starter motor can be damaged if you
do not follow the instructions.

To move the vehicle a short distance in an
emergency, the starter motor can be run for a
maximum of 35 seconds. This is only possible for
a vehicle with a manual gearbox that also includes
fully automated Opticruise.

When venting is complete: Run the starter motor
for 30 seconds at the most on each attempt to start
it. If the engine has not started after two attempts,
troubleshoot for a fault. The starter motor must
rest for at least 5 minutes before the next attempt
to start it.

706 Complete
Emergency measures

PDE unit injector


Help protect our environment! Avoid spillage.
Use a suitable container.

To bleed the fuel system:

1. Attach a clear plastic hose to the bleed nipple on the fuel
filter housing.

20101006 707
Emergency measures

2. Open the bleed nipple and pump with the hand pump
until fuel comes out of the hose without air bubbles
(approx. 100 pump strokes).

3. Close the bleed nipple and remove the hose.


4. Transfer the plastic hose to the fuel manifold bleed


5. Open the fuel manifold ventilating valve.

6. Pump using the hand pump until fuel comes out without
air bubbles (approximately 50 strokes).

7. Close the bleed nipple on the fuel manifold and remove

the plastic hose.

708 Complete
Emergency measures

8. Pump until the overflow valve opens (a hissing sound

will be heard).

9. Start the engine. The engine should be easy to start.

PDE unit injector


Help protect our environment! Avoid spillage.
Use a suitable container.

20101006 709
Emergency measures

To bleed the fuel system:

1. Attach a clear plastic hose to the bleed nipple on the fuel
filter housing.

2. Open the bleed nipple and pump with the hand pump
until fuel comes out of the hose without air bubbles
(approx. 200 pump strokes).

3. Close the bleed nipple and remove the hose.

4. Pump until the overflow valve opens (a hissing sound

will be heard).

5. Start the engine. The engine should be easy to start.

710 Complete
Emergency measures

Scania HPI


Help protect our environment! Avoid spillage.
Use a suitable container.

To bleed the fuel system:

1. Attach a clear plastic hose to the bleed nipple on the fuel
filter housing.

20101006 711
Emergency measures

2. Open the bleed nipple and crank with the starter motor
until the fuel system is purged free of air. The pumping
takes a maximum of 20 seconds.

3. Close the bleed nipple and remove the hose.

4. Start the engine and check for leaks.

5. Leave the engine idling for two minutes. While the

engine is still running, bleed the system again by
opening and closing the bleed nipple.

16 litre engine

Help protect our environment! Avoid spillage.
Use a suitable container.

712 Complete
Emergency measures

To bleed the fuel system:

1. Attach a clear plastic hose to the bleed nipple on the fuel
filter housing.

2. Open the bleed nipple and pump with the hand pump
until fuel comes out of the hose without air bubbles.
This may take around 100 pump strokes.

3. Close the bleed nipple and remove the hose.

4. Pump until the overflow valve opens (a hissing sound

will be heard).

5. Start the engine and check for leaks.

If the engine is difficult to start, repeat steps 2-5 a few times.

Common rail


The fuel system has a very high pressure, up to

3000 bar. Do not go near an engine that is
running. A jet of fuel that comes into contact
with the skin can cause life-threatening injuries!

20101006 713
Emergency measures

Help protect our environment! Avoid spillage.
Use a suitable container.

2 1


1. Bleed nipple 2. Hand pump

714 Complete
Emergency measures

1. Bleed nipple 2. Hand pump

1. Attach a clear plastic hose to the bleed nipple. Place the

end of the plastic hose in a container that holds at least 3

2. Loosen the hand pump handle.

3. Open the bleed nipple.

4. Hand pump until the fuel comes out of the hose. This
may take 200 strokes of the pump.

5. Close the bleed nipple.

6. Start the engine and open the bleed nipple carefully.

20101006 715
Emergency measures

7. Check that the fuel coming out contains no air bubbles;

approximately 3 litres may need to go into the container
before the air has gone.

8. Close the bleed nipple, remove the hose and tighten the
hand pump handle.

If the engine is difficult to start, repeat steps 4-7 a few times.

Ethanol engines with PDE fuel system

If the fuel system requires bleeding, contact your Scania

Towing and recovery

General information on towing and recovery

The information and instructions must be followed when
recovering or towing. This is to prevent both vehicle damage and
personal injury.
Recovery should be entrusted to a recovery company authorised
for heavy vehicles.
Recovery is always preferable to towing. Towing should always
be carried out with a drawbar.

716 Complete
Emergency measures


It is common for several of the vehicle functions

to be disengaged or out of order during recovery
and towing. The risk is high that the vehicle may
start moving without functioning brakes.

Preparatory work
• Before recovering from a ditch, the load must be removed
and all stones etc. in the ditch that may damage or get
caught in the vehicle when pulling it from the ditch must
be removed.

• Check that no damage has occurred to the vehicle that

may cause a short circuit in the electrical system. If this is
the case, disconnect the batteries to prevent fire.

• When carrying out a recovery on a road, the vehicle

should always be lifted without a load. Alternatively, the
front axle weight can be reduced as much as possible, for
example by lifting the tag axle (if fitted).

Action required before towing

Avoid damage to the main gearbox and the transfer box when
towing by first taking the following action. If the transfer box is

20101006 717
Emergency measures

equipped with a power take-off, take the following action before

activating the power take-off.
1. Switch on the ignition power.

2. Put the gear lever into neutral and the range switch into
its upper position, high range. If the vehicle is equipped
with an automatic gearbox, put the drive mode selector
in neutral.

3. Activate the switch for drive wheel disengagement. The

instrument cluster indicates that the drive is disengaged.

Drive wheel disengagement switch

As long as drive wheel disengagement is activated, the main

gearbox must also be in neutral. Otherwise the transfer box will
be damaged due to a lack of lubrication. This does not apply to
special models which are equipped with a power take-off and/or
integrated oil pump.

718 Complete
Emergency measures

If the vehicle is without power or without
compressed air, the propeller shafts on both the
front and rear axle must be detached before
towing. This must be carried out when towing
with or without the front axle raised.

When towing with the front axle raised, the
propeller shafts to the pair of wheels that are
rolling must be detached to prevent any risk of
damage to the transfer box.
When towing without the front axle raised, drive
wheel disengagement must be activated to
prevent any risk of damage to the main gearbox.

20101006 719
Emergency measures

Recovery from a ditch

Vehicle with leaf spring


suspension, front

When recovering from a ditch, the spring attachment on the

front axle beam is a suitable towing point.

Recovery from a ditch


Vehicle with air suspension, front

When recovering from a ditch, the front axle at the air bellows
attachment is a suitable towing point.

720 Complete
Emergency measures

Lifting an axle with air suspension


Axle with air suspension

A vehicle with front axle air suspension must
never be lifted by the front torque rod bracket
because the bracket may break.
Lift the vehicle by the wheels or underneath the
front axle by the attachment for the air bellows.

When lifting where an axle with air suspension is
left hanging, the automatic air suspension
levelling system must be engaged or manually set
to emptying the air bellows. Otherwise the shock
absorbers will be damaged. Alternatively, secure
the axle with a chain or similar, before lifting the

20101006 721
Emergency measures

Recovery from a ditch - from the rear and

from the side
Attach the recovery equipment to the body frame when the
vehicle is pulled backwards or sideways.

Recovery tool

Recovery tool 99619

When carrying out the recovery of a vehicle standing on level

ground, Scania recommends using the recovery tool. This tool
has been designed for lifting the vehicle. The tool must not be
used if the vehicle to be recovered has a front axle weight that
exceeds 10 tonnes. The tool is suitable for use on vehicles with
both leaf spring and air suspension.

722 Complete
Emergency measures

Do not lift directly on the towing brackets without using the

tool. The towing brackets break as the distribution of forces will
be incorrect.

Secure the recovery tool


Attachment of the recovery tool.

The recovery vehicle approaches


the vehicle to be recovered.

20101006 723
Emergency measures

The vehicles are connected.

The recovery vehicle lifts the


broken down vehicle.

Fill with air

If it is not possible to start the engine, the brake system must be
filled with air using an alternative method. Recovery vehicles
usually have an air outlet from which the vehicle to be
towed/recovered can be charged with air.
Your vehicle has an air intake nipple located under the upper
front grille panel by the engine oil hose.

724 Complete
Emergency measures

Undo the propeller shaft
Refer to the section Detach the propeller shaft.

Emergency release the parking brake.

Refer to the section Filler nipple for the parking brake circuit.

Releasing the parking brake without

compressed air
Refer to the section Release the parking brake without
compressed air.

20101006 725
Emergency measures


Never tow with the clutch pedal depressed. The
gearbox can be damaged.

< 500m

If possible, the vehicle should be unladen when towing. Towing
with the engine switched off must not be carried out for more
than 500 metres unless the propeller shaft is disconnected from
the rear axle central gear. This is to avoid damage to the gearbox.
If possible, run the engine at idle speed to obtain power steering
and air pressure in the brake system.
The parking brake may be re-applied automatically if the
pressure in the brake system falls, if it had been released by air
supplied to the brake system. Therefore, if air is not continuously
supplied from the towing vehicle, stop at regular intervals and
charge the air system.

726 Complete
Emergency measures


If the parking brake is mechanically

disconnected, the vehicle will be without brakes
if the system pressure falls. The vehicle will have
no braking capacity at all.
Wire ropes must not be attached to the tow pin.
The tow pin bracket is a casting and there is a
risk of material failure, resulting in personal

20101006 727
Emergency measures


A drawbar should be used, so that it is possible for the towing

vehicle to brake the towed vehicle. Recovery is however, the
preferred method. High demands are placed on the person
steering the towed vehicle. The drawbar can turn in relation to
the attachment. This can result in the vehicles colliding.

728 Complete
Emergency measures

When towing, the tow pin on the

passenger side should be used

together with a drawbar

Fitting the central towing unit

The tow pin is located behind the


lower front grille panel.

20101006 729
Emergency measures

The towing eye is located by the

boarding step well on the right-

hand side of the vehicle.


1. Remove the towing eye from the bracket in the

boarding step unit. The wheel nut tool can be used for
removing and fitting since the bolts securing the towing
eye have the same spanner width as the wheel studs.

730 Complete
Emergency measures


2. Unscrew the blanking piece on the bumper.


3. Fit the towing eye using the two bolts from the bracket
in the boarding step unit. Torque tighten the bolts to
490 Nm.

20101006 731
Emergency measures


Do not lower the lower front grille panel when

the tow pin is fitted in the towing eye in the
bumper. There is a risk of damaging the grille

4. Fit the tow pin which is behind the lower front grille
panel in the towing eye.

The tow pin and towing eye should be refitted
behind the lower front grille panel or the bracket
in the boarding step unit immediately after use. In
accordance with EU requirements, driving with
the central towing unit still attached is not
permitted other than when towing.
The towing eye bolts should be torque tightened
to 60 Nm when the towing eye is refitted in the
boarding step unit.

Tow beam load

The tow beam has towing eyes (1) and a towing jaw (2). They can
be loaded as indicated below.

732 Complete
Emergency measures

Load values for towing eyes (1):

• in the vehicle’s longitudinal direction 350 kN (35 tonnes)
• laterally 130 kN (13 tonnes)
• upwards and downwards 175 kN (17.5 tonnes).

The towing jaw (2) can be loaded with a trailer having a weight
of up to 50 tonnes.


1. Towing eyes. 2. Towing jaw.

20101006 733
Emergency measures

Tow-starting, manual gearbox

Tow-starting must not be done for stretches longer than 500
metres. Otherwise, the gearbox could be damaged through
insufficient lubrication.

< 500m

Proceed as follows:
1. Use a drawbar.

2. Fill the vehicle with air.

3. Select a high-range gear in the vehicle to be tow-started.



4. Release the parking brake.

734 Complete
Emergency measures

Tow-starting, automatic gearbox

The engine cannot be tow-started when the vehicle is equipped
with an automatic gearbox.
You can, however, start the vehicle using batteries in another
vehicle. For information on how to start using batteries in
another vehicle, please refer to the section Jump starting.
When towing the vehicle, either the engine must be running or
the propeller shaft must be removed. Otherwise, the gearbox will
not be lubricated and can be damaged.

