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Minister’s Specification

SA 78
Additional requirements in designated bushfire
prone areas

May 2011
Minister's Specification SA 78 May 2011
Additional requirements in designated bushfire prone areas

FIS 23243

Published by:
Building Policy Branch
Department of Planning and Local Government
Minister's Specification SA 78 May 2011
Additional requirements in designated bushfire prone areas


This Specification outlines additional requirements relating to a Class 1, 2 or 3 building to be

constructed in a designated bushfire prone area and provides for bushfire protection systems
for fighting bushfires.

This Minister's Specification shall be read in conjunction with Regulation 78 of the Development
Regulations 2008.


Dedicated water supply means dedicated to the bushfire control measures contained in this
Minister’s Specification.

Fire Authority means the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service or the Country Fire

Non-combustible means not deemed combustible as determined by AS1530.1 - Combustibility

tests for materials.

Bushfire Protection Area means an area identified as having either a General, Medium or
High level of bushfire risk in the relevant Development Plan.


Table 1: Schedule of Referenced Standards

No. Date Title

AS 1221 1997 Fire Hose Reels

AS 1530 Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures

1994 Part 1 Combustibility test for materials

AS 2620 Domestic Garden Hose

1983 Part 1 Reinforced Hose

Minister's Specification SA 78 May 2011
Additional requirements in designated bushfire prone areas


1. Bushfire Protection System

1.1 In a designated Bushfire Protection Area, a bushfire protection system for a proposed
Class 1, 2 or 3 building, must comprise of bushfire fighting equipment and a water supply
(a) is appropriate to the level of bushfire risk; and
(b) allows occupants and the fire authority, to the degree necessary, to minimize the
spread of bushfire to the building; and
(c) is appropriate to the size of the building; and
(d) is unaffected by a loss of mains electrical power; and
(e) provides a dedicated water supply to the degree necessary to enable the bushfire
protection system.

1.2 Compliance with the provisions of 1.1 can be met by installation of-
(a) a site specific bushfire protection system in accordance with the minimum
requirements for water supply (Part 2), adequate pumping system (Part 3), pipe
work (Part 4) and hoses for fire fighting (Part 5) of this Minister's Specification; or
(b) a community-based bushfire protection system to the satisfaction of the fire
authority that is at least equivalent in performance to the aggregate of site specific
bushfire protection systems for the number of houses served.

2. Water Supply

2.1 A dedicated water supply must have a water storage facility on the allotment, located
such that it can provide the required water to the bushfire protection system and is
accessible by the fire authority where required.

2.2 The water storage facility must have a minimum capacity and fittings in accordance with
Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Capacity and fittings required for a bushfire protection water storage facility

Minimum water storage capacity (litres)/fittings required


General and Medium
Excluded (if within 500m of High)

Connected to mains water 2000/domestic* 22000/fire+

Not connected to mains water 5000/domestic* 22000/fire+

* domestic fittings are standard household taps that enable an occupier to access a supply of water with domestic
hoses or buckets for extinguishing minor fires.
+ fire fittings are accessible to the fire authority and must comply with 2.5.

Minister's Specification SA 78 May 2011
Additional requirements in designated bushfire prone areas

2.3 Where a water storage facility is required to have a domestic fitting, the outlet for the
required capacity must be located at least 400 mm above ground level for a distance of
200mm either side of the outlet.

2.4 A water storage facility connected to mains water must have an automatic float switch to
maintain full capacity.

2.5 Where a water storage facility is required by Table 2.2 to have a fire fitting, access to the
water by the fire authority shall be by –
(a) a fire service adaptor fitted in the wall of the water storage facility near the bottom
of the water storage facility, with a minimum outlet of 50mm terminating in a 64mm
male London round thread; and
(b) where the path of travel from the entrance to the property to the water storage
facility is more than 30 metres in length, by an all weather roadway-
(i) capable of supporting fire-fighting vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM)
of 21 tonnes; and
(ii) providing a vehicular clearance area of not less than 4 metres in width and
4 metres in height; and
(c) where access for a fire appliance is available immediately adjacent to a closed
water storage facility, access to the water may be through a removable ‘inspection
opening’ in the top of the water storage facility.

2.6 Where the water storage facility is an above-ground water tank, the tank (including any
support structure) shall be constructed of non-combustible material.

3 Pumps

3.1 Where a water storage facility is required to have a fire fitting, the water supply used for
bushfire fighting shall be pressurised by-
(a) a pump that has-
(i) a minimum inlet diameter of 38mm; and
(ii) is powered by a petrol or diesel engine with a power rating of at least
3.7 kW (5hp); or
(b) a pumping system that operates independently of mains electricity and is capable
of pressurising the water for bushfire fighting purposes.

3.2 A fire fighting pump and any flexible connections to the water supply shall be protected by
a non-combustible cover that allows adequate air ventilation for efficient pump operation.

4 Pipework

4.1 All water pipes and connections between the water storage facility and a pump shall be
no smaller in diameter than the diameter of the pump inlet.

4.2 All non-metal water supply pipes for bushfire fighting purposes (other than flexible
connections and hoses for fire fighting) shall be buried below ground to a minimum depth
of 300mm with no non-metal parts above ground level.

Minister's Specification SA 78 May 2011
Additional requirements in designated bushfire prone areas

5 Hoses for Fire Fighting

5.1 A hose (or hoses) used for fire fighting shall-

(a) be located so that all parts of the building are within reach of the nozzle end of the
hose and if more than one hose is required they should be positioned to provide
maximum coverage of the building and surrounds (i.e. at opposite ends of a
dwelling); and
(b) be capable of withstanding the pressures of the supplied water; and
(c) be of reinforced construction manufactured in accordance with AS 2620 or
AS 1221; and
(d) have a minimum nominal internal diameter of 18mm; and
(e) have an adjustable metal nozzle; or an adjustable PVC nozzle manufactured in
accordance with AS 1221; and
(f) have a maximum length of 36m; and
(g) be readily available at all times.

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