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Praise for

ceo road rules

“Solid, practical, and effective, CEO Road Rules cuts to

the core of essential fundamentals as well as the more
complex issues that arise as you climb the ladder of
—Michael A. Granuzzo, founder & CEO,

“A powerful, commonsense guidepost. From focus to

resiliency, CEO Road Rules offers the needed blend of
insights and tips to inspire one to greater achievement,
fulfillment, and meaningful legacy.”
—Marv Tuttle, Executive Director and CEO, Financial
Planning Association

“A pragmatic road map for success. Key and Stearns

provide a compelling approach for improving orga-
nizational performance and personal fulfillment.
A nice addition to the leadership literature.”
—James C. Renick, Senior Vice President, Programs and
Research, American Council on Education
“Transports you to places few other business parables
can. The authors provide a simple yet powerful frame-
work for lasting success and—perhaps even more
—Peter Economy, associate editor, Leader to Leader,
coauthor, The Management Bible

“The focus on significance is key. Should be required

reading for all CEOs or anyone who aspires to the role.
The interviews and real-life stories bring the lessons home.”
—Tim Rice, president and CEO, Moses Cone
Health System

“Gives the reader a chance to rethink the basic premise

of the exceedingly busy life and come to terms with the
profound counter-challenges the CEO faces. It’s an
opportunity to pull even more victory out of the jaws
of victory.”
—Robert Fritz, author, The Path of Least Resistance;
coauthor, The Managerial Moment of Truth

“Removes much of the mystique about what’s necessary

and essential for effective leadership of senior talent.
Great stories and well-presented lessons.”
—Joseph E. McCann III, professor of management
& director, TECO Energy Center for Leadership,
Sykes College of Business, The University of Tampa;
associate editor, Human Resource Planning



Mary Key, Ph.D.

Dennis Stearns


To all those who lead, mentor, and inspire

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Copyright © 2006 by Mary Key, Ph.D., and Dennis Stearns. All rights
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Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hessler-Key, Mary.
CEO road rules : right focus, right people, right execution / Mary Key
and Dennis Stearns.—1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89106-217-2 (hardcover)
ISBN-10: 0-89106-217-3 (hardcover)
1. Executive ability. 2. Chief executive officers. 3. Executives—
Conduct of life. 4. Success. I. Stearns, Dennis. II. Title.
HD38.2. H4775 2006
First printing 2006

Foreword ix
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xxiii
About the Authors xxvii

1 The CEO’s Ride 1


2 The Right Road 43
3 The Right Focus 49
4 The Right Planning 69



5 The Right People 97
6 The Right Resiliency 123


7 The Right Execution 149
8 The Right Legacy 171

Epilogue 189
References 195
Index 197

I believe there are five fundamental qualities that make

every team great: clear goals, good communication, trust
in each other, collective responsibility, and pride in mak-
ing a difference. This is true for businesses, nonprofits,
community, and families. CEO Road Rules goes beyond
many leadership and success books to also provide prac-
tical, proven ideas on how to balance work, play, and
family and create meaning in your life.
For the confident, change is opportunity. I agree with
esteemed business strategist Peter Drucker, who believes
that we are entering a time of unparalleled change that
will test the mettle of every CEO and leader in America.
It will test you in your business, it will test your rela-
tionships with your spouse and your family, and it will
test your resolve to help keep your community healthy

x ceo road rules

and vibrant. Are you ready? CEO Road Rules chronicles

how many of the best and brightest in this country stay
balanced in their work and personal lives while creating
tremendous change for the better—and prepare them-
selves and those around them for anything that may
come their way. Resiliency is a key skill for the twenty-
first-century leader to master.
Success is often measured in terms of how much you
win, how much money you earn, what deal your com-
pany is able to pull off. Time after time we find people
whom the media trumpets as “successful” when their
lives are a wreck. Most of these men and women would
trade some of the surface success and money for a kid
who respects them and returns their phone calls, or for
better health, or for friends who will stick with them
through thick and thin and aren’t their friends because
they have a lot of money.
I invest one-third of my life in earning, one-third in
learning, and one-third in serving. I serve on numerous
boards of directors, including one for a major regional
bank; run a growing university; have tremendous com-
munity involvement; and maintain an active national
speaking and leadership training business. All the while,
I’m striving to be a good husband to my wife and father
to my children. I don’t get it perfect all the time, but most
of the time, it works pretty well.
CEO Road Rules has as a fundamental theme “achiev-
ing and maintaining balance,” which requires some work
foreword xi

to get right. Achieving balance means reaching that

happy medium between minimum and maximum that
represents your optimum. The minimum is the least you
can get by with. The maximum is the most you’re capa-
ble of. The optimum is the amount or degree of anything
that is most favorable toward the ends you desire.
Let me illustrate the difference between maximum
and optimum. If you’re running a marathon and you go
all-out for the first mile, you may take the lead, but the
victory ultimately will go to the runner who strikes the
highest sustainable pace. If the pace is too slow, the oth-
ers will pass you. If it’s too fast, you’ll run out of energy
before you reach the end of the race.
The objective of a marathon runner is not to lead
after the first mile, or even after the first 25 miles. It’s to
finish the entire 26 miles, 385 yards at the head of the
pack. The successful runner will find his or her optimum
pace, which is the highest sustainable pace.
You need to strike that kind of balance in your per-
sonal habits and behavior. Find the happy medium between
minimum performance and the pace that leads to burn-
out. Then you’ll be ready to succeed in the long run. The
entrepreneurial leaders profiled in CEO Road Rules have
found the happy medium, usually through trial and error.
Their stories are instructive in how to have less trial and,
hopefully, a lot less error in your work and personal lives.
CEO Road Rules offers a number of intriguing busi-
ness ideas for the leaders of closely held companies. A
xii ceo road rules

theme you’ll find throughout the book is the concept that

Jack Welch developed with great success at General Elec-
tric: the company without boundaries. By this, Welch
means the removal of all barriers to the flow of informa-
tion and ideas into and through your company. In some
companies, information flows through the corporate
structure, but only through narrow, carefully restricted
Here’s how Jack Welch described the kind of organi-
zation he had in mind: “In a boundaryless company,
internal functions begin to blur. Engineering doesn’t
design a product and then ‘hand it off’ to manufacturing.
They form a team, along with marketing and sales,
finance and the rest. Customer service? It’s not some-
body’s job. It’s everybody’s job. Environmental protection
in the plants? It’s not the concern of some manager or
department. Everyone’s an environmentalist.”
In an age when CEOs are often reviled by the public,
we also need to return to winning with virtue, where
leaders are true role models in their work and family life
for their employees, shareholders, and aspiring leaders.
CEO Road Rules shows you how, through the true life
stories of dozens of truly successful entrepreneurs, to win
at the game of life while doing the right thing at the same
The authors of CEO Road Rules are Dr. Mary Key, a
successful leadership expert, international consultant,
and executive coach, and Dennis Stearns, a nationally
foreword xiii

recognized financial and business advisor who has been

in the trenches for more than twenty-five years sharing
the triumphs and tragedies of hundreds of business owner
clients. I’ve known them for many years and they both
have developed reputations for excellence in their respec-
tive fields. They have brought their passion for the entre-
preneur’s struggle to life in the pages of CEO Road Rules.
Key and Stearns combine their perspectives and unique
skills for a fast-break drill on how to go beyond success
to significance. Take the life lessons in CEO Road Rules
and make them part of your life every single day and you
will ascend to an uncommon level of success and signif-
icance, living a better, more balanced life filled with rich-
ness and satisfaction.

—Nido Qubein

Nido Qubein is a successful entrepreneur who serves on the boards of

numerous companies including as chairman of the Great Harvest
Bread Company, with 218 stores in forty states. He serves on the exec-
utive committee and board of the ninth-largest financial institution in
the United States, BB&T, and also serves as a director of La-Z-Boy
Corporation. Dr. Qubein is president of High Point University, which
has campuses in High Point and Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He
is also chairman of the High Point Community Foundation, chairman
emeritus of the National Speakers Association Foundation, trustee on
the national YMCA board, and trustee of American Humanics.

What do you think of when you hear the word “success”?

It’s one of the most frequently used words in business
book titles and has been the Holy Grail for generations of
up-and-coming leaders, both in the United States and
abroad. Success also has more baggage as a concept than
just about any other word, maybe with the exceptions of
“money” and “sex.”
When business books use the word “success,” they
often mean building the largest, most profitable com-
pany and cashing in big. As a leader, you’ve probably
read dozens of books with themes focused on the Top 25
Business Minds, Top 50 Leaders of Our Time, and leader-
ship secrets of everyone from Intel’s Andy Grove to Gen-
eral Electric’s Jack Welch to Microsoft’s Bill Gates, and
even to Star Trek’s Jean Luc Picard. These books have

xvi ceo road rules

touted success principles, but have any of them told you

how happy the leaders are with themselves, their life, and
their choices for those parts of life that lie outside the
walls of the business?
Our hands-on experience is that many of these
media-hyped leaders don’t consider themselves success-
ful at all after losing the respect of their children, being
on their third or fourth marriage, having their health
fail—or reaching the “top” only to feel dissatisfied with
their accomplishments. Many then go on a quest to “find
themselves,” rebuild trust with their family, or reshape
their company into one that is both profitable and built
to last long after the CEO is gone.
You don’t have to travel on that road. You can em-
bark on a better road, maintain balance along the jour-
ney, and build a life that is integrated, successful, and has
lasting significance beyond money, fame, and power.
This book highlights the personal and business jour-
neys of primarily private company CEOs, the leaders who
are responsible for virtually all the new jobs created in
this country in the past ten years. Their successes and
failures, heartaches and joys, are at the core of the Amer-
ican entrepreneurial spirit. The men and women leading
our private enterprises make tough decisions every day.
When competing with big public companies, racing
against the upstart next door who can start up a business
faster and cheaper than ever, plus trying to manage time
challenges that stress even the best personal and family
preface xvii

relationships, how do the top CEOs survive and prosper?

How do they become and remain successful in all areas
of life, not just in business? How do they go from success
to significance in their lives?
We bring a unique perspective to the paradox of lead-
ership effectiveness. We have witnessed both the organi-
zational side—Mary has spent twenty years as an orga-
nizational development consultant and coach to CEOs,
helping them and their organizations achieve extraordi-
nary results while balancing the many facets of organi-
zational success—and the personal side—Dennis has
twenty-five years of experience as a personal wealth
advisor to many public and private CEOs, who often have
shared their deepest secrets, successes, and failures.
The majority of the CEOs we’ve worked with and
interviewed for this book have led closely held enter-
prises to success. They represent the largely unsung
entrepreneurial heroes overlooked by the media in favor
of the smaller, but flashier, group of public company
CEOs. We have included a few CEOs who have worked in
both private and publicly traded companies, because the
reality is that some private companies do go public.
Even though most small to mid-size public com-
pany CEOs have short tenures these days, those we have
worked with and interviewed for this book provided addi-
tional texture to the discussion of what it means to live a
balanced, successful life. Is it even possible to juggle all
the pieces and be good, or possibly even great, in many
xviii ceo road rules

areas? Or are you doomed to be awesome at work and

mediocre or worse everywhere else?
We know from our research and interviews that you
can live a great, balanced life and be an effective CEO,
friend, lover, mentor, inspiration, and creative force at
home, in the community, and beyond. It’s not easy, and
it’s certainly not for everyone. Being entrepreneurial
takes guts, resiliency, and agility. Being a significance-
driven entrepreneur takes an extra measure of resolve
and effort that has paid off handsomely for the top CEOs
highlighted in our research.

Our Approach

We could have written this book using only our direct

experiences with CEOs in our professional capacity over
two decades of management consulting and wealth men-
toring. But we decided we wanted as many experiences
to draw on as possible and a rigorous approach to our
research process. We interviewed more than fifty private
company CEOs, plus a few public company CEOs we have
known and admired.
Here are some of the questions we asked:
• As a CEO, what do/did you see as your major accom-
• What are your regrets?
preface xix

• Write a speech for your last day at work. What have

you and your company accomplished?
• What problem or opportunity might be happening two
years from now that you can start working on today?
• What do you see happening at other companies that
you wish you could duplicate?
• [If retired or in transition] What problems did you
face that CEOs don’t face today?
• What three traits make you successful in business?
• What three traits make you successful in your family
• What three traits make you successful in your quest for
personal fulfillment?
• What three traits make you successful in your commu-
- nity work?
• If you were to die tomorrow, what would you most
regret having not done? What are you happy that you
• What risk should you have taken but didn’t?
• How would you rate your overall happiness on a 1 to
10 scale? Why?
• How satisfied are you with various aspects of your life
(work, marriage, family, financial)?
• If you were advising young CEOs about the path ahead
in all areas of their lives, what advice would you give
• What are the things that have helped you and your
business most?
xx ceo road rules

• What have been the most fulfilling aspects of your life?

• Do you think your work will be remembered? If yes,
why? If no, why not?
• How would you like to be remembered? What’s your
The answers to each question often led to a deeper
discussion, which developed a rich level of insight into
what these CEOs think and feel. Most were incredibly
honest and admitted to challenges that would have
derailed many on their path to success. Their solutions to
tough times sometimes had quick traction and other
times took years to work. We also noticed that some of
the successful CEOs were no longer satisfied with just the
external measures and trappings of success. They wanted
to make a difference in the lives of others, their commu-
nities, and in some cases the world.
Many of the stories you will read include the real
names of the CEOs; in a few cases, particularly in exam-
ples of what hasn’t worked, we have used a pseudonym.
A few of our top CEOs gave permission to use their sto-
ries but asked us not to identify them. As Jim Collins puts
it so well in his blockbuster book Good to Great, level 5
leaders, those at the top of their game over decades, shun
the spotlight. Few rock star CEOs in public companies
survive the test of time. Our CEO group has many confi-
dent, driven individuals, but few strived to be on the
cover of Inc. magazine, Fast Company, or Forbes or to be
interviewed on TV.
preface xxi

The CEO’s Ride

Our journey begins with a modern version of Charles

Dickens’s A Christmas Carol that takes you on a ride with
Joe, a CEO. The story line may feel all too familiar to
many CEOs reading this book. In fact, the story is a com-
posite of actual issues that many of the leaders we’ve
worked with and interviewed have dealt with over the
If experience is really the best teacher, then the life
lessons presented in our story and the chapters that fol-
low could help you get back on the right road in both
your business and personal lives or stay on the right road
if everything in your business and personal lives is hum-
ming right now.
After Joe’s story, the chapters are divided into three
parts: Focus, People, and Execution. These are the three
main areas in which the best CEOs and organizations
build capabilities and learn to do exceptionally well. At
the end of Chapters 3 through 8 are “road rules,” tips for
improving and enhancing how you and those you work
with lead, live, and develop others. You can get additional
information on our Web site,,
including how to order our DVD series, which provides
more tools and strategies.
We hope your personal balance between life and
work is closer to that of top CEOs than it is to Joe’s, but
even if this book represents a major wake-up call for you,
xxii ceo road rules

remember that it was often one comment, one event, one

mentor, one disaster, or sometimes just one small nudge
at the right moment in their lives that helped many of the
CEOs we interviewed and worked with to get the Right
Focus with the Right People and the Right Execution
working together in a synergy that created the life they
had always dreamed about or maybe never imagined.

We want to thank so many people from our past and

present for helping us shape this book. Like so many
things in life, it’s the richness of many years that gets
rolled up into one experience, such as writing this book.
Our clients, the CEOs we interviewed, and our colleagues,
mentors, families, and friends have all contributed so
much. To them we say: when you read CEO Road Rules,
please know that writing it would have been impossible
without you.

The idea to write this book came from my work with

two incredible coaches, Nido Qubein, who wrote the fore-
word for this book, and Mark Levy, author of Accidental
Genius: Revolutionizing Your Thinking Through Private
Writing. I would like to thank my clients, particularly

xxiv ceo road rules

Angel Ruiz, president of Ericsson, NA, for our work

together on Right Focus, Right People, Right Execution;
Tom Wallace, CEO of RedVector, for the opportunity to
work with him over the years; and so many other entre-
preneurs, such as Dr. Pamela Mooney, Mark Helow, John
Bruels, and Rob Hoover. In addition, I thank the members
of my Inc. Eagles CEO groups from the past, the CEOs I
currently work with through Renaissance Executive
Forums, and my colleagues and friends involved with the
CEO Council of Tampa Bay.
So many colleagues have supported me, including
Carol Maier, Deb Esposito, Dr. Richard Gerson, Laura
Capp, Dr. Joe McCann, Robert Fritz, Dianne Butler, Dar-
lene Adams, Cathy Karlak, Kim McCall, and Walter Hard-
enstine. I thank them all. Special thanks also to my home
support team: my loving husband Lewis Key, Jazzie,
Groucho, Joan Land, Helen Warakomski, and Katy Mims.

—Dr. Mary Key

CEO Road Rules chronicles the lives of friends and

clients I have worked with closely over the years. These
entrepreneurs are my heroes, going bravely into the
unknown, surviving and prospering after enduring so
many challenges that would deter most. They have pro-
vided a hundred graduate degrees in the school of hard
knocks that are so much more valuable than any formal
educational training.
acknowledgments xxv

My support group is also a long list of visionaries and

entrepreneurs. Special thanks to Dr. Nido Qubein for his
mentorship and powerful lessons over the years in Inten-
tional Congruence. To all the mentors and friends who
helped me grow and learn, and supported me through the
hard times, I will always be in your debt and you will
always be in my heart. To the family, friends, clients, and
colleagues who have gone to the great CEO roundtable in
the sky, your legacy truly lives on in hundreds of your
great works. You inspire me every day to live a life that
matters beyond the P&L statement. PCS, keep the light on
for me.

—Dennis Stearns

Mary Key, Ph.D.

Mary Key heads Mary Key & Associates, Inc. (MKA), a
leadership development consulting firm committed for
more than a decade to helping leaders and organizations
move from where they are to where they want to be.
MKA specializes in teaching leaders how to be more
inspiring and resilient. Key is a business consultant, a
popular speaker, an author, and an executive coach of
corporations around the globe. Her clients have included
large companies like Ericsson, Nokia, Nissan, Infiniti,
Bausch & Lomb, Georgia-Pacific, Tampa Electric, Media
General, Circuit City, and Baycare Health System and
many entrepreneurial ones.

xxviii ceo road rules

Key works with CEOs of fast-growing and mid-size

companies where she coaches, facilitates regular execu-
tive forums, and consults with participating CEOs. She
provided one-on-one consulting and meeting facilita-
tion to CEOs and Inc. 500 winners while serving as the
executive director of Inc. magazine’s Eagles CEO pro-
gram. She has also consulted in Europe, Asia, and Latin
America, and has served in leadership roles at several
major international consulting firms, including Develop-
ment Dimensions International and Kaset, now part of
AchieveGlobal. She is also past president of a medical
device company.
Key received a B.S. degree from the University of
Massachusetts and a Ph.D. degree from the University
of Virginia. She has authored numerous articles and
several books, including The Entrepreneurial Cat: 13
Ways to Transform Your Work Life (Berrett-Koehler) and
What Animals Teach Us: Love, Loyalty, Heroism and
Other Important Lessons from Our Pets (Random House).

Dennis Stearns
Dennis Stearns is president of Stearns Financial Services
Group (, a fee-only wealth management
firm based in Greensboro, North Carolina, serving clients
throughout North America. Over the course of twenty-
five years he has assisted hundreds of CEOs with their
about the authors xxix

personal and corporate financial planning and invest-

ment management while leading professional teams that
were responsible for developing multiple business sce-
narios and for designing and implementing business suc-
cession plans.
Stearns is a Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner
and Chartered Financial Consultant. He has an under-
graduate degree in finance from the University of South
Florida and holds a master’s degree in financial services
from the American College. He has won numerous
regional and national awards for excellence in financial
planning. His extensive expertise includes legacy plan-
ning for high-net-worth families and venture philanthro-
py, building solid financial legacies that “teach heirs and
nonprofits to fish, rather than giving them a fish” for
generations to come.
Stearns is a frequent speaker at regional and national
events for the national accounting and financial plan-
ning organizations, and has led an advanced planning
case study workshop for Charles Schwab & Co. He also
led multiple advanced planning workshops for the Finan-
cial Planning Association. His scenario-building experi-
ence has extended to leading teams of experts working
on stock option planning, world currency crises, invest-
ment megatrend analysis, university and community
growth projects, and Good-to-Great workshops for non-
profit organizations.


Leaders who have attained success may find that going

from success to significance is sometimes the most diffi-
cult part of the journey because it involves becoming
more selfless. Significance is about creating meaning for
those around you at work, at home, in the community,
and in the world. The most developed CEOs we know see
themselves as part of a broader, interconnected system.
They realize that for them to grow, everyone else needs
the opportunity to grow too. We have observed levels of
leadership; the CEO may start out being ego driven and
always looking for “what’s in it for me,” only to trans-
form into a more generous and growth-oriented person
who becomes interested in helping others to be their per-
sonal and professional best.

2 ceo road rules

Come along with us now on the ride with Joe, the

CEO, who will learn—the hard way—about the importance
of creating significance.

Joe slumped in his chair and rubbed his temples to ease

the tightness in his head.
He’d had to fire Tony and Sam, two senior designers in his
robotics department who had, long ago it seemed, helped his
partner, George, and him found their company, Chiron Inter-
The financials for the next quarter were weak.
There was talk of unionizing.
Sharon, his wife of eighteen years, had filed for a legal
separation and their son was taking it hard.
And today was the anniversary of George’s death; just
two years ago, he and George had been discussing how they
might take the company public when cancer swiftly ate away
George’s life and their plans.
“I can’t believe it’s come to this,” he muttered. “Betrayed
by what used to be my best workers and Sharon, too. Now
she’s poisoning my son against me. Well, she’ll never get away
with this.”
Joe’s head began to pound harder, as if something were
hitting him mercilessly from inside his brain. He couldn’t do
anything about the company stuff right now, but he could at
least take care of this thing with his wife.
He jumped up, grabbed his briefcase and the keys to his
car, and bolted out of the building’s side door. He jerked for-
ward as he skidded on the snowy sidewalk. “Idiots. I’ll show
them they can’t mess with me,” he swore.
the ceo’s ride 3

Joe pulled open the door of his black Porsche 911 Carrera
and landed full weight into the low seat. This was his dream
car—a reward he had given himself once his business had
turned an important financial corner. Sharon’s laugh flashed
in his mind as he remembered their first ride in it together.
Shifting gears along the winding industrial park road, Joe
sped far beyond the speed limit. He didn’t care; the pressure
in his head seemed to let up as his speed increased. Joe’s eyes
focused on the blur of Christmas lights that were already on
in the early dusk as he entered Peak Trails, where he and
Sharon had built their home.
He remembered the first time he had brought Sharon
there. They were both so excited. As they drove around the
development, Sharon wondered whether they could really
afford a home in Peak Trails. Joe always thought big and
remembered telling her, “It’s more than possible, honey.
Everything we’ve dreamed of. It’ll all be ours.”
Just five short years ago, everything had seemed to be
going so well. He and Sharon were building their perfect
home; Collin, his son, was starting school; and Chiron was
finally getting the recognition it deserved for its innovations
in robotic processes and designs.
Now everything had gone straight to hell. He kept accel-
erating. The power of his car calmed him. He stared forward,
and his mind seemed to finally shut off. Out of the corner of
his left eye, Joe noticed a boy on a bike starting to cross the
street. The boy looked about ten, the same age as Collin. Joe
missed living with his son: eating chocolate ice cream out of
the carton past bedtime, and doing math problems while
watching baseball on TV.
4 ceo road rules

His heart pounded as he snapped out of his thoughts and

realized his car was speeding toward the boy along the slick
road. He tried not to panic. He eased on his brakes to avoid
sliding through the freezing slush. He got close enough to see
the boy puffing as he desperately tried to pedal out of the
way of the careening Porsche.
In a flashback so intense he felt transported, Joe relived a
long ago trauma: he could see the large, frightened eyes of
the doe frozen in the headlights of his father’s car, just as they
had been that frigid December day outside of Milwaukee. Joe
had screamed, “No, no—stop, Daddy!” His father slammed into
that deer, the thud of its body reverberating through their car.
Blood was everywhere. Joe had nightmares for years, waking
screaming as the face of the doe haunted him.
Joe swerved around the boy into the opposite lane, but he
was so focused on avoiding the kid that he didn’t see the
approaching car until it was only a few yards away. He gasped
as his stomach tightened; then he jerked the steering wheel
as hard as he could back to the right, his body a still point
within the spinning car. In a rush of sound, the Porsche
smashed headlong into an oak tree on the far side of the road.
With an odd sense of release, Joe calmly observed the sicken-
ing crush of the impact. Then everything went black.

