WHP25 User Guide in English

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Mains Power Supply



Vaisala Oyj Phone (int.):+358 9 8949 1

P.O. Box 26 Fax: +358 9 8949 2227
FIN-00421 Helsinki
Visit our Internet pages at http://www.vaisala.com/

© Vaisala 2002

No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any

means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its
contents be communicated to a third party without prior written
permission of the copyright holder.
The contents are subject to change without prior notice.

Please observe that this manual does not create any legally binding
obligations for Vaisala towards the customer or end user. All legally
binding commitments and agreements are included exclusively in the
applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale.

Table of Contents

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................3
About This Manual..................................................3
Contents of This Manual.......................................3
Version Information...............................................4
Safety .......................................................................4
General Safety Considerations.............................4
Product Related Safety Precautions .....................5
ESD Protection .....................................................5
Warranty ..................................................................6

PRODUCT OVERVIEW.............................................................7
Introduction to WHP25 Mains Power Supply........7

INSTALLATION ........................................................................9
Installation Procedure ............................................9
Installation Examples ...........................................14
Installation with WAC151 and WA25 Wind Set...14
Installation with WAT12 and WA25 Wind Set .....16

TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................19
Common Problems ...............................................19
Replacing Fuses .................................................20
Technical Support.................................................21
Return Instructions...............................................22

TECHNICAL DATA .................................................................23
Specifications .......................................................23
Dimensions ...........................................................24

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

List of Figures
Figure 1 WHP25 Mains Power Supply ................................... 8
Figure 2 Mounting WHP25 Mains Power Supply on
a Pole Mast ............................................................ 10
Figure 3 Location of the WHP25 Jumpers............................ 11
Figure 4 Instructions Label for the WHP25 Jumper
Settings and Wiring ................................................ 11
Figure 5 WHP25 Connectors and Glands ............................ 12
Figure 6 Grounding the Cable .............................................. 13
Figure 7 Typical Installation with WA25 Wind Set ................ 14
Figure 8 Wiring WAC151 with WHP25 Mains Power
Supply and WA25 Wind Set ................................... 15
Figure 9 Wiring WAT12 with WHP25 Mains Power
Supply and WA25 Wind Set ................................... 17
Figure 10 Location of the Fuses F1 and F2............................ 20
Figure 11 WHP25 Main Dimensions ...................................... 24

List of Tables
Table 1 Manual Revisions ..................................................... 4
Table 2 Some Common Problems and their Remedies ...... 19
Table 3 WHP25 Mains Power Supply Specifications .......... 23

2 ______________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 1 ___________________________________________ General Information


This chapter provides general notes for the product.

About This Manual

This manual provides information for installing, operating,
and maintaining WHP25 Mains Power Supply.

Contents of This Manual

This manual consists of the following chapters:
- Chapter 1, General Information, provides general notes
for the product.
- Chapter 2, Product Overview, introduces the WHP25
Mains Power Supply features.
- Chapter 3, Installation, provides you with information
that is intended to help you install WHP25 Mains Power
- Chapter 4, Troubleshooting, describes common problems,
their probable causes and remedies, and contact
- Chapter 5, Technical Data, provides the technical data for
WHP25 Mains Power Supply.

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

Version Information
Table 1 Manual Revisions
Manual Code Description
T647en-1.1 WHP25 Power Supply Technical
U146en-1.1 WHP25 Power Supply Quick Reference
M210376en-A This manual, the first version of the
WHP25 Mains Power Supply User's
Guide. Replaces the above mentioned
Technical Reference and Quick
Reference Guide.

Vaisala Customer Documentation Team welcomes your
comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of
this publication. If you find errors or have other suggestions
for improvement, please indicate the chapter, section, and
page number. You can send comments to us by e-mail:
[email protected]


General Safety Considerations

Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are
highlighted as follows:

WARNING Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read

and follow instructions very carefully at this point, there is
a risk of injury or even death.

4 ______________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 1 ___________________________________________ General Information

CAUTION Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read

and follow instructions carefully at this point, the product
could be damaged or important data could be lost.

NOTE Note highlights important information on using the product.

