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International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) Volume 1, Issue 3 (2013) ISSN 2320-4052; EISSN 2320-4060

Production and Properties of Silicon Carbide

Particles Reinforced Aluminium Alloy
Dr. Jameel Habeeb Ghazi
particles into the aluminum matrix could enhance the hardness, the
Abstract— Metal matrix composites (MMC s ) are known to yield and ultimate tensile strength considerably, while the ductility is
have wide application in parts of transportation devices such as retained. The great enhancement in strength values of these
automobiles and aircraft. In this paper, the Al–Si / SiC composites composites is attributed to grain refinement, strong multidirectional
containing three different volume fractions 7, 14 and 21 weight thermal stress at the matrix/nano particle interface, small size of
percentage of SiC have been fabricated by stir casting technique. nano particles, good distribution of the nano particles and low
The results have shown an increasing in mechanical properties degree of porosity which leads to effective transfer of applied tensile
such as ultimate tensile strength, yield strength and hardness at the load to the uniformly distributed strong nano particulates. The
expense of impact energy for composite material with increasing strength of composites is expected to be influenced by the
reinforcement materials content. Micro structural studies have been dislocation density, dislocation-to-dislocation interaction and
carried out to understand the nature of structure. constraint of plastic flow due to the resistance offered by
particles. It is reported that due to the thermal mismatch stress, there
Keywords— Al-Si/SiC, Aluminium alloy, Mechanical properties, is a possibility of increased dislocation density within the matrix
Stir casting technique. which leads to local stress and increasing strength of the matrix and
the composite. More than 50% improvement in yield strength of
A356 alloy was observed with only 2.0% (mass fraction) nano-sized
SiC particles [7].
A LUMINIUM metal matrix composites (AMMCs) have
considerable applications in aerospace, automotive and military
industries due to their high strength to wear ratio, stiffness,
This paper adopts production matrix alloy and composite material
economical technique and improving mechanical properties.
light weight, good wear resistance and improved thermal and
electrical properties. Ceramic particles such as Al 2 O 3 , SiC are the

most widely used materials for reinforcement of aluminium [1,2]. The materials are used in the preparation of composite materials
Different methods have been adopted for fabrication of metal divided into two parts matrix and reinforcement. The chosen alloy
matrix composites. Among them, the conventional foundry based (Al-Si) as the basis indicated chemical composition after the casting
processes are more favorable in obtaining near net shape components process in table (1). The reinforcement material included silicon
at high production rates and low costs. In recent years, the stir casting carbide in particle size (100-150 µm). Alloy was prepared by casting
technique has attracted the interest of many researchers. Rheocasting, in metals mold and mass information. Smelting process carried out at
Compo casting, Disintegrated melt deposition are the variants of the (750o c) in electric furnace with high nozzle crucible made of silicon

stir casting technique. This Technique involves incorporating the carbide, As it has been melting pieces of element aluminum, and
ceramic particles into the melt and stirring by means of small pieces of silicon were added to the molten aluminium, then
mechanical impeller[3,4]. pieces of iron are added to the molten. All elements were added to
W. Zhou et al. studied a composites based on two aluminum molten aluminum wrapped with aluminum foil. For the purpose of
alloys (A536 and 6061) reinforced with 10% or 20% volume homogenizing molten is rotated continuously by rod graphite and
fraction of SiC particles were produced by gravity casting and a repeat the process for the other elements. Then the metallic molten
novel two-step mixing method was applied successfully to improve has poured in die casting made of steel and pre-heated to a
the wettability and distribution of the particles. The SiC particles temperature (250oc) to prevent sudden cooling.

were observed to be located predominantly in the inter-dendrite Composite materials are prepared by stir casting, as the base alloy
regions, and a thermal lag model is proposed to explain the cut into small pieces for the purpose of weighting and calculating
concentration of particles [5]. K.R.Sureshet al. studied tensile and weight fraction of silicon carbide by 5%, and then the weighted
wear properties of aluminum composites fabricated by squeeze pieces were placed in crucible inside furnace electric fixed
casting method and checked uniform particulate distribution. The temperature at (750oc) to ensure full melting ingot, then ceramic

squeeze cast composites show peak strength of 216 MPa showing an particles (SiC) enveloped aluminium foils are added to the molten
increase of 11.6% in tensile strength. The new composites also have and pre-heated to (250oc) in order to remove moisture and improving

improved wear resistance when compared to gravity cast composites the dispersion of particles within the molten. A small amount of Mg

[6]. Recent investigations find that the incorporation of nano- was added to ensure good wettability of particles with molten metal. 8T

The electric mixer enters in crucible furnace which it spins rapidly at

speed (900 rpm) to improve homogenizing molten for (3-5 min),
Dr. Jameel Habeeb Ghazi College of Materials Engineering, Babylon then the molten poured into metallic mold. The processes were
University, Iraq, E-mail: Jameel_H64 @ . repeated several times according weight percentages of silicon