Tow-starting, Opticruise

< 500m

Tow-starting must not be done for stretches longer than 500

metres. Otherwise, the gearbox could be damaged through
insufficient lubrication.
Select manual and engage a suitable gear.

20101006 735
Emergency measures


< 500m

Shunting with the engine switched off must not be carried out
for more than 500 metres unless the propeller shaft is
disconnected from the rear axle central gear. This is to avoid
damage to the gearbox.

736 Complete
Emergency measures

Manual gearbox



The shift selector must be in high range with neutral engaged.

Proceed as follows:
1. Switch on the ignition.

20101006 737
Emergency measures

2. Engage a gear in the high range area, turn the ring on

the Opticruise lever directly to neutral.

Automatic gearbox
When shunting the vehicle, either the engine must be running or
the propeller shaft must be removed. Otherwise, the gearbox will
not be lubricated and can be damaged.

Undo the propeller shaft

The gearbox oil pump is not driven during towing
and recovery. To avoid damage to the gearbox,
the propeller shaft should therefore be detached
from the rear axle central gear and secured to the
If the propeller shaft is detached from the rear of
the gearbox, there is a risk that it will rotate and
strike and damage the cables in the chassis frame.
There is also a risk that even the propeller shaft
will be damaged.

738 Complete
Emergency measures


Disconnect propeller shaft P602, P642

Proceed as follows:
1. Apply the parking brake.

20101006 739
Emergency measures


2. Undo the bolts on the rear axle central gear but do not
remove them.

3. Disconnect the propeller shaft.

4. Hold the shaft and remove the bolts.

740 Complete
Emergency measures

5. Secure the axle to the chassis. If the propeller shaft is at
risk of exposure to dirt or water cover the cross slots on
the propeller shaft flange.

Releasing the parking brake without

compressed air
Be aware that the vehicle is completely without brakes when you
carry out the following actions.

20101006 741
Emergency measures


When the parking brake is disabled and the

compressed air system of the vehicle is empty, the
vehicle will not have any working brakes.

To release the parking brake without any compressed air, do as

1. Chock the wheels or connect a towing bar to another
vehicle to prevent the vehicle from moving.

2. Undo the release bolts in the spring brake chambers.

Different spring brake chambers can work in different

742 Complete
Emergency measures

In one type of spring brake

chamber, a red pin will become
visible after undoing the release
1. Release bolt

2. Pin in centre of release bolt

On certain spring brake chambers (see illustration above), the

release bolt can be undone by turning it anticlockwise until it
stops. Apply the release bolt by turning it clockwise until it

20101006 743
Emergency measures

stops. A red pin will become visible in the centre of the release
bolt once the release chamber has been undone.

In certain types of spring brake

chamber, the release bolt will
come a little way out of the

cylinder when it is undone.

On certain spring brake chambers (see illustration above), the

release bolt can be undone by turning anticlockwise until it
stops. The bolt can come out about 35 or 60 millimetres,
depending on whether it is a disc brake or a drum brake.

Do not use a nut runner to loosen or apply the
release bolt in the spring brake chamber as the
release bolt can break.

3. Affix a label on the steering wheel to warn that the

vehicle is without brakes.

744 Complete
Emergency measures



Chassis lifting points

General chassis lifting points

Chock the vehicle wheels to prevent the vehicle from rolling
whilst work is being carried out. Ensure that the jack is stable on
level ground.


Never work under a vehicle with air suspension

which is not fully secured against lowering in
case there is a change of pressure in the air
bellows. There is a high risk of crush injuries.

20101006 745
Emergency measures


Never work under a vehicle supported only by a

jack. Both the chassis and moving axle suspension
components must be secured against falling with
stands to ensure absolute safety when working
under a raised vehicle. There is a high risk of
crush injuries.

Only position the jack at the specified lifting
points. If it is positioned differently, serious
damage to the vehicle could result.

746 Complete
Emergency measures

Lifting points on the front axle

By the bracket under the air

bellows, vehicles with air


Lifting points on the rear axle

By the spring attachment,


vehicles with air suspension.

20101006 747
Emergency measures

By the intended jack point,


vehicles with air suspension.


Under rear axle central gear

748 Complete
Emergency measures

The vehicle must be unladen when lifting the rear
axle central gear.

General chassis lifting points

Chock the vehicle wheels to prevent the vehicle from rolling
whilst work is being carried out. Ensure that the jack is stable on
level ground.


Never work under a vehicle supported only by a

jack. Both the chassis and moving axle suspension
components must be secured against falling with
stands to ensure absolute safety when working
under a raised vehicle. There is a high risk of
crush injuries.

Only position the jack at the specified lifting
points. If it is positioned differently, serious
damage to the vehicle could result.

20101006 749
Emergency measures

Lifting points on the front axle

Use the adapter from the tool kit

for vehicles with leaf spring


Lifting points on the rear axle

By the spring attachment,

vehicles with leaf spring


750 Complete
Emergency measures

Under rear axle central gear

The vehicle must be unladen when lifting the rear
axle central gear.

General chassis lifting points

Chock the vehicle wheels to prevent the vehicle from rolling
whilst work is being carried out. Ensure that the jack is stable on
level ground.


Never work under a vehicle with air suspension

which is not fully secured against lowering in
case there is a change of pressure in the air
bellows. There is a high risk of crush injuries.

20101006 751
Emergency measures


Never work under a vehicle supported only by a

jack. Both the chassis and moving axle suspension
components must be secured against falling with
stands to ensure absolute safety when working
under a raised vehicle. There is a high risk of
crush injuries.

Only position the jack at the specified lifting
points. If it is positioned differently, serious
damage to the vehicle could result.

752 Complete
Emergency measures

Lifting points on the front axle

Use the adapter from the tool kit

for vehicles with leaf spring


Lifting points on the rear axle

By the spring attachment,


vehicles with air suspension.

20101006 753
Emergency measures

By the intended jack point,


vehicles with air suspension.


Under rear axle central gear

754 Complete
Emergency measures

The vehicle must be unladen when lifting the rear
axle central gear.

Fill with air

Connection to the air nipple


under the front grille panel

20101006 755
Emergency measures

If it is not possible to start the engine, the brake system must be

filled with air using an alternative method. Recovery vehicles
usually have an air outlet from which the vehicle to be
towed/recovered can be charged with air.
The vehicle air intake nipple is located under the upper front
grille panel.

756 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Fuel and lubricants

Fuel, biodiesel
Your vehicle is prepared for driving on up to 100% biodiesel EN
During extended stoppages, the fuel tank should be drained of
biodiesel and completely filled with diesel since this reduces the
risk of condensation forming in the fuel tank. This also prevents
the biodiesel from becoming too old.
The maximum storage period for biodiesel is 6 months from the
date of manufacture.


Biodiesel is harmful to the skin and eyes. Wear

protective gloves and goggles when handling


At temperatures above +38°C biodesel can auto-

ignite if it is mixed with flammable materials.

20101006 757
Fuel and lubricants

Clean around the filler cap before opening it so
that no water or dirt can enter the fuel tank. The
fuel system can suffer serious damage if dirt enters

Special measures are necessary when changing to
biodiesel after long-term use of diesel. The fuel
system can suffer serious damage since biodiesel
dissolves dirt and deposits. Contact a Scania

If the vehicle has two tanks, fill the tank with the
fuel pick-up unit first. It is this tank which the
pump draws from. Fill the tank completely to
keep air out of the connecting line to the other

758 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Quality requirements for biodiesel

The quality of the fuel is important to engine operation, service
life and performance. Biodiesel must comply with the
requirements of standard EN 14214.

Biodiesel at low temperatures

Biodiesel is adapted for use in the specific climate of each
country. If you are going to drive the vehicle to a zone that is
colder than the one in which you refuelled, make sure that the
fuel can handle the lower temperature.
At low temperatures, wax-like precipitation occurs in the
biodiesel. When this occurs, there is a risk of the fuel filter
becoming blocked and the engine losing power, stopping or
being unable to start. The wax-like precipitation normally lies at
the bottom of the fuel tank and remains even if the biodiesel is
Problems with wax-like precipitation could start at +5°C. Ask
your fuel supplier about what applies to the fuel you are using.
Scania recommends switching to diesel that complies with
standard EN 590 when temperatures are about +/- 0°C. Use a
fuel heater to improve start properties. Mixing in diesel EN 590
also improves cold-start properties.
If you are suddenly caught up in the cold and are uncertain
whether the fuel in your tank can handle the climate, you should
park in a warm garage. An emergency measure is to avoid turning
off the engine.

20101006 759
Fuel and lubricants

Always use a fuel heater if you are unsure about the fuel’s
properties in the temperature in question.

Kerosene or the like must not be mixed into the
fuel as the engine could be severely damaged.

Fuel, diesel
For environmental reasons, choose a fuel with the lowest
possible sulphur content. Clean around the filler cap before
opening it so that no water or dirt can enter the fuel tank.
The fuel tank should be full when stopping for extended periods
to reduce the risk of condensation.


Diesel is harmful to the skin and eyes. Wear

protective gloves and goggles when handling

Observe the utmost cleanliness when working on
the fuel system. The injection system may be
seriously damaged if dirt gets into the system.

760 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

If the vehicle has two tanks, fill the tank with the
fuel pick-up unit first. It is this tank which the
pump draws from. Fill the tank completely to
keep air out of the connecting line to the other

A certain amount of gas pressure will be present in the fuel tank

on vehicles with a Scania HPI. This is completely normal.

Always switch off the engine before refuelling. If
the handle is directed towards the fuel pick-up
unit, there is a risk that air will be sucked into the
fuel system and will cause engine stops.

Quality requirements for diesel

The quality of the fuel is important to engine operation, service
life and performance. If the engine is to attain its stated
performance characteristics and comply with the emission
requirements of the public authorities, the fuel should comply
with standard EN 590.

Sulphur content
The following applies to Euro 2 engines:

20101006 761
Fuel and lubricants

The sulphur content must not exceed 2000 ppm,
0.2%, otherwise the oil change interval must be

Sulphur content
The following applies to Euro 3 engines:

The sulphur content must not exceed 2000 ppm,
0.2%, otherwise the oil change interval must be

Sulphur content
The following applies to Euro 4 and NST engines with EGR:

The sulphur content must not exceed 350 ppm
(0.035%). A higher content causes engine damage
and is therefore not permitted.

Sulphur content
The following applies to Euro 4 engines with SCR:

762 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

The sulphur content must not exceed 2000 ppm,
0.2%, otherwise the oil change interval must be

Sulphur content
The following applies to Euro 5 and EEV engines with EGR and
9 litre displacement:

The sulphur content must not exceed 50 ppm
(0.005%). A higher content causes engine damage
and is therefore not permitted.

Sulphur content
The following applies to Euro 5 and NLT engines with EGR
and 13 litre displacement:

The sulphur content must not exceed 10 ppm
(0.001%). A higher content causes engine damage
and is therefore not permitted.

20101006 763
Fuel and lubricants

Sulphur content
The following applies to Euro 5 engines with SCR:

The sulphur content must not exceed 2000 ppm,
0.2%, otherwise the oil change interval must be

In engines with EGR systems, the exhaust gases pass the engine
a second time. A high sulphur content can form sulphuric acid.
Sulphuric acid causes engine corrosion.

If a vehicle with an EGR engine is mistakenly
filled with fuel with an excessive sulphur content,
the engine must idle for 60 seconds to minimise
the risk of engine damage before it is switched off.
Refill the vehicle with low-sulphur fuel as soon as

764 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Diesel additives

Additives must not be mixed with the fuel apart
from biodiesel which complies with standard EN

Examples of additives that must not be mixed with diesel:

• Fuel additives to increase combustion properties.
• Used engine oil or two-stroke oil.
• Petrol and alcohol, which can cause wear to the injection
equipment and engine. Petrol and alcohol also affect fire
safety as they are more flammable in tanks than diesel.