A Partner Returned

George was dead. Joe had made the funeral arrangements

himself two years ago. Yet, here George was, walking quickly
across the field toward Joe as he stood outside the Porsche,
the ceo’s ride 5

calmly surveying the damage to his beloved toy and his

unconscious body inside it. He could hear sirens in the dis-
tance and see people running from all directions to help,
though no one seemed to notice him standing there. This
didn’t strike him as being nearly as odd as the sight of his old
partner approaching.
George was a short, stocky man with a long nose. He had
thin lips and talked fast. George grew up in Brooklyn and
prided himself on how quickly he could assess any situation.
“I’m from a place where you’re gonna get killed if you don’t get
it immediately,” he often reminded others. This was his ratio-
nale for cutting people off when he grew impatient with them.
Joe cocked his head. “George? George? Is that you?” he
“No, I’m Santa Claus. Who do you think it is? Geez, you’re
dense sometimes, Joe!” George snapped. “You alright? What
the hell are you doing, Joe?”
Joe smiled weakly, suddenly more frightened than bewil-
dered. “What am I doing? What the hell are you doing? You’re
dead. Am I dead? How did you get here, George?”
“I haven’t got a lot of time, Joe.” George growled. “So I’m
gonna cut to the chase. Do you have any idea how badly
you’re screwing up?”
“Guess the car’s ruined,” Joe admitted sheepishly, nodding
toward the wreck.
“Yeah, right, the car. That’s just like you, Joe, always
focusing on the details and missing the big picture. You know
the price of everything and the value of nothing. It’s starting
to catch up with you, though.”
6 ceo road rules

Joe scoffed, “What? What the hell are you talking about?
Who are you?”
George’s face grew red as he pointed his finger in Joe’s
face. “I’m trying to help you—you don’t get it. You’re so
wrapped up in what you think is right, you have no clue.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Joe sighed,
exhausted and confused.
“Look, I can’t stay here and explain. That’s not my role in
this. I helped create some of the problems and now I’m gonna
get you the help you need from others who have some good
skills, the right expertise, and experience. Now this might
seem a little weird, Joe, but you’re gonna be visited by these
spirits, these three CEOs.”
“Just listen to me. One is gonna show you things from
your past, another stuff from the present, and the last one
will show you future possibilities. You gotta pay attention,
Joe, to what they tell you; it could change your life. That’s my
hope, anyhow—that you live your life to the fullest, really do
something with your life, before some crap comes along and
kills you before your time. I should know all about that,
right?” George smiled a little.
“I miss you, George,” Joe blurted and looked down at
his feet.
“Me, too, buddy,” George went on. “But I’m always close
by. Don’t forget that. Remember though, I’m keeping tabs on
what’s going on, so don’t blow this.”
the ceo’s ride 7

Joe looked up, but his old partner had disappeared. What
was going on? Was this some kind of delusion? Did he just
imagine his dead partner’s return? He’d think he was dream-
ing if he weren’t so weary and needing sleep. “I’ll worry about
this later,” he muttered, and slid down along the tree, closing
his eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

The First CEO

An elegant man in a beige cashmere topcoat laid a strong

hand on Joe’s shoulder and helped him up from the ground.
Joe’s head was swimming, and he swayed forward until the
man steadied him.
“Take it easy, Joe. How are you feeling? Can I get you
Joe mumbled, “Maybe some water.”
The stranger pulled a bottle of water from his pocket and
handed it to Joe, who took a long sip, locking on the man’s
eyes as he drank. Then he remembered. “Hey. How’s the boy?”
“You missed him, thank goodness,” said the man, who
now pulled out a white handkerchief and offered it to Joe.
“I’m Robert Haynes,” he smiled. “I’m here to help.”
“Are you a doctor?” Joe asked.
“No, Joe, I’m a friend of George’s. Like you, I’m an entre-
preneur. Well, more precisely, I was an entrepreneur. I started
the Glendale Tribune. I’ve been watching some of your strug-
gles, and I’d like to show you a few things that might help
you. How does that sound?”
8 ceo road rules

Joe didn’t know how to respond. He noticed, remotely

interested, as a man’s body was loaded into an ambulance.
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on around here, but . . . How
could you be watching me? What do you mean? Hey, wait a
minute, how did you know my name?”
“Don’t be frightened.” Robert assured Joe.
“Am I dead?” Joe asked quickly.
Robert continued, “No, you’re not dead. You’ve been given
an opportunity to see a few things, things most people never
get to see. This could be a second chance for you. I’m here to
show you how what you’ve done in the past has gotten you
to the point in your life where you are now. You aren’t feel-
ing very satisfied with your life, are you?”
Joe shook his head and then remembered his conversa-
tion with George.
Robert disappeared from sight and almost instantly reap-
peared, driving a red BMW.
“Get in, Joe. It’s time to go for another ride,” Robert said
Though he didn’t relish getting in another car, Joe already
needed to get off his feet and rest again. Besides, Joe felt
somewhat curious about what this stranger who claimed to
know George wanted to tell him.
Something about Robert made Joe feel like he was an old
friend, someone from his father’s generation. The way he
dressed, the way he spoke, and his fatherly style all made Joe
feel curious and strangely reassured.
the ceo’s ride 9

As Robert’s car sped forward, Joe was shocked to realize

that they were back in Milwaukee. Robert glanced over at Joe.
“Surprised to be back home?” he asked.
“Well, uh, yeah,” was all Joe could say.
“I want you to visit Georgia Timberland, the old mill
where you and your father worked. Do you remember going
to work with him, Joe?”
“How could I forget?” Joe declared. “He worked so hard
on that floor and for so little money. I always said that I would
never work that hard for someone else. And I haven’t.”
Joe was proud that he hadn’t compromised himself to
make others rich at his expense. Once he stopped working at
the mill to put himself through college, he never looked back.
He got a business degree, married Sharon, and moved to
Chicago to work for UT Robotics.
He did his best and, in a few years, earned the title of
plant manager. He met George, and they got the idea for inte-
grative robotics, a process that took the industry to a new
level. Joe and George would often meet for lunch or after
work to brainstorm about starting their own company.
Tony and Sam, design engineers at the company, would
sometimes join them and help with specific design ideas.
Because they were both hands-on people with a knack for
figuring out how to get things to work, Tony and Sam could
pinpoint design subtleties most wouldn’t notice.
As the BMW pulled into the parking lot, a sandy-haired,
muscular man with broad shoulders waved to a friend. Joe
10 ceo road rules

was amazed to see his dad again. He found himself tearing up

at the sight of his young father.
“Wow,” he told Robert. “I’d forgotten how he looked back
then. And this place . . . my grandfather got a job here sweep-
ing the floors, straight off the boat from Poland, and then my
dad took a spot here just out of high school. It was supposed
to be temporary, so baseball scouts checking out the com-
pany players would spot him and take him to the minor
leagues. He dreamed about playing pro baseball for the Cubs.
I guess he was really good at one time, and scouts approached
him once in a while, but it just never happened for him. And
he finally gave up. It’s so sad.”
Joe remembered that things got worse for his father as he
was passed over for promotion at Georgia Timberland more
than once, and he started hanging out with his friends after
work, drinking whiskey at the local bar before leaving for
After having a few with the boys, Pete would come home
late, sullen, angry, and looking for a fight. Joe learned to catch
his dad early if he wanted to be with the man he had known
and loved as a boy. He had missed his dad during those years.
Joe looked at Robert with tears in his eyes, “Why are we
here? It’s not possible that my dad is here. What does this
Robert placed his hand on Joe’s shoulder again, and sud-
denly they were on the shop floor.
The sounds and smells and bright lights of his dad’s old
shop overwhelmed Joe. No one seemed to hear or see Robert
the ceo’s ride 11

and Joe, as if they had walked onto a TV show set without the
characters realizing they were peering in on them.
His ears perked up at the sound of his father’s calm, level
voice being interrupted by someone clearly working up to a
“Pete, how ’bout if you just keep your comments to your-
self?” the red-faced foreman said, practically nose-to-nose
with Joe’s dad.
“Look, the guys have some good ideas about how to make
our product better. Can’t you just listen for a minute?” Pete
asserted calmly.
“I don’t want any crap from you. You’re here to play base-
ball, and you think you’re such hot stuff. What do you think
you’ll accomplish? Back off, Pete—we’ve got this handled. You
act like a union steward or something. It’s not your job to rep-
resent the guys. I’m the boss here. If you don’t like it, leave!”
Joe’s heart ached as he saw his father try to stand up for
his ideas, only to be shut down. Joe cried out, “That bastard!
Don’t let him treat you like that, Dad.”
Pete lowered his shoulders and, shaking his head, walked
“So, what do you think happened here?” Robert inquired,
sliding his eyes toward Joe.
Joe was furious. “Are you kidding me? How dare they
treat Dad this way? I can’t believe he just took it.”
“Do you think any of your employees have ever felt this
way, Joe?” Robert continued.
“What do you mean?” Joe snapped.
12 ceo road rules

Robert began to walk down the corridors of Georgia Tim-

berland and turned the corner to the plant manager’s office.
Joe followed him in the door, ready to take Robert down a peg
or two, only to find himself face-to-face with a younger ver-
sion of himself.
“Oh, now this is . . . screwed up. What is going on here,
Robert? Am I losing my mind?”
Robert, sitting in the corner, placed his index finger to his
lips to silence Joe. Joe was stunned to see himself many years
younger, sitting at his old mahogany desk on the black leather
chair with the squeaky wheel. This was his office while he was
at UT Robotics in Chicago!
Ellen Rock, a supervisor and a different kind of squeaky
wheel, stood in front of the desk, complaining, as always,
about how the employees were being treated.
“Damn it, Joe,” she pleaded, her voice growing louder in
her frustration. “We’re going to lose some of our best work-
ers. You’ve got to stop pushing so hard and taking people for
granted. We keep adding bodies and asking people to work
under such cramped conditions. Even though the company is
doing well, we seem to cut corners with the people who make
it happen.”
Young Joe’s eyes turned cold as he sat back, only half-
listening. He stared blankly at Ellen while she ranted. “I’m not
about to sit here and let her raise her voice to me. She’s so
emotional,” he thought. “Besides, Ellen is always taking the
worker’s side. She’s not long for management if she keeps
that up.”
the ceo’s ride 13

Joe broke his silence. “Look, Ellen, calm down. There are a
lot of things about this business you don’t understand,” he
said, speaking slowly, as if she were a child. “We need to make
our profit margins. And I don’t have money in the budget to
increase overhead right now. What solutions do you have?
Hmmm? All I hear is your usual list of complaints and
“How can you say that, Joe?” Ellen snapped back. “I’ve
presented you with several proposals on what we can do to
rearrange the floor space and on how to compensate the
workers differently so they are rewarded for going the extra
“That all costs money, Ellen,” Joe growled.
Joe stood transfixed as he watched the younger version
of himself put Ellen in her place. Robert pulled on Joe’s sleeve
to signal it was time to go.
As they walked out of UT Robotics into the cold, dark
Chicago afternoon, neither man spoke until Robert asked,
“Ready to get a cup of coffee and talk?” He placed a hand on
Joe’s shoulder.
Joe nodded silently, and they were suddenly in a booth at
a nearly empty diner around the corner.
“What did you see as you watched yourself with Ellen in
the past?” Robert asked casually.
Joe gazed into his cup. “I saw myself being very hard on
her. The funny thing is, I didn’t remember it that way. I guess
I wrote Ellen off as a social worker type who didn’t under-
stand that we needed to make a profit.”
14 ceo road rules

“How was that scene like the one you saw your dad expe-
riencing?” Robert pressed.
Joe raised his eyes with sudden recognition. “Wow, I did
sound like his old supervisor, the one I wanted to hit. I wasn’t
as ‘in your face,’ but I still refused to listen. Why was I so
closed off?”
“What do you think you could you have done differ-
ently?” Robert continued.
“Well, I remember really wanting to make outstanding
numbers so I could show corporate what a great plant man-
ager I was and so I could make the top of my bonus scale. I
was proving myself to others, and despite the conditions Ellen
talked about, we were still doing well, numbers-wise.” Joe
paused. “I could have given more support to Ellen and the
people on the floor. Money wasn’t really as tight as I used to
emphasize it was. . . .” His voice trailed off.
“Do you know what happened to Ellen?” Robert asked.
“Uh, no,” Joe answered, embarrassed to realize he’d never
thought of her since he left UT Robotics.
“Well, you might remember passing her over for the man-
ager of operations spot, even though she was considered the
most capable. The employees really wanted her to get the
position, too, because they felt she was fair and listened to
their concerns and ideas. And because you felt like she burned
a bridge with you, your comments to others—supposedly off-
the-record and in her personnel folder—followed her for the
rest of her career. She lost her motivation and eventually was
let go during the ‘rightsizing’ that occurred after you left. Like
the ceo’s ride 15

your dad, Ellen let her dreams die because she couldn’t find a
way to make them grow. She now works as an assembler in a
nearby plant and struggles with depression.”
Joe winced as he realized the impact his actions had had
on someone else’s life.
Robert paused and watched Joe for a moment as he
looked down. “There is another way, Joe. At my old company,
the Glendale Tribune, we were able to engage the minds and
hearts of our employees and managers while growing prof-
itably. We did this through what I call Right Focus. Would you
like to hear more?”
Joe nodded.
“First, Joe, I’d like to ask you a few questions.”
“Sure, fire away,” Joe agreed. “I seem to have nothing but
time at this point.”
“Alright,” Robert continued. “What was your vision for the
company you started with George?”
“Well, we saw our company as the innovator in the robot-
ics industry, and we wanted to grow exponentially. We used
to say ‘$500 million in 5 years’ like a mantra to each other
and to the employees,” Joe smiled proudly.
“What kind of a reaction did you get from the employees
when you’d share your vision?” Robert prodded.
“Honestly, it was mixed. We had some employees who
were excited about the idea of growing, some who liked the
opportunity to innovate, and others who just weren’t onboard.”
“What kind of environment did you have at your com-
pany when you were getting started, Joe?”
16 ceo road rules

“Well, initially we had a core team—me, George, Tony, and

Sam, who came from UT Robotics together. We took ideas
from all the meetings and conversations we’d had and started
Chiron International out of nothing. We hired about forty
people the first year, and off we went. Those were exciting
times. Everyone pitched in to get things off the ground. We
worked long hours, but it was so exhilarating. We had ups and
downs, but we were all working for the same thing . . .”
“You look a little sad,” Robert responded.
“Yeah,” Joe sighed. “As we got larger and took on more
complicated projects, we lost that team spirit. Everyone had
their own agendas, and people didn’t connect with each other
anymore. Like, the engineers fought with the people over in
manufacturing all the time. I felt more like a referee than a
CEO. But, still, we accomplished so much in spite of ourselves.
I miss those old times.”
Robert nodded in acknowledgment. “At the Glendale
Tribune, we started like you did: small at first and then
exploding, so there were inevitable growing pains. People
were unclear about what was expected of them, we lacked
teamwork, saw margins eroding. Then I discovered the impor-
tance of Right Focus.”
“What do you mean, Right Focus? What’s that?” Joe
“Well, Right Focus is about having a dream big enough
that everyone who is willing can participate in it and feel
good, not only about the results they achieve, but also about
how they get there.”
the ceo’s ride 17

“How they get there?”

“Right Focus is made up of four main parts: mission,
vision, values, and a clear understanding of the core focus of
what your organization can be best at. Mission answers the
question ‘What’s the purpose of our company? Why are we
Joe interrupted, “Everyone knows that—to make money.”
“That’s where you’ve got it wrong, Joe,” Robert said.
“You can’t run a business if you don’t make money,” Joe
“No, mission is bigger than self-interest; it’s about find-
ing the higher calling for your organization and, ultimately,
can inspire a higher sense of purpose for each employee as
well. Our mission reminds us whenever we get off-purpose.
“Vision answers the question ‘Where do we see ourselves
going?’ So we took an honest look at where we wanted to be
in the next five to ten years.
“Because you never had a clear vision for everyone to par-
ticipate in, things got rough at Chiron. As you grew, making
money and keeping the status quo seemed to be the biggest
priorities,” Robert said.
“I hate to admit it, but you’re right,” Joe agreed. “I think
that’s why Tony and Sam were so unhappy at the end. They
kept telling me I had changed and that what excited them
about our business was gone.”
Robert nodded. “Good. And I’ve just shown you what’s at
stake when an organization doesn’t have developed values.
Your dad approached his supervisor with an innovation that
18 ceo road rules

could have been a whole new business line for Georgia Tim-
berland, but he was treated as if he was being disrespectful
toward authority by a supervisor who clearly felt threatened.
The worst thing an organization can do is stop listening to its
employees, especially those closest to the work. If innovation
were valued at your dad’s company like it has been at mine,
he would have been rewarded for his initiative, not ignored or
chastised. Ellen, too.
“What made our company great was not just having a
vision that everyone could buy into but also having a set of
core values—like integrity or doing the right thing—that
served as our guiding principles and couldn’t be compromised
for financial gain. When an organization spells out core val-
ues that everyone is expected to take seriously, everything can
Joe shook his head. “I can see what you mean, Robert.
Why didn’t I see this before?”
“The important thing is that you see it now,” Robert
emphasized. “Next, the group asks itself what its core focus
is: ‘What is this organization best in our world at?’ Simply
said, Right Focus is about defining your direction: how you
treat each other and how you get there.”
“And these same principles apply to your life: you are a
miniature organization of sorts. As I lived the Right Focus
principles, clarity set in. I became more fulfilled. I realized
that my personal purpose deals with growing things. Beyond
the pleasure of seeing our company grow, I love helping oth-
ers grow in their lives. I grow in turn. That’s why I’m here with
you now.”
the ceo’s ride 19

As Robert turned to get the car, he added, “I find if I can

use my core strengths and complement them with those of
others, true synergy happens. The team together far exceeds
the sum of its parts.”
Standing at the curb as Robert drove up, Joe felt light-
headed and exhausted. He longed to sit back down. He got
into the car slowly and reclined the seat. Within minutes, he
was sound asleep.

The Second CEO

When Joe woke up, he was back at the crash site, alone. The
car had been towed away, leaving muddy tire tracks and foot-
prints, along with shattered glass and something Joe thought
must be blood. His blood.
“I better see if I can find some help,” he said, struggling
to stand up and then giving up to rest for a minute. George
wasn’t there, nor was Robert, and it occurred to Joe that he
had sustained some kind of head injury that was making him
imagine all this. Robert made sense, but how could Joe have
traveled to his past like that? Was this even real, now, this
moment? Maybe he had been dreaming that he was in some
kind of time warp . . .
The ringing of his cell phone in his coat pocket snapped
Joe from his reverie. “That’s a relief. Guess I am still in the real
world,” he thought as he flipped the phone open.
“Hello,” he began. “I could use some help here. . . .”
“Hi, Joe. This is Janice Allison. I’m the CEO of All-Com
Insurance. I’m calling to let you know that I’ll be picking you
20 ceo road rules

up in a minute. George asked me to spend some time with

you.” The phone went dead.
Joe quickly hit “received calls,” but the call information
said only “private.” Frustrated, Joe threw the phone down into
the snow. “What next?” he yelled. Joe hated not being in
In a matter of seconds, Janice pulled up alongside Joe and
rolled down the window. She was driving a silver Honda SUV
and looked kind of like one of the soccer moms in his neigh-
borhood on her way to pick up kids from practice.
“Hi, Joe, I’m Janice. My friends call me Jan. Get in the car.”
He considered refusing, yelling at this woman that he was
no fool, that this was all impossible, but he found himself set-
tling into the warmth of the SUV, asking, “What’s this you
said about my partner, George?”
Jan smiled. “George mentioned that three of us would be
meeting with you to help you change your present course,
didn’t he? Let me take you for a drive around your neighbor-
hood. I believe there are some important things right in your
backyard that you haven’t been seeing.”
Jan took Joe to his son’s elementary school. The noise got
louder as they parked by the field. “When’s the last time you
went to one of your son’s soccer games?” Jan asked.
“Uh, I guess about a month, maybe a month and a half.”
Joe couldn’t believe it had been that long. He had been so
absorbed in the business—the downturn in the market, his
shrinking margins, and rumors of unionizing kept him at work
day after day, long into the night. Also, he hadn’t wanted to
run into Sharon.
the ceo’s ride 21

He walked alongside Jan to the field as one of his former

neighbors was passing by.
“Hello, Fred,” he said, feeling obligated to acknowledge
the man. Fred just walked past as if ignoring Joe.
“They can’t see you, Joe,” Jan stated flatly.
“This is going to be like being with Robert, then,” Joe
Joe saw her instantly: a pretty blond with thick layers of
hair and a turned-up nose talking to another woman as they
sat bundled up on the bleachers, watching their children play.
Joe and Jan took the empty seats behind the two women.
Sharon looked tired but still as beautiful as she had been
one May evening, fifteen years before, when Joe had asked
her to dance at a university homecoming party. From that
evening on, they’d really never parted.
“I’m worried about Collin,” Sharon told the woman next
to her between plays.
“What’s wrong?” The other woman turned to look at
“Since Joe and I split up, he seems very depressed. Look
how he’s playing. He doesn’t have that same energy.”
“Any chance you and Joe will get back together?” the
woman asked.
Sharon’s eyes filled with tears. “I don’t think so, Carol.
Things have really changed between us. I don’t even recognize
Joe now. He used to be interested in our life together as a
family, in us instead of just his work, but not anymore. He
used to spend all of his free time with Collin, and sometimes
he’d call me up and ask me out for a date, even though we’d
22 ceo road rules

been married for years . . . but it’s all about his business and
making money now. I know he’s been under more pressure
since George died, so I’ve tried to stick it out, but I don’t see
any light at the end of this tunnel. So I felt I had to take the
first step and file for a separation. Collin and I have to go on
with our lives. . . .”
Joe sat staring at his wife, aching to hold her. He hadn’t
realized the pain she had been suffering. They argued so much
that he saw only her angry side. Joe had been so frustrated
with her; he hadn’t been able to figure out what Sharon
really wanted. It wasn’t as if he could just leave his responsi-
bilities at the plant to attend to their personal life. He took
care of the family financially, and Sharon could have anything
she wanted. He had built her a great home, she didn’t have to
work, and he never questioned what she spent money on.
Yet, Sharon continued to substitute teach and volunteer.
She could have had a new car every year, but she still drove
her old brown Toyota Camry. Holding on to her old car was
her way of holding her ground, Joe often thought, in their
constant battles over money. She wanted to be debt-free and
to build a nest egg; he liked to take risks and leverage his
assets for a greater return downstream.
Joe followed Jan to the players’ bench and stood as near
as he could to his son, though Collin, huddling in the cold air,
didn’t seem to feel his presence.
Watching his son leave the bench, Joe was surprised to
see how tall Collin was getting; he hadn’t noticed until now
that his son had grown several inches since the last time he
the ceo’s ride 23

had really looked at him. Joe was also stunned to see that
Collin didn’t seem excited about the chance to make this play.
He loved soccer, he was strong and agile, but now he had a
merely dutiful look in his eye—like “I won’t let you down,” but
without a spark.
Still, he moved gracefully down the muddy playing field.
One of the opposing players came at him from the right side,
and Collin lost control of the ball.
“Watch your side!” Joe yelled.
“It’s time to go, Joe,” Jan said kindly.
“I’d like to stay and watch. Collin needs me,” Joe replied,
trying to ignore her.
“Yes, he does, Joe, but he doesn’t know you’re here right
As the two left the soccer field, Joe tried to reassure him-
self and Jan. “He wasn’t on today. Usually, he’d go after that
chance to break the tie.”
“Your family is obviously important to you, Joe. What did
you notice from watching them here today?” Jan asked.
“It’s hard to talk about it. I guess I didn’t realize how my
not being there for my wife and son has affected them,” Joe
replied quietly. “I’m angry with myself for letting things get
out of hand. I get so absorbed in my work, especially when I
see where things could always be better at Chiron. I guess
I thought Sharon could handle my work schedule. After all,
she has for the past fifteen years.”
Joe paused, then said quietly, “Sharon’s leaving really
threw me. She’s been through hard times with me, and I
24 ceo road rules

assumed she’d always be there. But I haven’t really been

doing anything to make her want to stay, have I? After hear-
ing her today, I believe she still loves me. For a year now, she’s
begged me to go to counseling with her. But I refused.”
“How come, Joe?”
“It’s embarrassing to me for someone I don’t know to hear
our problems. It felt like a test I was going to fail. I should
have tried. I can be pretty stubborn, I know, so stubborn that
I haven’t seen how hard our breaking up has been on every-
one. Collin puts up a good front when I’m with him, but I can
see now that’s exactly what it is—a front.”
Before he knew what was happening, Joe and Jan had
parked at Chiron International and were walking toward the
employee entrance of the building. Jan led the way toward
the director of human resources’ office. There stood Jose
Garcia, speaking on the phone with someone.
“No, Joe fired them,” Jose was saying. “No one knows
exactly why. Joe isn’t in today. Yes, I tried his cell. I’ve also
called his wife. I couldn’t get her, either. This is a real mess.
We don’t have the bench strength to replace Tony and Sam.
Phase two of the Lockleer contract is due for completion on
the tenth of this month.
“As if that’s not enough, Tony and Sam’s attorney called.
We’re going to have a big lawsuit on our hands, not only for
lack of cause for firing them, but also for allegedly stealing
their intellectual property.”
Jose waved his hands as he spoke. On better days, he had
an infectious smile and was one of those people who made
the ceo’s ride 25

you feel comfortable almost instantly. Today, he looked liked

he might never smile again.
Joe collapsed into one of Jose’s upholstered chairs and
held his head with one hand. “How did all of this happen?” he
muttered. Jan sat in the chair next to Joe.
Jose said good-bye and immediately began to speed dial
someone else.
“Hello, Tom? This is Jose at Chiron.” Jose now stood star-
ing out the window. “Not so great. We’ve got an urgent situ-
ation here. Joe and I had discussed Tony and Sam’s poor
attitude of late. We agreed that we didn’t have a lot of data
in our files documenting our taking disciplinary action. Joe
was to meet with each of them this morning to have an
on-the-record discussion about why their behavior needed to
change. Apparently, he met with them last night instead and
wound up firing them both. He’s not here, and no one can
get in touch with him. I just got a call from their attorney, and
. . . Can you come here right away? Thank you. I really appre-
ciate it.”
Another call came through immediately. “Jose Garcia
Jose stood motionless as the blood drained from his face.
“What? Where? How bad is it? When can we see him?”
he asked with controlled calm. “Thanks, officer.”
Jose hit the intercom button to his assistant. “Call every-
one together for an emergency management meeting. Joe’s
been in an accident. He hit a tree near his house. That was the
police. Joe’s at Mercy General. In a coma.”
26 ceo road rules

The Meeting

As the management team convened, questions and comments

flew around the room.
“No more news yet on Joe’s status?”
“We were just working on some new designs the other
day. Joe really knows his stuff. What a shock to hear that he’s
in a coma!”
“There’s the Tony and Sam thing and this . . . How should
we handle the press, do you think?”
“We’re hurting right now. I don’t know how we’ll meet
Lockleer’s schedule. It was a real stretch before this accident.”
Tom Trout, the head of manufacturing, leaned in to speak
to Margaret Witkowski, Chiron’s head of communications. “I
really hope Joe pulls out of this,” he whispered, shaking his
head. “I knew firing Tony and Sam might have had a bad
effect on him. All those guys went way back . . . Frankly, I was
kind of surprised that he fired them—not that they didn’t
deserve it. What ungrateful complainers those guys were. I
wish I could have been a fly on the wall when he did it. Joe
didn’t want me there. He thought it would make things
As Jamie Klein, the head of sales, called the meeting to
order, Jan and Joe found seats in the back of the conference
room. Joe was growing more comfortable with the strange
experience of being invisible and actually looked forward to
watching what his staff would do without him there.
Jamie continued, “We’ve had challenging times in the
past and made it through, and we’ll make it through this, too;
the ceo’s ride 27

but we have some critical things to attend to. We need to

decide on our short-term strategy in light of Joe’s accident.
Let’s develop an agenda together. Each of us can give an
update on the status of things as we see it, and then we can
address the specific items that we have added.”
Each of the managers contributed their items to the
agenda, and Jamie laid ground rules for good communication
among them. Margaret suggested an issues list to allow
discussion of non-agenda items after the agenda had been
Joe turned to Jan, dumbfounded. “Wow, this is pretty
impressive. I’ve never seen the team like this before.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I usually get up in front of the room and go over
the items on my agenda. Everyone chimes in when they want.
By then the meeting’s usually over, and there’s not a lot of
time for covering other issues.”
“Watching your team today makes you proud of them,
I bet.”
“Definitely. They all seem to be stepping up to the plate.”
“You know, Joe, you’re seeing a working example of what
I call the Right People principle. Right People is all about the
importance of selecting the talent you need for the future as
well as supporting the growth and development of the people
you have in place.”
“You can see by watching my team that some of them
stand out as leaders, like Jamie,” Joe said thoughtfully.
“Others might not have been the best hires, like Tom Trout.
28 ceo road rules

Tom made the situation with Sam and Tony a lot worse. He
could be a real troublemaker, and he and Tony and Sam never
got along. That’s why I decided to handle the situation with
them myself—or, I guess, mishandle it.” Joe’s face flushed as
he recalled the scene in his office.
Jan sensed Joe’s disappointment in himself and asked,
“What could you have done differently when you were hiring
for Tom’s position as the director of manufacturing?”
Joe looked up as he recalled a heated discussion he had
had with Jose.
“Well, Jan, Jose got problematic information from some
of the people that Tom gave us for references, but I was get-
ting impatient to hire someone. We had been advertising for
this position for a while. Jose wanted to continue looking for
candidates. I didn’t think either Tony or Sam could do the job.
The longer we looked for someone, the more irritated Tony
and Sam seemed to get. I felt like we needed an experienced
person to come in and help with the growth we were experi-
encing. Jose disagreed and let me know it. In retrospect, I see
he was right.
“‘You’ll regret this decision Joe,’ Jose said, and I still
pressed forward. Tom uses a ‘my way or the highway’
approach with his employees. The rumblings Jose heard when
he spoke to Tom’s references turned out to be a much bigger
issue than I had imagined.”
Jan nodded. “A lot of leaders make this same mistake.
When you run the company, you can use your weight and
push aside other opinions, but haste winds up making more
the ceo’s ride 29

work for everyone, not to mention the backlash of picking

someone who isn’t a good leader for a key role.
“When All-Com’s leadership team developed and imple-
mented our Right People approach, we committed to each
other that we wouldn’t settle for less than the best, no mat-
ter what. If we have any doubts about a candidate, we keep
looking. We’ve gotten a lot better at this over the years. We
learned that we needed to improve how we found great can-
didates so that we have more people to pick from. We also
needed to find a systematic way of screening them for the
best fit.
“Even before I became CEO of All-Com,” Jan continued, “I
implemented three people principles throughout my career
that really made a difference in selecting and developing the
Right People. The first principle is past behavior tells you vol-
umes about future behavior. People display certain skills and
aptitudes as well as attitudes about life that stay pretty con-
stant, unless some dramatic change occurs. I look at the skills
of people, their attitude and motivation, and what others
have observed about them in the workplace. What has
worked for you?”
“I wish I could say that we’ve been that systematic,” Joe
commented. “Jose has helped us make some improvements,
but our practice has always been to find people when we
need them; sometimes that works and sometimes we make
hasty decisions that backfire.”
Jan nodded. “When our leadership team developed the
Right People approach, we spent a lot of time thinking
30 ceo road rules

through the critical elements of what goes into a great hire.

