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© I N S T I T U T E O F C H A R T E R E D A C C O U N T A N T S O F I N D I A

October 2018


No. Old PM New Syllabus Chapters Covered Remarks

1 Financial Policy And Corporate 1. Financial Policy and Corporate

 Strategy Strategy
2 Project Planning And Capital Deleted from this document Not Applicable
3 Leasing Decisions Deleted from this document Not Applicable
4 Dividend Decisions 5. Security Valuation Partially Applicable
5 Indian Capital Market 9. Derivatives Analysis and Valuation Partially Applicable
12. Interest Rate Risk Management
6 Security Analysis 4. Security Analysis
5. Security Valuation
7 Portfolio Theory 6. Portfolio Management
8 Financial Services In India Deleted from this document Not Applicable
9 Mutual Funds 8. Mutual Fund
10 Money Market Operations Deleted from this document Not Applicable
11 Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi), 11. International Financial
Foreign Institutional Investment Management
(Fiis) And
International Financial Management
12 Foreign Exchange Exposure And 10. Foreign Exchange Exposure &
Risk Risk Management
13 Merger, Acquisition & Restructuring 13. Corporate Valuation
14. Mergers, Acquisitions and
Corporate Restructuring

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3. Chapters not applicable for New Syllabus are deleted from this document.

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for new syllabus

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Entire Chapter is Applicable for New Syllabus 1
Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy
1. Strategic Management Decision Making Frame Work
Strategic management is a systems approach, which is concerned with where the
organization wants to reach and how the organization proposes to reach that position.
It intends to run an organization in a systematised fashion by developing a series of
plans and policies known as strategic plans, functional policies, structural plans and
operational plans.
2. Strategy at Different Levels
Strategies at different levels are the outcomes of different planning needs.
• Corporate Strategy: At the corporate level planners decide about the objective
or objectives of the firm along with their priorities. A corporate strategy provides
with a framework for attaining the corporate objectives under values and
resource constraints, and internal and external realities.
• Business Strategy: It is the managerial plan for achieving the goal of the
business unit. However, it should be consistent with the corporate strategy of the
firm and should be drawn within the framework provided by the corporate
• Functional Strategy: It is the lowest level plan to carry out principal activities of
a business. Functional strategy must be consistent with the business strategy,
which in turn must be consistent with the corporate strategy.
3. Basic Issues Addressed Under Financial Planning
Financial planning is the backbone of the business planning and corporate planning. It
helps in defining the feasible area of operation for all types of activities and thereby
defines the overall planning framework. Outcomes of the financial planning are the
financial objectives, financial decision-making and financial measures for the
evaluation of the corporate performance.
• Profit Maximization versus Wealth Maximization: Profit may be an important
consideration for businesses but not its maximization because profit
maximization as a financial objective suffers from multiple limitations. Wealth
maximisation, on the other hand, is measured in terms of its net present value to

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1.2 Strategic Financial Management

take care of both risk and time factors. Wealth ensures financial strength of the
firm, long term solvency and viability. It can be used, as a decision criterion in a
precisely defined manner and can reflect the business efficiency without any
scope for ambiguity.
• Cash Flow: It deals with the movement of cash and as a matter of conventions,
refers to surplus of internally generated funds over expenditures.
• Credit Position: It describes its strength in mobilizing borrowed money. In case
the internal generation of cash position is weak, the firm may exploit its strong
credit position to go ahead in the expansion of its activities.
• Liquidity Position of the Business: It describes the extent of idle working
capital. It measures the ability of the firm in handling unforeseen contingencies.
4. Interface of Financial Policy and Strategic Management
Financial policy of a company cannot be worked out in isolation of other functional
policies. It has a wider appeal and closer link with the overall organizational
performance and direction of growth.
• Sources of finance and capital structure are the most important dimensions of a
strategic plan. The need for fund mobilization to support the expansion activity of
firm is utmost important for any business.
• Policy makers should decide on the capital structure to indicate the desired mix
of equity capital and debt capital.
• Another important dimension of strategic management and financial policy
interface is the investment and fund allocation decisions.
• Dividend policy is yet another area for making financial policy decisions affecting
the strategic performance of the company. A close interface is needed to frame
the policy to be beneficial for all.
5. Balancing Financial Goals Vis-À-Vis Sustainable Growth
Sustainability means development of the capability for replicating one’s activity on a
sustainable basis. The weak concept of sustainability requires that the overall stock of
capital assets should remain constant. It refers to preservation of critical resources to
ensure support for all, over a long time horizon. The strong version is concerned with
the preservation of resources under the primacy of ecosystem functioning. In terms of
economic dimension, sustainable development rejects the idea that the logistic
system of a firm should be knowingly designed to satisfy the unlimited wants of the
economic person. A firm has to think more about the collective needs and less about
the personal needs. This calls for taking initiatives to modify, to some extent, the
human behaviour. The other economics dimension of sustainability is to decouple the
growth in output of firm from the environmental impacts of the same.

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Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy 1.3

6. Principles of Valuation
Choice of the degree of sustainability approach for sustainability and modification in
the sustainability principle must be based on financial evaluation of the alternative
schemes in terms of financial and overall corporate objectives.
• Valuation Method: This method depends on demand curve approach by either
making use of expressed preferences or making use of revealed preferences.
• Pricing Method: This method is a non-demand curve approach that takes into
consideration either opportunity costs or alternative costs or shadow projects or
government payments or those response methods depending on the nature of
the problem and environmental situation.
Valuation methods are in general more complex in implementation than pricing
methods. But demand curve methods are more useful for cases where it seems likely
that disparity between price and value is high.

Question 1
Discuss the importance of strategic management in today’s scenario?
Importance of Strategic Management
Strategic management intends to run an organization in a systematized fashion by developing a
series of plans and policies known as strategic plans, functional policies, structural plans and
operational plans. It is a systems approach, which is concerned with where the organization wants
to reach and how the organization proposes to reach that position. Thus, strategic management is
basically concerned with the futurity of the current decisions without ignoring the fact that
uncertainty in the system is to be reduced, to the extent possible, through continuous review of the
whole planning and implementation process. It is therefore necessary for an organization
interested in long run survival and command over the market, to go for strategic planning and the
planning process must be holistic, periodic, futuristic, intellectual and creative with emphasis given
on critical resources of the firm otherwise, the organization will fall in the traps of tunneled and
myopic vision.
Question 2
Explain the different levels of strategy.
Strategies at different levels are the outcomes of different planning needs. There are basically
three types of strategies:
(a) Corporate Strategy: At the corporate level planners decide about the objective or
objectives of the firm along with their priorities and based on objectives, decisions are
taken on participation of the firm in different product fields. Basically a corporate strategy

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1.4 Strategic Financial Management

provides with a framework for attaining the corporate objectives under values and
resource constraints, and internal and external realities. It is the corporate strategy that
describes the interest in and competitive emphasis to be given to different businesses of
the firm. It indicates the overall planning mode and propensity to take risk in the face of
environmental uncertainties.
(b) Business Strategy: It is the managerial plan for achieving the goal of the business unit.
However, it should be consistent with the corporate strategy of the firm and should be
drawn within the framework provided by the corporate planners. Given the overall
competitive emphasis, business strategy specifies the product market power i.e. the way
of competing in that particular business activity. It also addresses coordination and
alignment issues covering internal functional activities. The two most important internal
aspects of a business strategy are the identification of critical resources and the
development of distinctive competence for translation into competitive advantage.
(c) Functional Strategy: It is the low level plan to carry out principal activities of a business.
In this sense, functional strategy must be consistent with the business strategy, which in
turn must be consistent with the corporate strategy. Thus strategic plans come down in a
cascade fashion from the top to the bottom level of planning pyramid and performances
of functional strategies trickle up the line to give shape to the business performance and
then to the corporate performance.
Question 3
Discuss the methods of valuation in brief.
The evaluation of sustainable growth strategy calls for interface of financial planning approach with
strategic planning approach. Choice of the degree of sustainability approach for sustainability and
modification in the sustainability principle must be based on financial evaluation of the alternative
schemes in terms of financial and overall corporate objectives. There are two alternative methods
for evaluation. They are:
(a) Valuation Method: Valuation method depends on demand curve approach by either
making use of expressed preferences or making use of revealed preferences.
(b) Pricing Method: Pricing method is a non-demand curve approach that takes into
consideration either opportunity costs or alternative costs or shadow projects or
government payments or those response methods depending on the nature of the
problem and environmental situation.
Valuation methods are in general more complex in implementation than pricing methods. But
demand curve methods are more useful for cases where it seems likely that disparity between
price and value is high.

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Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy 1.5

Question 4
Explain briefly, how financial policy is linked to strategic management.
The success of any business is measured in financial terms. Maximising value to the shareholders
is the ultimate objective. For this to happen, at every stage of its operations including policy-
making, the firm should be taking strategic steps with value-maximization objective. This is the
basis of financial policy being linked to strategic management.
The linkage can be clearly seen in respect of many business decisions. For example :
(i) Manner of raising capital as source of finance and capital structure are the most
important dimensions of strategic plan.
(ii) Cut-off rate (opportunity cost of capital) for acceptance of investment decisions.
(iii) Investment and fund allocation is another important dimension of interface of strategic
management and financial policy.
(iv) Foreign Exchange exposure and risk management.
(v) Liquidity management
(vi) A dividend policy decision deals with the extent of earnings to be distributed and a close
interface is needed to frame the policy so that the policy should be beneficial for all.
(vii) Issue of bonus share is another dimension involving the strategic decision.
Thus from above discussions it can be said that financial policy of a company cannot be
worked out in isolation to other functional policies. It has a wider appeal and closer link with
the overall organizational performance and direction of growth.
Question 5
Explain the Interface of Financial Policy and Strategic Management.
The interface of strategic management and financial policy will be clearly understood if we
appreciate the fact that the starting point of an organization is money and the end point of that
organization is also money. No organization can run an existing business and promote a new
expansion project without a suitable internally mobilized financial base or both internally and
externally mobilized financial base.
Sources of finance and capital structure are the most important dimensions of a strategic plan.
The generation of funds may arise out of ownership capital and or borrowed capital. A
company may issue equity shares and / or preference shares for mobilizing ownership capital.
Along with the mobilization of funds, policy makers should decide on the capital structure to
indicate the desired mix of equity capital and debt capital. There are some norms for debt

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1.6 Strategic Financial Management

equity ratio. However this ratio in its ideal form varies from industry to industry. It also
depends on the planning mode of the organization under study.
Another important dimension of strategic management and financial policy interface is the
investment and fund allocation decisions. A planner has to frame policies for regulating
investments in fixed assets and for restraining of current assets. Investment proposals mooted
by different business units may be addition of a new product, increasing the level of operation
of an existing product and cost reduction and efficient utilization of resources through a new
approach and or closer monitoring of the different critical activities.
Now, given these three types of proposals a planner should evaluate each one of them by
making within group comparison in the light of capital budgeting exercise.
Dividend policy is yet another area for making financial policy decisions affecting the strategic
performance of the company. A close interface is needed to frame the policy to be beneficial
for all. Dividend policy decision deals with the extent of earnings to be distributed as dividend
and the extent of earnings to be retained for future expansion scheme of the firm.
It may be noted from the above discussions that financial policy of a company cannot be
worked out in isolation of other functional policies. It has a wider appeal and closer link with
the overall organizational performance and direction of growth. These policies being related to
external awareness about the firm, specially the awareness of the investors about the firm, in
respect of its internal performance. There is always a process of evaluation active in the minds
of the current and future stake holders of the company. As a result preference and patronage
for the company depends significantly on the financial policy framework. And hence attention
of the corporate planners must be drawn while framing the financial policies not at a later
stage but during the stage of corporate planning itself.
Question 6
Write a short note on Balancing Financial Goals vis-a-vis Sustainable Growth.
The concept of sustainable growth can be helpful for planning healthy corporate growth. This
concept forces managers to consider the financial consequences of sales increases and to set
sales growth goals that are consistent with the operating and financial policies of the firm.
Often, a conflict can arise if growth objectives are not consistent with the value of the
organization's sustainable growth. Question concerning right distribution of resources may
take a difficult shape if we take into consideration the rightness not for the current
stakeholders but for the future stakeholders also. To take an illustration, let us refer to fuel
industry where resources are limited in quantity and a judicial use of resources is needed to
cater to the need of the future customers along with the need of the present customers. One
may have noticed the save fuel campaign, a demarketing campaign that deviates from the
usual approach of sales growth strategy and preaches for conservation of fuel for their use

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Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy 1.7

across generation. This is an example of stable growth strategy adopted by the oil industry as
a whole under resource constraints and the long run objective of survival over years.
Incremental growth strategy, profit strategy and pause strategy are other variants of stable
growth strategy.
Sustainable growth is important to enterprise long-term development. Too fast or too slow
growth will go against enterprise growth and development, so financial should play important
role in enterprise development, adopt suitable financial policy initiative to make sure enterprise
growth speed close to sustainable growth ratio and have sustainable healthy development.
The sustainable growth rate (SGR), concept by Robert C. Higgins, of a firm is the maximum
rate of growth in sales that can be achieved, given the firm's profitability, asset utilization, and
desired dividend payout and debt (financial leverage) ratios. The sustainable growth rate is a
measure of how much a firm can grow without borrowing more money. After the firm has
passed this rate, it must borrow funds from another source to facilitate growth. Variables
typically include the net profit margin on new and existing revenues; the asset turnover ratio,
which is the ratio of sales revenues to total assets; the assets to beginning of period equity
ratio; and the retention rate, which is defined as the fraction of earnings retained in the
SGR = ROE x (1- Dividend payment ratio)
Sustainable growth models assume that the business wants to: 1) maintain a target capital
structure without issuing new equity; 2) maintain a target dividend payment ratio; and 3)
increase sales as rapidly as market conditions allow. Since the asset to beginning of period
equity ratio is constant and the firm's only source of new equity is retained earnings, sales and
assets cannot grow any faster than the retained earnings plus the additional debt that the
retained earnings can support. The sustainable growth rate is consistent with the observed
evidence that most corporations are reluctant to issue new equity. If, however, the firm is
willing to issue additional equity, there is in principle no financial constraint on its growth rate.
Question 7
What makes an organization sustainable? State the specific steps.
The concept of sustainable growth can be helpful for planning healthy corporate growth. This
concept forces managers to consider the financial consequences of sales increases and to set
sales growth goals that are consistent with the operating and financial policies of the firm.
Often, a conflict can arise if growth objectives are not consistent with the value of the
organization's sustainable growth. Question concerning right distribution of resources may
take a difficult shape if we take into consideration the rightness not for the current
stakeholders but for the future stakeholders also.
Sustainable growth is important to enterprise long-term development. Too fast or too slow
growth will go against enterprise growth and development, so financial should play important
role in enterprise development, adopt suitable financial policy initiative to make sure enterprise

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1.8 Strategic Financial Management

growth speed close to sustainable growth ratio and have sustainable healthy development.
Sustainable growth models assume that the business wants to:
(1) maintain a target capital structure without issuing new equity;
(2) maintain a target dividend payment ratio; and
(3) increase sales as rapidly as market conditions allow.
Since the asset to beginning of period equity ratio is constant and the firm's only source of
new equity is retained earnings, sales and assets cannot grow any faster than the retained
earnings plus the additional debt that the retained earnings can support. The sustainable
growth rate is consistent with the observed evidence that most corporations are reluctant to
issue new equity. If, however, the firm is willing to issue additional equity, there is in principle
no financial constraint on its growth rate.
Question 8
What makes an organization financially sustainable?
To be financially sustainable, an organization must:
 have more than one source of income;
 have more than one way of generating income;
 do strategic, action and financial planning regularly;
 have adequate financial systems;
 have a good public image;
 be clear about its values (value clarity); and
 have financial autonomy.
Question 9
Explain various processes of strategic decision making.
Capital investment is the springboard for wealth creation. In a world of economic uncertainty,
the investors want to maximize their wealth by selecting optimum investment and financial
opportunities that will give them maximum expected returns at minimum risk. Since
management is ultimately responsible to the investors, the objective of corporate financial
management should implement investment and financing decisions which should satisfy the
shareholders by placing them all in an equal, optimum financial position. The satisfaction of
the interests of the shareholders should be perceived as a means to an end, namely
maximization of shareholders’ wealth. Since capital is the limiting factor, the problem that the

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Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy 1.9

management will face is the strategic allocation of limited funds between alternative uses in
such a manner, that the companies have the ability to sustain or increase investor returns
through a continual search for investment opportunities that generate funds for their business
and are more favourable for the investors. Therefore, all businesses need to have the
following three fundamental essential elements:
• A clear and realistic strategy,
• The financial resources, controls and systems to see it through and
The right management team and processes to make it happen.

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Partially Applicable for New Syllabus, Look
Inside. Applicable Questions are Marked

Dividend Decisions
1. Introduction
Dividend refers to that portion of profit (after tax) which is distributed among the
owners/shareholders of the firm and the profit which is not distributed is known as
retained earnings. The dividend policy of the company should aim at achieving the
objective of the company to maximise shareholder’s wealth.
2. Practical Considerations in Dividend Policy
The practical considerations in dividend policy of a company are as below:
(a) Financial Needs of the Company;
(b) Constraints on Paying Dividends- Such as legal, liquidity, access to capital
market and investment opportunities;
(c) Desire of Shareholders; and
(d) Stability of Dividends.
3. Forms of Dividend
Dividends can be divided into the following forms:
(i) Cash Dividend; and
(ii) Stock Dividend.
4. Theories on Dividend Policies
(a) Traditional Position: Expounded by Graham and Dodd, the stock market places
considerably more weight on dividends than on retained earnings. Expressed
quantitatively in the following valuation model:
P = m (D + E/3)
If E is replaced by (D+R) then,
P = m ( 4D/3 ) + m ( R/3 )
(b) Walter Approach: Given by Prof. James E. Walter, the approach focuses on
how dividends can be used to maximise the wealth position of equity holders.

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4.2 Strategic Financial Management

The relationship between dividend and share price on the basis of Walter’s
formula is shown below:
D (E  D)
Vc =

Vc = Market value of the ordinary shares of the company
Ra = Return on internal retention, i.e., the rate company earns on
retained profits
Rc = Cost of Capital
E= Earnings per share
D= Dividend per share.
(c) Gordon Growth Model: This theory also contends that dividends are relevant.
This model explicitly relates the market value of the firm to dividend policy. The
relationship between dividend and share price on the basis of Gordon's formula
is shown as:
 d 1  g 
VE   o 
 ke - g 
VE = Market price per share (ex-dividend)
do = Current year dividend
g = Constant annual growth rate of dividends
Ke = Cost of equity capital (expected rate of return)
(d) Modigliani and Miller (MM) Hypothesis: This hypothesis states that under
conditions of perfect capital markets, rational investors, absence of tax
discrimination between dividend income and capital appreciation, given the firm's
investment policy, its dividend policy may have no influence on the market price
of shares. MM Hypothesis is primarily based on the arbitrage argument. Market
price of a share after dividend declared on the basis of MM model is shown
P1  D1
Po 
1 Ke

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Dividend Decisions 4.3

Po = The prevailing market price of a share
Ke = The cost of equity capital
D1 = Dividend to be received at the end of period one
P1 = Market price of a share at the end of period one.
If the firm were to finance all investment proposals, the total amount raised
through new shares will be ascertained with the help of the following formula:
I - (E - nD1 )
N 

Question 1
Write short note on effect of a Government imposed freeze on dividends on stock prices and
the volume of capital investment in the background of Miller-Modigliani (MM) theory on
dividend policy.
Effect of a Government Imposed Freeze on Dividends on Stock Prices and the Volume of
Capital Investment in the Background of (Miller-Modigliani) (MM) Theory on Dividend Policy
According to MM theory, under a perfect market situation, the dividend of a firm is irrelevant as
it does not affect the value of firm. Thus under MM’s theory the government imposed freeze on
dividend should make no difference on stock prices. Firms if do not pay dividends will have
higher retained earnings and will either reduce the volume of new stock issues, repurchase
more stock from market or simply invest extra cash in marketable securities. In all the above
cases, the loss by investors of cash dividends will be made up in the form of capital gains.
Whether the Government imposed freeze on dividends have effect on volume of capital
investment in the background of MM theory on dividend policy have two arguments. One
argument is that if the firms keep their investment decision separate from their dividend and
financing decision then the freeze on dividend by the Government will have no effect on
volume of capital investment. If the freeze restricts dividends the firm can repurchase shares
or invest excess cash in marketable securities e.g. in shares of other companies. Other
argument is that the firms do not separate their investment decision from dividend a nd
financing decisions. They prefer to make investment from internal funds. In this case, the
freeze of dividend by government could lead to increased real investment.
Question 2
Write short note on factors determining the dividend policy of a company.

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4.4 Strategic Financial Management

Factors Determining the Dividend Policy of a Company
(i) Liquidity: In order to pay dividends, a company will require access to cash. Even very
profitable companies might sometimes have difficulty in paying dividends if resources are
tied up in other forms of assets.
(ii) Repayment of debt: Dividend payout may be made difficult if debt is scheduled for
(iii) Stability of Profits: Other things being equal, a company with stable profits is more likely
to pay out a higher percentage of earnings than a company with fluctuating profits.
(iv) Control: The use of retained earnings to finance new projects preserves the company’s
ownership and control. This can be advantageous in firms where the present disposition
of shareholding is of importance.
(v) Legal consideration: The legal provisions lay down boundaries within which a company
can declare dividends.
(vi) Likely effect of the declaration and quantum of dividend on market prices.
(vii) Tax considerations and
(viii) Others such as dividend policies adopted by units similarly placed in the industry,
management attitude on dilution of existing control over the shares, fear of being
branded as incompetent or inefficient, conservative policy Vs non-aggressive one.
(ix) Inflation: Inflation must be taken into account when a firm establishes its dividend policy.
Question 3
What are the determinants of Dividend Policy?
Determinants of dividend policy
Many factors determine the dividend policy of a company. Some of the factors determining the
dividend policy are:
(i) Dividend Payout ratio: A certain share of earnings to be distributed as dividend has to
be worked out. This involves the decision to pay out or to retain. The payment of
dividends results in the reduction of cash and, therefore, depletion of assets. In order to
maintain the desired level of assets as well as to finance the investment opportunities,
the company has to decide upon the payout ratio. D/P ratio should be determined with
two bold objectives – maximising the wealth of the firms’ owners and providing sufficient
funds to finance growth.
(ii) Stability of Dividends: Generally investors favour a stable dividend policy. The policy
should be consistent and there should be a certain minimum dividend that should be paid

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Dividend Decisions 4.5

regularly. The liability can take any form, namely, constant dividend per share; stable D/P
ratio and constant dividend per share plus something extra. Because this entails – the
investor’s desire for current income, it contains the information content about the
profitability or efficient working of the company; creating interest for institutional
investor’s etc.
(iii) Legal, Contractual and Internal Constraints and Restriction: Legal and Contractual
requirements have to be followed. All requirements of Companies Act, SEBI guidelines,
capital impairment guidelines, net profit and insolvency etc., have to be kept in mind
while declaring dividend. For example, insolvent firm is prohibited from paying dividends;
before paying dividend accumulated losses have to be set off, however, the dividends
can be paid out of current or previous years’ profit. Also there may be some contractual
requirements which are to be honoured. Maintenance of certain debt equity ratio may be
such requirements. In addition, there may be certain internal constraints which are
unique to the firm concerned. There may be growth prospects, financial requirements,
availability of funds, earning stability and control etc.
(iv) Owner’s Considerations: This may include the tax status of shareholders, their
opportunities for investment dilution of ownership etc.
(v) Capital Market Conditions and Inflation: Capital market conditions and rate of inflation
also play a dominant role in determining the dividend policy. The extent to which a firm
has access to capital market, also affects the dividend policy. A firm having easy access
to capital market will follow a liberal dividend policy as compared to the firm having
limited access. Sometime dividends are paid to keep the firms ‘eligible’ for certain things
in the capital market. In inflation, rising prices eat into the value of money of investors
which they are receiving as dividends. Good companies will try to compensate for rate of
inflation by paying higher dividends. Replacement decision of the companies also affects
the dividend policy.
Question 4
How tax considerations are relevant in the context of a dividend decision of a company?
Dividend Decision and Tax Considerations
Traditional theories might have said that distribution of dividend being from after -tax profits,
tax considerations do not matter in the hands of the payer-company. However, with the arrival
of Corporate Dividend Tax on the scene in India, the position has changed. Since there is a
clear levy of such tax with related surcharges, companies have a consequential cash outflow
due to their dividend decisions which has to be dealt with as and when the decision is taken.
In the hands of the investors too, the position has changed with total exemption from tax being
made available to the receiving-investors. In fact, it can be said that such exemption from tax

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4.6 Strategic Financial Management

has made the equity investment and the investment in Mutual Fund Schemes very attractive in
the market.
Broadly speaking Tax consideration has the following impacts on the dividend decision of a
Before Introduction of Dividend Tax: Earlier, the dividend was taxable in the hands of
investor. In this case the shareholders of the company are corporates or individuals who are in
higher tax slab; it is preferable to distribute lower dividend or no dividend. Because dividend
will be taxable in the hands of the shareholder @ 30% plus surcharges while long term capital
gain is taxable @ 10%. On the other hand, if most of the shareholders are the people who are
in no tax zone, then it is preferable to distribute more dividends.
We can conclude that before distributing dividend, company should look at the shareholding
After Introduction of Dividend Tax: Dividend tax is payable @ 12.5% - surcharge +
education cess, which is effectively near to 14%. Now if the company were to distribute
dividend, shareholder will indirectly bear a tax burden of 14% on their income. On the other
hand, if the company were to provide return to shareholder in the form of appreciation in
market price – by way of Bonus shares – then shareholder will have a reduced tax burden. For
securities on which STT is payable, short term capital gain is taxable @ 10% while long term
capital gain is totally exempt from tax.
Therefore, we can conclude that if the company pays more and more dividend (while it still
have reinvestment opportunities) then to get same after tax return shareholders will expect
more before tax return and this will result in lower market price per share.
Question 5
According to the position taken by Miller and Modigliani, dividend decision does not influence value.
Please state briefly any two reasons, why companies should declare dividend and not ignore it.
The position taken by M & M regarding dividend does not take into account certain practic al
realities is the market place. Companies are compelled to declare annual cash dividends for
reasons cited below:-
(i) Shareholders expect annual reward for their investment as they require cash for meeting
needs of personal consumption.
(ii) Tax considerations sometimes may be relevant. For example, dividend might be tax free
receipt, whereas some part of capital gains may be taxable.
(iii) Other forms of investment such as bank deposits, bonds etc, fetch cash returns
periodically, investors will shun companies which do not pay appropriate dividend.
(iv) In certain situations, there could be penalties for non-declaration of dividend, e.g. tax on
undistributed profits of certain companies.

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Dividend Decisions 4.7

Question 6
Write a short note on assumptions of Modigliani & Miller Hypothesis.
The Modigliani & Miller hypothesis is based on the following assumptions:
(i) The firm operates in perfect capital markets in which all investors are rational and
information is freely available to all.
(ii) There are no taxes. Alternatively, there are no differences in the tax rates applicable to
capital gains and dividends.
(iii) The firm has a fixed investment policy.
(iv) There are no floatation or transaction costs.
(v) Risk of uncertainty does not exist. Investors are able to forecast future prices and
dividends with certainty, and
(vi) one discount rate is appropriate for all securities and all time periods. Thus, r = k = k t for
all t.
Question 7
Write a short note on Traditional & Walter Approach to Dividend Policy
According to the traditional position expounded by Graham and Dodd, the stock market places
considerably more weight on dividends than on retained earnings. For them, the stock market
is overwhelmingly in favour of liberal dividends as against niggardly divide nds. Their view is
expressed quantitatively in the following valuation model:
P = m (D + E/3)
P = Market Price per share
D = Dividend per share
E = Earnings per share
m = a Multiplier.
As per this model, in the valuation of shares the weight attached to dividends is equal to four
times the weight attached to retained earnings. In the model prescribed, E is replaced by
(D+R) so that
P = m {D + (D+R)/3}
= m (4D/3) + m (R/3)
The weights provided by Graham and Dodd are based on their subjective judgments and not

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derived from objective empirical analysis. Notwithstanding the subjectivity of these weights,
the major contention of the traditional position is that a liberal payout policy has a favourable
impact on stock prices.
The formula given by Prof. James E. Walter shows how dividend can be used to maximise the
wealth position of equity holders. He argues that in the long run, share prices reflect only the
present value of expected dividends. Retentions influence stock prices only thro ugh their
effect on further dividends. It can envisage different possible market prices in different
situations and considers internal rate of return, market capitalisation rate and dividend payout
ratio in the determination of market value of shares.
Walter Model focuses on two factors which influences Market Price
(i) Dividend Per Share.
(ii) Relationship between Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on retained earnings and market
expectations (cost of capital).
If IRR > Cost of Capital, Share price can be even higher in spite of low dividend. The
relationship between dividend and share price on the basis of Walter’s formula is shown
D (E-D)
Vc =
Vc = Market value of the ordinary shares of the company
Ra = Return on internal retention, i.e., the rate company earns on retained profits
Rc = Cost of Capital
E = Earnings per share
D = Dividend per share.
Question 8
Sahu & Co. earns ` 6 per share having capitalisation rate of 10 per cent and has a return on
investment at the rate of 20 per cent. According to Walter’s model, what should be the price
per share at 30 per cent dividend payout ratio? Is this the optimum payout ratio as per Walter?
D (E - D)
Walter Model is Vc 

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Vc = Market value of the share
Ra = Return on Retained earnings
Rc = Capitalisation Rate
E = Earning per share
D = Dividend per share
Hence, if Walter model is applied
1.80  6 - 1.80 1.80  .20 ( 4.20)
Market Value of the Share P .10 P .10
0.10 0.10
1.80 + 8.40
P= P = ` 102
This is not the optimum payout ratio because R a > Rc and therefore Vc can further go up if
payout ratio is reduced.
Question 9
You are requested to find out the approximate dividend payment ratio as to have the Share
Price at ` 56 by using Walter Model, based on following information available for a Company.
Amount `
Net Profit 50 lakhs
Outstanding 10% Preference Shares 80 lakhs
Number of Equity Shares 5 lakhs
Return on Investment 15%
Cost of Capital (after Tax) (Ke) 12%
` in lakhs
Net Profit 50
Less: Preference dividend 8
Earning for equity shareholders 42
Therefore earning per share ` 42 lakhs / 5 lakhs = ` 8.40

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(ii) Cost of capital i.e. (k e) 12%

Let, the dividend payout ratio be X and so the share price will be:
r(E - D)
D Ke
P   where D= Dividend (Rs) and r= 15 % and ke = 12%.
Ke Ke
Here D = 8.40x; E = ` 8.40; r = 0.15 and Ke = 0.12 and P = ` 56
8.40x 0.15 (8.40 - 8.40x)
Hence ` 56  
0.12 0.12  0.12
Or, ` 56 = 70X + 87.50 (1 –x)
-17.50x = -31.50
x = 1.80
Dividend Pay-out ratio would be zero, as pay-out is more than 100% of EPS seems to be
Question 10
Goldi locks Ltd. was started a year back with equity capital of ` 40 lakhs. The other details are
as under:
Earnings of the company ` 4,00,000
Price Earnings ratio 12.5
Dividend paid ` 3,20,000
Number of Shares 40,000
Find the current market price of the share. Use Walter's Model.
Find whether the company's D/ P ratio is optimal, use Walter's formula.
Goldilocks Ltd.
(i) Walter’s model is given by
D  (E - D)(r / K e )
P = Market price per share.
E = Earnings per share = ` 10
D = Dividend per share = ` 8

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Dividend Decisions 4.11

r = Return earned on investment = 10%

Ke = Cost of equity capital = 1/12.5 = 8%
0.10 0.10
8+ (10- 8)× 8+ 2×
P = 0.08 = 0.08
0.08 0.08
= ` 131.25
(ii) According to Walter’s model when the return on investment is more than the cost of
equity capital, the price per share increases as the dividend pay -out ratio decreases.
Hence, the optimum dividend pay-out ratio in this case is nil.
So, at a pay-out ratio of zero, the market value of the company’s share will be:
0+ (10- 0)
0.08 = `156.25
Question 11
The following information pertains to M/s XY Ltd.
Earnings of the Company ` 5,00,000
Dividend Payout ratio 60%
No. of shares outstanding 1,00,000
Equity capitalization rate 12%
Rate of return on investment 15%
(i) What would be the market value per share as per Walter’s model?
(ii) What is the optimum dividend payout ratio according to Walter’s model and the market
value of Company’s share at that payout ratio?
(a) M/s XY Ltd.
(i) Walter’s model is given by
D  (E  D)(r / k e )
P = Market price per share.
E = Earnings per share = `5

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D = Dividend per share = `3

r = Return earned on investment = 15%
Ke = Cost of equity capital = 12%
0.15 0.15
3  ( 5 - 3)  3  2
P = 0.12  0.12
0.12 0.12
= `45.83
(ii) According to Walter’s model when the return on investment is more than the cost of
equity capital, the price per share increases as the dividend pay -out ratio
decreases. Hence, the optimum dividend pay-out ratio in this case is nil.
So, at a pay-out ratio of zero, the market value of the company’s share will be:
0  (5  0)
0.12  Rs.52.08
Question 12
The following information is supplied to you:
Total Earnings 2,00,000
No. of equity shares (of `100 each) 20,000
Dividend paid 1,50,000
Price/Earning ratio 12.5
(i) Ascertain whether the company is the following an optimal dividend policy.
(ii) Find out what should be the P/E ratio at which the dividend policy will have no effect on
the value of the share.
(iii) Will your decision change, if the P/E ratio is 8 instead of 12.5?
(i) The EPS of the firm is ` 10 (i.e., ` 2,00,000/20,000). The P/E Ratio is given at 12.5 and
the cost of capital, k e, may be taken at the inverse of P/E ratio. Therefore, k e is 8 (i.e.,
1/12.5). The firm is distributing total dividends of `1,50,000 among 20,000 shares, giving
a dividend per share of `7.50. the value of the share as per Walter’s model may be found
as follows:
D (r / K e ) (E  D)
P 
Ke Ke

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7.50 (.10 / .08) (10  7.5)

= 
.08 .08
= `132.81
The firm has a dividend payout of 75% (i.e., ` 1,50,000) out of total earnings of
` 2,00,000. since, the rate of return of the firm, r, is 10% and it is more than the k e of 8%,
therefore, by distributing 75% of earnings, the firm is not following an optimal dividend
policy. The optimal dividend policy for the firm would be to pay zero dividend and in such
a situation, the market price would be
D (r / K e ) (E  D)
P= 
ke Ke
0 (.10 / .80) (10  0)
= 
.08 .08
= `156.25
So, theoretically the market price of the share can be increased by adopting a zero
(ii) The P/E ratio at which the dividend policy will have no effect on the value of the share is
such at which the k e would be equal to the rate of return, r, of the firm. The K e would be
10% (=r) at the P/E ratio of 10. Therefore, at the P/E ratio of 10, the dividend policy
would have no effect on the value of the share.
(iii) If the P/E is 8 instead of 12.5, then the ke which is the inverse of P/E ratio, would be 12.5
and in such a situation k e > r and the market price, as per Walter’s model would be
D (r / K e ) (E  D)
P= 
Ke Ke
7.50 (.1 / .125) (10  7.5)

= .125 .125

= ` 76
The optimal dividend policy for the firm would be to pay 100% dividend and market price
of share in such case would be
10.0 (0.1/ 0.125) (10 -10)
P= 0.125 + 0.125

= ` 80

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Question 13
The following information relates to Maya Ltd:
Earnings of the company ` 10,00,000
Dividend payout ratio 60%
No. of Shares outstanding 2,00,000
Rate of return on investment 15%
Equity capitalization rate 12%
(i) What would be the market value per share as per Walter’s model ?
(ii) What is the optimum dividend payout ratio according to Walter’s model and the market
value of company’s share at that payout ratio?
(i) Walter’s model is given by –
D  (E  D)(  / k e )
Where, p = Market price per share,
E = Earning per share – ` 5
D = Dividend per share – ` 3
 = Return earned on investment – 15%
ke = Cost of equity capital – 12%
0.15 .15
3  5  3  3  2
p= 0.12  .12 = ` 45.83
0.12 .12
(ii) According to Walter’s model when the return on investment is more than the cost of
equity capital, the price per share increases as the dividend pay-out ratio decreases.
Hence, the optimum dividend pay-out ratio in this case is Nil. So, at a payout ratio of
zero, the market value of the company’s share will be:-
0  5  0 
.12 = ` 52.08

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Question 14
Subhash & Co. earns ` 8 per share having capitalisation rate of 10 per cent and has a return
on investment at the rate of 20 per cent. According to Walter's model, what should be the price
per share at 25 per cent dividend payout ratio? Is this the optimum payout ratio as per
Walter’s Model?
Walter Model is as follows:-
D+ (E-D)
Ve =
Vc = Market value of the share
Ra = Return on retained earnings
Re = Capitalisation rate
E= Earnings per share
D= Dividend per share
Hence, if Walter model is applied-
` 2.00  ` 8.00 ` 2.00
Market value of the share VC  0.10
` 2.00  ` 6.00
VC  0.10
` 2.00 ` 2.00 `14.00
VC   `140
0.10 0.10
This is not the optimum payout ratio because R a> Rc and therefore V e can further group if
payout ratio is reduced.
Question 15
The earnings per share of a company is ` 10 and the rate of capitalisation applicable to it is
10 per cent. The company has three options of paying dividend i.e.(i) 50%,(ii)75% and
(iii)100%. Calculate the market price of the share as per Walter’s model if it can earn a return
of (a) 15, (b) 10 and (c) 5 per cent on its retained earnings.

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D (E  D)
P= ke
P= Price of Share
R= Rate of Earning
Ke = Rate of Capitalisation or Cost of Equity
(i) (ii) (iii)
DP ratio 50% DP ratio 75% DP ratio 100%
(a) Price of Share if  .15   .15   .15 
r =15% 5    (10  5) 7.5    (10  7.5) 10    (10  10)
 .10   .10   .10 
.10 .10 .10
12.5 11.25 10
.10 .10 .10
` 125 ` 112.5 ` 100
(b) Price of Share if  .10   .10   .10 
r = 10% 5    (10  5) 7.5    (10  7.5) 10    (10  10)
 .10   .10   .10 
.10 .10 .10
10 10 10
 ` 100  100  ` 100
.10 .1 .1
(c) Price of Share if  .05   .05   .05 
r = 5% 5    (10  5) 7.5    (10  7.5) 10    (10  10)
 .10   .10   .10 
.10 .10 .10
7.5 8.75 10
 ` 75  87.5  ` 100
.10 .10 .1

Question 16
X Ltd has an internal rate of return @ 20%. It has declared dividend @ 18% on its equity
shares, having face value of ` 10 each. The payout ratio is 36% and Price Earning Ratio is
7.25. Find the cost of equity according to Walter's Model and hence determine the limiting
value of its shares in case the payout ratio is varied as per the said model.

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Dividend Decisions 4.17

Internal Rate of Return (r) = 0.20
Dividend (D) = 1.80
Earnings Per share (E) = =5
Price of share (P) = 5 x 7.25 = 36.25
D (E  D)
0.20(5  1.80)
1.80 
36.25 =
36.25 Ke = 1.80 +
36.25 Ke = 1.80 +

36.25 Ke2 = 1.80 Ke + 0.64

b  b2  4ac

-1.80  (1.80)2 - 4  (-36.25)  0.64

2  (-36.25)

1.80  3.24  92.80

Ke = 16%
Alternatively, it can also be calculated as follows:
36.25 Ke2 – 1.80 Ke – 0.64 = 0
Taking 36.25 common
Ke2 – 0.05 Ke – 0.0176 = 0
Ke2 – 0.16 Ke + 0.11 Ke – 0.0176 = 0

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4.18 Strategic Financial Management

Ke (Ke – 0.16) + 0.11 (Ke – 0.16) = 0

(Ke + 0.11) (Ke – 0.16) = 0
Since Ke = -0.11 is not possible, the possible answer shall be Ke = 0.16 i.e. 16%.
Since the firm is a growing firm, then 100% payout ratio will give limiting value of share
0.20(5  5)
5.00 
P= 0.16
= ` 31.25
Thus limiting value is ` 31.25
Alternatively, 0% payout ratio gives limiting value of shares as follows:
0.20 (5  0)
P= 0.16

= ` 39.06
Thus, limiting value is ` 39.06
Question 17
The following information is collected from the annual reports of J Ltd:
Profit before tax ` 2.50 crore
Tax rate 40 percent
Retention ratio 40 percent
Number of outstanding shares 50,00,000
Equity capitalization rate 12 percent
Rate of return on investment 15 percent
What should be the market price per share according to Gordon's model of dividend policy?

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Dividend Decisions 4.19


Gordon’s Formula
E(1  b)
P0 =
K  br
P0 = Market price per share
E = Earnings per share (` 1.50crore/ 50,00,000) = ` 3
K = Cost of Capital = 12%
b = Retention Ratio (%) = 40%
r = IRR = 15%
br = Growth Rate (0.40X15%) = 6%
P0 =
1.80 ` 1.80
= =
0.12-0.06 0.06
= ` 30.00
Question 18
Mr. A is contemplating purchase of 1,000 equity shares of a Company. His expectation of
return is 10% before tax by way of dividend with an annual growth of 5%. The Company’s last
dividend was ` 2 per share. Even as he is contemplating, Mr. A suddenly finds, due to a
Budget announcement Dividends have been exempted from Tax in the hands of the recipients.
But the imposition of Dividend Distribution Tax on the Company is likely to lead to a fall in
dividend of 20 paise per share. A’s marginal tax rate is 30%.
Calculate what should be Mr. A’s estimates of the price per share before and after the
Budget announcement?
The formula for determining value of a share based on expected dividend is:
D 0 (1  g)
P0 
(k - g)
P0 = Price (or value) per share
D0 = Dividend per share

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g = Growth rate expected in dividend

k = Expected rate of return
Price estimate before budget announcement:
2  (1  0.05)
P  = ` 42.00
0 (0.10 - 0.05)

Price estimate after budget announcement:

1.80  (1.05) 2.00  1.05  0.20
P  = ` 94.50 or P0  = ` 95.00
0 (0.07 - 0.05) (0.07 - 0.05)

Question 19
A firm had been paid dividend at `2 per share last year. The estimated growth of the dividends
from the company is estimated to be 5% p.a. Determine the estimated market price of the
equity share if the estimated growth rate of dividends (i) rises to 8%, and (ii) falls to 3%. Also
find out the present market price of the share, given that the required rate of return of the
equity investors is 15.5%.
In this case the company has paid dividend of `2 per share during the last year. The growth
rate (g) is 5%. Then, the current year dividend (D 1) with the expected growth rate of 5% will be
` 2.10
The share price is = P o =
Ke - g
` 2.10
= = ` 20
0.155  0.05
In case the growth rate rises to 8% then the dividend for the current year. (D 1) would be ` 2.16
and market price would be-
` 2.16
0.155  0.08
= ` 28.80
In case growth rate falls to 3% then the dividend for the current year (D 1) would be ` 2.06 and
market price would be-
` 2.06
0.155  0.03
= `16.48

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So, the market price of the share is expected to vary in response to change in expected
growth rate is dividends.
Question 20
The following information is given for QB Ltd.
Earning per share ` 12
Dividend per share ` 3
Cost of capital 18%
Internal Rate of Return on investment 22%
Retention Ratio 75%
Calculate the market price per share using
(i) Gordon’s formula
(ii) Walter’s formula
(i) Gordon’s Formula
EPS - Dividend Per Share ` 12 - ` 3
Retention Ratio = = = 0.75 i.e. 75%
EPS ` 12

E(1  b)
P0 =
K  br
P0 = Present value of Market price per share
E = Earnings per share
K = Cost of Capital
b = Retention Ratio (%)
r = IRR
br = Growth Rate
12(1 - 0.75)
P0 =
0.18 - ( 0.75 × 0.22)

= = ` 200
0.18 - 0.165

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(ii) Walter’s Formula

D  a (E - D)
Vc =
Vc = Market Price
D = Dividend per share
Ra = IRR
Rc = Cost of Capital
E = Earnings per share
`3 (` 12 -` 3)
= 0.18
` 3  `11
= = ` 77.77
Question 21
X Ltd., has 8 lakhs equity shares outstanding at the beginning of the year. The current market
price per share is ` 120. The Board of Directors of the company is contemplating ` 6.4 per
share as dividend. The rate of capitalisation, appropriate to the risk-class to which the
company belongs, is 9.6%:
(i) Based on M-M Approach, calculate the market price of the share of the company, when
the dividend is – (a) declared; and (b) not declared.
(ii) How many new shares are to be issued by the company, if the company desires to fund
an investment budget of ` 3.20 crores by the end of the year assuming net income for
the year will be ` 1.60 crores?
Modigliani and Miller (M-M) – Dividend Irrelevancy Model:
P1  D1
P0 
1 K e
Po = Existing market price per share i.e. ` 120
P1 = Market price of share at the year-end (to be determined)
D1 = Contemplated dividend per share i.e. ` 6.4
Ke = Capitalisation rate i.e. 9.6%.

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(i) (a) Calculation of share price when dividend is declared:

P1  D1
P0 
1 K e
P1  6.4
120 
1  0.096
120 × 1.096 = P 1 + 6.4
P1 = 120 × 1.096 – 6.4
= 125.12
(b) Calculation of share price when dividend is not declared:
P1  D1
P0 
1 K e
P1  0
120 
1  0.096
120 × 1.096 = P 1 + 0
P1 = 131.52
(ii) Calculation of No. of shares to be issued:
(` in lakhs)
Particulars If dividend If dividend not
declared declared
Net Income 160 160
Less: Dividend paid 51.20 ------
Retained earnings 108.80 160
Investment budget 320 320
Amount to be raised by issue of new shares (i) 211.20 160
Market price per share (ii) 125.12 131.52
No. of new shares to be issued (ii) 1,68,797.95 1,21,654.50
Or say 1,68,798 1,21,655
Question 22
ABC Ltd. has 50,000 outstanding shares. The current market price per share is ` 100 each. It
hopes to make a net income of ` 5,00,000 at the end of current year. The Company’s Board is
considering a dividend of ` 5 per share at the end of current financial year. The company
needs to raise ` 10,00,000 for an approved investment expenditure. The company belongs to

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a risk class for which the capitalization rate is 10%. Show, how the M -M approach affects the
value of firm if the dividends are paid or not paid.
A When dividend is paid
(a) Price per share at the end of year 1
100 = (` 5  P 1)
110 = ` 5 + P1
P1 = 105
(b) Amount required to be raised from issue of new shares
` 10,00,000 – (` 5,00,000 – ` 2,50,000)
` 10,00,000 – ` 2,50,000 = ` 7,50,000
(c) Number of additional shares to be issued
7,50,000 1,50,000
 shares or say 7143 shares
105 21
(d) Value of ABC Ltd.
(Number of shares × Expected Price per share)
i.e., (50,000 + 7,143) × ` 105 = ` 60,00,015
B When dividend is not paid
(a) Price per share at the end of year 1
100 = 1
P1 = 110
(b) Amount required to be raised from issue of new shares
` 10,00,000 – ` 5,00,000 = ` 5,00,000
(c) Number of additional shares to be issued
5,00,000 50,000
 shares or say 4545 shares.
110 11
(d) Value of ABC Ltd.,
(50,000 + 4,545) × `110
= ` 59,99,950
Thus, as per M.M. approach the value of firm in both situations will be the same.

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Question 23
M Ltd. belongs to a risk class for which the capitalization rate is 10%. It has 25,000
outstanding shares and the current market price is ` 100. It expects a net profit of ` 2,50,000
for the year and the Board is considering dividend of ` 5 per share.
M Ltd. requires to raise ` 5,00,000 for an approved investment expenditure. Show, how the
MM approach affects the value of M Ltd. if dividends are paid or not paid.
A When dividend is paid
(a) Price per share at the end of year 1
100 = (` 5  P 1)
110 = ` 5 + P1
P1 = 105
(b) Amount required to be raised from issue of new shares
` 5,00,000 – (` 2,50,000 – ` 1,25,000)
` 5,00,000 – ` 1,25,000 = ` 3,75,000
(c) Number of additional shares to be issued
3,75,000 75,000
 shares or say 3572 shares
105 21
(d) Value of M Ltd.
(Number of shares × Expected Price per share)
i.e., (25,000 + 3,572) × ` 105 = ` 30,00,060
B When dividend is not paid
(a) Price per share at the end of year 1
100 = 1
P1 = 110
(b) Amount required to be raised from issue of new shares
`5,00,000 – 2,50,000 = 2,50,000
(c) Number of additional shares to be issued
2,50,000 25,000
 shares or say 2273 shares.
110 11
(d) Value of M Ltd.,
(25,000 + 2273) × `110
= ` 30,00,030
Whether dividend is paid or not, the value remains the same.

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4.26 Strategic Financial Management

Question 24
RST Ltd. has a capital of ` 10,00,000 in equity shares of ` 100 each. The shares are currently
quoted at par. The company proposes to declare a dividend of ` 10 per share at the end of the
current financial year. The capitalization rate for the risk class of which the company belongs
is 12%. What will be the market price of the share at the end of the year, if
(i) a dividend is not declared?
(ii) a dividend is declared?
(iii) assuming that the company pays the dividend and has net profits of ` 5,00,000 and
makes new investments of ` 10,00,000 during the period, how many new shares must be
issued? Use the MM model.
As per MM model, the current market price of equity share is:
P0 =  ( D1  P1 )
1  ke
(i) If the dividend is not declared:
100 = (0  P1 )
1  0.12
100 =
P1 = ` 112
The Market price of the equity share at the end of the year would be ` 112.
(ii) If the dividend is declared:
100 =  (10  P1 )
1  0.12
10  P1
100 =
112 = 10 + P 1
P1 = 112 – 10 = ` 102
The market price of the equity share at the end of the year would be ` 102.
(iii) In case the firm pays dividend of ` 10 per share out of total profits of ` 5,00,000 and
plans to make new investment of ` 10,00,000, the number of shares to be issued may be
found as follows:

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Total Earnings ` 5,00,000

- Dividends paid 1,00,000
Retained earnings 4,00,000
Total funds required 10,00,000
Fresh funds to be raised 6,00,000
Market price of the share 102
Number of shares to be issued (`6,00,000 / 102) 5,882.35
or, the firm would issue 5,883 shares at the rate of `102
Question 25
In December, 2011 AB Co.'s share was sold for ` 146 per share. A long term earnings growth
rate of 7.5% is anticipated. AB Co. is expected to pay dividend of ` 3.36 per share.
(i) What rate of return an investor can expect to earn assuming that dividends are expected
to grow along with earnings at 7.5% per year in perpetuity?
(ii) It is expected that AB Co. will earn about 10% on book Equity and shall retain 60% of
earnings. In this case, whether, there would be any change in growth rate and cost of Equity?
(i) According to Dividend Discount Model approach the firm’s expected or required return on
equity is computed as follows:
e 
K  g
Ke = Cost of equity share capital
D1 = Expected dividend at the end of year 1
P0 = Current market price of the share.
g = Expected growth rate of dividend.
Therefore, K e   7.5%
= 0.0230 +0.075 = 0.098
Or, Ke = 9.80%
(ii) With rate of return on retained earnings (r) 10% and retention ratio (b) 60%, new growth
rate will be as follows:
g= br i.e.

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= 0.10 X 0.60 = 0.06

Accordingly dividend will also get changed and to calculate this, first we shall calculate
previous retention ratio (b1) and then EPS assuming that rate of return on retained
earnings (r) is same.
With previous Growth Rate of 7.5% and r =10% the retention ratio comes out to be:
0.075 =b 1 X 0.10
b1 = 0.75 and payout ratio = 0.25
With 0.25 payout ratio the EPS will be as follows:
= 13.44
With new 0.40 (1 – 0.60) payout ratio the new dividend will be
D1 = 13.44 X 0.40 = 5.376
Accordingly new Ke will be
Ke   6.0%
or, Ke = 9.68%
EPS with 6% growth rate instead of 7.5%.
13.44× = 13.25
With new 0.40 (1 – 0.60) payout ratio the new dividend will be
D1 = 13.25 X 0.40 = 5.30
Accordingly new Ke will be
Ke   6.0%
or, Ke = 9.63%
Question 26
X Ltd. is a Shoes manufacturing company. It is all equity financed and has a paid-tip Capital of
` 10,00,000 (` 10 per share)
X Ltd. has hired Swastika consultants to analyse the future earnings. The report of Swastika
consultants states as follows:
(i) The earnings and dividend will grow at 25% for the next two years.

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(ii) Earnings are likely to grow at the rate of 10% from 3rd year and onwards.
(iii) Further, if there is reduction in earnings growth, dividend payout ratio will increase to
The other data related to the company are as follows:
Year EPS (`) Net Dividend per share (`) Share Price (`)
2010 6.30 2.52 63.00
2011 7.00 2.80 46.00
2012 7.70 3.08 63.75
2013 8.40 3.36 68.75
2014 9.60 3.84 93.00
You may assume that the tax rate is 30% (not expected to change in future) and post tax cost
of capital is 15%.
By using the Dividend Valuation Model, calculate
(i) Expected Market Price per share
(ii) P/E Ratio.
(a) The formula for the Dividend valuation Model is
P  1
0 K g
Ke = Cost of Capital
g = Growth rate
D1= Dividend at the end of year 1
On the basis of the information given, the following projection can be made:
Year EPS (`) DPS (`) PVF @15% PV of DPS (`)
2015 12.00 4.80 0.870 4.176
(9.60 x 125%) (3.84 x 125%)
2016 15.00 6.00 0.756 4.536
(12.00 x 125%) (4.80 x 125%)
2017 16.50 8.25* 0.658 5.429
(15.00 x 110%) (50% of ` 16.50)

*Payout Ratio changed to 50%.

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4.30 Strategic Financial Management

After 2017, the perpetuity value assuming 10% constant annual growth is:
D1= ` 8.25 × 110% = ` 9.075
Therefore P o from the end of 2017
` 9.075
 ` 181.50
0.15  0.10
This must be discounted back to the present value, using the 3 year discount factor after
Present Value of P 0 (` 181.50 × 0.658) 119.43
Add: PV of Dividends 2015 to 2017 14.14
Expected Market Price of Share 133.57
(b) P/E Ratio
Expected Market Price of Share P1 
P/E Ratio =
` 133.57
= = ` 13.91
` 9.60
Question 27
Rahim Enterprises is a manufacturer and exporter of woolen garments to European countries.
Their business is expanding day by day and in the previous financial year the company has
registered a 25% growth in export business. The company is in the process of considering a
new investment project. It is an all equity financed company with 10,00,000 equity shares of
face value of ` 50 per share. The current issue price of this share is ` 125 ex-divided. Annual
earning are ` 25 per share and in the absence of new investments will remain constant in
perpetuity. All earnings are distributed at present. A new investment is available whi ch will
cost ` 1,75,00,000 in one year’s time and will produce annual cash inflows thereafter of
` 50,00,000. Analyse the effect of the new project on dividend payments and the share price.
D 25
(i) Let us first compute the Cost of Equity k e = = = 20%
P 125
(ii) Current Earning = ` 25 x 10,00,000 = ` 2,50,00,000

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The new project can be financed by retaining ` 1,75,00,000 of ` 2,50,00,000 earning

next year, reducing dividend payment to ` 75,00,000 or
` 75,00,000
= ` 7.50 per share

(iii) In the following years, dividend will increase due to the cash generated by the new
project. Dividend per share in year 2 shall be:
` 2,50,00,000  ` 50,00,000
= ` 30 per share

(iv) The new share price can be calculated by finding the Present Value of the revised
dividend payments:
` 7.50 ` 30.00 1
P= + × = ` 131.25 per share
1.20 0.20 1.20

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Partially Applicable for New Syllabus, Look Inside.
Applicable Questions are Marked

Indian Capital Market

1. Introduction
Indian financial market consists of capital market, money market and the debt market.
2. Capital Markets/Securities Market
The capital markets are relatively for long-term (greater than one year maturity) financial
instruments (e.g. bonds and stocks).
• Primary Market: A market where new securities are bought and sold for the first
time is called the New Issues market or the IPO market.
• Secondary Market: A market in which an investor purchases a security from
another investor rather than the issuer, subsequent to the original issuance in the
primary market.
There are many similarities and differences between Primary Market and Capital
3. Stock Exchange and Its Operations
Stock exchange is a place where the securities issued by the Government, public bodies
and Joint Stock Companies are traded.
4. Leading Stock Exchanges in India
(a) Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE): It is the oldest stock exchange in Asia.
It’s index is SENSEX. The Exchange has a nation-wide reach with a presence in
417 cities and towns of India. The BSE's On-Line Trading System (BOLT) is a
proprietary system of the Exchange and is BS 7799-2-2002 certified. The
surveillance and clearing and settlement functions of the Exchange are ISO
9001:2000 certified.
(b) National Stock Exchange (NSE): It was promoted by leading Financial Institutions
at the behest of the Government of India and was incorporated in November 1992.
It uses satellite communication technology to energize participation from around
320 cities spread all over the country. NSE can handle up to 6 million trades per
day in Capital Market segment. NSE is one of the largest interactive VSAT based
stock exchanges in the world. Today it supports more than 3000 VSATs.
5. Leading Stock Exchanges Abroad
(a) New York Stock Exchange (NYSE): was established in 1792. Each day on the

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NYSE trading floor an auction takes place. Open bid and offers are managed
on The Trading Floor by Exchange members acting on behalf of institutions and
individual investors Buy and sell orders for each listed security meet directly on
the trading floor in assigned locations. Prices are determined through supply
and demand. Stocks buy and sell orders funnel through a single location,
ensuring that the investor, no matter how big or small, is exposed to a wide
range of buyers and sellers.
(b) Nasdaq: It is known for its growth, liquidity, depth of market and the world’s most
powerful, forward-looking technologies. Nasdaq National Market companies include
some of the largest, best known companies in the world.
(c) London Stock Exchange: Established in 1760. Dealing in shares is conducted via
an off-market trading facility operated by Cazenovia and Company. It provides a
range of services for companies as well as for investors and also regulates the
markets to give protection to investors and companies to maintain its reputation for
high standards and integrity.
6. Functions of Stock Exchanges
(a) Liquidity and Marketability of Securities;
(b) Fair Price Determination;
(c) Source for Long term Funds;
(d) Helps in Capital Formation; and
(e) Reflects the General State of Economy.
7. Stock Market Index
(a) Features
• Representative of entire Stock Market.
• Replacement of one company’s share with other company’s share.
• Flagship Indices- BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty
(b) Computation of Index
Total market capitalisation for current day
Index Value = Index on Previous Day X
Total capitalisation of the previous day
8. Settlement and Settlement Cycle
SEBI introduced a new settlement cycle known as the ‘rolling settlement cycle’. This
cycle starts and ends on the same day and settlement take place on the ‘T+X’ days
where X is 2 days, which is the business days from the date of the transactions. NSE and
BSE follow this cycle.
9. Clearing Houses
Charged with the function of ensuring (guaranteeing) the financial integrity of each trade.

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5.3 Strategic Financial Management

The role of Clearing House is as under:

• It ensures adherence to the system and procedures for smooth trading.
• It minimises credit risks by being a counter party to all trades.
• It involves daily accounting of all gains or losses.
• It ensures delivery of payment for assets on the maturity dates for all
outstanding contracts.
• It monitors the maintenance of speculation margins.
10. E-IPO
In addition to other requirements for public issue as given in SEBI guidelines wherever
applicable, a company proposing to issue capital to public through the on-line system of
the stock exchange for offer of securities has to comply with additional requirements in
this regard.
For E-IPO, the company should enter into agreement with the stock exchange(s) and the
stock exchange would appoint SEBI registered stock brokers of the stock exchange to
accept applications.
11. Capital Market Instruments
• Equity Shares: It is a share in the ownership of a company. Stock represents a
claim on the company's assets and earnings. It entitles the owner to vote at
shareholders' meetings and to receive dividends.
• Preference Shares: These shares form part of the share capital of the company
which carry a preferential right to be paid in case a company goes bankrupt or is
liquidated. They do not have voting rights but have a higher claim on the assets
and earnings of the company.
• Debentures/ Bonds: A bond is a long-term debt security. It represents “debt” in
that the bond buyer actually lends the face amount to the bond issuer.
Coupon Rate + Pr orated Discount
(Face Value + Purchase Pr ice ) / 2
• American Depository Receipts (ADRs): An American Depository Receipt (ADR)
is a negotiable receipt which represents one or more depository shares held by a
US custodian bank, which in turn represent underlying shares of non-issuer held by
a custodian in the home country.
• Global Depository Receipts (GDRs): They are negotiable certificates with publicly
traded equity of the issuer as underlying security. An issue of depository receipts
would involve the issuer, issuing agent to a foreign depository. The depository, in
turn, issues GDRs to investors evidencing their rights as shareholders Depository
receipts are denominated in foreign currency and are listed on an international
exchange such as London or Luxembourg. GDRs enable investors to trade a dollar

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denominated instrument on an international stock exchange and yet have rights in

foreign shares.
12. Derivatives: It is a financial instrument which derives its value from some other financial
price. This ‘other financial price’ is called the underlying.
Types of Derivative Risks
(a) Credit risk: Credit risk is the risk of loss due to counterparty’s failure to perform on
an obligation to the institution.
(b) Market risk: Market risk is the risk of loss due to adverse changes in the market
value (the price) of an instrument or portfolio of instruments.
(c) Liquidity risk: Liquidity risk is the risk of loss due to failure of an institution to meet
its funding requirements or to execute a transaction at a reasonable price.
(d) Operational risk: Operational risk is the risk of loss occurring as a result of
inadequate systems and control, deficiencies in information systems, human error,
or management failure.
(e) Legal risk: Legal risk is the risk of loss arising from contracts which are not legally
enforceable (e.g. the counterparty does not have the power or authority to enter into
a particular type of derivatives transaction) or documented correctly.
(f) Regulatory risk: Regulatory risk is the risk of loss arising from failure to comply
with regulatory or legal requirements.
(g) Reputation risk: Reputation risk is the risk of loss arising from adverse public
opinion and damage to reputation.
13. Types of Financial Derivatives
• Future Contract: It is an agreement between two parties that commits one party to
buy an underlying financial instrument (bond, stock or currency) or commodity
(gold, soybean or natural gas) and one party to sell a financial instrument or
commodity at a specific price at a future date.
• Stock Options: A privilege, sold by one party to another, that gives the buyer right
not an obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a stock at an agreed upon price within a
certain period on or a specific date regardless of changes in its market price during
that period.
• Stock Index Futures: Stock index futures may be used to either speculate on
the equity market's general performance or to hedge a stock portfolio against a
decline in value.
• Stock Index Option: A call or put option on a financial index. Investors trading
index options are essentially betting on the overall movement of the stock market
as represented by a basket of stocks.
14. Option Valuation Techniques
(a) Binomial Model: The Binomial Model breaks down the time to expiration into

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potentially a very large number of time intervals, or steps. With the binomial model it
is possible to check at every point in an option's life (i.e. at every step of the
binomial tree) for the possibility of early exercise (e.g. where, due to e.g. a dividend,
or a put being deeply in the money the option price at that point is less than its
intrinsic value).
(b) Risk Neutral Method: The basic argument in this approach is that since the
valuation of options is based on arbitrage and is therefore independent of risk
preferences and assuming any set of risk we should get the same answer as by
using Binomial Model.
(c) Black-Scholes Model: The Black-Scholes model is used to calculate a theoretical
price (ignoring dividends paid during the life of the option) using the five key
determinants of an option's price: stock price, strike price, volatility, time to
expiration, and short-term (risk free) interest rate.


The variables are:

S = current stock price
X = strike price of the option
t = time remaining until expiration, expressed as a percent of a year
r = current continuously compounded risk-free interest rate
v = annual volatility of stock price (the standard deviation of the short-
term returns over one year).
ln = natural logarithm
N(x) = standard normal cumulative distribution function
e = the exponential function
(d) Greeks: The Greeks are a collection of statistical values (expressed as
percentages) that give the investor a better overall view of how a stock has been
performing :
(i) Delta: It is the degree to which an option price will move given a small change
in the underlying stock price. A deeply out-of-the-money call will have a delta
very close to zero; a deeply in-the-money call will have a delta very close to 1.
The formula for a delta of a European call on a non-dividend paying stock is:

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Delta = N (d1) (see Black-Scholes formula for d1)

(ii) Gamma: It measures how fast the delta changes for small changes in the
underlying stock price. It is the delta of the delta.
(iii) Theta: The change in option price given a one day decrease in time to
expiration. It is a measure of time decay.
(iv) Rho: The change in option price given a one percentage point change in the
risk-free interest rate.
(v) Vega: Sensitivity of option value to change in volatility.
(e) Pricing Future Contract
Cost-of-Carry Model: It is an arbitrage-free pricing model. Its central theme is that
futures contract is so priced as to preclude arbitrage profit.
Futures price = Spot Price + Carry Cost – Carry Return
15. Embedded Derivatives
It is a derivative instrument that is embedded in another contract - the host contract. The
host contract might be a debt or equity instrument, a lease, an insurance contract or a
sale or purchase contract.
16. Commodity Derivatives
Trading in derivatives first started to protect farmers from the risk of the value of their
crop going below the cost price of their produce. Derivative contracts were offered on
various agricultural products like cotton, rice, coffee, wheat, pepper, etc. Commodity
futures and swaps are also available.
17. Commodity Exchanges in India
(a) National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX): NCDEX is a
public limited company incorporated on April 23, 2003 under the Companies Act,
1956. It is the only commodity exchange in the country promoted by national level
institutions. NCDEX is regulated by Forward Market Commission in respect of
futures trading in commodities.
(b) Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX): MCX is an independent and de-mutualised
multi commodity exchange. It has permanent recognition from the Government of
India for facilitating online trading, clearing and settlement operations for
commodities futures market across the country.
(c) Indian Commodity Exchange (ICEX): It is a screen based on-line derivatives
exchange for commodities. It has robust assaying and warehousing facilities in
order to facilitate deliveries.
(d) National Multi-Commodity Exchange of India (NMCE): It is the first de-
mutualised Electronic Multi-Commodity Exchange of India being granted the
National status on a permanent basis by the Government of India and operational

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5.7 Strategic Financial Management

since 26th November 2002.

18. OTC Derivatives
It is a derivative contract which is privately negotiated. OTC trades have no anonymity,
and they generally do not go through a clearing corporation.
• OTC Interest Rate Derivatives: Over-the-counter (OTC) interest rate derivatives
include instruments such as forward rate agreements (FRAs), interest rate swaps,
caps, floors, and collars
• FRA: It is a forward contract that sets terms for the exchange of cash payments
based on changes in the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR).
• Final settlement of the amounts owed by the parties to an FRA is determined by the
• Payment
(N)(RR - FR)(dtm/DY)
[1 + RR(dtm/DY)]
N = the notional principal amount of the agreement;
RR = Reference Rate for the maturity specified by the contract prevailing
on the contract settlement date;
FR = Agreed-upon Forward Rate; and
dtm = maturity of the forward rate, specified in days (FRA Days)
DY = Day count basis applicable to money market transactions which could
be 360or 365 days.
• Interest rate swaps: They provide for the exchange of payments based on
differences between two different interest rates;
• Interest rate caps, floors, and collars: They are option-like agreements that
require one party to make payments to the other when a stipulated interest rate,
most often a specified maturity of LIBOR, moves outside of some
predetermined range.

Question 1
Write a note about the functions of merchant banker.
Functions of Merchant Bankers: The basic function of merchant banker or investment
banker is marketing of corporate and other securities. In the process, he performs a number of
services concerning various aspects of marketing, viz., origination, underwriting, and

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Indian Capital Market 5.8

distribution, of securities. During the regime of erstwhile Controller of Capital Issues in India,
when new issues were priced at a significant discount to their market prices, the merchant
banker’s job was limited to ensuring press coverage and dispatching subscription forms to
every corner of the country. Now, merchant bankers are designing innovative instruments and
perform a number of other services both for the issuing companies as well as the investors the
activities or services performed by merchant bankers, in India, today include:
(a) Project promotion services.
(b) Project finance.
(c) Management and marketing of new issues.
(d) Underwriting of new issues.
(e) Syndication of credit.
(f) Leasing services.
(g) Corporate advisory services.
(h) Providing venture capital.
(i) Operating mutual funds and off shore funds.
(j) Investment management or portfolio management services.
(k) Bought out deals.
(l) Providing assistance for technical and financial collaborations and joint ventures.
(m) Management of and dealing in commercial paper.
(n) Investment services for non-resident Indians.
Question 2
Write short note on Asset Securitisation.
Asset Securitisation: Securitisation is a process of transformation of illiquid asset into
security which may be traded later in the open market. It is the process of transformation of
the assets of a lending institution into negotiable instruments. The term ‘securitisation’ refers
to both switching away from bank intermediation to direct financing via capital market and/or
money market, and the transformation of a previously illiquid asset like automobile loans,
mortgage loans, trade receivables, etc. into marketable instruments.
This is a method of recycling of funds. It is beneficial to financial intermediaries, as it helps in
enhancing lending funds. Future receivables, EMIs and annuities are pooled together and
transferred to a special purpose vehicle (SPV). These receivables of the future are shifted to
mutual funds and bigger financial institutions. This process is similar to that of commercial
banks seeking refinance with NABARD, IDBI, etc.

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5.9 Strategic Financial Management

Question 3
Write a note on buy-back of shares by companies.
Buyback of shares: Till 1998, buyback of equity shares was not permitted in India. But now
they are permitted after suitably amending the Companies Act, 1956. However, the buyback of
shares in India are permitted under certain guidelines issued by the Government as well as by
the SEBI. Several companies have opted for such buyback including Reliance, Bajaj, and
Ashok Leyland to name a few. In India, the corporate sector generally chooses to buyback by
the tender method or the open market purchase method. The company, under the tender
method, offers to buy back shares at a specific price during a specified period which is usually
one month. Under the open market purchase method, a company buys shares from the
secondary market over a period of one year subject to a maximum price fixed by the
management. Companies seem to now have a distinct preference for the open market
purchase method as it gives them greater flexibility regarding time and price.
As impact of buyback, the P/E ratio may change as a consequence of buyback operation. The
P/E ratio may rise if investors view buyback positively or it may fall if the investors regard
buyback negatively.
Rationale of buyback: Range from various considerations. Some of them may be:
(i) For efficient allocation of resources.
(ii) For ensuring price stability in share prices.
(iii) For taking tax advantages.
(iv) For exercising control over the company.
(v) For saving from hostile takeover.
(vi) To provide capital appreciation to investors this may otherwise be not available.
This, however, has some disadvantages also like, manipulation of share prices by its
promoters, speculation, collusive trading etc.
Question 4
(a) Briefly explain ‘Buy Back of Securities’ and give the management objectives of buying
Back Securities.
(b) Explain the term ‘Insider Trading’ and why Insider Trading is punishable.
(a) Buy Back of Securities: Companies are allowed to buy back equity shares or any other
security specified by the Union Government. In India Companies are required to
extinguish shares bought back within seven days. In USA Companies are allowed to hold
bought back shares as treasury stock, which may be reissued. A company buying back

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shares makes an offer to purchase shares at a specified price. Shareholders accept the
offer and surrender their shares.
The following are the management objectives of buying back securities:
(i) To return excess cash to shareholders, in absence of appropriate investment
(ii) To give a signal to the market that shares are undervalued.
(iii) To increase promoters holding, as a percentage of total outstanding shares, without
additional investment. Thus, buy back is often used as a defence mechanism
against potential takeover.
(iv) To change the capital structure.
(b) Insider Trading: The insider is any person who accesses the price sensitive information
of a company before it is published to the general public. Insider includes corporate
officers, directors, owners of firm etc. who have substantial interest in the company.
Even, persons who have access to non-public information due to their relationship with
the company such as internal or statutory auditor, agent, advisor, analyst consultant etc.
who have knowledge of material, ‘inside’ information not available to general public.
Insider trading practice is the act of buying or selling or dealing in securities by as a person
having unpublished inside information with the intention of making abnormal profit’s and
avoiding losses. This inside information includes dividend declaration, issue or buy back of
securities, amalgamation, mergers or take over, major expansion plans etc.
The word insider has wide connotation. An outsider may be held to be an insider by
virtue of his engaging himself in this practice on the strength of inside information.
Insider trading practices are lawfully prohibited. The regulatory bodies in general are
imposing different fines and penalties for those who indulge in such practices. Based on
the recommendation of Sachar Committee and Patel Committee, SEBI has framed
various regulations and implemented the same to prevent the insider trading practices.
Recently SEBI has made several changes to strengthen the existing insider Trading
Regulation, 1992 and new Regulation as SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2002 has been introduced. Insider trading which is an unethical practice
resorted by those in power in corporates has manifested not only in India but elsewhere in
the world causing huge losses to common investors thus driving them away from capital
market. Therefore, it is punishable.
Question 5
Write short note on Stock Lending Scheme.
Stock Lending: In ‘stock lending’, the legal title of a security is temporarily transferred from a
lender to a borrower. The lender retains all the benefits of ownership, other than the voting

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5.11 Strategic Financial Management

rights. The borrower is entitled to utilize the securities as required but is liable to the lender for
all benefits.
A securities lending programme is used by the lenders to maximize yields on their portfolio.
Borrowers use the securities lending programme to avoid settlement failures.
Securities lending provide income opportunities for security-holders and creates liquidity to
facilitate trading strategies for borrowers It is particularly attractive for large institutional
shareholders as it is an easy way of generating income to offset custody fees and requires
little involvement of time. It facilitates timely settlement, increases the settlements, reduces
market volatility and improves liquidity.
The borrower deposits collateral securities with the approved, intermediary. In case the
borrower fails to return the securities, he will be declared a defaulter and the approved
intermediary will liquidate the collateral deposited with it. In the event of default, the approved
intermediary is liable for making good the loss caused to the lender. The borrower cannot
discharge his liabilities of returning the equivalent securities through payment in cash or kind.
Current Status in India: National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd. launched its stock
lending operations (christened Automated Lending & Borrowing Mechanism – ALBM) on
February 10, 1999. This was the beginning of the first real stock lending operation in the
country. Stock Holding Corporation of India, Deutsche Bank and Reliance are the other three
stock lending intermediaries registered with SEBI.
Under NSCCL system only dematerialized stocks are eligible. The NSCCL’S stock lending
system is screen based, thus instantly opening up participation from across the country
wherever there is an NSE trading terminal. The transactions are guaranteed by NSCCL and
the participating members are the clearing members of NSCCL. The main features of NSCCL
system are:
(i) The session will be conducted every Wednesday on NSE screen where borrowers and
lenders enter their requirements either as a purchase order indicating an intention to
borrow or as sale, indicating intention to lend.
(ii) Previous day’s closing price of a security will be taken as the lending price of the
(iii) The fee or interest that a lender gets will be market determined and will be the difference
between the lending price and the price arrived at the ALBM session.
(iv) Corresponding to a normal market segment, there will be an ALBM session.
(v) Funds towards each borrowing will have to be paid in on the securities lending day.
(vi) A participant will be required to pay-in-funds equal to the total value of the securities
(vii) The same amount of securities has to be returned at the end of the ALBM settlement on
the day of the pay-out of the ALBM settlement.

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(viii) The previous day’s closing price is called the lending price and the rate at which the
lending takes place is called the lending fee. This lending fee alone is determined in the
course of ALBM session.
(ix) Fee adjustment shall be made for any lender not making full delivery of a security. The
lender’s account shall be debited for the quantity not delivered.
(x) The borrower account shall be debited to the extent of the securities not lend on account
of funds shortage.
Question 6
Write a short note on ‘Book building’.
Book Building: Book building is a technique used for marketing a public offer of equity shares
of a company. It is a way of raising more funds from the market. After accepting the free
pricing mechanism by the SEBI, the book building process has acquired too much significance
and has opened a new lead in development of capital market.
A company can use the process of book building to fine tune its price of issue. When a
company employs book building mechanism, it does not pre-determine the issue price (in case
of equity shares) or interest rate (in case of debentures) and invite subscription to the issue.
Instead it starts with an indicative price band (or interest band) which is determined through
consultative process with its merchant banker and asks its merchant banker to invite bids from
prospective investors at different prices (or different rates). Those who bid are required to pay
the full amount. Based on the response received from investors the final price is selected. The
merchant banker (called in this case Book Runner) has to manage the entire book building
process. Investors who have bid a price equal to or more than the final price selected are
given allotment at the final price selected. Those who have bid for a lower price will get their
money refunded.
In India, there are two options for book building process. One, 25 per cent of the issue has to
be sold at fixed price and 75 per cent is through book building. The other option is to split 25
per cent of offer to the public (small investors) into a fixed price portion of 10 per cent and a
reservation in the book built portion amounting to 15 per cent of the issue size. The rest of the
book-built portion is open to any investor.
The greatest advantage of the book building process is that this allows for price and demand
discovery. Secondly, the cost of issue is much less than the other traditional methods of
raising capital. In book building, the demand for shares is known before the issue closes. In
fact, if there is not much demand the issue may be deferred and can be rescheduled after
having realised the temper of the market.
Question 7
Explain the term “Offer for Sale”.

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Offer for sale is also known as bought out deal (BOD). It is a new method of offering equity
shares, debentures etc., to the public. In this method, instead of dealing directly with the
public, a company offers the shares/debentures through a sponsor. The sponsor may be a
commercial bank, merchant banker, an institution or an individual. It is a type of wholesale of
equities by a company. A company allots shares to a sponsor at an agreed price between the
company and sponsor. The sponsor then passes the consideration money to the company and
in turn gets the shares duly transferred to him. After a specified period as agreed between the
company and sponsor, the shares are issued to the public by the sponsor with a premium.
After the public offering, the sponsor gets the shares listed in one or more stock exchanges.
The holding cost of such shares by the sponsor may be reimbursed by the company or the
sponsor may get the profit by issue of shares to the public at premium.
Thus, it enables the company to raise the funds easily and immediately. As per SEBI
guidelines, no listed company can go for BOD. A privately held company or an unlisted
company can only go for BOD. A small or medium size company which needs money urgently
chooses to BOD. It is a low cost method of raising funds. The cost of public issue is around
8% in India. But this method lacks transparency. There will be scope for misuse also. Besides
this, it is expensive like the public issue method. One of the most serious short coming of this
method is that the securities are sold to the investing public usually at a premium. The margin
thus between the amount received by the company and the price paid by the public does not
become additional funds of the company, but it is pocketed by the issuing houses or the
existing shareholder.
Question 8
Explain the terms ESOS and ESPS with reference to the SEBI guidelines for The Employees
Stock Option Plans (ESOPs).
1. Meaning
Employee Stock Option Scheme means a Employee Stock Purchase Scheme means a
scheme under which the company grants scheme under which the company offers
option to employees. shares to employees as a part of public issue.
2. Auditors’ Certificate
Auditors’ Certificate to be placed at each No such Certificate is required.
AGM stating that the scheme has been
implemented as per the guidelines and in
accordance with the special resolution

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3. Transferability
It is not transferable. It is transferable after lock in period.
4. Consequences of failure
The amount payable may be forfeited. If the Not applicable.
option is not vested due to non-fulfillment of
condition relating to vesting of option then
the amount may be refunded to the
5. Lock in period
Minimum period of 1 year shall be there One year from the date of allotment. If the
between the grant and vesting of options. ESPS is part of public issue and the shares
Company is free to specify the lock in period are issued to employees at the same price as
for the shares issued pursuant to exercise of in the public issue, the shares issued to
option. employees pursuant to ESPS shall not be
subject to any lock in.

Question 9
What is the procedure for the book building process? Explain the recent changes made in the
allotment process.
The modern and more popular method of share pricing these days is the BOOK BUILDING
route. After appointing a merchant banker as a book runner, the company planning the IPO,
specifies the number of shares it wishes to sell and also mentions a price band. Investors
place their orders in Book Building process that is similar to bidding at an auction. The willing
investors submit their bids above the floor price indicated by the company in the price band to
the book runner. Once the book building period ends, the book runner evaluates the bids on
the basis of the prices received, investor quality and timing of bids. Then the book runner and
the company conclude the final price at which the issuing company is willing to issue the stock
and allocate securities. Traditionally, the number of shares is fixed and the issue size gets
determined on the basis of price per share discovered through the book building process.
Public issues these days are targeted at various segments of the investing fraternity.
Companies now allot certain portions of the offering to different segments so that everyone
gets a chance to participate. The segments are traditionally three - qualified institutional
bidders (Q1Bs), high net worth individuals (HNIs) and retail investors (general public). Indian
companies now have to offer about 50% of the offer to Q1Bs, about 15% to high net worth
individuals and the remaining 35% to retail investors Earlier retail and high net worth
individuals had 25% each. Also the Q1Bs are allotted shares on a pro-rata basis as compared
to the earlier norm when it was at the discretion of the company management and the
investment bankers. These investors (Q1B) also have to pay 10% margin on application. This

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is also a new requirement. Once the offer is completed, the company gets listed and investors
and shareholders can trade the shares of the company in the stock exchange.
Question 10
Explain briefly the advantages of holding securities in ‘demat’ form rather than in physical
Advantages of Holding Securities in ‘Demat’ Form: The Depositories Act, 1996 provides
the framework for the establishment and working of depositories enabling transactions in
securities in scripless (or demat) form. With the arrival of depositories on the scene, many of
the problems previously encountered in the market due to physical handling of securities have
been to a great extent minimized. In a broad sense, therefore, it can be said that ‘dematting’
has helped to broaden the market and make it smoother and more efficient.
From an individual investor point of view, the following are important advantages of holding
securities in demat form:
• It is speedier and avoids delay in transfer
• It avoids lot of paper work.
• It saves on stamp duty.
From the issuer-company point of view also, there are significant advantages due to
dematting, some of which are:
• Savings in printing certificates, postage expenses.
• Stamp duty waiver.
• Easy monitoring of buying/selling patterns in securities, increasing ability to spot takeover
attempts and attempts at price rigging.
Question 11
Write short notes on the Stock Lending Scheme – its meaning, advantages and risk involved.
Stock Lending Scheme: Stock lending means transfer of security. The legal title is
temporarily transferred from a lender to a borrower. The lender retains all the benefits of
ownership, except voting power/rights. The borrower is entitled to utilize the securities as
required but is liable to the lender for all benefits such as dividends, rights etc. The basic
purpose of stock borrower is to cover the short sales i.e. selling the shares without possessing
them. SEBI has introduced scheme for securities lending and borrowing in 1997.
(1) Lenders to get return (as lending charges) from it, instead of keeping it idle.

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(2) Borrower uses it to avoid settlement failure and loss due to auction.
(3) From the view-point of market this facilitates timely settlement, increase in settlement,
reduce market volatility and improves liquidity.
(4) This prohibits fictitious Bull Run.
The borrower has to deposit the collateral securities, which could be cash, bank guarantees,
government securities or certificates of deposits or other securities, with the approved
intermediary. In case, the borrower fails to return the securities, he will be declared a defaulter
and the approved intermediary will liquidate the collateral deposited with it.
In the event of default, the approved intermediary is liable for making good the loss caused to
the lender.
The borrower cannot discharge his liabilities of returning the equivalent securities through
payment in cash or kind.
National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd. (NSCCL), Stock Holding Corporation of India
(SHCIL), Deutsche Bank, and Reliance Capital etc. are the registered and approved
intermediaries for the purpose of stock lending scheme. NSCCL proposes to offer a number of
schemes, including the Automated Lending and Borrowing Mechanism (ALBM), automatic
borrowing for settlement failures and case by case borrowing.
Question 12
How is a stock market index calculated? Indicate any two important stock market indices.
1. A base year is set alongwith a basket of base shares.
2. The changes in the market price of these shares is calculated on a daily basis.
3. The shares included in the index are those shares which are traded regularly in high
4. In case the trading in any share stops or comes down then it gets excluded and another
company’s shares replace it.
5. Following steps are involved in calculation of index on a particular date:
 Calculate market capitalization of each individual company comprising the index.
 Calculate the total market capitalization by adding the individual market
capitalization of all companies in the index.
 Computing index of next day requires the index value and the total market
capitalization of the previous day and is computed as follows:
Total market capitalisation for current day
 Index Value = Index on Previous Day X
Total capitalisation of the previous day

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 It should also be noted that Indices may also be calculated using the price weighted
method. Here the share prices of the constituent companies form the weights.
However, almost all equity indices world-wide are calculated using the market
capitalization weighted method.
Each stock exchange has a flagship index like in India Sensex of BSE and Nifty of NSE
and outside India is Dow Jones, FTSE etc.
Question 13
What is a depository? Who are the major players of a depository system? What advantages
does the depository system offer to the clearing member?
(i) A depository is an organization where the securities of a shareholder are held in the form
of electronic accounts in the same way as a bank holds money. The depository holds
electronic custody of securities and also arranges for transfer of ownership of securities
on the settlement dates.
(ii) Players of the depository system are:
• Depository
• Issuers or Company
• Depository participants
• Clearing members
• Corporation
• Stock brokers
• Clearing Corporation
• Investors
• Banks
(iii) Advantages to Clearing Member
• Enhanced liquidity, safety, and turnover on stock market.
• Opportunity for development of retail brokerage business.
• Ability to arrange pledges without movement of physical scrip and further increase
of trading activity, liquidity and profits.
• Improved protection of shareholder’s rights resulting from more timely
communications from the issuer.
• Reduced transaction costs.
• Elimination of forgery and counterfeit instruments with attendant reduction in
settlement risk from bad deliveries.

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• Provide automation to post-trading processing.

• Standardisation of procedures.
Question 14
Write a short note on depository participant.
Under this system, the securities (shares, debentures, bonds, Government Securities, MF
units etc.) are held in electronic form just like cash in a bank account. To speed up the transfer
mechanism of securities from sale, purchase, transmission, SEBI introduced Depository
Services also known as Dematerialization of listed securities. It is the process by which
certificates held by investors in physical form are converted to an equivalent number of
securities in electronic form. The securities are credited to the investor’s account maintained
through an intermediary called Depository Participant (DP). Shares/Securities once
dematerialized lose their independent identities. Separate numbers are allotted for such
dematerialized securities. Organization holding securities of investors in electronic form and
which renders services related to transactions in securities is called a Depository. A depository
holds securities in an account, transfers securities from one account holder to another without
the investors having to handle these in their physical form. The depository is a safe keeper of
securities for and on behalf of the investors. All corporate benefits such as Dividends, Bonus,
Rights etc. are issued to security holders as were used to be issued in case of physical form.
Question 15
Write short note on Advantages of a depository system.
Advantages of a Depository System
The different stake-holders have advantages flowing out of the depository system. They are:-
(I) For the Capital Market:
(i) It eliminates bad delivery;
(ii) It helps to eliminate voluminous paper work;
(iii) It helps in the quick settlement of dues and also reduces the settlement time;
(iv) It helps to eliminate the problems concerning odd lots;
(v) It facilitates stock-lending and thus deepens the market.
(II) For the Investor:
(i) It reduces the risks associated with the loss or theft of documents and securities
and eliminates forgery;
(ii) It ensures liquidity by speedy settlement of transactions;

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(iii) It makes investors free from the physical holding of shares;

(iv) It reduces transaction costs; and
(v) It assists investors in securing loans against the securities.
(III) For the Corporate Sector or Issuers of Securities:
(i) It provides upto date information on shareholders’ names and addresses;
(ii) It enhances the image of the company;
(iii) It reduces the costs of the secretarial department;
(iv) It increases the efficiency of registrars and transfer agents; and
(v) It provides better facilities of communication with members.
Question 16
Write short note on Green shoe option.
Green Shoe Option: It is an option that allows the underwriting of an IPO to sell additional
shares if the demand is high. It can be understood as an option that allows the underwriter for
a new issue to buy and resell additional shares upto a certain pre-determined quantity.
Looking to the exceptional interest of investors in terms of over-subscription of the issue,
certain provisions are made to issue additional shares or bonds to underwriters for distribution.
The issuer authorises for additional shares or bonds. In common parlance, it is the retention of
over-subscription to a certain extent. It is a special feature of euro-issues. In euro-issues the
international practices are followed.
In the Indian context, green shoe option has a limited connotation. SEBI guidelines governing
public issues contain appropriate provisions for accepting over-subscriptions, subject to a
ceiling, say, 15 per cent of the offer made to public. In certain situations, the green-shoe
option can even be more than 15 per cent.
Question 17
(i) What are derivatives?
(ii) Who are the users and what are the purposes of use?
(iii) Enumerate the basic differences between cash and derivatives market.
(i) Derivative is a product whose value is to be derived from the value of one or more basic
variables called bases (underlying assets, index or reference rate). The underlying
assets can be Equity, Forex, and Commodity.

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Users Purpose
(a) Corporation To hedge currency risk and inventory risk
(b) Individual Investors For speculation, hedging and yield enhancement.
(c) Institutional Investor For hedging asset allocation, yield enhancement and to
avail arbitrage opportunities.
(d) Dealers For hedging position taking, exploiting inefficiencies
and earning dealer spreads.
(iii) The basic differences between Cash and the Derivative market are enumerated below:-
In cash market tangible assets are traded whereas in derivate markets contracts based
on tangible or intangibles assets likes index or rates are traded.
(a) In cash market tangible assets are traded whereas in derivative market contracts
based on tangible or intangibles assets like index or rates are traded.
(b) In cash market, we can purchase even one share whereas in Futures and Options
minimum lots are fixed.
(c) Cash market is more risky than Futures and Options segment because in “Futures
and Options” risk is limited upto 20%.
(d) Cash assets may be meant for consumption or investment. Derivate contracts are
for hedging, arbitrage or speculation.
(e) The value of derivative contract is always based on and linked to the underlying
security. However, this linkage may not be on point-to-point basis.
(f) In the cash market, a customer must open securities trading account with a
securities depository whereas to trade futures a customer must open a future
trading account with a derivative broker.
(g) Buying securities in cash market involves putting up all the money upfront whereas
buying futures simply involves putting up the margin money.
(h) With the purchase of shares of the company in cash market, the holder becomes
part owner of the company. While in future it does not happen.
Question 18
What is the significance of an underlying in relation to a derivative instrument?
The underlying may be a share, a commodity or any other asset which has a marketable value
which is subject to market risks. The importance of underlying in derivative instruments is as
• All derivative instruments are dependent on an underlying to have value.