International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) Volume 1, Issue 3 (2013) ISSN 2320-4052; EISSN 2320-4060

carbide as shown in table (1). B .Hardness

8T Aluminium alloy (Al-Si) composites containing various
8T 8T
From figure (2) the hardness value of cast composite increase as
SiC contents, namely 7,14 and 21% by weight were fabricate and the weight percentage of SiC increases from 7wt% to 21wt% in the
tested, and their properties were compared with those of unreinforced alloy. The hardness of Al Al-Si/SiC P increased about 69 percentage
8T R R

matrix. All tested were conducted in accordance with ASTM as the reinforcement content of silicon carbide 21 weight percentage. 8T

standards. Tensile tests were performed at room temperature using This is due an increase in the percentage of the hard and brittle phase
machine in accordance with ASTM E8-95 standards and. The tensile 8T 8T
of the ceramic body in the alloy.
specimens of diameter 12.5Cmm and gauge
.Ultimate length
Tensile and62.5
Yieldmm were
machined from the composite with gauge length of specimen parallel C .Ultimate Tensile and Yield Strength
to longitudinal axis of the casting. The Rockwell hardness values The figure (3) reveals that the ultimate tensile strength of

were conducted in accordance with ASTM E18-79 standards. composite increases about 98 percentage by addition the
A Rockwell hardness tester was used steel ball indenter diameter of reinforcement. Similarly figure (4) shows the increase in yield
1.56 mm, minor load 10 Kg and major load of 100 Kg. strength of Al-Si/SiC about 97.7 percentage as the reinforcement
Charpy impact tests were conducted on notched specimens

carbide silicon content increases from 0 to 21 weight percentage. In

according to ASTM E32-02A standard. The dimensions of the both cases the addition of SiC to Al-Si matrix is increasing the tensile
specimens machined for the impact tests were 55×10×10 mm with
properties of composite material. It is believed that the great
notch depth of 2 mm and notch tip radius of 0.25 mm at 45o angle.


Samples for the microscopic examination were prepared by

enhancement in tensile properties observed in these composites is
8T 8T

standard metallographic procedures etched with killer's agent and P P

due to good distribution of the SiC particles and low degree of
examined under optical microscope. porosity, which leads to effective transfer of applied tensile load to
the uniformly distributed strong SiC particulates. The grain
refinement and strong multidirectional thermal stress at the Al/SiC
interface are also important factors which play a significant role in
A. Microstructural Analysis the high strength of the composites. SiC particles have grain
Fig.1 shows the microstructure as cast of Al-Si matrix alloy and refined strengthening effect, which is improved with increasing
Al-Si/SiC composites with different weight percentage of SiC. From volume fraction since they act as the heterogeneous nucleation
figures it can be observed that, the distributions of reinforcements in catalyst for aluminum. The difference between the coefficient of
respective matrix are fairly uniform. The ceramic phase is shown as thermal expansion (CTE) values of matrix and ceramic particles
dark phase, while the metal phase is white. Further these figures generates thermally induced residual stresses and increases
reveal the homogeneity of the cast composites. The microphotograph dislocations density upon rapid solidification during the fabrication
also clearly revels the increased filler contents in the composites. process. The interaction of dislocations with the non shearable
particles increases the strength level of the composite samples.
According to the Orowan mechanism, the SiC particles act as
Table (1) Chemical composition of matrix alloy by (Wt.%). obstacles to hinder the motion of dislocations near the particles in
Si Mg Fe Cu Mn Zn Ti Al the matrix. This effect of particles on the matrix is enhanced
6.55 0.40 0.35 0.015 0.003 0.002 0.009 Balance gradually with the increase of particulate volume fraction [7, 8].

D. Impact Energy
8T Figure (5) is a graph showing the effect of reinforcement content
on the impact energy of Al-Si matrix alloy. It can be seen that as the
8T 8T

carbide silicon content increase, the impact energy of the composite

8T 8T

material decreases. Quantitatively as SiC content is increased from 0

to 21 weight percentage, is a reduction in impact energy 59%. The 8T

brittle nature of the reinforcing materials (SiC) plays a significant role

in degrading the impact energy of the composite, since the
unreinforced alloy have the highest impact energy, indicating that it is
(a) (b) the toughest of them all.

(c) (d)
Fig.1 Optical micrographs at X50.(a) Unreinforced Al-Si Alloy.
(b) Al-Si Alloy with 7% SiC. (c) Al-Si Alloy with 14 % SiC.
(d) Al-Si Alloy with 21 % SiC.

International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) Volume 1, Issue 3 (2013) ISSN 2320-4052; EISSN 2320-4060

80.00 90.00

70.00 80.00

Yield Strength (MPa)

Hardness (HRB)

60.00 70.00

50.00 60.00

40.00 50.00

30.00 40.00
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00
Silicon Carbide (Wt. %) Silicon Carbide (Wt. %)

Fig. 2 Effect of Silicon Carbide on hardness of Al-Si alloy. Fig. 4 Effect of Silicon Carbide on yield strength of
Al-Si alloy.

120.00 18.00

Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa)

Impact Energy (Joules)

80.00 14.00

60.00 12.00

40.00 10.00
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00
Silicon Carbide (Wt. %) Silicon Carbide (Wt. %)

Fig. 3 Effect of Silicon Carbide on ultimate tensile strength of Al- Fig. 5 Effect of Silicon Carbide on impact energy of Al-Si alloy.
Si alloy.

International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) Volume 1, Issue 3 (2013) ISSN 2320-4052; EISSN 2320-4060


The following major conclusion can be drown from the present

1) The aluminium alloy composites containing different amounts
of silicon carbide particles were produced by stir casting
method successfully.
2) Mg addition to matrix a l l o y before SiC addition improved
wettability& facilitated homogeneous distribution.
3) The hardness, ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of

composite found increasing with increased reinforcements

in the composites. 8T

4) Increasing the amount of SiC particles in composites caused

the impact energy to decrease.
5) The microstructural studies revealed the uniform distribution
of the particles in the matrix system.


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