Which brings me to the second Right People principle—select
people with the right attitude and emotional skills. Some call
this emotional intelligence: self-awareness, assertiveness,
ability to empathize, flexibility, impulse control, and opti-
mism. These factors and others predict how effectively people
will work with each other and how successful they will be in
their career and in life. Lack of emotional skills is the biggest
reason people in leadership roles fail.”
“Interesting . . . wonder how I would test on that.” Joe
“From the looks of things, Joe, I’m willing to bet that at
times you haven’t behaved in an emotionally intelligent way
with your staff or your family. It was pretty obvious at the
soccer game today that Sharon doesn’t believe you under-
stand how she’s feeling. Could that same dynamic be playing
out in the situation with Tony and Sam?” Jan asked.
Joe’s body got tense. “What was I supposed to have done
“For one thing, you might have used empathy. You could
have shown them that you understood what they were expe-
riencing. That’s emotionally intelligent behavior. Do you feel
like you’ve been able to empathize with others enough to
show them that you understand their world and relay that
back to them?”
“What, that I agree with them?”
“No, Joe, that you can appreciate their feelings, views,
and values, even if they are different from yours,” Jan
explained further.
the ceo’s ride 31

“Guess I didn’t look at it that way. Tony and Sam both

accused me of not appreciating their contribution to the busi-
ness and of taking advantage of them. I heard that and then
I just got mad.”
“So, let’s try this, Joe. The first step in empathizing is to
suspend judgment and ask yourself, ‘If I were this person, how
would I feel and why?’ How do you think Tony and Sam felt,
Joe, and why? Put yourself in their shoes for a minute and
don’t think about defending yourself.”
“If I were Tony and Sam, I’d feel . . . cheated.”
“Great, Joe. Go on, why?”
“They feel cheated because they gave a lot to Chiron but
don’t have the money, position, or respect to show for it.”
“Exactly. Can you see the power of conveying that you
understand that to Tony and Sam before you explain your
view of the situation?” Jan asked. “The ability to empathize
helps you find common ground with others because you are
showing them that you can appreciate where they are com-
ing from before going on to find a new solution or next step.”
“There’s so much I want to ask you about this, Jan. I’m
thinking that I could see trying empathy with Sharon. I want
her to know I understand where she’s coming from, even if I
don’t agree with all her ideas. You’ve got me thinking.”
“And feeling, I hope,” Jan smiled. “I want to tell you about
the third Right People principle because it’s almost time for
me to go.”
Jan and Joe left the meeting room and walked down the
hall to Joe’s office. Joe lay down on the couch, propping his
head up, and Jan sat on the chair opposite him.
32 ceo road rules

Jan continued, “The third principle is develop your succes-

sor/s. Have you thought about your successor, Joe?”
“Not really. Until George died, I thought I’d go on forever,
you know? Now I know that’s an illusion. I got so busy with
customers, growing the business, and other things, I never
had time to formally coach anybody.” Joe stared out the win-
dow, lost in his thoughts.
“At All-Com, we believe everyone needs a coach, and we
set up formal and informal coaching and mentoring for our
team members.”
“Doesn’t that cost a lot, Jan?” Joe blurted out.
“I thought it would be expensive, too, Joe. What we found
was that the more emphasis we placed on helping each other
be successful, the more innovation and teamwork we showed.
We became more productive, and our growth has accelerated
as a result.”
“Yeah, but how do you find time to coach others when
the wheels are about to fall off your business?” Joe demanded.
“When you are in a crisis situation, it’s harder to think you
have the time, Joe. But coaching isn’t something that’s sepa-
rate from your business. Right now your management team
members could use some coaching help, couldn’t they? This
crisis is an opportunity to be better together. Coaches come
in all forms: other team members, outside consultants, peers,
those closest to the problem, even customers.”
Joe nodded and noticed that he felt as if weights had
been attached to his eyelids. He thought that he would close
the ceo’s ride 33

his eyes to rest them for a minute as he continued to talk with

Jan. Jan smiled as Joe began to snore.

The Third CEO

When Joe awoke, Jan was gone. Bright light pierced his eyes.
He sat up and was startled to find a tall man in a gray suit
staring down at him. The man smiled broadly and offered his
hand to help Joe get up off the couch. “You’ve been sleeping
for quite a while, Joe,” he said, softly. “It’s time to wake up.
I’m Darrell Banks.”
“Where am I?” Joe mumbled.
“We’re at Chiron, but it’s ten years after your accident. I’m
here to show you the possibilities for the future. Nothing is
set, but several options are emerging. The first is this.” Darrell
clapped his hands, and the window shade opened. The sign in
front of the building read “Benfold Enterprises.”
“What’s Benfold Enterprises?” Joe demanded.
Darrell spoke deliberately. “It’s what will happen to your
business if you continue along the path you’ve been taking. In
other words, Joe, Chiron will be out of business.” Darrell
nodded toward the sign. “Benfold will buy your property for
its operation. In this scenario, Joe, you no longer head Chiron;
in fact, the company has gone bankrupt.”
“Well, that’s pretty direct,” Joe gulped. “What’s the alter-
“If I had to sum it up, it’s change or die. If Chiron doesn’t
improve how it executes, its fate is sealed. However, you do
34 ceo road rules

have options. I’d like to tell you about some strategies that
helped me with Right Execution when we built Inmel.”
“Right Execution? What’s Inmel?”
“Inmel is a computer business I started with several
friends from business school. Our model has been to offer
twenty-four-hour turnaround using outside partners to cus-
tomize, ship, and offer services to our customers. We make it
simple for our customers to get what they need and get
online within an hour of set-up. Our business launched an
array of advanced technologies, such as the ability to use all
five senses while interacting with others online.”
“No way. This must be a dream.” Joe looked pale as he
tried to take in what Darrell was saying.
“What we do sounds far-fetched, I’m sure. Don’t get
caught up in the technology part. What has really made Inmel
successful is the execution of our plan. Some of these same
principles, if applied to your company, could help you change
that Benfold buyout scenario to this one.”
At that moment, a holographic image of Joe appeared.
“At Chiron, we offer our customers and partners the very lat-
est innovations in robotics. . . .” Darrell cut the connection
with a snap of his fingers. “That’s Chiron’s Web site from the
future, Joe. Pretty cool, huh? In this scenario, you have
global reach and are a key player in transforming your indus-
try. You have also changed the lives of people with disabilities
worldwide with your robotics technology. Showing you more
isn’t important. What counts now is what you do next.”
“How do we get there?” Joe asked, with so much enthu-
siasm that he surprised himself. “Chiron can become the
the ceo’s ride 35

innovator I always pictured it could be? Tell me more about

that, Darrell.”
“Maybe we’ll have time for that later. I’ve shown you two
possible directions for your company, and there are others.
The question becomes, what will you do with the knowledge
you are receiving? That will make all the difference.”
“I’d like to know more about this Right Execution idea
and how you see it working in my business.”
“The first Right Execution principle is to involve your
whole organization in strategy and implementation plans and
then create a culture of excellence. Most organizations have a
plan and set goals. What we’ve found is that many companies
involve only the management team in planning and imple-
Darrell leaned in and continued, “At Inmel, we get input
from the whole company; we bring hundreds of people
together in person and by teleconference for this purpose,
plus key stakeholders, like outsourcing partners, customers,
and outside consultants. Everyone gets a chance to share
their ideas about how we can get from where we are to where
we want to be. We can make many changes on the spot, in
real time. How do you go about planning in your company,
“We just send the management team off-site to set goals.
Then we ask each management team member to handle his or
her part.”
“What kind of success have you had with that?”
“Mixed, really. Early on, it worked pretty well. As we got
larger, the process was much less effective.”
36 ceo road rules

Darrell continued, “After we have our planning sessions, I

conduct ongoing business reviews on a regular basis, and I
expect that our management team and team leaders do so as
well. We discuss expectations, what’s working, and what’s
not. I’ve found that this ongoing dialogue sets a tone. People
who work here know that accountability and high perfor-
mance are priorities. We have set up our reward and recogni-
tion system to support high performance as well.”
“Doesn’t that take a lot of your time, though?”
“Honestly, Joe, I couldn’t afford not to do it. It’s a disci-
pline that should be part of everything you do. This stuff
really works if you do it consistently.
“The second Right Execution principle is to hold people
accountable for their personal and team objectives and give
them the space to innovate. Who are the people who are
innovating in your organization, and how do you support
“We haven’t done a very good job of that, I guess. Tony
and Sam helped us build the business through their experi-
ence and ability to innovate. As I look back on it now, I don’t
think we did enough to show our appreciation. I made a lot of
money on their backs. I’m only sorry that we didn’t handle
things better with them.”
“What could you have done to recognize and honor Tony
and Sam for their contribution?” Darrell prodded.
“Well, I gave them bonuses here and there. George and I
were more generous when the business was growing and still
small. When we got larger, it became harder to just pick out
the ceo’s ride 37

certain people for rewards. Once in a while we discussed

rewarding innovation in our management meetings, but like
so many things that are important but not an emergency, we
let it slide.”
“Can you see what your role might be now, to help Chi-
ron with Right Execution?”
“Maybe giving direction? And getting more involved with
how things are implemented. And holding people accountable
for what they’ve agreed to.”
“Those are all important,” Darrell nodded. “Definitely. And
there are some other responsibilities that I’ve found necessary
to leading and executing. One role of a leader is to create cul-
ture change, to create an environment in which people do
well and excellence is expected.
“A leader must also influence, must provide a context and
framework for making decisions and taking action. We want
everyone to take ownership. If you don’t influence others to
want to take responsibility, then everybody loses.
“Another critical role I see for a leader of Right Execution
is modeling whatever is essential to your organization’s suc-
cess. If there is a discrepancy between what you say and what
you do, executing with excellence is impossible. My inten-
tions and actions must be in alignment with what we’ve
agreed is important, and that includes living the values. If I
can’t be and do what I expect from others, then I shouldn’t be
in a leadership role.”
Joe felt his face flush as he replayed in his mind how
inconsistent he’d been in his leadership style. Just last week
38 ceo road rules

he had gotten angry when Jose pointed out that Joe some-
times set a double standard. “You ask for participation,” Jose
had said. “And then you monopolize a meeting if the discus-
sion isn’t going in the direction you want.” When Jose
started to give Joe some examples of this behavior, Joe
abruptly walked out of his office.
“Is this hitting close to home?” Darrell asked. Joe smiled
sheepishly and waved for Darrell to continue.
“There’s a third principle of Right Execution, and, person-
ally, I believe it’s the most meaningful: widen your view,
understand what’s important to you, and live your legacy.”
Darrell could see from Joe’s eyes that he was lost in
thought. “What’s going on in your head, Joe?”
“I was remembering when Tony and Sam introduced the
idea of partnering with another organization to use our inte-
grative robotics technology with people who have physical
disabilities. They were so excited about applying our advances
to help others.”
“What happened?”
“I told them that I liked where they were heading. Unfor-
tunately, we didn’t do anything to support them. The idea died
of neglect.”
“At Inmel, we go back to the mission, vision, values, and
core focus—what Robert told you about—to make sure a new
idea fits. That’s how we ‘widen our view.’ Like you, we see the
positive effects technology could have on people with physi-
cal challenges. Doing something larger than ourselves has
become essential to who we are as a company and to who we
are as individuals.
the ceo’s ride 39

“When I coach others about defining what’s important in

their lives, I ask them, ‘What will it take for you to feel that
you have had a successful life?’ Ultimately, real and enduring
success is about seeing the sum total of the activities and
events in your life in an affirming and fulfilling way.
“When I think about my priorities and the priorities of
others in my life, I see three areas of satisfaction: happiness,
achievement, and legacy.
“Happiness is about what brings you joy. This can be
spending time with your family, outdoor activities, or spirit-
ual growth. Achievement deals with whatever you want to
excel at or accomplish in your life. Perhaps you want to run
in the Boston marathon, take your company public, or master
a language. Legacy concerns what I like to call ‘going from
success to significance.’
“Legacy is the impact of the gift you want to leave
behind. Your legacy might be a book you’ve written, a foun-
dation you’ve started, or the people who have grown as a
result of being around you. I believe that part of my legacy is
living my values every day despite challenges. Who I am in
every moment can have a significant impact on others and,
ultimately, the world.”
“You are very wise, Darrell,” Joe said quietly.
“Ask yourself, ‘What’s enough for me?’” Darrell suggested.
“Sometimes high achievers like you, Joe, want to be the best
in every category. That isn’t possible. You can achieve or
become almost anything you want in life, but not all at once.
Adjusting your expectations and defining what’s ‘just enough’
for you brings fulfillment and balance.”
40 ceo road rules

Joe sat analyzing his current situation. Everything in his

life now seemed to fall into the category of achievement and
under the subcategory of work. “No wonder my family is so
angry with me,” Joe thought. “Maybe this is why I feel so
empty inside.”
As Darrell stood quietly, allowing Joe to absorb this con-
cept, Joe’s mind began to race. Suddenly he could envision a
life in which, priorities plotted, he allowed himself time to
enjoy his son’s soccer games and take pleasure in spending
time with family and friends. He felt a little giddy—maybe he
could even work on that idea of legacy so all his hard work
would live on in some way. He suddenly realized that the pos-
sibilities were boundless. Why had he never seen this before?
Aloud, he stated the obvious. “Um, my chart would be
really lopsided if we were to graph my goals.”
“And what do you think it will take for you to reconfigure
your goals?” Darrell pressed.
“Oh, probably a car accident that stops me dead in my
tracks,” Joe smiled.
“So what’s your legacy going to be, Joe?” Darrell asked.
Suddenly, sleep overtook Joe again.



Joe thought he had found the Right Road, only to have a

near-death experience that clearly showed him how off-
course he really was. How did Joe get so far off the Right
Road? More important, how can you find the Right Road
sooner rather than later without going through a divorce,
a nasty business split, financial ruin, or even a near-
death experience?
Joe’s story is a composite of true-life stories many
private company CEOs have shared with us over the past
twenty years. Joe’s story represents the transformation
we have observed in so many of our clients who have
gone from working “in” their businesses to working “on”
them. Additionally, Joe’s story points out how—if you
take a more thoughtful look at yourself, where you are,
and where you want to go—you can make the transition

44 ceo road rules

from what appears to be a successful life to a life of real

significance for yourself and for others. That is the theme
of this book.

What We Can Learn from Joe

Joe’s story is about how to loosen your hold on how you

think things should be and how to create new possibili-
ties in partnership with others. Joe found himself with
team members who wanted more responsibility, but he
wasn’t willing to give it to them. He also wasn’t ready to
share the economic benefits he gained from the innova-
tion and hard work of others. Joe risked everything to
have things his way at work and at home. As a result, he
had lost touch with the needs and desires of some of the
most important people in his life, including his wife,
Sharon, and his son, Collin. Joe wanted to build a suc-
cessful life, but he stubbornly held on to losing strategies.
All those things that defined success and happiness for
him seemed to be slipping away.
After Joe hit the tree and blacked out, he was visited
by his old partner, George. From his vantage point,
George could see that Joe was failing. George introduced
Joe to three CEO mentors; these mentors took Joe to his
past, present, and future and shared their observations
and strategies on how Joe could transform his business
and his life. They helped him realize that the best orga-
the right road 45

nizations and leaders understand the importance of Right

Focus, Right People, and Right Execution, and that they
implement these principles every day.
Successful CEOs who live fulfilling lives have learned
strategies to create significance for their organizations
and for themselves. During our research for this book, we
interviewed more than fifty CEOs, who run primarily pri-
vately held, mid-size companies, about their success and
the significance they feel they have created for them-
selves and for others. Their experiences offer a wealth of
knowledge for businesspeople from the CEO to the entry-
level manager. Internal and external consultants who
work with leaders can also benefit from better under-
standing what top leadership thinks, feels, and finds
In Chapters 3 through 8, you will learn more about
Right Focus, Right People, and Right Execution strategies
and practices. You will also have the opportunity to tap
into the wisdom and experience of the CEOs we inter-
viewed for this book.

Right Focus, Right People,

and Right Execution

Right Focus is centered on developing a mission, vision,

and values for your company, yourself, and your family.
It also includes determining your core focus: what you do
46 ceo road rules

best and have a passion for. Part of Right Focus is devel-

oping a plan to help you reach your vision and goals. We
discuss how the top CEOs we interviewed have developed
a Significance Plan that helps them frame decisions at
work and at home as life gets more complicated and time
gets more precious.
Right People is about how you select and/or hire
those who will help you excel in your business and in
your life. It’s also about how you develop others. Right
People includes everyone around you whom you care for
and who care for you. They include your senior team and
employees at work, your friends and family, your men-
tors, and your extended network of contacts that can
serve as a source of inspiration, information, and support
as you move through life. None of the top CEOs in our
study had all the Right People in their life when they
started out, although some counted their parents, grand-
parents, aunts and uncles, and other extended family as
strong early mentors. They searched purposefully for the
Right People or met them serendipitously over the years.
Right Execution focuses on executing with excellence
and getting the right things done on time and with high
impact. You will learn more about how to align yourself
and your company with your plan and hold yourself and
others accountable. Resiliency is a critical component of
many of the CEO stories that you will read in the follow-
ing chapters, particularly as it relates to execution. Very
few of our top CEOs had a smooth path to creating sig-
the right road 47

nificance in their lives. Building resiliency is a key suc-

cess component.

Visit our Web site,; you’ll find

a wide array of tools and techniques we’ve developed
over the years in our executive coaching, consulting, and
wealth management businesses that will help you live the
life you truly want. Whether you are building on your
existing strengths in the areas of Right Focus, Right Peo-
ple, or Right Execution, or are trying to figure out ways
to make the areas that are a challenge for you better, we
are confident that the information presented here will
enable you to enjoy the ride!


Right Focus defines your organization’s direction, help-

ing you determine how you’ll treat each other and how
you’ll get where you want to go. The principles that fol-
low provide a framework so that people in your com-
pany can work toward a common goal within a culture
they trust. Interestingly, when we asked our CEOs about
their greatest accomplishment at the helm of their com-
pany, more than half of them stated that what really mat-
tered was staying true to their company’s direction or
achieving the organization’s vision as a team.
Right Focus consists of defining your mission, vision,
values, and core focus, or what your organization can be
best at. Let’s look at each in detail.

50 ceo road rules

The mission of an organization involves its purpose. Your
mission answers questions such as, “Why are we here?”
and “Why do we exist?” Mission is your organization’s
higher calling and ideally offers a sense of purpose or
meaningful direction to each team member.
The challenge is to find a mission that is big enough,
real enough, and inspiring enough to unite those in your
organization so they feel they are a part of something
larger than themselves. Mission ties what people in the
organization enjoy doing and are good at to a clear direc-
tion. In short, an organization’s mission is a touchstone
that reminds a company about its essence.
Consider the following real-life mission statements,
and notice how they have the ability to inspire people to
do more than just collect a paycheck.
• “We help people achieve their goals, advance their
careers, and enrich their lives through education.”
(RedVector, an e-learning company)
• “To improve quality of life through compassionate
health care.” (Surgery Partners, Inc.)
• “To help our clients achieve economic success and
financial security.” (BB&T Banks)
When developing a mission, organizations that
involve all employees or a cross section of stakeholders
who represent the company’s diversity in the mission
planning process are more likely to engage the majority
the right focus 51

of the people in the company sooner. Companies often do

this by holding a series of meetings or retreats to have a
dialogue about the organization’s real purpose. But these
successful companies don’t stop there. On an ongoing
basis, they encourage discussion and debate about
whether the decisions the organization makes are in line
with its broader mission.
For example, one of Mary’s clients, the Florida Com-
munication Group (FCG), owns a newspaper, a TV station,
and an Internet news business. After holding a series of
retreats for the leadership teams across all three busi-
nesses, the company defined its mission as “We enrich
lives, build community, and fuel democracy.” The com-
pany uses this higher purpose to assess whether the orga-
nization’s strategies and day-to-day decisions are in
alignment with its ultimate direction. As FCG’s president,
Ron Redfern, commented, “Our purpose is about the
impact we can have on the lives of our customers and,
even bigger, on democracy in our community, state, and
country. With our mission firmly in place, we can remind
ourselves whenever we get off purpose.”
Be extra conscious when determining your mission
so that you do not drive your organization with a limit-
ing purpose—such as, to make money—that destabilizes
your personal life, your health, and the personal lives of
the team you’re leading. Whether stated explicitly or
implied, the idea of making money or beating the com-
petition can be a negative driver as a mission, because
52 ceo road rules

employees may feel that a select few will benefit from the
sweat of the many. Furthermore, it does not express a
higher purpose, which is a core element of a good mis-
sion statement.
You are more likely to keep great people when you
have a mission larger than yourself—one that also
encompasses your personal mission. One of Dennis’
business associates and a CEO we interviewed is a great
example of matching his personal and business missions.
After working with consulting firm Bain & Co. and learn-
ing the ropes on hundreds of projects, Michael Dough-
erty was offered and accepted a management position
with a major publisher. While there, Michael found him-
self drawn to children’s books and learning, and he built
up significant expertise in those areas. All along he knew
that something related to children’s learning was his
Through his contacts, Dougherty was offered the
opportunity to head an entrepreneurial company that
focused on children’s education. He found alignment
with his personal passion when he later became CEO of
Kindermusik International, one of the leading early child-
hood education companies with teachers all over the
world. “The company’s focus is to change the world,
teaching one child at a time,” explains Dougherty. This
company charge reflects the highly personal nature of
Kindermusik classes in contrast to mass education. Not
surprisingly, Kindermusik has prospered under Dougher-
the right focus 53

ty’s leadership, won numerous awards for its educational

products, and won a national award for its best practices
as an employee-owned enterprise. By having this align-
ment, Dougherty has created fulfillment for himself and
success for the organization.
When you have a strong mission and it aligns with
that of the leadership of the organization, you and your
organization are on the way to creating significance for
your customers and for yourselves.


A critical part of Right Focus is vision, because it

describes your preferred future and becomes your over-
riding goal. Vision answers questions such as, “Where do
we see ourselves going?” and “Where do we want to be
in the next five to ten years?” A vision differs from a
mission in that the mission statement describes the
essence of the organization and is not an overriding goal
that, once achieved, changes. Mission statements usually
last for the life of the company. The vision sets a direc-
tion you can track and measure; once reached, you must
create a new vision to help the company grow (Collins
and Porras 1997).
The first step in developing a vision is to bring
together key stakeholders in the organization to reflect on
the most positive future they can see for the company.
54 ceo road rules

Mary asked FCG’s leadership team: “If you were trans-

ported ten years into the future and your highest wishes
for this organization were realized, what would you see?”
She walked the group of sixty-eight people through a
guided imagery exercise, asking them to picture them-
selves touring the organization, noticing what was going
on and what they had accomplished over the ten years.
Before discussing their observations, each person
wrote a specific and vivid description of exactly what he
or she saw—no matter how far-fetched. Next, in groups
of eight to ten, each person shared his or her vision of the
future. This process promoted a thoughtful dialogue
about what each participant visualized. The groups then
summarized the common themes across the vision
descriptions they heard, and then shared these “vision
themes” with the large group. Some common themes
revolved around what the workplace would look like,
what customers would be experiencing, the company’s
growth, collective learning, the company’s impact on
society, winning awards, and being voted a great place to
work. Such an exercise enables everyone to find “com-
mon ground” (Weisbord and Janoff 1995) on which to
relate and build a compelling vision.
Involving others in developing a vision is important,
because your team helps you shape an attractive and suc-
cessful future for the company, and this creates mutual
ownership in the company’s success. In the end, the
vision themes need to culminate in one overriding goal
the right focus 55

that summarizes where you’ll be if your vision becomes

reality. We call crafting this overriding goal writing the
“headline” for all the common themes outlined as part of
the future direction.
The “headline,” or vision statement, for FCG became
“Every Home, Every Day.”
At this point, you must be careful, because your
vision statement can become just a slogan if you don’t
make it something you can measure. That is, you have to
make the overriding goal something you can break into
intermediate goals that over time will get you to the final
goal, or your vision.
For FCG, “Every Home, Every Day” means connect-
ing with each customer in a specific geographic area at
least once each twenty-four hours, either through the
newspaper, the TV station, or the Internet news site.
Preferably, there would be multiple daily customer con-
tacts across the various platforms. FCG has targeted spe-
cific demographics that they want to penetrate and have
set specific benchmarks to measure movement toward
their vision.
In summary, your vision is the overall umbrella that
answers the question, “What are we going after?” This
big “what” gets broken down across departments in the
organization so that goals and objectives relate back to
the vision. Why is this process so important? Think about
a time when you did your work with abandon—it just felt
great to be working on a certain project or direction.
56 ceo road rules

Time seemed to fly. Do you have a picture in your mind

of this happening? When there’s a clear, agreed-on pic-
ture of where you want to go, and you find the right peo-
ple to work on this preferred future, employees will be
engaged, because the work is interesting, it helps achieve
a goal, and they have the freedom to approach the task
their own way as long as there is agreement on the
parameters and the end result.
How do you know that you have selected the right
vision? Try taking this “vision litmus test” (Nanus 1995)
by asking,
• Is your vision future oriented?
• Can your vision inspire enthusiasm and commitment?
• Does your vision set a standard of excellence?
• Is the vision ambitious enough? Not too ambitious?
• Is your vision unique to your company?
• Can you communicate your vision often with passion?
If you answered “yes” to each question, you’re on the
right road. If you answered “no” to even one question, go
back and fine-tune your vision.
You can apply the litmus test to a variety of settings
and organizations. For example, Gene Corrigan, former
CEO of the Atlantic Coast Conference, one of the premier
athletic conferences in the country, is also the former
president of the NCAA. While president of the NCAA,
Corrigan’s vision was to “return the games to the student-
athlete,” which meant making sure that the athlete’s abil-
the right focus 57

ity to compete was balanced with being able to get an

education that would see the person through life long
after his or her postcollegiate athletic career was over. It
also meant balancing big money sports such as basket-
ball and football with less visible sports such as lacrosse,
tennis, and golf for both men and women.
“This was a tough vision to stay true to,” says Corri-
gan. “We had pressure on our athletes from professionals
to leave college early; the ‘arms race’ as colleges competed
with each other for state-of-the-art facilities, coaches,
and athletes; and intense emphasis on money in various
high-profile sports, which tended to overshadow aca-
demic achievements. We may have had limited success in
the areas where other influences are strong, but we did
our best to keep the balance, and we helped our colleges
and universities build marvelous programs that have
exceeded our vision in many sports, particularly the
women’s sports. If you have a strong vision, and execute
only half of it well, you can still succeed beyond your
and others’ wildest imagination.”
Some of the best CEOs we interviewed had a personal
vision that lined up with their company’s vision. Bruce
Bodaken, the CEO of Blue Shield of California, sees both
the vision of the company and his personal vision as cre-
ating social change for health care. Although this vision
puts his organization in a minority position, as most
health insurance companies advocate privately purchased
policies or government programs, Bodaken advocates a
58 ceo road rules

public-private universal health-care plan and sees his

company as leading the way for increasing access to
good health care for everyone.
“I’ve always been a social activist and got into health
care accidentally by taking a position that was offered to
me,” Bodaken says. “Once I did, the field aligned well
with my vision and values. We provide a service that is
so fundamental to human life, so necessary. Had it been
a grocery store, I don’t think that I could be as effective.”
Bruce favors legislation that supports universal insurance
coverage; this outer-edge position is exhilarating to
many because they see themselves as trendsetters who
have a viable solution to the difficult problem of increas-
ing availability of health-care insurance to the public.
To determine your personal vision, consider the fol-
lowing questions:
• Describe your personal and work life now (situation at
work, home, how you spend your time, current goals,
and so on).
• Describe what your personal and work life would be
like in five to ten years if your highest wishes were
realized. (If success were assured, what would your life
look like?)
• What are the common themes in your description(s) of
your life in five to ten years? What is the overriding
goal or headline?
Unlike a mission statement, which describes your per-
sonal or organizational purpose, a vision statement for
the right focus 59

your organization, or for yourself, sets a standard or an

overriding goal that you aspire to. Once that goal is ful-
filled, it’s critical to formulate a new, compelling vision
statement. In 1961, John Kennedy announced his goal of
sending an American safely to the moon before the end
of the decade. That was an inspiring vision that NASA
could visualize and benchmark. Some say that when that
vision was achieved, the space program floundered
because there wasn’t another vision developed to take
its place.


