The Special Theory of Relativity: Vasant Natarajan and Diptiman Sen

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The Special Theory of Relativity

Vasant Natarajan and Diptiman Sen

1. Introduction

The year 2005 has been declared qy the United Nations

as the International Year of Physics. This has been done
to commemorate Albert Einstein's "miraculous year"
a century ago, during which the young Einstein made
Vasant Natarajan is at the a number of remarkable discoveries that changed the
Department of Physics,
liSe, Bangalore. His current
course of physics. In that single year, he completed his
research involves trapping PhD thesis and published five papers on three differ-
of atoms to carry out high ent subjects, namely, the photoelectric effect, Brownian
precision tests offundamen- motion, and the special theory of relativityl.
tal physics. He has earlier
worked on high precision The two papers that laid out the foundations of the spe-
mass spectrometry and on cial theory of relativity were published in the journal
the focussing of atomic
Annalen der Physik, and were titled 'On the electro-
beams by laser fields.
dynamics of moving bodies' (Vol.I7, pp.891-921) and
'Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy-
content?' (Vol.18, pp.639-641). The first paper derived
the laws of transformation of spacetime coordinates and
electromagnetic fields between two inertial frames 2 . The
second paper derived the relation E = m,c 2 , which is
perhaps the most famous and widely-recognized equa-
Diptiman Sen works in the tion today.
Centre for High Energy
Physics, Indian Institute of 2. Historical Background
Science, Bangalore. He is
interested in condensed In order to set Einstein's work in proper perspective, re-
matter systems in low call that, in 1865, Maxwell had unified electricity and
dimensions and quantum magnetism by writing down his equations of electro-
field theory.
magnetism. It was soon realized that these equations
supported wave-like solutions in a region free of elec-
trical charges or currents (such a region is called the
Lorentz transformations. time 'vacuum'). Experiments by Hertz and others showed
dilation. E=mc2. fission and fu- conclusively that these electromagnetic waves (of the
sion. antiparticles . right frequency) were to be identified with light. Thus,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.AAAAAA_ _ _ _ _ __ _
32 V VVV RESONANCE I April 2005
v v

Maxwell's equations brought optics into its unified do- 1 For further details, see the ar-
ticle 'Einstein's miraculous year'
main and, furthermore, predicted that light waves should
by Vasant Natarajan, V Bala-
propagate at a finite speed c (about 300,000 km/s) cal- krishnan and N Mukunda,
culable from these equations. With their Newtonian Resonance, VoUO, No.3,
ideas of absolute space and time firmly entrenched, most pp.35-56,2005.
physicists thought that this speed was correct only in
2 An inertial frame is a set of
one special frame. This special frame was postulated
c(>ordinates which is moving
to be in a state of absolute rest, and it was thought with a constant velocity, i.e., it
that electromagnetic waves were supported by an un- is not accelerating.
seen medium called the ether, which is at rest in this
With this picture in mind, it is clear that if the Earth
moves with respect to this special frame at a velodty
V, then the speed of light 'with respect to the Earth can
take any value from c -Ivl to c + lvi, depending on the
particular direction of v. This is indeed our intuitive
understanding of how two velocities add. For example,
if two objects have speeds VI and V2 with respect to some
fixed frame, then we expect that their relative speed will
be VI - V2 if they are moving in the same direction, and
VI + V2 if they are moving in opposite directions. We
have developed this 'intuition' based on our everyday
experiences, and we have a gut feeling that it is correct.
However, we will see below that the correct relativistic
law of 'addition of velocities' is somewhat different.

There were thus several attempts to detect the presence

of this hypothetical ether or to show that the speed
of light was frame dependent. The most famous ex-
periment was done in 1887 by A A Michelson and E
W Morley. They used an interferometer t~ study the
speed of light along different directions and at different
times of the year (when the orbital velocity of the Earth
pointed along different directions). They concluded that
the speed of light with respect to the Earth is always the
same and does not depend on the relative motion of the
Earth and the light wave. This observation proved that
Maxwell's equations are valid in all (inertial) frames, and

________ AAA~AA. _ _ _ _ _ __ _
RESONANCE I April 2005 .v V VVV v 33

Two events which that there is no need to hypothesize a medium called the
are simultaneous ether which is at rest in one preferred frame.
in one inertial
It now seems obvious that, if Maxwell's equations had to
frame are not
retain their validity in all inertial frames, then our New-
tonian notions of space and time need to be modified.
simultaneous in However, while many of the best physicists of the time
other inertial were aware of this inconsistency between Maxwell and
frames. Newton, it took almost two decades after the Michelson-
Morley experiment and the genius of Einstein to come
up with the right modification to Newtonian mechanics.
3. Laws of Transformation of Space and Time