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• The change in value in a forward contract is broadly equal to the change in value in the
• In the absence of a valuable underlying asset the derivative instrument will have no
• On maturity, the position of profit/loss is determined by the price of underlying
instruments. If the price of the underlying is higher than the contract price the buyer
makes a profit. If the price is lower, the buyer suffers a loss.
Question 19
Distinguish between:
(i) Forward and Futures contracts.
(ii) Intrinsic value and Time value of an option.
(i) Forward and Future Contracts:
S.No. Features Forward Futures
1. Trading Forward contracts are traded Futures Contracts are traded in a
on personal basis or on competitive arena.
telephone or otherwise.
2. Size of Forward contracts are Futures contracts are
Contract individually tailored and have standardized in terms of quantity
no standardized size or amount as the case may be
3. Organized Forward contracts are traded in Futures contracts are traded on
exchanges an over the counter market. organized exchanges with a
designated physical location.
4. Settlement Forward contracts settlement Futures contracts settlements are
takes place on the date agreed made daily via. Exchange’s
upon between the parties. clearing house.
5. Delivery Forward contracts may be Futures contracts delivery dates
date delivered on the dates agreed are fixed on cyclical basis and
upon and in terms of actual hardly takes place. However, it
delivery. does not mean that there is no
actual delivery.
6. Transaction Cost of forward contracts is Futures contracts entail
costs based on bid – ask spread. brokerage fees for buy and sell
7. Marking to Forward contracts are not Futures contracts are subject to
market subject to marking to market marking to market in which the

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loss on profit is debited or

credited in the margin account on
daily basis due to change in
8. Margins Margins are not required in In futures contracts every
forward contract. participants is subject to maintain
margin as decided by the
exchange authorities
9. Credit risk In forward contract, credit risk In futures contracts the
is born by each party and, transaction is a two way
therefore, every party has to transaction, hence the parties
bother for the creditworthiness. need not to bother for the risk.
(ii) Intrinsic value and the time value of an Option: Intrinsic value of an option and the
time value of an option are primary determinants of an option’s price. By being familiar
with these terms and knowing how to use them, one will find himself in a much better
position to choose the option contract that best suits the particular investment
Intrinsic value is the value that any given option would have if it were exercised today.
This is defined as the difference between the option’s strike price (x) and the stock actual
current price (c.p). In the case of a call option, one can calculate the intrinsic value by
taking CP-X. If the result is greater than Zero (In other words, if the stock’s current price
is greater than the option’s strike price), then the amount left over after subtracting CP-X
is the option’s intrinsic value. If the strike price is greater than the current stock price,
then the intrinsic value of the option is zero – it would not be worth anything if it were to
be exercised today. An option’s intrinsic value can never be below zero. To determine the
intrinsic value of a put option, simply reverse the calculation to X - CP
Example: Let us assume Wipro Stock is priced at ` 105/-. In this case, a Wipro 100 call
option would have an intrinsic value of (` 105 – ` 100 = ` 5). However, a Wipro 100 put
option would have an intrinsic value of zero (` 100 – ` 105 = -` 5). Since this figure is
less than zero, the intrinsic value is zero. Also, intrinsic value can never be negative. On
the other hand, if we are to look at a Wipro put option with a strike price of ` 120. Then
this particular option would have an intrinsic value of ` 15 (` 120 – ` 105 = ` 15).
Time Value: This is the second component of an option’s price. It is defined as any value
of an option other than the intrinsic value. From the above example, if Wipro is trading at
` 105 and the Wipro 100 call option is trading at ` 7, then we would conclude that this
option has ` 2 of time value (` 7 option price – ` 5 intrinsic value = ` 2 time value).
Options that have zero intrinsic value are comprised entirely of time value.
Time value is basically the risk premium that the seller requires to provide the option
buyer with the right to buy/sell the stock upto the expiration date. This component may be
regarded as the Insurance premium of the option. This is also known as “Extrinsic value.”

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Time value decays over time. In other words, the time value of an option is directly
related to how much time an option has until expiration. The more time an option has
until expiration, greater the chances of option ending up in the money.
Question 20
(i) What are Stock futures?
(ii) What are the opportunities offered by Stock futures?
(iii) How are Stock futures settled?
(i) Stock future is a financial derivative product where the underlying asset is an individual
stock. It is also called equity future. This derivative product enables one to buy or sell the
underlying Stock on a future date at a price decided by the market forces today.
(ii) Stock futures offer a variety of usage to the investors Some of the key usages are
mentioned below:
Investors can take long-term view on the underlying stock using stock futures.
(a) Stock futures offer high leverage. This means that one can take large position with
less capital. For example, paying 20% initial margin one can take position for 100%,
i.e., 5 times the cash outflow.
(b) Futures may look over-priced or under-priced compared to the spot price and can
offer opportunities to arbitrage and earn riskless profit.
(c) When used efficiently, single-stock futures can be effective risk management tool.
For instance, an investor with position in cash segment can minimize either market
risk or price risk of the underlying stock by taking reverse position in an appropriate
futures contract.
(iii) Earlier stock futures were used to be settled through delivery. Currently, equity
derivatives are cash settled, i.e. difference between entry price and exit price. However,
recently, SEBI is planning to make physical settlement mandatory in a phased manner.
Question 21
What is a “derivative”? Briefly explain the recommendations of the L.C. Gupta Committee on
The derivatives are most modern financial instruments in hedging risk. The individuals and
firms who wish to avoid or reduce risk can deal with the others who are willing to accept the
risk for a price. A common place where such transactions take place is called the ‘derivative

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Derivatives are those assets whose value is determined from the value of some underlying
assets. The underlying asset may be equity, commodity or currency.
Based on the report of Dr. L.C. Gupta Committee the following recommendations are accepted
by SEBI on Derivatives:
• Phased introduction of derivative products, with the stock index futures as starting point
for equity derivative in India.
• Expanded definition of securities under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act (SCRA)
by declaring derivative contracts based on index of prices of securities and other
derivatives contracts as securities.
• Permission to existing stock exchange to trade derivatives provided they meet the
eligibility conditions including adequate infrastructural facilities, on-line trading and
surveillance system and minimum of 50 members opting for derivative trading etc.
• Initial margin requirements related to the risk of loss on the position and capital adequacy
norms shall be prescribed.
• Annual inspection of all the members operating in the derivative segment by the Stock
• Dissemination of information by the exchange about the trades, quantities and quotes in
real time over at least two information vending networks.
• The clearing corporation/house to settle derivatives trades. This should meet certain
specified eligibility conditions and the clearing corporation/house must interpose itself
between both legs of every trade, becoming the legal counter party to both or
alternatively provide an unconditional guarantee for settlement of all trades.
• Two tier membership: The trading member and clearing member, and the entry norms for
the clearing member would be more stringent.
• The clearing member should have a minimum networth of ` 3 crores and shall make a
deposit of ` 50 lakhs with the exchange/clearing corporation in the form of liquid assets.
• Prescription of a model Risk Disclosure Document and monitoring broker-dealer/client
relationship by the Stock Exchange and the requirement that the sales personnel working
in the broker-dealer office should pass a certification programme.
• Corporate clients/financial institutions/mutual funds should be allowed to trade
derivatives only if and to the extent authorised by their Board of Directors/Trustees.
• Mutual Funds would be required to make necessary disclosures in their offer documents
if they opt to trade derivatives. For the existing schemes, they would require the approval
of their unit holder. The minimum contract value would be ` 1 lakh, which would also
apply in the case of individuals.

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Question 22
Write short note on Marking to market.
Marking to market: It implies the process of recording the investments in traded securities
(shares, debt-instruments, etc.) at a value, which reflects the market value of securities on the
reporting date. In the context of derivatives trading, the futures contracts are marked to market
on periodic (or daily) basis. Marking to market essentially means that at the end of a trading
session, all outstanding contracts are repriced at the settlement price of that session. Unlike
the forward contracts, the future contracts are repriced every day. Any loss or profit resulting
from repricing would be debited or credited to the margin account of the broker. It, therefore,
provides an opportunity to calculate the extent of liability on the basis of repricing. Thus, the
futures contracts provide better risk management measure as compared to forward contracts.
Suppose on 1st day we take a long position, say at a price of ` 100 to be matured on 7th day.
Now on 2nd day if the price goes up to ` 105, the contract will be repriced at ` 105 at the end
of the trading session and profit of ` 5 will be credited to the account of the buyer. This profit
of ` 5 may be drawn and thus cash flow also increases. This marking to market will result in
three things – one, you will get a cash profit of ` 5; second, the existing contract at a price of
` 100 would stand cancelled; and third you will receive a new futures contract at ` 105. In
essence, the marking to market feature implies that the value of the futures contract is set to
zero at the end of each trading day.
Question 23
What are the reasons for stock index futures becoming more popular financial derivatives over
stock futures segment in India?
Stock index futures is most popular financial derivatives over stock futures due to following
1. It adds flexibility to one’s investment portfolio. Institutional investors and other large
equity holders prefer the most this instrument in terms of portfolio hedging purpose. The
stock systems do not provide this flexibility and hedging.
2. It creates the possibility of speculative gains using leverage. Because a relatively small
amount of margin money controls a large amount of capital represented in a stock index
contract, a small change in the index level might produce a profitable return on one’s
investment if one is right about the direction of the market. Speculative gains in stock
futures are limited but liabilities are greater.
3. Stock index futures are the most cost efficient hedging device whereas hedging through
individual stock futures is costlier.
4. Stock index futures cannot be easily manipulated whereas individual stock price can be

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exploited more easily.

5. Since, stock index futures consists of many securities, so being an average stock, is
much less volatile than individual stock price. Further, it implies much lower capital
adequacy and margin requirements in comparison of individual stock futures. Risk
diversification is possible under stock index future than in stock futures.
6. One can sell contracts as readily as one buys them and the amount of margin required is
the same.
7. In case of individual stocks the outstanding positions are settled normally against
physical delivery of shares. In case of stock index futures they are settled in cash all
over the world on the premise that index value is safely accepted as the settlement price.
8. It is also seen that regulatory complexity is much less in the case of stock index futures
in comparison to stock futures.
9. It provides hedging or insurance protection for a stock portfolio in a falling market.
Question 24
Write short note on Options.
Options: An option is a claim without any liability. It is a claim contingent upon the occurrence
of certain conditions and, therefore, option is a contingent claim. More specifically, an option is
contract that gives the holder a right, without any obligation, to buy or sell an asset at an
agreed price on or before a specified period of time. The option to buy an asset is known as a
call option and the option to sell an asset is called put option. The price at which option can be
exercised is called as exercise price or strike price. Based on exercising the option it can be
classified into two categories:
(i) European Option: When an option is allowed to be exercised only on the maturity date.
(ii) American Option: When an option is exercised any time before its maturity date.
When an option holder exercises his right to buy or sell it may have three possibilities.
(a) An option is said to be in the money when it is advantageous to exercise it.
(b) When exercise is not advantageous it is called out of the money.
(c) When option holder does not gain or lose it is called at the money.
The holder of an option has to pay a price for obtaining call/put option. This price is known as
option premium. This price has to be paid whether the option is exercised or not.
Question 25
What are the features of Futures Contract?

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Future contracts can be characterized by:-
(a) These are traded on organized exchanges.
(b) Standardised contract terms like the underlying assets, the time of maturity and the
manner of maturity etc.
(c) Associated with clearing house to ensure smooth functioning of the market.
(d) Margin requirements and daily settlement to act as further safeguard i.e., marked to
(e) Existence of regulatory authority.
(f) Every day the transactions are marked to market till they are re-wound or matured.
Future contracts being traded on organizatised exchanges, impart liquidity to a
transaction. The clearing house being the counter party to both sides or a transaction,
provides a mechanism that guarantees the honouring of the contract and ensuring very
low level of default.
Question 26
State any four assumptions of Black Scholes Model
The model is based on a normal distribution of underlying asset returns. The following
assumptions accompany the model:
1. European Options are considered,
2. No transaction costs,
3. Short term interest rates are known and are constant,
4. Stocks do not pay dividend,
5. Stock price movement is similar to a random walk,
6. Stock returns are normally distributed over a period of time, and
7. The variance of the return is constant over the life of an Option.
Question 27
Write a short note on Straddles and Strangles.
Straddles: An options strategy with which the investor holds a position in both a call and put
with the same strike price and expiration date. Straddles are a good strategy to pursue if an
investor believes that a stock's price will move significantly, but is unsure as to which

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direction. The stock price must move significantly if the investor is to make a profit. However,
should only a small movement in price occur in either direction, the investor will experience a
loss. As a result, a straddle is extremely risky to perform. Additionally, on stocks that are
expected to jump, the market tends to price options at a higher premium, which ultimately
reduces the expected payoff should the stock move significantly. This is a good strategy if
speculators think there will be a large price movement in the near future but is unsure of which
way that price movement will be. It has one common strike price.
Strangles: The strategy involves buying an out-of-the-money call and an out-of-the-money put
option. A strangle is generally less expensive than a straddle as the contracts are purchased
out of the money. Strangle is an unlimited profit, limited risk strategy that is taken when the
options trader thinks that the underlying stock will experience significant volatility in the near
term. It has two different strike prices.
Question 28
Give the meaning of ‘Caps, Floors and Collars’ options.
Cap: It is a series of call options on interest rate covering a medium-to-long term floating rate
liability. Purchase of a Cap enables the a borrowers to fix in advance a maximum borrowing
rate for a specified amount and for a specified duration, while allowing him to avail benefit of a
fall in rates. The buyer of Cap pays a premium to the seller of Cap.
Floor: It is a put option on interest rate. Purchase of a Floor enables a lender to fix in
advance, a minimal rate for placing a specified amount for a specified duration, while allowing
him to avail benefit of a rise in rates. The buyer of the floor pays the premium to the seller.
Collars: It is a combination of a Cap and Floor. The purchaser of a Collar buys a Cap and
simultaneously sells a Floor. A Collar has the effect of locking its purchases into a floating rate
of interest that is bounded on both high side and the low side.
Question 29
What do you know about swaptions and their uses?
(i) Swaptions are combination of the features of two derivative instruments, i.e., option and
(ii) A swaption is an option on an interest rate swap. It gives the buyer of the swaption the
right but not obligation to enter into an interest rate swap of specified parameters
(maturity of the option, notional principal, strike rate, and period of swap). Swaptions are
traded over the counter, for both short and long maturity expiry dates, and for wide range
of swap maturities.
(iii) The price of a swaption depends on the strike rate, maturity of the option, and

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expectations about the future volatility of swap rates.

(iv) The swaption premium is expressed as basis points
Uses of swaptions:
(a) Swaptions can be used as an effective tool to swap into or out of fixed rate or floating
rate interest obligations, according to a treasurer’s expectation on interest rates.
Swaptions can also be used for protection if a particular view on the future direction of
interest rates turned out to be incorrect.
(b) Swaptions can be applied in a variety of ways for both active traders as well as for
corporate treasures. Swap traders can use them for speculation purposes or to hedge a
portion of their swap books. It is a valuable tool when a borrower has decided to do a
swap but is not sure of the timing.
(c) Swaptions have become useful tools for hedging embedded option which is common in
the natural course of many businesses.
(d) Swaptions are useful for borrowers targeting an acceptable borrowing rate. By paying an
upfront premium, a holder of a payer’s swaption can guarantee to pay a maximum fixed
rate on a swap, thereby hedging his floating rate borrowings.
(e) Swaptions are also useful to those businesses tendering for contracts. A business,
would certainly find it useful to bid on a project with full knowledge of the borrowing rate
should the contract be won.
Question 30
Explain the significance of LIBOR in international financial transactions.
LIBOR stands for London Inter Bank Offered Rate. Other features of LIBOR are as follows:
• It is the base rate of exchange with respect to which most international financial
transactions are priced.
• It is used as the base rate for a large number of financial products such as options and
• Banks also use the LIBOR as the base rate when setting the interest rate on loans,
savings and mortgages.
• It is monitored by a large number of professionals and private individuals world-wide.
Question 31
Write short notes on the following:
(a) Embedded derivatives
(b) Arbitrage operations

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(c) Rolling settlement.

(d) Mention the functions of a stock exchange.
(e) Interest Swap
(a) Embedded Derivatives: A derivative is defined as a contract that has all the following
• Its value changes in response to a specified underlying, e.g. an exchange rate,
interest rate or share price;
• It requires little or no initial net investment;
• It is settled at a future date;
• The most common derivatives are currency forwards, futures, options, interest rate
swaps etc.
An embedded derivative is a derivative instrument that is embedded in another contract -
the host contract. The host contract might be a debt or equity instrument, a lease, an
insurance contract or a sale or purchase contract. Derivatives require to be marked-to-
market through the income statement, other than qualifying hedging instruments. This
requirement on embedded derivatives are designed to ensure that mark-to-market
through the income statement cannot be avoided by including - embedding - a derivative
in another contract or financial instrument that is not marked-to market through the
income statement.
An embedded derivative can arise from deliberate financial engineering and intentional
shifting of certain risks between parties. Many embedded derivatives, however, arise
inadvertently through market practices and common contracting arrangements. Even
purchase and sale contracts that qualify for executory contract treatment may contain
embedded derivatives. An embedded derivative causes modification to a contract's cash
flow, based on changes in a specified variable.
(b) Arbitrage Operations: Arbitrage is the buying and selling of the same commodity in
different markets. A number of pricing relationships exist in the foreign exchange market,
whose violation would imply the existence of arbitrage opportunities - the opportunity to
make a profit without risk or investment. These transactions refer to advantage derived in
the transactions of foreign currencies by taking the benefits of difference in rates
between two currencies at two different centers at the same time or of difference
between cross rates and actual rates.
For example, a customer can gain from arbitrage operation by purchase of dollars in the
local market at cheaper price prevailing at a point of time and sell the same for sterling in
the London market. The Sterling will then be used for meeting his commitment to pay the
import obligation from London.

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(c) Rolling Settlement: SEBI introduced a new settlement cycle known as the 'rolling
settlement cycle'. This cycle starts and ends on the same day and the settlement take
place on the 'T+5' day, which is 5 business days from the date of the transaction. Hence,
the transaction done on Monday will be settled on the following Monday and the
transaction done on Tuesday will be settled on the following -Tuesday and so on. Hence
unlike a BSE or NSE weekly settlement cycle, in the rolling settlement cycle, the decision
has to be made at the conclusion of the trading session, on the same day, Rolling
settlement cycles were introduced in both exchanges on January 12, 2000.
Internationally, most developed countries follow the rolling settlement system. For
instance both the US and the UK follow a roiling settlement (T+3) system, while the
German stock exchanges follow a (T+2) settlement cycle.
(d) Functions of Stock Exchange are as follows:
1. Liquidity and marketability of securities- Investors can sell their securities whenever
they require liquidity.
2. Fair price determination-The exchange assures that no investor will have an
excessive advantage over other market participants
3. Source for long term funds-The Stock Exchange provides companies with the
facility to raise capital for expansion through selling shares to the investing public.
4. Helps in Capital formation- Accumulation of saving and its utilization into productive
use creates helps in capital formation.
5. Creating investment opportunity of small investor- Provides a market for the trading
of securities to individuals seeking to invest their saving or excess funds through the
purchase of securities.
6. Transparency- Investor makes informed and intelligent decision about the particular
stock based on information. Listed companies must disclose information in timely,
complete and accurate manner to the Exchange and the public on a regular basis.
(e) Interest Swap: A swap is a contractual agreement between two parties to exchange, or
"swap," future payment streams based on differences in the returns to different securities
or changes in the price of some underlying item. Interest rate swaps constitute the most
common type of swap agreement. In an interest rate swap, the parties to the agreement,
termed the swap counterparties, agree to exchange payments indexed to two different
interest rates. Total payments are determined by the specified notional principal amount
of the swap, which is never actually exchanged. Financial intermediaries, such as banks,
pension funds, and insurance companies, as well as non-financial firms use interest rate
swaps to effectively change the maturity of outstanding debt or that of an interest-bearing
Swaps grew out of parallel loan agreements in which firms exchanged loans
denominated in different currencies.

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Question 32
Write a short note on the factors affecting the value of an option.
There are a number of different mathematical formulae, or models, that are designed to
compute the fair value of an option. You simply input all the variables (stock price, time,
interest rates, dividends and future volatility), and you get an answer that tells you what an
option should be worth. Here are the general effects the variables have on an option's price:
(a) Price of the Underlying: The value of calls and puts are affected by changes in the
underlying stock price in a relatively straightforward manner. When the stock price goes
up, calls should gain in value and puts should decrease. Put options should increase in
value and calls should drop as the stock price falls.
(b) Time: The option's future expiry, at which time it may become worthless, is an important
and key factor of every option strategy. Ultimately, time can determine whether your
option trading decisions are profitable. To make money in options over the long term, you
need to understand the impact of time on stock and option positions.
With stocks, time is a trader's ally as the stocks of quality companies tend to rise over
long periods of time. But time is the enemy of the options buyer. If days pass without any
significant change in the stock price, there is a decline in the value of the option. Also,
the value of an option declines more rapidly as the option approaches the expiration day.
That is good news for the option seller, who tries to benefit from time decay, especially
during that final month when it occurs most rapidly.
(c) Volatility: The beginning point of understanding volatility is a measure called statistical
(sometimes called historical) volatility, or SV for short. SV is a statistical measure of the
past price movements of the stock; it tells you how volatile the stock has actually been
over a given period of time.
(d) Interest Rate- Another feature which affects the value of an Option is the time value of
money. The greater the interest rates, the present value of the future exercise price is
Question 33
Write a short note on Forward Rate Agreements.
A Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) is an agreement between two parties through which a
borrower/ lender protects itself from the unfavourable changes to the interest rate. Unlike
futures FRAs are not traded on an exchange thus are called OTC product.
Following are main features of FRA.

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♦ Normally it is used by banks to fix interest costs on anticipated future deposits or interest
revenues on variable-rate loans indexed to LIBOR.
♦ It is an off Balance Sheet instrument.
♦ It does not involve any transfer of principal. The principal amount of the agreement is
termed "notional" because, while it determines the amount of the payment, actual
exchange of the principal never takes place.
♦ It is settled at maturity in cash representing the profit or loss. A bank that sells an FRA
agrees to pay the buyer the increased interest cost on some "notional" principal amount
if some specified maturity of LIBOR is above a stipulated "forward rate" on the contract
maturity or settlement date. Conversely, the buyer agrees to pay the seller any decrease
in interest cost if market interest rates fall below the forward rate.
♦ Final settlement of the amounts owed by the parties to an FRA is determined by the
(N)(RR - FR)(dtm/DY)
Payment = ×100
[1 + RR(dtm/DY)]
N = the notional principal amount of the agreement;
RR = Reference Rate for the maturity specified by the contract prevailing
on the contract settlement date; typically LIBOR or MIBOR
FR = Agreed-upon Forward Rate; and
dtm = maturity of the forward rate, specified in days (FRA Days)
DY = Day count basis applicable to money market transactions which could be 360
or 365 days.
If LIBOR > FR the seller owes the payment to the buyer, and if LIBOR < FR the buyer owes the
seller the absolute value of the payment amount determined by the above formula.
♦ The differential amount is discounted at post change (actual) interest rate as it is settled
in the beginning of the period not at the end.
Thus, buying an FRA is comparable to selling, or going short, a Eurodollar or LIBOR futures
Question 34
Explain the meaning of the following relating to Swap transactions:
(i) Plain Vanila Swaps
(ii) Basis Rate Swaps
(iii) Asset Swaps

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(iv) Amortising Swaps

(i) Plain Vanilla Swap: Also called generic swap andit involves the exchange of a fixed rate
loan to a floating rate loan. Floating rate basis can be LIBOR, MIBOR, Prime Lending
Rate etc.
(ii) Basis Rate Swap: Similar to plain vanilla swap with the difference payments based on the
difference between two different variable rates. For example one rate may be 1 month
LIBOR and other may be 3-month LIBOR. In other words two legs of swap are floating
but measured against different benchmarks.
(iii) Asset Swap: Similar to plain vanilla swaps with the difference that it is the exchange fixed
rate investments such as bonds which pay a guaranteed coupon rate with floating rate
investments such as an index.
(iv) Amortising Swap: An interest rate swap in which the notional principal for the interest
payments declines during the life of the swap. They are particularly useful for borrowers
who have issued redeemable bonds or debentures. It enables them to interest rate
hedging with redemption profile of bonds or debentures.
Question 35
Define the following Greeks with respect to options:
(i) Delta
(ii) Gamma
(iii) Vega
(iv) Rho
(i) Delta: It is the degree to which an option price will move given a small change in the
underlying stock price. For example, an option with a delta of 0.5 will move half a rupee
for every full rupee movement in the underlying stock.
The delta is often called the hedge ratio i.e. if you have a portfolio short ‘n’ options (e.g.
you have written n calls) then n multiplied by the delta gives you the number of shares
(i.e. units of the underlying) you would need to create a riskless position - i.e. a portfolio
which would be worth the same whether the stock price rose by a very small amount or
fell by a very small amount.
(ii) Gamma: It measures how fast the delta changes for small changes in the underlying
stock price i.e. the delta of the delta. If you are hedging a portfolio using the delta-hedge
technique described under "Delta", then you will want to keep gamma as small as
possible, the smaller it is the less often you will have to adjust the hedge to maintain a

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delta neutral position. If gamma is too large, a small change in stock price could wreck
your hedge. Adjusting gamma, however, can be tricky and is generally done using
(iii) Vega: Sensitivity of option value to change in volatility. Vega indicates an absolute
change in option value for a one percentage change in volatility.
(iv) Rho: The change in option price given a one percentage point change in the risk-free
interest rate. It is sensitivity of option value to change in interest rate. Rho indicates the
absolute change in option value for a one percent change in the interest rate.
Question 36
Following information is available in respect of dividend, market price and market condition
after one year.
Market condition Probability Market Price Dividend per share
` `
Good 0.25 115 9
Normal 0.50 107 5
Bad 0.25 97 3
The existing market price of an equity share is ` 106 (F.V. Re. 1), which is cum 10% bonus
debenture of ` 6 each, per share. M/s. X Finance Company Ltd. had offered the buy-back of
debentures at face value.
Find out the expected return and variability of returns of the equity shares.
And also advise-Whether to accept buy back after?
The Expected Return of the equity share may be found as follows:
Market Condition Probability Total Return Cost (*) Net Return
Good 0.25 ` 124 ` 100 ` 24
Normal 0.50 ` 112 ` 100 ` 12
Bad 0.25 ` 100 ` 100 `0
Expected Return = (24 × 0.25) + (12 × 0.50) + (0 × 0.25)
 12 
=  × 100 = 12%
 100 
The variability of return can be calculated in terms of standard deviation.
VSD = 0.25 (24 – 12)2 + 0.50 (12 – 12)2 + 0.25 (0 – 12)2
= 0.25 (12)2 + 0.50 (0)2 + 0.25 (–12)2

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= 36 + 0 + 36
SD = 72
SD = 8.485 or say 8.49
(*) The present market price of the share is ` 106 cum bonus 10% debenture of ` 6 each; hence
the net cost is ` 100 (There is no cash loss or any waiting for refund of debenture amount).
M/s X Finance company has offered the buyback of debenture at face value. There is
reasonable 10% rate of interest compared to expected return 12% from the market.
Considering the dividend rate and market price the creditworthiness of the company seems to
be very good. The decision regarding buy-back should be taken considering the maturity
period and opportunity in the market. Normally, if the maturity period is low say up to 1 year
better to wait otherwise to opt buy back option.
Question 37
The share of X Ltd. is currently selling for ` 300. Risk free interest rate is 0.8% per month. A
three months futures contract is selling for ` 312. Develop an arbitrage strategy and show
what your riskless profit will be 3 month hence assuming that X Ltd. will not pay any dividend
in the next three months.
The appropriate value of the 3 months futures contract is –
Fo = ` 300 (1.008)3 = ` 307.26
Since the futures price exceeds its appropriate value it pays to do the following:-
Action Initial Cash flow at
Cash flow time T (3 months)
Borrow ` 300 now and repay with interest + ` 300 - ` 300 (1.008)3 = - `
after 3 months 307.26
Buy a share - ` 300 ST
Sell a futures contract (Fo = 312/-) 0 ` 312 – ST
Total `0 ` 4.74
Such an action would produce a risk less profit of ` 4.74.
Question 38
A Mutual Fund is holding the following assets in ` Crores :
Investments in diversified equity shares 90.00
Cash and Bank Balances 10.00

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The Beta of the portfolio is 1.1. The index future is selling at 4300 level. The Fund Manager
apprehends that the index will fall at the most by 10%. How many index futures he should
short for perfect hedging? One index future consists of 50 units.
Substantiate your answer assuming the Fund Manager's apprehension will materialize.
Number of index future to be sold by the Fund Manager is:
1.1× 90,00,00,000
= 4,605
4,300 × 50
Justification of the answer:
Loss in the value of the portfolio if the index falls by 10% is ` x90 Crore = ` 9.90 Crore.
0.1× 4,300 × 50 × 4,605
Gain by short covering of index future is: = 9.90 Crore
This justifies the answer. Further, cash is not a part of the portfolio.
Question 39
A trader is having in its portfolio shares worth ` 85 lakhs at current price and cash ` 15 lakhs.
The beta of share portfolio is 1.6. After 3 months the price of shares dropped by 3.2%.
(i) Current portfolio beta
(ii) Portfolio beta after 3 months if the trader on current date goes for long position on
` 100 lakhs Nifty futures.
(i) Current Portfolio Beta
Current Beta for share portfolio = 1.6
Beta for cash =0
Current portfolio beta = 0.85 x 1.6 + 0 x 0.15 = 1.36
(ii) Portfolio beta after 3 months:
Change in value of portfolio of share
Beta for portfolio of shares =
Change in value of market portfolio (Index)
1.6 =
Change in value of market portfolio (Index)

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Change in value of market portfolio (Index) = (0.032 / 1.6) x 100 = 2%

Position taken on 100 lakh Nifty futures : Long
Value of index after 3 months = ` 100 lakh x (1.00 - 0.02)
= ` 98 lakh
Mark-to-market paid = ` 2 lakh
Cash balance after payment of mark-to-market = ` 13 lakh
Value of portfolio after 3 months = `85 lakh x (1 - 0.032) + `13 lakh
= `95.28 lakh
`100 lakh - `95.28 lakh
Change in value of portfolio = = 4.72%
`100 lakh
Portfolio beta = 0.0472/0.02 = 2.36
Question 40
The 6-months forward price of a security is ` 208.18. The borrowing rate is 8% per annum
payable with monthly rests. What should be the spot price?
Calculation of spot price
The formula for calculating forward price is:
r nt
A = P (1+ )

Where A = Forward price

P = Spot Price
r = rate of interest
n = no. of compoundings
t = time
Using the above formula,
208.18 = P (1 + 0.08/12)6
Or 208.18 = P x 1.0409
P = 208.18/1.0409 = 200
Hence, the spot price should be ` 200.

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Question 41
BSE 5000
Value of portfolio ` 10,10,000
Risk free interest rate 9% p.a.
Dividend yield on Index 6% p.a.
Beta of portfolio 1.5
We assume that a future contract on the BSE index with four months maturity is used to hedge the
value of portfolio over next three months. One future contract is for delivery of 50 times the index.
Based on the above information calculate:
(i) Price of future contract.
(ii) The gain on short futures position if index turns out to be 4,500 in three months.
(i) Current future price of the index = 5000 + 5000 (0.09-0.06) = 5000+ 50= 5,050
∴ Price of the future contract = ` 50 х 5,050 = ` 2,52,500
(ii) Hedge ratio = ×1.5 = 6 contracts
Index after there months turns out to be 4500
Future price will be = 4500 + 4500 (0.09-0.06) × = 4,511.25
Therefore, Gain from the short futures position is = 6 х (5050 – 4511.25) х 50
= `1,61,625
Note: Alternatively we can also use daily compounding (exponential) formula.
Question 42
The following data relate to Anand Ltd.'s share price:
Current price per share ` 1,800
6 months future's price/share ` 1,950
Assuming it is possible to borrow money in the market for transactions in securities at 12% per
annum, you are required:
(i) to calculate the theoretical minimum price of a 6-months forward purchase; and
(ii) to explain arbitrate opportunity.

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Anand Ltd
(i) Calculation of theoretical minimum price of a 6 months forward contract-
Theoretical minimum price = ` 1,800 + (` 1,800 x 12/100 x 6/12) = ` 1,908
(ii) Arbitrage Opportunity-
The arbitrageur can borrow money @ 12 % for 6 months and buy the shares at ` 1,800.
At the same time he can sell the shares in the futures market at ` 1,950. On the expiry
date 6 months later, he could deliver the share and collect ` 1,950 pay off ` 1,908 and
record a profit of ` 42 (` 1,950 – ` 1,908)
Question 43
Calculate the price of 3 months PQR futures, if PQR (FV ` 10) quotes ` 220 on NSE and the
three months future price quotes at ` 230 and the one month borrowing rate is given as 15
percent and the expected annual dividend is 25 percent per annum payable before expiry.
Also examine arbitrage opportunities.
Future’s Price = Spot + cost of carry – Dividend
F = 220 + 220 × 0.15 × 0.25 – 0.25** × 10 = 225.75
** Entire 25% dividend is payable before expiry, which is `2.50.
Thus we see that futures price by calculation is ` 225.75 which is quoted at ` 230 in the
Fair value of Futures less than Actual futures Price:
Futures Overvalued Hence it is advised to sell. Also do Arbitraging by buying stock in the cash
Step I
He will buy PQR Stock at `220 by borrowing at 15% for 3 months. Therefore, his outflows are:
Cost of Stock 220.00
Add: Interest @ 15 % for 3 months i.e. 0.25 years (220 × 0.15 × 0.25) 8.25
Total Outflows (A) 228.25
Step II
He will sell March 2000 futures at `230. Meanwhile he would receive dividend for his stock.
Hence his inflows are 230.00

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Sale proceeds of March 2000 futures 2.50

Total inflows (B) 232.50
Inflow – Outflow = Profit earned by Arbitrageur
= 232.50 – 228.25 = 4.25
Question 44
Sensex futures are traded at a multiple of 50. Consider the following quotations of Sensex
futures in the 10 trading days during February, 2009:
Day High Low Closing
4-2-09 3306.4 3290.00 3296.50
5-2-09 3298.00 3262.50 3294.40
6-2-09 3256.20 3227.00 3230.40
7-2-09 3233.00 3201.50 3212.30
10-2-09 3281.50 3256.00 3267.50
11-2-09 3283.50 3260.00 3263.80
12-2-09 3315.00 3286.30 3292.00
14-2-09 3315.00 3257.10 3309.30
17-2-09 3278.00 3249.50 3257.80
18-2-09 3118.00 3091.40 3102.60
Abhishek bought one sensex futures contract on February, 04. The average daily absolute
change in the value of contract is ` 10,000 and standard deviation of these changes is
` 2,000. The maintenance margin is 75% of initial margin.
You are required to determine the daily balances in the margin account and payment on
margin calls, if any.
Initial Margin = µ + 3 σ
Where µ = Daily Absolute Change
σ = Standard Deviation
Initial Margin = ` 10,000 + ` 6,000 = ` 16,000
Maintenance margin = ` 16,000 x 0.75 = ` 12,000
Day Changes in future Values (`) Margin A/c (`) Call Money (`)
4/2/09 - 16000 -
5/2/09 50 x (3294.40 - 3296.50) = -105 15895 -

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6/2/09 50 x (3230.40 - 3294.40)= -3200 12695 -

7/2/09 50 x (3212.30 - 3230.40)= -905 16000 4210
10/2/09 50x(3267.50 - 3212.30)= 2760 18760 -
11/2/09 50x(3263.80 - 3267.50)= -185 18575 -
12/2/09 50x(3292 - 3263.80) =1410 19985 -
14/2/09 50x(3309.30 - 3292)=865 20850 -
17/2/09 50x(3257.80 - 3309.30)=-2575 18275 -
18/2/09 50x(3102.60 - 3257.80)=-7760 16000 5485

Question 45
On 31-8-2011, the value of stock index was ` 2,200. The risk free rate of return has been 8%
per annum. The dividend yield on this Stock Index is as under:
Month Dividend Paid p.a.
January 3%
February 4%
March 3%
April 3%
May 4%
June 3%
July 3%
August 4%
September 3%
October 3%
November 4%
December 3%
Assuming that interest is continuously compounded daily, find out the future price of contract
deliverable on 31-12-2011. Given: e0.01583 = 1.01593
The duration of future contract is 4 months. The average yield during this period will be:
3% + 3% + 4% + 3%
= 3.25%
As per Cost to Carry model the future price will be
F = Se (rf −D )t

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Where S = Spot Price

rf = Risk Free interest
D = Dividend Yield
t = Time Period
Accordingly, future price will be
= ` 2,200 e ( 0.08 - 0.0325)×4 /12 = ` 2,200 e0.01583
= ` 2,200 х 1.01593 = ` 2235.05
Question 46
Mr. A purchased a 3 month call option for 100 shares in XYZ Ltd. at a premium of ` 30 per
share, with an exercise price of ` 550. He also purchased a 3 month put option for 100
shares of the same company at a premium of ` 5 per share with an exercise price of ` 450.
The market price of the share on the date of Mr. A’s purchase of options, is ` 500. Calculate
the profit or loss that Mr. A would make assuming that the market price falls to ` 350 at the
end of 3 months.
Since the market price at the end of 3 months falls to ` 350 which is below the exercise price
under the call option, the call option will not be exercised. Only put option becomes viable.
The gain will be:
Gain per share (`450 – ` 350) 100
Total gain per 100 shares 10,000
Cost or premium paid (` 30 x 100) + (` 5 x 100) 3,500
Net gain 6,500
Question 47
Sumana wanted to buy shares of ElL which has a range of ` 411 to ` 592 a month later. The
present price per share is ` 421. Her broker informs her that the price of this share can sore
up to ` 522 within a month or so, so that she should buy a one month CALL of ElL. In order to
be prudent in buying the call, the share price should be more than or at least ` 522 the
assurance of which could not be given by her broker.
Though she understands the uncertainty of the market, she wants to know the probability of
attaining the share price ` 592 so that buying of a one month CALL of EIL at the execution
price of ` 522 is justified. Advice her. Take the risk free interest to be 3.60% and e0.036 =

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e rt − d
ert = e0.036
d = 411/421 = 0.976
u = 592/421 = 1.406
e 0.036 − 0.976 1.037 − 0.976 0.061
p= = = = 0.1418
1.406 − 0.976 0.43 0.43
Thus probability of rise in price 0.1418
Question 48
Mr. Dayal is interested in purchasing equity shares of ABC Ltd. which are currently selling at
` 600 each. He expects that price of share may go upto ` 780 or may go down to ` 480 in
three months. The chances of occurring such variations are 60% and 40% respectively. A call
option on the shares of ABC Ltd. can be exercised at the end of three months with a strike
price of ` 630.
(i) What combination of share and option should Mr. Dayal select if he wants a perfect
(ii) What should be the value of option today (the risk free rate is 10% p.a.)?
(iii) What is the expected rate of return on the option?
(i) To compute perfect hedge we shall compute Hedge Ratio (Δ) as follows:
C1 − C2 150 − 0 150
= = = = 0.50
S1 − S2 780 − 480 300
Mr. Dayal should purchase 0.50 share for every 1 call option.
(ii) Value of Option today
If price of share comes out to be `780 then value of purchased share will be:
Sale Proceeds of Investment (0.50 x ` 780) ` 390
Loss on account of Short Position (` 780 – ` 630) ` 150
` 240
If price of share comes out to be ` 480 then value of purchased share will be:
Sale Proceeds of Investment (0.50 x ` 480) ` 240

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Accordingly, Premium say P shall be computed as follows:

(` 300 – P) 1.025 = ` 240
P = `65.85
(iii) Expected Return on the Option
Expected Option Value = (` 780 – ` 630) × 0.60 + ` 0 × 0.40 = ` 90
90 − 65.85
Expected Rate of Return = × 100 = 36.67%
Question 49
The market received rumour about ABC corporation’s tie-up with a multinational company.
This has induced the market price to move up. If the rumour is false, the ABC corporation
stock price will probably fall dramatically. To protect from this an investor has bought the call
and put options.
He purchased one 3 months call with a striking price of ` 42 for ` 2 premium, and paid Re.1
per share premium for a 3 months put with a striking price of ` 40.
(i) Determine the Investor’s position if the tie up offer bids the price of ABC Corporation’s
stock up to ` 43 in 3 months.
(ii) Determine the Investor’s ending position, if the tie up programme fails and the price of
the stocks falls to ` 36 in 3 months.
Cost of Call and Put Options
= (` 2 per share) x (100 share call) + (` 1 per share) x (100 share put)
= ` 2 x 100 + 1 x 100
= ` 300
(i) Price increases to `43. Since the market price is higher than the strike price of the call,
the investor will exercise it.
Ending position = (- ` 300 cost of 2 option) + (` 1 per share gain on call) x 100
= - ` 300 + 100
Net Loss = - ` 200
(ii) The price of the stock falls to `36. Since the market price is lower than the strike price,
the investor may not exercise the call option.
Ending Position = (- `300 cost of 2 options) + (`4 per stock gain on put) x 100
= - `300 + 400
Gain = `100

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Question 50
Consider a two-year call option with a strike price of ` 50 on a stock the current price of which
is also ` 50. Assume that there are two-time periods of one year and in each year the stock
price can move up or down by equal percentage of 20%. The risk-free interest rate is 6%.
Using binominal option model, calculate the probability of price moving up and down. Also
draw a two-step binomial tree showing prices and payoffs at each node.
Stock prices in the two step Binominal tree

Using the single period model, the probability of price increase is

R − d 1.06 − 0.80 0.26
P= = = = 0.65
u−d 1.20 − 0.80 0.40
therefore the p of price decrease = 1-0.65 = 0.35
The two step Binominal tree showing price and pay off

The value of an American call option at nodes D, E and F will be equal to the value of
European option at these nodes and accordingly the call values at nodes D, E and F will be
22, 0 and 0 using the single period binomial model the value of call option at node B is
Cup + Cd(1 − p) 22 × 0.65 + 0 × 0.35
C= = = 13.49
R 1.06

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The value of option at node ‘A’ is

13.49 × 0.65 + 0 × 0.35
= 8.272
Question 51
The current market price of an equity share of Penchant Ltd is `r420. Within a period of 3
months, the maximum and minimum price of it is expected to be ` 500 and ` 400 respectively.
If the risk free rate of interest be 8% p.a., what should be the value of a 3 months Call option
under the “Risk Neutral” method at the strike rate of ` 450 ? Given e0.02 = 1.0202
Let the probability of attaining the maximum price be p
(500 - 420) х p+(400 - 420) х (1-p) = 420 х (e0.02-1)
or, 80p - 20(1 - p) = 420 х 0.0202
or, 80p – 20 + 20p = 8.48
or, 100p = 28.48
p= 0.2848
0.2848x(500 − 450) 0.2848x50 + 0.7152 × 0
The value of Call Option in ` = = =13.96
1.0202 1.0202
Question 52
Mr. X established the following spread on the Delta Corporation’s stock :
(i) Purchased one 3-month call option with a premium of ` 30 and an exercise price of
` 550.
(ii) Purchased one 3-month put option with a premium of ` 5 and an exercise price of ` 450.
Delta Corporation’s stock is currently selling at ` 500. Determine profit or loss, if the price of
Delta Corporation’s :
(i) remains at `500 after 3 months.
(ii) falls at `350 after 3 months.
(iii) rises to `600.
Assume the size option is 100 shares of Delta Corporation.
(i) Total premium paid on purchasing a call and put option
= (`30 per share × 100) + (`5 per share × 100).
= 3,000 + 500 = `3,500

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In this case, X exercises neither the call option nor the put option as both will result in a
loss for him.
Ending value = - `3,500 + zero gain = - `3,500
i.e Net loss = `3,500
(ii) Since the price of the stock is below the exercise price of the call, the call will not be
exercised. Only put is valuable and is exercised.
Total premium paid = ` 3,500
Ending value = – ` 3,500 + `[(450 – 350) × 100] = – ` 3,500 + ` 10,000 = ` 6,500
∴ Net gain = ` 6,500
(iii) In this situation, the put is worthless, since the price of the stock exceeds the put’s
exercise price. Only call option is valuable and is exercised.
Total premium paid = ` 3,500
Ending value = -3,500 + [(600 – 550) × 100]
Net Gain = -3,500 + 5,000 = ` 1,500
Question 53
Equity share of PQR Ltd. is presently quoted at ` 320. The Market Price of the share after 6
months has the following probability distribution:
Market Price ` 180 260 280 320 400
Probability 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.1
A put option with a strike price of ` 300 can be written.
You are required to find out expected value of option at maturity (i.e. 6 months)
Expected Value of Option
(300 – 180) X 0.1 12
(300 – 260) X 0.2 8
(300 – 280) X 0.5 10
(300 – 320) X 0.1 Not Exercised*
(300 – 400) X 0.1 Not Exercised*
* If the strike price goes beyond ` 300, option is not exercised at all.
In case of Put option, since Share price is greater than strike price Option Value would be

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Question 54
You as an investor had purchased a 4 month call option on the equity shares of X Ltd. of ` 10,
of which the current market price is ` 132 and the exercise price ` 150. You expect the price
to range between ` 120 to ` 190. The expected share price of X Ltd. and related probability is
given below:
Expected Price (`) 120 140 160 180 190
Probability .05 .20 .50 .10 .15
Compute the following:
(1) Expected Share price at the end of 4 months.
(2) Value of Call Option at the end of 4 months, if the exercise price prevails.
(3) In case the option is held to its maturity, what will be the expected value of the call
(1) Expected Share Price
= `120X 0.05 + `140X 0.20 + `160X 0.50 + `180X 0.10 + `190X 0.15
= `6 + `28 + `80 + `18 + `28.50 = `160.50
(2) Value of Call Option
= `150 - `150 = Nil
(3) If the option is held till maturity the expected Value of Call Option
Expected price (X) Value of call (C) Probability (P) CP
` 120 0 0.05 0
` 140 0 0.20 0
` 160 ` 10 0.50 `5
` 180 ` 30 0.10 `3
` 190 ` 40 0.15 `6
Total ` 14
Alternatively, it can also be calculated as follows:
Expected Value of Option
(120 – 150) X 0.1 Not Exercised*
(140 – 150) X 0.2 Not Exercised*
(160 – 150) X 0.5 5
(180 – 150) X 0.1 3

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(190 – 150) X 0.15 6

* If the strike price goes below ` 150, option is not exercised at all.
Question 55
The equity share of VCC Ltd. is quoted at ` 210. A 3-month call option is available at a
premium of ` 6 per share and a 3-month put option is available at a premium of ` 5 per share.
Ascertain the net payoffs to the optionholder of a call option and a put option.
(i) the strike price in both cases in ` 220; and
(ii) the share price on the exercise day is ` 200,210,220,230,240.
Also indicate the price range at which the call and the put options may be gainfully exercised.
Net payoff for the holder of the call option
Share price on exercise day 200 210 220 230 240
Option exercise No No No Yes Yes
Outflow (Strike price) Nil Nil Nil 220 220
Out flow (premium) 6 6 6 6 6
Total Outflow 6 6 6 226 226
Less inflow (Sales proceeds) - - - 230 240
Net payoff -6 -6 -6 4 14

Net payoff for the holder of the put option

Share price on exercise day 200 210 220 230 240
Option exercise Yes Yes No No No
Inflow (strike price) 220 220 Nil Nil Nil
Less outflow (purchase price) 200 210 - - -
Less outflow (premium) 5 5 5 5 5
Net Payoff 15 5 -5 -5 -5
The call option can be exercised gainfully for any price above ` 226 (` 220 + ` 6) and put option
for any price below ` 215 (` 220 - ` 5).

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Question 56
A call and put exist on the same stock each of which is exercisable at ` 60. They now trade for:
Market price of Stock or stock index ` 55
Market price of call ` 9
Market price of put ` 1
Calculate the expiration date cash flow, investment value, and net profit from:
(i) Buy 1.0 call
(ii) Write 1.0 call
(iii) Buy 1.0 put
(iv) Write 1.0 put
for expiration date stock prices of ` 50, ` 55, ` 60, ` 65, ` 70.
Expiration date cash flows
Stock Prices ` 50 ` 55 ` 60 ` 65 ` 70
Buy 1.0 call 0 0 0 -60 -60
Write 1.0 call 0 0 0 60 60
Buy 1.0 put 60 60 0 0 0
Write 1.0 put -60 -60 0 0 0
Expiration date investment value
Stock Prices ` 50 ` 55 ` 60 ` 65 ` 70
Buy 1.0 call 0 0 0 5 10
Write 1.0 call 0 0 0 -5 -10
Buy 1.0 put 10 5 0 0 0
Write 1.0 put -10 -5 0 0 0
Expiration date net profits
Stock Prices ` 50 ` 55 ` 60 ` 65 ` 70
Buy 1.0 call -9 -9 -9 -4 1
Write 1.0 call 9 9 9 4 -1
Buy 1.0 put 9 4 -1 -1 -1
Write 1.0 put -9 -4 1 1 1

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Question 57
From the following data for certain stock, find the value of a call option:
Price of stock now = ` 80
Exercise price = ` 75
Standard deviation of continuously compounded = 0.40
annual return
Maturity period = 6 months
Annual interest rate = 12%
Number of S.D. from Mean, (z) Area of the left or right (one tail)
0.25 0.4013
0.30 0.3821
0.55 0.2912
0.60 0.2743

e 0.12x0.5 = 1.062
In 1.0667 = 0.0646
Applying the Black Scholes Formula,
Value of the Call option now:
The Formula C = SN(d1 ) − Ke ( −rt) N(d2 )

In (S/K) + (r + σ 2 / 2)t
d1 =
σ t
d2 = d1 - σ t

C = Theoretical call premium
S = Current stock price
t = time until option expiration
K = option striking price
r = risk-free interest rate
N = Cumulative standard normal distribution
e = exponential term

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σ = Standard deviation of continuously compounded annual return.

In = natural logarithim
In (1.0667) + (12% + 0.08)0.5
d1 =
0.40 0.5
= 0.0646 + (0.2)0.5
0.40 × 0.7071

= 0.5820
d2 = 0.5820 – 0.2828 = 0.2992
N(d1) = N (0.5820)
N(d2) = N (0.2992)
Price = SN(d1 ) − Ke ( −rt) N(d2 )

= 80 x N(d1) – (75/1.062) x N(d2)

Value of option
= 80 N(d1) - × N(d2 )
N(d1) = N (0.5820) = 0.7197
N(d2) = N(0.2992) = 0.6176
Price = 80 x 0.7197 – × 0.6176
= 57.57 – 70.62 x 0.6176
= 57.57 – 43.61
= `13.96
Teaching Notes:
Students may please note following important point:
Values of N(d1) and N(d2) have been computed by interpolating the values of areas under
respective numbers of SD from Mean (Z) given in the question.
It may also be possible that in question paper areas under Z may be mentioned otherwise e.g.
Cumulative Area or Area under Two tails. In such situation the areas of the respective Zs
given in the question will be as follows:

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Cumulative Area
Number of S.D. from Mean, (z) Cumulative Area
0.25 0.5987
0.30 0.6179
0.55 0.7088
0.60 0.7257
Two tail area
Number of S.D. from Mean, (z) Area of the left and right (two tail)
0.25 0.8026
0.30 0.7642
0.55 0.5823
0.60 0.5485
Question 58
Following information is available for X Company’s shares and Call option:
Current share price ` 185
Option exercise price ` 170
Risk free interest rate 7%
Time of the expiry of option 3 years
Standard deviation 0.18
Calculate the value of option using Black-Scholes formula.

ln (S / E) + (r + )t
d1 = 2
σ t

ln (185/170) + (0.07 + )3
= 2
0.18 3
ln 1.0882 + (0.07 + 0.0162) 3
0.18 3
0.08452 + 0.2586
0.18 3

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d1 = 1.1006
d2 = d1 - σ t
= 1.1006 – 0.31177 = 0.7888
N(d1) = 0.8644 (from table)
N(d2) = 0.7848
E 170
Value of option = Vs N(d1) – rt
N(d2) = 185 (0.8644) - 0.21 (0.7848)
e e
= 159.914 - × 0.7848
= 159.91 – 108.15 = ` 51.76
Question 59
Suppose a dealer quotes ‘All-in-cost’ for a generic swap at 8% against six month LIBOR flat. If
the notional principal amount of swap is ` 5,00,000.
(i) Calculate semi-annual fixed payment.
(ii) Find the first floating rate payment for (i) above if the six month period from the effective
date of swap to the settlement date comprises 181 days and that the corresponding
LIBOR was 6% on the effective date of swap.
In (ii) above, if the settlement is on ‘Net’ basis, how much the fixed rate payer would pay
to the floating rate payer?
Generic swap is based on 30/360 days basis.
(i) Semi-annual fixed payment
= (N) (AIC) (Period)
Where N = Notional Principal amount = `5,00,000
AIC = All-in-cost = 8% = 0.08
 180 
= 5,00,000 × 0.08  
 360 
= 5,00,000 × 0.08 (0.5)
= 5,00,000 × 0.04 = `20,000/-

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(ii) Floating Rate Payment

 dt 
= N (LIBOR)  
 360 
= 5,00,000 × 0.06 ×
= 5,00,000 × 0.06 (0.503) or 5,00,000 × 0.06 (0.502777)
= 5,00,000 × 0.03018 or 0.30166 = `15,090 or 15,083
Both are correct
(iii) Net Amount
= (i) – (ii)
= `20,000 – `15,090 = `4,910
or = `20,000 – `15,083 = `4,917
Question 60
A Inc. and B Inc. intend to borrow $200,000 and $200,000 in ¥ respectively for a time horizon
of one year. The prevalent interest rates are as follows:
Company ¥ Loan $ Loan
A Inc 5% 9%
B Inc 8% 10%
The prevalent exchange rate is $1 = ¥120.
They entered in a currency swap under which it is agreed that B Inc will pay A Inc @ 1% over
the ¥ Loan interest rate which the later will have to pay as a result of the agreed currency
swap whereas A Inc will reimburse interest to B Inc only to the extent of 9%. Keeping the
exchange rate invariant, quantify the opportunity gain or loss component of the ultimate
outcome, resulting from the designed currency swap.
Opportunity gain of A Inc under currency swap Receipt Payment Net
Interest to be remitted to B. Inc in
$ 2,00,000х9%=$18,000 ¥21,60,000
Converted into ($18,000х¥120)
Interest to be received from B. Inc in $ ¥14,40,000 -
converted into Y (6%х$2,00,000 х ¥120)
Interest payable on Y loan - ¥12,00,000
¥14,40,000 ¥33,60,000

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Net Payment ¥19,20,000 -

¥33,60,000 ¥33,60,000
$ equivalent paid ¥19,20,000 х(1/¥120) $16,000
Interest payable without swap in $ $18,000
Opportunity gain in $ $ 2,000

Opportunity gain of B inc under currency swap Receipt Payment Net

Interest to be remitted to A. Inc in ($ 2,00,000 х 6%) $12,000
Interest to be received from A. Inc in Y converted into $18,000
$ =¥21,60,000/¥120
Interest payable on $ loan@10% - $20,000
$18,000 $32,000
Net Payment $14,000 -
$32,000 $32,000
Y equivalent paid $14,000 X ¥120 ¥16,80,000
Interest payable without swap in ¥ ($2,00,000X¥120X8%) ¥19,20,000
Opportunity gain in Y ¥ 2,40,000

Alternative Solution
Cash Flows of A Inc
(i) At the time of exchange of principal amount
Transactions Cash Flows
Borrowings $2,00,000 x ¥120 + ¥240,00,000
Swap - ¥240,00,000
Swap +$2,00,000
Net Amount +$2,00,000
(ii) At the time of exchange of principal amount
Transactions Cash Flows
Interest to the lender ¥240,00,000X5% ¥12,00,000
Interest Receipt from B Inc. ¥2,00,000X120X6% ¥14,40,000
Net Saving (in $) ¥2,40,000/¥120 $2,000
Interest to B Inc. $2,00,000X9% -$18,000
Net Interest Cost -$16,000

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A Inc. used $2,00,000 at the net cost of borrowing of $16,000 i.e. 8%. If it had not opted
for swap agreement the borrowing cost would have been 9%. Thus there is saving of 1%.
Cash Flows of B Inc
(i) At the time of exchange of principal amount
Transactions Cash Flows
Borrowings + $2,00,000
Swap - $2,00,000
Swap $2,00,000X¥120 +¥240,00,000
Net Amount +¥240,00,000
(ii) At the time of exchange of principal amount
Transactions Cash Flows
Interest to the lender $2,00,000X10% - $20,000
Interest Receipt from A Inc. +$18,000
Net Saving (in ¥) -$2,000X¥120 - ¥2,40,000
Interest to A Inc. $2,00,000X6%X¥120 - ¥14,40,000
Net Interest Cost - ¥16,80,000
B Inc. used ¥240,00,000 at the net cost of borrowing of ¥16,80,000 i.e. 7%. If it had not opted
for swap agreement the borrowing cost would have been 8%. Thus there is saving of 1%.
Question 61
Derivative Bank entered into a plain vanilla swap through on OIS (Overnight Index Swap) on a
principal of ` 10 crores and agreed to receive MIBOR overnight floating rate for a fixed
payment on the principal. The swap was entered into on Monday, 2nd August, 2010 and was to
commence on 3rd August, 2010 and run for a period of 7 days.
Respective MIBOR rates for Tuesday to Monday were:
If Derivative Bank received ` 317 net on settlement, calculate Fixed rate and interest under
both legs.
(i) Sunday is Holiday.
(ii) Work in rounded rupees and avoid decimal working.
(iii) Consider 365 days in a year.

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Day Principal (`) MIBOR (%) Interest (`)
Tuesday 10,00,00,000 7.75 21,233
Wednesday 10,00,21,233 8.15 22,334
Thursday 10,00,43,567 8.12 22,256
Friday 10,00,65,823 7.95 21,795
Saturday & Sunday (*) 10,00,87,618 7.98 43,764
Monday 10,01,31,382 8.15 22,358
Total Interest @ Floating 1,53,740
Less: Net Received 317
Expected Interest @ fixed 1,53,423
Thus Fixed Rate of Interest 0.07999914
Approx. 8%
(*) i.e. interest for two days.
Question 62
M/s. Parker & Co. is contemplating to borrow an amount of ` 60 crores for a period of 3
months in the coming 6 month's time from now. The current rate of interest is 9% p.a., but it
may go up in 6 month’s time. The company wants to hedge itself against the likely increase
in interest rate.
The Company's Bankers quoted an FRA (Forward Rate Agreement) at 9.30% p.a.
What will be final settlement amount, if the actual rate of interest after 6 months happens to be
(i) 9.60% p.a. and (ii) 8.80% p.a.?
Final settlement amount shall be computed by using formula:
(N)(RR - FR)(dtm/DY)
[1 + RR(dtm/DY)]
N = the notional principal amount of the agreement;
RR = Reference Rate for the maturity specified by the contract prevailing on the contract
settlement date;
FR = Agreed-upon Forward Rate; and
dtm = maturity of the forward rate, specified in days (FRA Days)

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DY = Day count basis applicable to money market transactions which could be 360or 365
If actual rate of interest after 6 months happens to be 9.60%
(` 60crore)(0.096- 0.093)(3/12)
[1 + 0.096(3/12)]
(` 60crore)(0.00075)
= = ` 4,39,453
Thus banker will pay Parker & Co. a sum of ` 4,39,453
If actual rate of interest after 6 months happens to be 8.80%
(` 60crore)(0.088- 0.093)(3/12)
[1 + 0.088(3/12)]
(` 60crore)(-0.00125)
= = - ` 7,33,855
Thus Parker & Co. will pay banker a sum of ` 7,33,855
Note: It might be possible that students may solve the question on basis of days instead of
months (as considered in above calculations). Further there may be also possibility that the
FRA days and Day Count convention may be taken in various plausible combinations such as
90 days/360 days, 90 days/ 365 days, 91 days/360 days or 91 days/365days.
Question 63
A textile manufacturer has taken floating interest rate loan of ` 40,00,000 on 1st April, 2012. The
rate of interest at the inception of loan is 8.5% p.a. interest is to be paid every year on
31st March, and the duration of loan is four years. In the month of October 2012, the Central bank
of the country releases following projections about the interest rates likely to prevail in future.
(i) On 31st March, 2013, at 8.75%; on 31st March, 2014 at 10% on 31st March, 201? at
10.5% and on 31st March, 2016 at 7.75%. Show how this borrowing can hedge the risk
arising out of expected rise in the rate of interest when he wants to peg his interest cost
at 8.50% p.a.
(ii) Assume that the premium negotiated by both the parties is 0.75% to be paid on 1st
October, 2012 and the actual rate of interest on the respective due dates happens to be
as: on 31st March, 2013 at 10.2%; on 31st March, 2014 at 11.5%; on 31st March, 2015 at
9.25%; on 31st March, 2016 at 9.0% and 8.25%. Show how the settlement will be
executed on the perspective interest due dates.

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5.61 Strategic Financial Management

As borrower does not want to pay more than 8.5% p.a., on this loan where the rate of interest
is likely to rise beyond this, hence, he has hedge the risk by entering into an agreement to buy
interest rate caps with the following parameters:
• National Principal : ` 40,00,000/-
• Strike rate: 8.5% p.a.
• Reference rate : the rate of interest applicable to this loan
• Calculation and settlement date : 31st March every year
• Duration of the caps : till 31st March 2016
• Premium for caps : negotiable between both the parties
To purchase the caps this borrower is required to pay the premium upfront at the time of
buying caps. The payment of such premium will entitle him with right to receive the
compensation from the seller of the caps as soon as the rate of interest on this loan rises
above 8.5%. The compensation will be at the rate of the difference between the rate of none of
the cases the cost of this loan will rise above 8.5% calculated on ` 40,00,000/-. This implies
that in none of the cases the cost of this loan will rise above 8.5%. This hedging benefit is
received at the respective interest due dates at the cost of premium to be paid only once.
The premium to be paid on 1st October 2012 is 30,000/- (` 40,00,000 x 0.75/100). The
payment of this premium will entitle the buyer of the caps to receive the compensation from
the seller of the caps whereas the buyer will not have obligation. The compensation received
by the buyer of caps will be as follows:
On 31st March 2013
The buyer of the caps will receive the compensation at the rate of 1.70% (10.20 - 8.50) to be
calculated on ` 40,00,000, the amount of compensation will be ` 68000/- (40,00,000 x 1.70/100)
On 31st March 2014
The buyer of the caps will receive the compensation at the rate of 3.00% (11.50 – 8.50) to be
calculated on ` 40,00,000/-, the amount of compensation will be ` 120000/- (40,00,000 x
On 31st March 2015
The buyer of the caps will receive the compensation at the rate of 0.75% (9.25 – 8.50) to be
calculated on ` 40,00,000/-, the amount of compensation will be ` 30,000 (40,00,000 x 0.75/100).
On 31st March 2016
The buyer of the caps will not receive the compensation as the actual rate of interest is 8.25%
whereas strike rate of caps is 8.5%. Hence, his interest liability shall not exceed 8.50%.
Thus, by paying the premium upfront buyer of the caps gets the compensation on the respective
interest due dates without any obligations.

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Question 64
The following market data is available:
Spot USD/JPY 116.00
Deposit rates p.a. USD JPY
3 months 4.50% 0.25%
6 months 5.00% 0.25%
Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) for Yen is Nil.
1. What should be 3 months FRA rate at 3 months forward?
2. The 6 & 12 months LIBORS are 5% & 6.5% respectively. A bank is quoting 6/12 USD
FRA at 6.50 – 6.75%. Is any arbitrage opportunity available?
Calculate profit in such case.
1. 3 Months Interest rate is 4.50% & 6 Months Interest rate is 5% p.a.
Future Value 6 Months from now is a product of Future Value 3 Months now & 3 Months
Future Value from after 3 Months.
(1+0.05*6/12) = (1+0.045*3/12) x (1+i3,6 *3/12)
i3,6 = [(1+0.05* 6/12) /(1+0.045 *3/12) – 1] *12/3
i.e. 5.44% p.a.
2. 6 Months Interest rate is 5% p.a & 12 Month interest rate is 6.5% p.a.
Future value 12 month from now is a product of Future value 6 Months from now and 6
Months Future value from after 6 Months.
(1+0.065) = (1+0.05*6/12) x (1+i6,6 *6/12)
i6,6 = [(1+0.065/1.025) – 1] *12/6
6 Months forward 6 month rate is 7.80% p.a.
The Bank is quoting 6/12 USD FRA at 6.50 – 6.75%
Therefore, there is an arbitrage Opportunity of earning interest @ 7.80% p.a. & Paying @
Borrow for 6 months, buy an FRA & invest for 12 months
To get $ 1.065 at the end of 12 months for $ 1 invested today

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5.63 Strategic Financial Management

To pay $ 1.060# at the end of 12 months for every $ 1 Borrowed today

Net gain $ 0.005 i.e. risk less profit for every $ borrowed
# (1+0.05/2) (1+.0675/2) = (1.05959) say 1.060
Question 65
From the following data for Government securities, calculate the forward rates:
Face value (`) Interest rate Maturity (Year) Current price (`)
1,00,000 0% 1 91,500
1,00,000 10% 2 98,500
1,00,000 10.5% 3 99,000

Consider one-year Treasury bill.
91,500 =
(1+ r1)
1+r1 = = 1.092896
r1 = 0.0929 or 0.093
Consider two-year Government Security
10,000 1,10,000
98,500 = +
1.093 1.093 (1+ r2 )
98500 = 9149.131 +
1.093 (1+ r2 )
⇒ 89350.87 =
1+ r2
⇒ 1 + r2 = 1.126351
⇒ r2 = 0.12635
⇒ r2 = 0.1263
Consider three-year Government Securities:
10,500 10,500 1,10,500
99,000= + +
1.093 1.093 ×1.1263 1.093 ×1.1263 (1+ r3 )

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⇒ 99,000 = 9,606.587 + 8,529.65+
1+ r 3
⇒ 80,863.763 =
1+ r3
⇒ 1+r3 = 1.1100284
⇒ r3 = 0.1100284 say 11.003%
Question 66
Given below is the Balance Sheet of S Ltd. as on 31.3.2008:
Liabilities ` Assets `
(in lakh) (in lakh)
Share capital Land and building 40
(share of ` 10) 100 Plant and machinery 80
Reserves and surplus 40 Investments 10
Long Term Debts 30 Stock 20
Debtors 15
170 Cash at bank 5
You are required to work out the value of the Company's, shares on the basis of Net Assets
method and Profit-earning capacity (capitalization) method and arrive at the fair price of the
shares, by considering the following information:
(i) Profit for the current year ` 64 lakhs includes ` 4 lakhs extraordinary income and ` 1
lakh income from investments of surplus funds; such surplus funds are unlikely to recur.
(ii) In subsequent years, additional advertisement expenses of ` 5 lakhs are expected to be
incurred each year.
(iii) Market value of Land and Building and Plant and Machinery have been ascertained at
` 96 lakhs and ` 100 lakhs respectively. This will entail additional depreciation of ` 6
lakhs each year.
(iv) Effective Income-tax rate is 30%.
(v) The capitalization rate applicable to similar businesses is 15%.
` lakhs
Net Assets Method
Assets: Land & Buildings 96
Plant & Machinery 100
Investments 10

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5.65 Strategic Financial Management

Stocks 20
Debtors 15
Cash & Bank 5
Total Assets 246
Less: Long Term Debts 30
Net Assets 216
Value per share
(a) Number of shares = 10,00,000
(b) Net Assets ` 2,16,00,000
` 2,16,00,000
= ` 21.6

Profit-earning Capacity Method ` lakhs

Profit before tax 64.00
Less: Extraordinary income 4.00
Investment income (not likely to recur) 1.00 5.00
Less: Additional expenses in forthcoming years
Advertisement 5.00
Depreciation 6.00 11.00
Expected earnings before taxes 48.00
Less: Income-tax @ 30% 14.40
Future maintainable profits (after taxes) 33.60
Value of business
33.60 224
Capitalisation factor =
Less: Long term Debts 30
Value per share 1,94,00,000
` 19.40
Fair Price of share `
Value as per Net Assets Method 21.60
Value as per Profit earning capacity (Capitalisation) method 19.40
21.60 + 19.40 41.00
Fair Price= = = `20.50
2 2

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Question 67
Which position on the index future gives a speculator, a complete hedge against the following
(i) The share of Right Limited is going to rise. He has a long position on the cash market of
` 50 lakhs on the Right Limited. The beta of the Right Limited is 1.25.
(ii) The share of Wrong Limited is going to depreciate. He has a short position on the cash
market of ` 25 lakhs on the Wrong Limited. The beta of the Wrong Limited is 0.90.
(iii) The share of Fair Limited is going to stagnant. He has a short position on the cash
market of ` 20 lakhs of the Fair Limited. The beta of the Fair Limited is 0.75.
Sl. No. Company Name Trend Amount (`) Beta (`) Position
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
[(4) x (5)]
(i) Right Ltd. Rise 50 lakh 1.25 62,50,000 Short
(ii) Wrong Ltd. Depreciate 25 lakh 0.90 22,50,000 Long
(iii) Fair Ltd. Stagnant 20 lakh 0.75 15,00,000 Long
25,00,000 Short

Question 68
Ram buys 10,000 shares of X Ltd. at a price of ` 22 per share whose beta value is 1.5 and
sells 5,000 shares of A Ltd. at a price of ` 40 per share having a beta value of 2. He obtains a
complete hedge by Nifty futures at ` 1,000 each. He closes out his position at the closing
price of the next day when the share of X Ltd. dropped by 2%, share of A Ltd. appreciated by
3% and Nifty futures dropped by 1.5%.
What is the overall profit/loss to Ram?
No. of the Future Contract to be obtained to get a complete hedge

10000 ×`22 × 1.5 - 5000 × ` 40 × 2


`3,30,000 - ` 4,00,000
= = 70 contracts
Thus, by purchasing 70 Nifty future contracts to be long to obtain a complete hedge.

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Cash Outlay
= 10000 x ` 22 – 5000 x ` 40 + 70 x ` 1,000
= ` 2,20,000 – ` 2,00,000 + ` 70,000 = ` 90,000
Cash Inflow at Close Out
= 10000 x ` 22 x 0.98 – 5000 x ` 40 x 1.03 + 70 x ` 1,000 x 0.985
= ` 2,15,600 – ` 2,06,000 + ` 68,950 = ` 78,550
Gain/ Loss
= ` 78,550 – ` 90,000 = - ` 11,450 (Loss)
Question 69
On January 1, 2013 an investor has a portfolio of 5 shares as given below:
Security Price No. of Shares Beta
A 349.30 5,000 1.15
B 480.50 7,000 0.40
C 593.52 8,000 0.90
D 734.70 10,000 0.95
E 824.85 2,000 0.85
The cost of capital to the investor is 10.5% per annum.
You are required to calculate:
(i) The beta of his portfolio.
(ii) The theoretical value of the NIFTY futures for February 2013.
(iii) The number of contracts of NIFTY the investor needs to sell to get a full hedge until
February for his portfolio if the current value of NIFTY is 5900 and NIFTY futures have a
minimum trade lot requirement of 200 units. Assume that the futures are trading at their
fair value.
(iv) The number of future contracts the investor should trade if he desires to reduce the beta
of his portfolios to 0.6.
No. of days in a year be treated as 365.
Given: In (1.105) = 0.0998 and e(0.015858) = 1.01598
(i) Calculation of Portfolio Beta

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Security Price of No. of Value Weightage Beta Weighted

the Stock shares wi Βi Beta
A 349.30 5,000 17,46,500 0.093 1.15 0.107
B 480.50 7,000 33,63,500 0.178 0.40 0.071
C 593.52 8,000 47,48,160 0.252 0.90 0.227
D 734.70 10,000 73,47,000 0.390 0.95 0.370
E 824.85 2,000 16,49,700 0.087 0.85 0.074
1,88,54,860 0.849
Portfolio Beta = 0.849
(ii) Calculation of Theoretical Value of Future Contract
Cost of Capital = 10.5% p.a. Accordingly, the Continuously Compounded Rate of Interest
ln (1.105) = 0.0998
For February 2013 contract, t= 58/365= 0.1589
Further F= Sert
F= ` 5,900e(0.0998)(0.1589)
F= ` 5,900e0.015858
F= ` 5,900X1.01598 = ` 5,994.28
Alternatively, it can also be taken as follows:
= ` 5900 e 0.105×58/365
= ` 5900 e 0.01668
= ` 5900 x 1.01682 = ` 5,999.24
(iii) When total portfolio is to be hedged:
Value of Spot Position requiring hedging
= × Portfolio Beta
Value of Future Contract
= × 0.849io= 13.35 contracts say 13 or 14 contracts
5994.28 × 200
(iv) When total portfolio beta is to be reduced to 0.6:
P(βP − β P' )
Number of Contracts to be sold = o
1,88,54,860 (0.849 - 0.600)
= io= 3.92 contracts say 4 contracts
5994.28 × 200

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Question 70
Details about portfolio of shares of an investor is as below:
Shares No. of shares (Iakh) Price per share Beta
A Ltd. 3.00 ` 500 1.40
B Ltd. 4.00 ` 750 1.20
C Ltd. 2.00 ` 250 1.60
The investor thinks that the risk of portfolio is very high and wants to reduce the portfolio beta to
0.91. He is considering two below mentioned alternative strategies:
(i) Dispose off a part of his existing portfolio to acquire risk free securities, or
(ii) Take appropriate position on Nifty Futures which are currently traded at ` 8125 and each
Nifty points is worth `200.
You are required to determine:
(1) portfolio beta,
(2) the value of risk free securities to be acquired,
(3) the number of shares of each company to be disposed off,
(4) the number of Nifty contracts to be bought/sold; and
(5) the value of portfolio beta for 2% rise in Nifty.
Shares No. of Market × (2) % to total ß (x) wx
shares Price of Per (` lakhs) (w)
(lakhs) (1) Share (2)
A Ltd. 3.00 500.00 1500.00 0.30 1.40 0.42
B Ltd. 4.00 750.00 3000.00 0.60 1.20 0.72
C Ltd. 2.00 250.00 500.00 0.10 1.60 0.16
5000.00 1 1.30
(1) Portfolio beta 1.30
(2) Required Beta 0.91
Let the proportion of risk free securities for target beta 0.91 = p
0.91 = 0 × p + 1.30 (1 – p)
p = 0.30 i.e. 30%
Shares to be disposed off to reduce beta 5000 × 30% ` 1,500 lakh
(3) Number of shares of each company to be disposed off

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Shares % to total Proportionate Amount Market Price No. of Shares

(w) (` lakhs) Per Share (Lakh)
A Ltd. 0.30 450.00 500.00 0.90
B Ltd. 0.60 900.00 750.00 1.20
C Ltd. 0.10 150.00 250.00 0.60
(4) Number of Nifty Contract to be sold
(1.30-0.91) × 5000 lakh
= 120 contracts
8,125 × 200
(5) 2% rises in Nifty is accompanied by 2% x 1.30 i.e. 2.6% rise for portfolio of shares
` Lakh
Current Value of Portfolio of Shares 5000
Value of Portfolio after rise 5130
Mark-to-Market Margin paid (8125 × 0.020 × ` 200 × 120) 39
Value of the portfolio after rise of Nifty 5091
% change in value of portfolio (5091 – 5000)/ 5000 1.82%
% rise in the value of Nifty 2%
Beta 0.91
Question 71
On April 1, 2015, an investor has a portfolio consisting of eight securities as shown below:
Security Market Price No. of Shares Value
A 29.40 400 0.59
B 318.70 800 1.32
C 660.20 150 0.87
D 5.20 300 0.35
E 281.90 400 1.16
F 275.40 750 1.24
G 514.60 300 1.05
H 170.50 900 0.76

The cost of capital for the investor is 20% p.a. continuously compounded. The investor fears a
fall in the prices of the shares in the near future. Accordingly, he approaches you for the
advice to protect the interest of his portfolio.

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5.71 Strategic Financial Management

You can make use of the following information:

(i) The current NIFTY value is 8500.
(ii) NIFTY futures can be traded in units of 25 only.
(iii) Futures for May are currently quoted at 8700 and Futures for June are being quoted at
You are required to calculate:
(i) the beta of his portfolio.
(ii) the theoretical value of the futures contract for contracts expiring in May and June.
Given (e0.03 =1.03045, e0.04 = 1.04081, e0.05 =1.05127)
(iii) the number of NIFTY contracts that he would have to sell if he desires to hedge until
June in each of the following cases:
(A) His total portfolio
(B) 50% of his portfolio
(C) 120% of his portfolio
(i) Beta of the Portfolio
Security Market No. of Value β Value x β
Price Shares
A 29.40 400 11760 0.59 6938.40
B 318.70 800 254960 1.32 336547.20
C 660.20 150 99030 0.87 86156.10
D 5.20 300 1560 0.35 546.00
E 281.90 400 112760 1.16 130801.60
F 275.40 750 206550 1.24 256122.00
G 514.60 300 154380 1.05 162099.00
H 170.50 900 153450 0.76 116622.00
994450 1095832.30

Portfolio Beta = = 1.102

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(ii) Theoretical Value of Future Contract Expiring in May and June

F = Sert
FMay= 8500 x e0.20 x (2/12) = 8500 x e0.0333
e0.0333 shall be computed using Interpolation Formula as follows:
e0.03 = 1.03045
e0.04 = 1.04081
e0.01 = 0.01036
e0.0033 = 0.00342
e0.0067 = 0.00694

e0.0333 = 1.03045 + 0.00342 = 1.03387 or 1.04081 – 0.00694 = 1.03387

According the price of the May Contract
8500 X 1.03387 = ` 8788
Price of the June Contract
FMay= 8500 x e0.20 x (3/12) = 8500 x e0.05= 8500 x 1.05127 = 8935.80

(iii) No. of NIFTY Contracts required to sell to hedge until June

Value of Position to be hedged
= ×β
Value of Future Contract
(A) Total portfolio
× 1.102 = 4.953 say 5 contracts
8850 × 25
(B) 50% of Portfolio
994450 × 0.50
× 1.102 = 2.47 say 3 contracts
8850 × 25
(C) 120% of Portfolio
994450 × 1.20
× 1.102 = 5.94 say 6 contracts
8850 × 25
Question 72
A company is long on 10 MT of copper @ ` 474 per kg (spot) and intends to remain so for the
ensuing quarter. The standard deviation of changes of its spot and future prices are 4% and
6% respectively, having correlation coefficient of 0.75.

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5.73 Strategic Financial Management

What is its hedge ratio? What is the amount of the copper future it should short to achieve a
perfect hedge?
The optional hedge ratio to minimize the variance of Hedger’s position is given by:
H= ρ
σS= Standard deviation of ΔS
σF=Standard deviation of ΔF
ρ= coefficient of correlation between ΔS and ΔF
H= Hedge Ratio
ΔS = change in Spot price.
ΔF= change in Future price.
H = 0.75 x = 0.5
No. of contract to be short = 10 x 0.5 = 5
Amount = 5000 x ` 474 = ` 23,70,000
Question 73
A call option on gold with exercise price ` 26,000 per ten gram and three months to expire is
being traded at a premium of ` 1,010 per ten gram. It is expected that in three months time
the spot price might change to ` 27,300 or 24,700 per ten gram. At present this option is at-
the-money and the rate of interest with simple compounding is 12% per annum. Is the current
premium for the option justified? Evaluate the option and comments.
To determine whether premium is justified we shall compute the value of option by using any
of the following models:
By use of Binomial Model

Decision Tree showing pay off

Year 0 3 months Pay off

27300 1300
24700 0

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1300 − 0
The Delta (Δ) Ratio = = 0.50
27300 - 24700

Replicating portfolio Buy 5 gram of gold and sell one call option.
The pay off if price goes up = 0.50 x ` 27300 – ` 1,300 = ` 12,350
The pay off if price goes down = 0.50 x ` 24,700 = ` 12,350
` 12,350
Present Value of Pay-off = = ` 11,990
Current Investment = ` 26,000 x 0.50 = ` 13,000
Value of Option = ` 13,000 – ` 11,990 = ` 1,010
Thus the price of option is justified.
Alternatively, by using Risk Neutral Model:
First of all we shall calculate probability of high demand (P) using risk neutral method as follows:
3% = p x 5% + (1-p) x (-5%)
0.03 = 0.05 p - 0.05 + 0.05p
p= = 0.80
1300 × 0.8 + 0 × 0.2
The value of Call Option = = ` 1,009.71 say ` 1,010
Thus, the price of option is justified.
Question 74
Indira has a fund of ` 3 lacs which she wants to invest in share market with rebalancing target
after every 10 days to start with for a period of one month from now. The present NIFTY is
5326. The minimum NIFTY within a month can at most be 4793.4. She wants to know as to
how she should rebalance her portfolio under the following situations, according to the theory
of Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance Policy, using "2" as the multiplier:
(1) Immediately to start with.
(2) 10 days later-being the 1st day of rebalancing if NIFTY falls to 5122.96.
(3) 10 days further from the above date if the NIFTY touches 5539.04.
For the sake of simplicity, assume that the value of her equity component will change in
tandem with that of the NIFTY and the risk free securities in which she is going to invest will
have no Beta.

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5.75 Strategic Financial Management

Maximum decline in one month = 5326 − 4793.40 × 100 = 10%
(1) Immediately to start with
Investment in equity = Multiplier x (Portfolio value – Floor value)
= 2 (3,00,000 – 2,70,000) = ` 60,000
Indira may invest ` 60,000 in equity and balance in risk free securities.
(2) After 10 days
Value of equity = 60,000 x 5122.96/5326 = ` 57,713
Value of risk free investment ` 2,40,000
Total value of portfolio = ` 2,97,713
Investment in equity = Multiplier x (Portfolio value – Floor value)
= 2 (2,97,713 – 2,70,000) = ` 55,426

Revised Portfolio:
Equity = ` 55,426
Risk free Securities = ` 2,97,713 – ` 55,426 = ` 2,42,287
(3) After another 10 days
Value of equity = 55,426 x 5539.04/5122.96 = ` 59,928
Value of risk free investment = ` 2,42,287
Total value of portfolio = ` 3,02,215
Investment in equity = Multiplier x (Portfolio value – Floor value)
= 2 (3,02,215 – 2,70,000) = ` 64,430
Revised Portfolio:
Equity = ` 64,430
Risk Free Securities = ` 3,02,215 – ` 64,430 = ` 2,37,785
The investor should off-load ` 4502 of risk free securities and divert to Equity.
Question 75
XYZ Limited borrows £ 15 Million of six months LIBOR + 10.00% for a period of 24
months. The company anticipates a rise in LIBOR, hence it proposes to buy a Cap Option
from its Bankers at the strike rate of 8.00%. The lump sum premium is 1.00% for the
entire reset periods and the fixed rate of interest is 7.00% per annum. The actual position

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of LIBOR during the forthcoming reset period is as under:

Reset Period LIBOR
1 9.00%
2 9.50%
3 10.00%
You are required to show how far interest rate risk is hedged through Cap Option.
For calculation, work out figures at each stage up to four decimal points and amount
nearest to £. It should be part of working notes.
First of all we shall calculate premium payable to bank as follows:
rp rp
P= X A or ×A
 1  PVAF(3.5%, 4)
(1 ÷ i) - 
 i × (1 + i) t 
P = Premium
A = Principal Amount
rp = Rate of Premium
i = Fixed Rate of Interest
t = Time
0.01 0.01
= × £15,000,000 or × £15,000,000
 1  (0.966 + 0.933 + 0.901 + 0.871)
(1/ 0.035) - 0.035 × 1.0354 

0.01 £150,000
= × £15,000,000 or = £ 40,861
 1  3.671
(28.5714) - 0.04016 

Please note above solution has been worked out on the basis of four decimal points at each
Now we see the net payment received from bank
Reset Period Additional interest Amount Premium paid Net Amt.
due to rise in received from to bank received from
interest rate bank bank
1 £ 75,000 £ 75,000 £ 40,861 £34,139

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2 £ 112,500 £ 112,500 £ 40,861 £71,639

3 £ 150,000 £ 150,000 £ 40,861 £109,139
TOTAL £ 337,500 £ 337,500 £122,583 £ 214,917

Thus, from above it can be seen that interest rate risk amount of £ 337,500 reduced by
£ 214,917 by using of Cap option.
Note: It may be possible that student may compute upto three decimal points or may use
different basis. In such case their answer is likely to be different.
Question 76
TM Fincorp has bought a 6 x 9 ` 100 crore Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) at 5.25%. On
fixing date reference rate i.e. MIBOR turns out be as follows:
Period Rate (%)
3 months 5.50
6 months 5.70
9 months 5.85
You are required to determine:
(a) Profit/Loss to TM Fincorp. in terms of basis points.
(b) The settlement amount.
(Assume 360 days in a year)
(a) TM will make a profit of 25 basis points since a 6X9 FRA is a contract on 3-month
interest rate in 6 months, which turns out to be 5.50% (higher than FRA price).
(b) The settlement amount shall be calculated by using the following formula:
N(RR - FR )(dtm / 360)
1+ RR(dtm / 360)
N = Notional Principal Amount
RR = Reference Rate
FR = Agreed upon Forward Rate
Dtm = FRA period specified in days.

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100 crore (5.50% - 5.25%)(92*/360)

= ` 6,30,032
1 + 0.055(92*/360)
Hence there is profit of ` 6,30,032 to TM Fincorp.
* Alternatively, it can also be taken as 90 days.
Question 77
XYZ Inc. issues a £ 10 million floating rate loan on July 1, 2013 with resetting of coupon rate
every 6 months equal to LIBOR + 50 bp. XYZ is interested in a collar strategy by selling a
Floor and buying a Cap. XYZ buys the 3 years Cap and sell 3 years Floor as per the following
details on July 1, 2013:
Notional Principal Amount $ 10 million
Reference Rate 6 months LIBOR
Strike Rate 4% for Floor and 7% for Cap
Premium 0*
*Since Premium paid for Cap = Premium received for Floor
Using the following data you are required to determine:
(i) Effective interest paid out at each reset date,
(ii) The average overall effective rate of interest p.a.
Reset Date LIBOR (%)
31-12-2013 6.00
30-06-2014 7.50
31-12-2014 5.00
30-06-2015 4.00
31-12-2015 3.75
30-06-2016 4.25

(a) The pay-off of each leg shall be computed as follows:
Cap Receipt
Max {0, [Notional principal x (LIBOR on Reset date – Cap Strike Rate) x
Number of days in the settlement period }
Floor Pay-off
Max {0, [Notional principal x (Floor Strike Rate – LIBOR on Reset date)

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x Number of days in the settlement period }

Statement showing effective interest on each re-set date

Reset Date LIBOR Days Interest Cap Floor Effective

(%) Payment ($) Receipts Pay-off Interest
LIBOR+0.50% ($) ($)
31-12-2013 6.00 184 3,27,671 0 0 3,27,671
30-06-2014 7.50 181 3,96,712 24,795 0 3,71,917
31-12-2014 5.00 184 2,77,260 0 0 2,77,260
30-06-2015 4.00 181 1,98,356 0 0 1,98,356
31-12-2015 3.75 184 1,89,041 0 12,603 2,01,644
30-06-2016 4.25 182 2,36,849 0 0 2,36,849
Total 1096 16,26,094

(b) Average Annual Effective Interest Rate shall be computed as follows:

16,26,094 365
× × 100 = 5.42%
1,00,00,000 1096
Question 78
Electraspace is consumer electronics wholesaler. The business of the firm is highly seasonal
in nature. In 6 months of a year, firm has a huge cash deposits and especially near Christmas
time and other 6 months firm cash crunch, leading to borrowing of money to cover up its
exposures for running the business.
It is expected that firm shall borrow a sum of €50 million for the entire period of slack season
in about 3 months.
A Bank has given the following quotations:
Spot 5.50% - 5.75%
3 × 6 FRA 5.59% - 5.82%
3 × 9 FRA 5.64% - 5.94%
3 month €50,000 future contract maturing in a period of 3 months is quoted at 94.15 (5.85%).
You are required to determine:
(a) How a FRA, shall be useful if the actual interest rate after 3 months turnout to be:
(i) 4.5% (ii) 6.5%
(b) How 3 months Future contract shall be useful for company if interest rate turns out as
mentioned in part (a) above.

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(a) By entering into an FRA, firm shall effectively lock in interest rate for a specified future in
the given it is 6 months. Since, the period of 6 months is starting in 3 months, the firm
shall opt for 3 × 9 FRA locking borrowing rate at 5.94%. In the given scenarios, the net
outcome shall be as follows:
If the rate turns out to be If the rate turns out to be
4.50% 6.50%
FRA Rate 5.94% 5.94%
Actual Interest Rate 4.50% 6.50%
Loss/ (Gain) 1.44% (0.56%)
FRA Payment / (Receipts) €50 m × 1.44% × ½ = €50m × 0.56% × ½ =
Interest after 6 months on = €50m × 4.5% × ½ = € 50m × 6.5% × ½
€50 Million at actual rates = €1,125,000 = €1,625,000
Net Out Flow € 1,485,000 €1,485,000

Thus, by entering into FRA, the firm has committed itself to a rate of 5.94% as follows:
€ 1,485,000 12
×100 × = 5.94%
€ 50,000,000 6
(b) Since firm is a borrower it will like to off-set interest cost by profit on Future Contract.
Accordingly, if interest rate rises it will gain hence it should sell interest rate futures.
Amount of Borrowing Duration of Loan
No. of Contracts = ×
Contract Size 3 months
€ 50,000,000 6
= × = 2000 Contracts
€ 50,000 3
The final outcome in the given two scenarios shall be as follows:
If the interest rate If the interest rate
turns out to be 4.5% turns out to be 6.5%
Future Course Action :
Sell to open 94.15 94.15
Buy to close 95.50 (100 - 4.5) 93.50 (100 - 6.5)
Loss/ (Gain) 1.35% (0.65%)

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Cash Payment (Receipt) €50,000×2000× 1.35%×3/12 €50,000×2000×0.65%×3/12

for Future Settlement = €337,500 = (€162,500)
Interest for 6 months on €50 million × 4.5% × ½ €50 million × 6.5% × ½
€50 million at actual rates = €11,25,000 = €16,25,000
€1,462,500 €1,462,500
€ 1,462,500 12
Thus, the firm locked itself in interest rate × 100 × = 5.85%
€ 50,000,000 6

Question 79
Two companies ABC Ltd. and XYZ Ltd. approach the DEF Bank for FRA (Forward Rate
Agreement). They want to borrow a sum of ` 100crores after 2 years for a period of 1 year.
Bank has calculated Yield Curve of both companies as follows:
Year XYZ Ltd. ABC Ltd.*
1 3.86 4.12
2 4.20 5.48
3 4.48 5.78
*The difference in yield curve is due to the lower credit rating of ABC Ltd. compared to XYZ Ltd.
(i) You are required to calculate the rate of interest DEF Bank would quote under 2V3 FRA,
using the company’s yield information as quoted above.
(ii) Suppose bank offers Interest Rate Guarantee for a premium of 0.1% of the amount of
loan, you are required to calculate the interest payable by XYZ Ltd. if interest rate in 2
years turns out to be
(a) 4.50%
(b) 5.50%
(i) DEF Bank will fix interest rate for 2V3 FRA after 2 years as follows:
XYZ Ltd.
(1+r) (1+0.0420)2 = (1+0.0448)3
(1+r) (1.0420)2 = (1.0448)3
r = 5.04%
Bank will quote 5.04% for a 2V3 FRA.
ABC Ltd.
(1+r) (1+0.0548)2 = (1+0.0578)3

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(1+r) (1.0548)2 = (1.0578)3

r = 6.38%
Bank will quote 6.38% for a 2V3 FRA.
4.50% - Allow to Lapse 5.50%-Exercise
Interest ` 100 crores X 4.50% ` 4.50 crores -
` 100 crores X 5.04% - ` 5.04 crores
Premium (Cost of Option) ` 100 crores X 0.1% ` 0.10 crores ` 0.10 crores
4.60 crores 5.14 crores
Question 80
Trupti Co. Ltd. promoted by a Multinational group “INTERNATIONAL INC” is listed on stock
exchange holding 84% i.e. 63 lakhs shares.
Profit after Tax is ` 4.80 crores.
Free Float Market Capitalisation is ` 19.20 crores.
As per the SEBI guidelines promoters have to restrict their holding to 75% to avoid delisting
from the stock exchange. Board of Directors has decided not to delist the share but to comply
with the SEBI guidelines by issuing Bonus shares to minority shareholders while maintaining
the same P/E ratio.
(i) P/E Ratio
(ii) Bonus Ratio
(iii) Market price of share before and after the issue of bonus shares
(iv) Free Float Market capitalization of the company after the bonus shares.
1. P/E Ratio:
% of holding No. of Shares
Promoter’s Holding 84% 63 Lacs
Minority Holding 16% 12 Lacs
Total Shares 100% 75 Lacs

Free Float Market Capitalization = ` 19.20 crores

`19.20 crores
Hence Market price = `160 per share
12.00 lacs

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EPS (PAT/No. of Shares) (` 4.80 crores /75 lac) = ` 6.40 per share
P/E Ratio (` 160/ ` 6.40) = 25
2. No. of Bonus Shares to be issued:
Promoters holding 84%, = 63 lacs shares
Shares remains the same, but holding % to be taken as 75%
63 lacs
Hence Total shares = = 84 lacs
Shares of Minority = 84 lacs – 63 lacs = 21 lacs
Bonus 9 lacs for 12 lacs i.e. 3 bonus for 4 held or 0.75 shares for 1 share
3. Market price before & after Bonus:
Before Bonus = `160 per share
After Bonus
` 4.80 crores
New EPS = ` 5.71
84 lacs
New Market Price (25 x ` 5.71) = ` 142.75
4. Free Float Capitalization is
` 142.75 x 21 lacs = ` 29.9775 crores

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Entire Chapter is Applicable for New Syllabus
Security Analysis
Question 1
Explain the Efficient Market Theory in and what are major misconceptions about this theory?
In 1953, Maurice Kendall a distinguished statistician of the Royal Statistical Society, London
examined the behaviour of the stock and commodity prices in search of regular cycles instead of
discovering any regular price cycle. He found each series to be “wandering one, almost as if once
a week, the Demon of Chance drew a random number and added it to the current price to
determine next week’s price”.
Prices appeared to follow a random walk implying that successive price changes are independent
of one another. In 1959 two interesting papers supporting the Random Walk Theory were
published. Harry Roberts showed that a series obtained by cumulating random numbers bore
resemblance to a time series of stock prices. In the second, Osborne, an eminent physicist,
examined that the stock price behavior was similar to the movements of very small particles
suspended in a liquid medium. Such movement is referred to as the Brownian motion He found a
remarkable similarly between stock price movements and the Brownian motion.
Inspired by the works of Kendall, Roberts & Osbome, a number of researchers employed
indigenous tests of randomness on stock price behaviour. By and large, these tests have indicated
the Random Walk hypothesis.
Search for Theory: When empirical evidence in favour of Random walk hypothesis seemed
overwhelming, researchers wanted to know about the Economic processes that produced a
Random walk. They concluded that randomness of stock price was a result of efficient market that
led to the following view points:
• Information is freely and instantaneously available to all market participants.
• Keen competition among the market participants more or less ensures that market will
reflect intrinsic values. This means that they will fully impound all available information.
• Price change only response to new information that is unrelated to previous information
and therefore unpredictable.
Misconception about Efficient Market Theory: Though the Efficient Market Theory implies that
market has perfect forecasting abilities, in fact, it merely signifies that prices impound all available
information and as such does not mean that market possesses perfect forecasting abilities.