Diesel at low temperatures

The diesel is adapted for use in the specific climate of each
country. If you are going to drive the vehicle to a zone that is
colder than the one in which you refuelled, make sure that the
fuel can handle the lower temperature.
In bitter cold, diesel starts to crystallise. There is then a risk that
the fuel will block the filter by changing to paraffin wax. The
crystals can sometimes be seen as thin floe on the tank’s surface.
The engine can lose power, stop or refuse to start. Such
problems can start to arise at around +5°C with diesel designated
for warm climates. Diesel for cold climates should handle

20101006 765
Fuel and lubricants

temperatures down to -25°C. The addition of biodiesel EN

14214 increases the risk of crystallisation.
If you are suddenly caught up in the cold and are uncertain
whether the fuel in your tank can handle the climate, you should
park in a warm garage. An emergency measure is to avoid turning
off the engine. The use of a fuel heater decreases the risk of the
precipitation of paraffin wax if the outside temperature is not
much below the fuel’s temperature class.

Mixing kerosene with fuel is not permitted as the
injection equipment may fail.

Fuel heater
Fuel heaters prevent the fuel filter from becoming blocked by
paraffin wax at low temperatures. The risk occurs if you use fuel
designated for higher temperatures than where you are. The fuel
heater can increase the fuel temperature by around 5°C. This is
not enough if the tank is full of diesel classed for higher
temperatures than where you are. The fuel heater cannot
dissolve paraffin that has already formed on the filter. If the filter
is blocked with paraffin, it must be renewed in order to start the
The button has three positions:
• If the upper part of the switch is pressed, the fuel heater is
completely switched off.

766 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

• If the switch is in its centre position, the fuel heater will

remain in standby mode. The fuel heater requires the
engine to be running and the alternator to be providing
enough charge to the batteries to be automatically
activated. When the fuel heater is active, the lamp in the
button lights up. The fuel heater output is automatically
adjusted according to the temperature of the fuel.

• If the lower part of the switch is pressed, the fuel heater

only runs on the batteries. This position is spring-loaded,
it springs back to the centre position.

The lamp in the switch is lit when the fuel heater is



Proceed as follows before starting the engine:

1. Turn the key to the drive position.

2. Keep the lower part of the switch depressed for about 60

seconds to preheat the fuel.

3. Start the engine.

20101006 767
Fuel and lubricants

If the engine loses power during driving:

• Set the switch to its centre position. The heater is
automatically activated when the engine is running and
the alternator is providing enough charge to the batteries.

Fuel, ethanol

Handling ethanol

Ethanol is extremely flammable and must be
handled with great care. Ethanol fumes can form
an explosive mixture with air at room
If fuel gets into your eyes or onto your skin, flush
immediately with water. Moisturise your skin
after flushing off the ethanol as it is extremely
Breathing in the vapour can cause drowsiness and

• Only handle ethanol away from sources of ignition.

• Avoid free-falling jets.
• Prevent arcing due to static electricity.
• Ventilate properly.

768 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

• Impermeable, ethanol resistant gloves are recommended

when working with ethanol.

Safety when refuelling with ethanol


A spark can ignite ethanol fumes in the presence

of air in the fuel tank. Smoking while refuelling is
strictly prohibited!

• Clean on and around the filler cap before you open it so

that water or dirt cannot enter the fuel tank.

• The filler hose and associated apparatus must be properly


• Use an earth clamp unless otherwise specified in the

instructions for specific refuelling equipment. The earth
clamp must connect the refuelling equipment with the
fuel tank and vehicle. The earth clamp prevents static and

Fit the earth clamp before opening the filler cap.

20101006 769
Fuel and lubricants


1. Fit the earth clamp in the ring on the tank.

2. Open the fuel filler cap.

3. Refuel.

4. Close the fuel filler cap.

5. Remove the earth clamp.

Ethanol in hot climates

There may be problems starting in hot climates. Starting
problems are caused by the fuel boiling in the fuel system when
the engine is switched off. Wait until the temperature has
dropped before attempting to start again.

Ethanol in cold climates

Starting the vehicle from cold, below -20°C, increases the
amount of white smoke and condensed moisture significantly.

770 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Always use the engine heater in cold conditions. The engine

heater counteracts engine wear when starting the vehicle from
cold and therefore increases the engine service life.

Quality requirements for ethanol

The fuel consists of approximately 95% denatured ethanol and
5% ignition improver. The fuel shall be of the type SEKAB
Etamax D. Other types of ethanol are not recommended for
technical and environmental reasons.

Fuel, vehicle gas


The vehicle is equipped with a catalytic converter.
If the engine misfires under load, the catalytic
converter can be damaged. In the event of a
misfire under load, stop the vehicle and switch off
the engine. Have the vehicle transported or towed
to a Scania workshop.

20101006 771
Fuel and lubricants

As a driver of a vehicle powered by vehicle gas,
you should have some basic knowledge with
regard to safety and the handling of vehicle gas.
Comply with local regulations.

Vehicle gases such as natural gas and biogas are 85-98 %

methane. The gas is colourless and odourless. Odorants are
added so that any gas leaks can be detected. If there is leakage,
the methane in the gas can contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Starting and stopping

It is normal to run the starter motor for a few seconds to start

the engine.
Engine output is limited for the first few minutes after starting.
When the engine is warm, the limitation is switched off and the
engine can be fully loaded.
When you switch off the engine, a procedure takes place
automatically to drain the engine of gas. This causes the engine
to run on for a few revolutions after you switch it off.

Quality requirements for vehicle gas

The quality of the vehicle gas is important to engine operation,
service life and performance. In order for the engine to achieve
the specified performance and meet emission requirements, the

772 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

fuel must follow ISO/DIS 15403. The vehicle is equipped with

automatic lambda control. Vehicle gas of the types natural gas
and biogas can therefore be mixed in all proportions. The engine
automatically adapts to the gas mixture.



The gas is flammable and can be ignited by

sparks from a fire or the like. Smoking while
refuelling is prohibited.

Do not refuel the vehicle before a workshop visit.
It is not necessary to have a large amount of fuel
in the vehicle when it is at the workshop.

The maximum pressure in the gas tanks is 230 bar. The vehicle
should be refuelled when the pressure falls below 30 bar. The
fuel quantity remaining at 30 bar is enough to drive about 50 km.
Engine output drops when the pressure is low.
Vehicle gas of the types natural gas and biogas can be mixed in
all proportions.

20101006 773
Fuel and lubricants

Pressure gauge and filler cap for

vehicle gas.

Check which type of filler nozzle the vehicle has before

refuelling. There are two types of filler nozzles, a small one and
a large one. Use an adapter for the filler nozzle if the service
station’s nozzle does not fit the vehicle.

Refuel as follows:
1. Switch off the engine. It is not necessary to switch off
the voltage.

2. Open the filler cap.

3. Check that the vehicle’s filler nozzle and the service

station’s nozzle are clean and dry.

4. Connect the service station’s nozzle to the vehicle’s filler


5. Refuel. The pressure must not exceed 230 bar.

6. Disconnect the service station’s nozzle and close the

filler cap.

774 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

The vehicle gas filler cap is closed

by inserting the filler cap in the

groove and then pressing it in.

The pressure in newly refuelled tanks falls

during the night
When completely refuelled vehicles are left unused overnight,
the fuel pressure falls slightly below the full tank level. This is
because the temperature in the gas tanks falls and therefore the
pressure falls. The pressure in the gas tanks changes by
approximately 1.5 bar per 1°C. The refuelled gas lasts as long as
when it was refuelled even though the fuel gauge does not
indicate the same quantity as when it was refuelled. A top-up
increases the range.

Adapter for vehicle gas filler nozzle


Use only Scania-recommended adapters for the

filler nozzle. An incorrect adapter could result in
personal injury.

20101006 775
Fuel and lubricants

There are two types of vehicle gas filler nozzles – one small and
one large. If the filling station nozzle does not fit the vehicle filler
nozzle, an adapter must be used.
There are two types of adapters – from large to small nozzle and
from small to large nozzle.
Proceed as follows to use an adapter:


Press the adapter together so that the flanges are extended and then press the
adapter onto the vehicle filler nozzle.

776 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Manual tap and pressure gauge

A manual tap and a pressure gauge are located by the batteries.
The manual tap is used to cut off or open the fuel flow to the
engine. The manual tap should normally be in the open position.

At the batteries, there is a

pressure gauge (1) that shows
1 the pressure in the gas tanks and

2 a manual tap (2) for fuel flow.

Manual taps on gas tanks

Each gas tank has a manual tap. The manual tap is used to cut
off or open the fuel flow from the gas tank to the rest of the fuel
system. The manual taps should normally be in the open

20101006 777
Fuel and lubricants


Manual tap (1) on gas tank.

Check the engine oil level

You can check the engine oil level in the instrument cluster.
Refer to the sections on Vehicle information instrument for
more information.

778 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Checking engine oil level

The engine oil should be checked with the
vehicle on a level surface.

Wait for 8 minutes after the engine has stopped before checking
the oil level.
Check the oil level with the dipstick. The oil should not be below
the lower mark or above the upper mark. Do not top up the
engine oil until the oil level has sunk to the minimum mark.

20101006 779
Fuel and lubricants

Engine max to min**

9 litre engine, before 09/2007 Approximately 8 litre

9 litre engine, after 09/2007 Approximately 5 litre

11 and 12 litre engines Approximately 7.5 litre

13 litre engine Approximately 8 litre

16-litre engine Approximately 6 litre

* The difference between max and min on the oil dipstick

It is important to turn the dipstick so that it goes
down in the correct position.

Engine oil
If you need to top up the engine oil in your vehicle, use the same
grade of oil as that used in the vehicle.
The following section provides recommendations for the
minimum quality requirements according to emission class.

Do not mix additives with the oil.

780 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

If you would like to obtain more information about engine oil

and oil change intervals, contact your Scania workshop.

Recommended oil grade

For Euro 2 engines the following is the minimum grade of oil
that can be used:

Recommended oil grade

For Euro 3 engines the following is the minimum grade of oil
that can be used:

Recommended oil grade

For Euro 4 engines, the following is the minimum grade of oil
that can be used to ensure that the full inspection intervals will

Recommended oil grade

For NST engines, the following is the minimum grade of oil
that can be used to ensure that the full inspection intervals will

20101006 781
Fuel and lubricants

Recommended oil grade

For NLT engines, the following is the minimum grade of oil
that can be used to ensure that the full inspection intervals will
• Scania LDF

Recommended oil grade

For Euro 5 engines without particulate filter, the following is
the minimum grade of oil that can be used to ensure that the full
inspection intervals will apply:
• Scania LDF-2
Contact a Scania workshop for more information on oils and oil

Recommended oil grade

For Euro 5 engines with particulate filter, the following is the
minimum grade of oil that can be used to ensure that the full
inspection intervals will apply:
• Scania Low Ash

Recommended oil grade

For EEV engines the following is the minimum grade of oil that
can be used:
• Scania Low Ash

782 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

If the inspection intervals are reduced, the following oil grades

may be used:

• API CJ-4

The following viscosity requirements apply when using


• 15W-40
• 10W-40
• 5W-40
• 0W-40
Contact a Scania workshop for more information on oils and oil

Recommended oil grade

For engines running on biodiesel, the following grades of oil
should be used:
• Scania LDF
• Scania LDF-2
• Scania Low Ash
Contact a Scania workshop for more information on oils and oil

20101006 783
Fuel and lubricants

Viscosity requirements
• SAE 10W-40
• SAE 15W-40

Recommended oil grade

For EEV ethanol engines, the following grade of oil should be
• Scania Bioethanol Engine Oil
Contact a Scania workshop for more information on oils and oil

Recommended oil grade

The following is the minimum grade of oil that can be used for
gas engines:
• Scania Low Ash
Contact a Scania workshop for more information on oils and oil

Viscosity requirements

Viscosity Outside temperature

SAE 40 +10°C to >+30°C

784 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Viscosity Outside temperature

SAE 30 0°C to +10°C

SAE 15W-40 -15°C to > +30°C

SAE 10W-40 -20°C to > +30°C

SAE 10W-30 -20°C to +10°C

SAE 5W-40 <-30°C to >+30°C

SAE 5W-30 <-30°C to +10°C

SAE 0W-30 <-30°C to +10°C

Applies to approved Scania LDF oils:

Viscosity Outside temperature

SAE 10W-30 -20°C to +30°C

SAE 5W-30 < -30°C to +30°C

SAE 0W-30 < -30°C to +30°C

20101006 785
Fuel and lubricants

Make sure that the oil is suitable for all variations
in outside temperature that are likely to occur
before the next oil change.