Einstein was a great believer in simplicity and universal-

ity. He therefore made the bold hypothesis that all the
laws of physics, not just Maxwell's equations, must be
the same in all inertial frames. In other words, there is
no special frame in nature which can be considered to be
at absolute rest. Einstein soon realized that this idea of
'democracy' between all inertial frames meant that our
earlier notion of time needed to be modified. In typi-
cal Einsteinian style, his first paper on special relativity
gets to the crux of the matter immediately. He there-
fore begins with a discussion of the idea of simultaneity,
namely, are two events which are simultaneous in one
inertial frame necessarily simultaneous in other inertial
frames also?

Einstein showed that the constancy of the speed of light

implies that simultaneity is not an absolute concept.
Hence the difference in the· time coordinates of two events
depends on the inertial frame in which it is measured!
This was a radical departure from' the earlier notion of
absolute time. Indeed, this concept of 'relativity of si-
multaneity' underlies most of the puzzles and paradoxes
of relativity. Once we understand this idea, we can mod-
ify our intuition to include the strange world of relativ-


Figure 1. A picture of two

inertial frames A and B.
Frame B is moving with a
velocity V == vx
with respect
to frameA.
x X'

Frame A Frame B

To establish this more clearly, let us first see how we

transform from one inertial frame to another in New-
tonian mechanics. Newton teaches us that if ·an iner-
tial frame B is moving with respect to another inertial
frame A with a velocity v = vx (see Figure 1), and a
point in spacetime (called an 'event') has the coordi-
nates (x, y, z, t) in frame A and (x', y', z', t') in frame B,
then these are related as:

X' - x - vt
y Y
Z - z
and t' - t (1)

These relations are called Galilean transformations. From

this, we see that the time of occurrence of an event is
the same in all inertial frames. A more precise way of
stating this is that the time interval between two events
is invariant.
To retain the validity of Maxwell's equations in all frames,
Einstein then showed that the Galilean transformation
laws need to be changed. He introduced two postulates:
3 Actually.the second postulate
1. The laws of physics take the same form in all inertial follows from the first since the
frames. laws of physics include Max-
well's equations of electro mag-
2. The speed of light in vacuum is the same in all inertial netism which contain the speed
framei. of light.


To derive the correct transformation laws, let the two

inertial frames coincide at t = O. From the above pos-
tulates, it follows that if a body emits light at a space-
time point with coordinates (0,0,0,0) in both frames,
the wave front at later times must be given by the sur-
face of a sphere which is expanding with speed c in both
frames. In other words, the wave front must satisfy

x2 + y2 + z2 _ c 2t 2

and xt2 + yf'2 + z'2 _ c 2t t2 (2)

in frames A and B, respectively. Using these equations

and the fact that frame B is moving with respect to
frame A with speed v in the x direction, Einstein derived
the relations
x - vt
)1 - v 2 /c 2
y' = y
z' z
t - vx/c 2
and t' (3)
)1 - v 2 /c 2

These transformation laws had already been discovered

by H A Lorentz in 1904 (and even earlier by W Voigt
in 1887), except that he had not understood the signif-
icance of the time t'; he thought of it as some kind of
a 'local' time which is needed in order to make sense of
Maxwell's equations in frame B. Lorentz continued to
believe in the notion of a preferred frame and an ab-
solute time t. It was Einstein who first understood the
true significance of the transformation of the time coor-
dinate. However, the relations in equation (3) are still
called the Lorentz transformations since he had discov-
ered them one year earlier.

Under Galilean transformations, we saw that two ob-

servers agree on the time interval between two events.


Under Lorentz transformation, we see that the time in- Length contraction
terval is not invariant. The curious reader might there- is a consequence
fore wonder what, if anything, do the two observers of the fact that
agree on? The answer lies in equation (2). The quan- simultaneity in time
tity (x2 + y2 + z2 - c2t 2) is obviously the same for both
is not an absolute
observers. This is called the spacetime interval, and
is a Lorentz invariant since it remains the same un-
der Lorentz transformations. We will see more about
Lorentz invariants later. One other point to note is that
the Galilean transformation can be thought of as a lim-
iting case of the Lorentz transformation, in the limit
c -t 00.