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6.2 Strategic Financial Management

Although price tends to fluctuate they cannot reflect fair value. This is because the feature is
uncertain and the market springs surprises continually as price reflects the surprises they fluctuate.
Inability of institutional portfolio managers to achieve superior investment performance implies that
they lack competence in an efficient market. It is not possible to achieve superior investment
performance since market efficiency exists due to portfolio mangers doing this job well in a
competitive setting.
The random movement of stock prices suggests that stock market is irrational. Randomness and
irrational are two different things, if investors are rational and competitive, price changes are bound
to be random.
Question 2
Explain the different levels or forms of Efficient Market Theory in and what are various
empirical evidence for these forms?
That price reflects all available information, the highest order of market efficiency. According to
FAMA, there exist three levels of market efficiency:-
(i) Weak form efficiency – Price reflect all information found in the record of past prices and
(ii) Semi – Strong efficiency – Price reflect not only all information found in the record of past
prices and volumes but also all other publicly available information.
(iii) Strong form efficiency – Price reflect all available information public as well as private.
Empirical Evidence on Weak form Efficient Market Theory: According to the Weak form
Efficient Market Theory current price of a stock reflect all information found in the record of past
prices and volumes. This means that there is no relationship between the past and future price
Three types of tests have been employed to empirically verify the weak form of Efficient Market
Theory- Serial Correlation Test, Run Test and Filter Rule Test.
(a) Serial Correlation Test: To test for randomness in stock price changes, one has to look at
serial correlation. For this purpose, price change in one period has to be correlated with
price change in some other period. Price changes are considered to be serially
independent. Serial correlation studies employing different stocks, different time lags and
different time period have been conducted to detect serial correlation but no significant
serial correlation could be discovered. These studies were carried on short term trends
viz. daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly and not in long term trends in stock prices as in
such cases. Stock prices tend to move upwards.
(b) Run Test: Given a series of stock price changes each price change is designated + if it
represents an increase and – if it represents a decrease. The resulting series may be -

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Security Analysis 6.3

,+, - , -, - , +, +.
A run occurs when there is no difference between the sign of two changes. When the
sign of change differs, the run ends and new run begins.

To test a series of price change for independence, the number of runs in that series is
compared with a number of runs in a purely random series of the size and in the process
determines whether it is statistically different. By and large, the result of these studies
strongly supports the Random Walk Model.
(c) Filter Rules Test: If the price of stock increases by at least N% buy and hold it until its
price decreases by at least N% from a subsequent high. When the price decreases at
least N% or more, sell it. If the behaviour of stock price changes is random, filter rules
should not apply in such a buy and hold strategy. By and large, studies suggest that filter
rules do not out perform a single buy and hold strategy particular after considering
commission on transaction.
Empirical Evidence on Semi-strong Efficient Market Theory: Semi-strong form efficient
market theory holds that stock prices adjust rapidly to all publicly available information. By
using publicly available information, investors will not be able to earn above normal rates of
return after considering the risk factor. To test semi-strong form efficient market theory, a
number of studies was conducted which lead to the following queries: Whether it was possible
to earn on the above normal rate of return after adjustment for risk, using only publicly
available information and how rapidly prices adjust to public announcement with regard to
earnings, dividends, mergers, acquisitions, stocksplits?
Several studies support the Semi-strong form Efficient Market Theory. Fama, Fisher, Jensen
and Roll in their adjustment of stock prices to new information examined the effect of stock
split on return of 940 stock splits in New York Stock Exchange during the period 1957-1959
They found that prior to the split, stock earns higher returns than predicted by any market
Boll and Bound in an empirical evaluation of accounting income numbers studied the effect of
annual earnings announcements. They divided the firms into two groups. First group consisted
of firms whose earnings increased in relation to the average corporate earnings while second
group consists of firms whose earnings decreased in relation to the average corporate
earnings. They found that before the announcement of earnings, stock in the first group
earned positive abnormal returns while stock in the second group earned negative abnormal
returns after the announcement of earnings. Stock in both the groups earned normal returns.
There have been studies which have been empirically documented showing the following
inefficiencies and anomalies:

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6.4 Strategic Financial Management

• Stock price adjust gradually not rapidly to announcements of unanticipated changes in

quarterly earnings.
• Small firms’ portfolio seemed to outperform large firms’ portfolio.
• Low price earning multiple stock tend to outperform large price earning multiple stock.
• Monday’s return is lower than return for the other days of the week.
Empirical Evidence on Strong form Efficient Market Theory: According to the Efficient
Market Theory, all available information, public or private, is reflected in the stock prices. This
represents an extreme hypothesis.
To test this theory, the researcher analysed returns earned by certain groups viz. corporate
insiders, specialists on stock exchanges, mutual fund managers who have access to internal
information (not publicly available), or posses greater resource or ability to intensively analyse
information in the public domain. They suggested that corporate insiders (having access to
internal information) and stock exchange specialists (having monopolistic exposure) earn
superior rate of return after adjustment of risk.
Mutual Fund managers do not on an average earn a superior rate of return. No scientific
evidence has been formulated to indicate that investment performance of professionally
managed portfolios as a group has been any better than that of randomly selected portfolios.
This was the finding of Burton Malkiel in his Random Walk Down Wall Street, New York.
Question 3
Explain in detail the Dow Jones Theory?
Dow Jones Theory is probably the most popular theory regarding the behaviour of stock
market prices. The theory derives its name from Charles H. Dow, who established the Dow
Jones & Co., and was the first editor of the Wall Street Journal – a leading publication on
financial and economic matters in the U.S.A. Although Dow never gave a proper shape to the
theory, ideas have been expanded and articulated by many of his successors.
The Dow Jones theory classifies the movements of the prices on the share market into three
major categories:
• Primary movements,
• Secondary movements, and
• Daily fluctuations.
(i) Primary Movements: They reflect the trend of the stock market and last from one year
to three years, or sometimes even more.
If the long range behaviour of market prices is seen, it will be observed that the share
markets go through definite phases where the prices are consistently rising or falling.

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Security Analysis 6.5

These phases are known as bull and bear phases.

During a bull phase, the basic trend is that of rise in prices. Graph 1 above shows the
behaviour of stock market prices in bull phase.
Students would notice from the graph that although the prices fall after each rise, the
basic trend is that of rising prices, as can be seen from the graph that each trough prices
reach, is at a higher level than the earlier one. Similarly, each peak that the prices reach
is on a higher level than the earlier one. Thus P2 is higher than P1 and T2 is higher than
T1. This means that prices do not rise consistently even in a bull phase. They rise for
some time and after each rise, they fall. However, the falls are of a lower magnitude than
earlier. As a result, prices reach higher levels with each rise.
Once the prices have risen very high, the b.ear phase in bound to start, i.e., price will
start falling. Graph 2 shows the typical behaviour of prices on the stock exchange in the
case of a bear phase. It would be seen that prices are not falling consistently and, after
each fall, there is a rise in prices. However, the rise is not much as to take the prices
higher than the previous peak. It means that each peak and trough is now lower than the
previous peak and trough.

The theory argues that primary movements indicate basic trends in the market. It states
that if cyclical swings of stock market price indices are successively higher, the market
trend is up and there is a bull market. On the contrary, if successive highs and lows are
successively lower, the market is on a downward trend and we are in a bear market. This
theory thus relies upon the behaviour of the indices of share market prices in perceiving
the trend in the market.

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According to this theory, when the lines joining the first two troughs and the lines joining
the corresponding two peaks are convergent, there is a rising trend and when both the
lines are divergent, it is a declining trend.
(ii) Secondary Movements: We have seen that even when the primary trend is upward,
there are also downward movements of prices. Similarly, even where the primary trend is
downward, there is an upward movement of prices also. These movements are known as
secondary movements and are shorter in duration and are opposite in direction to the
primary movements. These movements normally last from three weeks to three months
and retrace 1/3 to 2/3 of the previous advance in a bull market or previous fall in the bear
(iii) Daily Movements: There are irregular fluctuations which occur every day in the market.
These fluctuations are without any definite trend. Thus if the daily share market price
index for a few months is plotted on the graph it will show both upward and downward
fluctuations. These fluctuations are the result of speculative factors. An investment
manager really is not interested in the short run fluctuations in share prices since he is
not a speculator. It may be reiterated that any one who tries to gain from short run
fluctuations in the stock market, can make money only by sheer chance. The investment
manager should scrupulously keep away from the daily fluctuations of the market. He is
not a speculator and should always resist the temptation of speculating.
Such a temptation is always very attractive but must always be resisted. Speculation is
beyond the scope of the job of an investment manager.
Timing of Investment Decisions on the Basis of Dow Jones Theory: Ideally speaking, the
investment manager would like to purchase shares at a time when they have reached the
lowest trough and sell them at a time when they reach the highest peak.
However, in practice, this seldom happens. Even the most astute investment manager
can never know when the highest peak or the lowest trough has been reached.
Therefore, he has to time his decision in such a manner that he buys the shares when
they are on the rise and sells them when they are on the fall. It means that he should be
able to identify exactly when the falling or the rising trend has begun.
This is technically known as identification of the turn in the share market prices.
Identification of this turn is difficult in practice because of the fact that, even in a rising
market, prices keep on falling as a part of the secondary movement. Similarly even in a
falling market prices keep on rising temporarily. How to be certain that the rise in prices
or fall in the same is due to a real turn in prices from a bullish to a bearish phase or vice
versa or that it is due only to short-run speculative trends?
Dow Jones theory identifies the turn in the market prices by seeing whether the
successive peaks and troughs are higher or lower than earlier. Consider the following

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Security Analysis 6.7

According to the theory, the investment manager should purchase investments when the
prices are at T1. At this point, he can ascertain that the bull trend has started, since T2 is
higher than T1 and P2 is higher than P1.
Similarly, when prices reach P7 he should make sales. At this point he can ascertain that
the bearish trend has started, since P9 is lower than P8 and T8 is lower than T7.
Question 4
Explain the Elliot Wave Theory of technical analysis?
Inspired by the Dow Theory and by observations found throughout nature, Ralph Elliot formulated
Elliot Wave Theory in 1934. This theory was based on analysis of 75 years stock price movements
and charts. From his studies, he defined price movements in terms of waves. Accordingly, this
theory was named Elliot Wave Theory. Elliot found that the markets exhibited certain repeated
patterns or waves. As per this theory wave is a movement of the market price from one change in
the direction to the next change in the same direction. These waves are resulted from buying and
selling impulses emerging from the demand and supply pressures on the market. Depending on
the demand and supply pressures, waves are generated in the prices.
As per this theory, waves can be classified into two parts:-
• Impulsive patterns
• Corrective patters
Let us discuss each of these patterns.
(a) Impulsive Patterns-(Basic Waves) - In this pattern there will be 3 or 5 waves in a given
direction (going upward or downward). These waves shall move in the direction of the
basic movement. This movement can indicate bull phase or bear phase.
(b) Corrective Patterns- (Reaction Waves) - These 3 waves are against the basic direction
of the basic movement. Correction involves correcting the earlier rise in case of bull
market and fall in case of bear market.
As shown in the following diagram waves 1, 3 and 5 are directional movements, which

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6.8 Strategic Financial Management

are separated or corrected by wave 2 & 4, termed as corrective movements.


Complete Cycle - As shown in following figure five-wave impulses is following by a

three-wave correction (a,b & c) to form a complete cycle of eight waves.


One complete cycle consists of waves made up of two distinct phases, bullish and
bearish. On completion of full one cycle i.e. termination of 8 waves movement, the fresh
cycle starts with similar impulses arising out of market trading.
Question 5
Why should the duration of a coupon carrying bond always be less than the time to its
Duration is nothing but the average time taken by an investor to collect his/her investment. If an
investor receives a part of his/her investment over the time on specific intervals before maturity, the

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Security Analysis 6.9

investment will offer him the duration which would be lesser than the maturity of the instrument.
Higher the coupon rate, lesser would be the duration.
Question 6
Mention the various techniques used in economic analysis.
Some of the techniques used for economic analysis are:
(a) Anticipatory Surveys: They help investors to form an opinion about the future state of
the economy. It incorporates expert opinion on construction activities, expenditure on
plant and machinery, levels of inventory – all having a definite bearing on economic
activities. Also future spending habits of consumers are taken into account.
(b) Barometer/Indicator Approach: Various indicators are used to find out how the
economy shall perform in the future. The indicators have been classified as under:
(1) Leading Indicators: They lead the economic activity in terms of their outcome. They
relate to the time series data of the variables that reach high/low points in advance
of economic activity.
(2) Roughly Coincidental Indicators: They reach their peaks and troughs at
approximately the same in the economy.
(3) Lagging Indicators: They are time series data of variables that lag behind in their
consequences vis-a-vis the economy. They reach their turning points after the
economy has reached its own already.
All these approaches suggest direction of change in the aggregate economic activity
but nothing about its magnitude.
(c) Economic Model Building Approach: In this approach, a precise and clear relationship
between dependent and independent variables is determined. GNP model building or
sectoral analysis is used in practice through the use of national accounting framework.
Question 7
Write short notes on Zero coupon bonds.
As name indicates these bonds do not pay interest during the life of the bonds. Instead, zero
coupon bonds are issued at discounted price to their face value, which is the amount a bond
will be worth when it matures or comes due. When a zero coupon bond matures, the investor
will receive one lump sum (face value) equal to the initial investment plus interest that has
been accrued on the investment made. The maturity dates on zero coupon bonds are usually
long term. These maturity dates allow an investor for a long range planning. Zero coupon
bonds issued by banks, government and private sector companies. However, bonds issued by
corporate sector carry a potentially higher degree of risk, depending on the financial strength

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6.10 Strategic Financial Management

of the issuer and longer maturity period, but they also provide an opportunity to achieve a
higher return.
Question 8
A company has a book value per share of ` 137.80. Its return on equity is 15% and it follows a
policy of retaining 60% of its earnings. If the Opportunity Cost of Capital is 18%, what is the
price of the share today? [adopt the perpetual growth model to arrive at your solution].
The company earnings and dividend per share after a year are expected to be:
EPS = ` 137.8 × 0.15 = ` 20.67
Dividend = 0.40 × 20.67 = ` 8.27
The growth in dividend would be:
g = 0.6 × 0.15 = 0.09
Perpetual growth model Formula : P0 =
Ke - g
P0 =
0.18 - 0.09
P0 = ` 91.89
Alternative Solution:
However, in case a student follows Walter’s approach as against continuous growth model given in
previous solution the answer of the question works out to be different. This can be shown as follow:
Given data:
Book value per share = ` 137.80
Return on equity = 15%
Dividend Payout = 40%
Cost of capital = 18%
∴ EPS = ` 137.80 × 15%
= ` 20.67
∴ Dividend = ` 20.67 × 40% = ` 8.27
Walter’s approach showing relationship between dividend and share price can be expressed by the
following formula

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Security Analysis 6.11

D+ (E - D)
Vc =
Vc = Market Price of the ordinary share of the company.
Ra = Return on internal retention i.e. the rate company earns on retained profits.
Rc = Capitalisation rate i.e. the rate expected by investors by way of return from
particular category of shares.
E = Earnings per share.
D = Dividend per share.
8.27 + (20.67 - 8.27)
Vc = .18
= ` 103.35
Question 9
ABC Limited’s shares are currently selling at ` 13 per share. There are 10,00,000 shares
outstanding. The firm is planning to raise ` 20 lakhs to Finance a new project.
What are the ex-right price of shares and the value of a right, if
(i) The firm offers one right share for every two shares held.
(ii) The firm offers one right share for every four shares held.
(iii) How does the shareholders’ wealth change from (i) to (ii)? How does right issue
increases shareholders’ wealth?
(i) Number of shares to be issued : 5,00,000
Subscription price ` 20,00,000 / 5,00,000 = ` 4
` 1,30,00,000 + ` 20,00,000
Ex-right Pr ice = = ` 10

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6.12 Strategic Financial Management

Or Value of Right = ` 10 – ` 4 = ` 6
` 10 - ` 4
= =3
(ii) Subscription price ` 20,00,000 / 2,50,000 = ` 8
` 1,30,00,000 + ` 20,00,000
Ex-right Pr ice = = ` 12
Value of Right = ` 12 – ` 8 = ` 4
` 12 - ` 8
or =1
(iii) Calculation of effect of right issue on wealth of Shareholder’s wealth who is holding, say
(a) When firm offers one share for two shares held.
Value of Shares after right issue (150 X ` 10) ` 1,500
Less: Amount paid to acquire right shares (50 X `4) ` 200
(b) When firm offers one share for every four shares held.
Value of Shares after right issue (125 X `12) ` 1,500
Less: Amount paid to acquire right shares (25 X `8) ` 200
(c) Wealth of Shareholders before Right Issue `1,300
Thus, there will be no change in the wealth of shareholders from (i) and (ii).
Question 10
Pragya Limited has issued 75,000 equity shares of ` 10 each. The current market price per
share is ` 24. The company has a plan to make a rights issue of one new equity share at a
price of ` 16 for every four share held.
You are required to:
(i) Calculate the theoretical post-rights price per share;
(ii) Calculate the theoretical value of the right alone;
(iii) Show the effect of the rights issue on the wealth of a shareholder, who has 1,000 shares
assuming he sells the entire rights; and
(iv) Show the effect, if the same shareholder does not take any action and ignores the issue.

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Security Analysis 6.13

(i) Calculation of theoretical Post-rights (ex-right) price per share:
 MN + S R 
Ex-right value =  
 N+R 
M = Market price,
N = Number of old shares for a right share
S = Subscription price
R = Right share offer
 (` 24 × 4) + ( ` 16 × 1) 
=  = ` 22.40
 4 + 1 
(ii) Calculation of theoretical value of the rights alone:
= Ex-right price – Cost of rights share
= ` 22.40 – ` 16 = ` 6.40
` 22.40 − ` 16
Or = = ` 1.60
(iii) Calculation of effect of the rights issue on the wealth of a shareholder who has 1,000
shares assuming he sells the entire rights:
(a) Value of shares before right issue
(1,000 shares × ` 24) 24,000
(b) Value of shares after right issue
(1,000 shares × ` 22.40) 22,400
Add: Sale proceeds of rights renunciation
(250 shares × ` 6.40) 1,600
There is no change in the wealth of the shareholder even if he sells his right.
(iv) Calculation of effect if the shareholder does not take any action and ignores the issue:
Value of shares before right issue
(1,000 shares × ` 24) 24,000
Less: Value of shares after right issue
(1,000 shares × ` 22.40) 22,400
Loss of wealth to shareholders, if rights ignored 1,600

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6.14 Strategic Financial Management

Question 11
MNP Ltd. has declared and paid annual dividend of ` 4 per share. It is expected to grow @
20% for the next two years and 10% thereafter. The required rate of return of equity investors
is 15%. Compute the current price at which equity shares should sell.
Note: Present Value Interest Factor (PVIF) @ 15%:
For year 1 = 0.8696;
For year 2 = 0.7561
D0 = ` 4

D1 = ` 4 (1.20) = ` 4.80
D2 = ` 4 (1.20)2 = ` 5.76
D3 = ` 4 (1.20)2 (1.10) = ` 6.336
D1 D2 TV
P= + +
(1+ k e ) (1+ k e )2 (1+ k e )2

D3 6.336
TV = = = 126.72
ke - g 0.15 - 0.10
4.80 5.76 126.72
P= + +
(1+ 0.15) (1+ 0.15)2 (1+ 0.15)2
= 4.80 x 0.8696 + 5.76 x 0.7561 + 126.72 x 0.7561 = 104.34
Question 12
On the basis of the following information:
Current dividend (Do) = ` 2.50
Discount rate (k) = 10.5%
Growth rate (g) = 2%

(i) Calculate the present value of stock of ABC Ltd.

(ii) Is its stock overvalued if stock price is ` 35, ROE = 9% and EPS = ` 2.25? Show
detailed calculation.

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Security Analysis 6.15

(i) Present Value of the stock of ABC Ltd. Is:-
Vo = = `30/-.
0.105 − 0.02
(ii) Value of stock under the PE Multiple Approach
Actual Stock Price ` 35.00
Return on equity 9%
EPS ` 2.25
PE Multiple (1/Return on Equity) = 1/9% 11.11
Market Price per Share ` 25.00
Since, Actual Stock Price is higher, hence it is overvalued.
(iii) Value of the Stock under the Earnings Growth Model
Actual Stock Price ` 35.00
Return on equity 9%
EPS ` 2.25
Growth Rate 2%
Market Price per Share [EPS ×(1+g)]/(Ke – g) ` 32.79
= ` 2.25 × 1.02/0.07
Since, Actual Stock Price is higher, hence it is overvalued.
Question 13
Given the following information:
Current Dividend ` 5.00
Discount Rate 10%
Growth rate 2%
(i) Calculate the present value of the stock.
(ii) Is the stock over valued if the price is `40, ROE = 8% and EPS = ` 3.00. Show your
calculations under the PE Multiple approach and Earnings Growth model.

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6.16 Strategic Financial Management

(i) Present Value of the stock:-
Vo = = `63.75/-.
0.10 − 0.02
(ii) Value of stock under the PE Multiple Approach
Actual Stock Price ` 40.00
Return on equity 8%
EPS ` 3.00
PE Multiple (1/Return on Equity) = 1/8% 12.50
Market Price per Share ` 37.50
Since, Actual Stock Price is higher, hence it is overvalued.
(iii) Value of the Stock under the Earnings Growth Model
Actual Stock Price ` 40.00
Return on equity 8%
EPS ` 3.00
Growth Rate 2%
Market Price per Share [EPS ×(1+g)]/(Ke – g) ` 51.00
= ` 3.00 × 1.02/0.06
Since, Actual Stock Price is lower, hence it is undervalued.
Question 14
X Limited, just declared a dividend of ` 14.00 per share. Mr. B is planning to purchase the
share of X Limited, anticipating increase in growth rate from 8% to 9%, which will continue
for three years. He also expects the market price of this share to be ` 360.00 after three
You are required to determine:
(i) the maximum amount Mr. B should pay for shares, if he requires a rate of return of 13%
per annum.
(ii) the maximum price Mr. B will be willing to pay for share, if he is of the opinion that the
9% growth can be maintained indefinitely and require 13% rate of return per annum.

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Security Analysis 6.17

(iii) the price of share at the end of three years, if 9% growth rate is achieved and assuming
other conditions remaining same as in (ii) above.
Calculate rupee amount up to two decimal points.
Year-1 Year-2 Year-3
FVIF @ 9% 1.090 1.188 1.295
FVIF @ 13% 1.130 1.277 1.443
PVIF @ 13% 0.885 0.783 0.693
(i) Expected dividend for next 3 years.
Year 1 (D1) ` 14.00 (1.09) = ` 15.26
Year 2 (D2) ` 14.00 (1.09)2 = ` 16.63
Year 3 (D3) ` 14.00 (1.09)3 = ` 18.13
Required rate of return = 13% (Ke)
Market price of share after 3 years = (P3) = ` 360
The present value of share
D1 D2 D3 P3
P0 = + + +
(1 + ke ) (1 + ke ) (1 + ke ) (1 + ke )3
2 3

15.26 16.63 18.13 360

P0 = + + +
(1 + 0.13) (1 + 0.13)2 (1 + 0.13)3 (1 + 0.13)3
P0 = 15.26(0.885) + 16.63(0.783) +18.13(0.693)+360(0.693)
P0 = 13.50 + 13.02 + 12.56 + 249.48
P0 = ` 288.56
(ii) If growth rate 9% is achieved for indefinite period, then maximum price of share should
Mr. A willing be to pay is
D1 ` 15.26 ` 15.26
P0 = = = = ` 381.50
(ke − g) 0.13-0.09 0.04
(iii) Assuming that conditions mentioned above remain same, the price expected after 3
years will be:
D4 D 3 (1.09) 18.13 × 1.09 19.76
P3 = = = = = ` 494
k e − g 0.13 − 0.09 0.04 0.04

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6.18 Strategic Financial Management

Question 15
Piyush Loonker and Associates presently pay a dividend of Re. 1.00 per share and has a
share price of ` 20.00.
(i) If this dividend were expected to grow at a rate of 12% per annum forever, what is the
firm’s expected or required return on equity using a dividend-discount model approach?
(ii) Instead of this situation in part (i), suppose that the dividends were expected to grow at a
rate of 20% per annum for 5 years and 10% per year thereafter. Now what is the firm’s
expected, or required, return on equity?
(i) Firm’s Expected or Required Return On Equity
(Using a dividend discount model approach)
According to Dividend discount model approach the firm’s expected or required return on
equity is computed as follows:
Ke = +g
Ke = Cost of equity share capital or (Firm’s expected or required return
on equity share capital)
D1 = Expected dividend at the end of year 1
P0 = Current market price of the share.
g = Expected growth rate of dividend.
Now, D1 = D0 (1 + g) or ` 1 (1 + 0.12) or ` 1.12, P0 = ` 20 and g = 12% per annum
` 1.12
Therefore, K e = + 12%
` 20
Or, K e = ` 17.6%
(ii) Firm’s Expected or Required Return on Equity
(If dividends were expected to grow at a rate of 20% per annum for 5 years and 10% per
year thereafter)
Since in this situation if dividends are expected to grow at a super normal growth rate g s,
for n years and thereafter, at a normal, perpetual growth rate of g n beginning in the year
n + 1, then the cost of equity can be determined by using the following formula:

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Security Analysis 6.19

Div 0 (1 + gs ) t
P0 = ∑ (1 + K e ) t
Div n + 1
K e - gn (1 + K e )n
t =1

gs = Rate of growth in earlier years.
gn = Rate of constant growth in later years.
P0 = Discounted value of dividend stream.
Ke = Firm’s expected, required return on equity (cost of equity capital).
gs = 20% for 5 years, gn = 10%

D0 (1 + 0.20) t
P0 = ∑ (1 + K e ) t
Div 5 + 1
K e - 0.10 (1 + K e ) t
t =1

1.20 1.44 1.73 2.07 2.49 2.49 (1 + 0.10) 1

0P = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + × 5

e) e) e) e) e) e)
(1 + K (1 + K (1 + K (1 + K (1 + K K
e - 0.10 (1 + K

or P 0 = ` 1.20 (PVF 1, K e) + ` 1.44 (PVF 2, K e) + ` 1.73 (PVF 3 , K e ) + ` 2.07

Rs. 2.74 (PVF5 , K e )
(PVF 4, K e) + ` 2.49 (PVF 5, K e) +
K e - 0.10
By trial and error we are required to find out Ke
Now, assume Ke = 18% then we will have
P0 = ` 1.20 (0.8475) + ` 1.44 (0.7182) + ` 1.73 (0.6086) + ` 2.07 (0.5158) + ` 2.49
(0.4371) + ` 2.74 (0.4371) ×
0.18 - 0.10
= ` 1.017 + ` 1.034 + ` 1.053 + ` 1.068 + ` 1.09 + ` 14.97
= ` 20.23

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6.20 Strategic Financial Management

Since the present value of dividend stream is more than required it indicates that Ke is
greater than 18%.
Now, assume K e = 19% we will have
P0 = ` 1.20 (0.8403) + ` 1.44 (0.7061) + ` 1.73 (0.5934) + ` 2.07 (0.4986) + ` 2.49
(0.4190) + ` 2.74 (0.4190) ×
0.19 - 0.10
= ` 1.008 + ` 1.017 + ` 1.026+ ` 1.032 + ` 1.043 + ` 12.76
= ` 17.89
Since the market price of share (expected value of dividend stream) is ` 20. Therefore,
the discount rate is closer to 18% than it is to 19%, we can get the exact rate by
interpolation by using the following formula:
K e = LR + × Δr
NPV at LR - NPV at HR
LR = Lower Rate
NPV at LR = Present value of share at LR
NPV at HR = Present value of share at Higher Rate
∆r = Difference in rates
(` 20.23 −` 20)
K e = 18% + × 1%
R` 20.23 − ` 17.89
` 0.23
= 18% + × 1%
= 18% + 0.10% = 18.10%
Therefore, the firm’s expected, or required, return on equity is 18.10%. At this rate the
present discounted value of dividend stream is equal to the market price of the share.
Question 16
Capital structure of Sun Ltd., as at 31.3.2003 was as under:
(` in lakhs)
Equity share capital 80
8% Preference share capital 40
12% Debentures 64
Reserves 32

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Security Analysis 6.21

Sun Ltd., earns a profit of ` 32 lakhs annually on an average before deduction of income-tax,
which works out to 35%, and interest on debentures.
Normal return on equity shares of companies similarly placed is 9.6% provided:
(a) Profit after tax covers fixed interest and fixed dividends at least 3 times.
(b) Capital gearing ratio is 0.75.
(c) Yield on share is calculated at 50% of profits distributed and at 5% on undistributed
Sun Ltd., has been regularly paying equity dividend of 8%.
Compute the value per equity share of the company assuming:
(i) 1% for every one time of difference for Interest and Fixed Dividend Coverage.
(ii) 2% for every one time of difference for Capital Gearing Ratio.
(a) Calculation of Profit after tax (PAT)
Profit before interest and tax (PBIT) 32,00,000
Less: Debenture interest (` 64,00,000 × 12/100) 7,68,000
Profit before tax (PBT) 24,32,000
Less: Tax @ 35% 8,51,200
Profit after tax (PAT) 15,80,800
Less: Preference Dividend
(` 40,00,000 × 8/100) 3,20,000
Equity Dividend (` 80,00,000 × 8/100) 6,40,000 9,60,000
Retained earnings (Undistributed profit) 6,20,800

Calculation of Interest and Fixed Dividend Coverage

PAT + Debenture interest
Debenture interest + Preference dividend
15,80,800 + 7,68,000 23,48,800
= = = 2.16 times
7,68,000 + 3,20,000 10,88,000

(b) Calculation of Capital Gearing Ratio

Fixed interest bearing funds
Capital Gearing Ratio =
Equity shareholders' funds

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6.22 Strategic Financial Management

Preference Share Capital + Debentures 40,00,000 + 64,00,000 1,04,00,000

= = = = 0.93
Equity Share Capital + Reserves 80,00,000 + 32,00,000 1,12,00,000

(c) Calculation of Yield on Equity Shares:

Yield on equity shares is calculated at 50% of profits distributed and 5% on undistributed
50% on distributed profits (` 6,40,000 × 50/100) 3,20,000
5% on undistributed profits (` 6,20,800 × 5/100) 31,040
Yield on equity shares 3,51,040
Yield on shares
Yield on equity shares % = × 100
Equity share capital

= × 100 = 4.39% or, 4.388%.
Calculation of Expected Yield on Equity shares
(a) Interest and fixed dividend coverage of Sun Ltd. is 2.16 times but the industry
average is 3 times. Therefore, risk premium is added to Sun Ltd. Shares @ 1% for
every 1 time of difference. Hence,
Risk Premium = 3.00 – 2.16 (1%) = 0.84 (1%) = 0.84%
(b) Capital Gearing ratio of Sun Ltd. is 0.93 but the industry average is 0.75 times.
Therefore, risk premium is added to Sun Ltd. shares @ 2% for every 1 time of
difference. Hence,
Risk Premium = (0.75 – 0.93) (2%)
= 0.18 (2%) = 0.36%
Normal return expected 9.60
Add: Risk premium for low interest and fixed dividend coverage 0.84
Add: Risk premium for high interest gearing ratio 0.36
Value of Equity Share
Actual yield 4.39
= × Paid-up value of share = × 100 = ` 40.65
Expected yield 10.80

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Security Analysis 6.23

Question 17
ABC Ltd. has been maintaining a growth rate of 10 percent in dividends. The company has
paid dividend @ `3 per share. The rate of return on market portfolio is 12 percent and the risk
free rate of return in the market has been observed as 8 percent. The Beta co-efficient of
company’s share is 1.5.
You are required to calculate the expected rate of return on company’s shares as per CAPM
model and equilibrium price per share by dividend growth model.
CAPM formula for calculation of Expected Rate of Return is :
ER = Rf + β (Rm – Rf)
= 8 + 1.5 (12 – 8)
= 8 + 1.5 (4)
=14% or 0.14
Applying Dividend Growth Model for the calculation of per share equilibrium price:
ER = +g
3 (1.10)
0.14= + 0.10
0.14 – 0.10 =
0.04 P0 = 3.30
P0 = = ` 82.50
Per share equilibrium price will be ` 82.50.
Question 18
A Company pays a dividend of ` 2.00 per share with a growth rate of 7%. The risk-free rate is
9% and the market rate of return is 13%. The Company has a beta factor of 1.50. However,
due to a decision of the Finance Manager, beta is likely to increase to 1.75. Find out the
present as well as the likely value of the share after the decision.
In order to find out the value of a share with constant growth model, the value of Ke should be
ascertained with the help of ‘CAPM’ model as follows:

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6.24 Strategic Financial Management

Ke = Rf + β (Km – R f )
Ke = Cost of equity
Rf = Risk free rate of return
β = Portfolio Beta i.e. market sensitivity index
Km = Expected return on market portfolio
By substituting the figures, we get
Ke = 0.09 + 1.5 (0.13 – 0.09) = 0.15 or 15%
and the value of the share as per constant growth model is
P0 =
(k e - g)

P0 = Price of a share
D1 = Dividend at the end of the year 1
Ke = Cost of equity
G = growth
P0 =
(k e - g)
P0 = = ` 25.00
0.15 - 0.07
Alternatively it can also be found as follows:
2.00 (1.07)
= ` 26.75
0.15 - 0.07
However, if the decision of finance manager is implemented, the beta (β) factor is likely to
increase to 1.75 therefore, Ke would be
Ke = Rf + β (Km – Rf)
= 0.09 + 1.75 (0.13 – 0.09) = 0.16 or 16%
The value of share is
P0 =
(k e - g)

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Security Analysis 6.25

P0 = = ` 22.22
0.16 - 0.07
Alternatively it can also be found as follows:
2.00 (1.07)
= ` 23.78
0.16 - 0.07
Question 19
Calculate the value of share from the following information:
Profit after tax of the company ` 290 crores
Equity capital of company ` 1,300 crores
Par value of share ` 40 each
Debt ratio of company (Debt/ Debt + Equity) 27%
Long run growth rate of the company 8%
Beta 0.1; risk free interest rate 8.7%
Market returns 10.3%
Capital expenditure per share ` 47
Depreciation per share ` 39
Change in Working capital ` 3.45 per share
` 1,300 crores
No. of Shares = = 32.5 Crores
` 40

No.of shares
` 290 crores
EPS = = ` 8.923
32.5 crores

FCFE = Net income – [(1-b) (capex – dep) + (1-b) ( ΔWC )]

FCFE = 8.923 – [(1-0.27) (47-39) + (1-0.27) (3.45)]
= 8.923 – [5.84 + 2.5185] = 0.5645
Cost of Equity = Rf + ß (Rm – Rf)
= 8.7 + 0.1 (10.3 – 8.7) = 8.86%

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6.26 Strategic Financial Management

FCFE(1 + g) 0.5645(1.08) 0.60966

Po = = = = ` 70.89
Ke − g 0.0886 − .08 0.0086

Question 20
XYZ company has current earnings of ` 3 per share with 5,00,000 shares outstanding. The
company plans to issue 40,000, 7% convertible preference shares of ` 50 each at par. The
preference shares are convertible into 2 shares for each preference shares held. The equity
share has a current market price of ` 21 per share.
(i) What is preference share’s conversion value?
(ii) What is conversion premium?
(iii) Assuming that total earnings remain the same, calculate the effect of the issue on the
basic earning per share (a) before conversion (b) after conversion.
(iv) If profits after tax increases by ` 1 million what will be the basic EPS (a) before
conversion and (b) on a fully diluted basis?
(i) Conversion value of preference share
Conversion Ratio x Market Price
2 × ` 21 = ` 42
(ii) Conversion Premium
(` 50/ ` 42) – 1 = 19.05%
(iii) Effect of the issue on basic EPS
Before Conversion
Total (after tax) earnings ` 3 × 5,00,000 15,00,000
Dividend on Preference shares 1,40,000
Earnings available to equity holders 13,60,000
No. of shares 5,00,000
EPS 2.72
On Diluted Basis
Earnings 15,00,000
No of shares ( 5,00,000 + 80,000) 5,80,000
EPS 2.59

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Security Analysis 6.27

(iv) EPS with increase in Profit

Before Conversion
Earnings 25,00,000
Dividend on Pref. shares 1,40,000
Earning for equity shareholders 23,60,000
No. of equity shares 5,00,000
EPS 4.72
On Diluted Basis
Earnings 25,00,000
No. of shows 5,80,000
EPS 4.31
Question 21
Shares of Voyage Ltd. are being quoted at a price-earning ratio of 8 times. The company
retains 45% of its earnings which are ` 5 per share.
You are required to compute
(1) The cost of equity to the company if the market expects a growth rate of 15% p.a.
(2) If the anticipated growth rate is 16% per annum, calculate the indicative market price with
the same cost of capital.
(3) If the company's cost of capital is 20% p.a. & the anticipated growth rate is 19% p.a.,
calculate the market price per share.
(1) Cost of Capital
Retained earnings (45%) ` 5 per share
Dividend (55%) ` 6.11 per share
EPS (100%) ` 11.11 per share
P/E Ratio 8 times
Market price ` 11.11 × 8 = ` 88.88
Cost of equity capital
 Div  ` 6.11
= ×100  + Growth % = × 100 +15% = 21.87%
 Pr ice  ` 88.88

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6.28 Strategic Financial Management

 Dividend 
(2) Market Price =  
 Cost of Capital(%) - Growth Rate(%) 
` 6.11
= = ` 104.08 per share

` 6.11
(3) Market Price = = ` 611.00 per share
Alternative Solution
As in the question the sentence “The company retains 45% of its earnings which are ` 5 per share”
amenable to two interpretations i.e. one is ` 5 as retained earnings (45%) and another is ` 5 is
EPS (100%). Alternative solution is as follows:
(1) Cost of capital
EPS (100%) ` 5 per share
Retained earnings (45%) ` 2.25 per share
Dividend (55%) ` 2.75 per share
P/E Ratio 8 times
Market Price ` 5 × 8 = ` 40
Cost of equity capital
 Div  ` 2.75
= ×100  + Growth % = × 100 +15% = 21.87%
 Pr ice  ` 40.00
 Dividend  ` 2.75
(2) Market Price =   =
 Cost of Capital(%) - Growth Rate(%)  ( 21. 87 - 16)%
= ` 46.85 per share
` 2.75
(3) Market Price = = ` 275.00 per share
(20 - 19)%
Question 22
A share of Tension-free Economy Ltd. is currently quoted at, a price earnings ratio of 7.5
times. The retained earnings per share being 37.5% is ` 3 per share. Compute:
(1) The company’s cost of equity, if investors expect annual growth rate of 12%.
(2) If anticipated growth rate is 13% p.a., calculate the indicated market price, with same
cost of capital.
(3) If the company’s cost of capital is 18% and anticipated growth rate is 15% p.a., calculate
the market price per share, assuming other conditions remain the same.

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Security Analysis 6.29

1. Calculation of cost of capital
Retained earnings 37.5% ` 3 per share
Dividend* 62.5% ` 5 per share
EPS 100.0% ` 8 per share
P/E ratio 7.5 times
Market price is ` 7.5 × 8 = ` 60 per share
Cost of equity capital = (Dividend/price × 100) + growth %
= (5/60 × 100) + 12% = 20.33%.

 `3 
*  × 62.5 = ` 5 
 37.5 
2. Market price = Dividend/(cost of equity capital % − growth rate %) = 5/(20.33% − 13%) =
5/7.33% = ` 68.21 per share.
3. Market price = Dividend/(cost of equity capital % − growth rate %) = 5/(18% − 15%) =
5/3% = ` 166.66 per share.
Question 23
Following Financial data are available for PQR Ltd. for the year 2008:
(` in lakh)
8% debentures 125
10% bonds (2007) 50
Equity shares (` 10 each) 100
Reserves and Surplus 300
Total Assets 600
Assets Turnovers ratio 1.1
Effective interest rate 8%
Effective tax rate 40%
Operating margin 10%
Dividend payout ratio 16.67%
Current market Price of Share `14
Required rate of return of investors 15%
You are required to:
(i) Draw income statement for the year

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(ii) Calculate its sustainable growth rate of earnings

(iii) Calculate the fair price of the Company's share using dividend discount model, and
(iv) What is your opinion on investment in the company's share at current price?
Asset turnover ratio = 1.1
Total Assets = ` 600
Turnover ` 600 lakhs × 11 = ` 660 lakhs
Effective interest rate = = 8%
Liabilities = ` 125 lakhs + 50 lakhs = 175 lakh
Interest = ` 175 lakhs × 0.08 = ` 14 lakh
Operating Margin = 10%
Hence operating cost = (1 - 0.10) ` 660 lakhs = ` 594 lakh
Dividend Payout = 16.67%
Tax rate = 40%
(i) Income statement
(` Lakhs)
Sale 660
Operating Exp 594
Interest 14
EBT 52
Tax @ 40% 20.80
EAT 31.20
Dividend @ 16.67% 5.20
Retained Earnings 26.00
(ii) SGR = ROE (1-b)
ROE = and NW =` 100 lakh + ` 300 lakh = 400 lakh

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` 31.2 lakhs
ROE = х 100 = 7.8%
` 400 lakhs
SGR = 0.078(1 - 0.1667) = 6.5% or = 6.95%
(iii) Calculation of fair price of share using dividend discount model
Do (1 + g)
Po =
ke − g

` 5.2 lakhs
Dividends = = ` 0.52
` 10 lakhs
Growth Rate = 6.5% or 6.95%
` 0.52(1 + 0.065) ` 0.5538 0.52(1+ 0.0695)
Hence Po = = = ` 6.51 or
0.15-0.065 0.085 0.15- 0.0695
= = ` 6.91
(iv) Since the current market price of share is ` 14, the share is overvalued. Hence the
investor should not invest in the company.
Question 24
M/s X Ltd. has paid a dividend of ` 2.5 per share on a face value of ` 10 in the financial year
ending on 31st March, 2009. The details are as follows:
Current market price of share ` 60
Growth rate of earnings and dividends 10%
Beta of share 0.75
Average market return 15%
Risk free rate of return 9%
Calculate the intrinsic value of the share.
Intrinsic Value P0=

Using CAPM
k = Rf +β (Rm-Rf)

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Rf = Risk Free Rate

β = Beta of Security
Rm = Market Return
= 9% + 0.75 (15% - 9%) = 13.5%
2.5 ×1.1 2.75
P= = = ` 78.57
0.135- 0.10 0.035

Question 25
Mr. A is thinking of buying shares at ` 500 each having face value of ` 100. He is expecting a
bonus at the ratio of 1:5 during the fourth year. Annual expected dividend is 20% and the
same rate is expected to be maintained on the expanded capital base. He intends to sell the
shares at the end of seventh year at an expected price of ` 900 each. Incidental expenses for
purchase and sale of shares are estimated to be 5% of the market price. He expects a
minimum return of 12% per annum.
Should Mr. A buy the share? If so, what maximum price should he pay for each share?
Assume no tax on dividend income and capital gain.
P.V. of dividend stream and sales proceeds
Year Divd. /Sale PVF (12%) PV (`)
1 ` 20/- 0.893 17.86
2 ` 20/- 0.797 15.94
3 ` 20/- 0.712 14.24
4 ` 24/- 0.636 15.26
5 ` 24/ 0.567 13.61
6 ` 24/ 0.507 12.17
7 ` 24/ 0.452 10.85
7 ` 1026/- (` 900 x 1.2 x 0.95) 0.452 463.75
` 563.68
Less : - Cost of Share (` 500 x 1.05) ` 525.00
Net gain ` 38.68

Since Mr. A is gaining ` 38.68 per share, he should buy the share.
Maximum price Mr. A should be ready to pay is ` 563.68 which will include incidental expenses. So
the maximum price should be ` 563.68 x 100/105 = ` 536.84

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Question 26
The risk free rate of return Rf is 9 percent. The expected rate of return on the market portfolio
Rm is 13 percent. The expected rate of growth for the dividend of Platinum Ltd. is 7 percent.
The last dividend paid on the equity stock of firm A was ` 2.00. The beta of Platinum Ltd.
equity stock is 1.2.
(i) What is the equilibrium price of the equity stock of Platinum Ltd.?
(ii) How would the equilibrium price change when
• The inflation premium increases by 2 percent?
• The expected growth rate increases by 3 percent?
• The beta of Platinum Ltd. equity rises to 1.3?
(i) Equilibrium price of Equity using CAPM
= 9% + 1.2(13% - 9%)
= 9% + 4.8%= 13.8%
D1 2.00(1.07) 2.14
P= = = = ` 31.47
k e - g 0.138- 0.07 0.068

(ii) New Equilibrium price of Equity using CAPM

= 9.18% + 1.3(13% - 9.18%)
= 9.18% + 4.966%= 14.146%
D1 2.00(1.10) 2.20
P= = = = ` 53.06
ke - g 0.14146 - 0.10 0.04146
Alternatively, it can also be computed as follows:
= 11% + 1.3(15% - 8%)
= 11% + 5.2%= 16.20%
D1 2.00(1.10)
P= = = Rs. 35.48
k e - g 0.162 − 0.10
Alternatively, if all the factors are taken separately then solution will be as follows:
(i) Inflation Premium increase by 3%. This raises RX to 15.80%. Hence, new
equilibrium price will be:
= = ` 24.32
0.158 − 0.07

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(ii) Expected Growth rate decrease by 3%. Hence, revised growth rate stands at 10%:
= = ` 57.89
0.138 − 0.10
(iii) Beta decreases to 1.3. Hence, revised cost of equity shall be:
= 9% + 1.3(13% - 9%)
= 9% + 5.2%= 14.2%
As a result, New Equilibrium price shall be:
D1 2.00(1.07)
P= = = ` 29.72
k e - g 0.142 − 0.07

Question 27
Seawell Corporation, a manufacturer of do-it-yourself hardware and housewares, reported
earnings per share of € 2.10 in 2003, on which it paid dividends per share of €0.69. Earnings
are expected to grow 15% a year from 2004 to 2008, during this period the dividend payout
ratio is expected to remain unchanged. After 2008, the earnings growth rate is expected to
drop to a stable rate of 6%, and the payout ratio is expected to increase to 65% of earnings.
The firm has a beta of 1.40 currently, and is expected to have a beta of 1.10 after 2008. The
market risk premium is 5.5%. The Treasury bond rate is 6.25%.
(a) What is the expected price of the stock at the end of 2008?
(b) What is the value of the stock, using the two-stage dividend discount model?
The expected rate of return on equity after 2008 = 0.0625 + 1.10(0.055) = 12.3%
The dividends from 2003 onwards can be estimated as:
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Earnings Per Share (€) 2.1 2.415 2.78 3.19 3.67 4.22 4.48
Dividends Per Share (€) 0.69 0.794 0.913 1.048 1.206 1.387 2.91

a. The price as of 2008 = €2.91/(0.123- 0.06) = €46.19

b. The required rate of return upto 2008 = 0.0625 + 1.4(0.055) = 13.95%. The dividends
upto 2008 are discounted using this rate as follow:
Year PV of Dividend
2004 0.794/1.1395 = 0.70
2005 0.913/(1.1395)2 = 0.70

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2006 1.048/(1.1395)3 = 0.70

2007 1.206/(1.1395)4 = 0.72
2008 1.387/(1.1395)5 = 0.72
Total 3.54
The current price = €3.54 + €46.19/(1.1395)5= €27.58.
* Values have been rounded off.
Question 28
SAM Ltd. has just paid a dividend of ` 2 per share and it is expected to grow @ 6% p.a. After
paying dividend, the Board declared to take up a project by retaining the next three annual
dividends. It is expected that this project is of same risk as the existing projects. The results of
this project will start coming from the 4 th year onward from now. The dividends will then be `
2.50 per share and will grow @ 7% p.a.
An investor has 1,000 shares in SAM Ltd. and wants a receipt of atleast ` 2,000 p.a. from this
Show that the market value of the share is affected by the decision of the Board. Also show as
to how the investor can maintain his target receipt from the investment for first 3 years and
improved income thereafter, given that the cost of capital of the firm is 8%.
Value of share at present =
ke − g

= = ` 106
0.08 − 0.06
However, if the Board implement its decision, no dividend would be payable for 3 years and
the dividend for year 4 would be ` 2.50 and growing at 7% p.a. The price of the share, in this
case, now would be:
2.50 1
P0 = × = ` 198.46
0.08 − 0.07 (1 + 0.08)3
So, the price of the share is expected to increase from ` 106 to ` 198.45 after the
announcement of the project. The investor can take up this situation as follows:
Expected market price after 3 years 2.50 ` 250.00
0.08 − 0.07

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Expected market price after 2 years 2.50 1 ` 231.48

0.08 − 0.07 (1 + 0.08)
Expected market price after 1 years 2.50 1 ` 214.33
0.08 − 0.07 (1 + 0.08) 2

In order to maintain his receipt at ` 2,000 for first 3 year, he would sell
10 shares in first year @ ` 214.33 for ` 2,143.30
9 shares in second year @ ` 231.48 for ` 2,083.32
8 shares in third year @ ` 250 for ` 2,000.00
At the end of 3rd year, he would be having 973 shares valued @ ` 250 each i.e.
` 2,43,250. On these 973 shares, his dividend income for year 4 would be @ ` 2.50 i.e. `
So, if the project is taken up by the company, the investor would be able to maintain his
receipt of at least ` 2,000 for first three years and would be getting increased income
Question 29
XYZ Ltd. paid a dividend of ` 2 for the current year. The dividend is expected to grow at 40%
for the next 5 years and at 15% per annum thereafter. The return on 182 days T-bills is 11%
per annum and the market return is expected to be around 18% with a variance of 24%.
The co-variance of XYZ's return with that of the market is 30%. You are required to calculate
the required rate of return and intrinsic value of the stock.
Covariance of Market Return and Security Return
Variance of Market Return

β= = 1.25

Expected Return = Rf + β(Rm - Rf)

= 11% + 1.25(18% - 11%)

= 11% + 8.75% = 19.75%

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Intrinsic Value
Year Dividend (`) PVF (19.75%,n) Present Value (`)
1 2.80 0.835 2.34
2 3.92 0.697 2.73
3 5.49 0.582 3.19
4 7.68 0.486 3.73
5 10.76 0.406 4.37

PV of Terminal Value = = × 0.406 = ` 105.77
0.1975 − 0.15
Intrinsic Value = ` 16.36 + ` 105.77 = ` 122.13
Question 30
Nominal value of 10% bonds issued by a company is `100. The bonds are redeemable at
` 110 at the end of year 5. Determine the value of the bond if required yield is (i) 5%, (ii)
5.1%, (iii) 10% and (iv) 10.1%.
Case (i) Required yield rate = 5%
Cash Present
Flow ` DF (5%) Value `
1-5 10 4.3295 43.295
5 110 0.7835 86.185
Value of bond 129.48

Case (ii) Required yield rate = 5.1%

Cash DF Present
Flow ` (5.1%) Value `
1-5 10 4.3175 43.175
5 110 0.7798 85.778
Value of bond 128.953

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Case (iii) Required yield rate = 10%

Cash DF Present
Flow ` (10%) Value `
1-5 10 3.7908 37.908
5 110 0.6209 68.299
Value of bond 106.207
Case (iv) Required yield rate = 10.1%
Cash DF Present
Flow ` (10.1%) Value `
1-5 10 3.7811 37.811
5 110 0.6181 67.991
Value of bond 105.802
Question 31
Pet feed plc has outstanding, a high yield Bond with following features:
Face Value £ 10,000
Coupon 10%
Maturity Period 6 Years
Special Feature Company can extend the life of Bond to 12 years.
Presently the interest rate on equivalent Bond is 8%.
(a) If an investor expects that interest will be 8%, six years from now then how much he
should pay for this bond now.
(b) Now suppose, on the basis of that expectation, he invests in the Bond, but interest rate
turns out to be 12%, six years from now, then what will be his potential loss/ gain if the
company extents the life of Bond for another 6 years.
(a) If the current interest rate is 8%, the company will not extent the duration of Bond and the
maximum amount the investor would ready to pay will be:
= £1,000 PVIAF (8%, 6) + £10,000 PVIF (8%, 6)
= £1,000 x 4.623 + £10,000 x 0.630
= £4,623 + £ 6,300
= £ 10,923

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(b) If the current interest rate is 12%, the company will extent the duration of Bond. After six
years the value of Bond will be
= £1,000 PVIAF (12%, 6) + £10,000 PVIF (12%, 6)
= £1,000 x 4.111 + £10,000 x 0.507
= £4,111 + £5,070
= £9,181
Thus, potential loss will be £9,181-£10,923=£1,742
Question 32
A convertible bond with a face value of ` 1,000 is issued at ` 1,350 with a coupon rate of
10.5%. The conversion rate is 14 shares per bond. The current market price of bond and
share is ` 1,475 and ` 80 respectively. What is the premium over conversion value?
Conversion rate is 14 shares per bond. Market price of share ` 80
Conversion Value 14 x ` 80 = ` 1120
Market price of bond = ` 1475
Premium over Conversion Value (` 1475- ` 1120) = x 100 = 31.7%
Question 33
Saranam Ltd. has issued convertible debentures with coupon rate 12%. Each debenture has
an option to convert to 20 equity shares at any time until the date of maturity. Debentures will
be redeemed at ` 100 on maturity of 5 years. An investor generally requires a rate of return of
8% p.a. on a 5-year security. As an investor when will you exercise conversion for given
market prices of the equity share of (i) ` 4, (ii) ` 5 and (iii) ` 6.
Cumulative PV factor for 8% for 5 years : 3.993
PV factor for 8% for year 5 : 0.681
If Debentures are not converted its value is as under: -

PVF @ 8 % `
Interest - ` 12 for 5 years 3.993 47.916
Redemption - ` 100 in 5th year 0.681 68.100

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Value of equity shares:-

Market Price No. Total
`4 20 ` 80
`5 20 ` 100
`6 20 ` 120
Hence, unless the market price is ` 6 conversion should not be exercised.
Question 34
The data given below relates to a convertible bond :
Face value ` 250
Coupon rate 12%
No. of shares per bond 20
Market price of share ` 12
Straight value of bond ` 235
Market price of convertible bond ` 265
(i) Stock value of bond.
(ii) The percentage of downside risk.
(iii) The conversion premium
(iv) The conversion parity price of the stock.
(i) Stock value or conversion value of bond
12 × 20 = ` 240
(ii) Percentage of the downside risk
` 265 -` 235 ` 265 -` 235
= 0.1277 or 12.77% or = 0.1132 or 11.32%
` 235 ` 265
This ratio gives the percentage price decline experienced by the bond if the stock
becomes worthless.
(iii) Conversion Premium
Market Pr ice − Conversion Value
× 100
Conversion Value

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` 265 -` 240
× 100 = 10.42%
` 240
(iv) Conversion Parity Price
Bond Pr ice
No. of Shares on Conversion
` 265
= ` 13.25
This indicates that if the price of shares rises to ` 13.25 from ` 12 the investor will
neither gain nor lose on buying the bond and exercising it. Observe that ` 1.25 (` 13.25
– ` 12.00) is 10.42% of ` 12, the Conversion Premium.
Question 35
Pineapple Ltd has issued fully convertible 12 percent debentures of ` 5,000 face value,
convertible into 10 equity shares. The current market price of the debentures is ` 5,400. The
present market price of equity shares is ` 430.
(i) the conversion percentage premium, and
(ii) the conversion value
(i) As per the conversion terms 1 Debenture = 10 equity share and since face value of one
debenture is ` 5000 the value of equity share becomes ` 500 (5000/10).
The conversion terms can also be expressed as: 1 Debenture of ` 500 = 1 equity share.
The cost of buying ` 500 debenture (one equity share) is:
` 500 × ` 540
Market Price of share is ` 430. Hence conversion premium in percentage is:
540 - 430
× 100 =
(ii) The conversion value can be calculated as follows:
Conversion value = Conversion ratio X Market Price of Equity Shares
= 10 × ` 430 = ` 4300

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Question 36
Rahul Ltd. has surplus cash of ` 100 lakhs and wants to distribute 27% of it to the
shareholders. The company decides to buy back shares. The Finance Manager of the
company estimates that its share price after re-purchase is likely to be 10% above the
buyback price-if the buyback route is taken. The number of shares outstanding at present is
10 lakhs and the current EPS is ` 3.
You are required to determine:
(i) The price at which the shares can be re-purchased, if the market capitalization of the
company should be ` 210 lakhs after buyback,
(ii) The number of shares that can be re-purchased, and
(iii) The impact of share re-purchase on the EPS, assuming that net income is the same.
(i) Let P be the buyback price decided by Rahul Ltd.
Market Capitalisation after Buyback
1.1P (Original Shares – Shares Bought Back)
 27% of 100 lakhs 
= 1.1P  10 lakhs - 
 P 
= 11 lakhs × P – 27 lakhs × 1.1 = 11 lakhs P – 29.7 lakhs
Again, 11 lakhs P – 29.7 lakhs
or 11 lakhs P = 210 lakhs + 29.7 lakhs
or P = = ` 21.79 per share
(ii) Number of Shares to be Bought Back :-
` 27 lakhs
= 1.24 lakhs (Approx.) or 123910 share
` 21.79
(iii) New Equity Shares :-
10 lakhs – 1.24 lakhs = 8.76 lakhs or 1000000 – 123910 = 876090 shares
3 × 10 lakhs
∴EPS = = ` 3.43
8.76 lakhs
Thus, EPS of Rahul Ltd., increases to ` 3.43.

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Question 37
If the market price of the bond is ` 95; years to maturity = 6 yrs: coupon rate = 13% p.a (paid
annually) and issue price is ` 100. What is the yield to maturity?
(F - P)
n C= Coupon Rate; F= Face Value (Issue Price) ; P= Market Price of Bond
F +P

13 +
(100 - 95 )
YTM = 6 = 0.1418 or 14.18%
100 + 95
Question 38
An investor is considering the purchase of the following Bond:
Face value ` 100
Coupon rate 11%
Maturity 3 years
(i) If he wants a yield of 13% what is the maximum price he should be ready to pay for?
(ii) If the Bond is selling for ` 97.60, what would be his yield?
(i) Calculation of Maximum price
Bo = ` 11 × PVIFA (13%,3) + ` 100 × PVIF (13%,3)
= ` 11 × 2.361 + ` 100 × 0.693 = ` 25.97 + ` 69.30 = ` 95.27
(ii) Calculation of yield
At 12% the value = ` 11 × PVIFA (12%,3) + 100 × PVIF (12%,3)
= ` 11×2.402 + ` 100×0.712 = ` 26.42 + ` 71.20 = ` 97.62
It the bond is selling at ` 97.60 which is more than the fair value, the YTM of the bond
would be less than 13%. This value is almost equal to the amount price of ` 97.60.
Therefore, the YTM of the bond would be 12%.

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( ` 100 - ` 97.60 )
` 11 +
3 = 0.1194 or 11.94% say 12%
( ` 100 + ` 97.60)
Question 39
Calculate Market Price of:
(i) 10% Government of India security currently quoted at ` 110, but yield is expected to go
up by 1%.
(ii) A bond with 7.5% coupon interest, Face Value ` 10,000 & term to maturity of 2 years,
presently yielding 6% . Interest payable half yearly.
(i) Current yield = (Coupon Interest / Market Price) X 100
(10/110) X 100 = 9.09%
If current yield go up by 1% i.e. 10.09 the market price would be
10.09 = 10 / Market Price X 100
Market Price = ` 99.11
(ii) Market Price of Bond = P.V. of Interest + P.V. of Principal
= ` 1,394 + ` 8,885 = ` 10,279
Question 40
Find the current market price of a bond having face value ` 1,00,000 redeemable after 6 year
maturity with YTM at 16% payable annually and duration 4.3202 years. Given 1.16 6 = 2.4364.
The formula for the duration of a coupon bond is as follows:
1+ YTM (1+ YTM) + t (c - YTM)
c ( 1+ YTM)t -1 + YTM ]
Where YTM = Yield to Maturity
c= Coupon Rate
t= Years to Maturity
Accordingly, since YTM =0.16 and t= 6

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1.16 1.16 + 6(c 0.16)

4.3202 =
[ ]
0.16 c ( 1.16)6 -1 + 0.16

1.16 + (6c - 0.96)

4.3202= 7.25 -
1.4364c + 0.16

1.16 + 6c − 0.96
= 2.9298
1.4364 c + 0.16
0.2 + 6c = 4.20836472 c + 0.468768
1.79163528c = 0.268768
C = 0.150012674
∴ c = 0.15
Where c = Coupon rate
Therefore, current price = `(1,00,000/- x 0.15 x 3.685 + 1,00,000/- x 0.410) = `96,275/-.
Alternatively, it can also be calculated as follows:
Let x be annual coupon payment. Accordingly, the duration (D) of the Bond shall be

Year CF PVIF 16% PV (CF) PV (CF)

1 x 0.862 0.862x
2 x 0.743 0.743x
3 x 0.641 0.641x
4 x 0.552 0.552x
5 x 0.476 0.476x
6 X +100000 0.410 0.410x + 41000
3.684x + 41000

0.862x 0.743x 0.641x

D= ×1+ ×2+ ×3
3.684x + 41000 3.684x + 41000 3.684x + 41000
0.552x 0.476x (0.410x + 41000)
+ ×4+ ×5+ ×6
3.684x + 41000 3.684x + 41000 3.684x + 41000
11.319x + 246000
4.3202 =
3.684x + 41000
x = ` 14,983 i.e. 14.98% say 15%

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Accordingly, current price of the Bond shall be:

= 1,00,000 × 0.15 × PVAF (16%, 6) + 1,00,000 × PVF (16%, 6)
= 15,000 × 3.685 + 1,00,000 × 0.410 = ` 96,275
Question 41
There is a 9% 5-year bond issue in the market. The issue price is ` 90 and the redemption
price ` 105. For an investor with marginal income tax rate of 30% and capital gains tax rate of
10% (assuming no indexation), what is the post-tax yield to maturity?
Calculation of yield to Maturity (YTM)
Coupon + Pr o - rated discount
(Re demption price + Purchase Pr ice)/2

After tax coupon = 9 × (1 – .30) = 6.3%

After tax redemption price = 105 – (15 × .10) or ` 103.5
After tax capital gain = 103.50 – 90 = ` 13.50
6.3 + (13.5/5 ) 9.00
YTM = or = 9.30%
(103.5 + 90)/2 96.75
Question 42
ABC Ltd. issued 9%, 5 year bonds of ` 1,000/- each having a maturity of 3 years. The present
rate of interest is 12% for one year tenure. It is expected that Forward rate of interest for one
year tenure is going to fall by 75 basis points and further by 50 basis points for every next year
in further for the same tenure. This bond has a beta value of 1.02 and is more popular in the
market due to less credit risk.
(i) Intrinsic value of bond
(ii) Expected price of bond in the market
(i) Intrinsic value of Bond
PV of Interest + PV of Maturity Value of Bond
Forward rate of interests
1st Year 12%
2nd Year 11.25%

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3rd Year 10.75%

` 90 ` 90 ` 90
PV of interest = + + = ` 217.81
(1 + 0.12) (1 + 0.12)(1 + 0.1125) (1 + 0.12)(1 + 0.1125)(1 + 0.1075)

PV of Maturity Value of Bond = = ` 724.67
(1+ 0.12)(1+ 0.1125)(1+ 0.1075)
Intrinsic value of Bond = ` 217.81 + ` 724.67 = ` 942.48
(ii) Expected Price = Intrinsic Value x Beta Value
= ` 948.48 x 1.02 = ` 961.33
Question 43
MP Ltd. issued a new series of bonds on January 1, 2010. The bonds were sold at par
(`1,000), having a coupon rate 10% p.a. and mature on 31st December, 2025. Coupon
payments are made semiannually on June 30th and December 31st each year. Assume that
you purchased an outstanding MP Ltd. bond on 1st March, 2018 when the going interest rate
was 12%.
(i) What was the YTM of MP Ltd. bonds as on January 1, 2010?
(ii) What amount you should pay to complete the transaction? Of that amount how much
should be accrued interest and how much would represent bonds basic value.
(i) Since the bonds were sold at par, the original YTM was 10%.
Interest ` 100
YTM = = = 10%
Pr incipal ` 1,000
(ii) Price of the bond as on 1st July, 2018 = ` 50 × 9.712 + ` 1,000 х 0.417
= ` 485.60 + ` 417
= ` 902.60
Total value of the bond on the next = ` 902.60 + ` 50 interest date = `952.60
∴ Value of bond at purchase date = ` 952.60 х
(1+ 0.06) 2/3
= ` 952.60 х 0.9620 (by using excel)
= ` 916.40†

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The amount to be paid to complete the transaction is `916.40. Out of this amount
` 48.10 represent accrued interest* and `868.30 represent the bond basic value.
† Alternatively, it can also be calculated as follows:
= ` 952.60 х
(1+ 0.06 × )
= ` 952.60 х
(1+ 0.04)
= ` 915.96
The amount to be paid to complete the transaction is `915.96. Out of this amount
` 48.08 represent accrued interest* and `867.88 represent the bond basic value.
*Alternatively, Accrued Interest can also be calculated as follows:
10 2
Accrued Interest on Bonds = 1, 000 × × = 16.67
100 12
Question 44
Based on the credit rating of bonds, Mr. Z has decided to apply the following discount rates for
valuing bonds:
Credit Rating Discount Rate
AAA 364 day T bill rate + 3% spread
AA AAA + 2% spread
A AAA + 3% spread
He is considering to invest in AA rated, ` 1,000 face value bond currently selling at
` 1,025.86. The bond has five years to maturity and the coupon rate on the bond is 15% p.a.
payable annually. The next interest payment is due one year from today and the bond is
redeemable at par. (Assume the 364 day T-bill rate to be 9%).
You are required to calculate the intrinsic value of the bond for Mr. Z. Should he invest in the
bond? Also calculate the current yield and the Yield to Maturity (YTM) of the bond.
The appropriate discount rate for valuing the bond for Mr. Z is:
R = 9% + 3% + 2% = 14%
Time CF PVIF 14% PV (CF) PV (CF)
1 150 0.877 131.55

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2 150 0.769 115.35

3 150 0.675 101.25
4 150 0.592 88.80
5 1150 0.519 596.85
∑ PV (CF) i.e. P 0 = 1033.80

Since, the current market value is less than the intrinsic value; Mr. Z should buy the bond. Current
yield = Annual Interest / Price = 150 / 1025.86 = 14.62%
The YTM of the bond is calculated as follows:
P = 150 × PVIFA 15%, 4 + 1150 × PVIF 15%, 5
= 150 × 2.855 + 1150 × 0.497 = 428.25 + 571.55 = 999.80
As found in sub part (a) P0 = 1033.80
By interpolation we get,
7.94 7.94
= 14% + × (15% - 14%) =14% + %
7.94 - (-26.06) 34
YTM = 14.23%
Question 45
M/s Agfa Industries is planning to issue a debenture series on the following terms:
Face value ` 100
Term of maturity 10 years
Yearly coupon rate
1−4 9%
5−8 10%
9 − 10 14%
The current market rate on similar debentures is 15 per cent per annum. The Company
proposes to price the issue in such a manner that it can yield 16 per cent compounded rate of
return to the investors. The Company also proposes to redeem the debentures at 5 per cent
premium on maturity. Determine the issue price of the debentures.

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The issue price of the debentures will be the sum of present value of interest payments during 10
years of its maturity and present value of redemption value of debenture.
Years Cash out flow ( ` ) PVIF @ 16% PV
1 9 .862 7.758
2 9 .743 6.687
3 9 .641 5.769
4 9 .552 4.968
5 10 .476 4.76
6 10 .410 4.10
7 10 .354 3.54
8 10 .305 3.05
9 14 .263 3.682
10 14 + 105 = 119 .227 3.178 + 23.835
Thus the debentures should be priced at ` 71.327
Question 46
On 31st March, 2013, the following information about Bonds is available:
Name of Security Face Value Maturity Date Coupon Coupon
` Rate Date(s)
Zero coupon 10,000 31st March, 2023 N.A. N.A.
T-Bill 1,00,000 20th June, 2013 N.A. N.A.
10.71% GOI 2023 100 31st March, 2023 10.71 31st March
10 % GOI 2018 100 31st March, 2018 10.00 31st March &
30th September

(i) If 10 years yield is 7.5% p.a. what price the Zero Coupon Bond would fetch on 31 st
March, 2013?
(ii) What will be the annualized yield if the T-Bill is traded @ 98500?
(iii) If 10.71% GOI 2023 Bond having yield to maturity is 8%, what price would it fetch on
April 1, 2013 (after coupon payment on 31st March)?

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(iv) If 10% GOI 2018 Bond having yield to maturity is 8%, what price would it fetch on April 1,
2013 (after coupon payment on 31st March)?

(i) Rate used for discounting shall be yield. Accordingly ZCB shall fetch:
= = ` 4,852
(1 + 0.075)10
(ii) The day count basis is actual number days / 365. Accordingly annualized yield shall be:
FV-Price 365 100000-98500 365
= × = × = 6.86%
Price No. of days 98500 81
Note: Alternatively, it can also computed on 360 days a year.
(iii) Price GOI 2023 would fetch
= ` 10.71 PVAF(8%, 10) + ` 100 PVF (8%, 10)
= ` 10.71 x 6.71 + ` 100 x 0.4632
= ` 71.86 + ` 46.32 = ` 118.18
(iv) Price GOI 2018 Bond would fetch:
= ` 5 PVAF (4%, 10) + ` 100 PVF (4%, 10)
= ` 5 x 8.11 + ` 100 x 0.6756
= 40.55 + 67.56 = 108.11
Question 47
ABC Ltd. has ` 300 million, 12 per cent bonds outstanding with six years remaining to
maturity. Since interest rates are falling, ABC Ltd. is contemplating of refunding these bonds
with a ` 300 million issue of 6 year bonds carrying a coupon rate of 10 per cent. Issue cost of
the new bond will be ` 6 million and the call premium is 4 per cent. ` 9 million being the
unamortized portion of issue cost of old bonds can be written off no sooner the old bonds are
called off. Marginal tax rate of ABC Ltd. is 30 per cent. You are required to analyse the bond
refunding decision.
1. Calculation of initial outlay:-
` (million)
a. Face value 300
Add:-Call premium 12
Cost of calling old bonds 312

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b. Gross proceed of new issue 300

Less: Issue costs 6
Net proceeds of new issue 294
c. Tax savings on call premium
and unamortized cost 0.30 (12 + 9) 6.3
∴ Initial outlay = ` 312 million – ` 294 million – ` 6.3 million = ` 11.7 million
2. Calculation of net present value of refunding the bond:-
Saving in annual interest expenses ` (million)
[300 x (0.12 – 0.10)] 6.00
Less:- Tax saving on interest and amortization
0.30 x [6 + (9-6)/6] 1.95
Annual net cash saving 4.05
PVIFA (7%, 6 years) 4.766
∴ Present value of net annual cash saving ` 19.30 million
Less:- Initial outlay ` 11.70 million
Net present value of refunding the bond ` 7.60 million
Decision: The bonds should be refunded
Question 48
M/s Transindia Ltd. is contemplating calling ` 3 crores of 30 years, ` 1,000 bond issued 5
years ago with a coupon interest rate of 14 per cent. The bonds have a call price of ` 1,140
and had initially collected proceeds of ` 2.91 crores due to a discount of ` 30 per bond. The
initial floating cost was ` 3,60,000. The Company intends to sell ` 3 crores of 12 per cent
coupon rate, 25 years bonds to raise funds for retiring the old bonds. It proposes to sell the
new bonds at their par value of ` 1,000. The estimated floatation cost is ` 4,00,000. The
company is paying 40% tax and its after tax cost of debt is 8 per cent. As the new bonds must
first be sold and their proceeds, then used to retire old bonds, the company expects a two
months period of overlapping interest during which interest must be paid on both the old and
new bonds. What is the feasibility of refunding bonds?
NPV for bond refunding
PV of annual cash flow savings (W.N. 2)
(3,49,600 × PVIFA 8%,25) i.e. 10.675 37,31,980

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Less: Initial investment (W.N. 1) 29,20,000

NPV 8,11,980
Recommendation: Refunding of bonds is recommended as NPV is positive.
Working Notes:
(1) Initial investment:
(a) Call premium
Before tax (1,140 – 1,000) × 30,000 42,00,000
Less tax @ 40% 16,80,000
After tax cost of call prem. 25,20,000
(b) Floatation cost 4,00,000
(c) Overlapping interest
Before tax (0.14 × 2/12 × 3 crores) 7,00,000
Less tax @ 40% 2,80,000 4,20,000
(d) Tax saving on unamortised discount on
old bond 25/30 × 9,00,000 × 0.4 (3,00,000)
(e) Tax savings from unamortised floatation
Cost of old bond 25/30 × 3,60,000 × 0.4 (1,20,000)
(2) Annual cash flow savings:
(a) Old bond
(i) Interest cost (0.14 × 3 crores) 42,00,000
Less tax @ 40% 16,80,000 25,20,000
(ii) Tax savings from amortisation of discount
9,00,000/30 × 0.4 (12,000)
(iii) Tax savings from amortisation of
floatation cost 3,60,000/30 × 0.4 (4,800)
Annual after tax cost payment under old Bond (A) 25,03,200
(b) New bond

(i) Interest cost before tax (0.12 × 3 crores) 36,00,000

Less tax @ 40% 14,40,000

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After tax interest 21,60,000

(ii) Tax savings from amortisation of floatation cost
(0.4 × 4,00,000/25) (6,400)
Annual after tax payment under new Bond (B) 21,53,600
Annual Cash Flow Saving (A) – (B) 3,49,600
Question 49
The following data are available for a bond
Face value ` 1,000
Coupon Rate 16%
Years to Maturity 6
Redemption value ` 1,000
Yield to maturity 17%
What is the current market price, duration and volatility of this bond? Calculate the expected
market price, if increase in required yield is by 75 basis points.
1. Calculation of Market price:
 Discount or premium 
Coupon int erest +  
 Years left 
Face Value + Market value
Discount or premium – YTM is more than coupon rate, market price is less than Face
Value i.e. at discount.
Let x be the market price
 (1,000 - x) 
160 +  
 6 
0.17 = x = ` 960.26
1,000 + x
Alternatively, the candidate may attempt by
160 (PVIAF 17%,6) + 1,000 (PVIF 17%,6)
= 160 (3.589) + 1,000 (0.390) = 574.24 + 390 = 964.24

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2. Duration
Year Cash flow P.V. @ 17% Proportion of Proportion of bond
bond value value x time (years)
1 160 .855 136.80 0.142 0.142
2 160 .731 116.96 0.121 0.246
3 160 .624 99.84 0.103 0.309
4 160 .534 85.44 0.089 0.356
5 160 .456 72.96 0.076 0.380
6 1160 .390 452.40 0.469 2.814
964.40 1.000 4.247
Duration of the Bond is 4.247 years
Alternatively, as per Short Cut Method
1+ YTM (1+ YTM) + t (c - YTM)
c ( 1+ YTM)t -1 + YTM]
Where YTM = Yield to Maturity
c = Coupon Rate
t = Years to Maturity
1.17 1.17 + 6(0.16 − 0.17)
= -
0.17 0.16( 1.17 )6 -1 + 0.17
 

D = 4.24 years
3. Volatility
Duration 4.247 4.2422
Volatility of the bonds = = = 3.63 Or = = 3.6258
(1 + yields) 1.17 1.17
4. The expected market price if increase in required yield is by 75 basis points.
= ` 960.26 × .75 (3.63/100) = ` 26.142
Hence expected market price is ` 960.26 – ` 26.142 = ` 934.118
Hence, the market price will decrease
This portion can also be alternatively done as follows
= ` 964.40 × .75 (3.63/100) = ` 26.26
then the market price will be = ` 964.40 – 26.26 = ` 938.14

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Question 50
Mr. A will need ` 1,00,000 after two years for which he wants to make one time necessary
investment now. He has a choice of two types of bonds. Their details are as below:
Bond X Bond Y
Face value ` 1,000 ` 1,000
Coupon 7% payable annually 8% payable annually
Years to maturity 1 4
Current price ` 972.73 ` 936.52
Current yield 10% 10%
Advice Mr. A whether he should invest all his money in one type of bond or he should buy both
the bonds and, if so, in which quantity? Assume that there will not be any call risk or default
Duration of Bond X
Year Cash flow P.V. @ 10% Proportion of Proportion of bond
bond value value x time (years)
1 1070 .909 972.63 1.000 1.000
Duration of the Bond is 1 year
Duration of Bond Y
Year Cash flow P.V. @ 10% Proportion of Proportion of bond
bond value value x time (years)
1 80 .909 72.72 0.077 0.077
2 80 .826 66.08 0.071 0.142
3 80 .751 60.08 0.064 0.192
4 1080 .683 737.64 0.788 3.152
936.52 1.000 3.563
Duration of the Bond is 3.563 years
Let x1 be the investment in Bond X and therefore investment in Bond Y shall be (1 - x1). Since
the required duration is 2 year the proportion of investment in each of these two securities
shall be computed as follows:
2 = x1 + (1 - x1) 3.563
x1 = 0.61

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Accordingly, the proportion of investment shall be 61% in Bond X and 39% in Bond Y
Amount of investment
Bond X Bond Y
PV of ` 1,00,000 for 2 years @ 10% x 61% PV of ` 1,00,000 for 2 years @ 10%
x 39%
= ` 1,00,000 (0.826) x 61% = ` 1,00,000 (0.826) x 39%
= ` 50,386 = ` 32,214
No. of Bonds to be purchased No. of Bonds to be purchased
= ` 50,386/` 972.73 = 51.79 i.e. approx. = ` 32,214/` 936.52 = 34.40 i.e.
52 bonds approx. 34 bonds
Note: The investor has to keep the money invested for two years. Therefore, the investor can
invest in both the bonds with the assumption that Bond X will be reinvested for another one
year on same returns.
Note: In the above computation, Modified Duration can also be used instead of Duration.
Question 51
XL Ispat Ltd. has made an issue of 14 per cent non-convertible debentures on January 1,
2007. These debentures have a face value of ` 100 and is currently traded in the market at a
price of ` 90.
Interest on these NCDs will be paid through post-dated cheques dated June 30 and December
31. Interest payments for the first 3 years will be paid in advance through post-dated cheques
while for the last 2 years post-dated cheques will be issued at the third year. The bond is
redeemable at par on December 31, 2011 at the end of 5 years.
Required :
(i) Estimate the current yield and YTM of the bond.
(ii) Calculate the duration of the NCD.
(iii) Assuming that intermediate coupon payments are, not available for reinvestment
calculate the realised yield on the NCD.
` 7 12
(i) Current yield = × = 0.1555 or 15.55%
` 90 6
YTM can be determined from the following equation
7 × PVIFA (YTM, 10) + 100 × PVIF (YTM, 10) = 90
Let us discount the cash flows using two discount rates 7.50% and 9% as follows:

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Year Cash Flows [email protected]% [email protected]% PVF@9% PV@9%

0 -90 1 -90 1 -90
1 7 0.930 6.51 0.917 6.419
2 7 0.865 6.055 0.842 5.894
3 7 0.805 5.635 0.772 5.404
4 7 0.749 5.243 0.708 4.956
5 7 0.697 4.879 0.650 4.550
6 7 0.648 4.536 0.596 4.172
7 7 0.603 4.221 0.547 3.829
8 7 0.561 3.927 0.502 3.514
9 7 0.522 3.654 0.460 3.220
10 107 0.485 51.90 0.422 45.154
6.560 -2.888

Now we use interpolation formula

7.50% + × 1.50%
7.50% + × 1.50% =7.50% + 1.041%
YTM = 8.541% say 8.54%
Note: Students can also compute the YTM using rates other than 15% and 18%.
(ii) The duration can be calculated as follows:
Year Cash PVF@ PV @ Proportion of Proportion of NCD
Flow 8.54% 8.54% NCD value value × time
1 7 0.921 6.447 0.0717 0.0717
2 7 0.849 5.943 0.0661 0.1322
3 7 0.782 5.474 0.0608 0.1824
4 7 0.721 5.047 0.0561 0.2244
5 7 0.664 4.648 0.0517 0.2585
6 7 0.612 4.284 0.0476 0.2856
7 7 0.563 3.941 0.0438 0.3066

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8 7 0.519 3.633 0.0404 0.3232

9 7 0.478 3.346 0.0372 0.3348
10 107 0.441 47.187 0.5246 5.2460
89.95 7.3654
Duration = 7.3654 half years i.e. 3.683 years.
(iii) Realized Yield can be calculated as follows:
(7 × 10) + 100
= 90
(1 + R)10
(1 + R)10 =
 170 
R=   - 1 = 0.06380 or 6.380% for half yearly and 12.76% annually.
 90 
Question 52
Mr. A is planning for making investment in bonds of one of the two companies X Ltd. and Y
Ltd. The detail of these bonds is as follows:
Company Face Value Coupon Rate Maturity Period
X Ltd. ` 10,000 6% 5 Years
Y Ltd. ` 0,000 4% 5 Years
The current market price of X Ltd.’s bond is ` 10,796.80 and both bonds have same Yield To
Maturity (YTM). Since Mr. A considers duration of bonds as the basis of decision making, you
are required to calculate the duration of each bond and you decision.
To calculate duration of bond we need YTM, which shall be calculated as follows:
Let us try NPV of Bond @ 5%
600 600 600 600 10,600
= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + - 10,796.80
(1.05) (1.05) (1.05) (1.05) (1.05)5
= ` 571.43 + ` 544.22 + ` 518.30 + ` 493.62 + ` 8,305.38 – ` 10,796.80 = – ` 363.85
Let us now try NPV @ 4%
600 600 600 600 10,600
= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + - 10,796.80
(1.04) (1.04) (1.04) (1.04) (1.04)5

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= ` 576.92 + ` 554.73 + ` 533.40 + ` 512.88 + ` 712.43 – ` 10,796.80 = ` 93.56

Let us now interpolation formula
= 4% + × (5% - 4%)
93.56- (-363.85)
= 4% +
93.56 + 363.85
= 4% + = 4.20%
Duration of X Ltd.’ s Bond
Year Cash flow P.V. @ 4.2% Proportion of Proportion of bond
bond value value x time (years)
1 600 0.9597 575.82 0.0533 0.0533
2 600 0.9210 552.60 0.0512 0.1024
3 600 0.8839 530.34 0.0491 0.1473
4 600 0.8483 508.98 0.0472 0.1888
5 10600 0.8141 8,629.46 0.7992 3.9960
10,797.20 1.0000 4.4878

Duration of the Bond is 4.4878 years say 4.49 years.

Duration of Y Ltd.’s Bond
Year Cash flow P.V. @ 4.2% Proportion of Proportion of bond
bond value value x time (years)
1 400 0.9597 383.88 0.0387 0.0387
2 400 0.9210 368.40 0.0372 0.0744
3 400 0.8839 353.56 0.0357 0.1071
4 400 0.8483 339.32 0.0342 0.1368
5 10400 0.8141 8,466.64 0.8542 4.2710
9,911.80 1.0000 4.6280

Duration of the Bond is 4.6280 years say 4.63 years.

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Decision: Since the duration of Bond of X Ltd. is lower and also carrying higher interest rate hence
it should be preferred.
Question 53
The following data is available for a bond:
Face Value ` 1,000
Coupon Rate 11%
Years to Maturity 6
Redemption Value ` 1,000
Yield to Maturity 15%
(Round-off your answers to 3 decimals)
Calculate the following in respect of the bond:
(i) Current Market Price.
(ii) Duration of the Bond.
(iii) Volatility of the Bond.
(iv) Expected market price if increase in required yield is by 100 basis points.
(v) Expected market price if decrease in required yield is by 75 basis points.
(i) Calculation of Market price:
 Discount or premium 
Coupon int erest +  
 Years left 
Face Value + Market value
Discount or premium – YTM is more than coupon rate, market price is less
than Face Value i.e. at discount.
Let x be the market price
 (1,000 - x) 
110 +  
 6 
0.15 =
1,000 + x
x = ` 834.48
Alternatively, it can also be calculated using Tabular Method.

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(ii) Duration
Year Cash flow P.V. @ 15% Proportion of Proportion of bond
bond value value x time (years)
1 110 .870 95.70 0.113 0.113
2 110 .756 83.16 0.098 0.196
3 110 .658 72.38 0.085 0.255
4 110 .572 62.92 0.074 0.296
5 110 .497 54.67 0.064 0.320
6 1110 .432 479.52 0.565 3.39
848.35 1.000 4.570
Duration of the Bond is 4.570 years
(iii) Volatility
Duration 4.570
= of the bond = = 3.974
(1 + yields) 1.15
(iv) The expected market price if increase in required yield is by 100 basis points.
= ` 834.48× 1.00 (3.974/100) = ` 33.162
Hence expected market price is ` 834.48 – ` 33.162 = ` 801.318
Alternatively, this can also be calculated as follows:
` 848.35 x 100 (3.794/100) = 33.71
Hence, expected market price is 848.48 – 33.71 = 814.77
Thus, the market price will decrease.
(v) The expected market price if decrease in required yield is by 75 basis points.
= ` 834.48× 0.75 (3.974/100) = ` 24.87
Hence expected market price is ` 834.48 + ` 24.87 = ` 859.35
Alternatively, this can also be calculated as follows:
848.35 x 0.75 (3.974/100) = 25.29
Hence, expected market price = 848.35 – 25.29 = ` 823.06
Thus, the market price will increase.
Question 54
GHI Ltd., AAA rated company has issued, fully convertible bonds on the following terms, a
year ago:

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Security Analysis 6.63

Face value of bond ` 1000

Coupon (interest rate) 8.5%
Time to Maturity (remaining) 3 years
Interest Payment Annual, at the end of year
Principal Repayment At the end of bond maturity
Conversion ratio (Number of shares per bond) 25
Current market price per share ` 45
Market price of convertible bond ` 1175
AAA rated company can issue plain vanilla bonds without conversion option at an interest rate
of 9.5%.
Required: Calculate as of today:
(i) Straight Value of bond.
(ii) Conversion Value of the bond.
(iii) Conversion Premium.
(iv) Percentage of downside risk.
(v) Conversion Parity Price.
t 1 2 3
PVIF0.095, t 0.9132 0.8340 0.7617
(i) Straight Value of Bond
` 85 x 0.9132 + ` 85 x 0.8340 + ` 1085 x 0.7617 = ` 974.96
(ii) Conversion Value
Conversion Ration x Market Price of Equity Share
= ` 45 x 25 = ` 1,125
(iii) Conversion Premium
Conversion Premium = Market Conversion Price - Market Price of Equity Share
` 1,175
= - ` 45 = ` 2
or = ` 1,175 - ` 45 x 25 = ` 50

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` 1,175 - ` 1,125
or = 4.47%
` 1,125
(iv) Percentage of Downside Risk
` 1,175 - ` 974.96 ` 1,175 - ` 974.96
= ×100 = 20.52% or = 17.02
` 974.96 ` 1,175
(v) Conversion Parity Price
Bond Price
No. of Share on Conversion
` 1,175
= = ` 47
Question 55
The following data is related to 8.5% Fully Convertible (into Equity shares) Debentures issued by
JAC Ltd. at ` 1000.

Market Price of Debenture ` 900

Conversion Ratio 30
Straight Value of Debenture ` 700
Market Price of Equity share on the date of Conversion ` 25
Expected Dividend Per Share `1
You are required to calculate:

(a) Conversion Value of Debenture

(b) Market Conversion Price
(c) Conversion Premium per share
(d) Ratio of Conversion Premium
(e) Premium over Straight Value of Debenture
(f) Favourable income differential per share
(g) Premium pay back period

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(a) Conversion Value of Debenture
= Market Price of one Equity Share X Conversion Ratio
= ` 25 X 30 = ` 750
(b) Market Conversion Price
Market Pr ice of Convertible Debenture
` 900
= = ` 30
(c) Conversion Premium per share
Market Conversion Price – Market Price of Equity Share
= ` 30 – ` 25 = ` 5
(d) Ratio of Conversion Premium
Conversion premium per share `5
= = 20%
Market Price of Equity Share ` 25
(e) Premium over Straight Value of Debenture
Market Price of Convertible Bond ` 900
–1= – 1 = 28.6%
Straight Value of Bond ` 700
(f) Favourable income differential per share
Coupon Interest from Debenture - Conversion Ratio × Dividend Per Share
Conversion Ratio
` 85 - 30 × ` 1
= ` 1.833
(g) Premium pay back period
Conversion premium per share ` 5
= = 2.73 years
Favourable Income Differntial Per Share ` 1.833

Question 56
A Ltd. has issued convertible bonds, which carries a coupon rate of 14%. Each bond is
convertible into 20 equity shares of the company A Ltd. The prevailing interest rate for similar
credit rating bond is 8%. The convertible bond has 5 years maturity. It is redeemable at par
at ` 100. The relevant present value table is as follows.