When AdBlue runs out, the level of nitrogen
oxides will be higher than intended. This could
violate national legislation and mean that the
conditions for national tax and duty relief will not
be met. Comply with national legislation.

Follow the instructions in this section carefully. If you make a

mistake when refuelling, important parts of the fuel system or
emission control system will be damaged.
The vehicle is equipped with emission control technology, SCR,
which reduces the amount of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust
gases. Ensure that the SCR system remains functional by
topping up AdBlue regularly.
Vehicles equipped with SCR produce a cloud of white smoke
when they are started. This happens most often when starting a
cold engine in cold conditions, but can also occur under other
conditions. The smoke consists of water vapour and is formed

786 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

because the catalytic converter absorbs water. This is normal,

and the smoke disappears when the engine is under load. The
smoke is no more harmful to health than normal exhaust fumes.
Remember that this smoke can reduce visibility for other road
The normal consumption of AdBlue is 2-7% of the diesel
volume. A somewhat higher consumption is not abnormal.
When using a power take-off, for example, the consumption is
higher than when driving on public roads.
More information on emission control is found in the section
Checking nitrogen oxides in the Environment chapter.

Filling with AdBlue

The SCR system will be irreparably damaged if
diesel gets into the AdBlue tank.
The diesel fuel system will be damaged if AdBlue
gets into the diesel tank.
Clean the tanks immediately if AdBlue and diesel
have become mixed.

AdBlue is filled in the AdBlue tank. Always check the amount of

AdBlue when you fill up with fuel. You can check the amount of
AdBlue in the menu on the instrument cluster, Instantaneous

20101006 787
Fuel and lubricants

Bear in mind the following when filling AdBlue:

• Clean around the filler cap before you open it so that
water and dirt do not get into the AdBlue tank.

• Do not fill the AdBlue tank to the top as AdBlue freezes

at -11°C and the tank could then crack.

• The nozzle for filling with AdBlue only fits the AdBlue

• Help protect the environment! Avoid spillage and use a

suitable container.

Display messages

Symbol for AdBlue information.

When AdBlue is about to run out, the following AdBlue symbol

is displayed in the instrument cluster. Top up with AdBlue as
soon as possible. Pay attention to the messages in the instrument
cluster display.

788 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Shut off the engine

Always wait for at least 1.5 minutes after
switching off the ignition with the starter key
before switching off the battery master switch.
The SCR system could be damaged if you switch
off the battery master switch while the symbol for
the post-treatment system is shown.

When you switch off the engine, the SCR system undergoes
post-treatment, which continues even after you switch off the
ignition with the starter key. During SCR system post-
treatment, the symbol is shown to indicate that the post-
treatment system is working. Post-treatment is necessary to
protect the SCR system.

Symbol shown while the post-treatment system is



Handling AdBlue
AdBlue reductant is non-toxic, but you should bear in mind the
• At temperatures above 55ºC, AdBlue emits ammonia gas
at levels that are hazardous to health. Do not breathe in
ammonia gas.

20101006 789
Fuel and lubricants

• Avoid spillage. Rinse off or flush with water if you spill

AdBlue. If spilled, AdBlue can form white deposits and
could cause corrosion if it comes into contact with certain
metals and material.

• Cleanliness when handling AdBlue is extremely

important since the SCR catalytic converter could be
seriously damaged if there are contaminants in AdBlue.

• Avoid exposing AdBlue to sunlight as this could cause

algae growth in the AdBlue tank.

General AdBlue properties:

• AdBlue freezes at -11ºC.
• AdBlue has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of
manufacture if stored at temperature below 30ºC.

Check before driving - when the coolant is cold -
that the coolant level is above the lowest level.

790 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

High coolant temperature


If the coolant becomes too hot while driving, i.e. a warning

symbol is displayed and the coolant temperature gauge needle is
in the red area, you should proceed as follows:
1. Stop the vehicle.

2. Set full heating in the vehicle, set the fan at maximum

speed and run the engine at idling speed.

3. Once the coolant temperature has dropped, the vehicle

should be driven with care to the nearest Scania

20101006 791
Fuel and lubricants

Meanwhile, keep an eye on the coolant temperature to avoid

overheating the engine.

Filling coolant


Expansion tank

792 Complete
Fuel and lubricants


Use protective gloves as coolant can cause

irritation if it comes in contact with the skin. Hot
coolant can also cause scalding. Consuming
Scania antifreeze and Scania corrosion inhibitor
for cooling systems can cause fatal injury as they
contain glycol.

Top up only with ready-mixed coolant.
Use Scania antifreeze glycol as antifreeze and
corrosion inhibitor.
Excessive amounts or the use of products other
than those recommended by Scania may cause the
formation of sludge and give an inferior
protection against corrosion.
Help protect our environment! Avoid spillage and
use a suitable container.

The coolant should consist of the following:

• Water
• 35-60% of Scania antifreeze glycol

20101006 793
Fuel and lubricants

Even though the level of antifreeze is sufficient to prevent ice

forming in the coolant, circulation problems may still arise. This
is because the coolant becomes more viscous when the
temperature falls below the coolant freezing point.

The content of antifreeze shown in the table must be used in the

coolant in order to avoid circulation problems in the cooling

Lowest -16°C -25°C -38°C -55°C


% by 35% 40% 50% 60%

volume of

Changing the coolant

The coolant should be changed at a Scania workshop.

794 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Clutch fluid

Filling clutch fluid

Clean the reservoir externally before topping it
up. Do not remove the strainer when topping up.
Risk of leaks due to contamination.

You should swing out the

reservoir before topping up with

clutch fluid

20101006 795
Fuel and lubricants

Wipe off any spillage on the paintwork
immediately. Otherwise there is a risk of
permanent damage.

Help protect our environment! Avoid spillage.
Use a suitable container.

Check that the fluid level is

between the marks on the


Fluid grade
SAE J 1703 (DOT 3 or 4 Brake Fluid).

796 Complete
Fuel and lubricants


The fluid is harmful if ingested. Avoid contact

with the skin. Wear protective gloves and

New login window.

Checking the gearbox oil level

Checking gearbox oil level

2 1


1. Level plug 2. Filler pipe

20101006 797
Fuel and lubricants


Symbol for low gearbox oil level.

Always check the oil level when the vehicle is
warm after it has been running, but not
immediately after a long run.

1. Place the vehicle on level ground.

2. Place chocks on the wheels and apply the parking brake

so that the vehicle cannot start moving.

3. Start the engine and run it for 2-3 minutes. Top gear,
8H, must be engaged so that the oil level will remain


In the lower gears the vehicle will produce too

much power and may start moving.

798 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

4. Open the level plug and check the oil level. The level
should be above the lowest level in the oil level hole.

If the oil level is too high or too low, contact your
Scania workshop.

5. Put the gearbox in neutral if the level is correct.

6. Stop the engine and tighten the level plug.

Checking gearbox oil

Display gearbox oil temperature

1. Press the Info button to display Instantaneous data in
the display.

2. Press the INFO button until the gearbox oil

temperature is displayed.

The normal operating temperature for the gearbox is 60-104°C.

Display gearbox oil temperature

Conditions for displaying the oil level correctly:
• The vehicle must be on level ground.
• The drive mode selector must be in position N.

20101006 799
Fuel and lubricants

The oil level is only displayed when the vehicle is
completely stationary and the gearbox has
reached its normal operating temperature.

1. Start the engine and run it at idling speed.

2. Press the INFO button to show Settings in the display.

3. Select Start-up check in the menu.

4. Press the INFO button until the gearbox oil

temperature is displayed. If the oil level is normal, the
text Oil level OK is displayed.

5. If the text displays Gearbox oil level: temp. low, warm up

the gearbox to normal operating temperature. Refer to
the section Checking the oil temperature for more

If the text displays "Gearbox oil level: level low"
or "Gearbox oil level: level high", please contact
your Scania workshop.

800 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Power steering fluid

Level check and filling power steering fluid

ATF Type A Suffix A

ATF Dexron II
ATF Dexron III

Observe the utmost cleanliness. The power
steering gear is very sensitive to dirt.

The oil level should be between the lines on the dipstick when
the cover is pressed down as far as it will go on the reservoir. The
engine may be running or switched off.

20101006 801
Fuel and lubricants

Only use recommended oil type.

Automatic chassis lubrication

Additional lubrication
Driving conditions determine the amount of lubricant to be
distributed. Difficult driving conditions require more
lubrication, i.e. the lubricating pump will run more often on such
a vehicle than on other vehicles e.g. long distance haulage.
Lubrication and pause times are factory settings and should not
be changed.
If the engine is switched off during a lubricating period, the
lubricating pump will stop and lubrication will be interrupted.
When you start the engine again, the lubricating period will be
If a much greater amount of lubricant is temporarily required,
you can start the pump manually; refer to step 8 under "Testing
the lubrication system". The normal pause time is not affected
when started manually.

802 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

Testing the lubrication system

Steps 1-4 apply if the system is completely empty.


1. Fill the system by undoing the hose to the pump outlet

union; refer to arrow in illustration. Connect a grease
gun to the hose and fill the system.

2. Check that the indicator pin is moving. The indicator

pin is located on the right-hand side of the main
distributor block.

3. Fill until the lubricant exudes from the various

lubrication points in the chassis.

20101006 803
Fuel and lubricants

4. Stop filling.


5. Connect the grease gun to the filler nipple on the

lubricant reservoir.

6. Fill the reservoir with lubricant.

7. Disconnect the grease gun.


804 Complete
Fuel and lubricants

8. Start the pump manually by turning the starter key to

the drive position and pressing the button behind the
plastic cover on the housing under the reservoir.

9. The pump will start. Walk around the chassis and

inspect for leaks.

10. Conduct a road test and make sure none of the hoses are
damaged at their end positions for the moving parts.
Lubricate the universal joint and slide joint with a grease

20101006 805
Loading and unloading

Loading and unloading

Operation unit for air suspension
You can use the operation unit to raise or lower the vehicle level,
e.g. when loading and unloading. The vehicle speed must be less
than 30 km/h in order to change level.

Place the operation unit in the container provided
when not in use. If the operation unit becomes
wedged somewhere, buttons may be pressed

1. Warning lamps
2. Axle selection buttons
3 5
3. Memory buttons

4 4. Level change buttons

6 5. Normal height restore button

6. Stop button

806 Complete
Loading and unloading

The operation unit is located at the side of the driver’s seat.

Change level

Axle selection buttons

Press the button for the axle on which you wish to change the
level. You can also press both buttons to change both axles at the
same time. When you have selected an axle the relevant indicator
lamp comes on.

Hold down the buttons to raise or lower to the required level.

Release the button to cancel.

Stop button

20101006 807
Loading and unloading

The stop button always cancels the current function. Press the
stop button if you need to cancel, e.g. return to normal level if
something is in the way.
The stop button can always be used at an emergency stop even if
the operation unit is not active.

Return to normal level


Press the button to return to normal level.

You can save two different levels by programming them using
the operation unit. These may, for instance, be the heights of two
different loading bays you often use.

Memory buttons

Program as follows:
1. Set the required level on the axles; see Change level.

808 Complete
Loading and unloading

2. Then press the stop button and one memory button at

the same time.

Use a saved level as follows:

• Press the memory button for the programmed level you
wish to use.