4. Consequences of the Lorentz Transformation


Several results can be derived from the Lorentz trans-

formation laws. The reader is encouraged to derive the
first two results discussed below (length contraction and
time dilation), which only involve some simple algebraic

Fitzgerald-Lorentz Length Contraction: If an ob-

ject of length L (as measured in its 'rest' frame B) is
moving with velocity v in the direction of its length with
respect to a frame A, its length as measured in frame A
is given by


This ,happens because length is defined to be the differ-

ence between the spatial coordinates of the two ends of
an object measured at the same time. In other words, if
we denote the two ends of the object as 1 and 2, then in
frame B, t~ = t~ implies x~ - x~ = L. However, in frame
A, t2 = tl implies X2 - Xl = LJ1 - v 2/c 2. Thus length
contraction is a consequence of the fact that simultane-
ity in time is not an absolute concept.


Time Dilation: If in a frame B, the time differeI}.ce

between two events occurring at the same point in space
is ~t, in a different frame A which is moving with a
velocity v with respect to B, the time difference bet.ween
the same two events is given by


There is a simple way of deriving this important re-

sult which does not require a complete knowledge of the
Lorentz transformation laws given earlier.

Suppose that frame B is moving along the x-axis with

speed v with respect to frame A. In frame B, imagine a
light wave that starts at a point 0, goes up along the +i)
direction for a distance L, gets reflected back along the
-y direction, and returns to the point 0 (see Figure 2).
The two spacetime events are thus defined as (1) light
pulse being emitted from 0, and (2) light pulse being
received at O. Since the speed of light is c, the time
elapsed between the two events in frame B is 2L / c.

Now, let us consider the two events from the point of

view of frame A. First, note that a coordinate which
is measured in a direction perpendicular to the rela-
tive motion of two frames has the same value in both
frames. Thus the distance L in the y direction is the
same in frames A and B. However, during the time in-
terval between the two events, the point 0 has moved

Figure 2. The path travelled

by a light wave as seen in
two inertial frames A and B.
Frame B is moving with a
Y'Ll x' x
velocity v = vx with respect
Frame B Frame A
to frameA.


some distance to the right relative to A. Clearly, the The time interval
light wave has traversed a greater distance (along the viewed from a
triangle) in frame A. If the speed of light with respect moving frame is
to A is also to be c, the time interval has to be longer. always longer than
To see this quantitatively, let us denote the time inter- the corresponding
val between the above two events in frame A as ,2L/c, time interval in the
where, is the time-dilation factor that we are going rest frame.
to derive. The point 0 moves a distance (,2L/c)v be-
tween the two events. The time interval between the
two events is therefore given by twice the time needed
for light to travel the hypotenuse of a right-angled tri-
angle; by the Pythagoras theorem, the hypotenuse has a
length given by LJI + ,2v2/c 2. Hence the time interval
in frame A is (2L/c)VI + ,2v 2/c 2 which must be equal
to ,2L / c. This immediately leads to the relation

, = ----r-==== (6)
VI - v2 /c 2

It is important to note that time dilation is a completely

symmetric phenomenon. In other words, if we repeated
the above experiment with the light beam going up and
down vertically in frame A, then it is an observer in
frame B who will see a triangular path and hence a
longer time interval. The reason for this symmetry is
that all (uniform) motion is relative, and it is incorrect
to say that A is moving or that B is moving; they are
just moving relative to each other. What is true is that
the time interval (or the rate of a clock) viewed from a
moving frame is always longer than the corresponding
time interval in the rest frame. It is in this sense that
the phrase 'moving clocks go slower' is used. The time
interval in the rest frame is called the proper time.

Velocity Addition Law: If frame B is moving with re-

.spect to frame A with velocity VI, and frame C is moving
with respect to frame A with velocity V2 in the opposite


cisthe'speed direction, then the relative velocity between frames B

limit' of nature and C is given by
which no object
can ever exceed. (7)

Einstein actually derived a more general relation in which

frames Band C could move at arbitrary angles with re-
spect to frame A.