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6.66 Strategic Financial Management

Present values t1 t2 t3 t4 t5
PVIF0.14, t 0.877 0.769 0.675 0.592 0.519
PVIF0.08, t 0.926 0.857 0.794 0.735 0.681
You are required to estimate:
(Calculations be made upto 3 decimal places)
(i) current market price of the bond, assuming it being equal to its fundamental value,
(ii) minimum market price of equity share at which bond holder should exercise conversion
option; and
(iii) duration of the bond.
(i) Current Market Price of Bond
Time CF PVIF 8% PV (CF) PV (CF)
1 14 0.926 12.964
2 14 0.857 11.998
3 14 0.794 11.116
4 14 0.735 10.290
5 114 0.681 77.634
∑ PV (CF) i.e. P 0 = 124.002
Say ` 124.00
(ii) Minimum Market Price of Equity Shares at which Bondholder should exercise conversion
=Rs. 6.20
(iii) Duration of the Bond
Year Cash flow P.V. @ 8% Proportion of Proportion of bond
bond value value x time (years)
1 14 0.926 12.964 0.105 0.105
2 14 0.857 11.998 0.097 0.194
3 14 0.794 11.116 0.089 0.267
4 14 0.735 10.290 0.083 0.332
5 114 0.681 77.634 0.626 3.130
124.002 1.000 4.028

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Security Analysis 6.67

Question 57
(a) Consider two bonds, one with 5 years to maturity and the other with 20 years to maturity.
Both the bonds have a face value of ` 1,000 and coupon rate of 8% (with annual interest
payments) and both are selling at par. Assume that the yields of both the bonds fall to
6%, whether the price of bond will increase or decrease? What percentage of this
increase/decrease comes from a change in the present value of bond’s principal amount
and what percentage of this increase/decrease comes from a change in the present
value of bond’s interest payments?
(b) Consider a bond selling at its par value of ` 1,000, with 6 years to maturity and a 7%
coupon rate (with annual interest payment), what is bond’s duration?
(c) If the YTM of the bond in (b) above increases to 10%, how it affects the bond’s duration?
And why?
(a) If the yield of the bond falls the price will always increase. This can be shown by
following calculation.
Price of 5yr. bond
` 80 (PVIFA 6%, 5yrs.) + ` 1000 (PVIF 6%, 5yrs.)
` 80 (4.212)+ ` 1000 (0.747)
` 336.96 + ` 747.00 = ` 1,083.96
Increase in 5 year’s bond price = ` 83.96
Current price of 20 year bond
` 80 (PVIFA 6%, 20) + ` 1,000 (PVIF 6%, 20)
` 80 (11.47) + ` 1,000 (0.312)
` 917.60 + ` 312.00 = ` 1229.60
So increase in bond price is ` 229.60
5 yrs. Bond
` 1,000 (PVIF 6%, 5) – ` 1,000 (PVIF 8%, 5)
` 1,000 (0.747) – ` 1,000 (0.681)
` 747.00 – ` 681.00 = ` 66.00
& change in price due to change in PV of Principal
(` 66/ ` 83.96) x 100 = 78.6%

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6.68 Strategic Financial Management

20 yrs. Bond
` 1,000 (PVIF 6%, 20) – ` 1,000 (PVIF 8%, 20)
` 1,000 (0.312) – ` 1,000 (0.214)
` 312.00 – ` 214.00 = ` 98.00
& change in price due to change in PV of Principal
(` 98/ ` 229.60) x 100 = 42.68%
5 yrs. Bond
` 80 (PVIFA 6%, 5) – ` 80 (PVIFA 8%, 5)
` 80 (4.212) – ` 80 (3.993)
` 336.96 – ` 319.44 = ` 17.52
` 17.52
% change in price x 100 = 20.86%
` 83.96
20 yrs. Bond
` 80 (PVIFA 6%, 20) – ` 80 (PVIFA 8%,20)
` 80 (11.47) – ` 80 (9.82)
` 917.60 – ` 785.60 = ` 132
` 132
& change in price = x 100 = 57.49%
` 229.60

(b) Duration in the average time taken to recollect back the investment
Years Coupon Redemption Total PVIF @ 7% (A )x(B)x (C)
(A) Payments (`) (`) (`) (`)
(`) (B) (C)
1 70 - 70 0.935 65.45
2 70 - 70 0.873 122.22
3 70 - 70 0.816 171.36
4 70 - 70 0.763 213.64
5 70 - 70 0.713 249.55
6 70 1000 1070 0.666 4,275.72
Σ ABC 5,097.94
ΣABC ` 5097.94
Duration = = = 5.098 years
Purchase Price ` 1000

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Security Analysis 6.69

(c) If YTM goes up to 10%, current price of the bond will decrease to
` 70 x PVIFA (10%,6) + ` 1000 PVIF (10%,6)
` 304.85 + ` 564.00 = ` 868.85
Year Inflow (`) PVIF @ 10% (A )x(B)x (C)
(A) (B) (C) (`)
1 70 0.909 63.63
2 70 0.826 115.64
3 70 0.751 157.71
4 70 0.683 191.24
5 70 0.621 217.35
6 1070 0.564 3,620.88
Σ ABC 4,366.45
New Duration ` 4,366.45/ ` 868.85 = 5.025 years
The duration of bond decreases, reason being the receipt of slightly higher portion of
one’s investment on the same intervals.
Question 58
Closing values of BSE Sensex from 6th to 17th day of the month of January of the year 200X
were as follows:
Days Date Day Sensex
1 6 THU 14522
2 7 FRI 14925
3 8 SAT No Trading
4 9 SUN No Trading
5 10 MON 15222
6 11 TUE 16000
7 12 WED 16400
8 13 THU 17000
9 14 FRI No Trading
10 15 SAT No Trading
11 16 SUN No Trading
12 17 MON 18000

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6.70 Strategic Financial Management

Calculate Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of Sensex during the above period. The 31 days
simple moving average of Sensex can be assumed as 15,000. The value of exponent for 31
days EMA is 0.062.
Give detailed analysis on the basis of your calculations.
Date 1 2 3 4 5
Sensex EMA for EMA
Previous day 1-2 3×0.062 2+4
6 14522 15000 (478) (29.636) 14970.364
7 14925 14970.364 (45.364) (2.812) 14967.55
10 15222 14967.55 254.45 15.776 14983.32
11 16000 14983.32 1016.68 63.034 15046.354
12 16400 15046.354 1353.646 83.926 15130.28
13 17000 15130.28 1869.72 115.922 15246.202
17 18000 15246.202 2753.798 170.735 15416.937
Conclusion – The market is bullish. The market is likely to remain bullish for short term to
medium term if other factors remain the same. On the basis of this indicator (EMA) the
investors/brokers can take long position.
Question 59
The closing value of Sensex for the month of October, 2007 is given below:
Date Closing Sensex Value
1.10.07 2800
3.10.07 2780
4.10.07 2795
5.10.07 2830
8.10.07 2760
9.10.07 2790
10.10.07 2880
11.10.07 2960
12.10.07 2990
15.10.07 3200
16.10.07 3300
17.10.07 3450

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Security Analysis 6.71

19.10.07 3360
22.10.07 3290
23.10.07 3360
24.10.07 3340
25.10.07 3290
29.10.07 3240
30.10.07 3140
31.10.07 3260
You are required to test the weak form of efficient market hypothesis by applying the run test
at 5% and 10% level of significance.
Following value can be used :
Value of t at 5% is 2.101 at 18 degrees of freedom
Value of t at 10% is 1.734 at 18 degrees of freedom
Date Closing Sensex Sign of Price Charge
1.10.07 2800
3.10.07 2780 -
4.10.07 2795 +
5.10.07 2830 +
8.10.07 2760 -
9.10.07 2790 +
10.10.07 2880 +
11.10.07 2960 +
12.10.07 2990 +
15.10.07 3200 +
16.10.07 3300 +
17.10.07 3450 +
19.10.07 3360 -
22.10.07 3290 -
23.10.07 3360 +
24.10.07 3340 -
25.10.07 3290 -

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6.72 Strategic Financial Management

29.10.07 3240 -
30.10.07 3140 -
31.10.07 3260 +

Total of sign of price changes (r) = 8

No of Positive changes = n1 = 11
No. of Negative changes = n2 = 8
µr= +1
n1 + n2

2 × 11× 8
µ = + 1 = 176/19 + 1 = 10.26
11 + 8

2n1n2 (2n1n2 − n1 − n2 )
σ =
r (n1 + n2 )2 (n1 + n2 − 1)

(2 × 11× 8) (2 × 11× 8 − 11 − 8) 176 × 157
σ = = = 4.252 = 2.06
r (11 + 8)2 (11 + 8 − 1) (19)2 (18)

Since too few runs in the case would indicate that the movement of prices is not random. We
employ a two- tailed test the randomness of prices.
Test at 5% level of significance at 18 degrees of freedom using t- table
The lower limit

= µ – t × σ =10.26 – 2.101 × 2.06 = 5.932

Upper limit

= µ + t × σ =10.26 + 2.101 × 2.06 = 14.588

At 10% level of significance at 18 degrees of freedom

Lower limit
= 10.26 – 1.734 × 2.06 = 6.688
Upper limit
= 10.26 + 1.734 × 2.06 = 13.832
As seen r lies between these limits. Hence, the market exhibits weak form of efficiency.
*For a sample of size n, the t distribution will have n-1 degrees of freedom.

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Security Analysis 6.73

Question 60
Tiger Ltd. is presently working with an Earning Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) of ` 90 lakhs.
Its present borrowings are as follows:
` In lakhs
12% term loan 300
Working capital borrowings:
From Bank at 15% 200
Public Deposit at 11% 100
The sales of the company are growing and to support this, the company proposes to obtain
additional borrowing of ` 100 lakhs expected to cost 16%.The increase in EBIT is expected to
be 15%.
Calculate the change in interest coverage ratio after the additional borrowing is effected and
comment on the arrangement made.
Calculation of Present Interest Coverage Ratio
Present EBIT = ` 90 lakhs
Interest charges (Present) `lakhs
Term loan @ 12% 36.00
Bank Borrowings @ 15% 30.00
Public Deposit @ 11% 11.00
Present Interest Coverage Ratio =
Interest Ch arg es
` 90 lakhs
= = 1.169
` 77 lakhs
Calculation of Revised Interest Coverage Ratio
Revised EBIT (115% of ` 90 lakhs) `103.50 lakhs
Proposed interest charges
Existing charges ` 77.00 lakhs
Add: Additional charges (16% of additional Borrowings i.e. `100 lakhs) ` 16.00 lakhs
Total ` 93.00 lakhs

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6.74 Strategic Financial Management

` 103.50 lakhs
Revised Interest Coverage Ratio = = 1.113
` 93.00 lakhs
Analysis: With the proposed increase in the sales the burden of interest on additional
borrowings of `100 lakhs will adversely affect the interest coverage ratio which has been
reduced. (i.e. from 1.169 to 1.113).
Question 61
John inherited the following securities on his uncle’s death:
Types of Security Nos. Annual Coupon % Maturity Years Yield %
Bond A (` 1,000) 10 9 3 12
Bond B (` 1,000) 10 10 5 12
Preference shares C (` 100) 100 11 * 13*
Preference shares D (` 100) 100 12 * 13*

*likelihood of being called at a premium over par.

Compute the current value of his uncle’s portfolio.
Computation of current value of John’s portfolio
(i) 10 Nos. Bond A, ` 1,000 par value, 9% Bonds maturity 3 years:
Current value of interest on bond A
1-3 years: ` 900 × Cumulative P.V. @ 12% (1-3 years)
= ` 900 × 2.402 2,162
Add: Current value of amount received on maturity of Bond A
End of 3rd year: ` 1,000 × 10 × P.V. @ 12% (3rd year)
= ` 10,000 × 0.712 7,120 9,282

(ii) 10 Nos. Bond B, ` 1,000 par value, 10% Bonds maturity 5 years:
Current value of interest on bond B
1-5 years: ` 1,000 × Cumulative P.V. @ 12% (1-5 years)
= ` 1,000 × 3.605 3,605
Add: Current value of amount received on maturity of Bond B
End of 5th year: ` 1,000 × 10 × P.V. @ 12% (5th year)
= ` 10,000 × 0.567 5,670 9,275

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Security Analysis 6.75

(iii) 100 Preference shares C, ` 100 par value, 11% coupon

11% × 100 Nos. × ` 100 1,100 8,462
13% 0.13
(iv) 100 Preference shares D, ` 100 par value, 12% coupon
12% × 100 Nos. × ` 100 1,200
= 9,231 17,693
13% 0.13
Total current value of his portfolio [(i) + (ii) + (iii) + (iv)] 36,250

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Entire Chapter is Applicable for New Syllabus
Portfolio Theory
Question 1
Write short note on Factors affecting investment decisions in portfolio management.
Factors affecting Investment Decisions in Portfolio Management
(i) Objectives of investment portfolio: There can be many objectives of making an
investment. The manager of a provident fund portfolio has to look for security (low risk)
and may be satisfied with none too higher return. An aggressive investment company
may, however, be willing to take a high risk in order to have high capital appreciation.
(ii) Selection of investment
(a) What types of securities to buy or invest in? There is a wide variety of investments
opportunities available i.e. debentures, convertible bonds, preference shares, equity
shares, government securities and bonds, income units, capital units etc.
(b) What should be the proportion of investment in fixed interest/dividend securities and
variable interest/dividend bearing securities?
(c) In case investments are to be made in the shares or debentures of companies,
which particular industries show potential of growth?
(d) Once industries with high growth potential have been identified, the next step is to
select the particular companies, in whose shares or securities investments are to be
(iii) Timing of purchase: At what price the share is acquired for the portfolio depends
entirely on the timing decision. It is obvious if a person wishes to make any gains, he
should “buy cheap and sell dear” i.e. buy when the shares are selling at a low price and
sell when they are at a high price.
Question 2
(a) What sort of investor normally views the variance (or Standard Deviation) of an
individual security’s return as the security’s proper measure of risk?
(b) What sort of investor rationally views the beta of a security as the security’s proper
measure of risk? In answering the question, explain the concept of beta.

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7.2 Strategic Financial Management

(a) A rational risk-averse investor views the variance (or standard deviation) of her portfolio’s
return as the proper risk of her portfolio. If for some reason or another the investor can
hold only one security, the variance of that security’s return becomes the variance of the
portfolio’s return. Hence, the variance of the security’s return is the security’s proper
measure of risk.
While risk is broken into diversifiable and non-diversifiable segments, the market
generally does not reward for diversifiable risk since the investor himself is expected to
diversify the risk himself. However, if the investor does not diversify he cannot be
considered to be an efficient investor. The market, therefore, rewards an investor only for
the non-diversifiable risk. Hence, the investor needs to know how much non-diversifiable
risk he is taking. This is measured in terms of beta.
An investor therefore, views the beta of a security as a proper measure of risk, in
evaluating how much the market reward him for the non-diversifiable risk that he is
assuming in relation to a security. An investor who is evaluating the non-diversifiable
element of risk, that is, extent of deviation of returns viz-a-viz the market therefore
consider beta as a proper measure of risk.
(b) If an individual holds a diversified portfolio, she still views the variance (or standard
deviation) of her portfolios return as the proper measure of the risk of her portfolio.
However, she is no longer interested in the variance of each individual security’s return.
Rather she is interested in the contribution of each individual security to the variance of
the portfolio.
Under the assumption of homogeneous expectations, all individuals hold the market
portfolio. Thus, we measure risk as the contribution of an individual security to the
variance of the market portfolio. The contribution when standardized properly is the beta
of the security. While a very few investors hold the market portfolio exactly, many hold
reasonably diversified portfolio. These portfolios are close enough to the market portfolio
so that the beta of a security is likely to be a reasonable measure of its risk.
In other words, beta of a stock measures the sensitivity of the stock with reference to a
broad based market index like BSE sensex. For example, a beta of 1.3 for a stock would
indicate that this stock is 30 per cent riskier than the sensex. Similarly, a beta of a 0.8
would indicate that the stock is 20 per cent (100 – 80) less risky than the sensex.
However, a beta of one would indicate that the stock is as risky as the stock market
Question 3
Distinguish between ‘Systematic risk’ and ‘Unsystematic risk’.

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Portfolio Theory 7.3

Systematic risk refers to the variability of return on stocks or portfolio associated with changes in
return on the market as a whole. It arises due to risk factors that affect the overall market such as
changes in the nations’ economy, tax reform by the Government or a change in the world energy
situation. These are risks that affect securities overall and, consequently, cannot be diversified
away. This is the risk which is common to an entire class of assets or liabilities. The value of
investments may decline over a given time period simply because of economic changes or other
events that impact large portions of the market. Asset allocation and diversification can protect
against systematic risk because different portions of the market tend to underperform at different
times. This is also called market risk.
Unsystematic risk however, refers to risk unique to a particular company or industry. It is
avoidable through diversification. This is the risk of price change due to the unique
circumstances of a specific security as opposed to the overall market. This risk can be virtually
eliminated from a portfolio through diversification.
Question 4
Briefly explain the objectives of “Portfolio Management”.
Objectives of Portfolio Management
Portfolio management is concerned with efficient management of portfolio investment in
financial assets, including shares and debentures of companies. The management may be by
professionals or others or by individuals themselves. A portfolio of an individual or a corporate
unit is the holding of securities and investment in financial assets. These holdings are the
result of individual preferences and decisions regarding risk and return.
The investors would like to have the following objectives of portfolio management:
(a) Capital appreciation.
(b) Safety or security of an investment.
(c) Income by way of dividends and interest.
(d) Marketability.
(e) Liquidity.
(f) Tax Planning - Capital Gains Tax, Income tax and Wealth Tax.
(g) Risk avoidance or minimization of risk.
(h) Diversification, i.e. combining securities in a way which will reduce risk.
It is necessary that all investment proposals should be assessed in terms of income, capital
appreciation, liquidity, safety, tax implication, maturity and marketability i.e., saleability (i.e.,
saleability of securities in the market). The investment strategy should be based on the above

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7.4 Strategic Financial Management

objectives after a thorough study of goals of the investor, market situation, credit policy and
economic environment affecting the financial market.
The portfolio management is a complex task. Investment matrix is one of the many
approaches which may be used in this connection. The various considerations involved in
investment decisions are liquidity, safety and yield of the investment. Image of the
organization is also to be taken into account. These considerations may be taken into account
and an overall view obtained through a matrix approach by allotting marks for each
consideration and totaling them.
Question 5
Discuss the various kinds of Systematic and Unsystematic risk?
There are two types of Risk - Systematic (or non-diversifiable) and unsystematic (or
diversifiable) relevant for investment - also, called as general and specific risk.
Types of Systematic Risk
(i) Market risk: Even if the earning power of the corporate sector and the interest rate
structure remain more or less uncharged prices of securities, equity shares in particular,
tend to fluctuate. Major cause appears to be the changing psychology of the investors.
The irrationality in the security markets may cause losses unrelated to the basic risks.
These losses are the result of changes in the general tenor of the market and are called
market risks.
(ii) Interest Rate Risk: The change in the interest rate has a bearing on the welfare of the
investors. As the interest rate goes up, the market price of existing fixed income
securities falls and vice versa. This happens because the buyer of a fixed income
security would not buy it at its par value or face value if its fixed interest rate is lower
than the prevailing interest rate on a similar security.
(iii) Social or Regulatory Risk: The social or regulatory risk arises, where an otherwise
profitable investment is impaired as a result of adverse legislation, harsh regulatory
climate, or in extreme instance nationalization by a socialistic government.
(iv) Purchasing Power Risk: Inflation or rise in prices lead to rise in costs of production, lower
margins, wage rises and profit squeezing etc. The return expected by investors will
change due to change in real value of returns.
Classification of Unsystematic Risk
(i) Business Risk: As a holder of corporate securities (equity shares or debentures) one is
exposed to the risk of poor business performance. This may be caused by a variety of
factors like heigthtened competition, emergence of new technologies, development of
substitute products, shifts in consumer preferences, inadequate supply of essential

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Portfolio Theory 7.5

inputs, changes in governmental policies and so on. Often of course the principal factor
may be inept and incompetent management.
(ii) Financial Risk: This relates to the method of financing, adopted by the company, high
leverage leading to larger debt servicing problem or short term liquidity problems due to
bad debts, delayed receivables and fall in current assets or rise in current liabilities.
(iii) Default Risk: Default risk refers to the risk accruing from the fact that a borrower may not
pay interest and/or principal on time. Except in the case of highly risky debt instrument,
investors seem to be more concerned with the perceived risk of default rather than the
actual occurrence of default. Even though the actual default may be highly unlikely, they
believe that a change in the perceived default risk of a bond would have an immediate
impact on its market price.
Question 6
Discuss the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and its relevant assumptions.
Capital Asset Pricing Model: The mechanical complexity of the Markowitz’s portfolio model
kept both practitioners and academics away from adopting the concept for practical use. Its
intuitive logic, however, spurred the creativity of a number of researchers who began
examining the stock market implications that would arise if all investors used this model As a
result what is referred to as the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), was developed.
The Capital Asset Pricing Model was developed by Sharpe, Mossin and Linter in 1960. The
model explains the relationship between the expected return, non diversifiable risk and the
valuation of securities. It considers the required rate of return of a security on the basis of its
contribution to the total risk. It is based on the premises that the diversifiable risk of a security
is eliminated when more and more securities are added to the portfolio. However, the
systematic risk cannot be diversified and is or related with that of the market portfolio. All
securities do not have same level of systematic risk. The systematic risk can be measured by
beta, ß under CAPM, the expected return from a security can be expressed as:
Expected return on security = Rf + Beta (Rm – Rf)
The model shows that the expected return of a security consists of the risk-free rate of interest
and the risk premium. The CAPM, when plotted on the graph paper is known as the Security
Market Line (SML). A major implication of CAPM is that not only every security but all
portfolios too must plot on SML. This implies that in an efficient market, all securities are
expected returns commensurate with their riskiness, measured by ß.
Relevant Assumptions of CAPM
(i) The investor’s objective is to maximize the utility of terminal wealth;
(ii) Investors make choices on the basis of risk and return;

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7.6 Strategic Financial Management

(iii) Investors have identical time horizon;

(iv) Investors have homogeneous expectations of risk and return;
(v) Information is freely and simultaneously available to investors;
(vi) There is risk-free asset, and investor can borrow and lend unlimited amounts at the risk-
free rate;
(vii) There are no taxes, transaction costs, restrictions on short rates or other market
(viii) Total asset quantity is fixed, and all assets are marketable and divisible.
Thus, CAPM provides a conceptual frame work for evaluating any investment decision where
capital is committed with a goal of producing future returns. However, there are certain
limitations of the theory. Some of these limitations are as follows:
(i) Reliability of Beta: Statistically reliable Beta might not exist for shares of many firms. It
may not be possible to determine the cost of equity of all firms using CAPM. All
shortcomings that apply to Beta value apply to CAPM too.
(ii) Other Risks: It emphasis only on systematic risk while unsystematic risks are also
important to share holders who do not possess a diversified portfolio.
(iii) Information Available: It is extremely difficult to obtain important information on risk-
free interest rate and expected return on market portfolio as there are multiple risk- free
rates for one while for another, markets being volatile it varies over time period.
Question 7
Discuss the Random Walk Theory.
Many investment managers and stock market analysts believe that stock market prices can
never be predicted because they are not a result of any underlying factors but are mere
statistical ups and downs. This hypothesis is known as Random Walk hypothesis which states
that the behaviour of stock market prices is unpredictable and that there is no relationship
between the present prices of the shares and their future prices. Proponents of this hypothesis
argue that stock market prices are independent. A British statistician, M. G. Kendell, found
that changes in security prices behave nearly as if they are generated by a suitably designed
roulette wheel for which each outcome is statistically independent of the past history. In other
words, the fact that there are peaks and troughs in stock exchange prices is a mere statistical
happening – successive peaks and troughs are unconnected. In the layman's language it may
be said that prices on the stock exchange behave exactly the way a drunk would behave while
walking in a blind lane, i.e., up and down, with an unsteady way going in any direction he
likes, bending on the side once and on the other side the second time.

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Portfolio Theory 7.7

The supporters of this theory put out a simple argument. It follows that:
(a) Prices of shares in stock market can never be predicted. The reason is that the price
trends are not the result of any underlying factors, but that they represent a statistical
expression of past data.
(c) There may be periodical ups or downs in share prices, but no connection can be
established between two successive peaks (high price of stocks) and troughs (low price
of stocks).
Question 8
Explain the three form of Efficient Market Hypothesis.
The EMH theory is concerned with speed with which information effects the prices of
securities. As per the study carried out technical analyst it was observed that information is
slowly incorporated in the price and it provides an opportunity to earn excess profit. However,
once the information is incorporated then investor can not earn this excess profit.
Level of Market Efficiency: That price reflects all available information, the highest order of
market efficiency. According to FAMA, there exist three levels of market efficiency:-
(i) Weak form efficiency – Price reflect all information found in the record of past prices and
(ii) Semi – Strong efficiency – Price reflect not only all information found in the record of past
prices and volumes but also all other publicly available information.
(iii) Strong form efficiency – Price reflect all available information public as well as private.
Question 9
Explain the different challenges to Efficient Market Theory.
Information inadequacy – Information is neither freely available nor rapidly transmitted to all
participants in the stock market. There is a calculated attempt by many companies to circulate
misinformation. Other challenges are as follows:
(a) Limited information processing capabilities – Human information processing
capabilities are sharply limited. According to Herbert Simon every human organism lives
in an environment which generates millions of new bits of information every second but
the bottle necks of the perceptual apparatus does not admit more than thousand bits per
seconds and possibly much less.
David Dreman maintained that under conditions of anxiety and uncertainty, with a vast
interacting information grid, the market can become a giant.

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7.8 Strategic Financial Management

(b) Irrational Behaviour – It is generally believed that investors’ rationality will ensure a close
correspondence between market prices and intrinsic values. But in practice this is not true. J.
M. Keynes argued that all sorts of consideration enter into the market valuation which is in no
way relevant to the prospective yield. This was confirmed by L. C. Gupta who found that the
market evaluation processes work haphazardly almost like a blind man firing a gun. The
market seems to function largely on hit or miss tactics rather than on the basis of informed
beliefs about the long term prospects of individual enterprises.
(c) Monopolistic Influence – A market is regarded as highly competitive. No single buyer or
seller is supposed to have undue influence over prices. In practice, powerful institutions
and big operators wield great influence over the market. The monopolistic power enjoyed
by them diminishes the competitiveness of the market.
Question 10
Discuss how the risk associated with securities is affected by Government policy.
The risk from Government policy to securities can be impacted by any of the following factors.
(i) Licensing Policy
(ii) Restrictions on commodity and stock trading in exchanges
(iii) Changes in FDI and FII rules.
(iv) Export and import restrictions
(v) Restrictions on shareholding in different industry sectors
(vi) Changes in tax laws and corporate and Securities laws.
Question 11
A stock costing ` 120 pays no dividends. The possible prices that the stock might sell for at
the end of the year with the respective probabilities are:
Price Probability
115 0.1
120 0.1
125 0.2
130 0.3
135 0.2
140 0.1
(i) Calculate the expected return.
(ii) Calculate the Standard deviation of returns.

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Portfolio Theory 7.9

Here, the probable returns have to be calculated using the formula
D P1 − P0
= +
P0 P0
Calculation of Probable Returns
Possible prices (P1) P1-P0 [(P1-P0)/ P0 ] x 100
` ` Return (per cent)
115 -5 -4.17
120 0 0.00
125 5 4.17
130 10 8.33
135 15 12.50
140 20 16.67
Calculation of Expected Returns
Possible return Probability Product
Xi p(Xi) X1-p(Xi)
-4.17 0.1 -0.417
0.00 0.1 0.000
4.17 0.2 0.834
8.33 0.3 2.499
12.50 0.2 2.500
16.67 0.1 1.667
X = 7.083

Expected return X = 7.083 per

Alternatively, it can also be calculated as follows:
Expected Price = 115 x 0.1 + 120 x 0.1 + 125 x 0.2 + 130 x 0.3 + 135 x 0.2 + 140 x 0.1 = 128.50
128.50 − 120
Return = × 100 = 7.0833%

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7.10 Strategic Financial Management

Calculation of Standard Deviation of Returns

Probable Probability Deviation Deviation Product
return Xi p(Xi) (Xi – X) (Xi – X)² (Xi – X)²p(Xi)
-4.17 0.1 -11.253 126.63 12.66
0.00 0.1 -7.083 50.17 5.017
4.17 0.2 -2.913 8.49 1.698
8.33 0.3 1.247 1.56 0.467
12.50 0.2 5.417 29.34 5.869
16.67 0.1 9.587 91.91 9.191
σ² = 34.902
Variance, σ² = 34.902 per cent
Standard deviation, σ= 34.902 = 5.908 per cent
Question 12
Following information is available in respect of expected dividend, market price and market
condition after one year.
Market condition Probability Market Price Dividend per share
` `
Good 0.25 115 9
Normal 0.50 107 5
Bad 0.25 97 3

The existing market price of an equity share is ` 106 (F.V. ` 1), which is cum 10% bonus
debenture of ` 6 each, per share. M/s. X Finance Company Ltd. had offered the buy-back of
debentures at face value.
Find out the expected return and variability of returns of the equity shares if buyback offer is
accepted by the investor.
And also advise-Whether to accept buy back offer?
The Expected Return of the equity share may be found as follows:
Market Condition Probability Total Return Cost (*) Net Return
Good 0.25 ` 124 ` 100 ` 24

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Portfolio Theory 7.11

Normal 0.50 ` 112 ` 100 ` 12

Bad 0.25 ` 100 ` 100 `0

 12 
Expected Return = (24 × 0.25) + (12 × 0.50) + (0 × 0.25) = 12=   × 100 =
 100 
The variability of return can be calculated in terms of standard deviation.
V SD = 0.25 (24 – 12)2 + 0.50 (12 – 12)2 + 0.25 (0 – 12)2
= 0.25 (12)2 + 0.50 (0)2 + 0.25 (–12)2
= 36 + 0 + 36
SD = 72
SD = 8.485 or say 8.49
(*) The present market price of the share is ` 106 cum bonus 10% debenture of ` 6 each;
hence the net cost is ` 100.
M/s X Finance company has offered the buyback of debenture at face value. There is
reasonable 10% rate of interest compared to expected return 12% from the market.
Considering the dividend rate and market price the creditworthiness of the company seems to
be very good. The decision regarding buy-back should be taken considering the maturity
period and opportunity in the market. Normally, if the maturity period is low say up to 1 year
better to wait otherwise to opt buy back option.
Question 13
Mr. A is interested to invest ` 1,00,000 in the securities market. He selected two securities B
and D for this purpose. The risk return profile of these securities are as follows :
Security Risk ( σ ) Expected Return (ER)
B 10% 12%
D 18% 20%
Co-efficient of correlation between B and D is 0.15.
You are required to calculate the portfolio return of the following portfolios of B and D to be
considered by A for his investment.
(i) 100 percent investment in B only;
(ii) 50 percent of the fund in B and the rest 50 percent in D;
(iii) 75 percent of the fund in B and the rest 25 percent in D; and
(iv) 100 percent investment in D only.
Also indicate that which portfolio is best for him from risk as well as return point of view?

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7.12 Strategic Financial Management

We have Ep = W1E1 + W3E3 + ………… WnEn
n n
and for standard deviation σ2 p = ∑∑ w i w jσ ij
i=1 j=1

n n
σ2 p = ∑∑ w i w jρij σ i σ j
i=1 j=1

Two asset portfolio

σ2p = w21σ21 + w22σ22 + 2 w1w2σ1σ2ρ12
Substituting the respective values we get,
(i) All funds invested in B
Ep = 12%
σp = 10%
(ii) 50% of funds in each of B & D
Ep = 0.50X12%+0.50X20%=16%
σ2p = (0.50)2(10%)2 + (0.50)2(18%)2 +2(0.50)(0.50)(0.15)(10%)(18%)
σ2p = 25 + 81 + 13.5 = 119.50
σp = 10.93%
(iii) 75% in B and 25% in D
Ep = 0.75%X12%+0.25%X20=14%
σ2p = (0.75)2(10%)2 + (0.25)2(18%)2 +2(0.75)(0.25)(0.15)(10%)(18%)
σ2p = 56.25 + 20.25 + 10.125 = 86.625
σp = 9.31%
(iv) All funds in D
Ep = 20%
σp = 18.0%
Portfolio (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Return 12 16 14 20
σ 10 10.93 9.31 18

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Portfolio Theory 7.13

In the terms of return, we see that portfolio (iv) is the best portfolio. In terms of risk we see that
portfolio (iii) is the best portfolio.
Question 14
Consider the following information on two stocks, A and B :
Year Return on A (%) Return on B (%)
2016 10 12
2017 16 18
You are required to determine:
(i) The expected return on a portfolio containing A and B in the proportion of 40% and 60%
(ii) The Standard Deviation of return from each of the two stocks.
(iii) The covariance of returns from the two stocks.
(iv) Correlation coefficient between the returns of the two stocks.
(v) The risk of a portfolio containing A and B in the proportion of 40% and 60%.
(i) Expected return of the portfolio A and B
E (A) = (10 + 16) / 2 = 13%
E (B) = (12 + 18) / 2 = 15%
Rp = ∑ X iR i = 0.4(13) + 0.6(15) = 14.2%
i −l

(ii) Stock A:
Variance = 0.5 (10 – 13)² + 0.5 (16 – 13) ² = 9
Standard deviation = 9 = 3%
Stock B:
Variance = 0.5 (12 – 15) ² + 0.5 (18 – 15) ² = 9
Standard deviation = 3%
(iii) Covariance of stocks A and B
CovAB = 0.5 (10 – 13) (12 – 15) + 0.5 (16 – 13) (18 – 15) = 9
(iv) Correlation of coefficient
Cov AB 9
rAB = = =1
σ A σB 3 × 3

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7.14 Strategic Financial Management

(v) Portfolio Risk

σP = X 2 A σ2 A + X 2Bσ2B + 2X A X B (σ A σBσ AB )

= (0.4 )2 (3)2 + (0.6)2 (3)2 + 2(0.4 )(0.6)(3)(3)(1)

= 1.44 + 3.24 + 4.32 = 3%
Question 15
Following is the data regarding six securities:
Return (%) 8 8 12 4 9 8
Risk (Standard deviation) 4 5 12 4 5 6
(i) Assuming three will have to be selected, state which ones will be picked.
(ii) Assuming perfect correlation, show whether it is preferable to invest 75% in A and 25%
in C or to invest 100% in E
(i) Security A has a return of 8% for a risk of 4, whereas B and F have a higher risk for the
same return. Hence, among them A dominates.
For the same degree of risk 4, security D has only a return of 4%. Hence, D is also
dominated by A.
Securities C and E remain in reckoning as they have a higher return though with higher
degree of risk.
Hence, the ones to be selected are A, C & E.
Alternatively, three securities can also be found as follows:

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Portfolio Theory 7.15

Since securities other than A, E and C are not on Efficient Frontier they are rejected.

(ii) The average values for A and C for a proportion of 3 : 1 will be :

(3 × 4) + (1× 12)
Risk = = 6%

or (0.75)2 ×(4)2 +(0.25)2 ×(12)2 +2×0.75×0.25×4×12×1 = 6%

(3 × 8) + (1× 12)
Return = = 9%
Therefore: 75% A E
25% C _
Risk 6 5
Return 9% 9%
For the same 9% return the risk is lower in E. Hence, E will be preferable.
Question 16
The historical rates of return of two securities over the past ten years are given. Calculate the
Covariance and the Correlation coefficient of the two securities:
Years: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Security 1: 12 8 7 14 16 15 18 20 16 22
(Return per cent)
Security 2: 20 22 24 18 15 20 24 25 22 20
(Return per cent)
Calculation of Covariance

Year R1 Deviation Deviation R2 Deviation Deviation Product

(R 1 - R 1 ) (R1 - R1) 2 (R 2 - R 2 ) (R 2 - R 2 ) 2
1 12 -2.8 7.84 20 -1 1 2.8
2 8 -6.8 46.24 22 1 1 -6.8
3 7 -7.8 60.84 24 3 9 -23.4
4 14 -0.8 0.64 18 -3 9 2.4

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7.16 Strategic Financial Management

5 16 1.2 1.44 15 -6 36 -7.2

6 15 0.2 0.04 20 -1 1 -0.2
7 18 3.2 10.24 24 3 9 9.6
8 20 5.2 27.04 25 4 16 20.8
9 16 1.2 1.44 22 1 1 1.2
10 22 7.2 51.84 20 -1 1 -7.2
148 Σ=207.60 210 Σ=84.00
R1 = = 14.8 R2 = = 21
10 10

i =1
[R 1 − R 1 ] [R 2 − R 2 ]
Covariance = = -8/10 = -0.8
Standard Deviation of Security 1

(R1 - R1) 2
σ1 =

σ1 = = 20.76
σ1 = 4.56
Standard Deviation of Security 2

(R 2 - R 2 ) 2
σ2 =

σ2 = = 8.40
σ 2 = 2.90
Alternatively, Standard Deviation of securities can also be calculated as follows:
Calculation of Standard Deviation
Year R1 R 12 R2 R 22
1 12 144 20 400
2 8 64 22 484

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Portfolio Theory 7.17

3 7 49 24 576
4 14 196 18 324
5 16 256 15 225
6 15 225 20 400
7 18 324 24 576
8 20 400 25 625
9 16 256 22 484
10 22 484 20 400
148 2398 210 4494
Standard deviation of security 1:

σ1 =
N ∑R12 - (∑R1)2

(10 × 2398) - (148) 2 23980 - 21904

= =
10 ×10 100

= 20.76 = 4.56

Standard deviation of security 2:

σ2 =
N ∑ R − (∑ R
2 2)


(10 × 4494) − (210) 2 44940− 44100

= =
10 × 10 100

= = 8.4 = 2.90
Correlation Coefficient
Cov − 0.8 − 0.8
r12 = = = = -0.0605
σ1 σ 2 4.56 × 2.90 13.22

Question 17
An investor has decided to invest to invest ` 1,00,000 in the shares of two companies,
namely, ABC and XYZ. The projections of returns from the shares of the two companies along
with their probabilities are as follows:

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7.18 Strategic Financial Management

Probability ABC(%) XYZ(%)

.20 12 16
.25 14 10
.25 -7 28
.30 28 -2
You are required to
(i) Comment on return and risk of investment in individual shares.
(ii) Compare the risk and return of these two shares with a Portfolio of these shares in equal
(iii) Find out the proportion of each of the above shares to formulate a minimum risk portfolio.
Probability ABC (%) XYZ (%) 1X2 (%) 1X3 (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0.20 12 16 2.40 3.2
0.25 14 10 3.50 2.5
0.25 -7 28 -1.75 7.0
0.30 28 -2 8.40 -0.6
Average return 12.55 12.1
Hence the expected return from ABC = 12.55% and XYZ is 12.1%
Probability (ABC- (ABC- 1X3 (XYZ- (XYZ- (1)X(6)
) 2

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

0.20 -0.55 0.3025 0.06 3.9 15.21 3.04
0.25 1.45 2.1025 0.53 -2.1 4.41 1.10
0.25 -19.55 382.2025 95.55 15.9 252.81 63.20
0.30 15.45 238.7025 71.61 -14.1 198.81 59.64
167.75 126.98
σ 2 ABC = 167.75(%)2 ; σ ABC = 12.95%
σ 2 XYZ = 126.98(%)2 ; σ XYZ = 11.27%

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Portfolio Theory 7.19

(ii) In order to find risk of portfolio of two shares, the covariance between the two is
necessary here.
Probability (ABC- ABC ) (XYZ- XYZ ) 2X3 1X4
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0.20 -0.55 3.9 -2.145 -0.429
0.25 1.45 -2.1 -3.045 -0.761
0.25 -19.55 15.9 -310.845 -77.71
0.30 15.45 -14.1 -217.845 -65.35
σ 2P = (0.52 x 167.75) + (0.52 x 126.98) + 2 x (-144.25) x 0.5 x 0.5
σ 2P = 41.9375 + 31.745 – 72.125
σ 2P = 1.5575 or 1.56(%)
σ P = 1.56 = 1.25%
E (Rp) = (0.5 x 12.55) + (0.5 x 12.1) = 12.325%
Hence, the return is 12.325% with the risk of 1.25% for the portfolio. Thus the portfolio
results in the reduction of risk by the combination of two shares.
(iii) For constructing the minimum risk portfolio the condition to be satisfied is

σ X2 - rAX σ A σ X σ 2X - Cov.AX
XABC = or =
σ 2A + σ X2 - 2rAX σ A σ X σ 2A + σ 2X - 2 Cov.AX

σX = Std. Deviation of XYZ

σA = Std. Deviation of ABC
rAX= Coefficient of Correlation between XYZ and ABC
Cov.AX = Covariance between XYZ and ABC.
126.98 - (-144.25) 271.23
% ABC = = = 0.46 or 46%
[ ]
126.98 + 167.75 - 2 × (-144.25) 583.23

% ABC = 46%, XYZ = 54%

(1 – 0.46) =0.54

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7.20 Strategic Financial Management

Question 18
The following information are available with respect of Krishna Ltd.
Krishna Ltd.
Dividend Average Market Dividend Return on
Year Average share
per Share Index Yield Govt. bonds
` `
2012 245 20 2013 4% 7%
2013 253 22 2130 5% 6%
2014 310 25 2350 6% 6%
2015 330 30 2580 7% 6%

Compute Beta Value of the Krishna Ltd. at the end of 2015 and state your observation.
(i) Computation of Beta Value
Calculation of Returns
D1 + (P1 − P0 )
Returns = × 100

Year Returns
22 + (253 − 245)
2012 – 13 × 100 = 12.24%
25 + (310 − 253)
2013 – 14 × 100 = 32.41%
30 + (330 − 310)
2014 – 15 × 100 = 16.13%
Calculation of Returns from market Index
Year % of Index Appreciation Dividend Yield % Total Return %
(2130 − 2013)
2012–13 × 100 = 5.81% 5% 10.81%
(2350 − 2130)
2013–14 × 100 = 10.33% 6% 16.33%

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Portfolio Theory 7.21

(2580 − 2350)
2014–15 × 100 = 9.79% 7% 16.79%
Computation of Beta

Year Krishna Ltd. (X) Market Index (Y) XY Y2

2012–13 12.24% 10.81% 132.31 116.86
2013–14 32.41% 16.33% 529.25 266.67
2014–15 16.13% 16.79% 270.82 281.90
Total 60.78% 43.93% 932.38 665.43

Average Return of Krishna Ltd. = = 20.26%
Average Market Return = = 14.64%

Beta (β) =
∑ XY - nX Y = 932.38 - 3 × 20.26 × 14.64
= 1.897
∑ Y − n(Y ) 665.43 - 3(14.64)2
2 2

(ii) Observation
Expected Return (%) Actual Return (%) Action
2012 – 13 6%+ 1.897(10.81% - 6%) = 15.12% 12.24% Sell
2013 – 14 6%+ 1.897(16.33% - 6%) = 25.60% 32.41% Buy
2014 – 15 6%+ 1.897(16.79% - 6%) = 26.47% 16.13% Sell

Question 19
The distribution of return of security ‘F’ and the market portfolio ‘P’ is given below:
Probability Return %
0.30 30 -10
0.40 20 20
0.30 0 30

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7.22 Strategic Financial Management

You are required to calculate the expected return of security ‘F’ and the market portfolio ‘P’,
the covariance between the market portfolio and security and beta for the security.
Security F
Prob(P) Rf PxR f Deviations of (Deviation) 2 (Deviations) 2
F of F PX
(Rf – ERf)
0.3 30 9 13 169 50.7
0.4 20 8 3 9 3.6
0.3 0 0 -17 289 86.7
ER f =17 Var f =141

STDEV σ f = 141 = 11.87

Market Portfolio, P
RM PM Exp. Dev. of P (Dev. of (DeV.) 2 P M (Deviation Dev. of F x
% Return (R M -ER M ) P) 2 of F) x Dev. of P)
RM x PM (Deviation x P
of P)
-10 0.3 -3 -24 576 172.8 -312 -93.6
20 0.4 8 6 36 14.4 18 7.2
30 0.3 9 16 256 76.8 -272 -81.6
ER M =14 Var M =264 =Co Var P M
σ M =16.25 =- 168

Co Var PM − 168
Beta= = = − .636
σ M2 264

Question 20
Given below is information of market rates of Returns and Data from two Companies A and B:
Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009
Market (%) 12.0 11.0 9.0
Company A (%) 13.0 11.5 9.8
Company B (%) 11.0 10.5 9.5
You are required to determine the beta coefficients of the Shares of Company A and Company B.

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Portfolio Theory 7.23

Company A:

Year Return % (Ra) Market return Deviation Deviation D Ra × Rm 2

% (Rm) R(a) Rm DRm
1 13.0 12.0 1.57 1.33 2.09 1.77
2 11.5 11.0 0.07 0.33 0.02 0.11
3 9.8 9.0 −1.63 −1.67 2.72 2.79
34.3 32.0 4.83 4.67

Average Ra = 11.43
Average Rm = 10.67

Covariance =
∑ (Rm - Rm )(Ra - R a )
Covariance = = 1.61

Variance (σm 2) =
∑ (R m - R m ) 2
= = 1.557
β= = 1.03
Company B:
Year Return % (Rb) Market return % Deviation Deviation D Rb × D Rm2
(Rm) R(b) Rm Rm
1 11.0 12.0 0.67 1.33 0.89 1.77
2 10.5 11.0 0.17 0.33 0.06 0.11
3 9.5 9.0 −0.83 −1.67 1.39 2.79
31.0 32.0 2.34 4.67

Average Rb = 10.33
Average Rm = 10.67

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7.24 Strategic Financial Management

Covariance =
∑ (Rm - Rm )(Rb - Rb )
Covariance = = 0.78

Variance (σ m 2) =
∑ (Rm - Rm )2
= = 1.557
β= = 0.50
Question 21
The returns on stock A and market portfolio for a period of 6 years are as follows:
Year Return on A (%) Return on market portfolio (%)
1 12 8
2 15 12
3 11 11
4 2 -4
5 10 9.5
6 -12 -2
You are required to determine:
(i) Characteristic line for stock A
(ii) The systematic and unsystematic risk of stock A.
Characteristic line is given by
αi+ βiRm

Σxy − n x y
βi =
Σx 2 − n(x) 2

αi = y − β x

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Portfolio Theory 7.25

Return Return xy x2 (x- x) (x- x) 2 (y- y ) (y- y ) 2

on A on
(Y) market
12 8 96 64 2.25 5.06 5.67 32.15
15 12 180 144 6.25 39.06 8.67 75.17
11 11 121 121 5.25 27.56 4.67 21.81
2 -4 -8 16 -9.75 95.06 -4.33 18.75
10 9.5 95 90.25 3.75 14.06 3.67 13.47
-12 -2_ 24 4 -7.75 60.06 -18.33 335.99
38 34.5 508 439.25 240.86 497.34

y = 38 = 6.33
x = 34.5 = 5.75
Σxy − n x y 508 − 6 (5.75) (6.33) 508 − 218.385
βi = 2 2
= 2
Σx − n( x) 439.25 − 6(5.75) 439.25 − 198.375
= = 1.202
α = y - β x = 6.33 – 1.202 (5.75) = - 0.58
Hence the characteristic line is -0.58 + 1.202 (Rm)
Total Risk of Market = σ m 2 = Σ( x - x ) 2 = = 40.14(%)
n 6
Total Risk of Stock = = 82.89 (%)
Systematic Risk = βi 2 σ m2 = (1.202)2 x 40.14 = 57.99(%)

Unsystematic Risk is = Total Risk – Systematic Risk

= 82.89 - 57.99 = 24.90(%)
Question 22
The rates of return on the security of Company X and market portfolio for 10 periods are given

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7.26 Strategic Financial Management

Period Return of Security X (%) Return on Market Portfolio (%)

1 20 22
2 22 20
3 25 18
4 21 16
5 18 20
6 −5 8
7 17 −6
8 19 5
9 −7 6
10 20 11
(i) What is the beta of Security X?
(ii) What is the characteristic line for Security X?
Period R X RM R X − R X RM − RM (R X )(
− R X RM − RM ) (R M − RM )

1 20 22 5 10 50 100
2 22 20 7 8 56 64
3 25 18 10 6 60 36
4 21 16 6 4 24 16
5 18 20 3 8 24 64
6 -5 8 -20 -4 80 16
7 17 -6 2 -18 -36 324
8 19 5 4 -7 -28 49
9 -7 6 -22 -6 132 36
10 20 11 5 -1 -5 1
150 120 357 706
ΣRX ΣRM ∑ (R X − R X )(R M − R M ) ∑ (R M − R M )

R X = 15 R M = 12

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Portfolio Theory 7.27

 −

∑  RM − RM 
  = 706
σ2 M = = 70.60
n 10
 −
 −

∑  R X − R X  R M − R M 
  = 357 = 35.70
Cov X M =
n 10
Cov X M m 35.70
Beta x = = = 0.505
σ 2M 70.60
Alternative Solution
Period X Y Y2 XY
1 20 22 484 440
2 22 20 400 440
3 25 18 324 450
4 21 16 256 336
5 18 20 400 360
6 -5 8 64 -40
7 17 -6 36 -102
8 19 5 25 95
9 -7 6 36 -42
10 20 11 121 220
150 120 2146 2157
X = 15 Y = 12

ΣXY - n X Y
ΣX 2 - n(X)2
2157 - 10 × 15 × 12 357
= = = 0.506
2146 - 10 × 12 × 12 706

(ii) R X = 15 R M = 12
y = α + βx
15 = α + 0.505 × 12
Alpha (α) = 15 – (0.505 × 12) = 8.94%

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7.28 Strategic Financial Management

Characteristic line for security X = α + β × RM

Where, RM = Expected return on Market Index
∴Characteristic line for security X = 8.94 + 0.505 RM
Question 23
Expected returns on two stocks for particular market returns are given in the following table:
Market Return Aggressive Defensive
7% 4% 9%
25% 40% 18%
You are required to calculate:
(a) The Betas of the two stocks.
(b) Expected return of each stock, if the market return is equally likely to be 7% or 25%.
(c) The Security Market Line (SML), if the risk free rate is 7.5% and market return is equally
likely to be 7% or 25%.
(d) The Alphas of the two stocks.
(a) The Betas of two stocks:
Aggressive stock - 40% - 4%/25% - 7% = 2
Defensive stock - 18% - 9%/25% - 7% = 0.50
Alternatively, it can also be solved by using the Characteristic Line Relationship as follows:
Rs = α + βRm
α = Alpha
β = Beta
Rm= Market Return
For Aggressive Stock
4% = α + β(7%)
40% = α + β(25%)
36% = β(18%)

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Portfolio Theory 7.29

For Defensive Stock

9% = α + β(7%)
18% = α + β(25%)
9% = β(18%)
β =0.50
(b) Expected returns of the two stocks:-
Aggressive stock - 0.5 x 4% + 0.5 x 40% = 22%
Defensive stock - 0.5 x 9% + 0.5 x 18% = 13.5%
(c) Expected return of market portfolio = 0.5 x 7% + 0.5% x 25% = 16%
∴ Market risk prem. = 16% - 7.5% = 8.5%
∴ SML is, required return = 7.5% + βi 8.5%
(d) Rs = α + βRm
For Aggressive Stock
22% = αA + 2(16%)
αA = -10%
For Defensive Stock
13.5% = αD + 0.50(16%)
αD = 5.5%
Question 24
A study by a Mutual fund has revealed the following data in respect of three securities:
Security σ (%) Correlation with
Index, Pm
A 20 0.60
B 18 0.95
C 12 0.75
The standard deviation of market portfolio (BSE Sensex) is observed to be 15%.
(i) What is the sensitivity of returns of each stock with respect to the market?
(ii) What are the covariances among the various stocks?
(iii) What would be the risk of portfolio consisting of all the three stocks equally?
(iv) What is the beta of the portfolio consisting of equal investment in each stock?
(v) What is the total, systematic and unsystematic risk of the portfolio in (iv) ?

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(i) Sensitivity of each stock with market is given by its beta.
Standard deviation of market Index = 15%
Variance of market Index = 0.0225
Beta of stocks = σi r/ σ m
A = 20 × 0.60/15 = 0.80
B = 18 × 0.95/15 = 1.14
C = 12 × 0.75/15 = 0.60
(ii) Covariance between any 2 stocks = β 1β 2 σ 2m
Covariance matrix
Stock/Beta 0.80 1.14 0.60
A 400.000 205.200 108.000
B 205.200 324.000 153.900
C 108.000 153.900 144.000
(iii) Total risk of the equally weighted portfolio (Variance) = 400(1/3)2 + 324(1/3)2 + 144(1/3)2
+ 2 (205.20)(1/3)2 + 2(108.0)(1/3)2 + 2(153.900) (1/3)2 = 200.244
0.80 + 1.14 + 0.60
(iv) β of equally weighted portfolio = β p = ∑ β i/N =
= 0.8467
(v) Systematic Risk β P2 σ m2 = (0.8467)2 (15)2 =161.302
Unsystematic Risk = Total Risk – Systematic Risk
= 200.244 – 161.302 = 38.942
Question 25
Mr. X owns a portfolio with the following characteristics:
Security A Security B Risk Free security
Factor 1 sensitivity 0.80 1.50 0
Factor 2 sensitivity 0.60 1.20 0
Expected Return 15% 20% 10%
It is assumed that security returns are generated by a two factor model.

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Portfolio Theory 7.31

(i) If Mr. X has ` 1,00,000 to invest and sells short ` 50,000 of security B and purchases
` 1,50,000 of security A what is the sensitivity of Mr. X’s portfolio to the two factors?
(ii) If Mr. X borrows ` 1,00,000 at the risk free rate and invests the amount he borrows along
with the original amount of ` 1,00,000 in security A and B in the same proportion as
described in part (i), what is the sensitivity of the portfolio to the two factors?
(iii) What is the expected return premium of factor 2?
(i) Mr. X’s position in the two securities are +1.50 in security A and -0.5 in security B. Hence
the portfolio sensitivities to the two factors:-
b prop. 1 =1.50 x 0.80 + (-0.50 x 1.50) = 0.45
b prop. 2 = 1.50 x 0.60 + (-0.50 x 1.20) = 0.30
(ii) Mr. X’s current position:-
Security A ` 3,00,000 / ` 1,00,000 = 3
Security B -` 1,00,000 / ` 1,00,000 = -1
Risk free asset -` 100000 / ` 100000 = -1
b prop. 1 = 3.0 x 0.80 + (-1 x 1.50) + (- 1 x 0) = 0.90
b prop. 2 = 3.0 x 0.60 + (-1 x 1.20) + (-1 x 0) = 0.60
(iii) Expected Return = Risk Free Rate of Return + Risk Premium
Let λ1 and λ2 are the Value Factor 1 and Factor 2 respectively.
15 = 10 + 0.80 λ1 + 0.60 λ2
20 = 10 + 1.50 λ1 + 1.20 λ2
On solving equation, the value of λ 1 = 0, and Securities A & B shall be as follows:
Security A
Total Return = 15%
Risk Free Return = 10%
Risk Premium = 5%
Security B
Total Return = 20%
Risk Free Return = 10%
Risk Premium = 10%

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Question 26
Mr. Tempest has the following portfolio of four shares:
Name Beta Investment ` Lac.
Oxy Rin Ltd. 0.45 0.80
Boxed Ltd. 0.35 1.50
Square Ltd. 1.15 2.25
Ellipse Ltd. 1.85 4.50

The risk-free rate of return is 7% and the market rate of return is 14%.
(i) Determine the portfolio return. (ii) Calculate the portfolio Beta.
Market Risk Premium (A) = 14% – 7% = 7%
Share Beta Risk Premium (Beta Risk Free Return Return
x A) % Return % % `
Oxy Rin Ltd. 0.45 3.15 7 10.15 8,120
Boxed Ltd. 0.35 2.45 7 9.45 14,175
Square Ltd. 1.15 8.05 7 15.05 33,863
Ellipse Ltd. 1.85 12.95 7 19.95 89,775
Total Return 1,45,933
Total Investment ` 9,05,000
` 1,45,933
(i) Portfolio Return = × 100 = 16.13%
` 9,05,000
(ii) Portfolio Beta
Portfolio Return = Risk Free Rate + Risk Premium х β = 16.13%
7% + 7β = 16.13%
β = 1.30
Alternative Approach
First we shall compute Portfolio Beta using the weighted average method as follows:
0.80 1.50 2.25 4.50
BetaP = 0.45X + 0.35X + 1.15X + 1.85X
9.05 9.05 9.05 9.05

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Portfolio Theory 7.33

= 0.45x0.0884+ 0.35X0.1657+ 1.15X0.2486+ 1.85X0.4972 = 0.0398+ 0.058 + 0.2859 +

0.9198 = 1.3035
(i) Portfolio Return using CAPM formula will be as follows:
RP= RF + BetaP(RM – RF)
= 7% + 1.3035(14% - 7%) = 7% + 1.3035(7%)
= 7% + 9.1245% = 16.1245%
(ii) Portfolio Beta
As calculated above 1.3035
Question 27
Mr. Abhishek is interested in investing ` 2,00,000 for which he is considering following three
(i) Invest ` 2,00,000 in Mutual Fund X (MFX)
(ii) Invest ` 2,00,000 in Mutual Fund Y (MFY)
(iii) Invest ` 1,20,000 in Mutual Fund X (MFX) and ` 80,000 in Mutual Fund Y (MFY)
Average annual return earned by MFX and MFY is 15% and 14% respectively. Risk free rate of
return is 10% and market rate of return is 12%.
Covariance of returns of MFX, MFY and market portfolio Mix are as follow:


MFX 4.800 4.300 3.370
MFY 4.300 4.250 2.800
Mix 3.370 2.800 3.100
You are required to calculate:
(i) variance of return from MFX, MFY and market return,
(ii) portfolio return, beta, portfolio variance and portfolio standard deviation,
(ill) expected return, systematic risk and unsystematic risk; and
(iv) Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio and Alpha of MFX, MFY and Portfolio Mix
(i) Variance of Returns
Cov (i, j)
Cor i,j =
σ iσ j

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Accordingly, for MFX

Cov (X, X)
σ 2X = 4.800
Accordingly, for MFY
Cov (Y, Y)
σ Yσ Y
σ 2Y = 4.250
Accordingly, for Market Return
Cov (M, M)
σ M2 = 3.100
(ii) Portfolio return, beta, variance and standard deviation
Weight of MFX in portfolio = =0.60
Weight of MFY in portfolio = =0.40
Accordingly Portfolio Return
0.60 × 15% + 0.40 × 14% = 14.60%
Beta of each Fund
Cov (Fund,Market )
Variance of Market
β = = 1.087
X 3.100
β = = 0.903
Y 3.100
Portfolio Beta
0.60 x 1.087 + 0.40 x 0.903 = 1.013
Portfolio Variance

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Portfolio Theory 7.35

σ 2XY = w 2X σ 2X + w 2Y σ 2Y + 2 w X w Y Cov X,Y

= (0.60)2 (4.800) + (0.40)2 (4.250) + 2(0.60) (0.40) (4.300)
= 4.472
Or Portfolio Standard Deviation
σ XY = 4.472 = 2.115
(iii) Expected Return, Systematic and Unsystematic Risk of Portfolio
Portfolio Return = 10% + 1.0134(12% - 10%) = 12.03%
MF X Return = 10% + 1.087(12% - 10%) = 12.17%
MF Y Return = 10% + 0.903(12% - 10%) = 28.06%
Systematic Risk = β 2σ2
Systematic Risk of MFX = (1.087)2 x 3.10 = 3.663
Systematic Risk of MFY = (0.903)2 x 3.10 = 2.528
Systematic Risk of Portfolio = (1.013)2 x 3.10 = 3.181
Unsystematic Risk = Total Risk – Systematic Risk
Unsystematic Risk of MFX = 4.80 – 3.663 = 1.137
UnSystematic Risk of MFY = 4.250 – 2.528 = 1.722
UnSystematic Risk of Portfolio = 4.472 – 3.181 = 1.291
(iv) Sharpe and Treynor Ratios and Alpha
Sharpe Ratio
15% - 10%
MFX = = 2.282
14% - 10%
MFY = = 1.94
14.6% - 10%
Portfolio = = 2.175

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Treynor Ratio
15% - 10%
MFX = = 4.60
14% - 10%
MFY = = 4.43
14.6% - 10%
Portfolio = = 4.54
MFX = 15% - 12.17% = 2.83%
MFY = 14% - 11.81% = 2.19%
Portfolio = 14.6% - 12.03% = 2.57%
Question 28
Amal Ltd. has been maintaining a growth rate of 12% in dividends. The company has paid
dividend @ ` 3 per share. The rate of return on market portfolio is 15% and the risk-free rate
of return in the market has been observed as10%. The beta co-efficient of the company’s
share is 1.2.
You are required to calculate the expected rate of return on the company’s shares as per
CAPM model and the equilibirium price per share by dividend growth model.
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) formula for calculation of expected rate of return is
ER = Rf + β (Rm – Rf)
ER = Expected Return
β = Beta of Security
Rm = Market Return
Rf = Risk free Rate
= 10 + [1.2 (15 – 10)]
= 10 + 1.2 (5)
= 10 + 6 = 16% or 0.16
Applying dividend growth mode for the calculation of per share equilibrium price:-
ER = +g

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Portfolio Theory 7.37

3(1.12) 3.36
or 0.16 = + 0.12 or 0.16 – 0.12 =
P0 P0
or 0.04 P0 = 3.36 or P0 = = ` 84
Therefore, equilibrium price per share will be ` 84.
Question 29
The following information is available in respect of Security X
Equilibrium Return 15%
Market Return 15%
7% Treasury Bond Trading at $140
Covariance of Market Return and Security Return 225%
Coefficient of Correlation 0.75
You are required to determine the Standard Deviation of Market Return and Security Return.
First we shall compute the β of Security X.
Coupon Payment 7
Risk Free Rate = = = 5%
Current Market Price 140
Assuming equilibrium return to be equal to CAPM return then:

15% = Rf + βX(Rm- Rf)

15%= 5% + βX(15%- 5%)

βX = 1

or it can also be computed as follows:

R m 15%
= =1
R s 15%

(i) Standard Deviation of Market Return

Cov X,m 225%
βm = = =1
σm2 σm2
σ2m = 225

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σm = 225 = 15%
(ii) Standard Deviation of Security Return
σX σ
βX = × ρXm = X × 0.75 =1
σm 15

σX = = 20%
Question 30
Assuming that shares of ABC Ltd. and XYZ Ltd. are correctly priced according to Capital Asset
Pricing Model. The expected return from and Beta of these shares are as follows:
Share Beta Expected return
ABC 1.2 19.8%
XYZ 0.9 17.1%
You are required to derive Security Market Line.
CAPM = Rf+ β (Rm –Rf)
RABC = Rf+1.2 (Rm – Rf) = 19.8
RXYZ = Rf+ 0.9 (Rm – Rf) = 17.1
19.8 = Rf+1.2 (Rm – Rf) ------(1)
17.1 = Rf+0.9 (Rm – Rf) ------(2)
Deduct (2) from (1)
2.7 = 0.3 (Rm – R f)
Rm – Rf = 9
R f = Rm – 9
Substituting in equation (1)
19.8 = (Rm – 9) + 1.2 (Rm – Rm+ 9)
19.8 = Rm - 9 + 10.8
19.8 = Rm+1.8
Then Rm=18% and Rf= 9%
Security Market Line = Rf+ β (Market Risk Premium) = 9% + β × 9%

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Portfolio Theory 7.39

Question 31
A Ltd. has an expected return of 22% and Standard deviation of 40%. B Ltd. has an expected
return of 24% and Standard deviation of 38%. A Ltd. has a beta of 0.86 and B Ltd. a beta of
1.24. The correlation coefficient between the return of A Ltd. and B Ltd. is 0.72. The Standard
deviation of the market return is 20%. Suggest:
(i) Is investing in B Ltd. better than investing in A Ltd.?
(ii) If you invest 30% in B Ltd. and 70% in A Ltd., what is your expected rate of return and
portfolio Standard deviation?
(iii) What is the market portfolios expected rate of return and how much is the risk-free rate?
(iv) What is the beta of Portfolio if A Ltd.’s weight is 70% and B Ltd.’s weight is 30%?
(i) A Ltd. has lower return and higher risk than B Ltd. investing in B Ltd. is better than in A
Ltd. because the returns are higher and the risk, lower. However, investing in both will
yield diversification advantage.
(ii) rAB = .22 × 0.7 + .24 × 0.3 = 22.6%

σ 2AB = 0.402 X 0.72 + 0.382 X 0.32 + 2X 0.7 X 0.3 X 0.72 X 0.40 X 0.38 =0.1374

σ AB = σ 2AB = .1374 = .37 = 37% *

* Answer = 37.06% is also correct and variation may occur due to approximation.
(iii) This risk-free rate will be the same for A and B Ltd. Their rates of return are given as
rA = 22 = rf + (rm – rf) 0.86
rB = 24 = rf + (rm – rf) 1.24
rA – rB = –2 = (rm – rf) (–0.38)
rm – rf = –2/–0.38 = 5.26%
rA = 22 = rf + (5.26) 0.86
rf = 17.5%*
rB = 24 = rf + (5.26) 1.24
rf = 17.5%*
rm – 17.5 = 5.26
rm = 22.76%**

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*Answer = 17.47% might occur due to variation in approximation.

**Answer may show small variation due to approximation. Exact answer is 22.73%.
(iv) β AB = β A × WA + β B × WB
= 0.86 × 0.7 + 1.24 × 0.3 = 0.974
Question 32
XYZ Ltd. has substantial cash flow and until the surplus funds are utilised to meet the future
capital expenditure, likely to happen after several months, are invested in a portfolio of short-
term equity investments, details for which are given below:
Investment No. of shares Beta Market price per share Expected dividend yield
I 60,000 1.16 4.29 19.50%
II 80,000 2.28 2.92 24.00%
III 1,00,000 0.90 2.17 17.50%
IV 1,25,000 1.50 3.14 26.00%

The current market return is 19% and the risk free rate is 11%.
Required to:
(i) Calculate the risk of XYZ’s short-term investment portfolio relative to that of the market;
(ii) Whether XYZ should change the composition of its portfolio.
(i) Computation of Beta of Portfolio
Investment No. of Market Market Dividend Dividend Composition β Weighted
shares Price Value Yield β
I. 60,000 4.29 2,57,400 19.50% 50,193 0.2339 1.16 0.27
II. 80,000 2.92 2,33,600 24.00% 56,064 0.2123 2.28 0.48
III. 1,00,000 2.17 2,17,000 17.50% 37,975 0.1972 0.90 0.18
IV. 1,25,000 3.14 3,92,500 26.00% 1,02,050 0.3566 1.50 0.53
11,00,500 2,46,282 1.0000 1.46

Return of the Portfolio = 0.2238
Beta of Port Folio 1.46

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Portfolio Theory 7.41

Market Risk implicit

0.2238 = 0.11 + β× (0.19 – 0.11)
Or, 0.08 β + 0.11 = 0.2238
0.2238 − 0.11
β= = 1.42
Market β implicit is 1.42 while the port folio β is 1.46. Thus the portfolio is marginally
risky compared to the market.
(ii) The decision regarding change of composition may be taken by comparing the dividend
yield (given) and the expected return as per CAPM as follows:
Expected return Rs as per CAPM is:
Rs = IRF + (RM – I RF) β
For investment I Rs = IRF + (RM – IRF) β
= .11 + (.19 - .11) 1.16
= 20.28%
For investment II, Rs = .11 + (.19 - .11) 2.28 = 29.24%
For investment III, Rs = .11 + (.19 - .11) .90
= 18.20%
For investment IV, Rs = .11 + (.19 - .11) 1.50
= 23%
Comparison of dividend yield with the expected return Rs shows that the dividend yields of
investment I, II and III are less than the corresponding Rs,. So, these investments are over-
priced and should be sold by the investor. However, in case of investment IV, the dividend
yield is more than the corresponding Rs, so, XYZ Ltd. should increase its proportion.
Question 33
A company has a choice of investments between several different equity oriented mutual
funds. The company has an amount of `1 crore to invest. The details of the mutual funds are
as follows:
Mutual Fund Beta
A 1.6
B 1.0
C 0.9

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D 2.0
E 0.6

(i) If the company invests 20% of its investment in each of the first two mutual funds and an
equal amount in the mutual funds C, D and E, what is the beta of the portfolio?
(ii) If the company invests 15% of its investment in C, 15% in A, 10% in E and the balance in
equal amount in the other two mutual funds, what is the beta of the portfolio?
(iii) If the expected return of market portfolio is 12% at a beta factor of 1.0, what will be the
portfolios expected return in both the situations given above?
With 20% investment in each MF Portfolio Beta is the weighted average of the Betas of
various securities calculated as below:
Investment Beta (β) Investment Weighted
(` Lacs) Investment
A 1.6 20 32
B 1.0 20 20
C 0.9 20 18
D 2.0 20 40
E 0.6 20 12
100 122
Weighted Beta (β) = 1.22
(ii) With varied percentages of investments portfolio beta is calculated as follows:
Investment Beta (β) Investment Weighted
(` Lacs) Investment
A 1.6 15 24
B 1.0 30 30
C 0.9 15 13.5
D 2.0 30 60
E 0.6 10 6
100 133.5
Weighted Beta (β) = 1.335

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Portfolio Theory 7.43

(iii) Expected return of the portfolio with pattern of investment as in case (i)
= 12% × 1.22 i.e. 14.64%
Expected Return with pattern of investment as in case (ii) = 12% × 1.335 i.e., 16.02%.
Question 34
Suppose that economy A is growing rapidly and you are managing a global equity fund and so
far you have invested only in developed-country stocks only. Now you have decided to add
stocks of economy A to your portfolio. The table below shows the expected rates of return,
standard deviations, and correlation coefficients (all estimates are for aggregate stock market
of developed countries and stock market of Economy A).
Developed Country Stocks of
Stocks Economy A
Expected rate of return (annualized 10 15
Risk [Annualized Standard Deviation (%)] 16 30

Correlation Coefficient (ρ ) 0.30

Assuming the risk-free interest rate to be 3%, you are required to determine:
(a) What percentage of your portfolio should you allocate to stocks of Economy A if you want
to increase the expected rate of return on your portfolio by 0.5%?
(b) What will be the standard deviation of your portfolio assuming that stocks of Economy A
are included in the portfolio as calculated above?
(c) Also show how well the Fund will be compensated for the risk undertaken due to
inclusion of stocks of Economy A in the portfolio?
(a) Let the weight of stocks of Economy A is expressed as w, then
(1- w)×10.0 + w ×15.0 = 10.5
i.e. w = 0.1 or 10%.
(b) Variance of portfolio shall be:
(0.9)2 (0.16) 2 + (0.1)2 (0.30) 2+ 2(0.9) (0.1) (0.16) (0.30) (0.30) = 0.02423
Standard deviation is (0.02423)½= 0.15565 or 15.6%.
(c) The Sharpe ratio will improve by approximately 0.04, as shown below:
Expected Return - Risk Free Rate of Return
Sharpe Ratio =
Standard Deviation

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10 - 3
Investment only in developed countries: = 0.437
10.5 - 3
With inclusion of stocks of Economy A: = 0.481
Question 35
Mr. FedUp wants to invest an amount of ` 520 lakhs and had approached his Portfolio
Manager. The Portfolio Manager had advised Mr. FedUp to invest in the following manner:
Security Moderate Better Good Very Good Best
Amount (in ` Lakhs) 60 80 100 120 160
Beta 0.5 1.00 0.80 1.20 1.50
You are required to advise Mr. FedUp in regard to the following, using Capital Asset Pricing
(i) Expected return on the portfolio, if the Government Securities are at 8% and the NIFTY is
yielding 10%.
(ii) Advisability of replacing Security 'Better' with NIFTY.
(i) Computation of Expected Return from Portfolio
Security Beta Expected Return (r) Amount Weights wr
(β) as per CAPM (` Lakhs) (w)
Moderate 0.50 8%+0.50(10% - 8%) = 9% 60 0.115 1.035
Better 1.00 8%+1.00(10% - 8%) = 10% 80 0.154 1.540
Good 0.80 8%+0.80(10% - 8%) = 9.60% 100 0.192 1.843
Very Good 1.20 8%+1.20(10% - 8%) = 10.40% 120 0.231 2.402
Best 1.50 8%+1.50(10% - 8%) = 11% 160 0.308 3.388
Total 520 1 10.208

Thus Expected Return from Portfolio 10.208% say 10.21%.

Alternatively, it can be computed as follows:
60 80 100 120 160
Average β = 0.50 x + 1.00 x + 0.80 x + 1.20 x + 1.50 x = 1.104
520 520 520 520 520
As per CAPM
= 0.08 + 1.104(0.10 – 0.08) = 0.10208 i.e. 10.208%

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Portfolio Theory 7.45

(ii) As computed above the expected return from Better is 10% same as from Nifty, hence
there will be no difference even if the replacement of security is made. The main logic
behind this neutrality is that the beta of security ‘Better’ is 1 which clearly indicates that
this security shall yield same return as market return.
Question 36
Your client is holding the following securities:
Particulars of Securities Cost Dividends/Interest Market price Beta
` ` `
Equity Shares:
Gold Ltd. 10,000 1,725 9,800 0.6
Silver Ltd. 15,000 1,000 16,200 0.8
Bronze Ltd. 14,000 700 20,000 0.6
GOI Bonds 36,000 3,600 34,500 0.01
Average return of the portfolio is 15.7%, calculate:
(i) Expected rate of return in each, using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
(ii) Risk free rate of return.
Particulars of Securities Cost ` Dividend Capital gain
Gold Ltd. 10,000 1,725 −200
Silver Ltd. 15,000 1,000 1,200
Bronz Ltd. 14,000 700 6,000
GOI Bonds 36,000 3,600 −1,500
Total 75,000 7,025 5,500

Expected rate of return on market portfolio

Dividend Earned + Capital appreciation
× 100
Initial investment
` 7,025 + ` 5,500
= × 100 = 16.7%
` 75,000
Risk free return
0.6 + 0.8 + 0.6 + 0.01
Average of Betas = = Average of Betas* = 0.50

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7.46 Strategic Financial Management

Average return = Risk free return + Average Betas (Expected return – Risk free return)
15.7 = Risk free return + 0.50 (16.7 – Risk free return)
Risk free return = 14.7%
* Alternatively, it can also be calculated through Weighted Average Beta.
Expected Rate of Return for each security is
Rate of Return = Rf + B (Rm – Rf)
Gold Ltd. = 14.7 + 0.6 (16.7 – 14.7) = 15.90%
Silver Ltd. = 14.7 + 0.8 (16.7 – 14.7) = 16.30%
Bronz Ltd. = 14.7 + 0.6 (16.7 – 14.7) = 15.90%
GOI Bonds = 14.7 + 0.01 (16.7 – 14.7) = 14.72%
* Alternatively, it can also be computed by using Weighted Average Method.
Question 37
A holds the following portfolio:
Share/Bond Beta Initial Price Dividends Market Price at end of year
` ` `
Epsilon Ltd. 0.8 25 2 50
Sigma Ltd. 0.7 35 2 60
Omega Ltd. 0.5 45 2 135
GOI Bonds 0.01 1,000 140 1,005
(i) The expected rate of return of each security using Capital Asset Pricing Method (CAPM)
(ii) The average return of his portfolio.
Risk-free return is 14%.
(i) Expected rate of return
Total Investments Dividends Capital Gains
Epsilon Ltd. 25 2 25
Sigma Ltd. 35 2 25
Omega Ltd. 45 2 90
GOI Bonds 1,000 140 _5
1,105 146 145

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Portfolio Theory 7.47

146 + 145
Expected Return on market portfolio= = 26.33%
CAPM E(Rp) = RF + β [E(RM) – RF]
Epsilon Ltd 14+0.8 [26.33-14] = 14+9.86 = 23.86%
Sigma Ltd. 14+0.7 [26.33-14] = 14+8.63 = 22.63%
Omega Ltd. 14+0.5 [26.33-14] = 14+6.17 = 20.17%
GOI Bonds 14+0.01 [26.33-14] = 14+0.12 = 14.12%
(ii) Average Return of Portfolio
23.86 + 22.63 + 20.17 + 14.12 80.78
= = 20.20%
4 4
0.8 + 0.7 + 0.5 + 0.01 2.01
Alternatively = = 0.5025
4 4
14+0.5025 (26.33- 14) = 14+ 6.20 = 20.20%

Question 38
Your client is holding the following securities:
Particulars of Securities Cost Dividends Market Price BETA
` ` `
Equity Shares:
Co. X 8,000 800 8,200 0.8
Co. Y 10,000 800 10,500 0.7
Co. Z 16,000 800 22,000 0.5
PSU Bonds 34,000 3,400 32,300 0.2
Assuming a Risk-free rate of 15%, calculate:
– Expected rate of return of each security, using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
– Average return of the portfolio.
Calculation of expected return on market portfolio (Rm)
Investment Cost (`) Dividends (`) Capital Gains (`)
Shares X 8,000 800 200
Shares Y 10,000 800 500

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7.48 Strategic Financial Management

Shares Z 16,000 800 6,000

PSU Bonds 34,000 3,400 –1,700
68,000 5,800 5,000

5,800 + 5,000
R = × 100 = 15.88%
m 68,000
Calculation of expected rate of return on individual security:
Shares X 15 + 0.8 (15.88 – 15.0) = 15.70%
Shares Y 15 + 0.7 (15.88 – 15.0) = 15.62%
Shares Z 15 + 0.5 (15.88 – 15.0) = 15.44%
PSU Bonds 15 + 0.2 (15.88 – 15.0) = 15.18%

Calculation of the Average Return of the Portfolio:

15.70 + 15.62 + 15.44 + 15.18
= = 15.49%.
Question 39
An investor is holding 1,000 shares of Fatlass Company. Presently the rate of dividend being
paid by the company is ` 2 per share and the share is being sold at ` 25 per share in the
market. However, several factors are likely to change during the course of the year as
indicated below:
Existing Revised
Risk free rate 12% 10%
Market risk premium 6% 4%
Beta value 1.4 1.25
Expected growth rate 5% 9%

In view of the above factors whether the investor should buy, hold or sell the shares? And
On the basis of existing and revised factors, rate of return and price of share is to be
Existing rate of return
= Rf + Beta (Rm – Rf) = 12% + 1.4 (6%) = 20.4%

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Portfolio Theory 7.49

Revised rate of return

= 10% + 1.25 (4%) = 15%
Price of share (original)
D (1 + g) 2 (1.05) 2.10
Po = = = = Rs. 13.63
K e - g .204 - .05 .154

Price of share (Revised)

2 (1.09) 2.18
Po = = = Rs. 36.33
.15 - .09 .06
In case of existing market price of ` 25 per share, rate of return (20.4%) and possible
equilibrium price of share at ` 13.63, this share needs to be sold because the share is
overpriced (` 25 – 13.63) by ` 11.37. However, under the changed scenario where growth of
dividend has been revised at 9% and the return though decreased at 15% but the possible
price of share is to be at ` 36.33 and therefore, in order to expect price appreciation to `
36.33 the investor should hold the shares, if other things remain the same.
Question 40
An investor is holding 5,000 shares of X Ltd. Current year dividend rate is ` 3/ share. Market
price of the share is ` 40 each. The investor is concerned about several factors which are
likely to change during the next financial year as indicated below:
Current Year Next Year
Dividend paid /anticipated per share (`) 3 2.5
Risk free rate 12% 10%
Market Risk Premium 5% 4%
Beta Value 1.3 1.4
Expected growth 9% 7%
In view of the above, advise whether the investor should buy, hold or sell the shares.

On the basis of existing and revised factors, rate of return and price of share is to be
Existing rate of return
= Rf + Beta (Rm – Rf)
= 12% + 1.3 (5%) = 18.5%

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7.50 Strategic Financial Management

Revised rate of return

= 10% + 1.4 (4%) = 15.60%
Price of share (original)
D (1 + g) 3 (1.09) 3.27
P = = = = ` 34.42
o K -g 0.185 - 0.09 0.095

Price of share (Revised)

2.50 (1.07) 2.675
P = = = ` 31.10
o 0.156 - 0.07 0.086
Market price of share of ` 40 is higher in comparison to current equilibrium price of ` 34.42 and
revised equity price of ` 31.10. Under this situation investor should sell the share.

Question 41
An investor has two portfolios known to be on minimum variance set for a population of three
securities A, B and C having below mentioned weights:
Portfolio X 0.30 0.40 0.30
Portfolio Y 0.20 0.50 0.30
It is supposed that there are no restrictions on short sales.
(i) What would be the weight for each stock for a portfolio constructed by investing ` 5,000
in portfolio X and ` 3,000 in portfolio Y?.
(ii) Suppose the investor invests ` 4,000 out of ` 8,000 in security A. How he will allocate
the balance between security B and C to ensure that his portfolio is on minimum variance
(i) Investment committed to each security would be:-
A B C Total
(`) (`) (`) (`)
Portfolio X 1,500 2,000 1,500 5,000
Portfolio Y 600 1,500 900 3,000
Combined Portfolio 2,100 3,500 2,400 8,000
∴ Stock weights 0.26 0.44 0.30

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Portfolio Theory 7.51

(ii) The equation of critical line takes the following form:-

WB = a + bWA
Substituting the values of WA & WB from portfolio X and Y in above equation, we get
0.40 = a + 0.30b, and
0.50 = a + 0.20b
Solving above equation we obtain the slope and intercept, a = 0.70 and b= -1 and thus,
the critical line is
WB = 0.70 – WA
If half of the funds is invested in security A then,
WB = 0.70 – 0.50 = 0.20
Since WA + WB + WC = 1
WC = 1 - 0.50 – 0.20 = 0.30
∴ Allocation of funds to security B = 0.20 x 8,000 = ` 1,600, and
Security C = 0.30 x 8,000 = ` 2,400
Question 42
X Co., Ltd., invested on 1.4.2009 in certain equity shares as below:
Name of Co. No. of shares Cost (`)
M Ltd. 1,000 (` 100 each) 2,00,000
N Ltd. 500 (` 10 each) 1,50,000

In September, 2009, 10% dividend was paid out by M Ltd. and in October, 2009, 30% dividend
paid out by N Ltd. On 31.3.2010 market quotations showed a value of ` 220 and ` 290 per
share for M Ltd. and N Ltd. respectively.
On 1.4.2010, investment advisors indicate (a) that the dividends from M Ltd. and N Ltd. for the
year ending 31.3.2011 are likely to be 20% and 35%, respectively and (b) that the probabilities
of market quotations on 31.3.2011 are as below:
Probability factor Price/share of M Ltd. Price/share of N Ltd.
0.2 220 290
0.5 250 310
0.3 280 330
You are required to:
(i) Calculate the average return from the portfolio for the year ended 31.3.2010;

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7.52 Strategic Financial Management

(ii) Calculate the expected average return from the portfolio for the year 2010-11; and
(iii) Advise X Co. Ltd., of the comparative risk in the two investments by calculating the
standard deviation in each case.
Calculation of return on portfolio for 2009-10 (Calculation in
` / share)
Dividend received during the year 10 3
Capital gain/loss by 31.03.10
Market value by 31.03.10 220 290
Cost of investment 200 300
Gain/loss 20 (-)10
Yield 30 (-)7
Cost 200 300
% return 15% (-)2.33%
Weight in the portfolio 57 43
Weighted average return 7.55%
Calculation of estimated return for 2010-11
Expected dividend 20 3.5
Capital gain by 31.03.11
(220x0.2)+ (250x0.5)+(280x0.3) – 220=(253-220) 33 -
(290x0.2)+(310x0.5)+(330x0.3) – 290= (312 – 290) - 22
Yield 53 25.5
*Market Value 01.04.10 220 290
% return 24.09% 8.79%
*Weight in portfolio (1,000x220): (500x290) 60.3 39.7
Weighted average (Expected) return 18.02%
(*The market value on 31.03.10 is used as the base for
calculating yield for 10-11)

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Portfolio Theory 7.53

Calculation of Standard Deviation

M Ltd.
Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp Prob. (1) Dev. Square (2) X (3)
market gain div. Yield Factor X(2) (PM - of dev.
value (1) (2) PM ) (3)
220 0 20 20 0.2 4 -33 1089 217.80
250 30 20 50 0.5 25 -3 9 4.50
280 60 20 80 0.3 24 27 729 218.70
53 σ2M =

Standard Deviation (σM) 21

N Ltd.
Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp Prob. (1) Dev. Square (2) X (3)
market gain div. Yield Factor X(2) (PN- PN ) of dev.
value (1) (2) (3)
290 0 3.5 3.5 0.2 0.7 -22 484 96.80
310 20 3.5 23.5 0.5 11.75 -2 4 2.00
330 40 3.5 43.5 0.3 13.05 18 324 97.20
25.5 σ2N = 196.00
Standard Deviation (σN) 14
Share of company M Ltd. is more risky as the S.D. is more than company N Ltd.
Question 43
An investor holds two stocks A and B. An analyst prepared ex-ante probability distribution for
the possible economic scenarios and the conditional returns for two stocks and the market
index as shown below:
Economic scenario Probability Conditional Returns %
A B Market
Growth 0.40 25 20 18
Stagnation 0.30 10 15 13
Recession 0.30 -5 -8 -3

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7.54 Strategic Financial Management

The risk free rate during the next year is expected to be around 11%. Determine whether the
investor should liquidate his holdings in stocks A and B or on the contrary make fresh
investments in them. CAPM assumptions are holding true.

Expected Return on stock A = E (A) = ∑ PA

i=G,S,R i i
(G,S & R, denotes Growth, Stagnation and Recession )
(0.40)(25) + 0.30(10)+ 0.30(-5) = 11.5%
Expected Return on ‘B’
(0.40×20) + (0.30×15) +0.30× (-8)=10.1%
Expected Return on Market index
(0.40 × 18) + (0.30 × 13) + 0.30 × (-3) =10.2%
Variance of Market index
(18 - 10.2)2 (0.40) + (13 - 10.2)2 (0.30) + (-3 - 10.2)2 (0.30)
= 24.34 + 2.35 + 52.27 = 78.96%
Covariance of stock A and Market Index M

Cov. (AM) = ∑ ([A - E(A)] [Mi - E(M)]Pi

i=G,S,R i
(25 -11.5) (18 - 10.2)(0.40) + (10 - 11.5) (13 - 10.2) (0.30) + (-5-11.5) (-3-10.2)(0.30)
= 42.12 + (-1.26) + 65.34=106.20
Covariance of stock B and Market index M
(20-10.1) (18-10.2)(0.40)+(15-10.1)(13-10.2)(0.30) + (-8-10.1)(-3-10.2)(0.30)= 30.89 + 4.12 +
CoV(AM) 106.20
Beta for stock A = = = 1.345
VAR(M) 78.96

CoV(BM) 106.68
Beta for Stock B = = =1.351
VarM 78.96
Required Return for A
R (A) = Rf + β (M-Rf)
11% + 1.345(10.2 - 11) % = 9.924%

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Portfolio Theory 7.55

Required Return for B

11% + 1.351 (10.2 – 11) % = 9.92%
Alpha for Stock A
E (A) – R (A) i.e. 11.5 % – 9.924% = 1.576%
Alpha for Stock B
E (B) – R (B) i.e. 10.1% - 9.92% = 0.18%
Since stock A and B both have positive Alpha, therefore, they are UNDERPRICED. The investor
should make fresh investment in them.
Question 44
Following are the details of a portfolio consisting of three shares:
Share Portfolio weight Beta Expected return in % Total variance
A 0.20 0.40 14 0.015
B 0.50 0.50 15 0.025
C 0.30 1.10 21 0.100
Standard Deviation of Market Portfolio Returns = 10%
You are given the following additional data:
Covariance (A, B) = 0.030
Covariance (A, C) = 0.020
Covariance (B, C) = 0.040
Calculate the following:
(i) The Portfolio Beta
(ii) Residual variance of each of the three shares
(iii) Portfolio variance using Sharpe Index Model
(iv) Portfolio variance (on the basis of modern portfolio theory given by Markowitz)
(i) Portfolio Beta
0.20 x 0.40 + 0.50 x 0.50 + 0.30 x 1.10 = 0.66
(ii) Residual Variance
To determine Residual Variance first of all we shall compute the Systematic Risk as

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7.56 Strategic Financial Management

β2A × σ M
= (0.40)2(0.01) = 0.0016

βB2 × σ M
= (0.50)2(0.01) = 0.0025

β2C × σ M
= (1.10)2(0.01) = 0.0121
Residual Variance
A 0.015 – 0.0016 = 0.0134
B 0.025 – 0.0025 = 0.0225
C 0.100 – 0.0121 = 0.0879
(iii) Portfolio variance using Sharpe Index Model
Systematic Variance of Portfolio = (0.10)2 x (0.66)2 = 0.004356
Unsystematic Variance of Portfolio = 0.0134 x (0.20)2 + 0.0225 x (0.50)2 + 0.0879 x
(0.30)2 = 0.014072
Total Variance = 0.004356 + 0.014072 = 0.018428
(iii) Portfolio variance on the basis of Markowitz Theory
2 2
= (wA x wAx σ A ) + (wA x wBxCovAB) + (wA x wCxCovAC) + (wB x wAxCovAB) + (wB x wBx σ B )
+ (wB x wCxCovBC) + (wC x wAxCovCA) + (wC x wBxCovCB) + (wC x wCx σ c )
= (0.20 x 0.20 x 0.015) + (0.20 x 0.50 x 0.030) + (0.20 x 0.30 x 0.020) + (0.20 x 0.50 x
0.030) + (0.50 x 0.50 x 0.025) + (0.50 x 0.30 x 0.040) + (0.30 x 0.20 x 0.020) + (0.30 x
0.50 x 0.040) + (0.30 x 0.30 x 0.10)
= 0.0006 + 0.0030 + 0.0012 + 0.0030 + 0.00625 + 0.0060 + 0.0012 + 0.0060 + 0.0090
= 0.0363
Question 45
Ramesh wants to invest in stock market. He has got the following information about individual
Security Expected Return Beta σ2 ci
A 15 1.5 40
B 12 2 20
C 10 2.5 30
D 09 1 10
E 08 1.2 20
F 14 1.5 30

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Portfolio Theory 7.57

Market index variance is 10 percent and the risk free rate of return is 7%. What should be the
optimum portfolio assuming no short sales?
Securities need to be ranked on the basis of excess return to beta ratio from highest to the
Security Ri βi Ri - Rf Ri - Rf
A 15 1.5 8 5.33
B 12 2 5 2.5
C 10 2.5 3 1.2
D 9 1 2 2
E 8 1.2 1 0.83
F 14 1.5 7 4.67
Ranked Table:
(R i - R f ) x β i N
(R i - R f ) x β i β i2 N
β i2
Sec Ri - Rf
βi σ 2 ei
σ 2 ei
∑ σ 2 ei σ 2 ei
∑σ 2 Ci
urity e=i e=i ei

A 8 1.5 40 0.30 0.30 0.056 0.056 1.923

F 7 1.5 30 0.35 0.65 0.075 0.131 2.814
B 5 2 20 0.50 1.15 0.20 0.331 2.668
D 2 1 10 0.20 1.35 0.10 0.431 2.542
C 3 2.5 30 0.25 1.60 0.208 0.639 2.165
E 1 1.2 20 0.06 1.66 0.072 0.711 2.047
CA = 10 x 0.30 / [1 + ( 10 x 0.056)] = 1.923
CF = 10 x 0.65 / [1 + ( 10 x 0.131)] = 2.814
CB = 10 x 1.15 / [1 + ( 10 x 0.331)] = 2.668
CD = 10 x 1.35 / [1 + ( 10 x 0.431)] = 2.542
CC = 10 x 1.60 / [1 + ( 10 x 0.639)] = 2.165
CE = 10 x 1.66 / [1 + ( 10 x 0.7111)] = 2.047
Cut off point is 2.814

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7.58 Strategic Financial Management

Z = i 
β   R - R
[ i f
) - C] 
i 2 
σ ei 
 β  
 i 
ZA = ( 5.33 - 2.814) = 0.09435

Z = ( 4.67 - 2.814) = 0.0928
F 30

XA = 0.09435 / [ 0.09435 + 0.0928] = 50.41%

XF = 0.0928 / [0.09435 + 0.0928] = 49.59%

Funds to be invested in security A & F are 50.41% and 49.59% respectively.