Product Related Safety

WHP25 Mains Power Supply delivered to you has been
tested for safety and approved as shipped from the factory.
Note the following precautions:

WARNING Ground the product, and verify outdoor installation

grounding periodically to minimize shock hazard.

CAUTION Do not modify the unit. Improper modification can damage

the product or lead to malfunction.

ESD Protection
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can cause immediate or latent
damage to electronic circuits. Vaisala products are
adequately protected against ESD for their intended use.
However, it is possible to damage the product by delivering
electrostatic discharges when touching, removing, or
inserting any objects inside the equipment housing.
To make sure you are not delivering high static voltages

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

- Handle ESD sensitive components on a properly

grounded and protected ESD workbench. When this is
not possible, ground yourself to the equipment chassis
before touching the boards. Ground yourself with a wrist
strap and a resistive connection cord. When neither of the
above is possible, touch a conductive part of the
equipment chassis with your other hand before touching
the boards.
- Always hold the boards by the edges and avoid touching
the component contacts.

For certain products Vaisala normally gives a limited one
year warranty. Please observe that any such warranty may
not be valid in case of damage due to normal wear and tear,
exceptional operating conditions, negligent handling or
installation, or unauthorized modifications. Please see the
applicable supply contract or conditions of sale for details of
the warranty for each product.

6 ______________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 2 ____________________________________________ Product Overview


This chapter introduces the WHP25 Mains Power Supply


Introduction to WHP25 Mains Power

WHP25 is a compact AC (Mains) Power Supply Unit
intended for outdoor use. The unit is capable of delivering
power, for example, to the WA25 Wind Set.

The nominal input power of 230 VAC can be changed by

jumpers between 100 VAC and 245 VAC (±10 %). The
WHP25 unit provides two power outputs, namely 24.0 VDC
(max 5.2 A) and 38.0 VAC (max 0.9 A).

The WHP25 unit has a waterproof housing made from cast

aluminum. The mounting hardware is included in the
delivery. It is mountable to a Ø 100 mm standard pole mast.

User's Guide ________________________________________________________


Figure 1 WHP25 Mains Power Supply

The following numbers refer to Figure 1 above:

1 = Gland for AC (mains) input cable

2 = Gland for optional power output cable
3 = Gland for power output cable

8 ______________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 3 __________________________________________________ Installation


This chapter provides you with information that is intended

to help you install WHP25 Mains Power Supply.

Installation Procedure
Before installation, route the input (AC) power cable near
the mast, which WHP25 Mains Power Supply will be
mounted to. Make sure you selected a pole mast with a
diameter from 99 to 105 mm for installation with the
standard mounting clamp.

To install the WHP25 unit, follow the procedure below.

1. Remove the four screws holding the cover of the

WHP25 unit. Remove the cover.
2. Attach the unit to the mast at a suitable place with the
provided accessories and the standard mounting clamp.
Refer to Figure 2 on page 10.

User's Guide ________________________________________________________


Figure 2 Mounting WHP25 Mains Power Supply on a

Pole Mast
The following numbers refer to Figure 2 above.
1 = Enclosure
2 = Slot screw M6, washer A6, spring washer B6, and
nut M6
3 = Mounting clamp
4 = Pole mast, diameter from 99 to 105 mm
5 = Cable gland
6 = Cable

3. If the local voltage level is other than 230 VAC,

reselect the voltage with the X2 and X3 jumpers
located inside the WHP25 unit. For the location of the
jumpers, refer to Figure 3 on page 11. For instructions
how to set the jumpers for different input voltages,
refer to Figure 4 on page 11.

WARNING Improper jumper setting damages WHP25 Mains Power


CAUTION Observe the instructions and warnings in the instruction

label inside the unit, refer to Figure 4 on page 11.

10 _____________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 3 __________________________________________________ Installation


Figure 3 Location of the WHP25 Jumpers

The following numbers refer to Figure 3 above.
1 = Plastic shield above the jumpers
2 = Caution label
3 = Fixing screw for the plastic shield


Primary Secondary X4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


100V 115V 200V 215V 230V 245V

X2 38VAC 24VDC
0.9A 5.2A

ACout DCout
(RG13H) (WA25)
MAINS Total wire resistance
INPUT less than 0.3 ohms
WARNING! Improper jumper setting recommended for
1.0 - 2.0 A may cause damage. WA25 systems.