We can define values as your core set of guiding princi-

ples, a code of ethics that cannot be compromised for
financial gain—no matter what.
The difference between an average organization and
a great one is its ability to answer the questions “What
do we stand for?” and “Which values do we embrace?”
Answering these questions honestly gets at your com-
pany’s values.
Defining your values can be a participative process
that involves a cross section of the entire company. One
way to accomplish this involvement is to bring together
stakeholders to outline value themes that have been part
of the organization’s culture, as well as desired value
themes that are important to its future. Value themes are
60 ceo road rules

general descriptions of each value and usually need

wordsmithing before you have a finished product. Iden-
tifying value themes is the forerunner to defining an
organization’s final set of core values.
First, agree on the top three to five value themes,
such as integrity, customer focus, collaboration, innova-
tion, and excellence. Then organize a values task force
whose responsibility is to further define the value themes.
Get a diverse cross section of people from all parts and
levels of the organization. The task force will develop and
discuss values definitions, go out into your organization
to find out what others think, and recommend a specific
set of core values. For example, at FCG the Values Task
Force defined the organization’s values as:
• Integrity: Be fair, be honest, and do the right thing.
• Customer focus: Exceed customer expectations.
• Collaboration: Working together makes us stronger.
• Innovation: Dare to think big and then make it happen.
• Excellence: Never be content with less than your best.
• Diversity: Reflect our communities in all we do.
Sometimes our CEOs had built the organization on
specific established values. Usually these values reflect
the CEO’s personal values. Therefore, some of the CEOs
we’ve worked with and interviewed didn’t see the need to
develop a new set of values; instead, they simply com-
municated their values in everything the company did.
the right focus 61

For example, Dougherty at Kindermusik has three

core values that he emphasizes in his business, with his
family, and in working on community projects: Be Open,
Honest, and Direct—or OHD for short. His board, execu-
tives, co-workers, and family hear one or all three men-
tioned just about every week. Dougherty speaks of these
values frequently and gives examples of how they are
being used and how they are not. As a result, everyone
around him on a daily basis and the thousands of teach-
ers worldwide who meet him or talk to him on the phone
know his values and often respond by being more open,
honest, and direct in their dealings with him and his
company than they might otherwise have been.
Once you are clear about your and the company’s
values, make sure they don’t conflict. For example, a per-
sonal value might be independence, while the organiza-
tion’s stated value might be participation and consensus
building. You could feel frustrated on a regular basis if
you prefer to make decisions more independently than
the culture of the company dictates. If the CEO sends a
mixed message, inconsistencies will become amplified
throughout the company. A worst-case example would
be a CEO who said that integrity was a core value of his
company, while his top salespeople watched him lie to
customers regarding problems with a product.
One way to ensure that the organization lives its val-
ues is to build them into the accountability system of
62 ceo road rules

TA B L E 1 | Performance Values

WHAT (Goals) HOW (Behavior)

To attract and retain Integrity: Do the right thing

top talent

To develop a new offering Innovation: Dare to think

that combines our core big and make it happen
competencies with
customer feedback

To reach our net revenue Customer focus: Exceed

goal of X customer expectations

your organization. The best accountability systems focus

on measuring high performance and include two major
parts of performance: the “what,” or the goals, and the
“how,” or the behaviors. When you take the vision head-
line and break it into goals, you get the “what” of per-
formance; when you take the values and break them into
behaviors, you get the “how” of performance. For a gen-
eral representation of these, see Table 1.
In reality, you must define the behaviors even more
specifically so that everyone is clear about what that
value means. Value behaviors are those things everybody
in the company will do if they are living the values. So
the value behaviors related to integrity might look like this:
the right focus 63

• Be honest and fair in all our interactions.

• Be true to our word; follow through on promises.
• Make decisions based on our values.
• Hold ourselves accountable.
• Be accessible.
• Do the right thing.
• Give and receive open and honest feedback.
• Take responsibility for our actions.
• Admit mistakes; don’t stretch the truth.
Define your core values by developing value behav-
iors to better hold every individual in your company
accountable for “how” they work. The best companies
we’ve consulted with build their values into the organi-
zation’s performance appraisal system, and, more impor-
tant, they give regular feedback to each other on the use
or misuse of the values.
Al Bodford runs a major transportation company. He
has three core values: integrity, treating one another and
customers well, and taking a proactive approach. He lives
these values in every business decision he makes and
finds ways to talk about these values in company meet-
ings and newsletters. As Bodford explains, “Recently, a
manager was reactive rather than proactive with a cus-
tomer and compounded the problem by justifying his
response as typical for the industry.” Bodford, along with
the manager’s direct supervisor, discussed both mistakes
with the individual and made sure the experience became
64 ceo road rules

a learning lesson for all managers by publicly talking

about the discrepancy between the values and their
actions and also by showing others what some proactive
alternatives might be. To his credit, the manager in ques-
tion went back to the customer with a new approach and
the customer in turn appreciated the “going-the-extra-mile”
attitude enough to increase business with the company.
Values are the philosophy of your company and
should reflect the culture as well as the priorities in terms
of how you will treat your customers, stakeholders, and
each other. By holding others accountable, not only for
the results but also for how they were attained, you rein-
force your values and incorporate them into the fabric of
your company.

Core Focus
To determine your core focus, consider the answer to the
question “What can we be best at in our world?” It posi-
tions your company to excel in a core area that gives you
a competitive advantage and allows you to focus your
resources on what you’re best at.
In his outstanding book Good to Great, Jim Collins
outlined this same principle as part of what he called “the
Hedgehog Concept.” Basically, the Hedgehog Concept
states that when the following three intersecting ideas are
active within a company, performance consistently goes
from good to great. The three are:
the right focus 65

• Passion for what you’re doing (mission and values)

• A viable economic engine or business model
• A focus on what you can be best in the world at
(vision and core focus)

These observations dovetail with what we’ve observed in

our interviews and in our work with privately held com-
pany CEOs. Our only caveat is that Collins talks about a
superlative “best in the world,” and we have found that
with our CEOs the description “best in our world” is more
accurate and realistic.
When they asked themselves, “What can we be best
at in our world?” FCG leaders resisted picking one thing,
since this division of the company is made up of a news-
paper, a TV station, and an Internet news business. But
after doing a lot of talking and exploring options, they
found that by defining their core focus and putting
resources behind it, they were able to grow in ways they
had never imagined.
FCG decided its core focus was “to converge all three
enterprises to offer our customers a unique mix of ser-
vices that our competition can’t.” FCG’s core focus, or
what it can be best at in its world, is the convergence of
the three businesses to integrate media in a unique way.
The core focus strategically supports the company’s
vision of “Every Home, Every Day” in that this blending
enhances the chances that the target market will respond
to the one-of-a-kind crossover coverage by newspaper
reporters, newscasters, and news on the Internet.
66 ceo road rules

Your core focus is more than your business model; it

asks you to define what you can excel at and where you
can build your competence. With a clear and compelling
mission, vision, values, and core focus, your company
has a strong foundation on which to grow and become
more than you imagined. In the next chapter you will
learn how to build on this foundation by using Right
the right focus 67



Our top CEOs all have defined their specific mission,
vision, values, and core focus. How about you?

What are you passionate about? Not what your parents,
spouse, best friend, management team, or anyone else
thinks you should be passionate about, but what you enjoy
doing that causes you to lose all track of time.

Passion about your life and career will inevitably lead to
success and happiness. CEOs who figure out their life’s
passion sooner are more fulfilled and have more fun work-
ing than their less engaged counterparts do. What would
your company need to look like so you would spring out of
bed in the morning, looking forward to the challenges of
the day?

Be satisfied when you find your passionate niche and don’t
jump to a new leadership opportunity just because big
bucks dangle in front of you. Those who fall for the siren
68 ceo road rules

song of easy money almost universally find themselves

falling back and having to work double-time to get back on
their Right Road.

A sense of commitment will enable your company to
progress toward an overriding goal or inspiring vision.
Share your dreams with your team and family, and feel the
powerful force that will begin to move you swiftly ahead.

Develop a vision that is compelling to those who will
carry it out. Then do everything in your power to stay true
to the vision and communicate it to internal and external
people every chance you get.

Take time to clarify what your values are and notice how
they play out in your day-to-day activities at your com-
pany and at home. Rectify any inconsistencies and model
what you preach.

It’s easy to get scattered: find your core focus and stick
to it. Develop good habits to avoid distractions.

What do you want to be remembered for? It probably
won’t be last quarter’s financial results. Are you working on
a life that is larger than yourself?


Right Planning is an essential aspect of Right Focus.

Remember that Right Focus provides a road map, con-
sisting of a mission, vision, values, and core focus. Now
it’s time to consider some specific internal and external
factors for both your personal life and your business. You
can combine these internal and external factors into a
“Significance Plan,” which will enhance your chances of
creating a life you and those you care about can look
back on with pride and a feeling of fulfillment.

A Significance Plan

The internal aspect of significance planning encompasses

your dreams, vision, and goals as determined by what

70 ceo road rules

significance means to you, your family, and perhaps even

your friends. For some of our top CEOs, such planning
also encompasses what significance means to the team at
work and to the community. You mapped out some inter-
nal factors in the previous chapter, when you determined
your personal mission, vision, and values.
The external aspect encompasses the more traditional
business and personal financial planning, which are
equally important to your Right Focus and your Signifi-
cance Plan, and which we’ll cover later in the chapter.
Suppose your life plan consists of the following
• Build a business that makes you financially independent
• Have a great relationship with your spouse and net-
work of friends
• Live in a great home
• Travel to fun places and enjoy luxuries
• Raise several children who do well in school and life
• Live a good life in which you enjoy most days
• Contribute to society in some way
Can’t lose with this combination, right? That’s what
many CEOs we interviewed thought . . . until they faced
the tough reality that giving 110 percent to any one of
these areas, especially your business, often destabilizes
the other areas. A good Significance Plan puts on paper
what you feel and think will make you successful in all
areas of your life, and which of those possibilities you
will regret losing if they end up in the ditch.
the right planning 71

A Balanced and Focused Plan

Combining business and personal planning is one of the

toughest challenges CEOs face. For the CEOs we inter-
viewed, just juggling a busy work schedule, connecting at
a deeper level with a spouse or significant other, getting
to their kid’s soccer games, and keeping themselves in
some kind of physical shape requires a good daily and
weekly plan.
Kindermusik’s Dougherty found the right balance: a
fun, dynamic, and profitable business to run; a nice place
to live; and an active, stimulating lifestyle to balance his
life. “It was tough at first when we moved from San Fran-
cisco to Greensboro, North Carolina. On the surface, San
Francisco appeared to have so much more to offer in
terms of a stimulating and resourceful work and living
environment. But the opportunity to run a company that
lined up so well with my personal mission and interests
was too attractive to let go. This move wound up afford-
ing me and my family a life-changing experience that I
didn’t anticipate. I now run a successful business totally
in sync with my skills and values, we are in the center of
wonderful culture, and my wife and I love the family-
friendly environment in Greensboro. I coach my kid’s
soccer team and feel like everything in my life is in much
better balance.”
Think you’re facing too many variables to do good
planning, much less your Significance Plan? Turns out
72 ceo road rules

many planning challenges are similar from company to

company and industry to industry. Many of the CEOs we
talked with admitted they didn’t plan much early on in
their careers because they thought it wouldn’t be fruitful
given their set of challenges.
Later in their lives, many CEOs look back with the
realization that they won the marathon but lost way too
many races along the way because they didn’t plan or
they planned poorly. Many of the CEOs we surveyed
wished they had, first, done more planning sooner; sec-
ond, done more thoughtful planning with better research;
and, third, thought in terms of combining personal and
business plans to guide decision making. Southchem’s
former CEO Joe Collie revealed: “We built our business
a brick at a time. We probably did more and better plan-
ning than our competitors, which is one of the reasons
why we succeeded. In hindsight, we didn’t do nearly as
much planning as we should have. My favorite saying is
‘If you don’t have a plan, any road will get you there.’ The
problem is ‘there’ may not be where you would like to be!”
Collie learned to not just do some planning but to
also think about his Significance Plan every step along
the way. Following is Collie’s vision of significance,
which he incorporated into his internal and external
plans to “live the life that really matters.”
• Have a loving family. He and his wife, Barbara, raised
a family whose members love and support each other
despite the usual family squabbles that happen from
time to time.
the right planning 73

• Raise children who have both brains and street smarts.

Two of his three children cut their teeth in his business
and moved on to their own passions after the business
was sold. All three children have demonstrated abilities
to adapt and succeed in good times and bad.
• Build a strong business doing what I love with em-
ployees who share the vision and the profits. Joe built
a great business and a great team and was generous in
his sharing of himself and profits. The new owner of
the business kept most of the original team.
• Give back to the community. Joe and Barbara have
made significant contributions in time, effort, and
money to their community and church, serving on
numerous boards. They have also set up charitable
trusts and foundations to continue their good works
long after they have died.
• Live life with integrity, empathy, and passion. From
being a part of the Normandy invasion in WWII to
being a courageous business leader to being a good
father and husband, Joe has walked the talk and, at age
eighty, has accomplished most of his Significance Plan.

Why Planning Matters

You may consider yourself to be the classic “ready-fire-

aim” type of leader, who seems to do little planning and
works off a piece of paper in his back pocket or scribbles
a new business scheme on a napkin at a restaurant. It’s
possible to be successful with a fire-before-you-aim
approach, if you still do your homework on your
74 ceo road rules

competitors and their market niche and work your rear

end off along the way. You may have problems, how-
ever, growing your company and transfering your well-
honed instincts to new employees. It’s naturally harder to
have your key executives and staff connect to your vision
when it’s sitting in your back pocket. So make a plan!
Even those CEOs who do not formally plan all aspects
of their career and personal lives believe planning must
play a major role at key moments: becoming CEO, mov-
ing the company to a higher level, or getting their life
balanced so they can connect better with family and ulti-
mately with their personal passions.
Sheldon Jacobs, retired CEO of a West Coast engi-
neering company, mentors young entrepreneurs in the
dos and don’ts of building a company. “If they are smart,
have passion, a vision, and guts, they’ll succeed up to a
point with poor planning,” says Jacobs. “Show me
a young CEO who combines these traits with a living,
dynamic plan, and there you’ve usually got the next
multimillion-dollar enterprise.”

Sometimes Looking Back

to Move Forward

Over half of the CEOs in our survey found themselves at

some point repeating the mistakes of their youth but were
able to make solid, life-changing adjustments along the
road, or they made radical transformations to move
the right planning 75

toward the life balance they sought. Our top CEOs were
clear on this point: it is absolutely essential to address
your baggage from the past before you can develop a
top-notch Significance Plan.
John Lankins, an insurance company CEO, illustrates.
“My family was a mess,” he says. “I learned what not to
do, but had to keep watching myself so I didn’t fall into
the dysfunctional habits that were my role models when
I was young. These included failing to admit mistakes
and apologize, telling people to do things and then doing
the opposite, and cutting off communication when you
didn’t like what you were hearing.
“Another CEO friend of mine did the same type of
planning I did, but he repeated most of the mistakes of
his parents. He married a nice woman, but treated her
poorly by not involving her in major family decisions
and slowly sucking the life out of her own dreams by
ignoring them. He raised kids who were not disciplined
and they turned to drugs as they lost respect for their par-
ents and their future. And he brought his anger at the
world into work every day of his life. He tried to lose
himself in his work, but he had a short fuse and ran off
any good employee who disagreed with him or seemed to
be living the happy life he wasn’t. He never tried to get
help, professional or otherwise. His plan failed and mine
worked. I can’t help but think the difference wasn’t
brains, but baggage.”
Successful CEOs have focused business and personal
plans and are able to adjust those plans as circumstances
76 ceo road rules

change around them. Both “nature” and “nurture” give

them the skills to do this: many learned good coping and
adjustment skills from their parents, either through posi-
tive role models or, in a surprising number of cases, neg-
ative role models. Dysfunctional families create daily
learning exercises on how to be flexible, deal with irra-
tional people and events, and generally stay positive. It is
also true that demons from the past may drive someone
to be more successful, but those demons may sow the
seed of failure and impede the process of living the life
that matters.
Becoming more conscious of some of the negative
programs that play out in our lives is the first step in
learning from past mistakes. Taking time to reflect and
being brutally honest with yourself isn’t easy. A key to
personal and professional growth is having outside sup-
port and reprogramming self-defeating behaviors.
For example, Jerry Dale, CEO of a midwestern manu-
facturing company, was always on the go and rarely
slowed down enough to realize that he was losing touch
with his family. One day at lunch with his closest men-
tor, he confided that things weren’t going great at home.
He was fighting more and more with his wife and their
intimacy was suffering, his son was talking less to him
and getting into more trouble at school, and his sister,
who he had been very close to, wasn’t calling him every
week just to talk anymore.
the right planning 77

After digging deeper, he realized he was replaying his

father’s life story, which was still a source of pain for him
and his mother. His mentor suggested he write down a
short list of the three top items that his wife, son, and sis-
ter would love for him to do the very next week, and then
implement the plan as if it was for his top customer. Jerry
realized his family was his “top customer”; he just wasn’t
treating them that way. Jerry followed through on the list
and, every Friday afternoon, made another list for the
next week. After several months, it was a part of Jerry’s
routine and he had reprogrammed a potentially disas-
trous set of behaviors. Simple, but highly effective.

Past Baggage and How to Let Go

What if you’re ready to create your Significance Plan, but
recognize you still have some issues to deal with? How
do you “pass go”? Our CEO group most often cleared
their mental roadblocks in the following ways.
• Having mentors and close friends. Opening up and
talking over the past, however painful, is one of the
most often mentioned ways the top CEOs cleared out
the cobwebs to produce good Significance Planning.
You may be surprised just how many seemingly
highly successful people had to deal with the past to
get where they are now. A consistent pattern that
we’ve seen with CEOs who excel is their ability to
78 ceo road rules

choose and surround themselves with healthy and suc-

cessful mentors and friends; these choices can make all
the difference between getting dragged down by some-
one else’s baggage and learning new ways to handle
tough situations.
• Having a great life partner. Next most often mentioned
is finding the right life partner. Such partners helped
the CEOs we spoke with deal with past nightmares and
become mentally healthy and confident. Realize that
most people don’t “sign up” to fix a partner with bag-
gage, so if you have some really tough issues, combine
self-work and therapy to strengthen your relationship.
Remember also that if you help your partner find sig-
nificance, you’ll both be happier and healthier.
• Having a CEO peer advisory board. It’s lonely at the
top. Often it’s difficult to get honest feedback from
others, especially when they have a vested interest in
your taking certain actions or realizing certain out-
comes. Your CFO, spouse, significant other, or best
friend may not be able to be objective when what you
do will have a certain impact on their lives. Running
issues by peers and getting the benefit of their collec-
tive experiences in a CEO forum can make a big dif-
ference in personal and business growth.
• Having a therapist. Older CEOs in our study used this
option less frequently; younger CEOs were less hesi-
tant, even scheduling quarterly “mental health check-
ups.” Finding a compatible therapist may take a few
tries. Other CEOs and leaders are often the best source
of referrals. If you approach your network with the
idea of building on strengths rather than fixing some-
the right planning 79

thing that is broken, you’ll be more likely to try this

option and get better results.

Planning Via Scenario Learning

Don’t underestimate the power of thinking ahead in an

ever-changing and chaotic world. Top CEOs develop the
skills to evaluate scenarios by a variety of methods, such
as studying both winners and losers in history’s struggles
and triumphs, having parents or early mentors who
stressed foresight, and having jobs in competitive indus-
tries that force them to be on top of their game.
The best CEOs can anticipate the next move in the
game; every move changes the intelligent options going
forward. Sometimes you can anticipate the exact se-
quence of moves and actions, but most of the time you
have to adjust as you go, armed with a general vision of
what will happen.
Scenario learning (SL) helps CEOs sharpen their abil-
ity to create a dynamic plan for the future. It helps them
frame issues and keep within the guidelines of a broader
Significance Plan. Scenario learning is distinguished
from strategic planning in its emphasis on learning.
Shell Oil undertook one of the first large-scale SL
projects in the United States in the late 1960s. The
process let top executives foresee every major variable in
the oil business that would unfold in the early 1970s,
80 ceo road rules

although the company barely adjusted its preplanning

strategy. Shell’s “Official Future”—the one that prejudices
had imprinted in the executives’ brains—was so strong
that the company couldn’t change to the Right Road even
though it had a comprehensive plan mapped out and all
the signs pointed to a different direction from the one it
was taking. Shell Oil eventually did adjust, and because
it had a plan mapped out, the company did it faster than
the competition.
Shell’s ability to adjust more quickly than its “seven
sister” competitors catapulted Shell into a much stronger
position in the oil industry. The company had already
written the scripts, crafted the scene selection, and played
the movie over and over, so when it saw the early scenes
being played, it dropped right into its own role on the
world stage. Former Shell executives we interviewed uni-
formly said they wished they had changed ahead of
events, but when everyone else is locked into a similar
official future, it’s tough to buck the trend. Despite miss-
ing the huge opportunity to change direction ahead of
time, they all credited scenario learning with helping
them change faster with more purpose, while their
competitors were still struggling with figuring out what
You don’t have to be a big public company like Shell
to effectively use SL. In fact, it’s often easier in smaller
private companies, as long as you can slow your team
down long enough to go through the process and you
the right planning 81

have the patience to let the bottom-up process of brain-

storming and scenario creation work.
A small robotics firm run by one of our top CEOs
developed four scenarios to try to answer three major
questions: (1) What are the prospects for robotic manu-
facturing in the United States versus overseas in the next
three years? (2) Are our targeted systems and processes
going to meet the amount and type of demand? and (3)
How can we adjust our “permanent” employee mind-set
to deal with the engineers needed under the various sce-
The four scenarios developed were the following.
• Boom for overseas industry, bust for us. This scenario
assumes companies continue to trade workers for
robots, but much of the facilities are placed overseas in
markets where major competitors are already well
• Key ideas: Develop stronger overseas presence and
strategic alliances; monitor trends of outsourcing
versus insourcing.
• Key question for the Significance Plan: Key execu-
tives have to travel considerably more, which may
destabilize home lives. How do we minimize this?
• Boom for U.S. industry, boom for us. Companies in the
United States continue to favor technology accelera-
tors and U.S. dollar weakness, plus political factors see
U.S. robotics gain major share.
• Key ideas: We have the right processes and systems,
but not enough experienced engineers; therefore,
82 ceo road rules

develop a flex hiring system that fast-tracks train-

ing of permanent positions and uses specialized
temporary services to fill demand that we judge to
be nonpermanent.
• Key question for the Significance Plan: Our corpo-
rate culture is one of teamwork and sharing the
profits. How well will temps and perms work side-
by-side in this environment?
• Boom for U.S. industry, technology changes playing
field. The U.S. market for robots booms but the types
of systems change faster than our R&D system.
• Key ideas: Develop a better system to track customer
needs, even loaning engineers to customers as they
are designing new systems. Create a fast-response team
that will anticipate customer needs and demands.
• Key question for the Significance Plan: Engineers
working on shrinking technology may feel less
important than those working on sexier projects.
How do we keep our best people motivated in a
changing environment?
• Robotics plateau worldwide, zero job growth not toler-
ated. A scenario right from the headlines develops as
more politicians here and overseas cave in to worker
demands to protect jobs.
• Key ideas: Enhances the need for a flex hiring sys-
tem. Determine if efforts in above scenarios destabi-
lize profitability of the overall firm.
• Key question for the Significance Plan: In order to
minimize the risks ahead and plan for growth, we
may find ourselves jeopardizing bonuses of our core
engineers. Will they think it was worth it?
the right planning 83

With a good SL process, sometimes the best scenario

leaps out as the most likely series of events, but this com-
pany found as much strength in the questions and how
they were researched by multiple teams as they did in the
answers. The company was able to get ahead of the curve
on various strategies, preparing themselves for a lot of
change in the process. As we’ll discuss in the chapter on
Right Resiliency, this may be one of the greatest gifts of
the SL process!
Here are eight steps for creating scenarios, no matter
what size your company is.
Step 1. Identify the key issue or decision. What keeps
you up at night? This could include whether to grow
internally or acquire other companies or both. It could
also include how these strategies might affect your
relationship with your family if it means you’ll “disap-
pear” for the next year.
Step 2. What key factors may spell success or failure?
When looking at options for your key issue, what must
you know? How will you define success or failure?
Step 3. Determine the driving forces. What are the
forces behind your key factors? This is where good sce-
nario learners do intensive homework and do their best
learning. What are the major trends and, your real
challenges, what could break each trend?
Step 4. Rank factors and drivers by importance and un-
certainty. Identify the two or three trends and drivers
that are key to your success and are most uncertain.
Step 5. Create the scenario skeleton. Use the results of
step 4 to begin to form your main scenarios. Create
84 ceo road rules

three or four scenarios that use the key drivers, vari-

ables, and uncertainties in ways that will be productive
to getting to the heart of your most urgent issue.
Assign different scenarios to subgroups; then have one
group take the best-case scenario, another the worst-
case, a third the middle-of-the road scenario, and the
fourth group a wild-card scenario.
Step 6. Put muscle on the skeleton. You’ll begin to see
the future form in each scenario. Adjust it as a good
director would with a major motion picture.
Step 7. Review your route. Go back to the decision
you’re trying to make and see how it plays out in each
scenario. If the road you originally thought looked
good feels less comfortable now, go with your intuition
and examine that road more carefully.
Step 8. Develop a “dashboard” and check gauges for
your scenarios. In your car, speed and amount of fuel
are the two critical variables you need to monitor,
along with warning lights to tell you if something
major is developing. By now you have probably fig-
ured out a few critical things to watch closely that will
help you and your team figure out which scenario is
unfolding. Spend some time on this and then make
sure you and your team are watching the dashboard
and discussing the “what” and the “why” as events
One CEO we interviewed created multiple scenarios at
age fifty that included the following.
• Building his company to greater success over the next
ten years and then selling it
the right planning 85

• Dividing up the president and CEO duties immediately

and building an internal team in five years so he can
sell and pursue his dream of building racing yachts

• Promote one of his promising vice presidents and

immediately begin working on the racing yacht dream
one or two days a week

He overlaid these three scenarios with his family goals

and current business plan. This SL exercise helped give
him the clarity to pursue a vision that he admits would
otherwise have been lost in the day-to-day business
grind of his company.
The uses of SL are limited only by your imagination.
SL can help you visualize different significance options
and see how you like the ending, while you still have
time to change the story line and the characters. SL is a
wonderful tool in your pursuit of significance beyond
One of the consistent patterns that we’ve seen in the
CEOs who lead innovative companies is the ability to see
patterns and trends in their businesses and industries
before others do. One of our CEOs recognized the oppor-
tunity in online learning for professionals who need con-
tinuing education credits from similar trends he had
noticed in the computer business years earlier. He natu-
rally uses SL in how he thinks about business develop-
ment and growth and is building a company that is
taking the lead in the markets it serves.
86 ceo road rules

SL sharpens your mind and your intuition so that you

can better anticipate patterns and trends and use them to
your advantage.