Question 46
A Portfolio Manager (PM) has the following four stocks in his portfolio:
Security No. of Shares Market Price per share (`) β
VSL 10,000 50 0.9
CSL 5,000 20 1.0
SML 8,000 25 1.5
APL 2,000 200 1.2
Compute the following:
(i) Portfolio beta.
(ii) If the PM seeks to reduce the beta to 0.8, how much risk free investment should he bring in?
(iii) If the PM seeks to increase the beta to 1.2, how much risk free investment should he
bring in?
Security No. of Market Price of (1) × (2) % to total ß (x) wx
shares Per Share (2) (w)
VSL 10000 50 500000 0.4167 0.9 0.375
CSL 5000 20 100000 0.0833 1 0.083
SML 8000 25 200000 0.1667 1.5 0.250

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Portfolio Theory 7.59

APL 2000 200 400000 0.3333 1.2 0.400

1200000 1 1.108
Portfolio beta 1.108
(i) Required Beta 0.8
It should become (0.8 / 1.108) 72.2 % of present portfolio
If ` 12,00,000 is 72.20%, the total portfolio should be
` 12,00,000 × 100/72.20 or ` 16,62,050
Additional investment in zero risk should be (` 16,62,050 – ` 12,00,000) = ` 4,62,050
Revised Portfolio will be
Security No. of Market Price (1) × (2) % to ß (x) wx
shares of Per Share total
(1) (2) (w)
VSL 10000 50 500000 0.3008 0.9 0.271
CSL 5000 20 100000 0.0602 1 0.060
SML 8000 25 200000 0.1203 1.5 0.180
APL 2000 200 400000 0.2407 1.2 0.289
Risk free asset 46205 10 462050 0.2780 0 0
1662050 1 0.800

(ii) To increase Beta to 1.2

Required beta 1.2
It should become 1.2 / 1.108 108.30% of present beta
If 1200000 is 108.30%, the total portfolio should be
1200000 × 100/108.30 or 1108033 say 1108030
Additional investment should be (-) 91967 i.e. Divest ` 91970 of Risk Free Asset
Revised Portfolio will be
Security No. of Market Price (1) × (2) % to total ß (x) wx
shares of Per Share (w)
(1) (2)
VSL 10000 50 500000 0.4513 0.9 0.406
CSL 5000 20 100000 0.0903 1 0.090
SML 8000 25 200000 0.1805 1.5 0.271

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7.60 Strategic Financial Management

APL 2000 200 400000 0.3610 1.2 0.433

Risk free asset -9197 10 -91970 -0.0830 0 0
1108030 1 1.20
Portfolio beta 1.20
Question 47
A has portfolio having following features:
Security β Random Error σei Weight
L 1.60 7 0.25
M 1.15 11 0.30
N 1.40 3 0.25
K 1.00 9 0.20

You are required to find out the risk of the portfolio if the standard deviation of the market
index (σm) is 18%.
βp = ∑xβ
i i

= 1.60 x 0.25 + 1.15 x 0.30 + 1.40 x 0.25 + 1.00 x 0.20

= 0.4 + 0.345 + 0.35 + 0.20 = 1.295
The Standard Deviation (Risk) of the portfolio is
= [(1.295)2(18)2+(0.25)2(7)2+(0.30)2(11)2+(0.25)2(3)2+(0.20)2(9)2)]
= [543.36 + 3.0625 + 10.89 + 0.5625 + 3.24] = [561.115] ½ = 23.69%
Alternative Answer
The variance of Security’s Return
σ2 = β i2 σ2m + σ2εi
Accordingly, variance of various securities
σ2 Weight(w) σ2Xw
L (1.60)2 (18)2 + 72 = 878.44 0.25 219.61
M (1.15)2 (18)2 + 112 = 549.49 0.30 164.85
N (1.40)2 (18)2 + 32 = 644.04 0.25 161.01

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Portfolio Theory 7.61

K (1.00)2 (18)2 + 92 = 405.00 0.20 81

Variance 626.47
SD = 626.47 = 25.03
Question 48
Mr. Tamarind intends to invest in equity shares of a company the value of which depends
upon various parameters as mentioned below:
Factor Beta Expected value Actual value in %
GNP 1.20 7.70 7.70
Inflation 1.75 5.50 7.00
Interest rate 1.30 7.75 9.00
Stock market index 1.70 10.00 12.00
Industrial production 1.00 7.00 7.50
If the risk free rate of interest be 9.25%, how much is the return of the share under Arbitrage
Pricing Theory?
Return of the stock under APT
Factor Actual Expected Difference Beta Diff. х
value in % value in % Beta
GNP 7.70 7.70 0.00 1.20 0.00
Inflation 7.00 5.50 1.50 1.75 2.63
Interest rate 9.00 7.75 1.25 1.30 1.63
Stock index 12.00 10.00 2.00 1.70 3.40
Ind. Production 7.50 7.00 0.50 1.00 0.50
Risk free rate in % 9.25
Return under APT 17.41
Question 49
The total market value of the equity share of O.R.E. Company is ` 60,00,000 and the total
value of the debt is ` 40,00,000. The treasurer estimate that the beta of the stock is currently
1.5 and that the expected risk premium on the market is 10 per cent. The treasury bill rate is 8
per cent.

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7.62 Strategic Financial Management

(1) What is the beta of the Company’s existing portfolio of assets?
(2) Estimate the Company’s Cost of capital and the discount rate for an expansion of the
company’s present business.
(1) β company = β equity × E + Bdebt × D
V0 V0
Note: Since β debt is not given it is assumed that company debt capital is virtually riskless.
If company’s debt capital is riskless than above relationship become:
Here β equity = 1.5; β company = β equity
As β debt = 0
VE = ` 60 lakhs.
VD = ` 40 lakhs.
V0 = ` 100 lakhs.
` 60 lakhs
βcompany assets= 1.5 ×
` 100 lakhs
= 0.9
(2) Company’s cost of equity = Rf + β A × Risk premium
Where Rf = Risk free rate of return
β A = Beta of company assets
Therefore, company’s cost of equity = 8% + 0.9 × 10 = 17% and overall cost of capital
shall be
60,00,000 40,00,000
= 17%× +8%×
100,00,000 100,00,000
= 10.20% + 3.20% = 13.40%
Alternatively it can also be computed as follows:
Cost of Equity = 8% + 1.5 x 10 = 23%
Cost of Debt = 8%
60,00,000 40,00,000
WACC (Cost of Capital) = 23% × + 8% × = 17%
1,00,00,000 1,00,00,000

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Portfolio Theory 7.63

In case of expansion of the company’s present business, the same rate of return i.e.
13.40% will be used. However, in case of diversification into new business the risk profile
of new business is likely to be different. Therefore, different discount factor has to be
worked out for such business.
Question 50
Mr. Nirmal Kumar has categorized all the available stock in the market into the following types:
(i) Small cap growth stocks
(ii) Small cap value stocks
(iii) Large cap growth stocks
(iv) Large cap value stocks
Mr. Nirmal Kumar also estimated the weights of the above categories of stocks in the market
index. Further, the sensitivity of returns on these categories of stocks to the three important
factor are estimated to be:
Category of Weight in the Factor I (Beta) Factor II (Book Factor III
Stocks Market Index Price) (Inflation)
Small cap growth 25% 0.80 1.39 1.35
Small cap value 10% 0.90 0.75 1.25
Large cap growth 50% 1.165 2.75 8.65
Large cap value 15% 0.85 2.05 6.75
Risk Premium 6.85% -3.5% 0.65%
The rate of return on treasury bonds is 4.5%
(a) Using Arbitrage Pricing Theory, determine the expected return on the market index.
(b) Using Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), determine the expected return on the market
(c) Mr. Nirmal Kumar wants to construct a portfolio constituting only the ‘small cap value’
and ‘large cap growth’ stocks. If the target beta for the desired portfolio is 1, determine
the composition of his portfolio.
(a) Method I
Stock’s return
Small cap growth = 4.5 + 0.80 x 6.85 + 1.39 x (-3.5) + 1.35 x 0.65 = 5.9925%
Small cap value = 4.5 + 0.90 x 6.85 + 0.75 x (-3.5) + 1.25 x 0.65 = 8.8525%

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7.64 Strategic Financial Management

Large cap growth = 4.5 + 1.165 x 6.85 + 2.75 x (-3.5) + 8.65 x 0.65 = 8.478%
Large cap value = 4.5 + 0.85 x 6.85 + 2.05 x (-3.5) + 6.75 x 0.65 = 7.535%
Expected return on market index
0.25 x 5.9925 + 0.10 x 8.8525 + 0.50 x 8.478 + 0.15 x 7.535 = 7.7526%
Method II
Expected return on the market index
= 4.5% + [0.1x0.9 + 0.25x0.8 + 0.15x0.85 + 0.50x1.165] x 6.85 + [(0.75 x 0.10 + 1.39
x 0.25 + 2.05 x 0.15 + 2.75 x 0.5)] x (-3.5) + [{1.25 x 0.10 + 1.35 x 0.25 + 6.75 x
0.15 + 8.65 x 0.50)] x 0.65
= 4.5 + 6.85 + (-7.3675) + 3.77 = 7.7525%.
(b) Using CAPM,
Small cap growth = 4.5 + 6.85 x 0.80 = 9.98%
Small cap value = 4.5 + 6.85 x 0.90 = 10.665%
Large cap growth = 4.5 + 6.85 x 1.165 = 12.48%
Large cap value = 4.5 + 6.85 x 0.85 = 10.3225%
Expected return on market index
= 0.25 x 9.98 + 0.10 x 10.665 + 0.50 x 12.45 + 0.15 x 10.3225 = 11.33%
(c) Let us assume that Mr. Nirmal will invest X1% in small cap value stock and X2% in large
cap growth stock
X1 + X2 = 1
0.90 X1 + 1.165 X2 = 1
0.90 X1 + 1.165(1 – X1) = 1
0.90 X1 + 1.165 – 1.165 X1 = 1
0.165 = 0.265 X1
= X1
0.623 = X1, X2 = 0.377
62.3% in small cap value
37.7% in large cap growth.

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Portfolio Theory 7.65

Question 51
The following are the data on five mutual funds:
Fund Return Standard Deviation Beta
A 15 7 1.25
B 18 10 0.75
C 14 5 1.40
D 12 6 0.98
E 16 9 1.50
You are required to compute Reward to Volatility Ratio and rank these portfolio using:
♦ Sharpe method and
♦ Treynor's method
assuming the risk free rate is 6%.
Sharpe Ratio S = (Rp – Rf)/σp
Treynor Ratio T = (Rp – Rf)/βp
Rp = Return on Fund
Rf = Risk-free rate
σp = Standard deviation of Fund
βp = Beta of Fund
Reward to Variability (Sharpe Ratio)
Mutual Rp Rf Rp – Rf σp Reward to Ranking
Fund Variability
A 15 6 9 7 1.285 2
B 18 6 12 10 1.20 3
C 14 6 8 5 1.60 1
D 12 6 6 6 1.00 5
E 16 6 10 9 1.11 4
Reward to Volatility (Treynor Ratio)
Mutual Fund Rp Rf Rp – Rf βp Reward to Volatility Ranking
A 15 6 9 1.25 7.2 2
B 18 6 12 0.75 16 1
C 14 6 8 1.40 5.71 5
D 12 6 6 0.98 6.12 4
E 16 6 10 1.50 6.67 3

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Entire Chapter is Applicable for New Syllabus
Mutual Funds
Question 1
Write short notes on the role of Mutual Funds in the Financial Market.
Role of Mutual Funds in the Financial Market: Mutual funds have opened new vistas to
investors and imparted much needed liquidity to the system. In this process, they have
challenged the hitherto dominant role of the commercial banks in the financial market and
national economy.
The role of mutual funds in the financial market is to provide access to the stock markets
related investments to people with less money in their pocket. Mutual funds are trusts that
pool together resources from small investors to invest in capital market instruments like
shares, debentures, bonds, treasury bills, commercial paper, etc.
It is quite easy to construct a well diversified portfolio of stocks, if you have 1,00,000 rupees to
invest. However, how can one diversify his portfolio and manage risk if he has just 1,000 rupees
to invest. It is definitely not possible with direct investments. The only resort here is mutual funds
that can provide access to the financial markets even to such small investors. Mutual funds also
help small investors for step-by-step monthly saving/investing of smaller amounts.
Question 2
Explain how to establish a Mutual Fund.
Establishment of a Mutual Fund: A mutual fund is required to be registered with the Securities
and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) before it can collect funds from the public. All mutual
funds are governed by the same set of regulations and are subject to monitoring and
inspections by the SEBI. The Mutual Fund has to be established through the medium of a
sponsor. A sponsor means any body corporate who, acting alone or in combination with
another body corporate, establishes a mutual fund after completing the formalities prescribed
in the SEBI's Mutual Fund Regulations.
The role of sponsor is akin to that of a promoter of a company, who provides the initial capital
and appoints the trustees. The sponsor should be a body corporate in the business of financial
services for a period not less than 5 years, be financially sound and be a fit party to act as
sponsor in the eyes of SEBI.

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9.2 Strategic Financial Management

The Mutual Fund has to be established as either a trustee company or a Trust, under the
Indian Trust Act and the instrument of trust shall be in the form of a deed. The deed shall be
executed by the sponsor in favour of the trustees named in the instrument of trust. The trust
deed shall be duly registered under the provisions of the Indian Registration Act, 1908. The
trust deed shall contain clauses specified in the Third Schedule of the Regulations.
An Asset Management Company, who holds an approval from SEBI, is to be appointed to
manage the affairs of the Mutual Fund and it should operate the schemes of such fund. The
Asset Management Company is set up as a limited liability company, with a minimum net
worth of ` 10 crores.
The sponsor should contribute at least 40% to the net worth of the Asset Management
Company. The Trustee should hold the property of the Mutual Fund in trust for the benefit of
the unit holders.
SEBI regulations require that at least two-thirds of the directors of the Trustee Company or
board of trustees must be independent, that is, they should not be associated with the
sponsors. Also, 50 per cent of the directors of AMC must be independent. The appointment of
the AMC can be terminated by majority of the trustees or by 75% of the unit holders of the
concerned scheme.
The AMC may charge the mutual fund with Investment Management and Advisory fees subject
to prescribed ceiling. Additionally, the AMC may get the expenses on operation of the mutual
fund reimbursed from the concerned scheme.
The Mutual fund also appoints a custodian, holding valid certificate of registration issued by
SEBI, to have custody of securities held by the mutual fund under different schemes. In case
of dematerialized securities, this is done by Depository Participant. The custodian must be
independent of the sponsor and the AMC.

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Mutual Funds 9.3

Question 3
What are the advantages of investing in Mutual Funds?
The advantages of investing in a Mutual Fund are:
1. Professional Management: Investors avail the services of experienced and skilled
professionals who are backed by a dedicated investment research team which analyses
the performance and prospects of companies and selects suitable investments to achieve
the objectives of the scheme.
2. Diversification: Mutual Funds invest in a number of companies across a broad cross-
section of industries and sectors. Investors achieve this diversification through a Mutual
Fund with far less money and risk than one can do on his own.
3. Convenient Administration: Investing in a Mutual Fund reduces paper work and helps
investors to avoid many problems such as bad deliveries, delayed payments and
unnecessary follow up with brokers and companies.
4. Return Potential: Over a medium to long term, Mutual Fund has the potential to provide
a higher return as they invest in a diversified basket of selected securities.
5. Low Costs: Mutual Funds are a relatively less expensive way to invest compared to
directly investing in the capital markets because the benefits of scale in brokerage,
custodial and other fees translate into lower costs for investors.
6. Liquidity: In open ended schemes investors can get their money back promptly at net
asset value related prices from the Mutual Fund itself. With close-ended schemes,
investors can sell their units on a stock exchange at the prevailing market price or avail
of the facility of direct repurchase at NAV related prices which some close ended and
interval schemes offer periodically.
7. Transparency: Investors get regular information on the value of their investment in
addition to disclosure on the specific investments made by scheme, the proportion
invested in each class of assets and the fund manager’s investment strategy and outlook.
8. Other Benefits: Mutual Funds provide regular withdrawal and systematic investment
plans according to the need of the investors. The investors can also switch from one
scheme to another without any load.
9. Highly Regulated: Mutual Funds all over the world are highly regulated and in India all
Mutual Funds are registered with SEBI and are strictly regulated as per the Mutual Fund
Regulations which provide excellent investor protection.
10. Economies of scale: The way mutual funds are structured gives it a natural advantage.
The “pooled” money from a number of investors ensures that mutual funds enjoy
economies of scale; it is cheaper compared to investing directly in the capital markets
which involves higher charges. This also allows retail investors access to high entry level
markets like real estate, and also there is a greater control over costs.

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9.4 Strategic Financial Management

11. Flexibility: There are a lot of features in a regular mutual fund scheme, which imparts
flexibility to the scheme. An investor can opt for Systematic Investment Plan (SIP),
Systematic Withdrawal Plan etc. to plan his cash flow requirements as per his
convenience. The wide range of schemes being launched in India by different mutual
funds also provides an added flexibility to the investor to plan his portfolio accordingly.
Question 4
What are the drawbacks of investments in Mutual Funds?
(a) There is no guarantee of return as some Mutual Funds may underperform and Mutual
Fund Investment may depreciate in value which may even effect erosion / Depletion of
principal amount
(b) Diversification may minimize risk but does not guarantee higher return.
(c) Mutual funds performance is judged on the basis of past performance record of various
companies. But this cannot take care of or guarantee future performance.
(d) Mutual Fund cost is involved like entry load, exit load, fees paid to Asset Management
Company etc.
(e) There may be unethical Practices e.g. diversion of Mutual Fund amounts by Mutual
Fund/s to their sister concerns for making gains for them.
(f) MFs, systems do not maintain the kind of transparency, they should maintain
(g) Many MF scheme are, at times, subject to lock in period, therefore, deny the market
drawn benefits
(h) At times, the investments are subject to different kind of hidden costs.
(i) Redressal of grievances, if any, is not easy
(j) When making decisions about your money, fund managers do not consider your personal
tax situations. For example. When a fund manager sells a security, a capital gain tax is
triggered, which affects how profitable the individual is from sale. It might have been
more profitable for the individual to defer the capital gain liability.
(k) Liquidating a mutual fund portfolio may increase risk, increase fees and commissions,
and create capital gains taxes.
Question 5
Explain briefly about net asset value (NAV) of a Mutual Fund Scheme.
Net Asset Value (NAV) is the total asset value (net of expenses) per unit of the fund calculated
by the Asset Management Company (AMC) at the end of every business day. Net Asset Value
on a particular date reflects the realizable value that the investor will get for each unit that he

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Mutual Funds 9.5

is holding if the scheme is liquidated on that date. The day of valuation of NAV is called the
valuation day.
The performance of a particular scheme of a mutual fund is denoted by Net Asset Value
(NAV). Net Asset Value may also be defined as the value at which new investors may apply to
a mutual fund for joining a particular scheme.
It is the value of net assets of the fund. The investors’ subscription is treated as the capital in
the balance sheet of the fund, and the investments on their behalf are treated as assets. The
NAV is calculated for every scheme of the MF individually. The value of portfolio is the
aggregate value of different investments.
Net Assets of the scheme
The Net Asset Value (NAV) =
Number of units outstanding
Net Assets of the scheme will normally be:
Market value of investments + Receivables + Accrued Income + Other Assets – Accrued
Expenses – Payables – Other Liabilities
Since investments by a Mutual Fund are marked to market, the value of the investments for
computing NAV will be at market value.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has notified certain valuation norms
calculating net asset value of Mutual fund schemes separately for traded and non-traded
schemes. Also, according to Regulation 48 of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, mutual funds
are required to compute Net Asset Value (NAV) of each scheme and to disclose them on a
regular basis – daily or weekly (based on the type of scheme) and publish them in atleast two
daily newspapers.
NAV play an important part in investors’ decisions to enter or to exit a MF scheme. Analyst
use the NAV to determine the yield on the schemes.
Question 6
What are the investors’ rights & obligations under the Mutual Fund Regulations? Explain
different methods for evaluating the performance of Mutual Fund.
Investors’ Rights and Obligations under the Mutual Fund Regulations: Important
aspect of the mutual fund regulations and operations is the investors’ protection and
disclosure norms. It serves the very purpose of mutual fund guidelines. Due to these norms it
is very necessary for the investor to remain vigilant. Investor should continuously evaluate the
performance of mutual fund.
Following are the steps taken for improvement and compliance of standards of mutual fund:
1. All mutual funds should disclose full portfolio of their schemes in the annual report within

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9.6 Strategic Financial Management

one month of the close of each financial year. Mutual fund should either send it to each
unit holder or publish it by way of an advertisement in one English daily and one in
regional language.
2. The Asset Management Company must prepare a compliance manual and design
internal audit systems including audit systems before the launch of any schemes. The
trustees are also required to constitute an audit committee of the trustees which will
review the internal audit systems and the recommendation of the internal and statutory
audit reports and ensure their rectification.
3. The AMC shall constitute an in-house valuation committee consisting of senior
executives including personnel from accounts, fund management and compliance
departments. The committee would on a regular basis review the system practice of
valuation of securities.
4. The trustees shall review all transactions of the mutual fund with the associates on a
regular basis.
Investors’ Rights
1. Unit holder has proportionate right in the beneficial ownership of the schemes assets as
well as any dividend or income declared under the scheme.
2. For initial offers unit holders have right to expect allotment of units within 30 days from
the closure of mutual offer period.
3. Receive dividend warrant within 42 days.
4. AMC can be terminated by 75% of the unit holders.
5. Right to inspect major documents i.e. material contracts, Memorandum of Association
and Articles of Association (M.A. & A.A) of the AMC, Offer document etc.
6. 75% of the unit holders have the right to approve any changes in the close ended
7. Every unit holder have right to receive copy of the annual statement.
8. Right to wind up a scheme if 75% of investors pass a resolution to that effect.
9. Investors have a right to be informed about changes in the fundamental attributes of a
scheme. Fundamental attributes include type of scheme, investment objectives and
policies and terms of issue.
10. Lastly, investors can approach the investor relations officer for grievance redressal. In
case the investor does not get appropriate solution, he can approach the investor
grievance cell of SEBI. The investor can also sue the trustees.
Legal Limitations to Investors’ Rights
1. Unit holders cannot sue the trust but they can initiate proceedings against the trustees, if
they feel that they are being cheated.

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Mutual Funds 9.7

2. Except in certain circumstances AMC cannot assure a specified level of return to the
investors. AMC cannot be sued to make good any shortfall in such schemes.
Investors’ Obligations
1. An investor should carefully study the risk factors and other information provided in the
offer document. Failure to study will not entitle him for any rights thereafter.
2. It is the responsibility of the investor to monitor his schemes by studying the reports and
other financial statements of the funds.
Methods for Evaluating the Performance
1. Sharpe Ratio
The excess return earned over the risk free return on portfolio to the portfolio’s total risk
measured by the standard deviation. This formula uses the volatility of portfolio return.
The Sharpe ratio is often used to rank the risk-adjusted performance of various portfolios
over the same time. The higher a Sharpe ratio, the better a portfolio’s returns have been
relative to the amount of investment risk the investor has taken.
Return of portfolio - Return of risk free investment
Standard Deviation of Portfolio
2. Treynor Ratio
This ratio is similar to the Sharpe Ratio except it uses Beta of portfolio instead of
standard deviation. Treynor ratio evaluates the performance of a portfolio based on the
systematic risk of a fund. Treynor ratio is based on the premise that unsystematic or
specific risk can be diversified and hence, only incorporates the systematic risk (beta) to
gauge the portfolio's performance.
Return of portfolio - Return of risk free investment
Beta of Portfolio
3. Jensen’s Alpha
The comparison of actual return of the fund with the benchmark portfolio of the same
risk. Normally, for the comparison of portfolios of mutual funds this ratio is applied and
compared with market return. It shows the comparative risk and reward from the said
portfolio. Alpha is the excess of actual return compared with expected return.
Question 7
What are the signals that indicate that is time for an investor to exit a mutual fund scheme?
(1) When the mutual fund consistently under performs the broad based index, it is high time
that it should get out of the scheme.

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9.8 Strategic Financial Management

(2) When the mutual fund consistently under performs its peer group instead of it being at
the top. In such a case, it would have to pay to get out of the scheme and then invest in
the winning schemes.
(3) When the mutual fund changes its objectives e.g. instead of providing a regular income
to the investor, the composition of the portfolio has changed to a growth fund mode which
is not in tune with the investor’s risk preferences.
(4) When the investor changes his objective of investing in a mutual fund which no longer is
beneficial to him.
(5) When the fund manager, handling the mutual fund schemes, has been replaced by a new
entrant whose image is not known.
Question 8
Briefly explain what is an exchange traded fund.
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) were introduced in US in 1993 and came to India around
2002. ETF is a hybrid product that combines the features of an index mutual fund and stock
and hence, is also called index shares. These funds are listed on the stock exchanges and
their prices are linked to the underlying index. The authorized participants act as market
makers for ETFs.
ETF can be bought and sold like any other stock on stock exchange. In other words, they can
be bought or sold any time during the market hours at prices that are expected to be closer to
the NAV at the end of the day. NAV of an ETF is the value of the underlying component of the
benchmark index held by the ETF plus all accrued dividends less accrued management fees.
There is no paper work involved for investing in an ETF. These can be bought like any other
stock by just placing an order with a broker.
Some other important features of ETF are as follows:
1. It gives an investor the benefit of investing in a commodity without physically purchasing
the commodity like gold, silver, sugar etc.
2. It is launched by an asset management company or other entity.
3. The investor does not need to physically store the commodity or bear the costs of upkeep
which is part of the administrative costs of the fund.
4. An ETF combines the valuation feature of a mutual fund or unit investment trust, which
can be bought or sold at the end of each trading day for its net asset value, with the
tradability feature of a closed-end fund, which trades throughout the trading day at prices
that may be more or less than its net asset value.

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Mutual Funds 9.9

Question 9
Distinguish between Open-ended and Close-ended Schemes.
Open Ended Scheme do not have maturity period. These schemes are available for
subscription and repurchase on a continuous basis. Investor can conveniently buy and sell
unit. The price is calculated and declared on daily basis. The calculated price is termed as
NAV. The buying price and selling price is calculated with certain adjustment to NAV. The key
future of the scheme is liquidity.
Close Ended Scheme has a stipulated maturity period normally 5 to 10 years. The Scheme is
open for subscription only during the specified period at the time of launce of the scheme.
Investor can invest at the time of initial issue and thereafter they can buy or sell from stock
exchange where the scheme is listed. To provide an exit rout some close-ended schemes give
an option of selling bank (repurchase) on the basis of NAV. The NAV is generally declared on
weekly basis.
The points of difference between the two types of funds can be explained as under
Parameter Open Ended Fund Closed Ended Fund
Fund Size Flexible Fixed
Liquidity Provider Fund itself Stock Market
Sale Price At NAV plus load, if any Significant Premium/ Discount to NAV
Availability Fund itself Through Exchange where listed
Intra-Day Trading Not possible Expensive
Question 10
Write short notes on Money market mutual fund.
An important part of financial market is Money market. It is a market for short-term money. It
plays a crucial role in maintaining the equilibrium between the short-term demand and supply
of money. Such schemes invest in safe highly liquid instruments included in commercial
papers certificates of deposits and government securities.
Accordingly, the Money Market Mutual Fund (MMMF) schemes generally provide high returns
and highest safety to the ordinary investors. MMMF schemes are active players of the money
market. They channelize the idle short funds, particularly of corporate world, to those who
require such funds. This process helps those who have idle funds to earn some income
without taking any risk and with surety that whenever they will need their funds, they will get
(generally in maximum three hours of time) the same. Short-term/emergency requirements of

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9.10 Strategic Financial Management

various firms are met by such Mutual Funds. Participation of such Mutual Funds provide a
boost to money market and help in controlling the volatility.
Question 11
(i) Who can be appointed as Asset Management Company (AMC)?
(ii) Write the conditions to be fulfilled by an AMC.
(iii) What are the obligations of AMC?
(i) Asset Management Company (AMC): A company formed and registered under
Companies Act 1956 and which has obtained the approval of SEBI to function as an
asset management company may be appointed by the sponsor of the mutual fund as
AMC for creation and maintenance of investment portfolios under different schemes. The
AMC is involved in the daily administration of the fund and typically has three
departments: a) Fund Management; b) Sales and Marketing and c) Operations and
(ii) Conditions to be fulfilled by an AMC
(1) The Memorandum and Articles of Association of the AMC is required to be
approved by the SEBI.
(2) Any director of the asset management company shall not hold the place of a
director in another asset management company unless such person is independent
director referred to in clause (d) of sub-regulation (1) of regulation 21 of the
Regulations and the approval of the Board of asset management company of which
such person is a director, has been obtained. Atleast 50% of the directors of the
AMC should be independent (i.e. not associated with the sponsor).
(3) The asset management company shall forthwith inform SEBI of any material change
in the information or particulars previously furnished which have a bearing on the
approval granted by SEBI.
(a) No appointment of a director of an asset management company shall be made
without the prior approval of the trustees.
(b) The asset management company undertakes to comply with SEBI (Mutual
Funds) Regulations, 1996.
(c) No change in controlling interest of the asset management company shall be
made unless prior approval of the trustees and SEBI is obtained.
(i) A written communication about the proposed change is sent to each unit
holder and an advertisement is given in one English Daily newspaper having
nation wide circulation and in a newspaper published in the language of the
region where the head office of the mutual fund is situated.

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Mutual Funds 9.11

(ii) The unit holders are given an option to exit at the prevailing Net Asset
Value without any exit load.
(iii) The asset management company shall furnish such information and
documents to the trustees as and when required by the trustees.
(4) The minimum net worth of an AMC should be ` 10 crores, of which not less than
40% is to be contributed by the sponsor.
(iii) Obligations of the AMC
(1) The AMC shall manage the affairs of the mutual funds and operate the schemes of
such fund.
(2) The AMC shall take all reasonable steps and exercise due diligence to ensure that
the investment of the mutual funds pertaining to any scheme is not contrary to the
provisions of SEBI Regulations and the trust deed of the mutual fund.
Question 12
Mr. A can earn a return of 16 per cent by investing in equity shares on his own. Now he is
considering a recently announced equity based mutual fund scheme in which initial expenses
are 5.5 per cent and annual recurring expenses are 1.5 per cent. How much should the mutual
fund earn to provide Mr. A return of 16 per cent?
Personal earnings of Mr. A = R1 = 16%
Mutual Fund earnings = R2
R2 = R 1 + Recurring expenses (%)
1 − Initial expenses (%)
= × 16% + 1.5%
1 − 0.055
= 18.43%
Mutual Fund earnings = 18.43%
Question 13
Mr. X earns 10% on his investments in equity shares. He is considering a recently floated
scheme of a Mutual Fund where the initial expenses are 6% and annual recurring expenses
are expected to be 2%. How much the Mutual Fund scheme should earn to provide a return of
10% to Mr. X?

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9.12 Strategic Financial Management

r2 = x r1 + recurring exp.
1 − initial exp
The rate of return the mutual fund should earn;
= x 0.1 + 0.02
1 − 0.06
= 0.1264 or 12.64%
Question 14
The unit price of Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) of a mutual fund is ` 10/-. The public
offer price (POP) of the unit is ` 10.204 and the redemption price is ` 9.80.
(i) Front-end Load
(ii) Back end Load
Public Offer Price = NAV/ (1 – Front end Load)
Public Offer Price: ` 10.204 and NAV: ` 10
10.204 = 10/(1 – F)
F = 0.0199 say 2%
Redemption Price = NAV/ (1 – Back End Load)
` 9.80 = 10/ (1 – Back End Load)
B = 0.0204 i.e. 2.04%
10.204 − 10.00
(i) Front End Load = = 0.0204 or 2.04%
10.00 − 9.80
(ii) Exit Load = = 0.020 or 2.00%
Question 15
A mutual fund that had a net asset value of ` 20 at the beginning of month - made income and
capital gain distribution of Re. 0.0375 and Re. 0.03 per share respectively during the month, and
then ended the month with a net asset value of ` 20.06. Calculate monthly return.

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Mutual Funds 9.13

Calculation of Monthly Return on the Mutual Funds
 (NAV t - NAV t- 1 ) + I t + G t 
r= 
 NAV t- 1 
r = Return on the mutual fund
NAVt = Net assets value at time period t
NAVt – 1 = Net assets value at time period t – 1
It = Income at time period t
Gt = Capital gain distribution at time period t
 ( ` 20.06 − ` 20.00 ) + ( ` 0.0375 + ` 0.03 ) 
r =  
 20 
0.06 + 0.0675
= = 0.006375
Or, r = 0.6375% p.m.
Or = 7.65% p.a.
Question 16
A mutual fund that had a net asset value of `16 at the beginning of a month, made income and
capital gain distribution of `0.04 and `0.03 respectively per unit during the month, and then
ended the month with a net asset value of `16.08. Calculate monthly and annual rate of return.
Calculation of monthly return on the mutual funds:
(NAV t - NAVt -1 ) + I t +G t
NAVt -1

Or, r =
( ` 16.08 − `v16.00 ) + ( ` 0.04 + ` 0.03 )
0.08 + 0.07
= = 0.009375 or, r = 0.9375% or 11.25% p.a.

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9.14 Strategic Financial Management

Question 17
An investor purchased 300 units of a Mutual Fund at ` 12.25 per unit on 31st December, 2009.
As on 31st December, 2010 he has received ` 1.25 as dividend and ` 1.00 as capital gains
distribution per unit.
Required :
(i) The return on the investment if the NAV as on 31st December, 2010 is ` 13.00.
(ii) The return on the investment as on 31st December, 2010 if all dividends and capital gains
distributions are reinvested into additional units of the fund at ` 12.50 per unit.
Return for the year (all changes on a per year basis)
Particulars ` /Unit
Change in price (` 13.00 – ` 12.25) 0.75
Dividend received 1.25
Capital gain distribution 1.00
Total Return 3.00
Return on investment = × 100 = 24.49%
Alternatively, it can also be computed as follows:
(NAV1 - NAV0 )+ D1 + CG1

(13 -12.25) + 1.25 + 1.00

= X 100
= 24.49%
If all dividends and capital gain are reinvested into additional units at ` 12.50 per unit the
position would be.
Total amount reinvested = ` 2.25 × 300 = ` 675
` 675
Additional units added = = 54 units
Value of 354 units as on 31-12-2010 = ` 4,602
Price paid for 300 units on 31-12-2009 (300 × ` 12.25) = ` 3,675

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` 4,602 - ` 3,675 ` 927

Return = = = 25.22%
` 3,675 ` 3,675

Question 18
SBI mutual fund has a NAV of ` 8.50 at the beginning of the year. At the end of the year NAV
increases to ` 9.10. Meanwhile fund distributes ` 0.90 as dividend and ` 0.75 as capital
(i) What is the fund’s return during the year?
(ii) Had these distributions been re-invested at an average NAV of ` 8.75 assuming 200 units
were purchased originally. What is the return?
Return for the year (all changes on a per year basis)
Particulars ` /Unit
Change in price (` 9.10 – ` 8.50) 0.60
Dividend received 0.90
Capital gain distribution 0.75
Total Return 2.25
Return on investment = × 100 = 26.47%
If all dividends and capital gain are reinvested into additional units at ` 8.75 per unit the
position would be.
Total amount reinvested = ` 1.65 × 200 = ` 330
` 330
Additional units added = = 37.71 units
Value of 237.71 units at end of year = ` 2,163.16
Price paid for 200 units in beginning of the year (200 × ` 8.50) = ` 1,700
` 2,163.16 - ` 1,700 ` 463.16
Return = = = 27.24%
` 1,700 ` 1,700
Question 19
The following information is extracted from Steady Mutual Fund’s Scheme:
- Asset Value at the beginning of the month - ` 65.78
- Annualised return -15 %

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- Distributions made in the nature of Income - ` 0.50 and ` 0.32

& Capital gain (per unit respectively).
You are required to:
(1) Calculate the month end net asset value of the mutual fund scheme (limit your answers
to two decimals).
(2) Provide a brief comment on the month end NAV.
(1) Calculation of NAV at the end of month:
Given Annual Return = 15%
Hence Monthly Return = 1.25% (r)
(NAV t - NAVt -1 ) + I t +G t
NAVt -1

0.0125 =
(NAVt − ` 65.78) + ` 0.50 + ` 0.32
` 65.78
0.82 = NAVt - ` 64.96
NAVt = ` 65.78
(2) There is no change in NAV.
Question 20
Orange purchased 200 units of Oxygen Mutual Fund at ` 45 per unit on 31st December, 2009.
In 2010, he received ` 1.00 as dividend per unit and a capital gains distribution of ` 2 per unit.
(i) Calculate the return for the period of one year assuming that the NAV as on
31st December 2010 was ` 48 per unit.
(ii) Calculate the return for the period of one year assuming that the NAV as on
31st December 2010 was ` 48 per unit and all dividends and capital gains distributions
have been reinvested at an average price of ` 46.00 per unit.
Ignore taxation.
(i) Returns for the year
(All changes on a Per -Unit Basis)
Change in Price: ` 48 – `45 = ` 3.00

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Dividends received: ` 1.00

Capital gains distribution ` 2.00
Total reward ` 6.00
` 6.00
Holding period reward: × 100 = 13.33%
` 45

(ii) When all dividends and capital gains distributions are re-invested into additional units of
the fund @ (` 46/unit)
Dividend + Capital Gains per unit = ` 1.00 + ` 2.00 = ` 3.00
Total received from 200 units = ` 3.00 x 200 = ` 600/-.
Additional Units Acquired = ` 600/` 46 = 13.04 Units.
Total No. of Units = 200 units + 13.04 units = 213.04 units.
Value of 213.04 units held at the end of the year
= 213.04 units x `48 = ` 10225.92
Price Paid for 200 Units at the beginning of the year = 200 units x ` 45 = ` 9000.00
Holding Period Reward ` (10225.92 – 9000.00) = `1225.92
`1225 .92
Holding Period Reward = × 100 = 13.62%
` 9000
Question 21
Cinderella Mutual Fund has the following assets in Scheme Rudolf at the close of business on
31 s t March,2014.
Company No. of Shares Market Price Per Share
Nairobi Ltd. 25000 ` 20
Dakar Ltd. 35000 ` 300
Senegal Ltd. 29000 ` 380
Cairo Ltd. 40000 ` 500

The total number of units of Scheme Rudol fare 10 lacs. The Scheme Rudolf has accrued
expenses of ` 2,50,000 and other liabilities of ` 2,00,000. Calculate the NAV per unit of the
Scheme Rudolf.

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Shares No. of shares Price Amount (`)

Nairobi Ltd. 25,000 20.00 5,00,000
Dakar Ltd. 35,000 300.00 1,05,00,000
Senegal Ltd. 29,000 380.00 1,10,20,000
Cairo Ltd. 40,000 500.00 2,00,00,000
Less: Accrued Expenses 2,50,000
Other Liabilities 2,00,000
Total Value 4,15,70,000
No. of Units 10,00,000
NAV per Unit (4,15,70,000/10,00,000) 41.57
Question 22
A Mutual Fund Co. has the following assets under it on the close of business as on:

1st February 2012 2nd February 2012

Company No. of Shares Market price per share Market price per share
` `
L Ltd 20,000 20.00 20.50
M Ltd 30,000 312.40 360.00
N Ltd 20,000 361.20 383.10
P Ltd 60,000 505.10 503.90

Total No. of Units 6,00,000

(i) Calculate Net Assets Value (NAV) of the Fund as on 1st February.
(ii) Following information is given:
Assuming one Mr. A, submits a cheque of ` 30,00,000 to the Mutual Fund and the Fund
manager of this company purchases 8,000 shares of M Ltd; and the balance amount is
held in Bank. In such a case, what would be the position of the Fund?
(iii) Find new NAV of the Fund as on 2nd February 2012.

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(i) NAV of the Fund
` 4,00,000 + ` 93,72,000 + ` 72,24,000 + ` 3,03,06,000
` 4,73,02,000
= =` 78.8366 rounded to ` 78.84
(ii) The revised position of fund shall be as follows:
Shares No. of shares Price Amount (`)
L Ltd. 20,000 20.00 4,00,000
M Ltd. 38,000 312.40 1,18,71,200
N Ltd. 20,000 361.20 72,24,000
P Ltd. 60,000 505.10 3,03,06,000
Cash 5,00,800
No. of units of fund = 6,00,000 + = 6,38,053
(iii) On 2nd February 2012, the NAV of fund will be as follows:
Shares No. of shares Price Amount (`)
L Ltd. 20,000 20.50 4,10,000
M Ltd. 38,000 360.00 1,36,80,000
N Ltd. 20,000 383.10 76,62,000
P Ltd. 60,000 503.90 3,02,34,000
Cash 5,00,800
` 5,24,86,800
NAV as on 2nd February 2012 = = ` 82.26 per unit
Question 23
On 1st April 2009 Fair Return Mutual Fund has the following assets and prices at 4.00 p.m.
Shares No. of Shares Market Price Per Share (`)
A Ltd. 10000 19.70
B Ltd. 50000 482.60

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C Ltd. 10000 264.40

D Ltd. 100000 674.90
E Ltd. 30000 25.90
No. of units of funds 8,00,000
Please calculate:
(a) NAV of the Fund on 1st April 2009.
(b) Assuming that on 1st April 2009, Mr. X, a HNI, send a cheque of ` 50,00,000 to the Fund
and Fund Manager immediately purchases 18000 shares of C Ltd. and balance is held in
bank. Then what will be position of fund.
(c) Now suppose on 2 April 2009 at 4.00 p.m. the market price of shares is as follows:
Shares `
A Ltd. 20.30
B Ltd. 513.70
C Ltd. 290.80
D Ltd. 671.90
E Ltd. 44.20
Then what will be new NAV.
(a) NAV of the Fund.
` 1,97,000 + ` 2,41,30,000 + ` 26,44,000 + ` 6,74,90,000 + ` 7,77,000
` 9,52,38,000
= = ` 119.0475 rounded to ` 119.05
(b) The revised position of fund shall be as follows:
Shares No. of shares Price Amount (Rs.)
A Ltd. 10000 19.70 1,97,000
B Ltd. 50000 482.60 2,41,30,000
C Ltd. 28000 264.40 74,03,200
D Ltd. 100000 674.90 674,90,000
E Ltd. 30000 25.90 7,77,000
Cash 2,40,800

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No. of units of fund = 800000 + = 842000
(c) On 2nd April 2009, the NAV of fund will be as follows:
Shares No. of shares Price Amount (`)
A Ltd. 10000 20.30 2,03,000
B Ltd. 50000 513.70 2,56,85,000
C Ltd. 28000 290.80 81,42,400
D Ltd. 100000 671.90 6,71,90,000
E Ltd. 30000 44.20 13,26,000
Cash 2,40,800
` 10,27,87,200
NAV as on 2nd April 2009 = = ` 122.075 per unit
Question 24
A has invested in three Mutual Fund Schemes as per details below:
Particulars MF A MF B MF C
Date of investment 01.12.2009 01.01.2010 01.03.2010
Amount of investment ` 50,000 ` 1,00,000 ` 50,000
Net Asset Value (NAV) at entry date ` 10.50 ` 10 ` 10
Dividend received upto 31.03.2010 ` 950 ` 1,500 Nil
NAV as at 31.03.2010 ` 10.40 ` 10.10 ` 9.80
What is the effective yield on per annum basis in respect of each of the three schemes to
Mr. A upto 31.03.2010?
Scheme Investment Unit Nos. (Investment/NAV at Unit NAV Total NAV 31.3.2010
entry date) 31.3.2010 (Unit Nos. X Unit NAV
as on 31.3.2010)
` ` `
MF A 50,000 4761.905 10.40 49,523.812
MF B 1,00,000 10,000 10.10 1,01,000
MF C 50,000 5,000 9.80 49,000

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Scheme NAV Dividend Total Yield Number Effective Yield (%

(+) / (–) Received Change in of days P.A.) (Total Yield/
(NAV as on 31.3.2010 – NAV Investment) X
Investment) +Dividend (365/No. of days)
X 100
` ` `
MF A (–)476.188 950 473.812 121 2.858%
MF B (+)1,000 1,500 2,500 90 10.139%
MF C (–)1,000 Nil (–)1,000 31 (–)24%
Question 25
Mr. Sinha has invested in three Mutual fund schemes as per details below:
Scheme X Scheme Y Scheme Z
Date of Investment 01.12.2008 01.01.2009 01.03.2009
Amount of Investment ` 5,00,000 ` 1,00,000 ` 50,000
Net Asset Value at entry date ` 10.50 ` 10.00 ` 10.00
Dividend received upto 31.03.2009 ` 9,500 ` 1,500 Nil
NAV as at 31.3.2009 ` 10.40 ` 10.10 ` 9.80
You are required to calculate the effective yield on per annum basis in respect of each of the
three schemes to Mr. Sinha upto 31.03.2009.
Calculation of effective yield on per annum basis in respect of three mutual fund schemes to
Mr. Sinha up to 31-03-2009:
Particulars Mfx Mfy Mfz
(a) Investments ` 5,00,000 ` 1,00,000 ` 50,000
(b) Opening NAV `10.50 `10.00 `10.00
(c) No. of units (a/b) 47,619.05 10,000 5,000
(d) Unit NAV ON 31-3-2009 ` 10.40 ` 10.10 ` 9.80
(e) Total NAV on 31-3-2009 (c x d) ` 4,95,238.12 ` 1,01,000 ` 49,000
(f) Increase / Decrease of NAV (e - a) (` 4,761.88) ` 1,000 (` 1,000)
(g) Dividend Received ` 9,500 ` 1,500 Nil
(h) Total yield (f + g) ` 4,738.12 ` 2,500 (` 1,000)

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(i) Number of Days 121 90 31

(j) Effective yield p.a. (h/a x 365/i x 100) 2.859% 10.139% (-) 23.55%

Question 26
Mr. Y has invested in the three mutual funds (MF) as per the following details:
Particulars MF ‘X’ MF ‘Y’ MF ‘Z’
Amount of Investment (`) 2,00,000 4,00,000 2,00,000
Net Assets Value (NAV) at the time of purchase (`) 10.30 10.10 10
Dividend Received up to 31.03.2018 (`) 6,000 0 5,000
NAV as on 31.03.2018 (`) 10.25 10 10.20
Effective Yield per annum as on 31.03.2018 (percent) 9.66 -11.66 24.15
Assume 1 Year =365 days
Mr. Y has misplaced the documents of his investment. Held him in finding the date of his
original investment after ascertaining the following:
(i) Number of units in each scheme;
(ii) Total NAV;
(iii) Total Yield; and
(iv) Number of days investment held.
(i) Number of Units in each Scheme
MF ‘X’ ` 2,00,000
= 19,417.48
` 10.30
MF ‘Y’ ` 4,00,000
= 39,603.96
` 10.10
MF ‘Z’ ` 2,00,000
= 20,000.00
` 10.00

(ii) Total NAV on 31.03.2018

MF ‘X’ = 19,417.48 x ` 10.25 ` 1,99,029.17
MF ‘Y’ = 39,603.96 x ` 10.00 ` 3,96,039.60
MF ‘Z’ = 20,000.00 x ` 10.20 ` 2,04,000.00
Total ` 7,99,068.77

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(iii) Total Yield

Capital Yield Dividend Yield Total
MF ‘X’ ` 1,99,029.17- ` 2,00,000 ` 6,000 ` 5,029.17
= - ` 970.83
MF ‘Y’ ` 3,96,039.60 - ` 4,00,000 Nil - ` 3,960.40
= - ` 3,960.40
MF ‘Z’ ` 2,04,000 - ` 2,00,000 ` 5,000 ` 9,000.00
= ` 4,000
Total ` 10,068.77
` 10,068.77
Total Yield = × 100 = 1.2586%
` 8,00,000

(iv) No. of Days Investment Held

MF ‘X’ MF ‘Y’ MF ‘Z’
Let No. of days be X Y Z
Initial Investment (`) 2,00,000 4,00,000 2,00,000
Yield (`) 5,029.17 -3,960.40 9,000.00
Yield (%) 2.5146 - 0.9901 4.5
Period of Holding (Days) 2.5146 − 0.9901 4.5
× 365 × 365 × 365
9.66 −11.66 24.15
= 95 Days = 31 Days = 68 Days

Date of Original Investment 26.12.17 28.02.18 22.01.18

Question 27
Mr. X on 1.7.2007, during the initial offer of some Mutual Fund invested in 10,000 units having
face value of ` 10 for each unit. On 31.3.2008, the dividend paid by the M.F. was 10% and Mr.
X found that his annualized yield was 153.33%. On 31.12.2009, 20% dividend was given. On
31.3.2010, Mr. X redeemed all his balance of 11,296.11 units when his annualized yield was
73.52%. What are the NAVs as on 31.3.2008, 31.3.2009 and 31.3.2010?
Yield for 9 months = (153.33 x 9/12) = 115%
Market value of Investments as on 31.03.2008 = 1,00,000/- + (1,00,000x 115%)
= `2,15,000/-
Therefore, NAV as on 31.03.2008 = (2,15,000-10,000)/10,000= `20.50

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(NAV would stand reduced to the extent of dividend payout, being (10,000x10x10%) = `10,000)
Since dividend was reinvested by Mr. X, additional units acquired = = 487.80 units
` 20.50
Therefore, units as on 31.03.2008 = 10, 000+ 487.80 = 10,487.80
[Alternately, units as on 31.03.2008 = (2,15,000/20.50) = 10,487.80]
Dividend as on 31.03.2009 = 10,487.80 x 10 x 0.2 = `20,975.60
Let X be the NAV on 31.03.2009, then number of new units reinvested will be ` 20,975.60/X.
Accordingly 11296.11 units shall consist of reinvested units and 10487.80 (as on 31.03.2008).
Thus, by way of equation it can be shown as follows:
11296.11 = + 10487.80
Therefore, NAV as on 31.03.2009 = 20,975.60/(11,296.11- 10,487.80)
= `25.95
NAV as on 31.03.2010 = ` 1,00,000 (1+0.7352x33/12)/11296.11
= ` 26.75
Question 28
On 01-07-2010, Mr. X Invested ` 50,000/- at initial offer in Mutual Funds at a face value of
` 10 each per unit. On 31-03-2011, a dividend was paid @ 10% and annualized yield was
120%. On 31-03-2012, 20% dividend and capital gain of ` 0.60 per unit was given. Mr. X
redeemed all his 6271.98 units when his annualized yield was 71.50% over the period of
holding. Calculate NAV as on 31-03-2011, 31-03-2012 and 31-03-2013.
For calculations consider a year of 12 months.
Yield for 9 months (120% x 9/12) = 90%
Market value of Investments as on 31.03.2011= ` 50,000/- + (` 50,000x 90%)= ` 95,000/
Therefore, NAV as on 31.03.2011 = (` 95,000 - ` 5,000)/5,000 = ` 18.00
` 5,000
Since dividend was reinvested by Mr. X, additional units acquired = = 277.78 unit
` 18
Therefore, units as on 31.03.2011 = 5,000 + 277.78 = 5,277.78
Alternatively, units as on 31.03.2011 = (` 95,000/`18) = 5,277.78

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Dividend as on 31.03.2012= 5,277.78 x ` 10 x 0.2 = `10,555.56

Capital Gain (5277.78 x ` 0.60) = ` 3,166.67
= `13,722.23
Let X be the NAV on 31.03.2012, then number of new units reinvested will be `13,722.23/X.
Accordingly, 6,271.98 units shall consist of reinvested units and 5277.78 (as on 31.03.2011).
Thus, by way of equation it can be shown as follows:
` 13,722.23
6,271.98 = + 5,277.78
Therefore, NAV as on 31.03.2012 = ` 13,722.23/(6,271.98 – 5,277.78) = ` 13.80
NAV as on 31.03.2013 = ` 50,000 (1+0.715x33/12)/6,271.98 = ` 23.65
Question 29
Mr. X on 1.7.2012, during the initial public offer of a Mutual Fund (MF) invested
` 1,00,000 at Face Value of ` 10. On 31.3.2013, the MF declared a dividend of 10% when Mr.
X calculated that his holding period return was 115%. On 31.3.2014, MF again declared a
dividend of 20%. On 31.3.2015, Mr. X redeemed all his investment which had accumulated to
11,296.11 units when his holding period return was 202.17%.
Calculate the NAVs as on 31.03.2013, 31.03.2014 and 31.03.2015.
Yield for 9 months = 115%
Market value of Investments as on 31.03.2013 = 1,00,000/- + (1,00,000x 115%)
= ` 2,15,000/-
Therefore, NAV as on 31.03.2013 = (2,15,000-10,000)/10,000 = ` 20.50
(NAV would stand reduced to the extent of dividend payout, being (`100,000 x 10%) = `
Since dividend was reinvested by Mr. X, additional units acquired
` 10,000
= = 487.80 units
` 20.50
Therefore, units as on 31.03.2013 = 10,000+ 487.80 = 10,487.80
[Alternately, units as on 31.03.2013 = (2,15,000/20.50) = 10,487.80]
Dividend as on 31.03.2014 = 10,487.80 x 10 x 0.2 = ` 20,975.60

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Let X be the NAV on 31.03.2014, then number of new units reinvested will be
` 20,975.60/X. Accordingly 11296.11 units shall consist of reinvested units and 10487.80 (as
on 31.03.2013). Thus, by way of equation it can be shown as follows:
11296.11 = + 10487.80
Therefore, NAV as on 31.03.2014 = 20,975.60/(11,296.11- 10,487.80)
= ` 25.95
NAV as on 31.03.2015 = ` 1,00,000 (1+2.0217)/11296.11
= ` 26.75
Question 30
A Mutual Fund having 300 units has shown its NAV of `8.75 and `9.45 at the beginning and
at the end of the year respectively. The Mutual Fund has given two options:
(i) Pay `0.75 per unit as dividend and `0.60 per unit as a capital gain, or
(ii) These distributions are to be reinvested at an average NAV of `8.65 per unit.
What difference it would make in terms of return available and which option is preferable?
(i) Returns for the year
(All changes on a Per -Unit Basis)
Change in Price: ` 9.45 – `8.75 = ` 0.70
Dividends received: ` 0.75
Capital gains distribution ` 0.60
Total reward ` 2.05
` 2.05
Holding period reward: × 100 = 23.43%
` 8.75
(ii) When all dividends and capital gains distributions are re-invested into additional units of
the fund @ (` 8.65/unit)
Dividend + Capital Gains per unit
= ` 0.75 + ` 0.60 = ` 1.35
Total received from 300 units = `1.35 x 300 = `405/-.
Additional Units Acquired
= `405/`8.65 = 46.82 Units.
Total No.of Units = 300 units + 46.82 units = 346.82 units.

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Value of 346.82 units held at the end of the year

= 346.82 units x `9.45 = `3277.45
Price Paid for 300 Units at the beginning of the year
= 300 units x `8.75 = `2,625.00
Holding Period Reward
` (3277.45 – 2625.00) = `652.45
` 652.45
Holding Period Reward = × 100 = 24.85%
` 2625.00
Conclusion: Since the holding period reward is more in terms of percentage in option-two i.e.,
reinvestment of distributions at an average NAV of `8.65 per unit, this option is preferable.
Question 31
On 1-4-2012 ABC Mutual Fund issued 20 lakh units at ` 10 per unit. Relevant initial
expenses involved were ` 12 lakhs. It invested the fund so raised in capital market
instruments to build a portfolio of ` 185 lakhs. During the month of April 2012 it disposed off
some of the instruments costing ` 60 lakhs for ` 63 lakhs and used the proceeds in
purchasing securities for ` 56 lakhs. Fund management expenses for the month of April 2012
was ` 8 lakhs of which 10% was in arrears. In April 2012 the fund earned dividends amounting
to ` 2 lakhs and it distributed 80% of the realized earnings. On 30-4-2012 the market value of
the portfolio was ` 198 lakhs.
Mr. Akash, an investor, subscribed to 100 units on 1-4-2012 and disposed off the same at
closing NAV on 30-4-2012. What was his annual rate of earning?
Amount in Amount in Amount in
` lakhs ` lakhs ` lakhs
Opening Bank (200 - 185 -12) 3.00
Add: Proceeds from sale of securities 63.00
Add: Dividend received 2.00 68.00
Cost of securities purchased 56.00
Fund management expenses paid (90% of 8) 7.20
Capital gains distributed = 80% of (63 – 60) 2.40
Dividend distributed =80% of 2.00 1.60 67.20
Closing Bank 0.80

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Closing market value of portfolio 198.00

Less: Arrears of expenses 0.80
Closing Net Assets 198.00
Number of units (Lakhs) 20
Closing NAV per unit (198.00/20) 9.90
Rate of Earning (Per Unit)
Income received (` 2.40 + ` 1.60)/20 ` 0.20
Loss: Loss on disposal (` 200 - ` 198)/20 ` 0.10
Net earning ` 0.10
Initial investment ` 10.00
Rate of earning (monthly) 1%
Rate of earning (Annual) 12%
Question 32
Sun Moon Mutual Fund (Approved Mutual Fund) sponsored open-ended equity oriented
scheme “Chanakya Opportunity Fund”. There were three plans viz. ‘A’ – Dividend Re-
investment Plan, ‘B’ – Bonus Plan & ‘C’ – Growth Plan.
At the time of Initial Public Offer on 1.4.1999, Mr. Anand, Mr. Bacchan & Mrs. Charu, three
investors invested ` 1,00,000 each & chosen ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘A’ Plan respectively.
The History of the Fund is as follows:
Date Dividend % Bonus Ratio Net Asset Value per Unit (F.V. ` 10)
Plan A Plan B Plan C
28.07.2003 20 30.70 31.40 33.42
31.03.2004 70 5:4 58.42 31.05 70.05
31.10.2007 40 42.18 25.02 56.15
15.03.2008 25 46.45 29.10 64.28
31.03.2008 1:3 42.18 20.05 60.12
24.03.2009 40 1:4 48.10 19.95 72.40
31.07.2009 53.75 22.98 82.07
On 31st July all three investors redeemed all the balance units.

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Calculate annual rate of return to each of the investors.

1. Long-term Capital Gain is exempt from Income tax.
2. Short-term Capital Gain is subject to 10% Income tax.
3. Security Transaction Tax 0.2 per cent only on sale/redemption of units.
4. Ignore Education Cess
Mrs. Charu Plan A Dividend Reinvestment
(Amount in ` )
Date Investment Dividend Dividend Re-invested NAV Units Closing
payout (Closing Units X Unit
(%) Face value of ‘10 X Balance
Dividend Payout %) ∑ Units
01.04.1999 1,00,000.00 10.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
28.07.2003 20 20,000.00 30.70 651.47 10,651.47
31.03.2004 70 74,560.29 58.42 1,276.28 11,927.75
30.10.2007 40 47,711.00 42.18 1,131.13 13,058.88
15.03.2008 25 32,647.20 46.45 702.85 13,761.73
24.03.2009 40 55,046.92 48.10 1,144.43 14,906.16
Redemption value 14,906.16 × 53.75 8,01,206.10
Less: Security Transaction Tax (STT) is 0.2% 1,602.41
Net amount received 7,99,603.69
Less: Short term capital gain tax @ 10% on 1,144.43 (53.64* – 48.10≈) = 6,340 634
Net of tax 7,98,969.69
Less: Investment 1,00,000.00
*(53.75 – STT @ 0.2%) ≈ This value can also be taken as zero
6,98,969.69 12
Annual average return (%) × × 100 = 67.64 %
1,00,000 124

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Mr. Anand Plan B – Bonus

(Amount in `)
Date Units Bonus units Total Balance NAV per unit
01.04.1999 10,000 10,000 10
31.03.2004 12,500 22,500 31.05
31.03.2008 7,500 30,000 20.05
24.03.2009 7,500 37,500 19.95
Redemption value 37,500 × 22.98 8,61,750.00
Less: Security Transaction Tax (STT) is 0.2% 1,723.50
Net amount received 8,60,026.50
Less: Short term capital gain tax @ 10%
7,500 × (22.93† – 19.95) = 22,350 2,235.00
Net of tax 8,57,791.50
Less: Investment 1,00,000.00
Net gain 7,57,791.50
†(22.98 – STT @ 0.2%)
7,57,791.50 12
Annual average return (%) × × 100 = 73.33 %
1,00,000 124
Mr. Bacchan Plan C – Growth
Particulars (Amount in `)
Redemption value 10,000 × 82.07 8,20,700.00
Less: Security Transaction Tax (S.T.T) is .2% 1,641.40
Net amount received 8,19,058.60
Less: Short term capital gain tax @ 10% 0.00
Net of tax 8,19,058.60
Less: Investment 1,00,000.00
Net gain 7,19,058.60

7,19,058 12
Annual average return (%) × × 100 = 69.59 %
1,00,000 124
Note: Alternatively, figure of * and † can be taken as without net of Tax because, as per
Proviso 5 of Section 48 of IT Act, no deduction of STT shall be allowed in computation of
Capital Gain.

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9.32 Strategic Financial Management

Question 33
A mutual fund company introduces two schemes i.e. Dividend plan (Plan-D) and Bonus plan
(Plan-B). The face value of the unit is ` 10. On 1-4-2005 Mr. K invested ` 2,00,000 each in
Plan-D and Plan-B when the NAV was ` 38.20 and ` 35.60 respectively. Both the plans
matured on 31-3-2010.
Particulars of dividend and bonus declared over the period are as follows:
Date Dividend Bonus Net Asset Value (`)
% Ratio Plan D Plan B
30-09-2005 10 39.10 35.60
30-06-2006 1:5 41.15 36.25
31-03-2007 15 44.20 33.10
15-09-2008 13 45.05 37.25
30-10-2008 1:8 42.70 38.30
27-03-2009 16 44.80 39.10
11-04-2009 1:10 40.25 38.90
31-03-2010 40.40 39.70
What is the effective yield per annum in respect of the above two plans?
Plan – D
Unit acquired = = 5235.60
Date Units held Dividend Reinvestment New Total
% Amount Rate Units Units
01.04.2005 5235.60
30.09.2005 5235.60 10 5235.60 39.10 133.90 5369.50
31.03.2007 5369.50 15 8054.25 44.20 182.22 5551.72
15.09.2008 5551.72 13 7217.24 45.05 160.20 5711.92
27.03.2009 5711.92 16 9139.07 44.80 204 5915.92
31.03.2010 Maturity Value (` 40.40 X 5915.92) ` 2,39,003.17
Less: Cost of Acquisition ` 2,00,000.00
Total Gain ` 39,003.17

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Mutual Funds 9.33

` 39,003.17 1
∴Effective Yield = × × 100 = 3.90%
` 2,00,000 5
Alternatively, it can be computed by using the IRR method as follows:
NPV at 4% = -2,00,000 + 1,96,443 = -3,557
NPV at 2% = -2,00,000 + 2,16,473 = 16,473
NPV at LR 16473
IRR= LR + (HR - LR) = 2% + ( 4% - 2%) = 3.645%
NPV at LR - NPV at HR 16473 - (-3557)
Plan – B
Date Particulars Calculation Working No. of Units NAV (`)
1.4.05 Investment `2,00,000/35.60= 5617.98 35.60
30.6.06 Bonus 5617.98/5 = 1123.60 36.25
30.10.08 " 6741.58/8 = 842.70 38.30
11.4.09 " 7584.28/10 = 758.43 38.90
31.3.10 Maturity Value 8342.71 x ` 39.70= 3,31,205.59
Less: Investment 2,00,000.00
Gain 1,31,205.59

1,31,205.59 1
∴Effective Yield x x100 = 13.12%
2,00,000 5
Alternatively, it can be computed by using the IRR method as follows:
NPV at 13% = -2,00,000 + 1,79,765 = -20,235
NPV at 8% = -2,00,000 + 2,25,413 = 25,413
NPV at LR 25413
IRR= LR + (HR - LR) = 8% + (13% − 8%) = 10.78%
NPV at LR - NPV at HR 25413 − ( −20235)
Question 34
A mutual fund made an issue of 10,00,000 units of ` 10 each on January 01, 2008. No entry
load was charged. It made the following investments:

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9.34 Strategic Financial Management

Particulars `
50,000 Equity shares of ` 100 each @ ` 160 80,00,000
7% Government Securities 8,00,000
9% Debentures (Unlisted) 5,00,000
10% Debentures (Listed) 5,00,000
During the year, dividends of ` 12,00,000 were received on equity shares. Interest on all types
of debt securities was received as and when due. At the end of the year equity shares and
10% debentures are quoted at 175% and 90% respectively. Other investments are at par.
Find out the Net Asset Value (NAV) per unit given that operating expenses paid during the
year amounted to ` 5,00,000. Also find out the NAV, if the Mutual fund had distributed a
dividend of ` 0.80 per unit during the year to the unit holders.
In order to find out the NAV, the cash balance at the end of the year is calculated as follows-
Particulars `
Cash balance in the beginning
(` 100 lakhs – ` 98 lakhs) 2,00,000
Dividend Received 12,00,000
Interest on 7% Govt. Securities 56,000
Interest on 9% Debentures 45,000
Interest on 10% Debentures 50,000
(-) Operating expenses 5,00,000
Net cash balance at the end 10,51,000
Calculation of NAV `
Cash Balance 10,51,000
7% Govt. Securities (at par) 8,00,000
50,000 equity shares @ ` 175 each 87,50,000
9% Debentures (Unlisted) at cost 5,00,000
10% Debentures @90% 4,50,000
Total Assets 1,15,51000
No. of Units 10,00,000
NAV per Unit ` 11.55

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Mutual Funds 9.35

Calculation of NAV, if dividend of ` 0.80 is paid –

Net Assets (` 1,15,51,000 – ` 8,00,000) ` 1,07,51,000
No. of Units 10,00,000
NAV per unit ` 10.75
Question 35
Based on the following information, determine the NAV of a regular income scheme on per
unit basis:
Particulars ` Crores
Listed shares at Cost (ex-dividend) 20
Cash in hand 1.23
Bonds and debentures at cost 4.3
Of these, bonds not listed and quoted 1
Other fixed interest securities at cost 4.5
Dividend accrued 0.8
Amount payable on shares 6.32
Expenditure accrued 0.75
Number of units (` 10 face value) 20 lacs
Current realizable value of fixed income securities of face value of ` 100 106.5
The listed shares were purchased when Index was 1,000
Present index is 2,300
Value of listed bonds and debentures at NAV date 8
There has been a diminution of 20% in unlisted bonds and debentures. Other fixed interest
securities are at cost.
Particulars Adjusted Values
` crores
Equity Shares 46.00
Cash in hand 1.23
Bonds and debentures not listed 0.80
Bonds and debentures listed 8.00
Dividends accrued 0.80
Fixed income securities 4.50
Sub total assets (A) 61.33

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9.36 Strategic Financial Management

Less: Liabilities
Amount payable on shares 6.32
Expenditure accrued 0.75
Sub total liabilities (B) 7.07
Net Assets Value (A) – (B) 54.26
No. of units 20,00,000
Net Assets Value per unit (` 54.26 crore / 20,00,000) ` 271.30
Question 36
Based on the following data, estimate the Net Asset Value (NAV) on per unit basis of a
Regular Income Scheme of a Mutual Fund:
` (in lakhs)
Listed Equity shares at cost (ex-dividend) 40.00
Cash in hand 2.76
Bonds & Debentures at cost of these, Bonds not listed 8.96
& not quoted 2.50
Other fixed interest securities at cost 9.75
Dividend accrued 1.95
Amount payable on shares 13.54
Expenditure accrued 1.76
Current realizable value of fixed income securities of face value of ` 100 is ` 96.50.
Number of Units (` 10 face value each): 275000
All the listed equity shares were purchased at a time when market portfolio index was 12,500.
On NAV date, the market portfolio index is at 19,975.
There has been a diminution of 15% in unlisted bonds and debentures valuation.
Listed bonds and debentures carry a market value of ` 7.5 lakhs, on NAV date.
Operating expenses paid during the year amounted to ` 2.24 lakhs.
Particulars Adjusted Value
` lakhs
Equity Shares 63.920
Cash in hand 2.760
Bonds and debentures not listed 2.125
Bonds and debentures listed 7.500

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Mutual Funds 9.37

Dividends accrued 1.950

Fixed income securities 9.409
Sub total assets (A) 87.664
Less: Liabilities
Amount payable on shares 13.54
Expenditure accrued 1.76
Sub total liabilities (B) 15.30
Net Assets Value (A) – (B) 72.364
No. of units 2,75,000
Net Assets Value per unit (` 72.364 lakhs / 2,75,000) ` 26.3142
Question 37
On 1st April, an open ended scheme of mutual fund had 300 lakh units outstanding with Net
Assets Value (NAV) of ` 18.75. At the end of April, it issued 6 lakh units at opening NAV plus
2% load, adjusted for dividend equalization. At the end of May, 3 Lakh units were repurchased
at opening NAV less 2% exit load adjusted for dividend equalization. At the end of June, 70%
of its available income was distributed.
In respect of April-June quarter, the following additional information are available:
` in lakh
Portfolio value appreciation 425.47
Income of April 22.950
Income for May 34.425
Income for June 45.450
You are required to calculate
(i) Income available for distribution;
(ii) Issue price at the end of April;
(iii) repurchase price at the end of May; and
(iv) net asset value (NAV) as on 30th June.
Calculation of Income available for Distribution
Units Per Unit Total
(Lakh) (`) (` In lakh)
Income from April 300 0.0765 22.9500
Add: Dividend equalization collected on issue 6 0.0765 0.4590
306 0.0765 23.4090

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9.38 Strategic Financial Management

Add: Income from May 0.1125 34.4250

306 0.1890 57.8340
Less: Dividend equalization paid on repurchase 3 0.1890 (0.5670)
303 0.1890 57.2670
Add: Income from June 0.1500 45.4500
303 0.3390 102.7170
Less: Dividend Paid 0.2373 (71.9019)
303 0.1017 30.8151
Calculation of Issue Price at the end of April
Opening NAV 18.750
Add: Entry Load 2% of ` 18.750 (0.375)
Add: Dividend Equalization paid on Issue Price 0.0765
Calculation of Repurchase Price at the end of May
Opening NAV 18.750
Less: Exit Load 2% of ` 18.750 (0.375)
Add: Dividend Equalization paid on Issue Price 0.1890
Closing NAV
` (Lakh)
Opening Net Asset Value (` 18.75 × 300) 5625.0000
Portfolio Value Appreciation 425.4700
Issue of Fresh Units (6 × 19.2015) 115.2090
Income Received 102.8250
(22.950 + 34.425 + 45.450)
Less: Units repurchased (3 × 18.564) -55.692
Income Distributed -71.9019 (-127.5939)

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Mutual Funds 9.39

Closing Net Asset Value 6140.9101

Closing Units (300 + 6 – 3) lakh 303 lakh
∴ Closing NAV as on 30th June ` 20.2670
Question 38
Five portfolios experienced the following results during a 7- year period:

Average Annual Standard Correlation with the

Return (Rp) (%) Deviation (Sp) market returns (r)
A 19.0 2.5 0.840
B 15.0 2.0 0.540
C 15.0 0.8 0.975
D 17.5 2.0 0.750
E 17.1 1.8 0.600
Market Risk (σm) 1.2
Market rate of Return (Rm) 14.0
Risk-free Rate (Rf) 9.0
Rank the portfolios using (a) Sharpe’s method, (b) Treynor’s method and (c) Jensen’s Alpha
Let portfolio standard deviation be σp
Market Standard Deviation = σm
Coefficient of correlation = r
σ pr
Portfolio beta (βp) =

Required portfolio return (Rp) = Rf + βp (Rm – Rf)

Portfolio Beta Return from the portfolio (Rp) (%)
A 1.75 17.75
B 0.90 13.50
C 0.65 12.25
D 1.25 15.25
E 0.90 13.50

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9.40 Strategic Financial Management

Portfolio Sharpe Method Treynor Method Jensen's Alpha

Ratio Rank Ratio Rank Ratio Rank
A 4.00 IV 5.71 V 1.25 V
B 3.00 V 6.67 IV 1.50 IV
C 7.50 I 9.23 I 2.75 II
D 4.25 III 6.80 III 2.25 III
E 4.50 II 9.00 II 3.60 I

Question 39
There are two Mutual Funds viz. D Mutual Fund Ltd. and K Mutual Fund Ltd. Each having
close ended equity schemes.
NAV as on 31-12-2014 of equity schemes of D Mutual Fund Ltd. is ` 70.71 (consisting 99%
equity and remaining cash balance) and that of K Mutual Fund Ltd. is 62.50 (consisting 96%
equity and balance in cash).
Following is the other information:
Equity Schemes
D Mutual Fund Ltd. K Mutual Fund Ltd.
Sharpe Ratio 2 3.3
Treynor Ratio 15 15
Standard deviation 11.25 5
There is no change in portfolios during the next month and annual average cost is ` 3 per unit
for the schemes of both the Mutual Funds.
If Share Market goes down by 5% within a month, calculate expected NAV after a month for
the schemes of both the Mutual Funds.
For calculation, consider 12 months in a year and ignore number of days for particular month.
Working Notes:
(i) Decomposition of Funds in Equity and Cash Components
D Mutual Fund Ltd. K Mutual Fund Ltd.
NAV on 31.12.14 ` 70.71 ` 62.50
% of Equity 99% 96%
Equity element in NAV ` 70 ` 60
Cash element in NAV ` 0.71 ` 2.50

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Mutual Funds 9.41

(ii) Calculation of Beta

(a) D Mutual Fund Ltd.
E(R) - R f E(R) - R f
Sharpe Ratio = 2 = =
σD 11.25
E(R) - Rf = 22.50
E(R) - R f 22.50
Treynor Ratio = 15 = =
βD βD
βD = 22.50/15= 1.50
(b) K Mutual Fund Ltd.
E(R) - R f E(R) - R f
Sharpe Ratio = 3.3 = =
σK 5
E(R) - Rf = 16.50
E(R) - R f 16.50
Treynor Ratio = 15 = =
βK βK
βK = 16.50/15= 1.10
(iii) Decrease in the Value of Equity
D Mutual Fund Ltd. K Mutual Fund Ltd.
Market goes down by 5.00% 5.00%
Beta 1.50 1.10
Equity component goes down 7.50% 5.50%
(iv) Balance of Cash after 1 month
D Mutual Fund Ltd. K Mutual Fund Ltd.
Cash in Hand on 31.12.14 ` 0.71 ` 2.50
Less: Exp. Per month ` 0.25 ` 0.25
Balance after 1 month ` 0.46 ` 2.25
NAV after 1 month

D Mutual Fund Ltd. K Mutual Fund Ltd.

Value of Equity after 1 month
70 x (1 - 0.075) ` 64.75 -
60 x (1 - 0.055) - ` 56.70
Cash Balance 0.46 2.25
65.21 58.95

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9.42 Strategic Financial Management

Question 40
ANP Plan, a hedge fund currently has assets of ` 20 crore. CA. X, the manager of fund
charges fee of 0.10% of portfolio asset. In addition to it he charges incentive fee of 2%. The
incentive will be linked to gross return each year in excess of the portfolio maximum value
since the inception of fund. The maximum value the fund achieved so far since inception of
fund about one and half year ago was ` 21 crores.
You are required to compute the fee payable to CA. X, if return on the fund this year turns out to be
(a) 29%, (b) 4.5%, (c) -1.8%
(a) If return is 29%
Fixed fee (A) 0.10% of ` 20 crore 2,00,000
New Fund Value (1.29 x ` 20 crore) 25.80 crore
Excess Value of best achieved (25.8 crore – 21.0 crore) 4.80 crore
Incentive Fee (2% of 4.80 crores) (B) 9,60,000
Total Fee (A)+(B) 11,60,000
(b) If return is 4.5%
Fixed (A) 0.10% of ` 20 crore 2,00,000
New Fund Value (1.045 x ` 20 crore) 20.90 crore
Excess Value of best achieved (20.90 crore –21.00 crore) (` 0.10 crore)
Incentive Fee (as does not exceed best achieved) (B) Nil
Total Fee (A)+(B) 2,00,000
(c) If return is (-1.8%)
No incentive only fixed fee of ` 2,00,000 will be paid
Question 41
Ms. Sunidhi is working with an MNC at Mumbai. She is well versant with the portfolio
management techniques and wants to test one of the techniques on an equity fund she has
constructed and compare the gains and losses from the technique with those from a passive
buy and hold strategy. The fund consists of equities only and the ending NAVs of the fund he
constructed for the last 10 months are given below:
Month Ending NAV (`/unit) Month Ending NAV (`/unit)
December 2008 40.00 May 2009 37.00

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Mutual Funds 9.43

January 2009 25.00 June 2009 42.00

February 2009 36.00 July 2009 43.00
March 2009 32.00 August 2009 50.00
April 2009 38.00 September 2009 52.00
Assume Sunidhi had invested a notional amount of ` 2 lakhs equally in the equity fund and a
conservative portfolio (of bonds) in the beginning of December 2008 and the total portfolio was
being rebalanced each time the NAV of the fund increased or decreased by 15%.
You are required to determine the value of the portfolio for each level of NAV following the
Constant Ratio Plan.
Constant Ratio Plan:
Stock Value of Value of Total value Revaluation Total No. of
Portfolio Conservative aggressive of Constant Action units in
NAV Portfolio Portfolio Ratio Plan aggressive
(`) (`) (`) (`) portfolio
40.00 1,00,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 - 2500
25.00 1,00,000 62,500 1,62,500 - 2500
81,250 81,250 1,62,500 Buy 750 units 3250
36.00 81,250 1,17,000 1,98,250 - 3250
99,125 99,125 1,98,250 Sell 496.53 units 2753.47
32.00 99,125 88,111.04 1,87,236.04 - 2753.47
38.00 99,125 1,04,631.86 2,03,756.86 - 2753.47
1,01,878.43 1,01,878.43 2,03,756.86 Sell 72.46 units 2681.01
37.00 1,01,878.50 99,197.37 2,01,075.87 - 2681.01
42.00 1,01,878.50 1,12,602.42 2,14,480.92 - 2681.01
43.00 1,01,878.50 1,15,283.43 2,17,161.93 - 2681.01
50.00 1,01,878.50 1,34,050.50 2,35,929 - 2681.01
1,17,964.50 1,17,964.50 2,35,929 Sell 321.72 units 2359.29
52.00 1,17,964.50 1,22,683.08 2,40,647.58 - 2359.29
Hence, the ending value of the mechanical strategy is ` 2,40,647.58 and buy & hold strategy
is ` 2,60,000.

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Entire Chapter is Applicable for New Syllabus

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign

Institutional Investment (FIIs) and
International Financial Management
Question 1
Write a short note on Instruments of International Finance.
The various financial instruments dealt with in the international market are briefly described
1. Euro Bonds: A Eurobond is an international bond that is denominated in a currency not
native to the country where it is issued. Also called external bond e.g. A Yen floated in
Germany; a yen bond issued in France.
2. Foreign Bonds: These are debt instruments denominated in a currency which is foreign
to the borrower and is denominated in a currency that is native to the country where it is
issued. A British firm placing $ denominated bonds in USA is said to be selling foreign
3. Fully Hedged Bonds: In foreign bonds, the risk of currency fluctuations exists. Fully
hedged bonds eliminate that risk by selling in forward markets the entire stream of
interest and principal payments.
4. Floating Rate Notes: These are debt instruments issued upto 7 years maturity. Interest
rates are adjusted to reflect the prevailing exchange rates. They provide cheaper money
than fixed rate debt instruments; however, they suffer from inherent interest rate volatility
5. Euro Commercial Papers: Euro Commercial Papers (ECPs) are short-term money
market instruments. They are for maturities for less than a year. They are usually
designated in US dollars.
Question 2
Write a short note on Euro Convertible Bonds.

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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign Financial Management 11.2

Euro Convertible Bonds: They are bonds issued by Indian companies in foreign market with
the option to convert them into pre-determined number of equity shares of the company.
Usually price of equity shares at the time of conversion will fetch premium. The Bonds carry
fixed rate of interest.
The issue of bonds may carry two options:
Call option: Under this the issuer can call the bonds for redemption before the date of
maturity. Where the issuer’s share price has appreciated substantially, i.e., far in excess of the
redemption value of bonds, the issuer company can exercise the option. This call option
forces the investors to convert the bonds into equity. Usually, such a case arises when the
share prices reach a stage near 130% to 150% of the conversion price.
Put option: It enables the buyer of the bond a right to sell his bonds to the issuer company at
a pre-determined price and date. The payment of interest and the redemption of the bonds will
be made by the issuer-company in US dollars.
Question 3
Write short note on American Depository Receipts (ADRs).
American Depository Receipts (ADRs): A depository receipt is basically a negotiable
certificate denominated in US dollars that represent a non- US Company’s publicly traded
local currency (INR) equity shares/securities. While the term refer to them is global depository
receipts however, when such receipts are issued outside the US, but issued for trading in the
US they are called ADRs.
An ADR is generally created by depositing the securities of an Indian company with a
custodian bank. In arrangement with the custodian bank, a depository in the US issues the
ADRs. The ADR subscriber/holder in the US is entitled to trade the ADR and generally enjoy
rights as owner of the underlying Indian security. ADRs with special/unique features have
been developed over a period of time and the practice of issuing ADRs by Indian Companies
is catching up.
Only such Indian companies that can stake a claim for international recognition can avail the
opportunity to issue ADRs. The listing requirements in US and the US GAAP requirements are
fairly severe and will have to be adhered. However if such conditions are met ADR becomes
an excellent sources of capital bringing in foreign exchange.
These are depository receipts issued by a company in USA and are governed by the
provisions of Securities and Exchange Commission of USA. As the regulations are severe,
Indian companies tap the American market through private debt placement of GDRS listed in
London and Luxemburg stock exchanges.

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11.3 Strategic Financial Management

Apart from legal impediments, ADRS are costlier than Global Depository Receipts (GDRS).
Legal fees are considerably high for US listing. Registration fee in USA is also substantial.
Hence, ADRS are less popular than GDRS.
Question 4
Write a short note on Global Depository Receipts (GDRs).
Global Depository Receipt: It is an instrument in the form of a depository receipt or
certificate created by the Overseas Depository Bank outside India denominated in dollar and
issued to non-resident investors against the issue of ordinary shares or FCCBs of the issuing
company. It is traded in stock exchange in Europe or USA or both. A GDR usually represents
one or more shares or convertible bonds of the issuing company.
A holder of a GDR is given an option to convert it into number of shares/bonds that it
represents after 45 days from the date of allotment. The shares or bonds which a holder of
GDR is entitled to get are traded in Indian Stock Exchanges. Till conversion, the GDR does
not carry any voting right. There is no lock-in-period for GDR.
Impact of GDR’s on Indian Capital Market: Since the inception of GDR’s a remarkable
change in Indian capital market has been observed as follows:
(i) Indian stock market to some extent is shifting from Bombay to Luxemberg.
(ii) There is arbitrage possibility in GDR issues.
(iii) Indian stock market is no longer independent from the rest of the world. This puts
additional strain on the investors as they now need to keep updated with worldwide
economic events.
(iv) Indian retail investors are completely sidelined. GDR’s/Foreign Institutional Investors’
placements + free pricing implies that retail investors can no longer expect to make easy
money on heavily discounted rights/public issues.
As a result of introduction of GDR’s a considerable foreign investment has flown into India.
This has also helped in the creation of specific markets like
(i) GDR’s are sold primarily to institutional investors.
(ii) Demand is likely to be dominated by emerging market funds.
(iii) Switching by foreign institutional investors from ordinary shares into GDR’s is likely.
(iv) Major demand is also in UK, USA (Qualified Institutional Buyers), South East Asia (Hong
Kong, Singapore), and to some extent continental Europe (principally France and
The following parameters have been observed in regard to GDR investors.
(i) Dedicated convertible investors.

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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign Financial Management 11.4

(ii) Equity investors who wish to add holdings on reduced risk or who require income
(iii) Fixed income investors who wish to enhance returns.
(iv) Retail investors: Retail investment money normally managed by continental European banks
which on an aggregate basis provide a significant base for Euro-convertible issues.
Question 5
What is the impact of GDRs on Indian Capital Market?
Impact of Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) on Indian Capital Market
After the globalization of the Indian economy, accessibility to vast amount of resources was
available to the domestic corporate sector. One such accessibility was in terms of raising
financial resources abroad by internationally prudent companies. Among others, GDRs were
the most important source of finance from abroad at competitive cost. Global depository
receipts are basically negotiable certificates denominated in US dollars, that represent a non-
US company’s publicly traded local currency (Indian rupee) equity shares. Companies in India,
through the issue of depository receipts, have been able to tap global equity market to raise
foreign currency funds by way of equity.
Since the inception of GDRs, a remarkable change in Indian capital market has been
observed. Some of the changes are as follows:
(i) Indian capital market to some extent is shifting from Bombay to Luxemburg and other
foreign financial centres.
(ii) There is arbitrage possibility in GDR issues. Since many Indian companies are actively
trading on the London and the New York Exchanges and due to the existence of time
differences, market news, sentiments etc. at times the prices of the depository receipts
are traded at discounts or premiums to the underlying stock. This presents an arbitrage
opportunity wherein the receipts can be bought abroad and sold in India at a higher price.
(iii) Indian capital market is no longer independent from the rest of the world. This puts
additional strain on the investors as they now need to keep updated with worldwide
economic events.
(iv) Indian retail investors are completely sidelined. Due to the placements of GDRs with
Foreign Institutional Investor’s on the basis free pricing, the retail investors can now no
longer expect to make easy money on heavily discounted right/public issues.
(v) A considerable amount of foreign investment has found its way in the Indian market
which has improved liquidity in the capital market.
(vi) Indian capital market has started to reverberate by world economic changes, good or

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(vii) Indian capital market has not only been widened but deepened as well.
(viii) It has now become necessary for Indian capital market to adopt international practices in
its working including financial innovations.
Question 6
Write a brief note on External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs).
ECB include bank loans, supplier credit, securitised instruments, credit from export credit
agencies and borrowings from multilateral financial institutions. These securitised instruments
may be FRNs, FRBs etc. Indian corporate sector is permitted to raise finance through ECBs
within the framework of the policies and procedures prescribed by the Central Government.
Multilateral financial institutions like IFC, ADB, AFIC, CDC are providing such facilities while
the ECB policy provides flexibility in borrowing consistent with maintenance of prudential limits
for total external borrowings, its guiding principles are to keep borrowing maturities long, costs
low and encourage infrastructure/core and export sector financing which are crucial for overall
growth of the economy. The government of India, from time to time changes the guidelines
and limits for which the ECB alternative as a source of finance is pursued by the corporate
sector. During past decade the government has streamlined the ECB policy and procedure to
enable the Indian companies to have their better access to the international financial markets.
The government permits the ECB route for variety of purposes namely expansion of existing
capacity as well as for fresh investment. But ECB can be raised through internationally
recognized sources. There are caps and ceilings on ECBs so that macro economy goals are
better achieved. Units in SEZ are permitted to use ECBs under a special window.
Question 7
Explain briefly the salient features of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds.
FCCBs are important source of raising funds from abroad. Their salient features are –
1. FCCB is a bond denominated in a foreign currency issued by an Indian company which
can be converted into shares of the Indian Company denominated in Indian Rupees.
2. Prior permission of the Department of Economic Affairs, Government of India, Ministry of
Finance is required for their issue
3. There will be a domestic and a foreign custodian bank involved in the issue
4. FCCB shall be issued subject to all applicable Laws relating to issue of capital by a
5. Tax on FCCB shall be as per provisions of Indian Taxation Laws and Tax will be
deducted at source.

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6. Conversion of bond to FCCB will not give rise to any capital gains tax in India.
Question 8
Write a short note on Debt route for foreign exchange funds.
Debt route for foreign exchange funds: The following are some of the instruments used for
borrowing of funds from the international market:
(i) Syndicated bank loans: The borrower should obtain a good credit rating from the rating
agencies. Large loans can be obtained in a reasonably short period with few formalities.
Duration of the loan is generally 5 to 10 years. Interest rate is based on LIBOR plus
spread depending upon the rating. Some covenants are laid down by the lending
institutions like maintenance of key financial ratios.
(ii) Euro bonds: These are basically debt instruments denominated in a currency issued
outside the country of the currency. For example, Yen bond floated in France. Primary
attraction of these bonds is the shelter from tax and regulations which provide Scope for
arbitraging yields. These are usually bearer bonds and can take the form of (i) traditional
fixed rate bonds (ii) floating rate notes (FRN’s) (iii) Convertible bonds.
(iii) Foreign bonds: Foreign bonds are foreign currency bonds and sold at the country of that
currency and are subject to the restrictions as placed by that country on the foreigners’
(iv) Euro Commercial Papers: These are short term money market securities usually issued
at a discount, for maturity in less than one year.
(v) External Commercial Borrowings (ECB’s): These include commercial bank loans, buyer’s
credit and supplier’s credit, securitised instruments such as floating rate notes and fixed
rate bonds, credit from official export credit agencies and commercial borrowings from
multi-lateral financial institutions like IFCI, ADB etc. External Commercial borrowings
have been a popular source of financing for most of capital goods imports. They are
gaining importance due to liberalization of restrictions. ECB’s are subject to overall
ceilings with sub-ceilings fixed by the government from time to time.
(vi) All other loans are approved by the government.
Question 9
Explain the term ‘Exposure netting’, with an example.
Exposure Netting refers to offsetting exposures in one currency with Exposures in the same or
another currency, where exchange rates are expected to move in such a way that losses or
gains on the first exposed position should be offset by gains or losses on the second currency

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The objective of the exercise is to offset the likely loss in one exposure by likely gain in
another. This is a manner of hedging foreign exchange exposures though different from
forward and option contracts. This method is similar to portfolio approach in handling
systematic risk.
For example, let us assume that a company has an export receivables of US$ 10,000 due 3
months hence, if not covered by forward contract, here is a currency exposure to US$.
Further, the same company imports US$ 10,000 worth of goods/commodities and therefore also
builds up a reverse exposure. The company may strategically decide to leave both exposures
open and not covered by forward, it would be doing an exercise in exposure netting.
Despite the difficulties in managing currency risk, corporates can now take some concrete
steps towards implementing risk mitigating measures, which will reduce both actual and future
exposures. For years now, banking transactions have been based on the principle of netting,
where only the difference of the summed transactions between the parties is actually
transferred. This is called settlement netting. Strictly speaking in banking terms this is known
as settlement risk. Exposure netting occurs where outstanding positions are netted against
one another in the event of counter party default.
Question 10
Write a short note on Forfaiting.
Forfaiting: During recent years the forfaiting has acquired immense importance as a source
of financing. It means ‘surrendering’ or relinquishing rights to something. This is very
commonly used in international practice among the exporters and importers. In the field of
exports, it implies surrenders by an exporter of the claim to receive payment for goods or
services rendered to an importer in return for cash payment for those goods and services from
the forfaiter (generally a bank), who takes over the importer’s promissory notes or the
exporters’ bills of exchange. The forfaiter, thus assumes responsibility for the collection of
such documents from the importer. This arrangement is to help exporter, however, there is
always a fixed cost of finance by way of discounting of the debt instruments by the forfaiter.
Forfaiting assumes the nature of a purchase transaction without recourse to any previous
holder in respect of the instrument of debts at the time of maturity in future.
The exporter generally takes bill or promissory notes to the forfaiter which buys the instrument
at a discount from the face value. The importer party’s bank has already guaranteed payment
unconditionally and irrevocably, and the exporter party’s bank now takes complete
responsibility for collection without recourse to exporter. Thus a forfaiting arrangement
eliminates all credit risks. It also protects against the possibility that interest rate may fluctuate
before the bills or notes are paid off. Any adverse movement in exchange rate, any political
uncertainties or business conditions may change to the disadvantage of the parties
concerned. The forfaiting business is very common in Europe and has come as an important
source of export financing in leading currencies.