An interesting consequence of this relation is that if both

VI and V2 are less than c in magnitude, then so is V3.
Thus, one cannot exceed the speed c no matter how one
'adds' up the velocities of several frames. The speed c
is the 'speed limit' of nature which no object can ever
exceed. Furthermore, if one of the velocities is the speed
of light c, then the sum is also c. Thus, the speed of
light viewed from any frame is c, which is indeed one
of the postulates on which the above equation is based.
Finally, note that if VI and V2 are both much smaller
than c, then we recover the 'intuitive' law of addition
of velocities, V3 = VI + V2' Our intuition is based on
experiences with speeds that are a small fraction of the
speed of light, therefore it is not surprising that we did
not realize the need for the correct law until Maxwell
and then Einstein came along!

Doppler Shift: If light waves moving in some direc-

tion have a frequency v in a frame A, then they have a

v' =v 1- vic (8)

1 + vic

in a frame which is moving in the same direction with

velocity v, and a frequency

11 + vic (9)
1- vic


in a frame which is moving in the opposite direction with The paper in which
velocity v. Note again that if v I c « 1, one recovers the Einstein derived the
lTIOre familiar result for Doppler shift v'I v = 1 ± vIc famous relation
(depending on the relative direction of the light waves E=mc2 is remarkably
and the frame of the observer). short!
Using arguments from the classical theory of electromag-
netism' Einstein also showed that the energy of the light
waves transforms in the same way as the frequency. This
is now obvious from the quantum theory of photons; the
energy of a photon is proportional to the frequency of
the corresponding light wave, the constant of propor-
tionality being given by Planck's consta~t h.

5. The now Famous Relation E = mc2

The second paper of Einstein (in which he derived a re-
lation between the energy and the mass of an object)
was remarkably short! His argument went as follows.
Let an object which is at rest in a frame A simultane-
ously emit two light waves with the same energy E 12
in opposite directions. Since the two waves carry equal
but opposite momenta, the object remains at rest, but
its energy decreases by E.

By the Doppler shift argument given above, in a frame B

which is moying at velocity v in one of those directions,
the object will appear to lose an energy equal to

E 1 - vic E 1 + vic E
2 l+vlc
+ 2 1 - vI c = -;r=1=_=v=2=1c=2 (10)

The difference in energy loss as viewed from the two

frames must therefore appear as a difference in kinetic
energy seen by frame B. Hence, if vic is very small, in
frame B the object loses an amount of kinetic energy


A quantity which given by

has the same
value in all inertial 1 E 2
~-x-xv (11)
frames is called a 2 c2
Lorentz invariant.
Since the kinetic energy of an object with mass M mov-
ing with speed v is given by (1/2)M v 2 (for v / c « 1),
this means that the object has lost an amount of mass
given by E / c2 . In other words, a loss in energy of E
is equivalent to a loss in mass of E / c2 . This implies an
equivalence between the mass and energy content of any

Transformation Laws of Energy and Momen-

tum: It turns out that not only: the spacetime coordi-
nates, but also some other sets of four quantities trans-
form the same way as given by equation (3). For in-
stance, if E and (Px, pY' pz) denote the energy and three
components of the momentum of a particle, then E / c2
and (Px, PY' pz) transform in exactly the same way as t
and (x, y, z). This means that the quantity E2 / c2 - p; -
P~ -p; has the same value in all inertial frames, i.e. it is a
Lorentz invariant (just like the quantity x 2+y2+z2_c 2t 2
discussed earlier). It turns out that for a particle of mass
M this quantity is equal to M 2 c2 . Thus the energy and
momentum of a particle are related as


If a particle has zero momentum (the frame in which this

is true is called the rest frame of that particle), then we
recover the relation E = ]\;[ c2 . If a particle has a non-
zero momentum but the components of the momentum
are all much smaller than M c, we can expand the right
hand side of (12) to obtain

2 +
Px Py + P z 2 2
E = Mc++ ( 13)


The first term is the rest-mass energy while the second The muon appears
term is the form of the kinetic energy· that we are famil- to live seven times
iar with in non-relativistic classical mechanics. longer in the frame
Finally, we can use the Lorentz transformations in equa- of the Earth.
tion (3) to calculate the energy of a particle in different
inertial frames. We know that the energy and momen-
tum of a particle are given by M c2 and zero respectively
in its rest frame. We then find that in a frame which is
moving with a speed v with respect to its rest frame, its
energy is given by

E = --;:::=== (14)
}1- v2 /c 2
6. Experimental Verification of Einstein's Ideas

The special theory of relativity has been experimentally

tested in a variety of ways over the years. We present
below some of the more striking consequences of this

Muon Decay: There is an unstable particle called the

muon which decays into other particles with a time con-
stant of T = 2 microseconds. These particles are cre-
ated when cosmic rays hit the upper atmosphere, at a
distance of tens of kilometers above the Earth's surface.
The particles are created at speeds of up to 0.99 c, but
even at such high speeds, one would expect that they
travel only about 600 meters (in 2 microseconds) be-
fore decaying. However, some muons are found near the
Earth's surface!