External Planning for

the Right Financial Road

Personal planning of your life finances is another key

element of Right Planning. If you’re going to create a
well-integrated Significance Plan, this is where you will
need to combine insightful internal planning (you and
your family’s dreams and goals) with high-quality exter-
nal planning (cash flow, taxes, investments, and so on).
Here are a few classic external planning ideas that can
crush or contain your internal quest for significance.
• “I’m finally making good money, so why stop?” This
single idea has caused many CEOs, as well as doctors
and lawyers and other professionals, to stay on long
after their passion for the business has waned. You
may come out with more money at the end, but is it
worth sacrificing one or more of your goals for signif-
• “I’ve become a master at my craft, so why change?”
Does your work still get you excited? If so, maybe
you’re where you should be. Many of our most satis-
fied CEOs have held leadership roles in a number of
diverse companies, including nonprofit entities, after
they sold their businesses.
the right planning 87

• “I need to have a lot of money set aside, so I keep work-

ing and saving!” This seems reasonable on the surface,
but our happiest CEOs were more in the giving mode
than the hoarding mode. The financial services indus-
try has promoted the “save until it hurts” approach, not
always for unselfish reasons. Think carefully through
how much is enough with those you love.
• “I need a good estate plan to save every dollar of tax
possible.” Our top CEOs are tax savvy but also have
spent the majority of their time planning their estate
on nontax issues, such as how to keep the next gener-
ation motivated, teach their favorite charity to fish
instead of giving them a fish, and communicate their
significance plan to future generations.
One definition of economics is the allocation of
scarce resources, which for many entrepreneurs in their
early years means investing everything in the business.
This early business development means they can’t afford
to cover all the normal financial plan contingencies, only
those priorities most important to their long-range plan.
The typical evolution of external planning involves
early, mid-, and high-success stages.
• Early stage. In this stage, the CEO has little savings, lit-
tle need for tax planning, and big liabilities. Adequate
life, health, disability, and liability insurance are
important for both the business and the family. A sim-
ple “I love you” will is typical, with all assets going to
the spouse and guardians named. The spouse is usually
the beneficiary of life insurance proceeds. You may
88 ceo road rules

start funding custodial and/or 529 plans for future

college education, unless you want your children to
work for part of their keep in college.
• Mid-stage. Because the business is becoming valuable
during this stage, you need to kick everything up sev-
eral notches. Adequate insurance is still important, but
now you must carefully plan your buyout, which may
also require funding through more life insurance.
Retirement plans are building up value, and you must
give more thought to good asset allocation. Your will
now needs a credit shelter or family trust and some
thought on how larger sums of money might affect the
lives of your children. You may need to put life insur-
ance into an irrevocable trust to shelter it from estate
taxes. Finally, you may be looking at buying your own
building instead of leasing.
• High-success stage. The foundation built in the previ-
ous stages may need greater intensity of thought and
techniques to not only build, but also protect value.
Asset protection strategies become more important
depending on your exposure. Personal investments are
growing along with retirement assets, and profes-
sional guidance becomes more crucial. Your Signifi-
cance Plan may now include the implementation of
lifetime gifts or after-death bequests to your favorite
charities. You probably have enough assets to last your
lifetime, but making sure your business stays healthy
is a priority, along with figuring out your exit strategy.
As you progress from the early stage to the mid-stage
to the high-success stage, you need a multitude of things,
such as a business plan; key advisors in various aspects
the right planning 89

of the planning (attorneys, accountants, financial advi-

sors, and so on); and an investment, tax, and retirement
plan. Many CEOs are familiar with these external items,
but some are not. Even those who are familiar with the
items can benefit from a refresher on the topics or an
unbiased second opinion.
In their research on successful people who reported
great satisfaction with their lives, Nash and Stevenson,
authors of the book Just Enough, talk about the impor-
tance of life balance in goal setting. They state that
because we have too many choices in our lives, our tar-
gets may shift and increase as more choices appear.
Because so many accomplished people are achievement
oriented in all they do, they often ignore or set standards
that are too high to balance with other goals set.
Nash and Stevenson suggest and validate that those
who ask themselves, “What’s enough for me?” and apply
this approach to four areas of their life, are in fact the
most fulfilled. These four areas are happiness (what brings
you pleasure or satisfaction in life), achievement (what
accomplishments you are reaching for), significance (what
positive impact you want to have on those you care
about), and legacy (how you will build on your values to
help others find future success). Within each area, the
authors suggest you set goals in each of these categories:
self, family, work, and community. So for example, under
the happiness category of “family,” you might include the
ongoing goal of attending at least 75 percent of your
90 ceo road rules

engagement Pr
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Leisure n


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Figure 1 The Wheel of Life

daughter’s soccer games; under the achievement category

of “self,” you might set a goal of running in a marathon;
under the significance category of “work,” you might set
the goal of implementing a succession plan; and under
the legacy category of “community,” you might set the
goal of starting a foundation in your community to sup-
port education of the underprivileged.
Another powerful tool is the “Wheel of Life,” shown
in Figure 1. The wheel enables you to visualize how well
your life is balanced and also determine the areas of your
life that might be “wobbling” and affecting your Signifi-
cance Plan. It affords the opportunity to periodically
the right planning 91

reassess where you are in relation to where you want

to be.
The wheel has existed in various forms for more than
thirty years. It has been refined and enhanced by several
visionaries in the financial life planning field, notably
Carol Anderson of Money Quotient and Pam Williams of
Navigating Wealth.
The Wheel of Life helps you define nine key aspects
of your life that, taken together, determine how success-
ful your journey in life might be. Carol Anderson
describes it this way: “Whether each of the nine areas is
always at a level 10 or not is less important than the idea
that a person’s or a family’s collective wheel is in balance
and that there is positive progress throughout life.”
A number of the private company CEOs we have
interviewed have only recently been able to balance out
their wheels. Some have had major challenges with mar-
riages and children that caused problems in such areas as
their fitness, stress level, and personal growth.
Pam Williams works with many Silicon Valley exec-
utives who constantly struggle to find balance between
their personal and professional lives. According to Pam,
“the Wheel of Life is a critical exercise for all CEOs to
complete annually and revisit periodically with their
spouse, family, and everyone who is important to them.
It’s such an easy exercise, yet so powerful. The wheel
helps answer questions such as ‘What trade-offs am I
making for success?’ The wheel also tracks where you are
92 ceo road rules

today and will help you navigate where you want to go

tomorrow. It’s a great way to start important conversa-
tions with children and grandchildren about how to
establish life priorities. They will love having these con-
versations with you and having you share your wisdom.”
We have developed a customized version of the
Wheel of Life for executives that takes into account the
unique challenges and opportunities leaders face. An-
other interesting way to use the wheel is to rank the nine
areas at various turning points in your life, such as when
you became an entrepreneur or when you faced a major
crisis in your business. Discussing with others who are
part of your support system how your wheel has changed
over time can help you better understand your life
dynamics and past patterns of behavior; this process also
provides insight into areas that need attention now and
in the future. If you would like to complete the interac-
tive wheel exercise, go to
The process of Right Planning comes down to devel-
oping a Significance Plan that considers all internal and
external aspects to produce success, significance, and
the right planning 93



Find good advisors early on and take the time to map
out your internal and external personal plan, paying
attention to your Significance Plan. Then monitor the
personal plan and shift gears as your company situation
and business plan change.

Develop your vision of significance. Do this on your own,
then with a key person such as your spouse or significant
other; involve family members and key people in your busi-
ness as appropriate. Would you better understand and
relate to the people around you every day if you knew
what they aspire to for significance in their lives?

Figure out what past baggage may be affecting your
communication and relationships with your family, your
work associates, your friends, and others you deal with
every day. Take action to deal better with the baggage with
the help of mentors, close friends, your life partner, CEO
peer advisory boards, and counseling.
94 ceo road rules

Consider various scenarios using the input of people you
trust, including industry experts, mentors, advisors, and
teammates when creating both your business and per-
sonal plans. Scenario projections in planning may spell the
difference between the Right Road and a dead end. They
can also help you develop the right balance with your
Significance Plan.

Develop a “dashboard” with gauges that tell you how you
are doing in both your business and personal life. Objective
goals are easier to track than subjective ones. Set bench-
marks with your life partner and family on what will con-
stitute success and significance.

As you do traditional external business and personal
planning, be true to your vision and set your own pace
without the burden of the myths and distractions that
swirl around you every day. Make sure your advisory team
is talented, grows with you as you grow, is compensated in
alignment with your best interests, and has an appreciation
for the balance of internal and external planning so they both
understand and help you achieve your Significance Plan.

Consider the four areas of happiness, achievement, sig-
nificance, and legacy, and define what “just enough” is
for you. To get more specific, use Nash and Stevenson’s
process of sorting by self, family, work, and community.



Having the Right People on your team can spell the dif-
ference between success and failure. When it comes to
your team, the Right People include (1) your work team,
(2) your network and support team, and (3) your home
team. Let’s look at each team in detail so you can better
understand how to enhance that area of your life. After
all, without a complete and balanced team, your profes-
sional and personal performance will suffer.

Your Work Team

Private company CEOs usually build their organizational

team incrementally as the company grows and can af-
ford, and attract, better talent. The stakes are a lot higher

98 ceo road rules

earlier in the company’s growth. Hiring the wrong person

can very well put you out of business. One of the CEOs
Mary works with reports several cases in which employ-
ees have stolen money from the company, including a
creative CFO who, among other things, had all his fam-
ily cars listed as company cars.
Having the Right People on your team takes work—to
attract them and to keep them. We have seen some com-
panies find the Right People only to lose them because of
shortsightedness like Joe’s, when he began to show indif-
ference to Tony and Sam, who had helped build his com-
pany. Sometimes the company culture is at fault,
rewarding the average performer and punishing the high
performer. For example, a star performer might want to
improve a product or service, but management doesn’t
listen to his or her ideas and views the employee as a
troublemaker for being passionate about a product im-
provement. At the same time, those less caring em-
ployees who just do their job win promotions because they
don’t challenge the status quo.
As a private company grows to the next level of
maturity, CEOs must institute policies, practices, and pro-
cedures to bring about consistency and operational effec-
tiveness on a larger scale. When your organization might
be going through this natural growth phase of establish-
ing standards and norms, the high-performing innova-
tors may feel disenfranchised by their more bureaucratic
counterparts because they prefer the more entrepreneur-
the right people 99

ial, free-wheeling environment of an early-stage com-

pany. When some companies become too bureaucratic,
good people leave. We will speak more about reinforcing
the right behaviors in Chapter 7, on Right Execution.
We can cite three main reasons why companies don’t
hire the right people.

• Hastiness or operating from a sense of urgency that

overrides good decision making. Getting someone too
quickly to fill a gap that suddenly got bigger with busi-
ness growth is a frequently mentioned reason why
organizations hire the wrong person. Many top CEOs
admit candidly that they do some things very well, but
sizing up new hires isn’t always one of them. Hiring
someone in haste winds up making more work for
everyone, not to mention the backlash of picking
someone who fails in a leadership role. Joe’s head of
manufacturing, Tom Trout, is an example of how hir-
ing the wrong manager can have an impact far beyond
what anyone imagined.

• Poor fit. The hiring company often doesn’t have a way

to effectively find, attract, and select top talent. We
have seen organizations spend precious hours cleaning
up hiring messes and in proportion very little time on
thinking through their selection and hiring process.
The selection process should start with getting clarity
on the roles and responsibilities of the position you
want to fill. To do so, answer the following:

• What are the key skills, competencies, and experi-

ence this person will need?
100 ceo road rules

• How will we assess whether the candidates’ values

align with the company’s?
• How will we reach this kind of talent so we have a
solid pool of candidates to choose from?

• The selection process isn’t systematic and measures the

wrong things. You position yourself for improved hir-
ing when you set up a selection process that systemat-
ically screens candidates for skills, competencies, and
past experiences that contribute to being effective in
the target position and company culture. Ideally, if
your organization is living the values it professes, your
culture is a reflection of the values in action. Culture
fit can also take the form of how comfortable someone
feels with being proactive in a company that doesn’t
have a lot of established policies. One of the mistakes
that many of our private-company clients have made
is hiring someone from a large public company who is
used to having lots of resources available, only to find
that the new hire can’t get used to the more entrepre-
neurial environment in which he or she is expected to
be proactive, resources are less plentiful, and there is
less structure in place to guide actions.

Evaluation of Candidates
If you want the Right People, you must have at the core
of your approach the following guiding principle: past
behavior speaks volumes about future behavior. Yes, peo-
ple can change; however, change rarely occurs unless
some major crisis or demand for change comes about due
the right people 101

to external circumstances, such as being fired, a major

illness, or an accident. That’s why you must find a way
to ferret out information about the candidates’ past suc-
cesses and failures and see how these fit the opportunity
at hand. Gather focused information to paint a realistic
picture of the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses. Cor-
roborate your findings through interviews with refer-
ences and other assessments you might use.
One of the factors that sets some companies apart
from others is the preparation they put into the design of
their interview. Mary has taught clients how to conduct
behavior-based interviews in which the focus is on defin-
ing a position by breaking it into competencies and
behaviors. A position can involve four to ten competen-
cies on average. An example of a competency is judg-
ment. Once you have the competency defined, you can
list important actions and behaviors that support that
competency. Consider the following example.
Recognizes and weighs alternatives; considers risks,
resources, and constraints prior to making a commit-
ment or decision
Important Actions and Behaviors
• Considers the impact of various choices on different
people and the situation
• Evaluates the risks and takes risks involved in mak-
ing specific decisions
• Looks at/for alternatives
102 ceo road rules

• Applies organization’s values to each situation

• Anticipates the impact of decision options
• Assesses alternatives to anticipate the goodness of fit
• Involves those with a stake in the situation and deci-
sion making to keep them in the loop
Next, use the CAR—Circumstance, or example;
Action, or response; and Result, or outcome—approach to
getting information in an interview by developing ques-
tions that get at competency behaviors and that focus on
past behavior. If you’re addressing the competency of
judgment, you might use a series of questions that get at
past behavior, such as the following.
• What was the hardest decision you had to make in
your current job?
• Tell me how you went about making it.
• What alternatives did you consider?
• What was the impact of your decision on the com-
pany? Your area?
If the person interviewed doesn’t mention the specific cir-
cumstance or action he or she took, or the end result,
then ask follow-up questions to get the full account. You
can assess how the person behaved in the past to get a
better sense of how he or she might respond in a similar
situation in the future (Byham, 1996).
One of the best ways to make a great hire is to
involve others in the company as part of the hiring
process. Do not conduct a group interview; rather, have
each person do a one-on-one interview with the candi-
the right people 103

TA B L E 2 | Combined Results of Interviews

COMPETENCY Interviewer 1 Interviewer 2 Interviewer 3

Leadership X X X

Persuasiveness/ X X
Judgment X X

Innovation X X

Teamwork X X

Planning X X

Integrity X X

date. Group interviews are like having one big interview,

and you miss the opportunity for others to contribute
valuable additional information about a candidate they
discover in one-on-one interviews. Assign the interview-
ers several of the competencies (three to six) to focus on
in their interviews, with each competency having over-
lapping coverage. See Table 2 for an example of this.
Once the interviews are completed, have a meeting to
integrate the data. The data integration portion of this
process involves ranking each candidate on each compe-
tency; a simple five-point scale works well.
104 ceo road rules

5—Significantly exceeds expectations (much more than

acceptable for successful performance)
4—Exceeds expectations (more than acceptable)
3—Meets expectations (meets requirements for the position)
2—Approaches expectations (less than acceptable)
1—Fails to meet expectations (much less than acceptable)

During this meeting, the interviewers share notes and

observations from their interviews to support their rating
of a candidate on a specific competency. The goal of this
meeting is to target those candidates who are qualified.
Once complete, the hiring manager can then use his or
her discretion to select the candidate from the qualified
pool of those the team would most want to work with
and who appear to be the best fit.
Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines often spoke of
“hiring for attitude.” His premise was that you can train
people to develop skills, but usually not attitude. We
agree that selecting people with the right attitude and
emotional skills is a key part of hiring the right people.
Some call right attitude and the corresponding emotional
skills emotional intelligence (EI). EI involves areas such as
the following:
• Self-awareness, or the ability to be conscious of your
impact on others
• Assertiveness, or the ability to state how you feel and
why in a nondefensive, clear way
the right people 105

• Empathy, or the ability to demonstrate to another that

you understand how he or she feels, and why, in a
variety of situations

• Impulse control, or the ability to control your anger or

impatience with people and situations

These emotional factors predict how effectively people

will work with each other and how successful they are in
their careers and in life. Lack of emotional skills is one of
the biggest reasons people in leadership roles fail.
Improving your EI is really about managing your
inner response by choosing new ways to handle your
inner reactions to people and situations. Mary coached a
CEO we’ll call Bob Smith, who had little impulse control.
In meetings or even in casual interactions, he would fre-
quently interrupt others to make his point. Worse yet,
he’d unconsciously tap his finger while others spoke to
mark the time before he could get his view in.
Smith initially told Mary he was baffled about why
his people didn’t share more with him, so her first step
was to make him aware of what he was doing and the
effect it was having on his team. “I honestly couldn’t see
how others saw me and my communications skills,”
Smith says. “Mary conducted confidential interviews
with people who report to me. They gave her feedback on
what they saw as my strengths and weaknesses, and what
I could do to improve my leadership style. Then I received
that information as a whole group assessment, not the
opinions of individuals. I’ll admit, I had a serious blind
106 ceo road rules

spot about the effect of my impatience with others. When

I asked my wife and friends, they didn’t disagree.”
You can increase your EI by working on a plan to
address deficits. After putting together a behavior change
plan and following it diligently, Smith improved his com-
munication skills by working on his impulse control. “As
a result,” Smith reports, “I have been able to build a great
team who all feel they can share their insights and opin-
ions with me. They know, too, that I am listening, not just
biding my time until I can give my opinion or announce
my decision.”
This moves us into the area of developmental coach-
ing for members of the work team.

Developmental Coaching
Just like all great performers, your work team members
need the help of a coach to understand how they can
improve and enhance their performance. Rhea Law, CEO
of Fowler White Boggs Banker law firm in Florida, ob-
serves, “I personally want to make sure that the resources
are there to do what we need to do to develop leadership.
In that spirit we founded Fowler White University. It
addresses our goal of developing others. Accepting where
people are, listening to them, and coaching them are all
critical factors in developing others and, I believe, con-
stitute what it will take for us to reach our vision.”
Developmental coaching can be done in-house, with
supervisors and others acting as coaches or mentors from
the right people 107

within the organization, or you can provide focused

coaching using outside resources, or you can use some
combination of both. As Steve Mason, CEO of Baycare
Health System puts it, “I see my major accomplishments
as helping others, turning caterpillars into butterflies. I
look at how people solve problems to try to understand
how their mind works and how they come to certain con-
clusions. Understanding them allows me to help and
coach them better. I believe that organizations change
one mind at a time.”
Developmental coaching involves areas such as
• Identifying the strengths, weaknesses, and develop-
ment needs of associates
• Applying effective strategies for developing associates
• Preparing meaningful development plans with associ-
ates and connecting them with a good succession plan
When coaching someone who reports to you, work
together to identify strengths, weaknesses, and develop-
mental needs. Let’s take a brief look at some definitions
of these three factors.

Characteristics of strengths
• A yearning to engage in the skill or activity
• A great deal of personal satisfaction derived from the
skill or activity
• A period of rapid, almost effortless, learning to acquire
the skill or perform the activity
108 ceo road rules

• An insatiable desire to continue learning or perfecting

the skill or activity
Characteristics of weaknesses
• A lack of aptitude for a particular skill or activity
• A dislike for doing the skill or activity
• An ability to improve on the skill or activity, though
not to the point it can become a strength
Characteristics of developmental needs
• An unrealized potential for a particular skill or activity
• An enjoyment of the skill or activity, yet without the
needed competence to make it truly satisfying
• An ability to improve on the skill or activity, with the
ability to enhance it into a strength (Key and Capp,
Note that developmental needs are not weaknesses!
An effective developmental coaching process with your
employees involves building on strengths, minimizing
weaknesses, and offering development opportunities to
grow potential within your organization. To create a
coaching culture in your company, your performance
management system should assess managers on whether
they coach others and prepare them for future roles in the
company. Most of the CEOs we interviewed didn’t start
thinking about succession planning at the start; the best
ones learned to build a company that fortifies and devel-
ops its bench strength through developmental coaching
and honest conversations about targeting your successor.
the right people 109

Your Network and Support Team

As their businesses grow and the organizational com-

plexity increases, CEOs often find that they need to work
more on the business and less in the business; this is eas-
ier said than done for some CEOs, particularly if they
started their businesses with a small core group of peo-
ple. Their tendency is to want to maintain control of the
organization, even though they know that as CEO they
can no longer be as personally involved with the day-to-
day operations.
As the financial and people elements of your business
become more complex, you’ll find yourself making deci-
sions more frequently that involve more zeroes and feel
more weighty. Due to stress, you may feel angrier than
usual or that you need more time on the golf course or a
long vacation to decompress. If this sounds like you, per-
haps you need a personal business trainer, a coach who
can guide you to training resources and help you adjust
as the business grows.
When you find yourself outside of your skill set
and/or comfort zone, not dealing well with the growing
company and not doing anything about it, you’re head-
ing for a crash. That’s why building the Right Network
and support team can make all the difference. For a CEO,
the support can involve an executive coach, a peer advi-
sory board, or outside mentors.
110 ceo road rules

One of the CEOs Mary has worked with, Tom Wallace,

describes the importance of having a coach this way:
“Tiger Woods has a swing coach . . . that’s why I have
used an executive coach over the years. We can all
improve by having someone from the outside looking at
what we are doing and challenging us. That’s when we
really grow. Having a coach has certainly helped me
expand my businesses and be a better leader.”
An executive coach can be an outside sounding
board who helps you assess your and your organization’s
strengths and weaknesses. By drafting a plan to address
areas such as your changing role as the organization
grows or a blind spot that keeps you from being more
successful as a leader, you can learn to be more strategic
and work more on your company and making your
vision a reality.
Similarly, a CEO peer advisory board, composed of
people from outside your organization, can help im-
mensely with that lonely-at-the-top feeling that plagues
many CEOs in need of an impartial look at their com-
pany. Such executive forums with other smart CEOs from
diverse businesses will allow you to tap into the collec-
tive intelligence and experience of the group. Many CEOs
report when meeting with their advisory board that they
finally get the no-holds-barred feedback they need from
peers who have no vested interest in what decision the
CEO bringing the issue to the group might make.
the right people 111

Many CEOs in our study found lifelong friends

among the CEOs gathered at a forum; they continue to
talk to one another about business problems, life balance,
and a host of other shared opportunities and challenges.
For many participating in a forum or advisory group, this
is the first real opportunity to develop what we like to call
professional intimacy with others. Mary has facilitated
CEO forums for ten years and has found that many of the
CEOs continue to participate together over long periods
of time, or at least maintain a network that serves as a
resource and support. She has found that CEO peers are a
critical part of the right network in times of stress, such
as going through a break-up of a business partnership or
a marriage, as well as for information on everything
from good venture capitalists to attorneys with certain

Your Home Team

Another key predictor of success in your business and

personal life is whom you choose as a life partner. Here
are a few interesting observations that came out of our
• Over 80 percent of our CEO group is married.
• Over 75 percent of those who are married rate their
marriages as at least an 8, on a 1-to-10 scale measur-
ing satisfaction with the partnership.
112 ceo road rules

• About 70 percent of the top CEOs are still married to

the same person they were married to when they
became an executive.
• Most of the CEOs have had the usual ups and downs
of marriage, but when the chips were down with
their business or family life, these couples supported
each other well and came out of the crisis generally
Gene Corrigan, former CEO of the Atlantic Coast Con-
ference, referred to in an earlier chapter, relied heavily on
his wife, Lena, as he was traveling a lot in the early days
of his career and she was raising their seven children.
When he could, he made time to be home and encour-
aged her to get away with friends, which helped him to
bond with his kids and gave her much-needed mental
health breaks. When times got tough with his career or
with family problems, they always respected each other’s
opinion and looked for ways to support the other. “Gene
has a great ability to make me feel listened to,” says Lena.
“I felt like we always have been a team in everything and
have faced both tragedy and triumph together.”
When things got tough on the home front, the major-
ity of the top CEOs we interviewed had some form of
counseling and some participated in pre- or postmarital
workshops that helped them examine their shared values
and beliefs, as well as taught them ways to communicate
more effectively with each other. Here is some of the
advice these CEOs offered.
the right people 113

• Invest the same amount of time and energy in recon-

necting to your partner, talking and listening, and
being empathetic that you would give to your largest
• Go to marital health workshops periodically.
• Consider a marriage counselor; get over any prejudices
you may have about therapy.
• Try to rekindle the fire; build on shared experiences.

Some of the CEOs disliked the idea that their relationships

might be “broken” and need to be “fixed” by a therapist.
Consider instead wellness tune-ups at regular intervals,
usually monthly or quarterly, when things are going
pretty well. If you have these resources in place early and
use them effectively, they can help you be proactive in
dealing not only with challenges at work, but also in
your marriage, with your children, and with other signif-
icant relationships in your life.

Networking for the Right People

Whether you’re looking for someone to join your work,

support, or home team, networking can help you find the
right people. In fact, the Right Network can assist you in
finding the Right People (and avoid the wrong ones).
The really successful networkers in our group found that
one friend often led to making friends with others in
114 ceo road rules

that person’s network and so on, to the point that the net-
work took on a life of its own, constrained only by the
executive’s ability to connect and have meaningful rela-
tionships with a geometrically growing group of friends
and colleagues.
Our CEOs also told us stories of how they found their
marriage partner, business partner, banker, and other
resources that served as great supports through the infor-
mal networks they developed. Usually the network grew
as the CEO took the initiative to participate in commu-
nity and church activities; professional, trade, or industry
associations; and peer advisory boards. Even if you are
not an especially great networker, befriending some-
one who is can often lead to many new contacts and
David Bruce, founder and former head of an engi-
neering company, started networking out of college and
found the contacts he made to be invaluable in figuring
out the business he wanted to run someday, lining up
early customers, and observing the mistakes of his frater-
nity brothers on what not to do when starting your own
business. “I made a commitment to be part of Rotary,
went to the Chamber of Commerce lunches, became part
of a CEO roundtable group, and joined a variety of
organizations. An early mentor and an executive coach
helped me understand the power of the network. Rather
than overtly try to sell to people I met as my network
developed, I built long-term relationships that helped me
every step of the way.
the right people 115

“You could almost say I developed into a master net-

worker, but anti-salesman. I avoided marrying the wrong
woman when network peers helped me understand what
a bad match we were. I then met my current wife and true
love through the network when friends who knew each
of us arranged a date. I have been a better father by seek-
ing out people in my network who have obviously done
a good job of raising their kids and have sought their
advice often. My wife has done the same thing to help
her be a better mother and to enhance her career. Net-
working was also a key component in the twenty-five-
year success of my company. I even sold it to someone I
had developed a friendship with in my network fifteen
years before. As I think back, I’m not sure I could have
accomplished half of what I have personally and profes-
sionally and dealt with all the hard times without having
invested so much in my network.”
Obviously, a big plus of networking is the accessibil-
ity of better resources to find people for your Right Team.
Many successful CEOs won’t even consider someone for
a senior position unless they have personally observed
the candidate in action or talked extensively with people
they trust who have worked with the candidate. Many in
our CEO group use their networks to:
• Circulate career openings
• Evaluate candidates using extended networking with
friends and colleagues
• Learn of talented people they may want to get to know
even before they have a specific job slot for that person
116 ceo road rules

• Find like-minded people to associate with on a day-to-

day basis
• Get feedback on important business decisions before
enacting them
• Meet people to interact with on a more comfortable
and more personal level
Top CEOs are always on the lookout for people to add
to their team. Al Bodford uses his network to find the best
people. He asks people within his network what potential
candidates’ work and personal ethics are and observes
candidates’ behavior in competing companies, at indus-
try association meetings, and through the eyes of his
team. This gives him a good idea of how his company’s
mission-vision-values will line up with the way his can-
didate does business. “This is the best system I know of
to find and hire good people,” says Bodford. “I’ve tried
other methods and occasionally find a gem among the
hundreds of resumes we receive, but direct experience
with someone who knows the candidate has helped me
avoid the jokers and find the aces.”