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Question 11
Distinguish between Forfeiting and Factoring.
Forfeiting was developed to finance medium to long term contracts for financing capital goods.
It is now being more widely used in the short-term also especially where the contracts involve
large values. There are specialized finance houses that deal in this business and many are
linked to some of main banks.
This is a form of fixed rate finance which involves the purchase by the forfeiture of trade
receivables normally in the form of trade bills of exchange or promissory notes, accepted by
the buyer with the endorsement or guarantee of a bank in the buyer’s country.
The benefits are that the exporter can obtain full value of his export contract on or near shipment
without recourse. The importer on the other hand has extended payment terms at fixed rate finance.
The forfeiture takes over the buyer and country risks. Forfeiting provides a real alternative to
the government backed export finance schemes.
Factoring can however, broadly be defined as an agreement in which receivables arising out
of sale of goods/services are sold by a “firm” (client) to the “factor” (a financial intermediary)
as a result of which the title to the goods/services represented by the said receivables passes
on to the factor. Henceforth, the factor becomes responsible for all credit control, sales
accounting and debt collection from the buyer(s). In a full service factoring concept (without
recourse facility) if any of the debtors fails to pay the dues as a result of his financial
instability/insolvency/bankruptcy, the factor has to absorb the losses.
Some of the points of distinction between forfeiting and factoring have been outlined in the
following table.
Factoring Forfeiting
This may be with recourse or without This is without recourse to the exporter. The
recourse to the supplier. risks are borne by the forfeiter.
It usually involves trade receivables of It usually deals in trade receivables of medium
short maturities. and long term maturities.
It does not involve dealing in negotiable It involves dealing in negotiable instrument like
instruments. bill of exchange and promissory note.
The seller (client) bears the cost of The overseas buyer bears the cost of forfeiting.
Usually it involves purchase of all book Forfeiting is generally transaction or project
debts or all classes of book debts. based. Its structuring and costing is case to
case basis.
Factoring tends to be a ‘case of’ sell of There exists a secondary market in forfeiting.

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debt obligation to the factor, with no This adds depth and liquidity to forfeiting.
secondary market.
Question 12
Write a short note on the application of Double taxation agreements on Global depository
(i) During the period of fiduciary ownership of shares in the hands of the overseas
depository bank, the provisions of avoidance of double taxation agreement entered into
by the Government of India with the country of residence of the overseas depository bank
will be applicable in the matter of taxation of income from dividends from the underline
shares and the interest on foreign currency convertible bounds.
(ii) During the period if any, when the redeemed underline shares are held by the non-
residence investors on transfer from fiduciary ownership of the overseas depository bank,
before they are sold to resident purchasers, the avoidance of double taxation agreement
entered into by the government of India with the country of residence of the non-resident
investor will be applicable in the matter of taxation of income from dividends from the
underline shares, or interest on foreign currency convertible bonds or any capital gains
arising out of the transfer of the underline shares.
Question 13
Discuss the major sources available to an Indian Corporate for raising foreign currency finances.
Major Sources Available to an Indian Corporate for Raising Foreign Currency Finances
1. Foreign Currency Term Loan from Financial Institutions: Financial Institutions
provide foreign currency term loan for meeting the foreign currency expenditures towards
import of plant, machinery, and equipment and also towards payment of foreign technical
knowhow fees.
2. Export Credit Schemes: Export credit agencies have been established by the government
of major industrialized countries for financing exports of capital goods and related technical
services. These agencies follow certain consensus guidelines for supporting exports under
a convention known as the Berne Union. As per these guidelines, the interest rate
applicable for export credits to Indian companies for various maturities is regulated. Two
kinds of export credit are provided i.e., buyer’s and supplier’s credit.
Buyer’s Credit- Under this arrangement, credit is provided directly to the Indian buyer
for purchase of capital goods and/or technical service from the overseas exporter.
Supplier’s Credit - This is a credit provided to the overseas exporters so that they can
make available medium-term finance to Indian importers.

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3. External Commercial Borrowings: Subject to certain terms and conditions, the

Government of India permits Indian firms to resort to external commercial borrowings for
the import of plant and machinery. Corporates are allowed to raise up to a stipulated
amount from the global markets through the automatic route. Companies wanting to raise
more than the stipulated amount have to get an approval of the MOF. ECBs include bank
loans, supplier’s and buyer’s credit, fixed and floating rate bonds and borrowing from
private sector windows of Multilateral Financial Institution such as International Finance
4. Euro Issues: The two principal mechanisms used by Indian companies are Depository
Receipts mechanism and Euro convertible Issues. The former represents indirectly equity
investment while the latter is debt with an option to convert it into equity.
5. Issues in Foreign Domestic Markets: Indian firms can also issue bonds and Equities in
the domestic capital market of a foreign country. In recent year, Indian companies like
Infosys Technologies and ICICI have successfully tapped the US equity market by
issuing American Depository Receipts (ADRs). Like GDRs, ADRs represent claim on a
specific number of shares. The principal difference between the two is that the GDRs are
issued in the euro market whereas ADRs are issued in the U.S. domestic capital market.
6. Foreign Collaboration: Joint participation between private firms, or between foreign
firms and Indian Government, or between foreign governments and Indian Government
has been a major source of foreign currency finance in recent times
7. NRI Deposits and Investments: Government, with a view to attract foreign capital have
been introducing various schemes for the Non- resident Indians which ensure higher
returns; simplified procedures, tax incentives on interest earned and dividends received,
etc. A fairly large portion of the foreign currency capital includes the NRI Deposits and
8. Bilateral Government Funding Arrangement: Generally, advanced countries provide
aid in the form of loans and advances, grants, subsidies to governments of under-
developed and developing countries. The aid is provided usually for financing
government and public sector projects. Funds are provided at concessional terms in
respect of cost (interest), maturity, and repayment schedule.
Question 14
What are the issues that need to be considered by an Indian investor and incorporated within
the Net Present Value (NPV) model for the evaluation of foreign investment proposals?
The issues that need to be considered by an Indian investor and incorporated within the Net
Present Value (NPV) model for the evaluation of foreign investment proposals are the
(1) Taxes on income associated with foreign projects: The host country levies taxes (rates

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differ from country to country) on the income earned in that country by the Multi National
Company (MNC). Major variations that occur regarding taxation of MNC’s are as follows:
(i) Many countries rely heavily on indirect taxes such as excise duty; value added tax and
turnover taxes etc.
(ii) Definition of taxable income differs from country to country and also some allowances
e.g. rates allowed for depreciation.
(iii) Some countries allow tax exemption or reduced taxation on income from certain
“desirable” investment projects in the form of tax holidays, exemption from import and
export duties and extra depreciation on plant and machinery etc.
(iv) Tax treaties entered into with different countries e.g. double taxation avoidance
(v) Offer of tax havens in the form of low or zero corporate tax rates.
(2) Political risks: The extreme risks of doing business in overseas countries can be seizure of
property/nationalisation of industry without paying full compensation. There are other ways
of interferences in the operations of foreign subsidiary e.g. levy of additional taxes on
profits or exchange control regulations may block the flow of funds, restrictions on
employment of foreign managerial/technical personnel, restrictions on imports of raw
materials/supplies, regulations requiring majority ownership vetting within the host country.
NPV model can be used to evaluate the risk of expropriation by considering probabilities
of the occurrence of various events and these estimates may be used to calculate
expected cash flows. The resultant expected net present value may be subjected to
extensive sensitivity analysis.
(3) Economic risks: The two principal economic risks which influence the success of a
project are exchange rate changes and inflation.
The impact of exchange rate changes and inflation upon incremental revenue and upon
each element of incremental cost needs to be computed.
Question 15
What are P-notes? Why it is preferable route for foreigners to invest in India?
International access to the Indian Capital Markets is limited to FIIs registered with SEBI. The
other investors, interested in investing in India can open their account with any registered FII
and the FII gets itself registered with SEBI as its sub-account. There are some investors who
do not want to disclose their identity or who do not want to get themselves registered with
The foreign investors prefer P-Notes route for the following reasons:
(i) Some investors do not want to reveal their identities. P-Notes serve this purpose.

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(ii) They can invest in Indian Shares without any formalities like registration with SEBI,
submitting various reports etc.
(iii) Saving in cost of investing as no office is to be maintained.
(iv) No currency conversion.
FII are not allowed to issue P-Notes to Indian nationals, person of Indian origin or overseas
corporate bodies.
Question 16
Differentiate between ‘Off-share funds” and ‘Asset Management Mutual Funds’.
Off-Shore Funds Mutual Funds
Raising of Money internationally and Raising of Money domestically as well as
investing money domestically (in India). investing money domestically (in India).
Number of Investors is very few. Number of Investors is very large.
Per Capita investment is very high as Per Capita investment is very low as investors
investors are HNIs. as meant for retail/ small investors.
Investment Agreement is basis of Offer Document is the basis of management
management of the fund. of the fund.

Question 17
ABC Ltd. is considering a project in US, which will involve an initial investment of US $
1,10,00,000. The project will have 5 years of life. Current spot exchange rate is ` 48 per US $.
The risk free rate in US is 8% and the same in India is 12%. Cash inflow from the project is as
Year Cash inflow
1 US $ 20,00,000
2 US $ 25,00,000
3 US $ 30,00,000
4 US $ 40,00,000
5 US $ 50,00,000

Calculate the NPV of the project using foreign currency approach. Required rate of return on
this project is 14%.

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(1 + 0.12) (1 + Risk Premium) = (1 + 0.14)
Or, 1 + Risk Premium = 1.14/1.12 = 1.0179
Therefore, Risk adjusted dollar rate is = 1.0179 x 1.08 = 1.099 – 1 = 0.099

Calculation of NPV
Year Cash flow (Million) PV Factor at 9.9% P.V.
1 2.00 0.910 1.820
2 2.50 0.828 2.070
3 3.00 0.753 2.259
4 4.00 0.686 2.744
5 5.00 0.624 3.120
Less: Investment 11.000
NPV 1.013
Therefore, Rupee NPV of the project is = ` (48 x 1.013) Million
= `48.624 Million
Question 18
Odessa Limited has proposed to expand its operations for which it requires funds of $ 15
million, net of issue expenses which amount to 2% of the issue size. It proposed to raise the
funds though a GDR issue. It considers the following factors in pricing the issue:
(i) The expected domestic market price of the share is ` 300
(ii) 3 shares underly each GDR
(iii) Underlying shares are priced at 10% discount to the market price
(iv) Expected exchange rate is ` 60/$
You are required to compute the number of GDR's to be issued and cost of GDR to Odessa
Limited, if 20% dividend is expected to be paid with a growth rate of 20%.
Net Issue Size = $15 million
$15 million
Gross Issue = = $15.306 million
Issue Price per GDR in ` (300 x 3 x 90%) ` 810

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Issue Price per GDR in $ (` 810/ ` 60) $13.50

Dividend Per GDR (D1) = ` 2* x 3 = `6
* Assumed to be on based on Face Value of ` 10 each share.
Net Proceeds Per GDR = ` 810 x 0.98 = ` 793.80
(a) Number of GDR to be issued
$15.306 million
= 1.1338 million
(b) Cost of GDR to Odessa Ltd.
ke = + 0.20 = 20.76%
Question 19
A USA based company is planning to set up a software development unit in India. Software
developed at the Indian unit will be bought back by the US parent at a transfer price of US $10
millions. The unit will remain in existence in India for one year; the software is expected to get
developed within this time frame.
The US based company will be subject to corporate tax of 30 per cent and a withholding tax of
10 per cent in India and will not be eligible for tax credit in the US. The software developed will
be sold in the US market for US $ 12.0 millions. Other estimates are as follows:
Rent for fully furnished unit with necessary hardware in India ` 15,00,000
Man power cost (80 software professional will be working for 10 ` 400 per man hour
hours each day)
Administrative and other costs ` 12,00,000
Advise the US Company on the financial viability of the project. The rupee-dollar rate is `48/$.
Note: Assume 365 days a year.
Proforma profit and loss account of the Indian software development unit
` `
Revenue 48,00,00,000
Less: Costs:
Rent 15,00,000
Manpower (`400 x 80 x 10 x 365) 11,68,00,000
Administrative and other costs 12,00,000 11,95,00,000

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Earnings before tax 36,05,00,000

Less: Tax 10,81,50,000
Earnings after tax 25,23,50,000
Less: Withholding tax(TDS) 2,52,35,000
Repatriation amount (in rupees) 22,71,15,000
Repatriation amount (in dollars) $4.7 million
Advise: The cost of development software in India for the US based company is $5.268
million. As the USA based Company is expected to sell the software in the US at $12.0
million, it is advised to develop the software in India.
Alternatively, if is assumed that since foreign subsidiary has paid taxes it will not pay
withholding taxes then solution will be as under:
` `
Revenue 48,00,00,000
Less: Costs:
Rent 15,00,000
Manpower (`400 x 80 x 10 x 365) 11,68,00,000
Administrative and other costs 12,00,000 11,95,00,000
Earnings before tax 36,05,00,000
Less: Tax 10,81,50,000
Earnings after tax 25,23,50,000
Repatriation amount (in rupees) 25,23,50,000
Repatriation amount (in dollars) $ 5,257,292

Advise: The cost of development software in India for the US based company is $4.743 million. As
the USA based Company is expected to sell the software in the US at $12.0 million, it is advised to
develop the software in India.
Alternatively, if it assumed that first the withholding tax @ 10% is being paid and then its
credit is taken in the payment of corporate tax then solution will be as follows:
` `
Revenue 48,00,00,000
Less: Costs:
Rent 15,00,000
Manpower (`400 x 80 x 10 x 365) 11,68,00,000

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Administrative and other costs 12,00,000 11,95,00,000

Earnings before tax 36,05,00,000
Less: Withholding Tax 3,60,50,000
Earnings after Withholding tax @ 10% 32,44,50,000
Less: Corporation Tax net of Withholding Tax 7,21,00,000
Repatriation amount (in rupees) 25,23,50,000
Repatriation amount (in dollars) $ 5,257,292
Advise: The cost of development software in India for the US based company is $4.743
million. As the USA based Company is expected to sell the software in the US at $12.0
million, it is advised to develop the software in India.
Question 20
XY Limited is engaged in large retail business in India. It is contemplating for expansion
into a country of Africa by acquiring a group of stores having the same line of operation as
that of India.
The exchange rate for the currency of the proposed African country is extremely volatile. Rate
of inflation is presently 40% a year. Inflation in India is currently 10% a year. Management of
XY Limited expects these rates likely to continue for the foreseeable future.
Estimated projected cash flows, in real terms, in India as well as African country for the
first three years of the project are as follows:
Year – 0 Year – 1 Year – 2 Year - 3
Cash flowsin Indian -50,000 -1,500 -2,000 -2,500
` (000)
Cash flows in African -2,00,000 +50,000 +70,000 +90,000
Rands (000)
XY Ltd. assumes the year 3 nominal cash flows will continue to be earned each year
indefinitely. It evaluates all investments using nominal cash flows and a nominal discounting
rate. The present exchange rate is African Rand 6 to ` 1.
You are required to calculate the net present value of the proposed investment considering
the following:
(i) African Rand cash flows are converted into rupees and discounted at a risk adjusted
(ii) All cash flows for these projects will be discounted at a rate of 20% to reflect it’s high
(iii) Ignore taxation.

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Year - 1 Year - 2 Year - 3

PVIF @ 20% .833 .694 .579
Calculation of NPV
Year 0 1 2 3
Inflation factor in India 1.00 1.10 1.21 1.331
Inflation factor in Africa 1.00 1.40 1.96 2.744
Exchange Rate (as per IRP) 6.00 7.6364 9.7190 12.3696
Cash Flows in ` ’000
Real -50000 -1500 -2000 -2500
Nominal (1) -50000 -1650 -2420 -3327.50
Cash Flows in African Rand ’000
Real -200000 50000 70000 90000
Nominal -200000 70000 137200 246960
In Indian ` ’000 (2) -33333 9167 14117 19965
Net Cash Flow in ` ‘000 (1)+(2) -83333 7517 11697 16637
PVF@20% 1 0.833 0.694 0.579
PV -83333 6262 8118 9633
NPV of 3 years = -59320 (` ‘000)
NPV of Terminal Value = × 0.579 = 48164 ( ` ’000)
Total NPV of the Project = -59320 (` ‘000) + 48164 ( ` ’000) = -11156 ( ` ’000)
Question 21
A multinational company is planning to set up a subsidiary company in India (where hitherto it
was exporting) in view of growing demand for its product and competition from other MNCs.
The initial project cost (consisting of Plant and Machinery including installation) is estimated to
be US$ 500 million. The net working capital requirements are estimated at US$ 50 million. The
company follows straight line method of depreciation. Presently, the company is exporting two
million units every year at a unit price of US$ 80, its variable cost per unit being US$ 40.
The Chief Financial Officer has estimated the following operating cost and other data in
respect of proposed project:
(i) Variable operating cost will be US $ 20 per unit of production;

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(ii) Additional cash fixed cost will be US $ 30 million p.a. and project's share of allocated
fixed cost will be US $ 3 million p.a. based on principle of ability to share;
(iii) Production capacity of the proposed project in India will be 5 million units;
(iv) Expected useful life of the proposed plant is five years with no salvage value;
(v) Existing working capital investment for production & sale of two million units through
exports was US $ 15 million;
(vi) Export of the product in the coming year will decrease to 1.5 million units in case the
company does not open subsidiary company in India, in view of the presence of
competing MNCs that are in the process of setting up their subsidiaries in India;
(vii) Applicable Corporate Income Tax rate is 35%, and
(viii) Required rate of return for such project is 12%.
Assuming that there will be no variation in the exchange rate of two currencies and all profits
will be repatriated, as there will be no withholding tax, estimate Net Present Value (NPV) of
the proposed project in India.
Present Value Interest Factors (PVIF) @ 12% for five years are as below:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
PVIF 0.8929 0.7972 0.7118 0.6355 0.5674

Financial Analysis whether to set up the manufacturing units in India or not may be carried
using NPV technique as follows:
I. Incremental Cash Outflows
$ Million
Cost of Plant and Machinery 500.00
Working Capital 50.00
Release of existing Working Capital (15.00)
II. Incremental Cash Inflow after Tax (CFAT)
(a) Generated by investment in India for 5 years
$ Million
Sales Revenue (5 Million x $80) 400.00
Less: Costs

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Variable Cost (5 Million x $20) 100.00

Fixed Cost 30.00
Depreciation ($500Million/5) 100.00
EBIT 170.00
Taxes@35% 59.50
EAT 110.50
Add: Depreciation 100.00
CFAT (1-5 years) 210.50
Cash flow at the end of the 5 years (Release of Working Capital) 35.00
(b) Cash generation by exports (Opportunity Cost)
$ Million
Sales Revenue (1.5 Million x $80) 120.00
Less: Variable Cost (1.5 Million x $40) 60.00
Contribution before tax 60.00
Tax@35% 21.00
CFAT (1-5 years) 39.00
(c) Additional CFAT attributable to Foreign Investment
$ Million
Through setting up subsidiary in India 210.50
Through Exports in India 39.00
CFAT (1-5 years) 171.50
III. Determination of NPV
Year CFAT ($ Million) PVF@12% PV($ Million)
1-5 171.50 3.6048 618.2232
5 35 0.5674 19.8590
Less: Initial Outflow 535.0000
Since NPV is positive the proposal should be accepted.

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Question 22
XYZ Ltd., a company based in India, manufactures very high quality modem furniture and sells
to a small number of retail outlets in India and Nepal. It is facing tough competition. Recent
studies on marketability of products have clearly indicated that the customer is now more
interested in variety and choice rather than exclusivity and exceptional quality. Since the cost
of quality wood in India is very high, the company is reviewing the proposal for import of
woods in bulk from Nepalese supplier.
The estimate of net Indian (`) and Nepalese Currency (NC) cash flows in Nominal terms for
this proposal is shown below:
Net Cash Flow (in millions)
Year 0 1 2 3
NC -25.000 2.600 3.800 4.100
Indian (`) 0 2.869 4.200 4.600
The following information is relevant:
(i) XYZ Ltd. evaluates all investments by using a discount rate of 9% p.a. All Nepalese
customers are invoiced in NC. NC cash flows are converted to Indian (`) at the forward
rate and discounted at the Indian rate.
(ii) Inflation rates in Nepal and India are expected to be 9% and 8% p.a. respectively. The
current exchange rate is ` 1= NC 1.6
Assuming that you are the finance manager of XYZ Ltd., calculate the net present value (NPV)
and modified internal rate of return (MIRR) of the proposal.
You may use following values with respect to discount factor for ` 1 @9%.
Present Value Future Value
Year 1 0.917 1.188
Year 2 0.842 1.090
Year 3 0.772 1
Working Notes:
(i) Computation of Forward Rates
End of Year NC NC/`
1  (1 + 0.09 ) 
NC1.60 x  1.615
 (1 + 0.08 ) 
 

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11.21 Strategic Financial Management

2  (1 + 0.09 ) 
NC1.615 x  1.630
 (1 + 0.08 ) 
 
3  (1 + 0.09 ) 
NC1.630 x  1.645
 (1 + 0.08 ) 
 

(ii) NC Cash Flows converted in Indian Rupees

Year NC (Million) Conversion Rate ` (Million)
0 -25.00 1.600 -15.625
1 2.60 1.615 1.61
2 3.80 1.630 2.33
3 4.10 1.645 2.49
Net Present Value
(` Million)
Year Cash Flow Cash Flow Total PVF PV
in India in Nepal @ 9%
0 --- -15.625 -15.625 1.000 -15.625
1 2.869 1.61 4.479 0.917 4.107
2 4.200 2.33 6.53 0.842 5.498
3 4.600 2.49 7.09 0.772 5.473
Modified Internal Rate of Return
0 1 2 3
Cash Flow (` Million) -15.625 4.479 6.53 7.09
Year 1 Cash Inflow reinvested for 5.32
2 years (1.188 x 4.479)
Year 2 Cash Inflow reinvested for 7.12
1 years (1.090 x 6.53)

TerminalCashFlow 19.53
MIRR = n −1= 3 − 1 = 0.0772 say 7.72%
InitialOutlay 15.625

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Entire Chapter is Applicable for New Syllabus
Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk
Question 1
Outland Steel has a small but profitable export business. Contracts involve substantial delays
in payment, but since the company has had a policy of always invoicing in dollars, it is fully
protected against changes in exchange rates. More recently the sales force has become
unhappy with this, since the company is losing valuable orders to Japanese and German firms
that are quoting in customers’ own currency. How will you, as Finance Manager, deal with the
As a Finance Manager to deal with the situation two problems emerge – (i) the problem of
negotiating individual contracts and (ii) managing the company’s foreign exchange exposure.
The sales force can be allowed to quote in customer’s own currency and hedge for currency
risk by obtaining the forward contracts etc.
The finance manager can decide whether the company ought to insure. There are two ways of
protecting against exchange loss. Firstly, by selling the foreign currency forward and secondly,
to borrow foreign currency against its receivables, sell the foreign currency spot and invest the
proceeds in the foreign currency say dollars. Interest rate parity theory tells us that in free
market the difference between selling forward and selling spot should be exactly equal to
difference between the interest on the money one has to pay overseas and the interest one
earns from dollars.
Question 2
“Operations in foreign exchange market are exposed to a number of risks.” Discuss.
A firm dealing with foreign exchange may be exposed to foreign currency exposures. The
exposure is the result of possession of assets and liabilities and transactions denominated in
foreign currency. When exchange rate fluctuates, assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses that
have been expressed in foreign currency will result in either foreign exchange gain or loss. A
firm dealing with foreign exchange may be exposed to the following types of risks:
(i) Transaction Exposure: A firm may have some contractually fixed payments and

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Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management 12.2

receipts in foreign currency, such as, import payables, export receivables, interest
payable on foreign currency loans etc. All such items are to be settled in a foreign
currency. Unexpected fluctuation in exchange rate will have favourable or adverse impact
on its cash flows. Such exposures are termed as transactions exposures.
(ii) Translation Exposure: The translation exposure is also called accounting exposure or
balance sheet exposure. It is basically the exposure on the assets and liabilities shown in
the balance sheet and which are not going to be liquidated in the near future. It refers to
the probability of loss that the firm may have to face because of decrease in value of
assets due to devaluation of a foreign currency despite the fact that there was no foreign
exchange transaction during the year.
(iii) Economic Exposure: Economic exposure measures the probability that fluctuations in
foreign exchange rate will affect the value of the firm. The intrinsic value of a firm is
calculated by discounting the expected future cash flows with appropriate discounting
rate. The risk involved in economic exposure requires measurement of the effect of
fluctuations in exchange rate on different future cash flows.
Question 3
What is the meaning of:
(i) Interest Rate Parity and
(ii) Purchasing Power Parity?
(i) Interest Rate Parity (IRP): Interest rate parity is a theory which states that ‘the size of
the forward premium (or discount) should be equal to the interest rate differential
between the two countries of concern”. When interest rate parity exists, covered interest
arbitrage (means foreign exchange risk is covered) is not feasible, because any interest
rate advantage in the foreign country will be offset by the discount on the forward rate.
Thus, the act of covered interest arbitrage would generate a return that is no higher than
what would be generated by a domestic investment.
The Covered Interest Rate Parity equation is given by:

(1 + rD ) = F (1 + rF )
Where (1 + rD) = Amount that an investor would get after a unit period by investing a
rupee in the domestic market at rD rate of interest and (1+ rF) F/S = is the amount that an
investor by investing in the foreign market at rF that the investment of one rupee yield
same return in the domestic as well as in the foreign market.
Thus, IRP is a theory which states that the size of the forward premium or discount on a
currency should be equal to the interest rate differential between the two countries of

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12.3 Strategic Financial Management

(ii) Purchasing Power Parity (PPP): Purchasing Power Parity theory focuses on the
‘inflation – exchange rate’ relationship. There are two forms of PPP theory:-
The ABSOLUTE FORM, also called the ‘Law of One Price’ suggests that “prices of
similar products of two different countries should be equal when measured in a common
currency”. If a discrepancy in prices as measured by a common currency exists, the
demand should shift so that these prices should converge.
The RELATIVE FORM is an alternative version that accounts for the possibility of market
imperfections such as transportation costs, tariffs, and quotas. It suggests that ‘because of
these market imperfections, prices of similar products of different countries will not
necessarily be the same when measured in a common currency.’ However, it states that
the rate of change in the prices of products should be somewhat similar when measured in
a common currency, as long as the transportation costs and trade barriers are unchanged.
The formula for computing the forward rate using the inflation rates in domestic and
foreign countries is as follows:
(1+ iD )
(1+ iF )
Where F= Forward Rate of Foreign Currency and S= Spot Rate
iD = Domestic Inflation Rate and iF= Inflation Rate in foreign country
Thus PPP theory states that the exchange rate between two countries reflects the relative
purchasing power of the two countries i.e. the price at which a basket of goods can be
bought in the two countries.
Question 4
Write short notes on the following:
(a) Leading and lagging
(b) Meaning and Advantages of Netting
(c) Nostro, Vostro and Loro Accounts
(a) Leading means advancing a payment i.e. making a payment before it is due. Lagging
involves postponing a payment i.e. delaying payment beyond its due date.
In forex market Leading and lagging are used for two purposes:-
(1) Hedging foreign exchange risk: A company can lead payments required to be made
in a currency that is likely to appreciate. For example, a company has to pay
$100000 after one month from today. The company apprehends the USD to
appreciate. It can make the payment now. Leading involves a finance cost i.e. one
month’s interest cost of money used for purchasing $100000.

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Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management 12.4

A company may lag the payment that it needs to make in a currency that it is likely
to depreciate, provided the receiving party agrees for this proposition. The receiving
party may demand interest for this delay and that would be the cost of lagging.
Decision regarding leading and lagging should be made after considering (i) likely
movement in exchange rate (ii) interest cost and (iii) discount (if any).
(2) Shifting the liquidity by modifying the credit terms between inter-group entities: For
example, A Holding Company sells goods to its 100% Subsidiary. Normal credit
term is 90 days. Suppose cost of funds is 12% for Holding and 15% for Subsidiary.
In this case the Holding may grant credit for longer period to Subsidiary to get the
best advantage for the group as a whole. If cost of funds is 15% for Holding and
12% for Subsidiary, the Subsidiary may lead the payment for the best advantage of
the group as a whole. The decision regarding leading and lagging should be taken
on the basis of cost of funds to both paying entity and receiving entity. If paying and
receiving entities have different home currencies, likely movements in exchange
rate should also be considered.
(b) It is a technique of optimising cash flow movements with the combined efforts of the
subsidiaries thereby reducing administrative and transaction costs resulting from
currency conversion. There is a co-ordinated international interchange of materials,
finished products and parts among the different units of MNC with many subsidiaries
buying /selling from/to each other. Netting helps in minimising the total volume of inter-
company fund flow.
Advantages derived from netting system includes:
(1) Reduces the number of cross-border transactions between subsidiaries thereby
decreasing the overall administrative costs of such cash transfers
(2) Reduces the need for foreign exchange conversion and hence decreases
transaction costs associated with foreign exchange conversion.
(3) Improves cash flow forecasting since net cash transfers are made at the end of
each period
(4) Gives an accurate report and settles accounts through co-ordinated efforts among
all subsidiaries.
(c) In interbank transactions, foreign exchange is transferred from one account to another
account and from one centre to another centre. Therefore, the banks maintain three
types of current accounts in order to facilitate quick transfer of funds in different
currencies. These accounts are Nostro, Vostro and Loro accounts meaning “our”, “your”
and “their”. A bank’s foreign currency account maintained by the bank in a foreign
country and in the home currency of that country is known as Nostro Account or “our
account with you”. For example, An Indian bank’s Swiss franc account with a bank in
Switzerland. Vostro account is the local currency account maintained by a foreign
bank/branch. It is also called “your account with us”. For example, Indian rupee account
maintained by a bank in Switzerland with a bank in India. The Loro account is an account

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12.5 Strategic Financial Management

wherein a bank remits funds in foreign currency to another bank for credit to an account
of a third bank.
Question 5
Briefly explain the main strategies for exposure management.
Four separate strategy options are feasible for exposure management. They are:
(a) Low Risk: Low Reward- This option involves automatic hedging of exposures in the
forward market as soon as they arise, irrespective of the attractiveness or otherwise of the
forward rate.
(b) Low Risk: Reasonable Reward- This strategy requires selective hedging of exposures
whenever forward rates are attractive but keeping exposures open whenever they are not.
(c) High Risk: Low Reward- Perhaps the worst strategy is to leave all exposures
(d) High Risk: High Reward- This strategy involves active trading in the currency market
through continuous cancellations and re-bookings of forward contracts. With exchange
controls relaxed in India in recent times, a few of the larger companies are adopting this
Question 6
The price of a bond just before a year of maturity is $ 5,000. Its redemption value is $ 5,250 at
the end of the said period. Interest is $ 350 p.a. The Dollar appreciates by 2% during the said
period. Calculate the rate of return from US Investor’s and Non-US Investor’s view point.
Here we can assume two cases (i) If investor is US investor then there will be no impact of
appreciation in $. (ii) If investor is from any other nation other than US say Indian then there
will be impact of $ appreciation on his returns.
First we shall compute return on bond which will be common for both investors.
(Price at end - Price at begining)+ Interest
Return =
Price at begining
(5250 − 5000) + 350
250 + 350
= =0.12 say 12%
(i) For US investor the return shall be 12% and there will be no impact of appreciation in $.
(ii) If $ appreciate by 2% then return for non-US investor shall be:

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Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management 12.6

Return x 1.02 = 0.12 x 1.02=0.1224 i.e. 12.24%

Alternatively, it can also be considered that $ appreciation will be applicable to the amount of
principal as well. The answer therefore could also be
(1+0.12)(1+0.02) -1 =1.12X1.02 - 1 = 0.1424 i.e. 14.24%
Question 7
ABN-Amro Bank, Amsterdam, wants to purchase ` 15 million against US$ for funding their
Nostro account with Canara Bank, New Delhi. Assuming the inter-bank, rates of US$ is
` 51.3625/3700, what would be the rate Canara Bank would quote to ABN-Amro Bank?
Further, if the deal is struck, what would be the equivalent US$ amount.
Here Canara Bank shall buy US$ and credit ` to Vostro account of ABN-Amro Bank. Canara
Bank’s buying rate will be based on the Inter-bank Buying Rate (as this is the rate at which
Canara Bank can sell US$ in the Interbank market)
Accordingly, the Interbank Buying Rate of US$ will be ` 51.3625 (lower of two) i.e. (1/51.3625)
= $ 0.01947/`
Equivalent of US$ for ` 15 million at this rate will be
= = US$ 2,92,041.86
or = 15,000,000 x $ 0.01947 = US$ 2,92,050
Question 8
ABC Ltd. of UK has exported goods worth Can $ 5,00,000 receivable in 6 months. The
exporter wants to hedge the receipt in the forward market. The following information is
Spot Exchange Rate Can $ 2.5/£
Interest Rate in UK 12%
Interest Rate In Canada 15%
The forward rates truly reflect the interest rates differential. Find out the gain/loss to UK
exporter if Can $ spot rates (i) declines 2%, (ii) gains 4% or (iii) remains unchanged over next
6 months.
2.50 (1 + 0.075)
Forward Rate = = Can$ 2.535/£
(1 + 0.060)

(i) If spot rate decline by 2%

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12.7 Strategic Financial Management

Spot Rate = Can$ 2.50 x 1.02 = Can$ 2.55/£

£ receipt as per Forward Rate (Can $ 5,00,000/ Can$ 2.535) 1,97,239
£ receipt as per Spot Rate (Can $ 5,00,000/ Can$ 2.55) 1,96,078
Gain due to forward contract 1,161
(ii) If spot rate gains by 4%
Spot Rate = Can$ 2.50 x 0.96 = Can$ 2.40/£
£ receipt as per Forward Rate (Can $ 5,00,000/ Can$ 2.535) 1,97,239
£ receipt as per Spot Rate (Can $ 5,00,000/ Can$ 2.40) 2,08,333
Loss due to forward contract 11,094
(iii) If spot rate remains unchanged
£ receipt as per Forward Rate (Can $ 5,00,000/ Can$ 2.535) 1,97,239
£ receipt as per Spot Rate (Can $ 5,00,000/ Can$ 2.50) 2,00,000
Loss due to forward contract 2,761
Question 9
On April 3, 2016, a Bank quotes the following:
Spot exchange Rate (US $ 1) INR 66.2525 INR 67.5945
2 months’ swap points 70 90
3 months’ swap points 160 186
In a spot transaction, delivery is made after two days.
Assume spot date as April 5, 2016.
Assume 1 swap point = 0.0001,
You are required to:
(i) ascertain swap points for 2 months and 15 days. (For June 20, 2016),
(ii) determine foreign exchange rate for June 20, 2016, and
(iii) compute the annual rate of premium/discount of US$ on INR, on an average rate.

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Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management 12.8

(i) Swap Points for 2 months and 15 days
Bid Ask
Swap Points for 2 months (a) 70 90
Swap Points for 3 months (b) 160 186
Swap Points for 30 days (c) = (b) – (a) 90 96
Swap Points for 15 days (d) = (c)/2 45 48
Swap Points for 2 months & 15 days (e) = (a) + (d) 115 138
(ii) Foreign Exchange Rates for 20th June 2016
Bid Ask
Spot Rate (a) 66.2525 67.5945
Swap Points for 2 months & 15 days (b) 0.0115 0.0138
66.2640 67.6083
(iii) Annual Rate of Premium
Bid Ask
Spot Rate (a) 66.2525 67.5945
Foreign Exchange Rates for 66.2640 67.6083
20th June 2016 (b)
Premium (c) 0.0115 0.0138
Total (d) = (a) + (b) 132.5165 135.2028
Average (d) / 2 66.2583 67.6014
Premium 0.0115 12 0.0138 12
× × 100 × × 100
66.2583 2.5 67.6014 2.5
= 0.0833% = 0.0980%
Question 10
If the present interest rate for 6 months borrowings in India is 9% per annum and the
corresponding rate in USA is 2% per annum, and the US$ is selling in India at ` 64.50/$.
Then :
(i) Will US $ be at a premium or at a discount in the Indian forward market?
(ii) Find out the expected 6 month forward rate for US$ in India.
(iii) Find out the rate of forward premium/discount.

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12.9 Strategic Financial Management


(i) Under the given circumstances, the USD is expected to quote at a premium in India as
the interest rate is higher in India.
(ii) Calculation of the forward rate:
1 + R h F1
1 + R f Eo
Where: Rh is home currency interest rate, Rf is foreign currency interest rate, F1 is
end of the period forward rate, and Eo is the spot rate.
1 + (0.09/2) 1 + ( 0.09/2 ) F1
Therefore = =
1 + (0.02/2) 1 + ( 0.02 / 2 ) 64.50

1 + 0.045 F1
1 + 0.01 64.50
or × 64.50 =
or = F1
or F1 = `66.74
(iii) Rate of premium:
66.74 - 64.50 12
× × 100 =
64.50 6

Question 11
XYZ Bank, Amsterdam, wants to purchase ` 25 million against £ for funding their Nostro
account and they have credited LORO account with Bank of London, London.
Calculate the amount of £’s credited. Ongoing inter-bank rates are per $, ` 61.3625/3700 &
per £, $ 1.5260/70.
To purchase Rupee, XYZ Bank shall first sell £ and purchase $ and then sell $ to purchase
Rupee. Accordingly, following rate shall be used:
The available rates are as follows:
($/£)bid = $1.5260

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Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management 12.10

($/£)ask = $1.5270
(`/$)bid = ` 61.3625
(`/$)ask = ` 61.3700
From above available rates we can compute required rate as follows:
(£/`)ask = (£/$)ask x ($/`)ask
= (1/1.5260) x (1/61.3625)
= £ 0.01068 or £ 0.0107
Thus amount of £ to be credited
= ` 25,000,000 x £ 0.0107
= £ 267,500
Question 12
JKL Ltd., an Indian company has an export exposure of JPY 10,000,000 receivable August 31,
2014. Japanese Yen (JPY) is not directly quoted against Indian Rupee.
The current spot rates are:
INR/US $ = ` 62.22
JPY/US$ = JPY 102.34
It is estimated that Japanese Yen will depreciate to 124 level and Indian Rupee to depreciate
against US $ to ` 65.
Forward rates for August 2014 are
INR/US $ = ` 66.50
JPY/US$ = JPY 110.35
(i) Calculate the expected loss, if the hedging is not done. How the position will change, if
the firm takes forward cover?
(ii) If the spot rates on August 31, 2014 are:
INR/US $= ` 66.25
JPY/US$ = JPY 110.85
Is the decision to take forward cover justified?
Since the direct quote for ¥ and ` is not available it will be calculated by cross exchange rate
as follows:
`/$ x $/¥ = `/¥

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12.11 Strategic Financial Management

62.22/102.34 = 0.6080
Spot rate on date of export 1¥ = ` 0.6080
Expected Rate of ¥ for August 2014 = ` 0.5242 (` 65/¥124)
Forward Rate of ¥ for August 2014 = ` 0.6026 (` 66.50/¥110.35)
(i) Calculation of expected loss without hedging
Value of export at the time of export (` 0.6080 x ¥10,000,000) ` 60,80,000
Estimated payment to be received on Aug. 2014 (` 0.5242 x ` 52,42,000
Loss ` 8,38,000
Hedging of loss under Forward Cover
` Value of export at the time of export (` 0.6080 x ¥10,000,000) ` 60,80,000
Payment to be received under Forward Cover (` 0.6026 x ¥10,000,000) ` 60,26,000
Loss ` 54,000
By taking forward cover loss is reduced to ` 54,000.
(ii) Actual Rate of ¥ on August 2014 = ` 0.5977 (` 66.25/¥110.85)
Value of export at the time of export (` 0.6080 x ¥10,000,000) ` 60,80,000
Estimated payment to be received on Aug. 2014 (` 0.5977 x ¥10,000,000) ` 59,77,000
Loss ` 1,03,000
The decision to take forward cover is still justified.
Question 13
You sold Hong Kong Dollar 1,00,00,000 value spot to your customer at ` 5.70 & covered
yourself in London market on the same day, when the exchange rates were
US$ 1 = H.K.$ 7.5880 7.5920
Local inter bank market rates for US$ were
Spot US$ 1 = ` 42.70 42.85
Calculate cover rate and ascertain the profit or loss in the transaction. Ignore brokerage.
The bank (Dealer) covers itself by buying from the market at market selling rate.
Rupee – Dollar selling rate = ` 42.85
Dollar – Hong Kong Dollar = HK $ 7.5880

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Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management 12.12

Rupee – Hong Kong cross rate = ` 42.85 / 7.5880

= ` 5.6471
Profit / Loss to the Bank
Amount received from customer (1 crore × 5.70) ` 5,70,00,000
Amount paid on cover deal (1 crore × 5.6471) ` 5,64,71,000
Profit to Bank ` 5,29,000
Question 14
You, a foreign exchange dealer of your bank, are informed that your bank has sold a T.T. on
Copenhagen for Danish Kroner 10,00,000 at the rate of Danish Kroner 1 = ` 6.5150. You are
required to cover the transaction either in London or New York market. The rates on that date
are as under:
Mumbai-London ` 74.3000 ` 74.3200
Mumbai-New York ` 49.2500 ` 49.2625
London-Copenhagen DKK 11.4200 DKK 11.4350
New York-Copenhagen DKK 07.5670 DKK 07.5840
In which market will you cover the transaction, London or New York, and what will be the
exchange profit or loss on the transaction? Ignore brokerages.
Amount realized on selling Danish Kroner 10,00,000 at ` 6.5150 per Kroner = ` 65,15,000.
Cover at London:
Bank buys Danish Kroner at London at the market selling rate.
Pound sterling required for the purchase (DKK 10,00,000 ÷ DKK 11.4200) = GBP 87,565.67
Bank buys locally GBP 87,565.67 for the above purchase at the market selling rate of
` 74.3200.
The rupee cost will be = ` 65,07,88
Profit (` 65,15,000 - ` 65,07,881) = ` 7,119
Cover at New York:
Bank buys Kroners at New York at the market selling rate.
Dollars required for the purchase of Danish Kroner (DKK10,00,000 ÷ 7.5670) = USD 1,32,152.77
Bank buys locally USD 1,32,152.77 for the above purchase at the market selling rate of
` 49.2625.

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12.13 Strategic Financial Management

The rupee cost will be = ` 65,10,176.

Profit (` 65,15,000 - ` 65,10,176) = ` 4,824
The transaction would be covered through London which gets the maximum profit of
` 7,119 or lower cover cost at London Market by (` 65,10,176 - ` 65,07,881) = ` 2,295
Question 15
On January 28, 2013 an importer customer requested a Bank to remit Singapore Dollar (SGD)
2,500,000 under an irrevocable Letter of Credit (LC). However, due to unavoidable factors, the
Bank could effect the remittances only on February 4, 2013. The inter-bank market rates were
as follows:
January 28, 2013 February 4, 2013
US$ 1= ` 45.85/45.90 ` 45.91/45.97
GBP £ 1 US$ 1.7840/1.7850 US$ 1.7765/1.7775
GBP £ 1 SGD 3.1575/3.1590 SGD 3. 1380/3.1390
The Bank wishes to retain an exchange margin of 0.125%
How much does the customer stand to gain or lose due to the delay?
(Note: Calculate the rate in multiples of 0.0001)
On January 28, 2013 the importer customer requested to remit SGD 25 lakhs.
To consider sell rate for the bank:
US $ = ` 45.90
Pound 1 = US$ 1.7850
Pound 1 = SGD 3.1575
` 45.90 * 1.7850
Therefore, SGD 1 =
SGD 3.1575
SGD 1 = ` 25.9482
Add: Exchange margin (0.125%) ` 0.0324
` 25.9806
On February 4, 2013 the rates are
US $ = ` 45.97
Pound 1 = US$ 1.7775
Pound 1 = SGD 3.1380

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Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management 12.14

` 45.97 * 1.7775
Therefore, SGD 1 =
SGD 3.1380
SGD 1 = ` 26.0394
Add: Exchange margin (0.125%) ` 0.0325
` 26.0719
Hence, loss to the importer
= SGD 25,00,000 (` 26.0719 – ` 25.9806)= ` 2,28,250
Question 16
Following are the details of cash inflows and outflows in foreign currency denominations of
MNP Co. an Indian export firm, which have no foreign subsidiaries:
Currency Inflow Outflow Spot rate Forward rate
US $ 4,00,00,000 2,00,00,000 48.01 48.82
French Franc (FFr) 2,00,00,000 80,00,000 7.45 8.12
U.K. £ 3,00,00,000 2,00,00,000 75.57 75.98
Japanese Yen 1,50,00,000 2,50,00,000 3.20 2.40
(i) Determine the net exposure of each foreign currency in terms of Rupees.
(ii) Are any of the exposure positions offsetting to some extent?
(i) Net exposure of each foreign currency in Rupees
Inflow Outflow Net Inflow Spread Net Exposure
(Millions) (Millions) (Millions) (Millions)
US$ 40 20 20 0.81 16.20
FFr 20 8 12 0.67 8.04
UK£ 30 20 10 0.41 4.10
Japan Yen 15 25 -10 -0.80 8.00
(ii) The exposure of Japanese yen position is being offset by a better forward rate
Question 17
The following 2-way quotes appear in the foreign exchange market:
Spot 2-months forward
RS/US $ `46.00/`46.25 `47.00/`47.50

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12.15 Strategic Financial Management

(i) How many US dollars should a firm sell to get ` 25 lakhs after 2 months?
(ii) How many Rupees is the firm required to pay to obtain US $ 2,00,000 in the spot market?
(iii) Assume the firm has US $ 69,000 in current account earning no interest. ROI on Rupee
investment is 10% p.a. Should the firm encash the US $ now or 2 months later?
(i) US $ required to get ` 25 lakhs after 2 months at the Rate of ` 47/$
` 25,00,000
∴ = US $ 53191.489
` 47
(ii) ` required to get US$ 2,00,000 now at the rate of ` 46.25/$
∴ US $ 200,000 × ` 46.25 = ` 92,50,000
(iii) Encashing US $ 69000 Now Vs 2 month later
Proceed if we can encash in open mkt $ 69000 × `46 = ` 31,74,000
Opportunity gain
10 2
= 31,74,000 × × ` 52,900
100 12
Likely sum at end of 2 months 32,26,900
Proceeds if we can encash by forward rate :
$ 69000 × `47.00 32,43,000
It is better to encash the proceeds after 2 months and get opportunity gain.
Question 18
Z Ltd. importing goods worth USD 2 million, requires 90 days to make the payment. The
overseas supplier has offered a 60 days interest free credit period and for additional credit for
30 days an interest of 8% per annum.
The bankers of Z Ltd offer a 30 days loan at 10% per annum and their quote for foreign
exchange is as follows:
Spot 1 USD 56.50
60 days forward for 1 USD 57.10
90 days forward for 1 USD 57.50

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You are required to evaluate the following options:

(I) Pay the supplier in 60 days, or
(II) Avail the supplier's offer of 90 days credit.
(I) Pay the supplier in 60 days
If the payment is made to supplier in 60 days the applicable ` 57.10
forward rate for 1 USD
Payment Due USD 2,000,000
Outflow in Rupees (USD 2000000 × `57.10) `114,200,000
Add: Interest on loan for 30 days@10% p.a. ` 9,51,667
Total Outflow in ` `11,51,51,667
(II) Availing supplier’s offer of 90 days credit
Amount Payable USD 2,000,000
Add: Interest on credit period for 30 days@8% p.a. USD 13,333
Total Outflow in USD USD 2,013,333
Applicable forward rate for 1 USD `57.50
Total Outflow in ` (USD 2,013,333 ×`57.50) `115,766,648
Alternative 1 is better as it entails lower cash outflow.
Question 19
Followings are the spot exchange rates quoted at three different forex markets:
USD/INR 48.30 in Mumbai
GBP/INR 77.52 in London
GBP/USD 1.6231 in New York
The arbitrageur has USD1,00,00,000. Assuming that there are no transaction costs, explain
whether there is any arbitrage gain possible from the quoted spot exchange rates.
The arbitrageur can proceed as stated below to realize arbitrage gains.
(i) Buy ` from USD 10,000,000 At Mumbai 48.30 × 10,000,000 `483,000,000
` 483,000,000
(ii) Convert these ` to GBP at London ( ) GBP 6,230,650.155
Rs. 77.52
(iii) Convert GBP to USD at New York GBP 6,230,650.155 × 1.6231 USD 10,112,968.26
There is net gain of USD 10,112968.26 less USD 10,000,000 i.e. USD 112,968.26

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Question 20
The US dollar is selling in India at `55.50. If the interest rate for a 6 months borrowing in India
is 10% per annum and the corresponding rate in USA is 4%.
(i) Do you expect that US dollar will be at a premium or at discount in the Indian Forex
(ii) What will be the expected 6-months forward rate for US dollar in India? and
(iii) What will be the rate of forward premium or discount?
(i) Under the given circumstances, the USD is expected to quote at a premium in India as
the interest rate is higher in India.
(ii) Calculation of the forward rate:
1 + R h F1
1 + R f Eo
Where: Rh is home currency interest rate, Rf is foreign currency interest rate, F1 is end of
the period forward rate, and Eo is the spot rate.
1 + ( 0.10/2 ) F1
Therefore =
1 + ( 0.04 / 2 ) 55.50

1 + 0.05 F1
1 + 0.02 55.50
or × 55.50 =
or = F1
or F1 = `57.13
(iii) Rate of premium:
57.13 - 55.50 12
× × 100 =
55.50 6
Question 21
In March, 2009, the Multinational Industries make the following assessment of dollar rates per
British pound to prevail as on 1.9.2009:
$/Pound Probability
1.60 0.15

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1.70 0.20
1.80 0.25
1.90 0.20
2.00 0.20
(i) What is the expected spot rate for 1.9.2009?
(ii) If, as of March, 2009, the 6-month forward rate is $ 1.80, should the firm sell forward its
pound receivables due in September, 2009?
(i) Calculation of expected spot rate for September, 2009:
$ for £ Probability Expected $/£
(1) (2) (1) × (2) = (3)
1.60 0.15 0.24
1.70 0.20 0.34
1.80 0.25 0.45
1.90 0.20 0.38
2.00 0.20 0.40
1.00 EV = 1.81
Therefore, the expected spot value of $ for £ for September, 2009 would be $ 1.81.
(ii) If the six-month forward rate is $ 1.80, the expected profits of the firm can be maximised
by retaining its pounds receivable.
Question 22
An importer customer of your bank wishes to book a forward contract with your bank on 3rd
September for sale to him of SGD 5,00,000 to be delivered on 30th October.
The spot rates on 3rd September are USD 49.3700/3800 and USD/SGD 1.7058/68. The swap
points are:
Spot/September 0300/0400 1st month forward 48/49
Spot/October 1100/1300 2nd month forward 96/97
Spot/November 1900/2200 3rd month forward 138/140
Spot/December 2700/3100
Spot/January 3500/4000
Calculate the rate to be quoted to the importer by assuming an exchange margin of paisa.

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USD/ ` on 3rd September 49.3800
Swap Point for October 0.1300
Add: Exchange Margin 0.0500
USD/ SGD on 3rd September 1.7058
Swap Point for 2nd month Forward 0.0096
Cross Rate for SGD/ ` of 30th October
USD/ ` selling rate = ` 49.5600
SGD/ ` buying rate = SGD 1.7154
SGD/ ` cross rate = ` 49.5600 / 1.7154
= ` 28.8912
Question 23
A company operating in Japan has today effected sales to an Indian company, the payment
being due 3 months from the date of invoice. The invoice amount is 108 lakhs yen. At today's
spot rate, it is equivalent to ` 30 lakhs. It is anticipated that the exchange rate will decline by
10% over the 3 months period and in order to protect the yen payments, the importer proposes
to take appropriate action in the foreign exchange market. The 3 months forward rate is
presently quoted as 3.3 yen per rupee. You are required to calculate the expected loss and to
show how it can be hedged by a forward contract.
Spot rate of ` 1 against yen = 108 lakhs yen/` 30 lakhs = 3.6 yen
3 months forward rate of Re. 1 against yen = 3.3 yen
Anticipated decline in Exchange rate = 10%.
Expected spot rate after 3 months = 3.6 yen – 10% of 3.6 = 3.6 yen – 0.36 yen = 3.24 yen per
` (in lakhs)
Present cost of 108 lakhs yen 30
Cost after 3 months: 108 lakhs yen/ 3.24 yen 33.33
Expected exchange loss 3.33

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If the expected exchange rate risk is hedged by a Forward contract:

Present cost 30
Cost after 3 months if forward contract
is taken 108 lakhs yen/ 3.3 yen 32.73
Expected loss 2.73
Suggestion: If the exchange rate risk is not covered with forward contract, the expected
exchange loss is ` 3.33 lakhs. This could be reduced to ` 2.73 lakhs if it is covered with
Forward contract. Hence, taking forward contract is suggested.
Question 24
ABC Co. have taken a 6 month loan from their foreign collaborators for US Dollars 2 millions.
Interest payable on maturity is at LIBOR plus 1.0%. Current 6-month LIBOR is 2%.
Enquiries regarding exchange rates with their bank elicits the following information:
Spot USD 1 ` 48.5275
6 months forward ` 48.4575
(i) What would be their total commitment in Rupees, if they enter into a forward contract?
(ii) Will you advise them to do so? Explain giving reasons.
Firstly, the interest is calculated at 3% p.a. for 6 months. That is:
USD 20,00,000 × 3/100 × 6/12 = USD 30,000
From the forward points quoted, it is seen that the second figure is less than the first, this
means that the currency is quoted at a discount.
(i) The value of the total commitment in Indian rupees is calculated as below:
Principal Amount of loan USD 20,00,000
Add: Interest USD 30,000
Amount due USD 20,30,000
Spot rate ` 48.5275
Forward Points (6 months) (–) 0.0700
Forward Rate ` 48.4575
Value of Commitment ` 9,83,68,725
(ii) It is seen from the forward rates that the market expectation is that the dollar will
depreciate. If the firm's own expectation is that the dollar will depreciate more than what
the bank has quoted, it may be worthwhile not to cover forward and keep the exposure

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If the firm has no specific view regarding future dollar price movements, it would be
better to cover the exposure. This would freeze the total commitment and insulate the
firm from undue market fluctuations. In other words, it will be advisable to cut the losses
at this point of time.
Given the interest rate differentials and inflation rates between India and USA, it would
be unwise to expect continuous depreciation of the dollar. The US Dollar is a stronger
currency than the Indian Rupee based on past trends and it would be advisable to cover
the exposure.
Question 25
Excel Exporters are holding an Export bill in United States Dollar (USD) 1,00,000 due 60 days
hence. They are worried about the falling USD value which is currently at ` 45.60 per USD.
The concerned Export Consignment has been priced on an Exchange rate of ` 45.50 per
USD. The Firm’s Bankers have quoted a 60-day forward rate of ` 45.20.
(i) Rate of discount quoted by the Bank
(ii) The probable loss of operating profit if the forward sale is agreed to.
(i) Rate of discount quoted by the bank
(45.20 - 45.60) × 365 × 100
= = 5.33%
45.60 × 60
(ii) Probable loss of operating profit:
(45.20 – 45.50) × 1,00,000 = ` 30,000
Question 26
Airlines Company entered into an agreement with Airbus for buying latest plans for a total
value of F.F. (French Francs) 1,000 Million payable after 6 months. The current spot exchange
rate is INR (Indian Rupees) 6.60/FF. The Airlines Company cannot predict the exchange rate
in the future. Can the Airlines Company hedge its Foreign Exchange risk? Explain by
Airlines Company can hedge its foreign exchange risk by the following ways:
(i) Hedging through Forward Contract: The Company can take full forward cover against
foreign exchange exposure and entirely hedge its risk. It can contract with a bank to buy
French franc forward at an agreed exchange rate e.g. suppose the 6 months forward rate
is INR 6.77/FF. The liability is fixed and the airlines can concentrate on operation. Cost of
forward contract

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6.60 - 6.77 360

= ×
6.60 days
(ii) Foreign Currency Option: Foreign currency option is the right (not an obligation) to buy
or sell a currency at an agreed exchange rate (exercise price) on or before an agreed
maturity period. The right to buy is called a call option and right to sell is put option.
Suppose, the airlines wants to purchase a 6 months put option. The call option exercise
rate (say) is INR 6.70. The Airlines will be required to pay a premium for purchasing the
option say 5% of the value of call option INR 6700 × 0.05 = INR 335
Maximum final cost = 6700 + 335 = INR 7035
Suppose at the end of 6 months the exchange rate stay at INR 6.8/FF
Airlines will exercise its put option hence it will buy FF at INR 6.7
Suppose exchange rate at the end of 6 months is INR 6.35, Airlines should not exercise
its option. In the open market it need to pay only INR 6.35 (instead of INR 6.70) to buy
one FF. However, it has already paid the option premium.
(iii) Money Market Operations: Airlines can borrow in Indian Rupee an amount and get it
converted in FFs at Spot Rate. This amount can be invested in France for 6 months so
that this amount along with interest due on it becomes equal to FFs 1000 million and is
used for making the payment. The loan in Indian Rupee can be repaid back after 6
months along with the interest due thereon. If interest rate parity holds, the difference in
the forward rate and the spot rate is the reflection of the difference in the interest rates in
two countries.
Thus Airlines will be able to hedge against the changes in the exchange rate. The
problem with money market is that all markets are not open and all countries are not fully
Question 27
(a) On 1st April, 3 months interest rate in the US and Germany are 6.5 per cent and 4.5 per
cent per annum respectively. The $/DM spot rate is 0.6560. What would be the forward
rate for DM for delivery on 30th June?
(b) In International Monetary Market an international forward bid for December, 15 on pound
sterling is $ 1.2816 at the same time that the price of IMM sterling future for delivery on
December, 15 is $ 1.2806. The contract size of pound sterling is £ 62,500. How could the
dealer use arbitrage in profit from this situation and how much profit is earned?
Spot 0.6560 1.000

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Interest rate p.a. 6.5% 4.5%

Interest for 91 days 0.0106 0.0112
Amount after 91 days 0.6666 1.0112
Hence forward rate 0.6666 0.6592
  91  
0.6560 × 1 +  0.065 × 
  365  
Forward rate =
  91  
1 +  0.045 × 
  365  

= 0.6592
(b) Buy £ 62500 × 1.2806 = $ 80037.50
Sell £ 62500 × 1.2816 = $ 80100.00
Profit $ 62.50
Alternatively if the market comes back together before December 15, the dealer could
unwind his position (by simultaneously buying £ 62,500 forward and selling a futures
contract. Both for delivery on December 15) and earn the same profit of $ 62.5.
Question 28
An Indian importer has to settle an import bill for $ 1,30,000. The exporter has given the Indian
exporter two options:
(i) Pay immediately without any interest charges.
(ii) Pay after three months with interest at 5 percent per annum.
The importer's bank charges 15 percent per annum on overdrafts. The exchange rates in the
market are as follows:
Spot rate (` /$) : 48.35 /48.36
3-Months forward rate (`/$) : 48.81 /48.83
The importer seeks your advice. Give your advice.
If importer pays now, he will have to buy US$ in Spot Market by availing overdraft facility.
Accordingly, the outflow under this option will be
Amount required to purchase $130000[$130000X`48.36] 6286800

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Add: Overdraft Interest for 3 months @15% p.a. 235755


If importer makes payment after 3 months then, he will have to pay interest for 3 months @
5% p.a. for 3 month along with the sum of import bill. Accordingly, he will have to buy $ in
forward market. The outflow under this option will be as follows:
Amount of Bill 130000
Add: Interest for 3 months @5% p.a. 1625
Amount to be paid in Indian Rupee after 3 month under the forward purchase contract
` 6427249 (US$ 131625 X ` 48.83)
Since outflow of cash is least in (ii) option, it should be opted for.
Question 29
DEF Ltd. has imported goods to the extent of US$ 1 crore. The payment terms are 60 days
interest-free credit. For additional credit of 30 days, interest at the rate of 7.75% p.a. will be
The banker of DEF Ltd. has offered a 30 days loan at the rate of 9.5% p.a. Their quote for the
foreign exchange is as follows:
Spot rate INR/US$ 62.50
60 days forward rate INR/US$ 63.15
90 days forward rate INR/US$ 63.45
Which one of the following options would be better?
(i) Pay the supplier on 60th day and avail bank loan for 30 days.
(ii) Avail the supplier's offer of 90 days credit.
(i) Pay the supplier in 60 days
If the payment is made to supplier in 60 days the applicable forward ` 63.15
rate for 1 USD
Payment Due USD 1 crore
Outflow in Rupees (USD 1 crore × ` 63.15) ` 63.15 crore

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Add: Interest on loan for 30 [email protected]% p.a. ` 0.50 crore

Total Outflow in ` ` 63.65 crore
(ii) Availing supplier’s offer of 90 days credit
Amount Payable USD 1.00000 crore
Add: Interest on credit period for 30 [email protected]% p.a. USD 0.00646 crore
Total Outflow in USD USD 1.00646 crore
Applicable forward rate for 1 USD ` 63.45
Total Outflow in ` (USD 1.00646 crore ×` 63.45) ` 63.86 crore
Alternative 1 is better as it entails lower cash outflow.
Question 30
A company is considering hedging its foreign exchange risk. It has made a purchase on 1st July,
2016 for which it has to make a payment of US$ 60,000 on December 31, 2016. The present
exchange rate is 1 US $ = ` 65. It can purchase forward 1 $ at ` 64. The company will have to
make an upfront premium @ 2% of the forward amount purchased. The cost of funds to the
company is 12% per annum.
In the following situations, compute the profit/loss the company will make if it hedges its foreign
exchange risk with the exchange rate on 31st December, 2016 as :
(i) ` 68 per US $.
(ii) ` 62 per US $.
(iii) ` 70 per US $.
(iv) ` 65 per US $.
Present Exchange Rate `65 = 1 US$
If company purchases US$ 60,000 forward premium is
60000 × 64 × 2% 76,800
Interest on `76,800 for 6 months at 12% 4,608
Total hedging cost 81,408
If exchange rate is `68
Then gain (`68 – `64) for US$ 60,000 2,40,000
Less: Hedging cost 81,408
Net gain 1,58,592
If US$ = `62

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Then loss (`64 – `62) for US$ 60,000 1,20,000

Add: Hedging Cost 81,408
Total Loss 2,01,408
If US$ = `70
Then Gain (`70 – `64) for US$ 60,000 3,60,000
Less: Hedging Cost 81,408
Total Gain 2,78,592
If US$ = `65
Then Gain (` 65 – ` 64) for US$ 60,000 60,000
Less: Hedging Cost 81,408
Net Loss 21,408
Question 31
Following information relates to AKC Ltd. which manufactures some parts of an electronics
device which are exported to USA, Japan and Europe on 90 days credit terms.
Cost and Sales information:
Japan USA Europe
Variable cost per unit `225 `395 `510
Export sale price per unit Yen 650 US$10.23 Euro 11.99
Receipts from sale due in 90 days Yen 78,00,000 US$1,02,300 Euro 95,920
Foreign exchange rate information:
Yen/` US$/` Euro/`
Spot market 2.417-2.437 0.0214-0.0217 0.0177-0.0180
3 months forward 2.397-2.427 0.0213-0.0216 0.0176-0.0178
3 months spot 2.423-2.459 0.02144-0.02156 0.0177-0.0179
Advice AKC Ltd. by calculating average contribution to sales ratio whether it should hedge it’s
foreign currency risk or not.
If foreign exchange risk is hedged
Sum due Yen 78,00,000 US$1,02,300 Euro 95,920
Unit input price Yen 650 US$10.23 Euro 11.99

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Unit sold 12000 10000 8000

Variable cost per unit `225/- 395 510
Variable cost `27,00,000 ` 39,50,000 ` 40,80,000 ` 1,07,30,000
Three months forward rate for 2.427 0.0216 0.0178
Rupee value of receipts `32,13,844 ` 47,36,111 ` 53,88,764 ` 1,33,38,719
Contribution `5,13,844 ` 7,86,111 ` 13,08,764 ` 26,08,719
Average contribution to sale ratio 19.56%
If risk is not hedged
Rupee value of receipt `31,72,021 ` 47,44,898 ` 53,58,659 ` 1,32,75,578
Total contribution ` 25,45,578
Average contribution to sale ratio 19.17%
AKC Ltd. Is advised to hedge its foreign currency exchange risk.
Question 32
XYZ Ltd. is an export oriented business house based in Mumbai. The Company invoices in
customers’ currency. Its receipt of US $ 1,00,000 is due on September 1, 2009.
Market information as at June 1, 2009 is:
Exchange Rates Currency Futures
US $/` US $/` Contract size `4,72,000
Spot 0.02140 June 0.02126
1 Month Forward 0.02136 September 0.02118
3 Months Forward 0.02127
Initial Margin Interest Rates in India
June ` 10,000 7.50%
September ` 15,000 8.00%
On September 1, 2009 the spot rate US $Re. is 0.02133 and currency future rate is 0.02134.
Comment which of the following methods would be most advantageous for XYZ Ltd.
(a) Using forward contract
(b) Using currency futures
(c) Not hedging currency risks.
It may be assumed that variation in margin would be settled on the maturity of the futures contract.

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Receipts using a forward contract (1,00,000/0.02127) = `47,01,457
Receipts using currency futures
The number of contracts needed is (1,00,000/0.02118)/4,72,000 = 10
Initial margin payable is 10 x `15,000 = `1,50,000
On September 1 Close at 0.02134
Receipts = US$1,00,000/0.02133 = 46,88,233
Variation Margin = [(0.02134 – 0.02118) x 10 x 472000/-]/0.02133
OR (0.00016x10x472000)/.02133 = 755.2/0.02133 35,406
Less: Interest Cost – 1,50,000 x 0.08 x 3/12 `3,000
Net Receipts `47,20,639
Receipts under different methods of hedging
Forward contract `47,01,457
Futures `47,20,639
No hedge
US$ 1,00,000/0.02133 `46,88,233
The most advantageous option would have been to hedge with futures.
Question 33
EFD Ltd. is an export business house. The company prepares invoice in customers' currency.
Its debtors of US$. 10,000,000 is due on April 1, 2015.
Market information as at January 1, 2015 is:
Exchange rates US$/INR Currency Futures US$/INR
Spot 0.016667 Contract size: ` 24,816,975
1-month forward 0.016529 1-month 0.016519
3-months forward 0.016129 3-month 0.016118
Initial Margin Interest rates in India
1-Month ` 17,500 6.5%
3-Months ` 22,500 7%

On April 1, 2015 the spot rate US$/INR is 0.016136 and currency future rate is 0.016134.
Which of the following methods would be most advantageous to EFD Ltd?

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(i) Using forward contract

(ii) Using currency futures
(iii) Not hedging the currency risk
Receipts using a forward contract = $10,000,000/0.016129 = ` 620,001,240
Receipts using currency futures
The number of contracts needed is ($10,000,000/0.016118)/24,816,975 = 25
Initial margin payable is 25 contracts x ` 22,500 = ` 5,62,500
On April 1,2015Close at 0.016134
Receipts = US$10,000,000/0.016136 = ` 619,732,276
Variation Margin =
[(0.016134 – 0.016118) x 25 x 24,816,975/-]/0.016136
OR (0.000016x 25 x 24,816,975)/.016136 = 9926.79/0.016136 = ` 615,195
Less: Interest Cost – ` 5,62,500x 0.07 x 3/12 = ` 9,844
Net Receipts ` 620,337,627
Receipts under different methods of hedging
Forward contract ` 620,001,240
Futures ` 620,337,627
No hedge (US$ 10,000,000/0.016136) ` 619,732,276
The most advantageous option would have been to hedge with futures.
Question 34
Spot rate 1 US $ = `48.0123
180 days Forward rate for 1 US $ = `48.8190
Annualised interest rate for 6 months – Rupee = 12%
Annualised interest rate for 6 months – US $ = 8%
Is there any arbitrage possibility? If yes how an arbitrageur can take advantage of the
situation, if he is willing to borrow ` 40,00,000 or US $83,312.
Spot Rate = `40,00,000 /US$83,312 = 48.0123
Forward Premium on US$ = [(48.8190 – 48.0123)/48.0123] x 12/6 x 100
= 3.36%

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Interest rate differential = 12% - 8%

= 4%
Since the negative Interest rate differential is greater than forward premium there is a
possibility of arbitrage inflow into India.
The advantage of this situation can be taken in the following manner:
1. Borrow US$ 83,312 for 6 months
Amount to be repaid after 6 months
= US $ 83,312 (1+0.08 x 6/12) = US$86,644.48
2. Convert US$ 83,312 into Rupee and get the principal i.e. `40,00,000
Interest on Investments for 6 months – `40,00,000/- x 0.06= `2,40,000/-
Total amount at the end of 6 months = `(40,00,000 + 2,40,000) = `42,40,000/-
Converting the same at the forward rate
= `42,40,000/ `48.8190= US$ 86,851.43
Hence the gain is US $ (86,851.43 – 86,644.48) = US$ 206.95 OR
`10,103 i.e., ($206.95 x `48.8190)
Question 35
Given the following information:
Exchange rate – Canadian dollar 0.665 per DM (spot)
Canadian dollar 0.670 per DM (3 months)
Interest rates – DM 7% p.a.
Canadian Dollar – 9% p.a.
What operations would be carried out to take the possible arbitrage gains?
In this case, DM is at a premium against the Can$.
Premium = [(0.67 – 0.665) /0.665] x (12/3) x 100 = 3.01 per cent
Interest rate differential = 9% - 7% = 2 per cent.
Since the interest rate differential is smaller than the premium, it will be profitable to place
money in Deutschmarks the currency whose 3-months interest is lower.
The following operations are carried out:
(i) Borrow Can$ 1000 at 9 per cent for 3- months;
(ii) Change this sum into DM at the spot rate to obtain DM
= (1000/0.665) = 1503.76

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(iii) Place DM 1503.76 in the money market for 3 months to obtain a sum of DM
Principal: 1503.76
Add: Interest @ 7% for 3 months = 26.32
Total 1530.08
(iv) Sell DM at 3-months forward to obtain Can$= (1530.08x0.67) = 1025.15
(v) Refund the debt taken in Can$ with the interest due on it, i.e.,
Principal 1000.00
Add: Interest @9% for 3 months 22.50
Total 1022.50
Net arbitrage gain = 1025.15 – 1022.50 = Can$ 2.65
Question 36
An Indian exporting firm, Rohit and Bros., would be cover itself against a likely depreciation of
pound sterling. The following data is given:
Receivables of Rohit and Bros : £500,000
Spot rate : ` 56.00/£
Payment date : 3-months
3 months interest rate : India : 12 per cent per annum
: UK : 5 per cent per annum
What should the exporter do?
The only thing lefts Rohit and Bros to cover the risk in the money market. The following steps
are required to be taken:
(i) Borrow pound sterling for 3- months. The borrowing has to be such that at the end of
three months, the amount becomes £ 500,000. Say, the amount borrowed is £ x.
 3
x 1 + 0.05 ×  = 500,000 or x = £493,827
 12 
(ii) Convert the borrowed sum into rupees at the spot rate. This gives: £493,827 × ` 56 =
` 27,654,312
(iii) The sum thus obtained is placed in the money market at 12 per cent to obtain at the end
of 3- months:

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 3
S = ` 27,654,312 × 1 + 0.12 ×  = ` 28,483,941
 12 
(iv) The sum of £500,000 received from the client at the end of 3- months is used to refund
the loan taken earlier.
From the calculations. It is clear that the money market operation has resulted into a net gain
of ` 483,941 (` 28,483,941 – ` 500,000 × 56).
If pound sterling has depreciated in the meantime. The gain would be even bigger.
Question 37
An exporter is a UK based company. Invoice amount is $3,50,000. Credit period is three
months. Exchange rates in London are :
Spot Rate ($/£) 1.5865 – 1.5905
3-month Forward Rate ($/£) 1.6100 – 1.6140
Rates of interest in Money Market :
Deposit Loan
$ 7% 9%
£ 5% 8%
Compute and show how a money market hedge can be put in place. Compare and contrast
the outcome with a forward contract.
Identify: Foreign currency is an asset. Amount $ 3,50,000.
Create: $ Liability.
Borrow: In $. The borrowing rate is 9% per annum or 2.25% per quarter.
Amount to be borrowed: 3,50,000 / 1.0225 = $ 3,42,298.29
Convert: Sell $ and buy £. The relevant rate is the Ask rate, namely, 1.5905 per £,
(Note: This is an indirect quote). Amount of £s received on conversion is 2,15,214.27
Invest: £ 2,15,214.27 will be invested at 5% for 3 months and get £ 2,17,904.45
Settle: The liability of $3,42,298.29 at interest of 2.25 per cent quarter matures to $3,50,000
receivable from customer.
Using forward rate, amount receivable is = 3,50,000 / 1.6140 = £2,16,852.54
Amount received through money market hedge = £2,17,904.45
Gain = 2,17,904.45 – 2,16,852.54 = £1,051.91
So, money market hedge is beneficial for the exporter

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Question 38
The rate of inflation in India is 8% per annum and in the U.S.A. it is 4%. The current spot rate
for USD in India is ` 46. What will be the expected rate after 1 year and after 4 years
applying the Purchasing Power Parity Theory.
The differential inflation is 4%. Hence the rate will keep changing adversely by 4% every year.
Assuming that the change is reflected at the end of each year, the rates will be:
End of Year ` ` /USD
1 ` 46.00 x 1.04 47.84
2 ` 47.84 x 1.04 49.75
3 ` 49.75 x 1.04 51.74
4 ` 51.74 x 1.04 53.81
Alternative Answer
End of Year ` ` /USD
1 (1+ 0.08)
` 46.00 x 47.77
(1+ 0.04)
2 (1+ 0.08)
` 47.77 x 49.61
(1+ 0.04)
3 (1+ 0.08)
` 49.61 x 51.52
(1+ 0.04)
4 (1+ 0.08)
` 51.52 x 53.50
(1+ 0.04)

Question 39
(i) The rate of inflation in USA is likely to be 3% per annum and in India it is likely to be
6.5%. The current spot rate of US $ in India is ` 43.40. Find the expected rate of US $ in
India after one year and 3 years from now using purchasing power parity theory.
(ii) On April 1, 3 months interest rate in the UK £ and US $ are 7.5% and 3.5% per annum
respectively. The UK £/US $ spot rate is 0.7570. What would be the forward rate for US $
for delivery on 30th June?

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(i) According to Purchasing Power Parity forward rate is
 1+ r H 
Spot rate  r 
 1+ F 
So spot rate after one year
 1 + 0.065 
= ` 43.40  
 1+ 0.03 
= ` 43.4 (1.03399)
= ` 44.8751
After 3 years
 1 + 0.065 
` 43.40  
 1 + 0.03 
= ` 43.40 (1.03398)³
= ` 43.40 (1.10544) = ` 47.9761
(ii) As per interest rate parity

 1 + in A 
S1 = S0  
 1 + in B 

 1 + (0.075) × 3 
S1 = £0.7570  12 
 1 + (0.035) × 3 
 12 

 1.01875 
= £0.7570  
 1.00875 
= £0.7570 × 1.0099 = £0.7645
= UK £0.7645 / US$
Question 40
Shoe Company sells to a wholesaler in Germany. The purchase price of a shipment is 50,000
deutsche marks with term of 90 days. Upon payment, Shoe Company will convert the DM to
dollars. The present spot rate for DM per dollar is 1.71, whereas the 90-day forward rate is 1.70.
You are required to calculate and explain:

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(i) If Shoe Company were to hedge its foreign-exchange risk, what would it do? What
transactions are necessary?
(ii) Is the deutsche mark at a forward premium or at a forward discount?
(iii) What is the implied differential in interest rates between the two countries?
(Use interest-rate parity assumption).
(i) If Shoe Company were to hedge its foreign exchange risk, it would enter into forward
contract of selling deutsche marks 90 days forward. It would sell 50,000 deutsche marks
90 days forward. Upon delivery of 50,000 DM 90 days hence, it would receive US $
29,412 i.e. 50,000 DM/1.70. If it were to receive US $ payment today it would receive US
$ 29,240 i.e. 50,000 DM/1.71. Hence, Shoe Company will be better off by $ 172 if it
hedges its foreign exchange risk.
(ii) The deutsche mark is at a forward premium. This is because the 90 days forward rate of
deutsche marks per dollar is less than the current spot rate of deutsche marks per dollar.
This implies that deutsche mark is expected to be strengthen i.e. Fewer deutsche mark
will be required to buy dollars.
(iii) The interest rate parity assumption is that high interest rates on a currency are offset by
forward discount and low interest rate on a currency is offset by forward premiums.
Further, the spot and forward exchange rates move in tandem, with the link between them
based on interest differential. The movement between two currencies to take advantage of
interest rates differential is a major determinant of the spread between forward and spot rates.
The forward discount or premium is approximately equal to interest differential between the
currencies i.e.
F(DM/US $ ) - S (DM/US $ ) 365
× = rDM - rUS $
S (DM/US $ ) 90

1.70 - 1.71 365

or × = rDM - rUS $
1.71 90
0r –0.0237 = r DM – r US $
Therefore, the differential in interest rate is –2.37%, which means if interest rate parity holds,
interest rate in the US should be 2.37% higher than in Germany.
Question 41
The following table shows interest rates for the United States Dollar and French Franc. The
spot exchange rate is 7.05 Franc per Dollar. Complete the missing entries:

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3 Months 6 Months 1 Year

Dollar interest rate
(annually compounded) 11½% 12¼% ?
Franc interest rate
(annually compounded) 19½% ? 20%
Forward Franc per Dollar ? ? 7.5200
Forward discount per Franc
percent per year ? 6.3%
Computation of Missing Entries in the Table: For computing the missing entries in the table
we will use Interest Rates Parity (IRP) theorem. This theorem states that the exchange rate of two
countries will be affected by their interest rate differential. In other words, the currency of one
country with a lower interest rate should be at a forward premium in terms of currency of country
with higher interest rates and vice versa. This implies that the exchange rate (forward and spot)
differential will be equal to the interest rate differential between the two countries i.e.
Interest rate differential = Exchange rate differential
(1 + rf ) S f / d
or =
(1 + rd ) Ff / d
Where rf is the rate of interest of country F (say the foreign country), rd is rate of interest of
country D (say domestic country), Sf/d is the spot rate between the two countries F and D and
Ff/d is the forward rate between the two countries F and D.
3 months
Dollar interest rate = 11 % (annually compounded)
Franc interest rate = 19 % (annually compounded)
Then Forward Franc per Dollar rate would be

 0.195 
 1+ 4   1 + 0.04875 
= 7.05  = 7.05
0.115   
 1 + 0.02875 
 1+ 
 4 
= Franc 7.19 per US Dollar

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Further Forward discount per Franc per cent per year = Interest Differential i.e.
1 1
= 19 % - 11 % = 8%
2 2
Alternatively, more precisely it can also be computed as follows:
Spot Per Franc Rate = 1 / 7.05 = US Dollar 0.142 per Franc
 1 + 0.115 
One Year Forward Rate = 0.142   = US Dollar 0.132 per Franc
 1 + 0.195 
0.142 − 0.132
Accordingly, the discount per annuam will be = × 100 = 7.04%
6 months
Forward discount on Franc % per year = − 6.3% or – 3.15% for 6 months
Hence 6 months Forward rate = 7.05/ (100% − 3.15%)
Forward Francs per Dollar = 7.28 Francs
Let r be the Franc interest rate (annually compounded) then as per IRP Theory:
 r 
 1+ 2 
7.05  = Franc 7.28 per Dollar
0.1225 
 1+ 
 2 
On solving the equation we get the value of r = 19.17% i.e. Franc interest rate (annually
1 Year
Franc interest rate = 20% (annually compounded)
Forward Franc per Dollar = 7.5200
As per Interest Rate Parity the relationship between the two countries rate and spot rate is
1 + Dollar interest rate 7.05
i.e. =
1 + 0.20 7.52
Accordingly, the Dollar interest rate = 1.20 × 0.9374 – 1 = 1.125 – 1 = 0.125 or 12.5%
The completed Table will be as follows:
3 Months 6 Months 1 Year
Dollar interest rate

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(annually compounded) 11½% 12¼% 12.50%

Franc interest rate
(annually compounded) 19½% 19.17% 20%
Forward Franc per Dollar 7.19 7.28 7.5200
Forward discount per Franc
percent per year 8% or 7.04% 6.3%
Question 42
An importer requests his bank to extend the forward contract for US$ 20,000 which is due for
maturity on 30th October, 2010, for a further period of 3 months. He agrees to pay the required
margin money for such extension of the contract.
Contracted Rate – US$ 1= ` 42.32
The US Dollar quoted on 30-10-2010:-
Spot – 41.5000/41.5200
3 months’ Premium -0.87% /0.93%
Margin money for buying and selling rate is 0.075% and 0.20% respectively.
(i) The cost to the importer in respect of the extension of the forward contract, and
(ii) The rate of new forward contract.
(i) The contract is to be cancelled on 30-10-2010 at the spot buying rate of US$ 1
= ` 41.5000
Less: Margin Money 0.075% = ` 0.0311
= ` 41.4689 or ` 41.47
US$ 20,000 @ ` 41.47 = ` 8,29,400
US$ 20,000 @ ` 42.32 = ` 8,46,400
The difference in favour of the Bank/Cost to the importer ` 17,000
(ii) The Rate of New Forward Contract
Spot Selling Rate US$ 1 = ` 41.5200
Add: Premium @ 0.93% = ` 0.3861
= ` 41.9061
Add: Margin Money 0.20% = ` 0.0838
= ` 41.9899 or ` 41.99

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Question 43
XYZ, an Indian firm, will need to pay JAPANESE YEN (JY) 5,00,000 on 30 th June. In order to
hedge the risk involved in foreign currency transaction, the firm is considering two alternative
methods i.e. forward market cover and currency option contract.
On 1st April, following quotations (JY/INR) are made available:
Spot 3 months forward
1.9516/1.9711. 1.9726./1.9923
The prices for forex currency option on purchase are as follows:
Strike Price JY 2.125
Call option (June) JY 0.047
Put option (June) JY 0.098
For excess or balance of JY covered, the firm would use forward rate as future spot rate.
You are required to recommend cheaper hedging alternative for XYZ.
(i) Forward Cover
3-month Forward Rate = = ` 0.5070/JY
Accordingly, INR required for JY 5,00,000 (5,00,000 X ` 0.5070) ` 2,53,500
(ii) Option Cover
To purchase JY 5,00,000, XYZ shall enter into a Put Option @ JY 2.125/INR
 JY 5,00,000  ` 2,35,294
Accordingly, outflow in INR  
 2.125 
 INR 2,35,294 × 0.098  ` 11,815
Premium  
 1.9516 
` 2,47,109

Since outflow of cash is least in case of Option same should be opted for. Further if price of
INR goes above JY 2.125/INR the outflow shall further be reduced.
Question 44
ABC Technologic is expecting to receive a sum of US$ 4,00,000 after 3 months. The company
decided to go for future contract to hedge against the risk. The standard size of future contract
available in the market is $1000. As on date spot and futures $ contract are quoting at ` 44.00
& ` 45.00 respectively. Suppose after 3 months the company closes out its position futures

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are quoting at ` 44.50 and spot rate is also quoting at ` 44.50. You are required to calculate
effective realization for the company while selling the receivable. Also calculate how company
has been benefitted by using the future option.
The company can hedge position by selling future contracts as it will receive amount from outside.
Number of Contracts = = 400 contracts
Gain by trading in futures = (` 45 – ` 44.50) 4,00,000= ` 2,00,000
Net Inflow after after 3 months = ` 44.50 x ` 4,00,000+ 2,00,000 = ` 1,80,00,000
` 1,80,00,000
Effective Price realization = = ` 45 Per US$
Question 45
Gibralater Limited has imported 5000 bottles of shampoo at landed cost in Mumbai, of
US $ 20 each. The company has the choice for paying for the goods immediately or in 3
months’ time. It has a clean overdraft limited where 14% p.a. rate of interest is charged.
Calculate which of the following method would be cheaper to Gibralter Limited.
(i) Pay in 3 months’ time with interest @ 10% and cover risk forward for 3 months.
(ii) Settle now at a current spot rate and pay interest of the over draft for 3 months.
The rates are as follows:
Mumbai ` /$ spot : 60.25-60.55
3 months swap : 35/25
Option - I
$20 x 5000 = $ 1,00,000
Repayment in 3 months time = $1,00,000 x (1 + 0.10/4) = $ 1,02,500
3-months outright forward rate = ` 59.90/ ` 60.30
Repayment obligation in ` ($1,02,500 X ` 60.30) = ` 61,80,750
Option -II
Overdraft ($1,00,000 x ` 60.55) ` 60,55,000
Interest on Overdraft (` 60,55,000 x 0.14/4) ` 2,11,925
` 62,66,925
Option I should be preferred as it has lower outflow.

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Question 46
Suppose you are a treasurer of XYZ plc in the UK. XYZ have two overseas subsidiaries, one
based in Amsterdam and one in Switzerland. The Dutch subsidiary has surplus Euros in the
amount of 725,000 which it does not need for the next three months but which will be needed
at the end of that period (91 days). The Swiss subsidiary has a surplus of Swiss Francs in the
amount of 998,077 that, again, it will need on day 91. The XYZ plc in UK has a net balance of
£75,000 that is not needed for the foreseeable future.
Given the rates below, what is the advantage of swapping Euros and Swiss Francs into
Spot Rate (€) £0.6858- 0.6869
91 day Pts 0.0037 0.0040
Spot Rate(£) CHF 2.3295- 2.3326
91 day Pts 0.0242 0.0228
Interest rates for the Deposits
91 day Interest Rate % pa
Amount of Currency
£ € CHF
0 – 100,000 1 ¼ 0
100,001 – 500,000 2 1½ ¼
500,001 – 1,000,000 4 2 ½
Over 1,000,000 5.375 3 1
Individual Basis
Interest Amt. after 91 days Conversion in £
Holland £502,414.71
€ 725,000 x 0.02 x 91/360 = € 3,665.28 € 728,665.28 (728,665.28 x 0.6895)
Switzerland £432,651.51
CHF 998,077 x 0.005 x 91/360 = CHF 1,261.46 CHF 999,338.46 (999,338.46÷2.3098)
£ 75,000 x 0.01 x 91/360 = £ 189.58 £ 75,189.58 £ 75,189.58
Total GBP at 91 days £ 1,010,255.80
Swap to Sterling
Sell € 7,25,000 (Spot at 0.6858) buy £ £ 4,97,205.00

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Sell CHF 9,98,077(Spot at 2.3326) buy £ £ 4,27,881.76

Independent GBP amount £ 75,000.00
£ 1,000,086.76
Interest (£ 1,000,086.76 x 0.05375 x 91/360) £ 13,587.98
Total GBP at 91 days £ 1,013,674.74
Less: Total GBP at 91 days as per individual basis £ 1,010,255.80
Net Gain £ 3,418.94
Question 47
An American firm is under obligation to pay interests of Can$ 1010000 and Can$ 705000 on
31st July and 30th September respectively. The Firm is risk averse and its policy is to hedge
the risks involved in all foreign currency transactions. The Finance Manager of the firm is
thinking of hedging the risk considering two methods i.e. fixed forward or option contracts.
It is now June 30. Following quotations regarding rates of exchange, US$ per Can$, from the
firm’s bank were obtained:
Spot 1 Month Forward 3 Months Forward
0.9284-0.9288 0.9301 0.9356
Price for a Can$ /US$ option on a U.S. stock exchange (cents per Can$, payable on purchase
of the option, contract size Can$ 50000) are as follows:
Strike Price Calls Puts
(US$/Can$) July Sept. July Sept.
0.93 1.56 2.56 0.88 1.75
0.94 1.02 NA NA NA
0.95 0.65 1.64 1.92 2.34
According to the suggestion of finance manager if options are to be used, one month option
should be bought at a strike price of 94 cents and three month option at a strike price of 95
cents and for the remainder uncovered by the options the firm would bear the risk itself. For
this, it would use forward rate as the best estimate of spot. Transaction costs are ignored.
Recommend, which of the above two methods would be appropriate for the American firm to
hedge its foreign exchange risk on the two interest payments.
Forward Market Cover
Hedge the risk by buying Can$ in 1 and 3 months time will be:

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July - 1010000 X 0.9301 = US $ 939401

Sept. - 705000 X 0.9356 = US $ 659598
Option Contracts
July Payment = 1010000/ 50,000 = 20.20
September Payment = 705000/ 50,000 = 14.10
Company would like to take out 20 contracts for July and 14 contracts for September
respectively. Therefore costs, if the options were exercised, will be:-
July Sept.
Can $ US $ Can $ US $
Covered by Contracts 1000000 940000 700000 665000
Balance bought at spot rate 10000 9301 5000 4678
Option Costs:
Can $ 50000 x 20 x 0.0102 10200 ---
Can $ 50000 x 14 x 0.0164 --- 11480
Total cost in US $ of using Option Contract 959501 681158
Decision: As the firm is stated as risk averse and the money due to be paid is certain, a fixed
forward contract, being the cheapest alternative in the both the cases, would be
Question 48
Zaz plc, a UK Company is in the process of negotiating an order amounting €2.8 million with a
large German retailer on 6 month’s credit. If successful, this will be first time for Zaz has
exported goods into the highly competitive German Market. The Zaz is considering following 3
alternatives for managing the transaction risk before the order is finalized.
(a) Mr. Peter the Marketing head has suggested that in order to remove transaction risk
completely Zaz should invoice the German firm in Sterling using the current €/£ average
spot rate to calculate the invoice amount.
(b) Mr. Wilson, CE is doubtful about Mr. Peter’s proposal and suggested an alternative of
invoicing the German firm in € and using a forward exchange contract to hedge the
transaction risk.
(c) Ms. Karen, CFO is agreed with the proposal of Mr. Wilson to invoice the German first in
€, but she is of opinion that Zaz should use sufficient 6 month sterling further contracts
(to the nearest whole number) to hedge the transaction risk.

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Following data is available

Sport Rate € 1.1960 - €1.1970/£
6 months forward points 0.60 – 0.55 Euro Cents.
6 month further contract is currently trading at € 1.1943/£
6 month future contract size is £62,500
After 6 month Spot rate and future rate € 1.1873/£
You are required to
(a) Calculate (to the nearest £) the £ receipt for Zaz plc, under each of 3 above proposals.
(b) In your opinion which alternative you consider to be most appropriate.
(i) Receipt under three proposals
(a) Proposal of Mr. Peter
€ 2.8 million
Invoicing in £ will produce = = £ 2.340 million
(b) Proposal of Mr. Wilson
Forward Rate = €1.1970-0.0055 = 1.1915
€ 2.8 million
Using Forward Market hedge Sterling receipt would be = £ 2.35 million
(c) Proposal of Ms. Karen
The equivalent sterling of the order placed based on future price (€1.1943)
€ 2.8 million
= = £ 2,344,470 (rounded off)
Number of Contracts = = 37 Contracts (to the nearest whole number)
Thus, € amount hedged by future contract will be = 37 × £62,500 = £23,12,500
Buy Future at €1.1943
Sell Future at €1.1873
Total loss on Future Contracts = 37 × £62,500 × €0.0070 =€16,188
After 6 months
Amount Received €28,00,000

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Less: Loss on Future Contracts € 16,188

€ 27,83,812
Sterling Receipts
€ 27,83,812
On sale of € at spot = = £ 2.3446 million
(ii) Proposal of option (b) is preferable because the option (a) & (c) produces least receipts.
Further, in case of proposal (a) there must be a doubt as to whether this would be
acceptable to German firm as it is described as a competitive market and Zaz is moving
into it first time.
Question 49
Columbus Surgicals Inc. is based in US, has recently imported surgical raw materials from the
UK and has been invoiced for £ 480,000, payable in 3 months. It has also exported surgical
goods to India and France.
The Indian customer has been invoiced for £ 138,000, payable in 3 months, and the French
customer has been invoiced for € 590,000, payable in 4 months.
Current spot and forward rates are as follows:
£ / US$
Spot: 0.9830 – 0.9850
Three months forward: 0.9520 – 0.9545
US$ / €
Spot: 1.8890 – 1.8920
Four months forward: 1.9510 – 1.9540
Current money market rates are as follows:
UK: 10.0% – 12.0% p.a.
France: 14.0% – 16.0% p.a.
USA: 11.5% – 13.0% p.a.
You as Treasury Manager are required to show how the company can hedge its foreign
exchange exposure using Forward markets and Money markets hedge and suggest which the
best hedging technique is.