The explanation for this observation comes from the

phenomenon of time dilation. The lifetime of 2 microsec-
onds for the muon is true in its rest frame. In the Earth-
bound frame, the muon is moving at a speed of 0.99 c,
hence its lifetime is given by T/VI - v 2 / c2 ~ 7 T ~ 14
microseconds. The average distance that they travel in

I April 2005

one lifetime is about ~ kilometers, and some of them do

reach the Earth's surface.

Fission and Fusion: In general, the mass of an atom

is less than the sum of the masses of the neutrons, pro-
tons and electrons contained in it. The mass difference is
due to the binding energy; when particles come together
to form a bound state, they lose the binding energy E B
and therefore a mass given by E B / (:,2. Most of the bind-
ing energy of an atom is due to the nuclear forces which
bind neutrons and protons together to form the nucleus;
the binding energy of the electrons to the nucleus is
about a million times smaller. Roughly speaking, t.his
means that chemical interactions (involving electrons)
are a million times weaker than nuclear interactions.

If we look at the binding energy of a nucleus and di-

4 Neutrons and protons are col- vide it by the total number of nucleons4, we get an
lectively called nucleons be-
average value of the binding energy called the binding
cause they form the constitu-
ents of all nuclei.
energy per nucleon. This is obviously different for dif-
ferent nuclei,but we find that it is largest for an iso-
tope of iron, namely ~~Fe. In this notation, ~~Fe means
that the nucleus of the iron atom (Fe) contains 26 pro-
tons and 56 - 26 = .30 neutrons. The binding en-
ergy per nucleon for this nucleus is 8.8 million electron
volts (MeV), and becomes progressively smaller both
5 In conventional units, 1 MeV for larger and smaller nuclei 5 . For example, the binding
::: 1.602 x 10-13 Joules. energy per nucleon for the alpha particle (~He) is 7.1
MeV Thus, heavy nuclei are comparatively less stable
and can be split into lighter nuclei that are more
This process is called fission. Similarly, very light nu-
clei can be joined together to form more stable heavier
nuclei. This process is called fusion. In both processes,
the difference in binding energy is released in the form
of kinetic energy of the daughter particles.

An example of a fission process is the decay of uranium.

When a neutron strikes a uranium nucleus, the 'latter
can decay into a cesium nucleus and a rubidium nucleus


'emitting three neutrons and some energy, The energy

released in fission
oIn + 92
235U -+ 55
140CS + 93Rb
37 + 3 0In + 200 MeV . (15) and fusion is due
to a mismatch in
Since the process starts with one neutron and results the masses of the
in three neutrons being produced, this can have a mul- initial and final
tiplicative effect in that each of the daughter neutrons particles.
can cause further fission of a uranium nucleus, setting
off what is called a chain reaction. This is the reaction
used in most nuclear power plants today. The fission of
1 kg of uranium releases 18.7 million kilowatt-hours as

An example of a fusion process is the reaction by which

two nuclei of a heavy isotope of hydrogen (called the
deuteron) join to form a helium nucleus, thereby emit-
ting one neutron and some energy,

iH + iH -+ ~He + 5n + 3.2 MeV. (16)

This is one of the main processes that is responsible

for the production of energy in most stars including the
sun. Some of this energy eventually reaches the Earth
and makes life possible here!