You can change and retain the vehicle and trailer levels even if
the vehicle’s power is switched off. The standby function is
activated by pressing the stop button within 5 seconds of
switching off the power with the starter key.
When the standby function is started, an indicator lamp flashes
on the operation unit.
The standby function is cancelled in one of the following ways:
• By pressing the stop button for at least 2 seconds.
• By switching on the power supply.
• After 59 minutes.
• If there is a fault in the system.
At a workshop you can change the setting for the period after
which the standby function is cancelled. You can choose to have
it cancelled after 15 or 30 minutes instead.

20101006 809
Loading and unloading

Operation unit for air suspension

In order for the functions on the trailer to work
via the control box, the trailer must be equipped
with TCE, Trailer Central Electronics.

You can use the operation unit to raise and lower the vehicle and
trailer levels, e.g. when loading and unloading. The vehicle speed
must be less than 30 km/h in order to change level.

Place the operation unit in the container provided
when not in use. If the operation unit becomes
wedged somewhere, buttons may be pressed

810 Complete
Loading and unloading

1. Warning lamps
2. Trailer axle selection buttons
3. Vehicle axle selection buttons
4 6
4. Memory buttons

5 5. Height change buttons

7 6. Normal level restore button

7. Stop button

The operation unit is located at the side of the driver’s seat.

Change level

Trailer axle buttons


Vehicle axle buttons

20101006 811
Loading and unloading

Press the button for the axle on which you wish to change the
level. You can also press several buttons to change the level of
several axles at the same time. When you have selected an axle
the relevant indicator lamp comes on.

802c0af3 Level change buttons

Then hold down the buttons to raise or lower to the required

level. Release the button to cancel.

Stop button

The stop button always cancels the current function. Press the
stop button if you need to cancel, e.g. return to normal level if
something is in the way.
The stop button can always be used at an emergency stop even if
the operation unit is not active.

812 Complete
Loading and unloading

Return to normal level


Press the button to return to normal level.

You can save two different levels by programming them using
the operation unit. These may, for instance, be the heights of two
different loading bays you often use.

Memory buttons

Program as follows:
1. Set the required level on the axles; see Change level.

2. Then press the stop button and one memory button at

the same time.

Use a saved level:

• Press the memory button for the programmed level you
wish to use.

20101006 813
Loading and unloading

You can change and retain the vehicle and trailer levels even if
the vehicle’s power is switched off. The standby function is
activated by pressing the stop button within 5 seconds of
switching off the power with the starter key.
When the standby function is started, an indicator lamp flashes
on the operation unit.
The standby function is cancelled in one of the following ways:
• By pressing the stop button for at least 2 seconds.
• By switching on the power supply.
• After 59 minutes.
• If there is a fault in the system.
At a workshop you can change the setting for the period after
which the standby function is cancelled. You can choose to have
it cancelled after 15 or 30 minutes instead.

Manual level control


814 Complete
Loading and unloading

Keep the switch depressed to raise or lower the vehicle level. A

short press on the switch returns the vehicle to its normal level.

When rapidly unloading heavy loads, in which
tractors or cranes lift the whole load in one go, it
is advisable to lower the vehicle level as much as
possible. This is to avoid shock to the air bellows
when they expand.

Fifth wheel
The fifth wheel with which this vehicle is equipped can be
operated with one hand.

The fifth wheel is unlocked.


The fifth wheel is locked.

20101006 815
Loading and unloading

Always check that the fifth wheel is locked properly after

coupling up a semi-trailer.

Maintenance of the fifth wheel is very important. A badly

lubricated and extremely dirty locking device increases the risk
that the fifth wheel will not lock properly. It is not enough to
follow the standard maintenance intervals. You as the driver are
responsible for carrying out a daily inspection.

The fifth wheel plate should be cleaned and checked for wear
before lubricating.

Lubricate the turning disc on the fifth wheel with
grease that withstands high pressure, e.g. EP
with MoS2 or grease with a graphite additive.

Apply a thin coating of lubricant to fifth wheels
with Teflon-coated turning discs after cleaning.

816 Complete
Loading and unloading

Unlocking the fifth wheel


1. Press the lever downwards.

2. Grab hold of the handle and pull it backwards.


5 4
3. Pull the handle straight out.

4. Pull the handle backwards.

5. Then release the handle and make sure that the catch
engages in the fifth wheel.

20101006 817
Loading and unloading

Coupling semi-trailers
1. Chock the wheels of the semi-trailer.

2. Check that the fifth wheel is unlocked.

The level of the semi-trailer

should be immediately below the

level of the fifth wheel.

3. Check that the level of the semi-trailer is immediately

below the level of the fifth wheel.

4. Carefully reverse towards the semi-trailer. The fifth

wheel is locked automatically.

Uncoupling semi-trailers
1. Chock the wheels of the semi-trailer.

2. Unlock the fifth wheel.

3. Carefully drive away from the semi-trailer. The fifth

wheel remains unlocked and you can immediately
couple up a new semi-trailer.

818 Complete
Loading and unloading

Fifth wheel
Always check that the fifth wheel is locked properly after
coupling up a semi-trailer.

Maintenance of the fifth wheel is very important. A badly

lubricated and extremely dirty locking device increases the risk
that the fifth wheel will not lock properly. It is not enough to
follow the standard maintenance intervals. You as the driver are
responsible for carrying out a daily inspection.

The fifth wheel plate should be cleaned and checked for wear
before lubricating.

Lubricate the turning disc on the fifth wheel with
grease that withstands high pressure, e.g. EP
with MoS2 or grease with a graphite additive.

Apply a thin coating of lubricant to fifth wheels
with Teflon-coated turning discs after cleaning.

Uncoupling semi-trailers
1. Chock the wheels of the semi-trailer.

20101006 819
Loading and unloading

2. Remove the spring hook.

3. Press the fifth wheel handle approximately 25 mm in the

direction of travel of the vehicle.

820 Complete
Loading and unloading

4. Pull the fifth wheel handle all the way out. The handle
should remain extended when you release it.

The fifth wheel is now unlocked.

5. Slowly drive away from the semi-trailer.

Coupling semi-trailers
1. Chock the wheels of the semi-trailer.

2. Check that the fifth wheel is unlocked.

The semi-trailer plate should be

immediately below the level of

the fifth wheel.

3. Make sure that the semi-trailer plate is immediately

below the level of the fifth wheel.

4. Carefully reverse towards the semi-trailer. The fifth

wheel is locked automatically.

5. Fit the spring hook.

20101006 821
Loading and unloading


If the spring hook cannot be fitted, the fifth

wheel is not locked properly. You must then
repeat the coupling procedure from the

Fifth wheel
The fifth wheel that the vehicle is equipped with can be
operated with only one hand. The fifth wheel is equipped with
an indicator which means that you can clearly see whether the
fifth wheel is locked or unlocked.

When the fifth wheel is locked,

the indicator is angled vertically

towards the handle.

When the fifth wheel is unlocked,

the indicator is angled parallel to

the handle.

Always check that the fifth wheel is locked properly after

coupling up a semi-trailer.

822 Complete
Loading and unloading

Maintenance of the fifth wheel is very important. A badly

lubricated and extremely dirty locking device increases the risk
that the fifth wheel will not lock properly. It is not enough to
follow the standard maintenance intervals. You as the driver are
responsible for carrying out a daily inspection.

The fifth wheel plate should be cleaned and checked for wear
before lubricating.

Lubricate the turning disc on the fifth wheel with
grease that withstands high pressure, e.g. EP
with MoS2 or grease with a graphite additive.

Apply a thin coating of lubricant to fifth wheels
with Teflon-coated turning discs after cleaning.

20101006 823
Loading and unloading

Disconnecting a semi-trailer

1 2


Chock the semi-trailer wheels before you begin disconnecting.

1. Pull the handle straight out.

2. Pull the handle in the vehicle’s direction of travel.

3. Pull the handle out as far as possible and pull in the

vehicle’s driving direction.

The fifth wheel is now unlocked.

4. Drive carefully away from the semi-trailer.

824 Complete
Loading and unloading

Connecting a semi-trailer
1. Chock the semi-trailer wheels.

2. Check that the fifth wheel is unlocked.

3. Reverse carefully towards the semi-trailer. The fifth

wheel locks automatically.

4. Check that the fifth wheel is properly locked.

Indication of locked fifth wheel

A magnetic sensor detects whether the fifth wheel is locked.

Yellow symbol for locked fifth wheel

This symbol is shown in the instrument cluster when the fifth

wheel is locked.

Fifth wheel
The fifth wheel which the vehicle is equipped with has a catch
on which it clearly can be seen whether the fifth wheel is locked
or unlocked.

20101006 825
Loading and unloading

When the fifth wheel is locked,

the catch is angled vertically

towards the handle.

When the fifth wheel is unlocked,

the catch is angled parallel to the


Always check that the fifth wheel is locked properly after

coupling up a semi-trailer.

Maintenance of the fifth wheel is very important. A badly

lubricated and extremely dirty locking device increases the risk
that the fifth wheel will not lock properly. It is not enough to
follow the standard maintenance intervals. You as the driver are
responsible for carrying out a daily inspection.

The fifth wheel plate should be cleaned and checked for wear
before lubricating.

826 Complete
Loading and unloading

Lubricate the turning disc on the fifth wheel with
grease that withstands high pressure, e.g. EP
with MoS2 or grease with a graphite additive.

Apply a thin coating of lubricant to fifth wheels
with Teflon-coated turning discs after cleaning.

20101006 827
Loading and unloading

Uncoupling semi-trailers

1 2

3 4


Chock the wheels of the semi-trailer before you start to

uncouple it.

1. The fifth wheel is locked.

2. Lift up the catch.

3. Pull the handle in the direction of travel of the vehicle.

828 Complete
Loading and unloading

4. Pull out the handle until it stops and pull it in the

direction of travel of the vehicle.

The fifth wheel is now unlocked.

5. Carefully drive away from the semi-trailer.

Coupling semi-trailers
1. Chock the wheels of the semi-trailer.

2. Check that the fifth wheel is unlocked.

3. Carefully reverse the tractor unit towards the semi-

trailer. The fifth wheel is locked automatically.

4. Check that the fifth wheel is locked properly.

Fifth wheel, switch


Fifth wheel switch

Press the switch to lock or unlock the fifth wheel. The vehicle
must be stationary.

20101006 829
Loading and unloading

The fifth wheel is locked automatically when vehicle speed is

over 5 km/h.

Controlling the body

In order to operate the platform, the vehicle’s
power take-off must be activated, see the section
Power take-offs.

830 Complete
Loading and unloading

4 3


Platform control lever

1. Release the lever by lifting the catch.

2. Move the lever to position 2 to tip the platform. The

lever is spring-loaded in that position and returns to
neutral position when it is released.

3. When the lever is in neutral, the platform stops.

20101006 831
Loading and unloading

4. Move the lever to position 4 to lower the platform. The

lever is also spring-loaded in this position, but can be
locked in the end position by engaging the catch.

Lamp in instrument cluster which comes on when the


platform is not in the normal position.


Before tipping, check that there are no people in

the working area.

After the platform has been lowered, the platform
control lever should be left in the lowering
position for approximately 1 minute. The vehicle
must not be driven with the lever in the lowering
position because the hydraulic cylinder will then
be drained of oil.
High engine speeds can cause damage to the
hydraulic cylinder and oil pump.

832 Complete
Loading and unloading

If the vehicle is driven when the platform is in the

tipping position, it should be driven with great
care. Otherwise the vehicle, platform and
hydraulics can easily be damaged, e.g. when

You can warm up the body to prevent the vehicle’s load from
freezing. When warming the body, fuel consumption can
increase. The valve is located behind the right front panel.

Open the valve to release the


exhaust into the body.

Operating the platform

In order to operate the platform, the vehicle’s
power take-off must be activated, see the section
Power take-offs.

20101006 833
Loading and unloading

A red lamp comes on when the platform is not in its


normal position.


Before tipping, check that there are no people in

the working area.

834 Complete
Loading and unloading

4 3


Lever for operating the platform.

1. Release the lever by lifting the catch.

2. Move the lever to position 4 to tip the platform. The

lever is spring-loaded but can be locked in the end
position by engaging the catch.