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£ Exposure
Since Columbus has a £ receipt (£ 138,000) and payment of (£ 480,000) maturing at the same
time i.e. 3 months, it can match them against each other leaving a net liability of £ 342,000 to
be hedged.
(i) Forward market hedge
Buy 3 months' forward contract accordingly, amount payable after 3 months will be
£ 342,000 / 0.9520 = US$ 359,244
(ii) Money market hedge
To pay £ after 3 months' Columbus shall requires to borrow in US$ and translate to £ and
then deposit in £.
For payment of £ 342,000 in 3 months (@2.5% interest) amount required to be deposited
now (£ 342,000 ÷ 1.025) = £ 333,658
With spot rate of 0.9830 the US$ loan needed will be = US$ 339,429
Loan repayable after 3 months (@3.25% interest) will be = US$ 350,460
In this case the money market hedge is a cheaper option.
€ Receipt
Amount to be hedged = € 590,000
(i) Forward market hedge
Sell 4 months' forward contract accordingly, amount receivable after 4 months will be
(€ 590,000 x1.9510) = US$ 1,151,090
(ii) Money market hedge
For money market hedge Columbus shall borrow in € and then translate to US$ and
deposit in US$
For receipt of € 590,000 in 4 months (@ 5.33% interest) amount required to be borrowed
now (€590,000 ÷ 1.0533) = € 560,144
With spot rate of 1.8890 the US$ deposit will be = US$ 1,058,113
Deposit amount will increase over 3 months (@3.83% interest) will be = US$ 1,098,639
In this case, more will be received in US$ under the forward hedge.
Question 50
XYZ Ltd. a US firm will need £ 3,00,000 in 180 days. In this connection, the following
information is available:

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Spot rate 1 £ = $ 2.00

180 days forward rate of £ as of today = $1.96
Interest rates are as follows:
180 days deposit rate 4.5% 5%
180 days borrowing rate 5% 5.5%

A call option on £ that expires in 180 days has an exercise price of $ 1.97 and a premium of
$ 0.04.
XYZ Ltd. has forecasted the spot rates 180 days hence as below:
Future rate Probability
$ 1.91 25%
$ 1.95 60%
$ 2.05 15%
Which of the following strategies would be most preferable to XYZ Ltd.?
(a) A forward contract;
(b) A money market hedge;
(c) An option contract;
(d) No hedging.
Show calculations in each case
(a) Forward contract: Dollar needed in 180 days = £3,00,000 x $ 1.96 = $5,88,000/-
(b) Money market hedge: Borrow $, convert to £, invest £, repay $ loan in 180 days
Amount in £ to be invested = 3,00,000/1.045 = £ 2,87,081
Amount of $ needed to convert into £ = 2,87,081 x 2 = $ 5,74,162
Interest and principal on $ loan after 180 days = $5,74,162 x 1.055 = $ 6,05,741

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(c) Call option:

Expected Spot Prem./unit Exercise Total price Total price Prob. pixi
rate in 180 days Option per unit for Pi
1.91 0.04 No 1.95 5,85,000 0.25 1,46,250
1.95 0.04 No 1.99 5,97,000 0.60 3,58,200
2.05 0.04 Yes 2.01* 6,03,000 0.15 90,450
Add: Interest on Premium @ 5.5% (12,000 x 5.5%) 660
* ($1.97 + $0.04)
(d) No hedge option:
Expected Future spot rate Dollar needed Prob. Pi Pi xi
1.91 5,73,000 0.25 1,43,250
1.95 5,85,000 0.60 3,51,000
2.05 6,15,000 0.15 92,250
No hedge strategy appears to be most preferable because least number of $ are needed
under this option to arrange £3,00,000.
Question 51
A Ltd. of U.K. has imported some chemical worth of USD 3,64,897 from one of the U.S.
suppliers. The amount is payable in six months time. The relevant spot and forward rates are:
Spot rate USD 1.5617-1.5673
6 months’ forward rate USD 1.5455 –1.5609
The borrowing rates in U.K. and U.S. are 7% and 6% respectively and the deposit rates are
5.5% and 4.5% respectively.
Currency options are available under which one option contract is for GBP 12,500. The option
premium for GBP at a strike price of USD 1.70/GBP is USD 0.037 (call option) and USD 0.096
(put option) for 6 months period.
The company has 3 choices:
(i) Forward cover
(ii) Money market cover, and

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(iii) Currency option

Which of the alternatives is preferable by the company?
In the given case, the exchange rates are indirect. These can be converted into direct rates as follows:
Spot rate
1 1
GBP = to
USD 1.5617 USD 1.5673
USD = GBP 0.64033 - GBP 0.63804
6 months’ forward rate
1 1
GBP = to
USD 1.5455 USD 1.5609
USD = GBP 0.64704 - GBP 0.64066
Payoff in 3 alternatives
i. Forward Cover
Amount payable USD 3,64,897
Forward rate GBP 0.64704
Payable in GBP GBP 2,36,103
ii. Money market Cover
Amount payable USD 3,64,897
1 USD 3,56,867
PV @ 4.5% for 6 months i.e. = 0.9779951
Spot rate purchase GBP 0.64033
Borrow GBP (USD 3,56,867 x 0.64033) GBP 2,28,512
Interest for 6 months @ 7 % 7,998
Payable after 6 months GBP 2,36,510

iii. Currency options

Amount payable USD 3,64,897
Unit in Options contract GBP 12,500
Value in USD at strike rate of 1.70 (GBP 12,500 x 1.70) USD 21,250

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Number of contracts USD 3,64,897/ USD 21,250 17.17

Exposure covered USD 21,250 x 17 USD 3,61,250
Exposure to be covered by Forward (USD 3,64,897 – USD 3,61,250) USD 3,647
Options premium 17 x GBP 12,500 x 0.096 USD 20,400
Premium in GBP (USD 20,400 x 0.64033) GBP 13,063
Total payment in currency option
Payment under option (17 x 12,500) GBP 2,12,500
Premium payable GBP 13,063
Payment for forward cover (USD 3,647 x 0.64704) GBP 2,360
GBP 2,27,923
Thus total payment in:
(i) Forward Cover 2,36,103 GBP
(ii) Money Market 2,36,510 GBP
(iii) Currency Option 2,27,923 GBP
The company should take currency option for hedging the risk.
Note: Even interest on Option Premium can also be considered in the above solution.

Question 52
Nitrogen Ltd, a UK company is in the process of negotiating an order amounting to €4 million
with a large German retailer on 6 months credit. If successful, this will be the first time that
Nitrogen Ltd has exported goods into the highly competitive German market. The following three
alternatives are being considered for managing the transaction risk before the order is finalized.
(i) Invoice the German firm in Sterling using the current exchange rate to calculate the
invoice amount.
(ii) Alternative of invoicing the German firm in € and using a forward foreign exchange
contract to hedge the transaction risk.
(iii) Invoice the German first in € and use sufficient 6 months sterling future contracts (to the
nearly whole number) to hedge the transaction risk.
Following data is available:
Spot Rate € 1.1750 - €1.1770/£
6 months forward premium 0.60-0.55 Euro Cents
6 months future contract is currently trading at €1.1760/£
6 months future contract size is £62500
Spot rate and 6 months future rate €1.1785/£

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(a) Calculate to the nearest £ the receipt for Nitrogen Ltd, under each of the three proposals.
(b) In your opinion, which alternative would you consider to be the most appropriate and the
reason thereof.
(i) Receipt under three proposals
(a) Invoicing in Sterling
€ 4 million
Invoicing in £ will produce = = £3398471
(b) Use of Forward Contract
Forward Rate = €1.1770+0.0055 = 1.1825
€ 4 million
Using Forward Market hedge Sterling receipt would be = £ 3382664
(c) Use of Future Contract
The equivalent sterling of the order placed based on future price (€1.1760)
€ 4.00 million
= = £ 3401360
Number of Contracts = = 54 Contracts (to the nearest whole number)
Thus, € amount hedged by future contract will be = 54 × £62,500 = £3375000
Buy Future at €1.1760
Sell Future at €1.1785
Total profit on Future Contracts = 54 × £62,500 × €0.0025 = €8438
After 6 months
Amount Received €4000000
Add: Profit on Future Contracts € 8438
€ 4008438
Sterling Receipts
€ 4008438
On sale of € at spot = = €3401305
(ii) Proposal of option (c) is preferable because the option (a) & (b) produces least receipts.

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Alternative solution:
Assuming that 6 month forward premium is considered as discount, because generally premium is
mentioned in ascending order and discount is mentioned in descending order.
(i) Receipt under three proposals
(a) Invoicing in Sterling
€ 4 million
Invoicing in £ will produce = = £3398471
(b) Use of Forward Contract
Forward Rate = €1.1770-0.0055 = 1.1715
€ 4 million
Using Forward Market hedge Sterling receipt would be = £ 3414426
(c) Use of Future Contract
The equivalent sterling of the order placed based on future price (€1.1760)
€ 4.00 million
= = £ 3401360
Number of Contracts = = 54 Contracts (to the nearest whole number)
Thus, € amount hedged by future contract will be = 54 × £62,500 = £3375000
Buy Future at €1.1760
Sell Future at €1.1785
Total profit on Future Contracts = 54 × £62,500 × €0.0025 = €8438
After 6 months
Amount Received €4000000
Add: Profit on Future Contracts € 8438
€ 4008438
Sterling Receipts
€ 4008438
On sale of € at spot = = €3401305
(ii) Proposal of option (b) is preferable because the option (a) & (c) produces least receipts.

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Question 53
Sun Ltd. is planning to import equipment from Japan at a cost of 3,400 lakh yen. The company
may avail loans at 18 percent per annum with quarterly rests with which it can import the
equipment. The company has also an offer from Osaka branch of an India based bank extending
credit of 180 days at 2 percent per annum against opening of an irrecoverable letter of credit.
Additional information:
Present exchange rate ` 100 = 340 yen
180 day’s forward rate ` 100 = 345 yen
Commission charges for letter of credit at 2 per cent per 12 months.
Advice the company whether the offer from the foreign branch should be accepted.
Option I (To finance the purchases by availing loan at 18% per annum):
Cost of equipment ` in lakhs
3400 lakh yen at `100 = 340 yen 1,000.00
Add: Interest at 4.5% I Quarter 45.00
Add: Interest at 4.5% II Quarter (on `1045 lakhs) 47.03
Total outflow in Rupees 1,092.03
Alternatively, interest may also be calculated on compounded basis, i.e.,
`1000 × [1.045]² `1092.03

Option II (To accept the offer from foreign branch):

Cost of letter of credit
At 1 % on 3400 lakhs yen at `100 = 340 yen ` 10.00 lakhs
Add: Interest for 2 Quarters ` 0.90 lakhs
(A) ` 10.90 lakhs
Payment at the end of 180 days:
Cost 3400.00 lakhs yen
Interest at 2% p.a. [3400 × 2/100 × 180/365] 33.53 lakhs yen
3433.53 lakhs yen
Conversion at `100 = 345 yen [3433.53 / 345 ×100] (B) ` 995.23 lakhs
Total Cost: (A) + (B) ` 1006.13 lakhs

Advise: Option 2 is cheaper by (1092.03 – 1006.13) lakh or ` 85.90 lakh. Hence, the offer
may be accepted.

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Question 54
NP and Co. has imported goods for US $ 7,00,000. The amount is payable after three months.
The company has also exported goods for US $ 4,50,000 and this amount is receivable in two
months. For receivable amount a forward contract is already taken at ` 48.90.
The market rates for Rupee and Dollar are as under:
Spot ` 48.50/70
Two months 25/30 points
Three months 40/45 points
The company wants to cover the risk and it has two options as under :
(A) To cover payables in the forward market and
(B) To lag the receivables by one month and cover the risk only for the net amount. No
interest for delaying the receivables is earned. Evaluate both the options if the cost of
Rupee Funds is 12%. Which option is preferable?
(A) To cover payable and receivable in forward Market
Amount payable after 3 months $7,00,000
Forward Rate ` 48.45
Thus Payable Amount (`) (A) ` 3,39,15,000
Amount receivable after 2 months $ 4,50,000
Forward Rate ` 48.90
Thus Receivable Amount (`) (B) ` 2,20,05,000
Interest @ 12% p.a. for 1 month (C) ` 2,20,050
Net Amount Payable in (`) (A) – (B) – (C) ` 1,16,89,950
(B) Assuming that since the forward contract for receivable was already booked it shall be
cancelled if we lag the receivables. Accordingly any profit/ loss on cancellation of
contract shall also be calculated and shall be adjusted as follows:
Amount Payable ($) $7,00,000
Amount receivable after 3 months $ 4,50,000
Net Amount payable $2,50,000
Applicable Rate ` 48.45
Amount payable in (`) (A) ` 1,21,12,500
Profit on cancellation of Forward cost ` 2,70,000
(48.90 – 48.30) × 4,50,000 (B)
Thus net amount payable in (`) (A) + (B) ` 1,18,42,500

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Since net payable amount is least in case of first option, hence the company should cover
payable and receivables in forward market.
Note: In the question it has not been clearly mentioned that whether quotes given for 2 and 3
months (in points terms) are premium points or direct quotes. Although above solution is
based on the assumption that these are direct quotes, but students can also consider them as
premium points and solve the question accordingly.
Question 55
On January 28, 2010 an importer customer requested a bank to remit Singapore Dollar (SGD)
25,00,000 under an irrevocable LC. However, due to bank strikes, the bank could effect the
remittance only on February 4, 2010. The interbank market rates were as follows:
January, 28 February 4
Bombay US$1 = ` 45.85/45.90 45.91/45.97
London Pound 1 = US$ 1.7840/1.7850 1.7765/1.7775
Pound 1 = SGD 3.1575/3.1590 3.1380/3.1390
The bank wishes to retain an exchange margin of 0.125%. How much does the customer
stand to gain or lose due to the delay? (Calculate rate in multiples of .0001)
On January 28, 2010 the importer customer requested to remit SGD 25 lakhs.
To consider sell rate for the bank:
US $ = ` 45.90
Pound 1 = US$ 1.7850
Pound 1 = SGD 3.1575
` 45.90 * 1.7850
Therefore, SGD 1 =
SGD 3.1575
SGD 1 = ` 25.9482
Add: Exchange margin (0.125%) ` 0.0324
` 25.9806
On February 4, 2010 the rates are
US $ = ` 45.97
Pound 1 = US$ 1.7775
Pound 1 = SGD 3.1380
` 45.97 * 1.7775
Therefore, SGD 1 =
SGD 3.1380

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SGD 1 = ` 26.0394
Add: Exchange margin (0.125%) ` 0.0325
` 26.0719
Hence, loss to the importer
= SGD 25,00,000 (`26.0719 – `25.9806)= ` 2,28,250
Question 56
A customer with whom the Bank had entered into 3 months’ forward purchase contract for
Swiss Francs 10,000 at the rate of ` 27.25 comes to the bank after 2 months and requests
cancellation of the contract. On this date, the rates, prevailing, are:
Spot CHF 1 = ` 27.30 27.35
One month forward ` 27.45 27.52
What is the loss/gain to the customer on cancellation?
The contract would be cancelled at the one month forward sale rate of ` 27.52.
Francs bought from customer under original forward contract at: 27.25
It is sold to him on cancellation at: 27.52
Net amount payable by customer per Franc 0.27

At ` 0.27 per Franc, exchange difference for CHF 10,000 is ` 2,700.

Loss to the Customer:
Exchange difference (Loss) ` 2,700
Note: The exchange commission and other service charges are ignored.
Question 57
A bank enters into a forward purchase TT covering an export bill for Swiss Francs 1,00,000 at
` 32.4000 due 25th April and covered itself for same delivery in the local inter bank market at
` 32.4200. However, on 25th March, exporter sought for cancellation of the contract as the
tenor of the bill is changed.
In Singapore market, Swiss Francs were quoted against dollars as under:
Spot USD 1 = Sw. Fcs. 1.5076/1.5120
One month forward 1.5150/ 1.5160
Two months forward 1.5250 / 1.5270

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Three months forward 1.5415/ 1.5445

and in the interbank market US dollars were quoted as under:
Spot USD 1 = ` 49.4302/.4455
Spot / April .4100/.4200
Spot/May .4300/.4400
Spot/June .4500/.4600
Calculate the cancellation charges, payable by the customer if exchange margin required by
the bank is 0.10% on buying and selling.
First the contract will be cancelled at TT Selling Rate
USD/ Rupee Spot Selling Rate ` 49.4455
Add: Premium for April ` 0.4200
` 49.8655
Add: Exchange Margin @ 0.10% ` 0.04987
` 49.91537 Or 49.9154
USD/ Sw. Fcs One Month Buying Rate Sw. Fcs. 1.5150
Sw. Fcs. Spot Selling Rate (`49.91537/1.5150) ` 32.9474
Rounded Off ` 32.9475
Bank buys Sw. Fcs. Under original contract ` 32.4000
Bank Sells under Cancellation ` 32.9475
Difference payable by customer ` 00.5475
Exchange difference of Sw. Fcs. 1,00,000 payable by customer ` 54,750
(Sw. Fcs. 1,00,000 x ` 0.5475)
Question 58
An importer booked a forward contract with his bank on 10th April for USD 2,00,000 due on
10th June @ ` 64.4000. The bank covered its position in the market at ` 64.2800.
The exchange rates for dollar in the interbank market on 10 th June and 20th June were:
10th June 20th June
Spot USD 1= ` 63.8000/8200 ` 63.6800/7200
Spot/June ` 63.9200/9500 ` 63.8000/8500
July ` 64.0500/0900 ` 63.9300/9900

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August ` 64.3000/3500 ` 64.1800/2500

September ` 64.6000/6600 ` 64.4800/5600
Exchange Margin 0.10% and interest on outlay of funds @ 12%. The importer requested on
20th June for extension of contract with due date on 10th August.
Rates rounded to 4 decimal in multiples of 0.0025.
On 10th June, Bank Swaps by selling spot and buying one month forward.
(i) Cancellation rate
(ii) Amount payable on $ 2,00,000
(iii) Swap loss
(iv) Interest on outlay of funds, if any
(v) New contract rate
(vi) Total Cost
(i) Cancellation Rate:
The forward sale contract shall be cancelled at Spot TT Purchase for $ prevailing on the
date of cancellation as follows:
$/ ` Market Buying Rate ` 63.6800
Less: Exchange Margin @ 0.10% ` 0.0636
` 63.6163
Rounded off to ` 63.6175
(ii) Amount payable on $ 2,00,000
Bank sells $2,00,000 @ ` 64.4000 ` 1,28,80,000
Bank buys $2,00,000 @ ` 63.6163 ` 1,27,23,260
Amount payable by customer ` 1,56,740
(iii) Swap Loss
On 10th June the bank does a swap sale of $ at market buying rate of ` 63.8000 and
forward purchase for June at market selling rate of ` 63.9500.
Bank buys at ` 63.9500
Bank sells at ` 63.8000
Amount payable by customer ` 0.1500
Swap Loss for $ 2,00,000 in ` = ` 30,000

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(iv) Interest on Outlay of Funds

On 10th June, the bank receives delivery under cover contract at ` 64.2800 and sell spot
at ` 63.8000.
Bank buys at ` 64.2800
Bank sells at ` 63.8000
Amount payable by customer ` 0.4800
Outlay for $ 2,00,000 in ` 96,000
Interest on ` 96,000 @ 12% for 10 days ` 320
(v) New Contract Rate
The contract will be extended at current rate
$/ ` Market forward selling Rate for August ` 64.2500
Add: Exchange Margin @ 0.10% ` 0.0643
` 64.3143
Rounded off to ` 64.3150
(vi) Total Cost
Cancellation Charges ` 1,56,740.00
Swap Loss ` 30,000.00
Interest ` 320.00
` 1,87,060.00
Question 59
On 10th July, an importer entered into a forward contract with bank for US $ 50,000 due on
10th September at an exchange rate of ` 66.8400. The bank covered its position in the
interbank market at ` 66.6800.
How the bank would react if the customer requests on 20 th September:
(i) to cancel the contract?
(ii) to execute the contract?
(iii) to extend the contract with due date to fall on 10th November?
The exchange rates for US$ in the interbank market were as below:
10th September 20th September
Spot US$1 = 66.1500/1700 65.9600/9900
Spot/September 66.2800/3200 66.1200/1800

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Spot/October 66.4100/4300 66.2500/3300

Spot/November 66.5600/6100 66.4000/4900
Exchange margin was 0.1% on buying and selling.
Interest on outlay of funds was 12% p.a.
You are required to show the calculations to:
(i) cancel the Contract,
(ii) execute the Contract, and
(iii) extend the Contract as above.
In each of the case first the FEADI Rule of Automatic Cancellation shall be applied and
customer shall pay the charges consisted of following:
(a) Exchange Difference
(b) Swap Loss
(c) Interest on Outlay Funds
(a) Exchange Difference
(1) Cancellation Rate:
The forward sale contract shall be cancelled at Spot TT Purchase for $ prevailing on
the date of cancellation as follows:
$/ ` Market Buying Rate ` 65.9600
Less: Exchange Margin @ 0.10% ` 0.0660
` 65.8940
Rounded off to ` 65.8950
(2) Amount payable on $ 50,000
Bank sells $50,000 @ ` 66.8400 ` 33,42,000
Bank buys $50,000 @ ` 65.8950 ` 32,94,750
Amount payable by customer ` 47,250
(b) Swap Loss
On 10th September the bank does a swap sale of $ at market buying rate of ` 66.1500
and forward purchase for September at market selling rate of ` 66.3200.
Bank buys at ` 66.3200
Bank sells at ` 66.1500
Amount payable by customer ` 0.1700
Swap Loss for $ 50,000 in ` = ` 8,500

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(c) Interest on Outlay of Funds

On 10thSeptember, the bank receives delivery under cover contract at ` 66.6800 and sell
spot at ` 66.1500.
Bank buys at ` 66.6800
Bank sells at ` 66.1500
Amount payable by customer ` 0.5300
Outlay for $ 50,000 in ` 26,500
Interest on ` 26,500 @ 12% for 10 days ` 87
(d) Total Cost
Cancellation Charges ` 47,250.00
Swap Loss ` 8,500.00
Interest ` 87.00
` 55,837.00
(e) New Contract Rate
The contract will be extended at current rate
$/ ` Market forward selling Rate for November ` 66.4900
Add: Exchange Margin @ 0.10% ` 0.0665
` 66.5565
Rounded off to ` 66.5575
(i) Charges for Cancellation of Contract = ` 55,838.00 or ` 55,837.00
(ii) Charges for Execution of Contract
Charges for Cancellation of Contract ` 55,837.00
Spot Selling US$ 50,000 on 20th September at ` 65.9900 + ` 33,02,750.00
0.0660 (Exchange Margin) = ` 66.0560 rounded to ` 66.0550
` 33,58,587.00
(iii) Charges for Extension of Contract
Charges for Cancellation of Contract 55837
New Forward Rate ` 66.5575

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Question 60
Your forex dealer had entered into a cross currency deal and had sold US $ 10,00,000 against
EURO at US $ 1 = EURO 1.4400 for spot delivery.
However, later during the day, the market became volatile and the dealer in compliance with
his management’s guidelines had to square – up the position when the quotations were:
Spot US $ 1 INR 31.4300/4500
1 month margin 25/20
2 months margin 45/35
Spot US $ 1 EURO 1.4400/4450
1 month forward 1.4425/4490
2 months forward 1.4460/4530
What will be the gain or loss in the transaction?
The amount of EURO bought by selling US$
US$ 10,00,000 * EURO 1.4400 = EURO 14,40,000
The amount of EURO sold for buying USD 10,00,000 * 1.4450 = EURO 14,45,000
Net Loss in the Transaction = EURO 5,000
To acquire EURO 5,000 from the market @
(a) USD 1 = EURO 1.4400 &
(b) USD1 = INR 31.4500
Cross Currency buying rate of EUR/INR is ` 31.4500 / 1.440 i.e. ` 21.8403
Loss in the Transaction ` 21.8403 * 5000 = ` 1,09,201.50
Alternatively, if delivery to be affected then computation of loss shall be as follows:
EURO to be surrendered to acquire $ 10,00,000 = EURO 14,45,000
EURO to be received after selling $ 10,00,000 = EURO 14,40,000
Loss = EURO 5,000
To acquire EURO 5,000 from market @
US $ 1 = EURO 1.4400
US $ 1 = INR 31.45
Cross Currency = = ` 21.8403
Loss in Transaction (21.8403 x EURO 5,000) = ` 1,09,201.50

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Question 61
AMK Ltd. an Indian based company has subsidiaries in U.S. and U.K.
Forecasts of surplus funds for the next 30 days from two subsidiaries are as below:
U.S. $12.5 million
U.K. £ 6 million
Following exchange rate information is obtained:
$/` £/`
Spot 0.0215 0.0149
30 days forward 0.0217 0.0150
Annual borrowing/deposit rates (Simple) are available.
` 6.4%/6.2%
$ 1.6%/1.5%
£ 3.9%/3.7%
The Indian operation is forecasting a cash deficit of `500 million.
It is assumed that interest rates are based on a year of 360 days.
(i) Calculate the cash balance at the end of 30 days period in ` for each company under
each of the following scenarios ignoring transaction costs and taxes:
(a) Each company invests/finances its own cash balances/deficits in local currency
(b) Cash balances are pooled immediately in India and the net balances are
invested/borrowed for the 30 days period.
(ii) Which method do you think is preferable from the parent company’s point of view?
Cash Balances: (‘000)
Acting independently
Capital Interest ` in 30 days
India -5,00,000 -2,666.67 -5,02,667
U.S. 12,500 15.63 5,76,757
U.K. 6,000 18.50 4,01,233
Cash Balances:-
Immediate Cash pooling

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India − 5,00,000
U.S. = 5,81,395
6,000 4,02,685
U.K. =
Immediate cash pooling is preferable as it maximizes interest earnings
Note: If the company decides to invest pooled amount of `4,84,080/- @ 6.2% p.a. for 30 days
an interest of `2,501/- will accrue.
Question 62
On 19th April following are the spot rates
Spot EURO/USD 1.20000 USD/INR 44.8000
Following are the quotes of European Options:
Currency Pair Call/Put Strike Price Premium Expiry date
EUR/USD Call 1.2000 $ 0.035 July 19
EUR/USD Put 1.2000 $ 0.04 July 19
USD/INR Call 44.8000 ` 0.12 Sep. 19
USD/INR Put 44.8000 ` 0.04 Sep. 19
(i) A trader sells an at-the-money spot straddle expiring at three months (July 19). Calculate
gain or loss if three months later the spot rate is EUR/USD 1.2900.
(ii) Which strategy gives a profit to the dealer if five months later (Sep. 19) expected spot
rate is USD/INR 45.00. Also calculate profit for a transaction USD 1.5 million.
(i) Straddle is a portfolio of a CALL & a PUT option with identical Strike Price. A trader will
be selling a Call option & a Put option with Strike Price of USD per EURO.
He will receive premium of $ 0.035 + $ 0.040 = $ 0.075
At the expiry of three months Spot rate is 1.2900 i.e. higher than Strike Price. Hence,
buyer of the Call option will exercise the option, but buyer of Put option will allow the
option to lapse.
Profit or Loss to a trader is
Premium received $0.075

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Loss on call option exercised 1.2900 – 1.2000 $0.090

Net Loss of $ 0.015 per EURO
(ii) Strategy i.e. either Call or Put
Price is expected to go up then buy call option is beneficial.
On 19th April to pay Premium US$ 15,00,000 @ ` 0.12 i.e. INR 1,80,000
On 19th September exercise call option to gain US$15,00,000 @ ` 0.20 INR 3,00,000
Net Gain or Profit INR 1,20,000
Or Sell of Put option will be beneficial.
On 19th April to receive Premium US$ 15,00,000 @ ` 0.04 i.e. INR 60,000
On 19th September option buyer shall not exercise the option hence no loss INR -
Net Gain or Profit INR 60,000
Question 63
You have following quotes from Bank A and Bank B:
Bank A Bank B
SPOT USD/CHF 1.4650/55 USD/CHF 1.4653/60
3 months 5/10
6 months 10/15
SPOT GBP/USD 1.7645/60 GBP/USD 1.7640/50
3 months 25/20
6 months 35/25
Calculate :
(i) How much minimum CHF amount you have to pay for 1 Million GBP spot?
(ii) Considering the quotes from Bank A only, for GBP/CHF what are the Implied Swap
points for Spot over 3 months?
(i) To Buy 1 Million GBP Spot against CHF
1. First to Buy USD against CHF at the cheaper rate i.e. from Bank A. 1 USD = CHF
2. Then to Buy GBP against USD at a cheaper rate i.e. from Bank B 1 GBP=USD 1.7650
By applying chain rule Buying rate would be
1 GBP = 1.7650 * 1.4655 CHF

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Foreign Exchange Exposure and Risk Management 12.66

1 GBP = CHF 2.5866

Amount payable CHF 2.5866 Million or CHF 25,86,600
(ii) Spot rate Bid rate GBP 1 = CHF 1.4650 * 1.7645 = CHF 2.5850
Offer rate GBP 1 = CHF 1.4655 * 1.7660 = CHF 2.5881
GBP / USD 3 months swap points are at discount
Outright 3 Months forward rate GBP 1 = USD 1.7620 / 1.7640
USD / CHF 3 months swap points are at premium
Outright 3 Months forward rate USD 1 = CHF 1.4655 / 1.4665
Outright 3 Months forward rate GBP 1 = CHF 2.5822 / 2.5869
Spot rate GBP 1 = CHF 2.5850 / 2.5881
Therefore 3 month swap points are at discount of 28/12.
Question 64
M/s Omega Electronics Ltd. exports air conditioners to Germany by importing all the
components from Singapore. The company is exporting 2,400 units at a price of Euro 500 per
unit. The cost of imported components is S$ 800 per unit. The fixed cost and other variables
cost per unit are ` 1,000 and ` 1,500 respectively. The cash flows in Foreign currencies are
due in six months. The current exchange rates are as follows:
`/Euro 51.50/55
`/S$ 27.20/25
After six months the exchange rates turn out as follows:
`/Euro 52.00/05
`/S$ 27.70/75
(1) You are required to calculate loss/gain due to transaction exposure.
(2) Based on the following additional information calculate the loss/gain due to transaction
and operating exposure if the contracted price of air conditioners is ` 25,000 :
(i) the current exchange rate changes to
`/Euro 51.75/80
`/S$ 27.10/15
(ii) Price elasticity of demand is estimated to be 1.5
(iii) Payments and receipts are to be settled at the end of six months.

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12.67 Strategic Financial Management

(i) Profit at current exchange rates
2400 [€ 500 × ` 51.50 – (S$ 800 × ` 27.25 + ` 1,000 + ` 1,500)]
2400 [` 25,750 - ` 24,300] = ` 34,80,000
Profit after change in exchange rates
2400[€500× ` 52 – (S$ 800 × ` 27.75 + ` 1000 + ` 1500)]
2400[` 26,000 - ` 24,700] = ` 31,20,000
` 34,80,000 – ` 31,20,000 = ` 3,60,000
(ii) Profit based on new exchange rates
2400[` 25,000 - (800 × ` 27.15 + ` 1,000 + ` 1,500)]
2400[` 25,000 - ` 24,220] = ` 18,72,000
Profit after change in exchange rates at the end of six months
2400 [` 25,000 - (800 × ` 27.75 + ` 1,000 + ` 1,500)]
2400 [`. 25,000 - ` 24,700] = ` 7,20,000
Decline in profit due to transaction exposure
` 18,72,000 - ` 7,20,000 = ` 11,52,000
` 25,000
Current price of each unit in € = = € 485.44
` 51.50
` 25,000
Price after change in Exch. Rate = = € 483.09
` 51.75
Change in Price due to change in Exch. Rate
€ 485.44 - € 483.09 = € 2.35 or (-) 0.48%
Price elasticity of demand = 1.5
Increase in demand due to fall in price 0.48 × 1.5 = 0.72%
Size of increased order = 2400 ×1.0072 = 2417 units
Profit = 2417 [ ` 25,000 – (800 × ` 27.75 + ` 1,000 + ` 1,500)]
= 2417 [ ` 25,000 - ` 24,700] = ` 7,25,100
Therefore, decrease in profit due to operating exposure ` 18,72,000 – ` 7,25,100
= ` 11,46,900

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Alternatively, if it is assumed that Fixed Cost shall not be changed with change in units then
answer will be as follows:
Fixed Cost = 2400[` 1,000] = ` 24,00,000
Profit = 2417 [ ` 25,000 – (800 × ` 27.75 + ` 1,500)] – ` 24,00,000
= 2417 ( ` 1,300) – ` 24,00,000 = ` 7,42,100
Therefore, decrease in profit due to operating exposure ` 18,72,000 – ` 7,42,100
= ` 11,29,900
Question 65
Your bank’s London office has surplus funds to the extent of USD 5,00,000/- for a period of 3
months. The cost of the funds to the bank is 4% p.a. It proposes to invest these funds in
London, New York or Frankfurt and obtain the best yield, without any exchange risk to the
bank. The following rates of interest are available at the three centres for investment of
domestic funds there at for a period of 3 months.
London 5 % p.a.
New York 8% p.a.
Frankfurt 3% p.a.
The market rates in London for US dollars and Euro are as under:
London on New York
Spot 1.5350/90
1 month 15/18
2 month 30/35
3 months 80/85
London on Frankfurt
Spot 1.8260/90
1 month 60/55
2 month 95/90
3 month 145/140
At which centre, will be investment be made & what will be the net gain (to the nearest pound)
to the bank on the invested funds?
(i) If investment is made at London
Convert US$ 5,00,000 at Spot Rate (5,00,000/1.5390) = £ 3,24,886

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12.69 Strategic Financial Management

Add: £ Interest for 3 months on £ 324,886 @ 5% =£ 4,061

= £ 3,28,947
Less: Amount Invested $ 5,00,000
Interest accrued thereon $ 5,000
= $ 5,05,000
Equivalent amount of £ required to pay the
above sum ($ 5,05,000/1.5430*) = £ 3,27,285
Arbitrage Profit =£ 1,662
(ii) If investment is made at New York
Gain $ 5,00,000 (8% - 4%) x 3/12 = $ 5,000
Equivalent amount in £ 3 months ($ 5,000/ 1.5475) £ 3,231
(iii) If investment is made at Frankfurt
Convert US$ 500,000 at Spot Rate (Cross Rate) 1.8260/1.5390 = € 1.1865
Euro equivalent US$ 500,000 = € 5,93,250
Add: Interest for 3 months @ 3% =€ 4,449
= € 5,97,699
3 month Forward Rate of selling € (1/1.8150) = £ 0.5510
Sell € in Forward Market € 5,97,699 x £ 0.5510 = £ 3,29,332
Less: Amounted invested and interest thereon = £ 3,27,285
Arbitrage Profit = £ 2,047
Since out of three options the maximum profit is in case investment is made in New York.
Hence it should be opted.
* Due to conservative outlook.
Question 66
Drilldip Inc. a US based company has a won a contract in India for drilling oil field. The project
will require an initial investment of ` 500 crore. The oil field along with equipments will be sold
to Indian Government for ` 740 crore in one year time. Since the Indian Government will pay
for the amount in Indian Rupee (`) the company is worried about exposure due exchange rate
You are required to:
(a) Construct a swap that will help the Drilldip to reduce the exchange rate risk.
(b) Assuming that Indian Government offers a swap at spot rate which is 1US$ = ` 50 in one

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year, then should the company should opt for this option or should it just do nothing. The
spot rate after one year is expected to be 1US$ = ` 54. Further you may also assume
that the Drilldip can also take a US$ loan at 8% p.a.
(a) The following swap arrangement can be entered by Drilldip.
(i) Swap a US$ loan today at an agreed rate with any party to obtain Indian Rupees
(`) to make initial investment.
(ii) After one year swap back the Indian Rupees with US$ at the agreed rate. In such
case the company is exposed only on the profit earned from the project.
(b) With the swap
Year 0 (Million Year 1 (Million
US$) US$)
Buy ` 500 crore at spot rate of 1US$ = ` 50 (100.00) ----
Swap ` 500 crore back at agreed rate of ` 50 ---- 100.00
Sell ` 240 crore at 1US$ = ` 54 ---- 44.44
Interest on US$ loan @8% for one year ---- (8.00)
(100.00) 136.44
Net result is a net receipt of US$ 36.44 million.
Without the swap
Year 0 (Million Year 1(Million
US$) US$)
Buy ` 500 crore at spot rate of 1US$ = ` 50 (100.00) ----
Sell ` 740 crore at 1US$ = ` 54 ---- 137.04
Interest on US$ loan @8% for one year ---- (8.00)
(100.00) 129.04
Net result is a net receipt of US$ 29.04 million.
Decision: Since the net receipt is higher in swap option the company should opt for the same.
Question 67
You as a dealer in foreign exchange have the following position in Swiss Francs on
31st October, 2009:
Swiss Francs
Balance in the Nostro A/c Credit 1,00,000

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Opening Position Overbought 50,000

Purchased a bill on Zurich 80,000
Sold forward TT 60,000
Forward purchase contract cancelled 30,000
Remitted by TT 75,000
Draft on Zurich cancelled 30,000
What steps would you take, if you are required to maintain a credit Balance of Swiss Francs
30,000 in the Nostro A/c and keep as overbought position on Swiss Francs 10,000?
Exchange Position:
Particulars Purchase Sw. Fcs. Sale Sw. Fcs.
Opening Balance Overbought 50,000
Bill on Zurich 80,000
Forward Sales – TT 60,000
Cancellation of Forward Contract 30,000
TT Sales 75,000
Draft on Zurich cancelled 30,000 —
1,60,000 1,65,000
Closing Balance Oversold 5,000 —
1,65,000 1,65,000
Cash Position (Nostro A/c)
Credit Debit
Opening balance credit 1,00,000 —
TT sales — 75,000
1,00,000 75,000
Closing balance (credit) — 25,000
1,00,000 1,00,000
The Bank has to buy spot TT Sw. Fcs. 5,000 to increase the balance in Nostro account to Sw.
Fcs. 30,000.
This would bring down the oversold position on Sw. Fcs. as Nil.
Since the bank requires an overbought position of Sw. Fcs. 10,000, it has to buy forward Sw. Fcs.

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Entire Chapter is Applicable for New Syllabus

Merger, Acquisition & Restructuring

Question 1
Explain the term “Demerger”.
Demerger: The word ‘demerger’ is defined under the Income-tax Act, 1961. It refers to a situation
where pursuant to a scheme for reconstruction/restructuring, an ‘undertaking’ is transferred or sold
to another purchasing company or entity. The important point is that even after demerger; the
transferring company would continue to exist and may do business.
Demerger is used as a suitable scheme in the following cases:
• Restructuring of an existing business
• Division of family-managed business
• Management ‘buy-out’.
While under the Income tax Act there is recognition of demerger only for restructuring as provided
for under the Companies Act, in a larger context, demerger can happen in other situations also.
Question 2
Explain synergy in the context of Mergers and Acquisitions.
What is commercial meaning of synergy and how it used as a tool when deciding Merger and
Synergy may be defined as follows:
V (AB) > V (A) + V (B)
In other words the combined value of two firms or companies shall be more than their
individual value. Synergy is the increase in performance of the combined firm over what the
two firms are already expected or required to accomplish as independent firms. This may be
result of complimentary services economics of scale or both.
A good example of complimentary activities can be that one company may have a good
networking of branches and the other company may have efficient production system. Thus,

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Merger, Acquisition & Restructuring 13.2

the merged companies will be more efficient than individual companies.

On similar lines, economics of large scale is also one of the reasons for synergy benefits. The
main reason is that, the large scale production results in lower average cost of production e.g.
reduction in overhead costs on account of sharing of central services such as accounting and
finances, office executives, top level management, legal, sales promotion and advertisement
These economies can be “real” arising out of reduction in factor input per unit of output, or
pecuniary economics are realized from paying lower prices for factor inputs for bulk
Generally positive value of synergy forms the basis of rationale for the merger and acquisition
decision. However, taking decision the decision on the basis of positive synergy should be
evaluated in the light of the costs attached with merger and acquisition decision. Accordingly,
the net gain from merger and acquisition is as follows:
Net Gain = Value of Synergy – Costs associated with Merger and Acquisition
Question 3
Explain the term 'Buy-Outs'.
A very important phenomenon witnessed in the Mergers and Acquisitions scene, in recent times is
one of buy - outs. A buy-out happens when a person or group of persons gain control of a
company by buying all or a majority of its shares. A buyout involves two entities, the acquirer and
the target company. The acquirer seeks to gain controlling interest in the company being acquired
normally through purchase of shares. There are two common types of buy-outs: Leveraged
Buyouts (LBO) and Management Buy-outs (MBO). LBO is the purchase of assets or the equity of a
company where the buyer uses a significant amount of debt and very little equity capital of his own
for payment of the consideration for acquisition. MBO is the purchase of a business by its
management, who when threatened with the sale of its business to third parties or frustrated by the
slow growth of the company, step-in and acquire the business from the owners, and run the
business for themselves. The majority of buy-outs is management buy-outs and involves the
acquisition by incumbent management of the business where they are employed. Typically, the
purchase price is met by a small amount of their own funds and the rest from a mix of venture
capital and bank debt.
Internationally, the two most common sources of buy-out operations are divestment of parts of
larger groups and family companies facing succession problems. Corporate groups may seek to
sell subsidiaries as part of a planned strategic disposal programme or more forced reorganisation
in the face of parental financing problems. Public companies have, however, increasingly sought to
dispose of subsidiaries through an auction process partly to satisfy shareholder pressure for value

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13.3 Strategic Financial Management

In recessionary periods, buy-outs play a big part in the restructuring of a failed or failing businesses
and in an environment of generally weakened corporate performance often represent the only
viable purchasers when parents wish to dispose of subsidiaries.
Buy-outs are one of the most common forms of privatisation, offering opportunities for enhancing
the performances of parts of the public sector, widening employee ownership and giving managers
and employees incentives to make best use of their expertise in particular sectors.
Question 4
What is take over by reverse bid or Reverse Merger?
Generally, a big company takes over a small company. When the smaller company gains
control of a larger one then it is called “Take-over by reverse bid”. In case of reverse take-
over, a small company takes over a big company. This concept has been successfully
followed for revival of sick industries.
The acquired company is said to be big if any one of the following conditions is satisfied:
(i) The assets of the transferor company are greater than the transferee company;
(ii) Equity capital to be issued by the transferee company pursuant to the acquisition
exceeds its original issued capital, and
(iii) The change of control in the transferee company will be through the introduction of
minority holder or group of holders.
Reverse takeover takes place in the following cases:
(1) When the acquired company (big company) is a financially weak company
(2) When the acquirer (the small company) already holds a significant proportion of shares of
the acquired company (small company)
(3) When the people holding top management positions in the acquirer company want to be
relived off of their responsibilities.
The concept of take-over by reverse bid, or of reverse merger, is thus not the usual case of
amalgamation of a sick unit which is non-viable with a healthy or prosperous unit but is a case
whereby the entire undertaking of the healthy and prosperous company is to be merged and
vested in the sick company which is non-viable.
Question 5
Write a short note on Financial restructuring
Financial restructuring, is carried out internally in the firm with the consent of its various
stakeholders. Financial restructuring is a suitable mode of restructuring of corporate firms that

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Merger, Acquisition & Restructuring 13.4

have incurred accumulated sizable losses for / over a number of years. As a sequel, the share
capital of such firms, in many cases, gets substantially eroded / lost; in fact, in some cases,
accumulated losses over the years may be more than share capital, causing negative net
worth. Given such a dismal state of financial affairs, a vast majority of such firms are likely to
have a dubious potential for liquidation. Can some of these Firms be revived? Financial
restructuring is one such a measure for the revival of only those firms that hold prom-
ise/prospects for better financial performance in the years to come. To achieve the desired
objective, 'such firms warrant / merit a restart with a fresh balance sheet, which does not
contain past accumulated losses and fictitious assets and shows share capital at its real/true
Question 6
What is an equity curve out? How does it differ from a spin off?
Equity Curve out can be defined as partial spin off in which a company creates its own new
subsidiary and subsequently bring out its IPO. It should be however noted that parent
company retains its control and only a part of new shares are issued to public.
On the other hand in Spin off parent company does not receive any cash as shares of
subsidiary company are issued to existing shareholder in the form of dividend. Thus,
shareholders in new company remain the same but not in case of Equity curve out.
Question 7
Write a short note on Horizontal Merger and Vertical Merger.
(i) Horizontal Merger: The two companies which have merged are in the same industry,
normally the market share of the new consolidated company would be larger and it is
possible that it may move closer to being a monopoly or a near monopoly to avoid
(ii) Vertical Merger: This merger happens when two companies that have ‘buyer-seller’
relationship (or potential buyer-seller relationship) come together.
Question 8
Explain Chop Shop method of valuation.
This approach attempts to identify multi-industry companies that are undervalued and would
have more value if separated from each other. In other words as per this approach an attempt
is made to buy assets below their replacement value. This approach involves following three

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13.5 Strategic Financial Management

Step 1: Identify the firm’s various business segments and calculate the average capitalization
ratios for firms in those industries.
Step 2: Calculate a “theoretical” market value based upon each of the average capitalization
Step 3: Average the “theoretical” market values to determine the “chop-shop” value of the
Question 9
B Ltd. is a highly successful company and wishes to expand by acquiring other firms. Its
expected high growth in earnings and dividends is reflected in its PE ratio of 17. The Board of
Directors of B Ltd. has been advised that if it were to take over firms with a lower PE ratio than
it own, using a share-for-share exchange, then it could increase its reported earnings per
share. C Ltd. has been suggested as a possible target for a takeover, which has a PE ratio of
10 and 1,00,000 shares in issue with a share price of ` 15. B Ltd. has 5,00,000 shares in
issue with a share price of ` 12.
Calculate the change in earnings per share of B Ltd. if it acquires the whole of C Ltd. by issuing
shares at its market price of `12. Assume the price of B Ltd. shares remains constant.
Total market value of C Ltd is = 1,00,000 x ` 15 = ` 15,00,000
PE ratio (given) = 10
Therefore, earnings = ` 15,00,000 /10
= ` 1,50,000
Total market value of B Ltd. is = 5,00,000 x ` 12 = ` 60,00,000
PE ratio (given) = 17
Therefore, earnings = ` 60,00,000/17
= ` 3,52,941
The number of shares to be issued by B Ltd.
` 15,00,000 ÷ 12 = 1,25,000
Total number of shares of B Ltd = 5,00,000 + 1,25,000 = 6,25,000
The EPS of the new firm is = (` 3,52,941+`1,50,000)/6,25,000
= ` 0.80
The present EPS of B Ltd is = ` 3,52,941 /5,00,000
= ` 0.71
So the EPS affirm B will increase from Re. 0.71 to ` 0.80 as a result of merger.

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Merger, Acquisition & Restructuring 13.6

Question 10
ABC Company is considering acquisition of XYZ Ltd. which has 1.5 crores shares outstanding
and issued. The market price per share is ` 400 at present. ABC's average cost of capital is
12%. Available information from XYZ indicates its expected cash accruals for the next 3 years
as follows:
Year ` Cr.
1 250
2 300
3 400
Calculate the range of valuation that ABC has to consider. (PV factors at 12% for years 1 to 3
respectively: 0.893, 0.797 and 0.712).
Market Price per share ` 400
Thus value of total business is (` 400 x 1.5 Cr.) ` 600 Cr.
Present Value of cash flows
(` 250 cr x 0.893) + (` 300 cr. X 0.797) + ( ` 400 cr. X 0.712 ) = ` 747.15 Cr.
Value of per share (` 747.15 Cr. / 1.5 Cr) ` 498.10 per share
Per Share Total
` ` Cr.
Minimum 400.00 600.00
Maximum 498.10 747.15

Question 11
Elrond Limited plans to acquire Doom Limited. The relevant financial details of the two firms
prior to the merger announcement are:
Elrond Limited Doom Limited
Market price per share ` 50 ` 25
Number of outstanding shares 20 lakhs 10 Lakhs

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13.7 Strategic Financial Management

The merger is expected to generate gains, which have a present value of `200 lakhs. The
exchange ratio agreed to is 0.5.
What is the true cost of the merger from the point of view of Elrond Limited?
Shareholders of Doom Ltd. will get 5 lakh share of Elrond Limited, so they will get:
5 lakh
= = 20% of shares Elrond Limited
20 lakh + 5 lakh
The value of Elrond Ltd. after merger will be:
= ` 50 x 20 lakh + ` 25 x 10 lakh + ` 200 lakh
= ` 1000 lakh + ` 250 lakh + ` 200 lakh = ` 1450 lakh
True Cost of Merger will be:
(` 1450 x 20%) ` 290 lakhs – ` 250 lakhs = ` 40 lakhs
Question 12
Eagle Ltd. reported a profit of ` 77 lakhs after 30% tax for the financial year 2011-12. An
analysis of the accounts revealed that the income included extraordinary items of ` 8 lakhs
and an extraordinary loss of `10 lakhs. The existing operations, except for the extraordinary
items, are expected to continue in the future. In addition, the results of the launch of a new
product are expected to be as follows:
` In lakhs
Sales 70
Material costs 20
Labour costs 12
Fixed costs 10
You are required to:
(i) Calculate the value of the business, given that the capitalization rate is 14%.
(ii) Determine the market price per equity share, with Eagle Ltd.‘s share capital being
comprised of 1,00,000 13% preference shares of ` 100 each and 50,00,000 equity
shares of ` 10 each and the P/E ratio being 10 times.

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Merger, Acquisition & Restructuring 13.8

(i) Computation of Business Value
(` Lakhs)
77 110
Profit before tax
1 − 0.30
Less: Extraordinary income (8)
Add: Extraordinary losses 10
Profit from new product (` Lakhs)
Sales 70
Less: Material costs 20
Labour costs 12
Fixed costs 10 (42) 28
Less: Taxes @30% 42.00
Future Maintainable Profit after taxes 98.00
Relevant Capitalisation Factor 0.14
Value of Business (`98/0.14) 700
(ii) Determination of Market Price of Equity Share
Future maintainable profits (After Tax) ` 98,00,000
Less: Preference share dividends 1,00,000 shares of ` 100 @ 13% ` 13,00,000
Earnings available for Equity Shareholders ` 85,00,000
No. of Equity Shares 50,00,000
` 85,00,000 ` 1.70
Earning per share = =
PE ratio 10
Market price per share ` 17
Question 13
ABC Co. is considering a new sales strategy that will be valid for the next 4 years. They want
to know the value of the new strategy. Following information relating to the year which has just
ended, is available:
Income Statement `
Sales 20,000
Gross margin (20%) 4,000

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13.9 Strategic Financial Management

Administration, Selling & distribution expense (10%) 2,000

PBT 2,000
Tax (30%) 600
PAT 1,400
Balance Sheet Information
Fixed Assets 8,000
Current Assets 4,000
Equity 12,000
If it adopts the new strategy, sales will grow at the rate of 20% per year for three years. The
gross margin ratio, Assets turnover ratio, the Capital structure and the income tax rate will
remain unchanged.
Depreciation would be at 10% of net fixed assets at the beginning of the year.
The Company’s target rate of return is 15%.
Determine the incremental value due to adoption of the strategy.
Projected Balance Sheet
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Fixed Assets (40% of Sales) 9,600 11,520 13,824 13,824
Current Assets (20% of Sales) 4,800 5,760 6,912 6,912
Total Assets 14,400 17,280 20,736 20,736
Equity 14,400 17,280 20,736 20,736
Projected Cash Flows:-
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Sales 24,000 28,800 34,560 34,560
PBT (10% of sale) 2,400 2,880 3,456 3,456
PAT (70%) 1,680 2,016 2,419.20 2,419.20
Depreciation 800 960 1,152 1,382
Addition to Fixed Assets 2,400 2,880 3,456 1,382
Increase in Current Assets 800 960 1,152 -
Operating cash flow (FCFF) (720) (864) (1,036.80) 2,419.20

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Projected Cash Flows:-

Present value of Projected Cash Flows:-
Cash Flows PVF at 15% PV
-720 0.870 -626.40
-864 0.756 -653.18
-1,036.80 0.658 -682.21

Residual Value - 2419.20/0.15 = 16,128

Present value of Residual value = 16128/(1.15)3
= 16128/1.521 = 10603.55
Total shareholders’ value = 10,603.55 – 1,961.79 = 8,641.76
Pre strategy value = 1,400 / 0.15 = 9,333.33
∴ Value of strategy = 8,641.76 – 9,333.33 = – 691.57
Conclusion: The strategy is not financially viable
Question 14
MK Ltd. is considering acquiring NN Ltd. The following information is available:
Company Earning after No. of Equity Shares Market Value
tax(`) Per Share(`)
MK Ltd. 60,00,000 12,00,000 200.00
NN Ltd. 18,00,000 3,00,000 160.00
Exchange of equity shares for acquisition is based on current market value as above. There is
no synergy advantage available.
(i) Find the earning per share for company MK Ltd. after merger, and
(ii) Find the exchange ratio so that shareholders of NN Ltd. would not be at a loss.
(i) Earning per share of company MK Ltd after merger:-
Exchange ratio 160 : 200 = 4 : 5.
that is 4 shares of MK Ltd. for every 5 shares of NN Ltd.
∴Total number of shares to be issued = 4/5 × 3,00,000 = 2,40,000 Shares.
∴Total number of shares of MK Ltd. and NN Ltd.=12,00,000 (MK Ltd.)+2,40,000 (NN Ltd.)

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13.11 Strategic Financial Management

Total profit after tax = ` 60,00,000 MK Ltd.
= ` 18,00,000 NN Ltd.
= ` 78,00,000
∴ EPS. (Earning Per Share) of MK Ltd. after merger
` 78,00,000/14,40,000 = ` 5.42 per share
(ii) To find the exchange ratio so that shareholders of NN Ltd. would not be at a Loss:
Present earning per share for company MK Ltd.
= ` 60,00,000/12,00,000 = ` 5.00
Present earning per share for company NN Ltd.
= ` 18,00,000/3,00,000 = ` 6.00
∴ Exchange ratio should be 6 shares of MK Ltd. for every 5 shares of NN Ltd.
∴ Shares to be issued to NN Ltd. = 3,00,000 × 6/5 = 3,60,000 shares
Now, total No. of shares of MK Ltd. and NN Ltd. =12,00,000 (MK Ltd.)+3,60,000 (NN Ltd.)
∴ EPS after merger = ` 78,00,000/15,60,000 = ` 5.00 per share
Total earnings available to shareholders of NN Ltd. after merger = 3,60,000 shares ×
` 5.00 = ` 18,00,000.
This is equal to earnings prior merger for NN Ltd.
∴ Exchange ratio on the basis of earnings per share is recommended.
Question 15
Cauliflower Limited is contemplating acquisition of Cabbage Limited. Cauliflower Limited has 5
lakh shares having market value of ` 40 per share while Cabbage Limited has 3 lakh shares
having market value of ` 25 per share. The EPS for Cabbage Limited and Cauliflower Limited
are ` 3 per share and ` 5 per share respectively. The managements of both the companies
are discussing two alternatives for exchange of shares as follows:
(i) In proportion to relative earnings per share of the two companies.
(ii) 1 share of Cauliflower Limited for two shares of Cabbage Limited.
(i) Calculate the EPS after merger under both the alternatives.
(ii) Show the impact on EPS for the shareholders of the two companies under both the

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(i) Exchange ratio in proportion to relative EPS

(in `)
Company Existing No. of shares EPS Total earnings
Cauliflower Ltd. 5,00,000 5.00 25,00,000
Cabbage Ltd. 3,00,000 3.00 9,00,000
Total earnings 34,00,000
No. of shares after merger 5,00,000 + 1,80,000 = 6,80,000
 3.00 
Note: 1,80,000 may be calculated as =  3,00,000 × 
 5.00 

EPS for Cauliflower Ltd. after merger = 34,00,000 = ` 5.00

Impact on EPS
Cauliflower Ltd. shareholders
EPS before merger 5.00
EPS after merger 5.00
Increase/ Decrease in EPS 0.00
Cabbage Ltd.' Shareholders
EPS before merger 3.00
EPS after the merger 5.00 x 3/5 3.00
Increase/ Decrease in EPS 0.00
(ii) Merger effect on EPS with share exchange ratio of 1 : 2
Total earnings after merger ` 34,00,000
No. of shares post merger 5,00,000 + 1,50,000 (0.5 × 3,00,000) 6,50,000
EPS (34,00,000 ÷ 6,50,000) 5.23
Impact on EPS
Cauliflower Ltd. shareholders
EPS before merger 5.00
EPS after merger 5.23
Increase in EPS 0.23

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Cabbage Ltd. shareholders

EPS before merger 3.000
EPS after the merger 5.23 x 0.5 2.615
Decrease in EPS 0.385
Question 16
A Ltd. wants to acquire T Ltd. and has offered a swap ratio of 1:2 (0.5 shares for every one
share of T Ltd.). Following information is provided:
A Ltd. T. Ltd.
Profit after tax `18,00,000 `3,60,000
Equity shares outstanding (Nos.) 6,00,000 1,80,000
EPS `3 `2
PE Ratio 10 times 7 times
Market price per share `30 `14
(i) The number of equity shares to be issued by A Ltd. for acquisition of T Ltd.
(ii) What is the EPS of A Ltd. after the acquisition?
(iii) Determine the equivalent earnings per share of T Ltd.
(iv) What is the expected market price per share of A Ltd. after the acquisition, assuming its
PE multiple remains unchanged?
(v) Determine the market value of the merged firm.
(i) The number of shares to be issued by A Ltd.:
The Exchange ratio is 0.5
So, new Shares = 1,80,000 x 0.5 = 90,000 shares.
(ii) EPS of A Ltd. After a acquisition:
Total Earnings (` 18,00,000 + ` 3,60,000) `21,60,000
No. of Shares (6,00,000 + 90,000) 6,90,000
EPS (` 21,60,000)/6,90,000) `3.13
(iii) Equivalent EPS of T Ltd.:
No. of new Shares 0.5

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EPS `3.13
Equivalent EPS (` 3.13 x 0.5) `1.57
(iv) New Market Price of A Ltd. (P/E remaining unchanged):
Present P/E Ratio of A Ltd. 10 times
Expected EPS after merger `3.13
Expected Market Price (`3.13 x 10) `31.30
(v) Market Value of merged firm:
Total number of Shares 6,90,000
Expected Market Price `31.30
Total value (6,90,000 x 31.30) `2,15,97,000

Question 17
ABC Ltd. is intending to acquire XYZ Ltd. by merger and the following information is available
in respect of the companies:
ABC Ltd. XYZ Ltd.
Number of equity shares 10,00,000 6,00,000
Earnings after tax (`) 50,00,000 18,00,000
Market value per share (`) 42 28

(i) What is the present EPS of both the companies?
(ii) If the proposed merger takes place, what would be the new earning per share for ABC
Ltd.? Assume that the merger takes place by exchange of equity shares and the
exchange ratio is based on the current market price.
(iii) What should be exchange ratio, if XYZ Ltd. wants to ensure the earnings to members are
same as before the merger takes place?
(i) Earnings per share = Earnings after tax /No. of equity shares
ABC Ltd. = ` 50,00,000/10,00,000 = ` 5
XYZ Ltd. = ` 18,00,000 / 6,00,000 = ` 3
(ii) Number of Shares XYZ limited’s shareholders will get in ABC Ltd. based on market
value per share = ` 28/ 42 × 6,00,000 = 4,00,000 shares

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Total number of equity shares of ABC Ltd. after merger = 10,00,000 + 4,00,000 =
Earnings per share after merger = ` 50,00,000 + 18,00,000/14,00,000 = ` 4.86
(iii) Calculation of exchange ratio to ensure shareholders of XYZ Ltd. to earn the same
as was before merger:
Shares to be exchanged based on EPS = (` 3/` 5) × 6,00,000 = 3,60,000 shares
EPS after merger = (` 50,00,000 + 18,00,000)/13,60,000 = ` 5
Total earnings in ABC Ltd. available to shareholders of XYZ Ltd. = 3,60,000 × ` 5 =
` 18,00,000.
Thus, to ensure that Earning to members are same as before, the ratio of exchange should be
0.6 share for 1 share.
Question 18
The CEO of a company thinks that shareholders always look for EPS. Therefore, he considers
maximization of EPS as his company's objective. His company's current Net Profits are
` 80.00 lakhs and P/E multiple is 10.5. He wants to buy another firm which has current income
of ` 15.75 lakhs & P/E multiple of 10.
What is the maximum exchange ratio which the CEO should offer so that he could keep EPS
at the current level, given that the current market price of both the acquirer and the target
company are ` 42 and ` 105 respectively?
If the CEO borrows funds at 15% and buys out Target Company by paying cash, how much
cash should he offer to maintain his EPS? Assume tax rate of 30%.
Acquirer Company Target Company
Net Profit ` 80 lakhs ` 15.75 lakhs
PE Multiple 10.50 10.00
Market Capitalization ` 840 lakhs ` 157.50 lakhs
Market Price ` 42 ` 105
No. of Shares 20 lakhs 1.50 lakhs
EPS `4 ` 10.50
Maximum Exchange Ratio 4 : 10.50 or 1 : 2.625
Thus, for every one share of Target Company 2.625 shares of Acquirer Company.

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(ii) Let x lakhs be the amount paid by Acquirer company to Target Company. Then to
maintain same EPS i.e. ` 4 the number of shares to be issued will be:
(80 lakhs + 15.75 lakhs) - 0.70 × 15% × x
20 lakhs
95.75 - 0.105 x
x = ` 150 lakhs
Thus, ` 150 lakhs shall be offered in cash to Target Company to maintain same EPS.
Question 19
XYZ Ltd., is considering merger with ABC Ltd. XYZ Ltd.’s shares are currently traded at ` 20. It
has 2,50,000 shares outstanding and its earnings after taxes (EAT) amount to ` 5,00,000. ABC
Ltd., has 1,25,000 shares outstanding; its current market price is ` 10 and its EAT are `
1,25,000. The merger will be effected by means of a stock swap (exchange). ABC Ltd., has
agreed to a plan under which XYZ Ltd., will offer the current market value of ABC Ltd.’s shares:
(i) What is the pre-merger earnings per share (EPS) and P/E ratios of both the companies?
(ii) If ABC Ltd.’s P/E ratio is 6.4, what is its current market price? What is the exchange
ratio? What will XYZ Ltd.’s post-merger EPS be?
(iii) What should be the exchange ratio; if XYZ Ltd.’s pre-merger and post-merger EPS are to
be the same?
(i) Pre-merger EPS and P/E ratios of XYZ Ltd. and ABC Ltd.
Particulars XYZ Ltd. ABC Ltd.
Earnings after taxes 5,00,000 1,25,000
Number of shares outstanding 2,50,000 1,25,000
EPS 2 1
Market Price per share 20 10
P/E Ratio (times) 10 10

(ii) Current Market Price of ABC Ltd. if P/E ratio is 6.4 = ` 1 × 6.4 = ` 6.40
` 20 ` 6.40
Exchange ratio = = 3.125 or = 0.32
` 6.40 ` 20

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Post merger EPS of XYZ Ltd.

` 5,00,000 + ` 1,25,000 ` 6,25,000
= = = 2.16
2,50,000 + (1,25,000/ 3.125) 2,90,000
(iii) Desired Exchange Ratio
Total number of shares in post-merged company
Post - merger earnings ` 6,25,000
= = = 3,12,500
Pre - merger EPS of XYZ Ltd 2

Number of shares required to be issued

= 3,12,500 – 2,50,000 = 62,500
Therefore, the exchange ratio is
62,500 : 1,25,000 = = 0.50
Alternatively, EPS based swapping will lead to no loss of EPS after merger.
Question 20
Company X is contemplating the purchase of Company Y. Company X has 3,00,000 shares
having a market price of ` 30 per share, while Company Y has 2,00,000 shares selling at ` 20
per share. The EPS are ` 4.00 and ` 2.25 for Company X and Y respectively. Managements
of both companies are discussing two alternative proposals for exchange of shares as
indicated below:
(i) In proportion to the relative earnings per share of two companies.
(ii) 0.5 share of Company X for one share of Company Y (0.5 : 1).
You are required:
(i) To calculate the Earnings Per Share (EPS) after merger under two alternatives; and
(ii) To show the impact on EPS for the shareholders of two companies under both the
(i) Exchange ratio in proportion to relative EPS (in ` )
Company Existing No. of shares EPS Total earnings
X 3,00,000 4.00 12,00,000
Y 2,00,000 2.25 4,50,000
Total earnings 16,50,000

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No. of shares after merger 3,00,000 + 1,12,500 = 4,12,500

 2.25 
Note: 1,12,500 may be calculated as =  2,00,000 × 
 4.00 
EPS for Co. X after merger = = ` 4.00
Impact on EPS
Equivalent EPS of Co. Y
Before merger ` 2.25
After merger (EPS before merger X Share exchange ratio on EPS basis)
` 4.00 X 0.5625 = ` 2.25
(ii) Merger effect on EPS with share exchange ratio of 0.5 : 1
Total earnings after merger ` 16,50,000
No. of shares post merger (3,00,000 + 1,00,000 (0.5 × 2,00,000) 4,00,000
EPS 16,50,000 ÷ 4,00,000 4.125
Impact on EPS
Co. X’ shareholders `
EPS before merger 4.00
EPS after merger i.e. (16,50,000 ÷ 4,00,000) 4.125
Increase in EPS 0.125
Co. Y' Shareholders
EPS before merger 2.2500
Equivalent EPS after the merger 4.125 x 0.5 2.0625
Decrease in EPS 0.1875
Question 21
K. Ltd. is considering acquiring N. Ltd., the following information is available :
Company Profit after Tax Number of Equity shares Market value per share
K. Ltd. 50,00,000 10,00,000 200.00
N. Ltd. 15,00,000 2,50,000 160.00

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Exchange of equity shares for acquisition is based on current market value as above. There is
no synergy advantage available:
Find the earning per share for company K. Ltd. after merger.
Find the exchange ratio so that shareholders of N. Ltd. would not be at a loss.
(i) Earning per share for company K. Ltd. after Merger:
Exchange Ratio 160 : 200 = 4: 5
That is 4 shares of K. Ltd. for every 5 shares of N. Ltd.
∴ Total number of shares to be issued = × 2,50,000 = 2,00,000 shares
∴ Total number of shares of K. Ltd. and N. Ltd. = 10,00,000 K. Ltd.
+ 2,00,000 N. Ltd
Total profit after Tax = ` 50,00,000 K. Ltd.
` 15,00,000 N Ltd.
` 65,00,000
∴ E.P.S. (Earning per share) of K. Ltd. after Merger
` 65,00,000
= = ` 5.42 Per Share
(ii) To find the Exchange Ratio so that shareholders of N. Ltd. would not be at a Loss:
Present Earnings per share for company K. Ltd.
` 50,00,000
= =` 5.00
` 10,00,000
Present Earnings Per share for company N. Ltd.
` 15,00,000
= =` 6.00
` 2,50,000
∴ Exchange Ratio should be 6 shares of K. Ltd. for every 5 shares of N Ltd.
∴ Shares to be issued to N. Ltd.
2,50,000 × 6
∴ Total No. of Shares of K.Ltd. and N. Ltd.

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= 10,00,000 K. Ltd.
+ 3,00,000 N. Ltd
∴ E.P.S. After Merger = ` 5.00 Per Share
Total Earnings Available to Shareholders of N. Ltd. after Merger
= ` 3,00,000 × ` 5.00 = ` 15,00,000
This is equal to Earnings prior Merger for N. Ltd.
∴ Exchange Ratio on the Basis of Earnings per Share is recommended.
Question 22
M Co. Ltd. is studying the possible acquisition of N Co. Ltd., by way of merger. The following
data are available in respect of the companies:
Particulars M Co. Ltd. N Co. Ltd.
Earnings after tax (`) 80,00,000 24,00,000
No. of equity shares 16,00,000 4,00,000
Market value per share (`) 200 160
(i) If the merger goes through by exchange of equity and the exchange ratio is based on the
current market price, what is the new earning per share for M Co. Ltd.?
(ii) N Co. Ltd. wants to be sure that the earnings available to its shareholders will not be
diminished by the merger. What should be the exchange ratio in that case?
(i) Calculation of new EPS of M Co. Ltd.
No. of equity shares to be issued by M Co. Ltd. to N Co. Ltd.
= 4,00,000 shares × ` 160/` 200 = 3,20,000 shares
Total no. of shares in M Co. Ltd. after acquisition of N Co. Ltd.
= 16,00,000 + 3,20,000 = 19,20,000
Total earnings after tax [after acquisition]
= 80,00,000 + 24,00,000 = 1,04,00,000
` 1,04,00,000
EPS = = ` 5.42
19,20,000 equity shares

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(ii) Calculation of exchange ratio which would not diminish the EPS of N Co. Ltd. after
its merger with M Co. Ltd.
Current EPS:
` 80,00,000
M Co. Ltd. = =`5
16,00,000 equity shares
` 24,00,000
N Co. Ltd. = =`6
4,00,000 equity shares
Exchange ratio = 6/5 = 1.20
No. of new shares to be issued by M Co. Ltd. to N Co. Ltd.
= 4,00,000 × 1.20 = 4,80,000 shares
Total number of shares of M Co. Ltd. after acquisition
= 16,00,000 + 4,80,000 = 20,80,000 shares
` 1,04,00,000
EPS [after merger] = =`5
Total earnings in M Co. Ltd. available to new shareholders of N Co. Ltd.
= 4,80,000 × ` 5 = ` 24,00,000
Recommendation: The exchange ratio (6 for 5) based on market shares is beneficial to
shareholders of 'N' Co. Ltd.
Question 23
The following information is provided related to the acquiring Firm Mark Limited and the target
Firm Mask Limited:
Firm Firm
Mark Limited Mask Limited
Earning after tax (`) 2,000 lakhs 400 lakhs
Number of shares outstanding 200 lakhs 100 lakhs
P/E ratio (times) 10 5

(i) What is the Swap Ratio based on current market prices?
(ii) What is the EPS of Mark Limited after acquisition?
(iii) What is the expected market price per share of Mark Limited after acquisition, assuming
P/E ratio of Mark Limited remains unchanged?

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(iv) Determine the market value of the merged firm.

(v) Calculate gain/loss for shareholders of the two independent companies after acquisition.
Particulars Mark Ltd. Mask Ltd.
EPS ` 2,000 Lakhs/ 200 lakhs ` 400 lakhs / 100 lakhs
= ` 10 `4
Market Price ` 10 × 10 = ` 100 ` 4 × 5 = ` 20
(i) The Swap ratio based on current market price is
` 20 / ` 100 = 0.2 or 1 share of Mark Ltd. for 5 shares of Mask Ltd.
No. of shares to be issued = 100 lakh × 0.2 = 20 lakhs.
(ii) EPS after merger
` 2,000 lakhs + ` 400 lakhs
= = ` 10.91
200 lakhs + 20 lakhs
(iii) Expected market price after merger assuming P / E 10 times.
= ` 10.91 × 10 = ` 109.10
(iv) Market value of merged firm
= ` 109.10 market price × 220 lakhs shares = 240.02 crores
(v) Gain from the merger
Post merger market value of the merged firm ` 240.02 crores
Less: Pre-merger market value
Mark Ltd. 200 Lakhs × ` 100 = 200 crores
Mask Ltd. 100 Lakhs × ` 20 = 20 crores ` 220.00 crores
Gain from merger ` 20.02 crores
Appropriation of gains from the merger among shareholders:
Mark Ltd. Mask Ltd.
Post merger value 218.20 crores 21.82 crores
Less: Pre-merger market value 200.00 crores 20.00 crores
Gain to Shareholders 18.20 crores 1.82 crores

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Question 24
XYZ Ltd. wants to purchase ABC Ltd. by exchanging 0.7 of its share for each share of ABC
Ltd. Relevant financial data are as follows:
Equity shares outstanding 10,00,000 4,00,000
EPS (`) 40 28
Market price per share (`) 250 160
(i) Illustrate the impact of merger on EPS of both the companies.
(ii) The management of ABC Ltd. has quoted a share exchange ratio of 1:1 for the merger.
Assuming that P/E ratio of XYZ Ltd. will remain unchanged after the merger, what will be
the gain from merger for ABC Ltd.?
(iii) What will be the gain/loss to shareholders of XYZ Ltd.?
(iv) Determine the maximum exchange ratio acceptable to shareholders of XYZ Ltd.
Working Notes
XYZ Ltd. ABC Ltd.
Equity shares outstanding (Nos.) 10,00,000 4,00,000
EPS ` 40 ` 28
Profit ` 400,00,000 ` 112,00,000
PE Ratio 6.25 5.71
Market price per share ` 250 ` 160
(b) EPS after merger
No. of shares to be issued (4,00,000 x 0.70) 2,80,000
Exiting Equity shares outstanding 10,00,000
Equity shares outstanding after merger 12,80,000
Total Profit (` 400,00,000 + ` 112,00,000) ` 512,00,000
EPS ` 40

(i) Impact of merger on EPS of both the companies

XYZ Ltd. ABC Ltd.
EPS after Merger ` 40 ` 28

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EPS before Merger ` 40 ` 28*

Nil Nil
* ` 40 x 0.70
(ii) Gain from the Merger if exchange ratio is 1: 1
No. of shares to be issued 4,00,000
Exiting Equity shares outstanding 10,00,000
Equity shares outstanding after merger 14,00,000
Total Profit (` 400,00,000 + ` 112,00,000) ` 512,00,000
EPS ` 36.57
Market Price of Share (` 36.57 x 6.25) ` 228.56
Market Price of Share before Merger ` 160.00
Impact (Increase/ Gain) ` 68.56
(iii) Gain/ loss from the Merger to the shareholders of XYZ Ltd.
Market Price of Share ` 228.56
Market Price of Share before Merger ` 250.00
Loss from the merger (per share) ` 21.44
(iv) Maximum Exchange Ratio acceptable to XYZ Ltd. shareholders
` Lakhs
Market Value of Merged Entity (` 228.57 x 1400000) 3199.98
Less: Value acceptable to shareholders of XYZ Ltd. 2500.00
Value of merged entity available to shareholders of ABC Ltd. 699.98
Market Price Per Share 250
No. of shares to be issued to the shareholders of ABC Ltd. (lakhs) 2.80
Thus maximum ratio of issue shall be 2.80 : 4.00 or 0.70 share of XYZ Ltd. for one share of
ABC Ltd.
Alternatively, it can also be computed as follows:
Earning after Merger (40 x 1000000 + 28 x 400000) ` 512 lakhs
PE Ratio of XYZ Ltd. 6.25
Market Value of Firm after Merger (512 x 6.25) ` 3200 lakhs
Existing Value of Shareholders of XYZ Ltd. ` 2500 lakhs

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Value of Merged entity available to Shareholders of ABC Ltd. ` 700 lakhs

Market Price per Share ` 250
Total No. of shares to be issued 2.8 lakh
Thus, maximum acceptable ratio shall be 2.80:4.00 i.e. 0.70 share of XYZ Ltd. for one share of
ABC Ltd.
Question 25
Simple Ltd. and Dimple Ltd. are planning to merge. The total value of the companies are
dependent on the fluctuating business conditions. The following information is given for the
total value (debt + equity) structure of each of the two companies.
Business Condition Probability Simple Ltd. ` Lacs Dimple Ltd. ` Lacs
High Growth 0.20 820 1050
Medium Growth 0.60 550 825
Slow Growth 0.20 410 590
The current debt of Dimple Ltd. is ` 65 lacs and of Simple Ltd. is ` 460 lacs.
Calculate the expected value of debt and equity separately for the merged entity.
Computation of Value of Equity
Simple Ltd.
` in Lacs
High Growth Medium Growth Slow Growth
Debit + Equity 820 550 410
Less: Debt 460 460 460
Equity 360 90 -50
Since the Company has limited liability the value of equity cannot be negative therefore the value
of equity under slow growth will be taken as zero because of insolvency risk and the value of debt
is taken at 410 lacs. The expected value of debt and equity can then be calculated as:
Simple Ltd.
` in Lacs
High Growth Medium Growth Slow Growth Expected Value
Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob. Value
Debt 0.20 460 0.60 460 0.20 410 450
Equity 0.20 360 0.60 90 0.20 0 126
820 550 410 576

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Dimple Ltd.
` in Lacs
High Growth Medium Growth Slow Growth Expected Value
Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob. Value
Equity 0.20 985 0.60 760 0.20 525 758
Debt 0.20 65 0.60 65 0.20 65 65
1050 825 590 823
Expected Values
` in Lacs
Equity Debt
Simple Ltd. 126 Simple Ltd. 450
Dimple Ltd. 758 Dimple Ltd. 65
884 515

Question 26
Longitude Limited is in the process of acquiring Latitude Limited on a share exchange basis.
Following relevant data are available:
Longitude Limited Latitude Limited
Profit after Tax (PAT) ` in Lakhs 140 60
Number of Shares Lakhs 15 16
Earning per Share (EPS) ` 8 5
Price Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) 15 10
(Ignore Synergy)

You are required to determine:

(i) Pre-merger Market Value per Share, and
(ii) The maximum exchange ratio Longitude Limited can offer without the dilution of
(1) EPS and
(2) Market Value per Share
Calculate Ratio/s up to four decimal points and amounts and number of shares up to two
decimal points.

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13.27 Strategic Financial Management

(i) Pre Merger Market Value of Per Share
P/E Ratio X EPS
Longitude Ltd. ` 8 X 15 = ` 120.00
Latitude Ltd. ` 5 X 10 = ` 50.00
(ii) (1) Maximum exchange ratio without dilution of EPS
Pre Merger PAT of Longitude Ltd. ` 140 Lakhs
Pre Merger PAT of Latitude Ltd. ` 60 Lakhs
Combined PAT ` 200 Lakhs
Longitude Ltd. ’s EPS `8
Maximum number of shares of Longitude after merger (` 200 25 Lakhs
lakhs/` 8)
Existing number of shares 15 Lakhs
Maximum number of shares to be exchanged 10 Lakhs
Maximum share exchange ratio 10:16 or 5:8
(2) Maximum exchange ratio without dilution of Market Price Per Share
Pre Merger Market Capitalization of Longitude Ltd. ` 1800 Lakhs
(` 120 × 15 Lakhs)
Pre Merger Market Capitalization of Latitude Ltd. ` 800 Lakhs
(` 50 × 16 Lakhs)
Combined Market Capitalization ` 2600 Lakhs
Current Market Price of share of Longitude Ltd. ` 120
Maximum number of shares to be exchanged of Longitude 21.67 Lakhs
(surviving company) (` 2600 Lakhs/` 120)
Current Number of Shares of Longitude Ltd. 15.00 Lakhs
Maximum number of shares to be exchanged (Lakhs) 6.67 Lakhs
Maximum share exchange ratio 6.67:16 or 0.4169:1
Note: Since in the question figures given of PAT of both companies are not matching
with figures of EPS X Number of Shares. Hence, if students computed PAT by using this
formula then alternative answer shall be as follows:
(1) Maximum exchange ratio without dilution of EPS
Pre Merger PAT of Longitude Ltd. ` 120 Lakhs
Pre Merger PAT of Latitude Ltd. ` 80 Lakhs
Combined PAT ` 200 Lakhs

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Longitude Ltd. ’s EPS `8

Maximum number of shares of Longitude after merger (` 200 25 Lakhs
lakhs/` 8)
Existing number of shares 15 Lakhs
Maximum number of shares to be exchanged 10 Lakhs
Maximum share exchange ratio 10:16 or 5:8
(2) Maximum exchange ratio without dilution of Market Price Per Share
Pre Merger Market Capitalization of Longitude Ltd. ` 1800 Lakhs
(` 120 × 15 Lakhs)
Pre Merger Market Capitalization of Latitude Ltd. ` 800 Lakhs
(` 50 × 16 Lakhs)
Combined Market Capitalization ` 2600 Lakhs
Current Market Price of share of Longitude Ltd. ` 120
Maximum number of shares to be exchanged of Longitude 21.67 Lakhs
(surviving company) (` 2600 Lakhs/` 120)
Current Number of Shares of Longitude Ltd. 15.00 Lakhs
Maximum number of shares to be exchanged (Lakhs) 6.67 Lakhs
Maximum share exchange ratio 6.67:16 or 0.4169:1
Question 27
Following information is provided relating to the acquiring company Mani Ltd. and the target
company Ratnam Ltd:
Mani Ltd. Ratnam Ltd.
Earnings after tax (` lakhs) 2,000 4,000
No. of shares outstanding (lakhs) 200 1,000
P/E ratio (No. of times) 10 5
(i) What is the swap ratio based on current market prices?
(ii) What is the EPS of Mani Ltd. after the acquisition?
(iii) What is the expected market price per share of Mani Ltd. after the acquisition, assuming
its P/E ratio is adversely affected by 10%?
(iv) Determine the market value of the merged Co.
(v) Calculate gain/loss for the shareholders of the two independent entities, due to the merger.

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13.29 Strategic Financial Management

(i) SWAP ratio based on current market prices:
EPS before acquisition:
Mani Ltd. : `2,000 lakhs / 200 lakhs: `10
Ratnam Ltd.: `4,000 lakhs / 1,000 lakhs: ` 4
Market price before acquisition:
Mani Ltd.: `10 × 10 `100
Ratnam Ltd.: `4 × 5 ` 20
SWAP ratio: 20/100 or 1/5 i.e. 0.20
(ii) EPS after acquisition:
`(2,000 + 4,000) Lakhs
= `15.00
(200 + 200) Lakhs
(iii) Market Price after acquisition:
EPS after acquisition : `15.00
P/E ratio after acquisition 10 × 0.9 9
Market price of share (` 15 X 9) `135.00
(iv) Market value of the merged Co.:
`135 × 400 lakhs shares ` 540.00 Crores
or ` 54,000 Lakhs
(v) Gain/loss per share:
` Crore
Mani Ltd. Ratnam Ltd.
Total value before Acquisition 200 200
Value after acquisition 270 270
Gain (Total) 70 70
No. of shares (pre-merger) (lakhs) 200 1,000
Gain per share (`) 35 7
Question 28
P Ltd. is considering take-over of R Ltd. by the exchange of four new shares in P Ltd. for every
five shares in R Ltd. The relevant financial details of the two companies prior to merger
announcement are as follows:

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P Ltd R Ltd
Profit before Tax (` Crore) 15 13.50
No. of Shares (Crore) 25 15
P/E Ratio 12 9
Corporate Tax Rate 30%
You are required to determine:
(i) Market value of both the company.
(ii) Value of original shareholders.
(iii) Price per share after merger.
(iv) Effect on share price of both the company if the Directors of P Ltd. expect their own pre-
merger P/E ratio to be applied to the combined earnings.
P Ltd. R Ltd.
Profit before Tax (` in crore) 15 13.50
Tax 30% (` in crore) 4.50 4.05
Profit after Tax (` in crore) 10.50 9.45
Earning per Share (` ) 10.50 9.45
= ` 0.42 = ` 0.63
25 15
Price of Share before Merger ` 0.42 x 12 = ` 5.04 `0.63 x 9 = ` 5.67
(EPS x P/E Ratio)
(i) ∴Market Value of company
P Ltd. = ` 5.04 x 25 Crore = ` 126 crore
R Ltd. = ` 5.67 x 15 Crore = ` 85.05 crore
Combined = ` 126 + ` 85.05 = ` 211.05 Crores
After Merger
P Ltd. R Ltd.
No. of Shares 25 crores 4
15x = 12 crores
Combined 37 crores
% of Combined Equity Owned 25 12
x100 = 67.57% x100 = 32.43%
37 37

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(ii) ∴ Value of Original Shareholders

P Ltd. R Ltd.
` 211.05 crore x 67.57% ` 211.05 crore x 32.43%
= ` 142.61 = ` 68.44
Alternatively, it can also be computed as follows:
Combined Value of Entity 211.05 crore
No. of shares after Merger 37 crore
Value of Per Share ` 5.70405
Value of P Ltd. Shareholders (25 crores x ` 5.70405) ` 142.60 crore
Value of R Ltd. Shareholders (12 crores x ` 5.70405) ` 68.45 crore
(iii) ∴ Price per Share after Merger
EPS = = ` 0.539 per share
P/E Ratio = 12
Market Value Per Share = ` 0.539 X 12 = ` 6.47
Total Market Value = ` 6.47 x 37 crore = ` 239.39 crore
MarketValue 239.39 crore
Price of Share = = = ` 6.47
Number of Shares 37 crore

(iv) Effect on Share Price

P Ltd.
Gain/loss (-) per share = ` 6.47 – ` 5.04 = ` 1.43
6.47 − 5.04
i.e. × 100 = 0.284 or 28.4%
∴ Share price would rise by 28.4%
R Ltd.
6.47 x = ` 5.18
Gain/loss (-) per share = ` 5.18 – ` 5.67 = (-` 0.49)
5.18 − 5.67
i.e. × 100 (-) 0.0864 or (-) 8.64%
∴ Share Price would decrease by 8.64%.

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Question 29
Yes Ltd. wants to acquire No Ltd. and the cash flows of Yes Ltd. and the merged entity are
given below:
(` In lakhs)
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Yes Ltd. 175 200 320 340 350
Merged Entity 400 450 525 590 620
Earnings would have witnessed 5% constant growth rate without merger and 6% with merger
on account of economies of operations after 5 years in each case. The cost of capital is 15%.
The number of shares outstanding in both the companies before the merger is the same and
the companies agree to an exchange ratio of 0.5 shares of Yes Ltd. for each share of No Ltd.
PV factor at 15% for years 1-5 are 0.870, 0.756; 0.658, 0.572, 0.497 respectively.
You are required to:
(i) Compute the Value of Yes Ltd. before and after merger.
(ii) Value of Acquisition and
(iii) Gain to shareholders of Yes Ltd.
(i) Working Notes:
Present Value of Cash Flows (CF) upto 5 years
Year CF of Yes Ltd. PVF PV of CF CF of Merged PV of CF of
(` lakhs) (` lakhs) Entity Merged Entity
End @15%
(` lakhs) (` lakhs)
1 175 0.870 152.25 400 348.00
2 200 0.756 151.20 450 340.20
3 320 0.658 210.56 525 345.45
4 340 0.572 194.48 590 337.48
5 350 0.497 173.95 620 308.14
882.44 1679.27

PV of Cash Flows of Yes Ltd. after the forecast period

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CF5 (1 + g) 350(1 + 0.05) 367.50

TV5 = = = = `3675 lakhs
Ke − g 0.15 − 0.05 0.10

PV of TV5 = `3675 lakhs x 0.497 = `1826.475 lakhs

PV of Cash Flows of Merged Entity after the forecast period
CF5 (1 + g) 620(1 + 0.06) 657.20
TV5 = = = = `7302.22 lakhs
Ke − g 0.15 − 0.06 0.09

PV of TV5 = `7302.22 lakhs x 0.497 = `3629.20 lakhs

Value of Yes Ltd.
Before merger (`lakhs) After merger (`lakhs)
PV of CF (1-5 years) 882.440 1679.27
Add: PV of TV5 1826.475 3629.20
2708.915 5308.47

(ii) Value of Acquisition

= Value of Merged Entity – Value of Yes Ltd.
= `5308.47 lakhs – `2708.915 lakhs = `2599.555 lakhs
(iii) Gain to Shareholders of Yes Ltd.
Share of Yes Ltd. in merged entity = `5308.47 lakhs x = `3538.98 lakhs
Gain to shareholder = Share of Yes Ltd. in merged entity – Value of Yes Ltd. before
= `3538.98 lakhs - `2708.915 = `830.065 lakhs
Question 30
The following information is provided relating to the acquiring company Efficient Ltd. and the
target Company Healthy Ltd.
Efficient Ltd. Healthy Ltd.
No. of shares (F.V. ` 10 each) 10.00 lakhs 7.5 lakhs
Market capitalization 500.00 lakhs 750.00 lakhs
P/E ratio (times) 10.00 5.00
Reserves and Surplus 300.00 lakhs 165.00 lakhs
Promoter’s Holding (No. of shares) 4.75 lakhs 5.00 lakhs

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Board of Directors of both the Companies have decided to give a fair deal to the shareholders
and accordingly for swap ratio the weights are decided as 40%, 25% and 35% respectively for
Earning, Book Value and Market Price of share of each company:
(i) Calculate the swap ratio and also calculate Promoter’s holding % after acquisition.
(ii) What is the EPS of Efficient Ltd. after acquisition of Healthy Ltd.?
(iii) What is the expected market price per share and market capitalization of Efficient Ltd.
after acquisition, assuming P/E ratio of Firm Efficient Ltd. remains unchanged.
(iv) Calculate free float market capitalization of the merged firm.
Swap Ratio
Efficient Ltd. Healthy Ltd.
Market capitalisation 500 lakhs 750 lakhs
No. of shares 10 lakhs 7.5 lakhs
Market Price per share ` 50 ` 100
P/E ratio 10 5
EPS `5 ` 20
Profit ` 50 lakh ` 150 lakh
Share capital ` 100 lakh ` 75 lakh
Reserves and surplus ` 300 lakh ` 165 lakh
Total ` 400 lakh ` 240 lakh
Book Value per share ` 40 ` 32

(i) Calculation of Swap Ratio

EPS 1 : 4 i.e. 4.0 × 40% 1.6
Book value 1 : 0.8 i.e. 0.8 × 25% 0.2
Market price 1 : 2 i.e. 2.0 × 35% 0.7
Total 2.5
Swap ratio is for every one share of Healthy Ltd., to issue 2.5 shares of Efficient Ltd. Hence,
total no. of shares to be issued 7.5 lakh × 2.5 = 18.75 lakh shares
Promoter’s holding = 4.75 lakh shares + (5 × 2.5 = 12.5 lakh shares) = 17.25 lakh i.e.
Promoter’s holding % is (17.25 lakh/28.75 lakh) × 100 = 60%.
Calculation of EPS, Market price, Market capitalization and free float market capitalization.

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(ii) Total No. of shares 10 lakh + 18.75 lakh = 28.75 lakh

Total capital 100 lakh + 187.5 lakh = ` 287.5 lakh
EPS Total profit 50 lakh + 150 lakh 200
= =
No. of shares 28.75 lakh 28.75
= ` 6.956
(iii) Expected market price EPS 6.956 × P/E 10 = ` 69.56
Market capitalization = ` 69.56 per share × 28.75 lakh shares
= ` 1,999.85 lakh
(iv) Free float of market capitalization = ` 69.56 per share × (28.75 lakh × 40%)
= ` 799.94 lakh
Question 31
Abhiman Ltd. is a subsidiary of Janam Ltd. and is acquiring Swabhiman Ltd. which is also a
subsidiary of Janam Ltd. The following information is given :
Abhiman Ltd. Swabhiman Ltd.
% Shareholding of promoter 50% 60%
Share capital ` 200 lacs 100 lacs
Free Reserves and surplus ` 900 lacs 600 lacs
Paid up value per share ` 100 10
Free float market capitalization ` 500 lacs 156 lacs
P/E Ratio (times) 10 4

Janam Ltd., is interested in doing justice to both companies. The following parameters have been
assigned by the Board of Janam Ltd., for determining the swap ratio:
Book value 25%
Earning per share 50%
Market price 25%
You are required to compute
(i) The swap ratio.
(ii) The Book Value, Earning Per Share and Expected Market Price of Swabhiman Ltd.,
(assuming P/E Ratio of Abhiman remains the same and all assets and liabilities of
Swabhiman Ltd. are taken over at book value.)