High-energy Physics: In high-energy collisions, it is

common for particles to appear or disappear completely!
This seems to violate what we have learnt in school that
matter cannot be created or destroyed. The explana-
tion comes from the energy-mass relation, which allows
a particle's mass to be entirely converted to other forms
of energy and vice versa6 . Of course, a quick calculation 6 The entire conversion of mass

will show that you need large amounts of energy to cre- to energy is in contrast to
nuclear fission and fusion dis-
ate even a light particle such as the electron, hence these
cussed above, where only
processes are observed only in high-energy experiments. about 0.1% ot the mass is con-
High-energy physicists therefore find it convenient to ex- verted to other forms ot energy.
press the masses of particles in terms of their equivalent
energy. For instance, the mass of an electron is about


The existence of 0.511 MeV /c 2 , (about 9.109 x 10-31 kg in conventional

antiparticles is an terms), and the mass of a proton is about 938 MeV / c2
unexpected (about 1.673 x 10- 27 kg).
consequence of
A modern particle accelerator such as the Tevatron in
the special theory
Fermilab near Chicago can co11ide protons and antipro-
of relativity . tons with a total energy of 2 million MeV. In fact, the
name Tevatron comes from tera .electron volt (Te V),
which is equal to a million MeV. With such an energy,
one can create a particle which is two thousand times
more massive than a proton. In 2007, a more powerful
accelerator called the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will
begin working in Geneva; this will collide protons with
protons with a total energy of 14 million MeV.
Existence of Antiparticles: This is a less-fre- quently
discussed consequence of the special theory of relativity,
one which Einstein did not anticipate because antiparti-
cles were not known in 1905. Given a particle with mass
M and charge Q, its antiparticle is an object with the
same mass M but the opposite charge Q. Some neutral
particles like the neutron also have antiparticles; these
differ from the particle in some other ways.

To see why the existence of antiparticles follows neces-

sarily from the special theory of relativity, consider the
sequence of events shown in Figure 3. In the figure, time
increases in the vertical direction while spatial coordi-
nates (say, the x coordinate) changes in the horizontal

Figure 3. A process in which time

an electron (e-) emits and
absorbs a photon at two e
different spacetime points, 2
as seen in two inertial
frames A and B. The iden-
1 I 2
tity of the mysterious par- e
ticle marked by a '?' in the
middle of frame B will be
revealed in the next figure.
Frame A Frame B


Box 1

A simple numerical example will illustrate how the time ordering of two events is not
an absolute notion. In an inertial frame A, let us suppose that event 1 occurs 10- 8
seconds before event 2, and that they are separated by a distance of 90 centimeters in
the i direction. Now consider a frame B which is moving with respect to frame A with a
velocity of 0.99 (~ in the x direction. Using the Lorentz transformations in equation (3),
we find that in this frame, event 1 occurs 10- 8 seconds after event 2. This is a very small
time difference by human standards; the smallness is due to the high speed of light which
takes only 3 x 10- 9 seconds to travel a distance of 90 centimeters.' Also, whenever this
happens, i.e. the time sequence of two events gets reversed, one of them could not have
been the cause of the other! The two events are outside each other's 'sphere of influence'.

direction. An electrQn (denoted by e- and shown by a

solid line) emits a photon (shown by a wavy line) at the
spacetime point 1 and absorbs a photon at the spacetime
point 2. The photons do not play any role in the argu-
ment given below; however, they are shown to indicate
the locations of the points 1 and 2 where the electron
undergoes a change in energy and momentum due to the
emission or absorption of a photon.

Let us assume that in frame A, event 2 occurs after

event 1, but in frame B, event 2 occurs before event 1.
This is possible in relativity because the time ordering
of two events is not an absolute concept - one event can
be in the past of another event in one frame and in its
future in another frame (see Box 1). Now the question is:
what are the various particles that an observer will see
at different times in the two frames? (We will ignore the
photons in this discussion). In frame A, we clearly see
an electron before event 1, an electron between events
1 and 2, and an electron after event 2. In frame B, we
again see only one electron before event 2, and only one
electron after event 1.

Question: What particles are observed in frame B be-

tween events 2 and I? In particular, what is the myste-
rious particle marked with a '1' in the middle of frame
B in Figure 3?


Figure 4. The same pro-

cess as shown in the previ-
ous figure. The particle in
the middle of frame B has I e
to be the antiparticle of the 2 1
electron (e+) in order to con-
1 I 2
serve the total charge at all e
e I

Frame A Frame B

Answer: In frame B, we have three particles of the same

mass. This is because, as we have discussed earlier, the·
mass of a particle is the same in all inertial frames. Since
the particle in the middle has the mass of an electron in
frame A, it must have the mass of an electron in frame
B also. The two particles in the beginning and end are
clearly electrons. The third particle (in the middle) can-
not be an electron because the total charge must remain
the same at all times in any frame. This is required by
th~ law of conservation of charge, which can never be
violated under any circumstances. Hence, the charge of
the third particle must be opposite to that of an elec-
tron, so that the total charge at all times remains equal
to the charge of one electron. Thus, the third particle
has the same mass as the electron but has the opposite
charge. This is the antiparticle of the electron, and it is
called the positron (denoted by e+). The complete pic-
ture is shown in Figure 4. It is important to note that,
in frame B, the positron is created at point 2, and then
travels to point 1 where it is annihilated by the electron.