3. When the lever is in neutral, the platform stops.

20101006 835
Loading and unloading

4. Move the lever to position 2 to lower the platform. The

lever is also spring-loaded in this position, but can be
locked in the end position by engaging the catch.

After the platform has been lowered, the platform
control lever should be left in the lowering
position for approximately 1 minute. The vehicle
must not be driven with the lever in the lowering
position because the hydraulic cylinder will then
be drained of oil.
High engine speeds can cause damage to the
hydraulic cylinder and oil pump.
If the vehicle is driven when the platform is in the
tipping position, it should be driven with great
care. Otherwise the vehicle, platform and
hydraulics can easily be damaged, e.g. when

2-way tipper truck

In order to operate the platform, the vehicle’s
power take-off must be activated, see the section
Power take-offs.

836 Complete
Loading and unloading

1 2 3


1. Lever for side boards. 3. Lever for under-run protection.

2. Lever for tipping.

20101006 837
Loading and unloading

Rearward tipping


Before tipping, check that there are no people in

the working area.

Fit the lock pin as instructed in


the illustration.

Prepare for tipping by:

• Fitting the lock pin at the rear of the vehicle.
• Fitting pins at suitable points at the rear depending on
how the platform will be emptied.

1 2 3

Levers for side boards, tipping and under-run



838 Complete
Loading and unloading

To tip the platform back:

1. Raise the under-run protection using lever 3. Release
the lever by lifting the catch.

2. Move the lever forwards. The lever is spring-loaded.

3. Tilt the platform using lever 2. Release the lever by

lifting the catch.

4. Move the lever backwards to tilt the platform. The lever

is spring-loaded.

Sideways tipping


Before tipping, check that there are no people in

the working area.

Fit the lock pin as instructed in


the illustration.

20101006 839
Loading and unloading

Prepare for tipping by:

• Fitting the lock pin on the side of the vehicle.

1 2 3

Levers for side boards, tipping and under-run



To tip the platform to the side:

1. Lower the side board using lever 1. Release the lever by
lifting the catch.

2. Move the lever backwards. The lever is spring-loaded.

3. Tilt the platform using lever 2. Release the lever by

lifting the catch.

4. Move the lever backwards to tilt the platform to the

side. The lever is spring-loaded.

Locker add-on
Before driving each day check that:
• The load is lashed correctly.
• The load lashes are in good condition.
• The tilt gate and all doors are closed.

840 Complete
Loading and unloading

Opening side doors



There is a risk of trapping your hand when

securing the door assembly.

1 2 3

4 5 6

1 2

20101006 841
Loading and unloading

Proceed as follows to open the side doors:

1. Unlock and open door panel 1; position it against door
panel 2.

2. Secure it by fastening the loop in the hook.

3. Unlock door panel 3.

4. Open door panels 3 and 2.

5. Move the front door assembly completely to the side.

6. Secure the door assembly with the front side door


7. Proceed in the same way with doors 4, 5 and 6.

Closing side doors

Proceed as follows to close the side doors:
1. Undo the lock on the rear side door bracket.

2. Lock door panel 6. Undo the loop from the hook.

3. Close and lock door panels 5 and 4.

4. Proceed in the same way with doors 1, 2 and 3.

842 Complete
Loading and unloading

Opening and closing the tilt gate

Open and close the tilt gate by pulling the strap. The gate held
open by the gas springs and secured in the closed position by the
rear end lift’s loading platform.

Securing loads
Secure all types of load according to the applicable regulations to
prevent the load from moving during transport.

Load may only be put on the lashing rails in the
walls lengthwise.
Expander supports must not be used for securing

Secure the load by lashing it securely at the approved

attachment points:
• Rails in the walls.
• The floor’s external edges on the longitudes.

Load lashing equipment

The load lashing kit includes:
• 2 retaining straps
• 2 winches

20101006 843
Loading and unloading

• 1 ratchet handle

Lash the load with the side doors open.


1. Fasten the lashing strap in the rail 2. Move the hook to a suitable 805fe735

next to the wall on the right side. location and pull the lashing strap
over the load.

844 Complete
Loading and unloading

Only use a strap tensioner designed for your vehicle.

Attach the strap tensioner with the hook in the lashing groove above the rubber

The built-in lashing winches run along the side doors’ edge

Use the ratchet handle to tighten


the winches.

20101006 845
Loading and unloading

1. Rotate the winches’ support brace
805fe73d 2. Remove the winch from the edge
1 profile.

Concrete mixer
To be able to operate the concrete mixer, the
vehicle power take-off must be activated; refer to
the power take-off section.

Park the vehicle on a level surface in the work area and ensure
that the vehicle does not move. Use personal safety equipment
such as a helmet, protective clothing, protective goggles, and ear
defenders to prevent injury.

Empty the system of water daily in winter to
prevent damage to components such as the water
pump or drum.

846 Complete
Loading and unloading

Discharge the concrete


Check that there are no people in the work area

before any concrete is discharged.

Proceed as follows:
• Lower the underrun protection.
• Loosen the catch and safety chain.

• Turn the concrete chute and position the extension

components if required. A maximum of two extensions
parts may be used.

20101006 847
Loading and unloading


• Use the handle to raise the concrete chute or the rotary

control to lower it.

The concrete can be discharged without using the concrete

chute. Turn the concrete chute towards the concrete drum.
• Secure the concrete chute using the catch.

848 Complete
Loading and unloading


• Empty the concrete. A low drum speed means that the

drum discharges slowly and a high speed means rapid

Filling up with water

Proceed as follows to fill the tank with water:
• Open the valve. Connect the water pipe’s quick release
coupling to the water pipe. The tank is full when the
water runs out on the ground.

• Close the valve and remove the water pipe.

20101006 849
Loading and unloading


Filling up with concrete

Proceed as follows to fill up with concrete:
• Position the vehicle at the concrete station.
• Regulate the drum rotation to around 2 rpm.
• Fill the drum with concrete via the filling hopper.

Cleaning the drum

Proceed as follows:
• Open the water valve at the rear of the vehicle and fill the
drum with 100-200 litres of water. Check the water

• Rotate the drum for some minutes. The drum should

rotate at a high speed.

850 Complete
Loading and unloading

It is important to have a high rotation speed so
that the concrete comes loose and the drum is
cleaned properly inside.

• Stop the drum.

• Use the water nozzle at the rear of the vehicle to clean the
drum’s opening, concrete chute and filling and
discharging hopper.

Only discharge the remaining concrete and dirty water in an

appropriate place. Never leave the vehicle stationary when there
is concrete in the pipes or the drum.

Axle weight regulation, tag axle

Reverse the vehicle carefully to prevent damage to the air
bellows of the 5th axle from sharp or hard objects.

5th axle air bellows

20101006 851
Loading and unloading

When loading:
• park the vehicle so that the wheels stand straight forward
in the direction of travel.

• distribute the load evenly on the platform so that the load

is properly distributed on all axles.

• avoid steering the vehicle when it is stationary.

1. Switch for manual and automatic

2. Switch to regulate axle weight on

tag axle

The LED in the switch (1) illuminates when the switch is in the
manual position.
When the switch is in the automatic position, the upper part of
the switch for regulating axle weight (2) should be depressed. In
this mode, pressure in the bellows is regulated automatically
based on whether the vehicle is laden or unladen.
Manual mode is used when you need to regulate the pressure in
the air bellows. This could be when automatic regulation is not
working or as load transfer when the vehicle is loaded and the
wheels are spinning.

852 Complete
Loading and unloading

Proceed as follows to regulate axle weight:

1. Pull down the button and press the lower part of the
switch, MAN.

Manual mode is now activated and you can regulate pressure in

the bellows with the switch for axle weight regulation (2).

2. Press the lower part of the switch to increase axle weight

or the upper part of the switch to reduce axle weight.

Sound level control for reverse alarm


Press the bottom of the switch to reduce the sound volume of the
reversing alarm; the indication on the switch then comes on.
Reset the sound level by pressing the top of the switch. The
sound level is also automatically reset when you switch off the

Press the bottom of the switch to switch off the sound for the
reverse alarm, the indication on the switch then comes on. Reset
the sound level by pressing the top of the switch.

20101006 853
Loading and unloading

Compressed air connection to trailer


Apply the parking brake and chock the trailer

wheels to prevent the trailer from beginning to
roll during work.

Trailer connection, ISO


Trailer connection, BSI

854 Complete
Loading and unloading

806b8786 Trailer connection, Nordic

Apply the parking brake and chock the trailer before

disconnecting it. Otherwise the trailer may start moving before
the trailer parking brake has been applied.
First detach the red line (supply line) and then detach the yellow
line (control line).
When connecting the compressed air connection, first connect
the yellow line (control line) and then the red line (supply line).
Apply the parking brake and chock the trailer before
disconnecting it. Otherwise the trailer may start moving before
the trailer parking brake has been applied.

Pull the handle down and detach the trailer connection.

Front compressed air connection

At the front of the vehicle there is a red and yellow compressed
air connection for the vehicle’s brake system. Viewed from the
front, the red compressed air connection is located on the right
and the yellow compressed air connection is located on the left.
The yellow compressed air connection is connected to the part
of the brake system which controls the air pressure in the brake

20101006 855
Loading and unloading

cylinders, the control circuit. The red compressed air connection

is connected to the part of the brake system that generates and
stores compressed air, the supply circuit.


Compressed air connection on front of vehicle 1. Yellow compressed air

connection, control circuit, connection to the vehicle. 2. Red compressed air
connection, supply circuit, connection to and from the vehicle.

The aim of the compressed air connections is:

• to allow the vehicle to be braked as a trailer.
• to provide an option to fill another vehicle’s compressed
air system with compressed air and thus release its brakes.

856 Complete
Loading and unloading

Connecting compressed air for towing

It may be necessary for the vehicle to be braked from another
vehicle. This is done by connecting the compressed air system
to another vehicle. Connect the compressed air hoses to the
compressed air connections on the vehicles as follows:
1. Connect the compressed air hose on the yellow
compressed air connection (control circuit).

2. Connect the compressed air hose on the red compressed

air connection (supply circuit).

3. On the towed vehicle: open the tap under the front

grille panel, (see illustration below).

4. On the towed vehicle: turn the key to the drive position

so that the power is switched on.

20101006 857
Loading and unloading

The vehicle is now connected and can be braked from the

towing vehicle.

The tap for the red compressed

air connection is located under
the front grille panel. Open the
tap after you have connected the

compressed air hose.

Disconnect the compressed air hose from the compressed air

connection as follows:
1. Close the tap under the front grille panel.

2. Detach the red hose first (supply circuit).

3. Detach the yellow hose (control circuit).

Filling another vehicle with compressed air

The red compressed air connection is used, for example, to fill
another vehicle’s supply circuit with compressed air. This allows
brakes which are locked because of low air pressure to be

858 Complete
Loading and unloading

released. You can fill a trailer or another vehicle with compressed

air via the front compressed air connection.


When you fill another vehicle with compressed

air, make sure that the vehicle cannot start
Chock the vehicle’s wheels to prevent the vehicle
from moving while work is being carried out.

Fill another vehicle with compressed air as follows:

1. Chock the vehicle’s wheels to prevent the vehicle from
moving while work is being carried out.

2. Connect one end of the compressed air hose to the red

compressed air connection of the vehicle providing

3. Connect the other end of the hose to the red

compressed air connection on the vehicle with no
compressed air.

4. On the vehicle providing assistance: open the tap

located under the front grille panel, (see illustration

20101006 859
Loading and unloading

5. On the vehicle providing assistance: start the engine if it

has been switched off. The engine should be running all
the time that the compressed air is being filled.

Disconnect in the same way as you connected compressed air for

towing, see above.

860 Complete
Special functions

Special functions
Trailer connectors
There are connectors on the vehicle for connection to civil and
military vehicles.

(1) 15-pin connector for civil

trailer, (2) 7-pin connector for
ABS. (3) 12-pin for military
vehicles. The 12-pin sockets are
located on the front and rear of

the vehicle.