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Abhiman Ltd. Swabhiman Ltd.
(`) (`)
Share capital 200 lacs 100 lacs
Free reserves & surplus 900 lacs 600 lacs
Total 1100 lacs 700 lacs
No. of shares 2 lacs 10 lacs
Book value for share ` 550 ` 70
Promoters Holding 50% 60%
Non promoters holding 50% 40%
Free float market capitalization (Public) 500 lacs ` 156 lacs
Total Market Cap 1000 lacs 390 lacs
No. of shares 2 lacs 10 lacs
Market Price ` 500 ` 39
P/E ratio 10 4
EPS ` 50.00 ` 9.75
Calculation of SWAP Ratio
Book Value 1:0.1273 0.1273 × 25% 0.031825
EPS 1:0.195 0.195 × 50% 0.097500
Market Price 1:0.078 0.078 × 25% 0.019500
Total 0.148825
(i) SWAP Ratio is 0.148825 shares of Abhiman Ltd. for every share of Swabhiman Ltd.
Total No. of shares to be issued = 10 lakh × 0.148825 = 148825 shares
(ii) Book value, EPS & Market Price.
Total No. shares = 200000 +148825=348825
Total capital = `200 lakh + `148.825 lac = ` 348.825 lac
Reserves = ` 900 lac + ` 551.175 lac = ` 1451.175 lac
` 348.825 lac + ` 1451.175 lac
Book value Per Share = = ` 516.02
3.48825 lac
or ` 516.02 x 0.148825 = ` 76.80

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Total Capital 1100lac + 700 lac

or = = = ` 516.02
No. of Shares 348825
Total Pr ofit ` 100 lac + ` 97.50 lac
EPS = = = ` 56.62
No. of shares 3.48825 lac
or ` 56.62 x 0.148825 = ` 8.43
Expected market price = ` 56.62 × PE Ratio= ` 56.62 × 10 = ` 566.20
or ` 566.20 x 0.148825 = ` 84.26
Question 32
The following information is provided relating to the acquiring company E Ltd., and the target
company H Ltd:
E Ltd. H Ltd.
(`) (`)
Number of shares (Face value ` 10 each) 20 Lakhs 15 Lakhs
Market Capitalization 1000 Lakhs 1500 Lakhs
P/E Ratio (times) 10.00 5.00
Reserves and surplus in ` 600.00 Lakhs 330.00 Lakhs
Promoter's Holding (No. of shares) 9.50 Lakhs 10.00 Lakhs

The Board of Directors of both the companies have decided to give a fair deal to the
shareholders. Accordingly, the weights are decided as 40%, 25% and 35% respectively for
earnings, book value and market price of share of each company for swap ratio.
Calculate the following:
(i) Market price per share, earnings per share and Book Value per share;
(ii) Swap ratio;
(iii) Promoter's holding percentage after acquisition;
(iv) EPS of E Ltd. after acquisitions of H Ltd;
(v) Expected market price per share and market capitalization of E Ltd.; after acquisition,
assuming P/E ratio of E Ltd. remains unchanged; and
(vi) Free float market capitalization of the merged firm.
(i) E Ltd. H Ltd.
Market capitalisation 1000 lakhs 1500 lakhs
No. of shares 20 lakhs 15 lakhs

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Market Price per share ` 50 ` 100

P/E ratio 10 5
EPS `5 ` 20
Profit ` 100 lakh ` 300 lakh
Share capital ` 200 lakh ` 150 lakh
Reserves and surplus ` 600 lakh ` 330 lakh
Total ` 800 lakh ` 480 lakh
Book Value per share ` 40 ` 32
(ii) Calculation of Swap Ratio
EPS 1 : 4 i.e. 4.0 × 40% 1.6
Book value 1 : 0.8 i.e. 0.8 × 25% 0.2
Market price 1 : 2 i.e. 2.0 × 35% 0.7
Total 2.5
Swap ratio is for every one share of H Ltd., to issue 2.5 shares of E Ltd. Hence, total no.
of shares to be issued 15 lakh × 2.5 = 37.50 lakh shares
(iii) Promoter’s holding = 9.50 lakh shares + (10× 2.5 = 25 lakh shares) = 34.50 lakh i.e.
Promoter’s holding % is (34.50 lakh/57.50 lakh) × 100 = 60%.
(iv) Calculation of EPS after merger
Total No. of shares 20 lakh + 37.50 lakh = 57.50 lakh
Total profit 100 lakh + 300 lakh 400
EPS = = ` 6.956
No. of shares 57.50 lakh 57.50
(v) Calculation of Market price and Market capitalization after merger
Expected market price EPS 6.956 × P/E 10 = ` 69.56
Market capitalization = ` 69.56 per share ×57.50 lakh shares
= ` 3,999.70 lakh or ` 4,000 lakh
(vi) Free float of market capitalization = ` 69.56 per share × (57.50 lakh × 40%) =
` 1599.88 lakh
Question 33
The following information relating to the acquiring Company Abhiman Ltd. and the target
Company Abhishek Ltd. are available. Both the Companies are promoted by Multinational
Company, Trident Ltd. The promoter’s holding is 50% and 60% respectively in Abhiman Ltd.
and Abhishek Ltd.:

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Abhiman Ltd. Abhishek Ltd.

Share Capital (`) 200 lakh 100 lakh
Free Reserve and Surplus (`) 800 lakh 500 lakh
Paid up Value per share (`) 100 10
Free float Market Capitalisation (`) 400 lakh 128 lakh
P/E Ratio (times) 10 4

Trident Ltd. is interested to do justice to the shareholders of both the Companies. For the
swap ratio weights are assigned to different parameters by the Board of Directors as follows:
Book Value 25%
EPS (Earning per share) 50%
Market Price 25%
(a) What is the swap ratio based on above weights?
(b) What is the Book Value, EPS and expected Market price of Abhiman Ltd. after
acquisition of Abhishek Ltd. (assuming P.E. ratio of Abhiman Ltd. remains unchanged
and all assets and liabilities of Abhishek Ltd. are taken over at book value).
(c) Calculate:
(i) Promoter’s revised holding in the Abhiman Ltd.
(ii) Free float market capitalization.
(iii) Also calculate No. of Shares, Earning per Share (EPS) and Book Value (B.V.), if
after acquisition of Abhishek Ltd., Abhiman Ltd. decided to :
(a) Issue Bonus shares in the ratio of 1 : 2; and
(b) Split the stock (share) as ` 5 each fully paid.
(a) Swap Ratio
Abhiman Ltd. Abhishek Ltd.
Share Capital 200 Lakh 100 Lakh
Free Reserves 800 Lakh 500 Lakh
Total 1000 Lakh 600 Lakh
No. of Shares 2 Lakh 10 Lakh
Book Value per share ` 500 ` 60

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Promoter’s holding 50% 60%

Non promoter’s holding 50% 40%
Free Float Market Cap. i.e. 400 Lakh 128 Lakh
relating to Public’s holding
Hence Total market Cap. 800 Lakh 320 Lakh
No. of Shares 2 Lakh 10 Lakh
Market Price ` 400 ` 32
P/E Ratio 10 4
EPS 40 8
Profits (` 2 X 40 lakh) ` 80 lakh -
(` 8 X 10 lakh) - ` 80 lakh
Calculation of Swap Ratio
Book Value 1 : 0.12 i.e. 0.12 x 25% 0.03
EPS 1 : 0.2 0.20 x 50% 0.10
Market Price 1 : 0.08 0.08 x 25% 0.02
Total 0.15
Swap ratio is for every one share of Abhishek Ltd., to issue 0.15 shares of Abhiman Ltd.
Hence total no. of shares to be issued.
10 Lakh x 0.15 = 1.50 lakh shares
(b) Book Value, EPS & Market Price
Total No of Shares 2 Lakh + 1.5 Lakh = 3.5 Lakh
Total Capital ` 200 Lakh + ` 150 Lakh = ` 350 Lakh
Reserves ` 800 Lakh + ` 450 Lakh = ` 1,250 Lakh
Book Value ` 350 Lakh + ` 1,250 Lakh = ` 457.14 per share
3.5 Lakh
Total Profit ` 80 Lakh +` 80 Lakh ` 160 Lakh
EPS = =
No. of Share 3.5 Lakh 3.5
= ` 45.71
Expected Market Price EPS (` 45.71) x P/E Ratio (10) = ` 457.10

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(c) (1) Promoter’s holding

Promoter’s Revised Abhiman 50% i.e. 1.00 Lakh shares
Holding Abhishek 60% i.e. 0.90 Lakh shares
Total 1.90 Lakh shares
Promoter’s % = 1.90/3.50 x 100 = 54.29%
(2) Free Float Market Capitalisation
Free Float Market = (3.5 Lakh – 1.9 Lakh) x ` 457.10
Capitalisation = ` 731.36 Lakh
(3) (i) & (ii)
Revised Capital ` 350 Lakh + ` 175 Lakh = ` 525 Lakh
No. of shares before Split (F.V ` 100) 5.25 Lakh
No. of Shares after Split (F.V. ` 5 ) 5.25 x 20 = 105 Lakh
EPS 160 Lakh / 105 Lakh = 1.523
Book Value Cap. ` 525 Lakh + ` 1075 Lakh
No. of Shares =105 Lakh
= ` 15.238 per share
Question 34
You have been provided the following Financial data of two companies:
Krishna Ltd. Rama Ltd.
Earnings after taxes ` 7,00,000 ` 10,00,000
No. of Equity shares (outstanding) 2,00,000 4,00,000
EPS 3.5 2.5
P/E ratio 10 times 14 times
Market price per share ` 35 ` 35

Company Rama Ltd. is acquiring the company Krishna Ltd., exchanging its shares on a one-
to-one basis for company Krishna Ltd. The exchange ratio is based on the market prices of the
shares of the two companies.
(i) What will be the EPS subsequent to merger?

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(ii) What is the change in EPS for the shareholders of companies Rama Ltd. and Krishna
(iii) Determine the market value of the post-merger firm. PE ratio is likely to remain the same.
(iv) Ascertain the profits accruing to shareholders of both the companies.
(i) Exchange Ratio 1:1
New Shares to be issued 2,00,000
Total shares of Rama Ltd. (4,00,000+2,00,000) 6,00,000
Total earnings (` 10,00,000 + ` 7,00,000) ` 17,00,000
New EPS (` 17,00,000/6,00,000) ` 2.83
(ii) Existing EPS of Rama Ltd. ` 2.50
Increase in EPS of Rama Ltd (` 2.83 – ` 2.50) ` 0.33
Existing EPS of Krishna Ltd. ` 3.50
Decrease in EPS of Krishna Ltd. (` 3.50 – ` 2.83) ` 0.67
(iii) P/E ratio of new firm (expected to remain same) 14 times
New market price (14 × ` 2.83) ` 39.62
Total No. of Shares 6,00,000
Total market Capitalization (6,00,000 × ` 39.62) ` 2,37,72,000
Existing market capitalization (` 70,00,000 + ` 1,40,00,000) ` 2,10,00,000
Total gain ` 27,72,000
Rama Ltd. Krishna Ltd Total
No. of shares after merger 4,00,000 2,00,000 6,00,000
Market price ` 39.62 ` 39.62 ` 39.62
Total Mkt. Values ` 1,58,48,000 ` 79,24,000 ` 2,37,72,000
Existing Mkt. values ` 1,40,00,000 ` 70,00,000 ` 2,10,00,000
Gain to share holders ` 18,48,000 ` 9,24,000 ` 27,72,000
or ` 27,72,000 ÷ 3 = ` 9,24,000 to Krishna Ltd. and ` 18,48,000 to Rama Ltd. (in 2: 1
Question 35
T Ltd. and E Ltd. are in the same industry. The former is in negotiation for acquisition of the
latter. Important information about the two companies as per their latest financial statements is
given below:

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T Ltd. E Ltd.
` 10 Equity shares outstanding 12 Lakhs 6 Lakhs
10% Debentures (` Lakhs) 580 --
12.5% Institutional Loan (` Lakhs) -- 240
Earning before interest, depreciation and tax (EBIDAT) (` Lakhs) 400.86 115.71
Market Price/share (` ) 220.00 110.00
T Ltd. plans to offer a price for E Ltd., business as a whole which will be 7 times EBIDAT
reduced by outstanding debt, to be discharged by own shares at market price.
E Ltd. is planning to seek one share in T Ltd. for every 2 shares in E Ltd. based on the market
price. Tax rate for the two companies may be assumed as 30%.
Calculate and show the following under both alternatives - T Ltd.'s offer and E Ltd.'s plan:
(i) Net consideration payable.
(ii) No. of shares to be issued by T Ltd.
(iii) EPS of T Ltd. after acquisition.
(iv) Expected market price per share of T Ltd. after acquisition.
(v) State briefly the advantages to T Ltd. from the acquisition.
Calculations (except EPS) may be rounded off to 2 decimals in lakhs.
As per T Ltd.’s Offer
` in lakhs
(i) Net Consideration Payable
7 times EBIDAT, i.e. 7 x ` 115.71 lakh 809.97
Less: Debt 240.00
(ii) No. of shares to be issued by T Ltd
` 569.97 lakh/` 220 (rounded off) (Nos.) 2,59,000
(iii) EPS of T Ltd after acquisition
Total EBIDT (` 400.86 lakh + ` 115.71 lakh) 516.57
Less: Interest (` 58 lakh + ` 30 lakh) 88.00

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Less: 30% Tax 128.57

Total earnings (NPAT) 300.00

Total no. of shares outstanding 14.59 lakh

(12 lakh + 2.59 lakh)
EPS (` 300 lakh/ 14.59 lakh) ` 20.56
(iv) Expected Market Price:
` in lakhs
Pre-acquisition P/E multiple:
EBIDAT 400.86
Less: Interest ( 580 X ) 58.00
Less: 30% Tax 102.86
No. of shares (lakhs) 12.00
EPS ` 20.00
Hence, PE multiple 11
Expected market price after acquisition (` 20.56 x 11) ` 226.16
As per E Ltd’s Plan
` in lakhs
(i) Net consideration payable
6 lakhs shares x ` 110 660
(ii) No. of shares to be issued by T Ltd
` 660 lakhs ÷ ` 220 3 lakh
(iii) EPS of T Ltd after Acquisition
NPAT (as per earlier calculations) 300.00
Total no. of shares outstanding (12 lakhs + 3 lakhs) 15 lakh
Earning Per Share (EPS) ` 300 lakh/15 lakh ` 20.00
(iv) Expected Market Price (` 20 x 11) 220.00

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(v) Advantages of Acquisition to T Ltd

Since the two companies are in the same industry, the following advantages could
- Synergy, cost reduction and operating efficiency.
- Better market share.
- Avoidance of competition.
Question 36
The following information is relating to Fortune India Ltd. having two division, viz. Pharma
Division and Fast Moving Consumer Goods Division (FMCG Division). Paid up share capital of
Fortune India Ltd. is consisting of 3,000 Lakhs equity shares of Re. 1 each. Fortune India Ltd.
decided to de-merge Pharma Division as Fortune Pharma Ltd. w.e.f. 1.4.2009. Details of
Fortune India Ltd. as on 31.3.2009 and of Fortune Pharma Ltd. as on 1.4.2009 are given
Particulars Fortune Pharma Ltd. Fortune India Ltd.
` `
Outside Liabilities
Secured Loans 400 lakh 3,000 lakh
Unsecured Loans 2,400 lakh 800 lakh
Current Liabilities & Provisions 1,300 lakh 21,200 lakh
Fixed Assets 7,740 lakh 20,400 lakh
Investments 7,600 lakh 12,300 lakh
Current Assets 8,800 lakh 30,200 lakh
Loans & Advances 900 lakh 7,300 lakh
Deferred tax/Misc. Expenses 60 lakh (200) lakh

Board of Directors of the Company have decided to issue necessary equity shares of Fortune
Pharma Ltd. of Re. 1 each, without any consideration to the shareholders of Fortune India Ltd.
For that purpose following points are to be considered:
1. Transfer of Liabilities & Assets at Book value.
2. Estimated Profit for the year 2009-10 is ` 11,400 Lakh for Fortune India Ltd. & ` 1,470
lakhs for Fortune Pharma Ltd.
3. Estimated Market Price of Fortune Pharma Ltd. is ` 24.50 per share.

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4. Average P/E Ratio of FMCG sector is 42 & Pharma sector is 25, which is to be expected
for both the companies.
1. The Ratio in which shares of Fortune Pharma are to be issued to the shareholders of
Fortune India Ltd.
2. Expected Market price of Fortune India (FMCG) Ltd.
3. Book Value per share of both the Companies immediately after Demerger.
Share holders’ funds (` Lakhs)
Particulars Fortune India Ltd. Fortune Pharma Ltd. Fortune India (FMCG) Ltd.
Assets 70,000 25,100 44,900
Outside liabilities 25,000 4,100 20,900
Net worth 45,000 21,000 24,000
1. Calculation of Shares of Fortune Pharma Ltd. to be issued to shareholders of
Fortune India Ltd.
Fortune Pharma Ltd.
Estimated Profit (` in lakhs) 1,470
Estimated market price (`) 24.5
Estimated P/E 25
Estimated EPS (`) 0.98
No. of shares lakhs 1,500

Hence, Ratio is 1 share of Fortune Pharma Ltd. for 2 shares of Fortune India Ltd.
OR for 0.50 share of Fortune Pharma Ltd. for 1 share of Fortune India Ltd.
2. Expected market price of Fortune India (FMCG) Ltd.
Fortune India (FMCG) Ltd.
Estimated Profit (` in lakhs) 11,400
No. of equity shares (` in lakhs) 3,000
Estimated EPS (`) 3.8
Estimated P/E 42
Estimated market price (`) 159.60

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3. Book value per share

Fortune Pharma Ltd. Fortune India (FMCG) Ltd.
Net worth (`in lakhs) 21,000 24,000
No. of shares (` in lakhs) 1,500 3,000
Book value of shares ` 14 `8
Question 37
H Ltd. agrees to buy over the business of B Ltd. effective 1st April, 2012.The summarized
Balance Sheets of H Ltd. and B Ltd. as on 31st March 2012 are as follows:
Balance sheet as at 31st March, 2012 (In Crores of Rupees)
Liabilities: H. Ltd B. Ltd.
Paid up Share Capital
-Equity Shares of `100 each 350.00
-Equity Shares of `10 each 6.50
Reserve & Surplus 950.00 25.00
Total 1,300.00 31.50
Net Fixed Assets 220.00 0.50
Net Current Assets 1,020.00 29.00
Deferred Tax Assets 60.00 2.00
Total 1,300.00 31.50
H Ltd. proposes to buy out B Ltd. and the following information is provided to you as part of
the scheme of buying:
(1) The weighted average post tax maintainable profits of H Ltd. and B Ltd. for the last 4
years are ` 300 crores and ` 10 crores respectively.
(2) Both the companies envisage a capitalization rate of 8%.
(3) H Ltd. has a contingent liability of ` 300 crores as on 31st March, 2012.
(4) H Ltd. to issue shares of ` 100 each to the shareholders of B Ltd. in terms of the
exchange ratio as arrived on a Fair Value basis. (Please consider weights of 1 and 3 for
the value of shares arrived on Net Asset basis and Earnings capitalization method
respectively for both H Ltd. and B Ltd.)
You are required to arrive at the value of the shares of both H Ltd. and B Ltd. under:
(i) Net Asset Value Method

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(ii) Earnings Capitalisation Method

(iii) Exchange ratio of shares of H Ltd. to be issued to the shareholders of B Ltd. on a Fair
value basis (taking into consideration the assumption mentioned in point 4 above.)
(i) Net asset value
H Ltd. ` 1300 Crores − ` 300 Crores
= ` 285.71
3.50 Crores
B Ltd. ` 31.50 Crores
= ` 48.46
0.65 Crores
(ii) Earning capitalization value
H Ltd. ` 300 Crores / 0.08
= ` 1071.43*
3.50 Crores
B Ltd. ` 10 Crores / 0.08
= ` 192.31
0.65 Crores
* Alternatively, Contingent Liability can also be deducted from this Valuation.
(iii) Fair value
H Ltd. ` 285.71× 1 + ` 1071.43 × 3
= ` 875
B Ltd. ` 48.46 × 1 + ` 192.31× 3
= ` 156.3475
Exchange ratio `156.3475/ `875 = 0.1787
H Ltd should issue its 0.1787 share for each share of B Ltd.
Note: In above solution it has been assumed that the contingent liability will materialize at its
full amount.
Question 38
Reliable Industries Ltd. (RIL) is considering a takeover of Sunflower Industries Ltd. (SIL). The
particulars of 2 companies are given below:
Particulars Reliable Industries Ltd Sunflower Industries Ltd.
Earnings After Tax (EAT) ` 20,00,000 ` 10,00,000
Equity shares O/s 10,00,000 10,00,000
Earnings per share (EPS) 2 1
PE Ratio (Times) 10 5

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(i) What is the market value of each Company before merger?
(ii) Assume that the management of RIL estimates that the shareholders of SIL will accept
an offer of one share of RIL for four shares of SIL. If there are no synergic effects, what
is the market value of the Post-merger RIL? What is the new price per share? Are the
shareholders of RIL better or worse off than they were before the merger?
(iii) Due to synergic effects, the management of RIL estimates that the earnings will
increase by 20%. What are the new post-merger EPS and Price per share? Will the
shareholders be better off or worse off than before the merger?
(i) Market value of Companies before Merger
Particulars RIL SIL
EPS `2 Re.1
P/E Ratio 10 5
Market Price Per Share ` 20 `5
Equity Shares 10,00,000 10,00,000
Total Market Value 2,00,00,000 50,00,000

(ii) Post Merger Effects on RIL

Post merger earnings 30,00,000
Exchange Ratio (1:4)
No. of equity shares o/s (10,00,000 + 2,50,000) 12,50,000
EPS: 30,00,000/12,50,000 2.4
PE Ratio 10
Market Value 10 x 2.4 24
Total Value (12,50,000 x 24) 3,00,00,000
Gains From Merger: `
Post-Merger Market Value of the Firm 3,00,00,000
Less: Pre-Merger Market Value
RIL 2,00,00,000
SIL 50,00,000 2,50,00,000
Total gains from Merger 50,00,000

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Apportionment of Gains between the Shareholders:

Particulars RIL(`) SIL(`)
Post Merger Market Value:
10,00,000 x 24 2,40,00,000 --
2,50,000 x 24 - 60,00,000
Less: Pre-Merger Market Value 2,00,00,000 50,00,000
Gains from Merger: 40,00,000 10,00,000
Thus, the shareholders of both the companies (RIL + SIL) are better off than before
(iii) Post-Merger Earnings:
Increase in Earnings by 20%
New Earnings: ` 30,00,000 x (1+0.20) ` 36,00,000
No. of equity shares outstanding: 12,50,000
EPS (` 36,00,000/12,50,000) ` 2.88
PE Ratio 10
Market Price Per Share: = `2.88 x 10 ` 28.80
∴ Shareholders will be better-off than before the merger situation.
Question 39
AFC Ltd. wishes to acquire BCD Ltd. The shares issued by the two companies are 10,00,000
and 5,00,000 respectively:
(i) Calculate the increase in the total value of BCD Ltd. resulting from the acquisition on
the basis of the following conditions:
Current expected growth rate of BCD Ltd. 7%
Expected growth rate under control of AFC Ltd., (without any additional 8%
capital investment and without any change in risk of operations)
Current Market price per share of AFC Ltd. ` 100
Current Market price per share of BCD Ltd. ` 20
Expected Dividend per share of BCD Ltd. ` 0.60
(ii) On the basis of aforesaid conditions calculate the gain or loss to shareholders of both the
companies, if AFC Ltd. were to offer one of its shares for every four shares of BCD Ltd.
(iii) Calculate the gain to the shareholders of both the Companies, if AFC Ltd. pays `22 for
each share of BCD Ltd., assuming the P/E Ratio of AFC Ltd. does not change after the
merger. EPS of AFC Ltd. is `8 and that of BCD is `2.50. It is assumed that AFC Ltd.
invests its cash to earn 10%.

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(i) For BCD Ltd., before acquisition
The cost of capital of BCD Ltd. may be calculated by using the following formula:
+ Growth %
Pr ice
Cost of Capital i.e., Ke = (0.60/20) + 0.07 = 0.10
After acquisition g (i.e. growth) becomes 0.08
Therefore, price per share after acquisition = 0.60/(0.10-0.08) = `30
The increase in value therefore is = `(30-20) x 5,00,000 = `50,00,000/-
(ii) To share holders of BCD Ltd. the immediate gain is `100 – `20x4 = `20 per share
The gain can be higher if price of shares of AFC Ltd. rise following merger which they
should undertake.
To AFC Ltd. shareholders (` (In lakhs)
Value of Company now 1,000
Value of BCD Ltd. 150
No. of shares 11.25
∴ Value per share 1150/11.25= `102.22

Gain to shareholders of BCD Ltd. = `102.22 – `(4 x 20) = `22.22

Gain to shareholders of AFC Ltd. = `102.22 – `100.00 = `2.22
(iii) Gain to shareholders of AFC Ltd:-
Earnings of BCD Ltd. (5,00,000 x 2.50) `12,50,000/-
Less: Loss of earning in cash (5,00,000 x ` 22 x 0.10) `11,00,000/-
Net Earning ` 1,50,000/-
Number of shares 10,00,000
Net increase in earning per share 0.15
P/E ratio of AFC Ltd. = 100/8 = 12.50
Therefore, Gain per share of shareholders of AFC Ltd.
= 0.15x12.50 = `1.88
Gain to the shareholders of BCD Ltd. ` (22-20) = `2/- per share

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Alternatively, it can also be computed as follows:

Post-Merger Earnings ` 81,50,000
(10,00,000 x ` 8 + 5,00,000 x ` 2.5 – 11,00,000)
 81, 50, 000  ` 8.15
EPS after Merger  
 10, 00, 000 
PE Ratio 12.50
Post Merger Price of Share (` 8.15 x 12.50) ` 101.875
Less: Price before merger ` 100.00
` 1.875
Say ` 1.88
Question 40
AB Ltd., is planning to acquire and absorb the running business of XY Ltd. The valuation is to
be based on the recommendation of merchant bankers and the consideration is to be
discharged in the form of equity shares to be issued by AB Ltd. As on 31.3.2006, the paid up
capital of AB Ltd. consists of 80 lakhs shares of `10 each. The highest and the lowest market
quotation during the last 6 months were `570 and `430. For the purpose of the exchange, the
price per share is to be reckoned as the average of the highest and lowest market price during
the last 6 months ended on 31.3.06.
XY Ltd.’s Balance Sheet as at 31.3.2006 is summarised below:
` lakhs
Share Capital
20 lakhs equity shares of `10 each fully paid 200
10 lakhs equity shares of `10 each, `5 paid 50
Loans 100
Total 350
Fixed Assets (Net) 150
Net Current Assets 200
An independent firm of merchant bankers engaged for the negotiation, have produced the
following estimates of cash flows from the business of XY Ltd.:
Year ended By way of ` lakhs
31.3.07 after tax earnings for equity 105

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31.3.08 do 120
31.3.09 Do 125
31.3.10 Do 120
31.3.11 Do 100
Terminal Value estimate 200
It is the recommendation of the merchant banker that the business of XY Ltd. may be valued
on the basis of the average of (i) Aggregate of discounted cash flows at 8% and (ii) Net assets
value. Present value factors at 8% for years
1-5: 0.93 0.86 0.79 0.74 0.68
You are required to:
(i) Calculate the total value of the business of XY Ltd.
(ii) The number of shares to be issued by AB Ltd.; and
(iii) The basis of allocation of the shares among the shareholders of XY Ltd.
Price/share of AB Ltd. for determination of number of shares to be issued
= (` 570 + ` 430)/2 = ` 500

Value of XY Ltd based on future cash flow capitalization

(105x0.93)+(120x0.86)+(125x0.79)+(120x0.74)x(300x0.68) ` lakhs 592.40
Value of XY Ltd based on net assets ` lakhs 250.00
Average value (592.40+250)/2 421.20
No. of shares in AB Ltd to be issued ` 4,21,20,000/500 Nos. 84240
Basis of allocation of shares
Fully paid equivalent shares in XY Ltd. (20+5) lakhs 2500000
Distribution to fully paid shareholders 84240x20/25 67392
Distribution to partly paid shareholders 84240-67392 16848
Question 41
R Ltd. and S Ltd. are companies that operate in the same industry. The financial statements of
both the companies for the current financial year are as follows:
Balance Sheet
Particulars R. Ltd. ( ` ) S. Ltd ( ` )
Equity & Liabilities
Shareholders Fund

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Equity Capital ( ` 10 each) 20,00,000 16,00,000

Retained earnings 4,00,000 -
Non-current Liabilities
16% Long term Debt 10,00,000 6,00,000
Current Liabilities 14,00,000 8,00,000
Total 48,00,000 30,00,000
Non-current Assets 20,00,000 10,00,000
Current Assets 28,00,000 20,00,000
Total 48,00,000 30,00,000

Income Statement

Particulars R. Ltd. ( ` ) S. Ltd. ( ` )

A. Net Sales 69,00,000 34,00,000
B. Cost of Goods sold 55,20,000 27,20,000
C. Gross Profit (A-B) 13,80,000 6,80,00
D. Operating Expenses 4,00,000 2,00,000
E. Interest 1,60,000 96,000
F. Earnings before taxes [C-(D+E)] 8,20,000 3,84,000
G. Taxes @ 35% 2,87,000 1,34,400
H. Earnings After Tax (EAT) 5,33,000 2,49,600
Additional Information:
No. of equity shares 2,00,000 1,60,000
Dividend payment Ratio (D/P) 20% 30%
Market price per share ` 50 ` 20
Assume that both companies are in the process of negotiating a merger through exchange of
Equity shares:
You are required to:
(i) Decompose the share price of both the companies into EPS & P/E components. Also
segregate their EPS figures into Return On Equity (ROE) and Book Value/Intrinsic Value
per share components.
(ii) Estimate future EPS growth rates for both the companies.

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(iii) Based on expected operating synergies, R Ltd. estimated that the intrinsic value of S Ltd.
Equity share would be ` 25 per share on its acquisition. You are required to develop a
range of justifiable Equity Share Exchange ratios that can be offered by R Ltd. to the
shareholders of S Ltd. Based on your analysis on parts (i) and (ii), would you expect the
negotiated terms to be closer to the upper or the lower exchange ratio limits and why?
(i) Determination of EPS, P/E Ratio, ROE and BVPS of R Ltd.& S Ltd.
R Ltd. S Ltd.
EAT (`) 5,33,000 2,49,600
N 200000 160000
EPS (EAT÷N) 2.665 1.56
Market Price Per Share 50 20
PE Ratio (MPS/EPS) 18.76 12.82
Equity Fund (Equity Value) 2400000 1600000
BVPS (Equity Value ÷ N) 12 10
ROE (EAT÷ EF) or 0.2221 0.156
ROE (EAT ÷ EF) x 100 22.21% 15.60%
(ii) Determination of Growth Rate of EPS of R Ltd.& S Ltd.
R Ltd. S Ltd.
Retention Ratio (1-D/P Ratio) 0.80 0.70
Growth Rate (ROE x Retention Ratio) or 0.1777 0.1092
Growth Rate (ROE x Retention Ratio) x 100 17.77% 10.92%

(iii) Justifiable equity share exchange ratio

(a) Market Price Based = MPSS/MPSR = ` 20/ ` 50 = 0.40:1 (lower limit)
(b) Intrinsic Value Based = ` 25/ ` 50 = 0.50:1 (max. limit)
Since R Ltd. has higher EPS, PE, ROE and higher growth expectations the negotiated term
would be expected to be closer to the lower limit, based on existing share price.

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Question 42
BA Ltd. and DA Ltd. both the companies operate in the same industry. The Financial
statements of both the companies for the current financial year are as follows:
Balance Sheet
Particulars BA Ltd. DA Ltd.
(` ) (` )
Current Assets 14,00,000 10,00,000
Fixed Assets (Net) 10,00,000 5,00,000
Total (`) 24,00,000 15,00,000
Equity capital (`10 each) 10,00,000 8,00,000
Retained earnings 2,00,000 --
14% long-term debt 5,00,000 3,00,00
Current liabilities 7,00,000 4,00,000
Total (`) 24,00,000 15,00,000

Income Statement
BA Ltd. DA Ltd.
(` ) (` )
Net Sales 34,50,000 17,00,000
Cost of Goods sold 27,60,000 13,60,000
Gross profit 6,90,000 3,40,000
Operating expenses 2,00,000 1,00,000
Interest 70,000 42,000
Earnings before taxes 4,20,000 1,98,00
Taxes @ 50% 2,10,000 99,000
Earnings after taxes (EAT) 2,10,000 99,000
Additional Information :
No. of Equity shares 1,00,000 80,000
Dividend payment ratio (D/P) 40% 60%
Market price per share `40 `15

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Assume that both companies are in the process of negotiating a merger through an exchange
of equity shares. You have been asked to assist in establishing equitable exchange terms and
are required to:
(i) Decompose the share price of both the companies into EPS and P/E components; and
also segregate their EPS figures into Return on Equity (ROE) and book value/intrinsic
value per share components.
(ii) Estimate future EPS growth rates for each company.
(iii) Based on expected operating synergies BA Ltd. estimates that the intrinsic value of DA’s
equity share would be `20 per share on its acquisition. You are required to develop a
range of justifiable equity share exchange ratios that can be offered by BA Ltd. to the
shareholders of DA Ltd. Based on your analysis in part (i) and (ii), would you expect the
negotiated terms to be closer to the upper, or the lower exchange ratio limits and why?
(iv) Calculate the post-merger EPS based on an exchange ratio of 0.4: 1 being offered by BA
Ltd. and indicate the immediate EPS accretion or dilution, if any, that will occur for each
group of shareholders.
(v) Based on a 0.4: 1 exchange ratio and assuming that BA Ltd.’s pre-merger P/E ratio will
continue after the merger, estimate the post-merger market price. Also show the resulting
accretion or dilution in pre-merger market prices.
Market price per share (MPS) = EPS X P/E ratio or P/E ratio = MPS/EPS
(i) Determination of EPS, P/E ratio, ROE and BVPS of BA Ltd. and DA Ltd.
BA Ltd. DA Ltd.
Earnings After Tax (EAT) ` 2,10,000 ` 99,000
No. of Shares (N) 100000 80000
EPS (EAT/N) ` 2.10 ` 1.2375
Market price per share (MPS) 40 15
P/E Ratio (MPS/EPS) 19.05 12.12
Equity Funds (EF) ` 12,00,000 ` 8,00,000
BVPS (EF/N) 12 10
ROE (EAT/EF) × 100 17.50% 12.37%
(ii) Estimation of growth rates in EPS for BA Ltd. and DA Ltd.
Retention Ratio (1-D/P ratio) 0.6 0.4
Growth Rate (ROE × Retention Ratio) 10.50% 4.95%

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(iii) Justifiable equity shares exchange ratio

(a) Intrinsic value based = `20 / `40 = 0.5:1 (upper limit)
(b) Market price based = MPSDA/MPSBA = `15 / `40 =0.375:1(lower limit)
Since, BA Ltd. has a higher EPS, ROE, P/E ratio and even higher EPS growth
expectations, the negotiable terms would be expected to be closer to the lower limit,
based on the existing share prices.
(iv) Calculation of Post merger EPS and its effects
Particulars BA Ltd. DA Ltd. Combined
EAT (`) (i) 2,10,000 99,000 3,09,000
Share outstanding (ii) 100000 80000 132000*
EPS (`) (i) / (ii) 2.1 1.2375 2.341
EPS Accretion (Dilution) (Re.) 0.241 (0.301***)
(v) Estimation of Post merger Market price and other effects
Particulars BA Ltd. DA Ltd. Combined
EPS (`) (i) 2.1 1.2375 2.341
P/E Ratio (ii) 19.05 12.12 19.05
MPS (`) (i) / (ii) 40 15 44.6
MPS Accretion (`) 4.6 2.84***

* Shares outstanding (combined) = 100000 shares + (.40 × 80000)= 132000 shares

** EPS claim per old share = `2.34 × 0.4 ` 0.936
EPS dilution = `1.2375 – ` 0.936 ` 0.3015
***S claim per old share (` 44.60 × 0.4) ` 17.84
Less: MPS per old share ` 15.00
` 2.84
Question 43
Bank 'R' was established in 2005 and doing banking in India. The bank is facing DO OR DIE
situation. There are problems of Gross NPA (Non Performing Assets) at 40% & CAR/CRAR
(Capital Adequacy Ratio/ Capital Risk Weight Asset Ratio) at 4%. The net worth of the bank is
not good. Shares are not traded regularly. Last week, it was traded @` 8 per share.
RBI Audit suggested that bank has either to liquidate or to merge with other bank.

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Bank 'P' is professionally managed bank with low gross NPA of 5%.It has Net NPA as 0% and
CAR at 16%. Its share is quoted in the market @ ` 128 per share. The board of directors of
bank 'P' has submitted a proposal to RBI for take over of bank 'R' on the basis of share
exchange ratio.
The Balance Sheet details of both the banks are as follows:
Bank ‘R’ Bank ‘P’
Amt. in ` lacs Amt. In ` lacs
Paid up share capital (F.V. ` 10 each) 140 500
Reserves & Surplus 70 5,500
Deposits 4,000 40,000
Other liabilities 890 2,500
Total Liabilities 5,100 48,500
Cash in hand & with RBI 400 2,500
Balance with other banks - 2,000
Investments 1,100 15,000
Advances 3,500 27,000
Other Assets 100 2,000
Total Assets 5,100 48,500
It was decided to issue shares at Book Value of Bank 'P' to the shareholders of Bank 'R'. All
assets and liabilities are to be taken over at Book Value.
For the swap ratio, weights assigned to different parameters are as follows:
Gross NPA 30%
CAR 20%
Market price 40%
Book value 10%
(a) What is the swap ratio based on above weights?
(b) How many shares are to be issued?
(c) Prepare Balance Sheet after merger.
(d) Calculate CAR & Gross NPA % of Bank 'P' after merger.

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(a) Swap Ratio
Gross NPA 5 : 40 i.e. 5/40 x 30% = 0.0375
CAR 4 : 16 i.e. 4/16 x 20% = 0.0500
Market Price 8 : 128 i.e. 8/128 x 40% = 0.025
Book Value Per Share 15 : 120 i.e. 15/120 x 10% = 0.0125
Thus, for every 1 share of Bank ‘R’ 0.125 share of Bank ‘P’ shall be issued.
(b) No. of equity shares to be issued:
` 140 lac
× 0.125 = 1.75 lac shares
` 10
(c) Balance Sheet after Merger
Calculation of Capital Reserve
Book Value of Shares ` 210.00 lac
Less: Value of Shares issued ` 17.50 lac
Capital Reserve ` 192.50 lac

Balance Sheet
` lac ` lac
Paid up Share Capital 517.50 Cash in Hand & RBI 2900.00
Reserves & Surplus 5500.00 Balance with other banks 2000.00
Capital Reserve 192.50 Investment 16100.00
Deposits 44000.00 Advances 30500.00
Other Liabilities 3390.00 Other Assets 2100.00
53600.00 53600.00

(d) Calculation CAR & Gross NPA % of Bank ‘P’ after merger
Total Capital
Risky Weighted Assets

Bank ‘R’ Bank ‘P’ Merged

CAR (Given) 4% 16%

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Total Capital ` 210 lac ` 6000 lac ` 6210 lac

Risky Weighted Assets ` 5250 lac ` 37500 lac ` 42750 lac
` 6210 lac
=CAR = 14.53%
` 42750 lac
Gross NPA
GNPA Ratio
= × 100
Gross Deposits

Bank ‘R’ Bank ‘P’ Merged

GNPA (Given) 0.40 0.05
0.40 = 0.05 =
` 3500 lac ` 27000 lac
Gross NPA ` 1400 lac ` 1350 lac ` 2750 lac
Question 44
During the audit of the Weak Bank (W), RBI has suggested that the Bank should either merge
with another bank or may close down. Strong Bank (S) has submitted a proposal of merger of
Weak Bank with itself. The relevant information and Balance Sheets of both the companies
are as under:
Particulars Weak Bank Strong Assigned
(W) Bank (S) Weights (%)
Gross NPA (%) 40 5 30
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 5 16 28
Total Capital/ Risk Weight Asset
Market price per Share (MPS) 12 96 32
Book value 10
Trading on Stock Exchange Irregular Frequent
Balance Sheet (` in Lakhs)
Particulars Weak Bank (W) Strong Bank (S)
Paid up Share Capital (` 10 per share) 150 500
Reserves & Surplus 80 5,500
Deposits 4,000 44,000
Other Liabilities 890 2,500
Total Liabilities 5,120 52,500
Cash in Hand & with RBI 400 2,500
Balance with Other Banks - 2,000
Investments 1,100 19,000

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Advances 3,500 27,000

Other Assets 70 2,000
Preliminary Expenses 50 -
Total Assets 5,120 52,500
You are required to
(a) Calculate Swap ratio based on the above weights:
(b) Ascertain the number of Shares to be issued to Weak Bank;
(c) Prepare Balance Sheet after merger; and
(d) Calculate CAR and Gross NPA of Strong Bank after merger.
(a) Swap Ratio
Gross NPA 5:40 5/40 x 30% 0.0375
CAR 5:16 5/16 x 28% 0.0875
Market Price 12:96 12/96 x 32% 0.0400
Book Value Per Share 12:120 12/120x 10% 0.0100
Thus for every share of Weak Bank, 0.1750 share of Strong Bank shall be issued.
Calculation of Book Value Per Share
Particulars Weak Bank Strong Bank
(W) (S)
Share Capital (` Lakhs) 150 500
Reserves & Surplus (` Lakhs) 80 5,500
230 6,000
Less: Preliminary Expenses (` Lakhs) 50 --
Net Worth or Book Value (` Lakhs) 180 6,000
No. of Outstanding Shares (Lakhs) 15 50
Book Value Per Share (`) 12 120
(b) No. of equity shares to be issued:
× 0.1750 = 2.625 lakh shares

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(c) Balance Sheet after Merger

Calculation of Capital Reserve
Book Value of Shares ` 180.00 lac
Less: Value of Shares issued ` 26.25 lac
Capital Reserve ` 153.75 lac
Balance Sheet
` lac ` lac
Paid up Share Capital 526.25 Cash in Hand & RBI 2900.00
Reserves & Surplus 5500.00 Balance with other banks 2000.00
Capital Reserve 153.75 Investment 20100.00
Deposits 48000.00 Advances 30500.00
Other Liabilities 3390.00 Other Assets 2070.00
57570.00 57570.00
(d) Calculation CAR & Gross NPA % of Bank ‘S’ after merger
Total Capital
Risky Weighted Assets
Weak Bank Strong Bank Merged
5% 16%
Total Capital ` 180 lac ` 6000 lac ` 6180 lac
Risky Weighted Assets ` 3600 lac ` 37500 lac ` 41100 lac

CAR = × 100 = 15.04%
Gross NPA
GNPA Ratio
= × 100
Gross Advances
Weak Bank Strong Bank Merged
GNPA (Given) 0.40 0.05
0.40 = 0.05 =
` 3500 lac ` 27000 lac
Gross NPA ` 1400 lac ` 1350 lac ` 2750 lac

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Question 45
A valuation done of an established company by a well-known analyst has estimated a value of
` 500 lakhs, based on the expected free cash flow for next year of ` 20 lakhs and an
expected growth rate of 5%.
While going through the valuation procedure, you found that the analyst has made the mistake
of using the book values of debt and equity in his calculation. While you do not know the book
value weights he used, you have been provided with the following information:
(i) Company has a cost of equity of 12%,
(ii) After tax cost of debt is 6%,
(iii) The market value of equity is three times the book value of equity, while the market value
of debt is equal to the book value of debt.
You are required to estimate the correct value of the company.

Cost of capital by applying Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) Model is as follows:-
Value of Firm = V0 =
K c − gn
Where –
FCFF1 = Expected FCFF in the year 1
Kc = Cost of capital
gn = Growth rate forever
Thus, ` 500 lakhs = ` 20 lakhs /(Kc-g)
Since g = 5%, then Kc = 9%
Now, let X be the weight of debt and given cost of equity = 12% and cost of debt = 6%,
then 12% (1 – X) + 6% X = 9%
Hence, X = 0.50, so book value weight for debt was 50%
∴ Correct weight should be 150% of equity and 50% of debt.
∴ Cost of capital = Kc = 12% (0.75) + 6% (0.25) = 10.50%
and correct firm’s value = ` 20 lakhs/(0.105 – 0.05) = ` 363.64 lakhs.
Question 46
The valuation of Hansel Limited has been done by an investment analyst. Based on an
expected free cash flow of ` 54 lakhs for the following year and an expected growth rate of 9

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percent, the analyst has estimated the value of Hansel Limited to be ` 1800 lakhs. However,
he committed a mistake of using the book values of debt and equity.
The book value weights employed by the analyst are not known, but you know that Hansel
Limited has a cost of equity of 20 percent and post tax cost of debt of 10 percent. The value of
equity is thrice its book value, whereas the market value of its debt is nine-tenths of its book
value. What is the correct value of Hansel Ltd?
Cost of capital by applying Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) Model is as follows:-
Value of Firm = V0 =
K c − gn
Where –
FCFF1 = Expected FCFF in the year 1
Kc= Cost of capital
gn = Growth rate forever
Thus, ` 1800 lakhs = ` 54 lakhs /(Kc-g)
Since g = 9%, then Kc = 12%
Now, let X be the weight of debt and given cost of equity = 20% and cost of debt = 10%, then
20% (1 – X) + 10% X = 12%
Hence, X = 0.80, so book value weight for debt was 80%
∴ Correct weight should be 60 of equity and 72 of debt.
∴ Cost of capital = Kc = 20% (60/132) + 10% (72/132) = 14.5455% and correct firm’s value
= ` 54 lakhs/(0.1454 – 0.09) = ` 974.73 lakhs.
Question 47
Following informations are available in respect of XYZ Ltd. which is expected to grow at a
higher rate for 4 years after which growth rate will stabilize at a lower level:
Base year information:
Revenue - ` 2,000 crores
EBIT - ` 300 crores
Capital expenditure - ` 280 crores
Depreciation - `200 crores

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Information for high growth and stable growth period are as follows:
High Growth Stable Growth
Growth in Revenue & EBIT 20% 10%
Growth in capital expenditure and 20% Capital expenditure are
depreciation offset by depreciation
Risk free rate 10% 9%
Equity beta 1.15 1
Market risk premium 6% 5%
Pre tax cost of debt 13% 12.86%
Debt equity ratio 1:1 2:3
For all time, working capital is 25% of revenue and corporate tax rate is 30%.
What is the value of the firm?
High growth phase :
ke = 0.10 + 1.15 x 0.06 = 0.169 or 16.9%.
kd = 0.13 x (1-0.3) = 0.091 or 9.1%.
Cost of capital = 0.5 x 0.169 + 0.5 x 0.091 = 0.13 or 13%.
Stable growth phase :
ke = 0.09 + 1.0 x 0.05 = 0.14 or 14%.
kd = 0.1286 x (1 - 0.3) = 0.09 or 9%.
Cost of capital = 0.6 x 0.14 + 0.4 x 0.09 = 0.12 or 12%.
Determination of forecasted Free Cash Flow of the Firm (FCFF)
(` in crores)
Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr 3 Yr. 4 Terminal Year
Revenue 2,400 2,880 3,456 4,147.20 4,561.92
EBIT 360 432 518.40 622.08 684.29
EAT 252 302.40 362.88 435.46 479.00
Capital Expenditure 96 115.20 138.24 165.89 -
Less Depreciation
∆ Working Capital 100.00 120.00 144.00 172.80 103.68
Free Cash Flow (FCF) 56.00 67.20 80.64 96.77 375.32

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Alternatively, it can also be computed as follows:

(` in crores)
Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr 3 Yr. 4 Terminal Year
Revenue 2,400 2,880 3,456 4,147.20 4,561.92
EBIT 360 432 518.40 622.08 684.29
EAT 252 302.40 362.88 435.46 479.00
Add: Depreciation 240 288 345.60 414.72 456.19
492 590.40 708.48 850.18 935.19
Less: Capital Exp. 336 403.20 483.84 580.61 456.19
∆ WC 100.00 120.00 144.00 172.80 103.68
56.00 67.20 80.64 96.77 375.32
Present Value (PV) of FCFF during the explicit forecast period is:
(` in crores) (` in crores)
56.00 0.885 49.56
67.20 0.783 52.62
80.64 0.693 55.88
96.77 0.613 59.32
` 217.38
Terminal Value of Cash Flow
= ` 18,766.00 Crores
0.12 - 0.10
PV of the terminal, value is:
` 18,766.00 Crores x = ` 18,766.00 Crores x 0.613 = ` 11,503.56 Crores
(1.13) 4
The value of the firm is :
` 217.38 Crores + ` 11,503.56 Crores = ` 11,720.94 Crores
Question 48
Following information is given in respect of WXY Ltd., which is expected to grow at a rate of
20% p.a. for the next three years, after which the growth rate will stabilize at 8% p.a. normal
level, in perpetuity.

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For the year ended March 31, 2014

Revenues ` 7,500 Crores
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) ` 3,000 Crores
Operating Expenses ` 2,250 Crores
Capital Expenditure ` 750 Crores
Depreciation (included in Operating Expenses) ` 600 Crores
During high growth period, revenues & Earnings before Interest & Tax (EBIT) will grow at 20%
p.a. and capital expenditure net of depreciation will grow at 15% p.a. From year 4 onwards,
i.e. normal growth period revenues and EBIT will grow at 8% p.a. and incremental capital
expenditure will be offset by the depreciation. During both high growth & normal growth
period, net working capital requirement will be 25% of revenues.
The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of WXY Ltd. is 15%.
Corporate Income Tax rate will be 30%.
Estimate the value of WXY Ltd. using Free Cash Flows to Firm (FCFF) & WACC methodology.
The PVIF @ 15 % for the three years are as below:

Year t1 t2 t3
PVIF 0.8696 0.7561 0.6575
Determination of forecasted Free Cash Flow of the Firm (FCFF)
(` in crores)
Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr 3 Terminal Year
Revenue 9000.00 10800.00 12960.00 13996.80
COGS 3600.00 4320.00 5184.00 5598.72
Operating Expenses 1980.00* 2376.00 2851.20 3079.30
Depreciation 720.00 864.00 1036.80 1119.74
EBIT 2700.00 3240.00 3888.00 4199.04
Tax @30% 810.00 972.00 1166.40 1259.71
EAT 1890.00 2268.00 2721.60 2939.33
Capital Exp. – Dep. 172.50 198.38 228.13 -
∆ Working Capital 375.00 450.00 540.00 259.20
Free Cash Flow (FCF) 1342.50 1619.62 1953.47 2680.13

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* Excluding Depreciation.
Present Value (PV) of FCFF during the explicit forecast period is:
FCFF (` in crores) PVF @ 15% PV (` in crores)
1342.50 0.8696 1167.44
1619.62 0.7561 1224.59
1953.47 0.6575 1284.41
PV of the terminal, value is:
2680.13 1
x = ` 38287.57 Crore x 0.6575 = ` 25174.08 Crore
0.15 - 0.08 (1.15)3

The value of the firm is :

` 3676.44 Crores + ` 25174.08 Crores = ` 28,850.52 Crores
Question 49
ABC, a large business house is planning to sell its wholly owned subsidiary KLM. Another
large business entity XYZ has expressed its interest in making a bid for KLM. XYZ expects
that after acquisition the annual earning of KLM will increase by 10%.
Following information, ignoring any potential synergistic benefits arising out of possible
acquisitions, are available:
(i) Profit after tax for KLM for the financial year which has just ended is estimated to be ` 10
(ii) KLM's after tax profit has an increasing trend of 7% each year and the same is expected
to continue.
(iii) Estimated post tax market return is 10% and risk free rate is 4%. These rates are
expected to continue.
(iv) Corporate tax rate is 30%.
XYZ ABC Proxy entity for KLM in
the same line of business
No. of shares 100 lakhs 80 lakhs --
Current share price ` 287 ` 375 --
Dividend pay out 40% 50% 50%
Debt : Equity at market values 1:2 1:3 1:4
P/E ratio 10 13 12
Equity beta 1 1. 1 1.1

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Assume gearing level of KLM to be the same as for ABC and a debt beta of zero.
You are required to calculate:
(a) Appropriate cost of equity for KLM based on the data available for the proxy entity.
(b) A range of values for KLM both before and after any potential synergistic benefits to XYZ
of the acquisition.
a. β ungeared for the proxy company = 1.1 X 4 / [ 4 + (1 – 0.3) ] = 0.9362
0.9362 = β equity greared X 3/ [ 3 + (1 - 0.3)]
β equity geared = 1.1546
Cost of equity = 0.04 + 1.1546 X (0.1 – 0.04) = 10.93%
b. P/E valuation
(Based on earning of ` 10 Crore)
Using proxy Using XYZ’s
Entity’s P/E P/E
Pre synergistic value 12 X ` 10 Crore 10 X ` 10 Crore
= ` 120 Crore = ` 100 Crore
Post synergistic value 12 X ` 10 Crore X 1.1 10 X ` 10 Crore X 1.1
= ` 132 Crore = ` 110 Crore
Dividend valuation model
Based on 50% payout Based on 40% payout
Pre synergistic value 0.5 X 10 X 1.07 0.4X10X1.07
0.1093 - 0.07 0.1093 - 0.07
= ` 136.13 Crore =` 108.91 Crore
Post synergistic value 0.5 X 10 X 1.1 X 1.07 0.4 X 10 X 1.1 X 1.07
0.1093 - 0.07 0.1093 - 0.07
= ` 149.75 Crore = ` 119.79 Crore
Range of valuation
Pre synergistic ` 100 Crore ` 136.13 Crore
Post synergistic ` 110 Crore ` 149.75 Crore

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Question 50
Using the chop-shop approach (or Break-up value approach), assign a value for Cranberry
Ltd. whose stock is currently trading at a total market price of €4 million. For Cranberry Ltd,
the accounting data set forth three business segments: consumer wholesale, retail and
general centers. Data for the firm’s three segments are as follows:
Business Segment Segment Segment Segment Operating
Sales Assets Income
Wholesale €225,000 €600,000 €75,000
Retail €720,000 €500,000 €150,000
General € 2,500,000 €4,000,000 €700,000
Industry data for “pure-play” firms have been compiled and are summarized as follows:
Business Capitalization/Sales Capitalization/Assets Capitalization/Operating
Segment Income
Wholesale 0.85 0.7 9
Retail 1.2 0.7 8
General 0.8 0.7 4
Business Segment Capital-to-Sales Segment Sales Theoretical Values
Wholesale 0.85 €225000 €191250
Retail 1.2 €720000 €864000
General 0.8 €2500000 €2000000
Total value €3055250

Business Segment Capital-to-Assets Segment Assets Theoretical Values

Wholesale 0.7 €600000 €420000
Retail 0.7 €500000 €350000
General 0.7 €4000000 €2800000
Total value €3570000

Business Segment Capital-to- Operating Income Theoretical Values

Operating Income
Wholesale 9 €75000 €675000
Retail 8 €150000 €1200000

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General 4 €700000 €2800000

Total value €4675000

3055250 + 3570000 + 4675000

Average theoretical value
= = 3766750
Average theoretical value of Cranberry Ltd. = €3766750
Question 51
The following is the Balance-sheet of Grape Fruit Company Ltd as at March 31st, 2011.
Liabilities (` in lakhs) Assets (` in lakhs)
Equity shares of ` 100 each 600 Land and Building 200
14% preference shares of ` 100/- 200 Plant and Machinery 300
13% Debentures 200 Furniture and Fixtures 50
Debenture interest accrued and 26 Inventory 150
Loan from bank 74 Sundry debtors 70
Trade creditors 340 Cash at bank 130
Preliminary expenses 10
Cost of issue of 5
Profit and Loss account 525
1440 1440
The Company did not perform well and has suffered sizable losses during the last few years.
However, it is felt that the company could be nursed back to health by proper financial
restructuring. Consequently the following scheme of reconstruction has been drawn up :
(i) Equity shares are to be reduced to ` 25/- per share, fully paid up;
(ii) Preference shares are to be reduced (with coupon rate of 10%) to equal number of
shares of ` 50 each, fully paid up.
(iii) Debenture holders have agreed to forgo the accrued interest due to them. In the future,
the rate of interest on debentures is to be reduced to 9 percent.
(iv) Trade creditors will forego 25 percent of the amount due to them.
(v) The company issues 6 lakh of equity shares at ` 25 each and the entire sum was to be
paid on application. The entire amount was fully subscribed by promoters.

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(vi) Land and Building was to be revalued at ` 450 lakhs, Plant and Machinery was to be
written down by ` 120 lakhs and a provision of `15 lakhs had to be made for bad and
doubtful debts.
(i) Show the impact of financial restructuring on the company’s activities.
(ii) Prepare the fresh balance sheet after the reconstructions is completed on the basis of
the above proposals.
Impact of Financial Restructuring
(i) Benefits to Grape Fruit Ltd.
(a) Reduction of liabilities payable
` in lakhs
Reduction in equity share capital (6 lakh shares x `75 per share) 450
Reduction in preference share capital (2 lakh shares x `50 per 100
Waiver of outstanding debenture Interest 26
Waiver from trade creditors (`340 lakhs x 0.25) 85
(b) Revaluation of Assets
Appreciation of Land and Building (`450 lakhs - `200 lakhs) 250
Total (A) 911
(ii) Amount of `911 lakhs utilized to write off losses, fictious assets and over- valued assets.
Writing off profit and loss account 525
Cost of issue of debentures 5
Preliminary expenses 10
Provision for bad and doubtful debts 15
Revaluation of Plant and Machinery 120
(`300 lakhs – `180 lakhs)
Total (B) 675
Capital Reserve (A) – (B) 236

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(ii) Balance sheet of Grape Fruit Ltd as at 31st March 2011 (after re-construction)
(` in lakhs)
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
12 lakhs equity shares of ` 25/- each 300 Land & Building 450
10% Preference shares of ` 50/- each 100 Plant & Machinery 180
Capital Reserve 236 Furnitures & Fixtures 50
9% debentures 200 Inventory 150
Loan from Bank 74 Sundry debtors 70
Trade Creditors 255 Prov. for Doubtful Debts -15 55
Cash-at-Bank (Balancing 280
1165 1165

*Opening Balance of `130/- lakhs + Sale proceeds from issue of new equity shares `150/-
Question 52
M/s Tiger Ltd. wants to acquire M/s. Leopard Ltd. The balance sheet of Leopard Ltd. as on
31st March, 2012 is as follows:
Liabilities ` Assets `
Equity Capital (70,000 shares) Cash 50,000
Retained earnings 3,00,000 Debtors 70,000
12% Debentures 3,00,000 Inventories 2,00,000
Creditors and other liabilities 3,20,000 Plants & Eqpt. 13,00,000
16,20,000 16,20,000
Additional Information:
(i) Shareholders of Leopard Ltd. will get one share in Tiger Ltd. for every two shares.
External liabilities are expected to be settled at ` 5,00,000. Shares of Tiger Ltd. would be
issued at its current price of ` 15 per share. Debentureholders will get 13% convertible
debentures in the purchasing company for the same amount. Debtors and inventories
are expected to realize ` 2,00,000.
(ii) Tiger Ltd. has decided to operate the business of Leopard Ltd. as a separate division.
The division is likely to give cash flows (after tax) to the extent of
` 5,00,000 per year for 6 years. Tiger Ltd. has planned that, after 6 years, this division
would be demerged and disposed of for ` 2,00,000.
(iii) The company’s cost of capital is 16%.

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Make a report to the Board of the company advising them about the financial feasibility of
this acquisition.
Net present values for 16% for ` 1 are as follows:
Years 1 2 3 4 5 6
PV .862 .743 .641 .552 .476 .410
Calculation of Purchase Consideration
Issue of Share 35000 x `15 5,25,000
External Liabilities settled 5,00,000
13% Debentures 3,00,000
Less: Realization of Debtors and Inventories 2,00,000
Cash 50,000
Net Present Value = PV of Cash Inflow + PV of Demerger of Leopard Ltd. – Cash Outflow
= ` 5,00,000 PVAF(16%,6) + ` 2,00,000 PVF(16%, 6) – ` 10,75,000
= ` 5,00,000 x 3.684 + ` 2,00,000 x 0.410 – ` 10,75,000
= ` 18,42,000 + ` 82,000 – ` 10,75,000
= ` 8,49,000
Since NPV of the decision is positive it is advantageous to acquire Leopard Ltd.
Question 53
The equity shares of XYZ Ltd. are currently being traded at ` 24 per share in the market. XYZ
Ltd. has total 10,00,000 equity shares outstanding in number; and promoters' equity holding in
the company is 40%.
PQR Ltd. wishes to acquire XYZ Ltd. because of likely synergies. The estimated present value
of these synergies is ` 80,00,000.
Further PQR feels that management of XYZ Ltd. has been over paid. With better motivation,
lower salaries and fewer perks for the top management, will lead to savings of ` 4,00,000 p.a.
Top management with their families are promoters of XYZ Ltd. Present value of these savings
would add ` 30,00,000 in value to the acquisition.
Following additional information is available regarding PQR Ltd.:

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Earnings per share :`4

Total number of equity shares outstanding : 15,00,000
Market price of equity share : ` 40
(i) What is the maximum price per equity share which PQR Ltd. can offer to pay for XYZ
(ii) What is the minimum price per equity share at which the management of XYZ Ltd. will be
willing to offer their controlling interest?
(a) Calculation of maximum price per share at which PQR Ltd. can offer to pay for XYZ Ltd.’s
Market Value (10,00,000 x ` 24) ` 2,40,00,000
Synergy Gain ` 80,00,000
Saving of Overpayment ` 30,00,000
` 3,50,00,000
Maximum Price (` 3,50,00,000/10,00,000) ` 35
Alternatively, it can also be computed as follows:
Let ER be the swap ratio then,
24×10,00,000+40×15,00,000+ 80,00,000+30,00,000
ER = 0.875
MP = PE x EPS x ER = x ` 4 x 0.875 = ` 35
(b) Calculation of minimum price per share at which the management of XYZ Ltd.’s will be
willing to offer their controlling interest
Value of XYZ Ltd.’s Management Holding ` 96,00,000
(40% of 10,00,000 x ` 24)
Add: PV of loss of remuneration to top management ` 30,00,000
` 1,26,00,000
No. of Shares 4,00,000
Minimum Price (` 1,26,00,000/4,00,000) ` 31.50

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Question 54
With the help of the following information of Jatayu Limited compute the Economic Value
Capital Structure Equity capital ` 160 Lakhs
Reserves and Surplus ` 140 lakhs
10% Debentures ` 400 lakhs
Cost of equity 14%
Financial Leverage 1.5 times
Income Tax Rate 30%
Financial Leverage = PBIT/PBT
1.5 = PBIT / (PBIT – Interest)

1.5 = PBIT / (PBIT – 40)

1.5 (PBIT – 40) = PBIT
1.5 PBIT – 60 = PBIT
1.5 PBIT – PBIT = 60
0.5 PBIT = 60
or PBIT = = `120 lakhs
NOPAT = PBIT – Tax = `120 lakhs (1 – 0.30) = `84 lakhs.
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
= 14% × (300 / 700) + (1 – 0.30) × (10%) × (400 / 700) = 10%
EVA = NOPAT – (WACC × Total Capital)
EVA = `84 lakhs – 0.10 × ` 700 lakhs
EVA = ` 14 lakhs
Question 55
RST Ltd.’s current financial year's income statement reported its net income after tax as `
25,00,000. The applicable corporate income tax rate is 30%.
Following is the capital structure of RST Ltd. at the end of current financial year:
Debt (Coupon rate = 11%) 40 lakhs

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Equity (Share Capital + Reserves & Surplus) 125 lakhs

Invested Capital 165 lakhs
Following data is given to estimate cost of equity capital:
Beta of RST Ltd. 1.36
Risk –free rate i.e. current yield on Govt. bonds 8.5%
Average market risk premium (i.e. Excess of return on market portfolio 9%
over risk-free rate)

(i) Estimate Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of RST Ltd.; and
(ii) Estimate Economic Value Added (EVA) of RST Ltd.
Cost of Equity as per CAPM
ke = Rf + β x Market Risk Premium
= 8.5% + 1.36 x 9%
= 8.5% + 12.24% = 20.74%
Cost of Debt kd = 11%(1 – 0.30) = 7.70%
WACC (ko) = ke x + kd x

125 40
= 20.74 x + 7.70 x
165 165
= 15.71 + 1.87 = 17.58%
Taxable Income = ` 25,00,000/(1 - 0.30)
= ` 35,71,429 or ` 35.71 lakhs
Operating Income = Taxable Income + Interest
= ` 35,71,429 + ` 4,40,000
= ` 40,11,429 or ` 40.11 lacs
EVA = EBIT (1-Tax Rate) – WACC x Invested Capital
= ` 40,11,429 (1 – 0.30) – 17.58% x ` 1,65,00,000
= ` 28,08,000 – ` 29,00,700 = - ` 92,700

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Question 56
Tender Ltd has earned a net profit of ` 15 lacs after tax at 30%. Interest cost charged by
financial institutions was ` 10 lacs. The invested capital is ` 95 lacs of which 55% is debt. The
company maintains a weighted average cost of capital of 13%. Required,
(a) Compute the operating income.
(b) Compute the Economic Value Added (EVA).
(c) Tender Ltd. has 6 lac equity shares outstanding. How much dividend can the company
pay before the value of the entity starts declining?
Taxable Income = ` 15 lac/(1-0.30)
= ` 21.43 lacs or ` 21,42,857
Operating Income = Taxable Income + Interest
= ` 21,42,857 + ` 10,00,000
= ` 31,42,857 or ` 31.43 lacs
EVA = EBIT (1-Tax Rate) – WACC x Invested Capital
= ` 31,42,857(1 – 0.30) – 13% x ` 95,00,000
= ` 22,00,000 – ` 12,35,000 = ` 9,65,000
` 9,65,000
EVA Dividend = = ` 1.6083
` 6,00,000
Question 57
The following information is given for 3 companies that are identical except for their capital
Orange Grape Apple
Total invested capital 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
Debt/assets ratio 0.8 0.5 0.2
Shares outstanding 6,100 8,300 10,000
Pre tax cost of debt 16% 13% 15%
Cost of equity 26% 22% 20%
Operating Income (EBIT) 25,000 25,000 25,000
Net Income 8,970 12,350 14,950
The tax rate is uniform 35% in all cases.
(i) Compute the Weighted average cost of capital for each company.
(ii) Compute the Economic Valued Added (EVA) for each company.

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(iii) Based on the EVA, which company would be considered for best investment? Give
(iv) If the industry PE ratio is 11x, estimate the price for the share of each company.
(v) Calculate the estimated market capitalisation for each of the Companies.
(i) Working for calculation of WACC
Orange Grape Apple
Total debt 80,000 50,000 20,000
Post tax Cost of debt 10.4% 8.45% 9.75%
Equity Fund 20,000 50,000 80,000

Orange: (10.4 x 0.8) + (26 x 0.2) = 13.52%
Grape: (8.45 x 0.5) + (22 x 0.5) = 15.225%
Apple: (9.75 x 0.2) + (20 x 0.8) = 17.95%
Orange Grape Apple
WACC 13.52 15.225 17.95
EVA [EBIT (1-T)-(WACC x Invested Capital)] 2,730 1,025 -1,700

Alternatively, it can also be computed as follows:

Orange Grape Apple
Net Income (`) 8,970 12,350 14,950
Pre Tax Income (`) (A) 13,800 19,000 23,000
Debt Amount (`) 80,000 50,000 20,000
Interest (`) (B) 12,800 6,500 3,000
EBIT (`) 26,600 25,500 26,000
Tax 35% (`) 9,310 8,925 9,100
EAT 17,290 16,575 16,900
Less: WACC X Invested Capital 13,520 15,220 17,950
EVA (`) 3,770 1,355 -1,050

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(iii) Orange would be considered as the best investment since the EVA of the company is
highest and its weighted average cost of capital is the lowest
(iv) Estimated Price of each company shares
Orange Grape Apple
EBIT (`) 25,000 25,000 25,000
Interest (`) 12,800 6,500 3,000
Taxable Income (`) 12,200 18,500 22,000
Tax 35% (`) 4,270 6,475 7,700
Net Income (`) 7,930 12,025 14,300
Shares 6,100 8,300 10,000
EPS (`) 1.3 1.448795 1.43
Stock Price (EPS x PE Ratio) (`) 14.30 15.94 15.73
Since the three entities have different capital structures they would be exposed to
different degrees of financial risk. The PE ratio should therefore be adjusted for the risk
Alternative Answer
Orange Grape Apple
Net Income (Given) (`) 8,970 12,350 14,950
Shares 6,100 8,300 10,000
EPS (`) 1.4705 1.488 1.495
Stock Price (EPS x PE Ratio) (`) 16.18 16.37 16.45
(v) Market Capitalisation
Estimated Stock Price (`) 14.30 15.94 15.73
No. of shares 6,100 8,300 10,000
Estimated Market Cap (`) 87,230 1,32,302 1,57,300
Alternative Answer
Estimated Stock Price (`) 16.18 16.37 16.45
No. of shares 6,100 8,300 10,000
Estimated Market Cap (`) 98,698 1,35,871 1,64,500
Question 58
Delta Ltd.’s current financial year’s income statement reports its net income as
` 15,00,000. Delta’s marginal tax rate is 40% and its interest expense for the year was

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` 15,00,000. The company has ` 1,00,00,000 of invested capital, of which 60% is debt. In
addition, Delta Ltd. tries to maintain a Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of 12.6%.
(i) Compute the operating income or EBIT earned by Delta Ltd. in the current year.
(ii) What is Delta Ltd.’s Economic Value Added (EVA) for the current year?
(iii) Delta Ltd. has 2,50,000 equity shares outstanding. According to the EVA you computed
in (ii), how much can Delta pay in dividend per share before the value of the company
would start to decrease? If Delta does not pay any dividends, what would you expect to
happen to the value of the company?
(i) Taxable income = Net Income /(1 – 0.40)
or, Taxable income = ` 15,00,000/(1 – 0.40) = ` 25,00,000
Again, taxable income = EBIT – Interest
or, EBIT = Taxable Income + Interest
= ` 25,00,000 + ` 15,00,000 = ` 40,00,000
(ii) EVA = EBIT (1 – T) – (WACC × Invested capital)
= ` 40,00,000 (1 – 0.40) – (0.126 × ` 1,00,00,000)
= ` 24,00,000 – ` 12,60,000 = ` 11,40,000
(iii) EVA Dividend = ` 11,40,000/2,50,000 = ` 4.56
If Delta Ltd. does not pay a dividend, we would expect the value of the firm to increase
because it will achieve higher growth, hence a higher level of EBIT. If EBIT is higher, then all
else equal, the value of the firm will increase.
Question 59
The following data pertains to XYZ Inc. engaged in software consultancy business as on 31
December 2010
($ Million)
Income from consultancy 935.00
EBIT 180.00
Less: Interest on Loan 18.00
EBT 162.00
Tax @ 35% 56.70

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Balance Sheet
($ Million)
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Equity Stock (10 million 100 Land and Building 200
share @ $ 10 each) Computers & Softwares 295
Reserves & Surplus 325 Current Assets:
Loans 180 Debtors 150
Current Liabilities 180 Bank 100
Cash 40 290
785 785
With the above information and following assumption you are required to compute
(a) Economic Value Added®
(b) Market Value Added.
Assuming that:
(i) WACC is 12%.
(ii) The share of company currently quoted at $ 50 each
(a) Determination of Economic Value Added (EVA)
$ Million
EBIT 180.00
Less: Taxes @ 35% 63.00
Net Operating Profit after Tax 117.00
Less: Cost of Capital Employed [W. No.1] 72.60
Economic Value Added 44.40
(b) Determination of Market Value Added (MVA)
$ Million
Market value of Equity Stock [W. No. 2] 500
Equity Fund [W. No. 3] 425
Market Value Added 75

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Working Notes:
(1) Total Capital Employed
Equity Stock $ 100 Million
Reserve and Surplus $ 325 Million
Loan $ 180 Million
$ 605 Million
WACC 12%
Cost of Capital employed $ 605 Million х 12% $ 72.60 Million
(2) Market Price per equity share (A) $ 50
No. of equity share outstanding (B) 10 Million
Market value of equity stock (A) х (B) $ 500 Million
(3) Equity Fund
Equity Stock $ 100 Million
Reserves & Surplus $ 325 Million
$ 425 Million
Question 60
Herbal Gyan is a small but profitable producer of beauty cosmetics using the plant Aloe Vera.
This is not a high-tech business, but Herbal’s earnings have averaged around ` 12 lakh after
tax, largely on the strength of its patented beauty cream for removing the pimples.
The patent has eight years to run, and Herbal has been offered ` 40 lakhs for the patent
rights. Herbal’s assets include ` 20 lakhs of working capital and ` 80 lakhs of property, plant,
and equipment. The patent is not shown on Herbal’s books. Suppose Herbal’s cost of capital
is 15 percent. What is its Economic Value Added (EVA)?
EVA = Income earned – (Cost of capital x Total Investment)
Total Investments
Particulars Amount
Working capital ` 20 lakhs
Property, plant, and equipment ` 80 lakhs
Patent rights ` 40 lakhs
Total ` 140 lakhs

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Cost of Capital 15%

EVA= ` 12 lakh – (0.15 x ` 140 lakhs) = ` 12 lakh – ` 21 lakh = -` 9 lakh
Thus Herbal Gyan has a negative EVA of ` 9 lakhs.
Question 61
Constant Engineering Ltd. has developed a high tech product which has reduced the Carbon
emission from the burning of the fossil fuel. The product is in high demand. The product has
been patented and has a market value of ` 100 Crore, which is not recorded in the books. The
Net Worth (NW) of Constant Engineering Ltd. is ` 200 Crore. Long term debt is ` 400 Crore.
The product generates a revenue of ` 84 Crore. The rate on 365 days Government bond is 10
percent per annum. Bond portfolio generates a return of 12 percent per annum. The stock of
the company moves in tandem with the market. Calculate Economic Value added of the
EVA = Income Earned – (Cost of Capital x Total Investment)
Total Investments
Amount (` Crore)
Net Worth 200.00
Long Term Debts 400.00
Patent Rights 100.00
Total 700.00
WACC (ko) = k × + k ×
e E+D d E+D
300 400
= 12 × + 10 ×
700 700
= 5.14% + 5.71% = 10.85%
EVA = Profit Earned – WACC x Invested Capital
= ` 84 crore – 10.85% x ` 700 crore
= ` 8.05 crore
Question 62
Personal Computer Division of Distress Ltd., a computer hardware manufacturing company
has started facing financial difficulties for the last 2 to 3 years. The management of the
division headed by Mr. Smith is interested in a buyout on 1 April 2013. However, to make this
buy-out successful there is an urgent need to attract substantial funds from venture capitalists.

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Ven Cap, a European venture capitalist firm has shown its interest to finance the proposed
buy-out. Distress Ltd. is interested to sell the division for ` 180 crore and Mr. Smith is of
opinion that an additional amount of ` 85 crore shall be required to make this division viable.
The expected financing pattern shall be as follows:
Source Mode Amount
(` Crore)
Management Equity Shares of ` 10 each 60.00
VenCap VC Equity Shares of ` 10 each 22.50
9% Debentures with attached warrant of ` 100 each 22.50
8% Loan 160.00
Total 265.00
The warrants can be exercised any time after 4 years from now for 10 equity shares @ ` 120
per share.
The loan is repayable in one go at the end of 8th year. The debentures are repayable in equal
annual installment consisting of both principal and interest amount over a period of 6 years.
Mr. Smith is of view that the proposed dividend shall not be kept more than 12.5% of
distributable profit for the first 4 years. The forecasted EBIT after the proposed buyout is as
Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
EBIT (` crore) 48 57 68 82
Applicable tax rate is 35% and it is expected that it shall remain unchanged at least for 5-6
years. In order to attract VenCap, Mr. Smith stated that book value of equity shall increase by
20% during above 4 years. Although, VenCap has shown their interest in investment but are
doubtful about the projections of growth in the value as per projections of Mr. Smith. Further
VenCap also demanded that warrants should be convertible in 18 shares instead of 10 as
proposed by Mr. Smith.
You are required to determine whether or not the book value of equity is expected to grow by
20% per year. Further if you have been appointed by Mr. Smith as advisor then whether you
would suggest to accept the demand of VenCap of 18 shares instead of 10 or not.
Working Notes
Calculation of Interest Payment on 9% Debentures
PVAF (9%,6) = 4.486

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` 22.50 crore
Annual Installment = = ` 5.0156 crore
Year Balance Interest Installment Principal Balance
Outstanding (` Crore) (` Crore) Repayment (` Crore)
(` Crore) (` Crore)
1 22.5000 2.025 5.0156 2.9906 19.5094
2 19.5094 1.756 5.0156 3.2596 16.2498
3 16.2498 1.462 5.0156 3.5536 12.6962
4 12.6962 1.143 5.0156 3.8726 8.8236
Statement showing Value of Equity
Particulars 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
(` Crore) (` Crore) (` Crore) (` Crore)
EBIT 48.0000 57.0000 68.0000 82.0000
Interest on 9% Debentures 2.0250 1.7560 1.4620 1.1430
Interest on 8% Loan 12.8000 12.8000 12.8000 12.8000
EBT 33.1750 42.4440 53.7380 68.0570
Tax* @35% 11.6110 14.8550 18.8080 23.8200
EAT 21.5640 27.5890 34.9300 44.2370
Dividend @12.5% of EAT* 2.6955 3.4490 4.3660 5.5300
18.8685 24.1400 30.5640 38.7070
Balance b/f Nil 18.8685 43.0085 73.5725
Balance c/f 18.8685 43.0085 73.5725 112.2795
Share Capital 82.5000 82.5000 82.5000 82.5000
101.3685 125.5085 156.0725 194.7795
*Figures have been rounded off.
In the beginning of 2013-14 equity was ` 82.5000crore which has been grown to ` 194.7795
over a period of 4 years. In such case the compounded growth rate shall be as follows:
(194.7795/82.5000)¼ - 1 = 23.96%
This growth rate is slightly higher than 20% as projected by Mr. Smith.

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If the condition of VenCap for 18 shares is accepted the expected share holding after 4 years
shall be as follows:
No. of shares held by Management 6.00 crore
No. of shares held by VenCap at the starting stage 2.25 crore
No. of shares held by VenCap after 4 years 4.05 crore
Total holding 6.30 crore
Thus, it is likely that Mr. Smith may not accept this condition of VenCap as this may result in
losing their majority ownership and control to VenCap. Mr. Smith may accept their condition if
management has further opportunity to increase their ownership through other forms.
Question 63
BRS Inc deals in computer and IT hardwares and peripherals. The expected revenue for the
next 8 years is as follows:
Years Sales Revenue ($ Million)
1 8
2 10
3 15
4 22
5 30
6 26
7 23
8 20
Summarized financial position as on 31 March 2012 was as follows:
$ Million
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Equity Stocks 12 Fixed Assets (Net) 17
12% Bonds 8 Current Assets 3
20 20

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Additional Information:
(a) Its variable expenses is 40% of sales revenue and fixed operating expenses (cash) are
estimated to be as follows:
Period Amount ($ Million)
1- 4 years 1.6
5-8 years 2

(b) An additional advertisement and sales promotion campaign shall be launched requiring
expenditure as per following details:
Period Amount ($ Million)
1 year 0.50
2-3 years 1.50
4-6 years 3.00
7-8 years 1.00

(c) Fixed assets are subject to depreciation at 15% as per WDV method.
(d) The company has planned additional capital expenditures (in the beginning of each year)
for the coming 8 years as follows:
Period Amount ($ Million)
1 0.50
2 0.80
3 2.00
4 2.50
5 3.50
6 2.50
7 1.50
8 1.00
(e) Investment in Working Capital is estimated to be 20% of Revenue.
(f) Applicable tax rate for the company is 30%.
(g) Cost of Equity is estimated to be 16%.
(h) The Free Cash Flow of the firm is expected to grow at 5% per annuam after 8 years.

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With above information you are require to determine the:

(i) Value of Firm
(ii) Value of Equity
Working Notes:
(a) Determination of Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Sources of Cost (%) Proportions Weights Weighted Cost
Equity Stock 16 12/20 0.60 9.60
12% Bonds 12%(1-0.30) = 8.40 8/20 0.40 3.36
12.96 say 13
(b) Schedule of Depreciation
$ Million
Year Opening Balance Addition during Total Depreciation @
of Fixed Assets the year 15%

1 17.00 0.50 17.50 2.63

2 14.87 0.80 15.67 2.35
3 13.32 2.00 15.32 2.30
4 13.02 2.50 15.52 2.33
5 13.19 3.50 16.69 2.50
6 14.19 2.50 16.69 2.50
7 14.19 1.50 15.69 2.35
8 13.34 1.00 14.34 2.15
(c) Determination of Investment
$ Million
Investment Required Existing Additional
Year For Capital CA (20% of Investment Investment
Total in CA required
Expenditure Revenue)
1 0.50 1.60 2.10 3.00 0.00
2 0.80 2.00 2.80 2.50* 0.30
3 2.00 3.00 5.00 2.00** 3.00
4 2.50 4.40 6.90 3.00 3.90

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5 3.50 6.00 9.50 4.40 5.10

6 2.50 5.20 7.70 6.00 1.70
7 1.50 4.60 6.10 5.20 0.90
8 1.00 4.00 5.00 4.60 0.40
* Balance of CA in Year 1 ($3 Million) – Capital Expenditure in Year 1($ 0.50 Million)
** Similarly balance of CA in Year 2 ($2.80) – Capital Expenditure in Year 2($ 0.80
(d) Determination of Present Value of Cash Inflows

$ Million
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Revenue (A) 8.00 10.00 15.00 22.00 30.00 26.00 23.00 20.00
Less: Expenses
Variable Costs 3.20 4.00 6.00 8.80 12.00 10.40 9.20 8.00
Fixed cash operating cost 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Advertisement Cost 0.50 1.50 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00
Depreciation 2.63 2.35 2.30 2.33 2.50 2.50 2.35 2.15
Total Expenses (B) 7.93 9.45 11.40 15.73 19.50 17.90 14.55 13.15
EBIT (C) = (A) - (B) 0.07 0.55 3.60 6.27 10.50 8.10 8.45 6.85
Less: Taxes@30% (D) 0.02 0.16 1.08 1.88 3.15 2.43 2.53 2.06
NOPAT (E) = (C) - (D) 0.05 0.39 2.52 4.39 7.35 5.67 5.92 4.79
Gross Cash Flow (F) = (E) +
Dep 2.68 2.74 4.82 6.72 9.85 8.17 8.27 6.94
Less: Investment in Capital
plus Current Assets (G) 0 0.30 3.00 3.90 5.10 1.70 0.90 0.40
Free Cash Flow (H) = (F) - (G) 2.68 2.44 1.82 2.82 4.75 6.47 7.37 6.54
PVF@13% (I) 0.885 0.783 0.693 0.613 0.543 0.480 0.425 0.376
PV (H)(I) 2.371 1.911 1.261 1.729 2.579 3.106 3.132 2.46

Total present value = $ 18.549 million

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(e) Determination of Present Value of Continuing Value (CV)

FCF9 $6.54 million(1.05) $6.867million
CV = = = = $85.8375 million
k-g 0.13 - 0.05 0.08
Present Value of Continuing Value (CV) = $85.8376 million X PVF13%,8 = $85.96875
million X 0.376 = $32.2749 million
(i) Value of Firm
$ Million
Present Value of cash flow during explicit period 18.5490
Present Value of Continuing Value 32.2749
Total Value 50.8239
(ii) Value of Equity
$ Million
Total Value of Firm 50.8239
Less: Value of Debt 8.0000
Value of Equity 42.8239

Question 64
The Nishan Ltd. has 35,000 shares of equity stock outstanding with a book value of Rs.20 per
share. It owes debt ` 15,00,000 at an interest rate of 12%. Selected financial results are as
Income and Cash Flow Capital
EBIT ` 80,000 Debt ` 1,500,000
Interest 1,80,000 Equity 7,00,000
EBT (` 1,00,000) ` 2,200,000
Tax 0
EAT (` 1,00,000)
Depreciation ` 50,000
Principal repayment (` 75,000)
Cash Flow (` 1,25,000)
Restructure the financial line items shown assuming a composition in which creditors agree to
convert two thirds of their debt into equity at book value. Assume Nishan will pay tax at a rate
of 15% on income after the restructuring, and that principal repayments are reduced

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proportionately with debt. Who will control the company and by how big a margin after the
Creditors would convert ` 10,00,000 in debt to equity by accepting
` 1,000,000/` 20= 50,000 shares of stock.
The remaining ` 500,000 of debt would generate interest of
` 500,000×0.12 = ` 60,000
Repayment of principal would be reduced by two thirds to ` 25,000 per year.
The result is as follows
Income and Cash Flow Capital
EBIT ` 80,000 Debt ` 500,000
Interest 60,000 Equity ` 1,700,000
EBT ` 20,000 ` 2,200,000
Tax 3,000
EAT ` 17,000
Depreciation 50,000
Principal repayment (25,000)
Cash Flow ` 42,000
After the restructuring there will be a total of (35,000+50,000) 85,000 shares of equity stock
outstanding. The original shareholders will still own 35,000 shares (approximately 41%), while
the creditors will own 50,000 shares (59%). Hence the creditors will control the company by a
substantial majority.
Question 65
ABC (India) Ltd., a market leader in printing industry, is planning to diversify into defense
equipment businesses that have recently been partially opened up by the GOI for private
sector. In the meanwhile, the CEO of the company wants to get his company valued by a
leading consultants, as he is not satisfied with the current market price of his scrip.
He approached consultant with a request to take up valuation of his company with the
following data for the year ended 2009:
Share Price ` 66 per share
Outstanding debt 1934 lakh
Number of outstanding shares 75 lakh
Net income (PAT) 17.2 lakh
EBIT 245 lakh

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Interest expenses 218.125 lakh

Capital expenditure 234.4 lakh
Depreciation 234.4 lakh
Working capital 44 lakh
Growth rate 8% (from 2010 to 2014)
Growth rate 6% (beyond 2014)
Free cash flow 240.336 lakh (year 2014 onwards)
The capital expenditure is expected to be equally offset by depreciation in future and the debt
is expected to decline by 30% in 2014.
Estimate the value of the company and ascertain whether the ruling market price is
undervalued as felt by the CEO based on the foregoing data. Assume that the cost of equity is
16%, and 30% of debt repayment is made in the year 2014.
As per Firm Cash Flow Approach
i. Computation of tax rate
EBIT = ` 245 lakh
Interest = ` 218.125 lakh
PBT = ` 26.875 lakh
PAT = ` 17.2 lakh
Tax paid = ` 9.675 lakh
Tax rate = ` 9.675 /26.875 = 0.36 =36%
ii. Computation for increase in working capital
Working capital (2009) = ` 44 lakh
Increase in 2010 = ` 44 X 0.08 = ` 3.52 lakh
It will continue to increase @ 8% per annum.
iii. Weighted average cost of capital
Present debt = ` 1934 lakh
Interest cost = ` 218.125 lakh / ` 1934 = 11.28 %
Equity capital = 75 lakh X` 66 = ` 4950 lakh
4950 1934
Kc = × 16% + × 11.28 (1 − 0.36) = 11.51 + 2.028 = 13.54
1934 + 4950 1934 + 4950

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iv. As capital expenditure and depreciation are equal, they will not influence the free cash
flows of the company.
v. Computation of free cash flows upto 2012
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
` ` ` ` `
EBIT (1-t) 169.344 lakh 182.89 lakh 197.52 lakh 213.32 lakh 230.39 lakh
Increase in 3.52 lakh 3.80 lakh 4.10 lakh 4.43 lakh 4.78 lakh
working capital
Debt repayment - - - - 1934 × 0.30
= 580.2 lakh
Free cash flows 165.824 lakh 179.09 lakh 193.41 lakh 208.89 lakh -354.59 lakh
PVF @ 13.54% 0.8807 0.7757 0.6832 0.6017 0.53
PV of free cash 146.04 lakh 138.92 lakh 132.14 lakh 125.69 lakh -187.93 lakh
flow @ 13.54%
Present value of free cash flows upto 2014 = ` 354.86 lakh
vi. Cost of capital (2014 Onwards)
Debt = 0.7 X ` 1934 = ` 1353.80 lakh
Equity = ` 4950 lakh
4950 1353.80
Kc = × 16% + × 11.28 (1 − 0.36)
4950 + 1353.80 4950 + 1353.80
= 12.56 + 1.55% = 14.11%
viii. Continuing value
× (1/ 1.1354)5
0.1411 − 0.06
= ` 1,570.556 lakh
(a) Value of the firm = PV of free cash flows upto 2014 + continuing value
= ` 354.86 lakh + ` 1,570.556 lakh
= ` 1925.416 lakh
(b) Value per share = (Value of Firm – Value of Debt)/ Number of Shares
= (` 1925.416 lakh – ` 1353.80 lakh) / 75 lakh
= ` 7.622<` 66 (present market price)

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Alternatively, following value can also be considered

= (Value of Firm – Value of Debt)/No. of Shares
= (` 1925.416 lakh - ` 1934)/75 lakh
= - ` 0.1145 or ` 0
Thus, share has zero value, and hence overvalued.
Answer as per Equity Cash Approach
i. Computation of tax rate
EBIT = ` 245 lakh
Interest = ` 218.125
PBT = ` 26.875 lakh
PAT = ` 17.2 lakh
Tax Paid = ` 9.675 lakh
Tax rate = ` 9.675/26.875 = 0.36 = 36%
ii. Computation for increase in working capital
Working capital (2009) = ` 44 lakh
Increase in 2010 = `l44 lakh x 0.08 = ` 3.52 lakh
iii. As capital expenditure and depreciation are equal, they will not influence the free cash
flows of the company.
iv. Computation of free cash flows upto 2014
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
` lakh ` lakh ` lakh ` lakh ` lakh
EBIT 245.000 264.600 285.768 308.629 333.319
Less Interest 218.125 218.125 218.125 218.125 152.688
EBT 26.875 46.475 67.643 90.504 180.631
Tax 9.675 16.266 24.351 32.581 65.027
EAT 17.200 30.209 43.292 57.923 115.604
Increase in 3.52 3.80 4.10 4.43 4.78
working capital
Debt repayment - - - - 1934 × 0.30 =
Free cash flows 13.68 26.409 39.192 53.493 -469.376

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PVF @ 16% 0.8621 0.7432 0.6407 0.5523 0.4761

PV of free cash 11.794 19.627 25.110 29.544 -223.470
Present value of free cash flows upto 2014 = - ` 137.395 lakh
v. Continuing value
x (1/ 1.16)5 = ` 559.304 lakh
0.16 - 0.06
* (115.604 – 4.78) (1.06)
(a) Value of the Equity = PV of free cash flows upto 2014 + continuing value
= - `137.395 lakh + `559.304 lakh
= `421.909 lakh
(b) Value per share = Value of Equity/Number of Shares
= `421.909 lakh/75 lakh
= 5.62< `66 (present market value)

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