Networking for Personal Success

Interestingly, some of the latest aging studies conclude

that one of the top predictors of living long and well is
your social network, particularly if it relieves stress in
your life. A well-established network can help you tran-
the right people 117

sition into retirement and will become a support group

for you after your business is sold. We know that stress
can be a killer. Successful CEOs we have worked with
adapted well to stress during their work life, but the ones
who really shined after they left their business had a
healthy social network.
A MacArthur Foundation study that evaluated 4,000
older people from Massachusetts, North Carolina, and
Connecticut focused on the one-third of the group who
had the highest mental and physical function at the out-
set. Researchers then followed up with them three and
eight years into the study. A high frequency of emo-
tional support, which included meeting and interacting
well with family and friends, was a powerful predictor of
who in the group ended up improving their mental and
physical state. Having good friends and family in your
life increases the likelihood that you will get out more,
keep moving, and actually improve with age.
Win Dermody, a former packaging company owner,
believes that networking at multiple levels was one of his
keys to success. Over the years, Dermody served as a
prominent local government official, Chamber board
president, and member of a state leadership organization;
and he took part in a host of other pursuits that he
enjoyed, met friends, and showcased his skills and abili-
ties to help each become more successful. As he says,
“My network of friends and business colleagues stretches
coast–to-coast. Many helped me in business without my
118 ceo road rules

even asking for their help. Some became mentors and

guided me in my journey to become a better husband and
father. Today, part of my successful retirement is due in
large part to this wonderful network that started over
forty years ago.”

Networking for the Next Generation

Teach the next generation how to network: your chil-

dren’s network may extend around the world, and their
ability to connect and stay connected may be a key dif-
ferentiator in their future success and resilience in
response to the massive changes that are ahead.
Have you thought about your children’s current net-
work and what they are learning from it, good or bad? In
our wired world, they are probably networking with good
people and not-so-good people every day. Whether
choosing someone to date, potential business associates,
their career path, or their investment strategy, they need
best practices from their wiser elders more than ever.
Dennis has used youth coaches for his clients’ chil-
dren and grandchildren. These coaches can help focus
young people on their own Right Road, deal with issues
in high school and college or beyond that they are not
comfortable sharing with their parents, and provide an
additional network that can help them succeed and
define their own meaning of significance.
the right people 119

None of the CEOs we interviewed or have worked

with who have reported fulfilling careers and lives per-
ceive that they’ve done it alone. Right People in every
aspect and stage of your life can make the difference
between struggle and failure or success and significance.
120 ceo road rules



Assess the right people in your life—your work team, your
network and support team, and your home team.

Remember past behavior speaks volumes about future
behavior. This principle can help you improve all hiring and
partnering decisions.

Resist the urge to get someone in place fast if you aren’t
sure of their skill set or the fit.

Build a systematic selection and hiring process and stick
to it.

Make coaching a requirement for everyone in a leadership
role in your organization and set up consequences if they
do it well or if they don’t.
the right people 121

Join a peer advisory board and use the forum as an oppor-
tunity to work through your top business issues and to

Make time for your friends and family. If necessary,
schedule time with them in your planner. They are your
biggest supporters and need you as much as your business

Make time to network with others you respect who may be
ahead of you in a key area(s). Think of it like planning—
you have an initial time investment up front, but the return
on your investment is priceless.

Consider ways to coach and find coaches for your chil-
dren and grandchildren. Help them surround themselves
with strong network resources.


Change continues to accelerate, and keeping pace is chal-

lenging. Entrepreneurial organizations are often more
agile than their larger competitors and have used that
competency as their competitive advantage. The best
closely held businesses have a history of being able to
adapt to changing market forces faster than larger, more
bureaucratic, organizations. Most businesspeople know
that if you can serve the customer faster, better, and
cheaper, and make a profit, you’re on to something. Agil-
ity, then, is the ability to adjust and thrive in response to
ongoing or continuous change.
In contrast, resiliency is the ability to handle abrupt
or discontinuous change. Such change involves unex-
pected shocks that may threaten survival, such as terror-
ist attacks, mass credit card theft from a company Web

124 ceo road rules

site, a hurricane or tsunami, or losing a business partner,

as Joe did. One characteristic that separates the best CEOs
from the rest is their resiliency, or mental toughness, in
a crisis.
A true story that exemplifies resiliency, and that has
become a classic in some circles, is what happened when
Malden Mills burned (Manz et al. 2001). Mill owner
Aaron Feuerstein and his family went out to celebrate his
seventieth birthday. That’s when the call came. His cloth-
ing business went up in flames. Feuerstein immediately
went to the work site. The firemen were able to save a
portion of the complex, but not nearly enough for the
business to stay operational. That evening, Feuerstein
made a tough call. He would keep his employees on the
payroll while the mill was being rebuilt with the contin-
gency that they would have to perform at record levels to
make the numbers work.
The workers knew how easy it would be for Feuer-
stein to take his production off-shore and leave them in
the lurch. Their dedication and resiliency, alongside
Feuerstein’s, helped the business survive. The grateful
workforce temporarily accepted less pay and broke all
past production records.
Dennis had the opportunity to meet Feuerstein while
working on a business planning project for a brand
extension line of clothes using Polartec® fabrics. Feuer-
stein told Dennis that his people were one of his greatest
resources for resiliency, a comment we have heard often
in our interviews with top CEOs.
the right resiliency 125

In contrast, the airline industry has had a tough time

recovering after 9/11. One exception is Southwest Air-
lines, which doesn’t use the same business model of
strong dependence on a larger and more expensive sys-
tem of booking customers, maintaining equipment, and
providing other services.
Some companies, like the bond trading firm Cantor
Fitzgerald, lost most of its employees housed in the World
Trade Center. Yet they survived and now thrive in their
What separates the leaders and organizations who
handle disruptive change well from those who don’t?
Many factors come into play (McCann 2004); several are
worth mentioning and were confirmed in our interviews
with CEOs who were faced with the crisis of disruptive
1. Get mentally tough and build resiliency on an ongoing
2. Be an organization that can learn and relearn from
experiences, so you can reinvent your company when
and as necessary.
3. Plan for crises and anticipate what might happen so
you can recover from abrupt change.

Mental Toughness

The concept of “mental toughness” came out of sports

psychology, where innovators like James Loehr (1993)
126 ceo road rules

noticed that some athletes were able to use their energy

wisely and efficiently, while others were not. The differ-
ence between good performance and great performance
has everything to do with what you tell yourself and
visualize before, during, and after you perform. Building
mental toughness involves noticing physiological
changes in your body, as well as noticing what you say
to yourself while you’re performing or acting in a crisis.
Observing physical and mental patterns allows you to
adjust or change them when what you are doing depletes
your resiliency (Loehr and Schwartz, 2003).
Pioneer in stress research Hans Selye differentiated
between external “stress” and the internal “strain” that
stress causes. He noted three stress stages: alarm (fight-or-
flight response); resistance (dealing with the challenge);
and exhaustion (when mental and physiological resources
are depleted).
People who haven’t honed their resiliency system
may stay in the fight-or-flight phase too long when con-
fronted with a stressful situation. Their blood pressure
may remain elevated, heart rate may increase, and a host
of other physiological responses may kick in. Cardiolo-
gists and heart disease specialists believe that staying in
a continuing state of stress creates greater risk of heart
attacks, strokes, bleeding ulcers, and cancer.
Resilient people manage to build their mental tough-
ness to perform under stress and to move through the
stages of stress. They then take the time to replenish so
the right resiliency 127

they can deal with new challenges refreshed. Stress is an

inevitable part of life. Learning how to regulate its impact
on you and your organization is the key to staying
resilient. We all need some stress in our lives to grow;
however, we must also learn how to balance our alarm
and resistance phases with rest and relaxation during
the exhaustion phase. Usually a person’s or company’s
inability to allow for essential downtime for recuperation
leads to distress.
You can build resiliency through the experience of
handling smaller crises; they can help you prepare for a
big crisis. Peter Heineman, former “Smoked Salmon King
of New York,” relates how challenging problems prepared
him, bit by bit, for the big one when his business burned
to the ground in a January snowstorm. “You just don’t
realize early on how every little problem you handle as a
CEO helps you deal with the next one better,” he says.
“All the early problems I dealt with helped me deal with
the really big stuff. I also let strangers help along the way,
including the building inspector who bent a lot of rules
to help me get back on my feet. When you deal with the
worst and get past the panic and being exhausted, you
develop a calmness so that you can handle just about
anything the world throws at you.”
During crises in their business and home lives,
resilient leaders find healthy ways to deal with their feel-
ings, even when the circumstances are blatantly unfair.
Whether dealing with a loved one’s breast cancer just
128 ceo road rules

when everything else was starting to click, or losing

funding at a crucial time in your work or business, your
inner strength and creative tools can be invaluable.
Peter Duke is the former CEO of Smartwool, a com-
pany he recently sold. His story is classic entrepreneur,
with a path to success that would have been hard to plan
in advance. A gifted athlete, Duke dreamed of becoming
a professional baseball player, and in the eleventh grade
he went to a tryout for the New York Yankees. But his
parents had other plans, mainly that he come into the
family beer distributorship. He started out at the Univer-
sity of Miami before the military draft changed his plans
again. After leaving the military and joining the family
business, he discovered that he loved skiing in New Eng-
land and left the “sure thing” to become a ski instructor.
He later became a member of the Professional Ski
Instructors Association Alpine Team and represented the
9th Interski Team for the USA in Garmisch, Germany.
When Duke was in his late thirties, he and his wife
started making ski hats and apparel. They were sure they
were in their area of passion, but it took them ten years,
with many challenges, to develop Smartwool, which is
now a major brand in the ski and outdoor industry. Duke
recalls that just as they were starting out, his wife devel-
oped breast cancer. As she battled for her life, the entire
family focused on supporting her treatment and recovery.
Their two boys took up the challenge and helped out
more at home as Duke honored his wife’s wishes and
the right resiliency 129

stayed focused on the business launch. “My path to suc-

cess was anything but a straight arrow,” says Duke. “I’m
a twenty-year, up-and-down and all-over-the-mountain
overnight success!”
One of the ways to develop inner strength is to notice
your “self-talk” or what you might be saying to yourself
during a trying time. Saying things such as “this will
never work” or “I always get the short end of the stick”
will only deplete your stamina. Observing your internal
conversations and learning to consciously adjust your
thinking builds resilience. Change your pattern by af-
firming that “this can work” or “we are growing stronger
through this challenge.”
Ironically, being your own boss, which many view as
being more stressful, can actually be less stressful because
business owners often feel they are more in control. If
you’re working for someone else, especially for a large
company, you may feel helpless to control the future, as if
you’re subject to the whims of people you don’t necessar-
ily trust or respect. But in truth it’s all about your percep-
tion of the situations and events that come into your life.
Whether you run your own company or work for some-
one else, seeing problems as challenges, so that working
on them becomes energizing, not depleting, can build
Several of the CEOs we interviewed developed an
attitude of resilience that has helped them build stamina
for future challenges. Win Dermody had been fired as the
130 ceo road rules

general manager of a privately held packaging company

for personal reasons of the CEO that had little to do with
Dermody’s performance. Dermody knew the business,
loved it, and wanted to control his own destiny going
forward. The work was purposeful for him. So, after los-
ing his job, he started his own packaging business. The
idea of not having a boss making arbitrary decisions that
affected his life appealed to him. Driven by focused anger
and a desire to create something special, Dermody’s
vision statement became “Be the compelling choice for
customers, with great packaging, fair prices, and great
customer service.”
Dermody combined Right Focus with the Right Peo-
ple and Right Execution. Top talent in his industry grav-
itated to his positive attitude and keen intellect. He
worked long hours and set a pace that inspired his team.
As a result, competitors simply couldn’t keep up with
him. Three years later, as his former boss declared bank-
ruptcy, his company was on the way to being one of the
largest private packaging companies in the state. This
was an important part of Right Focus and is critical to
Right Resiliency.

Your Preferred Future

A key factor in developing mental resiliency, and also

something that stood out in interviewing CEOs, is the
the right resiliency 131

power of visualization. CEO of Bromley Companies Bill

Haines explains, “I’m five to ten years in the future every
day. I involve someone else in dealing with today, and I
stay in the future. I picture what I’d like to see happen;
however, I don’t see the future as only the way I’d want
to see it. I work hard at honestly attempting to assess and
reassess what’s occurring on a daily basis.”
Visualization is significantly correlated with high
performance in athletics and in other areas of life, such
as in reaching business and personal goals. Visualization
is the ability to picture vividly and specifically your pre-
ferred future. What Haines unknowingly described is a
process that Robert Fritz has researched and written
about in his best-selling book, The Path of Least Resis-
tance. In it, Fritz outlines a visualization process in which
you picture your desired future or goal, and then you pic-
ture it juxtaposed against the current reality. The “struc-
tural tension” from this mental comparison propels you
to seek resolution, and you are more likely to achieve
your desired goal or end state as a result.
Years ago, Mary was in no position to own her dream
car, a Jaguar, when she started picturing herself driving a
champagne-colored XJ6 Vanden Plas. For weeks on end
she’d look at a picture of it that she kept on the refriger-
ator. She’d picture herself driving the car and enjoying
the sights and sounds. She allowed herself to feel the dis-
crepancy between driving her aging Toyota and her
dream car. Within a month and a half, after reading the
132 ceo road rules

classifieds every day, Mary saw her future car described

to a T. The ad started “Must sell my dream car.” The
owner and her husband were leaving for a two-year
assignment in Europe. The seller didn’t want just anyone
to buy her dream car. She actually sold it to Mary at a
discount because she could see her own enthusiasm for
the car in Mary’s eyes.
On a business level, the majority of our CEOs com-
mented that if it were their last day on the job and they
were addressing the organization on what they accom-
plished together, it would be the joint effort to fulfill the
mission and reach a vision or significant goal together.
Reaching a joint goal involves the collective minds and
hearts of those committed to the goal uniting in seeing
their preferred reality as if it existed in the present. At the
same time, an honest assessment of the gap between
where you are now and where you want to be is essen-
tial. You can reinforce the attainment of your vision by
displaying relevant symbols and pictures, telling descrip-
tive stories of how people are working toward the vision,
and providing specific data to track progress.
Peter Heineman’s smoked salmon business had just
set a record in revenues and profits when it burned to the
ground. His mental toughness, ability to visualize a bet-
ter future, and team of loyal employees helped him set a
record profit in the next three months and a record for
the same year. When he won the Ernst & Young Entre-
preneur of the Year award years later, one reason the
judges cited was Heineman’s uncommon ability to
the right resiliency 133

rebound so quickly from a disaster that would have

spelled doom for many businesses. Heineman sums it up,
“I learned from my father that being a shlump of any
kind was unacceptable. Then I successfully worked with
a lot of unbelievably tough customers when I was build-
ing my business. You just don’t realize how all those
character-building problems you figure out the answers
to early on will come back to help you later in life. My
dream of building a successful business was stronger
than any disaster.”

Attention to Your Body’s Needs

Diet and exercise, along with humor, are important ingre-

dients in building resiliency. Our eating habits can have
a big effect on our emotional state. For example, we are
more likely to get cranky or be argumentative if our
blood sugar is low. Nutritious meals that energize us cou-
pled with regular aerobic and anaerobic exercise will give
us the stamina to perform at high levels. Having a strong
body and mind, together with building in life-balancing
relaxation, bolsters personal resiliency. Kindermusik Inter-
national’s Michael Dougherty puts it this way: “Before I
ran my own company, I didn’t always take the time off I
needed to be with my family and recharge my batteries.
Now I find some way every day and every week to do
good, healthy things for my body and my mind. I can tell
my coping abilities are better as a result.”
134 ceo road rules

Humor can ease tension and allows us and others

around us to take a mental relaxation break. Laughter
also helps us to breathe deeper, which allows more oxy-
gen to circulate in our bloodstream. Many outstanding
companies have learned how to use humor and fun to
take the edge off the stress from exerting energy on proj-
ects and meeting daunting deadlines. Such companies
encourage bringing humor into the workplace by joking,
having silly contests, or telling humorous stories about
each other. Like people, organizations need to take men-
tal relaxation breaks to induce needed downtime for re-
plenishing energy.
One of the CEOs we interviewed runs a worldwide
learning center that does leadership workshops. He
believes that “childlike curiosity,” which includes having
fun, is a key to the early success of entrepreneurs and to
their ability to deal with change. He now teaches Fortune
500 companies how to “think creatively like an entrepre-
neur” and is an advisor to several “intra-preneurial sub-
sidiaries,” the new way that big companies are trying to
create the feel and adaptability of more agile and resilient
entrepreneurial companies.

The Learning Organization

In his book The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge was among

the first to bring forth the idea and importance of an
organization becoming a “learning organization,” or an
the right resiliency 135

open system that continues to learn from its experiences

and from the expertise of people within and outside the
company. To be a learning organization, you must see
your company as a system that has many interconnec-
tions within and outside itself.
Learning from the past and capitalizing on the col-
lective intelligence of your organization allows you to
reinvent your company after a crisis if necessary. One of
the CEOs we interviewed lost everything due to a change
in interest rates. He was able to rebuild his company
using a different approach to his market and leveraging
his past, learning to create with others from his old
organization a new company that was more streamlined,
profitable, and better positioned for the changing market
in the future. Sometimes, old structures no longer serve
you, and it isn’t until we face a crisis that we learn to
think creatively, as if we were drawing the organization
on a new sheet of paper.
View your business as a system with many inter-
dependencies, such as the interactions between depart-
ments, with vendors, and with outsourcing partners.
Noticing how and to whom you are connected helps you
understand where you are exposed and dependent;
knowing where your organization fits into a broader sys-
tem can help you anticipate where you need to grow or
change and where you might be vulnerable if there were
a crisis or disruptive change of some kind. Systems think-
ing can also assist you in understanding how future
136 ceo road rules

trends may affect you because you aren’t just seeing the
company in isolation or only in relationship to your cus-
tomers. When you take a big-picture view of all the inter-
relationships, you can learn more about what other
stakeholders see in the future.
In doing so, many of the top CEOs we interviewed
have been studying various megatrends. One conclusion
is that the rate of change we will see in the next twenty
years will eclipse that of the past twenty, causing anxi-
ety, stress, and anger at unprecedented levels, right along
with huge opportunities to grow individually and to
prosper in business and in life. Opportunities and threats
are nothing new to many entrepreneurs. However, if this
change happens so fast that it upsets the balance of the
supply chain, your company employees, community
organizations you serve, and perhaps even your family
and friends, you may find yourself needing resiliency and
agility skills at a higher level than ever before.
Just because your company is resilient and successful
doesn’t mean that all your upstream and downstream
vendors, partners, and suppliers are equally resilient. A
number of the CEOs we interviewed now grade their
entire supply chain based on factors such as their faith in
each link’s leaders, financial strength, history of working
through tough times with the company, relationship of
key employees in the link with their own, and how they
rank on the food chain within this system. If our interde-
pendencies are broad, we are more likely to be exposed
the right resiliency 137

to greater risk if some unexpected change occurs. Carry-

ing on business as usual isn’t possible if our stakeholders
aren’t resilient.

Systems at Home Too

Examining the system of interdependencies applies to

your personal life as well. Having a strong social network
is a key to bouncing back from setbacks, whether we’re
talking about health, money, or family issues. Who you,
your life partner, and children associate with every day
can affect your (and their) outlook on the world, provid-
ing support and growth or allowing problems to creep
into an otherwise healthy environment.
One CEO we interviewed agonized over a friend of his
wife’s who was constantly in some crisis situation or get-
ting into trouble with the law, mutual friends, or others
in their social network. The CEO’s wife slowly lost confi-
dence in her own ability to handle crises, since anything
she did to help her friend seemed to have no positive
effect. When they noticed how invested their mother was
in rescuing her friend, the couple’s children began to
mimic the behavior of the friend and got caught shoplift-
ing. This brush with the law was the last straw. It’s hard
to tell someone you love that she needs to “fire” a friend,
but that became the only solution. Now this couple’s life
includes only friends who are healthy in body, mind, and
138 ceo road rules

spirit, and, as parents, they are modeling this healthy sys-

tem for their children.
The real danger is that sometimes those people in
your network who are pulling your level of resiliency
down aren’t easy to spot. Notice who drains your energy
and who refills it. Make a conscious decision about who
you want to affiliate with and make sure it’s a mutually
supportive relationship.

Distance in Observing

One of the hallmarks of a resilient leader is the ability to

go into a third-party observer mode and view the current
situation from a detached and more objective perspective.
When you can disengage from the emotion of the situa-
tion and see a variety of perspectives, you open yourself
to finding a creative alternative to a challenge in your
business or life. “I’ve always dealt with adversity and
bounced back better than my peers due in part to my
playful child always being just beneath the surface,” says
Frank Pope, a partner in an investment bank in Califor-
nia who has bounced back from multiple shocks to his
business and family that could have put him out of
action. “I look at problems in a detached way with a
curiosity about what would happen if I turned the prob-
lem around like a prism. Sometimes those around me
wonder when I laugh at the amusing parts of a crisis, but
they know its part of my coping mechanism.”
the right resiliency 139

Not all of the CEOs we interviewed feel as capable of

looking at a challenge creatively. To compensate, they
build a team around them that complements them and
makes up for their blind spot. As one of our CEOs noted,
“Creativity has always been my biggest challenge. I can
analyze and execute with the best of them, but I can’t
always be as creative as others on my team or as my wife,
who is involved in the business. It’s been good for me to
be open to what others think when I’m faced with adver-
sity. It seems that the slower I am to dismiss ideas, the
more good ideas keep flowing. Sometimes the best idea
comes from looking at the problem from a completely
different angle, often not my own.”

Crisis Planning and

Anticipating Abrupt Change
Many of the CEOs we interviewed have disaster plans in
place in the event of fire, hurricanes, and other natural
catastrophes. Some put the crisis plan into place only
after a disaster almost wiped them out. Most of the top
CEOs in our study went beyond the typical disaster plan
and have contingencies for a number of occurrences, even
if they can’t pinpoint what would cause the problem in the
first place. One example is communication via cell phones.
After 9/11, cell lines were jammed for hours in New
York City and around the country. Many companies real-
ized that this was a weak link when it came to disaster
140 ceo road rules

communication. In response, they invested in satellite

phones, dedicated telecom lines, and other technology to
deal with a problem that could result from any number
of calamities.
We have already discussed examining the supply
chain weaknesses. Have you run “fire drills” in which dif-
ferent suppliers are assumed to lose capacity for some
reason? Figuring out in advance what the options are and
who the best alternate supply chain players would be to
turn to quickly is a valuable exercise. Some CEOs are cur-
rently running bird flu what-if scenarios so they can fig-
ure out how to keep their business running if 50 percent
of their employees aren’t able to show up for work, even
though some might be able to work from home. You may
not be able to figure out foolproof ways to avoid the
negative effects of catastrophes, but the discipline of ask-
ing “what if” will help you and your team build better
resiliency skills to deal with crises.
This reminds us of the story of the two guys camping
in the woods who are confronted with a bear. One starts
putting on his tennis shoes. His friend says, “You're crazy.
You can't outrun that bear.” His friend replies, “I don't
need to outrun the bear. I just need to outrun you!” Most
of your business competitors are probably reactive, able
to deal only with the crises at hand; even a little edge
may be just what you need to survive and prosper after
the next actual disaster occurs.
the right resiliency 141

In the Right Planning chapter, we discussed some of

the powerful uses of scenario learning to help you better
visualize and prepare for an uncertain future. Using these
techniques to help your family plan ahead can provide a
great framework for better resiliency in the face of crises.
Families that ricochet from eating lobster in good times
to hot dogs in tough times may feel high anxiety, partic-
ularly in the earlier stages of building the business when
cash flow isn’t plentiful or predictable. If you have a good
plan in place that helps smooth out spending and other
decisions to minimize severe ups and downs, you’ll expe-
rience a greater feeling of control, which leads to better
resiliency when really tough times come along.

Helping Your Kids Become Resilient

Have you ever wondered why the children and grand-
children of successful people seem to turn out less and
less successful? “I see my CEO friends trying to keep their
kids from having the same problems they had,” says Peter
Duke, former CEO of Smartwool. “I guess it’s natural for
us all to want our kids to have a better life, but protect-
ing them from change and crisis has the opposite effect.
It’s no wonder these kids hit this ‘ever-changing at break-
neck speed’ world and go into complete shock or denial.”
Kids need to continually learn life’s tough lessons,
especially as the family’s standard of living increases and
142 ceo road rules

the business becomes less risky. As we all know, if you

say one thing and do another, children won’t respect you
as a teacher. Part of helping your children be resilient is
to help them be better decision makers in all areas of their
One example is to separate the must-have “necessi-
ties” from the nice-to-have “luxuries.” A TV commercial
for an online stock trading firm shows a father and
daughter talking about designer jeans. The daughter
makes the jeans look like a “must have” because all the
kids have them—the pressure from commercial ads and
peers is relentless. Dad decides to research the company
that makes the jeans, buys a hundred shares, and thanks
his daughter for the “opportunity.” This ad shows the
father caving at the end and buying his daughter the
jeans. The message is if you whine long enough and loud
enough, you’ll get what you want. But if you give in,
your chances of raising an independent adult are greatly
reduced, which will almost ensure that your child will get
Ds and Fs in “life resiliency” and be boomeranging back
into your life every time things get tough.
“I found opportunities for the kids to stretch them-
selves and confront change,” says Barbara Collie, who
supported her husband, Joe, through many long, tough
years building Southchem, his chemical distribution busi-
ness. She continues, “Our parenting approach was to give
our children the same gift we had had when we were
young—the ability to be challenged, tough it out, and
the right resiliency 143

learn about the hard knocks of the world. They had to

work for everything, even when they complained that
their friends were being given the world on a silver plat-
ter. The biggest challenge of being successful is to avoid
ruining the values and ethics of your family.” Teach your
kids to stretch and problem solve, for example, through
attending youth leadership programs and working for
their luxury items. Do the same for your grandchildren.
It comes down to this: when you have honed your
resiliency skills by getting mentally tough, learning and
relearning as an organization and family, seeing the pre-
ferred future, and preparing for crises, you can recognize
a situation for what it is and respond appropriately. As
you face down tough challenges and manage to prosper,
you come to believe that you can handle future chal-
lenges similarly. You might actually look forward to con-
fronting new challenges and to solving difficult situa-
tions creatively.
144 ceo road rules



Change is constant. Being resilient and agile is essential
to creating success and significance in your life.