Figure 4 Instructions Label for the WHP25 Jumper

Settings and Wiring
4. Make sure the AC (mains) voltage is disconnected.
5. Enter the AC (mains) cable through the leftmost cable
gland and connect the input wiring to the X1

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

connector. To ease the wire connection the connector

has spring loaded terminals.
6. Connect the ground wire to the crimp assembled under
the screw. The wiring of the AC (mains) input to the
X1 connector is instructed in Figure 4 on page 11.
Refer to Figure 5 below for the location of the
connectors and cable glands on the WHP25 unit.
7. Tighten the input cable glands.


Figure 5 WHP25 Connectors and Glands

The following numbers refer to Figure 5 above.
1 = Crimp and screw for AC (mains) grounding
2 = Gland for AC (mains) input cable
3 = X1: Spring loaded terminals
4 = Glands for power output cables
5 = X4: Removable screw terminal block

12 _____________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 3 __________________________________________________ Installation

8. Enter the output power cable(s) through the rightmost

cable gland(s). For better protection against RF
interference, ground the cable as shown in Figure 6
below. Push the shield through the two washers
(number 3 in Figure 6 below) and squeeze part of it
evenly between them.

CAUTION The shield mesh must not touch the circuit board or its
components. Make sure no pieces of the mesh or other
metal parts touch the circuit board.


Figure 6 Grounding the Cable

The following numbers refer to Figure 6 above.
1 = Wires
2 = Entry
3 = Two washers
4 = Backnut
5 = Cable

9. Connect the output wiring to the removable screw

terminal block X4, as shown in Figure 4 on page 11.
Tighten the output cable gland(s).
10. Carefully reattach the enclosure cover with the four

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

Installation Examples

Installation with WAC151 and

WA25 Wind Set
Figure 7 below illustrates a typical installation with WA25
Wind Set. As a power source, it is recommended to use
WHP25 Mains Power Supply, with a mast mountable, all-
weather enclosure. For the wiring instructions, refer to
Figure 8 on page 15.


Figure 7 Typical Installation with WA25 Wind Set

14 _____________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 3 __________________________________________________ Installation


Figure 8 Wiring WAC151 with WHP25 Mains Power

Supply and WA25 Wind Set

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

NOTE Total wire resistance of less than 0.3 Ω is recommended for

WA25 Wind Set.

Figure 8 on page 15 provides the wiring diagram for WA25

Wind Set mounted to WAC151 Cross Arm. When using the
standard power and signal cables ZZ45049 and ZZ45048,
the connections are the following:

1. For power supply, connect the YEL, GRN, and PNK

colored wires to the screw terminal #2 and the WHT,
BRN, and GRY colored wires to the terminal #3.
2. For signal output, connect wires GRN, YEL, WHT,
VIO, GRY, and PNK to terminals #7 to #12. For signal
grounding, connect BLK to the terminal #5.
3. For the optional sensor power input, connect BRN to
the terminal #6.

Installation with WAT12 and

WA25 Wind Set
Figure 9 on page 17 provides the wiring diagram for WA25
Wind Set mounted to WAT12 Analog Wind Transmitter.

NOTE An expansion connector and discrete joining wires are

included in the WAA252 accessories.

16 _____________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 3 __________________________________________________ Installation


Figure 9 Wiring WAT12 with WHP25 Mains Power

Supply and WA25 Wind Set

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

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18 _____________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 4 ______________________________________________ Troubleshooting


This chapter describes common problems, their probable

causes and remedies, and contact information.

Common Problems
Table 2 below lists some common problems and their

Table 2 Some Common Problems and their

Problem Probable Cause Remedy
No voltage between Fuse F1 is broken. Replace the fuse
X5 and the F1 as instructed in
grounding crimp. section Replacing
Fuses on page 20.
No voltage from the Fuse F2 is broken Replace the fuse
24 VDC output. F2 as instructed in
section Replacing
Fuses on page 20.
No voltage from the Fuse R3 is broken. Send the unit to
36 VDC output. Vaisala as
instructed in section
Return Instructions
on page 22.