Use the vehicle’s 12-pin electrical sockets to connect the

electrical systems of two vehicles such as a truck and trailer. The
socket can also be used when towing to provide electricity for
standard and blackout lighting to towed vehicles. Always use the
electrical cable designed for the purpose when connecting.
The sockets are located at the front and rear of the vehicle.
They have similar covers with different types of contact pins.

20101006 861
Special functions

The 12-pin sockets are located on
the front and rear of the vehicle.

Front 12-pin socket with open



The location of the sockets may vary depending on the vehicle


EG power take-off
The gearbox-driven power take-off, EG, transfers power from
the gearbox to external accessories. It is located on the gearbox,
driven by the gearbox layshaft and is not normally engaged.
Before you activate the power take-off:
• The starter key must be in drive position.

862 Complete
Special functions

• The vehicle must be stationary.

• The air pressure must be sufficient, more than 5 bar.
The bodybuilder can choose to make different conditions

Run the engine at idling speed for approximately
1 minute after driving before switching off the
engine. Otherwise there is a risk of the
turbocharger being damaged.

The vehicle may be equipped with several power take-offs.

When using the high speed EU power take-off
the vehicle should be as level as possible. It must
only be facing downhill for a short period of

20101006 863
Special functions


Only engage or disengage the power take-off
when it is not under load. Only change gear when
the power take-off is not under load; otherwise
the gearbox may be damaged.

1. Ensure that the vehicle is stationary

2. Depress the clutch pedal if the engine is running.

3. Press the switch.

4. Wait until the power take-off symbol appears in the

instrument cluster.

5. Gently release the clutch if the engine is running.

If no symbol is displayed after 10 seconds, gently
release the clutch so that the gear teeth end up in
the right position. Do not press the switch again.

1. Depress the clutch pedal if the engine is running.

864 Complete
Special functions

2. Press the power take-off switch.

3. Wait until the power take-off symbol goes out.

4. Gently release the clutch if the engine is running.


Only engage or disengage the power take-off
when it is not under load. Only change gear when
the power take-off is not under load; otherwise
the gearbox may be damaged.

1. Ensure that the vehicle is stationary

2. Engage neutral.

3. Press the switch.

4. Wait until the power take-off symbol appears in the

instrument cluster.

If there is an unusual noise from the gearbox press
the switch immediately. The power take-off is
then disengaged automatically.

20101006 865
Special functions

If the power take-off symbol has not come on in
the instrument cluster after 20 to 30 seconds,
repeat steps 3 and 4.

1. Ensure that the vehicle is stationary

2. Engage neutral.

3. Press the power take-off switch.

4. Wait until the power take-off symbol goes off in the

instrument cluster.


Engage the power take-off at idling speed or at
maximum 900 rpm.

1. Engage the power take-off via the switch.

1. Disengage the power take-off via the switch.

866 Complete
Special functions

EK power take-off
The power take-off is an external shaft journal for transferring
power from the gearbox to external accessories. The EK power
take-off is located between the engine and the gearbox and is
driven by the engine. The power take-off is not engaged when
the switch is in its normal position.

The engine must be switched off before the
power take-off is engaged.

Engaging EK power take-off

1. Switch off the engine.

2. Put the gear in neutral.

3. Turn the key to the drive position.

4. Activate the switch.

20101006 867
Special functions

5. Start the engine.

Disengaging power take-off

1. Make sure the power take-off is not under load.

2. Deactivate the switch.

Your vehicle is equipped with ADR from the factory according
to international ADR requirements. The general agent or the
dealer will carry out national ADR modification of the vehicle.
For information about national requirements, contact your
Scania importer or relevant authority in the respective country.
Scania delivers chassis that are certified according to ADR. The
certification is an approval for the basic vehicle, i.e. that the
chassis or the tractor unit meet the requirements of the ADR
regulations. The certificate number for the basic vehicle is
displayed on a special approval plate which can be found next to
the vehicle type plate. The certificate does not include the
current bodywork, such as a tank, semi-trailer or trailer, which
are approved after an individual inspection.
ADR modification includes the following:
• Safety switch for battery master switch in the cab
• Heavy duty electrical system behind the cab
• Shielding of hot surfaces
• Auxiliary brake which meet the ADR requirements

868 Complete
Special functions

• Auxiliary heater which is ADR modified

• Electrical connection for trailer
• Tachograph which is ADR modified with a special fuse

Heavy duty electrical system

The cables are specially made for ADR equipped vehicles. This
gives improved protection against external factors such as
bending, chafing and ageing, which in turn limits the risks for
short circuits and sparking. The electrical system is chassis
The battery box is ventilated to minimise the risk of short circuits
and sparking from the batteries.

ADR equipped vehicles have insulated sockets for connection to

Shielding of hot surfaces

The vehicle is equipped with heat shields above the exhaust
On vehicles with short cabs, the engine is also shielded at the
rear. This is to minimise the risk of the load contacting hot

20101006 869
Special functions

Auxiliary brake
The vehicle auxiliary brake meet applicable retarder
requirements in ADR.
The maximum train weight according to ADR for a specific
vehicle can be limited by engine type, exhaust brake, retarder,
gearbox, rear axle gear ratio and wheel dimension.

Other equipment
• Fire extinguishing equipment

There must be at least one portable fire extinguisher for

extinguishing for example fire in the engine compartment. In
addition, unless otherwise specified, there must be at least one
portable fire extinguisher for extinguishing a fire in the load

• Wheel chocks

According to international ADR requirements ADR vehicles

must be equipped with at least one wheel chock. Wheel chocks
are not supplied as standard from the factory, but they can be
ordered separately.

• Lamps with orange light

870 Complete
Special functions

There must be two lamps with orange light which cannot cause

Safety regulations
• Passengers are not allowed

It is prohibited to carry passengers apart from the vehicle crew.

• Smoking is prohibited

It is prohibited to smoke near the vehicle during loading and

unloading and inside the cab.

EXT switch

EXT switch. Press this when you need to control some


of the vehicle’s functions from outside the vehicle.

The EXT switch is a safety function which allows some of the

vehicle functions to be controlled from outside the vehicle. The
functions that you can control depend on the vehicle equipment.

When you press the EXT switch, the EXT symbol comes on in
the instrument cluster.

20101006 871
Special functions


Start the refrigerator by turning the refrigerator thermostat to
the required temperature. The average temperature is between
0-10°C, depending on the ambient temperature. The
refrigerator temperature can be at most 40°C below the ambient
To avoid discharging the vehicle batteries, the refrigerator is
switched off automatically when:
• the vehicle engine has been switched off for more than 23
hours. The function cannot be switched off or disabled.
The refrigerator is reactivated automatically when the
engine is started.

• the voltage falls and undervoltage protection is activated.

It is also switched off when the cab is tilted more than 40°. The
refrigerator will restart automatically when the necessary
conditions are restored.

Freezing function
Only applies to the large refrigerator.
If you turn the thermostat to the freezing position, the
temperature can be reduced to approximately -10°C. Do not use
the freezing position for longer than 24 hours at a time.

872 Complete
Special functions

Switching off
Turn the thermostat to the 0 position to switch off the
refrigerator. Defrost and clean the refrigerator when it will not
be used for an extended period. Do not close door fully, but allow
the air to circulate.

Cleaning and maintenance

Clean the refrigerator regularly. Switch off the refrigerator and
wipe it off internally and externally with a mild soap solution.
Wipe the refrigerator dry after cleaning.
Defrost the refrigerator at the latest when there is more than 5
mm of ice on its sides to retain its refrigerating capacity. Do not
use warm water or tools that can scratch the surface.
Rub the seals on the door with talcum powder once a year.

Information on Toll Collect

On delivery from the factory this vehicle is fitted with equipment
for Toll Collect. The equipment includes a GSM/GPS aerial,
located on the roof on the passenger side, and wiring between
aerial, roof shelf and defroster panel. The equipment facilitates
installation of the Toll Collect system. Installation can be carried
out at one of the Scania workshops that is authorised for Toll

20101006 873
Special functions

The specified equipment is the property of Toll
Collect and is not covered by any warranty from

Contact your local Toll Collect-authorised Scania workshop or

Toll Collect if you have any queries about warranties.
In order to prepare the Toll Collect system, it is necessary to fit
and calibrate an On-Board-Unit, OBU, which is located on the
roof shelf next to the tachograph, and a communications module,
the DSRC module, which is located at the bottom inside of the
windscreen. This can be done at any Toll Collect-authorised
Scania workshop. In addition, the owner of the vehicle must be
registered with Toll Collect.

If there is a change of ownership, a new
workshop installation is required with calibration
and registration of the vehicle with Toll Collect.

For further information on ownership change procedures,

contact your Toll Collect-authorised Scania workshop or Toll

874 Complete
Special functions

Air horn


The air horn sounds together with the ordinary horn when the
switch is activated.

Securing the vehicle on a ferry


It may be difficult to locate a place to secure the front of the

vehicle for ferry transport. A lashing kit has been developed to
simplify this procedure. Scania’s lashing kit complies with
Swedish law and ISO 9367, Part 1:"Lashing and securing
arrangement on-road vehicles for sea transportation on Ro/Ro
The lashing kit includes:
• 1 clamp
• 1 tow pin

20101006 875
Special functions

• 2 plugs
• 2 strops

Secure the vehicle

1. Clamp 3. Tow pin
2. Plug 4. Strap with protective plate

Proceed as follows:
1. Secure clamp 1 to the side of the base bracket. There are
holes drilled in the base bracket for the clamp. The
clamp is used to secure the handle on the tow pin while

2. Attach the plug 2 to the tow pin handle. The plug

reduces the pressure against the front grille panel as the
handle prevents the panel from being closed completely.

876 Complete
Special functions

3. Fit tow pin 3 and strap 4 to the base bracket. The tow
pin must be used on one side.

4. Pull the strap as far as possible to the side. Leave the

lower front grille panel partly open. Turn the handle so
that it supports the front grille panel. Or pull the strap
forwards and leave the lower front grille panel open.

The lashing kit includes:

• 1 clamp
• 1 tow pin
• 2 strops
• 2 bolts

20101006 877
Special functions

Secure the vehicle

1. Clamp 3. Strap with protective plate
2. Tow pin

Proceed as follows:
• Secure clamp 1 to the side of the base bracket. There is a
guide hole for the clamp and holes for the bolts in the
front. The clamp is used to secure the handle on the tow
pin while driving.

• Fit tow pin 2 and strap 3 to the base bracket. The tow pin
must be used on one side.

• Pull the strap as far as possible to the side. Leave the

lower front grille panel partly open. Or pull the strap
forwards and leave the lower front grille panel open.

878 Complete
Technical data

Technical data
Chassis information card

1 2


1. Chassis number 5. Technical information

2. Chassis type 6. Adaptation
3. VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) 7. Certificate
4. General information

20101006 879
Technical data

Type plate

Total 27000 Kg
Combination X Kg
Axle 1- X Kg
Axle 2-
1 X Kg
Axle 3- X Kg
Axle 4- X Kg 4
Axle 5- X Kg
Cab type CR19
5 th wheel

Serial no 0123456
VIN 2 YS2R6X20000123456 5
VIN YS2R6X20000123456 Cab type CR19
Total 27000 Kg 27000 Kg Serial no 123546
Combination X Kg X Kg Approval T 072 Fh
Axle 1- X Kg 8000 Kg Cab col 1532220
Axle 2- X Kg 11500 Kg Ch No 123456
Axle 3- X Kg 7500 Kg Ch colour 1346692
Axle 4- X Kg X Kg ADR GTW ADR: 44 000 kg
Axle 5- X Kg X Kg Ch type R 540 LA6X2MNB
5 th wheel Kg X Kg

27000 Kg 6
X Kg
Ch No 0123456
8000 Kg
11500 Kg
7500 Kg
Ch type R 540 LA6X2MNB
X Kg 7
X 3 Kg


1. Permitted legal weights 5. Cab serial number

2. VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) 6. Chassis serial number
3. Permitted technical weights 7. Chassis type designation
4. Cab type

880 Complete
Technical data

Engine type plate

1 Made by 2
123 45XX
Typ/Type DC 13 06
Motor/Engine No

4 1. Engine type and engine number

Valve clearance cold engine
2. Stamped engine number
3 Inlet
: 0.45 mm
: 0.70 mm
Pump timing :
after T.D.C.
3. Smoke values

B: 0.75
A : DC 1306
4. Valve clearances

Pressure in brake system

Regular inspection values.