Get mentally tough and build resiliency on an ongoing
• Notice what you say to yourself and change your self-
talk if it’s negative.
• Continually visualize your preferred outcome.
• Eat right and exercise frequently.
• Use humor; it takes the edge off and can help you be
more creative in a challenging situation.

Be an organization that keeps learning from experiences.
• See your business and your life as a system of inter-
• Preserve best practices from your past and adopt good
ideas from others.
• Anticipate future trends and brainstorm how to deal
with the challenges and opportunities they bring.
the right resiliency 145

• Detach yourself from the crisis and see it from a third-

person observer perspective.
• Plan for crises and anticipate what might happen so you
can recover from abrupt change.
• Model and teach others, including your children, to be



You’ve found your Right Road, determined the Right

Focus, and made the Right Plan. You’ve also focused on
finding and developing the Right People on your team—
at work, at home, and in your network. Now it’s time to
go the distance. Perhaps the most difficult and yet most
rewarding area of concentration is the next one, execut-
ing with excellence, or what we call Right Execution.
“Execution is one of the key things I focused on every
day because I could see instant feedback through results,”
says Peter Heineman, the former Salmon King of New
York. “As my focus became more honed, my people
became more experienced, and my network gained
power; it felt like momentum happened almost on its
own. But we still had to make it happen every day.”

150 ceo road rules

The Right Execution Principles

After his visit with Darrell, the CEO mentor from the
future, Joe realized how his company had become less
and less effective at executing. He didn’t have the first
two priorities right—Focus and People—but he compen-
sated early on by working hard and executing well. As
Joe’s company grew, he didn’t know how to keep this up,
and then the shortcomings of not having a plan and not
having all the right people caught up with him. The CEOs
we interviewed echoed this problem. Some things became
easier as they grew, such as the owner not having to wear
quite as many hats, but most day-to-day activities
became more difficult as decisions were required con-
stantly and also had more zeroes attached to them.
Execution fails for a variety of reasons. One of the
most common is not helping employees connect with
the company’s overall direction and helping them see
where their efforts tie into something larger. Consider
these alarming statistics from Harris Interactive, cited by
Stephen Covey (2004).
• Only 15 percent of people in organizations can ident-
ify the most important goals or top priorities
• Only 19 percent feel passionate about the organiza-
tion’s goals
• Of those working on priority goals, approximately 49
percent of their time is focused on these goals
the right execution 151

• Some 51 percent of people in organizations don’t

understand what they personally can do to meet the
goals being communicated
We have found several key reasons for the failure of exe-
cution; these dovetail with the Harris Interactive’s find-
ings above.
• Leaders lack an integrated focus and strategy or have
not translated the strategy into what others need to
work on effectively.
• Accountability systems either are not in place or are
• Capabilities do not exist in the organization to execute
the strategy.
In turn, the best performing companies consistently
do the following.
• The leaders model the behaviors they expect and make
communicating the vision and strategy a priority.
The most innovative CEOs we’ve interviewed and
worked with communicate clearly and often the direc-
tion the organization is going in; this includes talking
about the vision, goals, strategy, and values using
examples and stories so that people understand at
fundamental levels. One of the CEOs we interviewed,
Harry Teasley, a longtime senior executive with the
Coca-Cola Company, states, “I believe one of the gifts
I’ve given people is clarity. I have always communi-
cated our entire strategy to prepare my people to do
well and understand why what they are doing is
152 ceo road rules

Even more critical is the CEO’s role in modeling expec-

tations. Teasley recalls a time when, as the new man-
aging director of an English Coca-Cola bottling
operation, he led through example and set the stage for
effective execution. As he explains,
At a weekly meeting of my directors (vice presidents),
I was informed that an hourly warehouse employee
had been fired for stealing two cases of company prod-
ucts. Yet all of the directors took free product home on
a regular basis, a long-standing practice sanctioned by
my predecessor. What’s more, they asked the ware-
house employees to carry the product to their cars. I
couldn’t help but see the ethical, leadership, and mod-
eling issues of firing a low-wage warehouse worker for
an activity that high-salary executives did with im-
punity. The situation was made even more compli-
cated by the long-standing class divisions in England
and the fact that I was both new to the position and
an American in a foreign culture.
I thought about issuing a formal policy statement end-
ing the practice of directors taking free product, or
calling a meeting to discuss the issue, but believed
both alternatives had the potential of major unintend-
ed consequences among the directors.
At noon the next day, I went to the company store,
where employees could purchase product at a sub-
stantial discount, and stood in line. Surprised to see
me, the employees offered to let me go to the front of
the line but I refused. When my turn came, I ordered
two cases of product and paid for it with a sockful of
change I’d brought to work for that purpose. Despite
the right execution 153

offers to help me, I carried the product to the car

By three that afternoon, it seemed every employee in
the United Kingdom had heard the story. I never had a
single word or discussion with any of the directors, but
the free-goods practice came to an immediate end, as
did the stealing by plant and warehouse workers. Lead-
ing by example is essential to executing well. By all
measures our operation became successful.

As an old story goes, a very effective CEO was

asked his secret to creating a highly successful and sig-
nificant organization, in that it contributed to others
and the community far beyond the company’s finan-
cial success. The CEO replied, “That’s simple. I get up
and communicate the vision; then the next day, I com-
municate the vision; then for each day after, I commu-
nicate the vision.”
One thing many of our CEOs told us is that, to their
initial amazement, you can’t over-communicate the
vision and how the initiatives being taken fit under it.
Michael Dougherty of Kindermusik International says,
“Communicating our vision and how we plan to exe-
cute on it, or what I call our ‘execution messages,’ is
always a challenge. We over-communicate all the time
to make sure our messages are sticking. All of our team
members are busy at work and lead busy lives at home,
so it’s easy for our execution drivers to get lost in the
daily grind. So we talk about the vision and what
drives it weekly and sometimes daily at meetings. We
post them on boards internally. Our team knows exact-
ly what the program is at all times!”
154 ceo road rules

• The leaders see execution as a major job, and accounta-

bility is essential to it; performance expectations and
measures are clear and tracked, providing ongoing
Right Execution involves aligning your actions with
your plan and following through to achieve results. For
many organizations, it’s the hardest thing to do well
because getting everyone to understand the plan, their
part in it, and how to implement on time and within
budget together takes clarity, skill, and commitment.
People need to be clear and excited about the direction
as well as willing to take ownership for the desired
results and behaviors expected. Unless people get rele-
vant feedback on measured results, your ability to exe-
cute effectively is compromised.
In an interview with Dave Dunkel, CEO of KForce,
he described his success formula this way: “Our major
accomplishments are really about attracting and
retaining a talented team of people, planning, and
focusing on results, processes, systems, and implemen-
tation with timelines and metrics. By creating a culture
of accountability for the right things, we are fulfilling
our vision of being the most respected staffing firm to
those we serve.”
Break your plan down into broad-based goals that
set a direction, such as the goal of “attracting and
retaining top talent.” Next, identify specific observable,
measurable, or verifiable objectives that further define
your goals, and assign ownership and accountability,
such as “developing a succession planning process and
mapping out a plan for the organization by the end of
the right execution 155

this year.” Once you establish objectives for individu-

als and teams, you can develop action plans so you can
implement steps to reach the objectives and ultimately
the goals set. Goals tend to be two to five years out,
while objectives may be more short term or simply
You build an implementation plan by including
those who do the work when mapping out the action
steps to get there. As Darrell, the CEO from the future,
advised Joe, involve all key stakeholders in your imple-
mentation plan and create a culture that places a pri-
ority on executing with excellence. The old top-down,
authoritative style worked for some CEOs in their early
days, but as their company and the world changed,
they found it worked better to involve as many people
as possible in the planning process. Whether you are
creating a plan, fixing a broken plan, or updating a
successful plan, include as many of the people who
execute the plan daily as you can. Some high-
performing organizations involve their customers,
vendors, and strategic partners in the implementation
planning process as well. Get key stakeholder input,
make them feel heard, and act on good ideas that fit
your direction and strategy.
“I have CEO friends who prefer their people at their
desks helping customers, or on planes going to sell
product,” says Blanche Dubois, CEO of a design-build
firm in Florida. “They think this is getting maximum
productivity out of their people. In my book, it’s max-
imum stupidity. The right hand doesn’t know what the
left hand is doing. Getting employees off-site, sharp-
ening their axes, keeping them fresh, and having them
156 ceo road rules

feel like they’re part of planning their own futures:

now, that’s what I’m talking about!”
Sometimes the action steps require changing the
workflow or the design of how things get done. When
you can accomplish these changes in real time, people
feel energized because their observations and ideas
count. Creating a culture that executes with excellence
involves acting with a sense of urgency, particularly if
the actions recommended can make a difference and
clearly don’t need a lot of deliberation. Empowering
others to make decisions is an essential building block
to creating ownership; unless the majority of employ-
ees feel that their expertise and skills are valued, medi-
ocrity sets in. Here’s how one of our CEOs, Leo Bon-
tempo, former president of Syngenta, explained it.
My staff and every employee down to the janitor
always had a good working knowledge of our execu-
tion priorities and, maybe more important, a say in
how things got done. Our top execution areas for each
person were even posted on their office doors with the
legend, “If you can’t help me with one of these areas,
think twice before coming in!” Top to bottom, bottom
to top, whatever you call it, it’s getting everyone
involved and enthusiastic around making it happen the
right way every single day.
It’s great to have a comprehensive plan, but if you
don’t communicate it well, you often fail. We have
worked with a lot of leadership teams to develop plans
in a retreat setting; when the participants return to the
office, they often assume that others in the organiza-
tion will somehow understand what needs to be done
the right execution 157

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Figure 2 High Performance Leadership Model

next. In Mary’s practice, this error in communicating

has happened so much that she and a colleague
designed an effective execution program called High
Performance Leadership™, which teaches supervisors
and managers how to communicate performance
expectations, coach, and follow up with others in the
spirit of building a high-performing organization. Par-
ticipants learn how to translate expectations into
behaviors and results and how to have conversations
with those they lead when performance is good and
when it is less than acceptable. Figure 2 illustrates the
High Performance Leadership model.
One of the things we’ve found in building a high-
performing company is that you need to start with
158 ceo road rules

what’s important to all employees in terms of what

they enjoy doing, what motivates them, and what their
dreams are. If you do this, you can then show how
what you expect sometimes ties into what is purpose-
ful work for them. A focus on learning what’s impor-
tant to those who work for you helps you engage
others at a deep level and build significance for them.
An example of how well this simple process works is
described by one of the CEOs we talked with.
Michael was hired to run a company after his pre-
decessor failed. Morale was terrible and performance
was at an all-time low. Immediately, he made time to
talk with each employee to get to know them and to
hear about their goals and aspirations. He asked for
their ideas on how the organization could be more
effective, and when it made sense, he implemented the
suggestions. With an open approach and a genuine
interest in others, this new CEO and the organization
went on to achieve record levels of performance and
team spirit.
In his book It’s Your Ship, Captain Michael Abra-
shoff talks about how his ship, the USS Benfold, went
from the worst performer in the Pacific fleet to the best
in nine months. One of the secrets of Abrashoff’s suc-
cess, and something that created significance for his
crew, was his taking the time to get to know each crew
member. Abrashoff learned about each person’s dreams
and goals; when appropriate he considered these in
making work assignments and in creating opportunities
for development and growth. The results were amazing—
close to flawless execution (Abrashoff, 2002).
the right execution 159

One of the insights Darrel shared with Joe was to

hold people accountable for their personal and team
objectives and give them the space to innovate. By
involving others in the development of relevant objec-
tives and action plans, you set the stage for account-
ability. You draw a box with boundaries set by the
expectations you agree to, and you can then leave the
individual or team to work innovatively toward meet-
ing each objective. Mary will often ask a group to
think about a time when the work they did was so
engaging that time flew, they were excited about get-
ting to work, and they felt energized by what they were
doing. Once people hold a mental picture of that expe-
rience, she asks them, “Where was your supervisor dur-
ing that time?” The answer is consistently, “Nowhere to
be found.”
Setting up specific expectations and coming to
agreement allows others to then have the autonomy to
innovate. In addition, the organization’s values serve
as guidelines for how to go about achieving your
objectives and goals so the “what,” or results, and
“how,” or behaviors, of high performance are clear.

• The leaders develop capabilities and rewards and re-

cognize high performance formally and informally.
The most successful organizations constantly assess
their capabilities against what needs to get done, start-
ing with their vision. In high-performing organiza-
tions, the leadership is able to compare the current
reality with their plan: “Where is the company now in
relation to our vision and overall strategy?” They get
160 ceo road rules

input from stakeholders at all levels of the company so

they can realistically assess the organization’s current
state. Key stakeholders are enlisted to analyze the gap
between where the organization is now and where it
wants to be or its preferred future.
Assess your capabilities as part of this analysis.
Capabilities involve having the right people, processes,
and relational systems in place to support your plan.
Ask questions such as “Do we have the right number
and mix of people to support our plan?” “Does our cur-
rent structure align with and support effective execu-
tion?” and “How do our work processes align with
what needs to get done?” Answering these and related
questions honestly can make a big difference in how
well you perform now and in the future.
To build a high-performing organization, examine
what the organization is rewarding and recognizing,
and make sure that what gets rewarded supports your
plan. Mary has worked with more than one organiza-
tion that says it wants to build teamwork, yet most of
the formal and informal reward and recognition sys-
tems reinforce individual behavior and results. Or, an
organization may institute a profit-sharing plan in the
spirit of rewarding and recognizing great performance;
yet the plan backfires because people can’t see the rela-
tionship between their efforts (on an individual or
team basis) and the company’s bottom line. Sometimes
when the whole organization is recognized through an
annual bonus, an opportunity to accelerate the plan is
missed because people can’t see their impact on reach-
ing the plan.
the right execution 161

One of the CEOs Mary has worked with, Gary Treat,

owns a commercial air-conditioning franchise. He
instituted an open-book management process in which
employees learn about the financials, what drives
them, and how what they do as a team can have an
impact. He rewards employees financially and emo-
tionally through recognition events. What separates
this approach from a blanket profit-sharing plan is
specificity showing employees just what they as a team
need to accomplish to share in the rewards. Because
the company financials are available to everyone who
works there, employees become owners in a sense.
They also learn who is contributing and who is strug-
gling, or worse, not participating; this information
allows everyone to monitor one another, coach, or
pressure their peers to do better. Treat has found a
process that creates a culture of accountability, and his
business has grown exponentially over the past five
years. Treat calls his approach the “Great Game” (Stack
1994). “The key element to the success of our ‘Great
Game’ is the training workshop that allows everyone to
learn what is important to win in our business,” Treat
explains. “People want to be successful. The ‘Great
Game’ is a tool that shows them how, and provides a
financial reward when we win.”

A Broader View
We’ve talked about how to engage others to execute with
excellence. Beyond achieving your plan and the results
162 ceo road rules

you want, how do you widen your view and create sig-
nificance for yourself and for those you lead? Many CEOs
must hit rock bottom or experience a life-threatening
event, such as facing cancer, for them to stop and think
about what a successful and meaningful life means to
them. Like Joe, the changing environment forces con-
templation, perhaps for the first time. Rather than take
the long and hard road, consider the following.
• When you have a new idea you want to execute, go
back to your mission, vision, values, and core focus to
make sure the new idea fits.
• Remember that real and enduring success is about the
sum total of the actions, activities, and events in your
life, so consider the long-term implications of what
you plan to do next.
• Three categories help sort through what needs to be
part of a meaningful life.
• Achievement: whatever you want to excel at or
accomplish in your life
• Happiness: whatever brings you joy
• Legacy: going from success to significance—the
impact of the gift you want to leave behind (see
Chapter 8)
Jim Ferman Jr., the CEO of Ferman Motor Car Com-
pany, has been able to execute well in the business
started more than a hundred years ago by his grand-
father, W. F. Ferman. Here is what he says:
My major accomplishment was growing a business that
was based on an old model and brought this family busi-
the right execution 163

ness into a new generation. I see my legacy as being a

bridge between several generations. . . . I define success
in terms of balance. My personal mission statement is
very similar to the organization’s—it involves the success-
ful balancing of time, talent, and treasure—this means
career, family, community, and self, as well as spiritual

The Right Execution at Home

Living what you preach is doubly critical at home, where

accountability can be even more difficult than it is at
your company. “I sent all the right messages at the office
and all the wrong ones at home,” says one CEO.
My kids couldn’t understand why they couldn’t do all the
cool things their wealthy friends were doing when I had
just bought a new car and new boat and other toys. All
the child experts say that “do as I say, not as I do” never
works, so it was really dumb of me to expect a different
result. When I started to sit down and have talks with
them about “planting and sowing,” they connected the
dots of working hard to get what you want. I also used a
youth coach who sent the same messages I had tried to
send, but was perceived as more credible than Mom or Dad.
Good execution with raising children can pay off
handsomely in the future. Gene and Lena Corrigan shared
the significance goal of raising their seven children to be
honest, hardworking, and contributors to society in a
164 ceo road rules

way consistent with each child’s skills and life interests.

Gene and Lena spent time every week talking and figur-
ing out how they would coach each child, all of whom
had different personalities and different challenges along
the way. “Gene was gone a lot during the early years of
his career, and the children constantly tested my resolve
and his,” says Lena.
When one of our children crossed the line, if they tried to
go around my punishment by appealing to Dad, Gene
would always back me up, even if he felt guilty about
having been away and was inclined to lessen the punish-
ment. This was one of the key reasons we executed our
Significance Plan successfully, along with loving our kids
unconditionally despite their testing our patience all the
time. Our children have fulfilled our dreams for signifi-
cance many times over and are passing those good child-
rearing execution skills down to our grandchildren, which
is a wonderful blessing for them and for us.
Surveys often cite money as one of the top causes of
divorce, which is itself one of the top five threats to
financial independence, because most people are saving
barely enough to support two people, and not nearly
enough for the two living separately. When two spouses
are of different minds on budgeting, spending on their
toys versus the kids’ needs, and so on, having an inde-
pendent planner to help sort out execution priorities can
be valuable. Choose someone who listens to both parties
and looks for balanced solutions. Too often a Type A CEO
the right execution 165

will dominate personal planning meetings with planners,

investment advisors, attorneys, CPAs, and other advisors.
A less-knowledgeable spouse or life partner may disagree
with decisions being made, sit quietly and not provide
much input, and then sabotage the execution plan later
on. Letting an experienced financial planner explore
internal and external finance issues equally and then
educate the family member with less knowledge or expe-
rience will often help successfully carry out personal exe-
cution goals.
Budgeting is another key area in which couples can
disagree on execution, even if they have agreed in their
Significance Plan that having a sound retirement, pro-
viding extra funds for favorite charities, and helping chil-
dren start a business or buy a home are important to the
success of their joint plan. Private company CEOs often
reinvest profits to grow the Golden Goose to the exclu-
sion of creature comforts. When they become more suc-
cessful, they often retain the frugal approach that got
them to success, while their life partner may feel it is time
to “reap what has been sowed.” The best way to resolve
this kind of issue is to create the kind of highly visual
plan described in Right Planning and to make sure
both partners have contributed to its creation and fully
understand the dynamics of how decisions on various
kinds of spending affect longer-term significance goals.
Just as you want your employees to be doing the right
thing to move the organization toward its goals when
166 ceo road rules

you’re not around to watch them, you also want the

entire family (including you) making decisions within the
context of a unified plan.
At times, bringing in a professional to help guide the
process is even more critical for successfully executing
a lifetime Significance Plan. What if you and your life
partner disagree about a key area of your combined
Significance Plan to the point that it may jeopardize
your relationship?
A good example of this is a CEO, Jack, and his wife,
Dorothy, whom Dennis has worked with for more than
fifteen years. Jack wanted to give a six-figure gift to his
college, partly wanting to give back and partly wanting
to keep up with his friends who were donating large
sums. (Secretly, he also wanted to get great basketball
and football tickets.) Dorothy thought it was an ego trip
for Jack and didn’t see the significance in the gift at all.
She wanted to reserve the money to help several strug-
gling charities she worked with that she felt were both
more deserving and less able to fend for themselves.
Dennis talked to the college and determined what
they needed to get Jack the benefits he desired. He also
interviewed the executive directors of Dorothy’s favorite
charities and found out what they needed to help accom-
plish their goals. Jack and Dorothy ended up splitting the
charitable gift into a lifetime and an estate (at death) por-
tion for both Jack’s college and Dorothy’s nonprofit
groups. Some couples can figure out these kinds of con-
the right execution 167

flicts on their own, whereas others will need the help of

a planner/facilitator to keep the debate over what is sig-
nificant more focused and less emotional.
Just as with organizations, celebrate the achievement
of personal milestones in your Significance Plan. Part of
the fun in life is to enjoy the abundance that comes to
you. The most fulfilled of our CEOs were people who, like
Jack and Dorothy, also remembered others in giving
168 ceo road rules



Get input from the entire company, as well as from key
stakeholders outside the company, on where your organi-
zation is in relation to the plan and how you need to get

Develop observable, measurable, and verifiable objectives
for teams and individuals that support your plan and that
set a standard for excellence.

Determine how you want to acknowledge and reward
people for meeting and exceeding their objectives.

Everyone in your company needs to know that executing
on commitments and supporting their success are your pri-
orities; you demonstrate this through your actions. Ask
performance-related questions, seek ideas, and place an
emphasis on achieving agreed-on results.
the right execution 169

Make accountability and excellent performance priori-
ties, and set up a reward and recognition system that sup-
ports reaching performance expectations.

Personal execution by you and your family should be
guided by a shared vision of the future. Where the vision
isn’t in sync, at least make sure your family resolves con-
flicts well so one roadblock doesn’t get the entire families’
Significance Plan off track.

Do as I say, not as I do will lead to failure and potential dis-
aster in both your business and personal lives. Your fam-
ily and your employees closely watch how your words
and deeds match up every single day. Right Execution
depends on keeping values, policies, and execution aligned.


Webster’s dictionary defines “robots” as “mechanical

devices operating automatically, in a seemingly human
way.” It’s no accident that Joe was attracted to robotics.
He discovered, like so many of the CEOs we’ve inter-
viewed and worked with, that being driven to achieve in
your career can suck the humanity out of you. When
you’re so focused on only one thing, there’s a dangerous
tendency to live life automatically, without reflection.
Often, the outside world reinforces the idea that
achievement should be the only value in life, since many
CEOs appear to be successful and have the admiration of
others for it. But making work goals the only, or even the
main, priority can damage friendships, marriages, and
relationships with children. John, self-made head of a
$500 million private company, knows this fact all too

172 ceo road rules

well. He laments, “I fooled myself into thinking that I was

working hard for my kids so they would want for noth-
ing. I didn’t spend the kind of time with them that I
should have. Now they’re grown, and they rarely make an
effort to see me. I’m top on their list, though, if they need
Make no mistake: the idea of leaving a legacy in life
didn’t usually occur to our CEOs until one of three things
• They had a life crisis, such as the loss of a spouse or
partner through divorce or death, or they experienced
life-threatening health challenges themselves or with
those they love.
• They went through a midlife crisis and wondered, “Is
this all there is?”
• They grew spiritually, realizing that those things that
were once so important, such as wealth and power,
were secondary to feeling a connection to God and
Another of our CEOs, Dave, worked for a large ac-
counting staffing company and then started his own
business, which grew into a major player in the IT and
accounting staffing business. “Initially, work consumed
me,” he said. “I felt I had to control everything to be ef-
fective. After a failed marriage and much soul-searching,
I nurtured my faith. I made my spiritual beliefs a prior-
ity, and now I’m able to let go more in business and del-
egate.” Today, Dave accepts the influence of a Higher
the right legacy 173

Power in his life. Serving God and others is now what he

considers his legacy. His mantra is “to those whom much
is given, much is expected.”
Like Dave, many high achievers realize that success
alone is hollow without creating significance in their life
and in the lives of others. Our interviews and work with
CEOs confirms that, eventually, some of them made a
shift from success thinking to significance thinking. Sig-
nificance thinking involves asking oneself, “What is the
impact of the gift I want to leave behind?” This is what
we are calling legacy.
Legacy can be physical in nature, such as an archi-
tecturally pleasing building; relational, such as raising
children; or intellectual, such as a book or patent. For
example, most parents want to raise their children to be
loving and productive contributors to the planet. Some
people’s legacy is the effect they’ve had on society or
some slice of it, such as one of our CEOs who sees his
business as affecting others through the company’s mod-
eling of socially responsible business practices, even if
they cost more.
Legacy can also be spiritual. A leader can model and
teach values such as integrity that become a way of life
for future generations. Think of the legacy people like
Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mahatma
Gandhi left us. They probably never sat down with pen
and paper to map out their legacy, yet their visionary
leadership and ability to model their values created
174 ceo road rules

legacy far beyond what they probably ever imagined.