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

Replacing Fuses
Follow the procedure below to replace a broken fuse:

1. Remove the four screws attaching the cover of the

WHP25 unit. Remove the cover.
2. Disconnect the power input.
3. Refer to Figure 10 below for the location of the
replaceable fuses.
4. Open the holder of the broken fuse (either F1 or F2)
with a screw driver.
5. Replace the broken fuse (either F1 or F2) with a new
one and screw the holder back onto its place.
6. Connect the power input.
7. Carefully reattach the enclosure cover with the four


Figure 10 Location of the Fuses F1 and F2

The following numbers refer to Figure 10 above.
1 = F1: 2 AT replaceable fuse, 5 × 20 mm
2 = F2: 8 AT replaceable fuse, 5 × 20 mm

20 _____________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 4 ______________________________________________ Troubleshooting

Technical Support
For technical questions or for comments on the manuals,
contact the Vaisala technical support:

E-mail [email protected]
Telephone +358 9 8949 2789
Fax +358 9 8949 2790

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

Return Instructions
If the product needs repair, please follow the instructions
below to speed up the process and avoid extra costs.

1. Read the warranty information.

2. Write a Problem Report with the name and contact
information of a technically competent person who can
provide further information on the problem.
3. On the Problem Report, please explain:
- What failed (what worked / did not work)?
- Where did it fail (location and environment)?
- When did it fail (date, immediately / after a while /
periodically / randomly)?
- How many failed (only one defect / other same or
similar defects / several failures in one unit)?
- What was connected to the product and to which
- Input power source type, voltage and list of other
items (lighting, heaters, motors etc.) that were
connected to the same power output.
- What was done when the failure was noticed?
4. Include a detailed return address with your preferred
shipping method on the Problem Report.
5. Pack the faulty product using an ESD protection bag of
good quality with proper cushioning material in a
strong box of adequate size. Please include the
Problem Report in the same box.
6. Send the box to:
Vaisala Oyj
SSD Service
Vanha Nurmijärventie 21
FIN-01670 Vantaa

22 _____________________________________________________ M210376en-A
Chapter 5 _______________________________________________Technical Data


This chapter provides the technical data for WHP25 Mains

Power Supply.

Table 3 WHP25 Mains Power Supply Specifications
Property Description/Value
Input operating power:
Nominal 230 VAC ±10 %, 50/60 Hz, 1.0 A max.
Optional selections 100/115/200/215/245 VAC (±10 %)
DC output 24.0 ±2.5 VDC, 5.2 A (max.)
(X4/4, 5 - 6, 7)
AC output (X4/1 - 2) 38.0 ±3.0 VAC, 0.9 A (max.)
Primary 2 AT replaceable fuse, 5 × 20 mm
24 V output 8 AT replaceable fuse, 5 × 20 mm
38 V output 1.8 A solid state fuse
Cable glands (3) One for input, two for outputs,
cable ∅ 7 ... 10 mm
Input wiring (L, N) Spring loaded terminals,
1.5 mm2 max. wire dimension
Input wiring (E) Crimp connector, 2.5 mm2 max.
Output wiring 8-pin removable screw terminal
(24 V, 38 V) connector, 2.5 mm2 max.
Operating temperature -60 ... +55 °C
Storage temperature -60 ... +70 °C
Humidity 0 ... 100 %RH
Housing material Cast aluminum, painted gray

User's Guide ________________________________________________________

Property Description/Value
Mounting clamp AlMgSi, gray anodized
Ingress protection IP65 (Nema 4)
Unit dimensions 220 (w) × 120 (h) × 81 (d) mm
(cable glands add 23 mm to height)
Mounting To a ∅ 99 ... 105 mm pole mast tube
with standard mounting clamp
Weight 3.6 kg



Figure 11 WHP25 Main Dimensions

24 _____________________________________________________ M210376en-A


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