Component or system Pressure

Compressor and pressure Maximum relief pressure is

regulator 12.5 bar

Compressor and pressure Maximum charge pressure is

regulator 10.0 bar

20101006 881
Technical data

Component or system Pressure

Four-circuit protection valve Static closing pressure is 4.5


Trailer relay valve Output pressure at a service

pressure of 1.5 bar is between
1.5 and 1.8 bar*

Brake system Minimum operating pressure

is 9.0 bar

*Does not apply to vehicles with EBS.

Tyre pressure

Tyre pressures
Load limits and tyre pressures can be changed if the vehicle’s
speed increases or falls. Follow the instructions of the tyre
manufacturer and the authorities.
The values in the table apply when measuring cold tyres.

Insufficient tyre pressure increases fuel
consumption while excessive tyre pressure
increases tyre wear.

882 Complete
Technical data

Single tyres
The tables contain tyre pressure in bar at different axle weights.
Axle weights and also maximum load are indicated in thousands
of kilos.

4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 7,5 8,0 8,5 9,0 9,5

455/45 R 22.5 * 5,0 5,0 5,2 6,0 6,5 7,5 8,0 10,5 9,0
495/45 R 22.5 * 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,2 5,7 6,5 7,2 11,5 9,0
355/50 R 22.5 5,5 6,2 7,0 7,5 8,2 9,0 7,5 9,0
375/50 R 22.5 5,0 7,0 7,2 8,2 9,0 8,0 9,0
295/60 R 22.5 6,5 7,5 8,0 8,7 7,1 8,5
315/60 R 22.5 6,2 6,8 7,5 8,2 8,8 7,1 9,0
275/70 R 22.5 7,0 7,7 8,5 6,3 9,0
305/70 R 22.5 6,0 6,8 7,5 8,2 8,8 7,1 9,0
315/70 R 22.5 5,0 5,7 6,4 7,0 7,7 8,4 9,0 7,5 9,0
365/70 R 22.5 5,0 5,6 6,7 7,3 8,5 9,0 9,5 9,0
275/80 R 22.5 5,7 6,5 7,2 8,0 8,5 6,5 8,5
295/80 R 22.5 5,7 6,4 7,0 7,7 8,4 7,1 8,0
315/80 R 22.5 5,0 6,3 6,7 7,5 8,0 8,5 8,0 8,5
11 R 22.5 7,0 7,5 6,3 8,0
12 R 22.5 5,7 6,5 7,1 7,7 8,4 7,1 8,5
13 R 22.5 5,0 6,2 6,7 7,5 8,0 8,5 8,0 8,5
385/55 R 22.5 5,0 6,2 6,9 7,5 8,0 9,0 9,0 9,0
385/65 R 22.5 5,0 6,2 6,9 7,5 8,0 9,0 9,0 9,0
11.00 R 22 5,2 7,2 7,1 8,2
12.00 R 20 5,2 6,0 6,7 7,2 8,5 7,5 8,5
12.00 R 24 5,0 6,0 6,4 7,0 7,5 8,5 9,0 8,5

325/95 R 24 5,0 5,7 6,5 7,0 8,0 8,5 9,5 8,5

A= Tyre type B=Axle weight C=Max. load at number of bar * Single mounting on
half shaft

20101006 883
Technical data

Twin tyres
The tables contain tyre pressure in bar at different axle weights.
Axle weights and also maximum load are indicated in thousands
of kilos.
Example: If the room temperature is 20°C and the outside
temperature is 0°C, the correct tyre pressure is the specified
pressure plus 0.4 bar.

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

295/60 R 22.5 5,0 5,6 6,5 7,2 8,0 9,0 12,0 9,0
315/60 R 22.5 5,0 5,1 6,0 6,7 7,5 8,2 12,6 9,0
275/70 R 22.5 5,1 6,0 6,8 7,6 8,6 11,5 9,0
305/70 R 22.5 5,0 5,5 6,2 6,9 7,8 8,7 12,0 8,7
315/70 R 22.5 5,0 5,1 5,8 6,6 7,3 8,0 8,7 13,0 8,7
275/80 R 22.5 5,0 5,4 6,2 6,9 7,7 8,6 12,0 8,6
295/80 R 22.5 5,0 5,1 5,9 6,7 7,4 8,1 12,6 8,5
315/80 R 22.5 5,0 5,0 5,0 6,0 6,5 7,1 7,7 13,4 8,5
11 R 22.5 5,0 5,3 6,1 6,8 7,7 11,5 8,0
12 R 22.5 5,0 5,1 5,9 6,7 7,3 8,2 12,6 8,5
13 R 22.5 5,0 5,0 5,2 5,8 6,5 7,6 8,2 13,0 8,2
11.00 R 22 5,0 5,0 5,4 5,5 6,5 7,2 12,0 7,2
12.00 R 20 5,0 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,7 7,6 8,5 13,0 8,5
12.00 R 24 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,6 7,2 7,9 8,5 16,0 8,5

325/95 R 24 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,1 5,7 6,1 6,5 7,0 7,5 18,0 8,0

A = Type of tyre, B = Axle weight, C = Maximum load at number of bar

884 Complete
Technical data

The tyre pressure changes approximately 0.2 bar
per 10ºC. This should be taken into account when
checking tyre pressure indoors, particularly in the

Tyre pressures for special-purpose vehicles

Single tyres

7000 8000 9000
A=Tyre type B=Axle weight in kg

14.00 R 20 4,8 5,8 6,5 and air pressure in bar

Twin tyres

5000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000

14.00 R 20 2,1 4,2 5 5,8 6,7 7,5

A=Tyre type B=Axle weight in kg and air pressure in bar

20101006 885
Technical data

886 Complete

2-way tipper truck 836 Auxiliary lamp panel 39

Axle weight regulation, tag
A axle 851
ABS 170
Acceleration control 187 B
Accessories 539 Background lighting 429
ADR 868 Basic functions in
Interactor 398
Adaptive cruise control 199
Batteries 602
AdBlue 786
Battery master switch 689
Adjusted battery charging 614
Battery master switch
Adjusted idling 185
handle 612
Adjusting the collapsible
Belt pretensioner 541
gear lever in the cab 77
Blackout lighting 32
Admonitions in driver’s
manual 1 Bleed the fuel system 706
Air horn 875 Boarding lamp 428
Air pollution 14 Bodywork and
modifications 2
Air suspension 225
Bodywork symbols 305
Airbag 544
Alarm 559
Allison automatic gearbox 63
Cab tilting 573
Allison retarder 154
Central electric unit 586
All-wheel drive 236
Central locking 549
Alternative vehicle levels 227
Changing wheels 665
APS 24
Charge air cooler
Automatic chassis protection 658
lubrication 802
Chassis information card 879
Automatic neutral
position 170 Chassis lifting points 745
Auxiliary heater 445 Check points 20

2010-10-06 887

Check the brake system Ecocruise 195

for leaks 23
Check the engine oil level 778 D
Checking brake chamber Danger of fire and
stroke length 677 explosion 5
Checking engine oil level 313 Digital tachograph 333, 355
Checking gearbox oil 315, 799 Differential lock in
Checking nitrogen oxides 15 transfer box 242
Checking the gearbox oil Differential lock on
level 797 double-drive bogie 238
Checking the locking Differential lock on front
device 24 axle 240
Checking the towing unit 24 Differential lock on rear
Cleaning aluminium rims 664, axle 236
665 Disc brake 678
Cleaning the climate Display 255
system control panel 683 Downhill speed control 206
Climate system 430 Downhill speed control
Climate system, air with offset adjustment 208
distribution 441 Draining the compressed
Clutch fluid 795 air tanks 676
Compressed air Drive wheel
connection to trailer 854 disengagement 245
Concrete mixer 846
Contaminants in the fuel 644 E
Controlling the body 830 EBS 172
Coolant 790 Economical driving 9
Corrosion protection 686 EG power take-off 862
Crew bench 424 EK power take-off 867
Cruise control 188, 190, 193 Electric engine heater 469
Cruise control with Electrically operated roof

888 Complete

hatch 442 Fuel, vehicle gas 771

Emergency hammer 691
Emergency kit 691 G
Engine air cleaner 648 G670 60
Engine oil 780 Gear changing 45, 48, 51, 54
Ergonomics 412 Guiding light from a
ESP 247 parked vehicle 43
EXT switch 871
Exhaust brake 143
Hand throttle 185
Extendable bed 420
Handling hazardous
Extendable ladder 419
substances 18
External cleaning 684
Heating pads 425
Heating the rear view
F mirror 29
Fan 439 Hill hold 167
Feedback to Scania 1
Fifth wheel 815, 819, 822, 825 I
Fifth wheel, switch 829 Idling speed adjustment 183
Fill with air 755 Immobiliser 556
Filler nipple for parking INFO button 260
brake circuit 704
Indicator lamps and
Flammable material 23 symbols 276
Flasher and wiper lever 29 Information on Toll
Folding seat 419 Collect 873
Front compressed air Inspection programme 572
connection 855 Instrument cluster with
Fuel heater 766 display 251
Fuel, biodiesel 757 Interlock valve 164
Fuel, diesel 760 Internal cleaning 682
Fuel, ethanol 768 Isocyanates 18

2010-10-06 889

IVD 317 Opticruise 78, 101, 123

Other lights 428
Jump socket 24V/500A 702 P
Jump start 694 Parking brake 160
Jumper start socket 698 Power steering fluid 801
Pressure in brake system 881
Kick-down 185 R
Radio Medium 471
L Radio with navigation 501
Lighting in the cab 425 Read this first 1
Load transfer 229 Reading lamp, driver 430
Lockable front grille panel 572 Reading lamp, passenger 428
Locker add-on 840 Rear view mirrors and
Log on to Interactor 387 window winders 28
Log out and shut down Reduction of clutch wear 62
Interactor 410 Refrigerator 872
Low gear in transfer box 244 Releasing the parking
brake without compressed
M air 741
Manual gearbox with Remote control for
torque converter, ZF 71 auxiliary heater 455
Manual level control 814 Remote control for
auxiliary heater, radio and
Menus in the display 262 CD player 462
Remote control for locks
O and alarm 553
Operating the platform 833 Renewing a bulb 615
Operation unit for air Roof hatch 444
suspension 806, 810
Roof sign lamp 44

890 Complete

Rotating beacon 44 T
Tachograph 327
S Tachograph information
Safety belt 540 in the display 304
Safety during vehicle Tag axle lift 229
maintenance 5 The fuel system 642
Safety regulations for fire Tool kit 641
extinguisher 5
Touching up paintwork 687
Scania driver support 212
Towing and recovery 716
Scania Interactor 377
Traction Control 249
Scania lane departure
Trailer brake, lever 166
warning (LDW) 210
Trailer brake, switch 166
Scania Retarder 146
Trailer connectors 861
Seat, Basic 414
Trip data log 355
Seat, Luxury 417
Type plate 880
Seat, Medium 415
Tyre pressure 882
Securing the vehicle on a
ferry 875 Tyre pressure monitoring 322
Selectable front wheel Tyres and rims 659
drive 233
Short-stop ventilation 440 U
Shunting 736 Undo the propeller shaft 738
Smoke alarm 536 Upper bed 422
Snow protection air intake 654
Sound level control for V
reverse alarm 853 Vehicle gas and safety 692
Standard lighting 30
Starter lock 181 W
Steering wheel buttons Wading 250
and steering wheel 178 Water separating fuel
filter 646

2010-10-06 891

Waxing and polishing 688

Wheel chocks 703
White smoke limiter 17
Wiper blades and washer
fluid 639
Wireless download for the
tachograph 375

892 Complete

2010-10-06 893

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