7. Final Comments

The most important lesson from the special theory of rel-

ativity is that simultaneity is relative. As mentioned ear-
lier, this concept underlies many of the apparent para-
doxes in relativity. The phrase 'at the same time' is an


observer-dependent term, and most paradoxes will be The 'general

solved if the use of this phrase is removed. The reader is theory of relativity'
encouraged to have a fresh look at the puzzles discussed is probably the
in many books on relativity with this idea in mind. greatest
intellectual creation
Since the speeds of most objects that we see around us
are much smaller than c, one might think that the differ- to come from a
ences between non-relativistic mechanics and relativistic single person.
mechanics would be too small to be of any practical im-
portance in our daily life. While this is generally true, are some situations where it becomes essential to
take relativistic corrections into account. An interesting
example is provided by the satellites that implement the
global positioning system. These satellites carry atomic
clocks which can measure very precisely the time differ-
ences between messages sent out and received by differ-
ent sat.ellites and ground stations. In order to use these
time differences to calculate the position of an object
on t.he Earth's surface with sufficient accuracy (of the
order of centimeters), it turns out to be essential to use
t.he special theory of relativity. The curious reader may
look at [8] for a detailed discussion of this point.

We should also emphasize that the special theory of rel-

ativity is not so much a theory as a guiding principle for
physics. It tells us how to formulate the laws of physics
by directing us to write them in a form that will be the
same for all inertial observers. Such laws are said to be
relativistically covariant. It also informs us that space
and time can be transformed into each other, and the pa- that expresses this relation between space and
time is c. Thus, c will appear naturally in any relativis-
tically covariant. theory. It is just a historical accident
that the first relativistic theory we discovered was the
Maxwell theory of electromagnetism, and as a result cis
called the speed of light. If we had instead discovered a
relativistic theory of gravitation to supersede Newton's
law, we might. have equally well called c as the speed of


It appears quite natural to try and extend the principle

of special relativity to a more general principle that the
laws of physics should be the same in all frames, both
inertial and accelerated. This is indeed what Einstein
did 10 years after develDping the special theory. The ex-
tended theory is called the 'general theory of relativity'
and is probably the greatest intellectual creation to come
from a single person. It is a profoundly beautiful theory,
although it only includes gr~vitation in its description.
The general theory led to an even greater revolution in
physics by giving rise to the idea of curved spacetime,
nonlinear equations where force and inertial manifesta-
tions are combined, the idea of black holes, and so much
more, but that is a story for another day.
Address for Correspondence
Vasant Notarajan Suggested Reading
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Science [1] George Gamow, Mr Tompkins in Paperback, Cambridge University
Bangalore 560012, India. Press, Cambridge, 1995.
Email: [2] H A Lorentz, A Einstein, H Minkowski and H WeyJ, The Principle of
[email protected] Rellztittity, Dover Publif.:ations, London, 1952. [3] A Pais, 'Subtle is the Lord. .• ' The Science and the Life ofAlbert Einstein,
-vasant Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1982.
[4] . Albert Einstein, The M~aning of Relativity, Fifth Edition, Princeton
Diptiman Sen University Press, Princeton, 1956.
Centre for High Energy [5] Robert Resnic~ Introduction to Special Relativity, Wiley, New York,
Physics 1968.
Indian Institute of Science [6] Supurna Sinha, Einstein and the Special Theory of Relativity, Reso-
Bangalore 560 012, India. nance, Vol. 5, No.3, p.6, 2000.
Email: [7]
diptiman@cts .iisc.ernet,in [8] Neil Gershenfeld, The Physics of Information Technology, Cambridge
University Prds, Cambridge, 2000.

"sometimes ask myselfhow it came about that I was the one to develop the theory
ofrelatiVity. The reason, I think, is that a normal adult never stops to think about
problems ofspace and time. These are things which he has thought about as a
I I' child. But my intellectual development was retarded, as a result ofwhich I began
to wonder about space and time only when I had already grown up. "

Einstein on relativity


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