These heroes have left us the gift of inspiration and the
hope that no matter what the situation, if you are clear
on what’s really important, anything is possible.
Legacy can also be sinister and dark. Few would
argue that Adolf Hitler, Idi Amin, and Saddam Hussein
didn’t leave a legacy of hatred and separation. On the
corporate level, thousands lost their life savings and were
betrayed by the greed and deception of the CEO and other
leaders of companies such as Enron, Tyco, and World-
Com. With the exposure of so many corporate scandals,
we have become cynical about CEOs. Is it still possible for
CEOs to be seen as capable of leaving a positive legacy
for others?
The media myth claims that the charisma and per-
sonal brand of celebrity CEOs can carry them and their
organizations to new heights. In fact, the opposite is true.
Jim Collins and others have dispelled this myth of the
“rock star CEO.” As these experts assert, truly successful
CEOs of some of the best companies keep a low profile
and step out of the limelight to give credit to the entire
team when the organization is successful. Unlike many
celebrity CEOs who deflect personal responsibility when
things go wrong, the more effective CEOs take personal
The best company leaders understand the power of
purposeful work and find a way to connect the personal
the right legacy 175

passions and values of others with a compelling purpose

and vision for the organization and beyond. Instead of
just stating what their values are, higher-level leaders act
on their values. They consistently communicate and model
their values in their daily life—at work, at home, in the
community, and anywhere else they happen to be.
For example, if a leader claims integrity as a core
value, then you should be able to see behaviors that dis-
play integrity as part of the way he or she leads and con-
ducts business, including telling the truth, listening to
others with respect, and doing the right thing, even if it
costs more. Over time, modeling or living your values
becomes the CEO’s legacy. You become the sum total of
the behaviors you model and use to interact with people
in your environment. Stated simply, Values + Action =
John West started a technology staffing company,
System One, in 1987. When he sold his company in 2000
and looked back on his major accomplishments, what
stood out to John was the number of people who worked
for him who eventually started their own companies. “I
believe the reason for others becoming entrepreneurs was
that I taught them how to run their part of the business
as if it were their own, and I was available to support and
mentor them.” At the core of his philosophy were the
System One values he and other leaders committed to
modeling. They developed these values into the acronym
176 ceo road rules

HIRED (Honor, Integrity, Respect, Enthusiasm, and Dedi-

cation). Former employees who went on to start their
own businesses made these values part of the way their
organizations did business.
When asked what they saw as their legacy, more than
60 percent of our CEOs responded, developing others as
leaders. Many commented that knowing that those they
mentored went on to do great things was very fulfilling.
Several said that the impact of developing leaders was
exponential and that being part of that development was
exhilarating. “It makes me so proud to see the impact of
those I’ve mentored. They have gone on to be so much bet-
ter than I see myself as being,” commented one of our CEOs.
Another former CEO we interviewed also saw her
legacy as developing others: “I just loved working with
so many talented people on what we thought was right,”
commented Jan Alpert, who was president of LandAmer-
ica Financial Group, Inc., from 1993 through 2003. Jan
began her career at a time when it was even more diffi-
cult for a woman to rise to an executive leadership role
than it is today. Her company was at $10 million in rev-
enues when she started, and it grew to $3 billion in rev-
enues through acquisition and by focusing on leadership
development. Jan would often coach other women on
how to move up the corporate ladder. “Apply for new
roles, always develop your successor, and be persistent,”
she’d advise. “I see my biggest contribution as coaching
the right legacy 177

others to be their personal best,” Jan says. By all accounts,

Jan was a great model for developing top talent.
Companies like GE have left a legacy with their out-
standing management development programs. GE alums
continue to be sought after to head companies because of
their rich leadership experiences and the emphasis they
place on accountability and mentoring others.
In an interview with Mary, system change expert
Peter Senge commented that the most meaningful com-
mitment leaders and organizations can make is to sup-
port the sustainability of our planet. Peter cites Unilever
as an example of a company concerned with sustaining
agriculture, fishing, and a healthy water supply. As com-
panies assess possible future world scenarios, they are
realizing that stewardship of the planet’s resources is
essential to our long-term survival.
John Brown of BP has made counteracting global
warming a priority. BP is now the second largest investor
in solar energy. The Body Shop is another example of
positive corporate legacy. Founder Anita Roddick has
helped people around the world live productive lives
because her company places a priority on purchasing raw
materials and handcrafted items from indigenous peo-
ples. The Body Shop’s economic model allows people in
remote parts of the world to live and prosper while pre-
serving many rich traditions that would almost certainly
die out otherwise.
178 ceo road rules

Developing a Legacy

Many of us have been reassessing what’s important in

life and how we can as individuals live a life that mat-
ters. “How can we dedicate energy to those things that
are more personally fulfilling?” becomes a lingering
question as we struggle to balance a search for meaning
with pressing time commitments to work and family life
and the frantic pace at which we live.
According to psychologist Erik Erikson, we go
through developmental stages at certain points in our
lives. If we don’t accomplish the development task of
each stage, our ability to adjust to life’s challenges can go
awry. For example, developmentally, people age forty to
sixty-five can experience a life crisis if they don’t feel
they have created some kind of a legacy by having chil-
dren, making an impact on the next generation in some
way, or creating something for posterity. If people don’t
achieve this stage of generativity, Erikson states, they
stagnate in their life. It’s no wonder significance is on the
minds of Baby Boomers, and will be on the minds of
Generations X and Y as they age.
From his work on what separates great companies
from the rest, Jim Collins has picked ten top CEOs. All of
his selections share the characteristic of going beyond
personal self-interest to build something greater for the
company, its customers, and society. Collins points out
that the “level 5 leader” is both personally humble and
the right legacy 179

fiercely focused on success and accountability for the

company. Collins describes this leader as an “individual
who blends extreme personal humility with intense pro-
fessional will.”
The five levels of leadership were based on observa-
tions that Collins and his team documented in Good to
Great. There, the level 1 leader is defined as a highly
capable individual who contributes to the company
through talent and skills; level 2 is a contributing mem-
ber of a team who enhances the team in reaching its
objectives; level 3 is a competent manager who orga-
nizes people and resources in reaching agreed-on objec-
tives; and level 4 is an effective leader who is able to gain
commitment toward the attainment of a compelling
vision and objectives.
Research shows that exceptional leadership enables
companies to go from good to stellar. Is there also a rela-
tionship between legacy and level 5 leadership? In our
research of CEOs, we found that about 15 percent of
those we surveyed could be categorized as true level 5
leaders and many were solid level 4 leaders. The level
5 CEOs stated that what really mattered wasn’t what
“I did” but what “we did together” that had a positive
impact on others and the world.
Guy King, the CEO of M. E. Wilson, a property and
casualty family insurance business started by his father,
is an example of the “we did it together” attitude that is
characteristic of the level 5 leader. He sees his and the
180 ceo road rules

organization’s legacy as the fulfillment of the company’s

mission, which is “to reward our loyal team members that
deliver outstanding value to our clients and partners in a
‘best practices’ environment.” As King says, “Helping
others become successful and creating significance for
them is my overriding goal. In turn, employees are will-
ing to go the extra mile for the company.” This commit-
ment has been recognized by others: M. E. Wilson has
won numerous awards for displaying excellence, being
a great place to work, and modeling humanitarian

Four Levels of Legacy

It might be helpful to think about legacy in levels as well,

although the levels are not sequential inherently. We
could, however, categorize what the CEOs we interviewed
saw as their legacies into four areas.
• Physical legacy, such as building financial indepen-
dence for themselves and their families, erecting a
building such as the Trump Tower, endowing a chair at
a university, or having children
• Intellectual legacy, such as writing a book or develop-
ing patents
• Emotional or social legacy, such as improving the qual-
ity of life for employees through friendly work prac-
tices, instituting state-of-the-art environmental pro-
cesses, and raising responsible family members
the right legacy 181

• Spiritual legacy, such as living your values every day,

not looking for any reward—just, in some way, leaving
the world a better place.
These levels are not mutually exclusive. Some of our
CEOs mentioned legacies that fell into more than one cat-
egory. One of the CEOs we interviewed, Dr. Kirin Patel,
came to this country to start a medical practice with his
wife, also a doctor. He grew up in an Indian family and
lived in Africa as a child. He was raised in a home in
which his father placed an emphasis on helping others,
particularly family and the poor. “My father was an
inspiration. He taught me that the more you gain in life,
so grows your responsibility for others.” Patel has started
and built many medically related businesses. He gives
generously to his relatives, the community, and beyond.
His foundation funds school programs, the arts, develop-
ment of global understanding, and more. In addition to
the social legacy he is leaving, Patel believes that on a
spiritual level, it’s important “to touch others in a posi-
tive way so that you are contributing to making the
world a better place for others.” He strongly believes that
teaching others how to make a difference in their own life
is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

Think one person can’t change the world? The

breadth of some legacies is so vast, they’re difficult to
describe. Wade Hatcher, the former CEO of a successful
medical practice and an accomplished surgeon, did much
182 ceo road rules

to change the world, as you will see from just a sampling

of stories those whose lives he touched. So great were his
life and legacy that they continue to influence and
inspire others long after his passing from this world.
Many sought Wade’s advice on all manner of sub-
jects, from relationships with friends to dealing with their
children to looking at business opportunities to how to
fix a tractor. He kept in touch with people he had oper-
ated on and with operating room nurses he had worked
with thirty years ago. He would have lunch with an out-
of-work handyman, helping him regroup, and then have
dinner with the mayor that evening.
Wade literally died with his boots on at age seventy-
four after retiring to Colorado with his wife and soul
mate, Jan. After his death, 300 friends and family mem-
bers held a “Celebration of Life” for Wade. People shared
how he had touched and changed their lives: by being a
great listener, by keeping his word, by communicating
through storytelling to open up new ways of looking at
A former patient said of Wade,
I came in for some surgery, but Wade could tell I had
more on my mind and gently asked what was really the
matter. My son was dealing with drugs and a failed job
and wouldn’t take advice from his parents or anyone. My
wife had gone into depression over the situation, so our
marriage was strained. Wade listened longer than most
the right legacy 183

friends would have and certainly took more time than any
doctor. He helped me understand how to comfort my
wife. He called my son into his office to talk about
my medical condition. After explaining the risks of my
surgery, he got my son talking about himself. Thirty min-
utes later, my son had an appointment with a therapist, a
drug counselor, and a friend of Wade’s who was willing to
give him a job and a break. My son is now a manager of
this fellow’s company and has a wife and two children. He
has been clean and sober for over fifteen years. My wife
and I have had a wonderful marriage and enjoy our
grand-babies. I came in to see Wade and have my arter-
ies repaired and left having my entire life repaired.
“Wade would always listen intently to what you had
to say,” said another friend.
You knew you had his undivided attention. Half the time,
I figured a problem out myself just by talking to him!
There’s something about talking with a wise man that
makes you wiser in the bargain. The other half of the time
he would ask questions and help you think through the
problem. And the huge network of friends he had meant
he could get somebody else into the discussion who
might have the answer, even if he didn’t. He was always
learning, always trying to make himself better. Wade
really tried to help turn people’s lives around; he didn’t
always succeed, but most of the time he made a real
184 ceo road rules

“Wade taught me how to deal with people, not

directly, but just by being around him and watching him
interact with people,” said Mary, one of his nurses.
He taught me you can communicate with just about any-
one if you listen long and hard enough to figure out what
makes them tick. The best part was, I started attracting a
much better type of man in my dating by using some of
Wade’s communication techniques. I met the man of my
dreams, married, and had children. Boy, were listening
and understanding skills ever needed then! So many near-
crisis situations ended up positive when I know they
could have been disasters. Without Wade’s mentoring,
even though he never really knew he was doing it, my life
could have turned out so much worse. Instead, it just
keeps getting better and better!
We will never really know how many marriages have
been kept on the Right Road, how many children have
been led to the Right Road, and how many people have
been able to cope better or seize opportunities because
one person made an effort every single day. That was one
of Wade’s visions for his legacy: powerful, lasting change
that makes a difference in the world.

Every time you interact with an employee, a friend,

your life partner, or a family member, you touch a life
that touches dozens of others every day. Every time you
can inject optimism, faith in the future, and wisdom, you
the right legacy 185

help make a difference. If you inspire those around you

with your positive words and deeds, you will create pos-
itive ripples that will grow into large waves of loyalty,
trust, and love over time.
Successful CEOs who report feeling fulfilled in their
life are multifaceted. They look at their life, achieve-
ments, and contributions through a lens of diverse and
connected goals or areas of importance. They have
learned how to focus on one area of their life, such as
being more competitive in the marketplace, and then shift
priorities to focus on another, such as enjoying times
with family and friends.
186 ceo road rules



Position your company for long-term success and signif-
icance. Make sure you have the best and brightest people
doing purposeful work; this will free up time and focus for
you to pursue a higher level of significance in your busi-
ness, with your family, and with other personal pursuits.

Help mentor others and develop talent within the organ-
ization. This is a good idea for all areas of your life since it
strengthens your networks and the people around you who
can help you make your dreams come true.

Positively affect community organizations and beyond
through your company’s generosity in dollars, time, and
access to resources. Being a “good citizen” is important to
enhance the quality of life where you, your family, and
your employees live.

Be a Great Leader—level 3 or 4 will probably get you to
your destination, but striving for level 5 makes it more
likely you and your company will achieve both success
and significance. Level 5 leaders are both personally hum-
ble and fiercely focused on goals and accountability.
the right legacy 187

Make your organization an employer of choice. If you
follow the Right Focus, Right People, Right Execution
approach to your business, it will be an attractive place to
work, which will further enhance your success and possi-
bilities of achieving your Significance Goals.

Write a speech now for your last day at work and describe
your organization’s greatest contribution. Then write your
eulogy and notice how much time you spend talking about
the company versus your family, friends, and community.

Ask: How will our company contribute to the greater
good of society? The world? How can you create products
and services that improve the lives of your company’s cus-
tomers and accomplish your financial goals for the company?

Consider how many lives you could affect if you model
significance along with success. Like ripples in a pond,
your helping to positively influence others multiplies.


Joe felt as if he were floating. He opened his eyes to darkness,

sitting up and looking down to see that there really was noth-
ing beneath him. He panicked for a second, thinking, “Now
I’m dead? In limbo or something? After all that? Now, that
would be ironic.”
He stood upright, though there was no discernable floor
beneath him, and he felt just as light and balanced as when
he was lying down. He realized he was smiling in the dark-
ness, his joy welling up from somewhere deep within. “Wow,”
he whispered. “So this is what inner peace feels like. Huh . . .”
Far away, it seemed, a door opened up and a growing tri-
angle of light flooded in. He heard heavy footsteps while his
eyes adjusted, and then there was his partner, George, right in
front of him.

190 ceo road rules

“George,” he said, evenly, trying to conceal his even

greater happiness at now seeing his old friend.
“Joe,” George replied, rather sternly.
“You always were a scoundrel,” Joe said, smiling and
shaking his head. “And you always knew me too well. I don’t
know how I can thank you for this experience, for making this
happen. I don’t know if you even know what you’ve given me.”
“Given you and a lot of other people, too, huh?”
“Oh, yes! I feel like I finally understand everything that I
missed before, all the wrong turns I made. Tell me I’m going
to get a chance to make it right. There’s so much I feel like I
need to do . . . that I want to do . . .” His voice trailed off, half-
expectant, half-afraid of George’s severe look.
Suddenly, George smiled, that big goofy smile Joe hadn’t
seen for many years, the look he used to get in the early,
heady days when they were planning to take Chiron Interna-
tional to the top. “Aw” George laughed. “You always were a
smart one, Joe. You listened real good this time for once and
you got it, I can tell. You definitely ran off the road, in more
ways than one. But now you can get back on, and stay on,
even find the scenic route, if you take what you learned to
heart. Now’s the time to get moving on all of this stuff.”
“You’re right, George. I want to get started right away.
How do I start?”
“Now you can really go places, do all that stuff we
wanted to do in the beginning. Give Sam and Tony a call, why
don’t you? Get out there and make it right: with them, with
the company, with that pretty wife of yours, and with your
epilogue 191

great kid. Build a future, now that you got a second shot
at one.”
“I will, partner, I will, but I’m kind of here and all that’s
there, and . . . ”
And then, suddenly, he wasn’t there, wherever there was,
anymore. He was lying in a hospital bed, a pale yellow curtain
pulled around it. “Okay,” he whispered. “Bye, George. Thank
you so much.”
“Joe?” He was startled to hear Sharon’s voice. “Joe? Are
you really awake? How do you feel? Oh, God, the doctors were
saying they had no idea when you’d wake up, if you’d wake
up. How do you feel? Can you talk? Did you just say some-
thing about George?”
Joe looked at his wife. He felt such love for her, just as he
had in their first years together. He realized she was clutch-
ing his hand, and he squeezed hers. He wondered for a
moment if this were real, if she was really there or just an-
other vision. Either way, he had a lot to say, if only he could
figure out how to say it.
“I’m sorry,” he heard himself say. That was a good start.
“For everything.”
“Let’s not get into that now, Joe. I need to go tell the doc-
tor you’re awake,” Sharon said, standing and starting to move
away from the bed.
“No, let me just say something first. I feel like I’m just
bursting, Sharon. I have to say this.”
“Okay,” she said, somewhat nervously, and sat again next
to the bed.
192 ceo road rules

“It’s just this: I love you and Collin so much. So much

more than I let you know, so much more than anything else
in the whole world. I have a lot to make up for, and I know
you won’t believe this, but I hope you’ll try: I am going to be
a partner to you again. I am going to listen to you, really lis-
ten. I know this probably sounds crazy, and I can’t really
explain it right now. But I see everything differently now. I
hope you can find some way to give me a chance. I will do
anything in the world to try to make things right with us. I
need you and Collin, and I know I haven’t given you both any-
thing even close to what you need, but that will change. You
just have to find a way to give me a chance.”
Sharon stared at him. “Wow. I don’t know what to say.”
Joe laughed. “I didn’t either, believe it or not! That’s just
what came out, and it turns out that’s just what I wanted to
say. Can you just tell me what you feel?”
“I can hardly believe it, but I feel like saying ‘Okay.’ I can
tell that you’re sincere. I feel like you’re the old Joe, the one I
fell in love with. And I want so much for our family to work
again. I’m scared, but I’m willing to take the chance.” Sharon
leaned over the bed and kissed him fervently.
“Oh, you must be so thirsty. Let me go get water and tell
the doctor you’re awake.” She grinned slyly and asked, “Is it
wrong for me to be wishing you’d had a horrible car crash a
few years earlier? Oh, that is so bad!”
“No,” Joe laughed. “I know what you mean. I kind of feel
the same way, honey.”
epilogue 193

Sharon slipped through the curtains, and Joe fumbled on

the nightstand for a phone. He thought for a minute and
punched in the familiar number.
Tony answered the phone on the first ring. “Hello?”
“Tony, it’s Joe.”
Tony responded with silence.
“Look, Tony, I know this is going to sound crazy, what I
have to say, but do you think you can bear with me for a
After a long pause, Tony finally answered, “I suppose.”
“You have every right to be angry and hurt, but please try
to hear what I have to say. I’ve had a pretty amazing day.”
“Good for you.”
“Well, not like you think, but it has been good for me, and
it will be good for you, too. I need to say that I get it now,
Tony, everything you and Sam told me all along. I know I’ve
done a lot of damage to our relationship, and I want to do
what I can to repair that damage. I fully understand why you
and Sam felt cheated, that you did so much for the com-
pany—you gave 100 percent—and yet you didn’t have any-
thing to show for it. Then I went and fired you! I can’t change
the past, the way I treated you both, but I can show you that
I have changed. I’m calling to ask both of you to come back. I
want you to be my partners. And I want us to create the vision
we all once shared of Chiron International as the innovator in
the robotics industry. We can help others in the process too,
Tony, I know it. We’re going to change lives with our technol-
194 ceo road rules

ogy, just like we planned. We’ll never settle for less than the
best, ever again. The whole organization is going to determine
our mission, our vision, our values, and decide what we can
be best at . . . I know this is a lot to absorb right now . . .”
“No kidding.”
“But will you at least think about it? Will you talk to Sam
and come see me whenever you’re ready?”
“I don’t understand. What’s this all about? What brought
about this change?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, Tony. I don’t quite
believe it myself, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I
have changed and, together, we’re going to make a differ-
ence—if you’ll join me.”
“Well, I can’t say I’m not intrigued. Sam and I have some
free time these days. How about we meet in the morning?”
“That’s great, Tony. Thank you. Only don’t come to my
office. I think my office is going to be in Parkview Hospital for
a few days.”
Joe looked up to see Sharon and a doctor pulling back the
yellow curtain around the bed. “Look, I have to go, Tony. But
bring Sam tomorrow morning to Parkview. And, buddy, please
drive carefully, OK?”


Abrashoff, Captain D. Michael. It’s Your Ship. New York: War-

ner Books, 2002.
Bossidy, Larry, and Ram Charan. Execution. New York: Crown
Business (Random House, Inc.), 2002.
Byham, William C. The Selection Solution. Bridgeville, Pa.:
Development Dimensions International, 1996.
Collins, James C. Good to Great. New York: HarperCollins, 2001.
Collins, James C., and Jerry I. Porras. Built to Last. New York:
HarperCollins, 1997.
Covey, Stephen R. The 8th Habit. New York: Free Press, 2004.
Fritz, Robert. The Path of Least Resistance. New York: Ballantine
Books, 1989.
Key, Mary H.. and Laura Capp. High-Performance Leadership.
Self-published training program, 2002
Loehr, James E. Toughness Training for Life. New York: Penguin
Group, 1993.

196 ceo road rules

Loehr, Jim, and Tony Schwartz. The Power of Full Engagement.

New York: Free Press, 2003.
Manz, Charles C., Karen P. Manz, Robert D. Marx, and Christo-
pher P. Neck. The Wisdom of Solomon. San Francisco: Berrett-
Koehler, 2001.
McCann, Joseph. “Organizational Effectiveness: Changing Con-
cepts for Changing Environments,” Human Resource Planning
27(1), April 2004, pp. 42-50.
Nanus, Burt. Visionary Leadership. New York: Jossey-Bass, 1995.
Nash, Laura, and Howard Stevenson. Just Enough. Hoboken,
N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
Senge, Peter. The Fifth Discipline. New York: Doubleday, 1990.
Stack, Jack. The Great Game of Business. New York: Random
House, 1994.
Weisbord, Marvin, and Sandra Janoff. Future Search: An Action
Guide to Finding Common Ground in Organizations and Com-
munities. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 1995.


Abrashoff, Michael, 158 capabilities, 160

accountability: as priority, 169; for celebrity CEOs, 174
personal and team objectives, change: abrupt, 139–140; descrip-
159; in values system, 61–62 tion of, 123; disruptive, 125,
achievement, 89–90, 94, 162, 171 135; mental toughness for,
action plans, 159 125–130, 144; rate of, 136;
Alpert, Jan, 176 real-time, 156; resiliency to,
assertiveness, 104 123
charisma, 174
behaviors: modeling of, 151–153; children, 141–143
past, 102, 120 Circumstance, Action, Result (CAR)
Bodaken, Bruce, 57–58 approach, 102
Bodford, Al, 63–64, 116 coaching, developmental, 106–108,
Bontempo, Leo, 156 120
Brown, John, 177 collaboration, 60
Bruce, David, 114 collective intelligence, 135
budgeting, 165 Collie, Joe, 72–73
Collins, Jim, 64–65, 178
candidates: evaluations of, commitment, 68, 168
100–106; interview of, 102–104; communicating of vision, 153
past behaviors of, 102, 120 community organizations, 186

198 ceo road rules

competencies, 101–102 expectations, modeling of, 152

conflict, 61 experience-based learning, 144
coping, 139 external planning, 87–88
core focus, 64–66
core values, 63–64, 175 feedback, 110, 149, 154
Corrigan, Gene, 56–57, 112 Ferman, Jim Jr., 162–163
Covey, Stephen, 150 Feuerstein, Aaron, 124
creativity, 139 fight-or-flight response, 126
crisis: description of, 127–128; financial planning, 86–92
legacy and, 172 Fritz, Robert, 131
crisis planning, 139–141
goals: attainment of, 132, 159;
Dale, Jerry, 76–77 defining of, 154; setting of, 89
decision making, 156 Great Game, 161
Dermody, Win, 117–118, 129–130 group interview, 102
developmental coaching, 106–108,
120 Haines, Bill, 131
diet, 133 happiness, 89, 94
disruptive change, 125, 135 Hatcher, Wade, 181–184
diversity, 60 Hedgehog Concept, 64–65
Dougherty, Michael, 52, 61, 71, Heineman, Peter, 127, 132–133,
133, 153 149
Dubois, Blanche, 155 high performance, 160
Duke, Peter, 128–129, 141 High Performance Leadership
Dunkel, Dave, 154 model, 157
hiring: candidate evaluation,
economics, 87 100–106; emotional intelligence
emotional intelligence, 104–106 and, 104–106; individuals
emotional legacy, 180 involved in, 102–103; poor fit
empathy, 105 in, 99–100; selection process,
employee retention, 52 99–100; urgency in, 99
empowerment, 156 home: interdependencies at,
Erikson, Erik, 178 137–138; Right Execution at,
excellence, 60 163–167
execution: failure of, 150–151; home team, 111–113
at home, 163–167; principles humor, 133–134
of, 150–161. See also Right
Execution implementation plan, 155
executive coach, 110 impulse control, 105
exercise, 133 innovation, 60
index 199

integrity, 60, 175 life partner, 78

intellectual legacy, 180 Loehr, James, 125–126
interdependencies: at home,
137–138; in organization, 135 Mason, Steve, 107
interviews, 102–104 meaning in life, 162
megatrends, 136
Jacobs, Sheldon, 74 mental toughness, 125–130, 144
judgment, 101–102 mentor, 77–78, 186
midlife crisis, 172
Kelleher, Herb, 104 mission: description of, 50–53;
key stakeholders, 155, 160 self-assessments, 67–68; vision
King, Guy, 179–180 vs., 53
mission statement: description of,
Lankins, John, 75 50; vision statement vs., 58–59
laughter, 134 modeling: of behaviors, 151–153;
Lea, Rhea, 106 of expectations, 152
leader: capabilities developed by,
160; developing of, as legacy, network team, 109–111
175–176; execution by, networking: for next generation,
154–159; high performance 118–119; for personal success,
recognized by, 160; levels of, 116–118; for Right People,
178–179; modeling of behavior 113–116; tips for, 121
by, 151–153 next generation, 118–119
leadership levels, 179, 187 nutrition, 133–134
learning: experience-based, 144;
focus on, 158; scenario, 79–86, objectives, 154–155, 159, 168
141 online learning, 85
learning organization, 134–135 opportunities, 136, 142
legacy: description of, 89–90, 94, organization: collective intelli-
162; development of, 178–180; gence of, 135; high-performing,
emotional, 180; examples of, 160; interdependencies in, 135;
184–185; intellectual, 180; learning, 134–135; purpose of,
leader development as, 176; 175; recognition of, 161
levels of, 180–185; modeling of
behaviors by, 175; physical, past baggage, 74–75, 93
173, 180; reasons for leaving, past behaviors, 102, 120
172; sinister, 174; social, 180; Patel, Kirin, 181
spiritual, 173–174, 181 patterns, 85
life balance, 89 peer advisory board, 78, 121
life crisis, 172, 178 performance, 157, 159
200 ceo road rules

personal planning, 94 port team, 109–111; work team.

personal success, 116–118 See work team
personal values, 59–60 Right Planning: balanced and
personal vision, 57–58 focused plan, 71–72; descrip-
physical legacy, 173, 180 tion of, 69; financial planning
planning: importance of, 73–74; as part of, 86–92; scenario
personal, 94; significance, learning, 79–86, 141; Signifi-
69–79 cance Plan for. See Signifi-
profit-sharing plan, 160 cance Plan
robots, 171
Redfern, Rod, 51 Roddick, Anita, 177
repeating of mistakes, 74–75
resiliency: benefits of, 129–130; scenario creation, 83–85
building of, 127; in children, scenario learning, 79–86, 141
141–143; definition of, 123; scenario projections, 94
description of, 46–47; example self-awareness, 104
of, 124–125; humor and, self-reflection, 76
133–134; importance of, 143; self-talk, 129
mental toughness and, 125–130, Selye, Hans, 126
144; nutrition and, 133–134; Senge, Peter, 134, 177
self-talk and, 129; summary of, significance: definition of, 1;
144–145 example of, 2–7, 72; life bal-
Right Execution: broader view of, ance and, 89–90, 94; position-
162–163; description of, 46; ing of company for, 186; self-
focus on, 149; at home, assessment of, 93; success and,
163–167; principles of, 173
150–161. See also execution Significance Plan: balanced and
Right Focus: core focus, 64–66; focused, 71–72, 75–76; descrip-
description of, 45–46, 69; ele- tion of, 69–70; at home,
ments of, 49; mission, 50–53; 165–167; mental roadblocks to,
purpose of, 49; values. See val- 77–79
ues; vision. See vision significance planning, 69–79
Right Legacy. See legacy significance thinking, 173
Right People: change in, 100–101; sinister legacy, 174
description of, 46, 97; home social legacy, 180
team, 111–113; network team, social network, 116–117, 137
109–111; networking for, spiritual legacy, 173–174, 181
113–116; people classified as, sports psychology, 125–126
46; summary of, 120–121; sup- stress: inevitability of, 127; regula-
index 201

tion of, 127; response stages of, values connected with, 175;
126 personal, 57–58; self-assessments,
support team, 109–111 67–68
systems thinking, 135–136 “vision litmus test," 56
vision statement: description of,
Teasley, Harry, 151–152 55; mission statement vs.,
therapist, 78–79 58–59
third-party observation, 138–139 visualization, 131
Treat, Gary, 161
trends, 136 Wallace, Tom, 108
wellness tune-ups, 113
value behaviors, 62–63 West, John, 175–176
value themes, 59–60 Wheel of Life, 90–92
values: in accountability system, Williams, Pam, 91
61–62; conflict in, 61; core, work team: candidates for,
63–64; definition of, 59; impor- 100–106; description of, 97–98;
tance of, 64; performance, 62; developmental coaching of,
personal, 59–60; self-assessments, 106–108; developmental needs
67–68 of, 108; hiring. See hiring; loss
vision: attainment of, 132; com- of, 98; selection of, 99–100;
municating of, 153; description strengths of, 107–108; weak-
of, 53; development of, 53–55; nesses of, 108
mission vs., 53; passions and

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