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Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was a member of the Jamaica Queens chapter of the KKK who was

one of the most violent Klansmen who had come to Queens New York to disrupt a memorial day parade
in May 1927. The Klan had agreed not wear

Police Commissioner Warren announced yesterday that he was in favor of fewer "extraneous" parades
in this city. He made this known in discussing the disorders incident to the Memorial parade when two
Fascisti were killed on their way to join a detachment of black shirts in the Manhattan parade, and
1,000 Klansmen and 100 policemen staged a free-for-all battle in Jamaica.

He said that by "extraneous" he did not mean the Memorial turnout, but "class" parades and parades
for "this, that and the other thing" which merely took policemen from their main duty of protecting
property and solving crimes. Neither the Fascisti nor the Klan, he added, had a proper place in a parade
dedicated to the "soldier dead of the United States." While no progress was apparent in the hunt for the
slayers of the Fascisti, Joseph Carisi and Michele Amoruso, killed near the Third Avenue elevated station
at 183d Street, the Bronx, Commissioner Warren initiated his own investigation into Klan charges that
the police had exceeded their authority in trying to keep the Klan out of the Queens parade. On Monday
Klansmen had announced that they would file complaint with the Commissioner. No such complaint
wasfiled yesterday.

Klan Breach of Faith Charged.

Commissioner Warren instructed Deputy Chief Inspector Thomas Kelly of Queens to make the inquiry.
Kelly reported orally last night that the Klan had been guilty of a breach of faith with the police.
Commissioner Warren, without disclosing with whom the agreement had been made, said the Klansmen
had agreed not to wear any symbols of the order. "Inspector Kelly reports," said the Commissioner "that
the Klan not only wore gowns but had hoods over their faces almost completely hiding their identity."

The Commissioner disclosed how he came to know about the Klan in the Queens parade. He got his first
information in a letter written to him by Patrick F. Scanlan editor of The Tablet a Brooklyn Catholic
weekly at 550 Atlantic Avenue. The letter follows; May 24, 1927.

Hon. Joseph Warren, Police Headquarters, Centre Street, New York City.

My dear Commissioner:

I note the enclosed article in tonight's issue of The Brooklyn Standard Union. This I believe, is the first
time the Ku Klux Klan ever attempted to parade in the city. And other feature of the matter is most of
the Klan marchers are to be imported from distant parts. Whether these fellows are coming to provoke
a riot or just to advertise their hate-breeding organization, I do not know. Maybe you will be interested
in reading the enclosed.

I hope you are well and meeting with lots of success and happiness in your new work as head of the

Police Department. With best wishes, I remain,

Yours sincerely.


Commissioner Warren said he had passed the letter to Chief Inspector William J. Lahey, who had issued
the order banning any robed Klan appearance.

Handbills Posted In Jamaica.

Handbills, apparently giving the Klan's side of the matter, made their appearance in Jamaica. The
circulars were in bold type and were stuck to walls or fences or thrust in letter boxes or under doors.
They read:

Americans Assaulted by Roman Catholic Police of New York City.

Native-born Protestant Americans clubbed and beaten when they exercise their rights in
the country of their birth. Let us appeal to the fair-minded American citizens of Queens
County to take your stand in defense of the fundamental principles of your country.

Liberty and Democracy have been trampled upon when native born Protestant
Americans dare to organize to protect one flag, the American flag; one school, the public
school, and one language. the English language; also when they march peaceably
through the streets in honor of their forefathers.

We charge that the Roman Catholic police force did deliberately precipitate a riot and
did tear down American flags and did unmercifully beat and club defenseless Americans
who conducted themselves as gentlemen under trying conditions. We hold the proof.
What will you do? Write P. O. Box 57, Jamaica, L. I., N. Y.

Postmaster Skidmore Pettit Jr. said his oath forbade him to give out the identity of the lessee of the box
number. He disclosed, however, that the application for the box had borne the "signatures of two of
Jamaica's most prominent men."

Prisoners Are Arraigned.

The seven men arrested in the near riot of the parade were arraigned before Magistrate Thomas F.
Doyle in Jamaica Court. The attorneys for the men were Dana Wallace and ex-Judge Edgar F. Hazleton of
Gray-Snyder fame. Judge Hazleton is a prominent member of the Knights of Columbus and is a former
President of the Holy Name Society of Queens. John E. Kapp of 24 Main Stree Peekskill, was held in
$1,000 bail on a charge of felonious assault and $500 on a charge of third degree assault. According to
the police, Kapp knocked down and kicked Patrolman William O'Neill and struck Sergeant William
Lockyer. Pleading not guilty to a charge of felonious assault, John Marcy of 21 Cliff Avenue, Yonkers, was
held also in $1,000 bail for hearing next week. Patrolman O'Neill complained that Marcy helped Kapp.
Fred Lyons of New Hyde Park, L. I., and Thomas Carroll of 476 South Street, Jamaica, who staged a fist
fight, according to the police, were paroled when they pleaded not guilty. Charged with being
disorderly, Thomas Envin of 7062 Reedland Street, West Philadelphia, and Harry J. Free of Westbury
Avenue, Carl Place, L. I., were released in bail of $500 each. Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Road,
Jamaica, was discharged.

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